Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 13, 1859, Image 3

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    •Ithe point of identity —he was not sntisfied
Amitui t oon thnt the prisonbr was the Daniel Danger
hold who escaped from Virginia in 1854,
Wednesday Morning, April 13. 185 p• and accotdingly he ordered his discharge."
------ -•- • ' The last syllable of this sentence had
The Circulation of the i[1111.• not fairly left the lips or the utterer when
fingtion Journal, is givat- , a burst of applause was rnisea throughout
er than the Globe anti Am
the enti re court
court room. . o ffi c ers o f
erica's combined.
course attempted to suppress it, but the
The people coMposing the party opposed to
'the present national administration, will meet
in their respective districts, in the county of
Huntingdon, at the. usual time and place of
holding delegate election, on Saturday the itch
day of April next, to elect two delegates from
frerkt each township, borough, and separate
election titstriet, to compose a county conven
hien, do In, held he Huntingdon, on Tuesday
`the .12 day of April next, for the purpose of op
pointing.delegates to the curling State conven
'tiOn to take place in nomination a State ticket.
Hy order of the County Committee.
B. F. PATTON'. Chairman.
. . .
The fluntiagdon JOURNAL for one year, and
Qithe'r of the Magazines for the same period
will he sent to the address of ani subderiher
to Impel: die advance as follows :
The Jtiernil and Godey's Lady's Book, for
one . year, $3 50
Th .11 0 1,UCti tidd Grahant . s lbwrizilte, for
ono year, $3 50
,hao nal and EllierSoii . 3 Magazine and
• Patnam's Nontidy, for one year, $3 50
7/a: Jeurnal ant Frank Leslido Family
zilagazhe and Gazelle of Fashion, for one year
$3 50
The :Journal and .I.,ldy's Home Magazine,
o . pe. $2 75
7he . ..'lour;ial and h.-to-au:l's Magazine, 1w
Oild year, $1! 75
Thc- Journal and Agautic llonafig, f u r 010
The Journal and Geresee Farmer
0110 lox $1 fil
cuement was created about ten minutes
before seven o'clock, by the coptore of it
quiet and inoffensive colored individual,
in the Nlorket House, by United Stain
Deputy Marshal Jenkins, tt.sisted by two
The unfortunaie chlored
.other (Jflicyrs.
man was immediately rushed to the depot
and placed on board the train which teas
in leave at seven o'clock for Phi
withnu being afforded an opportunity. to
O.Y 0..
nay n word to a single friend. Upon hear. Goon BILL.—A bill passed the State
of the capture, we at once wended nor Se 'ate, authorizing the
,appointments of
way to the depot, nod, F Rev same licahrt- Hairdo of Visitors to tire Several Houses
lien, the Marshal condescended to show for the tqupiny meat and support of the
its his warrant, which had been issued by poor of this Commonwealth. 'lire first
the Slave Commissioner, Hoke Lonpretli, section provides that in such counties in
conamanding the Marsh a l t o capture one • poor houses are established, the Judge of
Daniel Dangerfie'd. late r.f the State of the Court of Common fleas shall appoint
Virginia, vetting forth that he was the u . li ,. f r d o fvu,kors, to cou,..itt. o f three, citi
proputy of n certain o.lizabeth g nue of whom shall be u practicing
Consequently thew• di - I:era Cs., here a n d physician. 'rite second section undies it
witptured the indivi , !ual in question, with• it the duty of the Board of a Vi kora tov•sit
nut producing any evidence whatevi r tha t the pent houses, examine into the canai
lle was the man whom they were ordered th in , smgest improvetnents, rite , and re•
to arrest, and dragged hi m he for t , , part to the Court, which report shall be
less Sieve CommissMner iv rho c7ty of • published in the newspapers of the proper
:Philadelphia, where i.e -hay little hopes of emity.
ft . fair and unbi.isse.l trial. The persnn ar•
rested has been living, for a number of
years, with the Rutherford., n few miles We publish todlny a call for the people's
from town, bears an unexceptionable c char n
State Covention, to be held in Harrkhurg
acter, and has proved I
nn industri. on the Silt of June, to nominate candidetes
sus man, He has been married shout si x j for Auditor and Surveyor Genernl. We
years, nod hod two children, bath of whom I hope to see every county in the State fel.
urn dead—the last one dying only last ly and ably reprewnted, in order that
Friday. The news of time capture spread ' didutes, unexceptionable: in crew respect.
rapidly through town; and upon coming may be selected, and such measure, adop
to the ears of his wife, she tit once fled to I red Its will thoroughly harmonize and unite
the depot, and arrived just itt thou to take the opponents of the corrupt National Ad
a hut farewell 'ook at her husband', who , ministration, and led to a triumph over the
was sitting quietly in the cars. nintittcled ! Slavery Battnlions unprecedented in the
in irons; and there we beheld a nest bent ' poltical history of the old Keyetono State.
rending scene. The unfurtunute wife Let it be the aim of nll Americans nod Re.
publicans a) labor for constuntuntion so
gave vent to her I. clings of sorrow uh,lie
ing thus suddenly septtreteJ from her has
devoutly to be wished by every true hear
band. Her piteous cries brought tears in i ted Pennsy Ivanian.
the eyes of many bystanders, who bed
belure calmly looked on. If this mai had coSna4,T)r! of Philadelphia r
been allowed n hearing hear, no one would piece nruongst the provident ' inatiuttious of
t our i t i ‘ d e m f ! u tl u t t ir f( l ), t7 !cstify to the safe.
