Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 04, 1859, Image 1

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k, L A. 1J
n the "Globe" Office Building, Market Square
The subscriber respectfully informs the
neon of Ifuntingdon and adjoining c ,unties,
that he has opened a New Book and Stationery
'Store, in the corner room of the "Globe" buil•
ding, wltare may be found a general assort.
, ment of Miscellaneous and School Books and
Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason
able prices. He will add to his stock weekly
all Books and articles in demand, and expects
in v. abort time to have on band as full a stock
• Books, Stationery, &a., as can be
found in any i:AT. 7n the
Having made the necdntbry ai7angements
with publishers, any Book wanted and not up
on his shelves, will be ordered and furnished at
city prices.
As he desires to do a lively business with
small profits, a liberal share of patronage is
(Estate of Nary Shively, dec.)
Letters of Admingration en the estate of
Many Shrively, late of Porter township. dec.
baying been gra and to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate are required to
make immediate payment, ane those having
claims will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Jacoby. Sliively,Advir.
N. B.—The Administrator will attend in
Aloxandri a, oa the Bth and 18th days of Jan.
uary inst.
Porter township, Jan. 6. 1E69.
Scrofula, or King's Evil,
ix a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in tho circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
in disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, descending " from parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed,
it seems to bo the rod of Him who says, "I
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
Its effects commence by deposition from the
Mood of corrupt or ulcerous meteor, which, in
the lunge, liver, and intomal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresees
the enemies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, best they have for less power to with
‘itand the attacks of citlo`r colles
quently, vast numbers pell.4lt by oi.ordery
cohick, although not scrofulous in th , :! , nature,
era stilt rendered fatal by this taint in tho
system. Mast of the consumption which de.
ohnetos the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
aro aggsavated by the same cause.
Our quarter of all our people are scrofulous;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system we must renovate
the blood by an alterative mcslicine, and in.
vigorato it by healthy food and exercise.
bush a inediutno we supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
tho most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active remedials that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
system from its destructive consequences.
Wine it should to employed for the curd of
nut only scrofula, but also them other affec
tions which arise front it, melt as ERUPTIVE
and SKIN Diseases, ST. ANTHONY'S PIRA,
lbw, or ERYSIPELAS, Prmenes,
Humans, Bums end Boats, TUMORS, Tureen
and SALT Ramon, &Ann MAD, RINGWORM,
RH rumArnim, fivemtme and llencentsx Des-
yea on Inseam Moen. The popular belief
in 0 impurity qf the blood" is founded ha truth,
for scrofula is titlegoveration of theblood. The
particular purj!Sso and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid,
Without laic sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the range of
,thoir action can rarely withstand or evade them
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ
ism, correcting Ito diseased action, and restoring
its healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed clown with
pain or physical debility is astonished to And his
henl . l: k:r energy restored by a remedy at once so
aim raid inviting.
Not only do they cure the every-day complaints
of every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certillcates of their cures and directions
for their use in the following complaints: Costive
ow, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered
Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pam in and Morbid
!mattes of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe
tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaint.,
ari,ing from a low slate of the body or obstruction
of its Atacama.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Itronchitis, Incipient Consump.
tion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu
merous arc tbo ruses of its cures, that almost
every motion of country abounds in persons pub
licly known, who have been restored from alarming
and oven desperate diseases of the lungs by its
oar. When onto tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and whore its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affections of the
pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community , have failed and been discarded, this
has gained friend. by every trio], conferred benefits
on the afflicted they can never forget, nod pro.
dared cures too numerous and too remarkable he
be forgotten.
DR. J. C. AYER & CO.
Join, Run, Agent Huntingdon, Pa.
Nov. 10, 1858.-21 y.
elcct gorttt
The vernal rains were falling fast,
AsArough a little village passed
A youth who bore a hickory pole,
And oaen.nnder his control,
Pike's Peak.
Ills brow was glad ; his oyes were bright,
Nor to the left, nor to the right,
He turned, but onward kept his steady course
Ani shouted tea his voice was hoarse,
Pike's Peak,
lle left his happy home by night,
And toward the west he took his flight,
Above the moon in beauty shout,
And from his lips escaped a groan,
Pike's Peak,
"You'd better stay," sow) old men said,
"You'll surely loose your wits or head;
The stormy prairie's long and wide,"
But luud that headstrong youth replied,
Pike's Peak,
"Beware of swindlers, cheats and thieves,
Beware of those who would deceive."
