Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 18, 1859, Image 3

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    Nuntingbon lournat.
Wednesday Morning, May 18, 1859
Or "One more unfortunate," erring crea
ture, was committed to prison by Esquire
Snare, last week, for six days. The poor crea
ture was a pitiable object to behold.
ser We have been informed that a married
lady living in the southern part of this county
committed suicide, one day last week, by bang
ing herself. We have not learned the full par
ticulars, but understand that she had been do•
ranged in her wind for seine time past.
bur The dog law wont into effect.. in Phila.
, delphia, on Monday last. Animals found thorn
without muzzles, are now manufactured into
glue and oil in short order, rhere is an ordi•
notice on our borough books prohibiting tho
running of dog a at large, unrnuzzled, after a
tortaia date, and we hope to soe•it enforced at
the proper time.
t No observe that our ladies, imitating
the trees, have put on their spring dresses, and
what pleases us most, is, that calico is 'pore ex
tensively use d (or dresses, than formerly. We
prefer to worship divinities in calico.
" If you want a companion for life,
To comfort, enliven and bless,
She is just the right, sort or a wife—
My gill with the calico dress,"
qty How beautiful is the earth at present
with its green herbage, and its trees just leaf
lug, the azure heavens above, the golden sun.
shine and the music of birds. But more beau.
UM still are the flowers which bud and hiss.
80111 on her fair• bosom.
" Your voiceless lips, 0 flowers are living
Each cup a pulpit, awl each Icaf a book,
Supplying to my limey numerous teachers
From loneliest nook."
Js` A yet comely' damsel was seal
to Pike's Peak (the name given by "de culled
imam's" to our county jail) last week, for the
stealing of tern dollars from her talker. It np•
pears she had a desire to visit " the cite of
smoke," and having not the wherewith Is
fy her desire, as wooly heads are not tees
nod as dead heads on the Central, drew it en
the maternal side of the hence
If we mistake not, she will yet take the j.inni.
free of charge.
" The Reform of our town have been as
'•sheep without a shepherd" for ,Hate time, ow.
ing, 1 believe, to the expe,tation of getting
Rev. Reid. present pastor of the Huntingdon
We clip the above from a letter in the Ski,
ley shurg Herald, written from A kxandria. to
which we, in common with one fellow citizon,.
Leg leave to enter our protest. We citio.ot
spare this gentleman from us, and we trust our
neighbors in Alexandria will not think orsueli
ear The Chassis or the German Reformed
Church met in this place on Friday last, and n
considerable amount of important hnsiacna has
been transacted. There are come thirty tnittis
tors prpent, and nn equal number ()Felder, had the pleasure of hearing the flee.
Schaff, Schenk, and Fisher, and Revs.
Apple, Phillips, Hasler and Miller, preach 4.t•
ring the week, and it in needless to say they all
delivered eloquent semen,
We have never seen a finer body or learned
and good looking men together.
lilr Our ears were greeted and oar musical
tunny gracioudy touched on Saturday last by
the soul-stirring 'harm any' of the first Organ.
jut of the season ; who made his appearance
to the delight of exhttherant urchins, and the
edification of a few " dem foine fellos with
down covered chins supported by standing col.
lard. Gentle Annie was lirst dolefully de
. .
"Thou wilt come no mote ' gentle Annie,
Like a flower thy spirit did deport,
Thou art gone, alas, like the many,
That have bloomed in the suunnitr of my
And then in rapturous music the gnoJ traits
of Oldllog Tray were ground out t
"lie's gentle and he's kind,
You'll never, never
A better friend than old deg Tray
Mess the poor Organ-grinders fur the sake
of the amusenaent they afford the juveniles and
the aforesaid "dean foine
Sean. Kto.—They have a Sickles affair over
in Altoona, which is thus noticed by the Stan.
dard :—'' It appears that a teas stained Lehr
had is his employ a young lady, who loved her
toaster not wisely but too well. This excited
the jealousy of the lawful wife, who raised a
rumpus in the house and kicked up a fuss gen•
amity to almost any other wife would have done
under the same circumstances. The husband
did not like this conduct of his wife, and en.
deavored to calm her feelings by pointing a pis
tol at her, accompanied with the threat of
shooting her. His wife thereupon had a war•
rant issued for his arrest, the failure to execute
which ereated considerable excitement. Lehr
was finally arrested and escorted to a Justice's
office, amid the threats and jeers of stn excited
crowd. He was consigned to the Lock lip fur
safety during the night, and was liberated the
following morning on bail. And there the
matter rests at present."
pir The criminal record of Blatr county,
for the April Term of Court, presents a for•
satiable appearance. We extract from one of
the Hollidaysburg papcm a list of Cades dis•
posed of.
TWO cases of selling liquor on Sunday and
to minors, were continued.
Paul Long, for larceny, wad sentenced to 10
days imprisonment and $1 fine and costs.
Pour eases of assault and battery were dis.
posed of by the usual ser.teuccs of fines and
• Geo. W. patinals, fur keeping a Gambling
Masse, was sentenced to pay a line of $2OO, as
well as the coat of prosecution.
Six bills of indictment were returned against
one Otho Harlan by the Grand Inquest ; the
case, however, has been continued. •
Edward McCabe and A. J. McKee, convicted
of larceny, were sentenced to pay a fine of $1
and costs; each, and the former undergo an
imprismonent,in the Western Penitentiary for
the term of two years ; the latter undergo a
like imprisonment for the term of two years
and six montLs.
As usual, numerous cases of fornication and
bastardy were disposed of. The defendants
generally agreeing to pay the usual charges;
one only refused the annul arrangement, and
he chooses rather to undergo three months im
prisonment and then be discharged by the pro.
visions of the insolvent laws. One other fel.
low gallantly married his girl.
