Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 13, 1859, Image 2

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Wednesday Morning, Ally 13, 1989.
People's County Contention.
Tat members of the People's Party of the
County of Huntingdon, are requested to meet
in the several tcwnehios,boroughe, and separate
election districts, (in the townships at 4 and bor.
oughe at 7i o'clock. P. M.) at the usual places of
bolding delegate meetings, on Saturday, Sth day
of August next, to elect two persons (in each
township and borough) to serve no delegates to
the. People's County Convention, to he hold in
the borough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAY,
the 914 day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
for the purpose of nominating a county ticket
and doing such other business as the interest of
the party may require.
July 13th, 1859.
County Convention.
It will be observed that the call for the Coun.
ty Convention is published in this column.
We hope there will be a full attendance at the
delegate meetings, and harmony of action.
English Opinion.
The English press is divided on the war.
All fear Napoleon, but many hate him. One
writer says: "Austria is a spotless virgin com
pel, d to England. England, whose pirate
hand carries desolation to every state, commits
murder where she feels no hatred, plunders
without obtaining a share of the spoil, destroys
her customers to promote her commerce and
leeds herself with taxes that she may commit
innesacree in the name of religion. But now,
at least, England is neutral. England's neu
trality is the neutrality of an assassin who has
provided the weapons, and looks on while an
other strikes the blow. But in the present
ease neutrality means that England will wait
till the time comes for having her own throat
The Lale War Nerve.
The late ativices from Europe, which will be
the highest itiportance. A s m £her aangninarf
battle, in which four hundred thousand men
were engaged, had taken place, resulting in a
splendid victory for the French, and a signal
defeat to the Austrians, who are reported to
have had 35,000 men placed hors de combat,
and been driven from every position they oo•
copied nn the Mincio. The conflict raged for
sixteen hour . .. It may be safely net down
as the greatest battle of modern times—terri•
ble and bloody. Prussia is reported to be
marching upon the Rhine. Should this and
the rumor that the German Confederation will
support Austria, prove correct, then Russia will
cry havoc and "let slip the dogs of war." But
we recommend the news to , the reader's peru•
sl, having neither time nor space to add any
thing further .
Pike's Peak Again.
Last week we gave a synopsis of Greeley'.
letters from the gold diggings, and took the
liberty of doubting the st demente therein made.
The latest news confirms these opinions, and
informs us that only some half dozen claims
have yet been discovered that pay, on the Gre
gory road, the rest being all a desert. The re•
ports of the richness of other claims are set
down as absolutely false. It is estimated that
there are some 30,000 persons at the mines,
who are either doing nothing at all or merely
working for their board ; and the mi term are
leaving in large numbers. Ills further stated
that the mines will not under any circumstan.
can support more than 5,000 persons, and eve
rybody is very sensibly advised to stay at home.
What a blessing it will bs to our country
when the terrible farce of "gold discoveries," is
over I The last two failures of Frazier River
and Pike's Peak, will sorely do something to
cure this disease, and induce people to settle
down to some rational means of earning a live
lihood, instead of listening to the tales of un
principled speculators, who care nothing for
the suffering and distrees they cause by their ,
The Way to Secure Harmony.
He is a wise man who learns wisdom from
experience, and that is a wise party which
heeds the warnings of the past. Experience
has demonstrated the fact, that political j•tg
pling has had its day in Huntingdon County,
and that the masses of the people are disposed
to discountenance the trickery of party backs,
when wire•working schemes are put in opera
tion to secure political favors to themselves, at
the expense of justice and fair-dealing, and in
direct violation of the popular will. From the
Haigna of the times," we have some misgivings
of an effort being put forth to impose, slyly, up
on the people, by a species of log-rolling, which
may result in the selection of unprincipled as
pmts. The only way in which a thorough
and united Opposition vote will be cast this fall,
is through the iinportapt aid of a good ticket.
Row very careful, then, should the Convention
be in its nominations.
We ask nothing in behalf of the people but
open, fair, and just action, on its part, and we
shall accept nothing lees, If this be done, we
bare no fear of the nomination of a bad man;
if it is not, we hope we have manhood and in•
dependence enough to repudiate and expose
corruption and fraud, and vindicate the name
W justice and honor,
A lova to Ore wise Amid
Protection—A Tariff President for
When James Buchanan took the reins of
government into his hand., three years ago,
there was a surplus fund in our Treasury of over
twenty millions of dollars, hard specie. There
was no immense debt hanging over our heads,
to paralyze our energies, a• which req hod the
grinding taxation of the working classes to
meet the interest thereon. He started with a
clean sheet, to test the workings of "
sive democratic free trade. Almost three' ;
years have passed, and what is now the condi
tion of th- government? We are almost bank
rept ; the best of our public lands has been
sold, and the money squandered; a debt of near•
ly one hundred millions of dollars incurred,
and still, like greedy cormorants, the powers
that be, demand more money. Nor is this all.
