Q . 4 ~, , 8 WM. BREWSTER, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS NEW BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. n the "Wobe" Office Building, Market Square HUNTINGDON, PA. The subscriber respectfully informs the citi seas of Huntingdon and adjoining c ;untes, that he has opened a New Book and Stationery itore, iu the corner room of the "Globe" buil. I ding, where may be found a general assort- ment of Miscellaneous and School .Books and Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason- able prices. He will add to his stock weekly ell Books and articles in demand, and expects in a short time to have on hand ns full a stock of saleable Books, Stationery, Ac., no can be found in any town in the State. Having made the necessary nrvangements with publishers, .y Book wanted and not up. on his shelves, will be ordered and furnished at city prices, A. he desires to de a lively business with. small profits, a liberal shore of patronage is sobehai. Dec.22,'58. tf. W NI. T. E WIS• (Ertate .Vary' gec) A 11)11111111 'IP VIVIVS. YOTiCJ Letters of Administration on the estate of Many Shrirely, lute n 1 Porter township. dec. haying liem, gra it•d to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate am required to make immediate payment, one those having elaims will present them duly authenticated fur settlement to Jacob W. Shively,...l.lre. N. 13. —The Administrator hill attend in Alexandria, on the Sib and I iith days of Jan nary lent. rtnter township, ,lan. h. I emi. Scrofula, or King's Evil, in a constitutional diving, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is fete front its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercuriel disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure tic, filth and filthy habits, the deprwring vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever ha its origin, it is hereditary - in she con rtitution,deseending from parents to children unto the third ;and fourth generation ;" indeed, it comae to• be the rod of Slim who says, "1 will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercle.; in the glands, swellinga ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This fool cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only sulfur front scrofulous com plaints, but they hove far testi power to with stand the nones of other diseases; muse. quently, vas& ...am.. ',tom. c 1 at.,...a... ateb, although not scrofulous in thoir nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consinnption which de cimates the human family has its origin tiredly in this scrofulous contamination ; mad many destructive discus, of liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the urger;, arise from or are aggravated by the some cause. One quarter of all our people ere scrofulous; their persons lire invaded by this lurking in foetion, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it front the system we must renovate th... blood lay an alterative medicine, and in. vivrate it by healthy food and enestia4. Such a w.edicitic we supply in AYE it's Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effeetuall remedy which the medical shill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal mainly. It is com bined from the nest active rentetlials that have been diremered the the expurgittion of this foul disorder from the blood, anti the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it shmill he employed for the cure of not only scrofula. but also those other atfev tient which arise from it, such as Etturme. and Sara Dlstotsts, sr. ANTIIONT'S Futc, Rosa, or Eason...so, Preritss, PVIVITLES, :ALOTCMNS, BLAIN', 1111 d BOMA. Manta, Tema anti Sms ltnurm, 1111.1) !bun, litstowortst, It m rU HATISM. STIMULI ric and MERCURIAL Die- DROPSY, Drserrsts, DLHILITY, and, indeed, ALT. COMPLAINTS AItISING roost Viva- Tall Olt Import. Itz.uou. The popular belief in o impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degenerstion of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue it this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without a hiek sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILYPHYSIC, are so composed that discaas within the range of their action can rarely It ithstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search. and cleanse, and it/vigorous every portion of the human organ ism, correctiug its dimmed action, and restoring its he4ltlay vitalities. Ann eonsequence of these properties, the invalid who it bowed down with in w physical debility is astonished to find his 1....1 t or energy restored by a remedy at once so ein.ple and inviting. Not only du they core the every-day complaints of every body, hut also ninny formidable mid dangerous diorama The agent below named is pleatted to furnish gratis my American Almanac, ...taining certificates of their cures and directions tar their Me in the following complaints: Costive- Ilearthurn, headache arising/rota disordered A..mach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pam in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Lose of App. lite, Jaundice, mid other kindred complaints, ;;• r r ii t int ie fre t ro a low state of Me body or obstruction "tt . Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TRR turn, CURB OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consuinp.. tion, mud for the relief of Consumptive Patients is advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country aboands in persona pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its me. When once tried, its superiority over every ether medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what -antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident W our climate. While many inferior remedies throat upon the community have failed and been discarded, tide has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits nu the afflicted they ,trt never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten PREPARED By DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. inFIN READ, Agent 1{ N1611;4.10'1, Yet, tb, 140..:ny HAM tingb'o *elect foettly. HYMN FOR SABBATH MORNING. Light of light, enlighten one, Now anew tho clay in dawning; Sun of Grace! the shadows Gee; I3righten thou my Sabbath morning. With thy joyous sunshine blest, Happy is my day of rest! Fount of all our joy and peace. To thy living waters lead mei Thou front earth my soul release, And with grace and mercy feed me Bless thy word that it may grove Rich in fruits that thou dust love! Kindle thou the sacrifice That upon my lip k lying ; Clear the slinclowo from my eyo, That, from every error flying, strenge fire within me glow That ilium; altar doth not know. I.et me, with my heart, teariy, Holy, laoly r lioly, singing, Ham awhile from earth away, All my soul to thee op springing— Have a foretaste inly given How they worship thee in heaven. Rest in Inc, ;mil 1 in thee Build a Parndise wiGiiu• me 0, reveal thyself to tne, Mused lore who died to wilt thee Fed by thy exhatudless urn, Pure tind.bright my Imp shell burn. Hence All can; all vanity For the de of God Li holy Come, thou , glonions majesty, Deign to ill this temple lowly ; Nom:lit to•ttoc my soul Shall move. Simply vesting in thy love ! A WIFE'S BLAST AGAINST TOBACCO. ---e • ...- He.shs iwthe comes fronnmorning te.night, _ 'Tin stook°, chew-, sritt.ke. lie riven el/ dawn his pipe ...light,. tines pit :1g turd chewing with•all Phi Till the holm ur re t. 'Tis his delight 'At smoke, chew, smoke. The quid goes in when the pipe goes out .'Tit chew, chew, chew ; Now, a eloud•of smoke goes up from his throat, Theo his mouth tends a mm,Kaut realpll afloat, Ile site all 'lay in smoke or fOg, 'Tie puff, puff, puff; lie growl,' at Lis wife, the cut and dog, Ile curer:, eitil filth the carpet and rag, .Iml his oily answer when L give him a jog la puff, puff, pull: CLe Louse all o . e to as 11;w1tiercr mum my way T wend, If I iukid clullics Cu patch mid mend, I;iyritteful perfumed will ever ascend, Ut sniuke, 31111.1ke t hunte or abroad, Lahr ur near, 'Tis smoke, chew, smoke; His mouth is stuffed front car to ear, Or pulling the stump of a pipe so dear, t.l hie diiya will end, I eerily fear, In stnnlee, smoke, smoke. Young ladies, beware, !Lye single, indeed, Ere yen marry uutl . who titer "Ale wend i" Butter 'bat husbands you should ever lack, 0, Than marry it loan that uses tobacco. abb at Paing. 14010 S DISCIPLINE WITIIIIEN. le a time of wur, when men left tlwii dwellings there lay unused, in an old inns : sion, a stately instrument of music—a pia no. The dust covered it, and little by lit tle the weither contracted and expanded it till the wood bad cracked. The different strings of the instrument were out of tune tt ith each other ; so that not one of they was right• By•and by race was delured and the long exiled owner returned to his house. On coming home, looking about him and seeing everything out of order, he cleansed the kitchen, cleansed the par. lor, chinned the various rooms through tire I house, and at lust be says, will have this instrument put in order." He sods for it tuner, who comes and looks at it end • says "A noble instrument, indeed; by one of the best makers !" He opens the lid, unit the dust flies up in clouds. "Sully neglected—but a noble instrument!" He look- , through it, tuns thiough the scale, and begins to dust, to cleanse, and to tune it. Taking first the central note, oh, how wretchedly that it out of tune ! But he taken Iris timing fork, and brings up the n .xt string, and the next, and the next; and so he gee, all through—flats and sharps and all—from top to bottom bringing eve ry note up to its proper pitch. During the trine that be is tuning it, nobody wants to stay in the room ; but by and-by, when he has set it all right, he sits down and tries it ; and as he begin/ to piny, the first chord is grand ! 