[Correspondence of the Journal.]
Waterstreet, May 12 th, 1839.
Nit. ;—having read with interest ac
counts of many small villages, perhaps to; ac
count of our towns might not be ucinteresting
to some ot• the Journara readers. Any ono
who has ever gone up the "blue Juniata"
(and those who have not should go as soon as
possible) may have noticed among the moun
tains the outskirts of a small village. Front
the river, all that can be seen of this beautiful
town, is the mill. if you follow up the road,
however, leading along a beautiful sheet of we
ter, known as . Mytinger's dam, (where the fish
are us plenty that they can hardly wag their•
tails) you will soon enter the village of Water
street—one of the most romantic villages is
the State. If you wish to see a Paradise on a
small scale, you can walk over the hill into
Shaffersville. The first building you will no
tice, is the church ; and every Sabbath morn
ing you will see the ladies of the town and vi•
citify with their new calicos mt , and their faces
smoothed into a churchgoing cast, hurrying to
the sanctuary. The men, with their patent
leather and swallow-tails on, and a huge piece
of Sunday cavendish in their pockets, with a
square inch of the saute in their mouths, may
be scot in small groups standing around the
door, or settled on the fence surrounding the
yard—all waiting for the Mile old man on the
white horse to arrive. There is also the school
house, and the other it,, itutions.
The inhabitants of these towns are courteous
kind, generous, sociable, brave, hospitable bon
es . frugal, industrious, enterprising, honorable
ISMS ithiding, church-going, God-fearing men
and women. No one, we think. with moderate
sensible views of happiness, could help being
happy in either of these towns. Tho men ne-
ver swear nor go crazy ; the women never
scold, and always have warm dinners on wash.
ing days ; the babies never cry, nor take the
measles nor chic kenpox ; the dogs nevm go
mad ; the cats never fight at night, nor no'
men in daylight ; the hogs rover get the ehol.
era, neither lire the nice choleric. The school
master is well pool, the widows well oared for
—especially the young ones. There ate no
old maids, no ugly women, on scarcity of In on
ey, no flies it, summer, no itch in winter ; eve
ry good thing is plenty. Provisious ace so
choap that taco can work for nothing nod
grow rieh.
We think ou• friends in the large towns
should visit as during the summer, try the cook
ing at the hotel, the punt mot Wain air, and ex
cellent water ; for ire Mom purer water, bright.
el' ...Ain , : higher mountains, faster barges ,
bigger betties meat prettier nomu than any
othe: torus of equal giae. We had nearly for
gotten to mention us a particular inducement
for strangers. that v e have alas an excellent
ravvyard, so dint it you should die—which is
rag improbable, as there is quite a number of
persons living here nor, and have lived here a.
burr time, not one of whom has ever died once
—p.m will not have to be thrown out in some
fnu•e corner but you will be laid up snug and
dry as every honest man should. There has
nothing of importance transpired here lately
except a case ofsheepslaughter not man slough
ter, by the dogs of the town. The dogs were
tried by a jury not of their own choosing., found
worthy of atath, and sentenced to be shut, ono
in the head, and the other in the back. There
seas also at fish serape afloat, but as fish stories
arc not believed, wit will say nothing. If any.
thing of importance should occur, you shall be
apprised of it. Oxn or To.: NATIVES.
" Node" , No. 2, —To " P. Pun 'ans. ,
'Tis all in vain, deny it as 1 will,
Genius like mine, will nit and eat lie still
Like Hanquo's ghost, it heeds no threat nor
E'en braying Punkin cannot keep it down t
Since it is so, 'rise muse of Smith! nod sing,
What `great effects from little causes spring:'
Had Jonah cover disobeyed the Lord.
Who would have heard of Jonah's famous
Great gourd! which on the prophets cabin hung
And from whose womb the Punkin race hiss
I sprung.
(Mother of Peter . :—long•eared Peter Punk—
How low, alas! has thy descendant sunk.)
Had Mr. Minim owned a knife or sword,
To slay the ass that backed' before the Lord,
Squash Hollow's Jack had never tuned a lyre,
Fur Ilalnant's Liss was Peter Punkin's sire.
So thus we see that little things are great,
When viewed Hum' nature, or the book of tote.
A braying ass, a guord that sprung from sand,
Has given the pact' Plinking ' to our laud.
Despise riot then, the day of little things,
You cannot tell the many joys it brings.
Had cruel Mullein mute - his speaking mule
Punkins bud never lived an ass and fool.
Ne'er week by week—like the familiar toad,
Half froth, half venom spit himself shroud,
In smut, in spite, in politics, in lies,
In fuss and feathers, and is blasphemies;
In language vile, in every tho't obscene,
In billingsgate, in every jest unclean;
Nor never fished the realms of filth for wit,
Wallowed in ruts and miry pools—nor yet
By such vile odours given a greater force,
As oiled by macic juices for the course,
Arose refreshed from the effluvia strong,; life, to scou r and stink aloiig.
But vain 's my Boum no hoarse heroic base,
Drowns the loud clarion of a braying ass,
I've learned enough to heed the general rule,
No creature smarts so little as a fool.
l'rove bins an ass—ore down the pen you've lain
The fool is at his dirty work again.
But al we'll flap this bog of gilded wings,
Beetle of dirt, that buzzes, stinks and sings:
This monstrous thing, that lives on filth and
With Pun,. in head and all the rest au ass,
Again dear Pete we lift our hat, and with
A bow profound subscribe ourself
Jane Sawn.
air 1000 AGENTS WeNTEo.—For purlieu
lard 6end many. C. P. WHIT'L EN,
a Mar. 23.'39. 6m . Lowell, Hues.
RICH diNoiiirHAlß.
