Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 13, 1859, Image 2

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Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Molting, April 13, 1859.
During the last week important elec.
tions have taken place in the Sales of Con•
necticut, Rhode Island and Michigan. and
in several of the larger cities and towns
throughout the Union, the reults of which
are cheering and encourageeng io a high
degree to the opponents of the ruinous pal.
icy and dishonest practices of the latter
day Democracy. Let us look at these
signs of the times :
In Connecticut the Republicans elected
their Governor, Lieut• Governor and other
State officers, a majority of the Legislature
and alithe Corgressmen• In the last Con.
grass "the little yaller, State," as De 'roc
queville calls it, was represented by two
Republicans and two Administration dough
faces; in the next her entire delegation
will be Republican. Well done for the
land of steady habits
The contest in Michigan turned upon
the election of a Cheif Justice of the Su
preme Court, and in this case also the
Republicans have been triumphantly sue
successful. Their candidate, Hon. Geo.
Martin, received upwards ten thousand
majority over his Democratic opponeht,
a vote indicating a large Republican gain
throughout the state. The gain over the
lasts fall's poll in the city of Detroit is
nearly eight hundred. Detroit is the
home of General Cass, Mr Buchanan's
Secretary of State,
The Republicans of Rhode I eland have
elected to Republican State ticket, all the
candidates being elected excepting the
Lieutenant Governor end General Treasu
er. for which there has been no choice.
The Legislature elected has a large Re.
publican majority. W. D. Brayton, the
~American Republican candidate for Con.
" (4 'l in the Western district, is elected.
are am,.
Onegastern district there has been no
their Pawn. 6 asequence of there being two
faction, and their
T. deans i t froinjii!la tee. The aggregate
the blood by an alterul l i s district is upwards
vet:tote it by healthy
`Aptu. in Wisconsin, re
-tooN—„•vitalq44nde, Democrat, has
u ,. 1 any y t utajority in Milwaukie, for
nay she Supreme Court. The
from the State show about the
pe comparative party vote as polled at
the Mat fall election, The result is con
sidered doubtful.
The Election held in Illinois, on Mon
day,tor Judges and Clerks of Supreme
Court; resulted in the success of the en
tire Rupublican ticket in Chicago, by
an average majority of 2000 votes- The
whale vote cast was 7000 less than re
ceived at the March election.
Returns iron the interior of Michigan in
dicate the election of Martin, the Repub
lican candidate (or Supreme Judge by
10,000 majarity.
Now for the cities. In Cincinnati, an
Monday, the whole Opposition ticket Was
elected by a majority of one thonsand.—
The City Council stands, ten Opposition
and six Democrats. In Cleveland, Ohio,
and Portland, Maine, on the same day,
the entire Republican tickets elected by
fair majorities. In Louis +Tulle, Kentucky,
on the same day the Americans elected
their candidate for Mayor and eighteen
out of twettty•four members of Councils.
But it is from Si, Louis, a ala 'e city in
a alava State, that we receive the most
glorious news. The returns of Mondey's
election gives Filley, Republican, for May
or, upwards of 2500 over Bogy, Demo
crat, and 4500 over Wyman, American.—
Filleys plurality may be increased to 3000
The entire Republican Council ticket was
also elected by a large majority, This
result is deeply significant, and indicates
as surely as:there is a God in Heaven that
in 1860 Missouri will range herself upon
the side of Freedom and the consolidated
Opposition to to the Slave Democracy.
Elections have taken place in other
large cities and towns favorably to the
cause of the People, but the foregoieg re
turns wilt suffice the reader that the Dem
ocratic party and its abominable heresies
are being rapidly and effectimly crushed
out by an irresistable force of an enlight
ened public opinion. The world moves !
Th• heads of the people are once more all
right 1 Let us all rejoice !
A LARGE Taae..-•The Molars. Coo
pers cut, some time since on their place in
Peach Bottom township, York county, a
mammoth Chesnut tree which measured
50 feet to the forks or first branches, at
which height it was 3 feet in diameter, 2
feet from the ground it measured 21 feet
in circumference. 11,010 shingles were
manufactured from this noble old fore.-
or There has been considerable ex
citement about Harrisburg, occasioned by
one of those applicants for atvorce which
have no merits to back it, and whose only
chance for success lies in the money of the
applicant. A Mrs. Fry, from Philedel.
phis, applied for a divorce from her hus
band on the ground of ill-treatment,—a
• pretence which his evidence completely
disproves, and which if it existed, is cog
; nizable by the Courts. On his part he
shows that within a few months after his
marriage she formed a fancy liason with a
West Point Cadet, and produces letters
from her to aim of the most unquestionable
I character. Her father is said to be worth
several millions, and as money is supposed
to have sone influence at Harrisburg, we
shall have a fair chance to see what it can
I do. The applicant is so barefaced, its.
