Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 04, 1859, Image 3

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    -- _
Important from South America. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.
YililittillOolt lfourliiii i
- —=='
2000 to 0000 Lives LoSt.
REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS. No. 308 N. TWIST, ST., (3 doors above Vine.)
The Circulation of the Hun- [Front the N. Y. Times.] PHILADELPHIA.
ditagdon Journal, is great- Panama, April 17.-The British steam. THE OLD HARDWARE STAND,
er than the Globe and Ain- ship Bolivia arrived at Panama on the 61.1.1 ESTABLISHED TWENTY-FOOO TRAM.
erican combined. TrV3RY DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING•a. , - instant. with dates from Valparaiso to the A- , Mechanical, Ftaming anti Household Hard
.. 10th . Bolivia to the 15th , Callao end LI- • , 0 end will be offered nt the
CLIURIEINS,, WIWI 11LAGAZINES. 1 lowest tri n Trl i e n t ' P t '. 'er ,tore,
, to Cash and prompt six
an , ma to the 2lth March, and from Gunya-
The Huntingdon, for one year, months buyers. Naile at Manuliteturers pie.
' , !'sli•
either of the Magazines for the sae period 'PHI, Ecuador, to April 1 Pile Bolivia' ; • 1("
or tees from new customers will receive stem`
will he sent to the addrest of .y nebseriber brought to Pennine the unusual great no I and accurate attention and all goods sent from
to be paid in advance ns follows i I her of 130 passengers, nod 8138,703 80 ' this house will be . represented.
The Journal and Godey's 'Lady's Book, for . . V•r;ettntyy merchants, on their next visit to
one2i,eaar ear,
~,,,,, 50 in silver for England. our eity to. stake their Spring pmehases are cm
_we, for Phe news train all parts of South Amer- dially I n vitedio roll . .cl examine our Stock
and Prices hmore Putchasing.
ono year, $3 50 lett with the exception of Peru, is halter- Mar,o,'..-Sui.
The Journal and Knierson's Magazine and ' ' . ' • _
Putnam's Monthly,- Fur one year, i, : i 5 0 taut and interesting. - - sei s.s E ,
The Journal and Pron ., : Leslie's Family EcunDon;-On the 0 2d day of March, N.i i i-iT.AhI.3 :!..1 . Lino
Magazine and Goz•elteql Fashion, for one year
_, i, . si g ht .
$3 50 nt ..nit-pa A in the morning, an earth- reslll3 subset:liter has commencea the utTN: I
1 SMITIIING business M Pine Grove, Cert.
The Journal and Lady's Home .IThyazina, quake winch s ho o k the m o u nt a i e range of r e eentity, where he is prepared to manulare o ,
.for one year, $ 2 7 5 the Chimborazo for the space of four inlet al l,l, epair ° ll 'iiiimd l'i'trii of '''," tit . p °
?he Journal and Peterson's Magathte for lion, with neatness and dispatch
' eri--
5 i 7 , Ines, destroyed almost entirely the city of • t •
tle,vll al so to ree , , a i r i„ g .
"'" i'lre e 7/e'vrita? and Atlantic Monthly, for one , Quito, and killed from 2000 to 5000 per. Pri ces t oit therim'.
Ir' $ 3 50 I
-- sons. The eh:arctic s, monasteries, convents 1) . c.: 22,1851 • - t r . ,10dIX Ti. JACOBS.
'The Journal and Germs Farmer
' $ f sl •
•4 i nnd State edifices are, almost all rent to vF,w 5er .. .,, , .. rcH
~, ii,, , 7,,, , ,,:i y - 7,,,,,, - R I,
one year
e......ev00ve•••-•=oe.seoes•oov.- • - - i fragments. The convent of San Agustin, IA
A" Node" to "Peter Plinking," Esq., of ; the Tabernacle de la Capilla, the Temple I 1. :7. DUTCHER,
"Squash Hollow."
lof the Segiario, the Cathedral, the 1‘,,,„„
Deer 'Peter Penkins,' Sorry ;Tankers friend,
Von love a verse, take such eft I con seed t I rent of Santa Catalina, the Paluts , '„ 1,1 o b I
Once on n tim, there lived a
Iris of fame, ta p e , the Cha pe l , , ~, ,
~ ' , •
Prophet by trade, and Militant was
The lord and master of n stubborn ass, of the Cathedral, of
~, tb ..: Comp:llde, of the
Which crushed his foot once,
Leis narrow pass;
When Balaton smote him fur mulish fronk, Hosp it a l , ''' ` - a r men \raja, the cloisters of
Old Moses tolls no " Lo! the ass did speak." the Conroe
t ot ,
Satan Domingo, a part of
Since then, these animals will have their say, „
Some plead, some preach, some through the Le '. on yietorin of Sin Fernando, are all
apers br ; •
Som p e pass for ay
its-but dire' each gut. appee,, P a r tia ll y or wholly in run';. Al.; ihn
The cloven hoof nod the extended ear. I convents et don Diego, Santa Clara and
'Twos somehow thus the ancient m e . - x ,.. , ,, ran ,
Santa Barbaro, There is scarcely a house
The proper study of mankind is "ate;,, f
(Sublimer logic now adores the e go ; in ..he city that is not Molly dotnnged.
And other precepts grace 0 . - ,e derilt.fle t ', i no )
But if 'tis tr., it fll^:rvs to the classes,
. - . "'l •tt po Con of tt - P l•
'rite proper study of asokind ',-; asses. . file Minist e r ' of the In ljt a lO 'l r C , e :g cc re n a P t i ;:t d ert b o y f
tie 'Peter P' who makes 8- s entili slam, rattle, the Colledge of Luis, I thesplendid
Should learn the nature eifthe long-eared cattle. •
All fool, hove still en itching to deride, mansion of Dr. Albeja, have also fallen.-
And wits would bs, upon the laughing sble
• - All the principle buildings .of the neigh.
'Punkin . I'.: wit or decent foul eart•t peso,
As Inn:; - ear'stl mules ere neither horse net 11, Ito, .ng towns 1 Sou Aetonio, Comeolla,
Mut v.v.. to jud g e, critic restrain your spite, Machado', Chillogallo anil ;Magdalena
'Platthe writes tot and will forever write ;
lintehoi•ing grammar, le his funny strain- have been destroyed. The loss of limper.
tie acaseless, lifeless, idle, void and Tnill ; ty is estimated at titter millions of dollars;
no oil cart horse 11 omitting in despair,
Plun g ing for sense, b u t finds no bottom therm and from the poverty of the people it will
'lle heats his pate, and romp wit will coma, ibe impossible to repair and eebuild any
But laiimes in vain, noteely IS tit home.'
