Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 01, 1859, Image 1

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till :I 11 s in
Scrofula, or King's Evil,
is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
in disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is callously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dig
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, end,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending " from parents to children
unto tho third and fourth generation ;" indeed,
it seems to bo the rod of Him who says, "I
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or soros. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of hfe, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
are still rendered fatal by this taint n the
system. Most of the consumption which de
cimates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organ., arise from or
aro aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous ;
their persona are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their• health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.
Such n medicine we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active remedials that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
system from its destructive consequences.
Hence it should tat employed for the cure of
not only acrofulu, but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as ERUPTIVE
Rose, or ERYSIPELAS, Prnmns, l'usrvixs,
BLOTCHES, BLAINE and Dons, Tunons, Term
and SALT It/MUM, SCALD Man, ltrnowoltm,
llnzexarrear, Sten.= and MERCURIAL Ds.
indeed, ALL ConetArms /MEMO PROM 'Vim-
Teo on Neu. Swop. The popular belief
in impurity of the blood" is founded in truth,
ter scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of tide Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without whic, sound health is impossible in
con t amino ted constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the range of
their action end raiely withstand or evade them
Their penetrating propertied search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ
ism. correcting its diseased action, end restoring
fta healthy 'Untitled. As a consequence of them
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find Itia
health or energy restored by a remedy at once ea
ebnple and laming.
Not only do they cure the every-day complaint.
of every body, but also many fomddable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis toy American Almanac,
containing certificate. of their cures and directions
for their etc in the following complaints Costive
nets, Heartburn, headache arising front disordered
Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Parts in and Morbid
Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe
tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints,
arising from low state of the body or obstruction
elite functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Boarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump.
tion, and for the relief of Cousninptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu.
mems arc the cases of its cures, that almost
e eryection of country abounds in percent pub
licly who have been restored from alarming
and even desperate dictates of the lungs by its
use. When once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and %vivre its annum are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affections of the
pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community have failed and been discarded, this
has Rained friends by every trial, conferred benefit,
on the afflicted they can never forgot, and pro
duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgotten.
DR. J. C. AYER & CO.
Jon , READ, Agent Huntingdon,
Not 1858.-Iy.
1868. FALL AND I' K E IIR GOOD!. 1858
M. Gutman & Co.,
Inform tho public generally, that they hare just
te;peived &large stock of
Fall and Winter Goods,
consisting of
GOA rs,
PANTS, &c,
His stock of Clothing is of the latest fash
ions, and manufactured of the beat materials
and as they are determined to tell as cheap as
ieehecaaplf andst, the e l m ub i l n i e c
E d t o oe le l l to give
t t emn a their
QDon't forget the place—Long's brick
building, on the corner, Market square, Hum
tieing Agency, 119 Nassau St., New York, &
10 State St., Boston. S. M. Pettengill & Co.
are the Agents for the "jOUHNItI." and the most
influential and largest circulating Newspapers
io the united States and the Canadaa. they
are authorized to contract for us at our Mimi
(stiect gottq.
We count the broken lyres that rest
Where the sweet wailing singers slumber,—
But o'cr their hilent sister's breast
The wild flowers who will stoop to number I
A few eon touch the magic string,
And noisy fame is proud to win them
Alas for those that never sing,
But die with all their music in them I
Nay, grieve not for the dead alone
Whose song has told their heart's sad story:
Weep for the voiceless, who have known
The cross without the crown of glory
Not where Leucadian breezes sweep
O'er Sappho's memory haunted billow,
But where the glistening night-dews weep
On nameless sorrow's church yard pillow.
Oh hearts that break and give no sign
Save whitening lip and fading tresses,
Till Death pours out his cordial wine
Slow•dropped from Misery's crushing r reuses,
It' singaig breath or echoing chord
To every hidden pang were given,
What endless melodies were poured
As sad as earth, as sweet as heaven
She Blade Home Happy.
