Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 20, 1859, Image 1

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Soroftila, or King's Evil,
is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
in disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending " from parents to children
unto the third and limrth generation ;" kidded,
it acorns to be the rod of him who says, "I
will visit the iniquities of the lathers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organ., is termed
tubercle.; in the glands, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption: which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitm
tions not only sutler from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far leas power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse
quently, vest numbers perish by disorders
which, although not eetufelow in their nature,
are still rendered fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of the eonsumption which de
cimates the human family haw ite origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneye, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, noise from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
Ono quarter of all our people are eerefulous;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it:
To cleanse it from the my.tem we must renovate
die blood by an alterative medicine, and in,
vigorate It by healthy food and exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
Skill of our times can devise for this every
whereprevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the moat active remcdials that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
',stem from its destructive consequences.
Renee it should he employed for the cure of
tot only scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such aa
and SKIN Dremasua, Sr. ANTHONY'S FIR;
Illurren., Plains and Botta, TUMORS. 'FETTER
and SALT hurry, ties= HEAD, RINGWORM,
BARBS. Moiety, Inseams. DRHILITYr and,
21D OR Lieu). Bum. The popular belief
in inipsirityqf the 6104" is !blinded in truth,
far scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of tide Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without a hick sound health is impossible in
contaminated oolistitutiona.
A SELEZT ST, 0PA .. .;.'
Ayar'a Path a rfin Pill a
..- - __ Z roln Chambers' Journal:
Itre on composed that dieenee within the ranee of I woe apprenticed to it decorative pain
their action eau rarely withstand or evade them
Their penetrating properties search, sod cleanse, ter, but being of a bold, and danger loving
and invigorate every portion of the human organ. turn, I ran away to sea before my titne
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy vitslitiee. As a conecquence of these WAS oUt.
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is aetonislied mond his After some years of knocking about. I
health or energy metered by a remedy at once ea got tired of a motet= life, and having
simple .d inviting.
hot only du they cure the every-day complaints' married and determined to stick to shore,
of every body, but oleo many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below mimed is I got work with a builder whose peculiar
pleased to fundeh strati. my American Almanac, line lay in erecting tall chimneys. I had
containing certificates of their cures and directions
ilsr their use in the following complaints: Costive- always a very cool head, and could stand
ems, Heartburn, Headache arising/rim disordered
sttmiach, Nausea, Indigestion,Tai Pt in and Morbid on elevations that made most men dizzy,
Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of App.
cite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, and so I WWI soon a favorite hand with
uising from a low state of the body or obstruction my master•
at its functions. We bed on nos occasion to fasten a
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, lightening conductor which had sprung
POR THIS RAPID CURE or near the top of a very high chimney, and
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Mr. Staming choose myself end one. Mr
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump.
Cully to do it, as the most daring of hie
Lion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the men. About a heir dozen of us went that
disease. morning with a hand cart, containing the
--- - .
Bo wide le the field of its usefulness and so nu
tnerous are the cases of its cures, that almoet necessary ropes, bl. , cks. the kite, and a
.”if l'eainn a country abounds in persons l'!ib• box or cradle. Having flown the kite,
flay known, who have been restored from alarming
and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its and dropped its line across the top of the
sm. When once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape c'untney, we soon drew ups rope, at the
observation, and where its virtues me known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ , end of which was a block, through which
for the distressing and dungen , us afleetions of the ran the line whereby we were to be drown
puhnon.ry organs that ore incident to our climate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community have failed and been discarded, this
hoe gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro
duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to
Da forgotten.
DR. J. C. AVER & CO.
JoaN REM), Pa.
Nov. 16, 1858.-1 y
040 00
rays for a full course in the Tron City College,
the largest, most extensively patronized and
best organized School in the United Slates.
1151 Mader' attending daily,
March. 1859. -
Usual time to complete a full coure, from b
to to weeks. Every Student, upon graduating
is guaranteed to be competent to tonnage the
Bunks of any Business, and qualified to earn a
salary of from
$5OO to $lOOO.
Students enter at any time—No Vacation—
Review . t pleasure.
51 Premiums for best Penmanship
awarded in 1858.
*Ministers' Sour received at half price.
For Circular and Specimens of Writing, in.
