Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 13, 1859, Image 3
Nuntitighn ournal. Wednesday Morning, 3'nly A. 1869 LOCAL INTELLIGPNCE. Tate Ire BROAD Toe.—Last week we took m trip over the Huntingdon is Broad Top Rail• toad, to the town of Hopewell, in company with quite to number of our fellow-citizens and pesona from other porte of the country. We started about 10 o'clock, from the depot too Allegheny street, and to the soul cheering notes of " Hail Columbia,;' discoureed by our Excelsior Band, our hearts beat time, and our spirits rose as we went flying up the valley, as gently bottle along as a child is wafted to the land of dreams, in its easy cradle. Whilst we are on our journey we will the opportuni ty of throwing in a word or two relative to the condition and management of this road. The Broad Top Railroad is one of the moat substantially built and pleasant roads to travel on, iu this or any other State. The bridges are built on the latest and beet plane for dorn• bility and' strength ; the trestle work is firm as 'the mountains which surround it, and the ex cavations and embankments all right. At pro. ant it is enjoying an unusual amount of pas. senger travel—this being the safest and near• eat route to Bedford Springs—and the hun dreds of tons of coal which are daily brought over it indicate a molt thriving condition. An. other, and we may say the sign of prosperity is the promptitude with which the Company pays off all its employees, etc. This flattering condition of the road is ow• ing to the good management of its einem— It is unnecessary for us to say a word com• mendatory of the worthy Superintendent, J. J Lawrence, E.g. The Company have secured is him one of the ablest, most obliging, and attentive officers, to be met with any where. Uuder his supervision, there has not been a single accident of .y moment, any delaying of trains, or any matter of serious consequence occurred. But we must stop hero, as the lo comotive', whistle sounds for Hopewell, and our "sound" eounductor Gum Morrison, calls oat the station. Guru is a prince of good fel. lowa, and a great favorite with all—especially the ladies. After spending an hour very plesaantly, we started on cur return, stopping at the hand some little village of Saxton for a crowd of passengers, among whom was a bevy of fair ones ; and of course we counted ourself in, itejoyiug ourself accordingly, in eo u v e r.mi o g, seta we reached home again. Wt.' ma Sal VcD FICAL—In our reran' belittlens through the streets, we see and heal little matters of news, which we shall string together like "snits," and give to our readers to swell on. The music in the Town Hall, the other evening, by the String Band, was incom• paralole ; the performers are v ell skilled in the soothing art.—Soma of the plug uglier of our village indulged in a free tight on Wednes• day evening last, near the post office, which re• stilted in the lodgment cf one of the parties in prison.---Our Meseta are brilliantly lighted at night by gas lamps, and our good citizens appear to be quite pleased with the novelty of the thing, notwithstanding the hard fioht they had to got the "town daddies " to adopt the good and seneikle meaeure.---Our townsman Cramer, is having a beautiful portion put up at Die new dwelling. The foundation and steps are marble, and when completed will be very bandeome.—We love to see a pretty yard in which flowers are growing, and vines wind ing up the porch. Why don't all our citizens emulate Miss Prue Jackeon, in making their premises beautiful with sweet flowers.—The vaults in coarse of erection at the Court House in which the records of the county will be pia eed for safe keeping, will be completed about the latter part of this month.—An individu• al is town, the other evening when peening where some ladies were sitting, to chow hie good breeding, mimicked an expression made use of by one of the party. We happened to be passing at the time, and thought, in a stran ger, we bad never omen a surer token of the polished—poppy. —Loot Wedneaday won a remarkable cold day for the season ; some of our citizens were indulging in the luxury of a rousing fire. To day it feels very much Hoe a young Purgatory, and our collars droop to the withering heat.—We hear some talk of form• in a new aver company in town, to be called the Campbell Rifles ; we hope that the idea will be carried out. We have the material, rill that ie lacking is some patriotic spirit to talce the lead.—We saw a couple of fancy choice on Saturday, manufactured by one of our lead• log attorney., who spends hie leisure moments le exerciee in his own carpenter shop. They are as 11, !some pieces of mechanism as can be man, .rtured in any place, and are not the only articles he has turned out. lerSpring has brought out a new style of dress. Cloaks and furs have given place to something else and something else will give place to some other sort of a thing, probably not so good and beautiful as the former. Ladies head dresses are composed of natu• cal hair, combed to suit the season, generally with a backward wave and tied up with a rib. bon at both ends. The bosom is more exposed than in winter, bat not more so than is ordinary in well regula• bed "upper circles." An erect attitude is encouraged, and hoops increneed, so as to cast a large shadow in the heat of the day, for the comfort of the children who may accompany the flame de la maim on her promenade, Cameos representing June bugs are much SON STROM—The individual we noticed in our last issue as having died front the effect of inn stroke. was corned Crum. He had been working in the field, harvesting, when ho was struck down. On I Uses.