Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 27, 1859, Image 3

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    Auntiughn ournal.
Wednenday Morning, April 27. 1859.
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, is great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
The Huntingdon JOURNAL for one year, and
either of the Magazines for the same period
will ho sent to the address of any subserilier
to be paid in advance as follows
The Journal and Godey's Lady's hook, for
7?f s e a v i
eltreal and Grithant' s Magaz2e3 50
, (or
one year, $3 50
The Journal and EllierBol4 . 3 Ilryaziae and
Putnam's Monthly. for one year, $3 50
Tic Journal and Frank Leslie's Fainily
Magazine and Gaze/leg/ . Fashion, for one year
$3 50
Tho Journal and Lady's Home Mur! zilLe,
tor one year,
The Journal owl Peterson's Magazine, for
$2 75
•000 TTic7l i ournal awl Atlantic Monthly, for one
$3 30
The Journal and Germs Farmer,
. Si 871
one year
Extraordinary Cfccurrence.--Es
cape of a 'Villain.
A Swiss, named John Lehmann, who
had been nt work for Mr. Peter THU tv:,- d r
the to Nn of Urbana, seized hi/ TepOriuni
ty, while the male tncuthera of the family
were away from home, to rush into the
/house, drive tho women away, and rob a
bureau drawer of a small amount of money.
He next proceeded down the road, when
.meeting a your.g lady, timed Delilah Wil
&Noon, of very respectable connections,
he choked her, threw her to the ground,
tied her hands together with a strap, nod
n otwithstanding her screams, perpetrated
his devilish purposes. Then taking the
young lady's jewelry from her risen, the.
scoundrel took to his heels and disappear
ed io the woods, where lie remained con•
cealed a few days, when returning to Mr.
Hill's place, he stole n horse and vainosed.
The whole neighborhood were greatly ex
asperated, and turned out In large numbers
to hunt the .desperate - rillain down. About
noon of 'Phursday laf,t he was caught in
possession of the stolen animal, at a place
called Freedom, on the dividing line be
tween St. Clair and Monroe Counties.. It
was with tnw'h difficulty that the incensed
people could be kept froin lynching the
scapegrace on the spot. tie teas, however
finally aliened to be taken to I3ellevile,
wheire he was put in jail, the friends of Miss
Wiltlerninn only demanding that the pris.
orier should have nn immediate trial.—
Court was then in session, but the grand
jury had ndjourned. A new grand jury
was empannelled Saturday morning, the
last day of Court, and at once footle it,
dicttnents against the avert ed for both the
rape and the larceny. The same day Liii
tnann was Wed, the outrage on Wll
slermati and the striding of din horse con.
-elusively proved and the case submitted
to the jury, who, after an absence of not
more than trim minutes,, returned finding
the culprit guilty of horse stealing, and
fixing the - punishment nt eight years itnpri
sonment in the penitentiary, and also find
ing him guilty of rape, and fixing his pun•
ishment tit imprsonment fw• lite. The Court
room was crowd -d to suffocation, twiny In
dies being of the nnntber present; end
when the res•Jlt of the trial was announ
cad, it -is said that the building almost
trembled with the loud Shouts of the
bystanders approbation of the v -rdict.—
The prisinor was immediately taken to
jail, followed by hundreds of persons.
At 3 o'clock Monday morning, the Sher
iff of St, Clriir, Fred. Mayer. accompa
nied by coroner Kelly, started in a hack
with Lehmann and two other convicts to
take them to Alton A little before day
break, whet a bout one mile cast cif the
bluffs, between Belleville and this city,
the Sheriff got for some purpo - o, leaving
the three prisoners in the care of the cor
oner. Lehmann was hand-cuffed and had
elbows pinioned, but wits in no way attach
ed to the vehicle nor to his fellow convicts
As soon, therefore, as Mayer disappeared
from sight, Lehmann leaped from the
back and started to run with all the fleet.
ikons which might be looked for in ono l
fleeing for tau life.
Coroner Kelly, as aeon as he saw that the
man had escaped, disregarding the other
fellows, ran in pursuit, but soon finding
that he was falling belied, whipped out a
revolver and heed twice. The fugitive
paid no attention to this, but kept running
and finally disappeared in the timber.—
When word of this was conveyed to Belle.
sil', the excitement is represented to have
been the most intense. Every man who
could command a horse and a piece of fire
arms, mounted at once and was off to aid in
the search, whilst those who could not,
congregated in knots in the streets, com•
meeting on the transaction and devising
plans to recapture the runaway. The con:
duct of Sheriff Mayer was severely ani
tnadverted upon. It is hupossible to de
scribe the state of feeling which is said to
have existed. A reward of $250 was of
fered by the Sheriff, which if necessary
could he increased to $2OOO or $3OOO in a
very little while by the citizens. *A large
perty is still on the look out for the ruing°
but up to last evening ho had not been
. fount., or any tnice obtained uf his probe
acile whereabouts.
AN ACT rigatipg to the granting oflioen.
goo to hotel,inn ortaiern ke - e'pers.
