Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, July 06, 1859, Image 3

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    Nuntiu t Oon lomat.
1 [Pim of Danis & fseuberg.l
Notice is hereby given, that the copartner
ship heretofore existing between the subscri
bers, in the mercantile business, under the
name of Davis & Isenberg, is this day dissol•
ved, by mutual consent. The hooks of the
firm are in tl,e hands of Geo. Davis for eol•
lection, to whom, persons indebted, are earn•
estly requested to make immediate payment.
Graysville, Hunt. co., June 29, 1859.
Wednesday Morning, July 6, 1859,
WAS CELEBRATED.—The sun arose on the 4th,
beautiful and bright, and the day was very
pleasant. At an early hour the bells pealed
forth their merry chime and the "ear piercing
fife "and noisy drum were heard on the streets.
At about 8 o'clock the Sabbath School of the
Presbyterian Church pieceaded by the Excel.
sine Band, marched to the Cottage Grove, where
the day was celebrated with patriotic spirit.—
Mr. J. IL 0. Corbin read the Declaration, in
a masterly manner, and seldom have we lie.
Vetted to a more patriotic and eloquent oration,
than the effort of Mr. J. M. Speer, the orator of
the day. Rev. Utilizer, also addressed a few
excellent rematks to the School. Everybody
enjoyed themselves, and the School returned
about noon.
The next feature, was the appearance of the
ihnitingdou Lancers, compcsed of some thii ,
teen of our young men under command of
Corporal Jun Stewart. They paraded through
the streets and their handsome appearance and
military manasurcrs elicited much applause
from those who saw them.
Tinio will not permit us to add anything
more to this, next week we shall give full par•
• IV MOMS Or Paonum—We have received
a letter from a friend in Hopewell township,
making the inquiry nod requesting us to fur.
nish him with the standard weights of tile va
rious kinds of produce, fixed by the authori
ties of this State. It as very important that
farmers should know this, and we give our cor
respondent an answer through our colnnino,
for their benefit.
My the act of Starch 10, 1859, the weight of
b. bushel of wheat was fixed at GO pounds ;
bushel of barley at 47 pounds ; a bushel of
buckwheat, 48 pounds ; a bushel of potatoes,
Irish, 69 pounds ; act of April 15, 1855, rye,
56 pounds : act of March 10, 1818, oats was
fixed at 32 pounds—this year, it bas been al
tered to 30 pounds. The other standards arc:
corn on the cob, 70 pounds ; corn shelled, 20
pounds ; onions, 57 ; timothy seed, 15 pounds;
cloversosd, 69 pounds; bran, 20 pounds. These
are the principal fares products sold by weiAlit
in this State.
Goon WItEAT.—We have been shown a ape.
cimen of this year's wheat, grown on the farm
of Pr. 'AO!elide, about a half mile from town.
ft is of•tlo Mediterranean species, and was
plucked promiscuously. the heads are cx•
tremely long and well.filled, 'and the grains
very large and dean looking. If "inch is the
general condition of the crop on the. lire plan.
tattoo, there will be a lremendonS yield.
. A The next quarter at the Camillo Sent
inury begins so Monday, Jul} . 18th.
Prof. T. MeCtittlyllibtine A. M., of Cuut•
berlaikd College, Ky., witicuininenee his course
of lectures about th. hist of the nioutli. Mr.
Owen, the Comity Superintendent of schools,
lilts also consented to !More, but the thou is
not yet fired.
Str. A son of Mr. Win. Kyler, had his hand
very seriously injured on Thursday night lasi.
Mr. K. owns a sawmill on Stone creek, and
whilst absent on but iness en Thursday, his lit
tle eon itt playing in the mill started the saw,
which caught his hand, cutting off ono linger,
and otherwise mutilating hint.
frorA barn belonging to 11Ire. Sarah Vat.
tars., near the tuwn of Warriors:nark, was
burned to the ground uu Sunday night last.
Loss, about $lOO. It was supposed to In the
work of rot incendiary.
vania State Agricultural Society, will hold their
next annual Fair, ou the 27411, 20th, 20th, and
30th of September, at I'oweltun, on the ground
tendered fur the purpose, by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company.
D®" Our citizens are enjoying themselves
hugely, by taking pleasant excursions to the
Springs. Oo out, ye emaciated, thin fleshed,
consumpted stickeramt.home and take a pure
draught of air, and in bath in the crystal streets,
eaV.We have been requested to announce
that H. Bucher Swoop°, Esq., will deliver a
lecture in this borough on Monday evening
next, in the Court House,
Sii lad named King, was severely injured
on the 4th, by being burnt with T owder, ho
woe attempting to set off. His bands and fucc
were scorched and blistered badly.
isray.Judge Burnside, of Center co., was
killed on Thursday last, by being thrown from
his carriage. His neck was broken, and ho
died instantly.
SW We have been informed that an individ•
ual die 1, in the upper part of our county, on
Thursday last, from sun stroke.