Talk of beauty, it cannot exist without a fine
head of hair, then rend the following, and it
you ask more, see circular around each bottle,
and no one MI doubt.
TIVE.—Wo call the attention of all, old
and young, to this wonderful preparation ; which
turns back to its original color, gray hair—cov
ers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth
—removes the dandruff', itching, and all cuta
neous eruptions—causes a continual flow oldie
natural flui and hence, if used as a regular
dressing for the hair will preserve its color, and
keep it from falling to exheme old age, on all
its natural beauty. We call then upiu the bald,
the grey, or diseased in scalp, to use it , and
surely the young will not, as they value the
flowing locks, or the witching cud, ever he
without it. Its praise is upon the tongue of
The Agent for Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative ;
in New Ilaven, received the Ibllowing letter in I
regard to the Hair Restorative, a few weeks ;
DuEr RivEn:CuuN s , Jul• 2:1, 1856,
Mr. Leavenworth—Sir'. I latve licen'trenhlml
with dandruff' or scurf on my head for more.,
than a year, eta hair began to come out, scurf
and hair toguller. I saw in a New Haven pa•
per about "Wood's Hair Restorative" as a care.
I railed at your store on the lit of April last,
and purchased a bo.tle to try it, and I found to
my satisfaction it was the thing, it removed the
scurf mid new hair began to grow ; it is now
two or three limb. in Itngth where it wag ail
off. I have great faith in it. I wish you to send
me two more bottles by Mr. Post, the hearer o
ibis. I don't as ney of the kind is used in thi3
place,. you may hare a marke t Mr many bottles
after is known here.
Yours with respect, RUFUS PRATT.
Sept. 9, 1856.
NoonZlTear Sir: iott;llai; Restor
ative is proving itself beneficial to me. The
front, and also the back part of my head almost
lost its covering—in fitct BALD. I have used
but two half pint bottles of yovr Restorative,
and now the top of nip bead is well .itudiled
with a promising crop of young hair, and the
front is alsr receiving its benefit; I have tried
other preparations without any benefit whatever.
I think from my own personal recommendation 1
I can induce many others to try it.
Yours respectfully,
D. It. Tliom.ks, M.
n. 464 Vine Sr
VINCENNES, lA, June 22, IS:a
PROF. 0. J. WOOD : As you are about to I
manufacture and vend your recently discovered
Hair Restorative, I will statc, for whomsoever it
may concern, that I have used it and known
others to use it—that 1 have. far several years, '
hems in the hal it of using other Hair Rester, I
tires, and that I find yours vastly superior to
any other I 'maw. It entirely cleanses the head
at dandruff, and with one month's proper use
will restore any person's hair to the original co
ler and texture, giving it a healthy, sott and
glossy appearance ; and all this. without disco'.
ming the hands that apply it, or the dress un
which it drops. 1 would, therefore, recommend j
its use to every one desirous of having a tine '
color and texture to the hair.
Respectfully ,ours,
0..1. WOOD & Cu., Proprietors, 312 lirad•
way, New York. (in the great N. Y. %Vire
Hailing Establishment.) and 111 Market St.,
St. Louis, Mo. .loht. Mend, ;,ent. Iltdiog•
ohm, and sold by all good Droggi,...
r.i ) Aifs: 1 111)0T1 `4_';2';-..D.-11:
self-generating Gas-ligut, is offered to the
public, in full confidence of its positive
nritv over every other hand-light in existence,
fur Stumm:mt, SAFETY, ECONOMY, and Hums
I.IANCV ot• light, inany temperature,
It is devoid of f1311:1.1., 8MOKI: Or FLICKER,
giving n steady, clomp and
requiring no trimming, or other attention, ex
cept simply filling the famp with commmi horn
ing fluid. one quart of the Najd giving a Ft lA.,
mut. coil CLEAR dame eighteen hours. 'Elite
light is under complete control, being regulated
by a simple process.
The burner can he readily applied to all styles
FWD LAMPS j OW, to Gas-fixtures, in all their
It is admirably adapted tier lighting churches,
dwellings, leeturo-rootus, halls, shops, steam
boats, and railroad curs, or wherever a good
light is desired Parties desirous of securing
the right of territory for a valuable article that
will commend itself, should make curly implicit
tion,only to the undersigned.
Burners. Lamps, supplied in any quan.i•
. . .
ty, with promptness—forwstrdod by oitpiebe to
all parts of the United Ststtes,payatblu, cash on
delivery. BUTLIiii, ILO FOR1) - & CO. ••-
111ar.9,'39.-lOw. No 2 Court St, Brooklyn.
REDUCED 'l'o $5 A YEARI--Prepaid.
The Ilest Ind Cheapest Periodical
' Till: WWII D.
This gallery of Art is now open or public
inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes. Cry,
telegraphs, Photographs, Circular nod Stat'
Pictures, also, Name, or Age, or Residence, ta
ken on the Pictures—letters of different colors.
- -
Ili consequence of the largely increased mr• ,
culattoti. the publishers of : Set in Frames, Caves. Lockets, Rings, Pins or
Are enabled to reduce the ottl.o6PLllo prier- Particular nitct.titet paid to taking pictures
from $6 to $3. The publishers arc determincii iel Children. Time, trots 0110 to tour seconds.
that no expense or labor shall be spared to' Perfect satisfaction given, or persons are not
make this , expneted to take their pictures.
