lilt -ifl.',tingtto.4 .. .. 70-arit_at. WM: BREWSTER, VOL. XXIV. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free kom its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with- Mend the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates tho human family has its origin directly In this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this linking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and Ms vigorato it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every whereprevailing and fatal malady. It is cont. bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequenees. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Mumma and Sam DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S Fula, Roar, Or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, Pommes, Rtoscitea, 13tAixs and Botts, Tenons, 'Futrell and SALT Russet, SCALD HEAD, Mtn:moan, RISRUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and MEnccnoAL 11A.11, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and, Indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARM. PROM Vms. TIM on Inman aeon. The popular belief in 4. impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without whirls sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties scorch, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitelities. AB a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once ea simple and imming. Not only do they elms the every-day complaints of every body, bat also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaint.: costive ness, Heartburn, Headache arising front disordered &mach, Nausea, Indigestion, Paul in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its intition.. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, • FOR TIM RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. tam, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who hove been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forgot, and pre• doted cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & LOWELL, ICASS, IMRE READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa. Nov. 16, 1858.--Iy. $4O 00 Pays for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, most extensively patronized and best organized School in the United States. 367 students attending daily, March, Mill : _ Usual time to complete a full coure, from 6 to 10 'melts- Eve!) , Student, upon graduating is guaranteed to be competent to manage the .13oOlcs of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from $5OO to $lOOO. • Students enter at any time—No Vacation 7 Revie tv at pleasure. Sl Preminnss for best Penmanship _ _ awarded in 1851,4, half price. Fos Circular and Specimens of Writing, in• close two letter stamps, and address F. \V. JENKINS, Pittsburgh. Apr.20,'69. S. M. rETTKNGth!., & CO.'S Adver. tisiug Agency, 119 Nassau St., New fOrk, — it. 10 State St., Boston. S. Dl. Pettengill az Co. are the Agents for the "JounNat." and the most influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. They are authorized to contract for us at our loots rates. fio7r §OOO AGENTS WANTED-TO sell 4 new inventions. Agents have made over 525,000 on one,—better than all other similar agencies. Send four stamps and get 80 pages particulars, gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mass. Mar.23;59..6m.* SW — All kiade of blank,f fur sale at the Journal office. Ni&TrONAL 'SONGS THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Oh Colombia, the gem of the Ocean, The home of the brave and the free, The shrine of each patriot's devotion, The world offers homage to thee. Thy mandates make heroes assemble, When liberty's form stands in view, Thy banners make tyranny tremble, When borne by the red, white and blue. When borne by the red, white and blue, When borne by the red, white and blue, Thy banners make tyranny tremble, When borne by the red, white and blue. When war waged its wide desolation, And threatened our land to deform, The ark then of freedom's foundation, Columbia rode safe through the storm. With her garland of victory o'er her, When so proudly she bore her bold crew, With her flag proudly floating before her, The boast of the red, white and blue. The boast of the, &c. The wine nap, the wino oup bring hither, And fill you it up to the brim, May the wreath they hare won never wither, Nor the star of their glory grow dim. May the service united never sever, And hold to their colors so true, The army and navy forever, Three cheers for the red, white and blue. Three cheers for, &c. THE ArIIERICAN PATRIOT'S SONL, God of the Free! to thee we look, As looked our sires in days of old, When on thy breath invoked by prayer, Their banner for the Right unrolled. That glorious banner still is ours ; Our falchions like their own shall start, When Freedom's seutinekrumpet calls, To find the impious tyrant's heart. Their sacred homesteads still we own, And still the wave of Plymouth rolls, The hymn