larmtrs' CC.ohtimi. He that by the plorigh woad Mriee. Himself; must either hold or di ive." [From the N. Y. nib... CRANBERRY CULTURE. Mr. Editor, Sin: I rotice the revival of the .American Institute Farmers' Club. in whose discus sions 1 have heretofore taken much inter est. 1 should like to be present at some of its meeting; and take a share in the dis• chssions, but as it it is not convenient, L a vail myself of the pen as nn alternative. 1 send you another specimen of my cran• berries, and also another article which has been prepuod with the hope of supplying in some degree, the demands made of late for information ott the subject of cranberry culture. Soil best adapte,i to raise Cranberries. A low swampy piece of land is, in my o- pinion, is best adapted to the growth of the fruit and vise in question. Nature hermit seems to teach this lessor Troy from Maine to Minnesota, nod, as fir as my kno sledge extends, you will find the cranberry growing, in a state of nature, only in some swamps or on its margin. You will find that it it is Incited in some swamp which is likely to be moist through out the year, thus evidently its affinity for water. Again, the swamp commends its. self to the would Ile cranberry cultivator, for the reason that it is generally melees for other purposes would ti claire a greater outlay than to fit it for cranberry raising. For the latter, you .need only sufficient number of drains to remove surface wote:. Moro are not only unnecesary, but, ',think ; detrimental. Still further, the ram with which most swamps can be flowed during Fall, Winter and Spring, gives the culti• vator nn advantag•a over weeds which ou dry land are not only more annoying but which con be kept in cheek by n perseve. ring use of the hoe, or something equiva lent. To accomplisli this, one has only to close.his drains in the Fall, as soon as fruit is gathered, and leave them untill the return of warm weather in the Spring, course which I would recommend where. ever practicable. Where this can be done, very little, if any, any weeding or hoeing will he necessary, olficle of Culture.—Having drained ihe laud as already intimated, these portions on which the water remained most of the year, will usually be 3ufficivntlt' clean for the immediute introduction of the plants. is any portion is covered with n sod, it should be paired off and thrown into heaps for decomposition; the result for ta an excellent manurial preparation fur fruit mt . ,. In the new surface thus exposed, I make shallow parallel trenches eight teen inches at two feet apart; and in the, , trenches piece my vines, ' , crying from two to eight feet in length. A slight e.,v • ering either six or eight inches complete the work of transplanting. At each so covered, toots will be formed and atte vines will shoot off. Set in such soil, no loss (rain drouth need be appended. I two or three years they will cover ti,, ground. Being nn evergreen, the plants may be set late in the Spring. As a seas on far transplanting, I prefer Spring to Fall, plants set in the the latter season have no time to take root, and consequent ly are liable to be thrown out by frosts. Prdific Qualilll.—My variety, the Low Land Bell (Oxycciecus nurcrocarpus), is an annual bearer, and will produce fruit the same year in which the plants are eat. From a few rods of ground net in cranberries last Muy, I gathered a bell bushel, some of which are in the peckage I send you. My crop has increased in 1 four years, from seven to sixty bushels. The renders of THE TainuNe, especially those who observe the price current of this fruit, need not be told that an outlay of fifty dollars in a stomp which was be fore useless, was no laid investment. Ma ny a similar sir even greater profits. Drain them, we any, and transplant to the con• berry, and the desert, in Sommer, will , -blossom as the rose," and in Autumn wear the crimson of a desert which not only all good housewives, but even kings may well covet. NDBLE HILL Cant., Stcuben County, N. Y Dow Does Your Farm Pay? A very important question this, which every farmer should be able to answer with a good degree of defitiness. It is not enough to know