have con.lilained, Ali the testimony
Otis behalf could have been procured her, Lfr,rs? 11! , e tiny
without expert se trouble; while 011 the ! its .. depositors swell up to the proud total of 28,-
other baud ho will N ushered %;efore a 9
2m . th i n ' t7l 0 11 ,2 ' 11, 1 :1r 0197" received
no Z 34
s trange tribunal, where Jenne of his friends ' worked out blissful results. Up to March Ist,
can be present. A genii( man here at once
1 18;69, the sum of $186,401 48 was paid out for
telegraphed to a distinguished t'tetnber The above is from the last number of Tuck.
the 13, in Philadelphia, and we i.Pie the etas Insurance Journal, r f Philadelphia. Our
see :h
o rgd a e i r i l are
e n s l i s . o h r i f i e ie rr d cd hi t s o ti t t lln n oli , c , c h ri this
Itenevciellt people of that city
some show of justice is done to the tinter- ;ours amongst our advertisements.' el
tunate colored man. Whilst we have noSu
• PARILLA.—This tropical root hits a re
particular complaints to sake against the Pute ' tio ' e t t . wk le as the word, for curing one class
officers who are legally ()Ilford in the iof the disorderg which afflict mankind—a re•
capture of . human fl esh and blood. e I d ...u t t:t ,, i7 too wl s titifi It ci d „ e r s u e lo rvz
c a o s . th i ele t s s t
would advise thorn, when they come hero , to be bro l Z s l s i e tinto " use; its virtues toast he con•
again to brandish their loaded pistols too !crusted and combined MO ether medicines
much among o our quiet and inoffensive I poun dt increase its
citizens. We are a law abiding people, ' community. Read the advertisement of Dr.
and will not permit others to violate the Ayer's Sarsuparillu in our columns and we Itcow
it needs no encomium from us to give our e!tc
law amongst us.—Har. Tel. zens confidence in what he otTers.—Orgen r Sjo.
The Decision—Prisoner Discharged racuse, N.
At 4 o'clock P. M., on Wednesday
Commissioner Langstreth read his deem'
ton written out at considerable length, in
which, alter alluding to the incidents of
the trial anti the conflicting testimony of
the witnesses. he concluded by soy ing ;rt
substance that: "It would be unjust f or
htm tosend this man back to Virginia, if
his mind was not perfectly satiaLd as to
hie being the Daniel Dangerfield described
in the record, and claimed as being a fug i-
tive from labor. His mind was not clear
upon the point; he aii not feel perfectly
satisfied of the identity of the prisoner.
Under these circumstances he had but ene
duty to perform. Ho was not satisfied on
might as ss ell have attempted to , suppress'
the Rocky Mountains. Up went the cheers
round after round, female treble mingling
with the bass of the mail vaice, rendering
the Marshal's otherwise stentorian tones
ns inaudible ra would have been the rust
ling of n lady's handkerchief.
In an instant the tidinng were commu
nicated to the multitude is the street, nod
the welkin rung and rung again Irons the
t housands who blockaded the street. The
cheering outside was so great that proem
dings inside coula not hare been heard,
The shouts andhurrahs were long contin,
ued. They lasted tint , I Daniel—oow a
freMan—was brought down into thu street
by his counsel—until ho tvas taken upon
the shoulders of It colossal colored man,
and borne up Fifth street, out of sight,
towards a place of hospitality prepnrad for
Before he left the court room, nearly
every one in it personally congratulated
him epon his freedom. Ili, counsel ac.
companietoiim to the sidewalk, but bore
their services wer. soon rendered super
litmus by the cordial officiousness of the
colored people who thronged about him.
For a time we really feared that the train
would be smothered by the well.meant
kindness of his Wends, not leis thin n
thousand of whom departed up Fifth street
$2 75
$3 1,6
erne (loon
friend, in the centre of the group, like a
gigantic queen bee in the centre of a swarin
Substquently a carriage was procured,
andd being manned by two long lines of
colored people, with ropes attached, Dan
iel was drawn through the streets in trt•
um ph.
U oriel' hits sauce 'cut :tick' for Conn.
de. lie has no notion of cooling to 'judge
meat u s. cued time, when he Might not
im so well•
oar All Neuralgic affections are relieved in
from five to thirty minutes, and soundly cored
by the free use of DU VALL'S GALVANIC
OIL. Price 50 cents per bottle.
Corner of Hill dt Montgomory Streets,
CHRIS'rAN GOUTS, Proprietor,
This stand is well known as the ..leConnell
House." The location is superior to any other,
being in the immediate proximity to business;
also to the Bank and most Public Offices
It is the determination of the Proprietor, to
keep this House in a style satisfactory to the
public, and it is his desire, to make all who
patronize him, feel at home, and to make the
American rank among the hest of Hunting
don Hotels. He very respectfully solicits the
public patronage. Apr. lath '59::
For sale at Smith's Drug Store, Huntingdon,
Talk of beauty, it cannot exist Without afro
heal of heir, then rend the following, and it
you ask more, see circular around each bottle,
and no one can doubt,.
TIVE.—Wo cull the attention of itll, old
and young, to this wonderful preparation which
tarns buck to its original color. gray hair-cov
r, the head of the bald witli'a l ux uri an t grnf) , ,
--removes the dandruff, itching, too!. a ll zeta .