of Justice, Labor, Right, And blest Peligion in our souls. Their mighty mission was not left By them in vain for no, for we, Heirs of e continent. are yet Subduing mountain, vale and sea. How proudly on our march we go, With Washington's own flag unfurled; The blood of all the world is here, And he who strikes us strikes the world. Then wave thine oaken bough, oh North! Oh, South I exulting lift thy palms ; And in our Union's heritage Together sing the Nation's psalms. A SELECT STORY> FARMER HEATH'S "EXTRA?, The old farm house wore n quiet, pleas- ant look, as the setting sun gilded its small windows, over which the luxuriant grape, vines were carefully trained. In the open door sat the farmer. with a little morocco covered book in his hand, on which his at tentiln laud been fixed fur the last hour, He was a man of method and order—old Richard Heath—and aside from his regu lar account. books, which he always kept with scrupulous care, he always set down in his little book, in the simplest manner possible, all his expense, (no very compli, cated amount by the way : ‘,,und all he had received during' the year, hi the metal as he said, not by the way of trade. The last account he had just reckoned up, and the result Nos highly satisfactory, if one might judge from the pleasant ex pression of his face as he turned to his wife and addres.ed her by her pretty, old fa,hioned name. ~ Millicent," said he, this has been n lucky year. How little we thought when we moved to this place, twentylivo years ago, that we should ever get five hundred dollars a year out of the rocks', barren fArin." 66 it does pny for a good deal of hard work," said she, ' 6 to see how different things look now from what 'hey did then." "Now, I am going to figure up how much we have spent," said Mr. !leash ; don't make a noise with your knitting needVs, 'cause it puts me out." The wife laid by her knitting in perfect good humor, and gazed over the broad rich fields of waving grain which grew so tall around the laden apple trees, that they looked like massive piles of foliage. Hear ing her own name kindly spoken led her own thoughts far back, to the past ; for af ter the lapse of twenty-five years the sim ple sound of the name site bore in her youth means more, to a wife, than all the pleas ing epithets of dearest and darling, so lav ishly offered in a long past courtship. Very pleasant was the retrospect to Mil licent Heath. The picture of the past had on it seine rough places, and some hard trials, but no domestic strife or discontent marred its sunny aspect. There were faces en it—happy children's faces, without which no r life picture is beautiful. Soft blue eyes shone with unclouded gladness, and wavy hair floated carelessly ever un written foreheads.. She forgot for a me 4' LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREViE, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1859. ment, how they were changed, and almost fancied herself again the young mother, and tiny hands stole lovingly over her bo som, and young heads nestled there as of old. The illusion vanished quickly, and she sighed; the thought of her youngest born, the reckless boy who had left her three years before for a home upon the sea; once only had %icings reached her of the wan derer. The letter spoke of hardships and home sickness in that light and careless way that reached the mother's heart more surely than repining and complaint. To know that he suffered. with a strong heart with noble and unyielding resolution. gave her a feeling of pleasure, not unmingled with pride. 'lre will surely como back," murmured the affectionate mother to herself; "and I read the paper so carefully every week, that if it says anything about tha ship Al fred sailed in, I shall surely see it." "Mrs. Beath," said her husband inter rupting her meditations somewhat rudely, we hate spent thirty dollars mere than usual this year; where can it have gone to ?" "'l'ho new harness," suggested Mrs. Heath ; .‘ that don't come every year you know." " Well, there's twenty dollars accounted "We had the carriage fixed up when you bought the harness," continued his wite. 'I Well, that was eight dollars ; that is twenty•eight we don't spend every year, —but the other two, where can they have gone I' Glancing his eye over the pages of the memorandum book, he exclaimed "I'll tell you whet 'tis ; the newspaper costs just two dollars, and we can do with out it. It isn't anything to cat, or drink, or wear. I don't do anything with it, and you only lay it away up in the chamber. It may es well be left out as not, and I'll stop my subscription right away." "Oh," said his wife " you don't know how much I set by the newspaper. I al ways have a sort of a glad feeling when you take it out of your hat and lay it on the kitchen mantle.piecep just as I do when some of the children come home; and when I ant tired I sit down with my knit ting work and read, I can knit just us well when I'm reading, and feel so contented. I don't believe Queen Victoria herself takes more solid comfort than I do sitting by the east window, on a summer after- noon, reading my newspaper." 