The industrial enterprizeim which sprung up and
flourished under the genial influence of the Ad•
ministration of Taylor arid l'ilmore are droop.
ing, and will eventually perish under the bane•
ful influence of the British protecting policy,
which has been adopted in its stead. Agricul.
tore, though not exactly prostrate. will soon
weaken;' manufacturers aro so sufficiently
crippled that nothing remains but a still fur
ther reduction of the wages of operatives, or a
suspension of operations ; and the same may
he said of mining. In the East, especially, ev
ery kind of manufacturers has been cut down;
business curtailed ; the wages of operatives
been reduced—all done to save the propriet. rs
from ruin, inevitable rain, under the workings
of this system of free trade "progressive de•
mocracy." The Iron and Coal interests of
Pennsylvania, are likewise languishing under
the deve'.opementof this same pernicious systems.
The legitimate effect of this doctrine is showing
itself, and of course our State is the first to suf.
for under it in the injury done to her iron and
coal trade, British iron, manufactured by pau
per, labor, and Ma. Buchanan's "ten cent day"
men, is, ani has been pouring into the country,
under a reduced duty, guaranteed a. d fostered
by our Chief Executive, at such low rates, that
it is impossible for our iron -masters, paying full
republican, freeman's wages, to compete with
it, and thus, the foreign snide undersells the
domestic in our own market. The coal inter
est—and we citizens of Huntingdon County
are particularly interested in this branch of
commercial taaffic—is also suffering ; fur for
eign importations from Novia Scotia and else
where, undersea Pen, aylvania coal in all the
Eastern markets. Thus the wealth of our hills
is being made comparatively unproductive,
and the mineral deposits of Pennsylvania are
to be left unwronght- under the policy %Mel has
been inaugurated and established by the men
now in power. The other branches of Ameri
can industry, have been no less injuriously af
fected by the operations of this " progressive
system. All handicraftsmen, whose unobstru
sive but widely diffused labors make up so large
a portion of the Domestic Industry of thin coon.
their imiter.stk" 'rtestgut %welt iniuriotta.te
usurped in a great measure, the place of domes
tic manufacture. All our tradesmen and man'
efacturare have to work against British compe
tition, under the false principles of the present
policy, and it they do not fail, it is not beeause
they are fostered by government favor.
This, then, is the beautiful system, which has
,been styled " progressive democracy." Surely
its ruinous effects have become sufficiently,
painfully apparent. Why then longer sport
with a question which has so much and reality
in it. These things meet and will continue so
long as men unprincipled as James Buchana n
are elevated to office. Let the people awake
to their interests. Agitate the question now,
and let the fruits of the "progressive" reign of
Buchanan, drive them to seek succor from
such a policy, as it did in the Harrison triumph
of 1840. which under the wholesome provisions
of the Tariff of 1842, restored the interests of
labor, encouraged the industry of the country,
and brought back rational prosperity by filling
the coffers of an empty Treasury to repletion.
And to this source, we fondly hope, the people
will again fly, in 1860, to eestore the country to
its prosperity, and happiness, in the . nomination
and election of a Tariff Protection President.
A man in whom all these principles are am•
bodied his already been named. Nerd wel
point to General Simon Cameron. WWI him
as our nominee, victory would be as certain as
fate. We need deliver no panegyric in his
praise. He is known, and known as a man
who is a patriot from principle, and the friend
of the working classes.
We hope our coming County Convention
will take some action in the matter of a pref.
ernece for a Presidential candidate, feeling as
we do, that every member of the People's Par.
ty in Huntingdon County, whether Republican,
American or Democrat heretofore, favors the
nomination of Gen. Cameron.
The "Little Giant" has written a character's
tic letter to one J. B. Dorr, in which he states
the condition.' upon which he would agree to
accept the nomination of President, at the hands
of the distracted Democracy. It is, iu truth,
a document praiseworthy in many particular..
pointed and conscise. In it he clearly enuoci•
ate. his opposition to any of the Buchanan
dogmas, and b .Idly asserts that if the Democ
racy will adhere "to the principles embodied
in the compromise measures of 1850, and rot.
ified by the people ir. the Presidential election
of 1802, and reaffirmed in the Kansas Nehru
ka act of 1854, and incorporated into the Cin
cinnati Platform in 1856, as expounded by Mr.
Buchanan in his letter accepting the nomina•
Lion, and approved by the people;" then, and
in that event only will he permit his name to
go before the Charleston Convention. On the
other hand, if it should be the policy of the
Democratic party to repudiate "their time•
honored principles," and interpolate into the
creed of the party "such new issues as the re
vival of the African slave trade or a Congres
sional slave code for the Territories or the
doctrine that the Constitution of the United
States either establishes r r prohibits slavery
in the Territory beyond the power of the peo
ple legally to control it as other property, it
Oe des to gander to say that, is such an event
I could not accept the nomination if tendered,
to me."
