VOL. XXIV. Ocrofala, or King's Evil, t it omatitutional disease, corruption of the by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak. and poor. Being in the oirculatdon, it puvades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacka, nor is there one which it may net deetroy. The scrofulous taint in variously caused by merourial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, 111th and filthy habits, the dopmeing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending °from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, .1 will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lunge, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swelling.; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tion. not only suffer front scrofulous com plaints, but they have fur less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers parish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still condoned fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and nanny destructive disease. of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or ore aggravated by the same cause. Ona quarter of all our people are serefulow ; their persons are Mended by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by on alterative medicine, and in vigorate it b 7 healthy food and exercise, Much a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most eilbetnal remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every who prevailing and li •al malady. It is com bined front the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder front the blood, and the rescue of the g -- stent from its destructive consequences. Renee it amid he employed for the cure of not only mauls, but also those other affect tiers which arise from it, such as Enurrtva and Sxix DIARA,RS, ST. ANTIIO:4VA FIRM, Res's, or Enrerna.ie, Pummel, Purret.as. lhoransa, BLA nrs and Dons, Tenons, Terra. and SALT Enr.eas, Smut HRAD, Rmovrortir. fLIMLIMATD3II, STPIIILITIC and SlencutuatDni- MAAEA, DROPSY, Dram:Para, Denn.trr,_ and, Indeed, AIL we Comm-re Atlanta ram :Yenta. : ma. 'MD OR rMPORE DLOOD. The popular belief su ‘• impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, lir scrofula u a degeneration of the blood. The partieular purpose and virtue of this &agape rills is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, ...rithout whiek sound health is impassible is matantinated eorstitutimis. .A.rosp!a CL41.....-4.2 _ Vol, .. FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, taro so composed that diocese within the range of their action can rarely nithttand or erode them Their pone:rating properties search, and cleanse, and igomte every portion of the human organ iSM, correcting its diseased action, and motoring As healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. If ot only do they cure the every-day complainte of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous disease.. The agent below named is pleased to furniah gratis try American Almanac, containing certificate. of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Coaline seem, Heartburn, lieculaehe arisingfilm disordered Stomach, !'saws, Indigestion, Pam in and "forbid (election of the Botrcia, Flatulency, Lose of App. tile, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of Its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, NOR Tit& SIAM .118 OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and to nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost everyection of country abounds in person. pub liely who have been restored from alarming and riven desperate discanco of the lungs by its nee. When once tried. its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the Whmonary organs that are incident to our climate. ile many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits en the emitted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. fuux R! All, Agent ttinitingdon, Pa. Xov. $4O 00 Pays for a full course in the Iron City College, the lurgoet, most extensively patronized and heat organized School in the United Staten. 35/ students attending daily. March, 1859. _ _ Usual tints to complete a lull coure, from 6 to 10 weeks- Every Student, upon graduating to guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from $6OO to $lOOO. Students enter at any time—No Vacation— Bevies/ at pleasure. ,61 Premiums for beet Penmanship _ awarded in 1858. • //farltliniSie;;' Sun received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writing, in. close two letter stamps. and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh. . A pr.20,'59. kr& hi. PETTENGILL & CO.'S Acker. Tieing Agency, 119 Nassau St.,New York, & 10 State St., Boston. S. M. ettengill & Co. are the Agents for the Notranat." and the most influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. They are authorized to contract for us at our towns rat.. gee 5000 ACIEZ4TO WANTED—To sell 4 now inventions. Agents have made over $25,000 ea one,—better than all other similar agencies. Saud four stamps and get 80 pages particulars, gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowall, Mass. air All kinds of blo4ks for Palo at the Journal Oleo. •--- ~ S 4.