'But you are just as well off witho ut ii," answered her husband, for want of any. thing else to say. never neglect anything else for read ing do If" asked Mrs. Heath mildly. "No, I don't know as you do," answered her husband; .'but it seems an extra like-- I shall stop it," ho milled, in a tone that showed plainly enough ho wished to stop the conversation. "1 shall lake the paper," remarked his wife, "if 1 have to go out washlyg to pay for it." This was not spoken angrily but so firm ly that Mr. Heath noticed it, though by no means remarkable for discernment in 'lost metiers. It sounded so different front her usual quiet ""as you think best," that he actually stopped a moment to con sider whether it was at all likely she would do as she said. Mr. Heath was a kind husband, ns that indefinite description is generally under stood; that is, he did not beat his wife, and always gave her enough to eat. Moro titan that, ho had certatn regard for her happiness, which already made him feel ashamed of his decision, bet like many other men wits have more obstinacy than wisdom, he could not hear to retract any. thing, and above all to be convinced that ho was wrung by a woman, However, with a commendable wish to remove the unhappiness he had caused, he suggested that, as the papers were care fully saved, and she had found them in teresting, she could read them over again, beginning at January and take one a week through the year--they would just corns out even, he concluded, as if it were a singular fact that they should do so. Notwithstanding the admirable proposi tion, he still felt some uneasiness. It fol lowed him, as be walked up the pleasant lane to the pasture, and it made him speak more sharply than was his wont, if the cows stopped when he was driving them home, to crop the grass where it was greenest and sweetest on the sunny slope. It troubled hun till he heard his wife call him into supper, in such a cheerful tone, that Ito concluded eho didn't care much about the newspaper after all. About a week after, as Mr. Heath was mowing one morning, he was surprised to see his wife coining out, dressed as if for a visit. "I am going," said she, 'no Spend the day with Mrs. Brown, I hioe left plenty for you to eat;" and so saying, she walked rapidly on. Mr. Heath thought about it_ just long enough to say to himself, "she don't go a visiting to stay all day owe a year hard ly, and it is strange she should go in hay. frig time." Very long the .day seemed to him; to go in for luncheon, dinner and supper, and to have nobody to speak to; to find everything so still. The old clock ticked stiller than usual, he thought; the brood of pretty white chickens that were almost always peeping around the door, had wan dered off somewhere, and left it stiller yet; he even missed the busy click of the knitting needles that were apt to put him out so, when he was doing any figuring. '•1 am glad," he said to himself, es he began to look down the road at sunset, "that Millicent don't go a visiting all the time as some women do—there, she is just coming," "How tired you look," said he, os she came up; "why didn't you speak about it and I'd have harnessed up and coma , after you." '1 am not tiredl she answered, but her looks belied her; indeed her husband declared she looked tired for a day or two after. . What was his gloat amazement to see her go away the next Tuesday in the same manner as before. To his great dissatisfaction everything seemed that day to partake of his wife's propensity for going away. " k man don't want cold fond in hay time," said he as he sat down to dinner. In the same grum bling mood, he recounted the mishaps of the morning, which seemed to be much after the manner set forth in a certain le gend of olden time, fur he embellished his recital by allusion to " The sheep's in the meadow, The cow's in the corn," adding that they wouldn't have been there if Mrs. 11. lied been at home, because she'd seen them before they got in, and helloed, She would have seen the oxen before they got across therviver, and eaved him the trouble of getting them back,— But after tracing all the untoward events to tier absence, he said to himself consol ingly. " [guess she won't go any more, she always was a home body." Mrs. Heath did go again though, and again, and the day she \vent for the fourth time, her husband took counsel with him self, as to what he should do to "stop her gadding." Seated on the door step, in the shade of the old trees, he spent an hour or two devising ways and measures, talking aloud all the time, and haying the satisfaction of hearing nobody dispute him. It is hard to think of her getting to be a visitin' woman" said he, "and it's clear it tint right—keep her at home, I've read in the Bible, (old Richard's Bible