Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 25, 1859, Image 3
1 . CORN PLANTINO.— During the post week the' Aunnu p oil oitrilat. farmers of Huntingdon county have been busy in every direction at corn-planting. The weed, j er woo fine, the ground in excellent order, and , "all hands," including boys and girls, were busy 1 puttting the corn into the mound. This is ' right; seo that an abundance is planted, and that the crops are well attended to. The.ktuli. rations are that a "good time" will saint'. alj W. H. WOODS, A. M. Proprietor and Principal. hand for the former, and that there will be r Moo. F. T. WOODS, 'DAVID M. Burrs, brisk demand for ~II he can raise.—Referring J Princiiml of l'emal! Department. 'Teacher 01 . the English Branches. i J. ALFRED SHAUL, M. 1). W.M. M. WILLIAMSON, •to this matter, the. New York Tribune gives , p ro/e ,„,. o f A noto „, an d 1 , 4,,j 0 1a rd . I', etcher of Mathematics. ' the following advice to the farmers through- j ALllitlltT OW EN, Miss LIZZIE E. LYON, out the country: "Plant and sow freely, per., LrCillrel . on Art of 'leaching and nits. Geoff Teaciler in Preparatory Departme.l:. sultently; for grain and meat are likely to be I MI " ANNA .(4 ' j ' - `‘ .l " l 's'N' . . 1 2111 " AIM " A K I'd ` , 1 Teacher of M M men Marie, Manama Oin and llnt Monitor. in demand next Fall. The war which now , i,,,, Painting and idiocy k te di e ir„,. /c . threatens is unlikely to be a short, and cannot be 1 mini next session of this Institution will open the lirot Wednesday of May. It holds au clip() a little one. It is likely to array am Tien man I 1 riar advantages to thu, seeking an education. The 13uard of instruction is largo, nod cum in arms agairist each other, subtracting mane I posed of those who are thoroughly riuttliticd fur their profession. To Parents turd Guitidinc, times that munber from productive industrY7 ‘ m wi rnts wisi l t iZtlltl e A t l i , te 4; ( l 4 ( i o l (7l t , ' N i v u ill 's b e n ' t ! o r r e t:i t „ " (l l t i lt ' e a l li w il Le r t e „ tr s ' , t s ' S ' io i n t , h' ;‘ l,d l B vl ‘ :i?lt iri ) L :.s. i , l ft 'j t ' aj W employ them in casting cannon, actor .; worthy County Superintendeot, Will giVe I,ttlrgiS Oil the Art of 'fe ll ni.d Phy,ical tjco,a• powder, charging shells, etc. All these must phy. In the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, young men will be therm gill) , ,toothed for eat, and 'bottle fields are not well adapted to I the Counting Room. TERMS, for semion of fire mouths, ii 45.00. Light and fib:l./if,. Lea the growth of food. We shall be disappoitred I sons ili r Mildit , , French, ihawiliv, PuilJting and Fancy Needle Work, extra. or Europe does not afford us a largo market I ; : ra ur t r r r h a o r „, t e ieL d ll , l ),Xi i i ,',, dt i l ,Z‘,T i es, ~,,.iy ~,,,,ile ttj je , , 0, 0 0,1 b e mi m e . fur hreadstuffs before the end of the current A r 7-4' pr.), O.: ......."--- Wednenday Morning, May 25. 1859 LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. . . EXCURSION.—The ministers, composing the Classis, which met in this place last week, passed over the Broad Top Railroad after the closing of their labors, on an excursion. They expressed themselves highly pleased with the condition of the road, and delighted with the country through which they passed. • Dar Last Sabbath we observed an individual sporting the luxury of a pair of white pants, I which we believe is a '•little previous." At any rate it produced a cold sensation along our Lack bone, which finally settled in a 2.40 tooth ache, under which delightful sensation we have been laboring ever since. BEA UTE F . lll, BOQUETor—We were the favored recipient onMonday last, of one of the most beautifully arranged and sweet smelling ho• gusts of flowers, ever maii i ky fair hands. We thank the fair donor for li pretty gift, and gallantly lift our hat in eppreciation of the same. Sir It will he observed by reference to his card in another part of to•day's paper, that our friend Costs has changed the name ot'the Black Bear Hotel to the "Mansion House." The tra velling public will please remember this, and inquire hereafter• for the Mansion House, where th ey will receive a hearty welcome and be nc• commodated with the best the land affords. SUDDEN DRATn.fOn Friday evening last a man named Michael Hughes died very sudden ly in Altoona—ml for a time some suspicion was entertained that some other poison than strichnine whiskey had done the fatal work,— hot the doctors, we understand, after Moulting into the matter, concluded that he died rests the intemperate use of intoxicating liquor;. Tut: G ROWING IP;ll,lT.—Fmtn our stun o;.• nervations and the opitiimat cram. oast gent farmers, the prospers of a heavy crop of .wheat could not be better. it is beyond the reach of the fly, and the chances ate against its being struck with rust or attacked by the weave], because of ita forwardness, bc. The weather has been most favorable, coining up do the German couplet which runs thus "A wet April and cool May, Makes plenty of wheat and bay." ' Quite an C;(0:1,1,1 , . ,• ccurrel rt!:.on; the "cullud pussuns'' last week, owing to Om Read of one of the "snuff-colored" Wail ion nil. ministerkg, a dose of 'row bide' to 6ia, who is reported to be insane. They retaliated by printing the map of Mika upon his collo tenance. The Ethiopians are becomin g ver:•• unruly amongst us, and no recommend their removal to Hardserab!e, or 301110 Iliaant te,i• Cory, where they tnuy indulge thoir pugilistic. vropensity to the fullest extent. WY' House cleaning to the rage just now among the female portion of humanity, and most industriowly and purtinielonsly is it ear. lied on during the present line weather. ftrormis, Locke' s and brushes hart usurped the place of furniture and carpet tinge, and woe betide the nom wS,• . interrupt the progress of se :obi, washing. Our Ilindingdod proverbial as good hotmolcoopers, nit-annual expenditure of soap ii.w! ••••:•t • doubt aids materially to sustain the utation. Par Do not forget to call upon Mr. .1. Cunningham, at his 8,1 picture taken, Mr. C. ; t;, .ec• ommended as no artist, and can, undoubtedly give satisfaction to any and all who ivy favor him in his Hue. lie takes all kindsof pictures and has 'node such arrangements as will ena• bin him to furnish customers with thu "ti coat 4vtional Pictut c"—which is a aim future in Daguerreotyping. Pietutes taken in any hind of weather, in any dress, and on terms which cannot fail to make it an object these hard times. Again we say do not Nil to call at the higAvagon, nod get a fac similie of your lutud. some phis. MEAN IN BUSlNCES.