(dose two letter stams. and address
F. W. p JENKINS, Pittsburgh.
tising Agency, 119 Nassau Si., New York, &
10 State St., Boston. S. M. Petungill & Co.
are the Agents for the "Jountial." and the most
influential and largest circulating Newspapers
in the United States and the Canada. they
are authorized to contract for us at our love.
gar 3000 AGENTS WANTED — To sell 4 new
Inventions. Agents have made over $25,000
on one,—better than all other similar agencies.
Send four stamps and get 00 pages particulars,
gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mass.
Sir All kin& of Menke for Nele itt the
Nerool offio.
, z
4 r•
. „
kr• is •
1 I
Our valea are sweet with fern and rose,
Our hills err maple crowned ;
But not from theta our fathers chose
The village burying•ground.
The dearest wont in all , I " "and.,
To death they act atifits.;
With scanty grace from Nature's hand,
And none from that of Art
A winding wall of mosss stone,
Frost flung and broken lines;
A lonesome acre thinly grawn
With grass and wandering vines.
Without the wall a birrhA rep shows
Its drooped and ma:tad heed;
Within a atag.horned sumach crews
Fern leafed, with spikes of red.
There sheep that graze the neighboring plain,
Like white elate come and go ;
The farm barer dregs his fetlock chain,
The cow•hell tinkles slow.
Low mourns the river from its bed,
The distant pines reply ;
Like mourners shrinking from the dead,
They eland apart and sigh.
Unshaded smites the summer sun,
Unchecked the winter blast';
The school girl learns the place to shun,
With glances backward cast.
For thus our fathers testified—
That he might read who ran—
The prompthiess of human pride,
The nothingness of man.
They dared not plant the grave with flowers,
Nor dress the funeral sod,
WI ere, with a love as deep as ours,
They left their dead whh God.
The hard and thorny path they kept,
From beauty turned aside ;
Nor missed they over those who slept,
The grace t, life denied.
Yet still the wilding flowers would blow,
The golden leaves would fill,
The seas°ns come, the seasons go,
And God be good to all.
Above the graves the blackberry hung
In bloom and green its wreath.
And harebells swung as it they rung
The chimes uf peace beneath.
The belitity nature laces to share,
The gift she hail fat all
The common light, the ems otto air,
Wert:rt pt. the grave yard's wall.
It knew the glow of eventide,
The sunrise ant) the WI.,
And glorified awl sanctified,
It siept the mime.
Golly had only been married a fortnight;
and as we stepped into the cradle, the men
bout, tingly asked him if he hadn't a dying
speech to leave for his wife; and then Mr
Stsming having shaken heads with us,
and bid us be cool and steady. we were
drawn slowly up. It was known all over
town that the conductor was to be fixed.
though as the day was not named, I did
nut expect we should have many specie.
tors ; but no we get higher, and the view
opened under our feet, I saw that the
streets were already fired with starers.—
Collv was quiet; and when I waved my
cap to the people he said snappishly that
this was no time for such folly, and that
he thought I might think of better things
than how to amuse those gaping fools, who,
he dared ray, desired no lu tier fun than to
see us meet with an accident.
. .
I had come up in the best heart, think-1
ing, inde7d; nothing about the danger we
incurred ; but us we drew nearer the top,
and had nothing, as it seemed, belonging
to this world near to us but this straining
rope, I began to see the peril of the under
taking. W hat trolly thought of it, 1 don't
I know—he Sat at the bottom of the cradle,
never Wilting out, though 1 told him he
would do better to keep hie eyes about him,
so that ho might grow used to the height.
Good heaven I what was this? Here
we were within a yard of the top preject
ing coping, and still they were winding
away, without slacking speed in the least
T guessed in R moment that they mistook
our height, and that with the greet put.
chase of that windlass the rope would be
broken when the cradle carno In the block
I sprung up and caching the rope, climbed
hand over hand to the coping. Colly, too,
sprang up and followed me. He. too, gnt
safe ; and still they went on winding up,
till the rope sung again with the strain
there was an it,
Then it snapped, and cradle, hnuling
line and the main rope with its block, fell
down. Thus were we two poor men left
In a most desperate situation
Pnor Colly was completely dazed with
affright; and the moment he got on the co
ping which was only a .font and a hall
broad, he called nut. 6 where can I pray?
where can I Impel and pray ?" and no I
said, very solemnly, "sit down, leis ; God
will [war us it we prey to him sitting
The color of his facn was a transparent
blue; and it was distorted and twitching,
as if he was in a fit. His eves ve'e very
wild, and drawn into a squint, and he
couldn't sit steady, but swayed his body
backward and forward so that I felt car.
lain that he must topple over.