Hu n a n eruptions—causes a c0m! . ..,,i flow
of - the
natural lint' a'. and hthin , e4eda, a
dressing for the tie will preserve its color, and
keep it fr...tato ext,eme old ago, in all
ifr . naltwai beauty. "AVe .11 thrn open the bald,
the grey,. or diseased in scalp, to use it, end
surely the young will not. as they value the
flowing locks, or the witching curl, ever be
without it. Its praise is upon the tongue of
Ike Agent fur Prof. Wood's Hair Reetorative
in Now Haven, received the iidlowing letter in
regard to •tho Hair Reiterative, a few weeks
DEEP PAVED, Coon., July 23, 1836.
Mr. Leavenworth—Sir I have been troubled
with dandruff ur scurf on toy head for more
than a year, toy hair begun to come out, scurf
and hair together. I sow in n New Haven pa
per about "Wood's Hair Resturative" as a cure.
I called at your store on the Ist of April last,
and purchased a ho tle to try it, imd I M mat to
my satisfaction it was the thing, it removed the
smut mid new hair began to grow; it is now
two or three inches hi length where it was all
oft 1 have great faith in it. I wish you to send
in, two more bottles by Mr. Post, the bearer of
this. I don't us any et the kind is used in this
place, you may have a market for many bottles
idler it is known here.
Yours with respect, RUFUS PRATT.
Sept. D, 1856,
Poor. Woon—Doer Sir: Your . Rector
utive is proving itself beneficial to me. The
front, and also the back part of my head utmost
lost its covering—in fact fiat,. I have used
but two half pint honks of yovr Restorative,
and now the top of my' head is well studtki
with a promising crop of young JIM, and the
front is ulsr receiving its benefit. I have tried
other preparations without any benefit whatever.
I think from my own personal recommendation
I C. induce many others to try it.
Yours respectfully,
1). It. THOMAS, 111.
No. 464 Vine St.
VINCENNES, lA., June 22. 1853.
PROF. 0. J. WOOD ; As you are about to
manufacture and vend your recently discovered
Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it
may concern, that I have used it and known
others to lase it—that I have, for several years,
been in the hal it of ming other Hair Restora
tives, nod that I find pairs vastly superior to
nut oilier I knoll•. It entirely cleanses the head
of emodrutE, oust with one month's proper 0:0
will restore any person's hair to rho original co
lor and texture, giving it a healthy, sort and
glassy appearance t end all this. without discol
oring Ilia hands that imply it, or the sirens on
which it strops. I would, timrelbro, rocotumend
its use to every one desirous ot• having a fine
color and texture to the hair. •
Respectfully yours,
0. J. WOOD & Co., Provietors, 312 Broad
way, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire
Railing Establishinent,) and 11.1 Market St.,
St. Louis, Mo. John Read, Agent, Hunting.
do, and sold 1 .,y all good 'Druggists.
~LC~~J L~ ~~Yu~~l:.~ l .~l".7 1 ~J~ I ~}IiJS~ ~O
selt • -generating Gas-ligat, is °tiered to the
public, in foil contidence of its positive superi•
oritv over every other hand-light in existence,
ht.tfier of light, in and• tcnipmitore,
It ht decal of Ail.: LL. • Otto or yucirca
giving a steady, cheap and
requiring no trimming, or other attention, ex
cept simply tilling the lamp with common horn
ing fluid. one quart of the fluid giving a rem,
mom, and CLEAU Name CighteeM b 011 1 .6.
light is ender complete control, being regulated
by a simple process.
The burner can be readily applied to all styles
FLEW LAMPS; also, to Gas-fixtures, in all their
It is admirably adapted for lighting churches,
dwellings, lecture-rooms, halls, shops, strain
boats, and railroad ears, or Wherever a goad
light is desired Parties desirous of securing
the right of territory fur a valuable article that
will commend itself, should make early implicit
tion, only to the undersignal.
Burners. Lamps, &c., supplied in any quanti•
ty, with promptness—forwarded by express to
all parts of the United States, payable, emit on
delivery. BUTLER, 110SFORD & CO.
Mar.9,'59.-low. No 2 Court St, Brooklyn.
The"lliwrttronon JOURNAL' is publish.] at
the following rates
If paid in advance $1.50
If paid within six months after the time of
subscribing 1,7:
If paid before the expiration of the year, 2.00
And two dollars and fifty cents if not pail
after the expiration of the year. No aubserial
lion taken for a less period than six months.
I. All subscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, and no paper will he discontimt.
cold orrearages ore paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
2. Returned numbers are never received by us.
All numbers sent no in that w:ty are lost, and
never accomplish the purpose of the sender.
3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptions,
must pay up arrsarages, and send a written or
verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub
lication in Huntingdon.
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither
lega or n proper notice.
5. After one or more numbers of a new year
hare been forwarded, a now year has commene•
ad, and the paper will not be discontinued anti
aereuruges are paid. See Na.l.
. .
The Courts have deei that. refusing to take
a newspaper from the Mike, or removing,n4
hayi ng it an: ailed for, in muntA VA= evidence
Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
miter States, will be required to pay invariably
in advance.
The above terms will be rigidly adhered
to in ail eases.
Will be charged at the follo7vi;;;:ates
1 insertion. 7 do. 3 dd..
Six lions or less, $ 25 $ 37) $ 50
Ono square, (I 6 lines,) 50 75 I 00
Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200
3 ;no. 6 mo. 12 mo.