On Die—That a couple of "female women . '
engaged in an amiable little scratching match
in Portstown, last week.
ter'Our notice of the trip over Broad Top,
the celebration, &c., will appear in our next.
ikir We wonder if the following Paixhan
shot, from the " Notes from the Plymouth
Pulpit," by H. Ward Beecher, hits anybody in
all this region round about? Mr. Beecher
said :—" There are sitting before me in this
congregation now, two hundred men, who stuff
their Sundays full of what they call religion,
and go out on Mondays to catch their brother
by the throat, saying :'Pay me that thou sweat;
it's Monday now, and you needn't think because
we sat crying together yesterday, over our Sa•
vior's sufferings and love, that lam going to
let you nff from that debt, if it ruin you to pay
it now:"
tisiug Agency, 110 Nassau St., New York, (k.
10 State St., Boston. S. 0.1. Pettengill d Co.
are the Agents for the "Jounnat." and the most
influential and largest circulating Newspapers
in the United States and the Canada.. They
aro authorised to contract for us at our 'owes
New Advertisements.
.1 1 1.4 Ci 13.3C13EIVIEW
The business of the late firm will hereafter
be carried on by the undersigned, who hopes
to have the patronage.of his old customers as
July 6,1859.-4 t.
STOVE for sale at this office; it is cal
culated to barn wood or coal. It will
be offered low.
All persons are hereby cautioned from ta.
king an assignment of, or putting any &pen.
dunce in, a certain paper purporting to be a
settlement of accounts, between the estate of
the Hon. John Ker, deed., and David R. Fried
ly, signed by David S. Ker and. David R. Fried.
ly. and 'tearing date the 16th day of January,
1858. Ihe Administrators of said deceased,
being now satisfied that the charges in said set
tlement made by the said David 11., ore Wholly,
or to a great extent erroneous, have determined
not to pay the seine or any part thereof until a
snore thorough investigation has been bad.
DAVID S. XER, 1 . 4 , 7 .
j '"" mt.
June 28th, 1859.-31.
of the subscriber, living in
Penn township, Huntingdon co., 'if
about the 18th day of June, a u a
three year old, black muley
STEER—marked with si
iece off the right ear,
a white mark on the tenth, Sc. The owner is
requested to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take him away, otherwise he will
b e disposed Of accordiiigtc,s.leff,
Penn tp., Junn 29, 1859.-10.
Five miles north of Hurtingdon, Pa., is
now open for the reception of ,isitors, having
been enlarged and improved generally.
A daily line of Coaches will leave the Rail.
road stations on the ordeal of passenger trains,
for the Springs, JOHN R. HERD.
June 19, 1;i39.-3t.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon wooly. to
distribute the proceeds of the sale of the real
estate of John Kepler, dee'd., lying in said
county. in the hands of the Trustee to make
amongst those ectitled to the same, gives
notice that he will attend, to said duty nt his
office in the borough of Ifintingilon, on Satur
day, the 22t1 day of July' next, where all per
sons interested are notified to attend.
June 22d, 1559.-•1t,
.11. [Eel. of G. Keller, late of West fp (red.]
Notice is hereby given, that Letters at Adjoin.
istration have been granted to the subscriber,
on the estate of George, Keller, late of Morris
township, Huntingdon many, dee'd.; all per.
sons indebted to said I , ilate, are requested to
make-payment immediately, and those having
claims against the same, will present them
properly authenticated fur settlement, to the
subscriber, living in said township.
WI LI. lAM 111 LE MA N,
June 220,59.--t
it Notice is hereby giwn, that Letters of
ietration on the estate of }Linty Houpt,
Into of Carbon township. Hunting,don county,
deed., have been granted to the subscribers re•
siding in the same township, to whom all per.
MUM indebted to said estate will make payment,
and those having claims against the same will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
JOSEPH DIGGi INS, d m , s.
June 22d, 1859.•6t.*
Letters of Administration having been
granted by the Register of Huntingdon county
to the undersigned, nu the estate of Tamer It
intai late of Clay township, Huntingdon roan•
ty, deceased, all.persons indebted thereto, will
make immediate payment, and those having
claim will prose nt them duly authenfieated for
settlement. JOHN F. MEMINGER,
Clay tp., June 22, 1859, Atiner.
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public, that he has just removed his
store to the old stani, near the corner of Ilill
and Smith streets, where he has always on hand
and constantly recei v ing all the latest styles of
And in fact ho can supply any article in the
drygood lino. Also, trimmings suited to all
dresses and at reasonable rates,
He has also on hand a large, fresh stock of
And exerything in the feed line.
As his stock is almost entirely now, and been
bought at prices which defy competition, par.
Chasers will find it to their advantage to buy
from me before going elsewhere.
All kinds of country produce at the highest
market prices, tnken in exchange for goods.
Huntingdon, June 15, 1859.—tf.
Lt i9v9 . SPRING & S NG UMMER Nvo
. lOUU.