Soc vim, I. Be it enabled I y the Senate and
House al Representatives of the Commonwealth
of Penasylcania in General Assembly met,
and it i.e hereby enacted by th. arthority
the same, That it shall he lawful for the see
oral courts of quarter sessions of this Common
wealth to bear petitions, is addition to that of
the applicant, its favor of and remonstrances
against the application of any person applying
to either at' them for a licence to keep a hotel
inn or a tavern, and thereupon refuse the same
whenever in the opinion of the said court,'
such inn, hotel or tavern is not necessary for
the accommodation of the public and entertain
ment of turangers and travellers; and so much
of the sixth section of the actor Assembly. rela
ting to the sale of intoxicating liquors, passed
the twentieth day of April, 1838, as is incon
sistent herewith, is hereby repealed Provided,
That the several courts of quarter sessions em
powered to grant I ieences shall have and exer
cise such discretions. and no other, in regard
to the 'tensity of inns or taverns, ns is given to
said courts by the act 'dative to inns and tar•
eras, approved 11th March, 183-1: Pioriqed
fit/1/w, 'flint nothing in this act shall, apply 10
the city of Philadelphia.
W. C. A. ItAIVIIS2 , ;(IE,
,Biwa' er of Ilia Ifonee pr
JNO EfiswEid, n.,
&raker rf the Senate,
Approved fin fourteenth day of April, Anne
or.c thousand eight hundred and fifty
AN ACT relative to the exemption of
three hunered dollars, and to the wid
ows and children of decedents.
Svcriox I. Ile it coo tell by the Senate and
Mouse of Representatives if the Commomee, lh
or Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and
it is hereby enactal by tic authority of the
vante,'Hint the widower children ol any de
cedent entitle() to retain three handed dollars
out of such decedent's estate by law of this
Commonwealth, and e very person entitled to
the exemption provided for in the act, entitled
Au Act tom inpe property to the value of
three hundred dollars from levy and gala on ex
ecu' ion or distress rent, approved the ninth
day of April Atom Domini one thousand eight
hundred and Burly nine," may elect fu retain
the sumo or any part thereof, out of any bank
notes, mom , . stocks, judgements, or other in
debtedness Co such person; und that in all•
ses hereafter Miele property shall he tiet apart
f‘x the widow and children of uny decedent,
the reline shall Inc app.& sell and Set apart to
said widow and children be the apprapers of
the other !termini estate of said decedent..
Speaker of lire Ikuse of Represent& ises.
Spettfres. 01'11.6'f:flak.
Approved the eighth day of April, Aono
Dointhioa thatliand eiqht littutir,l o I fifty
Win. F. PACK El t.
afirA gang of receivers at stolen goods
has Data discovered in New York city.—
Their head quarters were et Hackensack,
N. J. All the “leailers" have been arres•
ted, mid some $12,000 or $15,000 of sto
len goads reciivered.
a The Nlassacbuseits Legislature
has before it a Lill making a single case of
drunkenness n'Orirne lo' be punished-Ith*
imprisonment. The liquor law does not
stop intemperance, for we see that eight
thousand persons were arrested an Boston
last year for drunkenness•
Leavenworth, K. T. Thursday, Apr 2.
Gov, Melt ry hos issued a proclamation
for the election of Delegates to the Con
stitutional Convention, which is to [Assem
ble at Wyandotte in Jun, County Con•
%tendons have been culled throughout the
Territory to perfect psrty orgenizations.--
Both parties will make strenuous efforts to
obtain the control of the Constitutional Con
The oflt iul mnjority for a Constitution
is, 3,581,
la" A fine span of horses, belonging to
Mr. John Bovard, of Westmorland coun
ty, whilst he was waiting for the ferry
-bolt at Freeport, on Thursday evening.
31st ult., took fright, ran into the river, and
were drowned.
PRESIDENT 13UC1ANAN is.still ambitious,
Nut satisfied with his Presidential emi.
nencu he is now essaying to rise to . the
dignity of an Editor! A totter-wrier at
Washington declares that is neither ex
aggeration of phrase or of fact to say that
the President has indicated his intention
to assist in editing the organ, under the
auspices of General GEORGE WASHINGTON
BOWMAN. " !lope he will make a better
Editor than he was a President.
learn from York papers that considerable
excitement prevails in that county, in ref.
erenco to a singular wild animal which has
frequently been seen of late. The animal
is bescribed dy thoSe who saw it as being
about three feet in length and about eigh_
teen inches in height, and is of a reddish
or yellowish color, with variegated spots
on its back, and its tail is some 10 or 12
inches in length. It is said to be extreme
ly noisy in the night time—its cries being
frequency heard for miles around the neigh
borhood, and is thought to bo a catamount
or lynx. Some eighteen or twenty per
sons rosidonie or Washington township,
recently attempted, with guns, dogs, &c.,
to capture tt, but were unsuccessful.
Thirty Lives Lost.
MEMPHIS. April 22.—Intolligenco has
been received front Lake Providence, Lou.
istana, that two coal bats were swept into
tho Crevasse near that place on Saturday
night, by which thirty lives were lost.