One square, $3 00 $4 00 $6 00
ywo squares, 400 600 10 00
t column,
i do., $OO 10 00 14 00
18 00 22 00 25 00
I do., 18 00 27 00 40 00
1 do. : 22 00 35 00 45 00
Business Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00.
The Subscriber respectfully informs the Put,.
iic, that he is prepared to receive and unkind
Cars containing Lumber, Bark, Staves, Shin.
glen, Coal, Iron, Ice.
, ,
S. W. Corner Breed & Callordtill Streets.
Jan. 5t1,1559.—Gm's
_ _ A Peale° obtiallitate
For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters 111
when the undersigned. after a long series of
Laborious and costly experiments, become fully
confirmed in his conviction, that the A titiphl..-
gtstje Salt which he now has the happiness to
present to the American public, wet a
for Blood-letting, Leeches Ilvoilers, his
m i n d was so agitated ills?. not sloop for 495 Ilrondway, N. Y. 739 Chestnut Et., l'hila.
many nights. Tl.•.h an, of his agitation was
the striktnk hint ',:tat thorium.' of its operation. These Machines sew from two spools. as Or
lit tit. 5i the air.'s in vaccination, could not abused front the store, requiring no re-winding
ba sAttsfactorialY exPlainad upon any known of thread; they Hem, Fell, Gather and Stitch
principle. HOW, in What w iy, it so effectually
n a superior style, finishing each seam by their
subdued lullanonatopy Disease and no others,
was att first wholly inexplicable—but, on further own operation, without reco,irse to the hand
experiment, it was prov.xl that it ripmlizes the needle, es is required by other machines. f rlicy
fluids of the body, the want of nn equilibrinm in will do better and cheaper sewing t h an a seam
which, is the solo cause of inflammation. Such
stress can, even if she works for one cent en
is its potency, that like the vaccine matter, lit
requires merely sot adheh•es to the pointer. qUill hour, and ace, unquestionably, the best Ma
dipped into a solution of. it, to effect the entire ;thine% in the market for family sowing, on ac
system—but must be instantly used to prevent
count of their simplicity, durability, ease of
.I....ompos'tion and secure its full virtue. Three
quills in acute, and two in chronic iliseases, management, and adaptation to all varieties of
every 2.1 hours, till the brat, pain and febrile an- family sewing—executing either heavy or fine i
tion have subsided, and a. perfmt cure effected. work with equal facility, and without special
...... e---
When it takes the placq of, 'stets, ointment sq,
~ ",.
and leeches in local lilrCeloll9,llS Brain Fever, I i ns ' ,
n ' ol.
Croup, 'toothache, Pleurisy, &c. its mode of As evidence of the unquestioned superiority
administration is twe-fold. (See direetiin of din- of their Machines, the Gremlin & flattest Sow
sofring. &e.) ING MACHINE (lonts.txy beg leave to respectful-
The discoverer has withheld it from the pub•
1:,, refer to the following
lie till now, by the advice of a judicious physi•
elan and valuable friend whom he consulted— TESTIMONIALS.
a gentleman known and felt in the medical"B
I aring had one of Grover & Baker's Ma
world—and who desired to submit it to the test chines in my Ihmily for nearly a year and a halt
of experiment. After witnessing under his own I I take pleasure in commending it as every way
scrutinizing eve, its. signal triumph over both , ieliable for the purpose for width it is designed
atcute end chronic inflammatory diseases, in re- i —Family Sewing."—Mrs. Josh. Leavitt, wife
I..ted and re-repeated tfials, ho offered $25.- I ,j Ili, Dr. Lenritt, Editor of N. I. Independent.
00(1 to come in as a special and equal partner in I —I confess myself delighted with your Sewing
the Recipe for its nuumfacture, but the prop,. ; mae ,,,, w , .4 , , . i . ~:: ~ .
~ III • I Ices /.11 in toy NMI y for ma
sal 1,13 rejected. , Inv months. It has always been ready for duty,
Ti. disuse or the l ane " ii " blis te rs ' is ''' r..., u , li - ,c 11,, adjustment, and is easily adap ted
mended both by humanity by hamonity nod : : .:,:.:, variety t. family .. , . , :
o setting, by Sllniti
Selene, 1 , 1 it not a mitsUke, to suppose t!ao
~ .
a kettle of boiling water (the • inflamed Woad)
:,. .'];;l i t i e e.v 'r e yV e ! .. l",T i li i :ii;X : 7 , * l : E ,...c i ,V , "; / ; :j il .
will (teasel? boil, by dipping out n part of ii-- ~ .. i .,,,,,,,,, Adi , ocak:
g o o r o ' i ' l, "l b o y k iVa i t ' l l g c a id i e t r ortio ha n d of 1 1 ) :r d is Inc it i i t n , -n :t s ',' • • !,•-, IITI •11 g several , iilrcre ll l good machine s ,
mistake, to suppose that blisters and ruh a 0,6,,,,, 1 i , rred yours, on account of its simplicity,
wilt remove in,iffinetion,when they ~,,i Bi t y ..,,• •: .. perfect ease with which it is managed.