She always made home happy
With her kind and winning ways,
With her voice of cheerful gladneda—
With her joyful hymn of praise.
She always made home happy!
'll.lugb she charmed no passer by
With the beauty of her person,
Ur the brightness of her eye.
'I rough no pearls or rubies glittered
'Mid the ringlets of her hair,
InLyr heart there shone a radiance
Of a jewel fur more rare.
She always made home happy t
Though her song was nut divine;
Though no ha p beneath her lingers
Ihrilled to notes almost sublime.
Thoagh no artist, yet she painted,
Many a ht.w ut heavenly love,
On the friendly fovea round her,
That shah chine in realms above
*cltct *torn.
BY CHARLES I. 551.111
Tile tuner evening, as-1 was returning
aI t how from a vi.sit to a frivud, a
bnigniar adventure ovurred to me, which
here bv relate.
I was passing on ordinary looking
linoic, in on obscure sheet in the city,
;and qui:e loudly tviiistling 'Oh, no. I never
mention it' when a second story front tvin•
do'' was culdenly raised, and the siveet.
eat twice iinsgioaLle was heard to whis-
'Wait a moment, Charley, and I will
soon be ready.'
The head of the maiden uttering this
declaration was then withdrawn, but not
nutil I had seen that she was young, and
possessed of unusual beauty.
Ileudy? Wait a moment, Charley,' I
repeated in a !nosing nonuser, and em
ileavoring to obtain some clue to what was
occurring, and what was meant by those
haven't the slightest idea who the.
lair incopili is, but it seems that she
It tiows me, or she a oulent address ate by
my familiar name. I wonder—'
But my wondering aloud aas suddenly
cut short, and greatly iecreased to myself,
by the reappearance of the maiden at the
still open window, •
'ls everything sill?' she inquired, in the
most musical of whispers.
'Awful glum,' thinks I, looking around,
and responding aloud, perfectly.'
'Are you sure that no one is coining.'
•Quite sure. The loafers in this vicinity
have all gone home, ant' the
of course, is asleep it) some door way. Per
fectly silent from one end of the street to
the other; perfectly.
'Then we may as well proceed now, as
to wait longer.' came in o soft whisper
from the fair and mystifying unknown.
.Can you catch the budle?'
•Clatch the bundle, catch the bundle,' I
repeated, not knowing What to say, but
finally replied at a venture—
'Of course.'
The bead of the maiden was momenta•
rily withdrawn, then appeared uguitteand
in connectim with a somewhat extensive
bundle which I now understood she inten
ded me to 'catch!' I caught it—a bundle
of clothing and valuables, as I readily con
eluded. and stowed it away under my arm
as quietly and knowingly as if I had
known'what it was all about,'
Is no ono coining?' again tusked tha lair
incognita, in a low and tremulous whisper
albiet strangely musical, as she leaned for.
ward and looked down upon me,
'No one,'
And everything is as safe now as it will
be at any other time.
, Evidently—everything io safe, inch'.
ding the country.'
'Very well—l will descend.'
While I was wondering how on earth
this last fent could be accomplished, the
fair unknown threw a rope ladder out of
the windo v, and commenced making the
•liad I not better come up and help
you?' I inquired mechanically, rather thin
by reason of idea how such sail:dance
could be given.
'No hush! do not speak so loud, or we
shall be overheard !' was the whispered
response. can cume down as well—or
better—alone !'
The lair unknown vies already passing
over the window, as I saw by a hasty
glance upwards, and then I did not venture
to look up again for fear she wasn't dressed
in 'Bloomers,' or that the moonlight !night
injure my eyes. I steadied the unique
ladder until a crowd of crinoline, in air.
pensive power, came down uver my heed,
end then retreated a few steps in order to
reinsure the dimity within free and full
descent. She soon reached terra firma
or rather the side walk.
'Oh, dear,' she began, turning towards
me—but just then was heard the cry of
'thieves—robbers—help!' within he house
and I bgan to trembly apprehensively for
the cause.
