Anntingbin ournal. // - . -`_ NM.G - WM. MIEWSTER, Editor and Proprietor. Wednesday Morning, Jn• e 1, 1859. 0171 t BOOK TABLE. Journal of Materia Medica. This is an ex cellent publication, and should be in the hands of every druggist and physician. It is pub lished at New Lebanon N. Y. by Joseph Bales M. D., A. Efutehins, and H. A. Tilden. The Printer. This is a monthly, published in New York city, and is more particularly nsefnl to Printer.. Agriculturist. The June number of this excellent periodical is now before us It is an excellent directory for the farmer. It is only one dollar a year. Send for it. It is published in New York city. WarPetereon's Counterfeit Detector, is one of the indispensable things of the day, and at the low rate of $l, should be in the hands or every one. The June number has been re ceived. The following, which we clip from 1131 ox. change, expresses our sentiments exactly 118 It Right. • We recently heard a Locofoco edibr boast "that his best patronage came to him from the opposite party." "Whig," said he, "the patronage I receive from my own party. would not support me; my Job work conger principal. ly from the opposition I" Now, we ask think. log men, is this reasonable and right? Can we contend against the extravagance, corrup tion. tyranny and general misrule of Locofoco ism with any rational hope of success if the best patronage of our party is given to the en emy It is absurd to attempt it. And shall the political tories who thus give "material aid and comfort" to our political foes pass longer unnoticed ? They shall not. If the toriea of the Revolution deserved universal de. testation and abhorance and received it at the hands of indignant patriots; surely we owe it to ourself. our party and justice to withhold our countenance and support from those men. who strengthen the arms of our enemies, and we will discharge the obligation. No will hence forth support no man for office who withholds his patronage from the papers of our party and bestows it on those of tho Locofoco organs nor will we per mit our columns to be used to promote business interests of such men, unless paid for it. Stir Those interested will please take notice that we have adopted the above as our line of con duct and will adhere to it. In this wo are Oftfliiikeygistatueor';;;: A Correction. We heard it intimated some time ago that Mr. Wigton, our worthy and faithful representa tive at Harrisburg last winter, declined a re election, or did not want to be re-elected, or something to that amount. As these repre sentations were made to us by professed friends of Mr. Wigton, and supporters of our party, we felt puzzled, especially as Mr. Wigton's al most constant absence from town on business prevented our getting an opportunity of speak ing to him on the subject. More recently, however, we have seen and conversed with in telligent members of the Peoples' Party from nearly all parts of the county except the north ern townships, and we find that it is well un derstood that Mr. Wigton will again be a can didate and is expected to be thecandidate; and a number of his most intimate personal friends have assured us that such is the fact. Indeed, we did not ascertain, from the whole range of our inquiries that there will be any other man put forward by the people to contest the nomi nation with Mr. Wigton. The Locofocos, it is well known, carefully as they try to conceal it, will run a renegade from our ranks against him ; and it is highly probable that from that quarter have started the intimations referred to at the beginning of this article. But, be this as it may, one thing is certain, there is no truth in the story about Mr. Wigton's declining to be a candidate, and none of our readers or the voters of the county need be deceived by it. By these remarks we do not Mean to ex press any decided preference for Ur. Wigton over other msn of good business qualifications and of acknowledged political ittsgtity and private worth. We merely wish to correct a mistake, or arrest a falsehood calculated to mis lead unsuspecting voters, and perhap's encour age false hopes iu the minds of those who have other preferences, and thus cause unnecessary confusion in our nominating Convention which is likely to be severely exercised by the hotly contested claims of an unprecidented number of aspirants for the other offices. Virginia Election. The elections held in Virginia last Friday, shows considerable gains for the Opposition.— We give below the latest news received 4' In fifty counties heard from, tioggin's ma. jority is between eight and nine hundred. A private dispatch front Wytheville says seven counties in the thirteenth district have been heard from. Democrats lose 1800 on Wise's vote. The contest between Field and Martin for Congress is doubtful. Three counties in twelfth district heard from—Democrats loose SOO on Wise's vote." BALTIMORE, May 30. A special despatch received at the American office from the office of the Richmond Whig, says that the returns from 112 counties give Letcher a majority of 414. The remaining 36 counties gave Gov. Wise a majority of 1,200. In these there are considerable gains for Mr. Goggin, the Opposition candidate. Kanawha 800, and Mason 150 for Goggin.