'Peter' appears with aneient •Bottont's' head, i greet number of the better ohm of edifices .
A bride of feathers, and a heart 31 lead t I destroyed.
Long wear year eent, Squash Hollow's idiot son,
The dullest n 33 Oita ever tried a putt ; The 16110CICS were felt simultaneously irt
Never wa O P (111511011 out, at One lucky hit, 'Fiteunga, Ainb.)to and Alansi, arid in Tin-
A tool, so just et copy of e wit ;
Wit passed through 'Peter' is no more the same, I P. Ile the enrili openea it) varions places.
As meat digested mikes a different name. The earthquake was nieo felt et Gunya.
All hail ! bright star ! Hail! hail ! ye silly lour,
Who rose anti shone, twinkled and fizzled out. gull, but did no damage there.
. Murdering sense, regardless of all role, Th u temp l e ., o f San F ranc i sco , d e l S it .
...Peter's' ambition is to reign n fool.
From muddy springs, his lung-oared mese liar gran° and Santa Clara were of beautiful
drunk, 0 rehilecture; that temples sin 1 covents of
Kicked up his iteelk and stood confess'd a Punk; ,
Punk ! did we soy, who then wee-let e.let it pass- luta panting°, lot Merced trill San 'taus
BM for the rhytne, we'd ' wrote hint de WU tun ass: tin. all hod flee stone frientles oral towers
Water,' our lint-to thee a c mom our Li., -
'Yield ,o a thepulto. Squash Hollow's noble joelt , live lefilloles of Santa Claudine and Concep-
Splurge on ! oh, 'Punkin,' never cease to lot 000, ties, t o ld the flospit il. alsO had stone fa-
Kick comm. Jeffers 'higher our a kite ;'
Dip into rhyme & mould your verse with Pope t„,!'l!lef ,
Bottle your spirits, grease your brain with AWN ' 0,1140 is said to contain about 50 000
sYog, wag yourcers, & then put on your ;;lases,
Deal out your wit, with sugar awl mole .a.B ; inhabitants. It is built on an extensive
Fitch into Smith, sound ye the call lee bottle, plain, ;Qui not the mountains of Pone cello
Blow, blow your whistle, bent veer peony rattle:
Turn out your hoofs and let your eye Minn blink heed heft inelin, and to about 9.500 feet a
n., rotten mackerel by moottlight,'s bine emi been the level of the sea. 51 'at of the
stink.' '
Regard no feelings, emulate Paul Pry, ' houses are two stories, and some three, and
Ne'er tell the truth-it' you can 11,. ..0 Ile; a part one story. Many nre built of burnt
Spate no indecorous or it:decent slang,
Let loom, the poison in your viprotts burg. brick, with lotidsoine facades, but the
Soft soap the vile, turn darkness ono 'ley, greatest port i on are tniburnt brick or adobe.
Leaden your pop-gun, and still entrtk away. , The
'Olt gentle 'Pe er a ' •, " Peter P.,
, blockade by the Peruvian fleet of
Tell, tell poor mortals 01 whet kiwi you he, ilie pert of Guayaquil continues-cense-
If sweet, or cote-hut then 'tis sure to follow,
Teter rotten Punkins, unsound, Meek or hollow gum - illy cemmerce nod business are dead.
'Peter,' adieu! you certainly are mellow, On the 20th Much there was a little die-
Fool, jackanapes, ass, idiot, silly fellow.
Two times adieu! dear 'Pete' we amino myth, terbance between some of the beats' crests
Witness one hood, end here our name or the blockading squadron and the Ectin -
amdosar.A.zracro._---.7.-.lm-wme,---1-.•=1.....,./:"...^,arsena.. dorians, but happily no bleed was slisi --
Postage on Newspaper's,-Ali aubscri- Senor Dlonrnyo, one of the most eminent
hers are entitled to receive the newspapers' of the Liberal statesmen of the Republic,
of their own county, free of postage. Sub-1 has been expelled by the thickskulled ;
scribers to thO "Journal" who get their I President Robles and has gone to chili.
papers out •of the county are referred to I QUESTIONS ANSWERED.
the following instructions to Post Masters 1 The Washington Sulks; a sort of Doug.
doted April 20,1859, a copy of which lets . his von, does net like the Forney inde• I
been furnished us by the Pest office de- I pendent nieveinent in this State, and pro.
partment at Washington r I pounds the following questions as to what
"Bona fide subacribers to weekly news- it s r f r i en d s e s i nten d to . ;
" papers can receive the seine free of pos. 1. "Do they ineditnto apostacy to the
. 'loge, if ,hey reside in the county in ?
"which the paper is printed and publish-
" ed, even if the office to which the paper 2. "Are they resolved to adhere in good
" is sent is without the county • provided it faith to the Demecratic party 1"
" it.the office at which they regulasly re- 8. '-Do they pledge themselves to sup
" ceive their mail mutter." 1 port the nominations of tile Cliarlsten Con
fir 'run New Editor of the Presi s . ventionl"
dent's old organ hes had the benefit of nu. I The Philadelphia Press replies to the
onerous descriptions. Forney drew notfirst and second questions by saying that
a very flattering portrait of him a few day s I•they regard the organization formed en the
ago. The Cincinnati Times followe with i 13th as the only orgunizatien the Democrat
n striking picture., It Says .'the Coasts- is party has, and dint they intend to ad
eta to it. To the third question it re
/slim is editeti by General George Wesh• '
ington Bowman, an ambitious Pennsylva. ' plies : I
nia gentleman, whose hostility to the En. I "lf the nominees of the Charistou Con.'
glieti language leas ' been manifested by a I vention shall be the representatives of the '
series of outrages against syntax, etymol• !principle of nonintervention and popular
ogy and prosody, almost unparalleled in I
; sovereignty, es accepted advocated and un- ;
newspaper annals." derstood in 1856, us explained and defen-
1859. SPRING i .I kII I I ,4 I , IMER 18V10. dud in 1858 by Stephen A. Douglas and
aid i his associutes, and as applied by leading
The undersigned would respectfully call the I Southern statesmen, then do we pledge
attention of our friends and customers, us well i
as the citizens of the tot n and country general- ' le .0 sit ort the tiononees of that
ours° ea . pp
ly, to our new and extensive assortment of , Convention with ell our zeal. But if. on
, the other hand, that the Convention shall
consisting of every article of gentlemens' fur- I
nishing good.. We deem it unnecessary to be commited, in any shape, to the theory
make a newspaper flourish, being confident that Iso eloquently denounced by the Slates
& call and an examination ef our goods, will sa- that this government is to be dedicated
tisfy an, that e our goods are just what wo re
comtneud them to be, well made, of good mato- , 'to the propagation of slavery'-then we
vial, and as cheap as the same quality of goods l
sh 11 I oppose its nominees. "
a unquestionab y
CAP be bought in the county of Huntingdon. i
It is not our desire. as it is not the policy of I . ---- ...ate-se --
honest mat, to deceive, but this mach we will , Peterson's Counter/eft Detector.-'Phis l
ray, that WO will gaarantee to all who may fa- valuable work is belore us. It gives all
yor us with their patronage, entire smisfaction
as to quality. tit and price. Should gentlemen 11,0 latest information in regard to Counter
desire any particular kind or pat of clothing, fen, :spurious and altered Bank Notes, as
net found in onr stock, by leaving their mons- ,
ure they can bo accommodeted at short notice. well as coin. Published by T. B. Peter-
Call at corner of the diamond, Long's new house., son, Na. 80(3 Clhestint etreet Philadelphia,
51. GUTMCO.AN & c
at fltl re' 8111111 M, monthly.
