Nuntittgbou iontuaL Wednenday Morning, May 11,1868 The Circulation of the KlM tingdon Journal, is great er thnn the Globe and Am erican combined. CLUBBING WITIIMAGAzINEs, The Huntingdon JOURNAL for one year, and +Adler of the Magazines for the sane period Will be sent to the address of any subscriber to be paid in advance as follows The Journal and Gudey'a Lady's Book, for one year, $3 60 The Journal and Grannies Magazine, for ono year, $3 50 The Journal and Emereon's Magazine and Putnunt's Monthly, for one year, $3 50 The Journal and litUgazine and Gazette of Fashion, fur one year $3 50 , The Journal and Lady's home Magazine, for,thie poor, $2 75 The Journal and Peterson's Magazine, for ond $2 75 The Journal and -Illantic Monthly, for one $3 50 We r, ./ournal and Grresee Farmer one year R7i Oar are has been raging on the ridge abou t three miles front town, for the past week. ter Why is a drummer the fastest man in the world ? Because Time beats all men, but the drummer beatu time, Nip A law recently passed in Blaine °stab. fishes the annual salary of the members of the LeiesMiura at $l5O. They can sit twelve months if they please, for that princely sem. ifrif-Wnt. Andrews was sent to the peoiten• Cary last week, horn Troy, N. Y., fur rtealing au umbrella—the first man, it is thought, ever sent for an offence of that character. AV' About thirty feet of the sheeting (says the Lewistown Democrat) ou the Juniata, nt the Two Locks below town, has been torn off by the regent high water. ma. A borough election in Kittanning, Pa.. on Monday Mkt, resulted in the election oft he whole Republican ticket, over the combined forces of both branches of the democracy. See. Puddling Furnace No. 15, at the Cam• lain iron Works, ,xploded on Wednesday coo• ring last, severely if not fatally injuring a man named nager Mcßride, who was at the time employed in the ash pit of the lurnnce. The unfortunate man complains of internal injuries which be fears will terminate fatally. Star A Nebraska paper says that slavery is already established in the Pike's Peak region —that the Mexicans are there with peons, and the Southerners are on their way there with slaves tram every Southern State. may -An Indian has been discovered in Cali- Amnia, five feet and a half high, and weighing only serenteen pounds, being a mere skeleton, but in good health and lively. He is supposed to be the veritable .` Lo, the poor Indian." seer A breach has occurred in the North Irrinieli Cleat of no serious a nature .that it will be several weeks yet before the canal will Le in proper order for boatmen to enter upon without danger of being detained five or sic days at a time, by the banks giving way. tel.. (inc. Modary of fiances, has Llsited his proclamation for theelection of delegates to the constitutional convention, which is to asseteble at Wyandotte, in dune. There is a perfect par ty organization in the Territory, and efforts are being made to consolidate the opposition to the tlemoeracy, and both parties will make strenu ous efforts to obtain the control of the cousti. tulle.' convention. Or Ile editor of die Lewistown Democrat has bees shown ryys-traordinary specimen at a doulde egg, the production of a hen owned by a gentleman of Lewistown. It is nothing more nor less than a fully matured egg nicely ensconced within an egg. The external egg is of a remarkable size, nod the internal about the dimensions of a common Guinea egg." bur The Presiding Elder, Rev. Mr. Gore, announced on Sunday last, that the annual Camp Meeting of Lewistown Circutt, M. K Church, will be held on the old ground near Wesley McCoy's, in Granville township, about five miles west of Lewistown, to commence on Friday, 12th of August, and close on the fol• lowing Thursday. ear The body of a man was found in the Juniata, below Jack's creek, on Tuesday lust. An inquest was held, and a verdict rendered Rug tiva deceased came to his death by acci dental drowning Ho was Fr, m Cumberland •ounly. tier The late flood on the Susquehanna did considerable damage. Twenty-lour rafts es. raped over the dam at Lock Haven, and were completely wrecked. The high water on Lar ry'. Creek was unusually severe in its effects, carrying away 11:11118, bridges, and large quail titles of timber. ger Au endowment of $lOO,OOO is being made up by the Lutherans, for Pennsylvania College at Gettysburg. The York _Pinwale says that Charles A. Morris, Esq., of that bor ough, has,ooo to the fund, and with Pie liheraiity and wealth in the Lutheran phureh, we presume the entire sum will speed. ily he taised, and the institution put upon a perpappet basis. _ lar A Ch.einnati paper says that upwards of nino thousand adventurers have passed through that city this season, by river alone, bound Cos Piker, Peak. It estimates, that by all the routes, no lees than 100,000 people aro now en route for the gold regions, and adds Nine•tentlis of these, at least. instead of for tunes will encounter hardships, starvation and disappointment. Weir A now counterfeit $lO note on the Far mere and Drovers' Bank of Waynesburg, Pe., has been put into circulation. his altered front the Farmers