THE MAGAZINE FUR THE MILLION I , Pictures taken from sick or deceased persons
And whilst boldly challeaging competition, : at t h e i r res id enees . C op i es t o k en t eoto it,, • Cough, Cold, or noamcness, Bronchitis, In.
claim for it, only what tins b een conceded by i guerreotypcs or Portraits. Also, views of re-i• Aeon, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
the most eminent noes of this country t from , deuces, &c. Concamption,
the time of its first publication, (over sixteen ' Ladies and Centime', are invited to call an d has performed tic moot astoniehing cures
years since) to the present day, viz : and examine specimens. Pictures taken us ever knows of•
I.—That it is suitable to all classes of read- we ll in c l ou dy as r,,, s weat h er .
ern--Statesmen, Professional Men, Philos°. Confirmed Consumption.
How , f en do we iconic exclamm ion, when
Fanners. all of whomets, StudenM, Merc may ha derive nts, Mec ple h asure Persons aro looking at Portraits- -'• i would not anics A ,feted, will (1;80 at once cheek and
value any sum if I could procure the Porlraits cure the most severe Diarrhosa proceeding
and profit from its pages.
of my parents—or deceased children !" Rea. from Carts IN TOE BOWELS.
2Thst in it may be found the cream of , der, it' •
all the world.renowned Reviews and Periodi• • w'r' it you are gifted with this ennobling feel- These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M
you have an opportunity to gritti •
eels of E u rope, with original articles and sc.! in ' °I. unil3 ' JACKSON & Co., No. 418 Arch Simi, Philo
! r 'it Rt. it - i:iitoii cost. by procuring 1 ortrans,
delphia, Pa., and arc sold by druggists and
lectione from the best fugitive literature of our 1 Z hieh, it ;3 known, will no , fad ,
own coutry. dealers in medicines everywhere, at 75 cents
3.—That it contains more reading matter j lktilr 'Those that wish to learn this beautiful
than any other magazine in the world ;.each art can call nos see W.F. Thomas, from Phila. per bottle. The signature of V. M. JACKSON
Prices from 50 cents upwards. will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
weekly number containing sixty•four pages anti , jan.i „ .„
/a the Almanac published annually by the
a fi ne steel portrait ; making three thousand ' . _. .. . .. .
three hundred and twenty-eight mos in a I
year .with llly.two steel engravings. ' HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? proprietors, called EVERTUODYIS ALMANAC,
DYE?? • you will find testimony and commendatory
, LL-That it is the oldest Periodical of its , Wm. A. Batehelors Hair Dye I notices from all parts of the country. These
kind in this country, having been published ' Th e O ri g ina l and Best 3 the World I
over sixteen years. .... ... ._ - --
s—Thot it is the cheapest publication of the ' All others are mere imitation, and should For sale in Iluntiumlon by John Road an,
day, whether it is judged by the quality or h e avo id e d, if , on w i s h to c „ ape ,i,ii t „, ; ,. •S S Smith and dealers generally through th
quantity of itecontents. GRAY, 11I31), OR RUSTY HA llt D, ~ , I in eettalY. [May 11, 184,1 y.
G.—That uo library is perfect without it. stonily to a beautiful and Natural Drown ..r
7.—That to those with limited means, it is Black, without the leant injury to Hair or Skin.
. 1'1: IC I.: It EDUCE I) ON E 11A IX ! ! !
an admirable substitute for a library of min- Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a INIZIW MEDICAL SALT
can... heat, And finally, that as ' , Fa' , warded to Wu, A. Batchelor since 18119, and FOR
ily Magazine, it is perfectly unexceptionablv t ' over 80,000 applications have been made to ,
in nll respects. I the it of his patrons of his famous Dye. ! I :.%; Fl. ANIMATORY D ISEASES
Price fire dollars per annum, or thirteen l WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE pro• TNT IT I
cents a number, sent by mail, post paid, to any I duces a color not to be distinguished from na• jure in the least ,
address in the Punted States. To Clergymen,; ture, and is wuranted not to in ONLY lONE DOLLAR.
Teachers, Students and Cluhs, four dollars. I however long it may be contioned, and the ill ' CHRONIC PACKAGE 52 50 1
DEI3ISSER & PROCTER, I effects of Bud Dyes remedied '
508, Broadway, New York. vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye. ' For sale at Smith's Drug Store, Huntingdon
! Mode, sad or applied (in 9 private rooms) ' __________—_-..
-- - —l at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New No lE. a`.l2dV f , leil 0 11). 0
PENN MUTUAL York. Sold in all cities and towns of the l'iti- '
Life Insurance Copany. . fed States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .
A dividend of TWENTITIVE per cent. OH all Dealers.
the mob premiums of 1858'. aid Sex per 'ffi• I SW - The Genuine hostile name and address RESPECTFULLY OFFERS HIS Plid IFES
on all sent) issued by the Company, i. beets upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of ' sional services to the citizens of IleNvimaits
declared. rho underrigned is ready to Pa!' , each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, ; and vicinity.
Cash and deliver scrip to all entitled to them. ' 1:33 Broadway, New York. ' Resilence on Hill street, in the Louse for-
R. ALLISON MILLEB, Ata.yr. 1 dohs Read, Agent Lluatingdon Pa. lucrly occupied by Dr. R. A. 41illur,
Mar.:l(4's9AL. Nov. 17,'59-1,. ' April 13, 1859.
May 11, '.19.-Gt.
Cannot rival in attraction the superb stock of
Spring and Summer Goods now being received
and opened by MvMunintr.
This stock has been selected with great care
and the public are cordially invited to call and
examine it. . . _
It comprises all the into styles of Ladies'
Dress Goods, such as Poi' de Chews, Robes a
Lez, Organdies, Jaconets, Lawns, Challis, plain
awl figured Berages. Crape Mend., Plain and
colored Chintz., French and English 6' iny•
hams, Amaranths, Valentias, Alpaccas, Dchage
Prints, &e., &e.