The will beats belonged to J. L. Hyatt, of
Lewisville : and contained 72,000 bushels
of Coal,
Several now and disastrous breaks in
it are reported below Luke Providence,
No. 308 N. THIRD ST., (3 doors above Vino.)
.12-4 Mechanical, Pursuing and Household Hard
ware, is now in store, end will ho offered at the
lowest market prices, to Cash and prompt Six
months buyers. Nails at Manufacturers prices
for Cash.
Orders from new customers will receive strict
and accurate attention and nll goods sent from
this house will be as represented.
'Country merchants, on their next visit to
our city to make their Spring purchases nrc cor
dially invited to call anti examine our Stock
and Prices before Purchasing.
THP. subscriber has commenced the GUN
SMITIUNG business at Pi. Grove, Cen
tre counts, where lie is prepared to manufacture
and r,pnir Gun s anti Pistols of every deserip
fon, with neatness and dispatch.
He will also attend to repairing CLOCKS,
Prices to snit the times.
De e. 22,1858.—tf. JOIIN IT. JACOBS.
Er. Leavenworthir I.lmve Inum troubled
with dandruff or scurf on soy bead for more
than a yenr, my hair began to come oat, scurf
and hair togalicr. I saw in a New Haven pa
per about "Wood's Hair Restorative" as 41 cure.
I called et your store on the Ist of April last,
and purchased a lio.tle to try it, end I 1'0..1 to
my satisfaction it was the thing, it removed the
scurf and new hair began to grow; it is now
tw•o or three inches in length where it was all
oft'. I have great faith in it. I wish you to send
me two niece bottles by Dlr. Post, the bearer of
this. I don't as any of the kind is used in tills
place, you may have a merkot for many bottles
Ace it is known here.
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hunting
don, vicinity, and the surrounding coun
try. that ho hos commenced siness in 41
the room opposite M. Gutman's Store in
MAnowr Sneeze..., Ilcx•risonott, and
hopes to receive n shore or public patronage.
WATCHES and CLOCKS re paired in the
hest workmanlike manner.
Ms stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY is
of the best, all of which he will dispose of at
reasonable prices.
The public generally are requested to give
Lima call and examine his stock.
Pill I..I.I)ELPIIIA, Ara. 27 1959
FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, 40; 00,.i. , 112
Exira " 1.1 2:11 7.11)
" family 1 . 6731 e 7011
aye Fleur .d Coln Meal
Wheat—red, per bushel, 1 50(011 51.
~ White ". 1 6941 AO
nye HS
Cum 87
O .4 ntA (17
Cleverdeel $5 00(415 15 per C.l pound?'
Mil ollq seed, $2,00 to 225
Flax, per bushel $4 65
What the Press Say .
'COSTAR'S " Exteaminntors ore in7mlualfle
remedies tin clearing houses el' all sorts of ver.
min. With all confidence we recommend them.
Y. Dully Stole lleyistir.
'•Cosrnlt's"temsdies tarot domestic pests,
such as lints, Roaches, Bed-Bags, Ants, Fleas,
&e. arc invaluable ; we can speak from actual
knowledge of their smelt,. Daccotsrs end
Dx.kmms should send their orders early, Willey
would secure a trade in them.—Nete York Jour
"I shall write something &hunt your Extermi
nntors, ns I can do so with propriety. They are
selling, rapidly herq and destroying all vermin.
"louder," kiniclte, Ma.
"Death to all Veimin."
An SPRIG approaches,
Anus and Rom:lm,
From their holes come ont,
and Alm, and Itxvs,
In spite of Cats,
Gaily skip shout.
Yon, in the night,
As on the bed you slumber,
While Issuers crawl
Theo' chamber and hall,
In squads without number.
what Certainty, Rats, Rondo, Mice' Mules,
Ground Mice, Bed• Bugs, Ants, Meats, Mos
quitoes, Fleas, Insects on Annuals, in short
every Fpecia of vermin, are utterly destroyed
and exterAtinated by
'Costar's' Rat, Roach, &c Exterminator.
'Costar's' BedEag Exterminator.
'Costar's' Electric Powder for Insects.
Stwplied Woe', by mail, to any address in the
United States, as follows:
On receipt of 51,00, a box °filo Bar, Ron.,
&c. Ext. ;
On receipt 0f52,00,n box each of the RAT,
liuncty &c. Ext.', and MAXIMO PoWlll4lt
(sent postage paid) sufficient to destroy the ver
min ton any srernises.
Sold by Druggists and Deniers ercry whore.
"Cos•rxtes" PRINCIPAL I)s:t'su, 420 Baum).
way, N. Y.
P. S.—CircularA' terms, &c., sent Ity mail on
C;ff'Wholesale Agents toe Pennsylvania
Northeast corner Fifth and Arch Street,
And Wholesale Dealers generally.
Mar. 22, 's9.—Gto
Se" 5000 AGENTS WANTED—To sell 4 new
inventions. Agents have made over $25,000
on one,,bettor than all other similar agencies.
Send four stamps and get 80 pages particulars,
gratis. EPIRLAIM BROW , Lowell, Muss.