and Drovers' Bunk of Petcresburg Irdiana. Vig.: Indian Family, Plough and Sheaff of Grain, with a cabin and mountains in the distance ; lower right hand corner, fe male sitting, leaning on horn of plenty; lower left, female representing justice ; on the back is the letter X, in red, ten times. The general appearance of the pule ia gaud, and calculated to deceive. g The following resolutions were passed at a Democratic meeting held at Cahawba, Dallas county, Ala., on the 10th ult. : //, That we utterly repudiate Stephen A. Douglas, and his Abolition heresy that a Territorial Legislature may prohibit Slavery by native legislation. Resolved, That under no circumstances will we support Stephen A. Douglas, for the Presi dency, if nominated by the Charleston Con vention. Seir The new Canadian cent pieces, which have lately been thrown off at the British Mint possess peculiarities which give them a value additional to that of their currency. They are not only tokens of yak., hut alsostandards of weight and measure-100 cents weigh exactly oar pound, and one cent measures one inch. Thus, in the common transactions of life, the buyer will have a ready check upon the die. honest dealer. Kr' Two centuries ago, not one in ono hun• dead wore stockings. Fifty years ago, not a boy in a thousand was allowed to run at large at night. Fifty years ago not one girl in a thousand made a waiting maid of her mother. Wonderful improvements in this wonderful A6' Judge Vondersmith, of Lancaster, who was tried in the U. S. District Court at Phila delphia, on the charge of forging pension claims, has been convicted on two indictments. Four other indictments were barred by the statute of limitation. Ile has been sentenced to twenty years imprisonment, a fine of five th ousand dollars, and make restitution to the Government to the amount of thirty thousand dollars, Vontlerstnith is fifty six years old. Sreti' The Legislature of Connecticut passed a resolution a few days ago, against allowing extra compensation to their clerks and under officers, as had been the practice for years in that Sate. The same custom exists in Penn• Sylvania, and the sooner our Legislature abol ish it the better. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DR. MTANE'S CELEBRATED VII , 2RMIFUGE ANn LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave to call the atten tion of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to two of the most popu lar remedies now before the public. We refer to - Pr that 91'Lnor'a felebrnted Vcrrnifugc and Liver Pills. We do not recommend them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name purports, viz.: TI I:11.11.1ITGE, For expelling Worms from the human system. It has also been administered with the most satis factory results to various Animals subject to Worms. TILE LIVER PILLS, For the cure of Lives COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DEKAN(nMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVER AND Actir., preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably .make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their. Drug business, in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undivided time and attention to their rmnu facture. And being de termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver Pills shail continue to occupy the high position they now hoid among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best and Purest material, and com pound them in the most thorough manner. Address all orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Ps. nicirdo. f.rderitla Iltutt Hewitt:, P 00... gill do well to write thvii t.rerd .I,4litelly. mid 1..1 r hla ltr .117..te's, prqgirra by Ph. ,0 11 1 b , 0. l'ithboryb. lb 7. 0,1 Ilitmw n triad. we will torword per mall, prrr pad," oily part u 1 filo Uttitt.l slotes. ..tto box 1.1 1 . 1114 litrol,ollt P. 111.1, or ono tint toll..r.oltup for . . iurloonilti r m-••;;t simitis • All ;.I . , b•lVl s nal li;;l;.aupt Ur .0.11111114 A Jueniy _ . . For sale in Huntingdon by John Read and S. S. Smith, and dealers generally through the county. [May 11,1859,-Iy. Dayid W. Madara & Jas. S. 'fumy, EisAND Agrarglit cr,INr.N, KANSAS TEgttnoitY, WiLL locate Land Warrants, pay Taxes, buy and sell lauds, and attend to all business entrusted to theirpare, with promptness and fidelity. We will locate 40 acre warrants for $6 ; 80 acres,slo ; 120 acres, $l5; '6O acres, $lB After the grunt land sales at Lecorapton inJuly next, over a million acres of land will be opened to private entry. Never lit the his tory of our country has there been such au op portunity to ablaut beautiful homes, and to speculate in land. We refer to !.1. McDivit, J. A. Hall, Huntingdon : David F. Teeny, Alex andria •, Dorsey Silknitter, Minor Hill,and T. Clark, Newburg. Address, BIADARA & TUSSEY, May 11. '69-30 , Clinton, 4. T. Sia . 1000 AGENT 4 WANTEW—For particu lam scud stamp. C. I'. WRITTEN, Mar. 23. %)9: Lowell, Macs. MIT-.IVNATC,OX) ti 1121% &ED gi'MIAIL% LIGSgIiTMES. Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, IV. 11. WOODS, A. M. Mtts. F. T. WOODS, Principal of Female Department. J. ALFRED SHADE, M. D., Professor of Anatoniy and Physiology. ALBERT OWEN, Lecturer on Art of Teaching and Phys. Geog. Miss ANNA G. PATTON, Teacher of -Mak, Drawing Grecian and (tat• inn Painting and Fancy Needle Work. rpm: next session of this Institution will open I riar advantages to those sbeking an education posed of those who arc thoroughly qualified ft who wish to place their children in a secure ni meats A NORMAL SCHOOL will be forme worthy County Superintendent, will give lecture! phy. In the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMEN thelCounting Room. TERMS, for session of fi sons in Music, French, thawint!, Painting and 1 For further particulars address N. n.—l:y those desiring places, early applic BOOTS am, SHOES. The subscriber respectfully announces to the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he has opened a atop on St. Clair street, in the east end of the town, where he is prepared to manufacture all articles in hiso bs. line, on, the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms. After a long experience in the Boot and Shoe business. I flatter myself that I can please those who give me their orders. Work dune when promieed in all costa. Huntingdon npr 27 '3O. C. WEAVER, EXECUTORS' NOTICE. (Eviale..-11Luanda Steel, der.) NLCce is hereby given dint lAtt4s Tee. tamentmy on the estate of Alexander Steel late of th., township of West, in the county of I f antingdun, deceased, have been duly granted to the subscribers, to whom nit persons idebt• to said estate will make payment, and those kiwi,. claims or demands against the same will present them for settleneot. JOHN RUNG, 1 F .I's' WM. STEWART, 3l Apr. 27 's9—Gt* 117j2 ZIVAV2 ONIMIAI WILL BE THE ORGAN Or TIIE ti ) %M ) lrt TN Z'INI 1 cV ANTrilk• - 0 -- A. large size, double shed, FA MILT NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY All interested are requested to Subscribe TERMS-82 a year, or Four Copies 87 ;and Ten Copies for 815. Address, RI TBEN G.ORWIG, Publisher, _ . . N. L. sth and Chestnut Sts., Phihula. ,Q 'An .►gent wanted in every pr.20,'59 OFThe undersigned would give notice to the patrons of the 'Mooresville Male and Female Institution," that he has agreed to take charge of the 811 Me. The next session will commence on Monday, f'he 2d day of May. H. A. THONIPSpI, Mr, Thompson is a graduate of. Jefferson College, and is recommended as a thorough eltolar, IA pr.20,7,9..3t.* COO 00 Pays fur a full course in the iron City College, the largest, must extensively patronized'and best organized School in the United States. 357 students attending daily, March, 11459. Usual time to complete a full coure, from 6 to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating Is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from *l5OO to *lOOO. Students enter at any thee—No Vacation— Review at pleasure. 51 Premiums for best Penmanship awarded in 18513. 10;i5-:%Iiiiihiters' Son received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writing, it, close two letter stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh. A pr. 2 0;59. SAVING FUND. k g t - National 11- 1 V SAFETY TEES! , . „, Company. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. RULES. I. Money is received every day, and in any amount, large or mall. ' 2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid for money from the day it is put in. 3. The money is always paid back is GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice. •1. Money is received from Executors, Aduti• Waled° ^s, Guardian., and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it. 5. The money received from depositors is in• vested in REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such other first-class securities as the Charter directs. 6. Office Hours—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in the evening. lION. HENRI - L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President, W3l. ,I. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS Hop, Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Berry, Hobert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Sarni. K. Ashton, Joseph Yorkes C. Landreth Munns, Henry Hiefienderirer, OFFICE, WALNUT STREET, SOUTII-WEBT CORNER QE' THIRD, EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby gives that Letters Tee tem.:wary on the estate of John Stushard late of Tell township , , Huntingdon county, do • ceased, have been duly granted to the sub. (=hers, to whom all persona indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will pre. sent them, duly authenticated, tor sottlemeut. Aids. C. Blair, Michael Shearer, Executom May roprietor and (Principal. wan) M. BUTTS, Teacher of the Engliskpranches. WM. M. WILLIAMSON, Teacher of Mathematits. Miss LIZZIE F. LICoN, Teacher in Preparatorsgtepartment. EPHRAIM BAKER, Monitor. the first Wednesday of Mn.y It holds out cope' n. The Hoard of Instructien is large, and corn, 'or their profession. To Pkrents and Guardians led healthy retreat, it holdtt out peculiar induce. ied the present session, to Ohich Mr. Owen, our es on the Art of Teaching Stid Physical Geogr. VT, young men