~o per, e d, one mil...nod, to „„,„1,,,,.7 The a., a .11 as the strength and durability of the
~, .:.,. . After long experience, I feel competent
lose Dr. B. Waterhou, , e, of Fiat , ~ , ,s 1 -,, i ... ~.i.
ty, ~id ‘.l on, sick o f /,,,,,,,/ q , „ ;.!. ~.. ~,,,. ' • ,', ill this manner, and to confidently re
m, the most eormeo , phy4 ,,,,,,, ~ ~, , . ~,
~ ,• ,n . ,1,1 it for every variety of family sewing."
nekuowie,ge:, just before , i s :le:::
~, :
:, , . ,
:. ---../,... in , . B. Spooner; woe of the Editor of Brook
hits been doubting for um : yests; .5.,•, I, , • ~,.!- •'. , Sfro ,
letting and blisters did sot out', am th
t.: raar `I have used a Grover & Baker Sewing Ma.
than arrest disease "I ,io•no w.n, stand rhino for two years, and have found it adapted
high in the Old and New ttchoot, have quite re- to all kinds of family see ng, from Cambric to
eently eTottsnd his viewsvand now openly eon- Brondelotli, Garments have been worst out
fess, they 'relieve the lathes, setons leech es and without the giving way of a stitch. The Ma
blister, injure ten where they Itenefit one— chine is easily kept In order, end is easily used."
'Airy think there is n meaning to Beet. 12, 23 —,llrs. A. B. Whipp:e, wife of Per. Geo. Whip
-Cies. 0, 4—.411.evit., 17, 14—that "Tim pie, rte York.
111.000 IS TIIE Lim," It is not the excess ~f y„,,, s e win g Maeltine has been in use in
blood (there never is too much) that causer di- my family the past two years, and the ladies
seas, but the want of n balance between the ,request me give )0t1 estanoma 8 0 its
rat t• their t ' I t
fluids and solid, perfect tulaptedness, as well us 110. r-saving
The special excellence of the Antiphlogbuir , 1 „„h t ;„„ i„ the performance of panto, and
Salt, is that without the useless loss of bloal household sewing,"—Robert Boorman, r.
nna strength, it effectually subdued intlemnisto-
er a B
aiseasoi, (no others) by producing an , , r "„ se `: ere ~Te e, t . '" .1e ‘,.. 3 ' rev
brine of all the fluids the body at , coos , Ket :sewing macntne, nil Mine come to the
cone i losl , on , t u ft. e ., very . l , a l ay l who desires ,, her sew -
trent uninterctipted ciruntstign. It exerts, like
the vaccine matter , and extrsortPhituy' influence Wu. wont
over the v.ens and nricries—resulting in n grad- : Piothiosil'll one those
oil decline of inflammation ns indicated by the "" leeeet"geble 'iron needle-w eele", whose
e.unbitted qualities of beast g, strength end
puke, which assumes its natural state as the
city, are invnlunble,"--..f. 31Orns, daughter of
heat, pain nn o fever dissnppear. Gen. I'
„tsw. Many mcdicines ofreved for solo, two en. Geo. P. Moms, Editor of Home Journal.
harked by doubtful certificates, (their elicit' Extract of n letter front Thos. li. Lenyitt, an
tuc):and claim to be oEiVer , ol rem idles. curing Anweiein gentleman, now resident in Sydney,
nll coati lies—u burlesque on common sense; N.' , Solidi \Voles, doted January 12, 1858
As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests ' lean tent made in Melbourne, in 1853, in
against having it placed in the entegcry at 11 there were over three thousand yards of
frauds and impotitions. he lots resolved that it se, ing done with one of Grover &Baker's Ma
shall go Milli to the world, like the pure gold cbiu and to single seam of that has outstood
dollar, with no other passport than its true vet- all the double seams sewed by sailors with a Into
ne. If the public that it gelatine, they will re- die aid twine,"
• • - •• - - • • --
ceive it—if ;purious, they kill ieject • a n d con- 'lf Homer could be called up from his mur.-
den. it. Instead of being a panacea for ell ills, Icy hades, he would sing the advent of Grover
it has control over butt one 111,—has but one aim Fc Baker as a more benignant, miracle of art
--accomplishes but on , thing, to wit, scum,. . than was ever Vulcan's smith. lie would de-
INELANIMATOItY DISEASE —whatever he Its form thinner, midnight shirt-making ns 'the direful
or locality—wether in the head, throat chest al, spring of woes onnumbered."—Prot. North.
domen, extremit - es or skin. It is asked. 110,1 , .. 1 take pleasure in saying, that the Grover &
it dors this?—simply by restoring the lost Ind- ' B a ,
in • m have morn r i am sirs .
once between the flubls and solido. ! Mined my expectation, After trying and rotor-
The (lilie ' enti '""" hich the " n " Mug others, I have three of them in operation
lata , alleaa Maidsand aa !inlay not h ere men •i n my m ere , places, and, a f ter p ate „ ars ,
tamed that have more or lcss hum, pain or toter
trial, have no
(no others)are as perfect I;• cured by the Anti- fault to find."—.T. Ifammond,
; Senator q f South Carolina.
plilogitie Salt, as lire is extinguished by water. wife bus lota
of Grower Hither ,
t 'uses nd wham
the unbniunc""s "il'et Sewing Machines for some time, and I
th' T"'""T-1 " wit 1"1 " sii . tistied tis one of the best labor sating
Fits, Inflemmrd Eges, Ears and Nose, •. 1 • ••
c an k er, N eura l g i a, E rgr i i , das, c uiar d„ timelines that hai ' been invented. I take much
Bronchitis, lye. phimure in reeommonding it to the publi
2. Hoses where die tinbalane,Al fluidi effect 1.. ~/ v " .nesßee•
ll.e CREST and AtitionnztiLn; Avl t osed ; "It is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody
Lltlq/S and Liner, Odle. Pleurisy, Coughs, Dyspcp- into en excitement of good humor. Were
sszt, Asthma. Dropsy, llearthorn, Gravel I-Vies, Catholic I slmuld insist upon Saints Grover and
Gonorrhea, Venereal, we. Baker having an eternal holiday In commemo
3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids efiltet I ration their good deeds for humanity.—Con
the EXTREMITIES and tinix—to wit; Mama- sins ,11. Clay.