The undersigned would respectfully call tho
attention of our friends and customers, as well
as the citizens of the town and country general
, ly, to our new and extensive assortment of
consisting of every article of gentlemens' fur
nishing goods. We deem it unnecessary to
make a newspaper flourish, being confident that
a a
I and an examination efour goods, will sit-
; tis c fy l all, that our goods are just what wo re
commend them to be, well made, of good mate
rial, and as cheap as the same quality of goods
can be bought in the county of Huntingdon
It is not our desire, as it is not the policy of
honest men, to deceive, but this much we will
say, that we will guarantee to all who may fit
, vor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction
as to quality, fit and price. should gentlemen
desire any particular hind or cut of clothing,
not found in our stock, by leaving their meas
ure, they can be accommodated at short notice.
Call at corner of the diamond, Long's now house.
May 4, 109.
Shade Gap, Huntingdon Counfy, Pennsylvania,
W. H. WOODS, A. N. r
Principal of Female Deparhnent
Professor of Anatomy and Physiology,
Lecturer on Art of leaching and Phys. Gcog
Teacher of Music. Drawing Grecian and lint.
ion Painting and Fancy Needle Work.
HE next session of this Institution will open the first Wednesday of May. It holds out sup,
ripr advantages to those seeking an education. The Board of instruction is large, and coin.
posed of those who are thoroughly qualified for their profession. To Parents and Guardians
who wish to place their Children inn secure and healthy retreat, it holds out peculiar induce
ments A NORMAL SCHOOL will he formed the present sigision. to which Mr. Owen, no,
worthy County Superintendent, will give lectures on the Art of Teaching and Physical Geogro
phy. In the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. young men will be thoroughly qualiCed fat
the Counting Room. TERMS, for seS,lion of Ave months, $55,00. Light and fuel also. Les.
sons in Music, French, Drawing, Painting and Fancy Needle Work, extra.
For further particulars address W. 11. WOODS.
N. B.—By those desiring places, early application should be made,
Cannot rival in attraction the superb stock of
.Spring and Summer Goods now being received
and opened by FISHER & Meturatx.
This stock has been selected with grunt cora
and the public are cordially invited to call and
examine it. - .
It comprises all the late styles of Ladies'
Dress Goods, such as Pell do Chevra, RobesM
Lez, Organdies, Jaconets, Lawns, Challis, plain
and figured Iterages. Crape Maretz, Plain and
colored Chintzes, French and English Ging.
hams, Amaranths, Valentine, Alpaccas, Dobage
Prints, &c.,&c.
A beaut iful amortnient of Spring SitAVVLS,
round and square corners, all colors. A full
stock of Ladies Fine Collars, Gentlemen's
Furnishing Goods, such as Co.lars, Cravats,
Tics, Stocks, Gosiety, Shirts, Gauze and Silk
Undershirts, Drawers, &e.
\Vo have n fine velc:ction of Mantillas. Dress
'frimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts. Gloves,
Gauntlets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons,
Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops
of all kinds, &c.
ALso—Ttekens, Osnaburg, blenched and un
bleached Aluslins at all prices, Colored ant
White Cambries, Barred and Swiss Musti •
Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarlcton and many
other articles which comprise the line of White
and Domestic Dom's.
We Wye French Cloths, Fancy Cassimere,
Saßinetts,Jeuns, Tweeds, Cottonades, Linens,
Denims mut Blue Drills.
6. (Mice hours--Every day from 9 till 5
o'clock, and too Mondays and Thursdays till 8
o'elork in an erpnits.
DON. BENNY L. BENNER, Plash/rot,
Rt IItERM SE LER! DGE, Tice l'resideot,
11'31..1. REED, Seeretarg.
1)1llItitrt:1128 :
lion. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry,
I Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee,
Wood and Saml. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes,
C. Landreth Mums, Ilenry Diellenderffer,
0r every varlet) , awl style. Also all kiwis u
A good stock of
ti !deli «•ill he sold CHIMP.
We 9/so deal in PLASTER, FISH, SAI.T,
and ail kinds or GRAIN, and possess theilities
in tins branch of trade unequalled by any. We
deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise,
FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the
llroad 'lop and Pennsylvania Railroads.
Come one, come all, nod be convinced that
the "METitortimirmt" is the place to secure
fashional•le and desirable goods, disposed or at
the lowest rates.
Di To the Colledors of Huntiagdon
Yea are requested to make a special effort
to meet the Ave. !Ht.,. l'emtus holding
county orders will please exercise to little pit-
Bence, as I have already largely advanced be
yond the receipts of the County. As I will be
absent for a lew weeks, persons having hunt
nom in my ulilce, will please call on Maj. G. W.
rrettson. at the Banking House or Bell, Gur.
rettson & Co. F. H. LANE,
Hunt., JULIO 1, 1859.—tf. hcasurer.
Is a remedy not to he excelled for the relief and
core of those maladies incident to the summer
Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Cholera or Cholera Moc
has, Vomiting, Acidity of the Stomach, Sc.