'Then no he takes one of Beet. haven's harmonies ar..l begins to play, the servants nth pp; the children stop in the midst of their sport to hear : everybody storm to It ten, Of to the door LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND POWER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " people that went out of the room come , back and ask, "What inagniticent instru- Apprenticeship is the most important! ment is that 1" Ah, it is that wailing in stage of life through which n mechanic is! strument that drove you out ! That io ! called to pass; it is emphatically thespring What it is, now chorded ! And if it were ! season of his days—the lime when he is Beethoven himself who sat at it to play i sowing the seed, the fruits of which he is out the swelling thoughts of his own soul, to reap in after years. If he spare do la.! how majestic would those melodies have 1 bor in is proper culture, he is sure of ob• 1 been, 'end how magnificent "as an army 1 tabling an abundant harvest; but if, in with banners" would have been the march 1 the culture of the mental soil he fellows of all those nceotdant harmonics ! Oh, ! the example nt many ba tilling the earth, y ou are instrutnentv of music now neglec- ! ti-d, sadly unsung and discordant ! God , and carelessly and negligently does his work, like them, he find the seeding has already taken bold of you, and brought time past, and his ground only bringing some of the principle strngs up to concert : forth weeds arid briari. Let the young pitch, and he is bringing one after another to that. By and by, when men say that apprentice bear in mind, when he corn.: niences learning any business, that all hope' your heart .strings have broken, God will et success. it, the future are doomed to fade say, ,it is lathing but the last touch I away like the in oining mist, un• in chording " And then when every fate. !eel he improve the golden senson. Let ulty shall have been attuned, Ood•shall him beer in mind that he can become mas• bring joys like music unto your soul, such as you neves thrilled to before! Do ant i ter of his business only through the cicr seat application end the most persevering be impatient fit ! Bat e patience with . dustr God while be is tuning you 1 By-and• by ' t i er it, y; and that unless he does inas• bid farewell ms all the visions of when the work is done, you shall thank God forever and forever, that he is willing future prospects and success. The op. prentice chip is the foundation of the great to take such a shattered, wretehed mechnu teal edifice; and surely it the (Mum went to tune, and to let its notes mingle dation of n structure be not firm, the struc. with the harmonies of the eternal world,— rare itself crumblee to the earth. Then B. W. Beecher. yocng friends, persevere ; be studious and attentive; study well all the brench. es of your business, hetli practical and the• orefical—and when the time shall come for you to take an active part in life, you will net fail to be of use not only iu your own particular business, but in society. THE DYING NEVER WEEP. It is a striking fact—the dying never ! weep. The circle of sobbing. agonized hearts around, produces not one tear. Is it that he is insensible and stiff already in the chill of dissolution i That cannot be ; f he asks for his father's hand, as if to gain strength in mortal struggle, and leans on Tits KEY TO HEAVEN. -Same times; the breast of !nether, brother or sister, with ' perhaps, then Nearest :mother Christian still conscuius affection; and just before : pre' with much freedom and fluency, while expiring. at ere, 'after a Fong day's con- ; thou cunst hardly get out u few broken aerie with the Angel of Summons, he says words. Hence thou' art ready to accuse to• hie shiest brother—the last audible good thyself and to admire him ;as if the gild eight of earth—"lCas ine—kiss me !" It 1 ing of the key made it open the