— Putnam—reported small majority for Goggin. Harrison official—three to twelve for Letcher. The Richmond Engttit er considers that Letcher baa been elected by a small majority, not over 5000, and the hest informed parties estimate the majority at between 2,000 and 4,000. air Don't forget to call at the "big altigutt . ' for your Minuets. AUDITOR GENERAL. Latest From Europe. The Convention of the People's party SANDY HOOK, May 26.—The steamship Asia of Cambria County, met in Jefferson, on has passed here, Shefurnishes Liverpool dates w the 18th inst. Hon. George el, King was to Saturday afternoon the 14th. appointed representative delegate, and the i No battle has occurred, of Ire Napoleon' has reached Genoa, where ho was appointment of Hon. Samuel Calvin. received with the greatest pomp and enthusi- Blair County, was concurred in as Sena-I um. He has issued a stirring address. tonal delegate. The following resolution , The English government has formally pro was passed unanimously: f claimed its neutrality in the European War. st Resolved ; that our Representative del- 1 Count Buol has resigned from the Austrian egate be instructed, and our Senatorial del. ' Ministry: egate requested, to favor the nomination r Ft is still lit a i n d!Nd oc i l iit by the Convention of the Hon. Francis Wheat, and Corn is firm at fitl, advance. Jordan, of Bedford county, for Auditor Beef is quiet; sales unimportant. Pork General, and Gen. Wm. H. Keitn, of steady; holders offering freely, but oboist., us Berke county, for Surveyor General of this dispoetion to press sales. Commonwealth." The Emperor's departure from France was The People's party of Fulton County, a perfect ovation, and his reception at Gwent also met in Convention, at McConnelsburg " Vs t h ill i r r et e t! * tl n te the 12tt, , . vv o r , ,s ,,, r t s i t to co s rdiAl : on the 14th inst. Col James C. Austin eat discipline, and stated army that his only flare was appointed Representative delegate, i wore thatlihe, they would show too much enthusi. and Dr. B. E. Dufheld was nominated for ; now. He tons expected to proceed to the Senatorial delegate. Among the resolu- ' army on the 14th. The King of Sardinia vie lions was the following: i iced the Emperor at Genoa. .. Resolved, That the Hon. Frank Jor- 'file official Sardinian Bulletins continued to dun, of Bedford, well known to us as a report hea t ' M I L in' sWer ni re 'la': V . b t i, a i e . Austrians e i e man both hottest end capable, and of un- about midway between Vereilli an , Mortara. swerving integrity, is our first choice as a , The following is Napoleon'e Address to the candidate for the office of Auditor General army of Italy. and we hereby instruct our delegates to " Sold iers —I come to place myself at your the State Convention to use all honorable 1 head to secoed the struggles of a people now means to secure his nomination for that i ' ll e" i r.g its independence and rescue it from office. I f 4 :7eilp . oppre,ssion. This is a sacred mac Vida Mis the sympathies of the civilized We take the above from the last issue world. of the Bedford Inguirer. As Central Penn. "I:need not stimulate your ardor, every step will remi n d lou of victory. Sylvania, has an undoubted right to at least l one of the Stet e officers to be elected this I scription: ' were l X:Tied ' ° t i tp a o n s ci n e i n a t rb i l l e otn re e, ! i n ' tug the people of exulted &eds. It is there to: fall, and us we do not beer of uny individ. sal who would be better fitted for the of- Ca Y sligt l etele i ti d lliv i ' I' Mare n L'il ' 1 midst of, those glorious recol l e'tTo o n u s, w h i e l ,mianrtchhe fice used in connection with his Caine, inVi n i ne a r Th i er .. vie n t i a i c ei r in a o;iifoilrii...,o4 nthnicoiti in the than Mr. Jordan, we heartily acquiesce n the motion, knowing him to be a man of honor of the ' a la r t m s y tri There are Lo other enemie s than those who uprightness and strict iotegritv, and who I figh t n againstyou in battle. Remain compact. can command the undivided opposition I ..b.bndon not your ranks to hasten forward. vote. Beware of a too great enthusiasm, which is the American State Convention Humbug . We find the following, relative to the so called American State Convention, in the lust Harrisburg Telegraph: From announcements made in Harrisburg, Pittsburg and Philadelphia papers we expect ed that a number of delegates would assemble this morning in the House of Representatives, as a State Convention. I u accordance with announcement we went to the Capitol this morning for the purpose of reporting the pro ceedings, but on entering the Hall we found but two gentlemen present purporting to have i been sent as delegates, one was a Mr. Coleus of 1 Philadelphia and theiAlier a Mr. Herron of Newville, and we understood that these two had agreed to postpone organizing the Conner,- I ti on until afternoon, when sour e more dele gates were expected; comequently we vacated our reportorial desk to be occupied thin after neon, if occasion should require it. It has be come manifest that the whole opposition is now thorough'y united in the " People's party," and that all efforts to disorganize it to raise new factions will prove abortive and futile. The convention called for to day will satistisc torily prove that st,re is not in the whole ranksstrong enough to raise a faction or excite dis con ion. Our union is pertect; our victory , sure. P.S.