— ' !'here is no grunter mistake that a business man snakes Om to be mean in his business. Always takinp, the half c cut for the dollars he has made and making. Such a policy is very much like the farmer who saws three pecks of seed when ho ought to have sown live, and ILA a recoMpons c fur the leanness of his soul, only gets ten when he ought to have fifteen bushels of grain. Every body has beard of the proverb of "penny wise and pound foolish." A liberal expenditure in the way of businositiwayu sure to be a cap. ital iue, tment. tho man who advertises his, you may set down us one n•ho properly understands what be is about, nod wits will "play the game fair" with his ELISIO. STRANGE CONDUCT.—Un Wednesday night last, a young lady of this place, whose name we suppress on account of her former respecta bility, and that of her parents, packed up her a' Cutts and trinkets," disguised herself with a eil, green spectacles, &c., took passage on a train for Huntingdon, without tho knowledge of har parents! The next day her father fol lowed her and brought her back. Her conduct has afflicted het parents very much, and it is to be hoped that she has learned a lesson which shy will not noon forget. It has beou in timated that a certain individual who was for• merly a resident of this place for a short time, but who now lives in Huntingdon, had better " make himself scarce," lest kis earthly career alight suddenly be cut short The above, we tukc from the last issue of tho Tyrone &ca. The individual referred to felt this place, last week, for the west, in company with his wife. We understand that he was at the depot when the young lady above mention• ad arrived in the western train, .cl took char;. , of her but when he espied her fl,tl:er, he drop• ped his fair companion, and " broke for the tim bar." He reAtutined accreted seine time, and st last Pound an opportunity to decamp. o:3ovEn a 1311 KER'S. • ANTIPIII.OOiBIIO SALT; A Penfee ghtittltilte .., •3 .._ Fur the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters 11l Itt,,,e; when the undersigned, after a long series or Lberieus and costly experiments, became fully „ a n,zied in his vouviction, that the kutiplilo, I.i ~,,,,..,, : . 7; ~, ,::,:s] ~ ,, ,, ,L , s i e y , , ,, oi ,,, ; , ‘ . • , l i, i tin i i l e t , e i el , ,ns wr if tb a r s } e,t , ,l l, e n , fi lispreuess to i,,:1i e :i,,,J. 1 14.r, . '• t • j . * d'ERFEC.'',.. NUBSTITUTE ..... ~...,,,,., - , ~ , , ,,e,, , ,, „,,,. ' . , :s. --; '.. -, t• ltl , ,,el.l e ttiu g , t,,„di,t a'id Blisters, hi. '. - L' - '.. , .16111k;" . ,,i' ''' : ~... min I stns i''' itgiotted that he i.,:ml , 11.. t t, , leel , for men,- nights. The cause of lii4 Pttiuttl o lt 'eau WE . beg leave to call the atten- 'j s ~. . , .... •.: , ..., ` '. ' T .l l ' lit ' - . ...i# , . ..1, , .• :,,,;!,.„,.; i ~,,, ,1.,., the mannet of its'lllierattott tion of the Trade, and more ' . --- -`.'•'..:,*.....,,,,':,.-..,, 1.1.„ Cl3l i,i':;:.` , 11 - 45 in vaccination, coat,:. ilot i• .ii,.f.0d , 0 - idif explained olio, any knoWn especially the Physicians of the . ~ . _. ...,!,,. .1., ,, ',.,, wind way, it 50 effectually country, to two of the most pope. I V-it ./Ii•-eCT3I lI*J 3 - Mi t ::% , .. ,:,. ~. Li... ~,,,,,,,,,., bi ,,,,,, tali no other , . .... ~!,,,ny ..,,,,pi , i „ eide---I.ta, on further tar remedies now before the public. 's 1-.' , ',' !-.TI 1,1..-. • l'ill;'ES Id" ,, 1 ~.."., •,, '., i, , '-, ' ''' '. ,i,..1...,,, :, ~;, ~,, , -.., Hitt a .tottelaes flat We refer to 1-., LE.% , 'Il ',L.,: • . ~ ,:i FOR It 1,4 1,1,1,.. -....;'• , •r , ' . /.,,. tlos 1,1/11 ..,1 an eqiiilibrittin iti , t' e ,e,.. i ,14, ,i . I,lflAleang‘titl. Seri, Dr thus D'l,une's Crlehruted , 4' ' '' "'""',.: '''" • .. 7 .,„ . 3° lh '""'"' ''''' Ili "' ir 04 ia.teney, that like the vaccine mutter, 'it Vermi fuge and Liver Pills. Ti,,.. muchii,,,...7e,:6. -- ii,",.-,„ 5 r ,..... :lip ~.. I .', l " i 'F' '"''''Y .`".` " I ''''',' ' t,h, ` 7'l:" . " ' faqiili Gym, ion, a ..,dation of it, to eiesat tire . entire -We do not recommend them as ' ahead float the store, requiring no r;-wincing sY , lcio --1,, t ~,,,,, I"-: , '''..tnt''); d usu.. to prevent ' ' I scent, its telly irtue. ;Three universal Cure-alts, but simply for " 1 ''"'" i. they , I' ,`,"", r , I:en' Cattier st , ite ! ' : ' ,. ' . * :1 ' : ' ,.r.. ' .....7.. 1 :. ".* • ' ;',,,i two ii , ci , Nnie dino , tsesf, what their name purports, v i z.: . 11l II ,1111,111 . 1 1.1.y1e : 011133,ng mica scant by allele .' ~,,,,,,. 2. , 1,,,, j.i. ti ll the hp,, , , path „,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,_ i ow, o,, ,, ration, wi th out recourse to the liatitl- • tion * have subsided. and a perfect etiN effeetecl. THE VE11:1111FUGE, ' mettle, as is required by other niacin., They When it takes the plinx Or blisters, ointment For expelling Worms from the i ' i n 'I . bilk, and el.""r.r sewing oiaii " .'"", " 1, l ' i e 1. ` „1 . ;, 1 . 1 . 1 ,;, 1 , 8 1 c ; 11 1 1 !P„ .e ,, ' ; ' , i , ' ,. `1 V, ' ,„ 1' ; ' ,. ' .; i1 , 1 ,,,„ 1 ,i '` , "* %1. human system. It has also been , r"" ''''' " e " li. d''. ,roe for '''' """ cent "" ' ~ ; ,:.' i ' , :i' . ..ti. . ..i...., ~ t.,..-11,1,1, tI-'; , .. cl:reqiin qf ;lia. best At- . I.• . k. -, administered with the most satis- i :,),:::' "'I '''.'" ""'''''."''''."'''.''''' the . 1 • .... , .!"9..-- . . . ~, ~. the market tor tain:"-y ae, - , , ig, on lie , •.1. discovecer has withheld it tr no die put,. factory results to various Animals • ..:,,,„, ...• their simplicity, durability, e ,,,,, of, 'no till no „ , by the of a judicious 111)1i. who.' he cousrlied subject to Worms. maine;entent, and adaptation to ell varieties of ,‘,.."'