Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 08, 1859, Image 3

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    lAinitingbon journal.
kl4 "1 Wednenday Morning, June S. 1859.
WT. A German named Ben. Scheets, fell in
a fit, on Wednesday Wit, near Smith street, in•
juring his face, sligttly, but meeting with no
other damage.
fiferThero wJjl be preaching next Sabbath,
"mdining - lind evening, in the Presbyterian
church, and in the German Reformed and Me
thodist churches, in the evening.
gErThe members of the Literary Society,
of this borough, intend celebrating the anni
yersery of the Declaration of Independence by
a end the Wert ,recomparaPtt,t4.
We observe with some degted of sous•
faction, the many improvements which are go
iing on in our midst. New buildings, fences,
And ether signs of awaking front old fogyism,
mule tiro day.
Tho glorious 4th of July draws near,
and as yet we have heard of no preparation
being made for its proper celebration. IA us
wake up, friends, it will rever do to leave the
anniversary of our glorious Declaration pass
by without a "good time."...
Pitot.wte.—The wife of one of our most re
spected citizens, in the northern port of AO
county, last week presentcd her 'worsen lirrf "
a magnificent gift, (a kind of; surprise party
affair,) in the shape of three bouncing 'little
responsibilities;" and at the last accounts they
wore all alive and doing well.
lkir The ProLytery of the Presbyterian
Church. will meet iu this place next Tuesday,
set Iti.ltiele time the lie,. G. IV. Zahnlzer Will be
installed as Faster over the Presbyterian con.
gregation of this borough, and several yew
gentletnettordaiteed to preach the :, , ,nspel; and
other business transatted.
SirAs a coal train efears was passing nver
'the Stunt:y.Bl,mi' Bridge, on Thursday last.lbe •
•engine, by seine means kr alter, got aff the
'track, but was stopped 'before it took fie fear
fut leap. The bridge is SUMO seventy•five ny
•eiglity feet 'high, and had the engine made the
denpAt might 7nve 4 `brolce things," to rt groater
, or less degree.
B ROE Y. I I .—Last wee]: two prisoners made
'their eseapa front the County Sail, in a very
ingenioan and remarkable manner. It appears
• l'rom what we can learn of the case, that they
were in the yard, and observinen fine op, ning
for a couple of young men," through the open
:front doer, actually vassed out unobserved and
(mule good their e,cape. Irt last accounts they
were diaeeting their course towards the Lick
;Ridges. _ .
Jar We invite the attention of our readers
'to the advertisement in another cohteun,
ed "Valuable Rent Estate foe Sale," and which
wdl be offered for sale or. Wednesday, the 22,1
of this month. A mistake in tie handbills, we
have been requested to state, erroneously des
ignated Wednesday 28d instead of We,busday
22d, no the day of tale. Persons wishing to
get good laud of low rates, should not limit to be
OW Our townsmen, Messrs. Ball & Peigh.
tat, are now manufacturing extensively, the
,otlelorated "litnaneipator Washing Machine,"
,al their shop on Waehington street, in tL rear
cif the Court House. We had the picas.
Jae of witnessing the operation of this machine,
last week, and eat. fully endorse the name it
has iron with Alf she have tried it, as the most
complete Isbor clean washing affair,
aver brought out, It shon:o be itt the posses
alas of every family in the laud. We ::'we our
friends .will tall and examine the mulatto nat:
give it a trial,
FnosT.—The past week is one which will be
remembered by many, as remarkable for the
extraordinary streak of weather it brought
with it. First came the buil, knocking down
nod smashing the vegetable kingdom, general..
ly, and doing other injury, 'too tedious to mete
lion." No sooner hail the hail taken its di intr•
lure, than Jack Frost made his unceremonious
tpearancc, and pinched and withered the gar
, tl i t i , a `.; at a dreadful rate. Every garden
• a great extent by &tar •
in town was -miter, tomato,
day night's frost. Bean, 1.:: 1- !" -
and in fact ull the plants, which Were •
on finely, were touched by this "killing frost,"
which withered everything it breathed upon.
*fit...ether any damage was done to the grain
crop in the country, we have not hail the means
of ascertaining, b at presume not, as it is like.
lc A.Att of blossom, by this time, and headed.
Our ,gardrns, however, precut a mournful as.
pect, and will raguiro re.planting.
lien.—The hail storm of last week, done
more considerable amount of damage than we
bad at first anticipated. The course of the
storm was iu a south easterly direction, but its
violence was confined to a small territory, of
about three miles in length, and about a milt, in
breadth. The greatest injury was done in some
localities, especially in the southern part of the
county, to the fruit trees and growing crops.
A. number of fields of grain is Juniata and
Penn townships, were totally ruined, and the
fruit crop partially destroyed. We have been
informed by a gentleman of the latter township,
who has been a sufferer to a considerrble nit•
oust, in both field and orchard, that on tho day
succeeding the storm, on some parts of his pre.
mines where the hail had been washed down
gulloys, it lay in piles front four to six feet in
depth. lie also states that two fine fields of
rye were beaten down, and his cherry and oth
or fruit trees, which had promised an abundant
yield, in their season, hoplessly ru Med. Con
siderable damage Vine done in other parte of
the county, each as demolishing window glass,
twisting trees, knocking off fruit, injuring the
grain, and in two instances badly cutting and
bruising individuals, who were unable to find
a shelter from the mercilessly pelting' of the
' , thunder stone."