—When Hamlet expressed the desire that "this too solid flesh would melt," he didn't think of such day. art last 'Thursday. Tula* Ist ie vas ways, BPROAD—On the fourth page of to. day's paper, will be found a eplendid song, by Prof. Drake. It is a striking contrast between real merit and fourth•of Julyapread•eagleism. It is fortunate for sophomore orators, stump 'peelers, Congressional declaimers, etc., of this latter class, that Prosecuting Attorneysare tolerant men, and do not have them indicted for outrageous cruelty to the spread eagles.— This highly respectable bird is compelled to cut up all sorts of pranks, and appear in the most ridiculous places without any regard to the unities of time and place. One orator, not to be outdone, has this eagle's feet "on the highest peak of the Rocky Mountains, one wing laved by the Atlantic and the other by the Pacific oceans, his tail dipped in the Gulf of Mexico, and hie beak in the open Polar Sea." We think our Fourth of July orators will have to give up spread eagles and take up sums less pretending bird. If they don't come down like Capt. SCUT T'S coon after that, they are utterly hopeless. ilsayssviso.—Now is the busy time of our farmers in harvesting their grain. The weath• er has been very propitious for this important agricuhural operation, and much grass and I grain were cut the past week, and front the ap. pearnncc of the weather at the time this para. graph is being written, the present week prom. ices to be everything a farmer cauld wish for cutting groin. The crop of wheat •ind in fact all other grain in this county, promises more than an average yield, notwithstanding the sup. posed irreparable damage inflicted by the bard frosts, the hail, the unusual amount of moist weather, etc., etc. The wheat and rye fields are rapidly " going under," and although it is ' something unusual, we hear of no complaints of either fly weevil or blight from our country friends. The earn is looking up finely, and in the language of our friend Stewart, bids us hope for a " stupendous " yield, THE "FOOTSTICPS OF THIC CELT."-A poor, forlorn looking Celt. on Saturday last, WOO so Gar overcome by the heat of the sun or flaming reiFeye whisky, that he was compelled to lie down on the railroad track, on the embank• ment below town, about the time the pnsseu• ger train was due. We happened to be in that neighborhood at the time, and observing him idea vored to get hint off tho trick ; wo got him on his feet, hut he proved too much for our physicals, and down he went, thump, thumping, 'nine twenty feet. Not wishing to follow in" the footsteps of the Celt," and see• ing that he wee safe and uninju-ed, we passed on and "left him alone in his glory," just as the ears came thundering on. or. We notice in the Peoria papers, copious extracts from an oration delivered in that c'ty on tho Ith inst., by our former townsman, Wm. McGalliard, Esq., now a resident of the former city. It is spoken cf RS a masterpiece of elo. quence, unsurpassed by any oration, delivered on a similar occasion, in Peoria. Mr. Medal• ird is s young man of brilliant attainment., and commanding talent i here, where we have had an opportunity of judging, from his long residence, he stands high, as a gentleman and scholar. We are not surprised therefore, to hear the encomium which are showered upon him, by the press of his adopted home. It is but a jusVoken of the universal respect gent no receives tverywhere, in this,our harpy land. B. SWOOPK, Muftis., Annexes.—Quite a large meeting assembled in the Court House, on Monday evening last, to hear Mr. Swoops expatiate on the "History, Philosophy and Pa etry of the Bible," notwithstanding, the notice wait " not published in the Globe," and the drum and fife were not pressed into service.-- 14e are free to say that the" historical " part of Mr. Swoope's subject, was very eloquent, and decidedly the best. We thought we had heard it before, and on examining our files, we find Almost verbatim, the sawn thing in the address delivered by B. McDivitt, Esq., before the Huntingdon county Tenchers' I Institute, Dec. 22, '53, and published in the Journal, Feb. let , 1854. The curious can see it by calling at our office. Mr. Swoope is guilty of gross plagiar. ism, and literary.theft... HARVEST iIOMIC.—We have been spoken to by several of our country friends, on the sub• ject of having a general jollification at this place, immediately after harvest, of farmers and all others wishing to participate. The idea it an excellent one, and we trust our agricultn• rat friends who have taken the matter in hand will carry out the project. See to it, friends. Scow. MAG.