“Come, Jam, hut." I said, thinking to
take the fright nit him ; ••it's bad em•ugh,
but it can't be mended. Hitch up a bit.
andp i tti ll your arms around the rod—may
h it
e will steady you."
"Where are you? and where is thin rod?"
w heat i k a e h d, in a ;ery . low voice, though he
on lo
a faa in t g strnight at me. and the ' , id was
knew t h at h or two to his left. By this I
and him ,s 2 e h lf p t res e er7tir 4 m oo so ul, biin don't 0 n w ' i t th go frig n h ea t frigh t,
I his new
f l th t
i i n na s e ta ll te kn ca o r w r n ied th o a n t in 1856 the democracy
i tv ie ed,ilaes d always t he a "" decent "I "' ; end ground that Con
have g t how I should have liked him t o
di..,e done if I had been in his case ;..
T ic . e g r:
of zin s ed to run Ft bit of risk
minybistay7; territories,
a e their o:;i 'l institution; iiat in the'
rn e ,
y I ,
„ d i
r a r c . , s n t
i n n o y t i,ix ii nn g I feet , h Compare the doctrine then urged ir hy7l n ie w riie - 1,
got to hint, anon party with the .
and i utting my arm a -
round his waist, and I fro.m.wtehee.Addresst whi ch we copy
telling him as che..rilv os I could tod'keeii
0 ,.. " me
tt n , ri i i i ,t, therefore, subscribe to the ill
th ~,e clearly of opinion that a Ter r r;;. g ir n y .
c c o n i c i l l.. I gal him with his arm dram the I 0,.." av e .:- ".IP"''""f "Squatter Suy . . '
c United States can, in ii r, ti ee r: . sp , eet . what.
It find, however,
ever. eeiip inre i garded as either a
V five yards down, R i nd w as
i so tense
a. I
piing f.,
that it swayed with !lir. """ .._r•'•• '' : --, 1,0171%ei',„,-N,r,g4llAwt;,,e. itielgic,,l,SV:
heels down, anu ton mu lentlhg aWar wait 1/1g"1 1 ,111e 'ffireingli ai % :'..;:i i :Zi ‘ tlitn eee tit . ' l i l ig;
him, gamed tre.arc i;ie n ' ti v d er i y i i t ni i i . be thew blood, have tic•
l'here was a great hustle down below;
ynrd a
tia much public dorn e ni . ti t Ur ie:': Cii,lMlglonti ' " s.°
people were running round the
nei tt;h , , , ‘ , r ,n e i ..l i et us tisk, ri-ides the right e ire f ri:i•
pushing to get in, but us yet there were I
c hat some score of men at the lent of the u t tee? Is it ii n 7t. :di, l :i ' it t: : i il ‘rY t e ill r t he h r" w hed
Whore ' shall i w r e
hininey. and, by close looking,' I saw ' i l i ol l i 'll'al r ig h t
them put somebody on n hunt and carry all 'l'e7ri t t ' iri r l i tl litc.::'d'ifle; to ""tri.4iii and
Federal Lioverument ? e Wile!: !ballet to the
bin) gently away towards the en eine-ft miss.
i e ei r e ig , l . ll. and power and duty to dispos w e e ofll
One of the tnen walked after with n hot in I:11 'hemmer
is, in the 'r • lr e ee'l it ie t 'errire , 'l ? . 1
his hand ; then I knew that somebody iie e ß,e t he
government of a TerritoryTitid ,, , ,, l l :
had been hurt by the falling cradl a e s , a a a i n ld a i t i si , t e, , le P r l a lt l ilait t y? It in lodged in the liondsof n ii
ihnt it must be poor Mr. Staining.
of our men core hats. Not a face we, or of a Teri:i e t r o i rTa r l . Gt ‘ i ‘ v . e h t e n r i e ne is ii r t l 7 .j i rdiei"lP,.."w p .
t i n: . of a Federal Judiciary. Where n is ti t i t e e ; L e ett- .