›. 14 1,.. 14 1;1 197 '' / , - 1 1-.,••,e,,, 1' i ~,_ • • Niv 4 4 ~ ;‘,/ , 0 ., i.". A • . . ~.._ __ SELEGT POETS , TUI BIAIDEIVS PRAYER. at :. G. WRITTIER. She rose from her delicious sleep, And put sway the soft brown hair, And hi a tone as low and deep As loves's first whisper, breathes a prayer; Her snow•white hands together pressed, Her blue eyes sheltered in the lid, The folded linen on her breast, Just swelling with the charms it hid. Alll from her long and flowing these Escaped a bare and snowy foot, Whose step upon the earth did press, Like a pure ancw.flake, light and mute ; !trd then from slumbers soft and warm, Like a young spirit, fresh from heaven, She bowed that plight and matchless form And humbly prayed to be forgiven. Oh, Oud I if souls unsoiled as these, Need daily mercy from thy throne— If she upon her bonded knees, Our holiest and our purest one ; She with a face so clear and bright, We deem her some stray child of light; If she, with those soft eyes and tears, Dar after day in her young years, Must kneel and pray for grace.from thee, What far, far deeper need have wo I How hardly. if win not heaven, Will our wild errors be forgiven I EETS . A MAN IN THE . SEIVERN. • The New York Sun of Friday last, con tains the following story of city life : It will he recollected that during them.- ' ly part of the past winter, the tides at our wharves wore extremely heavy, and at one tins. all along the Eng' River side, for the space of a mile or morn, the rats were compelled to leave the piers in shoals of thousands, winking for the time rare ac tivity among rat terriers and wharf loafers, to their destruction. A communication. just received ( - tom a Western source (the postmaster at Chicago.) enclosing a letter front a German, now in that city, writing homeward, seems to make it nether: is that one of the queerest incidents of New Y rk if,, which his ever been recorded. at about that time took plooe in this city. Leopeld (layer, a German citizen, then residing at 117 Avenue A, had come to this city to seek his fortune among his cnuntrymen. lie was a kind of king "Chiffonier," or rAc ke i f ni t6n0rtf..,41,,cf, however, nat1....," oibsipated by the speculations which the limey class of the French 11/1110 lately re . sorted to, viz.: the Bourse, The trans. actions of that enormous machine had lit erally nut our friend Leopold. and lie had reluctantly quitted the French cep ital to try his luck in our "land ofze gold," as he termed it in his Francc-Gerinan pa. iota, Among all his experience, Leopold had, at one time, been a workmen in the s tiv ers of Paris—that underground world of Parts ragpickers--and had become (until. tar with its life and scenes. He knew about its perluisites and profits too, and i.otriewhat of its risks. Arrived in this great city, twilling doubting of its equally extensive subterranean avenues with those of Paris. be become extremely noxious to get into and about the sewers of New York He desired to keep his adventure secret also, in order to have the profits of the un dertalting to himself alone. 'Phe difflcul ty of his enterprise may be somewhat con sidered when we reflect that the stain sewers of Paris are broadly constructed tunnela. some teu feet wide mid nine feet high. They convey es much water thro' them as does our Croton Aqueduct, and resemble it in solidity of construction They carry not water alone but ventilation and air to many of the underground vaults and perheus of the Parisian city, which are unseen and *unknown to many of ;Is resident.. _ For 'nom than three months Leopold prowled around the piers in the upper part of the city on the East River side, with the hopes of seeing a sewer opening out into the river. He had not sufficient experience in city life and Croton Board arrangements to know that entrance could be had through the street "manholes," (apertures left for the purpose along the streets, and covered over with iron covers, opening with a key.) Such modes of in gress in this country were under the con trol of the municipal police, and the entry by them was beyond the power of a poor rag•picker. Finally. Meyer gut into a sewer which emptied on Houston street. and tho big tides which followed, kept him so close a prisoner, and by