that one is vita% n. :ong in a genenal way, without !coming what part of the farm is profitable and what not. It 's possible to know how much profit there is it raising and fatten ing a steer, how much in s field of corn or wheat, how much is the annual produce of the whole form. A good wept° do this, is to keep on nc. Col4t.t with the farm from the lanzining to the end of the year. Under the hoed of debtor, put down the interest on the cost of the farm, the money paid out for new bundings, fences, drains, fur manures bought, for seede live stock, hired labor, taxes. etc., in short, all ihe.nreessary ex• penses of cerrying on the form for toe year. Then on the credit side, put down all die, the farm produces for home consumption and for market, and all that is added to Its real value in the way of improvements.-- 4 merit/in Jivit.uliuriet Miscellaneous Advertisements, Vseellawous Adveitismneu Is. _________ TIIE CAOVILLE AE , IINTIRY. : PREMIUMS ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER AWARDED THE JOIJIIN.II, JOB OFFICE I . 'TEE PRESENT FACULTY. 1 Sr"E I.V 11, ~via. Foll, M. MCN. WALsIII, Principal, ' ' ITII.IM 3EI3M .€4. ° l -1 Prot of Lacgc,, anti Philosophy. chits. N. Josiiii. A. M , ' I ' 3l, A l'ilC. fil'illii 1? Jill ''.7 pro.. of Latin. Oreek, etc. JamesW. Hughes, . PRITITIPIO# Prof. of :Mathematics. Benjamin F. Houck. Adjuntt Prot. of Mathatuaties, ' Get/. W. Linton, Tilt; IAVEIt Prof. of Vocal Music. Mrs. M. CV. IiVAI4iI Preceptress, 1 I \ 11(1 7 —I ()1i ATOR i Teacher of Botany. History, Reading; ete. ; \ RPARED In" DR. SAN FORD. Miss E. M Faulkner, PE 'Teacherof Pellis Work Pail:ling, Drawing, I li' oniisoplided entirely of Glllll3, i Miss D. L. itanleY. 1 13 one of the hest I.ll,,ative and liver modi ; Teacher ut Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flo'rs, ; 61,a, now wince the public, that arts as a Cu ! Mrs. Dr. liarwin. , chnisi,„ ~,,,i,,, milder. Mill more Plreettl,l thali Teacher of Emdish Branches. any titer medicine known. It isc not only a CA ' Miss J. At. Walsh, I tharlic. Inc a Liver remedy. timing lint on the : Teacher of Prituctre Enelish. I Liver to eject it 4 morhid, then coi the rtoirim.ll .--........--_ i atilt hovels to curry on' that twitter. thus , ieemn- The recent success of this school is extra°, , plishico, two purposes ellernially. without an, of ' dinar), Besides being the cheapest one of the the unlfnl ll , el l llga experience livt he cme..ciimc I kiwi ever eitallliNheti, it in now the largest in or most ( . ..i.r,ic.. It strvgtheil , lll.: sy , t,ll .st this section of the Stow. All hraccelies are the slim tithe that it purge.; it, and Avila, taken taugot, anti students or all aen, 'lanai of holit = l l ' 4 waxer, are received. The expensen for a year ; q. • it need not he more than SOO. Students run en- tor , , • ter whenever thev wish. Address. Ilirm• it • . JOHN D. 'WALSH, Cassville, • i ,„„ „,,, , ..• lluntingdou Po ! Jume2:l;s.9. , • .... nuhierilier ronveindly announces to bin L t ,„, friend.. the public generally, that he has ' For leaned that old anal eftaidist,ei, TAvvus propri!..,„,„te (ti STAND, known et the ;:ttot;nythos ! fl ee ,' v wore ',rouge, on the cornet ur aml Chad, v ermi Strem, in the Ilorott4t * 1. en, to o dun. d • '• ,rove that I Ile has revently put the house through aa' a- ,r ugh cu-arse afrep.tirs, and in now copal to any it. Complaint ie aey ,;• thin plate. a COI Ile canal .Vi lion. TAMA: Will elwerg be tamed with the gum , r bent the 10 tISO9 can nflord, to suit the taste?, • m a tter now the •:yuten and appetite.; of hit glleSti. place an Mal by 11p, fiAnwillalwan4 he filled with Choice L. I t h e stere 4 ch, guars. and 1115 STA 11 . 1-E MIWIIyS attended by rare ! paarift hi g tail and attentive ()Alert. - in line Whole lottehille• Crlle 110[O3(1 by strict attention to hasiness •al alai diaoaso . mill of and s spirit of Hee.mmilation, to merit and receive One dose altar eat * liberal share .4' !addle patronage. l'eVa alto sicohatch um] Sept. 15, 1955-Iy. ' Ic ATEER• • risin g uthi searin g . BLANKs.