turned up to us. I learned afterwards tha t ' '
with sorrow exi:ii,venx.iiiitiheir2i,
could not
one knows it if,. not
our men were so taken up
that so good a man and an kind a master t e i , t , , i : i t i l ,',:._, , , ' , l l ,: € ,l,.?,, ,: h ( . l e , , ' , n rn u o i t i :ft , ,, ti r le r n t ° , l , ' „ e i l' aF t , lll : C „s, ' , :. , : ,.., : t " t n . liinl
should be killed, that for a while 'hey had I
never thought about as ; end the people ctiii lie none tithensitoreuttitiiiT i)hr:ice,"'"ll".,.'"
tonal Government, we liehold thir I tli ' i ', . e a
.. ,7 !-
outside inmained that we had come down tine and fungible eviclmsces of the prt, ' ,Uit e- if
with the cradle, sn thus were we left. in to.
sovereignty of the Government of th.lin'
tal isolation for hill twenty minutes. d States, exeluding the pretensions of 1 1.
t i, - , e
, o e r i Terr itorial Legislotne Sovereigiv ° ,t
While I was watching them below, feel-
We l ter s :l tht•iietl"trtetitegr.a'Y when
ese' n i Ne a u e n e teil e b ri l i e .
ing very sorry for my poor master, I was
in fact mid prepo n s e ter n o e ue b b i l e l g ogie."
ntnrtled by n scull laugh from Golly, who I
It. 1856 "Squatter Sovereignty" as the
began making cat calls, and yelling as if
watchword of the name •
he was pots , said. Then I knew, of course ; subscribe to it I' 0 . n the leo"iwaeathryn party c olor
that he tuns gone mud . that the rower of Congress in the territoss i ill
Even now I tremble when I think of a . u ti p th rt iio n i e , , m and . that the interpretation of aeon
o p . o r w t er et' Congress belongs the
time ; it was horrible to peer down
shaft, block and sooty, and yawning , So, the people of the trito•
mere subjects . of Coiress
scarcely less so to lord, outside. and tie a
rise are P werl " l "
flight al pigeons sweepin g round at con. and the Su •
pre,. Court. The Address;oes
on to say:
siderably less height tha n we were. Thenhowever, to the inttlue
Cully—thank God, he bad so dazed that lion"We are,
eae ::f ee a a ti i y , provision partieulnrly pued e , -
he could not see me—called my name
orgaiiizing! Territor i i ' al i ffo l v ' e rr rt r o r in ' t ' IV
three Bites, as I . sat fairly cringino . i 1?t. null Manion, or rebcll6: ' ,
dread that his night might clear, and with t l h e e n• s i l t i o n ry ie e r
a ghastly grin, end chewing with hi s to shape
e he r i e r ts • er p Cee fe 't or
legrd consequetiees, or to ary in o e th e e r r l leir d e
mouth, he began working himself towards
acts den te h i ! and by virtue of the enn9tititie e ill
me. I worked away from hum ns noise-
i r [ i ..e., V , : o Ul e it e e e d ee S e trites over theme,
leanly as I could, with every hair of m interpose and put it down .';nt should
heed standing en end. [I
i I
_A .0.10w,d m Y ,,,
In other words, if a territorial legiture
twic e round tiTt.horticl coping, sinking s hould undertake to exclude or prohibit Sery,
most hideous noises, and then being conic
in co ntravention of the hired Scott deem, it
a second time to the roil, he got an idea
posei, b d e the duty of Congress at once toter
in his muddled head that I. was fallen n .
it n r i r i ii. p r u ji t o d i o e w i n
l each an act of rebel': If
for lie never lost a sense of where he over,
the ippo r se o s S e l . aveCon•
gress must iiiter g po s se li f l o7
all through this trying time. Then he
an indirect and round P ubo te ut h w7( Blll.
tried to get on his feet ; hut at the risk of very—
Imuncing the duty of Congress to mutt:Con .
my own life, I could nut let the poor 16 gresoional Slave Code: •
low Nati on to certain death without one Tho,Demoeracy ofthis State, tinder tags
more ;(Tort; and I cried nut for hint to siti
&oos lend of Hr. Robert Tyler, of Virg, are
down, and he covered clown like a whip
therefore plainly on the record as the fils of
ped dog, all trembhng. I suppose it had . l Congressional Intervention for thePnti '
been put into his head that I was a deadt r
ol Slavery in the territories . After qug me
pretentious resolution in the Cita,' Isr.
form, which asserts that the p eo r ill)
miin speaking to him.