„,",„,'''''' ti -1a udy ." 1 ' 1 1 1 ,', 1 '',,. , ,„ i .,, . , ~,,,, , .itieniali .to it . kit an the nk Al TILE LIVER, PILLS, 1 family sewing-executing either heavy or tine work.. :,,,a ,slat deAret to ,ttlanit it to Ilia test For th e cure e f L A , ER C OMPLAINTS, , work with elual facility,.l , tel with Iti, special ~,0 . ,,f 4 L :i x i t i , , t ;:. .,n , ,,,e n, t .‘ ,.. 1. [ 5 t e , i• ig u n . i : i ties i s i i i at i t . t i t i ar. „ 7 , i t 1 ,i 1 . 3 r 0 , :;1 1: all BILIOUS DER ANO E 1,1 E Nl's, SICK I I.I ' I ; I : tIsI I:I 1 . ! , " . ~ .. _ ..., y . e , ~. ~,..,_..,... ticate and eltroliiii iqd,,,,0,0r10,y diseases. in , re , .. t no ite oi the limp ,s t i a .. ' " 1 '""'", pea,ed and re-repented trials, he ull'erMi *25.- HEA D-ACH E . ,: &C. In caseS Of , r,r their Machines, the Gm), en & 1 la, SIM- ,WO to sumo ill 113 It special and equal partner in FEVER AND AGUE -) iso MactuNit Cum o.tyl beg halve t , .4 reapeetftil- the Recipe iltr it; mansfactitre, hut the Repo , ly refer to the following ' sal was rejectil. The dbatse of the lancet and blisters, is de preparatory to or after taking Qui- j 'I'ESI'IItIONI.I.II.S. 1 mantled bell' to lininanity by humuniii and nine, they almost inN'ariF-biy make "ii•tviog hurl alts of IJoa'or S. 1',01121 '`• Ida- ~ SelellVe, Is it nut 0 mistake, to suppose 1.11, a speedy and pet inanent cure. I chines in my tinnily for nearly a year opal a halt 1 a k e ttl e o f Luling watia (the iniliondil blood) : i take pleic,iiro in e oiiiinounag it iia sire)' iiny 1 ir ill ci,c to moil, by iiiimiiip mit a poi of it-- As specifics for the above men- ! r o ii i ii.d, for the purpose for adii,li it is designed , ore rack of had snler (bad bleed) he made , -Vaud', "-I.asing."-.1/,;a. ~/,,,,,, , ,e , Lmeiv. wife , g-od, by drawing a pertion uric' 13 it not a tinned diseases the v arc Unrivaled , ~,,,,,,,,,,, , ~,ep i , ~,,,, caning to ext,cm o Mil age, in ail , ti° , • , e, , , ~,. 11,... /./.•. Le,i , ;(,,./..Vitec,,,'..V. Y. Indrpradod• , aditake, t•JsIIpIRJSC that illiStel, 1.110 rubcfaeients er a while in youi• 'Mena; you will certainly he ii I,l•!,),',:.l',L f , tie l:mrl l ien o ' d: !. . in s e tyl ( i 'u t i t ,la rt:•ltt -I,e • l Er:trat't . • I its nm " !• " I beauty. We '' !1111 ' ! '" u " a th ''''` lll, and never lcnown to Ell when ad- -1 -oaf,: myself delighted with our Sewing ; win reeler. ibliunametiel , when they virtuanY i super:Mt' ono , inliammution to another . t The qualitis , ", :' , -r Cm , :res.; or t' ,, , 3titte prison when I T,,,; ! ,sioelcs, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Sill: the ' r ' s ' ur di. ' " '• ti i" se"l"s '9 ""' ' ' '''''' ministered in accordance with the 1 m. " ."1 ""' . "''''' h "s b "" i " ntY I " " ' ")" r;. " ; "'"- ; aii;ely the voung will not. us they yaltte the ij „. „„,,, t i, .i t 1,„ ; i d w ,,,, b een rea d s e n . ,1„,y,, ; late 111.. 11. /3 aterhouse, of Harvard Liiiversi y •., ~,,'...; -... :, ~ 1,. t.' A .L..,,,r3 parents! loult I Undershirts, Drawers, I llow*Mii• lucks, or tho v.itehing .I'l.l, ever be ' di rect i ons ' 11 - ,:llirillg HO adjustment, anti is easily adapted ' IY, , .:pit's, nut sick of leur ,-, / rin , 2 l : •er. , i, • ,', 1 1 - 1 . ,, 5 . t",!..... , •,, ' ....... I• We have a fine selecticoi of Mantillas. Dress without it. Its praise is upon the ion:;tte of ' r e, ' i„,„;,. to • every variety of family sowig. I,y iditiply ' °II. 1 , ,I" , e!ll. ll teu i t p.hs.;.e.i. , 1 ... , , , ,,,,, ! . .ng :,:,'“, , Triminiugs, Fringes, Itilthans. Mitts. Gloss a, tiiti„,„itd, ' ' 'heir tmprececlented norm v ,_, -.MI At, : ~1,,,,,,i „,, t h e ~,,,,,,j, ~, ,/,,,,,,,1 . ,._,V,., /..,,,,,,,,,,,,,, R,..,,,,ie•ige0 ,jour irMiro 113 ueat.,, mat He Hosiery, Ifatelkerelliefs, Buttons, ' 'file Agent for Prof'. Weed's Ifnir Re3loratiee has induced the proprietors, ~,.i,.'ii„„4,„.,./,,,y'it,, 0,.. .s•fri..lth ot ,l, E,1;€,,,. ,y• : t a us been doubting fey metly years, wether !Moa t' 1, :•,.... , ;, i.,,,,,a3.-Rlid bad for 1 Galilidas, lotting :tail ...lei; did nut /wino/vie rather t J . ,. , j .. ; ~:. ;,.,,,,,-, r i i . ihn price o f f 1,,,, i n t Floss, Sewing Silk, Extet,ion Skirts, Hoops i . ii , Nca• Morel, I,yl.llVed the 1'...11 0 ,.j /1; 1,,,,,,. sip : .s,: . 1. (,?i,,tilln ..10' , ,,,,,,, , ~ , . ! 111:111 .1.,, di4ett-,_" S.PIIR Wh.../ . !Attila of 411 kind, &e. ,arti to the flan. liestorative, a few weeks ! FLEMING BROTHERS, ::.,• 1'i,1. , ., , .,•ii•i,i, market has adviieed nearly or A tao-Tickens, Ormithurg, bleached and stn since: j ' "After ! t• Yi"l 4 ' . ''' tldtlL-tl ' a t 1: t"." atl " - ;''''.' - `. I iii , d, in the Old :cud New have outte r`.. •• . ...tin , . on account of its sintinicitY, , ..,'' . .. :. ' . school, . ... .t• rini , e. two dollars per barrel within the last two j bleselied Muslim; at I‘ll itt•lecs. Colored and • DELP RIV1:11, CONN., duly 23. IS:M. I PITTSBURGH, PA. I 1,1.411 a , , ~,. i , i i. • L . Liiti be li ed his views and now openly (nil . ;;;e1 the 14 ,1, 4 4 e.-'-''' " ' ' ' '''', - ,';.'''.,.'1,' ; ',""„''', 4 , e ,',., 1.3, they believe the h ere .et schen; 'etches and 1v1 , J11 4 - TL • I': ''ueuttl'agbig ler failuert' wl l ' , ! -‘ ‘Yit t i..i„ C; L l , ' , ll .,!„ r e it' , ' . k„t o .l. o e 'lL “ :Y . . j ' .. ;; ; ' : j , i n j' „„ 3 , l l " „t t „,, ! w ii l i i i r l,; e „ " d ' r e „r u ul i .. th :T u S e l d r e : „ l 1 ,, " .} 7i b ie e f i 1 1 ',' ; `,." 1 , 1 , 1 0 c ,.; 1 . , I to dispose of their Drug business, .., wt it es the strYttOn Al.. 7•?...1' . Y "' '''s blisters i'njiira ten wh •thee beit ' efit o . ne--- have 1,,,, :....e:,„1 , but ti „d,,,,,t e prices f..t . ~ther articles which Compri ~ ,' , : :', of \V Inte . than a year, in 3; hair began to come oat, ,curl ' in which thej have been success_ "'"", ~ ,, acr.i " "g, e.P..rjr" , :e ; -, te.:: . tio n "i p ;.'" , ;lLL , Th e y think there is a meaning to Deut. lv, 23 i .i, :Tel. dt lais manner, ma. .? .contme...t, ~,, . _,-,,,,,. , a, 4 _,,,,,i d.e .,. it. ri., la-font ~.t.jii. grain fu• a year or two past. .1 t. the some mul Domestie Gout's. . and hair together. I saw in a New Raven ra. 1 c ~ „ tiny engage for the last Twenty . c,""i',";l it I'„r cr"II). racists of 'll'il,'' ,.. 