Its excellent Carminative powers, pleasant
taste and soothing influence. renders it a val
uable remedy in infantile diseases, peculiar to
the Second Summer, viz :- , --Cholera fufantutn,
etc. It hits a reinvigorating and tonic influ•
ence on the system, allaying hithunation where
it exists in the stomach and bowebi—and on
trial will be found indispensable to the well
being of every family. It will be found as well
adapted to adults as children. Try it.
Prepared only by A. E'EN WEINR,
Price 25 ets. a bottle. Dispensing Chemist.
Ninth 4 Poplar ate., Philadelphia.
Sold by .1. Rend, Huntingdon, and Druggiets
and Storekeepers generally. [Nlay 25, '59. ly.
The subscriber respectfully omit - melees
to the citizens of Huntingdon and viciuity, that
he has opened n shop on St. Clair stree-t, in
the east end of the town, where he is prepared
to manufacture nil articles in 11
line, on the shortest notiee, anti
on reasonable terms. After a long
expetienee in Ire Boot and Shoe business, 1
flutter tnyselt that I can please thotie who give
me their orders. Work done when promised
in all eases.
Huntingdon apr 27 '59,
Corner of Hill A: Montgotnerx§treetet
This stand is well known as the "McConnell
House." The location is superior to any ether,
being in the =median) proximity to businen;
also to the Bank and most Public Offices
It is the determination of the Proprietor, to
keep this House in a style sati.fitclOry to the
public, and it is hie &awe, to make all who I
patronize him, feel et home, and to make the
'Mansion' rank among the best of Hunting
don Hotels. He very respectfully solicits tho
public patronage. Apr. 13th '59
JACKSON'S HOTtL, Huntingdon,
Respectfully informs his friends arid
the traveling public generally, that he iii
has leased the Ilackson House," fur see. It I
eral years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, and
that he will be pleased to receive the calls of
all who may favor him with their patronage.
His table will be furnished with the best Ike
market can aflkrd, and every attention will be
giver to make those with him feel at bonne.
Huntingdon. March 30, 1839.
r Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and
Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by the
ream, half ream quire or sheet, ut
Lewis' New Book and Stationery Store.
ipar All kinds of blanks for dale at the
Journal officr.
•oprictor and Principal.
Teacher of the Engligh Branchea.
Tendert,. of Mathematics.
Miss 1,17.,ZiE F. LYON,
Teacher in Preparatory Department
r n! o' l ' F u D
6 r19•,-,t
- Atli a 'I.-47, 1 1:1,Iona
Incorporaled by the Stole of Pennsylvania.
...„ „..
1. '.‘loory is rorrii•ed every nod in itny
amoto, , , largo or small.
2. FIVE' PER CENT interest is paid for
mon, from ihr day it is put in.
3. The 11111111cy is always paid hack in 0 OLD
whenever it k called for, and without. untie,
4 Wiley is received from Executors. Adolf'.
?astral° s Guardians need others who desire to
hllee it in a place of perfect safety, and where
interest can he obtained for it.
5. The money received from depositors is in
GROUND IRENTS, and such other first•class
securities as the Charter directs.
Prof. Chas. DeGrath% Electric 011.
This great discovery is now creating a great
sentttic,n, among the Medical Face' ies of Ett.
rope and this cowry. will m.0.-the follow
ing (not everything): Warranted to
Cure Fever and Ague in one day, Cure chills
in live minutes. Cure Croup in one night.—
Cunt Deafness in two to toile dtlyai Cure burns
and Scolds in ten minutes. Cure Sprain;,
Wetinds and bruises in from one to three days
Cure Inflantason in one day. Cure Neural.
gin, Croup, Tooth Ache. bunts,
in 10 minutes
Cure Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess in ten
days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, 'letter, in one
to three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff neck.
Ague in one day. Cure MO's, Broken Breast
Salt (thesis, in three to sift days. Cure Quin.
zy, Palpitation, Pleurisy, in one to ten days.
Cure Asthma, palsy, Gout, Erysipelas, in five
to 20 days. Cure Freshet Feet, Ilhiblains,
Chronic Rheumatism Stiff Joints, Sore Throat
Scarlet Fever, and t he lama made to walk by
a few bottles. This Oil (Do Grath's) is mild
and !dement, and is a great family Medicine
for children teething. &e. Ladies should all
use it. It always leaves you better than it
finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely.
AJJlieted Thirteen I ears and Need in One
Rend letter froth Rev. James Temple.
Philadelphia,. June MIL 1850,
l'rof. Do Grath: I have been efil•eted fi a •
thirteen years with Nearalpia and other fain
ful complainia. and 1 have been unable to sleep
.undly or walk any distance for ninny yehrs
past. Last week 1 got a battle of your "Elec.
trio Oil." The first night I slept. soundly and
well, and I om like a new man. My
wife could not believe her ,eyes. Yout
tric Oil has done lit one treek., what the
Mans of Philadelphia tailed to' do in thnWbn
years. Gratefully yours.
