at Itantingbon 1011111 . . l. WM, BREWSTER, VOL. XXIV. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out m disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth Narration ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilan who says, I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its affects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; in the glandd, swellings ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, hut they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, ate still rendered fatal by this taint in the einem. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or ore aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons arc invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it, To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate It by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most °Reuel remedy which the medical skill of our times eon derise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have born discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the IVer:it*"'„„l,l`4l, destructiveeplood forthe consequences:o o not only scrofula, but also those other affee dons which arise from it, such as EnurrivE and SKIN DISRA9BB, ST. Axvicmy's FIRE, Rosa, or EaystristAs, Prstruts, PUSTULE., BLOTCH., Brutus and DolLs, TUMORS. TETT.. and SALT Durum, Sri. IIEAn, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, Syrnityrie and MERCURIAL Dis like., DROPAY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA. IUID on 'strum: BLoom The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The pertieuht purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regoncrate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so componed that disease within the range of their action can rarely a itlistand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and Invigorate carry portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find hts health or energy restored by a remedy at once is simple and invittng. Not only do they cure the every-day complaint. of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diaeaacs. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use to the following complaints: Costive ness, Marlboro, Headache arising from disordered 6Yomach, A'ausca, hukgsstion, Pam in and Morbid Inaetion of the Dowels, Flatulency, LOS of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron TIIR nArn; CURE or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, ' Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. Bon, and for the relief of Consumptive • Patients in advanced stages of the . disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and oven desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the kat o o n tn arLo y rg t a n n fo s t lh ot at r a o r m e o rg o i o del t i t t n t o o s o t ta n c o li n ma t t community have failed and . been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkablo to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS Jars READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa. Nov. 16, 1858.—1 y. $lO 00 Pay. for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, most extensively patronized and best organized School in the United States. 357 students attending March, 1359. ,• Usual limo to complete a full coure, from 6 to 10 weeks- Every Student, upon graduating is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from $5OO to $lOOO. students enter at any time—No Vacation— Review at pleasure. Premiums for best Penmanship awarded fn ISSS• r *Ministers' Son received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writing, in close two letter stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh. Apr.20,'59. W'S. M. PETTENGILL & CO.'S Adver tisiug Agency, 119 Nassau St., New York, & 10 State St., Boston. S. M. Pettengill & Co. are the Agents for the "JounNat," and the west influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canada. They are authorized to contract for us at our loves rates. SW .5000 AUENTS WANTED—To sell 4 new inventions. Agents have made over $25,000 ou one,—better than all other similar agencies. Send four stamps and get 80 pagOs particuiars, gratis. EPIIRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Moss. Mar.23,'59..6m.* SW All kinds of blauks for sale at the Jet , rnal Ake. SELEdT POETRY. YOU ASK ME 110 W 1 LIVE. Living friendly, feeling friendly, Acting fairly to all men, Seeking to do that to others They may do to tile again ; Hating no man, scorning no man, Wronging none by word or decd, But forbearing, soothing, serving,— Thus I live, and this my creed. Harsh condemning, fierce contemning, Is of littlt Christian use ; Ono soft word of kindly peace Is worth a torrent of abuse. Calling things bad, calling men bad, Adds but darkness to their night ; If thou wouldst improve a brother, Let thy goodness be his light. I have felt and known how bitter Human coldness makes the world, Every bosom round me frozen, Not an eye with pity pearled ; Still my heart with kindness teeming, Glad when other hearts are