7"gi nre,t o . is Tits, t.irk.” it k ..,t the ~...,,,,. or we 1,,,,,, French Cloth L',,,, , :,:. ::::,,,,,, , perabmit • , w,,,,,r. nub. it , ,l. , ,,•sti,e' , .t. a cure. . time, the advance in th e pr i ce or Lre,,,,,,.1:: „, i,,,u,,,h,., weds, cv,..d,,t,1,.,, Line.' . 1 caned et )utir store on the Ist of ApriHast, ' Years, and th ey will now g ive their ' 7 .7 . : 11 .' . . -''- ;:;:- '. - '''''''''''' 'l'7' '''''''''''y '''''''''' , blot'd (!.,ere nev.: is km ailleli) that eatliel ti, will eon e limilly Limn th , ,se who live by in, 1 ieni,,,, and Blue I/rills. ' I antl , i . mye t tiosed 41 . 1,0ti0 i to , tiy . it ; . ain , 4l lisrifil i ni j scans but the Wollt or .whine, between the undivided time and attention to ' ‘ , l 1.. •used & r..i..... 5.. , i , va- • ' , • occupations, as the !laconic or many of HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, ' 1 .. ' , 1 .' % ,,,.i t" , 1 , 5 n3 " , 1 ie 1 , ' is h " : " t h i‘ Imit4"),' removed the • • 0,;„, ii; l r e t ;." Meurer .,:„t lia,e " i'o ' „Rd ' ii . It .i',„;:e4 i "w j k , "''' ' '''"l' ; , 0 Anti btuui,itic their . nianufacture. And being de .1...... he, te,e.. rather precarious for some. tittle !of ere, variety and style. Alan all kina,, 0 ' /,,,, or th r ee l ' n e f; ' ,, s r i ‘ , " 1,7 g 1 ll ' , s ' ci . t ' e ' r v e ' it t l . ;' ,,,,lji 41, r aft, fr.. Cambric to ; Sili; ll ,lilli e : ' l l Vi e til,l l ll ei t le it7 useless los.s P :4l.llued past. 'lie grt la depression of manufacturos : Sr.l l ß .VW GOOI)S. ! off. I have great faith in it. I wish re, to send termined that Dr. I\i'Lanc's Cele- ,' t i .' : , ': ',l l.ltt i e n tt ‘ ., "(''': ; l ; .'l,l : l.l : i i i i ' e . et. have wee worn ant ' ~,,,I strength, it of mbilmid iinlammani• , 'II , I've H , I 'itlej ! I 'S' Nl' Post, I ''''' li " j ''''''' " f; ' brated. Vermifuge •and Liver "`th "' " • `; '' ' 4'l"Y ' ''''''. n' " " : t i 'll. ; i l l'M' f';'''"";')lr';" others b ';'' . l ) , d r ing d an equii. fader the rithioun effect el the free trale insli• . A , jort - 5 , 0 „ ... ; . ,. ' this. 1 ,!tin't as any of the kind is used 111 !hi, l , ~ Pills I ,} 7 1,,,, j.• e ß 3 ji.. 1,...,1 in order,iiim ••• t00 , ..y . used," ' felon ti. a.. Lie i.U.nd in the Lod; and a CO/iie• cy of tile Dentheracy, rill lILIW be doubly felt, ! (ILO' riti p s inn , .., 4 .,,,, ,Kinv0t . A .-.., , ~„; phi.. yeti may lisc'e it tintrke t for unin hotries snail continue to occupy the 1 —l/ :i• a" iii,;l , / , !", -i.. , ;= , 1' 1 4 , - (Av. 11 . h , /, ' eitent aninterritlited tin:elation. - It exert , Cite and in many cases its worst blows will still lii ,• ' ''' ' " ' ' ' aft. it is film,' here. high ! ple, Nee , lurk. the vi.cciiie mailer a and extram•dinsi v tulle :u_ artltint'S Z.: SSSOLS, ' Yours b•Zii regpect, 11[1.• I TS Fit A l -e. , position they now hold among the I ..,-„„,. 8,,,,i,,, 5i..„..,.... i..,.. 1.,... u...., in ! ~,,,...., ~,,, ded........ie5.--,....1....i0..., 41,d- OH 1110 Se WllO, by their vc,te,,, ~ , ,,triiiiite d to ' IV °oil lilted 'Widow-ware, - : great remedies Of the day, they Hie f a mily the •,,,.., te, rears and the ladies mil tleclice•oli,dthuoilittion . indicated by the (hid Very result, Piiii.Alim.t•lll I, Sept. 9, 1 5.50. • ~ , ~, ,heir ,., ~,,,, . , i . ~ ..•..:.1, .., ~,,, .., i•s natural stem us-the re, , ,tie, mato f.. 1 k 3 Ite..t.rmid iIN I A ~, 1........, ... l' , . • liltiell will be sold CHEAP. will continue to spare neither time ' also ~.,,, ;„ ri , ,,,,,, ~ , ,,,1 1. sm . ,. PL.,. Woon-neor sir i Your flair 11 , :stol. • pert, tidaptednesu, eu ,II as labor-sarb.g 1 li,..:tt. pmu an ,- lever distampear. ',fr. 1! ,, ,,1ti.--As 1 understani some imli• ' ~,,,,\V u, ,;ll. l ,','S,', a , R ,‘,, , „'„,,',„,,,,,.„:„,,: ii i iie ,', :dive ii roviitu it3elf beneneial to lee. 'rh" : nor expense in procuring the Best ; .1....1.i.., in the performance of family and I t 4-7.1 - Many int dielm, oil'ered for sale, me ~,d , i , ., ~.. ~,,1 , ,, , ,,d .. :„,., ~,,,,,13. exercised ~, . ~, ~,,,„ 1n .„.,,,, of truth , uijeji „ „ lied b y „ by. ,V,. 1 . 11,: t , i and ,: ::: . ... , i) t , !::, 1 , , i , 1: , k ,,, 1 . :1 , 17 , 11 ..i 1 , k1.,. 1. 1, 0: , i , k , :1:: . , , , , 1 . and Purest material, and com- ' I'" ' d "" I' "wi"g ' ' ` Th ''''' L '''''''"" i "' -v•• 1.• l '"'' ' ''. a l i '' , " , '"." . ' „ " , ' , ' ,V, ' , i , " r a , t . e ,i " „ ( ;,, l ,T t i l f„ el ' elfv • ir : 0 :,.,.... humble torrespon.:mit's uce ,, lttii , mi " '.1;,.....7., u ( 1 ) 1 ,.! - V,',1g,.;w6i47;': 5 ::;';',',.,c,i; i ( . 1" 0 ":1',1;',.; i„;, two lut il l; phit, hot 41es of yu, lic , loi : iiii ,, , pound them in the most thorough i i key's Seeing •Nitulitue, and hake come to the I "" ' es. . el. ' d "1"1,"" are ''''' , th '''.'" & l ' ht* tri:::i , l ' i 4 e ' sLa t' Llielesiiiie ;At CominOri caring nam to pi , te to such Illat our C.' ll lllY lire ' Bread Top and Pennsylvania Ilailiantils. • mid now the top of my 1.....1 is ~ . ,..i “ed,,,,,,ic manner, Address all orders to , comlusien that every holy w „.,,, ~,,,,,,i,,,. sew. , ~ As !lie tlisco . ..ercr . of this salt, B , , i l l . l,, n; ,: it t iti i , i ii. t v e t s ,i ts ,, above usediorrity, ,tuna tea to present. the I Come one, come all, and be convinced that ,`.` , ', , i , i i i :, I L , , o ,i i i ° . :',' ,, i i i ti:' i i p; i ;: i ; i .: . ' u ' e n kf . . l ' l i,';' , ..' , ' , ' . :l .. ' i i : , i FLEmin ann ,, ru , . 1 ing b,mitylill . ,/ and crie.tly done, wmild be moat , '''''''','li lowing .t. placed proof throut.fl4 3 ,, e , valuable Panel/ I '3' utle el . ; i f i a Ti j i ‘ ;: i l l it l i ' .l ; e " '„ ) , l r ` d i ri r i Ll r l ' b ' le i ' t ! l e l n a ds i t e ., l ,:lSg: ; , ° , •e • therprepsratines w•iThoNl flay' noließLllMiiii,cr• I p t ,„ si ,„.. js : ~,,,u , i u , ' ne • 11 ; I n ts iin burg" ' ra ' 1 t " tm ." " ' i ",,,r ) ,'''''', ; . a r l " g ""':. ' ' ''" '' ' ''.:''''.' i I ,; ' .nr ,"l' lb. l •;i: r : ' , '' ti l , "' :,.. Ydbirk resolved tent 'old , . L , 0 , 1,0 t the precut, ell I, the illustrious Smiths. the lowest rates. • I think from tny own pariamal iceunimenthition thsi a mentius won': tent ewsetn e n r if s (u"0.11. others ; t. "„',"'? ; •,I,!