That morning my wife had got a lett e r
tory in forming a coustitutionha p ve n ci rli e t rr t i o .
from her sister in Canada, and as ther
exclude slavery or not, as they please ad
were parts we could not make out, I lint e l
put it in my pocket, intending to get our dress
" ee hi d a di reso l u tion ee
b distinctl ropres the
time keep , ato read it for n. It had a
efforts of the Snit squeartlnerse the
in a nearrory
setup of uncovered paper at the bottom,
to abolish negro slavery or to provwe in•
nd, by another good providence, I hap- tiTidnetion nf slave property into thrritnry
. .
pined in have a hit of IA lead pencil in incompetent agency of territorial legielatere
null the constitutineal nail quiet exercise of
my pocket, I wrote on rho paper. .. o.t
us down—Colly's gone mail." This 1 j
i . " t e ,, r 7 g ; l „ " li t ie if Z i n T e li g n i n itY n 'f i ::S:,r ( l n ' l n e „t a in t i e „ r n '
shut in my tobacco box, and was fortunate with or without domestic shivery, ae they may
e d a et; h ri s n i i i u l e. ero l r e th s e ta m te ttaTime,
.the citizens of
enough to drop it just al the feet of n coup_
equal with eac y h other , tinder ng the i" j s onet r it ' i r t ' it c in t :
le el alien who were standing by the en
gine house door. take their various kinds of property into the
Directly all tune bustle to rescue us, t r e o r u ri d t i . t i i r , y m iv t i l t i l . i r tl . z, o i , i eni l while in a ter u ritorill .
'They got the kite up again, and I winched ly protested by ihe Consrit ° uri t i Y :Y e th a e 17 (i ni i t ft ed
State . s and the fired Scot decision. We thus
it mounting slowly—slowly; And when
the slack twice fell between Colby and Z I ,:,,q: 1 1 ::i17: , e f t: i i i * e t , I ; s l i ' i b d ' j ' i .:l';'% .
myself, I took it in my hand .d could ay the arbitrary power of one get of as to
have kissed it. Poor Colly, with hi• teeth ""Vq•'"te the P "WO another . 0
Ibis IS MI emphatic iv fli rintince ttf the doctrine
chattering, still fancied I wes is spirit, and
that if ninetymitte hundredths of the people of
I did all I could to feiv,,r that idea until
a territory are opposed to slavery they can do
they got another . mile up to ut. Then I nothing to prevent the other hundredth from
having got him in, I scrambled in myself; bringing in elaves all iibttum. The right to
and clutching him NM, I sholted for them hold slaves, there, in defiance of the popular
so lower, and A we were got down, he will, is thus distinctly recognized; and by pari.
„ needing . end fi g h t i ng with me e ll the way. ty of reasoning, the right to hold slaves there
iu involves the duty, in those who recognize
Ile wits in a tondbouse for Mile months,
and then went to scnvengering, for he the T r h i e gh w t, b o o r ie pr a u l t d ecti ng . it.
never could face any height again; and II
~.t merely pf
i,rerlis i d s 'take:lite repudiation,
have. have never had the 9111119 clear head since i
i 1856, but of the positions ' now oceupied p b r y y Mr l .
that nd venture I Douglas and his friends. It isa declaration of
; war against the Douglas men, and we cannot
NELSGE kiL AlSTEllarr V 3 ,'mellow it is possible for any democrat who
sympathises with Douglas, to give his support
to the Democratic State Ticket. If any one of
them dues so, he dues it upon the basis laid
down in this address; and every vote given for
Rowe and Wright will be claimed as a vote in
favor of its repulsive and Anti•Democratib doe.
trines..--Piftsburgh Gazette.
The Densociatic state AddreeM—
i•quatter •overeiguty Repudiated
—A Move Code Advocated.
As wall anticipated at the time Mr. R•ibert
Tyler, of Virginia, was appointed Chairman of
the Democratic State Committee of Peoneyl
that gentleman has issued an address to
the democracy he was imported to take charge
of, in which he advocates the enactment of a
Congressional Slave Code for the Territories.