- 310' South street
New Haven. May 19th, 1856.
Prof. De Grath : My broths has been deaf
three years. Atter trying many thing,, be used
your Oil a few limes, and it cured him entire.
There are numerous imitations sprung up
on the reputation that my article bus acquired.
The public must beware. They arc worthless.
Fur solo It S. S. &tido: -Huntingdon.
May 25 1859.
il'A TC 11.11,1 K ER d• JE
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hunting
don, vicinity, and the surromiding coati
try. that he has commenced business in o c tj
the room opposite M. Gutman's Store in
hope's to receive a share of public patronage.
WATCHES and CLOCKS repaired in the
best workmanlike manner.
His stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY is
of the best, all of which he will dispose of at
reasonable prices.
The puhlie generally are requested to give
him a call and examine his stock.
40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale.
$500,00 in Gills for even 1000 Sold.
In order to reduce soy extensive stock I will
sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the
regular retail prices or less. and give ($500)
five hundred dollars worth of presents varying
in value from 25 cents to $lOO.OO. Or, those
who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.—
My stock consists of every variety and style of
binding. School Books of every kind, whole
sale and retail. Sales to commence pee. 21th.
4 Perfect sno.titigte
For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters!!!
' when the tindersiuned, after a long series of
laborious anti costly esiperiments, became fully
\t ‘ , ‘ l
confirmed in his conViction, that the kotiplii,,-
gustier Salt wftieti he now !ma the happiness to 'es is.. , r, t „-- ..„,_
kesent to the American public, was a I ! -3
PERFECT SUBSTITUTE le * -- "" '' — ' — ' l "-- -111 11 r,-9
for Bloott-letting, Leeches and BliMers. his .1 ' , .•.Au ti
I mind was no epitated that he could not sleep for ~..
.; iik 0 ~ 0
I Many nights. The cause of his agitation was •tai
t lit ie r t ; that ir... t in he y n n i e n e n i t n te a t ti o o f n i: e
e t:T . 7 d e tntootti klidir
ha sstisfstetorialy explained upon any known -_,ss
principle. lion . , in what wry, it so effeetnall, !
I subdued Inflononotory Disease and no others, i ivir
was at fir,: is holly inexplicable—hilt, on further 1
experiment, it W. PrOVA tiii. t It equalizes die NEW STYLES—PRICES FROM $5ll to S i .25
IReds to/ the body. the want of an etiallihrium in ' },.,,,,.., c „,..., $5 vaa „„mmEns.
I which, is the sole rause of inflammation. Such
, . .
is Its urgency, the , like the Vaccine matter, 403 Broadway, N. Y. 730 Chestnut St., Phila.
requires merely oat adheres to the point ors quill
dipped into a solution of ir, to effect the entire Three Alachines sew from two spools. ns por
system—hut must be instantly used to prevent chased froo; tI sforo, requiring no re-winding'
deerimpoe'tion and secure its full virtue. Three
quills in acute, end two in chronic diseases, of thread; they Bern, Fell, Gather and Stitch
every 24 hours, till the heat, pain and febrile se- in a superior style, finishing each seam by their
tion hove subsided. and a perfect ear° effected. I own operation, without recourse to the hand-
When it takes the place of blisters, ointment .
and leeches in local affections,.as Brain Fever, ne a dis, as is !squire!' other machines. The).
Croup, T o „ii i „ c h e m eor i sy . & r . its mode o f willdo hetier end cheaper sewing than a seam
edminietration is two-fold. (See direetiin of dis- stress tan, even if she works for One cent an
solring. &r.) hoar; and. are, unqueitionably, the best Ma
discoverer has withheld it
,ftoto the pub- •
lie till now, by tho advice of it judicious physi • i
chines n the market for family sowing, on ne•
chin and valuable friend whom he consulted— count it their simplicity, durability, ease of
gentleman known end felt In the Medical management, and adaptation to all varieties of ,
world—and who desired to sift - unit it to the test family citlret hoary or fi ne,
of experiment. After witnessing under his own ' "
sscrutinizingion sig„„; triumph niter hoar work I.rttri eq u al facility , nnd without special
acute and chronic inflammatorg dieenrs, in re.'. ; adjustnient.
pouted and re-ropeared trials, Ito offered S2K
-000 to come in as a special and equal partner in
the Recipe for its manufacture, but tile propo
sal was rejected.
