w re. John S. Holland, of Pembroke. Chris- AttlitMODU ournat. tu.ll county, Ky., offers a reword of $l5O fur the rupture and return to hits of 'rhos. Whit .- lock, a Methodist pteacher, (his slave) 28 years Wednesday Morning, June 1. 1869. old, and weighing 170 or 180 pounds. If caught LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. der The inspection of the military compa nies of the 4th Brigade, 14th Division, came off at this Wrier, on Friday last, according to order. There were but three companies pros sat and everything passed off in a quiet, or. derly manner. The Orbisonia Artillery, Capt. Dell, numbered some twenty muskets, and pre sented a very creditable appearance. The Pe tersburg Guards, Capt. Johnston, in a splendid 'body of men, numbering near forty muskets, sad attracted considerable attention. The Scott lufautry, Capt. Dare, is, decidedly, one of the largest, best looking and ablest con, mended military companies in the State, and we are free to say would give a good accowit of itself should it ever become ueeessary to call upon them to defend their country, quiet insubordination or expel an invader. On the whole, we were grently pleased with the decorum manifested by the bald soger ier,!s," and the proceedings generally. la- Of all evils, we would particularly call the attention of parents to that one of permit ting theit children to attend circuses, nod pla• ace of like indecent character, whore vulgarity and obseenity, reign triumphant. The father who places the money in his sun's hands to vis it a circus, does as touch to give his soul to Sa tan, no the wretch who teaches him to scoff at religion and his God. Ile is as much a mur derer of that son's virtue as he who plunges a knife to his heart would be of his buoy, Cir- cuses are the devil's most effective weapons, end we tremble for the young man who fro quotas such places. The best circuses are evils, but what shall we say of those where vulgar ity and obscenity form the principal features of attraction Of this elms we have the author ity to say, is the one which is'about polluting our community—a miserable, broken-down, contemptible humbug. We hope our friends in the country will not consent to be hum bugged. DROWnD.—An interesting little son of Rev. Win. McCullom, of this borough, aged about three years, accidentally fell into the canal oo Sunday afternoon last, and was drowned. Au soon as he was missed by his parents, search wan matte, Lut nowhere could he be found. At last a lady gave the information the she had obnerved "something red " floating down the canal, which gave rise to the suspicion that he had fallen into the same, and upon exam i. nation, tho body was tomtit u shalt distance below town, and rescued by our friend Col. Harry Wharton. This in indeed a sad occur• rence, and has cast a gloom over out entire coniumnity. He wan an interesting, bright-eyed I ittle fellow, and we mourn with Ins aftlic , .ed parents in thin, their bereaveract.t. giarWe find the following :elative to the Hedfurd Railroad, in the last Inpirer. The Letting of the Road from Hopewell to Bloody Run, took place on Wednesday Inst. At the time of going to press wo had nut yet learned the successful bidders. A great many vont rae• tors, have been in town for several days past. and among them we notice some of the hat and most reliable men in the State. That Ia t of ties route will be commenced imineditoeiy, and there is no doubt of its completion nt a,: early day to Bloody Run, and from that point to Bedford. We will publish a full report of tho lettings in our next. Just before going to press, we learn that James bull and James Montgomery of Dar• risburg, and Thomas Collins of Cambria, have been allotted the contract for the building of the Railroad from Hopewell to Bloody Run. :IQ— The Shirleyshurg Herald says, David McDonaghy, residing in the neighborhood of Three Springs, came near losing his life on Wednesday of last week, in the following mnn• ner ; in felling a tree for the purpose of bark ing, in its fall it bent a stout sapling to tl e ground. In attempting its removal, he in an uncautious manlier, gave a few strokes with his axe on 11.1!1 strained portion of the sapling, when, owing to its tention, it split and sprang upward with great force, striking the unfortu• nate tnan a terrible kitty on the forehead, juring him seriously. 'lke skin and flesh were much lacerated, and the skull severely frac• lured, two email pieces of which it was ccund necessary to remove. At first, fears were en tertained that he could not survive, but at la. est accounts he was doing well, and hopes are entertained or his recovery. BLAIR COUNTY.—WO Hell the following items of news in our Blair County exchanges: The Whig chronicles the disease of a veaer• able col.' ea gentleman named Tom Shorter, Supposed to be about 100 years uld. Toe TYRONE Star says that Joseph Will. jams caught a pike in the Juniata which weighs 18 Nuncio. What a whopper I. The Directors of the Phillipsburg and Ty. rone Railroad hate effected an arrangetnent with the Penneylvahis Railroad Company re. which insures the early completion of tide im• , nvement. Levi DeArmit, conductor on a freight train of the Pennsylvania Railroad, was accidentally killed on Saturday last, o at Blair Furnace, by hi 6 head coming in contact with the bridge. SINGULAR CIRCUUSTANCR.