This avowal of Judge Douglas, if made in
sincerity, does honor to his head and heart, !
and must fall as a thunderbolt from a clear sky,
among the powers that be. The Constitution,
the President's er,ean receives it as an open
declaration of hostility to the nominee of the
Charleston Convention, and many of the South•
ern fire eating journals boldly declare that it
confirms Douglas a traitor, and in choice lan
gußge nay, "Lei hint be anathema ninranathe."
This is plain talk, and Mr. Douglas will need ,
the aid of no interpreter or glossary, or die-'
tionary, to enable him to understand it. There
can be 110 longer• any doubt that the Southern
Democracy have resolved to repudiate Douglas.
nod oppose him with as much virulence as
they ever opposed Martin Van Buren. They
will not touch him with a forty rod•pole.
A Capital lilt t
Decided'y the best "dig," in which not only
a pal of Buchanan's is admirably,"hit," but a
clear and palpable consttuction of Cans' La
Clore letter is given, is the following, which
we copy from the letter of the Washington car.
respoudent of Forney's Press of the 2Gth
"It is gravely suggested in one of the West.
ern papers that the leading reason operating
upon the mind of General Cass when he wrote
the Le Clore letter was the hope that the Aus•
trian Government, now that the notorious
Francis J. Grand is, or has been, within its
borders—that he would be reclaimed by that
Government and compelled to perform military
service. thus saving the Administration $lB a
day. and keeping out of the country one of the
most mischievous amid dangerous men. Grund
is a native of Austria. and, I have no doubt,
when the letter of Gen. Cass is received by the
Emperor, Francis Joseph,he will proceed to act
upon it, and lay his hands upon every adopted
citizen, Grand inclusive, to whom, under the
doctrine of thr,t bettor he Tony have A Vlaimt"
Latest News from Europe.
35,000 Austrians Hors du Combat.
CARRIANA, Jane 25, 1.20 P M.—lt is 411-
possible nv yet to obtain the details of the bat
tle of yesterday. The enemy withdrew teat
night. I have mused the night in the room oc•
eupie/ in the morning by the Emperor of Aus
Gen. Niel had been appointed Marshal of
CARRIANA, June 26, 11 30 A. M.—The Ass
trians, who had crossed the Nuncio for the par.
pose of attacking us with their whee body.
have been obliged to abandon their positions
and withdraw to the left bank of the river.—
They have blown np the bridge of Gni!. The
loss of the enemy is very considerable, hut aura
is much less. %ire havetaken 30 cannon, more
than 7,000 pri+cniers. and 3 flogs. Gen. Neil
and his corps cremes had covered themselves
with glory, as well as the whole army. The
Sardinian army inflicted great loss on theenemr
after haying contended with great fury against
- - - •
from Berne are spoken of, tt hich put down the
Austrian loss at the enormous number of 33,.
000 bore du combat. and 15.000 taken prisen•
ers, together with 16 flags nod 70 pieces dean.
non. This, however lacks confirmation.
The following is the order of the day, pub.
Halted by the Emperor Napoleon, after the bat.
tle of Solferino:
u CAIIItIANA, June 25.—Soldiers The enemy
who believed themselves able to repulse, us
from the Chinese. have recrossed the Micino.
You have worthily defended the honor of
France. Solferitio surpassed the recollection of
Lonato and Castinghtine. In twelve hours you
have repulsed the efforts of one hundred at.d
fifty thousand taco, Your enthusiasm did not
rest there. The numerous artillery of the en
emy occupied formidable positions fur over
three leaoties, which you carried, Your coun
try tired; you for your courage ar.d persever.
ance, at d laments the fallen. We have taken
three flags, thirty cannon, nod. 6000 prisoner,
The Sardinian army fought with the same
valor against superior forces, and worthy is
that army to march beside you. Blood has
not been shed in vain fur the glory of France
and the happiness of the people."
No circumstantial account of the battle has
reached Paris. It was inferred from the tele
grams that the French army suffered so ~everel
y that two days oiler the battle it war drill tilt
able to resume the offensive. There were ru
mors of 10.000 to 12.000 French troops hav
ing been killed and wounded.
VIENNA, June 25—The day be fore yesterday
our right wing occupied Pozzolenga.Solferino
and Carriann, awl the left wing pressed forward
as far as Quiddizzolo and Can Cioffrolo, but
were driven back by the enemy. A collision
tonic place between the two entire armies at 10
A. M. yesterday. Our left, under Oen.
pen, advanced as far as Chieae. In the after.
noon there was a concentrated ass wilt on the
heroically defended town of Solferitio. Our
right wing repulsed the Piedmontese, but on
the other hand the order of our centre could
not be restored, and our losses are ex tr.rdin•
arily heavy The development of powerful
masses of the enemy against our left wing, and
the advance of his main body against Volta,
caused our retreat, which began late in the
VTENNA. June 25.—The Austrian correspon•
deuce contains the following:
The day before yesterday the Austrian army
crossed the Mincio at four points, and yester.
day came upon the superior force of the enemy
in the Chiese. After an obstinate combat of
twelve hours our army withdrew across the
Mincio. Our headquarters are now at Villa
The London Times nay. Chet the Austrians
have most candidly admitted their defeat, and
that history scarcely records a bulletin in which
such a disaster,is more explicitly avowed.