The disuse of the lancet and blisters, is de-
Mantled both tic humanity by humanity and
science. Is it not a mistake, to suppose that
a kettle of boiling water (the inflamed blood)
will ee,,so to boil, by dipping out a part of li—
ef a cask of bad rider (hail blood) he made
good, by drawing a portion of it ? Is it not a
mistake, to suppose that blisters and rubefiteirms
will remove Inflammation, when they vii
snpertold one inflammation to anoiherl The
late Dr. It. IVitter.,on4e, of Harvard Universi
ty, said "I an sick of learned quackery,' t hue
of the most eminent physicians In ;Neat England
acknowledged just before I is death, that 'the
has been doubting for many years, weal, I Irani
letting and blisters dkl not aggravate rather
than arrest " Some who stand
high in the Old end Ncw School, have quite re
cently e,pottsnti his views end now opouly con
,fess, they believe the kin et, silent leeches and
blisters injure ten where they benefit one—
They think there is e meaning to Dent. 12, 23
—Gen. 9, 4—andLevit. 17, 14—tnet "THE
nr.oou IS TUE LIFE." It it not the creess of
blood (there never is too tench) that causes di
sease, but the want of n balance between the
fluids end solids.
The special excellence of the Antiplilogi.tie
Salt, is Out without the useless loss of Wood
end strength, it effectually subdued inflammato
ry disens I, (no others) by producing en equili
brium of all the fluids in the body and a conse
quent uninterrupted circulation. It exert', like
the vaccine matter, end extraordinaty influence
over the v ens and arieries—resulting in a grad
ual decline of intleminution as indicated by the
pulse, which assumes its mutual state as the
heat. pain an, fever dissappear.
fb Many medicines offered for sale, ere
backed by doubtful certificates, (their cheif vir
tue) and claim to be universal retuidies, caring
ali burlesque on common sense;
At the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly prote,ts
against having it pieced in the entre. ry ul
trends end inipotition, he has resolved that it
shall go built to the world, Eke the pure gold
duller, with no orb* passport than itA tree val
ue. .-If the puhrlieflittlit jlettitine, they will re
coke it—if s urious, they will reject end con
demn it. Iti,tee4 ~ ciug a I.Annl'ea for all ills,
it .s 14/1111.01 over lint ores 1/I,—has but one aim
--aettootolysl t es but MO thing, In Wit, fitElltEo
or locality—wether in the bead, throat chestab
dome, extrentit es or skin. It Is asked, hole
it does this'f—simply by restoring, the lost bal
eltee between the fluids and solid,
Tie allowing diflerent/ortes which the un
balanced tinids asset., and many not here men
tionml that hare more or less heat, pain or fever
(no others)are an perfect ly cored by the ,tilti
pltlogistic Salt, en lire is extinguished by water.
1. Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect
aid THROAT—to wit , Brain Eery.,
Fits, !bedeck. Infireintrd 14es, Ears and Nose,
Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Carat, h. Creep,
Bronchitis, vc.
2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
the CHEST. and Atittosittx—to wit I litlltanetl
Lungs and Liver, Celle, Pleurisy, Coughs, Dyspep
ssa, Asthma. Dropsy, Ileeirnetrn, Gravel Piles,
Gonorrhea, Votereal, ter.
~ , • ,
3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect ; Senator of South Carolina.
the EXTREMITIES and Stins—to wft; Rheims- "My wile has had on of Grove! & Baker's
dem, flout, Strryitla, Ulcers, Chi Mains, Manias, Faintly Sowing Machines for somo time, and I
Chicken nail Small Pox, Salt Rheum,
with itoh- am satisfied it is one of the best labor-Saving
ing and other Cutaneous .Itlcetions,&e. machnes that has been invented. I take much
Toi , Salt greatly' allevtaies'the inflammatory pleasure in recoanmontling it to the public."--
pa ins pecular to married ladies, (before and at ./. G. Harris, Governer of Tennessee.
the time. of confinementy and mono female cum- ttr, i, a b eaut if u l thi ng , an d p a te ever ybody
plaints. and is very eflications in }'ever, Ague, into an excitement of good humor. Were .1 a
Wu""'lt'' Nervous and Spinal Affrrticw's and Catholic I should insist noon Saints Grover and
anyotber forms of (mark this)inflamtnatory di- Baker having en eternal holiday in commune
cease, attended total heat, pain or febrile spiv- ration of their good deeds for hutrranity.—C'es.
situ M. Clay.
fir Persons who have a tendency of blood
to the head at heart, or lead inactiie lives, or "I think it by fur t h e hest patent in use. 'Phis
breath Coe impure air of manutaetories and the 11.1iine can be adapted from the finest cambric
poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or lite to the heaviest mamma. It sews stranger,
is unhealthy climates, are exposed to a nettle- faster and ITIO, beautifully than 'no can unit.
liar Vitiation of the fluids of the body, which one gine. It mine could not be replaced, money
dose without interfereing with the diet or bust could tint buy 11 ." — Mrs. J. C. Brown, A r ca -
mai, once in three months, would invariably fille, Tenn.