—Just as we were going to press, (3 o'- clock,) fifteen gentlemen, said to represent the counties of Philadelphia, Westmoreland, Armstrong, Washington, Greene, Crawford, Fayette, Allegheny, and Dauphin, met in the Hall of the House of Representatives, and ap• pointed • Mr. J. J. HERRON, of Cumberland county, us President. and I'. F. Wilson, of Al egheuy, as Secretary. After an enterchaage of opinion a pre amble was passed, deeming it inexpedient uu der the present circumstances to lake any definite action in regard to the approaching State election, and agreed to the following resolution. Resolved, That we still adhere with abiding faith to the principles of the American party as enacted in the platform adopted at the American State Convention in the city of, meter iu June, 18 57 . and that we pledge to each other uur united efforts in promulgating and sustaining these principles. The Chairman was authorized to appoint a State Centr .1 Committee; whereupon, the Con vention adjourned sine die. IMMIGRATION TO TOR UNITRO STAns.—The present month (March) is likely to prole the most buoyant in the immigration trade to the United States that has occurred for the two past years. Since the commencement of the month seventeen ships have been cleared by the government emigration officers at this port, Laving on board 6750 emigrants, chiefly belied Southern Platform for 1860. for New York. The numbers carried out by Senator Brown, of Mississippi, tells us what some of these reunite are truly formidable.; for instance, the Constellation had on board 757 I he understands the Bred Seott decision to he souls, and the Emerald Isle, 770 souls; the fat: I and thus anrounccs his demands for 1860. ter having sailed on Tuesday, the 19th. Of All Northern dogs and bears had better Icok the total number 1407 were English, only 81 out, or they will have this dignified Southern Scotch, while 4640 were Irish, and 437 natives of other countries. The majority of the latter gentleman looking on with curled.lip and up. were Mormons,-332, chiefly Danes, having— turned nose : with 347 English and 8 Scotch, a total of 737 • "What I dory is, that our opponents at the Mormons,—sailed in the William Tapscott for North, whether Republicans, Americans, or New York ou the 11th instant. In addition to "National " Democrats, or all combined, can the above, the ships Great Western and Jet , rightfully take from us the benefit of this de. emiah Thompson, with about 1400 passengers, eision by "nonaction " or unfriendly legiala• sailed Gem the Mersey on Thursday, the 21st, tion," or in any other mode known to the Con and before the close of the month upward of stitution, comity among the States, or to hon. 2,000 more are expected to embark; making esty and fair dealing But that on the con. the emigration to the States upward of 10,000 trary, they aro bound by every consideration in one month. We may add that the monster I which a combination of all three can impose, clipper White Star, belonging to Messrs. li. T. to carry offiwthis decision to its full and legiti. Wilson and Chambers, has been chartered to Imate conclusion, and thus give fair and ade convey passengers, and will sail in the early quote protection to our Slave properly in the part of next month for New York,—Liverpool j Territories. On this platf4rm the Scnell ought Times. to stand in 1860. The Constitution gives it, and the Supreme Court has awarded it. If I any party at the North can he rallied to this standard .. . the South should stand with that party. If none can be—if no party at the North can be found to stand up for the equali• ty of the States, and the equal rights of the' South, then it best become. the dignity and independence of the South to fold her arms in silence, look composedly on the conflicts be. Oceen the spoilsmen of the North, and inward. ly ejaculate, "Fight dogs, fight bear, There is no dog of mine there." Very truly; your obedient servant, A. G. BROWN." GREAT Anuses.—A letter from Vienna of a late date, sacs; "Austria can keep 660,000 men on foot;Prussia 400,000 and the other German States about 200,000. If we suppose that 250,00 men are in garrison, depot, and hospital, Louis Napoleon will have to cope with a million of armed men, whose fathers proved to the first Emperor of the French that they could fight well in a good cause." These facts produce startling interests in connection with the impending struggle.— War is a tearful game, and it is played with an immense cost of treasure, suffering, blood, and life. Those who venture upon so dreadful an alternative, except upon the sternest convic• tion of necessity, assume an awful responsi bility. It is, indeed, a melancholly spectacle in this age of science, civilization and know!. edge, to see several of the most enlightened na tions of the earth, coolly preparing to hew each other to pieces. The rapine, the pillage, the outrage, murder, that will be perpetrated should no mediating Power successfully inter fere will be without a parallel in modern times. se-At the bait term of tlie Clarion county Court, Nancy Porter got $ 4 59,00 from John Click, for refusing to mak,good hie promise tomarry her. The case was the first ever vied In the connty.and created more then ordinary nterest only thing I fear. The new "armee de pryer. siert" are dangerous only at a distance. They will not prevent the bayonet from being what it has hitherto been, the terrible weapon of the French infantry. "duldiers—Let on all do our duty, and put coufblence in God—our country expects much from you. From one end of France to the oth er the following word. of happy augury re-echo. "The new army of Italy will be worthy of her elder sister." Toms, May 14th.