Gout, Scrofula, Ulcers ' Chdhains, Chilhaius,l "I think it by far the best patent in use. This
Chicken and Small Pox, Sall M e nu, with itch- ; Machine can be adapted front the finest cambric
ing and other Cutaneous Aft:lions, &r. 'to the heaviest ass:mere. It sews stronger,
This Salt greatly alleviates the inflammatory' and more beautif u lly than • - ne cats inn,
pains ;teenier to married lathes, (Retire and nt joe. It mine could not he replaced,noney
the time of confinement) and many female cam- not buy it."—Mrs../. a. /frozen, .Vosh
plaints, end IS tory eIIICIIHOUS in Fever, Agit, „w e, m in .
Wounds, Nervous and Spinal Affections °'l t is speedy, vary neat, anti (hirable in its
anyother forms of (mark this) inflammatery di- ,
work; is easily understood and kept in repair. I
scone, attended with hat, pain or febrile syntp- earnestly recommend this Machine to all my
• imaintances and others."—Mrs. 31, A. Forrest,
Persons who have A tendency of blood Monplds, Tom.
b fi r t e t n it t c h i t i !i e fi nd im or pt h ir e c a lVo r f itennatittirin liven, "r
es . "We find this 'Huai" to work to our "tis
!lien., and with pleasure recommend it to th e
poisonous Amos amebas and minerals, or lite
as a , a
n Grover & Baker to he the
is unhealthy climates, aro exposed to a pane- ""'
best gewing Machine use."—Leroy Bro th ers,
liar vitiation of the fl uids nf the body, which one
.. „'„ aa , a,
dose without interfacing with the diet or busi '
nom, once in three months, would invariably "If used exclusively for family purposes, with
proven,. It is lieleived to afford protection from ordinary mire, I will wager they will lust one
infecting. disease, mid therefore travellers, •three score years and ten, anti never get out
sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves of tit."—John Erskine, Aashrille. Tens.
with it.
"I have had your machine for several weeks,
(fir While many nostrum-makers victitnize and am perfectly satisfied that the work it does
the good natured and PM - ridden Public, fly or - is the ;lest and most beautiful that ever wits.—
tiering "front six to a dozen boxes of bottles, Maggie Aimison, Nashville, Tenn.
to cute any malady." no matter what—the un-
IlerSiglled is happy in being able to state, that , 'I use my Alachine upon coats, dressmaking,
the severest forme of recent inflammatory (ii- and line linen stitching , and the work is admi
cease, wen over come by one Acute package, aide—hir bone- than the best hand-sewing, or
and the most obstinate and long standing by any ~ her tan- 'line I have ever seen."—Luey
one Clin nic package. It does just what it ii. Thompson, SaArille, Ten"
claims to do—and no more, or less—•equalis, , I find the work the strongest .d most be.-
the fluids by removing from the system ell a, • t roil I have ever so., made either by hand or
terial and venous obstrethns. machine, and regard the Grover & Baker ma
w Pleas let your neighbors read tb :.
eli , iie . one of the greatest blessings to our
s , A."—.llrs. Tull/0., Nashville, 7'hnn.
For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of ch , itittel "I have ono of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma-
S. Smith,&Co.' Huntingdon, Pa. chines in use in my fan ily, nd find it invalua-
Feb. th ieee. ble. Yean confidently recommend it to all per-
ALTOONA, Blair no,, July 3.'58. sons Ist want of a machine: °—G. T. Thompson,
J. D STONEROAD, Lewistown, l'a., ; Nashville, Tenn
Dear Sir—Mr. Wm.
TutornAvon, who lion been startling several
years from rheumatism, got so ill that his inends
and relatives were summoned to his
death. 1 induced his friends to try the virtue
of your preparation—they did so, as the last re;
sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, lie he.
gun t o imp], ve, got better and better, and now.
so fur on I know, he is a hale and stout man,
This is not the only ease where the GALVANIC
Om has surpassed human expectations. In
°Amy case where I have recommended the Ott.,
it has done what it promises to do. Send on
another sW's worth.
Y. truly, 11. i.
Yours truly,
A 18,'58-Iy.
caovEß a atutzve
• YJ.
•'I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of
the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I here
need ono on Mutest every description of work
l'or months, and find it much stronger than work
dams by han.l."—Mcs. D. W. Wheeler, Nashville
"I would he unwilling to dispose of my Gro
ver & Ulcer Machine for a large amount, could
I not replace it again at pleasure."—Mrs-
Score!, Mudirille Tenn.
"Our two Machines, purchased from you, do
the work of twenty young ladies. We with
pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker ma
chine to ho the best in nse."-21% Stillman c. Cc.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Peters Patent, nonexplosive Gas Lampe
nre just the thing for all being the only
burner having a non conductor and regu
lator attached—leaving the lamps and flu•
id always cold—not like others—the bring
but a straight tube entering the lamps.