which he came near los. ing hit. life, that, getting out, he at once storied West, not only to dispose of his gains by the enterprise, in putting a little tnoney into a western farm, but to see some relatives near Kaskaskia, in Illinois. and then to return to Paris, rag-picking, with a snug little sum ahead. The first expe. rience of Meyer m New York Sewer Life wan to get nearly ea/tided to death by an vOintlit of oenm from the factory of Hoe LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. HL NTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDA.Y, JUNE 22, 1859. _ _ _ &Co , corner of Broo me and Sheriff --Betel wealth had now d itvneder ion his streets. He stopped about that locality, imaginetiori. I as near as could be judged, becaus e o f His wire sack was filled; his pockets Some debris of etove-pipe which had be. were filled; his hat was filled. He took come fudged in the sewer, and here the off his boots and strung them across his back, and these were filled. He had bag steam woe suddenly i let off." Ile con tinned, however, to retreat along th gel countless treasure, and yet countless e ex. tensive bottom of the sewer, to escape the treasure remained unbugged. Ilowever boiling fury of the vapor floods which he must now get out of the sewers, with rushed along. ; his treasures, unsuspected, and then he It must not be supposed that Meyer 1 vv " nil right. came into the sewers unprov ided with He speedily retraced his way to House light, or the usual method of working these to " s'""' and passed along Grand to the i East River. Here the high tides Oct the street mines to advantage. He had both and all. His trowsera and underclothing I water b ick to such a great extent. that on were of India rubber; India rubber shoes i three different occasions he narrowly en. i taped suffocation, And this was the up on his feet; a wire sock at bin shoulder; an iron rag picker in his hand; and a small .hill part of his career—how to get out. scoop in his side pocket, with a usual min- 1 Htl waited one week—two--three—and ing lamp, contrived to protect the seer four! Provisione were scarce; the ventil i from the impurity of the atmosphere— ' ation poor; no more turtles arouno; only a fid , e these compoeed his nutfit. His design few scabby like to have sstarvehventured with tn all handisso Mey , r wealth ! was to makes straight wake for the Fifth After awhile, however, a low tide came, Avenue. There. he reasoned, would be the cream of hunting grounds for his trade egress to the East River was cpened, end " and probably his reasons were good, for he he got out. argued that in no part of the city do so After emerging, Meyer soon found that he had ao good legal title to his street tree many silver spoons, forks and trinket disappear, through [tie carelessness of set! I sures, that they were the property nf the vents and the impurities of soap and waste I owners, and subjected to be grasped by the oce A kind fr'end, to whom water, an in this, palatial part of our city. p had ren li de . red many favors, and thereb he y But several difficu hies beset the sewer c adventurer, before he could gain the prom onverted him to just the man for the pur pose, gave the requisite hint to the Me ised land, lie liner the directions of the tropolitans—that of dividing the plunder.— streets but not the course of the sewers. He relvaimed westward to Broadway, only and Meyer found it would be better to leave to find that its main sewers there turned I the city ' The next afternoon after corning off to the „ ant. He went oiong its ewer. out from his subterraneart life. Leopold took the North River steamboat for Albany ly branch and there found a crook to the betted westward; and aiming all the seedy north. Ho advanced northward and there German coats which had stood a hard sea its walls went south, In short, he became voyage through all the Incidents ofa trip bewildered, nod for the first time in his Frain the Fatherland, and - a seedy counte liic doubted his capacity to navigate un• mince as well, that of Meyer was the most ground wherever he chose to p ine . conspicuous. And yet the glow of ten t-rote. This was the fifth day of his en• thoueind dollars, or thereebouts, made in a trance to the solvers. His little stocker few months time, gave 114 inwerd satin provisions was giving out.