—Not long since a little eon of Calvin B. Jacobs, of Hollidays burg, by some means got a grain of corn in his nose. On complaining of pain, a physician was sent for, who mado an examination, but tailed to discover the pain. A few days after, while the child wee lying down Mr. J. thought he saw the wain, and immediately called in a physician who came prepared with an instil. talent to remove it. The child refused to be operated upon, but finally went to the yard, where by vigorous blowing the grain of corn was dislodged, and on examining, it was found tc have two sprouts upon it. .... _ kr The Excels ior Braila Band ie having a new and beautiful wagon built, at the ex• teueive eetabliehtnent of Mi. 0. Boat. Ina State the reward is but $lOO, Has anybody seen a Christian minister loose in this vicinity, of about this age and weight ? If so, hero is a chance for speculation, by send• ing hint back to his "old Kentucky home." 'The last Shirleysburg Herald, is pay. ing a handsome compliment to the d:scourse delivered in that village lust Sabbath, by Rev. Reid, adds: it appears that alma twenty.li, or thirty heads of familbs in this neighborhood .e members of the German Reformed Church id it is the intention of Mr. Reid to visit thorn occasionally, and hold meeting., iu the clinch. os or tho other denominations, which wo hope will bo cordially opened to him. He is certain. ly an accomplished and impressive pulpit era. tor. TH E ELDER Bustt. —A cotemporary says in. sects never touch elder bushes. The leaves of the elder. scattered over cabbage, cucumbers, squashes, and other• plants subject to the roes gee of insects, effectually shields them. The plum and other fruits subject to the ravages of insects, may be saved by placing in the branch. es and through the tree, bunches of elder THE Amts CILOP.-If plenty of blossoms are any indication of a largo apple crop, rte shall have a great abundance this season. (Jr every hand apple, pear, peach and cherry trees are in full bloom, and unless we have a frost— "a killing frost" we may look fur a large yield of fruit at the proper time. Everybody is rejoicing at the prospect at present. Wednesday evening last, three e“,- loAds of U. S. soldiers, passed through this place on their way to Utah. They seemed to be laboring under a severe attack ofstrychnine whisky, and were very noisy. One of then, was gallant enough to empty a imp orcolfee . a lady staudiug . the platform. Sror Sumo rascal entered the garden of a widow lady in town, the other night, and carried oil all her cabbage plants. We did nut think we had a mar. ? in town mean enough to steal plants, and are inclined to think he must b 3 a hard ease. re' Captain Whisky had his mail Niurphy out in mull dress parade last Friday. A slight skirmish ensued near the cemetery, in which the “Ethinpium" was compelled to knock un• der. tiV- We are iudebtell to our friends of the String Band, for the delightful music they fa oared oe with the other e4euiug. It was deli• cious, and we hope our young friends will "do it again" and often. goy- We are again under obligati°ou to two of our fair friends, fur handsome boquets. La dies, the printer,' thanks and benedictions be with run evermore, for your sweet gills. Hen..—Wo are informed that a very severe hail sham prevailed hi the vicinity of Water. street, on 'Thursday lust, doing but little dote however, to the crups. how far it eA • ..1• (.11, we tire unable to say. A,-2.• The Lei Wing of the vaults at the !louse, is Aoilig on rapidly, and when eouiple tcd, will keep the records secure. wa3 senaible ireprovenscat. YE SOAP "PUNKIN "—Onc Ye 3, Strii p'd by T, Smith, (rem his vile disguise,. Its naked shame, the ass and 161 arises, In potent, grave u•td reverend " Peter• Punk, Prince of all asses—living or defunct; And he who looks no Peter, now will find, Earl' monster meets his likeness in his mind, Well may poor Peter dread J. S*B skill, Well may he tremble, when we draw our quill, Our magic quill, that, like Ithuriel's spear Reveal'd Punk'seloven hoof and leugthen'tlear; Bade the green soap bug take its natural shape, And show'd in Punk, a fool, au ass and ape ; Dragged the vile slanderer from hie dark abode, ill all the demon starts up from the toad ; Nut quite a toad, and yet no more a 'tad,' . . A little of bothLof bath whatever's bad, "Oh, show! John Smith, why gil.bet thus the name. Of fools and knaves, already dead to shame ? Know you not, John, the ever truthful verse—• ' The 'knave and fool are their own libellers!' A gibbering idiot common truth ne'er feats, And Peter trembles only fur his mfrs." True, true, my friend, but while we hold a rod No saapbra hied idiot shall 'blaspheme his God; No pimp of vice, no prostitute to gain, Low-creeping in the putrid sinki of shame— No greasy, sump-locked, pug-nosed braying slave Shall crawl, unwhipp'd of Justice, to his grave. A lash like