This was the old men's last advice,
To whom the youth said in a trice,
Pike's Peak.
At length the barren plains he reached,
Ilis bread most gone; his form well bleach'd;
But still be groaned that fervent prayer,
Which did not go far through the air,
Pike's Peak.
A traveler by the Platte was found,
Flat as a pancake on the ground,
Still clinging to his hickory pole,
And on the ground could scsreely
Pike's Peak,
There by the diggings, cold and gray,
Lifeless and pennyless he lay,
And could ho speak, you'd hear him say,
ic p iuing J t utui c.
The Courier de l'Europa tells the fol
lowing, which took place some thort time
since, on the occasion id - the dist ascent of
that celebrated and lucky toronaut, Mons.
Godard :
Monsieur Godard took with him on that
day is his compagnon de voyage a wealthy
private gentleman, who paid 1000 francs
for the privilege of sharing in the perils
of the expedition. • The *milker could not
have been more propitious and the balloon
shot up rapidly to a considerable altitude.
'What effect does tint produce upon
you ?' asked M. Godard, of his compan
‘Nothir,g !' said the other, laconically.
'My compliments to you.' said Mons
Godard. 'You are the first whom I have
over seen nrrivu at such an altitude with.
out betraying some einotion.
• 'Keep on mounting,' said the traveller,
with a gravity supreme.
M. Godard threw over some ballast. and
the balloon ascended some 500 feet higher.
'And now, added M. Godard, 'does your
heath beat ?'
'Nothing yet !' replied his companion,
with an air which approached closely to
_ .
4 Tho devil,' exclaimed NI. Godard; 'you
have really, my dear sir, the most perfect
qualification to bo an aeronaut.'
The balloon still ascended; when 1000
foot higher, M. Godard interrogated a third
time his companion.
.And now ?'
'Nothing, nothing; not the shadow of a
fear whatever!' answered the traveller,
wilt a tone positively discontented, and like
a man who had experienced a profound de.
'Goodness sun !so much 'he worse then'
said the aeronaut smiling : but I must re-
nounce all hopes of making you afraid.—
The balloon is high enought We are go
ing to descend.'
'l'o descend ?'
Certainly; there would be great danger
in going higher.'
, That does rot make the slightest difler-
Lne to me; I do not choose to descend.'
• You what''
'I ray I wish to ascend higher; keep on
mounting. I have given 1000 francs to
experience some emotion , I must do so,
and I will not descend before I have felt
some emotion.'
M. Godard commenced to laugh ; he be
lieved at once that it was a joke.
'Will you ascend, once morel' demand
ed the traveler, seizing hint by the throat
and shaking Lint with violence; 'when
shall I feel some emotion ?'
M. Godard relates that at this moment
he telt him i self lost. A sudden and arm:-
ful revelation broke upon him in regarding
the strangely dilated eyes of his compag
non sic voyage; he had to do with a mad
If the unfortunate aeronaut had had any
oefensive weapon he would, after all, have
been capable of defending himself; but it
is not usual for people to furnish themselves
with pistols for a voynce in a balloon, and
certainly one would not dream of meeting
with a warlike encounter in the stars
The earth was 5000 feet beneath—most
horrible depth f—and the least movement
of the now furious madman might cause
the car to capsize,
'Alt ! eh i you are mocking me, my fel
low,' continued the madman, without loos
ening his grip.
! you think to rob me of 1000 firms
as well as. my emotion. Very well, be
quiet. It's my turn to laugh. It's you
now who are going to cut a caper.'
The madman was possessed of prodigi.
oils muscular force.
hi. Godard did not even attempt to de.
fend himself. 'What do you .vish from
mo?' asked he, with a calm tone and sub-
, Simply to amuse myself in seeing you
turn a somersault,' answered the madman,
with a ferocious smile.
'But first (the madman appeared to be
think 'himself) I hare my idea; I wish to
ace if I can't find some emotion up there.
I must put myself astride on the semi cir
The madman indicated with his finger
the upper part of the balloon. Ju tin
s peaking he commenced to elimb along the
cords which held the car attached to the
hi. Godard, who had not before trembled
for himself was forced to do so now for the .
'But miseraile man, you are going to
kill yourself. You will be seized with ver
'No remarks,' hissed the madman, seiz
ing him agate by the collar, or.l will at
once pitch you into the abyss.'
'At least,' observed M. Godard, 'allow
tee to put this cord round your body, so, that
you may remain attached to the bailoon.'