—A. highly respectable ? mar• ried man of this borough, as we are informed by excellent authority, visited a certain village not a thousand miles from Huntingdon, on the 4th inst., became Very intimate with ''ye girls" —passing himself off as an unmarried man— and " cutting out " single fellows. Oh I think of Betsey and the babies. SABBATH Scnoot. Plc Nto.—The Sabbath School connected with the Episcopal Church of this place, held a festival on Saturday last at Beechen Glen. The day was beautiful, and nothing occurred to mar the pleasure of the ex• cursioniste. ser We observe, almost every evenirg, ma• ny of our blooming lads and lassies taking ex• cursions to the hills, etc. Thih is right; what matters it how much shoe leather you wear out provided it improves the health and gives us pleasure. MILITARY ELZOTION.-At the election for Major General. held in this place on the 4th inst.. the brigade voted tmanimuusly for Gen. John C. Watson. We did not hear of any opposition to Gen. Watson, He has filled thtit office ably for some time. PCARL.—We were shown a very pretty little flesh colored pearl, on Saturday, found by NM ter Willie Dorris, within a mussel. It is about twice the size of the head of a pin, and is val ued at two or three dollars. /or Several of our young men have been rosecuted for bathing in the canal. within the borough limits, on the Sabbath day. °The way of the transgressor is hard." ter Persons wishing to see the editors will generally find them at the printing office, In their absence however, invitations to dine and challenges to fight should be left either with the freblieher, or iv oar table drawer, MILSIIID TENEALVE 1151g.4J1T41. Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. W. H. WOODS, A. M. P bias. F. T. WOODS, _ • Principal of Female Department. J. ALFRED SHADE, M. D., Proftssor of Anatomy and Physiology. ALBERT OWEN, Lecturer on Art of leaching and Phys. Geog Miss ANNA G. PATTON. Teacher of Music. Drawing Grecian and hat ian Painting and lizncy Needle Work. 111 HE next session of this Institution will open I ri n. advantages to those seeking an educatim posed of those who are thoroughly qualified ft who with to place their children in a secure a ments A NORMAL SCHOOL will be forme worthy County Superintendent, will give lecture pby. In the COMMERCIAL DEPARTME( the Counting Room. TERMS, fur session of i 111011. in Musk, French, thawing, Painting and For further particulars address N. 13.—Ity those desiring places, early applif Apr.G.'s9.- MU'S PEEK COLD Cannot rival in attraction the superb stock of Spring and Summer Goods now being received and opened by Fistsza & McMutants. This stock has been selected with groat care and the public are cordially invited to call and examine it. It comprises all the late styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Pole de Cheers, Robes:a Lez, Organdies, Jaconets. Lawns. Challis. plain and figured Berages. Crape Maretz, Plain and colored Chintzes, French and English Ging , hams, Amaranths, Valentias, Alpaccas, Debage Prints, Ac., Ac. A beautitbl assortment of Spring SHAWLS, round and square corners, all colors. A full stock of Ladies Fine Collars, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Co.lars, Cravats, Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze aul Silk Endershirts, Drawers, itc. We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons. Mitts. Gloves, Gauntlets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, Ste. ALso—Tickens, Osnahurg, bleached and un blenched Mullins at all prices, Colored and White Cambrics, Barred and Swiss klusli Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many other articles which comprise the line of Whirs and Domestic Gent's. We have French Cloths, Fancy Cessimeres, Sat tinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonades, Linens, Denims and Blue Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, of every varjety and style. Also all kinds o - - - STRAW GOODS. A good stook of GROI FRIES, lIIRD & QUEENSWARE, HOOTS & SHOES, - Wood and Willow-ware, which will be sold CHEAP. We .tlso deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess 'halides in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, FREE GP CHARGE, at the depots of the ' Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. Conic one, come all, and be convinced that the "Myrstorocivan" is the place to secure fashionahle and desirable goods, disposed of at the loWebt rates. Apr.l READI READ!! READ!!! ESENWEIIIPS _ AsoreA T 1 QUAL SAIVI, I. a remedy not to be excelled for the relief and cure of those maladies incident to the summer season, viz t Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Cholera Cholera Mor hue, Vomiting, Acidity of the Stomach, Ace. Its excellent Carminative powers, pleasant taste and soothing influence. renders it a val. noble remedy in infantile diseages, peculiar to the Second Summer, viz t—Cholera Infantum, etc. It has a reinvigorating and tonic Min. cure on the system, allaying infiamation where it exists in the stomach and huweht—and on trial will be found indispensable to the well being of every family. It will be found as well i adapted to adults as children. Try it. Prepared only by A. E• I Ii.:NWEINE, Price 25 cts. a bottle. Dispensing Chemist. Ninth cf• Poplar ate., Philadelphia. Sold by .1. Read, Huntingdon, and DruegiFts and Storekeepers