- I i 'i fi r ' I t u l i - ,;, I ,.•!, e ,,, „ l r ' ',.. l .!. ' „T:''''; ~ '. ",.', , 1. , ,11,,,.. with no 014OrpasepOrt (hall its trire val : I Call imitate many others to try it. , distinctly, and rake al.: kit Dr. .W.Lattea. "'vat , . v.a ;' ' • ,',.•'l . • '' ' ' . ~.! . ,! . public:find-it genaiile, they will re ti itli, gentlemen, i. 3 an illustrions name, tir1..14,'19. . . n . .". 9 M . .. naabtirta, Pa To ,hose wishing to Ova ••• •• ' ir",."' .•'' • •' " ' - lOlirS rOspertfally, : . ~• ipUriuus, they will reject and von- A tut stands otter hi 4h in the annals of lime, . . ' team IL trial wo will forward per moll. met mid to iin • , ''' , I ' ' ' 1.. t White, 8r0.,: aild June.. illeroadd as thee &.,.' Atg 2 ~- ko r, W-' I" iM D., • p.ll, l'iiti7 , l ~ s, M. 1)., p.m. •,t rho 'United States, ono tel of fills a tast es ; : . ...., .:. lastead of tieing a panacea for all ills, ; N o , 3,-, t vi ne s t , . thren-e.,,t postago stomps, or ono viol of Verrlfog o for ' ' :' ' • : ''''' '' ' ''"- ' • -•: :• • -..,1 Over tn. ill -has but °netting luorteen tlin•weent at o m, All orders from Canada must 'A. ~. ,•;•,.,. . .. • -, •': : ; ; ; ; ; c..';' R - 11 WL. ..1r ',.,.,:; I, ....0 , • xis{, • I__ , b. ac,,,,,,,,,,,,,d by twenty eons extra. .- .3i, 1s• :••..., • • . ; a , ; . : • , . :-.• - . ~,,s e., „,„_w i i ateeer b e i ts „ t e r , iloiiiive Ins tloil .•:.iiiii will taltatnolicr them I , • ... „--___ Vist.rnstte, 1,,, J,,,,,, :=, 1 , : , :i. : ~ . , . „ . , 1 • :tit!. 1.R,-.,,,.. O, J, \\r u m, : A , yOl , ~,.„. „t„.„.„ , r , , Fo r `nails., in 1,1,11 Illyttoll by .1,.. Read mill , . . ~7 • - ,- e:liet• in Pie head, throat chest ab ' ~..,,.;„.7 nj , 0; ; g i st s! ! ';'; ', '. ;l:t 7 " ; -4:'.. :1 4- . t! i..i7 i i '' -IN fl i stolliti iiimitiiactdrit mid vend soul recently di ,,,,,,, 1 M. ''' ''''' ' '' l '' "' d IIIIII ' L • N r!"' l ' n .Y t hl Y.I II : I I !t tl '' :•• •..., : .•• ,".`' '' I, , I ',, :.• I !' 'L.': 11 " . '',: ,'.,, !. •. • ' ' • • •,. ~.•,,,,,,,, es nr ski n , it bi asked, h,,• : i ' flair Restorative, I wilt state, 'br witom- ,, ,,,,,,• it , •nii , tY. . ~.. i,. . - ''. '.. -. -,' • • -.- '•- • •I bil'.'''',. ' r ,'•'' . ' •'..•. -- • • this?-simply by restoring the lost bal. ,:metir, not a. Suirt, n• .. .-' .., .•I ,• ~.. 1, • : . ''''• .*. j . 0 tr ~. ''' ~ IP' ' g, ..: ' 111,y concern. tbat 1 have used it HMI iun.wn , .. . . . , -••..,0 01 Itiltt IRIS L , :, !• : . . . ~. i , , , e. .... , etween the fluids Mid collate. '- •_ 1 . Tp90N,,• • •,. ~ ~..,,,,n , „.„, 11 ,,,, vi otherl to : use it-that 1 horn, flu Aeverui slurs, , all ,i,.. ,', ' , ,•'• ' ' --, , 'Y sailors .. ,-' ' : ,-,,, Il3lltim - itig ditlerent forms wide!, the tin !. I !!,- or ati 1'... a. :: • , ..1 woill t du gt-t . ‘i"..,,i.:i ' g r, - :, Alitii lii 101 );.,',:e.:',' "1‘r,,T,',',',‘,irii,",1„1'i,:,:',',:',„ 1 , 1 ,..",'„;: - .,',',.:,!•:‘• - , F r v , !," - - h. ii..„,,, , ,poi IT cabled nn iron: hii tn„r• ' ' ; '.. ,, ' ,.: ' ,..i `" "'l i d' "''''' "ill many ""•11"erinnn ~, F '''' '' ' - '•-. . . • • aur orb.' I 1 •"'" . ; I ,' ,'"' i " l ' '''' '," l ''' t!'" l'' ' ''' ' : I, Cedes , b e WI,IILI sing the 'advent el Grover : (tr , Mliers)are as perfect fy cured by the Anti • ,,.,4.• ~,,,,,r., , ,,, , •!, . ..4 1 :.• ..7 . - ?,'.: DR, HOODLAND'S - t , . ~,,.„ „f ~.., •. - . :li, am , ~ .,Aw•- • R•:•.•••) ‘f •,•', , , , ,14,,,,,• • •.' ot dandruff, um, with one inuitta's prop, u., K Cal:, , i • lIIII IQ I/IIIII,,II:lill. II:11..,•'1,,I . “i•L , I, 1. salt, RS till/ iS extinguishekl by water. • ' .W, , ' ,,,,, , , , ,4, j- i i ~ ,r, , . ~, i ii I.'slO, ally niers'Oi'ti hair to the original cm- ' 11•• M e:: • • , eid• ViC,•:''''• .-ii, 7,1. i r .,' ~. 'I, i ,1.2. ; 1. ("uses eberc the unbalenced fluids affect ' ""rfi rjj :tf7.^4 r•I; 731.1/ 4 :, uoiapaily. , L, • mid texture, giving it a health, son and GERVIAII BITTERS ,:..t.,_ •11• d. ~ ,, d di•rt-linili"..' ie , ' , Li • • , • ,, il :Om III:, and wit , Ideate Eerer, J . ..,,,.o, or IvoL:s ant,,,,,,5,:..e,1. - --I '. :. ~ . ~.. • I.Ss, 11i.. ,, Ittfltanntril I , :yes, Ear's and Nose, e glossy eppearanee ; am! all this. witIMM diseol- ' ANo sal Ilie Molds thin apply it, or the dress on ' • bdie pleasure iii s, i: •:, tlia, ii.i. i ::,..., , i ••••.1.,,,. Alatal,Mt, Erpienloa, Cuteerh, ereel,, which it drop:. I would. therefore. recommend DR. lI O OrLANIr S BALSAMIC ' „„,,,.. „,-.„..,„„. :,,,,,,,„,, ,•.,... ,„.,.„• ~.,„,. ~ ~, ~.,,.... ~,„. i-, - .", -.. ','.,.. -• -': . . •• ••••, : :,,::,11:, Ihe Stale Or Ponli,ylvailitt, I it: use to every one t,e'sirous of having a fine , CORDIAL, tallied illy ~Npettall.., : . :1..•. r ~,i: , ~,, : . •,,... ::., 1 ';,.., ; Where the utthalaneed fluids effect ,11.-1 1 , , , , ill: ~•.••, .-...1 1 1 - - , •7 . . ' : c ." - i ' • 4,.:•./1 . 611.1 texture tO the hair. The great standard medicines of the present Id og• Ohm:. I hay, : ~., ,; , ; j c.,-, , ~, ~,.. ~.: . • ,•,..• r ;old Antiostex-to wit ; inflamed :1.0 .1 bell Sol. ~. NVI , ;,..• .. ~ , . h' Itlt'LEs. Respectfully yours, ~ ' .od 1,a,, , .,'01et Pleurisy Coughs Dysptre pithy anal Immor. n, prea '.. : • :-. -.. .".',, .• 1. lelley is received every rinv, aria b, any ! W ILSON ElYt,. 0 1/r, heirs acquired flub' fl , a/ i.puturiN only ' T ' , j" Y l,,`, i . i' '',.''',. ' .','".; ~ ~.' . j: ' ' i '.j . ~7,' .'' 1 41ona, bro s# ' llealdharl ' i, Graved Piles Smith .TO ~.!, larch, 11, , •.• ' .... t , ' I':• ' l ' l ".'• hirg‘'"' ..t I I. . 'O. J. WOOD & Co., Proprietors, 312 Broad• . alaaupla Yana , ill triia• nihriniided iinthillii , I I . , , , e:a'nar ' e..,• ' ~,'.......,:. ..; e t ..' d i 1 " ,:;. ' " ' ' 4 "; re. ,P, '" l : " . e. • vest mid holdel't stddi, , r in ~, t in.t• - ,•', ~, 2. Fl V E PElt CEN I' i'ftcriist is paid for ' ay, New York, (iii the arrest N. V. Wil, : (hi. /3 rendered hy them in aIZ eases; and the : ~m, ;i f° h as i iv a ~,„, of th .,„.,, 5,.. i;,,; ‘ , '.. ~',.••, where the unbalanced Raid!' effect ; r umily . ,s• ew i no . ;,,,,1,i„,,, f or ~,,,,,,,,,, time, ~..,, , i , : 1 : : „ . „. r. I .N ;( 1 ,,, 11 , 1 :3 6 1 . 