will be thOroughly qualieed for five months $35.00. Light and fuel also. Los. Fancy Needle Work, extra.... W. H. WOODS, !alio!' should be made. SPRING AItRAIIGESIENT, H untingdon at Broad Top Railroad. On and after Wednesday, April 13th, Pas. senger Trains will arrive and depart as follows: Morning Train leaves Huntingdon at 915 A. M.. connecting with through Express west and Mail Train east on Pennsylvania Railroad running through to Hopewell, where Passau. gers take Singes for Bfbody Run, Bedford, Schellshurg,,Fulton county. he. Evening Train leaves Huntingdon at 5.00 P. M., connecting with Mail traMwest cn Penn. Sylvania Railroad, running to Coahnont and in termediate Stations. , ETURN ING. Morning Train leaves Hopewell at 12.20 P. 21., and arriving at Huntingdon at 2.32 P. M. Evening train leaves Coahnont 7.00 P. M., Saxton 7.36 P. 21., and arrives at Huntingdon 9.12 P. M., connecting with Fast Train east• ward on Penna. Railroad. These trains will be ruitstrictly according to time table, and the travailing public can rely upon bckg accommodated to the fullest ex. tent. _ _ JNO. J. LAWRENCE, SuperlideOe'nt. Apr.20,'59, SWCAITTION...O4f The public are hereby cautioned tut to pur• chose, or in any manner Meddle with, a certain farm or tract of land, formerly belonging to John Lee, on which the said . John Lee now resides, situated in Penn township, Huntingdon count•, adjoining lands of James Moore, Lad. wig Hoover, Isaac liutz, and others, contain• iug 190 acres also 19 acres of woodland, con• tignons. as 1 am the legal owner of the same which by a reference to the records of said county will more plainly appear. Curlsville, Clarion Co. J. T. LEE. April 20, '59..3t.* KE NOTICE. That the land mention d in the advertise meat immediately above, •headed "Caution s " is owned by the undersigned, and any . portion buying or meddling with the same will have to wade through the law. JOHN LEE. MeConnelstown, apr. 27 '59-3t. THE WORLD-RENOWNED WORKS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT. PUBLISHED. BY PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. :los CHESTNUT Street. PETERSON'S CHEAP EDITION OF THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. PRICE—Each 25 cents. FIVE NUMBERS aro already published. IVANHOE, GUY MXNNERING, ROB ROY, KENILWORTH, QUENTIN DURWARD, And one will be issued regulurly on every Sut• urday, until the whole ore completed. IiII,MS OF SUBSCRIPTION TO TWEN i TY-SIX VOLUMES, One complete set, twenty-six volutnes in all will be sent to any one, a, that as they are Dub 'lobed, for five dollars. Single numbers, 25 cents. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. GEORGE 1, ADDDY ABBEY & NEFF. No. aoa N. Tomo ST., (3 doors above Vine.) PJIMADELPIITA. THE OLD HARDWARE STAND, ESTABLISHED TWENTY-FOUR YEARS. 1 ,1 1"iltY DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING .12-4 Mechanical, Farming and Household Hard ware, is now in store, and will he offered at the lowest market prices, to Cash and prompt Six months buyers. Nails at Manufacturers prices lor Cash. Orders from new customers will receive strict and accurate attention and all goods sent from this house will be as represented. .ountry merchants, on their next visit to our city to make their Spring purchases are cor dially invited to cull and examine our Stock and Prices before Purchasing. N EW WATCH & JEWELRY 'STORE. J. W. DUTCHER, . WATCHMAKER& JEWELLER, Respectfully informs too ckizens of Hunting don, vicinity, and the alirtogmling eoun try, that lie has commenced bu siness in the room opposite M• Guttnan's Store in 14,0 MARKET SQUARE, HUNTINGDON, .d hopes to receive a share of public patronage. WATCHES and CLOCKS rrpaired in the best workmanlike manner. Ills stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY IS of the best, all of which he will dispose of at rewnable prices. 'llia public generally ,are requested to give hits a cull sad examine bin stock. Mar.!`,'s9. rarzlaatEM * - THE subscaiber has commenced E'GUA , S MIMING business at Pine Grove, Cen tre county, whore he is prepared to manufacture and repair Gun p and Pistols of every descrip tion,with 'motet'ss end dispatCh. Ho will also attend to repaifigg CLOCKS. Prices to suit the times. De o. 22,1858.—tf. JOHN 11. JACOBS. PENN M4TUAL- Life Inburanee Company. A dividend of TWENTYTIVE per cent. on all the cash premiums of 1838. and Six per cont. on all sertp_iesued by flip Company, has been declared. The underyined is ready to pay Cush and deliver scrip toldl entitled to them. R. ALLISON MILLER, Accs.r. Nar.:i9,189.-30 a. , as uaaoan. The Subscriber respectfully informs the Pub -Ik, that he is prepared to receive and unload Cars containing Lumber, Bark, Staves, Shin gles, Coal, Iron - , &c. • E. SGHREIN ER, S. W. Corner 'hoed S Callowbill Streets . Ph iladeldh ia Jan. Fth 18:19.—Gni* aciTtrnoci4Tt_Q___staT; _ . A Perfec sbillititutte For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters when the undersigned, after a long series of laborious nod costly experiments, became fully confirmed in his conviction, that the &Rapid, gistic Snit which he now has the happiness to present to the American public, vial:. PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his .mind was so. agitated that he could not sleep for many nights. 