A beautiful assort tuent of Spring SHAW
round and square corners, all colors. A toll
stock of Ladies Fine Collars, GentlentetCs
Furnishing Goons, such as Cmlars, Cravats,
Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk
Undershirts, Drawers, &e.
We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress
Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts. Gloves,
Gauntlets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons,
Floss, Sealing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops
of all kinds, Ac.
. .
Abso—nekens, ()smiting, bleached and un
bleached Muslins at all prices. Colored n o d
White Cambries, Darted and Swiss MUSH
Victoria Lawns, Nainsuoks, Tar'emu and 1111111 y
other articles which comprise the line of White
and Domestic Goods.
We have French Cloths, Fanny Cassimeres,
Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonittles, Linens,
Denims and Blue Drills.
or every varjety and style. Also all kinds o
A good stock of
Wood and Willow-ware,
~hick will be sold CIIHAP.
We also deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT,
and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess titeilities
in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We
deliver all pixekages sir parcels of Merchandise,
FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the
Brutal Top and Pennsylvania Railroads.
Come one, conic MI, and lie cunvinced that
the "MvAnorotxras" is the place to secure
thshionable and desirable goods, dispotel of at
the lowest rates.
S A Ftla FU ND.
,••• ,•-Company.
Incorporated by the Gale Iva nia
1. Money is reveired every day, end in any
amount. forge or small.
2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid for
money from the day it is plit in.
- . ,
3. The money is always paid back in GOLD
whenever it is culled for, and without notice.
I. Money is received (rota Executor, Admi
uhrlntlu 6'netrdians and others who desire to
have it in a glare or perfect saNty, and where
interest eon be slanined for it.
5. Th e mcnev received from depositors is in
vested in rcr:m. F:STATE, 'MORTGAGE s,
011.013 ND RESTS. and such other first-cht,
securities us the Charter directs.
6. Office linurs---Every dnv from 9 till 5
o'clock, and on Mondays and 'Thursdays till S
o'clock in the ev,mitm.
1,. lIENNEII. I'n•
NUL J. HEED, u , p l.
lion. Beery L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. 13•Irry,
Hobert T.. Selfridge, Francis. Leo,
Joseph Yerl:es,
Henry Diefleoderi
Sand. K. Ashton,.
C. Landreth Alums:
80.11,VElT cats RR 0,11111:1,,
PROM Pll I I.A U I, I' II I I,
.1 Nn
W E bog leave to call the atten
tion of the Trade, and more
especially the Physicians of the
country, to two of the most popu
lar remedies now before the public.
We refer to
Dr Chas M'Lane's Celebrated
Vermifuge and Liver Pills.
We do not recommend them as
universal Cure-alls, but simply for
what their name purports, viz.:
For expelling Worms from the
human system. It has also been
administered with the most satis
factory results to various Animals
subject to Worms.
For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS,
HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of
preparatory to or after taking Qui
nine, they almost invariably make
a speedy and permanent cure.
As specifics for the above men
tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled,
and never known to fail when ad
ministered in accordance with the
Their unprecedented popularity
has induced the proprietors,
to dispose of their Drug business,
in which they have been success
fully engaged for the last Twenty
Years, and they will now give their
undivided time and attention to
their manufacture. And being de
termined that 1)r. M'Lane's Cele
brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills
shall continue to occupy the high
position they now hold among the
great remedies of the day, they
will continue to spare neither time
nor expense in procuring the Best
and Purest material, and com
pound them in the most thorough
manner. Address all orders to
FUXIN!) BROS. Pittsburgh, Pu.
Beaters and Pity...lend ordering from `others
than Fleming Br, Mil do, well to write their emcee
and bthe none boa Or .11Lanes, prepared by
Fleming Bros. Pabiburgh. M. To those eirilling to give
them n trial, we will lbrward per mail, poet paid, to any
part of the United Slide, ono 5,, of Pin. tier twelve
three-cent puetagn elampe. or ono VIII! of Vermifuge fur
fourteen three-mut momps. All orders from Canada met
be accompanied by twenty cent:, extra.
For snie in Tlnutingdon by John Ilenti and
5.:4, Smith, and dealers generuHy through the
mm,y. Niny 11, 1859.-Iy.
The great standard medicines of the present
age, hare acquired their great popularity only
through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion IQ ;WWI.: :1Y ,hono in all eases; and the
people hare pronounced them worthy.
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness the stomach and digestive
organe, arc speedily and permanently cured by
The Balsamic Cordial has acquired a
reputation-surpassiny that of any similar pre
paration extant. It will fore, WITHOUT FAIL,
the most arrere and 19lly-sbrnding
.., ! A Pelle° sblutitute
keir For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters Hi
when the undersigned, after a long, series of
".' . laborious and costly experiments, became fully
! confirmed in his conviction, that the Antiphlo
•—. • :";;• t ' - --aass— e ,., ; castle Salt 'Vlach he now -has the happiness to
▪ i : :
~.,, ' ' ' ''ass iee ....." . ......, --" t e - '4
present to the American public, was ,t
7.7'.. all i kallifiNir - ,`,atc,N 4 . ti... - ... 7,. ! PERFECT SUBSTITUTE
~ •-.441114 tri t .•,•'...l"ak,•' : ,-- .a . rorß , l v o n o s d ; l o ci a tiug,
, Leeelms anal Blisters, his
N 1 alai
a , gitatel that he could not sleep for
1 many nights. The cause of his agitation was
"a- ;..- - 'at ; :: • ' ..i. - - ' e.,- . • the striking fact, that themannet of its operation
• a... -a,
-,i hake that of the viral fa vaccination, , ("mild not
• st..‘'.'• - • - '-`;-' ' he sansfitetorialy explained upon any known
principle. flow, in what way, it so effectually
3%/E.A.01 - 13EINT3M/S. subdue , ' lachiminatory Disease anal no others,
was at first wholly inexplicable—hay on further
NEW STYLES—PIIICL't i'llOM Ssta to $125 experiment, it was prov,i that it equalizes the
EXTRA CII.inGR Or $5 rOR ni:MMEIM. 17,1;./.: 0/ the body, the want 6t an equilibriem in
- - ------ ' which, is the sole cause of inflammation, Such
49.1 Broadway, N. Y. 730 Chestnut St., Phila. is it, potency, that like the vaccine matter, :it
______..........-. 'requires merely 'sat adheres to tho point ofa quill
These Machines sew from two spools, as pairs dipped into it solution of it, to effect the entire
chased from the stare, requiring no r:-winding ,vstena —but must be instantly used to prevent
of thread; they Item, Fell, Gather and Stitch, atcoompos'tion and secure Its full virtue. Three
inn superior style, finishing each seats by their Till's in acme. :and . tw . it in chronic diseases,
.e t eiy ,4 mar, tin she h eat, pain and fe br il e ne-
Own operation, without
.recourse to the lanai- that have Ra b a i ded, and a cruet coca effected.