SW . 1000 AUENTS WANTEII.—For particu
tars send stamp. C. P. WHITTEN,
Mar. 23. '69. 6m* Lowell, Mass.
(Estate of Clu•idcna Climer, dec.)
Letters Administration on the Estate of Chris•
teen Climer, late of Penn Township, dec'd.,
have been issued to the subscriber, residing in
89.111 C Township. AU persons Juicing claims u•
gainst said fist to Will present them for settle•
maid. and flume indebted will make payment
JOHN nouslimormat.
March, 22d. 18.59—Gt.
Life Insurance Company.
A dividend of Twerry-rive per cent. on all
the cash premiums of 1858. and Six per cent.
on all scrip issued by the Company, has beet;
declared. The uuderfigned is ready to pay
Cash and deliver scrip to all entitled to them.
TACKSON'S HOTEL, Huntingdon,
Respectfully informs his friends and
the traveling public generally, that ho
has leased the "Jackson House,"
fur sev• 1111
oral years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, and
that ho will be pleased to receive the culls of
all who may favor him with their patronage.
His table will be furnished with the best the
market can afford, and every attention will be
given to make those with hits feel at home.
Huntingdon. March LIU, 1609.
For sale at Smith's Drug Store, Huntingdon,
Talk of beauty, it cannot exist without n fine
head at' hair, then read the following, end if
you ask more, ore circular eround each bottle,
and no one can doubt.
TIVE.—Wo mill the attention of nll, old
and young, to this wonderful preparntion,•which
turns back to its original color, gray 'hair—cov
ers the bend of the bald with a luxuriant growth
—removes the dandruff, itching, and all cuta
neous eruptions—causes a continunl How of the
natural t and hence, if used ns a regular
dressing for the heir will preserve its color, end
keep it fro m falling to extreme old age, in all
its natural beauty. We call then spun the bahl,
the grey, or diseased in scalp, to use it, and
surely the young will not, as they value the
flowing locks, or the witching curl, ever he
without it. ts praise is aeon the tongue of
The Agent for Prof. Woods Hair Restorative
in New Haven, received the following letter in
- regard to the Heir Restorative, it few weeks
DEEP RIVER,CONN : . July 23, 1856,
, .
Poop. W000—:-Dear Sir Your flair Restor
ative is proving itself beneficial to me. The
front, and also the hack part of my head almost
lost its covering—in fact mu.n. I have used
bat two half pint bottles of sort Restorative,
and new the top of my head is well studded
with a promising crop of young hair. and tho
front is Owc receiving its benefit. I have tried
other preparations without any benefit whatever.
think from my own personal recommendation
I can induce many others to try it.
Yours respectfully,
D. It. TIIOI.IB, M. D.,
Ne. .164 Vine St.
VINCENNES, is., June VI, 185:1. I
PROF. 0. J. WOOD : As you are about to
manufacture and vend your recently discovered
Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it
may concern, that I have used it and known
others to use it—that I have, for several years,
ham in the hal it of using other Hair Restora
tives, and that I find yours vastly superior to
any other I know. It entirely cleanses the head
of dandruff, and with one month's proper use
will restore any person's hair to the original co
lor and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and
glossy appearance ; and all this, without discol
oring the bands that apply it, or the dress on
which it drops. I would, therefore, recommend
its use to every one desirous of having a line
color and texture to the
Respectfully yours,
0. J. W 001) & Co., ProiWie'Qrs.:ll2 Broad
way, NoW York,(in the grbot N. Y. Wire
Rniling Bstablisnent,) anti 111 Market St.,
St. Louis, Mo. John Rund, Agent, Ranting.
don, and sold by all good Druggists.
~ . _
TnL P.A . lllslVfin 2' , .1 - .' -1E ILI iri.
self-generating Gas-light, is offered to the
jn full confidence of its positive HuPeri
rimy over every other hand-light in existence,
!Or StmcmerrY, SAFI:TY, ECONOMY, and BRIL
LIANCY of light, in any temperature,
It it (Rival ' of SA L, * SMOKE or rucitco.
giving st steady, cheap and
requiring no trimming, or other attention, ex
cent simply Wing the lamp with common burn
ing fluid. one quart of the fluid giving a rola.,
wrote and CLEAU flame eighteen hours. This
light is under complete control, being regulated
by a simple process.
The burner can lit readily applied to all styles
of Qtr., iiiiltOSENE, CAMP.: 000, and llunNmr
FLutnLA3II.S; also, to Gni-lixtures, in all their
varieties. . .
It is adapted for lighting churches,
dwellings, lecture-rooms, balls, shops, steam
boats, and railroad cars, or wherever a good
light is desired Parties desirous of securing
the right of territory for n valuable article that
will commend itself, should make early applira
Lion, only to the undersigned.
Burners. Lamps, Sc., supplied in any quail; -
ty, with promptness—forwarded by express to
all parts of the United States, payable, eash on
delivery. BUTLER, HOSFORD & CO.
Mar:2;22.-10w. No 2 Court St, Brooklyn.
The"Hutingonox JOURNAL' is published at
the following rates •
If paid in advance 141.50
If paid within six 11101101 S after the time of
subscribing 1,75
If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
after the expiration of the year. No subscripl
lion taken for a less period than six months.