—The street faction which made his poor suit and poor corner air-holes of this part of the city appearance more welcome to hitn than the were not us frequent as he hod before finer dress of many it brighter day previ. me, them. and the sewers were less pari• fled because more dietant from the rivers. i "''' in todvi; al si , rte. lre tutu previously preset: • with gloom NiliCh had refreshed him somewhat; and now Meyer felt rather like backing, nut trout his disagreeable task. However, push ahead he must. He was yet in Broadway, that he knew, and opposite the Nletropolitan Hotel, whore the savory strain front the Messrs Leland's kitchens poured forth, to him, delightful odors. He pushed down Broadway, hod a tio• lent dispute with a poor mangy dog, which had got benighted down below and would not let bin) pars, which dispute ho ended rather summarily with his iron rag picker. and then sho,d along. At the junction with Canal street, he encountered quite a monster terrupin;crawling upwards along Broadway, It had escaped from some resist, isant before dinner, got into a street gutter, from thence into the culvert of the se,er, and most likely poor turtle never intended to go back for its own dinner at all. This was quite a god send for poor Meyer. In the streets of Paris he hird never fancied that in those of New York, eatable turtles could be found walking around in the sewers, The sewer open ings are better protected there. llowev er, he out with his knife, and speedily found un inlet into this hard.shell New York politician. Some mulches in his pocket, copies of the Police Gazette .d Hrultl, furnished a fire, and poor Meyer soon had souls underdone turtle steaks to appease his hunger. Ile now altered his course somewhat, be • lieving that among the restaurant open ings of the Fulton street • ating-houses he might obtain further provender, and then return refreshed to his up-.own explora tions. So he travelled along Broadway, knew Taylor's by its rich odors; stopped to smell the candy whiffs from Thompson's saloon; received tell minutes imaginary nourishment from Gosling's restaurant, and finally reached Fulton street. Here he ran foul of the Sun office vault, with its tremendous presses running at great speed under the street, and making so mighty a seise that he fOok it for thunder. And he was not mistaken about the Ful ton street eating-houses. He got through .a crevice of the masonry, quite a liberal amount of provisions, and then wended his way up town. He finally, by branch ing westward from Broadway; found his way to the fifth A venue,and there he fair ' ly picked up a small fortune in about a month's time, Breastpins, bracelets, rugs watches, souvenirs, knives and forks, child ren's corals, whistles and call., beads, &c., lay grouped together in the sluggish streams of the level streets. The poor man's eyes fairly dimes(' with exeitetmtit We had in our pusartion on Saturday,' I vs.. ~,.,,•.v..r procion toad by Vie immortal Burns to the dearest object of his affection. Highland Mary, on the banks of the winding Ayr, when he spent with her • oneday of parting love,' Ihey are in a remarkable good state of preserva tion, and belonged to a descendant of the family of Mary's mother, Mrs. Campbell, whose proderty :hey became on the death of her daughter, and subsequently Mrs. Anderson, Mary's only surviving sister, acquired them. 'I he circumstance of the Bibles being in two volumes, seemed at one time to threaten its dismemberment; Mrs• Anderson having presented a volume to each of her two daughters; hut on their appro•.c in marriage, their brother Liam prevailed on them to dispose of the sacred vtrlutnes to !inn. On the first blank leaf of the first volume is written, in the hand writing of the immortal bard. •t And ye shall not • ear by my name f , Isely---.I am the Lord - Levit 19th chap. 12th err." and en the corresponding leaf of the second volume, ••'f'hou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oath •-• Math. bth chapt 33d verse." On the second blank leaf of each' •+olume, there; are the remains of r• Robert Burns. Moss- giel," in his hand writing, beneath which is drawn a masonic emblem. At the end of the first volume there is a lock of Hugh• land:Ma ry's hair. The re is a mournful interest attached to these satire d volumes—sacred from their contents, and sacred from having been a pledge of love from the most gifted of Scotland's bards to the object of his affec tions, from whom he Nile separating, no more to meet on this side of the grave. The life of Burns was lull of romance, but there is not one circumstance in it all, so romantic and full of interest as those which attended and followed the gift of these volunaes. He wee young when he wood and won the affection of Mary, whom he describes as gat warm-hearted, charming young creature as ever blessed a man with generous love. , The attachment was mutual, and forms the stihict of many of his earlier lyrics, as well as of the produc tions of his Inter years, which shows that it was very deep rooted. Before he was known to fame, steeped in poverty to the very dregs, and meditating