—The enemy (the Austri. ans,) are increasing their forces near the Cas tle of St. Giovanni, on the road from Piacenza to Stradella. They have constructed bridges near Vig. evano and Motta Visconti to protect their re. treat. Tolley our soldiers pushed forward, in a strong reconnoitering party, as far no Basel. di Stra, near Vercelli, and our artillery began cannonading the enemy, which, however, was not replied to. Our troops have retaken their former pow Rion. FKANKFORb.OII,III,.MAIN, Friday.--In the extraordinary sittingof the Federal Diet, to day, the proposi ion of the military trinniissi?l to 11 , 41i138feg';''iriaitgitreia The Hanoverian Representative proposed that a corps of observution should be placed on the Upper Rhine, but Prussia protested. The Prwident of the Diet, the Austrian Am bassador, who had, in consequence of summons front the Emperor, to repair to Vienna, quit ted Frankford without being present at the sitting. The agitation was increasing in the Turk. ish provincee, especially at Bosnia. The Turkish government has consequently increased the number of trooops to watch Bosnia. The Austrian vessels of war have been advi sed merely to navigate the Danube and DardeC elles. The Austrian Government has stopped the transmission of political news to Constantino. ply by telegraph. The European inhabitants of that place have re . qu est ed that the telegraph at Jamey should be Joined to the Russian tele graph lines. Yesterday a sanguinary conflict took place between the French and Austrians residing here. L'Esperanee says the Grand Delco Coruna. tine has strongly recommended the Greek gov ernment to keep neutral. It is affirmed in the ministerial circles of Ber lin, that Prussia for the moment maintains an expectant policy and has not bound herself to any Power to renia!t, neutral. ermany is disposed to leave initiative to Prussia, as she wilt have the heaviest burden to support in the common defence. SW' The Utica Observer announces the ap proaching marriage of Mr. John Heenan, the ' Boy," " to a beautiful young Indy of high position, socially anti aristocratically . , who has been regarded by the artists of Cincinnati with much admiration ; who line great talents, and writes a great deal for variou. eriodicals. She was born in a soldier's barracks and edu cated as a Soldier's Daughter .' This was a case on both sides, of love at first sight. Some bloodthirsty brothers, however, have sworn to bar the marriage, and the young lady is closely watched; but there is nn doubt of the 'Benecia Boy' and the ' Military Star' berg married, 1 in L nag of all these pugilistic displays by her Porkopolis admirers.' Volta Notes. S' Louis Napoleon completed hie 61st year onthe 24th of April. air The notorions 11. C. Pate, is charged in Kansas, with negro stealing. 167 qt is exceedingly bad husbandry to liar. row up the feelings of your wife. Why is the naked truth so seldom spo ken ? Because it is barely polite: kr'Little minds are tamed and subdued by' misfortune; but great minds rise above it. Writ is rumored that president Buchanan will visit Bedford some time this summer. tier The Grand Encampment of Knight Temp lers meets at Altoona on the 22d of June. Ver The man who carried the thing too fur has let it drop. The sheriff was after him. *. The celebrated horse tamer Mr. Rarey, has found a horse at st. Petersburg that won't be tamed, ,pi' Ladies who use an excess of perfume must think men like seals—most assailable at tho nose bar Tho military encampment at Greens• burg commenced on Tuesday, and continued four days, Twontyfire companies were pres• Atr" Capt. W. 11. Schenley, formerly of Pittsburg has just been elected to the English Parliament, as an opponent of the present 'Derby administration. /Oar In the town of Deerfield, Oswego coun ty, April 20th, a little girl eight years of age, committed suicide, because offended on being corneted for some wayward act. late number of the Brookville Amer ican, announced the destruction of the editor's hat; whereupon the Connerst•ille Times impu• dently wonders if any lives were lost. Afer A Lawyer at Lowell having found $O5 and returning the money to the owner, one of the papers says the Oct may be honest and hon orable, but is exceedingly unprofessional. se- Poisoning seems to have become one of the "institution'," of the age. Some twen ty eases have been reported by the press, in different parts of the country, within a month. Thgt.. There are seven executions to take place in Caunda in the coarse of next month; one in Toronto, one in Merrittsville, three at Branford, one at Coburg, and ono at &divine. oe-it is marvelously strange how a woman can think herself contaminated by the slight. est intercourse with the victim of a seducer, but covers her face all over with smiles to re• ceive the seducer himself. ue- The eldest daughter of Gov. Packer of Penna. was married on the 19th ult., to Mr. Clark, one of the editors of The Lycoming Ga wile. Mr. C. „hold. the office o' Grain Meas. umber the Governor. oar It is sithr that all the virtuous mon of New York will hereafter wear a badge over the heart in the form of a "sickle." The wicked will be distinguished from the right eous by wearing a " koy " on the left breast. bal - A newsboy was heard to say that he had given up stifling newspapers, and had gone in. to the mesmerizing buisness. 