A CHAPTER or Ftnurs.—Whether the war
in Europe has wakened the belligerent spirit
of our citizens, or whether it is caused by 'spit..
its acting upon spirits,' in the shape of strych•
nine whisky, we are unable to say ; for as yet,
the .`dog star rageth" not, and the whang doo•
die is silent on the hills. On Wednesday eve•
ning last, a brace of our "nice young men . ' got
into a squabble at the post office, which result
ed in sundry contusions, bruises, etc. We hare
not been informed of the origination of the
affair, but would not be wrong, we suppose, in
ascribing it to call o.
AaoT•nen.--The notorious black rowdy and
ruffian, Bill Cook, whose solo occupation ap•
pears to be fighting, and another colored "pus•
son" timed Grayson, indu'ged in an amiable
little "set•to,' on Thursday, all an account of a
spade—ace. It would be a commendable net
and a blessing to the community, should
cidental st wire from a brit u al
bob ,
Conl! a ticket tq '‘'ne "other side of Jordon," as
he is one of the most useless, lazy, vagabond
niggers in existence. • •
A NOTHEIL-A nother fight occurred on Thus
day night, between a keeper of a lager beer sit,
loon, up town, nod a gentleman of Teutonic
extraction, about the putehaao of some sort of
a gaming table. Dutch blood rose high, but
with the exception of a few blows, the ninth
woo amicably adjusted, satisfactorily ended and
scientificall: forgotten in "der lager."
A NUTSEH. —A. couple of our "oldest inhabi
tants,' imitating the members of the ring, on
Vridny evening last, Ja Allegheny street, near
the Railroad Depot, engaged in a fistieuff, and
managed to give each other some pretty hard
knocks, considering the feebleness of the coin.
hatants. We are informed that the canso l tf
this affair, was of a trifling nature, and erimv
line wan SU !Al)* mixed in it.
A.xtrrittut.—Two of our must respeoled efti• into an altercation, out Friday night,'
in phiying a game of billiards, which, for a
time threatened a bloody termination; but ow•
ing tt the happy baffler:nice or friends, the
belli.terants were separated, after the exchange
of ntunerous epithets and ono or two (bussers,'
and loreaking a pane or two of glass. The
'bald hornet' was thought to hero come off vie•
halo's, notwithstanding the bad state in which
it has lift Isis proboscis.
ANo:rut:lL—A couple of young gents " out
sparking" one Friday last, on Mifflin street,
aroused the virtuous indignation of the indi.
• vidual whose horse—or rather pavement—they
honored with their august presence, who short.
ly made his appearance in the Cleorgia uniform
much to the lassies consternation and lads' dis
nuiy, A few passeispra made, and much
talk thrown away, hat when they came to close
quarters, the young pas thinking 'discretion
the bettor part of valor,' made n hasty and in
glorious retreat.
Besides these lights, we have beard of woe
or two °theta , but not buviug the particulars,
we roll AIII from making soy special nutee.
G ossipts.—Onc of the meanest of mean
things is the exceedingly bad practice of gni
silting. Fur the benefit of any given t o this
vice, to our community, we give the following
from a cotemperary. Keep your eye on your
neighbors. Take earn of them. Doi.'t 'let
them stir without watching, They may pos•
sibly something wrong if yen do. To be
sore you never knew them to do anything very
bad, but it may be on your account they have
not. Perim; as if it had not been for your kind
care, they might have disgraced themselves
and families, a long time age, Therelbre
don't relax any effort to keep them where they
ought to be ; never mind your own bus:ness,
that will bike care of itself. There is a
man passing ulono—he is looking over the
fence—be suspicious of him, perhaps he con.
template stealing something; there's no know.
Mg what rytteer fancies he may have got into
j!..! bend. If you see nay symptoms of any one
pausing p 7 ., of the path of ditty, tell every one
else that you ca.: 7.P, and be particular to see
a great mane. It is n, way to circulate
such things, and though it my ..t benefit
yourself, or any ono else in particular, it be
something important about some one c . o.
keep something going silence is nu awful thi Ig;
though it is said there was silence in Heaven
fur the space of half an hour, don't let any
such thing occur on earth; it would be too
much like Heaven for the inhabitants of this
mundane sphere. If, after all your watchful
care, you can't are anything out of the way in
any one, you may be sure it is rot because,
:Isav Lave net done anything bad ; perhaps, itt
.„-ded moment, you lost sight of theist—
.. ..ft- - • ~ they are no better than they
throw out • .., •cld not wonder if peo•
should be—that you "fter a while
ple found out what they wars ••• • , so
and then they may nut carry their is,. • ;
high. Keep it a going .d some one will tan;:
the hint awl begin to help you after.e. while—
' then there will be tousle, and every thing will
work to a chart.
CtiMPLINIL:tiTARY, VEltY.—The Shirleysburg 1 • $4O 00
lleralit'a correapondent at this place, speaking I Pays for a full course in the Iron City Cotie,;( l .
of one of the public of cerscompliments him as the largest, most extensively patronized and'
follows, in the last issue of th at paper. PPrank best organized Selic ii in the United States.
is the same gentleman who petitioned our Leg i 357 students attending daily,
islature last winter to extend the to:m of his U s ua l . March' , 1 , 1459 .
office and increase his salary; and as an in.from 8
to er t i ( t i .ve .9 l l ; tu t :k a p t lull
ti t court ,
dilemma thereto, he closed his petition is guaranteed to ho competent ' 7o n ta a ntr u g a e ti t i h g e
in the following touching and pathetic lam Books of any Business, and qualified to corn a
gunge, to wit: "by so doing you will mute the salary of from
services of an able and efficient officer." $5OO to $lOOO.
l a lvir pt pleasure.