mine, uo honest man need dread, But pimps, and punks, and asses in his stead Fur him who hunts a harmless neighbor's peace Ia long-eared rhyme that stinks of MD al grease, Maggots half formed, in rhyme exactly mem, That learn to crawl upon poetic feet ; Who loves a lie, lame slanders help about, Who writes it libel, or who copies .t ; Who keeps no Secret, tolls wbatn'er you say, And if you trust him.. will as sure betray. And such is Peter, zany, crazy elf, Cursed by his neighbors, children and himself; To apes, and toads,.and asses still a shame, Think, hew posterity will tteat thy name— Go. hey a rope, that future times may tell Thou hest at least bestowed one penny well. No longer through your muck•cart, Pete, insist, In 'rhyme run mad' "Peter's a Satirist;" But boil, and mould, and mix your spirits still, And munch your oats—or thistles, if you will; Keep cool, then, Peter, don't get. in a miff, You'll hear again from—yours in tears JOUN SMITH. 810" Sprained Ankleo end Wrists can be re• loved of all swelling and pain in from five to thirty minutes, by the free use of Du Vall's Galvanic Oil. It acts by imparting electricity to the part affected, starts up a new action in that part, and a cure in at once obtained. ° ~.~~~~Yeb. In this borough on the 24th ult., Rev. James Reed to Mies Cornelia Ker, both of this place. - Pitt'. At Carrick Furnace, Franklin county, on the 25th ult., Alexander Walker, in the 77th ,ear WILIT-.NNATC,CO7J 1LC.43.7:3M/Ler'in nau. , E GJ© RIETB2I2 [ISMTEMTI2. Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. W. IL WOODS, A. M. Pi MR% F. T. WOODS, Principal of Female Department, J. ALFRED SHADE, M. D., Professor of Anal(.44 and Physiology. ALBERT OWEN, Lecturer on Ar! qf 'leaching and Phys. Geog Miss ANNA G. PAI:TON, • Teacher of Music, Drawing Creston and lint ian Painting and Fancy Needle Work. TIE next session of this Institution will open I riJr advantages to those seeking an education psed of those who are thoroughly qualified fc who wish to place their children in a secure ai melts A NORMAL SCHOOL, will be forms worthy County Superintendent, will give lecture, phy. In the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMEN the Counting Room. TERMS, for seasion of li sons in Music, French, Drawing, Painting and 1 For further particulars address N. B.—By those desiring.pluees, curly 'lndic Apr.G,'s9.• PIKE'S PEAK COLD Cannot rival in attraction the superb St uckof Spring aud.Stinirner Goods now being received uiulypened by Fisuna L MuNfunTair. This sleek has been selected with great care and the public are cordially invited to call and examine it. It comprises all the lato styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Poil de Cheers, Rolws L., Organdies, Jaconcts, Lawns, Challis, plain and figured Berages. Crape Harem, Plain awl colored Chintz., French and En g lish Ging hams, Amaranths, Valenti., Alpuccas, Debage Prints, Ste., &c. A beautiful assortment of Spring fill AWLS, round and square corners, all colors. A full stock of Ladies Fine Collars, Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Codars, Cravats, Tien, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts; Gauze and Sills l'odershirts, Drawers, hr. We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, (iantlids, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops of all kinds, &c. LSO—'Pickens, Osnaburg, bleached and un bleached Muslim at all prices, Colored and White Cambries, Barred and Swiss Musli Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and n.ny other articles which comprise the line of \V bile and Domestic Goods. We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassino,,, Sattinottg, Jeans, Tweeds, Cotton:ales, Denims and Blue Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. a every vedety and style. Ala() all kind, STRAW GOODS A good stuck of GROI ERIES,. WIRD & QUEENSWAR E, BOOTS & 14110111 S, Wood . and AV ill° wa re, wiU sold thii,Ap. We Also deal in PLASTER, FISII, SAL.'(', and nil ,kinds of GRAIN, mud possess. .in tlns branch Or trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Morebandise, FREE (IF eIIARGE, at the &pots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroad,. Conic ono, come all, and be convinced that the "MaTuoPourAst" is the place to secure thaltionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Apr.l4,'SO. YI A" F 'acv National. • ' " SAllll'lllO Act Company. (immoral ed hy jiieStatenj Pennsylvania. RULES. 1. Money is received every day, and in any amont, large or small. 2. FIVE PEff. CENT interest is paid l'or money from the day it is put in. 3. The money i always paitrback in GOLD whenever it is culled for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Evecidom Admi. nistrato •e, Clif , rdiUll3 nod others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest eau he obtained for it. 5. The money received from depositors is in. vested in REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such other first-elass securities us the Charter directs. 6. Mice Hours—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in lho evening. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT - SELFRIDGE, Vice President, WM. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS: Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Barry, !!obartL.Balfridge, Francis Lee, titt - ntl. K. Ashton, - . I Joseph Yerl:es, C. Landreth Menus, Henry Dietrenderffer, OFFICE, WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, 1;11[11a021 , P1111fil. HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE ? ? Wm. A. Batchelors Hair Dye ! The Original and Beet in the World! All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed in. stand} , to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a warded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. WE. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE pro duces a color not to be distinguished from nu ture, and is warranted not to injure in the least however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of Bad Dyes rg,medied ; the Ht it iu viooratedfor life by this splendid Dye. Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Uni ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. lair The Genuine has the name and address upon a a.cel plate engraving on four sides of each boa, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, New York. John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, '6B-Iy. Ser 5000 AGENTS WANTED—TO sell 4 new inventions. Agents have made over $25,000 1 on one,—better than all other similar agencies. Send Mar stamps and get 80 pages particulars, ! gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mass. Mar.33,'5D.-6m.. ,oprietor and Principal. DAVID M. Bt . I TS, Teacher of the Eaulish Branches. WM. M. WILIAAMSON, Teach, of Illathentalics, Miss LIZZIE F. LYON, , . Teacher in Preparatory Department. EP 11RA IM BA KER, Monitor. the first Wednesday of May. It holds out supe n. The Huard of Inatructain is large, and corn or their profession. To Parents and Guardian, healthy retreat, it hulde out peculiar indoor ed the preaent session, to which Mr. Gwen, our !:1 on the Art of Teaching and Physical Geogra• young men will be thoroughly qualired for ice months, 5i5.00. Light nod fuel aloe. Lou- Fancy Needle \Valli, extra, W. 11. WOODS, :ation should be mode. JOY TO THE ADMIRERS OF RICH diOiiirHAlß. Talk of beauty, it cannot exist a taunt a fine heal of hair, then read the following. and it you ask more, see circular around tack bottle, and no ono can doubt. DROV WOOD'S DAM RESTOR.A.• TIVE.—Wa all the attention of all, obi and young, to this wonderful preparation. which turns buck to its original color, gray hair—cov ers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth —removes the dandruff, itching, and all cuta neous eruptions—causes a continual flow of hc natural dui' s and hence, if used as u regular dressing for the hair will preserve its color, and i keep it from tolling to extinme old age, s nil its natural beauty. We call then mi. the bald, tho grey, or diseased in scalp, to use it, and surely the young will not, as they value the flowing locks, or the witching earl, ever be without it. Its praiso is upon the tongue of thousands. The Agent for Prof. Wood's flair Restorative in New Rayon, received the following letter in regard to tl.e Hair Rettorative, a low weeks since: DLE, ItivER,PONN, July 21, 185 G Mr. Leavenworth—Sir: I hare been , troubled with dandruff or scurf on my head for-morz than a year, my hair began to come out, scurf and hair together. I saw in a Now Haven pa per about "Wood's flair Restorative" as a cure. I called at your store tin the Ist of April last, and purchased a bo.tlu to try it, and I found to I,v dlietiun it was the thing, it removed the ,chit 41‘,1 new hair begun to grow; it is now two or three inches in hugth where it was all off. I have great faith in it. I wish you to send ~,a two more bottles by Mr. Post, the bearer of this. I don't as acy ut the kind is used in this place, you may have a market fur many bottles eller it is known here. YUIITS with respect, RUhUS I'RATT. P1f11,.1.1.111A, Sept. 9, MAI. loop, WOOD—Dear Sir : Your' Hair Restor ative it !roving itielf beneficiol to or. The front, nod alio the buck port of toy bend ohnost hot 1. covering—:n tact nAME I hare need but two half pi7it bottles of' yovr Restorative, and now the top of my head is well +kidded with a prothising crop of young hair, and the front is KW receiving its benefit. I have tried other preparations without any benefit whatever. I think from my own personal recommendation I cue induee many others to try it. Yours reekcifully, • 1).11. THOMAS, M. 1)., No. 464 Vine Sc. 1 : %., Juno 22, 1852. PROF. 0. J. W OOD ; As you are about to manuraetvre and vend coat recently discover.) Flair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it tiny concern, that I have used it and known others to use it—that I have, tier several years, been in the hal it of using other liair Restor,i tines, and that I find yours vastly superior to any other I know. It entirely cleanses the head of dandruff, and with one month's proper tie will restore any peroon's hair to the original ci.