This advocacy in concealed under come very
specious verbiage; but its aim is easily per
ceived, in spite of the flimsy attempt to conceal
. , ' - * . * %,
1 - ,
1 1 : , ::, ' I , 1 i I . l .' :. ‘ 1 la'
, .o . I ,
/'',.. ' l l . 4 1 .- ';' 1. , •
The New York City Mutual Life Incur
ance Crrnpany, have recently published
some interesting statistic. founded on the
experience of the company. The follow
ing are interesting:
The average duration of human life is
worked out in a very cool and systematic
earner, and proves that the dangereus
period for young. America is—of ceurse
after infancy—the age of twenty or them-•
about,. When a man gets to be thirty
'ears of age his prospects of further axis•
tence are quite fair, but decrease rapidly
from eixty. Some curious variations are,
however, ohaervitble in this general rule
for we find in the comparative se .urity of
I ,4l , ,7',Ntlriiy;• at ogre twenty-seven and
roily two fur maxima, and at twenty four
and thirty five for minima. In orb, r
words, the value of life or chance of living
during the ensuing year increases from
the age of twenty-four to twenty seven;
d•crea'es from the latter age to that of
thirty.fitur; again rapidly increases front
the age of thirty hair to that of forty two
after which the value again d.cre tires, and
with ounsiderable regu'arity, to the close
of hie. Thu., those of our renders who
are now in their twenty-seventh and those
in their forty-second year, stand a better
chance than less favored mortals of arcing
the next anniversary of their birth Not
withat iteling this consoling affection, we
would not, however, advise them to go too
much in the earn, to drink too freely of ice
water, or to ntu•tnpt. to read President Bu
clietian's next message.
For becheiiirs —those very Is h mael, of
society, who find everybody's hands against
them—we have little that is comiolatory,—
If they consult the Interests of the Lite In
surance companies, sod feel any desire to
pieties, length of days and live long in the
land. they will at once rush to matrimony,
for, though the annuli' mortality among
husbands at the youriget ages is excessive
ly high. two hundred and ninety-three
young husbands u•uler twenty Nears old
dying to every sixty-seven b chelnrs of the
sante age, yet the animal mortality of beck
elors who may he above the age of twen
ty le front •seventy-four to forty-one per
cent greater than that among hush unit.—
At least that is the result of statistics of
French mortality,and tiny hold good to a
greater or leas extent in the United States.
Thus, the duty of every houest tnun is to
take care of himself until he is twenty,
lheft take a wife, and then take out art in
surance policy on his life.
Hero are a few more of the French sta
tistics. 'lnteresting to women. It eppears
that they can exist in unmarried life bet
ter than the stronger SPX, fot, while one
hundred married men die, one hundred
and seventy four bachelors yield up the
ghost; whip., as only eighty eight spinsters
take their final leave. This is for the
ages between twenty and thirty. When
between forty and fifty yearn old, one hun
dred and seventy-two bachelors and one
hundred and thirty-eight spinsters die to
one hundred married people of the same
age. Indeed vital statistice are uticom.
promising as to the e attitnonial question.
The RUITI total of all their figures seen to
be, "You must merry,"
iig_Coffee is as much improved by wash
ing before roasting its potatoes before cook
lug. for those who dislike to drink dirt,
Kossuth Has Some Sense Left.
he ex Governor of Hungary has is
sued the following procia natiin, w Bich
hes somesprinkling of common sense in
To the Hungarian Exiles Residing in
the United Slates.—At the time of the
late Crimean war several of my exiled
countrymen brought great misery upon
the teise.ves by throwing up their sii notions,
end leaving the United State. 'Cr Europe,
not taking care to ascertain whether or
not circomsonces warranted the Step.
1 fear the present state of European
afteir, together with partly vague, portly
exaggerated, partly unfounded reports,
may ha re. a similar effect.
I consider it. therefore, to be my duty
to were toy exited fellow countrymen in
America, thst it is not yet time /ur Own
to mare ,
ecnoidernt , or frittid my •ntertnc,
on pr. mature ev,ltinations. Suffice it to
lay that. though the — sky to briffhtening
prmnt•inl'y, we have yet gre at difficultieb
to overcome.
Do• care i• taken not only of the inter
est of nor country, but oleo especially of
their per,onal interest
shall be duly apprised in due
time But the time has not yet come.