glad, And my eye a teardrop finding At the sight of others sad. Ali! be kind—life bath no secret For our happiness like this ; Kitslly hearts are seldom sad ones, Messing ever bringeth Lend a helping hand to others, Smile though all the world should frown; Man is man, we all aro brothers, Black or white, or red or brown. Man is man through all gradations, Little reeks it where be stands, How divided into nations, Scattered over ninny lands; Man is man, by form and feature, Man by vice and virtue too, Mau is all—one comma nature Speaks and binds us brothers true. SELEZT STORY. Miss Sophonisba Laura. Potter. UY PEPPERCORN, I was very young when it was my fate to settle in the pretty village of Tower. dale, in hopes of taking the place of lage doctor there. Full of spirits and ar• dent hopes of success, I hung out my shin- GEORGE T. WOODVILLE, M. D., blazoned thereon in •first quality gilding, and sat down to strait patients. I was, as I said, young, just of age, with a very pr..t ty moustache, a pair of large black eyes, and a great mass of curly brown hair. My dear, loving little sister Susy pronounced inn handsome, and I submitted to the 'op probious epithet. Perhaps it was my beauty and youth that first attracted the virgin glances of Miss Sophonisba Laura Putter. I don't know what tt was; but she was the bane 'if my existence. Let me tell a clear story. I had been in the little village just one week when I received a delicately scented b'llet in a pink:envelope, with 'Mrs. James' compliments, and requests the pleasure of Dr. Woodville's company on Wednesday evening.' Mrs. James was the wife of one of the gentlemen to whom I brought a letter of introduction and thinking this a fine chance to make the acquaintance of my hoped-for future patients, I wrote an acceptance. The room was crowded when I arrived. Mrs. James received me very cordially, and introduced the to a most bewitching little brunette, who had visited the city several times, and learned to perfection the mysteries of flirtation. I was enjoying my self immensely, when my companion gave a little cry of amusement. "What is it?" I inquired. Miss Sophonistut Potter," was the re ply. , ‘Look at her—that one in blue just speaking to Mrs. James." I looked ! Miss Potter was very tall, beyond the usual height of very tall wo men, and she was slim, nay. the word will not come out, as she was tall. Her hair, of a dull, flaxen color, hung in long ring. lets around a long thin face; a pair of light blue eyes, which looked as if they had not been fast colors' and had faded with the sun of many summers, a corn plexion like the parchment, except on the cheeks, which were of tt vivid crimson. and long sharp features, were the picture sat in a tow colored frame of curls. A blue dress, cut to display long thin arms and narrow emaciated shoulders, was the custom of this antiquated maiden. "Who is she?" I asked. " Mios Pout r T Don't you know her ? Oh, I forgot, you are a stranger. Miss ['otter is one of the literary females of Towerdale. She writes for the Gazette, and occasionally indulges to an impromp tu, for the benefit of us poor; ignorant mor tals. She to a fervent admirer of poetry, and has committed whole volumes to mem ory. She is single, she says,, because her affinity, her soul's lung desired idol has " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1859. not, as Micatvbm would say, turned Dr. Woodville," said Mrs. James, pith , ing us, " Miss Potter desired into to intro duce you to her." There was no escape. I offered toe arm to my hostess, and we threaded our way through the groups of guests till we found the literary lady. She was nested on a sofa, languidly fanning herself. She rats• ed her eyes, at Mrs. James introduction, and motioned mo to take a seat beside sr. I remarked that it was a fine evening, I ty way of advancing a novel introduction to conversation. • She sighed. "These moonlight nights aro beautiful, and must be quite an inspiration to one who I understand ranks among our Amer. icon poetesses." And 1 made my most bewildering bow. She raised her fadediklue eyes, in a most lackadaisical manner, saying, "The moon ! the moon ! oh tell me do you love her placid ray? Do you love the shining starry train that gash• ers round her wily?" " Who does not love the moon ?" I an swered, seeing her object was to shine forth in poetic glory. Ah !" she sigh :d, " there are around us many unsympathizing souls, who raise not their eyes above the earth's grovelling level." " Frightful !" exclaimed I. .! Dr. Woodville," said the fair Sophom 'she, "I understand you have just gradua• ted from the Philadelphia College of Med, icine ?" I bowed assent. ..Then you have an opportunity of stud y!ng all the new lights thrown upon that science ?" Again I bowl,d. "Will you enroll me among your pa tients ?" she said. need more diserim• mate treatment than our Towerdale physi cian accords me. Ile cannot understand n•.y soul." "Can such youthful bloom cover any tin ng that calls for a doctor's skill ?" I in. quired. "1 kill vi,it you," said she, "in your office, and place my case fully before you." Promising to exert all my skill in so in teresting a patient, I changed the subject. 