Wednesday Morning, May 4. 1859
liay 4, 18:0.
DEEP Rtvittl, CoNN.,, July i 3, 1856.
Lenreimorth—Sir : 1 bare beet* troubled
with ditikirtill . or scurf cc% my head thr nurrc
OW , n year. Iu latir bewtti to C. 0111,1 MU, :C.d .
1:11.1 ,• t ,, Z , I Saw itt n Now 11 , ven
per • :lair li,torative” tt t cote.
• tile lot :W.\ 1,1•1:
(111,' . !I,' S , try it, lid I Ito
11 , , • ,• ' L 1 1 ,114, it remove l the
in, two h. , kc ht, i
place, you harp a N.C.,' I. So 111.511 y Losties
tier it is known here.
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hunting
don, vicinity,and the surrounding won
try, that he has cannel:mend ha sines in
the room opposite M. Gutman's Store in
MARKET SQUARE, lII:NTT:in.:4, and, •
hope.: to reecize a &ye of puhlie patronage.
WATCHES unit CLOCKS repaired in the
be,t workmanlike ntrner.
sicelt of wATeIIES and JEWELRY to
or the best, all of which he will dispose of at
reastmeltla prices. . .
1 . 11, r ;Clic .gvnernily are requested to give
hit. a ezdi nod examine Its stock.
PHI Ara. 27 1859
FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, Si; 00:012
Extra •' " C 2547.50
675t0 70.0
" family
Rye Flour and Corn Meal
50(4: 58
I 60641 no
«•heat—rod, per btmliel,
Whim "
Pre B3
Corn 87
OntS 5:1
Clover,cti $5 001a,5 9 ,5 per 64 pounds
Timutli3 sued, $2,00 to 225
Flax, per lni,l4el ' $1 G 5
What the Press Say.
'•CosTAit's" Extenminaters nrc involnahlo
remedies or clearing honses,•;f all sores of ver.
min. With all cacti denim WO recommend them.
—N. y Dad!! State Thlgisfer.
"Cosmit's"lemsdie , Gtr till domestic pests,
sonic as Rate, Ranches, Bed-Bag, Ants, Flees,
lie. urn inval nlhle ; we can spew; from annul
knowtAge of their merits. Dnucolsta and
DeAtou , s should send their orders early, if they
would feet .° a trade in them.—Frio York Jour-
nail rite rtunethiug nhout your Extermi
-1111!Orli, ns t a 3 so with propriety. They no
;sod degtroying all vermin.
--Ed. “lia, ncr," Eagettn, 31(1.
"D , atii to all Veirain,"
Ft :an their Mg miine out,
And Alms: end ItArtt,
In spite of Cats,
Gaily skip nhont,
lims•Bens bite
Yon. in the night,
As on the bed you slumber,
While IsmEcTs crawl
Tim,' chamber nut boll,
In muttils withent
c,,,t4hay. Rata, Ronchs, Mire, Motes,
Groimil M B
ice, ed.llmts, Ants, Muts, Mot-
FICOS, Insects on Aniunds, in short
every specie of yermin, are utterly destroyed
and exturminated by
'Costar's' Rat, Roach, szt Exterminator.
'Costar's' Bed-Egg Exterminator.
'Costar's' Eleotrio Powder for Insects.
Suttplicil direct, by mail, to any address in the
United States. as follows:
On receipt orsl,oo, a box ache RAT, 110ACII.
tqte. ENT. ;
On receipt of 52,00, a box each of the RAT,
Rosen, fir.. Ext. , turd ELME ate Powoon ,
(rent postage pAhl) sufficient to destroy the ver
min non nnyaremises.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers ercry where.
"CostrAn's" Pnomicar. Deroo, 4 . 20 BROAD
, WAY, N. Y.
I'. S. —Circulars' terms, dm., sent by mail on
tss •Wh o re sale Agents for Pennsvivania
Noah*:.tst corner Firth and Arch Street,
And Wholesale Dealers general',
Mar. 23, '52,-60
Xlir`3ooo AGENTS WANTED—To sell 4 new
inventions. Agents have made over $25,000
on one,—better than all other similar 'wen cies,
Send our stumps and get SO pages particulars,
gratis. EPHRAIM BROW • , Lowell, Mass.
Oar 1000 AGENTS WANTED.—For parties
lars send stamp. C. P. WHIrrEN,
Mtsr. 23.'69. 6m 4 . Lowell, Mess.
(Es . late of Clirixtena rlinzer, dcc.)
Letters Administration on thOEst ate of Chris•
tens Clitner, late of Penn Township. dee'd..
have been issued to the subscriber, residing in
Same Township: All persons having claims
palest said Estate will present them for settle.
meet, and those indebted will make pad moot
to .
Mar* 22d, 1859-6 t,
Lift Insurance Company.
A dividend of TWENTYTIVE per cent. on all
the cash premiums of 1858. and Six per cent.
on all scrip issued by the Company, has been
declared. The undersigned Is rchdy to pay
Cash sued deliver scrip to all entitled to them.
TA( SON'S HOTEL, Huntingdon,
Respectfully informs his friends and
the travel'ing public generally, that he di
has lensed the "Jackson Rouse," fur eon.
eral years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, nod
that he will be pleased to receive the calls of
all who may laver him with their patronage.
His table will be furnished with the best the
market can afford, and every attention will be
given to make those with him feel at ',orrie.