Was the fair enchantiess a burglars.,
or a companion parlicipee criminus of bur
glars? I shuddered at the thought.,
The lair woman was more alarmed than
myself. Hastily seizing my arm—the oth
rr otu , , the aria disengaged train the bun.
dle—she led me away. Her face
was hale—her form trembled from held to
foot with emotion—l didn't hardly "knew
what I was about, so greatly was I-in
fluenced by a reflection as to the figure
I moos cutting—thus running away with a
woman I had never seen before, and a
huge bundle under my aria'
'We ore discovered,' murmured my
companion. 'My only apprehension is
before the flatter is accompliblied.
I stole another glance at my companion,
and saw that dhe wan one of the loveliest
brunettes I ever gazed upon in my life.—
Moreover, she was young, evidently not
more than sixteen or seventeen year. of
age, and her face seemed a mirror of child
like confidence, purity of feeling and of
In an instant lime I felt that whatever
was the mystery in winch I had become
an ignorant actor, I was ready to trust her
to death.
We hastened rapidly down the Street,
but not more than ten or dozen rods bet ire
the form of a man was seen approaching,
while there were soma faint tokens of a
tumult at Lou house tee had just left.
We hurried on, pasting the gentleman
we had seen approaching, and who soon
'.,truck up' the same tune 1 had before
been exercising my lungs with, 'Oh, no,
never mentioned it,' &c.
'Good heavens!' exclaimed my ccmpan
ten the insteut sho lintencil to the enr pierc
ing notes of whistler No. 2 what 111.1ns
this—that in—'
She suddenly paused—just as we were
passing beneath a gas lamp, which shone
full upq4.niy features—end exclaimed :
'U' i n it :4,uu are not my Charles—oh!
gretlON. HENRI,
,11 , 0
j I3 . E i I t t F T E S D E , f O M Mis s -- I ens
not; but
flutter ni,
The mitia r dli l a already on the track of
whistler No. 2. and therefore I did nut flu.
ish my profound remark. She scion over
took him, seized him, and caused him to
paus-i, while I stood looking upon them,
with the bundle frantically clasped under
my arm. A retrogode movement was
commenced, and the maiden and the young
stranger were soon is my immediate pres
'Oh, sir,' began the lair being, as she
took my hand, and looked up enchanting
ly into my lace, 'you will forgive me the
mistake. I thought you were Charles,
my Charles r---and she gazed admiringly
and devotedly upon him.
'An elopement. eh 1' I asked, smiling at
the mistake,
'rho ioung gentleman bowed. 'And
the signal of my arrival beneath the win
dow as agreed upon,' he added, 'was a few
notes whistled from that tune.'
I understood the mistake in a moment,
how I happened along nt just the witching
hour of the intended elopement, and chanc
ed to whistle the signalling tune. Not to
dwell upon a simple and every day mat
ter, I saw the parties united in wedlock,
and nest day had the pleasure of recon
ciling the parents to the overjoyed young
couple, who have already commenced do•
mystic life with every prospect of not hay.
iug'paid too dearly for their whistle.'
r A good Christian payeth yo print
er man,
*dert Pigcellang.
It :vas a very hot day to the summer of
1778. The British Ger.eral, Clinton, with
a formidable army, was hastening across
the sandy plains of New Jersey, to join the
forces of General Howe at Sandy Hook.
And Washington, with nn army once more
regenerated into life, determined, if it lay
within the bounds of possibility, to prevent
that junction, and to effect hit purpose,
sent on a large detachment of light troops
under General Lee, to harass their arm
ments and retard their progress until he
could come up with his solo force and
effect their rapture or destructO.
The Briiish were overtaken by Lee,
whom I have more than once said, and
now repeat it, only needed Arnold's temp•
tattoos and Arnold's wrongs to have been
all or more a traitor l than was the latter.—
Thu will was ‘I him, but opportunity did
not serve.