'I get five dol lars per week,' said he, 'for playing.' Playing what?' asked one of his comrades. Possum' replied the boy. SLate accounts from California state that Messrs Broderick and G win are marshalling clinic respective forces for the ensuing political campaign. The indications are that there will be two Democratic tickets in the field— Lecompton and Anti-Lecompton. flePAs Mr. Crittenden has recently made a speech in behalf of Mr. Bell, the opposition candidate for governor in Kentucky, who is in favor of Congressional intervention to sustain slavery in the territories, it is presumed that be bas no expectation of being among those from whom the opposition candidate for the presidency will ho taken. 1 / 1 511" The Judson girl, of Pontiac, Miclt • , whose marriage with a big bleak fellow has given her much notoriety, and who now dwells with the negro in a shanty at Windsor, C. W., has written a letter to a newspaper, ie. which she says her parents never mistrusted her in• tentions of marriage, and decries that her fall• er taught amalgamation as right. se- The great race between Ethan .Nlen and mate, and Lantern and mate, for a purse of $lO,OOO, came elTon Wednesday afternoon at the union course, L I. There were, it is said, nearly 10,000, people in attendance.— The race which was for the best three in five, was won by Ethan Allen in three straight heats, one of which being made in 2.24 said to be the greatest trotting on record. oe- 1. terrible storm occured in Kansas, on Sunday night week. At Doniphan, about thirty houses were blown down. At Lances. ter, some three miles distant, a number of buil dings were 'rained fram the ground, including a church. One man was killed, and two oth ers severely wounded, About three miles from Atehinson, a train of twenty wagons was nearly demolished, and one of the teamatere killed. MrAn old maid, who has more reverence for the inspiration she draws front Helicon than that imported from linvana,"writes in the following style of the patrons of the weed May never s lady press his lips, His proffeed love returning, Who makes a furnace of his mouth, And keeps its chimney burning. May each true woman shun his sight For fear his fumes might choke her; And none butlhose who smoke themselves, Have kiseee for a smoker. 11E1)... llernden, the clerical wife poisoner at Newark, N. J. the day before his arrest, preach ed a sermon from the sublime passage "I would not live always." lie needn't he appre. hensive of anything of the kind if be gets into the clutches of a New Jersey jury. Jersey jo. ries arc death ou verdicts in capital cuss I. He is a man of considerable talons, and bears a reput..tion of most extraordinary hypocrisy.__ Ile was ultra in everything, and was especially distinguished for his bitter antagonism to cap. ital punishment. kirThe late Legislature of Pennsylvania passed an act relating to costs in certain cases, which provides that in all those cases where petit juries may by law direct that a prosecutor or defendant shall pay the costs thereof, any ouch jury may direct that a prosecutor shall pay a portion and the defendant or defendant s a portion thereof and All designate in such case what portion each party shall pay. ,The Pittsburg Chronicle says that .Taco• bi, the night before his execution, admitted his guilt to a gentleman from the Fifth Ward, with whom he was very intimate. and who evinced the deepest interest in his case. Tie stated that he shot his wife because she was jealous of the girl Suttler, and as if to prove how deeply he loved the latter, one of his last acts was to send her $15,00, all the money left him, and some of his clothing. gtEr A wan cq'habeas corpus has been issu• ed ledge Scott, of the Supreme Court of Ohio, in the case of Bushnell and Langs. too, the Oberlin rescuers. The writ is returns• hie on the nth of May. It is understood that argument will be made on the constitutionality ofiho fugitive slave law. The plea upon which this writ is granted differs from the one for• inerly presented to the same court and denied. The prisoners allege their unlawful detention in prison, mid ask the court to inquire into the cause of imprisonment. StirWe advise our readers to refuse any note of the denomination of five dollars hav ing for a vignette a man feeding hogs, a por trait of Henry Clay on the upper left, a V in medallion work on the lower corner, a man carrying a basket of corn ou the lower right a figure 5 in the upper corner, a dog lying down between the signatures and purporting to be engraved by Wellstood, Hay & Whiting, New York, This plate was engraved for a bogus Indiana Bank, and is being altered to various banks. FITS ! FITS ! FITS Persons laboring under this distressing ;nal. ady will find Do. Ilsxces Epileptic Pills to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. Them Pills possess a