Ipudent and devoid *f a shadow of merit,
that we can see no reason why a member
should vote for it, unless he has a heavy
bribe in his pocket, and we look with some
interest for the ayes and nays on this ques
H. K. NEFF. M. D. has located in the
house recently occupied by Dr. R. A. Ma.
ler. The Doctor is au exellent Physician
and well deserves a liberal share of patro•
nage. Se, his advertisement in another
a new monthly, published in New York
by Dr. Hall, as follows: One dollar and a
half a year ; Five dollars will pay for four
copies; ten dollars for nine copies; twenty
dollars for twenty espies. Two dollars
and twenty-five cents will pay for this
monthly, and for Hall's Journal of Health.
The Fireside Monthly is intended to be
filled with or i ginal contributions from men,
eminent in science, scholarship, and char
acter, on subjects pertaining to Literature, Cambria Counly.—The Pennsylvania Rail.
road Company are erecting a new bridge, ef
Art. .d Practical life. Address "Hall's
Fireside Monthly, New York." boiler iron, over the canal at Johr.stown, near
the depot, upon the base of the old one. Un-
H. B. PRICE, Publisher. der the skilful management of Mr. J. 1,. Piper ,
Peter sons' Cheap Waverley Novels.—
the Company's bridge builder, all the trains are
enabled to pass upon their regular schedule,
We have just received Rob Roy, by and will not meet with the least detention dur-
Sir Walter Scott; being the third volume ing the entire progress of the work.
of P. B. Peterson & Brothers' new and
cheap weekly issue of the Waverly Nov -
rOrk COl/11111.—A German Shoemaker ' living
in Frey% wn. named Woolhaff, attempted t ' e
els by Sir Walter Scott. Giving truth
commit s uicide one day last week, by cutting
ful delineations of people, character and his throat. Ile is now recovering from the of
manners—ever upholding the cause of feet of the ugly gash that he afflicted on his
re ligeon, murelity &c, throat, and is afflicted with mental aberration'
A full:set will be forwarded, tree of Pus- at times, and it was in one of these fits that
the attempt was made to take life.
loge by Mail, to any part of the United
States, to any one, by th e publishers, on MiOlin C'onniy.—N little child, about four
sending a remittance of five dollars to them years of age, daughter of :drat Beckwith, and
for the twenty-six volumes. At this low living with Gilbert Hugel, of this place, m e t
price all persons should possess themselves I with a horrible death by burning on Friday
P ro - advise all of our readers to mak - eifr
mittance of Five denim at once, per first
mail, to T. 13. Peterson & Brothers, Phil.
ndelphia, for the entire sett, who will send
them complete to any one,Jree of postage
on receipt of that sum.
Air. Editor :-I.LCinformed that a
report is now in circulation, that there is no
boarding to be had for students at the
"Marklesburg Select School." It is a
mistake. Any number of students can be
pleasantly accommodated in private fam
ilies in the villiage, and vicinity, nenr the .
School, at rates that cannot be objected
to, ranging from $6,50 to $7,00 per
month and perhaps lower. Boarding
will be good; washing and o.her expen
es be very low, A. B. BRUMBAUOR•
Mark lesburg, Apr, sth 2856.
Refusal of Croy. Morgan to Commute
the Sentence of Jim Hartung.
ALBANY, April 7.
Gov. Morgan has refused to commute
the sentence of Mrs. Hartung. He refers
to the general aversion to the hanging of
women, but believing that the prisoner is
guilty of deliberate murder, he thinks the
public justice, as well or the safety of hu•
man life, demands her execution.
g There never was hypocrite so dis
guised, but he had some mark or other to
be known by.
THE office of Auditor General, which is
to be filled at the ensuing fall election, is
one of consierable importancA to the people;
and care should be taken to make a prop
er selection. Among the many good men
named in connection with a nomination by
the Fourth of June Convention, none seems
to be so befitting as that of THOMAS E.