--Aiwnys buy your Blanks at th tinliffinsw t n r k s n' `• Je urnal 011ie," We have now prepared uye ry solierinrartielemf BLANK DREDS. Ina NDS the Liver I nvigoillti.r. J ‘G.III , ,NT NOTES, S I:31 MONS', EXEC U• ( "Y oneth ' e to. , prevent , ' :nightmare. (C I Only one dose tco at W ivern e I . :quest those 111 our ,nbceri berg who who re One gently, and luau taken alto cite their papers, to iia.,rtn tan of flume h. their Imprint. immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers (Vane alnso of taco to the "Journal," and have faded to receive Sivk the same, slime the tit.litio of nor pack-hook, I One battle h'ke!. by ruffians 03 the 31 of February. mores the eanee of per , vet cure. Only ono den 1,1111 While One dote often rei Choler. Nforlott, and t (fir( tidy one hottle nystem the diet:to °:/ 4 /;goa4k 4" 7-rz Iron City Comm ercial College Prrnsiumnt, PA. - . CliAltThltt L . 1855. 300 Students attending. January 110. the largest net thorott ,, h Cont iNO • • •• -• worm) School of the Ltitted I‘tate.. Y.,fitig Men }Wel/Orell fur gettull duties of the Counting iil/0111. • log ar!!! Sri cnrc ' af A c;:ottnt;: A. T. Doi/um,. Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial ettiodation. .1. A. IlO:runtc lt anti T. C. Jnnaists. Teach ers of Hook-keeping. A. Cowt.t, and W. A. MILL., Profs. of sINDEK AND Di2UBET.; ENTRY BOOK. ----- REEVING, A , used in every department or crimmEnciAr, mirrilmwric—itAvin ESS WRITING—DETECTINO Col NIONEY— E RCA .... CORRESPONDENCE— . _ Cr AINIERCIA I". LAW-. .......... Are tauvid, and all other suldeets neeespary Cr,4 the coerces and thorough education of a i.t . actical businees man. 12_ PRENTITTVZS Drawn ell the pren.llllll9 in Piitsburvh cm. the paq three year, alNo in Eastern tintl Wes tern Cite, for the he,t Writintr, NOT EN(IRVEI) WORK. Important Information. Students enter at any time...-..N0 mention— Time unlimited—Review at rlensare—Gradit• area assisted in obtaining. nitrations—Tuition for Fell Commercial coerce s3s,oo—Averale time Bto 12 week—Board, $2.10 per week— S'ationary, so.oo—entire cost, UO.O to $70.- 00. Gr Ministers' Sens received et hnh kur Curil—Circular—nperimens Itn , iness end Urtiatii.ntal lira stamps end midi,. K 11 , ...1ENKINS. Sept. 23, 1858.-Iy. Pittshurgli, Pa FOUND AT LAST The "Wray to Save lio;tey!! AND CU tai HARD ti^flY s ! i 3 to BUY ALI. LINOS OF lIAIII;WArtE Bur ALL KINDS or ilnomvAng BOY ALL LINOS OF 11.toow.t. FROM JAS. A. BROWN. FROM .1 - As. A. Bloom Fgou J... A. DROWN, AT CITY PIIICES. 'This ARRIVAL ONEW GOODS exceeds all others i importance. Because it supplies ME PEOPLE. with indespensahle articles 111 Id Intinv nelill inven. !ion, midi.), run be found only iu u IVA RE STORE. 2ml. 'rill subreriber purchasing in large quantitie, from manuilteturers, is en:tided to hell these goods from 20 10 100 per cent cheaper! thee they are :old by other Intreloutta. Ilia auntie holm!, ti complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Oil S. PAINTS. GLASS, STEEL, MECHANIC'S TOOLS,. DOLLOW-WARE, SADDLERY. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, MOROCCOES, LININGS he.. Together with a full nunortment of everythhig pertaining to his line of bushiest. All orders receive pronni attention. JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Oct. Gib, 1858. TAT]. 'l'h6 id a new and valuable improvement, and it better. cheaper. smaller, lighter ' more requires lead power, will chuff nod clear and sends more rapidly, and with ,jar ,ater er.ollollly, that, any other Grain Fun in tide. Send fur a dederipiive catalogue to Win. L Bayer A Bre, Agricultural implement For. wry, Philadelphia. Sept. 2111,, 1838.-6 m.. Antiphlogistic Thin celebrated medwine for pale at the Journal Office. Fur all inlhonllllltory dim:lases it is a certain cure. Gut ' l 7 it, s' ,l who eve afflicted. )liscellantous I 111 , NTIY L. liE . • • . SEEEIIIIII .1 • • , ,e, 4 or till VA,_ itrEl errlm. I '4 O IIIIW/1 . is IrI1tISl"1' • .3„,1,1,,,i. i,i ; 0, 1,,,i,ke 11.-11. Henry T.. I;.•nocr. le. (':11, 11,11 Brewstei -.',,.. ~..„ ~• ~..i'„1,11,. l.1 , ,:41II 1.. C:i1.11,1., .10.,101 11. ll•irry, 17 , '., .. ,; . ~ ~ , , 1: i •rt 1.. ~ .I, f rid,o, h....A, I . .ce, •,• , . , , Tot. K. A. 111,0, • .1.1,.