'Be it so.' said the madman, who appear
ed to comprehend the utility of the pre
This done, furnished with his nerd of
safety the madman commenced to climb
among the ropes with the agility of a squir
rel. He reached the balloon, and placed
himself astride the semi -circle, as ho bud
saki. Once there, he ren: the air with a
shout of triumph, and drew his huife from
Lls pocket.
'What are you going to do ?' asked hi.
G:litrJ, who feared he ;night have the idea
of ripping open the balloon.
'To make me s s lf comfortable forthwith.'
Uttering these words the madman cut
slowly the cold of safety which NI. Godard
had attached to his body. With s single
pull of wind to shake' the balloon, the mis
erable creature must roll over into the a•
!And now,' yelled forth the madman,
brandishing his knife, !we are going to
laugh, Ah, robber, you thought to' make
me descend ! Very well, It is you who
are going to tumble down, in a moment,
and quicker than that !'
Godard had no , time to make a
movement or put in a single word. Before
ho was able to divine the infernal inten.
Lion of the madman, tho latter, still astride
of the sentt-circle, ho cut—oh horror—four
of the cordage which suspended the car to
the balloon. The car inclines horribly—
•it only holds by two
'A word, a single word r cried M. God.
'No, no pardon, r vociferated the mad.
, I do not ask for pardon, on the contra
, What 'is it you wish, then ?' said the
niadman, astonished.
'At this moment, now,' continued the
aeronaut hurriedly, 'we are at a height of
5000 feet.'
'Stop,' said the madman, 'that will bo
charming to tumble down trout atoll a
•It is still too low,' added M. Godard.
'How so ?' asked the madman, stups•
'Yes,' said M. Godard; , my expetience
as an aeronaut has taught me that death is
not certain to ensue from a fall from this
elevation. Tumble or no tumble, I mast
prefer to fall from such a height as to be
killed outright, rather than to risk only be
ing lamed—have the charity to precipitate
me from a height of 9000 feet only.'
! that'll do !' said the madman,
whom the mention of a more horrible fall
charmed amazingly.
M. Godard follows heroically his pur
pose, and throws over an enormous quaint
,ty of ballast, The balloon makes a power
' fur bound, and mounts 500 feet in a few
seconds. Only—and while he surveys
I this operation tvith a menacing air, the
aeronaut thinks to accomplish another in a
sense quite contrary.
The quick eye of M. Godard had remar
ked that among the cords spared by the
madman, figures the one leading to the
valve. His plan is taken, Ile draws the
cord, it opens the valve fixed in the upper
part of the balloon for the purpose of al
lowing any excess of the hydrogen gas to
escape, and the result which - he hoped for
was not long in making itself apparent.
Little by little the madman becomes
drowsy, asphyxiated, and insensible by the
vapors of the gas which surround him.—
The madman being sufficiently asphyxia
tpd for Isis purpose, M. Godard allows the
balloon to descend slowly to the earth. The
drama is finished.
Arrived on ' , rm./Irina, M. Godard, not
bearing any hatred to the author of his per
ilous voyage r . hastenedto restore him to an
imation, and had hint conveyed, hands and
feet bound to, the neighboring station.
DEA Til,
While we know that "in the midst of
life we are in death," how often do we
hear the exclamation "I am Wald to die !"
And yet if the cause of that dread inns
known; n how many cases would we find it
to be only that unnatural terror no univer
sally attached to the "act of departing
this life ; instead of a holy fear for the
safety of our SOU Is in another state of be
ing. It is Avicked to fear the righteous de-
crees of a meretful God, and should you
wish to live long, and happily, my frien ~'s,
study to lieu during the present hour as if
it were'your Inst. "Now is the accepted
time," saith the Lord; then
“Delay not till tomorrow, to lie wise,
Tomorrow's Sun (to Theo) may never rise."
In some instances more courage is requir
ed to live than to die, for life is oft n bur
then to those who afflicted with many bod
ily ailments ha ve not sufficient moral
strength to be resigned. and to soy 'thy
will, not mine be done." Tho' death is
the final cf all human beings it is only the
virtuous who can gladly claim it as a priv
ilege, and happiness. No covenant or a
greement can be made with death for a de
lay of its mission, therefore I pray yotq
clear render, secure now while you may, a
well grounded hope Man immortal state,
that you may be prepared when God calls
you to himself'
lle that bath lived in peace, nod wor
shipped his Creator in the beauty of heti
necs dies nt his appointed time with pleas
ure. To him it is but the turning over
the leaf in the book of his life which ends
tine volume. Ile gladly exchanges this
for one wiiieb tells bim of a blissful (slur.
ity—his being's (Aid and aim.