'rho cause of his agitation was the striking tact, that the manse, of ite operation like that of the virus in vaccination, could not be satisfactorialy explained upon any known principle. How, in what way. it so effectually subdued Inflammatory Disease and no others, was at first wholly inexplicable—but, on further experiment, it was proved that it equalizes the finial 01 the body, the want of an equilibrium in which, is the sole rause of inflammation. Such is its potency, that like the vaccine matter, requires merely oat adheres to the pointer a quill I dipped into a solution of it, to effect the entire 1 I system—but must be instantly used to prevent da.mtuposlion and secure its fait virtue. 'Throe', 'mills in acute, and iwfl in chronic tlitleasea. every 24 hours, tiii the heat, pain anti febrile ae- tion have subsided, and a perfect cure effected. 1 When it takes the place of blisters, ointment and leeches in local affections, us Brain Fever, Croup, 'toothache, Pleurisy, &c.,its mode of administration is two-fold. (See irectiin of dis solving. &c.) The discoverer has withheld it from the pub lie till now, by the advice of a judicious physi c lan and valuable friend whom he consulted— a gentleman known and felt in the medical world—and who desired to submit it to the test 0 fexperiment. After witnessing under his own sertitiMaing rye, its signal triumph over both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, in re peated and re-repeated trials, he offered $22.- 000 to come in as a special and equal partner in I the Recipe for its manufacture, but the propo sal was rejected. The disuse of the lancet and blisters, is de manded both by humanity by Immonity and scionce. Is it nut a mistake, to suppose thud a kut4le ot boiling water. (the inflamed blood) will cease to boil. by dipping ow a purl of h— ot a cask of had eider (bad blood) be made gond, by drawing a portion of it? Is it not a mistake, to suppose that blisters and rubelacients trill remove inflammation. when they virtually superadd one inflammation to another '1 The late Dr. B. Waterhouse, of Harvard Universi ty, said "I tun sick of learned quackery,' One of the most eminent, physicians in New England acknowledged just before his death, that "he has hoe,, doubting for many years, teethes- flood letting mid blisters. did not aggravate rather than gaitai diseass.” Roma who stand high to the Old and New school, Intro quite re cently aspousnd his views and now openly' con fess, they believe the lan eel, scums leeches and blisters injure ten where they benefit one— They think there is a moaning to Dem. 12, 2.1 —Den. 9, 4 —andLevit. 17, l4—taut “1 . 11 k: 01,0011 IS also LIFE." It is nut the excess of blood (there never is too mach) that causes di sease, but the want of a balance between the fluids and solids. 'rho special excellence of the Antiplilogistic Salt, is that without the useless loss of blood nod strength, it effectually subdued inflamiatos ry disease, (no others) by producing an equili brium of all the fluids in the body and a coast quest uninterrupted i.ircullition. Inexertc , like the vaccine matter, and extraordianty influence over the viens sod aricries—resulting in a grad ual decline .of intlatninstion as indicated_ by the pttlse, which assumes its natural stow as the heat, pain anti fever diss.PPear• tF, Many medicines offered for sale, are backed by doubtful certificates, (their chcif vir tue);and claim to be universal muddies, curing all mslidies—a burlesque on common sense; As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests against having it pieced in the categcry ol frauds and impotitions. he has resolved that it shall go forth to the world, like the pure gold dollar, with no otherpasspore than its true val ue. f the public find it genuine, they will re ceive it—if spurious, they will reject and con demn it. Instead of being a panacea for all ills, it has control over hut one 111,-11es but ens: also --accomplishes but sac thing, to wit ' SUBDUES INFLAMMATORY DlBEABE— whatever IM its form or locality—wether in the head, throat chest nh domen, extremities or skin. it is asked, how it does this?—simply by restoring the lust bal ance between the fluids and solidi. The lbflowing different /arms which the un balanced fluids assume, and many not hero men ;jotted that have more or less heat, pain or fever (no others)are as perfectly cured by the Anti. phlogistic Salt, as tire is extinguished by water. I. Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect the HEAD and TilltOAT—to Wit , Brain Eeeer, Fits, Headache, Inflemmed Eyes, Ears and Nose, Canker, Neural:Pa, Erysipelas, Catarrh. Croup, Bronchitis, Se. 2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect the ClienT and AnDomux—to wit; Inflamed Lungs and Liver, Calk, Pleurisy, Coughs, I4spep, ass, Asthma, Dropsy, Heartburn, Gravel Piles, Gonorrhea, Venereal, ac. 3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect the EXTREMITIE. and Nate—to wit; Rheuma tism, Gold, Scrojida, Ulcers, Chard., Chillmins, Chicken and Small Pox, Sale Rheum, with itch ing and other Cutaneous AlActions,&e. This Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory . . • pains peeular to married ladies, (before and ut the time of confinement) and many female com plaints, and is xery eflicatious in Fever, Ague, Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections and anyother forms of (mark this) iellUnimmory di sease, attended with heat, pain or febrile symp tomb. OW Persons who have a tendency of blood to the bead ur heart, or lead inactive lives, or breath the impure air of manufactories and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or live is unhealthy climates, are exposed to a pantie liar vitiation of the fluids cf the body, which one dose without interfcreiug with the diet or busi ness, once in three months, would invariably proven,. It is heleived to afford protection from infectious; disease, and therefore travellers, sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves with it. CT While many nostrum-makers victimize the good natured and plll-ridden public, oy or dering "front six to a dozen boxes of bottles, to me any malady." no matter what—the un dersigned is happy in being able to state, that the severest lOrms of recent inflammatory di sease, was over come by one Acute package, mid the most uhst'nato and long standing - by one Chronic package. It does just what it claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes the fluids by removing from the system all ar terial and venous obstruoions. fir Pleas let your neighbors real this. F. COGGSWELL, D., DISCOVER. AND rEOPRIETOR. For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel 8, Smith, &Co.' fientigdon, Pa. Feb. 16th 1859. ALToons, Blair co., July J. D. STommoso, Lewistown, Pw, Dour Sir—Mr. Win, WolinAvon, who has been sujtcring aecerel years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends and relatives were summoned to witu F ss his &Oath. I induced his friends to try lite virtue of your preparation—they did so, as the last re; sort ag 1 , to their astonishment and joy, he be gan to improve, got better and better, and now. so fur as I know, he is a hale and stout scan This is not the only case where the CIALvAxiC Ott. has surpassed human expectations. Its every case where I have recommended the One, it has done what it promises to do. Send us another 520's worth. Tours truly, 11. LEMAL A IC MOVER a BAKER'S 2 NEW STYLES—PRICES FROM $5O to $125 EXTRA CHAROX OF $5 Volt HEMMEIIB. 730 Chestnut St., Phila. These Machines sew from two spools. as pur chased front the store, requiring no re-winding of thread; they Ilem, Fell, Gather and Stitch in n superior style, fltaLhing each seam by their own operation, without recourse to the hand needle, as is required by other machines. They will do better and cheaper sewing than a seam stress can, even if she works for one cent an hour, and are, unquestionably, the beat Ma— chines in the market for family sewing, on ac count of their simplicity, durability, ease of management, and adaptation to all varieties of family sowing—oxecutiug either heavy or fine work with equal facility, and without special adjustment. As evidence of the unquestioned superiority of their Machines, the Georr•.it & BAKER Sew n. MACHINE COMPANY beg leave to r,ealtectful ly refer to the following Vxoadway, N. Y TESTIMONIALS. "Having had one of Grover & Bakcr's.Ma- chines in my family inr nearly a year and a hall I take pleasure in commending it as every way reliable Mr the purpose for whi,h it is designed —Family S:wing."—Mrs. Joshua Leavitt, wife Dr. Learitt, Editor of N. Y Independent. - - - - • • -• • "I confess myself delighted with your Sowing Machin', which has been in my fittrajf fm„ ma ny months. It has always been ready for duty, requiting no adjustment, and is cosily adapted to every variety of family sewing, by simply nhanging the spools of thread."—Mrs. Elimbeth Strickland, ovi, of Rev. Dr. Striddand, Editor of N. Y. Chrigtion Advocate. "At . ter trying several different good machines, 1, preferred years, on account of its simplicity. and the perfilet, case with which it is managed, as well as the strength and durability of the seam. After long experience, 1 Ebel competent to speak in this mapper, and to confidently re commend it for eveq variety of family sewing." —Mrs. E. B. Spoongr,wfleOf the Editor o/ Brook lyn •S'ior. "I have used a Grover & Baker Sewing Ma chine for two years, and have found it adapted to all kinds of family sex ng, from Canilajo•to, Broadcloth, (laments have been worn out withoht the giving way of a stitch. The Ma chine is easily kept in order, and is easily used." —Mrs. .1. B. Whipp.'e, relic rf Bet, Gee. 1174 pie, New York. "Your Sewing Machine has hem in Wie in my family the past two years, and the ladies request me to give you their testimonials to its perfect adaptedncss, as well as labor-saving qualities in the performance of family and household sewing."