knowledge was somewhat confused, his quotation varied slightly from the scriptu• ral phrase,' keepers at home,') but it says too," he added, with the true, sincere man, '‘ that husbands must set great store by their wives and use them well. I won't scold Millicent; I'll harness up and go for her to night, and coining home, I'll talk it all over with her, and tell her how hod it makes me feel, and if that don't do, I'll try—something else." accordence with his praiseworthy resolution, he might have been seen about sunset, hitching his horse at Mr. Brown's door; for, strangely enough, Mrs. Heath's visits bud all been made at the same place. Going up to the door, he stopped in amaze ment at seeing his wife in the kitchen, just taking off a great woolen wash apron, and putting down her sleeves which had been rolled up for washing. He listened and heard her say as she took some mon ey from Mrs. Brown, " I won't be so that I can do your washing again." "It has been a great favor to have you to do it while I have poen poorly," said Mrs. Brown, it and ('in glad to pay you for it. This makes four times, and here's two dollars. 'Tis just as well that you can't come again, for I thintc I shall be well enough to do it tnyself." "Two dollars, just the prise of the news paper," exclaimed Mr. Heath as the truth flashed across him. Rather a silent ride they had home, till at last he said.-- " I never was so ashamed in my life." "Of what 1" asked his wife. Why, to have you go out washing; I ain't so poor as that comes to." "Well I don't know," replied the wife, "when a man is too poor to take a newspa per, his wife ought not to feel above going out washing." Nothing more was said on the subject at that time, though some ill feelin4 fin gered in the heart of each. The making up was no nawkish scene of kissing, em bracing and crying, such as romantic wri ters build their useless fabrics with, but as Mrs. Heath was finishing her household duties for the night, sho said quietly— '• I don't think I did quits right, Rich ard." I don't think I did either," respond• ed the husband, and so the spark was quenched which might have become a scathing flame, blighting all the domestic pence under their humble roof, The sequel shows that Millicen: paid her two dollars, and continued to take the pier, and by it heard of the return of the ship her we sailed in. She imme diately proceeded to the city at which it had arrived, and there, after diligent search, found her son Alfred„ prostrate upon a bed of sickness, among strangers, apparently neglected, and near unto death's door. But by kind attentions and untiring watchfulness of a fond mother he was restored to health and to his be. loved home. From that time forward the farmer ap preciated the value of, and always took the newspaper, and paid for it, and oonsidered the two dollars which he thus paid yearly the most valuable investment he made of t is money. MISOELLANEOUS. SCIENCE OF THINGS FAMILIAR. Why is rain water soft ? Because it is not impregnated with earth and minerals. Why is it more easy to wash with soft water than hard? Because soft water unites freely withsoap and ciosolves it, in. stead of decomposing it as hard water does. Why do wood ashes make hard water soft ? Ist, Because carbonic acid of wood ashes combines with the sulphate of lime in the hard water, and converts it into chalk ; 2d, wood ashes also convert some of the soluble salts of water into insoluble, and throw them down as a sediment by which the water remains morn pure. Whv has rain water such an unpleas• ant smell when it is collected in a rain tub or tank? Because it is impregnaied with decomposed organic matters washed from the roofs, trees or casks in which it is collected. How does blowing hot foods make their. cool I It causes the air which has been heated by food to change more rapidly, and give place to fresh cold air. Why do ladies fan themceives in hot weather! That iresh particles of air may be brought in ccntact with their fare by the action of the fan; and as every fresh par ticle of air absorbs same heat from the skin, this constant change maker them co • Does a fan cool the air? No, it makes the air hotter, by imparting to it the heat from our face; but it cools our face by transferring its heat to the air. Why is there Owns n strong draft under the door and through the crevices en each side ? Because cold air rushes from the hall to supply the void in the room caused by the escape of warm air up the chimney &c. Why is there always a strong draft thro' the keyhole of a door? Because the a ir in the room we occupy is warmer than the air in the hall; therefore the air from the hall rushes through the keyhole into the room, and causes a draft. Why is there always a draft through the window crevices ? Because the external air, being colder than the air of the room we occupy, rushes through the window crevices to supply the deficiency caused by the escape of the warm air up the chim