Let them pniiently, let them confidently
wait. Any niconsider tire rashne,o thight
bring personal ruin on them, without the
slightest advantage to the public caw,
toNnox, England, June 9, 1859.
Konauth'ir ad viol to his countrymen, to
stay where they are well off, is good. He
ha. probably discovered that the Emperor
and the King of Sardinia bar • counted
him ..out" in the Italian fight. They un
doubtedly regard him Re tne much of a
political philosopher fort rac:ical purposes,
and would rather read his address in the
paper• than admit him into their couesela.
Garibaldi e• on the scene of action, and
they cepnot squarely and openly repudi-
ate him, but they are very cereful not to
afford him any encouragement. or apprise
hint of their plans. If he makes a success
ful dash nn his own hook, they quietly
accept the benefit of it, without troubling
theinselvea to mention his name in their
A Kew 'Coy to Collect An Old Debt.
ag.-ncit, for the collection of debt in New
York. viz: Burling, who shakes bin pal.
sled hand at his unfortunate victim till
ahee; weariness and terror compel Fey
ment, and that dashing one-horse turnout
which make, such iironveniently long
cella before the recusant debtor's door, In
Buffnln it appear. they hare, just at this
time, a similar institution in the •hope of
a written, known an •the knitting lady,"
who every day site knitting in front of the
residence of her debtor on st•van street.
She hes regular and large audience*, and
her tale Is received with the warmest 'yin
pnthy. The reeling only reaches toward
the delinquent det tor, and seeks nothing
beyond simple justice to an indignant wid
ow, who hos been rendered penniless
through the neglect of this individual to
pay. And an she sit., end will tut fort,
er, until she aeon the color of his money.
And that women, alwe's knitting, mill is sit,
tins, still is sitting,
On the their she every inorning plants before
her debtor** door;
And her eves here ell the seeming of a female
who is deeming
She will love the men a steaming
Jibe tines not ley her !wore,
And he think,' this knitting etockings
Is the daendest kind of bare.
FROM —The peach, erieinally. was a poi
sonous almond. Its flesh pnrtt were then
used to pnieon arrows, and it was for this
purpcse introduced into Persia. The
transplanting end cultivntion, however, not
only rent end its poietinoun qualities. hut
produced the delicious fruit we now enjoy.
The neontrine and apricot are nature]
hybridations between the peach anti plum.
The cherry was originally a berry like
fruit, and cultivation has given eoch berry
a eeperate stem, slid improved its quality.
be common mazzard is the original of the
present kind of cherries.
The common wild pear a even inferior
to the choke peer, and still. by cultivation
it hos conic to rank among our finest fruits.
The cahl age orgiindly cams from Ger
many. sod is rivthing more then common
ere kale. lie cultivation hoe produced the
present cabbage end it. different 'Mi n ,.
lions the different kinds; while it. hybri•
detione with other similar plants have pro
duced the cauliflower.
This ehews the benefits of cultivation
in the vegetable world; but the change
which cultiviamu hes effected in the mind
of man, is infinitely greater.
111/"The Washington Conatitution says
thnt "we owe Spam a flogging." Per.
hap "we" an. but "we" are not remarks.
bin for promptitude of payment, and Spain
can in this case, no doubt afford to watt.
IV' Don't always be creaking et self.
Editor & Proprietor.
NO. 29,
From the (amino delivered in Peoria,
WI the 4th inst., by our former townsman+
Wm. McGaillard, Esq., we select the con,
eluding paregraph, Tho leading topic of
the oration wee the Declaration of Ind*.
pendence, ito history and its hearings upon
the past, present. and future of political
lii+tory,—and concluded as follows:
Wnen the tide of progress and civiliea
tioti surging from the rihirig to the setting
of the sun, halting on the verge of the Pa
cific, shall roll in a flood from North to
South over this wide continent,—alroin Po.
ler snows to torrid heats , when the
Aztec of Mexico,—the Amazon era the
Spaniard of the South and the Islands of
the Gull shell be merged with us,—when
this new 'scold shalt he cone. crated to
Lib , rty.—tchat, Ova will he the boast of
those, who in tutu re ages ehall stand here
and count us among the ancients of the
Kii th , Archimedes proudly amid—r• give
ut•• where to wend and I II move the Earth?"