1;14 ; 1 1 d 11111.1 1,7 E ,e 1:... , 12.i-a i. 0 11. 7 , 1 , L s ; , c if i lLl7/1: : 111 the itt,oll.lll o/ ? A 5.,, , ,t1, ...., ~ • ' ~:.1110, trOtn the Illty it i.l 11'0 ,111,. ~,. ' Railing Establishineet.) an . f.i 114 Market St. p, 1 , 1 „„,, „. cd , h , e . 0 , nred with l'oyd :own ;nth, antis" y i!, Poo., - :t• ' ll, e t1 4 . 11 e.V 14 l't , ' , 'Y'' P , '". l '''''` ''' `; 11 "' St • Louis Mo. Jan Read, Agent, Lthutioe• ; - -‘; ' ''' u '; ' ' "r ''' • homes , and became tbc az,,,b , , of the : whenever i , 'y called l';' , ''''i ''''''li s "' l "'Iic". : do . , and ;old by all good ' Driiggists: '' : Lif er Compiaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, , " „ " ,;.:1 5 ,;:c d s s i i i i i ,, i, l .3 " be u e " ,; i ' fi l y l e l . l ii. l ,,T. 't l i i : ' ,., ' ,.:, ' „ s ,i!, • 11. , 1,.., II la , (1 4" . 11litll ' Pox, Sa ' lt Rheum, .With itrthf first families in Tirinia. A Smith again. , d• MolleY ls 1 ' 1. . 6 ' 1 ' 1 Il''''l 1 :•"'- , '" , .. , -"in ( ' Mitr.'2,'59.•:'1,1. - Dehiiity of the Nervous system, M.o. and other Culatieous .49erlions &c I t.ii Salt greatly alleviates the ' inflrunina tory And who I usk-and I Usk the ipteation 13,,r0 . addraln .8. (~,,,,,lia,la and others who tic,ir to - - l ; ./. /,'. //ortis, (3'eecreee 4 , /' • 2't Mt.., • . • . -. .. ... Sarit ) , J ,l S and soberly-who I I ;,y i., th a t MIL , have it in :•. Ilt,c,t ~r 1,....r•,.. , _ ~,,.b.,y; :.,,,; ~ , 1,,, 1, , nu _ _.______ ,_, _ ~. _ ____ _, ___ . . Diseases of the Kidneys, t •••it,, pecularto married lades, (before and at ;BULB 1 0 I:4 A YEAII I--I'repaitl. . • , •u is a beautiful thing, and puts ov/31.3h:t0y ; the limn or confinement) and ut ;,„,,, tetuoiu „ et , and what is his atne, who lies f011,..011. tan int, rest con be obtained foe it. and all diseases arisiny front a disord er ed int. on excitement of •good humor. \Vero .' tt id,:j,,,, and i s revs e th e „ t i on „ i„ )f ever, A gue, inert battles, made the must spe,ches. prei t ,,l ie d , 5. The mot,ey reeeived from deposit •,,, is 1,1; I The Ilest cud Cheapest l'criodical liver or weakness of the eamach and digethre : Catholic ]should insist anon Saints Grover. ~ ed 1 . "'ninths, a:ervous end Spinal Affections and the most sermons, huld the most idlices, s t in g ! vested in li EA I, EST.ATE, : , toicni Afi ES. lA' TI. Ihi IVO R 1.1). . Sake.' Inwing all eternal butuLtY In eeutlll"'lt , ' um. other fernia ef(mark this)intlarnmatery di erpunll4 ' , re 8 .1. , 01 .nd Pcr ma ne'illY C . 1.4 T Y rotiol of their good deeds for huni3uity.-c./t -the most songs, written the most poetns. cone. I GROUND RENTS, rind such other tirsratisas set4e, attended wttli heat, pain or febrile synsp tea the most semen, kissed the most girls, a n d • securities an the Chillder directs. ' lii consequence of the larearly iiierea ted cu.- 14 GEIIMAN BITTEiII ' i V. tfeli. toms. initialed the moat widows? Ilistory say; f 1 6. Otlice stones--livery day teem 9WI :4 ralatlOli the publishers of ' . The Balsamic Cordial has aryuired a or Persons who have a tendency a blood "I think it by fur the best patent in use. This , to the head ar heart. or lead inactive lives, or say, you say, .d ever} body says. • o'clock, and on .Mouditya mud Thursdays till f, ' LITTELL% Lli'ING AGC, ! rviadation aurpassilly that of any similar pre- ' Ma.•lline on be adapted froni the finest cambric 1 : it , tj,j, barrios, r. ,,,,, pete. i t „....„„, shun in j I:reirtlit::4., iinerc o ni n %of"inaintfaetorics and •the Jtt, Som i . I n'elnek in the evening. ....--.. , -...... , ..... , ..... ,,, ,..-- , .......,-,,,..-„,.....0,-,.....-.........„.,- 1 110 N. IIEN111( 1,. BENNER, Presideni, ~, ro Gpalded to rtaltice the Stiliserir h. in ire ' p arall.4 ' 1..1 ' /1 wi ll cm '' , WITI "'"" ID 'AIL' laslib and M 0.,. iLautitully than •ne an Min- ' Poisonous,fumes 1 metal:, and mine:rill., 0, 1 , c OUlt. BOOK TABLE. • ttonEnT SELFRIDGE, I 'lee I',,sid,at, Ina° if.ii to $3. The publishers are iletermincti Me most ain'tv , and long , Mailing . ,t 0... It mi tt ° could no, he repiac e d, m en , ; is unhealthy climates, ttre exposed to a partic i W3I. J. iii Fl), lira no expense or hthor shall be spored to Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In- 'en,' id Lot hey it."--.ltts../. C. Brown, ...V0. , 1r. I li , tt vilistit). "I the fluids cf the hoar, which oito gi&•• For one of the most reliable and ex• DIREC'UORS t ' make this fit/omo, croup, Pr.oumenia, Incipient 1 dose without interferchn; with the diet or bust Bon. Henry 1,. Bouner, F. Carroll Bree;ler, , THE 11 , 1 G AZINE FOR TIIF 3111 Ifl IN ' collent Counterfeit 13eteetors published, we ree- ; Edward .1... Carter, Joseph 13, Barry, 1 And ;hits( boldly challenging ' emiV,,titi:tii, Consumption, • •• It i, speedy, very neat, and durldile iii its.. ly'r'eße'Zi,".e'lituistitilrecieei,Tirt.',l,lTitt'brll',",..ldteeiltii`natfiflt`.bult,Y, and has perfat•nted the most aalonialting curse , , ` . % ; , ° , ,V i ' . . , cis e i • , , , ts , i ., l , Y iu t i l i i i i , d , i '' ), r ii t i . i i - :: ll l i n ii i ! l h ' . . , ejl o il i i ,i fe i i , ' , Vi ii . ' e l . : iniectious tikenso, and therefore trardlers, °minced Kennedy's Review, Pitts'eurgh. The j Retool 1,. Selfridge, Eratiels Lee 1 elt . tho for b, roil y what has beim conceded by stl May bomber had been received. j Snell. 11. Aalnon, Jusu P l ' Y..6: ,_""4„. i the t0,,,,t eminent inint of this country. trout t've , b.f. of , ~• ' suitors, and soldiers should stipply themselves Henr y Dietkrt " er '''''' the titne ~r iis firm 1 , ,. 1 ,1ietui...,, N.... sixteen . Confirmed Consumption. • quaintances 1111 d others." --.11,,. ill, ..i. ia , ,,t, !with it. • - ,C. Landreth plums, __...... . .1,/,,,,,hi5, Tenn. Ave- The May number of the 41;;eienittirist, , OFFICE, : years since) to the present day, viz:- ' j 1.