Rua lingdon . March 30. lA3II,
Fnr sale at. Smith's Drug Store, llunting lon. '
A F.!, tumt,
Talk of beauty, it cannot exist without n fine
head of kale, them road the rolloxin!„ and . ii
you ask more, ece circular aronini
and no me can doubt. •
TIVE. — Wo that - union of all, obi
and young, to pr ,,,, , , rwt , 0w wh o,
turns back it, original color. ernS
era the ';iett , !, or the bald with a luxuriant growth
- -rein'ores the ilattilrutf, itchinu. and nil rutit•
neon,. eruptions--(11119CS n CW1111111:0 flew of the
natural fluff' s t ninl hence, ii 11,Cti as a regular
dressing for the hair will,e it. color. null
keep it from lulling to ext,tne old at;", in all
its natural beauty. I , :e call thr n up,n the hal•I,
the grey, or diseased in srelp, to use it, nail
surely the young will nut. us they value the
flowing leeks, oc the witching curl, ever be
without it. Its praise is upon the tongue of
thousands. _ .
Tho Agent for Prof. Wood's ititir Reqorative
in New Iluven, received the following letter in
tegstrd to the Bair no: motive, ,a tow weeks
Sept. 9, 1856,
. .
PROP. Woon—Dear Sir Your flair Restor
ative is rovina itself htmclicial to me. The
and olio the back part of my head almost
lost its covering—in foot' UAL! , I have used
but two half pint bottles of your Restorative,
un i t now the top of my head is well duddod
with a promising crop or young hair. and the
front is alsr receiving its benefit, I have tried
other preparations without any benefit whatever.
I think from my own personal recommendation
I can indueo many others to try it.
• Yours respectfully,
D. A. THOMAS, M. D.,
No. 464 Vale St.
Vise),,,r,, 1,k., June 22, 1853.
PROF. (I..T.NV 001) - As you are 'ldiom to
manufacture and vend you) recently discovered
Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it
may concern, that I 11:11,1 used it and known
others to non it—that 1 have, Mr several years,
been in the hal it of using other Hair Restora
tives, and that 1 find yours vastly superior to
nay other 1 know. It entirely cleanses the head
of dandruff, and with one month's proper use
will restore any person's hair to the original co
lor and texture, 'giving it a healthy, mtt and
glossy appearance ; and all thin. withent di-col
oring the hands that mmly it, or the teen en
which it drops. I would, therefore, recommend
its ase to every brio ffelsitons OT having a tine
color and texture to the hair.
Respectfully yours,
0. J. WOOD & Co., Porintors,3l2 8r0a.4
way, New York, (in .the great N. Y. Wire
h ailing EstabliKhmont.) and 114 Market St.,
St. I,onic, Mo. 'folio hoed. Agent, Hunting •
dun, and .;o!,1 by all good Druggist:,
,- • -
mufti VALUABLE PATENT, Portable,
self-generating Gaol-lig at, is f,ffererl to the
in fall eontklenee of its positive superi
ority over every Other hand-light in exi,ten,,
t.t over of light, in any temperature,
It is devoid of smELL, MMOKI: or rum.,
giving a steady, elieop owl
requiring uo triM111:11g, or other attention, en,
Cept simply filling the lamp with common burn
ing fluid, ono quart of thu fluid giving it rum.,
morn NMI CLEAR fl.untu eighteen hours. This
light is under complete control, being regulated
by a simple process.
The burner ran he readily applied to all styles
of Ott., KEROSENE, CAM , ENE, Std BERN , .
FLUID LAMES; site, to Gas-tixtures, in all their
varieties. . . . .
It is atltnirablv adapted ror lighting churches,
dwellings, let:tate-rooms, halls, shops, steam
boats, and railroad cars, or wherever a good
light in desired Parties desire of securing
the right of territory for a valuable article that
will commend itself; should make early appliett
tion, only to the timlersignol.
Banters, Lamps, &e.. stipplizd in any gnaw*,
ty, with prompraesi—forwarded by express to
all parts of the United States, pavaltle, cash on
delivery BUTLER, HOSFORD & CO.
111ar..2,'59..1itw. No 2 Coot, Sr, Brooklyn.
The"IIIINTINC,DON JOUIIN AL . is puhlishou at
the following mine
It paid in advance *1.50
If nahl within six moths alter the time of
If pail before the expiration of the Tear, 2,011
And two dollars Ural fifty manta it not pail
after the expiration of year. No s lo .cril. l
tion taken for a less period tlmol " "" ).th ` .
t. All at liseription; aro continued itiva:
crwise ordered, and no paper will he 1115.116'111-
until orreurayes ore paid, oxcept nt the option
of the publisher. •
2. Returned numbers are nererrceeired by us.
All timbers sent us in that way aro /oat,' nod
Boyer ticcomplish the purpose of the sender.
3. Persons wishing to 010 p their sish.crivri.H.,
.I , t , pap up 411,(11 11 geS, nod send a. tri.iff., or
verbal order to that effort, to tho office 0 , pub
lication in Huntingdon. . . .
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
logo or a proper notice.
5. Alter one or more numVera of a new year
have been Ihrwerded, a new year has commenc
ed, tool the paper will not he discontinued a n ti
arrearages are paid. See No. 1.
The Courts have Incited that refusing to take
a newspaper from the office, or removing and
Laving it uncalled for, is PIIIM A rActa evidence
intentional framl.
I; Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other States, will be required to pay invariably
in advance.
• I be above tortes will be rigidly adhered
to in all cases.
Will be charged at the following
1 insertion. 2 do. 9 do.
Six linos or less, $ 25 $ 37i $ 50
Ono square, (16 linos,) 50 75 1 00
" (32 ) 100 1 50. 500
. _
3 mo. 6 mo. 12 nio.
One square, $3 00 $4 00 $6 00
Two squares, 4 00 6 04 10 00
1 opinion,
s 1 d0.,6 00 10 00 14 00
16 00 20 00 25 00
:: do., 18 00 27 00 40 00
1 do., 23 00 35 00 45 00
linsiness Cords of six li n c . , or Icon, 51.0 P.
Phn Sub,rib, rr>rnatfuily infurrn3 the PA•
iic, that he is prepitr . od to receive and unbend
Cars containing Lumber, Bark, Staves, Shin.
gles, Coal, Iron, kc.
R 8 A I N c 0 I t
J N ,
3 C lE or i li n i e i r C i o il f i l l , i l l! ) ,
i l f :: ( l l.r o ' ntg
ra omi o ry pN. S .l t ) r pp e ;t o i t ; s l , or.
• .
„;# ' •
„,..,.,..' • ,
m u,
Ho T u lt 6 i: , a , tri T it h d o is lo w ea e t l i l o tn in ow s n up n e s ri t o h r e t. " . M n e y Co ? n ti n ie e r li ,
1 t1!" . : , '. 7 ... -
S. W. Corner Broad & Callowhill Streets. ' •irs , j - ~.j , . ~!
_,. _
Philadeldliia. '- ,•a W.,,_ -.- re" 'set frg ' :
Jan. 5111 I 559.--.tleist e . • <ors •
„;- being L. tic ituemiliete proximity to be...,
1 :e l •'!:elet-: i ‘ r."''': '"ie • V ' e t tl ‘1 l• I
~,,. .q - 7,. 67 , ~,
4.1 , also
.. .