an escape to the West Indies, from the remorseless fangs of a hard hearted creditor, he ad dresssed to his "dear girl , , the song which begins: " Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary, And leave sold Scotia's shore ; Will ye go to tho Indies,lny Mary, And cross the Atlantic's roar?" But neither Burns nor his Mary wore doomed to "cross the Atlantic's roar," nor elry ; - rutH J. to realize thuse dreams of tit•tual bi:ss which passion or enthusiasm had engen dered in their youthful imaginations._ Burnswas called to Edinburg, there to commence his career of fame, which was to torminee in chill poverty, dreary disap pointment and dark despair•- while Meryl happier lot, after a transient gleam of sun shine of life, was to be removed to a better and a happier world. Her death shed a sadness over his whole future life, and a spirit of subdued brief and tenderness was displayed whenever she was the milieu of his conversation or writing. Witness as follows " Ye banks an' braes an' streams around The castle o' Montgonwrie, Green be your woods, and fair your flowers, Your waters never drumlin ; There simmer first unfaulds her robes, An' there they tangent tarry, For there I took the last fareweel 0' wy tweet Uieland Mary I" In a note appended to this song. Be ns says trilis was a composition of mine in my early life, before I wan known at all to the world. My Highland lassie was a warm-hearted charming young creature as over blessed a man with geeerous love Alter a pretty long trail of the most ardent reciprocal aff mien, we met by appoint ment on the second Sunday of May, in a , sequestered spot on the banks of the Ayr, where we spent a day in taking a farewell b-fore she should embark fur the West Highlands, to arrange matters among her friends for our projected change of life. At the close of the autumn tollowmg she ma sed the sea to meet me at Greenock, where she was seized with a malignant fever, which hurried my dear girl to her grave! in a few days, before I could even hear of her illness." It was at this romantic and interesting meeting on the banks of the Ayr, that the Bibles before us, were presented to Mary; end he must have a heart of stone indeed who can gaze on thorn without imagination calling up feelings in his bosom too big for utterance. 'On that spot they exchanged Bibles, and plighted their ,faith to each =q.v.ikkia 04494.quirt.ft-re - imu the wealth if the Indies could not have I p ie rnoured a better or more appropriate o, In Lockhart's Life of Burns, we aro ft.- formed that several years after the death of Alary, on the anniversary cf the day which brought him the melancholy intel ligence, he appetred, as the twilight ad• vanced. (in the language of his widow,) .'very sad about soine.hing ;" and though the evening was a cold arid keen one, in September. he n anderet: into his barn yard, from which the entreaties of his wife could not, for some time, recall him. To these entrenties, he always promised obedience, but these promises were brit the lipkiud nesses of affection, no sooner made than forgotten, for his eye was fixed on heaven, arid his unceasing stride indicated that his heart was also there. Mrs. Earns' last approach to the barn yard found him stre . ched on a mass of straw, looking ab• strnctedly on a planit which, in a clear starry sky, "shima like another moon," :ter] having prevailed on him to return into the house, instantly wrote, as they still stand, the following sublime verses. " To Mary in Elear-n," which have thrilled through many breasts, and drawn tears from ninny eyes, and which will live the noblest of the lyrics of Burns, while sub limity and pathos have a responding charm in the heart' , of Sentsmen. TO MARY IN HEAVEN. Thou lingering star, with less'eing ray, That luv'st to greet the early morn, Again thou tuthei.'st it the day My Mary from my soul was torn. U Mary 1 dear departed shade I Whore is thy place of blissful rest? . . See'st thou thy: l'Over lowly laid, Irear'st thou the groans that rend Me breast. That lanced hour can I forget Can. I forget the hallow'd grove, Where by the winding Av r we met . To live one day of parting love? Eternity will not efface Those records dear of transport past ; Thy image at our lost embrace ; Ah I little thought we 'twas our last ! Ayr gurgling kissed his pebbled shore, O'erbung with wild woods thick'ning green The fragrant birch, and hawthorn hoar, 1. witt'd am'rous round the raptur'd Beene. The flowers sprang wanton to be prest, The birds sang love on ev'ry spray, 'Till soon, too soon, the glowing west Proclaim'd the speed of winged day. Still o'er these scenes my mem'ry wakes, And fondly broods with miser e• re I Time but the impression deeper makes, As