COCHRAN, Esq.,of York.
Mr. Cochran did able and distinguished
service to the old Whig party in the State
Senate when York and Lancaster formed
a Senatorial District; and for many years,
as well before as after that period, he bat
tled faithfully in the good cause as editor
of the Pennsylvania Republican. In 1856
he was the Union candidate for Canal
Commissioner, and was defeated by means
of frauds in Philadelphia and elsewhere.
He has numerous friends throughout the
State who will urge his nomination, and
would be gratified with his election. He
is a man eminently fitted for the duties of
the office of Auditor General, and it is ho.
pad that the delegates from this district
will take his merits into consideration.
ar It is the prevailing opinion in the
4 Atnerican Athens,' that God made the
world mainly to have a place to put Boston
in, and that the chief business of the sun,
moon, end stare, is to 3111116 for its dolecta•
Cheater County.—On Sunday afternoon last
the body of a man named Daniel Regester, of
Willistown, Chester County, was found lyicg in
Chester Creek, a short distance abovelMilltown
It is supposed that the unfortunate man was
taken with a fit, and foil into the stream, and
in struggling to get out, expired. An inquest
was Wm. Sharpless; Esq., and a ver•
diet rendered in accordance with the above
facts. The deceased was aged aged about 70
years ; and was the fatherdo•law of John Bail
of Willistown township. His hat was found on
the bank with a stone on the brine to keep it
from being carried away by the wind which
was blowing quite strongly at the time, It is
possible that he had stopped to drfuk; and fell
into the stream, and being old and feeble.
was unable to extricate himself. An Irishman
ulto passed along saw him net the water, but
said nothing about it ; so the body was not
found for two or three hours afterwards.
The Bank of Chester Valley discounted up
wards of fifty thousand dollars, at the meeting
of the Board of Directors on Monday last. The
Octorata Bank discounted nineteen thousand
on the same day. The Bank of Chester Coun.
ty discounted $90,000 on Tuesday last, and
$75,000 on Thursday, and the Board of Direr.
tors were in session yesterday, and the Ist in.
stoat, for the purpose of discounting. We
should judge that the demands of the county
must have been well supplied.
Blair Counly.—A little girl, daughter of
Mr. Thomas Dasher, of Middle Marini' Forges
in this county was burned badly on Wednes•
day last, that death rel ieved her , of her agony
on the succeeding day. The soother having
left the little girl at home, and whilst standing
at the stove warming, her cloths took fire, and
before any assistance could be rendered her
she was so badly burned that her death ensued.
She is about five y ears old. This is another
1 088011 to parents to be snore careful its leaving
their little.ones at home without a grown per.
son to take charge of them. •
tt tllt noose, and having come in contrite!
with a very hot stove, her clothing speedily
ignited, and it a moment she was completely
enveloped in flames. Her peirring shreiks of
pain brought the members of the family and
others to her assistance, who succeeded in ex
tinguishing the fire, but too late to save the
cheld's life. She lingered in the most oxcru
agony for an hour or two, when death came
to her as a welcome visitor, and releived her
pains. •
Somerset County.—The stable on the prop.
erty of of Dr. Edward Connelly st Meyer's
Mills, was totally destroyed by fire on Monday
last. The building was ignited by some chil
dren who were playing with matchos—wo per
same trying to see wether they would burn hay.
The loss is quite heavy, but we bear is covered
iu great part by insurance.
Fuse. The Greensburgh Argus closes its at
tack on the late Democratic S tate Convention
as fullows:—"We had Loped that common
sense would have dictated a wiser course than
the convention has pursued. We are anxious
to prevent a second defeat, for that will be fol.
lowed by a third. We were willing to receive
back into the Democratic fold, the cringing
spaniels who betrayed us in the State Conven
tion last winter—but not to "doubtful disputa
tions." Yea, we were willing to receive Mr Bu
chanan back again to the Democratic fireside
if he came as a repentant old sinner. But we
will never dishonor the glorious old Demo
erotic flag we have so long caught under—nor
yield one inch of the lights of the people to
goitern themselves. No, not secure victory.