• i, Y.,rkes, „ ~„1 „ ~. , ~,i • I,:dolretli Iti , it I l, llenry liiellinitlerir. :. , ,„ II „ , d,,,,,.. N Toney i., revolved 011.1 jo,.‘iiienis mole ilai ' ..• 7 ••, , 77 i• ' ••' 7 . 1 • i ',lll % , lillllll, ii , fire. - ' , • , . 'i he iiiver•too•t. arc Towle in 110,11 Pgit • , , . ~ ,lv ,:,••••, 11r. ,, ,,1 lie., ,tiol sudi chtsi • . 11,0 wall,. • 7 •'' • - :,• C • . .., , . ....: :,,,,o1 :,t livt ilk. '771 . 1.1 1 0... i • i!, 1.i..0r Green Willow Foundry. . .2g. 0 ,;,,„,... ~,, ~,,, ~, ~, C' w 1 , CIA/ re-veoiloily inform the ii t iiiii •tl ,s eortnin. -.• 1 Ithvo eiiiiiiiien•Til linsine-s nt the elm r . all mortal or :Ind I.l•tee, 011.1 will he ready to .101.11111°11mo 011 w i . .7 .iiiiiil ,l lll: in their m 1111 ay W. on. thin, in my linoiii lit.ines,, „,.‘ „r ~,1 „ , ;„,.,,,„,.„,;,,,: : will hal, on hood or mot... op %alter TlareAlii 4.„, f,„„i ,„ ,i;,,,,, we ll . Alneiiines, Hoof all ii.lier ni.ioliiiiely that tune yi n ., ~,,,,, mi ,i I,„iti, elllllOl fill'. (. 7 , , StillgS Of ever, ileseription, ea, It! ry. ~,,,1 111 i n. , 1h,,,,,,,„ 1111,1 I . llllor 141.1141.1. 1'111,,1. 11111111 W Wlll.ll, 1 , 1,1. "11 1 8. e. ,• 1 i n4 , r i i i ii,,,,i,•,,,.. All I.ilicis 01 'corning eiul,e, ~,,,,1 iir iron. 01 al i n , i i , i inji n i ini , ti , ri .,. 111.1disolithilig will 1,0 !lot., in the 10-1 'mom le. infer,,,[ tlin fool r,.„,„ ond on tho tni.t mason Ade tOVIII, Forme is!! 1 01,11 titlieri 1, i , liiiii! to pan:knee new lili' lettreil, 011.1 what is w i l l find It to ti“'” .;.l,.l flgt , to glen fill! 4NI ,h e occas j onu l une of ,1.1. kinile of einintly 0e0.10, , 1,1,1ken in exeloin, • iii market riees. I`E'll , .ll. I'II'ITIZY -- ‘Vaierstteet, Oet. 13, 1858.-1 e • I n berme rentro teaspoonfuls will nln t, fettialc obsi•tnietion. the diwaso, and mitt, relieve, pealed is n sure cure It eventivu is needed t, the., or, .. of imuticiue.altur ,t 1 • siekne , irgrOne bottlo take all .ILll , ,wreß, or %tonal .1111intliet• tinrili!o• iih"rt time hefts, One tlikim it ite, amt makes 1m.,1&;2... ()no tio , c Fel+ riiitii in iis 1,1111/111,0, ()nu 01.1 Cl . lf . ‘ (1 . 1”11;.• 1••••.1 4 . 5 . . k lea• bottles the absorbents. remeneleit li te,,11 , 1• Fever wel .k:ee. I I, of 14 11114 i tlemsnieli are vlerltil virtue., We take pleannre ie juine . n prerentive Fever, and ell Beret Wow. to wstify to it 4 wioi I;,e it ore gi titimny itt it, favor. ',ter in the ntor, end swallow both mouth with the Inti.o togtthet. The Liver Invigorator. Is a seiciitilii• is dully working Nit,. too Bleat to lodievs.. It cures iis it by inapir. io ell the tir• , t ;41, iltg , rtielif, null 5e.i.100,1 Moro than ono 1 , otl:c• iS tihiriol to 1,11 . 1. nll ',hilt Or ',VI' COIIIIIIOIII, 11'0111 j.1111111112C Or I), Sp1.11:•i:1 1. , 1 . 0111- oil of %illicit ;tre tin result of it cl.sonseil Liver. PRICE 1.1N1; DOLLAII vrit Borri.E. nR. 5A,:r1.1.. Ps ilvrittor, 845 N•Y hold by .1. pr. v. _ c .•_'..Jlifi.l)'_l2l," Zr<:l)l3 C7PM'i°3EMI. -AUL thw intt. 0111111 y FAIlt, Cu. 1111. cit,:nri , f .ol„ tilt A N feeeivu,l 1e,[43 the E.t.urn CAICs, FtteT 'OWER PREZS, and a liiree variety lIA tle nni.,r J;o77o . 6aNble ('rirtlirt J Maleriul, aliieli inalo Or !Ili! ni!,A cuing Ili • i!li ESIA11,! , !1:11! !I •in this Beetion, in wan; tit' en, i.l 17.. eetiii, at , hi tie r ilettt ikith their pairollikto, %Vt. hive Ht. th, in it Plipi-rifir mi.. I ;,..1 t.! PRINTING IN COLORS 1111 11,0, 1 , , -. , 11:11.11. 1 , 10, Inn! Wl,lllO 1111:, it . of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accomptuaated at this 'establialinielit lert mit IN, AUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS, SHOW BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMI'IILETS, CATALOGIths, CARDS, &c., will be I iitkbed promptly, ezeetlted in he best style a . n.l at reasonable rates. WY". Orders by expreve, mail or otherwio, will receive iinniedinte telviebie. IV M. ItIiEWSTER. Mann., Blair co., July 3,'38. J. D Sromittomt, Lewistown. Pa., Dear Sir—Mr. Wm. Teuxusvott, who has Lean >uoiring several ears Irian alteuttnittom, pot so ill that his triends end relative,' were summoned to %%km,. hi; death. 