-That it i 3 suitable to all classes of rend. i c..r While many nostruni-makers victimize 4 few doses tr il l also id once check and • "IVe find this !midi. to work to our satis- , the gooti„tiii.tottit,t,rosilAnLidi jllOl-„reindilbeon.pousbloicaoymoers: tel is hulas ~ 13 a prime one, and enit- ; VIALNk 'l' STItECT, „,s- -Statesinen, I t rofe,sional Men l'hilt.s., ' cure 0,,, most „,,,,,,,„ Di an .h ce . preee di ny ' Cocoon, mid with . pl . eitst , we recommend it to the i deidijg tains among other interesting things, several j , -,,I•111-a i„; , ~ I iNINI 01' 111 1 110, pubbe as we lieliese (..ruver & Bakor to lie the 'to eine nay Malady.” ao lagtf matter what-rho un ;dims, Peels, Students, Merchants, Meelimiics , from COL. IN T... Dow... • beet S ' eWing Nilteliille ill itse."- 1) 13,tethers, I t h e I s 1,,,,,,,1 in be „to e to ~,a,e, the, very pretty engravings. Published in New 1 ; ;- 4 ./.1 'ls..i"!.'" '' ' ' ,l _,.l - ' LlJ.r\ - 3 . mid Farmer, all of whom 'itiny derive p10r...,:re The. vledklac , ate pr , Pared 1 1/ Di , D. Al . .liii,nia, Tenn. ' the SeVere'at forrilS of recent inflamtnatory di- York, by Orange Judd, ..t. $1 per year, , nnd profit from its pii,;,•,. JACKSON & CO., No. 418 Arch Sweet, P/44144- oir use d exe k e i„i y for family purposes , „i t ! ' , Sen.., wits over come by one Acute paekage, -- lIAIrt DYE? IiAIR DYE? 2.-1 . 1 ,,,, i ,, i , in.- 1 , .. ~,,, th. , i.c."), ~i . del / 'his, Pa., and arc eold by druggists and ordin ar y cure, 1 w i ll • auger they will lat Onu t mud th o most obst htate • mud long atundiug by W.V .. That sterling magazine the Atlontir ' all i 1 , ., world;rotiowned Reviews and Periodi- Nlcon hly, comes to us fur Juiie, running over ittu. A, Italcholors Katt. Dye I I ,. ~ ,• • • . drat,' in Median., aVeryWhere, at 75 amts , 'three score years amt ten,' and never get out ? „, i , ' , ., ,,, ( 5 'hj 0 't' a ' 0 , ......: , f , , , , , e l l, , a io ge i . ,,,, l t t e, d e os i j s ti_st e, , , , , d ig uit ze i . eat, ~t atiol , t, with original 1113,Ch23 11101 el`• . . , . , ~,„ ~,, , 'Or II.."-Jolat Erskine, Nashville, Tenn. The Original and Best in the World. ! brunt the bust fugitive literature of our per ooilte. The signa,ure o f C. Ail. JACKSON i With the best of literary matter. .‘ The :d ini•.• i the.fluids by removing from the system till ar. trill be on the outside scrapper of each Lade, . ~ 1 have had vans machine for several weeks, 1 local and venous ohs' •• 4'an teed 'Wooing" 11.1111 the "Profuse. of the Breals• .311 others are mere imitation, nod should .115 ',1.._._euT1',1,.:?..•1 contains - pleas' let yo r ' U p C 4, l3. y. rendh• feat 'cubic," are still continued, and other new :,,. avoided, if you wish to °scene ridicule. tlitti; env other lii , l,.. , .l7.illi• M i t N t I lit r i ' Vt " . we t• '•"',',ltttel'l'i is tho hest and moat beautiful that ever mils.- ; Fl i C n OGGS ° WELI.,, a AV. D., 1.;11.AY, RED, Olt itusTy 11A114 1) .r e,1 in• weekly number containing sixty•four pages ni.d y 1 7,,77;: r ii 5' ,: te :,,,i,„ . : n . 77; ‘„5„,i,i n t e , 2 7:, 0 . :7.,, 3 ,,,, i , Ai— , -\''''L ;lip, :112E"' 1 IitSCOVPHER ANL t•ItOPRIETOIt. characters been introduced. Phillips, Sampsen , stoutly to a beautiful mid 'N,ttural Brown or , ~, ti,,,,„ ~,,,,,I ~,,,te an , nuking th ree t i,„ . ,,,, nn d . and tine Udell StitChing. and the ' work is ain't!. , S. F S , lti . it l ll 6 , ll S, , C lB o s .' ,. Pluntingdou, l'a. Fur gale at the Cheap I)rug Store of Sanillei & CO., 130Stull ; *3 per year. Biwa, without 1111, least injury to Hair or Skin. , three kindred and t wentv-eiglit pages itt a notices front an parts of the country. 7'he, •• I use me Ninehine upon coats ilristnutkin •• • Fifteen Medals end Diplomas have been ti• i yea ,.. 71112rThe Great Iliipublie Monthly, published , warded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1 539, and wi:th fdly.two ateel engraving/4.. A/manstes are given away by a OUr agents. ; table-fitr better than liie best h111111•SCWillg, ti • r I kii l.- n ili t at . it is t:ie . oldest yeriodicalof its ' S. Fur sou in l i ltinting.lon by .Coln Read and 7.2Y,;L t l, , l g e ,l ;u , 7 4 , e sbile „I, have ever seett."-Luey j by Oultatuith & Co., New York, at $3 per year, over 80,000 applications have beet mad„ to ; ove. d r ,j i iie i t,j,ii , ye ,..,,,,,,,,,,,,e,ALT00NA, Blair co., July 3,'7,5. haying Imell published i b . . ~.,.... Smith i ate dealers gencrally through the I Nasfirefir, !'cat 1 J. D. SrostrrioAn, Lewistown,. Pa-, is on our ta'3lo, fur June. it is one of the Inc- the Bair of his patrons Of his famous Dye. . WM. A. BA I I . OIiELOR'S 11M11 DYE pro• I v.-That it is the cheapest publication of the 'i (°"" . Play 11, 18.391 y. , '•I find the work the strongest and most be.- 1 Dear Sir , -,Bir. Wm• gest and best books wo receive, tied can rec. - : Ohl I have ever seen, ma do either by ha n d „„,.. Teirsit.tcutt, who has been suffering several duces andoo not to be distinguished from nit. ,la)., whether it is judged by the quality 0, none lid the present number as fully oNE ii .k.LF !! ! i twiddles, and regard the Grover & Baker ma- years from rheumatism, got so ill Mathis friend,. ...tail , • tare, is warranted not to injure in the lenst ' PRICE REDUCEI) j qunntit . v of its * centents. . . , chine as ono of rho greatest blessings to ear 1 and relottyes were summoned to witness his hag the high character of the Great Republic. however lot, it may be continued, and the ill b•-- , llint . homey is perfect without it. NEW MEDICAL SALT sex."-Mrs. Thylor, Nashville, Th.. • death. 1 induced his tricots . trrthe virtue -- effects of Ba n d Dyes remedied ; the Dr ir in- 7.-1 lint . those with lituited menus, it is of your preparation-they did so, as the last re; Ere - Arthur's 31ag., for June, is before us, . vigoratedfor M by this srilicarst,lidp,Ll3,,:neie rooms) FOR , g i :t h tl is t i u ,n int o :M t tZl: 4 o . t e b ,, : o te ,, r i n ie n i. d o b t e h t . ter o , god now. , u c t , : l s i t i t o ir u a . bl b o oo sit . bstit i t . :t n e_fiF t.. a library of tnia; "I have one of Grover U. Baker's Seulit,.., Ala- sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, lie ',- and the incompartible T. S. has gOllO Blend 31ade, s( ]d or applied . INFLAM3IATORY And fi .dly, that tis it I.:at, hie. 1 can recommend it to all per- so far as I know' he is a hale and stout assn, of COMpetttiou in a fine ogle, in this number. . n i . ,. ? - i i ., e 1 6 % ,, l i. 4 r i f in i c a I e t t r.j ° ,7„,' , 2 0. 