We are pleased learn that a call for a State
convention has been made to meet at Harris.
burg on the 13th of April to adopt a platform,
on which all honorable and true Democrats
can stand. We heartily concur in the move
ment, but wo fear the day Lamed is too early
to secure a full representation. The Demo°.
racy of the State must take early and energet..
is measures to counteract the federal itifluence
that has beclouded the Democratic horizon."
Allentown Democrat feels thankful that the
delegates from Lehigh (which of course is
'doing better,') and Northampton, to the late
Democratic State Convention, had no hand its
ruining the party. The Democrat joyfully
"Mr. Nolf, who represented this county, and
Peter Kemerer and George W. Shawde. of our
neighboring county of Northamton, we are
proud to see, washed their hands of this foul
insult. If the Democratic party is prostrated,
and her candidates ignominously defeated in
the opproaching campaign, they at last can
point tt, their votes as a proud evidence that
they had no part in it. They cau well exclaim
in looking at the hidious spectacle,
Shake not your gory locks at me—
Thou can'at not say I did it.""
A son of Erin, while hunting rabbitte
came memos a jackass in the woods, and
shot him, "By my tiowl and St. Patrick !
I've kilt the father of all the rabbits !" ex
claimed he.
nix coo
Cannot rival in attraction the superb stock of
Spring and Summer Goods now being received
and opened by FISHER & MoMutants.
This stock has been selected with groat care
and the public are cordially invited to call and
examine it. . _ .
It comprises all the late styles of Ladies'
Dress Goode, ouch as Poil de Chevra, Robes a
Lez, Organdies, Jaconets, Lawns, Challis, plain
and figured Berages, Crape Maretz, Plain and
colored Chintzes, French and English Ging•
hams, Amaranths, Valentina, Alpaccas, Debage
Prints, Ac., the.
A beautiful assortment of Spring SHAWLS,
round and square corners, all colors. A full
stock of Ladle' Fine Collars, Gentlemen's
Furnishing Goods, such as Collars, Cravats,
Ties, Stocks, Hosiery. Shirts, Gauze and Silk
Undershirts, Drawers, ike.
We have a fine selection of Mantillas, Dress
Trimmings, Fringes, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves,
Gauntlets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Buttons,
Floss, Sewing Silk, Extension Skirts, Hoops
of all kinds, Acc.
ALso—Tickens, Osnaburg, bleached and an- I
bleached Muslins at all prices, Colored and I
White Cambrics, Barred and Swiss Musli
Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tarleton and maliy
other articles which comprise the line of White.
and Domestic Goot's.
We - have French Cloths, Fancy Cass'mores,
Sattinetts,Jeens, Tweeds, Cottonades, Linen.,
Denims and Blue Drills.
of every varjcty and style. Also all kinds a
A good stock of
Wood and Willow-ware,
which will be sold eIIIBAP
We niso deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT,
and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess fiteilities
in tins branch of trade unequalled by any. We
deliver all paokages or parcels of Merchandise,
FREE OF CHARGE, at the depots of the
Broad Too and Pennsylvania Railroads.
Como one, coins all, and be convinced that
the "MaittorouraN" is the place to secure
fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at
the lowest rates.
16 . kttl, IN atioual
Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania
1 JLE $,
1. Money is received( every day, and in any
amount, large or small.,
2. FiVEPER CENT interest is paid for
money from the day it is put in.
3. The money is always paid hack in GOLD
whenever it is called for, and without notice.
4. Money is received from Executors, Atha.
nietrato .8, Guardians atrd others who desire to
have it in a place of pe'rfcct safety, and where
interest can be obtained 40r it.
GROUND RENTS, and such other 6rst•class
securities as tha Charter directs.
6. Office Hours--livery tit:). from 5
o'clock, and on Mondays nod Thursdays till 8
o'clock in the evening.
HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President,
NYM. J. REED, Secretory.
Hon. Henry L. Benner, P. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Kerry,
Robert L. Selfridge, Frauds Lee,
Stunt. K. Ashton, Joseph Yorkes,
C. Landreth Munns, Henry Dieffentlerfler,
Ertiff, ) 1111. Doff
sitinal services to the citizens of HuNTiNutioN
Residence on Hill street, in the house fur
merly occupied by Drat. A. Miller.
April 13, 1851.
