Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 27, 1859, Image 1

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'n the "Globe" Office Building, Market Spare
The subscriber respectfully informs the cat
eons of Huntingdon and adjoining c unties,
'that he has opened a New Book and Stationery
Store, in the corner room of the "Globe" buil
• ding, where may ho found a general assort
ment of MisceHaneous and School Books and
Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason
able prices. He will add to his stock weekly
all Books nail articles in demand, and expects
in a short time to have on hand as full a stock
of saleable Books, Stationery, &a., as Can be
found in any town in the State.
Havistr, made the necessary arrangements
with publishers, any Boolc wanted and not up
on his shelves, will he ordered and furnished at
city prices,.
As he desires to do a lively business with
small profits, a liberal share of patronage is
(Estate of 71Ittry 'S)tively, dec.)
Letters of Administration ou the estate ci
Many Shrively, late of Porter township. Glee.
ll'asing been gra !toil to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate are required to
make immediate payment, ane those having
elaim3 will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Jacob W. Shively,Admr.
N. B.—The Administrator will attend in
Alexandria, on the nth and 15th days °War
vary inst.
Porter township, Jan. 5. 1859.
Scrofula, or King's Evil,
ie n constitutiond disease, a corruption of the
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Bring in the circulation, it
pervades the whole body, and may burst out
in disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attacks, nor is there one which it may
not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis,
ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal infection. What
ever bo its origin, it is horeditiny in the con
stitution, descending "from parents to children
unto the third and fourth generation ;"
it seems to bet tbe rod of llim wh6 says, I
will visit tho iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
ltd effects commence by deposition front the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depressa
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far leis power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases,. cogse-'
quently, text hombres" "pertslrbt
.vhlch, although not scrsf..itsus in their nature,
fire still reuLeect fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption which de
amities the human lamas/ has its origin directly
in this scroftdolis contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from .or
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all ourpeoplo are scrofulous;
their persons are invaded by this lurkitig in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it *ern the system we mint ronovato
the blood by on alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food curd exercise.
Such a medicine we supply in
Componad Extract of Sarsaparilla,
flue coot effectual remedy whieli too medical
skill of our times can florin for this every
whoa prevailing and fatal moistly. It is com
bined from the most active remcdiuls that hire
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
system from its destructive consequences.
Hence it slit:111d to employed for the cure of
not only scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as Eatirrivn
and Kitt Mitten, SCALD Heal), ItINOWOIt3I,
D./IBIIMATIBM, ti vPmi Line end lielletlllAL Du-
Mem, D1101 , 3Y, DESPLNIA, DEBILITY, and,
indeed, ALL COIIPLAINTB immix° Mean VITIA.
Toe On INUTILE BLOOD. The popular belie/
in 4 , imp/rib/Iyr the blood" is foulided in truth,
fen eccofula Is a degenctution of the Woad. The
particular pup,: and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to prify not rrlenerato this vital fluid,
without \llia pound health is impossible is
oonteminatfil coaaitatious.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
aro so composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely withstand or evade them
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ
him, correcting its diseased action, end restoring
Its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
psin rr physical debility is astonished to find his
heal energy restored by a remedy at once so
nd inytung.
Net only do they cure the everyday complaints
at every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous disease.. Tho agent below named is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures sod directions
far their use in the following complaints: Costive
ness, Heartburn, Headachearisiny from disordered
Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid
Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe
tite, Jaandiee, and other kindred complaints,
arising from a low state of the body or obstruction
at its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
roe Tun RAPID nuns OP
Cdughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump.
tion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages ,of the
So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu
11110T0118 ore the cases of its cures, that almost
fi v ely ry lo ti on known,h f o c l?a u Vi c:n W r i estr c% l fit c n r i z a * l n Urvii )9 n b ii
and even desperate diseases of the lunge by its
use. When once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and wksrc its virtues aro known, the
public no loam hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affections of the
puhnonary organs that ore incident to our climate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
cominunitv have failed and teen discarded, this
has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
on the aillieteil they can never forget, and pro
dueed cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be Lome teen,
DR. J. C. AYER & CO.
Jotew Hum), Agent Huntingdon, l'a.
Nsu. 10, 1830.--tly.