- lor and texture, giving it a healthy, suit as l gltissy appearance; and all this. without discol oring the hands that apply it, or the dress sit which it drops. I would, therefore, reconunctal its use to every one desirous of having a lino color and texture to the hair. Respectfully yours, WILSON KING 0. J. WOOD & Co., Proprietors, :112 Broad way, Now York, (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing listablishment,) and 114 Market St., St. Louis, Mo. John Read, Agent, Hunting don, and sold by all good Druggists. REDUCED 'l'o $5 A YEAR I—Prepaid. The Beet mid Cheupest Periodical IN TILE WORLD. In consequence of the largely increased eir• eulation, the publishers of LITTELL'S LIVING AGE, Are enabled to reduce the subscription price from $0 to $5. The publishers are determined .that no expense or labor shall be spared to mac this THE MAGAZINE FOR TILE MILLION And whilst boldly challenging competition, claim for it, only what has been conceded by the most eminent teen of this country, 'from the time of its first publication, (over sixteen years since) to the present day, vie:- I.—That it is suitable to all classes of read ers—Statesmen, Professional Men, Philos°. pliers, Poets, Students, Merchants, Mechanics and Farmers, all of whom may derive pleasure and profit front its pages. 2.—That in it may be found the cream of all the world-renowned Reviews and I'eriodi• cafe of Europe, with original articles and se lections from the best fugitive literature of our own country. , 3.—That. it contains more readicv matter than any other magazine in the world ; each weekly somber containing sixtplbur pages and a fine steel portrait ; making three thousand three hundred and twenty-eight pages in a year, with tifty4we steel engravings. 4.—That it is the oldest Periodical of its kind in this country, having been published over sixteen years. . . s.—That it is the cheapest publication of the day, whether it is judged by the quality or quantity of its contents. 6.—That no library is perfect without it. 7.—That to those with limited means, it is an admirable substitute for a library of min• cellaneouit books. And finally, that no a Fain. ily Magazine, it is perfectly unexceptionable, iu all respects. Price fire dollars per .11.1, or thirteen cents a number, sat by mail, poet paid, to any address in the United Staten. To Clergymen, Teachers, Students and Clubs, four 508, Broadway, New Yoik, May 11, '69.-6t. NATANTEI3O. TWO YOUNG MEN to learn tho Atnhro• typing business. Instructions given for the emu of $15.00. For particulars, &c., apply to WM. F. THOMAS, Ambrolypist. thratingdon, May 4, 1859. DR. M'LA NE'S I CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. AvE beg leave to call the atten tion' of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to Dr. Chas, name's Celebrated Vermifuge and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. lt has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure Of LIVER COMPLAINTS, 211 BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &C. In cases of FEVER AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known , to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSI3URSH PA. to dispose of their Drug business, in which they have been success- , fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their manufacture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS, Pittsburgh, Pa. P.S Dealers and Physicians ordering from others than Fleming Bros., will do well to Write their orders distinctly, and fake none but Dr. 117.anes, impared by nem,/ Bros. Pittsburgh, Blrs Te these wisidngto giro them u part of 70. 4 ,3".1:I n stroninunn rw:lt p e three...int postage stamps, or mm slat of Vermlfugn for tonrtews three-cent stamps. All orders front Canada must lie accompanied by twenty cents mIsS. Fur saM in iluatingdon by John Rend an, S. S. Smith, nod dealt re generally through th, county. [May 11, 1859.-Iy. FUFFUM DR. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, DR.IIOOFLANWS BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by them in all cases; and the people have pronounced them worthy. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Nervous System, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and permanently cured by the ()ERMAN BITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration extant. It will cure, WITHOUT PAIL, the most severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In fluenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient COnsamption, and has performed the met astonishing fures ever known of Confirmed Consumption. A few doses will also at once check and curs the most severe =mhoa proceeding from COLD 114 THE Bowzio. These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and dealers in medicine, everywhere, at 711 cents per bottle. The signature of C. M. JACKSON will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ALMANAC, you will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Almanaes are given away by all our agents. For aule in Huntingdon by John Read and S. S. Smith and dealers generally through the county. May 11, 1859.