Students enter at any time —No Vacation—
Dar The Carlisle & speakin g of the ,
raid,i • tu
mins for best Penmanship
ei.cus which is about visiting us, says. It ' awarded in 11358.
was the same old citron that has been making firclrMinist.s' Sun received at half price.
its periodical visits fur the last twenty years;
two letter
and Specimens
address Writing, in •
the same steptd routine of ring performance, r. .. stamps , j l , l,,,L l ,! !tt
'''", P i ttsb urgh,
the same acrobatic feats; the same dull clown, 4pr.20,'59.
dressed in the same motley, using the lie.. I --- c-a„...., .._ ,
stale jokes, and retaining all the vulgarity of 1 - 1.1 10) ith i a t ugti.
the clown of former years, except the wit to i THE subscaiber has commenced the GUN.
make it palatable." 1 4. SM/PH/NO business at Pine Grove, Cen
---.-.6....--- I tre'county, where he to prepared to inaptitude?.
stir We hear the name of Hr. Wm. J. Gei. ! and repair Guns and Pistols of every &scrip.
t the id tire o ee r . epairing CL 0 CAS,
singer highly spoken of in connection with tho i '11:1,31.11:04..r0i5-1 dispatch. _ .
County Treasurership. Dlr. G. is a plateau. Prices to suit
well qualified to discharge the duties of that Dec. 22, 1858.—tf. JOHN H. JACOBS.
office, having had the advantage of a thorough -
ittltlilien education, is honest, and if nominated
116' The Tyrone Star of a late date says 1
that affidavits were taken in that plane the
other day, proving that a certain woman in
Warriorsmark Valley bad cut up and fried
out the fat of an old sheep, which had died
from disease, and mixed part of it with ztulf
which she sold as lard to one of the merchants
and part of which she made candles of, and
sold tg i another merchant. We forbear giving
names at present, as it is most likely that her
conduct will undergo a legal investigation•
We may be allowed to state, however, that
the husband of this same creature says she
cooked for his dinner two or three chickens
which had fallen into a water vessel at the
barn, and lain there so long that the feathers
dropped off when he lifted the fowls out with
the dung-hook !
For the "JT.r.'nel.”
Moral N0. 21i
"The love of praise, howe'er coneeard by art,
Reigns more or less, and glows it every heart;
Tho proud to gain it—toils on toils, endure,
The modest shun it—but to make it sure."
Praise is the outward expression or acknowl•
edgment of merit seen in others. But of all
°Amendatory language, it is the most difficult
properly to bestow, and therefore it is generally I , IKE , rEAK 001 JOY TO TIIE ADMIRERS OF
.0 FINE 11E31/ on
the most carelessly used of any phrases uttered Cannot rival in attraction the superb stock of
by the human voice. Its effects are ns various Spring and Summer Goods now lwiug received ' R ICH GLOSSY HAIR.
113 the traits and dispositions of mankind. With and opened by FISHEIt tt MoNIVIITME.
This stock lies been selected with crent can• ! Tulk of beauty it cannot exist without a fine
some people it acts as an earned incentive to
and the publiccordially 't to ' i 1 I hair ,l . then . 'read the 011
are invited call ate wit. 11
industry and useful exertion, while to others it examine it. you ask more, see circular around each bottle,
is but an encoutagement to vanity and pride. It comprises all the late •styles of Ladies'
. .....°"3 1 .21;4! ° := 1 4 ; 1 4:, __
What the pious call the testimony of 1110 con- Dress Goods, such as Puff de Clievro, Robes a. I aai;', l 7, 4 .7 . l .. . w rO il li t t. c l . ll , l LlE n S3' s gt , o ll l 7 l
science should be the measure or our ambition I n ' i t; , 'l , 44 , " e l , l i t e . g r g a c e , " . j' La t : , l , :a;: r a e t i t- '2 , it i !' i n l i ,:l !, and young, to this wonderful preparation, which
here. Then-,unheeding the volubility of the colored Chintzes, french and Eagli° l : Ging' ! t t ! u r i s .n tlie hi llC k .t . .l t' oPtU r el tt :vi e t7. l( ::it& ra i i i . n l i l . " ,t ir ,7g y ii;
ignorant, who, without dieeretion, say whatever hams, Amaranths, Valenti., Alimecarti debar ! —removes the (lamina, itching, and all ewe
pretty things mute uppermost in their minds— I Prints, Sac., Cc. ! aeons eruptions—raises a continual flow of the'
we should treasure up the few precious words of
A beautiful assortment of Spring SHA WI.S, alumni llui . i t arid hence, if used as a regular
round and square corners, all colors. A fett i dreatog tor the hair will preserve its co l or , net t
wisdom timid advice that "ate from the 4a of stock of lotdiet Fine Collars, Gentlemen's , keep it from tailing to ext.cine old age, in nil
Hosiery, st,i,, n , G ana , an d sill', 1 the grey, or diseased in scalp, to iw: it , and
those who by experience can rightly guide their Furnishing Ganda, s u ch as Coaars, Cravats 1 tin natural Inmitty. We call then tip in the bald,
fellow-men. And even then, we must not de. Ths, Stocks, I surely the young will not, us tiler vela° the
pend alone forhappiness upon this pleasant yM I : l ",ershir° , Drawers, &F. ... .. ' flowing locks, or the witching curl, ever he
11 e have a hoe selection of Mantillas, mess t vitt.° It it Itspraise '
transient sign of approbation, for— Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, ! ' thou ..`,,,,,, .