gt nerolly. Noy 25, '59.1y. - 11859 SPR ROT & H gill."Eß 1859. The understened would respectfully call the attention of our triends and customers, as well as the citizens of the town and country , general ly, to our new and extensive assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING consisting of every article of gentlemen,' fur nishing goods. We deem it unnecessary to make a newspaper flourish, being confident that a call and an examination ef otir goods, will sa tisfy all, that our goods are just what no re commend them to he, well made, of good mate rial, and as cheap as the same quality of goods can he bought in the county of Huntingdon It is nut our desire, as it is not the policy of honest men, to deceive, but this much we will say, that we will guarantee to all who may fa vor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction as to quality, fit and price. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing, nut found in our stock, by leaving their treas ure, they coo be accommodated at short notice. Call at corner of the diamond, Long's now house. M. GUTMAN & CO. May 4, 1859. MANSION HOUSE, Corner of Hill & Montgomery Streets, HUNTINGDON, PA. CIIRIS'rA:N CUM'S. Pri)prirtor , This stand is well known as the "bicConnell House." The location is superior to any other, being in the immediate proximity to business; also to. the Bank and most Public Offices It is the determination of the Proprietor, to keep this House in a style sati.factory to the public, and it is his desire, to make all who patronizenhim, k f a e rn e l o a n t g h ox e e , b a p n a d t t o o t, nit n e t n th; Ma don Hotels. Ho very respectfully solicits the public patronage. Apr. 13th '59 BOOTS AND SHOES. The subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a shop on St. Clair street, in the east end of the town, where he is prepared to manufacture all articles in hiv itia. line, on the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. After a long expel ience in the Boot and Shoe business,. I flatter myself that I can please those who give me their orders. Work dune when promised iu all cases. Huntingdon apr 27 '59. C. WEAVER. PAPER! PAPER!! Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and lateap—a good assortment for sale by the ream, half ream quire or sheet. at Lewis' New Book and Stationery Store. Dec.22; se. All Cade of blab for eal• at the te,eal •oprictor and Principal IDAVID M._BUTI'B.. Teacher of the English Branches. WM. M. I/VILMA:4BON,, Teacher of Mathematics. )Las LIZZIE F. LYON, 7kacher in Department, r:PHRAIM BAKER, Monitor. the first Wednesday of May. D. hold. out sup , The Board of Instruction is large, and com• or 'heir profession. To Parents and Guardians• sod healthy retreat, it holds out peculiar induce red the present session, to which Mr. Owen, our qui on the Art of Teaching and Physical Gemara• ;NT. young men win be thoroughly qualifred for five mouths, $55.00. Light and fuel also. Les• I Fancy Needle Work, extra. W. li. WOODS. ication should be made. SAVING FUND. National • . ; SAFETY TREET . • . Company. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania RULES. 1. Money is rereived every day, and in any amount, large or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 3. The money is always paid hack in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received (mm Executors. Admi• nistrato a, Guardians and others who desire to have it in a !dace of perfect safety ; and where interest can be obtained tor it. 5. The money received from depository is in vested in REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such other first-class securities ns the Charter directs. _ _ 6. °Bice Hours—Every day from 9 till 6 o'clock, and on Mondays and 'Thursdays till 8 o'clock in the veninz. LION. HENRY h. 11F.NNER, President, ROBERT SEI.FRIUGE, Vice President, %VII. J. It 1 , ,E ), Secretary. DIRECTORS lion. lienry'L. Renner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, . Joseph B. Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Semi. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 6:Landreth Munne, I Henry I)lotteu.derffer, OFFICE. WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST CORNEA or THIRD, Vt.1U112Ag 1 210211:11s Prot. Chao. DeGratit% Electric Oil, This grunt discovery in now creating a great sensatir n, among the Medical Facul ion of Ete rope and this country. I will cure the follow ing (not everything): Warranted to Cure Fever and Ague in one day, Cure chills in five minutes. Cure Croup in one night.