But to !Morn to my story. As soon as
the American sharp shooters, in the van of
Lee's division begun to annoy the British,
the latter drew up in order of battle and
prepnred for detnice. The Americans
lividly pushed on, and n here driving all
before them, when to their utter astonish
ment, and tot he deep mortification of their
gallant officers, who were flushed with the
hope of a victory ~boost in the& hands,
Gen. Lee ordered e retreat.
Shame mantled many a brow then and
there, and in spit. , of discipline, angry
words broke from many a lip ; for then
as now, the word retreat fell strangelx,
dye, most harshly. upon an American ear.
But the order had been given by him who
had commanded and he must be obeyed.
Yet so angry and unwilling were those
who had fell back, that they did not pre.
serve the order which they would hays
done had they only been yielding to stern
nec infte Brum, oyerryeu
so ease, were pushing their advantages,
as they
_ever did, mercilessly ; and our
brave men were falling fast before them,
when suddenly dashing forward upon a
horse, which was white with foam, rode
that is: man upon whom a nation's
fate depended.
, What means this cowardly retreat
Who dared to order it ? He thundered,
How to Make Summer Beverages.
As the season is at hand when pleasant
summer drinks, free from alcoholic influ . -
ence, are frequently brewed b 3 the house
wile, or the well brought up daughters
who aro taught is little of everything in
the wny of household duties, we append
the following receipts, which are claimed
to be excellent :
1 Pol., Ihron nnlinna of isnot, of blond
warmth, three half pints of inolimes, a
table spoonful of essence of spruce, and
the like quantity of ginger—mix well to•
gether, with a gill of yeast; let them stand
over night, and bottle in the morning. It
will be iii a good condition to drink in
twenty four hours. It is a profitable,
wholesome beverage.
2. Those who prefer mend have only to
substitute honey hr the molasses named
ern! Lee. I above, and for one•third_ the ginger use al
'Rally your men, coward, or go ;toi l t spice. Half the quantity will be found
sufficient, the bottling should occur the
hide your face in shame!' cried Wnsli'ng•
inn, that day gibing full vent to passiosecond day instead of the next morning.
which hitherto, under all circumstances,
It will be fit to drink in four days after be
he had managed to control. lug bottled, and Will keep for many weeks,
Halt, and form !' he cried, again In a 3. Prepare a five or ten gallon keg, in
voice so loud that it fell alike upon the proportion to the size of the family—draw
ears of friend and foe, I a piece of coarse bobinet, or very coarse
' I did !' was the angry response of Gen
And, though the bullets fell like hail all hook muslin, over the head of the faucet
about hint, nod brave men drcpped upon that ii• inserted in the keg, to prevent its
his right hand and upon his left; he eat un• choking, a good tight bung, and near to
moved upon his horse, stunted there the that a gimlet hole, with a peg to fit it
tide of reLreat, and checked the advance of . tight.
the triumphant foe. I Rrc.ipt for Five Gallons.—One quart
The carnage was terrible. Bayonet of sound corn, put into kegs, with hall a
clashed against bayonet, satire met sabre, gallon ni molasses; then fill with cold wa
while sulphurous smoke almost hid the ' ter to within two inches of the bung.—
combatunts from vtow ; and they sprang tit Shake it well, and in two or three days it
each other lika fiends lighted by the flash- will be fit for use. Bung tight.
es of their cannon and the Laze of mos- If you want spruce flavor, add one tea
k*. spoon of essence of spruce—lemon, if kin
One gallant o ffi cer, whose gray hairs ! on is preferred—gingsr, or any flavor you
had become tinged with blood, fought di- Hcfer. The corn will last to make five
or six brewing: , ; when it is exhausted, rectly under the eyes of Washington,
whom he loved not o nly as a General, new it. When the beer passes from the
but an a brother, hound by that mysterious vinous to the ascotous fermentation, it can
and holy tie which equalizes a peasant be corrected by adding Q little more moles
with n prince. By his side, three sons of ses and water This is a simple, cheap
lesser rank, the youngest scares eighteen Leverage, costing about three cents a gal.
years of age, fought as bravely as him- lon. Alter the beer becomes ripe, it ought
was at the moment when, with Wash-
to be kept in a cool place, tdoisrevent it
from becoming soar before it is exhaus.
ington himself at their head the Americans ted
drove back the foe at the bayonet's point,
that he whom I shall call Major Carroll,
who was leading his baitallion on, himself
on foot (two horses then had gone down um
der him that dny,) and to whom l just al
lulled, saw a British officer fall, who had
with heroic gallantry, striven to stem the
changing tide.