'Pte next morning Hiss Potter rang my office bell, and entered tay bachelor do• stains accompanied by a superanuated ser vant to play propriety. I offered her a chair, and she sank into it with a deep sigh, while I took a sent near her, drawing on my professional face. called according to promise," she said languidly. 'Tray miss," I said, "what are the symptoms of your illness." "There are uo symptouts, at least no tangible ones," was the reply. 'But how dues it uflect you?" "Ah, doctor," she sighed, .iit is the mind! It is the too, too bright sword, which is wearing out the scabbard." "Would snot be best, then," I asked, "to refrain front exercising the mind.— Suspend your literary I titers for example." "Ask me to live without bread, to breathe without air," she cried, as soon an I asked that. "Yet some thing must be done. I cannot sleep, for if I do, I have such visions"—and she closed her eyes' and sank back on the chair. "Miss Potter," I cried, "look up!" What the mischief possessed me to say that? She did look up. Cupid and Ily men! what a look those washed out eyes did give me. I drew on my professional face again, and proceeded in my catechism. Finally orderings harmless potion, I botved her out. The next day the following lines wore left at my office door: TO GEORGE. What medicine can ease my grief? What physic cure my heart? Torn all to hits, to little bits, By Cupid's vengeful darts, I've hardened it to everg man, Refused of beaux a score; Yet now it palpitates, and burns, And hardened is no more. The loving gleams from those dark eyes Have thawed the icy crust That long have gathered round my heart, And crushed it to dust. Vain are the potions you prescribe; Vain all your anxious cure ; Vain all the power of physic's art To Sophonisba fair. Keep all thy pills, and draughts, and drugs, But give me love and truth ! Take, take my heart, for it is thine, And only thine, fair youth! Come to my arms I Delay not long, My spirit longs for thee I Come with the feast, and light and song, My only love, to toe Sul•uosisnA, I stood aghast ! I walked to the and took a long look at the dark eyes, to see what spirit lurked in their depths to call forth all this enthusiastic admiration. Finally, I concluded that the woman was crazy, and that I must avoid her, Avoid her? Did I ride out, a reproach ful bow greeted me. Did I walk, a tall figure met, joined me, leaned on my arm. A voice musical as a file on a hand-saw, whispered soft nothings in my ears. Did I stay at home, a fair patient vlSited me with melting tenderness in her light eyes pathos in her voice. Verses, pin-cuihions, pen wi d ers. embroidered slippers, smoking caps fairly rained down on me. I was nearly frantic. Talk of haunted man ? 1 That too bright sword, with its worn-out scabbard,haunted me—nearly drove me in to committing suicide. One morning I was seated in my office, congratulating myself on the fact that Miss Potter's usual hour for calling was past, and .she had not arrived. A ring at the door made my heart palpitate with appre hension, but it was only a note. A note front Miss Potter. She was ill, and sum• mooed her physician to her side. felt obliged to go. I had no patients in Towerdale, and if she was really ill, a wonderful cure might start my practice. When I arrived I was shown Inman up er room handsomely furnished. Upon a low couoh, draped with white, reclined a too well-known lady dressed in white, and with her very fair hair falling around her in most carefully arranged confusion.— Her eyes were closed, her hands clasped over tier heart. I drew up a chair. t‘ Miss Potter," 1 said She gave a hysterical scream, and cov ered her face with her hands. '• I am sorry to find you ill !" I said. "Cruel man," she gasped, " have you coma to triumph over the agonies of your" " You sent (or me." Yes, yes, to take a last fart well ! I die, but you will scatter (lowers on my grave !" ~O h, certainly !" “You will sometimes visit the spot where one !ies who loved 'not wisely, but too well ?'" "‘Vith pleasure r• "You will think of no sometimes V" "Oh, pite frequently." "You will shed a few tears for me !" "fall try." • She opened her eyo, and looked.around " Ah !" she cried, " we are alone !" , 'We have been alone ever ante I came in ) " 'said. Delicious moment !" she cried, raising her hand to her lips. We have never been alone together be• fore, for in her visits to my office her ser vant always accompanied her, and I never bad called on her before. George," she said, fondly, c• look on the wreck your cruelty has made. Ah, no disease so wasting as unrequited love. It has blasted me !" Really," 1 said, I regret"- You regret ! I knew you would ! You do love me ?" " You will excuse me, if Excuse your silence. Ah, indeed I will ! You love the !and before I knew what she meant to do, she had thrown herself into my arms, and the whole mast of tallow hair was floating over my mouth and now. The door opened and Nils. James enter• " Gracious goodnessl"she cried. "Es. cure me, I will not intrude." "Stop," cried Sophonisba. 