,aa . ini most Public Offices
AtiTtPBt,OOiSTIG enl;', ' 1 ,4"-t..':..11 0 ; - '"'' -'.' r ,- ' '
. .. ,) , ..:!„..,,.., ~.,,,,,.. It is lilie determination of the Proprietor, to
lamp this Rouse in a style satioteetory to the
A Perfec t.bisititete ~ .•I'A t , -. .w . f, , 4,,...• - , puli:ic, and it is his desire, to " take all who
For tht Lancet. Leeches and Blisters !II ,
when the mulermiened, sfier a long series of ; .Voxl7- 1,:tt,..,;,,,,, Lira, feel at home, and to make the
~- .• .•. acing, the beet of Hunting.
hthoi•Mes and vastly experiments, beesme fully j .•. , . • . Ife very reapeetfallystslicite the
contletneil in his cenviction, that the antiphles j 1 5 11111..3E - 3.3.:DirMie. , . ~, . , Apr. 13th '59 ;
'Aisne Salt which he now lias the happiness tit ; xi.: w „ . „.. LE ,...._ / ,,,,,..,
~,, j , ~,o li . j ~j . ,.,..
present to the Ameriean iodine. was"
1 L'X'Ve.. Cll.lllOl, or $5 tort 111,4311:115. PIXF., -, 1 putt COED
for 131 " ,-1.1ti "g ., Le"ch" and Buinta " . ' l '' aDIN Broadway, N. Y. 730 Clicstnut St-, Pl,lla. ream.: , -... .., is, retetien the superb stock of
mind was so Reining] !hot ho could not sleep tar ---esee-eees- Spring and Sunainer Goods now being received
1 ... y "ight•t• The, c". , ' , " ''''' rg"'"i'm was ' These Meehines sew from two spools.. piir- rid opet,e.d by Ftsiten A 11eMnitralg.
the striking fact, that the mannei of he operation '
could not, i chased from the state, requ i r i ng ti ,-, ~,•,,,i;,,,, , This stock bas been sehreted wish great care
like that of dm vir -s in veccination,
fm sattsfacteriely expinieed noel ney known !of thread; they netts, F e ll, Gather ~,,d s t it c h • and t he public are cordially invited to call and
netheitde• M.'s t. "that r: , ..f. its" etlerth"ltY 'in it superior style , latishine each seam by their c •
,i . ; °
~ ..:, ,1 . t , ,j„ . ;..
~,,, 1 , , i ,., ,dyies of r,,,,,
subdued bef1......".7/ iti.".". and .° others,' w operat ion, whitest recourse to the bend- '
was at first wholly inexplicable—lint, on further . u .
experiment, it was proved thst it etrlalt-rs to •• , ..
•.. . I. - neci"e ns is required by other machines. They ' 1,2. Orgaudies. dam-mos, Lawns, Challis, plain
froids 0 / the body, the ~,,i tt 0 1 en eptilibriion in I Will 110 better and cheaper sewing than a seam- 1 and ;haired Beragee. Crepe 'Varela, Plain and
"'ll'', is the '4'l° miser " I inonm " . " s, " , • Such I. stress can, even if she works for one cent . ; colorer! Chintaire, Frenell and English Ging
die b eat ay a _ I lieme, Amerantlis, Valenti" Alpaecee, Bobage
is, its potency, Oita like the vaccine matter,
and are, unipestionably,
t t , o ,
e il in ic .je p t oin o t t :f n et ri t i t i tt l i l
e l . l - : t tl e r e s s
sawing, .
ee. 1 Prints, &,,.. &e.
1. ben:mil:el assortment of tiering SHAWLS,
eystem—lint mast hr infinitely 1150,1 to prevent j cou n t e l th e ir simplicity, d ura bility, case ~,i• ,
j round and suer:, corners, nil ardor's. A full
nsattegement, an d adapted. to all varieties of ' stock it Ladies Flee Collars, Gentlemen's
rhea and cetera its full virtue. Three t
quills iti saute, aril two in • chronic disease s , i la /IS 01 I•sre Cravats'
sewing—exemiting either beery or fine I Furnishing (co d s, suc h ~.. . ,
every 24 hours. till the heat, pain Rea febrile ste- ! family
lion hove subsided, find a perfect, core effected. ! work with equal facility,' and without special ' Ties, Stock,. Ilosiery, Shirts, Gauge and Silk
When it takes the place of blisters, ointment 1 adjustment. Undershirts, Drawers, Ars.
and leeches in local allectionsont Brain Fever, ' I We have n line selection of Mantillas, Dreee
1. 1 evidence f the 1 I runinees, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts. Glovi.s,
Crimp, l'ootheche, Pleurisy. &c. its mode or ! ` '
ailmiiiistration is two-edil, (See directiin cf ills. i of their MucLines, the Guot. & BAKER Sow. I yi j .... ajj y t ,,, , ry a !
j. j ery. m,,,,,,D,,,h,;,,,, Buttons,
solving. he.) ; ISO MACHINV C 113 I VANY hag leave to respectful-
mI Fie, Sewing bilk, Exteniiiias Skirts, Ho o p
'l', ilisenverer has withheld it Irate the pith- I ly refer to the following ,:r all kistile, &e.
lie till now, by the advive of it judicious physi• 1
. .1 ESTIMONIA I.B eo—Tickens, Oenstbutg, bleached and I'u•
chin and valuable friend whom be consulted— !,leached aluslies at all ' , Flees, Colored and
is s.,,etitlemari keowsi felt in the medical I "Haring Lad ono of Grover & ITier's 31a- ,
White Cambric, Barred mid Swiss Mush - ,
world—ood who de-irei to sulitnit it to the test ; chines in itip 1,,,
~,:." ran rosily It ),.• . soil halt . I victori Lawns, tes, Nainsookn, 'micron and man y
of experiment. - After witnessing under his own I j take pleasure in commending it ns every way
. I other articles shish comprise the line of White
serthyzing .a e• ll' ' 1 1 21 '.. 1 "th.'l 4 . ( "et' 1..01 tenable fur the t"P"..7, tbr 7h,rth it is designed I and Domestic Goof's.
melte anal ehriada ;eel.' 'eatery disc.., is re —Family S- , ring."—•••.•". "c"'. l •-'''' r t ., w t" ' We Rare French Cloths, Fancy Cassimerea,
staled and re-relic:tied trials, he offeretl $23.- I of Rev. Dr. Leariu, Editor of N. Y. huh pendent. I ~,,,,,,,,„,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,, co,eeede,,, Linens,
000 to noose in as a special and equal partner inl "I confess myself delighted wait your Solving ' Denims and 111. Drills,
manufacture, Recipe for itmanufacture, but the prope- Machine, whieh has been in my family for ma-
sal was rejected, ny months. It has always; been ready fut. duty, !