I. All subscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, and nopaper will bo discontion
arrearages are paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
2. Returned numbers are nlMer received by us.
All numbers sent us in that way are lost, and
never accomplish the purpose of the sender.
3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions,
must pay up arroaragm and send a written or
verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub
lication in Iluntingdon•
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
legs or a proper notice.
5. After ono or more numbers of a now year
have been forwarded, a now year has commenc
ed, and the paper will not be discontinued mai
an•earages are paid. See No. I.
The Courts have decided that refusing to talte
a newspaper from the cage, or removi and
having it uncalled for, is NORA FACIE erillORCO
1 intentional fraud.
h Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other States, will be required to pay invariably
in advance.
vr. 1 ho above terms will be rigidly latend
tom all eases.
Will be charged at the following rates
I Insertion. 3 do. 3 to.
Six linos or• lose, $ 25 $ 37i $ 50
One square, (le lines,) 50 75 1 00
Tw•o " (33 " 100 150
__2 00
2 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo.
Ono square, $3 00 $4 00 $6 00
Two squares, 400 600 10 00
tl ~ 600 10 00 11 00
18 00 22 00 25 00
,: o do., 18 00 27 00 40 00
1 do., 22 00 35 00 45 00
Business eAtilt, of sir linos, oc loss, 54.00.
The Subscriber respectfully inform 4 the
iic, that he is prepared to receive and un1i,,,.1
Cars containing Lumber, Bark, Staves, Shin
gles, Coal, Iron, &e.
S. AV. Corner Brood k Callowhill Streets.
Jim. sth 1ft59.-Gm*
litsiTulgots:rp CUT;
A retie° FlMitittite
For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters!!!
when the undersigned, after a long series of
laborious and costly experiments, become fully
confirmed in his conviction, that the A utiphlo
mstic Salt which he now has the happiness to
present to the American public, was
for Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his
mind was so agitated that he could not sloop fur
ninny nights. Tho cause of his agitation was
the striking net, that the mantle, of its operation I
like that of the viras in vaccination, could not
he sattsfactorialy explained upon any known
principle. How, in what way, it so effectually
subdued Infltonnutiory Disease awl no others,
was at first wholly inexplicable—hut, on further
experiment, it was proved that it equathes the
,fluids 01 the body, the want of an cgailihrinin in
which, is the sole cause of inflammation. Such
is its potency, that like the vaccine matter, :it
requires merely w at adheres to tho point of a quill
dipp e d into a solution of it, to effect the entire
spawn—hut mast be instantly used to prevent
deco mpos*tion and secure its full virtue. Three
quills in acute, and two in chronic diseases,
every 24 hours, till the heat, pain and febrile ac
tion have subsided, and a perfect cure ellbcted.
When it takes the place of blisters, ointment
and leeches in local affections, as Brain Fever,
Croup, Toothache, Pleurisy, &e.,its mode of
administration is two-fold. (Sec ireetiin qf
sotring. Sec.)
The discoverer has withheld it from the pub
lic till now, by the advice of a judicious plysi•
chin and valuable friend whom lie consulted—
a gentleman known and felt in the medical
world—and who desired to submit it to the test
ofexpethnent. After witnessing under his own
scrutinizing rye, its signal triumph over both
acute and chronic hybnionotarg diseases, in re
peated nod re-repeated trials, he offered $25.-
000 to come in as a syecial and equal partner in
the Recipe for its manutheture, but the propo
sal was rejected. . . .
The disuse of tho lancet and blisters, is de
nu-IMA both by hutnanity by humility and
science. Is it not a mistake, to suppose that
a kettle of boiling water (thu inflamed blood)
will cense to boil, by (lipping out a pod of it—
or a cas k of b a d cider (bad blood) be mado
good, by drawing tt portion of itt 13 it not a
mistake, to stippose that blisterormd rubelacients
will remove inflammation. when they virtually
superadd one inflammation to another 't Thu
late Dr. 13. \ Vaterbouse, of Harvard' 'Universi
ty, said "I MR sick of learn./ rynarkery„' One
at the most eminent physicians In New England
acknowledged just before Lis death, that "he
has been doubting for many years, wether
letting and blisters did not avgittralg rather
than arrest Oncost." Some who stand
high in the Old and New school, have quite re
cently espousnd his views and now openly con
fess, they believo the lanoet, salons leeches and
hlisiers injure ten where they ',client
hey think there is a WmlW; to ])cot. 12, 23
—Gen. 9, 4-Ith,ll.evit, 17, I.l—tnat "THE
131,01) 18 VIE La," It is not the ra•eers of
blond (there never k too much) that causes di
scus, hot the want of a balance between the
fluids and solids.