A message from Carriatta announces that, on
the day of the battle, the Emperor Napoleon
was constantly in the hotte t of the fire, and
that general Larrev, while in company wit .
him, had his horse killed. The Noniteter says
that the battle will take the name of the battle
of Solferino.
The official Austrian Correa' ondence of the
27th June, contains the following: Thu Em
peror of Austria will anon return to Vienna on
account of important business. The commit:id
in chief of the army, which is preparing fur
battle, is ;icento Gen. Hess."
Priime Napoleon arrived at Parma, on the
25th, and was received with enthusiasm,
Forty thousand wen were embarking in Al.
geria for the Adriatic, and at Paris news wan
expected of the occupation of Venice by the
A despatch from Berne says that 3000 Pied.
mnutese, with 700 volunteers, had arrived at
"Tiranu," and advanced to Jimmie, at the foot
of the Stelvio pass.
The Paris correspondent of the London ?times
says it was expectod that another battle would
be fought beloo the eeige operations would
come On. •
Patriotic chnonstrations by the working
classes in Peri were universal.
Large reinfacmnents for the French army
were constants, quitting France for Italy.
A despatch rum V mina says that the attack
of the French on Venice and Taglinmento,
about'4s milentorthoast of Venice, wan ezpec•
ted to take plice on the 28th of June.'
The Austen] reserve, numbering 175,000
mon, were on heir way to Italy. They are
considered the flower of the Austrian army,
not a !nail of oetn having served less than eight
The Austrims have stink five small vessels,
a large frigtuenuti three steatners in the port
of Malannico. to prevent the passage of the
PARIS. Timul3v.--Genersle Anger, Forey,
Dien and L'iltnirault, were wounded slightly
at S
There will be a re Dam next Sunday in all
the e . urchea if France, itt eelebrati m of the
victory. The Empress and all the groan:n:4es
of the State otend at Notre Dame.
Tom, Tuoiday.—An official bolletine, tn.
day, contains some details of the battle on the
The Piedmontese wereprincipally engaged
at San Martini, they preformed prodigies of
valor, and took formidable positions, but could
not hold them, owing to a fearful tempest.
The Iredmontese drove the A ustriaiis from
Snn Martino, retaining five of the cannon.
Serious losses are admitted.
An Eng lish fleet of twenty sail is said to be
crtosing off Venice.
Thti Gazette de France says that repara
tions were making to get together within two
month, a force of 450.000 men.
The Sardinian Ambassador at Paris is roper.
ted to have complained to the English govern
ment against the Secretary of the British Pan.
bassy at Paris fur anti Sardinian manifestations.
One Week Laier train California.
New OFILLANS, July y, 1R59.
The steamer W. IT. Webb has arrived Mtlow,
from Nlinatitlam with San Francisco dates to
the 20th ult., ono week later than the advieee
by overland mail. _ . .
The steamers Sonora and Orizaba left San
Francisco on the 20th, with two millions in
treasure, and six hundred passengers.
The money market was tight. .
The political excitement was increasing.
The anti Lecompton democrats have notninn ,
ted Mr Curry for Governor, and Messrs He
Kibbe,: and i3ooker for Congress.
. .
Advices from Vera Cruz state that the con.
ducts with 55.000,000 in specie. had arrived at
Vera Crus, and was awaiting shipment.
Business at Sim Francisco had improved.
Rio Coffee was quoted at 16 eta.
James F Kennedy, Esq.. a native of Phila.
de'phia. hut fi'r the past ten years a resident
of California, received the Republican nom'. .
lion for the office of Lieutenant Governor of
that State.
German Eva , tgePral Lutheran Ministerium of
Pennsylvsria and adjacent States, held re•
(Tally at Lebanon, Pa., tonic fiction in the cane
of Him Rev. Jeremiah Shindel. State Senator
from the Lehigh disttiet. A series of resolu
tions, reported by a eommitte, was about as
follows r•-•-• The Synod considered the holding of
political office incompatible with that of the
clerical. He is requested to resign his seat in
the Senate within thirty days of bis reception
fit to du eo, helethdh
should be resign his political position and ad•
here to the ministry, he is hereafter to confine
bin labors to three specified congregations.
The owl, of the Synod in the matter was
eminently proper. We take it for granted
that Mr. S. will prefer tv serve the devil. nod
resign bin clerical functions, rather than give
up h is chances of political preferment.—Read•
lag Journa .
A Irezvx " RON " AT BILLIARDS.—The
Janesville Times says Frank Parker, formetly
of Milwankie, whose friends lately published a
tiliallenge to any person in the State, made a
" run" of live thousand oon hundred and
seventy points on Saturday. June 4, on t he
Hyatt house tables. It was made while play
ing an ordinary full game, round the table."
after which the two red balls and the cue ball
being about eighteen inches from the cushion,
lie played theta so skilfully and carefully as to
make one tlinusaild seven hundred and eixteen
consecutive carrnms, making in all 5,170 points)
The billiards were fairly made, and the tame
occupied was a bout two hours, when Frank
being fatigued, and doubtless somewhat tier.
vans and excited, accidentally " froze" lion,
and thus compelled to " dry up " This is said
to be the largest run which has ever been ac
compliahed by ail, player. A gentleman in
New Orleans once made 4 144, and aau•her io
some portion or Illinios, (we think Guinea)
made very near 3000.