-Iy. PRICE REDUCED ONE HALF!! NEW DTLDICAL SALT INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. TRY IT I ONLY ONE DOLLAR. CHRONIC PACKAGE $2 00 I SEE ADVERTISEMENT For sale at Smith's Drug Store, Huntingdon. lie VIEY7 s , Wo o PHYSICIA AND SURGEON; RESPECTFULLY OFFERS HIS PROFESS sional services to the citizens of HUNTINGDON and vicinity. Residence on Hill street, in the house for. merly occupied by Dr. R. A. Rifler. Apr 13, 1849. MOVER & BUIS'S IVZILACHITVMS. NEW STYLES—PRICES FROM $5O to $125 LAT.. CHARGE or $5 FOR lIIiMMERfh 493 Broadway, N. Y. 730 Chestnut St.,Philik These Machines sew from two spools. as pm.- chased from the shire, requiring no re-winding' of thread ; they Item, Fell , Gather and Stitch in a superior style, finishing each seam by their own operation, without recourse to the band needle, as is required by other machines. They will do better and cheaper sowing than a seam stress can, even if she works for one cent en hour, and a•e, unquestionably., the best Ma chines HA the market for family sewing, on ac count of their simplicity, durability, ease of management, and adaptation to all varieties of family sewing—executing either heavy or fine work with equal facility, and without special adjustment. As evidence of the unquestioned superiority of their Machines, the GHOTER & BAKER &M -ING MACIIINE COMPANY beg leave to respectful ly refer lathe following TESTIMONIALS "Halving had one of Grover & Maker's Ma chines in my family for nearly n year and a hell I take plensare in commending it as every way reliable for the purpose for whi•th it is designed —Funnily S:wing."—Mrs. Joshua LeaviV, wife rf Rev. 1h•. Leavitt, Editor .g' \: Independent. "I confess mt}••self delighted with your Sewing Machin", which has been in Illy tinnily for ma ny months. It has always been ready for duty, re-miring no adjustment, and is easily adapted to every variety of Sunnily sewing, by simply ',hanging the spools of thread."—Mes. Elizabeth Strieldend, gl Rev. I h.. Str•icidand, Editor• of N. Y. Christian Advocate. "After trying several different good SillthillCß. I preferred yours, on necount of its simplicity, and the perfect ease with which it is managed, as well fts the strength and durability of the seam. After long experience, I feel competent to speak in thin manner, nod to conildently re commend it foe every variety of family sewing." —M r s. E. Li. wfre Vihe Editor ol Bruok lya Star. "1 have UNCIi no Grover & Baker Sewing Ma chine for two see. and have found it adapted to nli kinds of family sex ug, from Cambric to Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out without the giving any of a stitch. 'Vim Ma chine is easily kept In order, and is easily used." —Mx. 21. IL Whinde, tuffe qf nee. Geo. Whir ph, Sew York. "Your Sewing Nlachine has been in use in tiny family the past two 2sears, and the ladies request me te, give you their testimenialsi to its perfect ndamedness, an well as labor-saving qualities in the performance of family nod household sowing.'--Robot /*won., _N. Y. "For several months we have Grover & Ba ker's Sewing Machine, and have come to the conclusion that every bitty who desires her sew ing heautifidly and quickly done, would lie meat fortunate in possessing ono 01 these rubella and indefatigable 'iron needle-women,' whose combined qualities of Leant'', strengt and 4nipli cu p. are invaluable,"—J. 11. .form'' daughter ol Gen. Geo. P. Morris, Editor of Home Jeuenal. Extract of a letter from TllO9. IL Leavitt, an A merican gentleman, :law resident in Sydney, Naw South Wales, dated January 12, 1858: I had a tent mode in MellaJurne, in 1553, :a old -h there wore over three thousand yards of sewing done with ono of Grover & Baker's Ma chines, and a single seam of that hos outstood all the double seams sewed by sailors with a nee dle and twine," "If Ginner could be oallesl op from his mur ky Mules, he would sing the advent of Grover & itoker as a more benignant, miracle of art than was over Vulcan's smith. lie would de nounce midnight shirt-making ns 'the direful spring of woes unnumbered."—Prof. North. "I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines have more than sus• tained my expectation, After trying and retur ning others, 1 have [brie of them in operation in my different places, and, triter four years' trial, hove e• fault to find."—J. O. Hammond, Senator ty - South Carolina. "Mt wife has had one of Grover & Baker's Family Sewing Machines fir some time, and I am satisfied it is one of the hest labor-saving timelines that has been invented. .1 take much pleasure in recommonding it to the public."— J. G. Ilarris, Governor of Tenomee. "It is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody into au excitement of good humor. 'Were 1 a Catholic I shuttld insist upon Saints Grover and Baker having tin amid holidax in commemo ration of their good deeds for humanity.—Cas. silts M. atm. "I think it by far the best patent in use. This Machine can be adapted from the finest cambric to the heaviest eassimero. It sews stronger, tester and issue beautifully than cue can ima gine. It mine could not be replaced, money could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Nash. rifle, Tenn." "It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its work; is easily understood and kept in repair. I .earnestly recommend this Machine to all my ac quaintances and others."