:~,--- untingbon ournal. -\ ._\ "cIECIMiNti- - ; 144e51--*,l WM. BREWSTER, Editor and Proprietor. Wednesday Morning, May 11, 1859. Ir The Mercersburg Classis of the German Reformed Church will meet in this place on next Friday evening. The opening sermon will be preached by the Rev. Mr. Apple. Services will commence at 71 o'clock. The public are respectful. ly invited to attend. lir The May number of Kennedy's Bank Note Detector, published in Pittsburg by 3. W. Kennedy, at $1 per annum, has been received. 'Phis is one of our most reliable Detectots, giving the latent account of new counterfeits, and the way io detect them. The present number is an excel. lent one. irr Rev. 0.0. MCClean late pastor of the Presbyterian Congregation of this place, preached his farewell sermon on Sabbath evening last, to an immense au dience. It was an excellent discourse. He Mu received a call from the I.t Pres byterian church of lowa City, whither he intends removing in a few weeks. " Our House," the significant ti tle of Col. Summers' news emporium and confectionary, on Montgomery street, near the Post Office, is one of the popular in• sututions of our town. Col. Summers is a gentleman thoroughly acquainted with his business, and it affords us much pleas ure to see him prosper as he does. He has always on hand all the leading Peri odicals and Magazines published in this country, and you can be accommodated with the latest New York, Philadelphia and other city daily and weekly papers. He has also a fine stock of tropical fruit, and indeed almost a little of every thing. se_Col. Forney has selected J. K. 011. hopn, of Armstrong, and 11, J. Nicholson, of Jefferson county, as two of his associates an the State Committee. This is the sec. ond time these gentlemen have bolted reg ular nominations. When Col. Forney was nominated fer United States Senator, in 1857, Messrs. Calhoun and Nicholson wives, and both bolted from his nomina tion. Calhoun and Nicholson then bolted from Forney, and now the, all three bolt together. WORCESTER'S DICTIONARY.—We learn by the Philadelphia North Smerican that this admirable work, we have every reason to believe, will be ready for delivery to sub. scribers in all next month. When com. pleted it will be the most perfect dict:ona• ry of our language. In orthography, pro. truncsaiina, •definitions, and synonymes, great improvements have ':eett made on ell the earlier editions; and about twelve hundred wood cute are introduced to illus. trate words which can be more readily un• derstood by the eye than the ear. I.llr The Election held in Philsdelphia on Monday the 2nd inst. for municipal of ficers Tesulted , as was anticipated, in the success of the People's ticket. Owing to the fact that there was a general conviction among the Opposition that their candidater would certainly triumph, the vote polled on that side was an unusually light one.— For this reason, the majorities in some of the wards are not quite up to thir former standard; but, even with this drawback, the victory is a very decided me. Mr. Benjamin H. Brown has been cho sen City Treasurer by 2000 majority, and Mr. Charles M. Neal's majority as City Commissioner exceeds that number. They have likewise elected seven mem bers of the Select Council, and fifty-four members of the Coninion Council, which, of course, gives us the control of both bo dies. - - N' We perceive that Colon has just received at his extensive Book Store, a very large supply of the latest styles of Wall Paper as low as nine cents a piece and uptt ards. Also Window Paper at 8 cents, and Window Shades of every vs. riety, with patent fixtures. We are sure these beautiful styles, and very low prices will attract universal attention. NEM practical treatise on the culture of Bees has been received, This book teaches how to manage bees; how to train them; how to make them breed rapidly; bow to produce honey; how to make them produce honeys bow to make them swarm; to prevent their swarming; to keep them *rough the winter safely; to make them healthy; to keep tltm till they die of old ,age;,dcc. Send 50,cents to X. P. 'Kidder, flurlington, Vt., and he will send you a copy of the work. M' -GENESEE r.ZitiEß.... 