1 indurnd his friends to try the virtue or your preparation-o,v did so, ns the t re; Kin ngd , w their 1114-110.111e111 Mill joy, ss um' hoter, new. 1•0 Itir.l4 I kiln., Ls it is Lnlc Mud ,totet man, Thin in tint the tally ease where the Gst.r.tti OH, has surpassed human expectation, In oNery ease where I have recontutentled the Ott., it has dune what it 'ultimate to do. Suitt us another stn'. worth. Yowl truly, U. LEDER. A 1.,,50-Iy. 31iSi 1:1.1.‘NE111 - ti AI)I'EIZINI , ,MIATS -:,.-..-, i.-.,.• .. ti k l p, ' ii,.don i t 4.,: LI ~,... ~: ::;:td 4 ,7_ , (A,,,,,,,e . , '• a , , •••••• lit l IP ; 4 L )11tri TiliisT . . 4 ,..,' ~ , ,:c7---Ji- -i i; ;,:Z,, , !. , : -, • " , ~„, , 414M . Y,f0A e„ .„: •3•sr,fhei:-?::UX,,tith o:Ji,nni• ' 6 '...c,•-•tNN:car—et, , ,,,...ti ,, 4----- wiI.NIPT WITGEEII', si:or trl FIVE PER CENT tnTEREST IVIIf,NEY IN .IS}• si i i , •1 . 1 , t fritlo I 113, 01 .11,4 , 1 t Ito II TlO. t.tlict: t. 01,utl 0r . % t!.ty 9 ill Hie 11,toi1l'1t, 1111 51..4.1, , vk in tht. ..11.rn filmfill I 1/ . 11 eveitii,g, tit R. I'tpg; :I. Pot. 'ORS • lIUN'I'INGIION SPII!NtS. iit Ilia 'inst. of Will it,. he to lA, north leg Standing Stone (`rack. oral t•tivinittell liy mantic hills and woodlands. ha& twat !sag , by the fit mer proiti•iettir r.,.• The extensive lintel lin e ,. I,h!. !.i!! 1.• Oreele , l a great t.xo• h , • ' • Wiliam, hare been eatid. • have Itt‘ett hrnotifnlli „laid .a.t llotell.ttrlttrs and idtatitia t rs airy attl cur- ratably fattislitsl; and the trom thi vcratitlaits tor laitt.y. ',moot tie ! ' or hell n vaitto.y, tier i i tIC. !is,. beet ;or tr. • ' •de of ioiitio• 0... gto Crook. Porqoit oltti or. lea•oVr. o i l 00l ,;iii hilr;11 ',trent; 1.11.1 thllol, .. I'i ..r 11..: -. i ~ .. I~i I. I.i I 1 11 t I'. 'iii ~:~ ;kirk, tv111 . .., •1: .••ti, • Cr,! terins. 11,1 Ir 1 I' •hme nth HO ! THIS WAY. ; t., they eon mid., , 11):In month wit),..11 111, 5 (1.1 , . ill 241111111 M for 1 . 4.1..:1 , “nil by rourn ‘O , l irvitinrs of ilit, ),Ilthiftg home ever t.) 1/iso"vprtil I.y null o tuiltion of or, A. I:. 22, '58.-1) A. I:. DE:s;stiN, wh,l e Alt. MELLING CLOTMAG PRICES TO Seii"fl:l; 11111:4. 1858._1,1.1. A N 111. & Co., tiw tit"' tt. n,t,ve just rt•ce,t...l Ito g • t•t' Fall and Winter Goode, Cl.l is. vr.s rs. & r . A 1,0, POO•I'S, SHOES, HAI S, CAPS k (f Clothing i4 . )( — ilie latest fadi ,• , a. told niroolli,torvil Ilt till! ,:1111 are 1., 4,t i the w , ll do w,ll to give io it rnli nod to:moiler stork. Pr..5"1/nn't furget thr lol:11•P 111 . 1 , 4 i building, on thn owner, Mariiet dynkre, tin , dnu. 0ct..3:58 11.171'EltA it EA U. 1 1n e, laa.a.maal aNa.x. ...I wal a thoritutdtly edtteitted Liter:try Mau, welt• ry with twettoy•tive yet,t:.t 1 the drill' ery of Daily his determined tu hire .tut null hell his brains at retail, to thuse %hi, may rt=quire their berviees, iflinty houttralthi way. Mereliwitts. Itusittetei Nlett, Inventors, amid dealers or ..VelV kind. will he supplied, tor hand t with Ativertisetelits, (puetivid ur otherwise,) Netieei, ur itity vac'nn clue• belts desired. P.lilieisus will be supplied witi. Spesehes, Reports, Ites , lotious, I,iiers, 'rousts, Pum• phlets, C 0111111111111,1101.111,, cud every or lintitt•worh, which they alley find it itte.sivenient ur troublesome tudu them. selves. Lodi. and Gentlemen, of every rank in r•o• eimy or occupation in life, •un have Utters arillen on any subject, whether business or sentimental. • ndvertiser will also conduct or tntuslate Cu,. , •pittlenee of every kii.d, either English, Spanish, cl.') or Lniiu. Pitchy, Acrostics, for Mullin, Notus. dims, Mcnntlics, and ennt positions of the ulo,t delicute awl confidential elnuticier, incident to tvery possible cireninstaneu 11,11..11 in lin., will be furnished in inviolable entifidowe, by writing to the uticlersi,thed, mud exidnitting their wish'.'. Orders mail, iternmpaniawl with ettnla. will be :trial) and promptly nttend,tl to. Address J. 3 . 110311'50N, Literiwy Lary., Box 22+83 Philudelphie Y. U., Pw, i Au8•18,18.1‘ 311S111,!,INEW'S ADrEitTiMAIENT:i AINs tilil:TI1W012T11. rioickETT, itunDETT T11()IIAS DUNN EN(iI.I811, M. I)., J, I cr, „I It:rs. ANNA W1LE1.1 . 1.1..; Miss VAUU Alum. 1)1. VkIINON, Allss 11AVIIE FINLEY ,1011;s:SON, Write air 0. (I 0 1. 