'Tenth is the crown of life—were it tknied,
Poor man bad lived in vain."
Self communion is—us a daily habit— one
of the best means of bringing ourselves,
tnto a just estimation of ourselves, and ali
earthly things while it also teaches us to
prize Heaven as God's best reward to man
"As the tree falls so it must- lie," so as
death leaves us, will judgement find us—
Except your righteousness shall exceed
the righteouseebs of the Scribes and Pha-
risees, ye shall in no case enter into the
kingdom of Heaven." For he cometh
for he cometh to judge the earth, and with
rietoeueness to judge the world. and the
people with his truth." If then this trans
formation is so terrible to us as a Amigo
el state, let us so live that immortality may
be but an unending continuation of a sir.
tuous life.
"Hasten sinner to return,
Slay not for the morrow's sun ;
Lest thy lamp should cease to burn;
lire salvation's work is done.
"Thou Lord when I resigh my breath,
My soul from Hell shall free ;
Nor let thy holy one in death,
The least corruption see.
"Great Shepherd lead um on,
My soul disdains to fear; .
Death's gloomy phantoms all aro flown,
Now life great Lord is near.
'•What is that you've got in your
hand, my lovet" said nn old lady to her
"It's a billet-doux, mn," lisped Mies So
“Daughter" said the ancient matron,
drawing herself up with much dignity,
"cull them things William doux in future.
Billy is vulgar."
.drawer fo Question No. o.—The lanlord
would loose 7 1.5 bushels by such an ar
rangement, as the rent would entitle him
to 2.5 of 18. The tenant should give him
18 bushels from his own share after the
division is completed, otherwise the land
lord would receive but 2.7 of the first 63
Etc gikpiaty.
Whoever expects to be successful in the
management of the hon. - y bee, must dis
card the word hick, and substitute in i ts
place good co.atmon sense and untiring at
tention. If left entirely to themselves, they
will be found , like many other branches
of rural economy, not to pay, and the bee
beaker will unwisely conclude that he has
no luck in keeping bees. On the contra
ry, if managed, with diligence and skill,
they will not only furnish the npiarian
with some of the ' , sweets of life," but will
also occasionally fill his packets with the
Scam MANNusoutxr. , --Place the hive !
where it is intendid they shall stand during
the summer, which should be where the
sun can strike the hive in the early part
of the day, and also where they can be
easily watched by the family during the
swarming season. Keep the entrance to
hives pretty well closed, to prevent the
chilling of the young brood. This .will al
so guard against robbing; for it is at this
season of the year that they aro inclined
to rob, which they never do when the have
plenty of honey to gather. About the first
of June, raise the hives from the bottom
board by placing blocks of wood •or small
stones under the corners. Some apiarians
raise then: tap early in the spring, Nhich is
wrong, as the cold winds of spring will
chill the brood. Some do not raise them
at all, but leave them close to the bottom
board all summer. In this case they
should be examined every few days, and
all worms found under the edges of
the hive killed—not brushing off on the
ground, for that is where they want to go
—but give them a regular smashing.