3 , ';', t. B o r w t , d r i ) i 4 , Il li c i i i v i ily Magazine, it is perfectly unexceptionable, TRY IT I I) 1"A8E. S ' 1 ' s ' O l u in e c i s n i x n :n e t . o li f l confidently' .t n ilu d ::"- 11 -( I ; I ; l' 7 'l '. 11 T/17, ' ,; I, 1 so " :1 - , ' Amongst the rending matter will be found the te e States, Ity Druggists and P.c. ('' I I •I In all reqe" '" ' ONLY ONE DOLLAR. i Arc ' s/w il l ' . 7". "" . • ! oth has surpassed human expectations. in 3 'tun. : Price five dollars; per Alllllllll, or thick/tee tido pleasure in cettifying to the utility el, ?very ease where . 1 have r.ecommendrid the Gm, choicest stories, &e., and the fashion plates .d Dealers. 0 1 1 I CHRONIC PACKAGE in 5 I Gr ocerei . it 1 , , s , , cents a number, sent by mail post paid, to any rho a ...r els mg Machines. Iha 'O' it b a t i s da: o ;I'lle . , It remises te do. Send us etigette i ng , „ re b eyon d a d ou b t p, sop et . tor t o ' sio --- The Genuitte 'testi.. 'tame and ad"... ' address in the United States 'T CI r‘ty 13E E AD VERTISEMENT ' his conipetitors. upon a Steel Otte engraving on roue sides of Te,,,itere Students e ,„I c1 0 . i,„, 1.,,„ ° ,. I",Are-,.„"1"' For sale a Smith's Drug Store, Iluntingdott. ia7ntio"ilitclis°,uniaiiilTienstliCvnett7Clidsetsr'orni:etlun of wcirkl ! a" \er ' - ' "'II' , each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, ! ' • ••-' - ' - ---- r then work lettrs truly, 11. LRIIER. DELISSI,II 4, PROCTER, _____ ; done by hanl."-J/rs. D. W. II'! /err, .Naliri//, :k lti, ': - .8-1,-, The June number ot l'etersoithi 31agazine I . 233 Broadway, New York. ! 50S. Broadway, New Yuri, 119 Ito [62itie f , a 0 r 1) 4, , Tenn. - - - - John Rend Agent linntingdon Pa. l ' 4 : l ALa _ -..T. itl D A It . has reached Ild. This excellent took is pub• ' N u ,. 1. 7, 4,5 - 1,,, 1 Alay 11, '69.-61. r __________ . _ ..._. ' ! votrl;rniltileiblltatrt:l:iinitt"lfil!r to dispose , • Ebbed at the exceeding low rate of $1 per ' ---- - ---- -•- • -•-- •-- I - PHYSICIAN ANDS URGEON' The Subeer'oer respe,4ttullv informs the Pub year, The present number is a brilliant one ' ger 3000 AGIINTS 11-T0 Loll 4.w , N2V-eit..P4O3VMID.,, RESPECTFULLY OFFEIIS WS PROFES. I Sc`c , •Ye 'or. ' I not re Ince it again at pleasure."--.1/ra. /Lc ;lc, that b;„ is . ' (,al's c • • to receive and nn laud prepared - . • 1 I d inventions. Agents have made over $25000 : TWO ItiUNI.I MEN to learn the Atilbro• s i ona l serv i ces t o the c iti zens ' ' ''` i ' ' aArdie l''''''' • .ibianing Lumbe, Bark, Staves, Shit, and abounds in good reading, &c. of Ilerrtxtitio, !on one,-better than all other similar agencies., typing business. Instructions given for the ' et ,d cieieity. , "Our two Machines, purchased Item sus, do 'i 4 l ' ,4 Cuattiron, Pr , 0 . 1. T" 5 e ,.., j . - .... , t .... ~.., ... ,_„...,.! Send four stamps and get SO pages prticulars, stun of $1 5.00. he work tw • • For itarticulars, &e., apply bs p„ K id e „,„ 1.1;11 street, i n di , i c „,. i . , , of twenty p.tenv Itl.licA. We ‘,.;tt, • u " .° , grata, EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, mtl.s.s. , 141. P. TIHOMAB, inbriypist. ' ?Italy occupied by Dr. R. A. iner, -, or' , pleasure recommend the Gr., .' ;:, I.l.thre ma us. r. H. Rrrrows, T.sneaster, $1 par annum• . i15r.23,'59..6m.t. I Huntisgdon, Ma! 4, 1659. April 13, 1%9. t chine to he the best in nee. - -1i.. - 11,1,40,,,,, ••t• Cr. Tem. 1 Ai _____ i . F JOY TO Till , 111111 1 11 , RS 0 ' &thy- 11 ' e greatly dislike having oileasida to , rit(E'S rtitit GOLD 1 -. '•i ' • 1 A PIM: III:AD 01 , rap the 11 • ' s niel'i ° I B °'"' 111. our " first Y°"'' '' i r taunt rival in attraction 1 t 1 Plin stock if IneT;;" we'""" much talker '1" ' h." net i ' l 1 Sp r ing ntittnintner (toad ' s t n ' o e t:li i i:i:g received !RICH GLOSSY HAIR . such fluster no In give now:en:don foreonitnent . and opened by Frond: & :11t:Mtiarntr. -- • - - upon their conduct. It is had enough, in all 1 This stock has been selocted aid! grant. MI, 1 'folk of beauty, it cunnot exist wit'nuat a line reasoO, to stand around the church doors dor :Ina the public are cordially iovited to call and i ) I ! . .: i d i, l' i l. , 1 2, 3 . h ., ', . ), 1 „, ' 1 ,.. 1 i l :,:' , .: . ' a i 1, 1) , ! . .. ii t ., 1 , " i y: - , 1 ,1 ' , 1 .. t . , -;•; , li , t' . l ,l t l , ing tho evening exercises, Illlt: form your lines ex'it'lci.',.,",„i,t;ri,,,,„ all it, late I ' I 1 • ' i "" "" """ """ d""i'• ' ~C ~,,, 0, ~,,,, , , ~ _ izo , _.. I I)LttlE. It 001) S Willi{ litE,'l'ollA. for the reception of the e , nigregation nt the Dress Gaols, ' such at Pei! de Cil'',", h" " ; ..... Tivr,.—‘Ve call the nue:lt:en C .. . 01 , 1 , 1 CIO. or thr , sermon, hut iminito.y woi,e, is it to 1 I. , iz, Organdins. ;ft:collets, Lawns, Challis, pluin l „,,,i 3.,„„„g., this to wonderful ',royaloo;n: ' W . hiell m . 0. ), ilus uudiuuce My your l ou d „dicing, and i nod figured lterages. Crape 31aretz. I:htiu nod i tor, back to its original color, gray bair--eol - Fr inc!‘ rind k10g1,,,1, it lug. ; cr.; the head or the bald with nlortrinot vrowth Ittomliiog closing the ECI . Vie,I. it speaks very 1 colored elliniz" ' ~ hnnis„kmaranths, -\ odoattas, Aipaveno, puling, 1 —removes the dandrulf, iteting, anal 01l can , badly for you, home education, smut . I youth, ! p r i n t, ,h,„ ,Cc. • ~,,, ernpfloos—ettuses a rot:ilium! flow of r die to say tint best Ills it. Jf yon cal* annoy tear- 1 A benutifnl assortment or Spring SIIAIVI,I, 1 . 1. ' 0 l i t , " l and hmlecl, i t' llaed ,l " l t 1, 4 10 . 1 ' lli'll,si,,, liar lhe hair will shippers, chew tobacco awl sive, like it t e n ° , ; round told scplare corners. all colors. A lull ' preserve its color, awl THE HUNTINGDON 70U RN 11,. MIX_NIV - WC>C3O3I2O .A.4C.11,.7C1MME - Sr. 5%111,2 L15 1 1E) PMAI:g Ilfig3Treirill Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. DR. M'LA NE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE LIVER PILLS. NV. H. A1"0,..i1L, A N D 4 ~- T' e. S. W. Cor,er :+i. &1. I! 1 'II f . •it .