—Mrf. dl, A. Forrest, Memphis, 'Penn. '‘We find this meldne to work to out satis faction, and with plettfurc recommend it to the public, as we believe Grover & Baker to be the best Sewing. Machine in use."—Decry Brothers, .11lisoshr, Tenn. "If used exclusively for family purposes, with ordinary care, I will wage• they will last ono 'three score year!). and ten,' and never get out of tix."—Jolin Erskine, Nasheilk, Tenn. "I have had your machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does is the best and most beautiful that ever was.— Maggie Aimison, Nashville, Tenn. "I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking, and fine linen stitching, and the work is admi rable—far better than the best hand-sewing, or any other machine I hove ever seen."—Livy 11. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn "I find the work the strongest and most beau tiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or machine, and regard the Grover 8: Baker ma chine as ono of the greatest blessings to our sex."—Atrs. Taylor, Nashville, Thnn. "I have ono of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma chines in use iu toy fa a ily, • nd find it mvalna- Me. I camconfldently recommend it to all per sons in want of amachlne."—G. T. Thompson, Nashville. Tenn. "I take pleasure in ceitifying to the utility of the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. Iha ' e used ono on almost every description of work for mouths, and find it much stronger than work doue by hand."—Mrs. D. IV. Wheeler, Nashville Tenn. "I would be unwilling to dispose of my Gro ver & Baker Machine fur a large amount, could I not replace it again at pleasure."—Mrs. H.C. Sweet, Nashville Tenn. "Our two Machines, purchased Iron you, do the work of twenty young• ladim. We with pleasure recommend the Grover do Raker ma chine to be the best in use."-1% lON. a• Cm Tide. AtITIPM.OOIBIIC CMS; A Perfec obtulltuie • For the Caiiii.ieeihisiiiiiiiltolers!!! when the tmdersigned, after a long series of laborious and costly experiments, hemmo fully confirmed in his conviction, that the &nth-Ado ; gtstie Solt which he now has the happiness to present to the American public, was a • 11:111,4tICT •SU RSTIT ....... for Mood-letting, Leeches and Miele., his mind wan so agitated that he could not sleep for ninny nights. The abuse of his agitation was the striking lad, that the manner of li operation ' like that of the virus in veceitietton, could not bo satisfactorittly explained upon env known pritteiple. How, in what w iv. it so elfertually sabdued infiantataiorg D* ten and no others, was et first a holly inexplicable—Lid, on (tether experiment, it was proved that it rtpuilizos the Aids o/ etc body, the went lei on ettailibrinm in which, is the sole mess of itiflammetion: Such is its potency, thnt like the vaccine, matter, ;it requires meiely : e at adheres to the point ofa quill dipped into a solution of it, to effect the entire system—but must be Instantly used to prevent deennipos'tion and secure its full virtuo. Three qu ill s i n Hon s., nod two in chronic dice sec, every 24 bona, till site heat, pain and febrile mo tion have subsitibd, and a perfect cure flfected. When it takes the place of 'distort, ointment and leeches in local affections. at Brain Fever, Croup, 'Eoothaelto, Pkurity, its mode of administration is two-fold. (See rlirectiin of dis solving. &e.) The discoverer has Veltilhetttr OM the pub. 'er tic tilt state, by the advice of a judicious physi• ciao and vaittable friend whom he consulted— a gentleman known and felt in the medical world—and who desired to solintit it to the test o (experiment. After witnessing under his own serniiitiring rye. its signal triumph over both acute end chronic intiammatery disease, in re panted end re-repeated trials, Ito offered $25.- 000 to come in as a special end equal partner in the Recipe for Its manufacture, hut the propo sal was rejected. The disuse of the lancet and Winters, is de manded boils by litintanity by humonity and science. Is it not a mistake, to suppose that a kettle of boiling water (the inflamed blood) will cease to boil, by dipping out apart Of it— or a cask of hod cider (had blood) be made good, by drawing a portion of it 7 In it not a mistake, to suppose that blisters and rubefacienta will remove inflammation, when they virtually stiperadd ono inflammation to snotlherl The late Dr. B. Waterhouse, of Harvard l'lliversi ty, said "I am sick of le.uned quarkery,,' One of most eminent physicians In New England acknowledged jest betbre Lis (teeth, that "le line been doubting for many years, wether blood letting and Utters did not awl acute rather time arrant '' Some who stand high in the Old and Now school, have quite re cently esponsnd his vice, and stow openly con fess, they believe the lan.et, colons leeches and blisters'injttre ten where they !meek one— They