Thu ig 7 eut for Prof. Wood's !lair It ~t • i •
`True happiness (if understood)
received the . ibllowing e latter ' h e t
Gauntlets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, !
Consists alone in doing good.' Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops i i n N ow lA ncan ,
It is but n short lived, and nt the best, an an. of all kinds, tic. regard to tl.e Buie Re:toroth°, n fell' week:
A—Tickens Osnahurg, bleat:llEl and lin . since'
worthy satisfaction to be admired by a gaping
bleached Muffins' at all prices, Cored and i . Duce Itivsn, Cox, July 2 18 •
multitude of worldly-minded peop'e, who, like whi te c, mll
„„b r i cs , B arre d an d s a l,. „, 1
. r. T.mtvenwortli—Sir: I lunge been troubled
G trou ' iiled
the ePhelnera of a day, live but for the present Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many . with dandruff' or scurf on my bead for more
o u t , i i el ) t o ir i t n i , ltlwd a ti t c x l , i s comprise the line of White dote year, my hair began
n to come .t, scurf
hour. While It but makes the head giddy and saw
distempers the imaginotion, the attestation of W e have preach Cloths, Fmtcy Catodnicro, i ' in; n i i i i i t i nt ' t t l: g tVu ' o;s flair Res to a ri l' t;?: ,% e'l l n a :sre care,
a reflective friend is worth tide of a heroic na- , Sattinett,,Jeutis, Tweeds, Cottonatles, Linens, I culled at your store on the lot of April last,
lure—if needs be—to guilt. Hu that commends Denims " 1 " 1 Bi " Drill' ! and purchased a bo.tle to try . it, and I found ti:
aother, places just so much of his own repo. 1 HATS, DAPS AND BON N ET S ; I,7:irst!"ii,sniViiT,l,lsl7l: the tieing,
" t.i : f '- i r t o t r v e •Tt Y i e s 'i n t o h,'
lotion at stake, Imp constituting himself a judge "I. every vadat)* and style. Alas nil keels " two or three inches in Irugth where'it was a;
and he that hat nothing really lauditble in his , STR.A.W C-00DS. ow. 1 hare great faith in it. I wish you to sea
11, Imo more bottles by Mr. Post, the bearer e
own character, has not that surety to give. , A good stook of , W., I don't as ney of the kind is used in till
Popelurity no a motive for praise—though, tikel. EMS, BIRD s; QUEENsivARE, , pi. 0....., roe may haven market for many botth
after it is known here.
alas I too much sought for by the heedless utt, ' R T
OOS '. N1101:$. Tours with respect,
ay--should never be thought of by those who , Ai' ood and %I' illow-ware,
wish that " Good inure which is rather to be „l i i,q, gill be unit (1,,,,,,
chosen than great tiches." The favors of the We .ti-o deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT,
worldtt i tlul ,i.ii tds , ' L,'l i t ie l.l ,ui , e nitti
world furs i, .. on l
.iei of
tral titudip
e often bestowed upon men ostensibly edossess
hy nnyf acilities. We
for inmate they do not possess—Auld thus , deliver all packinges or parcels of Merchandise,
I' Alas I the praise given to the ear, ! FREE OF CHARGE, itt the depots of the
Nu'er was, or e'er can he sincere, Broad Top and Pennsylvania Itailrotuls.
And does but wage the mind Come one, come all, end be convinced that
the "111.trrnoroLfran" is the place to secure
On which it pritys,--in vain
Would they in whom the poison lurks , i t i le
le and desirable !nods, disposed a a
lowest. rates.
A worthier state attain." . i A nt..14,",9, .
Sunk not then the prise of men, but when I• -
,offered, profit by that which is from
the wise, so that as a stimulant it may produce
better thuds.. Conscience nssures thee of thy
Heavenly Father's approbation, owl HIM is thy
surest guide. Bestow thy Collllllendation upon
others, discreetly, and take for gout/ will the
words of the ignorant, bestowing at the same
tints a reward for Linditc,:.
W. F. TuomAs,
PROM P il I I. A 0 E I. P It I A ,
This gallery of Art is now open for public
inspection of specimens of Ambrotypos, Crys•
talographs, Photographs, Circular and Star
Pictures, also, Name, or Ago, or 11, ildence,
ken on the Pictures—letters of different colors.
Set in Frames, Cases. Loelcets, Rings, Pins or
Bracelets. . . .
Particular attention paid to taking pictures
of Children. Time, from ono to four seconds.
Perfect satisfaction giver., or persons arc not
erf e c...f.:.l to take their pictures.
• • '—wt from sick or deceased persons
. Copies taken from Da
at their residenebZ
guerreotypes or Portratie: 31.°, views of rosi•
deuces, &r.
Ladies and Gentlemen are invite,: to ‘7 411
and examine specimens. Pictures taken as
well in cloudy as fair weather.
How dlen do we hear the exclamation, when
persons are looking at Portraits—“l would .t
value any sum if I could procure the Portraits
of my parents—or deceased children I" Rea
der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel.
ing of unity, you have an opportunity to grati
fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits,
which, it is known, will not fade.
z , 4-Those that wish to learn this beautiful
anynrt,oan• see IV. P. Thomas, from Phila.