Goods at wholesale prices, or State or
County rights for Sale. Address or apply
to D. P. Peters, 494 Hroodway, New
Fob 1,'59..3.
This gallery of Art is now open for public
inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes, Cry.
telegraphs. Photographs, Circular and Star
Pictures, else, Name, or Age, or Residence, ta•
ken on the Pictures—letters of difTerent colors.
Sat in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or
Particular attention paid to taking pictures
of Children. Time, from one to four seconds.
Perfect satisfaction giver., or persons are not
expected to take their pictures.
Pictures taken from sick or deemed persons
at their residences. Copies taken from Da.
trccrr,civpos or Portraits. Also, views of resi•
, I.•aces. &c.
Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call
and examine specimens. Pictures taken as
well in cloudy as fair weather.
How often do we hear the exclamntion, when
persons are looking at Portraits—"l would not
value any stun if I could procuro the. Portraits
of toy parents--or deceased children 1" nes
der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel•
log of unity, you haw° an opportunity to grail•
fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits,
which, it i.e known, will not fade.
wish : . s -- t - o . fea7; this beautiful
art can cull am ace W.F. Thomas, from Phila.
Prices from :10 cents upwards.
r Note, Post, Commercial; Foolscap and
Flatcap—n good assortment for sale by tho
ream, hall ream quire or sheet. at
. .
Lewis' New Book and Stationery Store,
Dee.22,'38. tf.
Win. A. Hatelielors Ilair Dye:
The Original and Best in the World!
All others are mere imitation, and should
beavoid,d,if you_wisl2l . 9 escape
Ftantly to in beautiful and Natural Brown or
Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been a•
warded to Wtn. A. Batchelor since 1839, and
Over 80,000 applications have been mad to
the flair of his patrons of his famous Dye.
duces a color not to tie distinguished root
tire, and is warrants,' not to injure in the least
however long it mop be continued, and the ill
effects of Bed Dyes remedied ; the Ilk tc in•
vigorutedror life hr this splendid Dye.
Mode, aid or applied (in 9 private rooms)
at the Whig Factory, 2:13 Broadway, New
York. Sold in all cities mid tovis of the Uni
ted States, by Druggists and Fancy floods
drar The Genuine hostile name and address
upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of
each box, uf WM . . A. BATCHELOR.
23:1 Broadway, New York.
John Rend, Agent Huntingdoil'ht.
ov. 17.'58-Iy.
. . . .
40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale.
$500;00 in Gills for every 1000 Sold.
In order to reduce my extensive stock I will
sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the
regular retail prices or less. and give ($300)
five hundred dollars worth of presents varying
in valumfrom 25 cents to ,100,00. Or, those
who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.—
My stock consists of every variety and , style of
binding. School Books of every kind, whole
sale and retail. Sales to commence I)ee. 24th.
I) anrpan3 all. They are elegant. light, , easy
and durable.
Fitting ton ehorm—no turn up behind—no
shrinking off the bend • indeed, this is the only
Establishment where bend;
things Are proper.
ly understood and made.
Nov. 17, '58.-Iy. 233 Broadway, N. Y.
Io all diseases inllantation lame or less pre.
dominates—now to allay inflatnalion strikes
at the root of all diseases—hence nn iTmedi•
ate cure.
and nothing Ow, will allay inflamation at once,
and make a certain care.
Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor will cure
tlr3 following among a gloat catalogue of
diseases Burns, Scalds, Cute, Chafes, sore
Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains,
Bites, Poison, Chilsoys. Gout, Swelling, Rhea
:moil., Sushi Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness,
Krysidelas, Ringworm, Barbers Itch, Small
Pox, Measle Rash, &c., &e.
To some it may appear incredulous that no
many diseases should be reached by one arti
cle ; such an idea will vanish when reflection
points to the fact, that the salve is a emblem
lion of ingredients. each and every one apply
ing a perfect antitode to its apostate disorder.
in its effects is magical, because the thee is
short between diseases and a permanent cure;
and it is en extractor, as it draws all diseases
out of the affected part„ leaving nature as
perfect as before the injury. It is scarcely ne
cessary to say that no house, work•shop, or
manufactory should be one moment without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the
box has has upon it a steel plate engraving.
with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufactu
rer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent
medicine dealers throughout the United States
and Canadus. Principal Depot,
165 Chambers St., New-York,
John Rend, Agent Hentingdon Pa.
Nov. 17, 'SB.-1 y.
This is a new and valuable improvement,
and is better. cheaper, smaller, lighter, ' more
simple, requires less power, will chaff and clear
gram and seeds more rapidly, and with fitr
yrcaler economy, than any other Greht Fen in
use. Send fur a descriptive catalogue to Ft in.
L Boyer St Bro., Agricultural implement Fs,
tory, Philadelphia.
Sept. 39th. 1838.—fm..
~. ~:~:
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Advertising and Job Work.
We would remind the Advertising com
munity and all others who wish to bring
their business exteueively before the pub
lic, that the Journal has the largeit cir
culation of any paper in the county—that
iis o instantly increastugt—and that i,
goes into the hoods of our wealthiest oil i•
‘Ve would also state tloi: our facilities
for executing all kind' of JOB PRINT
ING are equal to those of any other office
lathe county; and.till Job Work entrus
ed to our hands will be done neatly,
promptly, and at prices which will be
&Ws. 111. PETTENGBA, &
tisiug Agency, 119 Nassau St., New York. &
10 State St., hoston. S. M. Pettengill & Co.
are the Agents for the "Jormint," and the most
Witte ntial and largest circulating Newspapers
in the United States and the Canada. lhey
are authorized to contract for us nt our lower
The undersigned takes thin Method of infor
ming the public generally thnt there is no med
icine now oflereti to the phlie that is eqeal to
DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL in relieveing
suffering humanity.