—Robrrt Boom., N. "For several. months we have Grover & Ba ker's Sawing Machine, and have come to the conclusion that every lady who desires her sew ing bsantiji://g and quickly done, would be most fortunate in possessing one ul these enable and in:lel:algal:10 'iron needle-women,' whose combined qualities of beauty, strew( end simpli city, ore invaluablei.—J. Morns', daughter 0/ Gm. Geo. F. Minils, Editor of Ikane Journal. Extract of a letter from Thoe. R. Leavitt, en American gentleman, now resident in Sydney, New South Wales, dated January 12, 1858 : "1 had a tent made in Melbourne, in 185:1, in which there were over three thousand yarde of sewing done with one of Grover & Baker's Ma chines, and a single seam of that bee outstood all the deulde scams sewed by sailors with a nee dle and twine," 'lf Homer could be called up from his mur ky hades, he would sing the advent of Grover & Baker as a more benignant, miracle of ari thou was ever Vulcan's smith. He would de r nounee midnight shirt-making as 'the direful spring of woee unnumbered."—Pro/. "I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines have snore Oars sus tained my expectation, After trying and xetur niug others, I hose three of then: in operatimi in me di ff erent places, and, after four years' trial, have to fault to find."—j. fl. P'uoauaysl, Secular ,;( South Caroling. "My wife has had one of Grover t Baker's Family Sewing Machines for some ,time, and I am satisfied it is one of the best labor-saving modules that has been invented. I take much pleasure in recommonding it to the public."— J. U. Harris, Governor of Tennesvee. "It is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody into an excitement of good 'rumor. Were I a Catholic I should insist upoTA Saints Grover and Baker having an eternal holiday in commemo ration of their good deeds for liumanity.—Cas. sins all. Clay. "I think it by far the bast patent in use. This Machine can be adapted from the finest cambric to the heaviest enssimere. It sewn stronger, faster and more beautifully than , ne can ima gine. If mine could not be replaced, money could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Nitsh- Lille, Tenn. "It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its work; is easily understood and kept in repair. I earnestly recommend this Machine to all my ac quaintances and others."—Mrs. Forrest, Asemp,iiB, Tenn. "We find this machine to work to our satis faction, and with pleuturc recommend it to the public, us we believe Grover & Baker to be the best Sewing Machine in use."—Deary Brothers, Allisunia, "If used.exclusively for thmily purposes, with ordinary cure, I will wager they will lust ono 'three score years and ton,' and never got out of lix."--John Erskine, Nashville. lens. "I have bad your machine for several weeks, and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does is the best and most beautiful that ever was.— Jtnygic dindsvn, Nashville, Ttnn. "I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking, and fine linen stitching, and the work is 41rnt rable—far better than the host hand-sewing, hr any other machine I have ever seen."—Lney 13. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn "I find the work the strongest and most beau tiful I have ever seen, made either by hand or machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma chine as one of the greatest blessings to our sex."—Mrs. Taylor, NashOille, Tdaa. "I have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma chines in use in my fa wily, nd find it invalua ble. I ran confidently recommend it to all per sons in want of a machine."—G. T. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn. "I take pleasure in cettitj•ing to the utility of the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I have used one on almcst every description of work fur mouths, and find it much stronger then work one by hand."—Mrs. D. Ir. Wheeler, Nashville Peho. "I would be unwilling to dispose of my Gro ver & Baker Machine for a large amount, could not replace it again at pleasure,"—Mrs. ff.C. Score!, Nashville Tenn. "Our two Machines, purchased trom_you, do the work of twenty young ladies. We with pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker Ina- Ohm trt be the best in usc.'—N. Ststhnen 6. Co. Ilikellaiteous Advertisements. 11 MERICAN HOUSE, Corner of Hill & Montgomery Streett, HUGTINGDON, PA. C IiRISTA:N C OUTS. Pi9rietor, We stand is well known as the “NieConnell Tholocation is supe . rior to any other, being in the Inunwlinto proximity to business; also to the Benk.atulluost Etiblib Offices _ . It is the determination of, the Rropriotor, to keep thie House in a style eatisfactory to the public, and it is his desire, to, make all who patronize hiM, feel at. home, andlo make the American rank among the best of Heating. don Hotels. Ile very respectfully solicits the public patronage. Apr. 13th '53.: PIKE'S PEAtt COLD, Cannot rival in attraction the superb htock of Spring and Summer Goods now being received and opened by F.i.s.amt L McMottrate. This stock has been selocted!witk great care and the public are cordially invited to call and examine it. It comprises all the late styles of Ladies' Dress Goods, such as Poil de Cheers, Robes a