needle, as is required lay other machines. 'They ' When it takes the place of blisters, ointment
will do better end claeoper sewing than a seam- and leeches in local affections, as Brain Fever,
stress can, even if she w.
ail. for one cent an Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy, abe
administration is two-fold. "(See (" its tnode of
Sayan' of &s
-hoar, and are, unquestionably, the best Ma- „,,,.i„,„. 0,..)
chines in the market fur family sewing, on ac- The discoverer hat withheld it from the pub
count of their simplicity, durability, ease of, lit' till row, by the Niviee of a:P.. 10,400 i PhYsi
management, and adoptation to all varieties or. chin :anal suitable friend whom he consulted—
it gentleman known and felt in
-the medical
family sewing—executing either heavy or fine world—and who desired to submit it to the test
work with equal filed ity, and without special of experiment. After witnessing under his own
scrutinising eye, its signal quantal' over both
adjustment. • : acute and chronic iiglanunatorg diseases, in re
els evidence of the unquestioned superiority pentad
and ce . cepe „„d tr im s, he eit c ce d $2 ,.
of their Machines, the (11tOTIM S.. BAKER Sew- I 000 to Conte in no it special anal equal partner in
'Nu M MALIN I, Cantatas beg leave to respectful-: the Recipe for its mataufeeture, but the propo
i sal was rejected.
ry refer to the rullowing
The, disuse of the lancet and blisters, is de-
TEsTimoxit I.s. mantled Math by humanity by humanity and
"Having had oac of Grover & Baker's 'Ma- a sjence, It it not a mistake, to suppose that
chines in my Gutsily fur nearly a year end a halt n hettle of boiliug water (the inflamed blood)
I take pleasure in rot:amending it us every way will cease In hail, by dipping out apart of it—
reliable for the purpose lbr whiath it is designed i or a cask °Chad eider (bad blood) he made
—Family S.•winar."—.l/,.. Joshaa Leavitt, 11 . 01, I good, by drawing a portion of it? Is it not a
ef fire. lie. Learitt, Elitoe qf N. Y. /an/qui:abut. ! initatahe, to suppose that blisters,mnirubefacients
"I confess myself delighted with year Sewing wall reinove inflammation, when they virtually
Machine, whirli has faecal in my family fur ma- staperadd one inflammation to another? The
air months. It has alwayi hem, ready liar duty, late hr. B. "'uteri...sot of Harvard Universi•
re , ffiiritag no adjustment, and is easily adapted t.)", said " 1 al. "dek of learne d gnael ,,, e •o' One
to every variety ~f tinnily sewing, by s i m ply ! of tlic inost Mitten] physicians In New Englued
„I, ‘ „ ig h ig i t,,,, ~,,„,1„, of t i,,,,,,it. , _3/„. Eti,,,,,,/, ' acknowledged just before Lit , .. death, that 'Mc
...,,.;,.4;„,,,f, „-,);. ~' )1„.. /,.. Sfri,V,,,,/, E i r,,r.
~ ,: 11, m w
been doubting fur any years, ether flood
. a
letting surf blisters dial nut aggectraie rather
I that attest discas," Sonia who stand
" Art ' lr Y l " ,. ."'" l ' llin ' re " t t'''oo:l laa`-itl ""' 1 high in the Old mid New school, have quite r
-1 l' rcl. '"" r """' "" " e "' llll °I. i " ' ll " "cil Y' eently espousint Iti„lews and now openly coa
ttail the perfect ease with which it is managed, I
i fo o s is , ; , l ' .. l .4 m i T ki l i t i e „, l , lev t e ct :he wi l e tn i. et, Batons leeches and
as well as the strciagth and durability of time a' ! benefit one—
"""'' Art" lung "P" i ""' -i j ' et eu "'"' They think there is a meaning to Dent. 12, 23
to speak in this isituner, anal to confidently re- a
,—Get. o, 4—andimvit. 17, 14tntat "Tilt,:
C.lnnenil it f" every variety ( """ i 'S sew ' n ''' '' I atom, is Tim mpg." It is not the excess or
3 . 1 .• E. 1 - 1 . S P"""" , ".;-/' O h ' Edit " ` 4 1-I ''''' ' '' blued (there never is too lunch) that CaUse9 di
',,,,, .t-rer. , seam, but the wart of a balance between the
' "I have lased a Grover & B at her Sewing Mit• : finials and solids,
chine for two Years end have faunal it adapted ; Tilt, siocial excellence of the Antiphlogistic
te :ill kinds cat family sex tag, f r om Cambric to ' Set:. is that without the useless loss of blood
it,,,,,leioda, Gmments famine been worn ont a - aital strength, it effectually subdued intlamnlato
- the raving reap di a stit•ill• The Me- Iry diseas, (,o others) by producing an equili-
I , bi"l , i , '-' ,, IY , "I't In Order, and 6 easily used-" ' brit. of all the fluids in the body and a vonse
; ---lks. •I. I , 11 . -t ,,,,, ', "Vi, rat' 11t , Gee, liVi. ! fluent unintcrimpted circulation. It exerts, liko
i de, N. :• ', . the vaccine matter, and extraordinaty intim:Mee
"Vour Ilaclmitse lots been in use in' ~ .- e r the veto and arieries—resaltiug in a grad
my family thy_. : , ,s1 two years, and the ladies' tial demiue of inflammation as indicated by the
• -t in -•.• a • : snit their testimOniads to its , pulse, which asmtnes its natural state as the
!calla, a ' • a
Per!ect :: ' ! t•-' , ',•• , s, as well as labor-saving heat, rtitt an, fvver tiiisappear.