ney. If you open the lower sash of a window there is more draft than if you open the upper sash. Explain the reason of this. If the lower sash be open, the cold exter nal air will rush freely into the room and cause a great draft inward; but if the up per sash be open, the heated air of the room rushes out, and, of course, there will be less draft inward. Why is a room best ventilated by open. to g the upper sash? Because the hot vi tiated air, which always ascends towards the ceiling, can escape more easily. By which means is a hot room mare quickly cooled—by opening the upper or lower sash? A hot room is cooled more quickly by opening the lower sash, because the outer air enters more freely into the lower part of the room where it is colder. Why does the wind dry damp linen?— Because dry wind, like a dry sponge, bibes the particles of vapor from the cur• face of the linen as fast as they aro formed. Which is the hottest place in a church or chapel? The gallery. Why is the gallery of all public places hotter than the lower parts of the build. ings? Because the heated air of the build- ing ascends ; and all the cold air which can enter through the doors and windows keeps to the floor till it has become hea ted. The Various Modes of Shaking Hands. 1. The pump handle shake is the first which deserves notice. It is executed by taking your friend's hand, and working it up and down, through an area of fifteen degrees, for about a minute and a half.— To have its nature, force and character, this shake should be preformed with a fair, steady motion. No attempt should be made to give it grace and still less vivaci ty, as the few instances in which the lat ter has been tried, have uniformly resul• ted in dislocating the shoulder of the per son on whom it has been attempted. On the contrary, persons who are partial to the pump handle shake should be at some pains to give an cquable, tranquil movement to the operation, which should on no ac count be continued after perspiration on the part of your friend has commenced, 2. The pendulum shako may be men. honed next, as being somewhat similor in character; h-at moving, as the name indi cates, in a horizontal line towards your friend's, and after the junction is effected, rowing with it, from one side to the other, according to the pleasure or the parties. The only caution in its use, which needs particularly to be given, is not to insist on performing it to a plane, strictly parallel to the horizon, when you meet with a per son who has been educated to the pump handle shake. It is well known that peo ple cling to the forms in which they have educated even when the substance h, sac rificed to them. I had two uncles, both estimable men, one of whom bad been brought up in the pump handle shake, and another had brought home the pen dulem from a foreign voyage. They met, Soloed hands, and attempted to put them in motion. They were neither of them fee bin men. One endeavored to pump and the other to paddle ; their faces reddened , the drops stood on their foreheads. And it was at least a pleasant illustration of the doctrine of the composition of forces, to see their hands slanting into an exact aia gond ; in which line they ever after shook ; but it was plain to sea there woo no cordi ality in it and, as is usually the case with compromises, both parties were disconten ted. 3. The tourniquet shake is the next, in importance. It derives its name from the instrument made use of by sur geons to stop the circulation of the blood in a limb about to be amputated. It is per formed by clasping the hand of your friend as far as you can in your own, and then contracting the muscles of your thumb, finger and palm, till you have induced any degree of compression you may propose in the hand of your friend. Particular care ought to be taken, if your own hand is as hard and as big as a frying pan, and that of your friend as small and soft an a young maiden's, not to make use of the tourniquet shake to the degree that will force the small bones of the wrist out of place: It is as seldom safe to apply it to gouty persons. A hearty young friend of mine, who had pursued the study of geol ogy and acquired an unusual hardness and strength of hand and wrist by the use of the hammer, on returning I rom a scientific excursion, gave his gouty uncle the "tour niquel" shake with such severity as had well nigh reduced the old gentleman's fingers to powder; for which my friend had the pleasure of being disinherited—as soon as his uucie's fingers got well enough to hold a pen. • 4. The cordial grapple is a hearty, bois terous agitation of your friend's hand, ac companied with moderate pressure and loud, cheerful exclamations of welcome. It is an excellent travelling shake, and well adapted to make friends. It is indis criminately performed. 5. The Peter Grevious touch is oppo• sed to the 'cordial grapple.' It is a pensive, tranquil junction, followed by a mild sub sultory motion, a cast down look, and an inarticulate inquiry after your friend's health. 