'Argo were the means of bringing our congenial souls together. Congratulate me now, they are merged into one :" Congratulate you I Do you mean that after thirty years' trying you have got a husband at last ?" " Thirty years!" cried Miss Potter, and fainted in my arms. I laid her upon the couch, snatched up my hat, and disregarding Mrs, James' call, fled, like 4 very coward. I ran home, tore down my sign, packed up my clothes, and in less than two hours was in the care, dashing away from Towerdale and Miss Sophonisba Laura Potter. GOOD BRANDY.—For the past four years a cask has lain in the Union depot in In dianapolis, Indiana, uncalled for. A few days since it was opened and found to con tain the bodies of a pair of twin babies put together a/a Stamen. But the liquor (alcohol) which had originally surrounded these remains, as a fluid preservative, lied all been drawn off. Thu fast young men about the depot had from time to time plied straws vigorously through gimlet holes, in the cask, thus procuring an ar ticle, with which they smacked their lips and pronounced 'good brandy." The color of brandy had been imparted to the alcohol by the dead bodies , . Several red. road employees have abstained since the discovery, and we hope their abstinence may be permanent. Love your neoibor',__,!,,,oit,•:, ITISZELLANEGITS. How They Behead People in China The criminals were brought in gangs, if they were able to walk, or if they could net walk, in chairs and in baskets, the lot tor of a kind in which usually hogs are carried, the baskets being attached to two poles and thus carri,d on the shoulders of two mea, When the culprits reached the execution ground they were tumbled out of their chairs arid baskets down upon the pavement with as little care and sym pathy as though they had been loads of pumpkins or potatoes. The execution ers then arranged them in rows, three usually when there was a large number to be despatched, as my friend informed me, one executioner taking his place at the head of each row, and giving each victim a blaw on the back side of the head to push it forward and lay it convenient for the sword, as all knelt and awaited the fa tal moment. When all things were thus arranged the death warrant Caine ; it was a banner, and as soon as it waved in sight without any verbal order being given, the headsmen began their work of death, There was rapid succession of dull,crunchingsounds —chop, chop, chop, and down dropped the heads, while the bodies fell forward, and streams of blood were shot Into the air like jets of water from a fire engine. The friend who was my guide, as we stood en the very pavement by the wall on the one side of the street where these rows of vie ums were drawn up, told me he had been obliged, as othsrs had been, to step back of these wretched kneeling men, were the work commenced, lest the blood if they were in front, should stream across the street and fall upon them. No second blow was ever given, for these dexterous men aro starers educated for their work; for until they are able, with their heavy swords, which are in part butchers' clea vers as well as swords, slice a great bul bous vegetable as thin tts w e slice cucutn hers, they ore not elegible to this office. Three seconds are sufficient for each head. In one minute five executioners clear ofl one hundred heads. It took ra thee longer for the assistants to pick them ' up in rough coffins, preparatory to their being carried away into fields and hills, out side the walls for interment. Nor were they all careful that the old companion ship of head and body should be contin ued, but they often thrust a head and body into a coffin which had never met be fore. As hundreds were sometimes ex ecuted at a time, occasionally coining up to five hundred, while these scenes were 1 of constant occurrence, the whole area tilVlllll in blood—if not • to horses' bridles,' yet almost over the shoos and up to the ankles. The earth does not contain so !tor , rible an Aceldnma so true a ' Field of Blood.' Good and Bad Luck Good and bad luck are much more in- I Ornately connected with character than is generally acknowledged. H. W. Bee. cher, in a recent lecture says : 'There are men, who, supposing Provi dence to have an implacable spite against them, bemoan in the poverty of a wretch ed old age, the misfortune of thier lives. Luck forever ran against them, and for others. One, with good profession, lost I his luck in the river, where he idled away his tiine a fishing, when he should have been at his office. Another, with a good trade, has perpetually burnt up his luck with his temper, which provoked all his employers to leave him. Another, with lucrative business, lost his luck by amazing diligence at everything but his business. Another, who was honest and constant at his work, erred by prepetual misjudge ments ;he lacked discretion, flundrede lose thier luck by endorsing; by sanguine speculations ; by trusting