0E N PRIZE. GOl, 1) N p!) Iz , G PR 5 Z . GOLDEN Plll Z E . GOLDEN Pll 1 E (.1 0 L'll E N Plt Z TfiE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLU3TRA TED ...SCAN le, SALTEII, SCIIC8C81:01,1 i;zetLet Si. Co _. It is 111, L ho•t frt . t ilay--;411 lim•eriill 000taluit, cr ru . 11.. e ,1114.1 ,ft I t ,111 , 1 reseimiti, tllc vorr firdl ..Irlt , la 1.1 tho • 1.4.1,0A1:11,r 11.11,T11.111ttl 1. VI,RY \MK. A I'll ES ENT, Worth tn :,400 lClll 11.1 i o n t.. roch P•er oii revcipt 111 tho slil,s,rillllon Tnis isiol 11,1 11,111111110 Ot 1'1'1,•11.1,11, nlll 11 itY 111 me 1 T 1: It XI S : ~,,,. I Cep,. for I :Tar, 52 00 :ma i Pre,cnt. I " 2 " 3rd) 2 Pieselds, " 3' 5 00 5 -_- 1 " 5" 800 5 " A E AND TO OLOS, h dt 1 3 Copice, I yen', 5 t , O 3 " :mu , ' . " 700 5 " 15 00 10 " 1 2, 0 0 30 00 21 " :., . !'he ortielen to he givtn away are cmprill ~,. 1., 11, tollowing 11,t : ~k • 2 rorlsoges or Gold, eteg • $5OO 00 ent•lt tla, do 21/0 00 earl: ,r) do do do 100 00 roeh :!./o . l.ever littat'g %% P atches 100 00 rod/ .1 %Vali:hos 00 corh 60 00 tool/ ' ln h 0 06 ouch . ! lies' Gold Write/100 35 1/11 melt .!er Monti!, 1 V: 11 • 116 / 1 30 01 vori V.' • 010 110 to 25 110 ',1./ ...! . , • /310 00 to :30 00 roc t.oi t 1., 11:0001eY, fin l'• •• t . •'. •0 Sleeve tictroc, .•• '. • .%•• , WI mid Sil r.orth ~.t .• 11*, !! ill ;or,. meet ..• • .. • rm `i , t! :t . t. 1:11 1 .1o.:1.0e1 . / .011-rel. • ' . r•••• 1,1111111: ,• & I. • • ' Y. 'f BLS/1 . KS lila K'' 1, LA III!,11,1:1 NO,l V”11,1111! n, Cons:4l.ll's Sales, I ) OVIIA, MOF,Age. , , C 1,1 801111 tuiuttuttily CutibtuLle, Sc Dr. John A:cCullooh, 01.,;• • !heci Zi•118, IMM :!11, un 11111 st. d COOli STG VE. F 4 24 A SPI.PNIOI) NEW COOK STOVE it , :ule ni this office; it is culculuieti to burn wuol 1858, lid VA) 'S 1 - GALVANIC OIL, IPreparrd nrigtnully by Pro. 11. DUVALL. formerly ut the College ur Surgeons, et PAri, IS NOW OEFEHED TO THE KM -I,IC, ;IT Ti•r il,e Cure of aII sure and Pain tiff I tiseus,,,,,,s,o IF, irstance-Pain W . sonnets in an! riust or Ike system, Rheumatism, pain in buil:, lit east ur sides, licaled hreimm Neuralaiii, Burn+, Spreins. ilead-ache Cramp in the SIOIIIIIVIi IT 1.1(1V Ot 11, lilt, ease C.:.t k SONE i, 1 . .1 INF I:(,, and lit i. 011iy OVIT 11.14 4 . 13. s id' diseii-e4 wi• , ',du, ~ vv.:Tour. We say positive]) 10 ear Fat rear ,‘ 4, .1111 lid., 11.• sufferer 99 liner- ~,t . i i it O. Wo wibild julst, MU lto tie tal'ili,•, Prat, On Vail na- 26 ,rare u b.inittrat to thin medicine Pula i iorit; I .1, r al! others. ........ I hire h 0 Oft. I.CT I.ottle—i rent i e. otl the trade. MI ,o , lorm not, ho nil dressed to J. I). s'll): , Elt(A I), 15011. Agelit. for 1:..y., LEWIRToWN.. ro 0v.18,'58.-Iy.. CONSOIPTION CURED. C°NBUNIPEWN DFrroI.IN ( I L M D S CURED. „Idle a Missionary moue th Indians or the Itui:ky Meant di.coveretl a RAIZ I.: PLANT, that proves t., I.e a CONSUMPTION certain cure fur Consumption, cuRED. Myer I pt, .ler,ous Mice- flow., Coughs, Colds, Rio.— coNsimpTlONlliiriog now tondo his fortune Aro! retired from 1010110 SS, ho o pid,oriptioos :t rttl CURED. ‘ tii i r l :.c't e i l o"t i ,:' for Kvpileteu the noxlieinesirc. ehargi, to ill! CONSUMPAIONwhe fluty tr, ..ed will :end it, his agent, emelosnig cuR i :D. I4IOOI)DS (0 1,00. vsy I I'oolll I , lCr ; W.lll a 14,- 011000 01 ,10. i , 101 , 10111, CONSILIIPTIONThe . 1, 1 Ito •o,r hots eared wore limo atom ergs, CURED. ni a r t , e , , , l n themselves of this nimertiitti• CONSIJIIIPTIONty• uu tilt) 1/10,00 . s i•lies 10 till the eimil lie eau helm, too die. Adam.-s all letters to DANIEL A DEB, Box assl P. Li., New York, Who is bin tole strove. .Tink tlptir, 186f.-Iv. CURED. Illi,a•Milivoas Advertisements, I New Gird-Press,' 11:1 , 1!:g :11,1 C.\ v,, tire pteptred ',let in ill, prrp,r.tht three U 11 1 . 4 13 in IIIIIt• 111:11 0111, revs is !he 1.1,1t1 , y f.llll 1 , 1";.5t 1111141:11 , WILI• ly (11.111.1 . 1111 111,111 I:11,11p le•t ,1,10.. We clatrgu at all. \VI: 11111 y,llll' ii trmiage. MOW V201117:1 IXT:CII77 .011/!C I FISH tit & Me,llll.firriftl IJAVIN(; !o-opene,l tho ETItI)I'OI.XI'A N I tioooerl . , 10,own ••:lAx . foN're' plea ttre ire atooottleing to t!tetr notoy ev 11,C Vo'fi n nc.r illl.I !;1104I+, ILey I. el colohleet s:ttkly the of' poldie. rove 1,1,0‘10i00 t l,l e ill 5.'1 . 