— Cure Dealitess in two to four days, Cure burns and Scalds iu ten minutes. Cure Sprains, Wounds and bruises in from one to three days Cure Inflatnation in one day. Cure Neural. gin, Croup, Tooth Ache. burns, in 10 mittutes• Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess in ten days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, 'fetter, in one to three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff neck. Ague in tine day. Cure Felons, Broken Breast Salt Rheum, in three to six days. Cure Quin zy, Palpitation, Pleurisy, in one to ten days. Cure Asthma, paley, Gout, Erysipelas, in five to 2:) days. Cure Frosted beet, Chiblains, Chronic Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Sore Threat Scarlet Fever, and the lame made to wall: be a few betties. This Oil (De Groh' s) is mild and pleacent, and is a great family Medicine for children teething. ike. Ladies should all use it. It always leaves you better than it, finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. Afflided Thirteen Fears and Cured to One week. Read letter fromliev.JaunerTempl!. Philadelphia, June 6th. 1356, Prof. De Grath: I have been afflicted for thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain ful complaints, and I have been unable to sleep iundly or walk any distance for many years past. Last week I got a bottle of your .1.11ec• tric Oil." The first night I slept soundly and well, and to•daJ I am like a new man. My wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elet• tric Oil has done in one week what the physi clans of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen years. Gratefully yours. REV. JAMES TEMPLE. 310 South street DEAFNESS CURED. New Haven. May 19th, 1836. Prof. De Grath t My broth°• has been deaf three years. Atter trying many things, he used your Oil a few times. and it cured him entire ly. CLIFFORD & SCRANTON. There are numerous imitations sprung up on the reputation that ins article has acquired. The public must beware. They are worthless. For sale by. S. S. Smith. Huntingdon. May 25 1859: NEW WATCH & JEWELRY STORE, J. W. DITCHER, WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, Respectfully informs the citizen. of Hunting don, vicinity, and the surrounding coon try, that he hna commenced business in the room opposite IL Gutman's Store in lc MATIKET SQUARE. HUNTINGDON, and hopes to receive a share of public patronage. WATCHES and CLOCKS rt paired in the beet workmanlike manner. Hie stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY is of the best, all of which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. The public generally ere requested to give hint a call and examine his stock. Mar. 9 '59. BOOKS! at BOOKS 10,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. $500,00 in GiAs for every 1000 Sold, In order to reduce my extensive stock I will sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the regular retail prices or less. and give ($500) five hundred dollars worth of presents varying in value from 25 cents to $lOO.OO. Or, those who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.— hly stook consists of every variety and style of binding. School Books of every kind, whole- sale and retail. Bales to commence Dec. 24th. WM. OOLON. Ihmslll.ll/. APITIPHI►OGISTIC SALT; A Perfect Netbstifette For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters HI when the undersigned, after a long eerier of laborious and costly experiments, beenme fully confirmed in bin conviction, that the ittiplilo gmtic Salt which he now hoe the happiness to present to the A merican public, w o s PERF ECT SUBST IT UTE for 'Moog-letting, Leeches and Blisters. his mind was so agitated that he could toot sleep for many nights. The cause of his agitation was the striking het. that the manner of iv operation like that of the vir os in vaccination, could not tor sattefactarialy explained upon any known Principle. Ilo", in whit wry, it so effectuelly subdued Inflammatory Disease And no others, was at first wholly inexplicable—hut, on further experiment, it wee proved thet it equalizes the fluids of the body. the went of an equitilorinni in which, is the sale rooms of inflammation. Such is Ito potency, that like the vaccine matter, ;it requires merely not adheres to the pointofa quill dipped into a solution of it. to effort the entire These Machines sew from two spools. Riper. system—hut must be instantly used to prevent chased front the etore, requiring no ra-winding deromposlion and secure its full virtue. Three of thread ; they Item, Fell, Gather and Stitch quills in acute, end ton in chronic diseases, in a superior style, finishing each seam by their every 24 hours. till the heat, pain and febrile ite own operation, without recourse to the hand ti. have subtfileol, and a perfect cure effected. When it takes the place of blisters, ointment needle, as is required by other machines. They and leeches in heal affections, as Brain Fever, will do better end cheaper sewing then eeran?•• Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy. &e., its mode of stress can, even if she works for one cent an administration is two-fold. (See directiin of dis solving. Sc.) hour, and are, unquestionably, the beet Ma ne discoverer has withheld it tram the pub- chines in the market for family mewing, on ac• lie till now, be the advice of u judicious physi• count of their simplicity, durability, ease of chin and valtillile friend whom he consulted— management, and admonition to all varieties of a gentlemanknown and felt in the medical world—and who desired to submit icto the test family sewing—eNeeuting either heavy or floe of experiment. After witnessing under his own work witn equal facility, and without special scrutinizing eye, its signal triumph over both tw i n ... tent. acute and chronKinflammatory diseases, in re pented and re-reneated trials, he offered $25.