SWARMINO.—Every tise-keeper should
be provided with a bee•hat, which can be
`made of wire screen doubled round like a
cylinder' with two ends rivited together
and a piece of cloth sewed over the top or
crown. 'Fake a piece of calico the same
length of the screen before doubling, sew
the ends making a cylinder as of tho
screen together, fasten the ends of the
cloth and screen together, and it is finished
Put the but on, let ,he looter end of the
cloth come down around the neck, and
shoulders, button the coat or frock tight
around the neck, put on a pair of woolen
gloves or mittens, and you are armed for
any emergency. Let those who have new
er used one get one and try it, and they
will never do without it again, Lay some
boards on the ground,and spread a sheet
over them to keep the bees out of the grass,
set the hive on the sheet with the front
edge raised about an inch. If the swarm
has alighted on the limb of a tree that can
be eat of;; rut it off carefully and shake
them off' on the ahem in front of the hive,
11,1,1 they will soon enter. II they alight
on a valuable, and you do not wish to cut
it off; take a pan and brush the bees into
it with a wing, slid empty them in front
of hive. If they gather to tha body of
a tree or on the fence, as they sometimes
do, brush them off into a pan or dipper, in
the same manner. The will readily en•
ter the hive. Some have supposed that
the queen must always be got into the hive
first which is not's°, elle being frequently
nearly last to enter. As soon as they have
all entered the hive. carry it to whore it
is to remain and cover it with boards or
green boughs to shade it for a fete days.—
When this precation is taken, they will
not often leave the hive. If the hive is
new, never wash it with anything, if it
is an old hive, it should be scraped and
washed with water sweetened with honey
or sugar. Somebody once told me to
wash my hives with sweetened whiskey,
and I never had a swarm leave when lila
ed in that manner. Second or third
swarms, if late in the season, :Mount be
returned to the parent hive, which they
will do il the queen is found and destroyed
FALL MANAGEMENT. —Double all late
swarms that have not honey enough to
winter, nsa large swarm wil I consume but
little more than a small one; and if two
small swarms, with the contents of their
hives are put together, they will generally
do well and looks one good swarm, other
wise they must both be consigned to the
hives are properly ventilated that the mois
ture which always arises frotn the good
healthy swarm does not gather in the top
of the hive and freeze in cold weather.—
Many bees are lost in this way. After con
suming all the honey where the aro clus
tered, they die of starvation. The remedy
is to keep them so warm that the moisture
will nut freeze, or let it escape by ventila
Univiso.—Somutittles it mrty be ncccs
1Aak . 519 .
CYi t •'; r ~ ~,,,,,,," , ~-,1
It , r
) ' ''/
~-:-.- oy
vary, in order to save a swcrin that is not
doing well on account of the comb becom
ing old or the ravages of the bee-moth, to
drive them oat into a new hive. Make a
box of the same size of the hive, with a
a pane of glass in the top. Turn the hive
bottom upwards and place the box on top,
and wind a cloth around where they come
together. Let them stand a few minutes ;
to give the bees time to fill themselves with
honey ; then, with n couple of sticks, rap
smartly on the lower part of the hive ; and
they will rush tip to the light to get out
When they , aro nearly up into the box take
it off, and, having previously arranged a
hive rs for swarming, shake them out in
front of the hive, and they will soon en•
ter. Take the comb out of the old hive.
and what bees are left in brush off, and
they will enter with the rest. A little to
bacco smoke, blown into the bottom of the
hive, will sometimes be of assistance in
driving them up. The smoke of burning
rags will also answer the same purpose
Smoking them also serves to make them
good natured and less inclined to sting. If
it should be bad weather for a few days af
ter driving, they should be fed.
them out of ono of the hives as directed
above. Thdn take one of the hives you
wish to unite them witb, invert it and
smoke them well with tobacco or the smoke
of cotton rags, then sprinkle them with
sweetened water with a little peppnrmint
esscence in it. Take the box with the bees
in it:from the other hive, smoke and sprin
Isle them, and set the hive where it stood
with the front edge a little raised, that the
scattering bees may enter. Smoke them
occasionally fora short time. This will
keep them goad natured and give them all
one scent, that they can not distinguish
friends from strangers. They will com.
mence eating the sweetened water, and,
mingling together, will rite as ono family.
' This should be done late in the season. if
upon a pleasant day they should come out
of the• hive, the old one should be placed
where it stind, and what bees enter it can
at night ba returned to the other hive.
C. C. WILSON, Niagara Co., N. Y.
*tICCt Pisccilann.
The St. Louis Republican has the follow
item as occurred in that city:—
About 5 o'clock Monday evening, two
young persons, dressed in a very gentle•
manly manner, walked into the office of
Justice Herckenwrath, on Walnut street.
The oldest introduced himself as Samuel
A. Patterson, and said for several years lie
had been paying courteous attentions to
Miss Louisa Chamberlain, in one of the
border towns of Indiana. His suit had
been well received by the young lady, and
they were engaged to be married;'but the
father of his affianced interposed his ob
jections to the proposed hymenial eo.part•
nership, and declared with great positive.
ness that the twain should not be made ono
flesh. Finding Chamberlain, Sr., inexo.
robin, Mr. Patterson had concluded to go
to Pike's Peak, hop;ng to reap golden treas•
urns as the result of his journey, and on
Iris return experience less difficulty "in
conciliating his sweetheart's obdurate pa-
rent." So about a week ago, bidding good
bye for his native town, and in
dulging in a kiss or two, together with a
chas.e embrace, in which Miss Louisa was
a participant, he steered his course for St.