specific action on the nervous system; and although prepared especially for the purpose of curing Fits, they will be found of especial benefit to all persons afflicted with weak nerves or whose nervous system has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. The dyspeptic patient, whose stomach has lost the power of duly converting food into a life sus taining element, is relieved by a single course of the extraordinary Pills. The gastric fluid reacquires its nolvent power, and the crude nutriment which was a load and a burden to the sufferer, while his digestive organizaticn was paralysed and unstrung, becomes under t o wholesome revolution created in the system the basis of strength, activity, and health. Sent to any part or the country by mail, flee of postage. Address Sirrn S. HA xce, 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Ed. Price—ono box, $3; two, $5; twelve; $24. I m. TIRTT. A Tll2l-7D.Z.A. IVI.A.IIXEMI2'Z PHILADELPHIA . JuN u ,.' ... 1859 FLOUR—Stiperfina. pea barrel, $7 00g7,50 " Extra " 00®7.50 family " 7 75tu 8 50 Aye Flour and Cum 'Amid Wheat—red, per banhel, 46 White " 1 574: 00 I 7061 80 Rye 9) Corn 41 90 Oats 11 50 Cloverseed $5 00®G 13 per 64 pounds Timothy seed, $l,BO to 2 00 Pax, per bushel $1 75 New Advertisements. NOTICE, To the Tax CWleetors qf Huntingdon Co. You are requested to male a special effort to tiled. the August Interest. Persons holding county orders will please exercise a little pa. ticnce, as 1 have already largely advanced be yond the receipts of the County. As I will bo absent for a few reecho, persons having busi ness in any office, will please call on Maj. G.W. Gr rrottson, at the Banking House of Bell, Gar rettson & Co. F. IL LANE, Hunt., Juno 1, IBl9.—tf. ! reasurer. NOTICE to the Stockholders of the Sherman%Valley & Broad Top R. H. Co.; now "Penises.' Pacific Hail Way Company." At the instance of numerous Stockholders, a specialmeetin. of the Stockholders ofsaid Com pany is called, to convene on Friday, the 1711 t day of June next, at 11 o'clock, A. M., at the public house ofJ. Deering, in Waterford. Juni ata Co., Pa., to take into consider... 4, Lands, Routes, dm., and all matters 'cif 'ice to the Company. The Board of Directors an. :met at said place, at 10 o'clock r , day. Punctual attendance is retie ,vILSON, Huntingdon, May 27, I , ' ...4t president. ATTENTION ! Brigade Inspector's Orders, ----- In pursuance of the Fifth Section of the Act regulating the militia of this Commonwealth, the Cilium mod Companies composing the firth Brigade and Fourteenth Division of Pa. Militia, will meet at the respective places of meeting, on Monday, Juno Gth, 1859, and on that day vote for one person for Brigadier Gen. eral, one Brigade Inspector, one Lieut. Colonel and one Major, for said Brigade, said shall also at the same time vote for and elect ono Cap. taiu, one Ist and ono 2d Lieutenant for each coTrany, The Officers of the election will make their returns to the Brigade Inspector's office atCass ',We, within live days atter the election, By order of RALPH CROTSLEY, Brigade Inspector 4th Brig., 14th D.,P. V. May 25, 1859.-2t.cbi. T HE WORLD-RENOWNED WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. PUBLISHED BY PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. PETERSON'S CHEAP EDITION_ OF THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. PRICE—Each 25 aunts. SEVEN NUMBERS aro already published. IVANHOE, GUY SIANNERING, ROB ROY, KENILWORTH, QUENTIN I)URWARD, • THU AIII3OT. D OE OF LAMMERMOOR, A n d one will ; n ',mod regularly on every Sat urday, until t • whole are completed. TERMS OF , I.'I3ECRIPTION TO TWEN— Ti—SIX VOLUMES. One complete eat, twenty-six volumes In all will he sent to any one, a fast as they are nub liehad, for five dollars. Single numbers, 25 cents. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., No. ititi CHESTNUT Straoi Prot Chas. DeGrailVe Electric 011 This great discovery is now creating a great Huntingdon & Broad Top Railroad. sensation, among the Medical Faculi i. of Eu rope and this country. It will cure the follow ing (not everything):". Warranted to Curo Fever and Agne in one day, Cure chills ' -, - - • , . in five minutes. Cure Croup in one night.— Cure Deafness in two to four days, Cure burns ' ir and Scalds in ten minutes. Cure Sprains,l . _.—.. .. • ....;- - - - -.. - 1.:... Wounds and bruises in front one to three days , Cure Inflamation in one dry. Cure Neural. 0,, and after Wednesday, April 13th; Pas. gia, Croup, Tooth Ache, burns, in 10 minutes. senger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: Cure Henlorrhage, Scrofula, Abscess in ten Morning Train leaves Huntingdon at 0.25 days. Cure Bruises, Wounds, Totter, in one A. M., connecting with through Eipress west to three days. Cure Ear Ache, Stiff Mail Train east on Pennsylvania Railroad Ague in one day. Cure Felons, StifT neck, Broken Breast running through to Hopewell, where Passer, Salt Rheum, in three to six days. Cure Quin•ma take Stages for Bloody Run, Bedford, zy, Palpitation, Pleurisy, in one to ten dap. ' Sehellsburg, Fulton county, &e. d iblains, Cure Asthma, palsy, Gout, Ee7eipela„ in re Evening Train leaves Huntingdon at 5.00 to 20 days. Cure Frosted beet, Chronic Rheumatism, Stiff Joiuts, Sore Throat : P. M., connecting with Mail train west cn Penn. to sylvan in Railroad, running to Coalmont and in. Scarlet Fever, end the l ame ma d e to wa l k b y nictlinte Stations. 