VWThe $lOO,OOO verdict in the Eft. Louis
breach of promise case has been set aside. In
rendering this decision the Court said that if
the plantiff's ease were perfectly free from all
exceptions. the amount of the verdict would
not, tinder the eireumstances of the case. be a sof
ficient reason to induce the Court to a tit aside.
Rut the Court did not regard the plaintiff's
case in that li,lit, and it was only necessary to
stand where the Court had excluded testimony,
and the parties had got it before the jut'', or
fgot it where they were likely to see it. by pub s
ishing it in the newspapers, as was done in
this rase. The motion was, therefore. sows' ti ed.
and a new trial granted. The cas • cannot, of
course, come up for ttial befitre the neat term
of Coca, which will commence is November.
ser•The Notes of the following Penney!.
mania Banks ceased on the 30th tilt,, to he ta•
ken at par by the Philadelphia Banks, and will
heieafter be at a discount ~f slaw per cent
—Anthracite Batik, Tamaqua ; Bunk of Chan,
berslitire ; Bank (4 Gettsyburg ; Bank of Mid•
dletown ; Bank of Northumberland , Farmers'
Bink, St huyikill county; Harrisburg Bank ;
Honesdale Bank; Jersey . Shore Bank; Lathan
on Valley Bank ; Lewisburg Bank; U •
Bank, Reading; West Blanch Honk, Wil.
liamsport ; Wyoming Bank, Wilkesbarre ;
York Bank; York County Bank.
Szveac—Forney us somewhat inveterate in
his goadings of bis quondam friend .1• B. In
a late number of the " Press " ho expresses
the opinion that "the Administration would
not have withdrawn the national protection
from naturalised citizet.s i if tt had out owed its
election to them, as the President could not,
consistently with his uniform practice, die at
peace, until he had betrayed every friend that
ever supported him."
Cambria way recently hold a County Conven•
Joni to nominate a ticket, end it so happened
tom about three•fourths of the candidates nom.
hinted reside in Ebensburg. A movement is
on foot to get up another Convention in which
an effort will be made to have the candidates
fairly distributed through the differnt portions
of the county. This sounds like rebellion ;
but strange things happen now-a•daye.
SWFriend Lutz, of the Shirleyeburg Herald,
says he has no uldection to serve in the caps.
city of Director of the Poor. Being a printer,
ha would ha admirably fitted for that office.
Pen, Paste and Szbsors.
• The boy Mortar; has been 'confirmed,'
with great display, in the Church of St. Peter's
Chains (advinculo.) .
• - The Kansas Constitutional Conventio n
has met and organized. It consists of :15 Re
publicans and 17 Democrats.
lerThe N. Y. Times happily describes the
Hon. John M. Botts, of Virginia, as "evidently
suffering under a severe attack of himself."
gar The State Mutual Fire Insurance Co. !
located at Harrisburg, has failed. Claims were
to be adjusted by a sequestrator on the sth inst.
SW Mr. Wright, American Ambassador at
the Court of Berlin, has offered 50 000 dialers
fir the library left by Alexander Von HUM
! boldt.
g An Irish paper, reporting the 10S9 of a
steamer. says, "The Captain swam ashore, so
did the stewardess. She teas insured for £5,-
000, and loaded with pica
pfirThe Mobile Register gives taterenee to
thie friendly expression: "Our venerable Chief
Magistrate loves nothing so well as to 'smile
and smile and be a-President of the United
4tates.' "
I el. An English writer says, in his advice
to young married women, that their mother,
Eve. " married a gardener." It might be add
ed' that the gardener in consequence of his
match lost his situation.
-The big butterfly received by Prof. Ag•
assiz front Brazil was ten inches , from the tip of
one wing to the other. A paragraph is going
the rounds of the papers stating the measure•
ascot to be ten feet:
ROOT Hoo int Die."—ln one of the cone.
ties of Wisconsin it is said there are three can•
didates for the Legislature : J. DI. Root, Dom
ocrat ; Robert Hogg, Free Soil ; nod 'l'. H. Dye,
Whig. So, on the election day, it will be '•Root,
Hog, or Die " with the voters.
star We are happy to state that under the
efficient management of our present worthy
State Treasurer. Mr. Slifer, a portion of the
State debt, amounting to $44 100 was paid on
the 28th ult. He also paid, at the same time,
that part of the interest due on the public debt
on the Ist instant, amounting to $36,070,50.
oar A Great Ninne for a Great Man—
Mister Cass, in his cabinet, cosy and sleek,
Says to naturalized citizens... Pray ye, he meek,
I'll protect you while here, in Republican land!