7 file May number of this valuable work hav been re• ceived. and is well deserving the . approval of all lutelligent apiculturin, PubliAcd ph II iur,ia krou'Aioghs. Demooratio Teetineony. The following list of ' , Facts for the People," we extract from the Sentinel, a democratic papevpublished ut Harrisburg. If democrats will not believe the Repub lican party. when they make charges a gainst the "favorite son, perhaps they will put more confidence in the testimony of their own friends, who are now occupying the witness stand. KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, That James Buchanan has shown by his acts that he is a bitter and arbitrary Federalist, wanting only the power to be come a despot. That he Is cowardly, revengeful, tyran nical, sectional, and unjust. That through cowardice, he has made terms with the pro•slavery disunionists of the South, whom he permits to oppose such measures of his Administration as they dislike, with impunity, while he ostracises or beheads, as the case may be, every Northern Democrat who dares to dissent. That ho has agreed with the extreme slavery men of the South to support sla- very in the territories with the'money and military power of the nation, if need be, making a distinction, contrary to the con stitution, the law, and justice, in favor of that species of property. That he corrupted Congress, and comp- tied qui! treasury on vile favorites and in pursuit of mad slhemes . That every department of the Govern. anent tacitly acquiesces in corruption. That he has dared to propose piratical measures to the American Congress—the seizure by force of two provinces of Mexi co, without previous notice nr declaration of war. That his scheme for the acquisition of Cuba is dangerous and dishonorable; tn. yoking, whether by corruption, war, or piracy, a probable expense of $30,000,- 000, and this for the mere privilege of governing, at a heavy expense, without owing a single foot of the island. hat ho has been unwise, extracts gant and unsuccessful in nearly every measure of his Administration; and that ever✓ prop osition which he has made for the purpose of investing himself with extraordinary powers in pretended emergencies, has been NEG.ATIPED by a DEMO• CR.LITIC CONGRESS, because they had no CONFIDENCE in his PRO DENCE or his HONESTY. That the whole tendency of his Ad. ministration is to to centralization of power in the Federal Government. That he encourages his officeholders to interfere improperly in S TATE POL. ta, oy sne expenatture of time . ant money. for the purpose of influencing the deliberations of State Conventions, and the results of elections. Keeping all these in mind, remember that therefore, Ile is a violator of pledges, an u nwisv, unsafe, and corrupt executive a pro-slavery disunionist, a pirtte in intention, a tyrant an apostate from Democracy, a wool-dyed Federalist, and a disorganizer ! A DISUNION MOVEMENT We learn from Southern exchanges that there are active movements going on in Alabama and Mississippi, looking to a sece , sion from the Union. Of course it is countenanced by all the journals of the fire eating" stripe. The Mobile Mercu Ty advocates n distinctive southern poliit ice I organization, and says: , The times are now ripe for the organi zation of a political movement in the slave holding States, irrespective, of course, of all old party designations; and there are peculiar reasons why such a movement should be undertaken now and here. In deed, we are credibly informed that collier ences hove already been held by leading patriotic gentlemen in this city, of all par ties, and the plans of a Southern organize. tion have been set on foot, and almost inn. tured, preparatory to action. We earnest. ty hope the 'good work may go on, and speedily. The country, we repeat, is ripe for the movement; and, if judiciously in• augurated, it will sweep over the land with a force that no opposition will be able to check. We, therefore, caution our friends in the country, everywhere, to be prepa. red for it, and to keep themselves free from all entangling alliances which may hinder them from joining in it untrammel led. 'Phis movement is evidently a disunion one, and is confined to the more ultra por tion t f the Southern papers and people, who ~ .nnually blow off a large amount of gas. It relieves them, does no damage except to the .'peculiar institution," and amuses us of t he North. The Tennessee Enquirer, edited by a cool headed and eenaible man, says that it "does not sub scribe to the diSunion doctrine, that it would resist it to the utmost, and that un til the Southern people were struck with judicial blindness ; the doctrine of disunion could never take a deep hold upon the public mind." This we believe to be the view of an-overwtrelmintr majority of the Southern people. True, there are ultras, secessionists and nullifiers among them, but they amount to a mere handful, com paratively speaking, and are utterly insig nificant, The South was never in the en joyment of a higher degree of prosperity than lit the present time. Their greet ta plea are in active demand and at.remu. nerating prices, and the citizens generally are satisfied. The few madmen, who are constantly preaching the doctrine of laces ..."ll • • • A. 511 fat tutu . should be watched with vigilance and re garded with d 'strut.. They may be hon est, but they are fanatical, and they should be treated accordingly. Meeting of the State Central Committee. ALTOONA, May 4.