The thought of a long separation from
her dearly beloved, but more than all the
fear thnt absence might drive her image
frost his heart, was to much for the lair
Louisa. She took a younger brother into
confidence. nnd poured into his sympathet.
is ear the story of her grief. There was
a dash of romance in that younger broth-
OT, and said he, “Lousta, run ofl—meet
Sam—marry him—and the d-1 take
the consequence." Ott that hint she spake.
That, indeed, she had already resolved up
The above narrative, perhaps not in the
some words, but in substance similar, was
told to Justice 11—, night before last,
at 5 o'clock P. M., precisely.
The Squire meditated. At length he
suid he would rather not perform the cer.
' , But you must" said Patterson, "and
besides, if you don't some magistrate will,
and you might as well have the nr -, ,ey as
any other."
'Phe last wab a wise thought for the young
anticipatory husband.
(Melt" observed Esq. H— ; .bring
the lady here—l'll tic the knot,"
Mr. Patterson walked to another portion
of the room where his genteel companion
had taken a seat.
VOL. XXIV. NO. -18-:
“Here she is” he announced, as they both
advanced to the Justice's desk.
We will not say that the functionary
who presides over Fourth Ward was dumb
founded, sttuck aghast, for he was not.—
He was simply surprised. He shook his
head and remarked that if the lady would
retire to her boarding-house and re-appear
in the costume of her sex he would gladly
accede to their wishes.
A short hour elapsed. Miss Chamber
lain, attired in all the paraphernalia of
hoops and other femenine et ceterm, now a
blooming, blushing young Indy of sweet
seventeen. entered the office, accompanied
by the smiling and altogether happy Mr,
Patterson. Five minutes served to place
them to a new relation, and after receiving
the congratulations of the peace officer of
the State they departed on their way "re
joicing" of course.
Yesterday morning the identical pair
were seen in a buggy—but the fair Louisa
was again violating an ordinance of the c.ty,
by being dressed in male attire. in the
afternoon she started back to her borne in
Indiana, and on Saturday her husband
leaves St. Louis, still hound for the orange
colored Peak of Pike.
- -
The name of the tune which played up.
on the feelings.
If thocnp of sorrow has a saucer,
In what form the phantoms of doubt ap.
Wlkat is the fine when people become
intoxicated with happiness.
Why other men should not have a forge
as well as a blacksmith.
How many men have bolted from the
coupse of true love.
If any one has strangled who hung up•
on a doubt.
How many dutiful sons belong to Moth
er Church:
If the light of other days was gas or
The name of the Irishman who got to
the top of the morning.
If keeping a fast day don't destroy many
a brood of chickens.
If any one ever felt fatigued after the
e xercise of forbearance.
If the girl who clung to hope hadn't a
slippery hold.
—We have been able to draw up a table
of the different reasons for wearing a mous
tacit. We have questioned not less than.
one thousand persons so adorned, and
their amiwers have helped us tc the follow
ing result:—
To avoid staving
To avoid catching cold
To bide the teeth
To take from a prominent nose
To avoid being taken as an Englishman
Because they are in the army 5
Because they have been in the army 221
Because the aristocracy does it 2
Because it is artistic 29
Because I au, a singer a
Because 1 travela deal
Becati , e I've lived long on the contitent 3
Because the wife likes it 8
Because I have weak lungs
Because it acts as a respirator
Because it is headily
Because the young ladies admire it 471
Because it is considered 'the thing" 10
Because he chooses 1
It will be seen from the above table that
not ono person confesses to 'vanity' being
the motive. The majority of persons
wear a moustache becatm they imagine,
in their conceit, it becomes them; but how
rarely you meet a person who has the
courage to admit it.
Fier Wm. B. 4stor, who is worth $O,
000.000 recently requested Rev. Mr.
Chapin's society not to anticipate the pay
ment of a debt of 90,000 duo him, as they
debtred to do bat to continue paying only
the interest as it became due. He said he
had more money than he coulJ take care
Question No. 10.
The Landlord 'li•icl•ed,--Twentyone.
persons sat down, to dinner at art inn,
with the landlord at the head of the table.
When dinner was finished it was resolved
that one of the party should pay the whole
score, to be decided as follows: A person
should commence counting the company,
and every seventh man was to rise from
his seat. until all were counted but one,
who was the individual who should pay the
whole bill. One of the waiters was fixed
upon to count the company out, who ow•
ing his master a rudge, resolved to make
him the the person who should have to
pay. Hots must he proccod to accomplish
this ?