1.1: tool ,t;Atxrv. Tile lite, of llre, Soolk IZOI11•;S A QU11,1,1.; IN I/lIIIANDIFIg. LAIVNS.. 1.1:S. &v. CIL\ r.VS, 111•:11.\ 1:1111.1.IANTS, LAINES. ('NA VELLA 11,11.% lit. AM, LA -1.1::41.1: VS A ~1' 11'l!AS. We hove o•s.w•toetit or S:hinner Mnh till,, Stow!, 1)1.,,,t Tlittimitths. Vehhies. An tique., Itihkata, Alia., Mover. (I.mhtier, lie., 3(tlvintr Silk, Whalehottes fiw skitt, Reel lira.. 110., Skirt C.w.l, A Lso—Tickriil, Ilsnahurtf. 1.1.1,414,1 end hh -I,leneheit 3111.4.11; et :111 prices, euhwefl owl nailed eel SwinS :.1.41 ".; Vie!hria Nainhooks, Tarletor end turn, [oh, ortieles Chnil/1 . 1. the line of White nem.. Cnaximeee+. l:ottouatlus, Linens, HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. every vadety awl style. till kitt , ts o STRAW GOODS, A good stork or GUN ERIES, II IND & QUEENSWIRE, BOOTS & NIAMES, Wood and Willow-ware, \Ve deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and n l Khith, to' uitA IS. atiel taneseen in los Inattach or trade tiategtitille.l lay any. 11e deliver all Niel 'ages lir unreels Merelann t lise, FREE I A IttlE, nt the aleinate of the Bloat! To, inoi I nine tote, cane ell, and •a -ti reprint eel that, the •••,th.:TxtustaLlTAN" is tlic adieu to PC,,11 . 1, and tineirable gentld, tli,pwed of et the Itiavet.t latex. Ar.14;58. New Goods ! New Goods JT D. P. CITINN 11.1111.1 P .511'011101. !' (;., in ha.: just tetitrad lettitt Mt! It!rl• 7'l the larga,c and ingst Itanutil!;ll :114• ..N1) St1:11111;:. G9)01)S, to II lVool • , •, . &Mil fig ; Of JI ery • . Hotel t. •1 , 0 t! ttts. 1 rl l I i St in t• c r.t.,ty Wlllll tI)U 11111:11,1, Spripa .1 , .1 'I hil , it Vilato Al.t., OiIASIIICIS, T . • K. ('„it Naid. Tiel.t.a,l'alda I iiapers • l lannel.. &c. 4 Al,a. a lot .1 Boaaets, Flat, NAN. : Boots and Shoes, tic largest nint . in tn:vn. • ZI /1„ &6 D W. s 3 IL Itnekets, Churn , Bolter BM% la, ,nrrioing, Br,llOS, Vic. Cal . pr• ClOtill3. Iri L ,tlil Salt, Stlgar, Colee, Tea, 1110:asse4, and all gout' usually kept in n country Store. • Aly Uhl customers, and na many new ones as eau croutl in are respectfully requested to come aml exuudoe my goods • All kinds of ll!tunzry prod.!" taken in ex goodb, xt Ole bight , . Markel pl lIA VII) 1 . . 1Y IN. . _ April 21, 1258. D'irill ILEID T/11'1111221 CLOTHING.! A New Assortment Just Opened ! And will be sold 80 por cent. cit1:ApL1r1'11ANI'11111 , Pit:S . 2l ]l(1 lAN. resperthille in'rnts his cash,- H o . Mel, illy! the pnhlie generally, than he has jest Opened I.t hip 0 0 1 . C•10.$111 itt Mad,. Squares Huntingtinoot splendid 11.5 W billet: Of it.11."- Illit.i Clothing for Fall ailst ll'itittr, which he will sell cheaper than the some iindlity of G o ,,,h t call he int,enage l l ot retail in ilia or any i.tlier establisla in the country. rent,. wishing to buy well to collat.! nollMille has stock I II elle slog elsenhera. Hats, Caps, "lad, will he p.• 111 10‘..i. than ny nny other e in the mints, ilunting;lt;;Ypril STAGE LINE FROM harnbersburg to Mt, Union tle Hi-A."6 4:111d are that a ,itspensienn . 1 1 the line of 5t.,,,s over the road between Clillifillerslllirg /tad Alt, Union. cannot he 101 l tlisnoirantageous tu n lore , ection or the coati- Irv, nt a moo:tolerable expense and trouble , mottle torrango units to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly Aletween the two points Good , Horses tool etenturtable Stages linve been pin , cell on the tont, mid experienced 01111 trusty drivers will sup , intettol the running of the j ('oach... The proprieturof the line in ...kirons tint it Le ataintained, null he therefore r-lis upon the public eenerully In italroaine It. Cc it tivnt flint it v ill be for tlnir u , nrnnlalienate Every ilevensury will 1.0 given, the running of the:U:looa will in regular. tar Stages leave Mt. Union. every TO dit) Tioasoley, ,onoi Natuitiny evenings. arei ng al Clitrulteriburg the next tiny tit 2 Re- • 'milli., leo, Clionthersluirg, the ee o night ut 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union he next evening in tittle for the car, Beta,. -t Mt, Un ion tool oiloode Gap the line will be tinily. i hr Fere thr ugh $3; to, ititermetliote points in proportion. JOAN JAMISON Jan. 20111, 1856.