- As evidence of the unquestioned superiority 000 to come in as a special and equal partner in of their Machines, the GROTER & BAKER Saw the Recipe for its manufacture, but the propo- two m ocitige c ogeoge b eg leave to res p ect f u l_ sal w. rejected. The disuse of the lancet and blisters, is de- I Y ter " ttl the following TEsTtoioNt A IS. mended bath by humanity' by humonity and science. Is it not a mistake, to suppose that "Baying hail one of Grover & Baker's Ma w kettle of boiling( water (the inflamed blood) chines in my family for nearly a year and a halt will cease to boil, by dipping out a part of it— I take pleasure in commending It as every way or a cask of hail cider (bud blood) be made reliable for the for whith it is designed good, by drawing a portion of it 7 Is it not • —Family le wing."—Mrs. Joshua Leavitt, rife mistake, tostipionse that blisters and rubefacients of Rec. Dr. Leavitt, Editor of N. Y. Independent. will remove inflammation, when they virtually 4 ,1 1 confess myself delighted with your Sewing superedol one inflammation to another ? The Welling, which hes been in e,y family fin me late Dr. B. Wateratonse. of Harvard Universi- Iny months. It has always been ready for duty,, ty, said "I am sick of learned qnackery „' this reitt iring no adjustment , and is easily adapted of most eminent physicians In New England jto every variety of family eewing, by simply acknowledged just before 1410 death, that “lie ...ging the spoola of thread "—Mrs. Elizabeth has been doubting for many years, wether flood- s tr i c kl an d, wife of Rev. Dr. Striehland, Editor of letting and blisters did Rat augrarote rather N . y . ch r igi an than torero thseme " Sane who stand "After trying eeveraldifferent good machines, high in the Old end New school, have quite re- I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity, eently espousal his views and now openly con. and the perfect ease with which it is managed. fees, they helices the, setons leeches; and well as tole strength and durabi li ty of the blisters injure ten where they benefit nue— After long exp erience , I feel competent They th ink there is n meaning to Deut. 12; 23 '°°°:_,. in this - manner,and to confidently re -G.. 9, 4—unolLevit. 17, 14 — that "THE t " ~r iety fantii „ nw r itu at.ooto Is THE LIFE." It is not the excess of everyd it for Brook blood (there never is ton inn.) that causes di- , ' , ' E.B. Spooner, wife of the Editor BrOoi sease, but the want of a balance between the 'i' . Star. fluids .d solids. "I have used a Grover & Baker Sewing Me llo:I special excellence of the Antiplilogistie chine for two years, and have fiountl it abated Sett. is that without the useless loss of blood to kinds of family see ng, from Cambric to end strength, it effectually subdued inflamtnetoo- Brooadeloth, Garment. have been worn out ry dise. o, (no others) by p ro d uc i ng 1110 giving way of a stitch. The Mot brium of all the fluids in the body and a cons°• chine is coolly kept In order, and is easily ascii." quern uninterrepted circulation. It exerts, like —Mos. A. B Whipple, wife of Rev. Geo. Whip the vaccine matter, end extraordinary influence pie, New York. over the v ens and arieries—raathingin a grad- I "Your Sewing Machine has been in use in ual decline of inflammation as indicated by the my family the past two year., and the ladies Puke. which essuele. it , natural state as the i request me to give you their testimonials to its heat. pain an t fever dissuppear. parted adaptedness, as well as labor-saving Many medicines offered for sale, aro qualities in the p erformance of family end backed by doubtful certificates, (their cheif vie- h o u s ehold sowing."—Robert B oo rman, N. y. toe) and claim to he universal I...idles. curing „ For severe , months we have Grover B•- all maliolies—a burlesque on common sense; I tee's Sewing Machine, and have come to the As the discoverer of this Sett, solemnly protests conclusion that every lady who desires her sew against having itplaced in the entre. ry of ing beautifully and quickly done, would he most frauds and impositions. he has resolved that it nominate in possessing one of these relaible ' shall go forth to the world, like the pure gold and in I f utlgahla .irnit nee , ie _ wionten. , whose doller, with no otherposwert than its true, vul-qualitiesnuseu„re serengt and simitli.. ue. th. puhlie find it genuine, they will re- • are inyoin .. b j e, o — tti . dlerru., Jaoyhfcr of ceire it —if s urious, they will reject and con- .city, Geo. I'. Morris, Editor o/ Home Journal. dome it. Instead of being a panacea for ell ills, ' it has control over hut one ill,—has but one aim ! Extract of n letter from Thai. R. Lee , iit an —accomplishes but ono thing, to wit, IIUEDUEB Amulet" , gentlemen, now resident in spiney, „ too , tog _ w h otoeue b e i ts for. I New South Wales. dated January 1.2, 1858: or loeitlity—wether in the bead, thr oa t „ et , o b I "I lied a tent made in Melbourne, in 1833, in which there were over three thousand yet& of dom.. extrernit es or skin. It is asked, how it doer this7—ximply by restoring the lust bat- j eewing done with one of Grover & Baker'. Ma me between the fluids and solid?. I chines, and a single seam of that has outstood The following different /noon which the ens all the double scums sewed by sailor. with a nee balanced fluids assume, awl many not here men ills and twine," tioneol met have more or leas heat, pain or fever "If Bonier could be called up from his noir (no tothers)aro as perfectly cured by the Anti- ky hail., he would sing the advent of Grover phlogistic Salt, as fire is extinguished by water. ! & linker es a more benignant, miracle of art I. Cases where the unbalanced fields affect ; than was ever Vulean'e smith. Ile would &- the HEAD And TUROAT-,0 wit, Brain ll:ever, i ammo midnight sloirt•making as 'the direful Fits, Headache. Inlictumed Eyes, Ears and Near, spring of woes unnumbered."