. .
11._ _
.),• .
„ , 1 , •
) 2
. s
*tied gottry.
From Moore's Rural New Yorker,
Rickety, oil and crazy,
Shingleless, lacking, some doors ;
Bad in the upper story,
Wanting boards in the floors;
Bennis strung thick with eobWely
Ridge polo yellow and gray,
Ilanging in helpless impotence
Over the crows of hay.
How the winds tore around it—
Winds of a stormy day—
Scattering the fragrant hayseed,
Whisking the straws 'away ;
Streaming in nt the crannies,
Spreading the closer
Changing the dark old granary
Into a flowery dell.
Oh, how I loved the shadows
mat clung to the silent roof;
Day-dreams wore with tho quiet
Many a glittering woof!
I climbed to the highest rafter,
Watched the swallows at play,
Admired the hook in the boardin;
And rolled in billows of hay!
Palace of king couldn't match it
Thp Vatican 10.3 its charm
When placed in my mornory's balance
Beside of tho gray old barn !
Splendor, wealth, may not charin
Association is all—
We tore the loved of our childhood
Better than marbletleored hall!
I sat for hours in the summer
Ohl the threshold so gray
And now the COWS in the pasture
Take their lnay•paced way •,
The lambs, ....white as the daich
Frolicked from hill to tarn
Or fell asleep in the shadow
Made by the "Clever" old barn,
I've roved o'er the Southern country,
Stood in the mosques of the Emt,
Galloped the Western prairies,
Gather. d contentmehl at least;
And I'd rather scent the 'clover,
re'e. r‘san,.. Vl,OO, ..
Sit in Ito tth of the hi,;lllands
Pourtd front Appenine brows I
crcrt g-,stori).
FlilsT LOVE+
' That I wan in love was n fact that did
• not admit of a shadow of doubt. I depor
ted myself like a person in love, I talked
like u person in-lure; I looked and felt like
a 1 mon in love. The affection that had
taken po,sesion of my youthful heart was
no every day one: I was sure of that.
There were'nt words enon,rgh in the En
glish language to discribe the height depth,
length and breadth of its grandeur. It
was destined to be n grand accompaniment
•of the ages yet to be; a fixed principle
throughout eternity; a planet of swms.
ing beauty in the broad heavens of home
•Elections. My love was returned—the
strong yearning of any nineteemyear.old
heart went out Into the direction of the
most beautiful maiden in all shire,
in return sent the yearning of her heart to
meet mine. Twice a week, as often ~as
the week
-came around, I went up to the
old brown home of Dr. Stoddard to tell has
daughter my love, and as regularly listen
ed to a recital of its return from the rod
lips of my charming Janet. The good
doctor made merry ut our expense, and
his jolly wife took a wicked pleasure in
constantly reminding us of our youth,
Janet was tortured by sly references to her
playhouse in the shed, her long sleeved
pinafores and pantaletes of six months be
fore; while I was offered an old coat of the
doctor's for my mother to make into a
dressing gown for me.
ware nevertheless, determined to
be married. We would steal slyly away
from the house while our cruel friends re
posed in the arms of Morpheus, hie us, on
'Rho wings of love," to the nearest city;
Janet would become, m s moment's titne
Mrs. Jason Brown.
At once we sat about making prepara
tions for this important journey. Every
thing, of course, must be conducted with
the greatest secresy. At twelve o'clock
I was to leave my home stealthily, get my
lather's grey nag noiselessly out of the barn
and harness her, and then proceed to Janet.
Janet was to be waiting for me at her win.
dow. I was to place a ladder at the same
window ; she was Co descend that ladder ;
we were to fly down to the road through
the old lane, to the spot where the horse
was fastened, and then the wind should
not outrun us.
There woo but one difficulty in the way.
Janet's room was shared by her sister
Fanny, a liAle mischievous wicked crea
ture of eleven years, who to use Janet's
words, 'was awake at all hours of the
night.' There was but one way ;if Fan
ny was aroused, she must be bqbed into
silence. For that purpose I placed in Ja
net's hand a round shining dollar. 13ut Ja•
net needed assistance, so she concluded to
make Fa9,ny her confident the very after-
noon before we started, and in that case
prevent all possibility of rising the house
by a sudden oatcry.