6. The prude major and prude minor are nearly monopolized by ladies. They cannot be accurate:y described, but are constantly to be notified in practice. They never extend beyond the fingers, and the prude major allows you to touch them on ly to the second joint. Considerable skill may be shown in performing these nice variations, such as extending the left hand instead of the right, or stretching a new glossy kid glove over the finger you ex tend. I might go through a long list, sir, of the grip royal, the saw mill shake, and the shake with malace prepense ; but they are only factitious combinations of the three fundamental forms already described as the Editor & Proprietor. NO. 26, pump handle; the pendulum and the tour niquet. I should troublu you with a few remarks in conclusion, on the mode of sha • king hands as an indication of character, but as 1 see a friend coming up iht ave nue, wha is addicted to the pump handle, 1 dare not tire my wrist by further wri ting. RATHER COMPLIMENTA4Y.— We hiTe a blind pbrenolog!st in town, who is great on examining bumps. A wag or two got one of our distinguished judges, who thinks a good deal of himself, and has a very bald head, which he generally covers with a wig, to go to his rooms the other day, and have his head examined. Wags and Judge arrived. " Mr. 8.." nays one, " we now have brought you for examination a head as is a head ; we wish to test your soience." "Very well," said the phrenologist, "place the head under my hand." " He weary a wig," says one. "Can't examine with that on," replied. the Professor. Wig was accordingly taken off, and bald head of highly expectant Judge was placed under manipulations of examiner. What's this 1 what's this 1" said phre nologist; and pressing his hands on the top of the head, he said, somewhat rut fled, "Gentlemen, Clod has visited me with afflictior. ; I have lost my eye-sight, but I am not a fool ; you can't pass this off on me for a head." SINGING IN SLEEP.—We heard a child trying to sing in sleep. The storm's ar• tillery was thundering against the gable end of the house, and the timbers shook in distress, but the innocent sleeper, away out in the pathless flower grounds of a child's dreams, broke forth in half defined sous-- ..0 Lil-y, sweet L-i-l-y, Weet Lily Da-ale, ale, a—" "Lord God," was the prayer of our heart, "that I could go out, too, to the Ely sian fields where the Shepherd of souls leads the little ones of his flock by the per petual rivers of peace and joyl" But we could not go. Age had built a defensive Wail of the huge blocks of years; a gray hair was laid items the stile„ and wo could not ascend, a golden ladder leaned agains t the wall, but Time, with his destroying scythe, stood on the thirty•third round, and we could not pass, Yet we heard the 'ice of children, singing in the paradise of you t h.— Trinity Journal. PADDY DBSCRIDES AMERICA.—'Where did 'baccy come from, Patrick ?' inquired Mary. 'Why, from '➢leaky; where else?' he replied, 'that sent us the first potaty.— Long life to it for both, say I.' .What sort of a 'Voce i$ that I wonder?' Merikv tt is? They tell me its mighty sizeable, Moll darlin.' I'm towld that yer might ro.vl England through it, and it would hardly make a dint in the ground. There's fresh water oceans inside of i t that ye might dround our island in, an' as for Scotland you might stick it in a corner of their forests, and never find it except (or the smell of whisky. If I had only a trifle of money, I'd go anti seek my for tune there.' CUT THIS OUT. -A correspondent of the London Literary Gazette, alluding to the numerous cases of death from acci dental poisoning, adds : "I venture to at firm there is scarce even a cottage in this country that does not contain an invalua ble, certain, immediate remedy for such events: noth;ng more than a double spoon ful of made mustard, mixed in a tumbler of warm water, and drank immediately. It acts as an emetic, is always ready and may be used in any case where one is re quired. By making this simple antidote, ycu may be the manna of saving many/ a ft How creature from an untimely end." ilrEthpnil, a French chemist, finds camphor a remedy for that fearful insom nolence which attends the first stages of insanity, When opium, and all the drowsy syrup of the East," fail of effect, a grain of camphor, formed into a pill, and followed by a draught of an ounce and a hall of the infusion of hops, mixed with five drops of sulphuris either, is his usual remedy of procuring sleep. ASPARAGUS A REMEDY FOR lIYDROPRO uzA.—A correspondent of the Providence Journal sends that paper the following re ceipt as a remedy for hydrophopia : <, Eat the green shoots of asparagus raw, sleep and perspiration will be indu ced and the disease can thus be cured in any stage of canine madness." A man in Athena, Greece, was cured by this remedy after the paroxysm had corn- tnenceil