Though wounded and down, the brave
officer still struggled, and drawing a pis
tol, disabled a man whose bayonet was at
his breast. Major Carroll'a sword was
raised above his hand, Lit quickly a sign,
a word, and the "widow's son " was safe,
for the sword that woula have slain, was
now a shield—the foe whose arm had just
been rni,cl was now n brother, whose ex•
tended hand was ready to lift him who lay
upon the earth in such distress.
But, alt ! fatal pause I that generous
bosom, so full of fraternal love, which did
not frOget duty even there, amid the wild
carnage of battle, was pierced by a bullet;
and the brave Carroll rank, dying, by the
aide of him who linci culled for help, and
had not been refused
Washington's eye was on him—he
knew who and what he was, for he had
ant with him in a place where light aboun
ded; but he could not wait--the enemy
were flying and must be pursued.
"On !" cried the dying hero to his men.
Forward ! " he shouted to his men.--
"We are victorious end I am content."
The battle was over. The British had
been swept back over the gory field which
thq had taken, and night had drawn its
mantel over the horrors which the day ex
pose I.
And by Major Carroll's side knelt the
only one of his race that was left to lite--
his youngest born. gis two oldest sons
had fallen on that dear bought field.- -
like himself, contented that they had died
fur their country, and fell in the hour
when victory was theirs.
"Father, what can I do for you 1" said
this boy hero, as he grasped his dying sire
by the hand, and sustained his head upon
his breast.
'Be. a man, and do your duty to your
country.hrst, and to yuur mother next...—
And, lad, save my masonic regalia. He,
our nation's father, ingested me with it !
Save it, and de: so worthily that when you
are of full age you to become entitled to
near it. It is my last request."
And soon the noble spirit of that brave,
good roan left his body, and went to dwell
with the great Architect of the universe.
Aid, years after, when peace smiled
upon our land the :.on fulfilled his father's
request, and that cherished regalia is yet
in the possesion of his descendauts.
A Word to Mothoro.
Beneath a mother's curse no child
Wns ever known to thrive,
A mother is a mother still—
The holiest thing alive.
So says Coleridge, in his moving poem
of the "Three graves: l The cool, deliber•
ate malediction of a mother, whose heart
has been estranged and totted to hate to
wards her own offspring is, indeed, ii fear
ful, blighting thing. But there is anoth
er mode by which a mother may curse het
child, and that by neglecting us moral
education. Maternal influence is a trite
theme , yet as much as has been said to
illustrate its power, it has never in our
opinion been overrated. The mothers of
a nation are its creators ; and from the po
sition God and nature has given them,
must be its conservators or destroyers,
The influence of the nursery surpasses in
depth and contmuence all other influences.
As the mother, so is the son ; and with few
exceptions, the character forwed during
the first ten or twelve years of life is im
mortal ; it Is that which we bear with us
amid all the changes of time, and carry
Away ulettered the eternal world.
Mysterious Providence,
One man sucks an orange, and is choked
by a bit; another swallows a penknife, and
lives ;one rung a thorn into his hand, and
no skill can save him ; another has a shaft
of a gig driven completely through his bo
dy and recovers; one is overturnod on a
smooth common, and breaks his neck, and
another is tossed out of a gig over Brigh
ton Cliff, and survives t one walks out on
a windy diy and meets his death by a
brickbat; another is blown :up in the air
like Lord Hatton in Guernsey Castle and
coines down uninjured. The escape of
this nobleman was indeed a miracle.