Well the long looked-for, hoped-for and
yet dreoded night arrived at last. flow
slowly :Is :cadet; feet carried away the
hours, and what a strange heartful of emo
tions 'I bore up, ant sat by my chamber
window looking out, as I thought, for the
lost time, upon the home of Jiy father.
The moon was out in all her splendor;
she was kind to me, lighted up with her
silver touches all the spots my eyes ni;glit
wish to rest upon before I went out lain
the world a wanderer. The broad fields
lay out smooth nail shining before my gaze
the fields in which I had worked by my
father's side since I was a little boy—alii
a dear, kind father he had been' (At this
juncture my throat began to swell.) I I
turned away from the window.
' , lt I could soo my mother once more!"
[ exclaimed, rubbing my eyes with my
coat sleeve. "No one ever lad a better
mother than . 1 have."
I sat down in a chair and sobbed out
right. I looked around for something to
take with ;no that my mother's hand had
blessed with her touch. There was a
spinning wheel in the room where I slept,
at the end of the spindle hung a woolen
roll. With my knife I half cut and half
tore it off, pressed it fervently to any bps
and then placed it tenderly in any vest
pocket, I had hot time to do more; the old
clock• in the kitchen warned me solemnly
that any appointed time had arrived; and
with a slow, sad, yet noisless step I left
tho house.
Once nut in the open air ; wy wonted
lightne.fs„ of spirits returned. I consoled
Inyi, If with the thought that in a few
years I shpuld i Keturn omits a c , ini , a ".t
thy, wealthy respected and inttuentiai
man, nn hon w to my parents, a tdessing
to sty friends and the husbond of Janet.
I have often wondered since, ffriar - Isu.i
ceeded in getting u way from home with
my horse and cart without arousing any
one- But as good luck wculd have it,
made a tel exit front the old place
any in a few moments W. 19 jogging fear
lessly- along towards the home cf Jarct.
My only dread was of the link. sole Fon;
if OLT all she should betray us, what a
dreadful, direful, desperate mi,chief it
would be!—what a wretched predicament
affairs would be in! I groaned aloud at
the thought; yet I put d brave face upon
the mutter; I said that if it was right that
we rhould go, we should, go, if it wasn't
right, ni all probability we should stay nt
home; yet right or tuft right, if that miser.
able little Fan did betray us, I'd spend all
my days in avengirg the wrong— that was
certain. Was lin earnest? did I mean it?
But we shall see.
flow earnestly and anxiously I gazed
towards the chamber window of Janet en,
after fastening my horse by the roadside,.
I walked cautiously up the long lane that
led to the doctor's house. 0 joy inex
pressible: the waving of a white handker
chief In the moonlight told toe that every
thing wa3 right, that in a fent moments
I should clasp Janet fondly to my breast,
mine, mine forever! Alt, how happy I
wis!—so hippy, indeed, that I stood -.till
there in the Moonlight, with my two hands
pressed firmly to my loft side, for fear my
over-loaded heart would burst from me en-
tirefy. What a figure I mast have cut
then! What an Appollo I must have look
ed, with nay fine proportions wrapped up
in my wedding suit! I was slender; I was
tall; I a•as guurt; I ant sure 1 was ugly•
looking at that moment.
%Vim possessed me I cannot tell, but
from an old chest I had taken a blue bread
cloth swallowtail coat that had belonged
to toy grandfather in the time of the wars,
and in the pride of my youth bad got i n to
it. The tails came nearly to my heels,
while the waist was nearly to my arm pits
The sleeves reached to the tips of nay
flingers, hiding entirely front vtew the
luxuriant pair of white silk gloves, which
I had allowed myself for the important
occasion.* Above this uncouth pile of blue
broad cloth was perched a hat. 0 ye
stars and moon that looked upon it, testify
With tne that it was a hat!—a hat and not
a stove pipe, a hat end not a bout leg!—
'l'hat hail—looking back at it through the
mist of twenty-five years, it seems to have
arisen to the stature of two Cull feet, while
it s brim appears little wider than my thumb
nail. My eyesight isn't quite as perfect
as it used to be, end so I may not sec quite
rightly. Make all due allowances, dear
I say that I must . have looked ugly at
that moment. Be that as ;t may, I thought
that I was looking splentlidlp; I thought
the figure 1 cut was an honor to the name
of Brown, and I was proud of it; proud as
I stalked up to Janet's window, and placed
carefully there the ladder that was to bear
her to my side. Everything was silent
about the house. Fate was surely with
us. Fanny had been bribed into service.