strouns their chant.ele deeper wear. .My Mary, dear departed shade l Where is thy blissful place of rest ? See'st thou thy lover lowly laid ? llear'st thou the groans that rend his breast? air Many pers no have a particular ambition to seem exactly what they are not. Wo know a rich man who bought a moat splendid library, and iigned the contract with his :nark. Picture of Lucknow, India. go on that train. It is a question of life " The horrors of the hot winds nod the and death to ms. Cony ou get me to it / positive miseries of the Indian slimmer are i Have you got an engine here 1 Where is almost forgotten under the influence Of the superintendent 1" such delightful weather as Lucknow en- The section master had an office near joys at present. The only drawback to the by, and 'he two went to find an official and pleasures of the breeze whioh sets in every procure an engine. The traveller stated morning Is found in the clouds of dust, his case—he must go on—could not delay, composed of powdered brick, lime, and and off .red the officer $250 if be would fine sand, which renders a single cloth tent I put iliill on board the train. This strange intolerable, and eyes a personal aggrava I demand and strange offer caused the eta. tion. If but one gentle shower would fall tion master to hasten and do what he could. for a few hours, we might have some I The fire was not out of the engine that had comfort, tut the tantalizing clouds gather drawn the train to that poitite-the bargain overhead only to let down a few heavy was settl .d...a draft given un New 'York drops, and then let in the sun, the power for the $250, and in ten minutes the tray. of which at noon is now so great as to make ; eller started with an engine to overtake exercise on horseback very disagreeable.' the train. The evenings and mornings aro delight- After rushing on for 30 or 40 mes, som ful, but the interval between thodimintition connection gave way about the il engine. e of the heat of the sun and the darkness i The ergine was stopped and a wooden pin is too short for a long ride or drive. Morn -was fitted to supply the deficiency. With tag and evenlitg the whole of the main this, on they flew. Tho train had of streets and roads in and about Lucknow, course, many miles the start of them, ano I are sieduleusly watered by an unuy of 1 despite the wooden pin, the engineer crow jbbeesties, who scatter with their hands I ded on steam, and tore through the tour.- ets of water from the mouths of their we- ! try at a fearful rate. 30 miles of the die• ter bugs (or mussucks) with the regulari-1 lance passed was ran in 27 minutes but ty of machinery. " Society " then turns 1 the engagement was that they should over. out in its buggy, It is small as yet in i take the train, and overtake it they did, numbers and a new face, particularly if it but not till 100 miles had be.iu run, and be feminine, makes, a sensation. The they were approaching Toledo. buggy is the favorite vehicle—a sort of Ha , ieg at length overtaken and stopped gig with a moveable hood; now and then l the train and hurried on beard, the travel an aspiring subaltern (lathes by in a quaint ler teem eagerly to a birth in the sleeping old fashioned dog cart. In the good old , car, and took theref-om a carpet bag con / times it was customary to put policemen wining $275,000. His treasure at the end of the drives to prevent natives !his a molested it, and d was safe ismissing going along the course in their hackeries his faithfhul d cou Tier, he went on his way and bullock carts, and when the roads are rejoicing at the success of his perilous and completed here, th . swine measures will exciting adventure.-- Cleveland Plain probably be resorted to. As yet, our car- dealer, ringes may be counted on our fingers.-- There is the chief commissioner's open carriage, with the official scarlet liveried servants. and the escort of a few armed troopers, the Rajap of Kuppertlalleh's, who often appears on the course with a retinue of sower* afAeLhi .4,, ... ...—, of lice civil servants and a few o ffi cers ana some ball dozen horsemen. Such is our 'drive.' In former days I am told that Lucknow presented a very different specta cle. The streets were crowded with the processions of grandees going to court or pitying visite, each preceeded by mace bearers, and surrounded by swordsmen in livery, by richly accoutered elephants bearing nobles in golden or silver howdahs. by a thronging, jostling muss of gaudy palanquins belonging to merchants, bank ers, officers of state, and gentlemen, by continual promenades of dancing girls, of musicians, of marriage parties, of reli• gime; ceretnonios—m feet by all the out• ward signs of one perpetual fete, in which the giddy crowd swarmed, dressed, laugh ed, sang, and lived without a thought of aught but pleasure. The impress of that life is stamped on Lucknow yet, bet it is like a inasquerode attire on a corpse. 