fraudulent men; and by dishonest gains. A trout never has good luck who has a had wife. 1 never knew an early:rising, hard working, pru dent man, careful of his earnings, and strictly honest, who complained of bad luck. A good character, good habits, and iron industry, are pregnable to the assaults of nil the ill luck that fools ever dreamed of. But when I see a tatterdemalion cree• ping out of a grocery late its the forenoon, with his hand stuck in his pockets, the rim of his hat turned up, and the crown knocked in. I know he has bad luck— for the worst of all lucks is to be a slugg,rd, a tippler." AN IRIALMAN'S will and bequeath to my beloved wife Bridget, all my property without reserve; and my el dest son, Patrick, one half the remainder; and to Dennis, youngest son, the rest—And if anything is left,•it may go to Dennis NlQCarty." Adventures of a Morning Gown. A lady was anxious to make her husband a present on the occasion of his birthday; and as it happened to fall in winter, and at that time a very severe winter, she thought a comfortable morning gown would be a most useful acquisition to his domestic comforts. So sly: went to a shop and purchased a fine Persian pattern mer ino and well-wadded morning gown. She had forgotten the exact height of her hus band, but to make sure of its usefulness she thought best to purchase one rather too long than too sh ht. The day was rather wet; her husband returned in the afternoon from his office; and she presen ted him with the article of comfort; and he fancied it a great comfort after he had put off his wet clothes. But it was too long—about ten inches too long. "Oh, never ruindony dear," said the affection. ate wife, .•f can easily shorten it to suit you." They had a party in the evening; they were very merry. After they had gone to bed, the wind was making such a r.oise and the rain dashing against the win dow that the lady could not sleep, her hus band however, slept soundly. She arose without disturbing him—took the morning gown, and commenced her work, cut off about the length of ten incites, to make it suit her husband's stature, and then went to bed again, She had to rise early next morning. The husband slept well, which was fre quently the case after a merry evening party. Scarcely had the good lady left the room when a sister—a good natured elderly lady, who lived with them—stole iato the room, upon tiptoe, in order not zo disturb her brother-in-law, and took the morning gown. Hastening to her room ? she cut off ten inches. as she knew on the previous night that it was too long for him. An hour after the master awolce, and was now anxious to surprise his af fectionate wile. He rang the bell; the' servant came up and asked his pleasure; upon which he requested her to wrap up I the urorning•gown, and carry it so his tal ler, to make it short by ten inches.— ; Scarcely was the morning•gown calmed from the tailor when the good wile stepped ' in. The husband had just risen, and par posed now to surprise Iris wife and enjoy Iris comfort. 13ut how surprised was his better halt to see her husband in a fine Persian pattern merino shooting jacket instead of a comfortable morning gown. Avoiding the Responsibility. Brother Noel was 'sore troubled' at the scandal Brother Crump brought upon himself by drinking too much, and espe cially regretted the injury it brought to so ciety at Sharon. So one morning he step ped over to Brother Crump's, and found the old man in a doze in the little p rch. "Won't you take a dram?" asked Broth er Crump, as soon as he was made aware of the presence of his neighbor. " Why, yes, I'm not agin a dram, when a body wants it," replied Brother Noel. Brother Crump got his bottle, and the friends took a dram apiece. 'Don't you think, Brother Noel," said Crump, " that sperits is a blessin' ?" "Yes" replies Noel, sperits is a blessin' that some of us abu ses." "Well, now, Brother Noel, who do you think abuses the blessm' ?" " Well, it is hard to say—hut people talk—don't you think that you drink a little too much, Brother Crump ?" "It is hard to say," returned Crump, "sometimes I've thought I was a drinkin' too much and then ngin I'd think maybe not. What is man A weak worr•um of the last I So I left it to the Lord to say whether I was gain' too far in sperits. I put tho whole 'sponsibil ity on him ; I prayed of I was drinkiu' too much for him to take away my appetite for sperits. I've prayed that prayer three times, and he hnin't done it yet. So lam clear of the 'sponsibility, any way." Stop that Peeping. Take our advice, and never watch your neighbors. It is a vulgar practice at best. Moreover, it is a very unsatisfactory one. Listeners, they say, never hear any good of themselvel. In the same way, peeping folks never see much to gratify their self complacency, and this occasions feelings which do not tend to render life at all more agreeable. But, worse than this, in arm gating to yourself the right to watch others you tacitly admit their right to watch you. And however correct you may be in your deportment, however