An explosion of gunpowder, which killed
his mother, wife and some of his children,
and ninny other persons, and blew up the
whole fabric of the castle, lodged him in
his bed on a wall overhanging a tromen.
dour precipice. Preceiving a mighty dia.'
order (us well he might) he was going to
leap out of bed to know what the matter
wan, which, if he had done he would have
been irrevocably lost ; but in the instant of
his moving a flash of lightning came
and showed him the precipice, where -
upon he lay still until the people came
and took him down.
A very important queation hos been rain.
ed and decided in the Superior Court of
New York—upon this subject, The par
ticular case was that of policy of life insu
rance expiring on Sunday, the prend
um upon the renewal of which was not
tendered till the following Monday. But
the discussion involved the whole questi-n
as to fulfilling any contract, en Sunday.
The general notion is that in all cases the
contract must be preformed, or the cli.
or made to do :t on the preceeding Satur
day. But the court in this case overruled
the motion, and declared, that when from
accident or mutunl error, tie day of fulfil
mg an agreement falls upon Sunday, there
is enough of principle and authority to
octifir !ha ..nriir in da..rrlng, hie n, fpr.
mance to the Monday ensuing, without tin
paring a forfeiture.
BEAUTIFUL THOUGHT.-0t1( brains aae
seventy year clocks. The Angel of Life
winds them up once for all then closes the
care and gives the key into the hands of
the Angel of the Resurrection.
Tic tac ! tic toe! go the wheels of
thought; our will cannot stop them ; they
cannot stop themselves ; sleep cannot stop
then ; madness only makes them go fester;
death alone can break into the case, and
seizing the ever-swinging pendulum which
we call the heart, silence at last the clink
ing of the terriltlo escapement we have
carried so long beneath our wrinkled fcr
heads.— 0. W. Holmes.
The following programme appeared' re•
cently in a Liverpool paper. It was in a
column among serious articles, and was
evidently intended as a fair specimen of
the manner in which shows are got up in
this country. Doubtless many readers of
English journals regarded the programme
as genuine :
Just opened with 100,000 curiosities and
performance in Lector Room ; mong which
may be found two live Boar Constructors,
mail and (email. Also! I a striped alge•
bra, stuft. Besides a pair of Shuttle Cocks
and one Shuttle Flen—alivo ! The sword
witch General Wellington fit with at the
Battle of Waterloo Whom is six fret
long and broad in proportion. A enorm•
us Rattle rail Snails, a regular wopper ;
ana the lushes of a Hippopotamus ; to
gether with a Bengal tiger ; Spotted Lep.
rosy !
Great Moral Spectacle of Mt, Vesuvius
Part One,
Seen opens, Distant Moon, View of
Bey of Naplca. A thin smoke rises. It is
the beginning of tho eruction. The Na
polo folks begin to travel. Yeller fire, fed-
lowedby vilest thunder. Awful conster
nation, Suthin Rumbles. It is the Mount
ing preporing to vemit, I They call upon
the Fire Department. It's no use. Flight
of stool pigeons. A cloud of unponetra•
ble smoke hangs over the fated city, thro'
which the Naplers ere seen making tracks.
Awful explosion of bulbs, kurbs, ferniquets
pinwheels, serpentiles, tour billion spirals.
The mounting laver begins to squash out.
End of past one.
Comic song.....Thp Parochial Beedle,"
Mr. Mullett,
Live Injun un the slack wire-•-Ltce*jjn•
jun, Mr. Mullett.
Obligations on the Cornucopia, by 4.
Vermicelli-.-Sig. Vermicelli, Mr. Mullet.
In tho course of the eventng there will
be an exhibition of Exhilarating Gee upon
Editor & Proprietok.
NO. 22,
a Latfin Highenit, Mr.
Pori Two.