But beyond the great ma you're at despot's cote.
round l"
After this. Mister Cass, sure all men must sores
Your name should be sounded—beyond the
great C !
slfirThe recent letter of Gen. Cam relative
to our naturalized chinas. .d which stands
as the policy of the Administration, and conse•
quently of our Government, places us in the
unenviable position of the only nation on the
globe which refuses to protect its citizens.—
How do honest Democrats like this last pill of
their leaders
UV-Jones wee not tipsy the other night,
when it become his duty; at the proper stage of
i ktuaringi u dg' Ntia i g t ut.. r at l . l . l . r l°
"Oh Woman! in our hotirs of ease,
Uncertain, coy, and hard to please—
Bat —but —seen too oh, familiar with her face,
We first endure, than pity. then embrace."
in response to a letter addressed to hint
on the subject, by a number of naturalized cit.
imam of West Chester, the Hon. John
man has written a letter giving his views on the
sub:eet on the rights of naturalized citizens
when abroad. He opposes altogether General
Cass' position as taken in his Le Clere letter,
and agrees with the Hon. John M. Botts in
contending fu: full protection to our citizens
“Leurrevs MAtit.."—The feast of the "Len.
hens Muhl,” a religious festival peculiar to the
Drinkers, won appropriately celebrated by that
denominntiou, recently, near Scalp Level, in
Cambria county. Not less than two thousand
to twenty-five hundred persons were present as
participants and spectators of the feet-washing
and Pn..e'.:tl Lamb partaking ceremonies.
Z The Rev. Mr. —, all eccentric
preacher in Michigan, was bolding forth not
long since in Detroit. A young mull arose to
go out, when the preacher said;—"Young man
if you'd rather go to hell than hear me preach,
you may gel" The sinner stopped and reflec
ted a moment, and saving, respectfully, "Well,
I believe I would," Went on.
Oar Peter Verdine, a convict in the Michi•
gall State Prison, the other day coolly and de
liberately laid his finger on a block. took an
axe and cut it off close to the hand ; rolling his
finger up in a wee of paper he gave it to the
keeper saying •Send it to the Governor as an
evidence of truth." He has been .endeavoring
to get pardoned, and, being tearful the Geyer'
nor would not believe all that was set forth in
his petition, offered this strange evidence M
his veracity.
Seir The following statement of the costa of
the prosecutions in the U. S. District Court at
Cleveland is derived from the Clerk, Mr. Green:
Langston. Bushnell.
$32 10 $47 80
Marshal, 30 40 107 28
Prttrewitnessee, 65010 445 30
Defendants' do, 131 10 161 20
Docket, 20 00 20 00
$863 70
This will probab!y be about the cost of the
other prosecutions—about thirty. The aver
age is $827,14 each. The aggregate will be
about $24,000—a1l for on, negro. Who can
deny that the negro govern. this country 7
serKennedy's Bank Note Review for July
is on our table. This is one of the best Coun.
terfeit Detectors published, .d should be in
the hands of every business man. It gives the
rate of Discount at Pittsburgh. Philadelphia,
and Cincinnati. Published in Pittsburgh, Pa.,
at $1 per annum.
MAP or THE SCAT or WAR.—We are indebt
ed to Mr. Charles Desilver, 714 Chestnut street
Philadelphia, for a large, accurate and well en.
ecuted map of the sent of War. as well as Italy,
the Austrian Empire, and the whole continent
of Europe-4611mi°. sheet. It is printed on
good stout paper colored, and can be had at
$0 mile.
Moe. EVERZTT.—The wife of Hon. Edward
Everett, who died in Boston on Sunday night,
had for a long time been confined by illness.
She was the daughter of the late Peter C. I
Brooks, of Boston, the richest inert in New
England. Two sisters survive her—the wives
of Rev. Dr. Frothingham, of Boston, now in
Europe, and of Charles Francis Adams, the
son of John Quincy Adams, and Represents. •
live to t 'lngress from Massachusetts.
Zee'• $1,250.000 in specie wasshipped to Eu•
rope again last Sunday. That's the way the
money goes.
Fousa—Senue amda.—Pn ThutEdlay. 7th inst.
be Rev. S. H. Reid, Mr. Jacob Fonda to Miss
C. S. htnearman, buth of Huntingdon .
Keen—J , Jr. —On the 7th, in Clay tp., by W.
L. Ctini.i..gliam, Esq., Mr. Joshua Kapp to
Miss Ellen Johns, all of Huntingdon co.
DUTCHUR—In this borough on the 3d inst.,
Willie, son of J. %V. and Dutcher, aged
10 months.
Gimes N.-Ott the 7th inst., Tobias, son of M.
and C. Gutman, aged one year.
' Smooth the hair, mad close the eyelids,
Let the window curtains fall ;
With a smile upon his features.
Ile bath answered to the call. •
Let the chialren kiss him gently,
As he lies upon the bed ;
God bath called him to his bosom,
And the little one is dead.