As I Mood there, I could see her little fig
ure flit noiselessly to and fro by the win
dow, and how I blessed her—blessed her
front the very bottom of my heart. for her
kind ness.
At last Janet commenced descending
the ladder, and as sire did so the ;noon
crowded in out of sight under a huge Waal(
cloud. Thu heavens favored us: our suc
cess Might be looped upon as fixed. Three
steps more upon the ladder's rounds, and
Janet's dainty little fe. - 1 would stand upon
ferret ji ma my own. The steps were la•
ken, nod she held for a moment fondly by
the sleeves of my blue broad cloth, before
wu looked up to the window, both with
upraised hands to catch a small trundle of
creating that Fanny was to throw down
to us, nod which we had no other means to
carry with us.
'•l3e quiet Fan," whisperedJanei, as her
sister appeared at the window nod poised
the bundle above our heads. , 'Be quiet
Pan, for heaven's Sake and drop it quick.
But Fanny still stood there, swinging
backward and forward' the huge bundle,
without heeding Janet's earnest entreaty;
"Do, do throw it, F 4 ay dear ! Do have
soma mercy on me ! What if lather should
know this 1 What if h, shoyld be awake;;.
'La, give it her Fitn;don't plague your
vis!er, she's in a hurry!' called a voice at moment from the closed blinds at the
parlor windows, which belonged to none
other than Dr. Stoddard.
, Give her the thing; and toll •the bcys
to carry out n bag of ce t Xt, a cheese, sane
whoiii nntl {1nt1....-. ..
haw° nsetting . '
setting otit, illy Lc anii 'about
it. Fan.' .
For a moment we were petrified upon
the spot; I thought I should fall to the
ground. IVhat should we do—run, faint
die. evaporate or go mad ? While we stood
undecided, two huge mattrasses fell nt our
feet from the window followed at once by
lieet, pillow oaces, table cloths and sun•
dry other articles necessary to the netting
up of a respectable housekeeping estab.
*Mother, mother, dont one of these new
feather b- , ds belong to Janet ?' called Char•
lie Stoddard from one part of the house.
'Yes, yes and a bolster, and a nice pil
low:too. Carry them right out of the
front door,' was the answer.
'Whose horse have you, Jason V asked
the doctor, positing up 'he blind, Your
e e.s sir,' I stammerea.
'Humph! didn't you know better than
that? that old grey isn't worth it button to
go, IV hy didn't you come up to soy barn
and get my black mare? Sam, Sara, hurry
away straight to the barn and harness
block Molly for Jason. If you'll L,lcive it,
he was going to start cia with his father's
old horse! Be quick Sam—work lively—
they're in a hurry; its time they wore A'
.Have you anything with :jou Janet, to
eat on the road?' put in Mrs Stoddard,
poking her head out of the window.
.No ma'am,' faltered Jani.t, moving a
step or two from me. •
.Well that's good fore thought. And
as I live there isn't a bit of cake cooked in
the house,,eithor! Can you make some
white bread and bacon, and some brown
bread and cheese do, Jason? It a all we
'Yes ina'ain,' I said meekly, stepping
easily as I could a little further from Jane:.
'Look, father and mother, quick, now
the moon is out, and see Jason's new coat
and hat!' called Can, from the window,
her• merry voice trembling with supprused
laughter ? 'lsn't that a splendid one, fah
eel—just look tit the length of its tails r
'Just give me my glasses, wife,' said
the doctor. 'ls it a new one, Jamnr
'Yes sir, rather sew,' I Said, giving an
eager look in the direction of the lane,
'Well,' drawled the doctor eying me
slyly. 'that coat is imudsonier
'And his hat, father !' called the wick•
ed little Pan.
'1 de claret' exelamed the doctor. 'Wife
wife look, look here, and see Jason's coat
and fort!'