—The State Central Committee of the State Rights' Democracy -met to-day at the Logan (louse. Letters warmly expressive of an ear nest co-operation in the cause were recei ved from prominent men train all over the Stole, regretting their inability to attend. Col. Forney presided with Messrs. Brown of Dauphin county, Harper of Al legheny county, and Redick of Fayette county, as Secretaries. There was a full and free interchange of opinion, and much enthusiasm was ex cited by the energy and determination of the members to push on the move. meat. Resolutions were adopted to the follow. ing effect. 1. That it is inexpedient at the Ines• ant time to nominate a State ticket. ?. Formally proclaiming an unalterable opposition to the doctrine of Congressional intervention in relation to slavery in the Territories as advocated by the Republi- cans to their platform of 1836. for the pro. hibition of slavery in the Territories; or as advocated by the Administration Dem ocrats for the protection of slavery in the 'territories. 3. Recommending the friends of popu. lar rovervignty to vote for no candidates at the coming arid future elections, for coun ty, State, or national officers, who retuse to stand clearly upon the doctrine which recognizes the principle that'ilie people of the Territories, like those of a State, shall forum and regulate 'heir own domestic in stitutions in their omen way. 4. Recommending to the Uhion State rights Democracy of Pennsylvania to de. mand, at all times and in all places, the adoption of the principles promulgated by the Harrisburg Convention of the 13th of April, 1859, and which were enunciated in the Cincinnati platform of 1856, and in, Mr. Buchanan's letter of a:cept. once. 5. That county committees of corres. pondence bs created. A commitee was appointed to issue nn address to the people of Pennsylvania. Speeches were made by ad the mem• hers of the Committee, and the utmost urn miniry prevailed throughout. THE TEXAS OUTRAGE. Our Western exchanges all continent in dignantly upon the outrage committed iu Ter. upon Bishop Janes and the Texas Conference or the Slethodiat 'Episcopal Church, North. It was one of those inci dents which, in themselves, portray butter than any language can, the wickedness of Slavery and it, utter disregard attic rights of those who come in conflict with it.— Thu Christian .11vocatc, of St. Louis, uses, in this connection, the following strong language : 'Has it cone to this, that in our great, free and glorious country, a bishop of our church is to be arrested while conducting divine service, by a worthless mob of Bor der Ruffians, led on by the Church South, and our ministers required to abandon their work ? This is not a question of mere Methodism or local interest. It is a question in which are involved the princi ples of civil and religious liberty. We assert and maintain the doctrine that we have the right to go Into any State or Ter ritory, North or South, and preach the Gospel and ad minister our Discipl kith. out .let or hindrance.' We hope our brethren in Texas will stand by the church. They have our sympathy and prayers; we know what it is to pass through the fatty ordeal they are called to experience.— The conflict in reality is not with the ciii. tens of Texas, but with the church south. That church is banished on the arena of fair argumentative conflicts. The decisive proof of this position is, site has to have recourse to physical force—pistols and bo wie -knives, The church south, after this Bonham affair, cannot say, "rho weapons of out warfare are not carnal: We hope our brethren throughout the church will pray for the brethren on our border work; it is a trying time. Our trust is on God —the God of our fathers, the same God that sustained them during persecution and death, while engaged in planting our beloved Methodism in this land. This is the hour of suffering, but the day of tri umph is not tar distant." FRIGHTFUL CATAWROFHX.—.We learn from the P ittaburg papers that a catastro• phe of a most appalling nature occurred yesterday morning on the Pennsylvania Railroad, in the vicinity of Greensburg.— It appears that the ballast train was in ser vice as usual, and that while on its way east, and within a short distance of Greens• burg, the locomotive exploded with a Ire• mendens report, killing three men and shattering the engine to pieces. John Dodds, the Engineer. and Mr. Woods, the Conductor, were killed instantly, and Jo seph Speelman, engaged as a fireman on the train, injured to such an extent that he died in a few minutes. The engine, as we have stated, was blown to pieces, and ao great wao the force of the explosion, tint parts of it were sent whirling in the uir hundreds of feet Iron; the scene of the itita:te r. Amerietui State Convention. 