door must be because the dying bare reached a ! better. point too deep lot earthly crying and weep tug. They are fire to face with higher listrt nod holier beings, with the Father in ilea- Lt and his and throng, I •t 1 by t i'l err 1"...o•If oksd whet stro I . looming, team of a dying farewell—be it tb.tt they are shed by the dearest on earth —in shot vision bright of in:mortal life and evert:wing reunion ! VARIEL r Y IN CREATION. There are 56,000 species of plant e on exhibition in the museum ul Niiturel his tory of Paris, 'rile whole number vi site. cies in earth nod sea cannot be less than lour or five hundred thousand. These are of all arses, from the invisible !treats bit of uno sidi.ws to the towering trees of 'Millibar, 50 feet in circumference, and the tendons whose shoots cover u circum •rence of five acres. Etch of these has a complicated system. o 4 vessels for the circulation of its juices. Some trees have leaves narrow and then,. others, as the tulipot of Ceylon—have leaves 30 large that one of them can shelter 15 or 9.0 nom. Some exuviate their leaves annually, as n whole robe, leaving the tree nude, its bare stein towering and its branches towering and its branches spreading themselves un covered in the sky; while the leaves of oth• ars drop oti one by one, new ones constant ly growing in the place of ther dismembered ones, and the tree retaining its perpetual verdure. There have actually been u.certnined. in the animal kingdom, about 60,00) spe cies of living creatures. There are (300 species of inammalia—those that suckle their young—the most of which are. quad rupeds. Of birds there are 4,000 spe cies; of fishes. 3,000 ; of reptiles, TOO. and of insects, 44,000 species. Besides these, there are 3,000 species of shell lish, arid me less than 80,000 or 100,000 spe ilies of indinulcules invisible to the oak ii eye. Some forms of life require a moist at nu sphere, others a dry one. A blue wa ter lily grows in the canals of Alexandria, winch, wimo the water evaporates from the beds of the canals, dries u and when the water is again let in the canals, it i QUESTIONS FOR DEBATING again grows and blossoms. And seine of t SOCIETIES. the lowest animals may be completey dried if the traveler who took the course of and kept in this state fur any length o f human events has ever been heard of time, but when they ere again moistened since? they resume the functions of life. Some 11 brass will make u candle stick, what plants are adapted only to particular all- will .I'l'e one let ? mates, but they do not flourish equally I If the hollow of a log can be heard? well in these. Ai a tree which in the t 11111" will make a can, what will tusk!' Southern States attains a height of 100 a Chi" feet, at Great Slave Lake, the Northern It twelve inches utak, a foot, how many limit at which it is found, becomes diver will make a leg 1 fed to a shrub of only 5 fret high. Life' : If 40 rods make a fur-long, bow Imlay b o th vegetable stud animal, is infinitely vcall make n short hog • modified; but m all cases its best devel.l Do potatoes ever wear out, as we lopement is only under those conditions to • have very often !mini of potato patch ' which h is specially adapted. ..How eh manifold ere thy ivories, 0, Clod ! m wis. If pig pens do U, write with dust thou hot merle ilium all —Lip Illeo the cape 7 f '-` o ' ,l ? I, l' 61 a Is . t, .1, ' lILNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1859. A Word to Apprentices. JanLThoUlty A married court. ivsicling on Friend street, near the canal, found that, after a • • few years of connubial felicity, they were I the most miserable mortals alive, be'ngllll - to agree upon any point of domestic economy and dipleinucy. Their daily cares • Were sure• ►u culminate in au evening quer . rel, and they sometimes astonished each other with blue s,. accompanied by the use al marks of their respectiv., considerations. Finding life disegieetthlc and being able to agree upon no other point, they filially ; concluded to try the last experiment toge ther by jumping into the. Scioto. Night before last was the time set fur the attempt. A now and biting air prevailed, but their I resolution was flied, and they descended thu bank together, each trying to nerve the other by depreciating his and her cottrag' , with bitter words. They reached the bunk of the Scluto—hand in hand they stood up • on the bank of that abyss witch mortality is wont to regard with horror. The air was cold, end so was the water—neither congenial, neillteT was the existence they were about to leave. This thought was decisive, and they