What should I do—stand there till morn
ing before that incessant fire of words 7
Should I run? Should I sneak of slowly,
as Janet was doing? What, oh what should
I de?
'Dont thoy look nice, muLllvrt' ivtked
,1,-..iN /,-.:)'<, ' ,e,-.5 ",..f' '''..
,-- 1
i:.i',!,,i- M. 1$ ' f, i id P,
i 1
! Av
the doctor, putting one broad brown hand
over his mouth, and doubling his grey
head almost to his knees. 'He-haw, he-haw
hi ho haw! Mother—he haw !—don't
Ithey look nice,' roared the doctor.
I couldn't stand it any !anger. The doe
tot's laughter was the signal, it was echo's;
from all parts of the house. Fan cackled
froth the chamber window; Sam shouted
from the barn, Mrs. Stoddard the•ho•ho'd!'
from the kitchen; while Charlie threw
himself down to the doorway and scream
ed liken wild Indian. I turned around ; !
I gave a leap across the garden. Every
Stoddard called after me. I RITI wrong
every Stoddard but Janet; she remained
silent. One told me to come back for the I
bread and cheese; and another that I had I
forgotten my bundle and bride; another
Vide me wait for black Money and the
new buggy; Fan bade me hold up my
coat tailti,or I shobld get them draggled.
I didn't heed any of thoco request:s I went
directly for home. 1 roach ed home, feel.
ing—no, sheepish is a weak word for it—
can'cexpress to you how I felt, I had
agreat idea of hanging myself; I though t
I had better be dead than alive; that I had
made an idiot of myself. It was plain!
Fan had betrayed us. I vowed vengence
upon her till daylight, then snaked out to !
the barn and hid in the haystack. I staid
there till Charlie Stottard brought my Path•
er's horse.
The old gentleman frightened; wanted
to know how he came by the horse. He
was told to ask me; ho did ask toe, and I
made a clean breast of it; I didn't promise
him not to repeat the offence, there was no
need of it; but I am sure of this that I did
not look at n girl for seven years—no, not
far seven years. Wh , n the eighth year
came round, I remembered my old vow a.
gainst Fanny Stoddard. Well, to make it
long story short, I married Fanny. Janet
became a parson's wife.
And here let me tell you in confidence,
reader, that 1 think little Fanny Stoddard
.iI t. IASKAPJALTI/iHr iiit,l‘,Lbeail when
was.but 11 .11illtl. She liked me, ugh she
I believe. Well at any rate site declares
every time that the allair is mentioned,
that 1 have heel my revenge on her. Bless
her faithlul heart, it hos been indeed a
street one!
cittect )fiisccifiutp.
Those who have taken the trouble to
look over the advertising columns of the
New York Herald have observed adver
tisoments under the head of "Matrimonial"
in which persons of both sexes announce
themselves as candidates, and invite cor
respondence with this view. If we be
lieve these announcements, the advertisers
almost without exception aro patterns of
virtue, honor and intelligence, generally,
too. of refinement, wealth and high social
It is not very long sincenn advertisement
informed the public that a young lady. of
good education and accomplished manners,
being convinced that the formalities of so
ciety are mostly absurd and restrictive of
free individual developements ivould like
to correspond with a man of independence
and sense, with a view to matrimony.—
Sho was twenty years of age, moved in re
spectable society, and believed she could
make a good man happy. Any such per
son was invited to address Betty Ballou, at
the Union Square Post Office.
A young man answered this advertise
ment under the signature of Julius B. De
foe, 118 follows:
"MISS BETTY BALT 01I: I have rend
your advertisement in this morning's Her
.ald, end have not the slightest hesitation
in saying that lam a man of sense. That
I am a aunt of independence would clearly
appear to you if ever we should be mar
ried, for I would not promise to pay any
more attention to a wife than I chose ; and
if l wasted to go to the theatre or opera
with anybody else, as I probably should, I
would do it in spite of her. In short, she
could do as she pleased, if she chose to, and
if she didn't I'd make her, and I should
de as I pleased whether she was willing or
not. If that iv not independent enough
for you, 1 beg you not to answer this let
'Mat I am sensible, clearly appears
from my mode of life. In the first place I
have spacious apartments with a private
family in Fifth A.. nue, and manage my
affairs in Wall street—wish about four
hours' labor per diem—in such a manner
that I have us much money as I want to
srnd or give away, go xhere I have a
mind to, smoke in the parlor when at home
and get drunk as often as I tun disposed.
this suits you, write Pod address me
at tho Broadway Post Office: If it don't
do whet you like.