'rho Pittsburg Commercial Journal says the National Americans of Pennsylvania have issued a call for a State Convention et Harrisburg nth.: 25th of this month, and remarks that the call riot's not state what this new movement is intended to accomplish. IVe unite with that journal in the hope that in the present position of political affairs, n one but wise councils may prevail, and nothing be done to dis turb the present harmony and good feeling which exist among the various elements of the opposition to the present corrupt Democratic administration. The result in Philadelphia on Tuesday last, admonishes us that unless we are united throughout the State, and go into the canvass standing on a common platform, and supporting a united ticket, the goldan opportunity to crush out the Democracy will be allowed to pass unimproved. We can see no ne cessity for this Convention, as all shades of the opposition will have a fair opportu nity to participate in the Convention to be held on the Bth of lone, and express their wishes. From Washington• An investigation vill be ordered next session, covering the persons and papers which disclose Mr. Buchanan's correspon dence with Mr R. J. Walker in Kansas and the secret history of the Lecompton Constitution, which is now imperfectly understood by the country. 'These devel• °portents must excite general indignation. Efforts are making toremove Mr. Cutts theluther•in-law of Judge Douelas, wliclin Mr. Buchanan wrote that he appointed without reference to the letter. The deci,ton as to the California mail service trill nut be made until Postmister General Bolt's return. The President professes his belief that England menus to carry out her under standing With this country iu regard to, Ntcaragua notwithstanding Sir Gore Ouse. ley's operations. Ex-Congressman Win. B. Bishop, of Connecticut, was today appointed Corn nussioner of Patents. General Cuss held an interview with Lord Lyons yesterday, and with Sewn. Mats to-flay, on but mess connected with their respective governments, Utah affairs still occupy the attention of the government. Judge Crodlebough hos not, as reported, been removed, al though the probability is. that he will be, _ Twenty six third assistant engineers of the navy having parsed the usual exam• ination have been warranted. Those will supply the deficiency of such officers which has for some months existed. No REDUCTION 0; :STATE TAX.--The bill red ucing the State Tax on real and personal estate to two milk on the dollar, passed the House by a unanimous vote ; but in the ie.nata is"*.s 1 0 the Committee of Finance, a majority of which was composed of Democrats, and was kil led. Netwitlmanding the favorable con dition of the finances of the Commonwealth and the gratifying prospect for the future, yet the Democratic Senate refused the legislation which would relieve our heavi ly burdened taxpayers, and which could, with safety, have been granted. This is conclu ive evidence that the Democratic party cares but little for the interests of the pecple. Self interest, and aggrandise meet of power, uro its mein objects. To secure these all else are but mutters of sec. ondary consideration. It will be well to bear this in mind when the settling day or. Somerset & Bedford Conventions. In accordance with the calls which bad been previously published, a meeting of ,he friends of Freedom, and the Opponents of the present Funeral Administration was held at Somerset, on the evening of the 2Gth ult , and at Bedford on the lid inst. After electing their proper officers, Coin- . inittees were appointed, who drafted a cumber of wholesome resolutions; and at both places the following Resolution was unanimously agreed upon: Resol. , ed that we do hereby concur in the appointment of J. Sewell Stewart,Esil , of Huntingdon, •as Senatorial delegate to represent this Senatorial District in the State Convention to ho held at Harrisburg on the Bth of June next, to nominate can didate, for Auditor G , neral and Surveyor General. The party of ttTeAdininistrution in Texas does not appear to be any better on than elsewhere. Even there the Popular Sovereignty wedge is tearing the old or ganization in pieces. A prominent Dem ocrat of llouston writes to the Memphis Enquirer that trsuble is apprehended at the State Convention on the lot of Muy, or the ..disunion extremists are anxious to cngrac: the re-opening of the slave trade upon the platform of the purty,". MAD Doos.--Hydrophobin is said to be frightfully prevalent among the canines in Harrisburg, mil the northern part of Le banon county. Several rabid dogs have been killed, and. a number that had been bitten, shared thti same fate. girJamee D. Porter, the well known Kentucky giant,:died at his residence in Portland, Ky., on Sunday night, the 24th ult., in the Weill year of his age. He was seven feet nine inches in height.