—Prof. North. Conker. Neuralgia, ErYuiPelaur eular , h. CruuP,l "1 ache pleasure in saying, that the Grover & Bronchitis, ye. Baker Sewing Machines have more than b.- 2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect wined my expectation, After trying and ruin, the Cue. end A...gem—,. ' /it/famed fling others, 1 have three of them in operation Lungs .d Liver, Colic, Pleurisy, Coughs, Dyspep- in my different places. end, lifter four years' ma, Ihapsy, heartburn,-Gravel Piles, tr i a l, b o y e to to o th t o d ri d,"—../. 11, Ilommond, Gonorrhea, l'oeterral, we. Senator of South Carofina. 3. Cartes where the unbalanced fluids effect "My wire h. had one of Grover & Baker's the EXTREMITIER ~1 SKIN—tO wit; Rheum! - Family Sewing Machin e s for sumo time, and tism, Go 11 ut, Scrofula. Ulcers ' Chilbains,Chilbains, am satis fi ed it is one of the bust luloonsaving Chicken and .Small Pox, Salt Rheum, with loth mean. tout has been iiivented. I take much ing end other Cittarteous Victiens,&e. .re in g it to Phis Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory pl r. e „ . u varris, recommondin Gererner renouse.the public."— pains prettier too married lathes, (beta° end at the time of confinement) and many female corn. "It it. a beautiful thing, and puts ererybody plaints. and is very eflicatious in ) , ever, Ague, into an excitement of good humor. Were 7 a Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affection. and Cetho.ic I should inei.4 noon Saints Grover und anyother icons of (meek thie)thflemintitcry di- Baker having an eternal holiday in eominemo 'ease, attended nob heat, psi,, or febrile spa ts - ration of their good deeds for humunity.—C'es tunic sins M. Cloy. 114 - Persons who have a ten d en c y of blond "1 think it by far the beet patent in nee. This ht the head h ""' °I. le " "'tire lives, or Machine can be adapted from the finest cambric breath the impure air of menniertories and the so t i ts h eav i est eoes . e „ . I t 8 ., strinigor , poisonous fumes of metals end minerals. or live w its , „it more beau,ii„gy thus•necan ° " 11 " Ith Y °l'm", are "P"." to a parole- gine. If mine could not be replaced, money liar vitiation of the fluids of tloe body, Which one could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Nash dose without interfereitig with the diet or bush e w e, n un. nett., once in three months. weilh: inviolably 1 "It co speedy, very neat, and durable in its preven,. It is belayed to afford protection from . i • • infectious disease , and therefore travellers , work ;Y an dere?". .keptto . .repair. tad ors, and soldiers should supply themselves earnestly rerr O nmen ' t ' l° ' .l "" ° to all my ac with it. quountances and others. Mrs. dl, A. Forrest, I Memphis, Tenn. "We find this machine to work to our sidle , friction, and with ',teaser!) recommend it to the '; bl tel lie Grocer c Bicker to le L at ngl i c & .u,.., earyromr A llisonia, Tenn. "If used exchisiyely for family purposes, with ordinary care. I will wager Choy will lust one 'three score years and ten' and never get out of tlx."—John Erskine, Nashville. Tenn. "I have had y3ur mitohlne for wend weeks, and eni perfectly satisfied that the work it does is the bust and most been tifirl that ever was.— Maggie Aimison, Nashville, Tenn. "1 nee my Machine upon coats, dressmaking, and fine Mien stitching. end the work is admi rable-110 better than the hest hand-sewing, or any other machine I have ever seen"—Lucy B. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn 6 1 1- While many nostrum-makers victimize the good natured and pill-bitten public, oy or dering "trim six to a dozen boxes Of bottles, to cute any malady." no matter what—the un dersigned is happy in being able to state, that the severest forma of recent inflammatory di sease, was over conic by one Acute package, and the most obstlnate and long standing by one Christie package. It does just what it claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes the fluids by removing Irons the system all ar terial and venous ohatruc•i ins. er' Fleas let your neighbors read this. F. COGGSW ELL, M. D., DISCOVER. AND PROPRIETOR. For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel S i Smith, ACo.' Huntingdon, Pa. Feb. 16th 1859. PRE WORLD—RENOWNED WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. PUBLISHED BY PETERSON St BROTHERS, No. 906 CHESTNUT Street. PETERSON'S CHEAP EDITION OF THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. PRICE—Each 25 cents. El EVEN NUMBERS are already published. IVA NlittE, GUY MANNERING, ROB ROY, KENILWORTH, • QUENTIN DURWARD, THE ABBOT. BRIDE OF LANLMERMOOR, OLD MORTALITY. THE ANTIQUARY. WAVERLY. WOODSTOCK. And one will be issued regularly on every Sat urday, until the whole are cong.leted. TERMS OF SUIIhCitIPTION TO TWEN— TY—SIX VOLUMES. One complete set, twenty/ix volumes in all will he sent to any one, a • fast as they are nub- Relied, for five dollars. Single numbers, 23 New. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Re. N 4 CHWATNUT Use*. GROVER & BAKER'S I /111E.A.CI-3LXIN - 30. NEW STYLES—PRICESFROM Sso to $125 BITRA CITAROR Or $5 FOR tenon.. 495 Broadway, N. Y. 730 Chestnut St., Mhz "I find the work the strongest and most beau tiful I have ever seen. made either by hand or machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma chine as one of the greatest blessings to our sex."—Mrs. Taylor, Nashville, Thnn. "I have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma chines in use in my fan ily, nd find it invalua ble. I can confidently recommend it to all per sons in want of a machine."—G. T. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn. "I take pleasure in cettlfying to the utility of the Grocer & Baker Sewing Machines. Iha e used one on 'tiniest every description of work for months, and find it much stronger than work done by haul."—Mrs. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville Tenn. "I would be unwilling to dispose of my Gro ver & Baker Machine fur a large amount, could nut replace it again at pleasure."—Mrs. lI.C. &eve!, Nashville Tenn. "Our two hlachines, purchased from you, do the work of twenty young ladies. We with pleasure recommend the Gruver & Baker ma , chine to be she bees in nee."—N. Stab.. ff. Cc Tenn. DR. MLA NE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE AND LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr Chas. II Imes Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them u universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis., factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. _ THE LIVER PILLS, For thecure of LIVER COMPLAINTS% all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, Sic* HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui. nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men-. tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and corn pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P.S and ...Selena ordering from otheelll than Fleming Bra, win ebi vial to write their orders distinctly. and &At tow h. Or JFlAtnea, prepared by Fleming Bros Piff.lnire. A To Mon wishing to give them a trial, we will forwant war man. prat paid, to any Part of the United Matra ow bon at fur twelr• three-cent pobinge 'damps sr .we vial of Verrnifuge for tonrtemi three-rent stamp. All ardor. from Canada mull bv accompanied by *weary waste extra. For snlo in Iluntmgdun by John Read and S. S. Smith, and dealers genet ally through the courty. [Mac It. 1859.-Iy. PPPIMM4 DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, DR. 1100 FLAND 9 11 BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of rho presage age, hose acquired their great popularity only through ram of trial. Unbounded *misfits,. lion is rendered by them in alt eases; and sh• people have pronounced them worthy. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Debility of the /ferrous System, Diseases of thovlidneys, and all disease., arising from a disordered liver or weakness of the etomaeh and digestive organs, are speedily and permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has acquired • reputation surpassing that of any similar pro paration extant. It will cure, wiTHOuT TOLtn the most eaters and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarsens's, Bronchitis, In fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the roue, astonwhing OLT MS ever known of Confirmed Consumption. A feu , doses will aiso at one: cheek aesef cure the moat severe Manton procewlia, from Cam, IN TOO BOWILI. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M JAcaeon & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila delphia, Pa., and are add by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 tenet per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietor:, called ArmArue, you will find teantnony and commendatorry notices from all parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away by all oar agents. Fur mile in i untingdun by John Read and S. S. Smith and dealers generally through the county. [May 11, 1839.—1 y. PRICE REDUCED ONE HALF!!! /W SW rinDICAL SAL'S FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES . TRY IT I ONLY ONE DOLLAR. CHRONIC PACKAGE R2SOI SEE ADVERTISEMENT , For sale at Smith'a Drug Store, Huntingdon tA CK SON 'S HOTEL. Huntingdon, J pa. J. S. MILLER. PROPRIETOR. Respectfully informs his friend. and • the traveling public generally, that bei ;1 n has leased the ..Jacklion Holm," fur sew it eral years oceupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, aid that he will be pleased to receive the call, of all who may favor him with their patronage. His table will he furnished with the best the market can afford, and every attention will Ix given to make thoee with him feel at key*, Illeatiardtm. M...l ItO, IWO.