The disnse of the lancet and blisters, is de-1 reetairing no eiljnotuNnt, and is easily adapted 'of every verjety end style. Also all kinds a
mantled both by huntaitity by le a city sled to every variety of family sewing, by simply i STRAW GOODS.
science. Is it not a mistake, , to suppose that eleinging the spouts of thread,"—,ll , :+. 1-,7irabeth '
a kettle of Roiling water (a te inflamed hlood) Strieklantl, tv . ffe of Bev. hr. Strichlantl, Editor Nei A good sleek of
will cease to boil, by dipping out :spurt of it— I N. F. (arise,. Adeeserfe.
(bed blood) he 'mete "After trying oeveraldifihrent goodmeddlers, , Glint EMS. HARD & UERNSWARE,
or n rusk of had cider
P a s ''S 'swing . python of it? I ' it not n 1 preferred yours, on account of its simplicity, BOOTS 4S:. SHOES,
trth l e s '..%ll'P'''''' rho[ I ' l ' 4 ' r ' "" •I " thef ." r. " I and the erfeet ease with which it is managed, 1
will re.v. i° 6c "
19"""n• when they ri r than Y ' a p
s well an the streegth and durahifiv of the ' liVood and liVillow-ware,
superadd one itsflainunition to another?
late Dr. B. Wateramsoe, of Harvard Unieersi- .
The 1 seam. After long experience, I feel competent i
which w i l l b e s old ...Atha,
to speak in this manner, and to confidently re- We .11w deal in PLASII , ;II., I,ISII, SALT,
ty, said “I nun sick of learned gnackerg„')
' n° I nomniend it Mr every variety of family sewing."
1.3, _,,. , and all kir,ds or GRAIN, and posse. facilities
of the insist cm meta pliyoiciens In New leugland j "' lin use branch of trade unequalled by any. We
llCknOWledg.,l jent.tief.tre. lin death, that °lie , 1
—Mrs. E. 13. Spooner, Lebec of the Editor el
I lye `lan deliver nll packages or parcels of Merchandise,
loan been dottkaing fur many pears, wether I local
i ' "I Lava used a Grover E-1 Balker Sessi , , 'el .• • FREE 01 , CIIABGE, at the depots of the
letting unit liii-ter; did not aggreesile rather , . „ . ; j
j - . „ hose , , . ' ~.
I t • P I T dP • 5 •I• .• 11 •1
taj ,,, j ,,...„.. , ij
j • ,
~, si Sole w e j , ,rani; erotic tor two ~ rota, ::ail found it at ~. .. • t. •1..., up an sun y trust so roads,
I,; ,h ,•„ the. f‘• , i, , i„ 1 1., •,,,,i te ,1 to all kinds of famay sea 111, from COamris r.. c' ~,,, we , come a ll, an d be convinced that
,•„ ^ ,::,••::i: j ,' '''' •'''' ''''' :'' ' : . '" i • •, -I P •ee le. tl Garments have been worn ise• -i• ••)!I,TioshottraN" is the place to secure
''''''.. '''' " I ' d ' '. ' ' '''''' ''' ("eh': run- 1 s'''hout mein , wily .11 . ft Stitell. The :V:.- ~!.1. ,1,1., •:raLlo gootlß, disposed of et
fess, they believe i',•• •. ', ~ i, ,•cretie leech. sisal ,..., - . .•. i .. y • costly. „ 1 - .i • ~
• ! .c. mime is easily e , pt iti c.1..C.,11111 IS it -ei . ~• . • • i., • .
blisters injure tco a • • ~,. c. i. , h. one— , , „ „ ,
Tiscy think there io s ~i,••• : I. 1.,. I`2 83 I ---,it, „rt. ir. ii . i.trp. , , ivtle If .Rei, G eo . if 4, ~,,. e. ,.
' - York
--Gets. 9, 4—""i115.:,,. i;, i, --,,,,,, •••rtii. ! Ph, -,, •
111.001. in T 111: sire." It is not LI, .- •, ~: ~, 'Your Sewing Machine has been in use in W. IF. THOMAS,
bleed (there never is too notch) that eer, . ';'.• 'ey family the past two years, and the ladies AMBRO'FY PE AND PIIGTOGRAPHIC
settee, but the want of a balance between the ' request me to give you their testimonials to its
Wile and solids.perfeet nthiptedness, as well a.lnbar-saving A. It T I S T ,
The . ; :eclat excellence of the Antiplilogistie qoalities in the performance of family and j F r. 0 31 t. a I I. •is r I. t' st 1 a ,
Salt, in that without the useless loss of blood i household sewing."—Relierf Boorman, N. 1:
.tti,l,trengili, it effectually subdued Intl:sm.:0o- "For several months we have Grover & Be- j AT THE COURT HOUSE.
rye diems s, (nu others) by producing . coeill• ! t ette terrine Machine., and here come to this- I
brio.% of till the fluids in the body and is cense- o unelusion that every lady who desires her sow-This gallery of Art is now open for public
pima sinititerrupteil eii•eulation. It exert,, like i 1,
ng ~aatifidly and Ttirlly done, would be most I inspection of specimens el Ambrotypes, Cry''
the asinine inattar,inel extraorainaly influence f or t una t e
j i a j ~,,.,; „ ,i„j i cute el these relmble 1 mlographs, Photographs, Circular and Star
00er the v ens and arisries—re.ttiong in it 0r , " 1- , and isidefatlgable 'trots needle-women,' whose , i Pictures, tdso, Name, or Age, or Residence, ta
mil ileiil Me of itifbasenation as indicated by the combined qualities sit &urge. steenef and simplt- ! k en an the Pietures—letters of diffirrent color.,
pulse, which assumes ire natural state es the egg, are inwsluehle,"—J, if'. .Iforrt., &night, ol f
heat. peel atm fever dissappear. Gen, rho. l'. Morris, Editor of Home Journal. i
Vii - !denyimc. , "in' , !dr..", fur, sole, o re I Extract of a letter from Thos. It. Leavitt, an i 'VARIOUS SIZED PICTURES,
hacked by doubtful cectilieates, ( th ei r cued vo ,
' '
American gentlentan, now resident in Sydney, I Set in Frames, Cases , Lockets, Rings, Pins of.
toe) mid claim is be universal reieidies, curing Nt„ , seed, w...tee, stated January IS, 18 , , ,,... , ; Bracele „ .