Will be given to any person or persons giv•
leg information as to the whereabouts of a
bound boy that ran away from the subscriber
living in Porter township, Huntingdon Co.,
without just cause or provocation, on the even
ing March, 25th. Said boy is of small stature,
heavy built, with light hair, red face and a
small non. Is about 14 pears old. I would
caution all persons against trusting him on my
account, as 1 will not be responsible for any
debts incurred by him
April, Gth 1859
The School Directors of the Borough of
Huntingdon, desire to employ Teachers for six
public schools, to be opened on the 2nd of
May, and continue for Dine months, and here
by give notice to applicants for said schools,
that any who have not the necessary certificate
of the County Superintendent, are requested
to meet at the Public School House in Hu n•
tingdon, on Saturday the 16th April, when Mr.
Owen, the County Superintendent will exam-
Me candidates for the profession of Teacher.
After which, Teachers will be selected.
By order of the board. G. Pres't.
W. P. 01111160 N, Sect. Apr. 6. '59-3t
D. W. EVANS & CO.,
The following is a partial list of property
which will be given to the purchasers of books
at the time of sale :
Worth from
Gold Watches English Lever,
Pat. Lever and Lopines, $3O 00 to $3OO 00
Silver Watches, Pat. Lever,
full jeweled huet'ng cases
open face and cyl'r esemt 12 00 to 40 00
Gold lockets—Large size,
four glasses, and two glue.
sos with spring—large and
small size with snap, 2 50 to 12 00
Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine.
Painted, Lava, Goldstone
Garnet and Coral Sets of
Pins and Drops,
Ladies' Gold Guard Chains,
Fancy Neck do. Chatelain 8 00 to 18 00
Ceuta' Fob sod Veal Chitin, 10 00 to 30 00
5 00 to 25 00
1fi1212 DIV) MUM [ItiIEVU4O42.
Shade Gap, I(untingdon County, Pennsylvania.
W. H. WGODS, A. M. P
Dias. F. T. WOODS,
Principal of Female Department.
Professor of AnoAomy and Physiology.
Lecturer on. Art of leaching and Phys. Geog.
Teacher of Music, Drawl un Grecian and Bab
tan Painting and Fancy Needle Wok.
THE ne'lit session of this Institution will open the first Wednesday of May. It holds out lupe
rite advantages to those seeking an education. The Board of Instruction is large, and corn,
posed of those who are thoroughly qualified for theirprofession. To Parents and Guardians •
who wish to place their children in a secure and healthy retreat, it holds out pectdier Moe. -
mods A NORMAL SCHOOL will be formed the present session, to which Idl'. Owen, our
worthy County Superintendent, will give lectures on the Art of Teaching and Physical &TV.'
pity. In the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, young toes will be thoroughly qualiEcd - for
the Counting Room. TERMS, for session of five months, $55.00. Light and fuel also. Les.
sons in Music, Fiend's, Drawine, Pointing and Fancy Needle Work, extra,
For further particulars address
N. B.—By those desiring places, early application should he made,
leo Goldstone Pai
Sets CI
ted, Mosaic, Garnet, 0 ix,
Engraved and Plain gold
Sleeve buttons and Studs, 2 00 to 16 00
Gold Pencils with Pens, ler.
medium, and small, 3 50 to 7 50
Silver pencils with gold pen
large, medium and small
size, double and single ex•
tension cases, 2 00 to 5 00
Gentsl Genvy Signet Rings,
Ladies' G . Old . 'hnsed and
Plain Ring's, 1 00 to 7 50
Gents' Gold Bosom Pins,
Cluster, with Opnl, Scarf
Pins. Onyx, Garnet, &c. 1 50 to 5 00
Rich Silk I)ress Patterns 22 00 to 30 00
Cameo, Mosaic, Coral Gni.-
net, Chased' and Plain
Oval Bracelets, 5 00 to 30 00
Silver and Gold Thimbles 50 to 6 00
Gents pen and Pock't Brae 50 to 1 30
Pearl and Morocco Porte
-50 to 2 50
Toothpicks, W'atch Keys,
Guard Slides, 1 50 to 3 50
Gold Crosses small, medium
and large, 2 00 to 7 50
Besides other Gifts, comprising a large and
valarblo assmtment of miscellaneous articles
varying from $1 to $.lO.