0, few bottles. This Oil (Do Grath's) is mild' RETURNING. and pleaseut, and is a great family Medicine I Morning Train leaves Hopewell at 12.20 P. for children teething. &e. Ladies should all • M., and arriving nt Huntingdon at 2.32 P. hI. use it. It always leaves you better than it ; Evening train leaves Continent 7.00 P. 11., finds you, and one bottle often cures entirely. Swim 7•.36 P. M., and arrives at Huntingdon ..... . - 9.12 P. AI., connecting. with Fast Trek% east- Afflicted Thirteen hems sod Cured Its One ward on Pen.. Railroad. week. These trains will be run strictly Refuelling to Read letter from Rev. James Temple. time table, and the travellin g public van rely Philadelphia, June 9th, 1856, uprit being accommodated to the fullest en. Prof. De Grath: I have been afflicted for tent. - JNO. J. LAWRENP.E, thirteen years with Neuralgia and other pain Apr.20,'59. Superintendent. ful complete ts, and I have been unable to sleep . s.tundly or walk any distance for many years , W. F. lIIONIAS, past. Last week I got a bo:tle of your "Elec. ANIBROTYPE AND PHO'fOGIAAPH IC trio Oil." The first night I slept soundly and ! well, and today I am like a new man, My AR r IS T , wife could not believe her eyes. Your Elee- F It 0 it I' If I I, A II t I. 1. /1 I A , hie Oil has done in one week what the physi- AT THE COURT HOUSE. CIIIIIII of Philadelphia failed to do in thirteen , ---- years. Gratefully your.. , This gallery of Art is now open for public REV. JAMES TEMPLE, ! inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes. Crye. 310 South street , telegraphs, Photographs, Circular and Star DEAFNESS CURED. Pictures also, Name, or Age, or Residence, ta- New Haven, May 19th, 1856. ken on thei Pictures—letters ordifferent colors. Prof. De Grath; hly . brother has been deaf three years. Atter trying many things, he used VARIOUS SIZED PICTURES, T y! . Oil a few times, and it cored him entire- i Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or CLIFFORD & SCRANTON, I Bracelets. There are numerous imitations sprung up Particular attention paid to taking pictures on the reputation that my article has acquired. of chu m . 'lime, frees sue to four seconds. The public must beware. They are worthless. Perfect satisfaction giver., or persons are not For sale by S. S. Smith. Huntingdon. expected to take theirpictures. May 25 1859, Pittur. taken from sick or deceased persons - —-- at their residences. Copies taken front Da• REA D I It N:1 D! I It NAD I I I I guerreotypes or Portraits. Also, views of rest. ESENWEINN ' dences, dec. , AROMATIC SARSAIV/ Ladies and ficutlemen aro invited to call Is a remedy not to be excelled for the relief and and examine specimens. Pictures taken as well in cloudy as fatr weather. cure of those maladies incident to the summer season, 'VIZ llory c f.en do we hear the exclamation, when persons aro looking at Portraits—"l would not Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera or Cholera 'nor value any stun if I could procure the Portraits bus, Vomiting, Acidity of the Stomach, Sc. Its excellent Carminative powers, pleasant of toy parents—or deceased children I" Rea taste and soothing influence. renders it a val. der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel. liable remedy in infantile diseases, peculiar to tog i of unity, you have an opportunity to grati- the Second Summer, viz :—Cholera Infantunt t at a small cost, by procuring Portraits, etc. It has a reinvigorating and tonic influ-, fy which, it k """'" ,gr ill " l t' d " enee on t h e system, allaying i n g ninnt i o „ w h ere SEtrThose that wish to learn this beautiful it exists in The stomach and bowels—and on art con call nos see IV. F. Thomas, from Phila. trial will ho found indispensable to the well Prices from 50 cents upwards. ° .59 - c beitig of every family. It will be found as ueff,]•tali 'I "' •• ' adapted to adults as children. 'Fry it. 010 00 Prepared only by A. 111`;EN W EINE, Price '25 cos, a bottle. Dispensing Chemist. Pays for a full coarse in the Iron City College, the largest,most extensively patronized and Sold by J. Read, Ilan ti tigdon, and Dru ugh , ts best orgitni.ed School in the United States. and Storekeepers gruerally. [May 25,'59.•15, 35" students attending 1859. si'llt;,' , l . .kusß.'"'" 1859 Usual titer to M eTe e p h le ' te l a fa i t come, from 4 • to 10 weeks- lively Student, upon grade The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of our friends and customets, its well 1° guaranteed I ' Compete" to niannge the as the citizens of the town and country gnneral- Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a ly, to our new and extensive assortment of notary of Irons READY-MADE CLOTHING, $5OO to $lOOO. consisting of every article of gentlemens' fur. Students outer et any tinto—No Vacation— nishing goods. IVo deem it unnocesstry to I Review rt pleasure. tootle a being confident that 51 Premiums for best Penmanship :Cos:tray::and unnl thou to :g n , a t v i oy i s :a f rE o it:i sl.:tx°l°ioll salianwrrsaarded in ISsS f,rece nt ‘halfe price. Welting, i riot, and as cheap as the same finality of goods can bo bought in the county of Huntingdon, close two letter stamps, and address It is not our desire, as it is not the policy of F. W. JENKINS, l'ittsliftrgh honest men, to deceive, but this much wo will Apr.20;59. say:that we will guarantee to all who may Co. roe us with their patronage, entire satisfaction fle to quality, lit and price. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing, not Ibutal in our stock, by leaving their mett, tire, they can be accommodated at short notice Cull at corner of diamond, Long's new house 111. GUTIIeIN & CO May 4, UM, EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters Tes• tamentary on the estate of John &Idium! late of Tell township, Huntingdon county, de. ceased, have been duly granted to the sub sabers, to whom all persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will pre. sent them, duly authentiouted, for settlement. . Alex. C. Blair, Michael Shearer, May 4, '5O. Executors. BOOTS AND SHOES. The subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a shop on St. Clair street, in the east end of the town, where he is prepared to manufacture all articles in his kokbp. line, on the shortest notice, and on reastnable terms. After a long experience in the Boot and Shoe business, 1 flatter myself that I can please those who give me their orders. Work dune when promised in all eases. Huntingdon apr 27'69. C. WEAVER, EXECUTORS' NOTICE. (Eside of Allezancler Steel, dec,) Notice is hereby given that Letters Tee tamentary on the. estate of Ale:milder Steel late of the township of West, in the county of Huntingdon, deceased, have bees duly granted to the subscribers, to whom all persons indebt to said estate will make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them for settlement. JOHN RUNG, , rs. WM. Si EWART, Lx 're. '59-61". 111TANSION HOWSE, Corner of Hill St Montgomery Streets, HUGTING DON, PA. CHRISTA:IV GOUTS, Proprietor, This stand is well known as the "McConnell House." The location is superior to any other, being in the uninediato proximity to business; also to the Bank and most Public Offices It is the determination of the Proprietor, to keep this House in a style satisfactory to the public, and it is his desire, to make all who patronize hint, feel at home, and to make the 'Mansion' rank among the best of fluntitig. don Hotels. He very respectfully solicits the public putr.nage. Apr. 13th '59 TACHSON'S HOTEL, Huntingdon, J Pa. J. S. MILLER, PROPRIETOR. Respectfully informs his friends and the truvel'ing public generally, that he ,'':' lR has leased the ''Jackson House," in see. IV eral years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, and that he will be pleased to receive the calls of all who may tavor hiss with their patronage. His table will be furnished with the best the market can afford, and every attention will be given to snake those with hiss feel at home. , Huntingdon. March 30, 1869. :SPRING ARRANGEMENT. OEOROE Y. ADMIT. JOHN A. NERV. ABBEY & NEFF. No. 308 N. THIRD ST., (3 doors above Vine.) PHILADELPHIA. THE OLD HARDWARE, STAND, ESTABLISHED TWENTY-FOUR TEARS. EWIRY DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING Mechanical, Farming and Household Hard ware, is now in store, and will be offered at tho lowest market prices, to Cask and prompt Six months buyers. Nails at Manufacturers prices for Cash. Orders front new customers will receive strict and accurate attention and all goods sent from this house will be us represented. Country merchants, on their next visit to our city to make their Spring purchases are cor dially invited to call and examine our Stock and Prisms before Purchasing. Mar,9,'50.-3m. NEW WATCH Ja JEWELRY STORE, J. W. DUTCHER, JVATCII.IIAKER (t. JEWELLER, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hunting. don, vicinity, and the surrounding coun try, that he hos commenced hu siness in the room opposite M. Outniau's Store in [4oi Matta. SQUARE, IlurriNanox, and hopes to receive a share of public patronage. WATCHES and CLOCKS repaired in the best workmanlike manner. His stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY to of the best, all of which he will dispose of at reasonable prices. The public generally are requested to give him a call and examine his stock. Mang; 59. BOOKS ! if BOOKS 40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. $500,00 In Gifts for every 1000 Sold. In order to reduce my extensive stock I will sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at U.* regular retail prices or less, and give 051 , five hundred dollars worth of presents var• in value from 25 cents to 5100,00. Or, tli a who prefer can purchase at wholeitokr,. que My stock consists of every variety binding. School Books of every Ole sale and retail. Sales to commence boo: 24th. WM. COLON. Dec.22,'58. • I' 4® fißatTsilitiiiittal T HE subscaiber has commenced the GUN. SJIITILING business at Pine Grove, Cen tre count,', where he is prepared to manufacture and repair Guns and Pistols of every descrip• tiou, with neatness and dispatch. Ho will also attend to repairing CLOCKS. Prices to suit the times. Dec. 22, 1858.—1 f. JOHN H. JACOBS. APER I PAPER I! r Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by tho ream, half ream quire or sheet. at Lewis' New Hook and Stationery store. Dec.22,'68.4. Mir 1000 AGENTS WASTEII.—For partiau Jars send stamp. C. Y. WHITTEN, Mar. 23. '59. Cm' , Lowell, Mass,