nil netthlier—a herli'sniii' on comm on sense; ol had a tent Made in Alelhouree, in 1 8: 45 , iii ! Particular attention paid to tithing pictures
As th e discoverer "...I'4 `.'lt, s ol emn ly "' Ws ' 1 a hich Pere wore over time thousand yards of 'of Children. Time, from one to four 80e011do •
against having it phiced in the categery fit
_ring done
with one
of „ ever & 8e ,,,,,,, e „,,,.. 1
fronds and imptititionn. Lo Is. resolved that it n": ''.. • . Perfeet setisfactio ' •,-. -
a . set
. i.i., or persons are not
shines, and a ',high , seam of that lies outstood ! , di I to
shell go Penh to rise world, like rho pure c
' 4ll all the s/cable seems sewed by sailors wi th a nee- i ai tT ere 0 ee th eir pictures .
dollar, with no otherpossport than its true va t - I ,Ire and twine," j 1 attires taten from sick or ueeeased persons
ite. If the publie Met it genuine, they will re- , "'" "" at their residences. Copies taken from Da•
calve it—if s•-u-icc: , . rho , ' - ill reject and mi tt . i "Ir Ikmer could be cried up from his tow- I guerreotepes or POrlt'llilS. :1180, views °I r.'.
deihu it • histemmii being a mimeo for all ills, Ik v tattles, he would sing the advent of Grover dp ,, ce ,. L e.
it bas control over but one ill,—has but one aim F; Baker . a more beitignat, miracle of art ;
„ , Ladies .d Gentlemen tan invited to call
--accomplishes lint . I . l ° th;' , Y• t" .tti ....... thu ' l "" °,'," \ ‘ '' '' ll. ::'. °. ' 'TY • 11 ? `,""": 11 . a , - ; and examine specimens. Pictures taken al
i..,,,,,,,,,,,ity r ,,,,,,5,....—wite1e,ey he it,. r e r,,, pounce mainigut sairt•mmong as • tae murals i .
or Meat ity—weilter in she bead. throat chest as sinews of woes unatimbered."—l'rof. Neel.
I well in cloudy as fair weather.
dome", extremites or skin. It is asked. Iwo , "I take pleasure in saying, Orr :he Grover & 1 How often do we hear the exclamation, when
it does thisl—singly by restoring the last hal- i 1110,r S.,willi! :11i:climes boon lance than sec;-' per -met ma I.:Asking at Portraits—.l would not
once between the finish; and solid,Mined my expectation, After trying tool Nth, 1 %alias any sum if I could procure the Portraits Till, 1611,.wing dillerent Arms which the tin- I 'sing other, 1 have three of them in operation of my parcuts—or deceased children!" Rea.
balanced fluids iiOl,OllC, and many not hero men in my different places, nnsl, sifter heir years ' ! ,1,,,, ,If y ou are g ift e d w i t h this ennobling feel•
ties ed salt bare more or less bent, pain or fever trial, have to fault to find."--i. 11. /b"""ond, i log or unity, pant have an opportunity- to grati•
(no sithers)stre as perfeetly enrol by the Anti- ,n• c ,„,/,,qj ,t,•,,,,th Cusroji,,,,, 1 I's it At a small cost, by procuring Portraits,
inilogistie Salt, as fire is extinguished by "no , . olly wiie has bad one of Grover el. Baker's ; w hi c h, it is known, will not la,?,
1. Cures
, „ C wi ,'''' the " 1 " 1 "" '
luaun. ~, a • c errs ate satisfied it is 011 e of the bent labor-saving e ,„ (~,,, ~.,,31 one sec w . F. Monies, from Phila.
Ed , 1 - 1 . 0 ." , . 11 :1 1 ...n.d EY., E.. m'd . \ °.'s Illaehnes t h at has been invented. I [alts mush I Priers from 50 cents upwards.
Cooker, Neurtilgia, Erysipelas, Caton h. Croup, please., in reconimonding it to the public.”—
I Jan.112;58.-y.
Bronchitis, vv.. J. G. Burris, Governor of Tennrsae.
2. Crises where the unbulatieed fluids effect
"It is a beau tiful thin , and puts ceurvhoov ',
".' c"— —d '""°-- - to w" ;,. indowed • , .• ~Tit or .(7.',1 humor. w,:.,: 1 -:,
L ' m y s andLir "'''',, lie 111 " 17*11 ' f. '"''' f '''''PfP • i l ! l :l l li;)"i i iin t .g i li c ::ilil mats[ anon Saints fir„ver and i IVIII. A. ilatelielors Hair Dye !
ss' ' Asil "" ' ' l' ''' " •:' '1"11 " 1. "' ( ''''" l ' d ilks ' i baker having on mune l holiday in count - lento- The Original and Best is the World I
Gonorrhea, l'enerral, tve. for humarsitv.—Cao• '
3. eases where the milialanceil fluids e ff ect 1 r."l",tif,, t , lt " l• g." l do c ile • : • All otbera are more imitation, and should
the EXTUEMITII, ,111 , 1 SIZIN—to wit; Mania- '''''' ". ''''. 7 •• ' •i•• avoid,l, if year wish to swops ridicule.
ft., Gant, Scrofula, Ulcers, ailbains, ('hi/Lairs, .•1 think it by far the best patent in use. Th; , I', nay it - ED, ou 111 ST] HAIR Dyed in.
C'hiek , n and Small l'o.e, Solt Miami, with itch- Machine can he adapted none tile finest cambric j.,,isitly to a btautiful and Natural Brown or
Mg and other Oda:nous -Affections, he. to the lumrivet. eassth'ere. II • .s.strlmget• , i•'eck, without the least injure to Hair or Skin.
This Stilt gimaly allevietes the inflemmatory tester .d moan heateifully than "Ile Call ima• Fifieee .Medals and Diyclotnas have been a•
Pities Prettier to married ladles. (before and sit gins. II mine ,could not be replacer!, in ::e
1.-t ; 's\ •1 II I •hd • • 183() d
the thee of con fi nement) and many lettiale coin- ei.. ,,, 1d ~,,, buy 11. ..,......M,.., .
~. G. 1,...
~ . , , : s ' • ~.., , 1 . in.... !t. c 1 01 RION, ~ an
plaints, owl is very e ffi catio. in Fevers Ague ! vale, Teen. vor $..0,0011 applications have been made to
Wounds, Ncl,oltS o'l tepinnl Menlo. and „it in j ,,,, e , ~,,,,,, ~,, , i , and dereble ie it ., , ,
1 . •,. !lair of his patrons, of his famous Dye.
avian. liirnie of (mark dile) is flam wintery di- j work; , easily 'i'',..,,, ! ,.- i ,,,,,, j,i,j/ kept in repair. i WM. A. ILVICHELOR'S HAIR DYE pro.