— He was a CLAY Whig until the party was disbanded, 41 then he became a Dem ocrat. In his private character he is de scribed as having been intelligent, relined, honorable and hbilest. Oxe of the humanitarian movements of the times, although little known as such, can hard ly be over estimated hi its importance upon the well being of our widely scattered commu nities. The population of the American States is in ninny sections so sparse, that skillful Physicians are hardly available to t4em. Vast numbers of our people, are obliged to employ in sickness, such medisnl relict' as they can bear of from each other, or indeed any they can get front any quarter. Hence arises the great consumption of Patent Medicines among us, greeter by her than in any of the old coun tries, where skillful physicians are accessible to all classes. Unprincipled men have long availed themselves of this necessity, to palm off their worthless nostrums, until the word has become synonemous with imposition and cheat. Oue of our leading Chemists in the East, De. Area, is pursuing a course which defeats this iniquity. He brings not only his own but the best skill of our times to bear, for the production of the beat remedies which can be made. These are supplied to the world, in a convenient form, at low prices, and the peo ple will no more buy poor medicines instead of good, at the same cost, than they will bran in stead of floor. The inevitahle consequence of this is, that the vile cotnpounds that flood our country are discarded for those which honestly accomplish the end in view--whic i cure. Do we over estimate its importance, in believing that this prospect of supplanting the by-word medicines, with those of actual worth and sir. toe, is fraught with immense consequences for good, in the masses of our people.-4 Gazette and Chronicle, Petit, FITS_! FITS! FITS! . . Persons tailo r ing under this distressing mal ady will find 1)n. HANCE'S Epileptic Pills to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy or Falling Fits. These Pills possess a specific notion on the nervous system; and although prepared especially for the purpose of curing Fits, they will be found of especial benefit to all persons afflicted with weak nerves or whose nervous system has been prostrated or shattered from any cause whatever. The dyspeptic patient, whose stoimich has lost the power of duly converting food into a life sus• Mining element, is relieved by a single course of the extraordinary Pills. The gastric fluid reacquires its solvent power, and the crude nutriment which was a load and a burden to the sufferer, while Isis digestive organizatimi was paralyzed and unstrung, becomes under the wholesome revolution created in the system the basis of strength, activity, and health. Sent to any part of the country by mail, fiee of postage. Address SEM S.HANCE, 108 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Price—one Lox, $3; two, $5; twelve; $24. seer Nothing is so becoming to n man or woman as a soft luxuriant brad of hair. It is the crowning ornament of hamanitf. lint alas! how soon it is loaf, and with all beatify, unless ■nuriahed and invigorated by some cite• inieut preparation, for which nothing has yet been discovered equal to Prolimior Wood's Prep aration. CAUTION.—Bownre of worthless imitatiom, as several arc already in the market, called by different names. Use none untos+ the words (Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Mo. ' and Now York,) are blown in the bottle. S Id by all Druggists and Patent Med• icier dealers, and also by all Fancy and Toilet. Goods dealers in the United :,:totes and Cana. du. ENLARGINO.-The large number of students in atteudance at the Iron City College has made it necessary for the managers of that popular institution to open separate rooms for the several departments of the College. One Ilan, capable of seating two hundred and lifts: students, is now appropriated exclusively to those engaged in bookkeeping- another, with a capacity for one hundred and fifty, is devoted to the writing department; a third. with aecom• modations for two hundred, is occupied by thme engaged in mathematical studies, while the fourth, as a lecture room, is occupied from four to six hears each day, by some of the pro fessors with their classes. 7lie present capa bilities of the College are ample for the accom modation of six hundred students; but should its patronage increase for thr year to come, as it lint during the past, the College rooms will he far too limited for those seeking admission. niarri6. On Thursday the sth inst., by 11cv. S. 11. Reid, Mr. Ilonry S. Snare to sliss Catharine I Africa, both of this place. ~• ✓xC~. At her re.ibirlice in 11 teida Towir•llip, on lho sth inst., Miss 1,3'111,1 Jaclison, agc,l al as 80 years. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS l'imenEttruta, Max. 10 1859 FLOUR—Superfine. pet barrel, f4B 50(teq,75 " Extra " 7 00@i7.50 family " 7 Ate 8r,9 stye Flour and Coru Meal Wheat—red, per bushel, 14 White " 167(411 70 1 70(01 85 o nye 91 Corn o 90 Oats 44 58 Cleverseed $5 00045 15 per 64 pounds Tnnothj seed, $2,00 to 225 Flax, per bushel $1 65 New Advertisements. °num OF TUE EIRTOADE INSPECTOR. All the Brigade Officers and Companies of the 4th Brigade 14th Division, P. U. 51., are hereby ordered to meet in Huntingdon, fully equiped at 10 o'clock A. M. on Friday, Itlay 27th 1859, for Inspection and Battalion Drill. Company A, Scott Artillery. " I, " Infant,. " G, Union Guards. " 1), Itingold Artillery. " R Coalmont Rifles. RALPH CROTSLEY, Brigade Inspector, Cassville, May 11.-3tj 1859. sP"ATANtmER 1859 - The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of our friends and customets, as well as the citizens of the town and country general ly, to our new and extensive assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, consisting of every article of gentlemons' fur nishing goods. We deem it unnecessary to make a newspaper flourish, being confidant that a call and an examination afoar goods, will sa tisfy all, that our goods are just what we re commend them to be, well made, of good mate rial, and as cheap as the same quality of goods can be bought its the county of Huntingdon. It is not our desire, as it is not the policy of honest men, to deceive, but this much we will say, that wo will guarantee to all who may fa vor us with their patronage, entire satisfaction as to quality, lit and price. Should gentlemen desire any particular kind or cut of clothing, not found in our stock, by leaving their meas ure, they can be accommodated at short notice. Call at corner of this diamond, Long's new house. M. GUTMAN & Co. May 4, ISO. REDUCED TO $5 A YEAR S.-Prepaid, The Best Ind Cheapest Periodical IN THE WWII D. In consequence of the largely increased cir• rotation, the publishers of LITTELVS LIVING AGE, Are enabled to reduce the subscrimiou price from $6 to $5. The publishers are determined that no expense or labor shall be spared to make this tit MAGAZINE FOR THE MILLION I And whilst boldly challenging competition, claim for it, only what has been conceded by the most eminent men of this country, from the time of its first publication, (over sixteen years sinee)to the present day, viz :- I.—That it is mutable to all classes of read ers—Statesmen, Professional Men, Philoso phers, Poets, Students, Merchants, Mechnnics and Farmers, all of whom may derive pleasure and profit from its pages. 2.—That in it may be found the cream of all the world•renowned Reviews and Periodi cats of Europe, with original articles and se lections from the best fugitive literature of our own country. 3.—Thai it contains more rendir.g matter than any other magazine in the world ; each weekly number containing sixtpfour pages an 4 a fine steel portrait ; making three thotkand three hundred and twenty-eight pages in a year fifty-two steel eiigraltini s m. .1.--That it is the oldest Periodical of its hind in this country, having Veen published over sixteen years. b.—That it in the cheapest publication of the day, whether it is judged by the quality or quantity of its7contents. 6.—That no library is perfect without it. 7.—That to those 'with limited means, it is an admirable substitute for a library of ID b 3. cell*r nous books. And finally, that us anon. By Magazine, it is perfectly unexceptionable, iu all respects. Price five dollars per annum, or thirteen cents a number, sent by maS, post paid, to ally address in the United States. To Clergymen, Teachers, Students and Clu`m, four dollars. DELISSER & PROCTER, 508. Broadway, New York. May l '59.-st. -,..., t.., ,-, •. r ,:.$ ~.. ~,,.: 7, 1 , - 7. 4 ) g, ~ 7 . r, ! rl p . v 3 ip v i r d y . DR. HOOPLAND'S GERPIIAN BITTERS, DDB. lioOira.iND%4 H 1 9 ,S 11:'1!1' CORDIAL. Hifliddefi ,'wan acquired flair urea! ippraai ay fatly Ihrom,y4 yverx it; Vial. I . l,6ountlrel fritivi,••• lien is nledera Ay 14,11 , Ai a!! J , !de 4elre i t aft 74,71hy. I,ller Complaint. Dyspepsia, Jam!lee. Deblllty of the Nervous Slstein, Diseases of (lie Knipe's, d all di,ralas aritiv Iron a di:nrdrr.•l ! r• the dogHIM Ufa tkpeti 'ill,' Of 11,1611 or; ane, are epr(dila permanently eared by Mt IiERNIAN IRITTERS. The Balsamic Cordial han a , yaire , l a IVPettfi•on 1:1 . (My .411111111 . pn pi 1 ,11 1 .. 1%4.10. it wiry err, w tun, Barr. IGr moer C l 10I0pAtel /Id tsily Cough. Cold, or hoarseness, Bronchitis. In. Amman, Cum, Pneumonia, Incipiont Consumption, rrer kararn Confrmed Consumption. 