Preven” It is "Wined to sfrord Prole.i. , from "It is spoedy, very neat, and durable in its
infectious disease, and therefore travellers, work; is easily understood and kept in repair. I
sai'ors, .d soldiers shoUld supply themselves earnestly recommend this Machine to all my ac.
with it. ; quaintatnees and others."—.l/rt. .1/, A. Ibrrest,
Ire While Many nostrum-makans victimine Alemphis, Tenn.
the goul natured and pill-ridden public, sty or
,. "We find this Machine to work to our sutis
daring "trout six to a dozen boxes of bottles,
„, faction, and with pleasure recommend it to the
d w ee ' s Zt e n d ll i e ll 4 l , l , l ,7, l 3 . Y i7 i l b i : i l 4 ol ,l,l:i r e l o ll ,l, -' ,,, 11 ,,1 ° t ". ii l' i ; public as we believe Grover & Baker to he the
best Sewing Maclaine in use."—Deary Brothers,
the severest rrtit of recent inflammatory di-
~,,.,.., Tenn.
tease, was over come by one Acute package, "'''''"'"
and the most obstinate and long standing by ; "If used ettelnsively for family purposes, with
One Clan tale package. It does just what it ordinary care, I will wager they will last one' .
claim to do--and no more, or less—equalizes 'three score yours and ten,' and never get out
the fluids by removing from the system all ar- i of fix."—John Erskine, kasheille, Tenn.
tattle' and venous obstructi Ass.
"I bare had astir machine for several (Ff weeks, ' Pleas lot your neighbord read this.
F. COGGSWELL, M. D.., : !and um perteetcv satisfied that the work it does
bust anti Most beautiful that eve
DISCOVERER AND PROPRIETOR. ; ".„'". ~ anti most ~ ~_ r,r . _ r For sole at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel ' '-'..9Yle ...usu., , nsam , cs x en..
S. Smith, &Co.' Huntingdon, Pa. "I use my Machine upon coats, dre;ssinaking
Feb. 16th 1859. and fine linen stitching, and trio ':vork is ad.-
, lIE WORLD-RENOWNED - rable—far better than the best, f, a nd.s ew i ng , o r
WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. any other machine I Inlve ever seen."—Tury
ru HASHED BY B. Thompson, Nashvill e , Tenn
tire'? I n l ' i l av ti o. le e ' v ' e: :k se t c h :.=d n rolit n e d r Lnycl a - br:',..uo;
No. 306 cfIESTNUT Street.
PETERSON'S CHEAP EDITION OF THE , n ,„ c hi n „... ,
and reganl the Grover & 'Joker ma-
PRICE—Naeh 25 cents. i c hi na as one of the greatest blessings to our
ELEVEN NUMBERS are already published. ' e ' ox."—Mrs ' r 051°1. ' iVtahrilir, 771 " .
IVAN HOE, 1 "I have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma.
. ..
GUY MANNERING, chines In use In My foully, nd ffnd it invalum•
ROB ROY, ble. I rain confidently recommend it to all per-
RENlLlvoirru, sous in want of a machine."—G. T. Thompsof4
QUENTIN DURWARD, Nashville, Tenn.
TII I A D R E I3 O ° h LAMMERMO T. "I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of
OR, the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. Iha e
OLD MORTALITY. aural one on almcst every description of work
THE ANTIQUARY. I far months, and find it much strormer than work
WAVERLY. done by haud."—Mrs. D. IV. Wheeler, Nashville
And one will be issued regularly on every Sat- '
unlay, until the whole are completed. "I would be unwilling to dispose at my Giro-
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO TWEN- vur & Baker Machine tar a large amount, could
TY-SIX VOLUMES. I not replace it attain at pleasure."—ohs. H.C.
Ono complete use, twenty-six volumes in all Seem!, .Nashville Tenn.
will ha sent to any one, a , fast as they are nub- ' "Our two Machines, purchased tram you, do
Bulled, for five dollars. Single numbers, 25 rho work of twenty young ladies. We with
cents. , , pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker tun-
T. B. PETERSON & BROS., ' chino to be the Inuit) Ilse."— N. , Nfilb,l , l,l. CO.
Nm NC , CHESTNUT SW,. rein.
As evidence of the unquestioned superiority
of their sfachines, the G ROT. & BAKER Sew
n., Ma CIIINR COMPANY beg leave to respectful
ly refer to the following
"Baying had one of Grover & Baker's Ma
chines in my family for nearly a year and a hal!
I take pleasure in commending It as every WO ,
reliable for the purpose tbr width it is designed
S wing."—Mrs. Aglaia Leticia, wiie
h!cr. Lea Pitt, Editor Of t Ind,pend,nr.
••1 confess mvself delighted with your Sewing
which has been in my family for ma
ny months. It 11103 always been ready fur duty,
re• airing no adjustment, and is easily adapted
to every variety sot family sewing, by.siniply
ng the spools of t Elizabeth
Strickland, wife of Rei•. Dr. Strickland, Editor of
N. 1. Christian Advocate.
"Aftei trying several difftirent good mathines,
preferred yours, on account of its simplicity,
and the perfect ease with which it is managed,
• as well as the strength and durability of the
seam. After long experience, I feel competent
to speak in this manner, and to confidently re
commend it for every variety of flintily sewing."