think there is a meaning to Dem. 12, 20 —Gen. 9, I—andLevit. it, 14—tnat "run 111.000 le Tule Lire." It is not the excess of blond (Mere never is ton nitwit) that causes di sease, but the want of a belance Lomeon the fluids and solids. The special excellence of the Antiphlogistic Salt, is that without the useless loss of blood And strength, it effectually subdued inflammato ry.discos), (no others) by producing an equili• lirtuni of all the flub:, in the hotly And n conse• tptent uninterrupted circulation. It exert'', like the vaccine matter, and extraordinaty . influenc, •tver the wens and uricries—resultingin a grad • eel decline of influnimation as indicated by the pulse, which assumei its natural state ns the hlttain n an y 'r niciil l fewere tispp • e es " offt e •re ' d for sale, are harked by doubtful eertiflemes, (their cheif vir tue) and claim to be universal remidies, caring all nialirlies--n btirlestme on common sense; As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests against lutving it placed in the category or frauds and impotltions. he has resolved tam it 8111111 go forth to the wqrld, like the pure gold dollar with nu otherpossport then trim if the public find it genuine, they will re ceive it—if spurious,. they will reject and con demn it. Inateadmf being a ill s , it has control over hat one be; one sirs 7—accomplishes but on. thing, to wit, ,unnues INFLAMMATORY MlSEASE—wlinterrr be its form or locality—wetlier in the bend, throat chest al, stamen, extremit'es or akin. It is ns!.ed, /ion, it slues this?—simply by restoring , Tic Ina bal ance between the fluids and solid,. The ibllowing different Jarmo which dm un balanced fluids assume, and many not here men tinned that hare intim or less heat, pain or fever (no others)are as perfectly cured by the Anti phlogistic Salt, as firu is extinguished by water. I. — Cases where the unbatniCed Mettle affect the HEAn and 111140AT-40 wl6 , Brain Ester, Fite, IlEcauche, htflonmed Eyes ' Ears and Nose, Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Catarrh. Croup, Bronchitis, *a. t. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effeet the Cite, and ABDOMEN—tO wit : Inflamed Lungs and Liver, Colic, Pleurisy, Coughs, Dryspep sea, Asthma, Dropsy, Heartburn, Gravel Piles, tiono,hea, Venereal, arc. 3. Cases Where the unbalanced fluids effect the I:NMI:MITI. anal Stirs—to wit; Rheuma tism, Gait, Scrojif, Ulcers, ehilbains,Chilbains, Chicken and Small Pax, Salt Rhea:a, with itch ing and other Cidantaus Affecljon.v,&c. Tif is Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory pains pecular to married ladies, (before and at the time of confinement) and mono female com plaints, and is very et:fictitious in l'evor, Ague, Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections and anyother forms of (mark this) inflammatory di vase, attended with heat, pain or febrile spiv totes. far Persons who have a tendency of blood to the head er heart, or lead inactive lives, or breath the intpuro air of manufactories and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or live is unhealthy climates, are exposed to a panic• liar vitiation of the fluids of the body, which °tie time without interfereing with the diet or busi • ness, once 'its three months, a ould invariably proven,. It is beleived to afford protection from Infectious disease, end therefore travellers, sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves with it. dr While runny nostrtint-makers victimize the good natured and pill-ridden public, ny or dering "front six to a dozen boxes of bottles, to ewe any malady." no matter what—the un dersigned is happy in being able to state, that the severest forms of recent inflammatory di sease, tens over come by ono Acute trackage, and the most obst;nate and long standing by one Clircnic package. It does just what it claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes the fluids by removing from the system all ar terial and venous obstrucobns. 414' Pleas let your neighbors read this. F. COGGSWELL, M. 11, DISCO WHRER AND PROPUIETUR. For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel 8. Smith, Pluntlngdon, Pa. Feb. 16th 1859. ALTOONA, Blair co., July 3,'55. J. I) SToNKILOAD, Lewistown, Fe, Dear Sin—/Ir. TuIiNDAVOII, who has been suffering several years front rheumatism, got so ill that his friends and relatives were summoned to witness' his death. I induced his friends to try the virtue of your preparation—they did so, as the last re; sort ugd, to their astonishment and joy, he be gan to improve, got better and better, and now. so far as I know, he is a hale and stout man, This is not the only ease where the GAbv.stsiC Ott has surpassed human expectations. • In every case where I have recommended the On., it has done what it promises to do. Send us another s2o'e worth. Your. truly, H. LEHER. A 18,'58-Iy. LL aatp.aciit, The Subscriber respectfully in the Pub iic, that ho is prepared to receive and unload Cars containing Lumber, Bark, Staves, Shin gles, Coal, Iron,&c. E. SCRREIN ER, S. W. Corner !dwell S. Callowhill Strcet4. Philadeldhia: Jan. sth 1859.—tituw