_ . l
r—urt 50 cents upwards.
_ ,
par 1000 AGENTS WANTEIL—Fur particu
furs scud stump. C. P. Wurrr EN,
Mar. 23. 610 Irowc!1. Ala
Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
W. 11. WOODS, A. M. Proprietor and Principal.
Moo. F. 'l'. WOODS, 'DAVID M. BUTTS,
Principal of Female Department. Teacher cif the English Brantlies,
Professor of Anatomy and Physiolooy. Teacher of Mathematics.
Lecturer on Art of 7eacling and Phys. Ge0y.71,0,,, in p reparn i n ,„
Teacher of Music, Drawing Grecian and flat. l Monitor, •
fun Balding and Fancy ,Yeedle Work.
THE next reunion ''„l9 Institution will open the first Wednesday of May. It holds out noire
rbr nvantages to those seeking an ednentiev. The Board of Instruction is large, and corn.
posed of ,1 3 0se who are thoroughly qualified for their profession. To Parents and Guardians
who wish to place their children in a secure and healthy retreat, it holds out peculiar induce.
nests A NORMAL SCHOOL will be formed the present session, to which Mr. Owen, our
' worthy County Superintendent, will give Icetures on the Art of Teaching and Physical Geogra
phy. In the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, young men will be thoroughly qualified for
the Counting Room. TERMS, fur session of floe mouths, $55.00. Light and fuel also. Les
sons in Music, French, Drawing, Painting and Fancy Needle Work, extra
For further particulars address
N. B.—By those desiring places, early application should be made
, , :11., National,
~- , i t, . _ Company.
ineorporaletf byl.he State of Penesylvanfa,
1. Money is received every day, and in any
amount, large or small.
Y. FIVE PER CENT interest Is paid for
money from the day it is put in.
:1. The money is always paid back in 001.1)
whenever it is called for, and without notice.
. .
.1. Money is received from Executors,
u ;strut° s, Guardians and others who desire to
have it inn place of perfect safety, and where
interest can be obtained for it.
5. The money received front depositors is in
GROUND RENTS, and such other first-class
securities as the Charter directs.
G. Office Hours—Every day from 9 tills
o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays 8
o'clock in the evening.
HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President,
ROBERT SELFRIDGE, t'ice President,
W3I. J. REED, Secretary.
Hon. Bonnor, IP. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carts;;; Joseph ‘
Robert L. Selfridge, ' : nthe l s 'y'"„ e ,t!„„
Saint. K. Ashton, I Jusei:''
C. Landreth Manes, Henry
Wu, A. Datehelors Hair Dye
The Original and Best in the World
1,2 others are mere imitation, and should
be avoidetl, if you wish to escape ridicule.
straitly to a beautiful 6:2d Natural Brown of
Black, without the least biar; to Baker Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas Mae been tr.
warded to Wm. A. Batchelor suttee 18SP., and
over 80,000 applications have been made to
the Bair of his patrons of hie famous Dye.
duces a polor not to be distinguished from na
ture, and is warranted net to injure in the lcust •
however long it way be continued, and the ill
effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the lit it
vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye.
Made, scld or applied (in 9 private miens)
at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New
York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Uni•
tad States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods
' ' --
see Thu Genuine bustle name and address
upon a steel plate ougraving on four sides of
each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR,
233 Broadway, New York.
John Head, Ageot Huntingdon l'u.
Nov. 17, '5B-Iy.
Dar 5000 AGENTS WANTED—To sell 4 new
inVuutione. Agents have made over $25,000
on one; than all other similar agencies.
Send four stamps and get SO pages particulars,
gratin. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Muss.
W. 11. WOOD!
PIIII.ADE . I.I . IIIIA, Supt. P, 1850.
Woon—llear Sir:Youro flair Restin
stir,' is proving itself beneficial to me. 'fif
front, and also the bock part of my head ohm
lost its covering—in fart ISALD. I Intro use
but two half pint bottles of yorr flesturativ4
and now tho top of my head is Wgii uuddr
with a promising crop of young hair. and ti
Trout is alsr receiving its benefit. I bare trif
other preparations without any benefit whateve
l think from my own personal recommendatii
I run indium many others to try it.
Fours respectfully,
1). It. Tlloll.\ S, AI. 1).
No. 464 Vine, St
VINCENUEIi, lA., June 21, 1853,
I'HOF. 0. J. WOOD ; As . you ore about
inanuf.totare and vend your recently discover
Flair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever
may concern, that I have used it and knot
others to use it—that I have, for several yea,
been in the hal it of using other Hair Rester
tives, and that I find yours vastly impeder
any other I know. It entirely cleanses the he
of dandruff, and with one month's proper t
will restore any person's hair to the original c
for nod texture, giving it a healthy, soft a
glossy appearance ; and all this. without dise
tiring the hands that apply it, or the dress
which it drops. I would, therefore, reeomme
its use to every one desirous of having a li
color and texturoto the hair.