qualitic. ' . i' . ueillarinunce of family and , (,-;,:,`' Many medicines offered MT sale, are
Ituuseht.! , - -.vie,. '—nobtri Lioueourn, N. F. i barked by doubtful certificates, (their choir sir
tan,,,- „..„ . .,.,d ~,„„t h a we have Graver & D a . I the) and claim to be universal renticlies, curing
ket's Sewing Machine, and have come to the \lda toall'lles — s burteNue on common sense;
conclusion that eye, lady Who desires her sew- As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests
in /,,„ faipily ~,„/ va l,./ . l p ,i,,,,,, wool! h e „„,„, I a,,aiiist having it . placed in the categcry of
fortunate in possessing onc of these.Eci,abia frambuilla impotitauns• he has resolved that at
' mid indefatigable l 'iron needle-women,' whose shall go - forth to t h e world, U. the Pare gold
I combined q „ a lia„ of e c „„ ic . ~-,.„,, „, a / ~i,„,,,i_ I dollar, with no
plan . its crue l I al
-1 c ,,,. ai ,, 3 i5 ,,,, 1uA bi e, ,,_ . 1 . ir . 31,,,,, , d„, y hm. 0/ I Ile : . if the publ . tellnd it genuine,
.they wil . re
f ,4 . ~,„. p. la/arms, ~...,1 i, ,. of lima J„,,,.,. I cei,e it—if spurious, they will reject and con
, a Munn it. Instead of being a panacea for all ills,
Extr"" "r . letter r""" That' R. Lany ' ll ' an ' it has control over but utn: ill,—lnns but one aim
American gentleman, .w resident in Sydney,
__,.„, .. ,
, at mamma. but ore Heil% to wit, annoy.
New Smith Wsles, dated January 12, 1558: ! __,.._..,, . . .
.. . form
t IMAToity DISEASL—Wintle , el he its torni
1 ' , II had at tent made in Mellaturne, in 1853, in ,
ur locality—wether in the head, throat chest ab
yards W., domen, extremit•es or skin. It is ttSkekl. /tote
, n e h , 'l v o i
which I t t l t o .r n a c t ~ , , .. i . ai s i o ,
o u n v e cr o tar t e i ta . : ( l r ot ,, istiz i l ia.L.,,,
it doe s thisl—simply by restoring the lost hal
; :Mines, and a single seam of that has latitstatud • ant ., ~,,,,,,"l l the fl uids
all the tloob/e seams sewed by sailors with at nee- , ''
The Ibllowing different /owns which the un
alle and twine," balanced fluids assume, and many not here taco
'air thane,. mild ' , Wiled asp &one his tour- boned fiat have more or less heat, pain or fever
by Males, he would sing the advent of braver' Ole others)are as pelifect ly cured by the Anti
& Baker as it more benignant, miracle of a:: phlogitie Salt, ns tire is extinguished by seater.
than was ever Valeatt's smith. Ile would a'a. I. Lases where the tinbaletteed fluids affect
tionnce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful t i ts iii.,,,, anti ~,,i 1c, ,,...,,,, wi i , i i ,,,,,,, 1 ,,,,,,. ,
' spring of woes unnumbered"—Prep: Nettle • pi, 11,,,,,),„.),,, j afi „,„„, cd Eyes, Emma aca Seas',
"I take pleasure is saying., that the Grover,', , roa t '/ , ,, Naasaligiai, L' a aispelas, Catortit, Croup,
Baker Sewilig falai:hits, littee more than sii•• Looetaitis, Vic.
tallied ins expeetetiou, After flying And rent, 2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
',big others, I have thy. or them in operatios , flav Cam.. mail Ann05....—t0 wit ; laillanull
its my different places, and, after boar years' ' 1.,,,,,, "ref Lie, r, Colic, Maris it, Coughs, byspepe
trial, have to fault to lira!:'—,/, IL Ilunalloaul, ssar, Asth.saa, / a rors , 1 b . „,w ma .„, /b ora I files,
.S'enatur ey .. , tatath Carotin, t iooneil, a, rentri . 4ll, ~ C•
"My ,tho has
Or Grover & b . , ker . , ! a..C.tseg where the unbalanced fluids effect
am satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving a l'""fa ( toot: •`''i a :Voa , !frets, ( hilleoa , l (. 1,,,,,, 5)
Family Sewing Machines for sume time, and 1 a the hyrnE3l!TlE ., illtdbitts— , tu tilt; /,.1/!,e.tium
•. " , ins and other Cutaneous Affections, &e.