6 . 11' thtAl, 1,71 f/ at el,/; ,!?1,1 I , lfo The MOW vrtre Diarrhcea joy The.. medic/m.4, ore prep/red hy Pr. M 3Aciimo; No dl , . .Ireh Nired, thlthii, /11 rt , ders in mai ,rey , rh. per hotile. 7'hr .vt:l.mze.• .1.%11: SI iN 1 , 11 hr Mt ottlale rogpt r rrnh 1..111, th , _l/mance plehbahe /~/ 1. ~~ /~ propriefore, reins! 4 A ylni Win find Ifv'inowy mtd notices from all port, .1 die null Almanura are given away ly all mow. 7' For sale in Huntingdon lq Juhn Rend and S. S. Smith and dealers generally through the county. piny 11, 1ti59.-Iy. KISH ACO4K LLAS Male and Female Seminary. THE Summer Session of this Institution will open on the lid day of May. Students who wish a choice of rooms, and the advantages el. ways secured by Ming present at the lig:inning of the mission, will be prompt in attendance. Terms per erosion—For tuition in the solid brunches, board, and furnished rooms, Fifty Dollars. Latin, Creek, German, French, Mu• sic, Painting and Ornamental Needlework, ex tra, to reasonable rates. For further portico• lays address I'. WILLI A ILD, A- 11., Principal. Kiehneoquillas C. 0,, Mifflin co., Pa. N. 11. Payment at close of the session. Stu dents who prefer can obtain private boarding convenient to the Seminary. may I—:tt. (Rviale nf Chridena Olimer, elec.) ADMINNTRATORS NOTIICE. Letters A dministratioa on the Estate of Cline tena Climes, late of Penn Township, deed.. have been issued to the subscriher, residing in same Township. All persons haring claims a gainst said Estate will present them for settle ment. and those indebted will make payment to JOHN HOUSEHOLDER. Admihistrator. March, 22d. 1859-6 t, .TACHSON'S HOTEL. Huntingdon, j Pa. J. S. MILLER, PROPRIETOIt. Respectfully informs hie friends and _ - the traveling public generally, that he FIB Imo leased the "Jackson House' fur any. DO end years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, and that he will be pleased to receive the calls of all who may favor him with their patronage. His table will Le furnished with the best the snarket cue afford, and every attention will be given to make those with him feel at home. Huntingdon. March 30, 1809. ino EIEY? i , 41. Do o PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON • RESPECTFULLY OFFERS H IS PROVES. eional services to the citizens ut HUNTINUBON and vicinity. Residence on Hill street, in the house for. merly occupied by Ur, R, A. Miller. April 13, 1859. INT I TEI3I). TWO MEN to I learn the Amig. typing business. Instructions given for the sum of $15.00. For particulars, &c„ apply to WE. F. THOMAS, entbroluitist. Huntingdon, May 4, 1859. Mr 5000 AGENTU WANTED—TO Bell 4. new itIVOUtiOnS. Agents have made ove r ~.2.5,000 on one,—better than all other similar agencies. Send four stamps and _get 80 pages particulars, gratis. 114311/11M BROW Lowell, Mats. TERM OF THE JOURNAL. TERMS The“IIUNTINGOON JOURNAL' IS published at the following rates : If paid In advance $1.501 If paid within six months after the time of subserihint, 1,75 If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and tifty cents if not paid after the expiration of the year. No subscript lion taken for a less period than six months. I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, and no paper will he disconti'tn vnlil are paid, except at the option of the publisher. 2. Returned numbers are never ?wrier(' by us: All numbers sent us in that way aro lost, and never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. "Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions; uncut pay up arrearayes, and send a written or verbal order to that effect, to the ollice of pub lication in Huntingdon. 4. Hiving notice to a postmaster is neither a legs urn proper notice. b. After one or more numbers of ft new year I have been forwarded, a new your has commenc ed, and the paper will not be discontinued litchi nr=raget are paid. See No. 1. The 'bonne 'have decided that refusing to take* a newspaper from the (Mice, or remori ng and' haying it uncalled for, is NUM A FACIE evideneO intentional fraud. I. Subscribers living in dietant counties, at , in other States, will be moiled to pay invariably in advance. above terms will be rigidly /Whored, to in all eases. Apt' ElITISE:11E141 will be — f.:l7;rl;;;;l7iti;ii7il7l;i7t; ;ides I mAcrtion. Six linos or less, $ 25 $ $ 50 One square, (1I SO 7 I 00 Two 6 ' (52 •• ) I bill 150 2OS 3 ino. 6 too. 12 nu/. $3 00 $4 OU $6 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 18 00 22 00 25 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 One square, rwo squares, column, (!0., . 