—tf "7.7‘7"..4 - ..... 51. 1 11M1D I W tiEA ANL) CORN wautqii at thoi &lice. Those beviu4 either een fitspoee of the rime by WIN Poet. Miscellanewts Allvertisements. --- RAILROAD - HOUR§: 't .1,1 OMNI/ 1!:,1:41%, 0! 1. 1 Ex. T. Tritin iPtI,FI P. M. A. M. P. M. PeterAloir,., 1.05 8.01 11.24 Hiiiitinetlon, 1.22 9.10 11.39. Mill Creek, 1.23 9:20 11.49 Mr anion, 1.47 9.33 1 , 2.03 1 ms Ow Nil Wekt. Train leaven P. M. A. 01 P. 01 Mi. Union, 4.32 6.40 11.36 Mill Creek 4.44 6.58 11.49 Muni:lntim 5.03 7.11 12.01 5,40 7.20 12.18 9' tat ari fl. A B. T. Ilmaingtloo 114 1011tawg 730 M. 3P. U. AhAet:AAA-Ac . ' 44 u • JOB OFFICE o. ° 001110 0 1; ') "(JUNI'. JOURNAL." o Li? largest and bat 0 at' 47. 7 u u JOB OFFICE (,), Ci .4.1; rx TIIR COUNTY. ° 0 to JOIWVFORK u 44. 411 U OF 0 ° 4 . 4 ) ; r ta fla 0 ° EXECUTED 4g; .1. t 7/. 7, ure.,.. ••• ,, st. 0 ° 43 THAN 0 bit. .° ::r..ItFEVT SAIIO ••- Erp. °lf IVA !MAN' 13 o AD kinds of ` l ' . 1, BLANKS o ) 4 44 , 0: 0 e l.: l o i • UU e r iY• % v-44'4'1 T:' It OttriTtlito.,32ol7. 34t1 (4) ri TIE undersigned ownurs of the Huntingdon P Mill, inform frmer, and the public vnernl• ly. thnt they now have their new mil! in running order, with nll tine modern improvetnonts in the moue wheel:: end mnehinery. . _ ...... Ti , ev httvo pitt in five of iho Itnprovoel 1,10 Tt;rttitio IVntor Y: hroln , and can grim' in E t m i,f thn vi'nur, non daring :lilt ~ t, f inn :tli Lind,. t.:ritin. hry :t re pr,.par,..l H,P. and hove on linnti ;,11 i;n;,.. t;11 kind of Ffi',Ti',D AND Sul'Uli I FS ,:,!„,;, .thd • they can • ; ,:tll,- • 31VX17.17. '.5.i.71/ =REM is or:, J.. , they All ! , ,totel of (lath: ..t t.: raid. . . • :110 v6l. liecembor • ;,1. K. NEFF, Ai. l).. f.Yv located himself in WA .M 1 1:1.1314. :I IS Coljllty, would reipectfully alior hie , oul services to tisseitivins of tint p:soe !ts conittu 11 . .1,111,Nr).1: ........ ft. Laden, M.l/. Goa. A.. 9. M. A. Ileatlerbon, " %Vin. P. oeipii,o!,. 14. 1 . .1. 11. Itursoy, nott../Ittaea ( )wino, M. Stewart, " Juitit Scutt, Esq. Cietargu Ta.ylor. flue 41, JaCO), M Gommill, I}., Atexanet, John Itl'eullocti, .‘ Patershurg. 11774 A. P. Wii.moK R. BRUM! PCTLITKOI U lI.sON .4170R.NEYS 4T ; N. PA. Pritetiee in the several Courts .r.fitantingtion Ithdr,Comitrint Centre, Mitlliti nod Juniata Coon. es. March 23. 1850. theallebt "Jul, - Printing" Office TIIII COUNTY. 1100 have now made such arrattgenteels in our Alt (Oh, 0,.a trill ritettlit OR to do On kind.? of Job Printing at 20 per cent., cheaper En les 'rano any 4;thee in Ike County'. t;ivr us a call. If ae don't give entire satisfac tion. no eliarge if; all will he made. , IN BLAST AGAIN ! fluniingdonFt Foundry-. 04. 1 . 1 e nom E SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS that of informing their friends and the poS• lie generfilly, float they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, mid are now in successful sp. elution. and me prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of th e hest quality on the shortest.- t ice and ao.t 00:02000de terms. Farmers arc invited to cull notl exnmino our Ploughs. We are minintlicturiug the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the preminin at the Comity Agricultural Foir, is 1855) also celelohltod either Plough, which can't lie bent. together with the Keystone, Hi 11.1,1,, .1 , l,, (Pd Burslicar houghs. We Dave on hand and are matunitrturiog stoves, sech as Cook, Parlor and filliee stoves for coal er wood, BOLLOW-IVA.RM :initiating of Kettles Boilers, Skillets, &c., ail of w 1601 will he sold; cheap fur (mill or in ex change for country produce. Old metal token fin' COW canting, By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a ante ut luttrotinge. J. 111. CUNNINGHAM & 13110. April 30, 18611.-tr. DR. [ - FIT-JUTETT • DZTtOIP: ALEXANDRIAN, CO:, PA. April I, 1858.—1 y. 1r0at.y.145,01P211 - 1. to all liusineon entreated tohitn.Oft lice nearly opposite the Court HO Wilt 111ny 5.'5:t JOON- SCOTT SABIUBL T7B - ROWS 0111®Va t , Attorneys at Lam', inuntegaoll l ou:ce eama au t h at formerly crimpled by Jobs Scott Beg, lc, tritsA