'I will say, however, that 1 should be
happy to see you, and think you will not
find me a savage. if you are disposed to
gratify me, state when and where we can
have nn interview.
Yours ; revectfully,
Three days after depositing the above
letter in the Union Square Post Office, Mr
Defoe called at the Broadway Office, and
found a reply awaiting him. It was writ
ten in a neat plain hand,ond the purport of
it was, that Miss Betty was curious to see
him, but was so conscious cf the impro
priety of inviting a stranger to call upon
her, if, however, he would bo at Taylor's
Saloon at two o'clock on a certain day, he
would meet her there. ".Go ns far ns you
can," said the letter, "on the left hand side 1
take a newspaper in your hand and read,
so 1 may know you. When 1 enter 1 will
recognize you with a nod ; then, please,
eche and sit by me."
A few minuts before the appointed time
Mr. Defoe, having provided himself with
! a newspaper, went to tho place designated
took a seat as requested, and commenced
! reading. He soon observed a young man
enter, walk near him and look annoyed at
his presence. Finnlly, however, the stran
ger sat down immediately ,in front of him,
and with many looks expressive of 'What
businers have you here 1' also took out a
paper nod commenced reading.
'Unfortunate,' thought Mr. Defoe. 'lf
this fellow keeps on reading, she may mis
take him for myself. However, when she
sees he does not recognize her, she will try
While these thoughts were passing thro'
his toted, an elderly genileman, with a ve•
ry rod nose, also came up and politely re•
quested Mr. Defoe to go forward and give
him the scat he occupied. '1 would not
ask it sir,' he added, 'had 1 not particular
reasons, which 1 need not explain for so
doing,' . •• • •
toe; Mree tnen•reuningaseaw atsrut Lrrs,
in a Tow; yet under circumstances, it is a
singular coincidence.' And this sug,ges•
lion derived additional weight from the
fret that few other persons iu the saloon
were at that time reading.
But Mr. Defoe's astonishment was con
siderably increased when a third, a fourth,
a fifth, a sixth, and finally, a seventh, en
tered, and in his turn, seemed anxious to
get a rear seat, but failing in thic, took the
lust ore unoccupied, each at the same time
commencing to read.
Mr. Defoe thought there was something
strange in this, and as mystery always
pleased him, could not suppress it smile at
the anxiety and distress of the literary
strangers, who, while they held papers in
their hands, looked around the sr loon.
'1 think the girl has sold tne,' he said
to himself. and good•naturedly dropping
the payer from his hand, was about to order
a beef steak, when he saw a young lady
enter the right door. She was tall, grace
ful in her movements, had keen black eyes
and was richly though not gaudily dressed.
She passed down the opposite aisle with a
manner somewhat haughty, cast a fugitive
glance along the line of gentlemen who
held papers in their nands, and finally
gave Mr. Defoe att unmistakeable nod of
He returned the salutation as if he had
met an old friend, and immediately joined
, Mr. Defoe, I presume," said the pretty
'The same and happy to meet you,
Miss 13.1H0e," he replied.
"Tell me, Mr. Defoe what you thougt
of my advertisement."
"I thought it very singular that a fu.
male should want a man of sense and in-
dependence for a' husband—so I answered
it, What (lid you think of my reply?"
"1 thought much. In the first place,
that you were not handsome, and you sea
lam not disappointed. Also that you did
not moan what you said, which of course
is true."
Then why did you answer me?"
"Because 1 thougut so. You do not
suppose a sensible woman would adver.
tine for a husband with an honest motive,
and 1 know that an honest man would not
write such a letter as you did. Ido not
come to compliment you ns you find."
1 will not complain that you flatter ine."
Refreshments wero served up, and the
conversation, thoogh necessarialy carried
on in.l to to tone, became animated.