unimpeachable in your course, there are always points of mo ment which you prefer to keep yourself. There are always circumstances which, when fully understood, are honorable; but which when grasped, as a watcher must grasp it, in disconnected parts, are suscep tible of sinister interpretation, and your neighbors may not be of as charitable a nature as you ! Abandon the habit, there- fore, of prying into the affairs of others, and you will afford thou no pretext of pry ;so into your uteri. ~:~~ Editor & Proprietor. NO. 27, A Cracked Commandment. We heard a suggestive expression re • Wed the other day of a very little girl, who was taken by her mother into a shop, where a tempting basket of oranges stood exposed for sale. While her mother was engaged in another part of the room, the little one feasted her eyes on the fruit, and nursed the temptation in her heart, till it grew too strong to be resisted, and she hid one of the oranges under her apron, and walked quietly away. But conscience re monstrated so strongly, that after a little reflection she walked quickly back, and as slyly replaced the orange in the basket. Again the forbidden fruit out of her pos session, presented Its tempting side, and again she yielded. After a sharper con. flirt than before conscience gained a second victory, and the almost stolen orange was again taken and finally restored. With a saddened countenance she walked home with her mother, and when they were alone, burst into tears, exclanning, "Oh mother : I cracked one of the Command. menta ! I didn't break it—indeed I did'nt break it, mother—quite—but I'm sure I cracked it." We shall never again see a piece of doubtful conduct ; without thinking there's a Commandment cracked. MAD-Stowe.'—A Mr. Mallory and a Mr. Ward, of Marshall county, were recently bitten by a mad dog. They determined to try the virtues of the 'mad stone.' Mr. Mallory gives the following account of the operation : He found the 'mad-stcne' in the posses sion of Mr. J, P. Evans, in Lincoln, Lo gan county, and describes it as a small fiesh•cnlored stone, about two inches broad, half an inch think, and very porus. The stone was first placed in warm water for an hour, and applied to the flesh wound, when it adhered firmly for several hours, all the time apparently drawing with a strong suction the blood from all parts of the body. After remaining on several hours, the stone, as it became charged with poison, became of milky whiteness, as also did thellesti immediately about the wound, when all at once, it 101 l off, and being placed to warm milk emitted a strong offensive odor, and gradually discharged its contents into the milk, and assumed its natural color again. It teas then applied with the same results several times, until finally it would adhere no longer, and the patient was declared cured. To KEEP TIIE HANDS WHITE AND SOFT, --In order to preserve the hands soft and white, they should always be washed to warm water, with fine soap, and carefully dried with a moderately coarse towel, be. ing well rubbed every time to ensure a brisk circulation, than which nothing can be !core effectual in promoting a transpa. rent and soft surface, If engaged in any accidental pursuit which may hurt the I collar of the bands. or if they have been I exposed to the sun, a little lemon juice will restore their whiteness for the time. Almond paste is of essential service in preserving the delicacy of the hands. It is made thus:—Beat up four ounces of bitter almonds, add to th,:n three ounces of lemon juice, three ounces almond oil, and a little weak spirit of wine and ether. The following is a serviceable promade for rubbing the hands on retiring to rest: Take two ounces of sweet almonds; beat with three drachms of spermaceti, put up carefully in rose water. Gloves should be always worn by ladies on exposure to the atmosphere. ow A letter from Cairo, in the Con stitutional, says that the general subject of conversation in that city is the discov ery which has just been made by the well known archreologist, M. Marione. He has found, at Thebes, after long and diffi cult researches, the tomb, still intact, of Pharaoh A:nosis. The King is lying in a coffin, completely covered with gold leaf, ornamented with large wings painted on It. Thirty jewels of great value were found in the same coffin by the aide of the King, as was also a hatchet of gold ornamented with fingets in lapis lazule. Some years ago M. Marietta, had a similar piece of good fortune, In finding in the tomb of Apia the jewels which now form the principal ornament of the Egyp tian Museum of the Louvre. The dis covery of a royal tomb intact is the most important one that M. Marlette has yet made in Egypt. Kr Miss Tulip, in speaking of old bachelors, says, that they aro frozen old gardeners in the flower bed of love. As they are useless as weeds, they should ba served in the same manner—choked—Ex. Prentice wonders it Mists 'l. n ould not like to choke one with inside of her elbow ar llow many heads had a bad ache yebter , lav ! The ienolt of the -MI.