""''' "e"ded n'th bent, " in ' rarlia s Y m y - i earnestly reconnect,' this Machine to all my nc- • doves a color not to he distinguished from ne
w.. 1b.,. oe , A .
j a. 0 ,. 3 .„‘, lure, and is warranted not to injure in the least
: ' mama/lees and otheis."—
dis• Persons who have a tendency of blood •
,Memphis, Tenn. however long it may be continued, and the ill
to the head nr heat, or lead inactive, liras, erl effects of Bad Byes remedied ; the Hs it in.
"We find this machine to work to our suds-
! e
breath the iinpure air of insinutactoriee and the ! fj
je,i,,,,, and with pleasure reemmuesid it to the I vigorntedfor life liy this splendid Dye.
poisonous Pines amends and minerals, or U ,
se j p ,,,,, es we ~,,,,,„, Graver& l,,,ker to he th e 1, Made, tub] or applied (in 9 private rooms)
is Ilith " ith ' d '"'" Les ' "" '''''''' l 10 0 p ut " .! " - I best gewisse Nlaehine in use."—Deary 13rothers, iat the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New
liar vitiation of the fluids Lf the body, which 011i3 ; A fi,,,,,,, , ...g,,„, I Yoth all . Sold in cities and tows. of the Hui •
dose without interfereieg with the 'list or Mud ' I red States, by Druareiste and Fancy Goods
]teas, once in three month, wenla invariably 1 "If used exclusively for family purpuses, with 1 ~...„..,..,. •••
, :e ...en,. It is belched to atTOl,l protection from 1 ordinury care, I will wager they will last one I ”" '
, Ite& - *The (leonine hostile name and address
infeetieue disease, and then:fine travellers, I 'three score veers and ten,' soul never get out , ,
chile , four .. _
• ' so:., stspply themselves ! c,f fix."—./'hl' 15•skine, re s et!/ le, Tenn. , upon a steel i engraving on aides of
ern, 4110 ... eaCh Lox, or WM. A, BATCHELOR,
with it. „,;,„ I "I have had V 311 1 • nee-bine for u'verel weeks. 233 Broadway, New York.
a- WI." "Pt.,' ... i t' n '''''' ke " viu " -- ' end on perfeetl'y satis fi ed that the woth it does I Jul .
the good natured and plll.i int:::`, public, try or- I Read, Agent Buntinedou Pa.
:is the best and most beautiful that ever wee.— . • i - "
, Nov. 17, 58-Iy.
Bering "Irma six to a dozen holtes d! bottles, , jk ,
~i . , Ainii.,,m, A .. ,,, , , ,.,,, ,. . , T...
to cat e any nuiliely ." no matter what—it's e ll- ! tie i
dersigned to !ippy in being Lade to state, that . "1 use my 'Siaehine upon coats, dressmaking, '
. es. 'Plirr... ' _ ___S
! BOOKS I 4 .74 BOOK
the severest torn. of recent inflammatory di- l end t lre linen stitching, and the work is admi- ,
see., seas over come by ono Acute Peel:ea.' I ruble—fer hence than the hest hand-sewinßi or I
and the must obstinate and long 611111 r 1 • a , tine r hays; ever seen."—"mat •
( th• .) .y other iii,,. 40,900 Volumes of Books for Sale.
one Chri tic package. It do. just whet it ' B. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn i $300,00 In Gifts for every 1000 Sold.
choins to do--tual no more, or less— equalizes I i In order to reduce my extensive stock I will
"I rin d th e work th e strongest and must henu•
the fluid. by removes); from the system all fi r- : .sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the
'I •l, handort
tiro 1 hove ever seen. ,mu le mt set y
terial and venous chstruri ins. • d 1 the Grave r & Baker nsa- regular retail : prices or less, and give ($500)
, maeane, . regard
flie Plans let your neighbors read this.
. h' as ate of the greatest hlessinge to our I five Inindred dollars worth of presents varying
F. COGGSWELL, M. IL, 1 c I ", ° , •„ , , A , 1 w 7e .in value from 2:i cent. to $lOO,OO. Or, those
DISCOVER6II ANL I'IIOPRIETOIt. I "..- —.`'''''' ...Y. , , es r. ei mr.• !
who prefer can pavilion at wholesale prices.—
For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel , oI have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing; Ma-
Itly stock consists of every variety and style of
S. Smith, ACO.' Huntingdon, Pa. ! chinos in use in my fe nIV -nd find it invitee-
Fels. Ifith 18511. I hies I can confidently recommend it to all per- winding. School Boas of Query kind, Whole
d t'l Sales U .4 h
Aurooss, Blair co Jul • 3 '5B, 1 sons in want of a mac hi ne :' — R , T. Thonapson, ; sale an te at . to commence Dee. -t .
~ ) , WM. COLON.
J. D. SIONEROAD, Lewistown Pr, Nashville, Tenn.
Dear ,
Sir—Mr. Wm. I : . Dee.22,`38.
'I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of, ---
Tr ''"" G " , " " " a o°e" senescing several , the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I ha, , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.
years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends '
i used ono on almost every description of work I Proposals will be received at the Commis•
and relatives wore summoned to witness its for montlist end Ilnd it much stronger than work j sinners Office, up to two o'clock on the 9th day
death. 1 induced his friends to try the virtue dons by hanl."—dfrs. D. IF. ;Wieder, Nashville ;ef May, for building a bridge across Stone
of your preparation—they slid so, nn the last re; I a',,,,,,. Creek, nt the head of Shoemaker's darn. Plan
sort ugd, to their astonishr, ant and joy, he be- land specifiettii. can be seen at the (Atka.
gun t o improve, got Luise:lA bettor, and now. I "I would he unwilling to dispose of my Ciro-
so far as I know, Lc is a mile and stout man, I
ear 0 Baker Machine for a large amount, could
T ,
his is not the only case ~,no the GAINANte I not replace it again at pleasure."—Mrs. B.C. At the same time and place proposals will
Om has 'surpassed !Inman expeetatious. In Scorch, ivaehrille Teen. I be received for building vaults in the Pruthon
ovcry eons where I have recommended the Ott., i "Our two Machines, purchased Irons you, do I otary's and Register's offices. Plan and specs
it has done what it promises to du. Send us the work of twenty young ladies. We with ' ifications seen at Comes.;offtee.
another 520's worth. ! pleasure recommend the Grover 0 Baker ma- I By oldtr of the Commissioners.
Yours ttely. 11, LEH Ell. • chine to he the hest in u.."—Y. ~, t ill""" t i. Co. ' H. W. MILLER. Clerk
1 lA, 'SS—le. 7N im. ' Ayr. '27 '59
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