Bey of Naples linninated by Rangel*
litea. The lava gushes down. Through
the smoke is seen the city in a state of
conflagrations. The last family ! “Whar
is our Parents?" X red hot stone of siev
ing tons falls into 'em. The bear•headed
father tails scentless before the Staten of
the Virgin I Denumeng !. The , vhole to
conclude with a grand Shaltspering pyro•
ligneous display of fireworks. Maroon
bulbs changing to a spiral whee:, which
changes to the Star of our Union; after
to hutiful pints of red hint ; to finish with
busting into a brilliant perspiration !
During the evening a number of•popu
lar airs will be performed on the Scotch
Fiddle and Bagpipes by a real h;ghlaa•
der—Real Highlander, Mr. Mullett,
As the Museum is temperance, no drink
ing aloud; but any one will find the best of
tickers in the saloon below.
Musk in a Backwoods Tavern
A short time since a gentleman and la
dy were traveling in Michigan, and having
missed the stage had to sake a private
conveyance from the town of Scuderi
to Thornastown. The lady had with her
a beautiful little lap dog, which she earri•
ed on her lap. During the ride the hus
band discovered he had no handkerchief,
when the lady lent him hers, which was
fashionably scented with musk. About
luilf-way between the towns the carriage
broke down, in the midst of the rain, and
they were obliged to take refuge in
the hail-way house—a " one horse" log
tavern, consisting of two mooll39—a bar
room and lodging room. The lady laid
her lap dog down on its mat before the firo
and herself and husband took seats. In a
short time the gentleman took out his
handkerchief, leaving it lying on his knees
when he was through with it. In a few
moments the landlord opened the door, put
jn kol _around. went out. came
in, gazed at tile cog—ms nostrils MI Luc
while upturned in -disgust, He finally
appeared satisfied, went to the outsid e
door, opened it, and came back with a
bound, seized the lap dog by the tail and
hurled him howling through the door,
full ten rods into the forest. The wife
fainted ; the husband rose to his feet in a
terrible rage, and wanted to know what hu
did that for. Thai's my dog,' centinued
he furiously. Don't care a cuss whose
dog it ii,' said the gruffly and impet
uously ; I ain't going to hove nu such
Wasted smelling varmint around my tav,
ern.' I'lle husband and wife evacuated
the tavern instantly rind preceded en their
way in the rain.
ger l'hu following story is good because
it is true. We have it from the ltpa of a
good woman, who was told it by the prin
cipal actor herself.
Ven I first come to Filadelfy to serve ;
I was very uncivilized." Said Katrina,
now a tidy, intelligent servant in a respec
table family; " I laugh mooch, and I feel
mooch ashamed to remember how I tie
have von I know ao Tittle. Shon, that was
my beau then —Shan, he took me to the
theatre one night, when I been in Filadel
fy but three weeks. We sits in the gallery,
and we not see good, and Shon said he
would get n better seat. So he puts his
legs sound the post, and Wide! down mid
de pit, and he looks up and calls out, Kat,
rine ! Katrine ! coom down ! tis a good
view here ! and I leaned over, and said I;
flow can I count, Shot,"
And he said :
Just slilide down.'
So 1 put my legs round de pillar, and I
shlide down too.
Donder how de people laugh !
Dey laugh so dey play no more dat
night upan de stage. Everybody laugh,
and yell and whistle, all over de house !
I was mooch ashamed, den, I knew not
any harm ! But now I plushee every
time I clinks of it,
OLD Fren.—A gentleman sent ills black
servant to purchase a fresh fish. Re went
tc a stall, and taking up a fish, began to
smell it. The fish monger observed him
Ind fearing least the bystanders might
catch the seer t, exclaimed:
Hello ! you blaok rascal, what do you
smell my fish for 1
Me no smell your fish, mama.
What are you doing, then ?'
Me talk to em, masse.'
'Me ask him what news at sea, Jet's all
, And what does he say to you?'
'Fie says he don't know ; he nu been
dare die tree week.'
omit you want an ignoramus to respect
you, "dress to death," and wear watch
aboutßeals the eize of a brickbat.