The special excellence of the Antiphlogistie
Salt, is that without the useless loss of blood
and strength, it effectually subdued inflammato
ry diseasl, (no others) by producing an equili
brium of all the fluids in the body and a CORN
fluent uninterrupted circulation. It exerts', like
the vaccine matter, and extraordinaty influence
over the v:ens and aricries—resultinght a grad
ual decline of Inliatnnttion'as indicated by the
poise, which assumes its natural state as the
in fe a r ein d e 6 : " M e r " e r ti for solo, are
hacked by doubtful certificates, (their rhea vir
taF);and chant to be universal residues, curing
all'innlidies—a burlesque on common sense;
As the discoverer at this Salt, solemnly protests
against having it placed in the categcry ui
frauds and impotitions. he has resolved that it
shall go forth to the world, like the • pure gold
dollar, with no otherpasspert than i 4, true val
ue. if the public find it genuine, they will re
ceive it—if spurious, they will reject and con
demn it. Instead of being n panacea for all ills,
it has control over but one but one aim
—accomplishes but one thing, to wit, 80110005
INI . I,3I3IATORY 018EASE—WhateVer be its form
or locality—wed= in the head, throat chest ab
domen, extremit•es or skin. It is asked, how
it dues thisl—simply by restoring the lost bal
ance between the fluids and solid,
The following different forms which the un
balanced Unlit:, assume, and ninny not here men
tinned that have more or less heat, pain or fever
(no others)are an perfectly em•eil by the Anti
phlogintie Salt, as fire in extinguished by water.
1. Cases where the unbalanced fluids affect
the thimi and TIIROAT—to wit Brain Bever,
Fim, Headache, hylemnied Eyes, Ears and Nose,
r, Neuralyia, Erysipelas, Catamh. Croup,
I • ••, , •hiti,,
Cases where the unbalanced fluids cliket
: CIIEST and Antionctr—to wit; Inflamed
I •, , s and Liver, Colic, Heady', Coughs, Dyspep
.. Asthma, Dropsy, Heartburn, Gravel Piles,
• ~erhea, renereal, me.
Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect
EXTREMITIES and Sfax—to wit; Rheum-
Gold, Scrofula, I:leers, Chilbains,Chilbains,
Chieken and Small Pox, Felt Man, with itch
ing and other Cutaneous iteeetions, hr.
This Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory
pa ins ;weldor to married ladies, (before and at
flue time of confinement) and many female com
plaints, and is very cflicatious in Fever, Ague,
Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections and
anyother forms of (mark this) inflaminntary di
sease, attended with heat, pain or febrile symP.
Persons who have a tendency of blood
to the head ar heart, or lend inactivo tiros, of
breath tho Impure air of manufactories and the
poisonous foams of metals and minorals, or lire
is unhealthy climates, aro exposed to a panic•
liar vitiation of the fluids of tho body, which ant
dose without interfereing with the diet or busi
nets, once in three mouths, would invariablj
proven,. It is beleived to afford protection from
infectious disease, and therefore travellers,
sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves
with it.
While many nostrum-tankers victimize
the good natured .41 pill-ridden public, ny or
dering "from six to a dozen boxes of bottles,
to cute any malady." no matter what—the un
dersigned is happy in being able to state, that
the severest forms of recent inflammatory di
sease, was over come by one Acute package,
and dte most obst:nute and long standing by
one Chronic package. It does just what it
claims to do—mid no more, or less—equalizes
tlic fluids by removing from the system all ar
terial and venous obstrueians.
65 1 leas lot your neighbors read this.
For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuc
S. Smith, &Co.' Huntingdon, Fo.
Fob. 16th 1859.
At m.., Blair co., July o,'oB.
J. D. STOOIptOAII, Lew ,
Dctu fir—Mr. Wm,
Telugu Avon, who has been suffering several
years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends
and relatives were summoned to wituess his
death. I induced his friends to try the virtue
of your preparation—they did so, as the lustre;
sort agd, to their astonishment nod joy, ho be
gan to improve, got better und better, and now.
so fur as I know, ho is a halo and stout math
This is not the only case where the GALv.tme
Ou has surpassed human expectations. In
every case whore I have recommended the OIL,
it done what it promises to do. Send us
another s2o's uorth.
Yeas truly, 11. Llilltat.
nom & I=MT)
! 1 ,
730 Chestnut St., Phila.
495 Broadway, N. Y
These Machines onto from two spools. as pur
chased from the store, requiring no r3-winding
of thread; they Ilem, Fell, Gather and Stitch
in a superior style. finishing each seam by their
own operation, without recourse to the hand
needle, as is required by other machines. They
will do better and cheaper sewing than a scorn- !
stress eon, even if she works for one cent an !
hour, and ore, unquestionably, the hest Ma
chines in the market for family sewing, on ac
count of their simplicity, durability, ease of
management, and adaptation to all varieties of
family sewing—exceuting either heavy or fine
work with equal facility, and without special
As evidence of the unquestionea superiority
of their Machines, the GROTER & BAKlin SEW
ING MACHINE COMPANy beg leave to respectful
ly refer to the following
"Having had ono of Grover & Baker's Ma
chines in my family for nearly a year and a hall
I take pleneuro in commending it as every way
reliable for• tho impose for which it is designed
—Family Sawing."—Mrs. Joshua Leavitt, wife
of Rev. Dr. Learite, Editor elf N. Y. Independent.