The proprietors of the Oldest Established
Gift Bookstore in the United States, fur the
uninterrupted success which has crawned their
earnest effurts to please during the last four
veers, would return their sincere thanks to the
hundreds of thousands who have ; in past time,
seen fit to bestow their liberal patronage upon
them ; and would further assure them, and the
public ' , renerally, that their long experience and
established capital warrant them in offering
greater inducements than ever, and such as
are out of the reach of any similar establish
ment in the countryt n!!! g propose, in this,
of their location in New York, to introduce
Commissions and inducements to clubs and
agents who are willing to devote their time to
our business i so that those who desire can have
We ;hall endeavor to establish fin'nielfr in
every town in the United States, to, that all
who w ill nosy benefit by our liberal syneni of
WC have appointed W. BREWSTER our du
lr authorized agent fur Huntingdon and viein
ty, who will receive and forward all ordera wits
attention and despatch.
ready for distribution, e final:dug orery desira
ble book, new or old, now in print ; and ne
knowledged by librarians and literary mon toll
the most complete and best classified ever ism
ed, without an exception.
are ready to he given away, mailed tree to an;
address, to all parts of the world. It contain:
all works on
Art, Seicace. and Na-IK iPbtlosophical and elni
hind History, V sisal works,
Adventures, Travels. A Ilistoricat, MiscelPs
Agricultural and Do- N Poetical, Theological,
inestic Economy, S Religious,
Belles Le tires Essays ILaw Medical Masonic
Bibles, & Standard Fictions.
Biographies, Prayer, hymn & Glee
'Redone' ins, C Books,
Encyclopaedias, 0 Text Books for schools
Gazetteers, . &c., &c.
And a thousand varieties of publications in ev
ery department of literature. We sell as low as
—and, in many ca.4es, lower, than—any other
house in the country; and with every book of the
value of one dollar or more we present some
useful Gilt, without extra charge.
. .. ...
TILE 111
BEST And buy at EVANS' Gilt Bouk—
,stolo, and examinu tba prices of book:
ice the beautiful gifts sp freely seat-
To 'tired among our patroas, and be sat-
GET tolled that the only economecal way
YOUR lofbaring books is at
NO. 677
AT Examine our plan of bussness.
Any one can who will. 0 bsorro the
E VANS du ily distribution of watches, gold and
GIFT silver; vest, chatelaine and guard
BOOK chains; bracelets; cameo, Mosaic, co-
STORE. rut, gold stone, garnet. and gold sets
ofp in and clasps, lockets, large, me-
NO. dam and small sin: rings, chased,
677 plain and set with stones, cameo, gold
BROAD- stone coral, Mosaic and engraved
WAY, Studs and sleeve-buttons; scarf-pins,
NEW- crosses, gold pens and pencils; gold
YORK pens in silver and morocco cases, and
CITY. a thousand other articles of use and
value. ...
A gift with every book worth from 50 ct a tosloo.
At wilicostyouhUthing,i;a;ill be valuable
as a book reference, if nothing more. Address
_ 1). W. EVANS &
No. 677 Broadway, New York.
N. B.—A WORD OF k.xeLANATto,
to those who lave known:us under the style of
Evans & Co. The Business located by us at No.
677 Broadway, New York City, is tlio oldest es
tablishment in the country, and is known world
wide as the original 'Evans & Co.'s Gift Book
store.' Many have taken the advantage of our
popularity to advertise under the same name as
originators, to increase their trade—and though
a house having neither character or name of its
own, can hardly claim the confidence of the
commur ity-to protect the few who may be un
acquainsed o ith us, we would state that we hope
no connection with any other Gift Book House
and though many advertise under the name of
Evans & Co., the firm constituted by 1). W.
EVANS and J. H. PRESTON, is the first and
only concern rightfully using the name. But
to prevent all confusion in the fissure, we shall
use the style of
D. W. EVANS & CO.,
and all wrongfully using the appellation to:mis
boal the public, will he made to suffer the pen
alty of the law. D. W. EVANS & CO.
677 Broadway, New York.
April ash. '59-12m.
!oprietor and Principal.
• - - ,
Teacher of the English Branches,
Teacher of Mathematics.
nacho. in l'reparatory Deportment.
COURT AFFAIRS.--April Term, 1859,
GRAND Junono. •
Joseph Cunningham, farmer, Cass.
James Chamberlain, inn keeper. Waresk.
Wm. Dauphenbaugh, shoemaker, Brady.