mat:lines that has toren invented. I mks 'tacit i Chicken 'sat Sad/ Par, Salt !Mem, with itel,
pleasure in recominontling it to the public. 1 s i . his salt reetly
ulna iiithueniatory
J. O. Ilarris, Goocenor Pi reautcs , t ,
, pains peculate to married ladles, (before and at
and Pats evo'''""ia! a the time of continemetat) and manv Mantle rom
plaiots, anal is very etticatious in 'Fever, Ape,
in;r ' i li a::x( b .l e ,:n u , t e lr . ` , l t l ol l'i g n o g, :d humor. NI aa• 'at ,
Wounds, Nervous 1111t1 Spinal Aft :nations and
Catholic I sh'eulal insist UDOII Sabi. 01,), ..:lII4i
Baia' having an eternal holiday in "...Ili. - ' anyuther forms of (mark this)inflaMMatery di
sease, attended wtth heat, pain or febrile symp
ration of their pod deeds for humanity. . —Cus
s/as 31. tiny. toms.
"I think it by far the best patent in use. This l
(Er Persons who have a tendency of blood
Machine can be adapted front the finest cambial,' to the head ar heart, or lead inactive lives, or
to the heaviest Nassau'e. It sews stronger, ; breath Me impure air of manufactories and the
faster and awe beantifially than ewe casts into- I poisonous Mutes of metals and' minerals, or Ike
gine. II mine could not he Told:teed, money 1 is unhealthy climates, are exposed to a partici
, could taut buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Wawa, Naeh.line vitiation of the fluids of the body, which one
, •i//e, Tom. dote without interfereing with the diet or bus' •
,1 0 in its 1 mess, once in three months, would invariably
work; is easily understood anal kept I
' "It 14 speed , veer neat, . and durable
repair. o 1 , preveti,. It is beleived to Milani protection from
infe i etiotto disease, and therefore travellers,
savors , and soldiers should supply themselves
earnestl • recommend this Machine to all say uc- a
quaintanees y
and uthers."—.
"—.lira, . 11, ' 1 • I. "'"''' with it.
Monjahis, Tenn. i eir While many nostrunt-makers victimise
'We find this machine to work to our satin-
; the good natured and pill-ridden public, oy or
recd.', and with pleasure recommoud it to the deriag "from six to a dozen boxes of bottles,
public, as wo believe Grover & Baker to be the 1
best S' m cut e any malady." no matter what—the u Sevin;;.lueltine in use. Brothers, . aersignell is happy in being able to state, that
Allisonia, Truth the tierevilbt forma of recent inflummatery di
"lf used oxr i os i roly f or fi„oily purposes, w ith 1 sease, was over come by one Acute package,
ordinary care, I will wager they will last one a out! the most obstinate and long stundiug by
'three score sears and ten,' and slaver get out 1000 ['broil. package. It does just what it
of fix."—Jahn E rai ki ne, N a g ai: ilk , T ara .. ! claims to do—and no mote, or less—equalizes
the fluids by removing from the system all ar
"l have had your machine for several weeks, serial and senoubobstructims.
and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does iti," Fleas let your neighbors read this.
is the best anal most beautiful that ever was.— a F. COGGSWELL, M. D.,
Maggie dlimiso, Nashville, Tenn. i DISCOVERER AND I'llOVRIETOR•
. For . talent . ~t he, Cheap Drug Store , of Samuel
"I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking, '
anal fine linen stitching,- and the work is atlini- I S. 81111 t 1 lt" . • thaaaiiiagdcm, l “.
I rable—lhr better than the best hand-sewing, or ; lab.l6 th 1850.
i any other machine I have ever seen:'—/.dry
ALTOONA, Blair co., July 3,'55.
, B. Thompson, ..Vashailk, Tenn J. D Sarum:noun, LtwistOwn, Pa.,
"I find the work the strongest and most beau- Dees Sir—Mr. Wm.
.. , tiful I have ever aeon. made qither by hand vr TININIIAVOII, who lass teen suffering several
a machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma- years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends
It blessings to our tad relatives were summoned to witness' his
e s t ex h . l2 . s .lh' ' s. n? '/Il o y f fo t r i , in e'VEhTiti e c , , t 7'hini. , death. I inclueed his friends to try the virtue
"I have ono of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma- a of your preparation—they did so, as the last re;
chines in use in my fa n fly , lid find it mvalua- a
; sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, he be
n t o , got anti
and now.
. Mso
Mc. I can confidently recommend it to all per- so Mr as im l p rove
know he is better
halo and te stout man, in want or " Inachlne'"—G' T. 17 "'"P"" , a This is net the oily case whore the GatvaxiC
Xis/it-111e. Tenn.
; Ott, has surpassed human expectations. lu
I "I take pleasure in cedifying to the utility of , avery case where I have recommended the Qtr.,
the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I I111"0 ! it has done what it promises to do. Send us
used nun on almcst every description of work another s2o's words.
a• ; for months, and find it much stronger than work Tours truly, 11. LEBER.
- I done by hand."-31es. Lb. W. IV/teeter, Nashville A 18, '58-1v
, ... .
I Tenn.
"I would ho unwilling to dispose of my Gro- tbat - a vahom[l .
rem & Baker Machine fora large amount, could The Subscriber respectfully 'dorm the Pub
-1 not replace it again at please. o."—Mrs. H.C. iit, that ho is prepared to receive and unload
score:, Nashville TeMl. Cam containing Lumber, Bark, Staves, Shin
" Our two Machines, purchased fromyou, do glee, Coal, Iron,,tc.
the work or twenty young ladies. IVe with E. SCHREINER,
pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker ton- S. W. Corner Broad & Callowhill Streets.
chine to be the best in oso."—N. Stillman 6. Co. • Philadeldbia,
Tree. ' - - • •-_ .. ^
Jan. sth 183%—Gut.