—Mrs. E. B. Spooner, wife of the Editor of Brook
, lyn Star.
"I have used a Grover & Baker Sewing Ma
chine for two veers,and have found it adapted
to all kinds of famiy sex ng, from Cambric to
Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out
without the giving way of a stitch. The Ma
chine it easily kept In order, and is easily uted."
- :1. /3 Whipple, wire cif Rev: Geo. 074
plc, New York.
"Your Serving Machine has been in one in
my family the past info years, and the ladies
request me to give you their testimonials to its
',erect adaptedness, as Well lit labor-savior
qualities in the performance of famiti and
household seWing."—Robert Boorman, A. Y.
• "For deVeral Months We bare Grover & Ba
ker's Sewing Machine, and hate wine to the
conclusion that every lady whti desires her nor
th, heuntifully and quickly dune, would be Most
Im - innate in possessing one of these retothle
and indetlitlgable 'iron needle-women,' whole
combined qualities of beams, sirsnyt and
city, are invaluable,"—J. IV. MOrct.., daughter of
. Gen. Gee. P. Morris, Editor of Borne Journal.
Extract of in letter from Thos. B. Leavitt. an
Anieriemi gentleman, now resident in Sydney,
New South Wars. dated brutal 12, 115 S
"I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1855, in
which there were over three thousand yards of
sewing done with one of Grover & Baker's Ma
chines. and a sinyle seam of that has outstuod
all the double seams sewed by Salle', with a nee;
die and twine,"
"If Homer could be called up from hit mur
ky linden, he would sing the advent of Grover
& Baker or a more benignant, miracle of art
than was ever Vulcan's smith. Ile would de
nounce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful
spring of woes unnumbered."—Thoi. North.
take pleasure in saying, that the Grover &
Baker Saving Machines have more than sus
tained my expectation, After trying and rotor
, ning others, I have thrse of Orin in Opel-Wien
, in niy different pieces, and, after four years'
trial, have r.O fault to tind."—J. 11. lianuMn:d;
WE beg leave to call the atten
tion of the Trade, and more
especially the Physitians of the
country, to two of the most popu
lar remedies now before the public.
We refer to
Dr Chat lillane'a Celebrated
Vermifuge and Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name purports, viz.:
For expelling Worms from the
human system. It has also been
administered with the most satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS,
HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of
preparatory to or after taking Qui
nine, they Almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail when ad
ministered in accordance With the
Their unprecedented popularity
has induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in which they have been success
fully engaged for the last Twenty
Years, and they will now give their
undivided time and attention to
their manufacture. And being de
termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele
brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great remedies of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procuring the Best
and Purest material, and com
pound them in the most thorough
manner. Address all orders to
FLE3iltill EROS. Pittsburgh, Ps.
P. 9 Itientera old PLy.lielotoi ordering 01. CHIC.
thou Flouting 11ia.., will do well to write their orders
distinctly. 1111.1 tale none bat Dr llPlanc'S.V.. ,
Pleoutug Bra Pittsburgh. 71r To tboec wifblng to Ow
them a trial. tro *III foroard per mall. poet 'add, to any
Part of the Uuite.l States, ono bon of Pills for twelve
three... pentitgo Ham, orono viol of Vormlfuge .r
fourteen three-rent Maoris All no
from Canada Must
be ACCODIOILIied by twenty cents extra.
For sale in Huntingdon by John Read and
S. S. Smith, and dealers generally through the
cout;ty. [May 11, 1859.—1 y.
The great standard medicines of the present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded eatiefac•
Lion is rendered by then: in all ca r ies; and the
people have pronounced them icorihy.
Liver Coniplaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disorderod
liter or weakness of the stomach and digestive
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has &paired
reputation surpassing that of any similar pre-
paration eitant. It will eure, WITHOUT PAIL,
the most severe and long-etanding
Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In
fluensa, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
and has performed the moat aatoniahing cores
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A far ...loses eeill (11$1, at once check and'
cure the most revere Diarrhcea proceeding
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M
JACKSON & CO, N. 416 Areh Street, Phila
delphia, At. f.;:nd are sold by druggists and
dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 ecnis
Toe 6 Wile. The signature of C. M. hotsoa
till be on the outma'e wrapper of each bomb.
In the Almanac published manually by the
propridors, called EVLRYDOITY'N ALMANAC,
you wilt find testimony and commendatory
notices from all parts of the country. These
Almanacs are given away by all our agents,
For sale in Huntingdon by John Road an d
S. S. Smith and dealers generally through the
county. [May 11, 1859.-Iy.
For sale at Smith's Drug Sten, Huntingdon, .
The Subscriber respectfully Informs the Puh•
Ik, that he its prepared to receive and unload
Cara containing Lumber, Seek, Slats, Shin - -
gles, Coal, Iron, &,
S. W. Corner Broad & Callowhill St reets,
n _