I was un observer of its effects in a friend of
mine, who suffered almost everything from a
nrtiralgie affection which resisted the best med
ical treatment in Centre county. We applied
freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and
gave solve inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pa
tient was asleep, and when awnked was free free
front pain, tad contiued so.—This is a positive
feet which 1 am willing to make good at any
time. A case of FELON was cured in nearly the
Mlle length of time.
d. 11.IIAHN,Centre Hill.
'ientro county.
AM. 18 1858-1 y
New Drug and Grocery Store.
SAMUEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 2 doors west
of Montgomery, St Huntingdon. Dealers in
Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs Points Varnish
es, Oil, Slit. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine
and Brandy of the best article for medical pur
poses, Concentrated Lye for riutLing Soap, Glass
Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea, Cho
colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Salt
Flour, Crakers, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisies,
Tobacco, Oilers, Syrups of all kinds for sum
mer drinks, In a word every thing usually kept
in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire
pure and Genuine articles wall do well by
giving ttv a call.
Sept. 22, 18.18'—1 e.
Sworn statement of Dnvid DlcCreary, of He
pier Township, Bedford county.
In April, 1856, us near as I ean rememomber
a small pimple made its appearance on my up
per lip, which soon becanio enlarged and sore.
I used poultiTes nt sorrel, and a wash of blue
vitro!, without effect. Finding the sore extend
ing I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellshurg, who
pronounced it CANCER., and prescribed a wash
of sugar of lend nod bread poultices. Finding
these remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr.
Shaffer, of Davidsville, Somerset county, who
also ',renounced the disease Cancer and gavr
me internal and external remedies--the latter
consisting principally of caustic; but nil to nu
patios°, as the disease continued spreading to
ward the nose. I next cited a preparation of ar •
sonic. in the form of salve. This fora time
checked the disease, lat the inflammation soon
increased. I next celled' neon Dr, Statler of St.
Clairsville, Bedford county, who also pronoun
ced the disease to be Cancer, anti applied a Salve
said to be a never-failing remedy, but it had no
effect whatever in checking the spreed of the
sore. In December, of the same year, the dis
ease hart eaten sway a greeter part of my upper
hp. and hod attacked the nose, when I went to
Cincinnati where I consulted Dr. It. S. Newton
of the Electic Medical College. Ile pronoun
ced the disease "a cutaneous Cancer, superin
duced by nn inordinate use of mercury." Ile
applied mild aline ointment, and gave me inter
nal remedies. My face healed up, but the in.
tletnnuninn was• not thoroughly removed, In
February, 1857, he pronounced non cured, and
I loft for hot.. In April the disease again re
turned, and so violent was the pain that I could
not rest at night. Late in May I returned to
Cincinnati, and again placed myself under the
charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained
until September, during which time Ito used
every known remedy, and partly succeeded in .
checking the disease, but when I returned
home there were still three discharging ulcers
upon my face. I continued using Newton's
preparations, and also medicine that I got front
Dr. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing un
til it had eaten off the left side of my nose, the
greater portion of my left cheek, and had attack
er my left eye, I'hnd given up all hope °fev
er being cured, since Dr. Ely said ho could only
give relief; but that a cure was impossible. In
March,lBsB, I bought a bottle of "Blood Sear
cher," but I must confess I had no taith in it.
I was very weak when I commenced taking it
but I found that I gained strength day by day.
and also that the ulcers commenced drying up.
I continued, and soften the third bottle was ta
ken my face was healed as if by a miracle. I.
used a fourth bottle anti I here been healthier
since than I have been for the last seven years.
Although my face is sadly disfigured. I ant still
grateful to a benign Providence who has spared
uty life, and which has been done through the
instrumentality of Lftinsxv's Istpnovx.o Beaton
Sworn and subscribed. this 31st day of Au
gust, A. D. 1858, before me, one of the Justices
°film Peace in and for the Borough of Hollidays
burg, Blair county Pa.
Witness— U J Jones. JOHN (IOBLEY:
Being afflicted with a grevious Tetter on the
arms and face—after trying many remedies
which utterly failed to cure--I was pursuaded
by W. M. Barris & Co. to try Lindsey's Impro
ved Blood Searcher ; and now, six-whelcs after
linishing the s coed bottle, pronounce mysel
The teller broke out, something over a rear
ago, on the inside of my arms, extending from
the elbows down to the wrists; also qn my lice,
immediately round the mouth and chin, and con
tined to be a perfect torment to one until! cored by
the Blood Searcher. My arms, at times, wars
almost useless, owing to the cracks and .sores
en them, liable to bleed at any time on the
leaqt exertion to lilt or work, and sometimes
so itchy that I could sturcely prevent tearing
oil thy flesh. 1 have now been cured six weeks
and feel it duo to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pub
lic generally, to make this statement, in hope
that others like myself may be benefited by
using his valuable medicine.
Sworn and subscribed before me, one of the
Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this,
28th day of lull., A. D. 1858.
AM/ McMASTER Aldernart,
Hollidaysburg, Sept. 22,58.1 r.