Respectfully yours,
O. J. WOOD & Co., Proprietors,:lli Broad
way, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire
listablizhipept.) and 114 Market St.,
St. Link, Mu. John Rend, Agent, Hunting.
don, and sold by all good Druggistg,
OEHOCEO TO 55 A YEAR !-.Prepaid,
The Best lnd Cheapest Periodical
In con6equeuee of the largely increased cir•
culation, the publishers of
Arc enabled to reduce the subscription price
11)10$(; to ;5, The publishers are determined
that no espeuse or labor shall be sphred to
make this
And whilst boldly challenging competition,
claim for it, only what has been conceded by
the most eminent men of this country, from
the time of its first publication, (over sixteen
rears since) to the presentday, vie :—•
—That it is suitable to all classes of read-
Professional Men, Philos°.
ers—Stateeah— • Merchants, Mechanics
nd lier armersF, Poet,
, S atu,..l•" ll of whio •. ...lapleasure
y derive
and profit from its pages. q
ui of
2.—That in it may be found the ....- e“ .
all the world.renowned Reviews and Perto...:"
cats of Europe, with original articles and'sb.•
lections fron; the bent fugitive literature of our
own country.
3.—That it contains more readir.g matter
than any other magazine iu the world ; each
weekly number containing mixty.four pages and
a line steel portrait ; making three thousand
three hundred and twenty-night pages in a
year with fifty•two steel engravings.
4.—That it is the oldest Periodical of its
I kind in this country, having been published
' over sixteen years.
3.—That it is the cheapest publication of the
day, whether it is judged by the quality or
quantity of its contents.
ft.—That no library is 'perfect without it.
.7,—That to those with limited means, it in
un admirable substitute for a library of mit,
cullaticous books. And finally, that as alfan,
; ily Magazine, it is perfectly unexceptionable,
in ail respects.
Price five dollars per annum, or thirteen
cents a number, sent by snail, post paid, to .y
address in theirnited States. To Clergymen,
' Teachers, Students arid Clubs, four dollars.
508, Broadway, New York.
May 11, '50.-0.
vtir machine for several weeks,
`I boy. I. .tf stied that the work it duce
end am perfectly that ever was.—
is the best and most beau.
Maggie Aimison, Nashville, Ten:.
"I use toy Machine upon coats, dressmanhig,
and tine linen stitching, and the work is admi
rable—far better than the best hand-sewing,'or
any other machine I have ever seen."—Lncy
B. 'Thompson, Nashville, Tenn
"I tied the work the strongest and most beau
tiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or
machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma
' chino as ono of the greatest blessings to our
sex."—Mrs. Taylor, Nashville, Th a n.
"I bare one of Grover & Baker's Sowing Ma
chines in use in my fa wily, nd find it mvaltta
ble. I casts confidently recommend it to all per
sons in want of a machino."—G. T. Thompson,
.Nashville, Tenn.
"I take pleasure in eettifying to the utility of
the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I lot
used ono on 'tiniest every description of work
for mouths, and find it much stronger titan work
done by haul" —Xis. D. IV. Wheeler, Nashv ille
"1 would be unwilling to dispose of
nor & Baker Machine for a large amount, could
I not replade it again at pleasure."—,Mrs.
Seurci, Nashville Tenn.
TWO YOUNG MEN to learn the Ambro. .Our two D. 1.1111108, purchased IrmoYou, do
typing business. Instructions
yarticulars, rte., apply
gi v e" for the the work of twenty young ludic.. W. with
stun of $1.5.00. For
pleaburu recommend the Gruver & Baker ma-
WM. V. TUOMAS: AmbrotYlnd• chine to he the best lu use."—.V. Stillman 1. Co.
1 Huntingdon : May 4, 1850. TOM.
Exinx ciiAnGn Or $5 EMI 11/001E1.11.
403 Broadway, N. Y. 730 Cheatnut St., Phila.
These Machines sew from two spools, as pot ,
chased front the store, requiring no re-winding ;
of thread; they Hem, Fell, Gather nod Stitch
inn superior style, finishing each seam by their ;
own operation, without recourse to the hand
needle, as is required by other machines. They
will do better and cheaper sewing than n seam
stress can, even if she works for one cent an
hour, and are, unquestionably, tho hest 'Ma
chines in the market for family sewing, on ac
ount or their simplicity, durability, ease of
mmagement, And adaptation to all varieties of
iamily sewing—executing either heavy or fine
work with equal facility, and without special
. . .
Is evidence of the unquestioned superiority
of their Machines, the G not. 4 Bacon SEW
isG Magni:lt CO3II,INIC beg leave to respectful
ly refer to the following
"Having had one of Grover & Baker's Ma-
Ainos in my family for nearly n year and a ball
1 take pleasure in commending it as every way
ridialile for the purpose for tthi^lt it is designed
--Family B:wing."—Mrs. Leavitt, wife
her. Dr. Leavitt, Editor q'.V. Intkpendent.
•'1 confess mvself delighted with your Sowing
Machina, which has been in my family fin.
nr months. It has always been ready for duty,
I,y:idling no adjustment, nod is easily adapted
m every variety of family sewing, by simply
611amling the spools of threwl."—Mrs.
strOdand, wifr of Rev. Dr. Strirldand, Editor nj
2". Cbristion Adrorni
"After trying several different good mold.,
I preff.rred yours, on account of its simplicity,
and the perfect ease with which it is managed,
ns well as the strength and durability of the
seam, Alter lung experience, I feel competent
to speak in this manner, and to confidently re
commend it fur every variety of family sewing."
—.l/0:. E. B. Spooner, trite Ville Editor e/ Brook.:
/lin Star.