22 00 35 00 45 00 Business Canis or ,six lin or less, $4.00. PRICE REDUCED ONE HALF!!! NEW MEDICAL SALT I N FLAMM k Tolti DISEASES. ThY IT! 01%LI" ONE DOLLAR. cnitioNse PACKAGE V 2 Sot SEE ADVERTISEMENT For .le at StnitlCE Drug Store, Huntingdon, JOY TO TIIE ADMIRERS OF RICH GLOSSY HAIR. 'Valk of brainy, it cannot exist without it fine head of hair, then road the tiillowing. and it con ask more, see circular sronnd cue! botile, ;11111 no one can doubt. DItOF. wocars HAIR RESTORA TIVE.—We call the attention of all, all and young, to this wonderful preparation, which turns back to its original color, gray hair—cor ers the head of the hold nitlo n luxuriant growth —removes the dandraiti; itching, and all cum ! ccons eruptions—causes a continual flow of the natural thir a ; 11111 i hence, if used as a regular dressing for the hair will preserve its color, and - %cep it W. lulling to extreme old age, in all its natural locality. We call then up to the bald, the grey, or diseased in scalp, to use it, and sorely the young will not, as they value the Mowing locks, or the witching curl, ever be without it. Its praise a von the tongue of thousands. Mir Itenorntive in New Haven, received the tidlowing letter in it.gerit to tie Heir llettorative, n few weeks DEEP RIVER, CONI C , July 23, 1850. Sir. Leavenworth—Sir : I have been troubled with dandruff or surf on my head fur more than a year, toy 'lair began to crone out, scurf and hair to,,,ther. sdw in n Now Haven pa per about . ..Wood's Hair Restorative" as a cure. I called at your store on the lot of April last, and purchased n holle to try it, end I found to toy satistitetion it was the thing, it removed th• scurf and new lour began to grow ; it is now two or three . incites in length where it was all off. I have great faith in it. I wish you to send Ina two more bottles by Sir. Pout, the bearer of this. 1 don't as sty of the hind is turd in thin place, you may have a market for many bottles after it is known here. Yourn with respect, RUFUS PRATT PIIILADELPIIIA, Sept. 9, 1856, Peor. Worn—Duar Sir: Your flair Restor ative is proving itself beneficial to me. The front, and also the back part of my head almost lost its covering—in fact BALD. I hare used but two half Out bottles your Restorative, and now the top of my bead is well studded with a promising crop of young hair. and Rio front is albs, receiving its benefit. I pare tried other preparations without any benefit whatever, 1 think from my own personal recommendation I can indttee many others to try it, Yours respectfully, If. R. TnomAs, M. P., No. 464 Ville Si. ViNCENNEH, It., Juno 22, 1853. PROF. 0..1. WOOD ; As you are about to Manufacture and vend your recently discovered Hair Restorative, I will state, fbr whomsoever it may concern, that I have used it and known others to use it—that I have, for several years, been in the hal it of using other (lair Restora tives, and that I find yours vastly superior to any other I know. It entirely cleanses the head of dandruff, and with one mouth's Proper use will restore any person's hair to the original co lor and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and glossy appearance ; end all this, without discol oring the hoods that apply it, or the drew; on which it drops. I would, therefore, recommend its use to every one desirous of having a lino color and texture to the hair. Respectfully yours, WILSON KING. 0. J. WOOD Co, Proprietors, :112 limed -way, New York, On the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment,) and 114 Market St., St. Louis, Mo. John Read, Agent, Heating. don, and sold by all good Druggists. vamp!" tua@cmcda.Lunry -- . —o_ T MS . VALUABLE PATENT, Portable, self-generating Gas-light, is offered to the public, in full confidence of its positive superi ority.over every other Lund-light in existence, for SIMPLICITY, SAYNTY, ECONOMY, and Bum- Lurtc v of light, is any temperature, It is devoid of satoitz or FLICKER, giving a steady, cheap and BRILLIANT GAS-LIGHT, requiring no trimming, or other attention, ex cept simply filling the lamp with common burn ing fluid. one quart of the fluid giving a rt:LL, neon!. and CLEAR flume eighteen hours. This light is under complete control, being regulated i'rAMP'. procss. The burner e be readily applied to all styles of 04, Kettonuu, CAMP ENE, and nURNIVI F1.1 , 11A LArttra also, to Gas-fixtures, in all their varietloB, adopted lbr lighting churches, dwellings, lecluro-rooms, balls, shops, steam boats, and railroad ears, or whorover a good light is desired Parties desirous of securing the right of territory for a valuable article that will commend itself, should make early applies ' tie% only to the en.lorsigned. • Burners. Lamps, &e., supplied in any quanti ty, with promptness—forwanied by express to all part. , of the United States, payable, cash on delivers: BUTI.ER, lIOSFORD & CO. ahra., , ba,- tow, N. 2 Court St, Brooklyn.