plunged int, the water, which touts nut deep, but wary cold. The man could swim, and his first impulse on rising to the surface was to strike out for the shore, but he wanted to see what his wife would do. Shy came sputtering and blowing to the surface, supposing in the darkness that her lord was at the bottom, called loudly for help, and sank nem,— When she next appeared the husband caugt her, and they both reached thy shore in safety, wet, cold, freezing. Crestfallen and ashamed of the foolish act, they wont home together, inoliUtCd a new treaty of peace, and commenced anew, satisfied that oath. Mg can be worse than the bottom of the river. There is now a fair prospect of the couple going down the hill of lile together quietly and in peace.—Oltio Statesman. ; 0 ,j. ; -) , [From the Pi iI.L. Evening 13 Nita.] QUAINT EPITAPHS. In addition to some quaint specimen of tomblard ii terature giver in the "Sun.! tin," aJme time ago, permit use to furnish you with a low from an old duodecimo to my posseasion. They hail from the land of Shukspeare, Chaucer, Spencer, '.et id onme genus." who lore—who feel great truths— I And toll them." —BAILEY. The annexed stanza, said to be engrav on a tombstone at Oakhnin, to aurry, 1736 is a strained effort at panning, and can hardly be read without a smile : ''The Lord saw good, I was lopping s anc wood, And down felt the tree ; 1 met with a cheek, and 1 broke my neck, And so death lopped off me." The author of the next, recorded in St. Beunet's gra , e yard. Yuul,9 Wharf, Lou don, ought to have written one nuv.; bone yard stanza, and then laid his poetic sty • lus away, to :memo nu more of the same kind : "Here lien ow More, and no More than he One More, and no More? How can that bel Why tare More, and no More may well lie bore alone' But hero lee ode More, and that's More than one." a mudelof brevity in eepuicliral ou parser:pi:one, one found in St. M ichaeva, Crooked Lime, might we'l be imitated: lyeth, wrapt in clay, The body of William Way I hare nu mum to uay." But drum, below is briefer still—pen• tied to the memory of a minister of the gospol, who actually shortened his days by his unremitting diligence in the dis charge of pesterial duties "Here Mr. Joseph Allies lies, To God and you n sacrifice." Whether the doctrine tonglit ih the fol• lowing couplet be orthodox or not, we shall not take the time to pr 0..., the two climes referred to will, of mum., en. • tonal,' very diverse view* respecting it: "God takes the good—too good on earth to And a i' leaves the bad—too bad. to take away." The nest to which we treat the reader, it the perusal of ceniniery poetry be a trent at all, in written on a humble awelianic and his , hetter half: ..On a Blacksmith and his wife— "ln this cold bed here consummated are The scowl uuptials ut this happy pair, Whom enviousdeath cote parted, bat in vain Fur now Lumen' has made them one again, Hero wedded in the grave ; and his but just, [hat they who are one flash should be cue dust." Thee is another, however, iu Astou Church yard, Wurwickrhirc, thus refers fdr more significously to the busiouss of the sons of Yukon : 'On John Dowlar, a Blacksmith of Castle Bromwich, 1781— ledge mid /.anima lie reclin'd, My bellows too have lolt their tvit.d • 1). fire's .:xlioct, ivy ji,ryir deeey,tl: And in the duet my wee iv laid; My And is spot, my in. n's gone, M nail., are &aye, my work is done." In n church yard at Sullolk, is tottud the following classic superscription : Qomd fait esse, Iptod oat, titusl not fait ease good use Else timid cut, 1101 i cat ; ynod ono est, hat em i t ease." A proficient in the dead Latm. whose 1101110 in not given, translates it thus: "rhat which u being wan, what is it? show; That being which it was, it in not now To he what 'tis, is not to he, you Dec ; That which u m it not, Anil it being im. Doubtless, there will always be destine. Lions between the living; but that th re should be any invidious lines drawn be. Swoon the aead is certainly °running the thing into the ground." The following is an instanze in point:— "In Kaixbtebridge church yard, on a man who was too poor to be b urried will] his relations in the church "Here I lie, at the chatter! door, And I lie hero because I'm poor; For the further in, the more I pay But here I lie as warm as they." In Chatham church yard, England . . the whole history of a man is reduced down to these two Sttlll2:lS- "Of Thomas Spragge The body lime doth lye, Who woo in Victath at noon, By nijiht did die. "A shipright careful. Honest, true and just, With his two babes Was covered in the dust. 1672" A