"I confess myself delighted with your Sewing
Machin.), which lute been in my family for ma
ny mouths. It Ices always been read, for duty,
requiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted
to every variety of family sewing, by simply
&mit:ling the spools of tliread."—Mrs. bah
Strickland, Toji: of licu. De. Strieldand, &litor of
). Christian Advocate.
"After trying several different good maelaines.
I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity,
and the perfect ease with which it is managed,
as well as the strength and durability of the
seam. After long experience, I that competent
to speak in this manner, and to confidently re
commend it fur every variety of family seavim.•'
11.Spowter,trOO Oho Editor el L'fool.,
lilt, Star.
"I have used a Grover S. Baker Sewing Ma
chine Mr two years, and have found it adapted
to all kinds of family sex ng, from Cambric to
Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out
without the giving way of a stitch. The Ma
china is easily kept In order, and is easily used."
—.lb.s. A. IL Whipple, triji: ff Rev. Gee. Whip
pie, Ntiv York.
"Your Sewing Machine Ins been in use in
my family the past two years, and tho ladies me to give you their testimonials to its
perlect athiptedness, as well as labor-saving
qualities in the performance of family and
household sowing."—Robert L?oorman, A. Y.
"Fur several months we have Grover & Ba
ker's Sewing Machine, and have come to the
conclusion that every lady who desires her sew
ing bemdifidlil mid quickly done, mould ho most
fortunate in possessing one of these relmble
and indefatigable 'iron needle-women,' whom
combined %utilities of ()curdy, strength and
11.1 . 1forrts,_ l auyldei o/
Extract of a letter from Thos. It. Leavitt, an
American gentleman, now resident in Sydney,
New South Wales, dated January 12, 1858
"I had a tent made in Melbourne, in 1853, in
which there were over three thousand yards of
sewing done with one of Grover & Baker's Ma
chines, and a single seam of that has outstood
all the doable seams sowed by sailors with a nee-
(lie Lind twine,"
"If Homer could be called up from his mur
ky bodes, he would sing the advent of Grover
F.: Baker as a more benignant, miracle of art
than was ever Vulean's smith. lie would de
nounce midnight shirt-making as 'the direful
spring of woes untitunbered."—i'rof. Nurih.
- - - -
• -
"I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover &
Baker Sewing Machines lasso more than Pet.
taped my expectation, After trying and retur
ning others, I have three of thou in operation
in my different plaices, and, after four years'
truth, have to fault to find."—J. 11. Hammond,
S,eatur ef South Carolina.
"My wife has had one of Grover & Baker's
ramify Sowing Machines for some time, and I
no, satisfied it is one of the best labor•saring
machnes that has bees invented. I take much
pleasure in recominonding it to the public."—
J. G. Harris, Governor of .7'ennessee.
"It is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody
into an excitement of good humor. Were 1 a
Catholic I should insist upon Saints Grover aud
linker having an etmual holiday in commemo
ration of their good deeds for humanity.—Cds
sius M. Clay.
"I think it by far the best 'intent in use. This
Machine con be adapted from the linnet cambric
to the heaviest cessatione. It sons stronger,
faster and mo:o beautifully than ene can ima
gine. It mine could not he replaced, money
could not buy it."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Ne,k
rine, Tenn.
- -
"It is speedy, very neat, and durable in its
work; is easily understood and kept in repair. I
earnestly recommend this Machine to all my ue
quaintancen and others."—Mrs. 11, 4. Forrest,
jkiophis, Team
"We find this machine to work to our satis
faction, and with pleasure recommend it to the
public, as we believe Grover & Baker to he the
best Sewing Machine in use."—Dcary Brothers,
Allisoniu, Tenn.
"If used exclusively for faniily purposes, with
ordinary care, I will wager tLey will last ono
'three score years and ten: arid never get out
of fix."—John Erskine, Nashville, Ten.
"I have had your machine for several weeks,
and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does
is the best and most beautiful that over was.—
Maggie Aimison, Nashville, Tenn.
"I use my Machine upon coats, dressmaking,
and find linen stitching, and the work is ohms
ruble—Mr bettor than the best Imnd-sewing, or
any other machine I hove ever soon."—Lucy
B. Thompson, IN'ashville, Tenn
"I find the work the strongest and most beau
tiful I have ever soot, made either by hand or
machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma
chine as ono of the greatest blessings to our
sex."—Mrs. Toy/cr, Nashville, Then.
"I have one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma
rhinos in use in my fa a ily, nd find it mvalua
hie. I can confidently recommend it to all per
sons in want of a tuachine."—G. T. Thompson,
Nashville, Tenn.
"I take Weasme in cottifying to the utility of
the Grover & Bffliter Sewing Machines. I hove
used ono on almost every description of work
for months, and find it much stronger than work
done by hanl."—Mrs. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville
"I would bo unwilling to disposo of my Gro
ver & Baker Machine for a large amount, could
I not replace it again at pleasuro."—Mrs.
Score!, Nashville Tenn.