'fire "cheek," or prncipal street--narrow and tortuous—is tilled from 3 o'clock till nook with a sweltering swarm of human beings. throe gh whom an elephant effects his passage with difficulty ; but at the same time a seat on his back affords the best means of seeieg the city. So for no I can see, the traffic which attracts this enormous crowd consists principally of sugar candy, i sweetmeats, pipe stems, tobacco, rose ws. ' ter, eakes,silver and gold lace, embroidered c tps. and trifling finery. The shops oc copy the ground floor of the house, which are rarely of more than two stories—the basement and one above—from which one projects a wooden balcony, provided with lattices, and a broad overhanging bent for the sake of shade.—London Times. 1 . ' Remarkable Race by Railroad—Stakes 8275,000. One day last week, as the eastward bound express train reached Laporte, Ind., a passenger stepped oil while the engine was being replenished with wood and wa ter, and walked to and fro on the platform, and consumed to walk until the whistle sounded. The other passengers got on board and the train passed off. but the gen tleman still walked on. A few minutes alter the train had gone, a station men saw the pedestrian, end, going up to him, asked in a surprised tone-- What the-.•ore you doing here 1" The inns started, opened hie eyes, and looked around bewildered. The fact wae, he had been fatigued, and dropped asleep while walking. Rousing himself, he asked : U Why I where am I 1" . 4 At . Laporte." "Where's the tram I came ir. I" '• That left ten minuted ago." '• Ten minutes ago and left me! I moat Editor & Proprietor. The Future of Polities. The Residing Journal says : The poli tics of this country for sonic years past have been in a very confused state. The o!.:1 Whig party died with . its great leader 7: - ‘ ) I elgy r end tho ~lel ties on the one hand, and ,‘ Administra tion " and "State Rights Democrats" on the other. Here are four organizations, which are just two too many, as the oats. mai tendency of the people of this country his ever been to array themselves into two great parties only. But although we have four parties of more or less influence, and, if we trace out their sub divisions North and South, a doz. en besides,--they may all be classed under too great heads—the party which upholds human slavery, and labor for its extension, and the: party which is endeavoring to re• strict this great national curse, and confine it within its present limits. The antago nism is here marked and decided. Upon luestions of minor importance, politicians and people may agree to differ, but the slave questiln in its present aspect, admits of no compromise. As this issue is likely to be the all engrossing one, and to over. ride all others, it follows that there will be two great parties only in the contest of 1860—the pro-slavery Democracy, and Republican freemen. Other issues will doubtless enter into the contest, but they will be of secondary importance, and fail, even if the attempt is made, to withdraw any material portion of force from the main army of the belligerents. That we are not mistaken in these views, we think apparent by a glance at the prep- arations already making for the contest..., The Southern politicians, generally so shrewd, are hastening their own downfall by their increased arrogance. Haring succeeded by the aid of a corrupt President and pro-Slavery Judiciary, in I oreimg their pecnliar institution into the Territor ies in defiance of the popular will, and thus establish the dome:. tic slave trade on a firm basis, they now demand that the foreign slave trade be equally recognized and protected by the government. As the Charleston Convention will be entirely in their hands, they will most probably adopt a platform embracing these princi ples. To thin the North will never yield assent. Against a proposition so MOlllO. trees and uncivilized good people every. where will rally.' They will forget their differences—their jealousies—and make common cause in opposition to measures which if accomplished, would make our nation the sc , rn of all Christendom—and they will triumph—they cannot fail to tri umph, hi the great battle of Freedom and human rights. Ilurt. F. P. STANTON, Ex• Secrets, ry of Kansas. in a letter published in the Kansas ?Imes . , says that "he is not prep& red to join thsi`Republican Party, and with. out a complete re-organization and abaft. donnymt of the heresies of the Buchanan Administration, he cannot cooperate with the Democratic Party."