husband who lost the the partner of hia Ilfe. thus records the the fact, in the chruch yard of Grimstesd, Es ex: "A wife so true, there aro but few, And difficult to find ; A wife more just, and true to trust There is not left behind." Chia more und thou we shall this paper close, Where it occurs is nut given. Quaint as it is, it contains it lesson which some of our modern church goers 'night study with some proht. frt reads' as fol lows: "On a sleeper in the house of God -- "Here lies a man who on every Sabbath clay, In public worship slept hit mot away his might have beard of heavenly re,t, bee chose In hie pew rather to indielge repose. The ocean in altered now—in vain he tries In elegy slumberu mica to elude hie eyes: His God insulted, dothitt anger swear, "Hcthat st tr. ,11111 nev r t , ,•er 11 ere.- DANDIES., Dandies are not good for .nnch, but they urn good for something. They invent or keep in circulation. those conversational blank checks or counters just spoken of which intellectual capitalist limy b., glad to borow of them. They era useful. ton, its keeping up the standard of dress, which but for them, would detnriate, and become. what some old fools would have it, a mat ter of taste and nut of net. Yes, f like dan• dies weli enough—on one condition, that .they have pluck. I find that lies at the bottom of all true dandyism. A little boy dressed up very fine, who puts his linger in ht= mouth, and takes to crying if other , boys make fun of him, looks very But if he turns very red in the face and knotty in the fists, and unites an example of the biggest of his assailants, throwing off hi. fine Leghorn, and his thickly but. toned jacket if necessary, to consumate the act of justice, his small tuguery fakes on the splendors of the creates heinlet that frightened Astyaun. You remember that the Duke said his dandy officers were his best Akers. The "sunday blood" the super--superb sartorial equestrian of OUT annual Fast day, is not imposing or dau. gerous. But such fellows as Bruminel, D'Orsuy and By ron are not to be snubbed. quite so easily. A great many powerful and dangerous people have had a decided touch of dandyism about them. 'L'hers was Aristotle the distinguished philoso• pher, regular dandy he was. Su was Marcus Amounts. Petrarch was one of the same sort, So was Sir Humphrey Darn b..) was Lord Palinorson. formerly, if I Uni not forgetful. Still it• I were you, . I wouldn't go to the tailor's on the strength of their remarks end run up it long bill which will cruder pockets a superfluity in your next suit SPREADING A SECRET.—Stuart, the pain had no he euppo•ed, discovered a secret art of coloring very valuable. He told it to a friend. His fnend valued it highly, and earn alterwards to ask permission to communicate it under mitt' of eternal se cresy to a friend of bin who needed ever• possible aid to enable hint to -rtwn. L-t me sec," :mid Stuart, making a chalk mark on a board at hand know the art that is—" iiOne" said his friend. You blow it," c nntiuucd Stuart, 1 1.1 - king another chalk mark by the aide 01 the one already !nude, 'and that is—" 'No" cried the Uther ..IVell, and I toll your 'demi, and that will be—" marking down another chalk hue. "Dime, wily" saki the other, ," said Stuart, '•it ie elm littntiteti and cleven!" (111.) How to know good /*tilers. It is a good sign end true, when you see amid a little group of boys, one dart from the rest, nod teasing his arms above his !mod, shoutiug.'•there's my father !•' as he rum to meet hint. You may be sure, HO matter what business troubles sootier th tt man limy have, that there is a spot is Ms heart still fresh sod green, which the cares of the world have had no power to blight. "There's toy father !" With what a pretty pride the little fellow shouts this Ile must be indeed a brute, whore fatherly hoart does not swell with love, whose eyes do not who does not at such a moment, feel ;imply repaid for Vint day's to'', no mutter how wearisome. After all, love is the only thing worth ha. via; in this world. They who stand over new node graves tell us LW. Fame and lan Hey, and ambition, dwindle to nothing beside the white c oho brow of death, the' God knows it may be hut the youngling of the flock, whose lips bare never learned to aylable our name. Mr Whitt tuiwal has the inobt bruili3! live it up The hog. lie has a hogs luAul lull of 'um. .1, steer to Quo ion Nu. 10.—C v ni mem-, c nh the eixth person from the Lied• furl. Question No. 11.