Wsr.xelt.—On the 3d inst., Edmund Walker,
of Blair's Gap, aged 28 Teats.
Id'Gasw.--On the 29th ult„ in Frankstown tp.,
Blair co., Daniel McGraw. aged 50 years.
111cat'nv.—It. Shirley township, 0,1 . 1 he lat inst.
John Murphy, aged 70 years.
W1C138.--At Greenwood, on the 22d ult., Wil.
liam L., 800 of G. and L. Webb, aged 2 yrs.
We are aat horized to annonere the name
of PETER LIVINGSTON, of Donee town.
ship. as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the
decision of the Peoples' County Convention.
I.luly 13, 1859.—.
We are nut Imrized to announce the nom.
of WM. J. GEtSINGER, all a candidate fin.
the office of County Treasurer, subject to the
&eision of the American Republic. County
Convention. • [July 6, 18.59.;.
We are authorized to announce the name
of J. 11. KIINNILIIY, no a candidate for the
office of CoTudy Treasurer, suhject to the de.
cision of the Poiple's*County Convention.
July 6th, 1869.-..
0 We are authorized to announce the name
of Timm ks H. RULING. of Mt. Union, as
a candidate for the office of Sheriff. subject tc
the decision of the American Republic. Cu,,.
Yenta... [July G,
WE are authorized to an
nounce the name of PETER C.
SW COPE. as a candidate for the office of Coon.
to Treasurer, subject to the decision of the
Peop e'e County Convention. [June 29,
AVg. , are tut zed to an
" hounce the name of JOIIN NASII of
Huntingdon, as a candidate for County Tre , t,
urer, at the vil,uitig general election, subject
Lo he decision of the People's County Comm.
Lion. Pune 29,
-2o the American Republican Party of
Ifunlingdon County : At the request of nu. '
maims friends in tl &rent portions of the coon
ty, sand with a somewhat fluttering assurance of
success, I have heen induced to announce my•
self as a candidate for the office of County
Treasurer, at the coming Convention. If, in
the opinion of any fellow•citizens composing
said Convention, my humble claims. qualifica
tions, and ei rennastances he deemed worthy of
cmmideration and of sufficient importance to
entitle nn: to a nominatioo, the far r will be
thaalitfully received. and in the event of an elec.
lion, I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of
the office with fidelity aad to the best of my
Wilde,. 11. McDIVITT.
June 29, 1859.—*
WE are authorized to an
" ,101111. the name of.JA NIES BRICK ER
RP a candidate for County 7Veanurtr, subject
to the action of the American Republican Coun
ty Convention. June 29, 1959.-*
Epilepsy, or Falling Fits.
We believe we cannot do our readers a more
important service than by again calling their
attention , to that most remarkable preparation,
discovered by Dr. Seth S. Hance, of Baltimore
Md., whit h possesses the power of alleviating
and curing that horrid visinaion of man—Ep•
hem, or Falling Fits. In recommending this
preparation to our readers, we do so wok a con
victim: that we are not degrading our columns
to puff a common patent medicine, but are
piscine belore them a discovery, which, if ful
ly known,. would probably do more to alleviate
human suffering, than any invention of modern
times. Dr. Huoce, in asking us to notice his
prenanttion favorably in our editorial depart
meat; has sent uu for perusal a number of let.
tera from persons who hack used his Pills, and
have; been cured thereby. All of them speak
in the most rrateful and eulogistic terms.—
One great advantage this medicine possesses
is the fact, that it can be transported through
the mails, thereby affording every one an op.
portunity of dealing directly with the inventor,
and also precluding all possibility of being
imposed on by a counterfeit or Ipturious imittc
lion. Dr. fiance pnya the postage on all his
Pills to any part of the country, and will for
ward them by return of mail, on the receipt of
a remittance. Biel prices are as follows One
box, $2; two do., $5; twelve d0.,524. All or
dersfor the medicine should h
i addressed to
Sevn S. HascE, 108 Baltimore street, Balti.
more, Md. Im.
$7B 68
Soraheumatisir s. of the most severe kind,
have been cured by using two bottles of DU
VALL'S GALVANIC OIL. Back-ache, pain
in the head, sick head ache, and nervous die
rames of the head, are every day being cured
soundly by the use of this medicine.
Julot, 12, 1859.
FLOUR—Superfine. pm barrel, $6 24_47,00
Extra " " 00(07.50
family g• 7 7 5 1 a 800
Rye Flour and Corn Meal
Wheat—red, per bushel,
White "
Curn Si
eleversaed $5 50Q6 15 per 04 minds
Tim 01,133 seed, $l,BO to 2 00
Ylar,Per k ual , s l $1 Te
New Advertisements.
stead for $lOO ; Also, Homesteads for
$lOOO and over, situated on and near Rappa
hannock river, above Mid below Fredericksburg,
in Virginia. A new town, called Rappahan
noek, has recently been laid out, in Culpepper
county, in the midst of the Gold Region of Vir
ginia, surrounded by mines and Mining Corn.
patties ; and !arms and town lots in alternate
divisions or shares, can now be bad for allaers
song, eitnply to induce settlement in Ibis
rattle region. 4154,900 worth of land is to tie'
divided amongst purchasers or given away as
an inducement to come on and make improve.
ments, and the land is of the most improvable
qualities. Many have already settled and scores
of others are coming. Good farming land, 111
' tracts of any size to suit purchasers,- can also
be had at from $lO to $2O per aere,payable is
easy quarter yearly installments. Übqtreetion ,
able titles will in all eases be giyen.