"I have used a Grover & Baker Sewin , Ma
chine for two years, and have found it adapted
to ell kind.; at' family see ng, from Cambric to
lirosdcloth, Garments have been worn out
without the giving way of n stitch. The Ma
chine is easily kept In order, and is easily wed."
—.l/e5...4. 11. Whinde, wife of Rev. Geo. Whip
plc, New Fik.
"Your Seeing Moobine has been in we in
my family the past two years, and the ladies
request me to give you their testimonials to its
parted ndaptedness, as well as labor-saving
qualities in the performance of family and
household sewing."—Robert Boorman, N. Y.
"For several months we have Grover & Be
Let's Sewing Machine, and have come to the
conclusion that every lady who desires,
ing 14..10114 and quirkill done, would by most
fortunate in possessing one of these nimble
end indeffalgable `iron needle-women,' whose
contoured qualities of brawn, streno • and
cap are invaluable;'— /. Murat, danyhter of
Ga. Gt.. morris, I,:eytor of llemc Journal.
Extract of a letter from Thos. It. Leavitt, on
American gentleman, saw resident in Sydney,
New South Wales, dated January 12, 1848 ;
"I had a tent made in Melbourne, in Ioslt, in
which there were over three thousand yards of
serving done with one of Grover &Baker's Ma
chines, and a ninyle seam of that has outstood
all the double seams sewed by sailors with a nee
dle and twine,"
"If Homer could be called up limn his mur
ky Mules, he would sing the advent of Grover
& Baker as to more benignant, miracle of art
than was ever Vulenn's smith. Ile would de
nounce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful
spring of woes unnumbered."—Prof. North.
"I take pleasure In saying, that the Grover &
Baker Sewing Machines have more than sns-
Mined my expected., After trying and retur
ning others, I have three of tin. in °
in my different places, and, after four years'
trial, have co fault to find.",-,./. 11. Hammond,
Senator of South Carolina.
"My wile has had one of Grover & Baker's
Family Sewing Machines for some time, and I
out satisfied it is one of Ike best labor-saving
machnes that has been invented. I take much
pleasure in recommending it to the public."—
J. U. Barris, Governar of Tennessee.
"It is a beautiful thing, und puts everybody
into an excitement of good humor. Were I a
Catholic I should insist upon Saints Grover and
Baker having an eternal holiday in commune:
ration of thew good deeds far lonwiv•—cffs
sins M. Clay.
"I think it by fur the best potent in use. This
Machine can be adapted from the finest cambric
to the heaviest cassimere. It saws stronger,
faster and mo:o beautifully than 'no eau ima
gine. If mine could not be replaced, money'
could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Nash
ville, Tenn.
"It .is speedy, very neat, and durable in its
work; is easily understood and kept in repair. I
earnestly recommend this Machine to all my so
gonOonnens nod othors."—Mrs. M, A. Forrest,
Memphis, Tenn.
"We find this machine to work to our satis
faction, and with plea3ure recommend it to the
public, us we believe Grover & Baker to be the
best Sewing Machine in usc."—Derry Brothers,
A/1180pda, 7
"If used exclusively for family purposes, with
ordinary care, I will wager they will lust one
'three score years and ton,' and never get out
• ;:: : "—John Erskine, Nashville, Tenn.
A retie° slituttrute
For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters 11!
whon the undersigned, after a long series 01
laborious and costly experiments, became fully
confirmed in his conviction, that the Antiphle
atio Salt which ho now has the happiness to
present to the American public, was a '
for Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his
mind wan so agitated that be could not sleep for
many nights. The cause of his agitation Wen
the striking tact, that the manner of he operation
like that of toe sires in vaccination, could nor
be natisfacterialy explained upon any karma
principle. How, in whet w ty, it so effectually
sabdaed htflosionafory Disease and no Oleo;
was at first wholly inexplicable—but, on Nodal
experiment, it was proved that it ortifixes tie
fluids ol the Ludy, the want of an equilibrium ht
is the sdha cause of inflammation. Such ..
is its potency, that like the vaccine matter, t .
requires merely 'sat adheres to thepoint ors quill
dipped into a solution of it, to effect the eistira
system—but must be instantly used to preytaa
deco inpos'tion and secure •its full virtue. Thh:co
quills in acute. and two in chronic diseases,
every 24 hours, tin thehent, pain anti febrile ac
tion have subsided,4ind a perfect cure effected.
When it takes the place of blisters; ointment
and leeches in local affections, us Brain Fever,
Creep, Toothache, Pleurisy, fit, its :node of
administration is two-Arkl. (See iiirectiin of di*.
solving.. Or.)
The discoverer lies withheld it from the pub
lic till now, by tire advice of a judicious physi
cian and valuable friend whom he eoneulted--
at gentleman known and felt in the medical
world—and who desired to stibmit it to the test
o f experiment. After witnessing under his own
scrutinizing rye, its signal triumph over both
acute and chronic bylaw:mewl, diseases ' in re
pented and re-repeated trials, he offered $22.-
000 to come in es a special and equal partner in
the Recipe far its tuatiutlicture, bit the propo
sal was rejected.