—Protugurse. a Urea Philosopher. agreed to instinct a young man in oratory for it sum of limey one• half ot which was paid down, and the re mainder ht be liquidated when the pupil ! nut e hix virst suctetrafel pleading in th, ' carats. Long after the instructions were concluded, the pupil nenherpair/ nor plea. ded, and. Protugoras brought tut act ion for the recovery of the unpaid inonce. The • quvioiou is, could Protagotas recover the m met sir wiU yati give me that rut g) said o village dandy to a lady ; °for it re . seinbles lay love for yew, it has no end: , —..lixcusa UM sir, I choose to heap it, lts beiogembleinatic4l of loins (or y on ; the reply VOL. XXIV. NO. 19, `I -um-pipit-5- Patent Medicine Advertisements The following is it pretty good burlesque on the patent medicine udvertieeinertp; he day OIL or !lungesvs and compound unad ulterated and concentrated syrup of paying stones, manutactured by Dr. liumbugbra. Bollowbelly, and sold only by his regular authorised agents. Beware of counter feits. cilturiv tc!,TE, llollowbelly—,Dear Sir. 1 kicked the buck-•t last night, bat while the undertaker was 1 losing me in the coffin, a vial of you Essentinl.Oil burst in his pocket, and ttrra ined down upon my fr.cc--1 opened my yes. sneanecland then time. The shroud having received a portion of oil, instantly took root in the floor, and expanded into beautiful cotton stalks, each filled with bur sting pods. The coflui rose on end, sprou ted forth shoots, and grew into a tnagnifi. cent mahogany tree, which burst off the roof of my house and wafted into the eve ning breeze its luxuriant branches, amid which the monkeys chattered and the par rots fluttered their fsn•wings. I remain, your revived friend, TICKEHRERRY, cus Arfuun..--At n negro celebra. tion late ly, an Irishman stood listening to colored speaker, expatiating upon gcv. ennrisent and frvedobn; and as the orator came tan "period" fro,n the highest and moat poetical. the Iriehiunn said : "Brdad, he s i atkes wall for a mot' ; didn't ha natal" So nobody said, '4le isn't a nogro, he is only a half negro." Only a helfit ❑abn:, is it! Well, it half a nap: can talk in that styli., Pm thinking a whole ungut might bate the prophet Jeremiah." CL at: voa. BitoNcittris.—The followin • jot the remedy of "it retired plipcian," bat of a reliable friend who has tried it hinself, and roe!) it tried on others, in ee ery instance effecting a perinarnent cure : 4•Take the cosurnosi molten Itillre!, after having been prompily dried., aad use theta ill it clean new piht•, the same as smutting tobacco. The patient will soon be ablc to discover whether it afford, relief, and govern himself accordingly." The reme dy is worth a trial. A BAKER. has invent...d a kind of yeast which inches bread so light that pound of n weighs only eight ounces. Mir TM latest style of boot skirts are the greed. sell.adjusting, double book-ar• film bustle, entrascun lace expansion spi ral l'iccolottitin attachment, gossamer in. dinitructible ! It is a 'goys of a thing.'• AND .1. -- There are ILO two !ut ters in the manuscript alphabet or the English latignav, which occasions no much trou• ble at cause an much misconstruction a, the two letters 1 and J. as many persona nadvertantly wt., them. 'l'hv rule for writing theta properly, mind which should be universally understood and adopted, is to extend the J below the line, while the I should be written even with the line. I these tthu.weite I for J Itnew how it puz zles printer=, they would remember the a bove sug;estions. acf. "Ain I not a little pule?" Inquired a Judy who was rather Alm nod corpulent of u crusty old bachulor. 'You look more like a big tub," was the bloat tebly. nor- farmer charged a bleed man tv:th having an oflensive breath. der and lightning. do you expect a man to brew he musk rose Fur six d o ll a r s a mon th?. saki the employee. gir it was n smart boy who °mod up that hu liked everything good, but n good whipping. The same boy like," a good rainy aty, too rainy to go to school and just about rainy enough to go %siting. 811 r It beams thin it lawyer is some. thing of e carpenter; he can file a bull, split a hair, mistreat') *tatty, get ups care, frame an ludictinem, impanel a jury, put them ill a box, nail a afitness e hummer judge, bore a court, and other like things' Ear The bsree•loverti at Berlin Htightv, Ohio, publish a monthly paper called The good 71'iste Coming. the mono oh which in Heaven they neither marry nos are given in marriage." MORE ISIPROVEMENT*.—M r. John Reed' has taken down his old wooden domicil, add is now erecting M its pkice a line brick one. IMF A fatally of nine iterzotie were cmatitutered by the Caddo Inclialtit, in the vi tnity of c.;Alny T.:>>•.