Z Agents are wanted every where to all
these lands ; liberal inducements will be gives.
Fur particulars, address
E. BAUDER. Lorry Aosar.
July 13,''50.—Gm. Purl. Royal, Vo.
For $2O I will teach practically Grecian, Ital.
lea and Oriental Painting, and also a new meth•
od of Perspective Drawing. Or for $5 any onis
style of the above named arts Or I will send
printed Directions fur the four styles on the re
' ecipt of $l, with complete instructions in mix
ing the colors to paint figurer and landscapes
in Grecian, Italian and Oriental Tainting.—
These three varieties are executed in Oil Col•
ore, the former closely resembling an Oil
Painting, .d the hitter, the finest Oil Print.
The method of Perspective Drawing is easi•
learned, and enables us to sketch accurately
from nature without the tedious rules of Linear.
Copies forwarded iintnediately on the receipt
of $l. Address Miss 4. NI. HURLBUT.
North Bridgewater, Maas.
Jety Gth, 1059.-31.
Firm of Danis & Isenberg.]
Notice is hereby given, that the co partner.
ship heretofore existing between the subscri-
bers, in the mercantile business, under the
name of Davis & Isenberg, is this day dimsol•
red. br• mutual consent. The books of the
firm are in tl,e hands of Oco. Danis for col.
leetion, to whetn persons indebted, are earn•
wily requested to make immediate payment.
areyeville, Hunt co., Juue 29, 1859.
. The business of the late firm will hereaftat
be carried on by the undersigned, who hopes
to have the patronage of his old customers es
July 6,1859.-4 t
All persono are hereby cantione-J from
king an assignment of, or putting any depart..
deuce in, a certain paper purporting to be •
wittleinent of accounts, between the sable of
the lion. John Ker, dac'd., and David R. Fried•
ly,aitoied by David S. Ker and David It. Fried.
ly and bearing late the 16th "day of January,
1858. Ihe Administrators of said deceased,
being now liatisaeil that the charges in said set
tlement made by the said Devil! It., are wholly,
ur to a great extent erroneous, have detetininwd
not to pay the same or any part thereof until a
more thorough investigation hits been had.
MARY C. KEit, j "'""`"
June 28th, Itiov.—at.
••••• of the subseriber, living in
Penn township, Huntingdon to., it*
about the IMth day of June, a l"
three year old, black maser
STEER—marked with %piece off the right ear,
a white mark on the head, kc. The owner is
requested to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take him away, otherwise he will
be disposed of according to law.
Penn tp., June 29, 1859.-40'.
I he undersigned Auditor, appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to
distribute the proceeds of the sale of the real
estate of John Kepler, dee'd., lying in said
county, in the hands of the Trustee to mako
smorgst those et.titled to the same, gives
notke that he will-attend to said duty at his
office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Sato,•
day, the 2:ld day of July next, where all per.
Boos interested are notified to attend.
June 22d, 11150.-4 t. JOHN REED,
Audit, r.
Notice is hereby given, that Letters or
Admi, istration on the estate of Hsnry Hour,
late of Carbon township, Huntingdon county,
dec'd., have been granted to the subscribers re.
aid, rig in the same township, to whom all per
sons indebted to said estate will make payment,
and those having claim against the same will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
June 22d, 1859, .*6t
±1 Letters of Administration haying heap
granted by the Register ot. Huntingdon county
to the undersigned, on the mate of Tamer B.
Law, late of Clay township, Huntingdon coun
ty. deceased. nil perilous indebted thereto, will
make iminediate payment, and those having
claims will prese tit them duly anthem' Gated fm
settlement. • JOHN F. ?dEMINGER,
Clay tp., June 22, 1859. Adner..
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends.
and the public, that he has just re•noved his.
store to the old staid, near the corner of Silt
and Smith streets. where he has always on haat
and constantly receiving all the latest styles of
And in fact he can supply any article in the
dry.good line. Also, trimmings suited to all
dresses and at reasonable rates.
lie has also on hand a large, fresh (Ana or
And everything in the feed line.
As his stock is almost entirely new, and bees
bought at prices which defy competition, per.
el useri will find it to their advantage to buy
from me before going elsewhere.
All kinds of country produce at the highest
market prices, taken in exchange for goods.
Huntingdon, June 16, 1 D 859 1D
STOVE kJt sale at this office; it is Mt.
'ciliated to born wood...soot. It will
he offered low.
I wail 60
1 6061 70