"Pray tell me," said Mr. Defoe, “the pro
else motive, you had in publishing such
an adverCiement, and in meeting mo here.
"1 did tt for fun. It was always my dis
position. lie you sc.: that row of men
VOL. XXIV. NO. 17.
over there, near where you were sitting
each with a newspaper?"
“We'll, those deluded gentlemen all
came here at my solisitatmh. They all
answered my advertisement; 1 wrote io
them precisely as 1 did to you. 1 wrote
the letter you recaiied, and my sister
made twelve copies of it, which were des.
patched to as many gentlemen, Seven
of them it seems, have accepted the in
vitation, and are waiting for me.”
"hnd what will yeti do?"
' , Nothing. 1 did not expect to recog
nize them. 1 canto to enjoy the sport of
seeing them who expected to fool nt,-, fool
ed instead;, to watch the ludicrous expres
sions of anxiety and disappointment. They
are dishonest, selfish, ignorant men, 1 am
sure, or they would not have written at
all. Now, see them! They look over the
top of their papers as if a sheriff was of
ter them."
'•And can you laugh at them?"
, Certuinly. This is a menagerie of
tame animals, 1:took them wild; but 1
fancy this discipline will domesticate them.
, Why is i that you have honored me
above all the rest, and not laugh at my cal-
amity in common with theirs?'
.Because you wrote an absorb letter.-
1 saw at once you did not intend to have
no belie•re you. But these animals sup.
posed 1 was foolish enough to belive what
they said. 1 would not trust a soul of
them with my dinner. They thought to
deceive me, perhaps get some of my pro
perty, and at any rate get into the. society
1 move in.'
.And how did you know 1 was the per.
ho wrote over ti,o name of Defoe
'The simplest thing in -the world. You
sat there with a broad grin on your face,
with a look of perfect indifference. The
paper lay beside you on the table, as 1
knew it would if 1 was hive minutes be
hind tune. You were thinking you had
been sold, and that Betty Ballot' had play
ed you a pretty 'rick. The others were
anxiaiwasel- naa,y. - They ware- medita
Your name of course is not Ballou?'
, No inure than yours is Defoe,' replied
'rho 'menagerie' was by this time in a
stateof disorder. 'the • animals' uneasy
nt the delay of the expected, called for
different articles of diet and drink, and
ono by one withdrew. Mr. Defoe also ex
pressed a regret at parting, but he said he
must go.
, Must our acquiuntance end here to
'Yes, unless you become acquainted
with my husband.and he should invite
to his house, in which case 1 should be
happy to see you ns his friend, He does
business iii-street, No
should not like to have him know of this
adventure; but I must have some amuse
ment, if you ever know him you Will
not mention it,
Mr. Defoe pledged his honor not to re
veal the fact to him, and bade her adieu.
ATTORNEY GENERAL EC:vox, in reply to
a rote from the Auditor General of the
State, has decided that renders of merehan
dice mast take out a licence, whether their
annual sales amount to $l,OOO or other-
(Win Nottovay county, Va. Miss
Galleon, last week. obtained a verdict for
$2,500 against Thomas Farley, for breach
of promise or marrirge. A new trial was
afterwards granted, but tho matter wee
privately compromised by the payment of
$1,250 to the fiir plaintiff.
Mi'Gov. Picker has parioned Fran.
Peters, who was convicted at the last No
vember Term of the Quarter Sessions of
Clearfield county, for stealing a horse of
Mr. Benjamin Davenport, of Fox town
EASTER DAV.---Easter Day, which in the
present year falls on the 24th of April, has
not occurred at so late n period since 1791,
in which year it was on that dry, and will
not again happen on the same date till the
year 2011. Since the introduc! ion of the
Gregorian, or new style, by Popo Grego
ry XIII, in 1582. Easter Day has only fal
len on the 24 of April in three instances,
namely, in the years 1689, 1707, and 1791.
farmers in adjoining counties says the Harris.
burg Patriot, have lost a good many cattle by
a malignant disease, very unusual here, but
prevalent in the west. It commences with a
fever, which lasts from five to nine hours., and
then is followed by a chill, which continues
from ,four to six hours. Alter this mortifica
tion ensues and the cattle die.
El"'Thu weather has got clear trout its
cold by taking a spring.