The disuse or tire lancet and Whalers, is de
mantled both by humanity by humanity and
science. Is it not n mistake; to suppose that
a kettle of boiling water (the inflamed blood)
will cease to boil, by dipping out a port of it--
or a cask of bed eider (had bitted) be made
good, by drawing a• pallet' of it? Is it not a
mistake, to suppose that blisters and rubefacients
will remove inflammation. when they virtually
stiperadd one inflammation its another 7 The
late pf. B. Weteriteime, of Harvard Universi-
I ty, said "I out tick of learned gnuckery„' One
of the most eminent physicians In New England
acknowledged just before his sleuth, that "be
has been doubting thir teeny years, wether Lined
letting anti blisters did' nut aggravate rather
than :tricot IlliOSSa." Some who stand
high in the Ohl and New school, have quite re
cently espoused his views end now openly con
fess, they believe the lan,et, setons leeches and
blisters injure ten where they benefit One—
They think there is a meaning to Dem. 12, 22
—Gen. 9, 4—andLovit. 17, 14—taut "TIII.
111,0013 IS THE LIFE." It is not the excess of
blood (there never is too much) that causes di
seam, but the want of a Li:Mince beviceen the
fluids and solids.
The special excellence of the . Antiphlogistic
Salt, in the{ without the useless loss of blood
mill strength, it effectually subdued intlammato
ry discos!, (no others) by prodneing an equili
brium of all the fluids is the body and a cense
quent uninterrupted eirculetion. It exerte ,
the vaccine matter ' and eiciraordinaly influence
over the vane mid arieries—resultingin a grad
ual decline of inflammation as indicated by the
pulse, which assumes its natural stets as the
heat, pain an t fever dissuppear.
C.isif' Many medicines offered for sale, are
backed by doubtful certificates, (their cheir vir
tue) and claim to he universal remidies, curing
all nielitlies—a burlesque on common sense;
As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests
against having it placed in the category el
frauds and impotitions. he has resolved that it
shell go forth to the world, like the pure gold
dollar, with no otherpasspert than its true val
ue. If the public find it genuine, they will re
ceive it—if spurious, they will reject and con
demn it, Instead of being a panacea ter all ills,
it has control over but ane alt,—hue hut one wren
--Znecomplidies but awl - Ming, to lelf, sus yul:
INFLAIIIMA Disk:Abu—whatever lie it.:
or locality—wether in the head, throat chest ab
domen, extremities or skin. It is asked, horn
it does this7—simply by restoring the lost bal
ance between the fluids and solidr.
The following diflerent /mix which the un
balanced fluids assume, and many not here Mei
boned that have more or less heat, pain or lever
(no others)are as perfectly cured by the Anti
phlogistic Salt, as fire is extinguished by water.
I. Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect
the Ilcau and xiinovr—to wit, Drain Even,
Fits, Headache, Itylemenell Eyes, Ears and Neve,
Canker, Neuralyia, Erysipelas, Catarrh, Croup,
pronehilis, vv.
2. Cnies where the unbalanced fluids effect
rho CttuaT and ABDOMEN—to wi ll , Inflamed
Lungs and Liver, Volk, Pleariq, Conyles, byepep.
, Atilluna 2 Dropsy, Heartburn, Gravel Piles,
Gonorrhea, Venereal, rec.
2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
the ExTmistrrias and Sitter—to wilt Rkettlitd:
Gong, Scrojida, Ulcers Chi/Mini, Cleilloains,
Chirkta and Small PoX, S alt Menne, with itch
in" and other Cuianeous Aketioni, &e.
This Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory
pains pecutar to married ladies, (before and at
the time of confinement) and many female com
plaints, rind is very facetious in Fever, Ague,
Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections sod
anYother feints or (Mark thia)iiiflaMmatory di
scase, attended wt:li heat, pain or fibril° symp
Persons who have a tendency of blood
to the head or heart, or lead inactive lives, or
breath the impure air of manufactories and the
poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or live
is unhealthy climates, are exposed to a partic
liar vitiation of the fluids cf the body, which ens
dose without interfercing with the diet or' busi
ness, once In three months, would invariably
prev en,. It is beleived to afford protoctiop from
infectious • disease, and therefore travellers,
sai:ors, and soldiers should tupply themselves
with it. _ . .
lir While many nostrum-makers victitaisu
the good natured and pill-ridden public, oy or
dering "from six to a dozen boxes or bottles,
to rote any malady." no matter while—the un
ders i
Vgned s happy in being able to state, that
the severest forms of recent inflainrnut.try di
sease, was over eosin by one Acute package,
and die most obstlnate and long standiug
one Chi. foie package. It does just what it
claims to do—and uo more, or less—equalizes
the fluids by removing from the system all ar
terial and venous obstructions.
cr- Pleas let your neighbors read this.
For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of bamuel
Smith, • &Co • ' Huntingdon, l'a.
'F o b.!llth 1850.
ALTOONA Blair co., July 3, '3B.
J. D SIONEROAP, T.cwistown ; Ya
Door Sir—Mr. Wm.
Tuusnactai, who has been suffering several
years front rheumatism, got so ill that his friends
and relatives were summoned to witness his
death. I induced his friends to try the virtue
or your preparation—they did so, as the last re,
sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, he be
gat t o improve, got better nod bettor, aid now.
so fur as I know, be is u hale and stout Mall,
This is not the only case where the
Om hay surpassed human expectations. Tit
every ease whore I have recommended the On.,
it hes done what it promises to do. Send u.
another s2o's worth.
Yours truly, H. LEHEV,
1 A .
The Subscriber respectfully inform the Pub
iic, that he is prepared to receive cud unload
Cars containing Lumber, Hark, Stares, Skin
plea, Coal, lrou,
S. y. Corner Bioltt SCllB C R allow iilE
J ga. 311 1851).—litu