"Our two Machines, purchased from vou, do
the work of twenty youn,, ,, ladies. NIVo with
pleasure recommend the Gruver & Baker ma'•
chine to be the beet ia use."—N. Stillman 6. Co.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Corner of Hill & MontetnerLStreetn,
inionrsiornlN, PA
CIIRISTA:N COUTS, I'roprietor,
This stand is well known as the "McConnell
House." The location is superior to any other,
being in the immediate proximity to business;
also to the Dank and nest Public Offices
It is the determination of the Proprietor, to
keep this House in a style satisfactory to the
public, and it is his desire, to make all who
patronize him, feel at lame, and to make the
American rank among the hest of Hunting.
dun Hotels. He very respectfully solicits the
public pntrounge. Apr. 13th ,59:
cannot rival in attraction the superb stock of
nod Summer Goods now being received
n.,,1 opened by FISHER k 51clquarnin.
This stock boa been selected with grant care
and the public are cordially invited to call and
examine it.
It comprises all the late .styles el Ladies'
Dress Goods, such as Poll de Cheers, Robes a
1,7., Organdies, .lacenets, Lawns, Challis, plain
and figured forages. Crape Itiretz, Plain and
colored Chintzes, French and English Ging
hams, Am.tranths, Vtdentias, Alpaecas,Debago
Prints, ke.,
. . ,
A beautiful assortment of Spring SHAWLS,
round and square corners, all colors. A full
stock of Ladle, Fino Collars, Geutlemen'a
Furnishing Giloils, such as Colas, Cravats,
Ties, Stocks, Hosiery, Shirts, Gauuc and Silk
ndershirts, Drawers, &c.
We have a fine selection of Dross
Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbmis, Mitts. Gloves,
Gauntlets, Hosiery, Handkorehiefs, Buttons,
Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoop,
of all kinds, &c.
ALso—Tickens, Osnaburao, bleached and un
bleached Mnslins at all prices, Colored nail
White Cambries, Barred and Swiss Musli • ,
Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and many
other articles which comprise the ling,of White
and Domestic GOOOR.
We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassimerea,
Sattinetts,Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonads, Linens,
Denims and Blue Drills.
of every vaKiety and style. Also all kinds o
A good stock of
Wood and Willow-ware,
‘‘bielt will be sold eitum.
We qlso deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT,
and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess lecilities
iu this branch of trade unci ; alled by any. We
deliver all packages or parcel. of Merchandise,
FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the
thread Top null Pennsylvania Railroads.
Come one, come all, and be convinced t h at
the "MaTuorourAN" is the place to secure
Iltshionable and desirable goods, disposed of et
the lowest rates.
031 I' II ILAD 6 L II IA ,
This gallery of Art is now open for public
inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes. Crys•
t:tlographs, Photographs, Ciredlar and Star
Pictures, also, Name, or Age, or Residence, Is
hen on the Picturc3—letters of different colors.
vanyna iv a onloo,
Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or
Particular nitention paid to taking pictures
of Children. Thor, from one to four seconds.
Perfect satisfaction given, or persons aro not
expected to take their pictures.
Pictures taken front sick or deceased persons
at their residences. Copies taken front Dn.
guerreotrpes or Portraits. Also, views of resi•.
deuces, &re.
Ladies nod Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine specimens. Pictures takon as
well in cloak us fair weather.
How often do we hear the exclamation, when
persons are looking at Portraits—"l would not
value any onto if I could procure the Portraits
of my parents—or deceased children!" Rea
der, if you arc gifted with this ennobling feel.
ing of unity, you hove an opportunity to grati
fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits,
which, it is bonito, will not lade.
ga'"Those that wish to learn this beautiful
nrt can call ens see WV. P. Thomas, front Phila.
Prices from 50 cents upwards.
Ilia. A. Halelielors Hair Dye I
The Originiil and Best in the World!
' • All others are mere imitation, and should
be avoid,d, if you wish to escape ridicule.
stantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or
Black, without tint least injury to linker Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a
warded to Win. A. Batchelor since
,1839, and
over 80,000 applications have been made to
the flair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
duces a color not to be distinguished from na
ture, and is warranted not to injure in the least
however long it may be continued, and the ill
effects of Bud Dyes remedied • the it in.
vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye.
Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms)
at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, None
York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Cra
ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Gentle
ga- The Genuine basthe name and address
upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of
each bon, of WE. A. BATCHELOR,
233 Broadway, Now York.
John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa.
Nov. 17, '5B-Iy.
40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale,
$500;00 in Gifts for every 1000 Sold.
lu order to reduce soy extensive stock I will
sell one thousand dollars worth of Books nt the
regular retail prices or less, nod give ($500)
five hundred dollars worth of presents varying
in value from 25 cents to $lOO,OO. Or, those
who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.—
My stock consists of every variety and style of
binding. School Books of every kind, whole
sale sad retail. Sales to commence Dee. 24th.
r Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and
liiatenp—a good assortment for sale by the
ream, half ream quiro or sheet. at
Lewis' New Book and Stationery Store.
•Antiphlogistic Salt.
This celebrated medicine is for sale at tht
Journal Office. For all inflammatory disease'
it is a certain cure. 'Oct a bt, and try it, it
who arc Armed.