Lez, Organdies, Jaconets, Lantos,Ohallis, plain and figured 13erages. Grape Marelz, Plain and colored Chintzes, French and English Ging. hams, Amaranths, Vulentias, Alpaccas t Dsbago Prints, &c., &c. A beautiful assortment of Spring SHAWLS, round and scpare corners, all colors. A full. stock of Ladles Fine Co'Jays,. C.eatlemen's Furnishing Goods, such. as Uhler., Cravats, Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauze and Silk Undershirts, Drawers, &c. We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts. Gloves, Gauntlets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sewing, Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoop,' of all kinds, &c.. . . _ A tso—Tickens, OsnalLtrts, blpch odUnd an bleached Mats at all pat., colored and White Cambries,. Barred and Swiss-Busli Victoria Lawns, Naiusooks, Tarleton and many other articles which comprise the line of White and Domestic Boot's. We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres, Sat titiett9, Jeans, Tweeds, Cot tonades, Linens, Denims and Blue Drills. HATS,. CAPS AND BONNETS, or every verjety and style. Also all kinds STRAW GOODS, A good stock of GROtERIES, HARD & QUEENSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Wood and Willow-ware, %illiell will be sold Case' We Ilse deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess facilities in thus branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parpela of, Merchandise, FREE OF CH.A,B,G4, nt tip depot* of the Broad Top and. Feunsylvania lseilrosds. Come one, awns sill and be convinced that H,e• "Nly..rnorouTau"' is the place to secure fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. A pral a,"•9. W. F. THOMAS, AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC A It T T , FROM. AT THE COURT HOUSE This gallery of, Art is now open for public inspection of specimens of Amihrotypes, Crys. talegraphs. Ph litographs, Circular and Star Pictures, also,, Name, or Age, or Residence, tar ken on the Pictures—letters of different colors. FAMOUS SIZED PICTURES, Sot hi Etnines, Civics. Lockets, Rings, Pins or Brace) its. Particular attention paid to taking pictures of C'sildrcu. Time, from one to four seconds. Periect satisfaction giver., or persons are nut ex 'looted to take their pictures. Pictnres taken from sick or deceased persons ea their residences. Copies taken from Do. guerreotypes or Portraits. Also, vietts of resi• ' dunces, Sc. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and examine specimens. Pictures taken as well in cloudy as fair weather. How of en do we hear the exclamation, when persons are looking at Portraits—"l would not value say sum il• I could procure the Portraits of my parents--or deceased children I" Rea der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel. lug of unity, you have an opportunity to *grati• fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits, which, it is known, will not fade. JAW-Those that wish to learn this beautiful art can call arts see IY. F. Thomas, from Phila.. Prices Iron; a 0 cents upwards. Jan.12,'58.•y. HAIR - DYE? gAIRDvEII la. A. natchelors Hair Dye I' The Original and Best in the World All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided, if von wish to escape ridicule, GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed in• staidly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a warded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and over 80,000 applications have been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. WNI. A. EXICEIELOR'S HAIR DYE pro duces a color not to be distinguished from na ture, and is warranted nut to injure in the least however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied • the Ha it in vigeratedfor life by this splendid' Dye. Made, aid or applied tin 9 private rooms) at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Uni ted States, by Druggists and Vow Goods Dealers. tar The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four aides of each box, of 'WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, New York. Julie Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. IT, '5B-Iy. BOOKS!. BOOKS 10,00 Q Volumes of Books for Sale. $500,00 in Gifts for every 1000 Sold. In order to reduce my extensive stock I will sell one thousand dollars worth of Book. at fhe regular retail prices or less, and give ($500) five hundred dollars worth of presents varying in value from 25 cents to $100,03. Or, those who prefer can purchase at wholesule'prices.— My stock consists of every variety and style of binding. School Books of every kind, whole sale and retail. Sales to commence Dec. 24th, WM, COLON, • Dec.22,'38. NOTICE TO CQ.NTEACTgIic --- Proposals will be received at the Commis sioners Office, up to two O'clo4 on the Bth day of May, for building a bridge across Stone Creek, at the head of Shoemaker's dam. Plan and specification can be seen at the office. ALSO. At tho same tune and place proposals will be received for building vaults in the Prothon. ots,vy'v and Register's offices. Plan and epee• ifications seen at Conn's.: office. By coda of the Commiasiosers. H. W. JIILLBR Clerk Nyi. 27 '5?