Fellow-citizens, our nation is to be that
Archimedes' lever,—our soil, the place:
11 r. are r d for a high and noble
destiny. This glorious declaration has
but begun a work whose consummation
time only can reveal. The wide world
to lIIe arena wh re the athlete in the pride
and strength of his manhood /hall perform
explode bd . , re which the deeds of his youth
shell p , le. For sot Hercules the babe, who
from his cradle, with infantile arm, 'lran
'led the serpent, wes but a dun presage
of Hercules the man who slew thu Neinean
Lion, en too, Ameriee has yet to give the
drindeg proofs of her greatness and glory.
Her missior cad her glorious destiny is
the emsncip.tion, tl e fraiernising of the
nations of the earth. When this declara
tion shall have accomplished this end--tie
purpose end its promise will be ftalired.
IVe are lint the vet:guard in the nnroh of
myriad hosts: upon whore banners shall be
in.•cribed •• Liberty." Frain oar niouut of
privilege, we any to the down trodden flu
tiOtiM, the day of their jubilee is downierg
upon the wountsin tops
Open the ponderous tones of History
see 11011 through the eve, the greet idea of
Liberty has been growing in hetrla
of men, 'lune hes not weakened it , fai•
lure hes not blight.d, despair hos not
quenched it. oppression has not smothers&
The mole spirit which wrested the Mar
es .1 !ha 'h.. Ira.., h. rah", ant kmas.4... ../
1 .‘miston Moor and drove another from
h a throne, the a ime h o ly ai dor that burned
in the soul of a th inklind and Adolphus,
a Cromwell, a Kortacco end a Boesaris
is the same which testified and witnessed
its purpose in the b tptirm of blood at Les
loom and Bunker /fill. it lives and
burns unquenched and unquenchable is
the heart of a Kossuth, a ll ago and a
M.azini, and millions of cools in Italy,
France and Germany to day. From out
the entangled imbrogaio of wars, trestles,
alliances nod heavies—the destiny of ma
mma is revolving too Mire and certain can
clusinti. Su sure as the laws of God and
of nature are immutable, we may hope
that tb r day will come when empire's glo
ry nod empire'. self shall 1011. when free.
dom'a flag Shell way over royal pal
aces, when senate. shall sit in chambers of
Cie 0 0t0 and his weary followers, wan
dering for months through the trecklese
forte ill of a new end unexplored continent,
through danger end fritigur and toil, stand
et the clime of n summer day as the radi
ant sent-god sinks in glory in the bound
less pleura of th • west, viand for the first
ti , ne on the honks of the swelling and ma
p,tic broad glossy waters
lay flashing in the summer's cum their
gin and destiny unknown. Thousand, of
miles to the north, down the elopes of the
R cky Monute ins flow the rills that swelled
the tide before them, and weary leagnes to
the south it mingled in the ocean, whose
waters went circling round the globe. As
the glory end the beauty of the scene
burst upon the souls. as they mend still,
sib n• end gaze with welling hearts, thoee
wordy, pliant and breve old cavaliers;
weep the silent tears of joy and then-0!
lkten to the .nighty shout that makes the
welkin ring. as they claim the land this
in witty river drains. fur tin ir God end their
king. ho ton, to•dny, we aiar•ding here at
th.• close ut another cycle of our national
existence. rept in admiration o! the great end ihe gl..ry we hove attained—our
origin entboeont.•d in the distant pest. and
our future stretching away m limitless es.
rinse before In. will make the welkin ring
with the joyful shout as we skint for Lib
erty and tor God, the notions of the forth.
at;To Yonne MIIN--Young man, never
content yourself with the idea of having
• common p lace wile. You want one who
will stimulate you, stir you up, keep yon
moving, joke you on your weak points,
and melte eornething of you. Don't be
'ovoid that you cannot get such a wife.—
We very well remember the reply which
a gentleman who happened to combine the
quelities of wit end common sense, made
to a young man who expressed a fear that
a certain young lady of great beauty and
attainments would dismiss him if he should
become serious. •My friend' said the wit,
women infinitely more beautiful and ac
complished then ehe ie, have married men
infinitely uglier and meaner than you.'
Theis two linos which look so coleus,
Ire. pot In Fun to 111 tits coition.