Gea. Eby, farmer, Shirley.
James W. Galbraith, farmer, Shirley.
Samuel Gregory, farmer, West.
David Hicks, blacksmith, Cromwell.
Wm. S. Hildebrand, carpenter, Huntingdon.
Elisha B. Ilissong, potter, Cassville.
Adam Keith, farmer, Todd.
George Lamp, farmer, Porter.
John Minnick, farmer, Dublin.
Wm. Miller. farmer , Henderson.
Rudolph Neff. farmer, West.
George Rudy, farmer, Jackson.
Martin Shank, farmer, Warriormark.
Washington Stewart, farmer, Franklin.
Jacob Sharp, mechanic, Brady.
Thomas Strickler, plasterer, Huntingdon.
George Walker. carpenter, Alexandria.
Adam Warfel, blacksmith, Brady.'
John Whittaker, sr., gent., Huntingdon.
Daniel I'. Knode, farmer, Porter.
John Anton, farmer, Barre°.
John Baker, mason, Shirley.
Peter M. Bare, clerk, Union.
Charles Bowersm, Shirley.
Israel Baker, farmer, led.
Hiram Brown, former, Springfield.
James Condor,,, laborer Bradv,
Thomas covenhoven,.farmer, Barren.
Isaac Curfman, former, Tod.
Jonh Carver, farmer, Barren.
Henry Cornpropts. Huntingdon.
Isaac Boithistm, laborer, Hopewell,
Dufr . Jock,
Jain. Daft mason.. fon.
James Entriken, farmer, Hopewell
Alexander Ewing, teacher, Franklin
Perry 0. Etchinson ' shoemaker, Cromwell.
A. W. Evans, merchant, Cass,
Benjamin Fink, Farmer, Cass.
Samuel Freidley, farmer, Henderson.
Jacob S. Gehent, potter, Cassville.
Caleb Greenland, farmer, Cass.
John Clayton farmer, Union.
William Glass, carpenter, Jackson.
John Hight, fanner, Brady.
Moses Hamer, farmer, Walker.
Robs. Henderson, limner, Warrlorsinork.
William Huey, farmer, Dublin.
John Shirley.
Daniel Isenberg, tanner, Shirley.
John liesselrii,, fanner, Springfield.
John Morrison,'thriaer, Shirley.
games 'McCartney, farmer, lienderion.
Chas. G. MeLauchliti, blk smith, Shirley.
Robert Moore, fanner, Dublin,
William Miller, farmer, West,
Henry Myers, Llackstnith, Shirleysburg,
Richard Ice wzn an, manufacturer. Franklin,
David Parsons, farmer, Tell,
Thomas F. Stewart, fanner, West,
John Shaffer, farmer, Morris,
David R. Stonebraker, Skewer, Jackson,
John Shaver. farmer, Shirley,
George B. Weaver, Harmer, I lupowell,
John Weight, farmer, Franklin,
Caleb Wakefield, farmer, Brrdy,
John Westbrook, shoemaker, I tintimgdon,
Wm. P. Taylor, carpenter, Clay.
Jacob Barnet, farmer, Cass,
Daniel Beck, blacksmith, Morris,
J. S. Berkstresser, merchant, Carbon.
William Couch, fanner. Barren,
Valintine Crouse, itiu keeper, Brady,
Nicholas Cresswell, gentlemen, Alestin'a
Helry S. Dell, farmer, Cromwell,
John Miff, farmer, Jackson,
Levi Evans, J. P., Carbon,
E. L. Everhart, boss, Huntingdon,
Abittliam Fultz, carpenter, Brady,
Isaac Gorsuch, blacksmith, Cromwell,
Robert Green, farmer, Oneida,
James G win, gentleman, Huntingdon,
David .Grove, merchant, Huntingdon,
John Hirst, fanner, Bernie,
Richard D. Heck, farmer, Cromwell,
David Householder, laborer, Walker,
Solomon Isenberg, farmer, Franklin,
John Ingram, farmer, Franklin,
Henry Jamison, grocer,Brady'
John Knode, farmer, endorson
John Kisser, farmer, Franklin.
John Love, farmer, Barree,
A. J. McCoy, miller, Franklin,
lame Martin, farmer, Porter,
John Montgomery, mechanic,
John Morrow, farmer, Dublin.
James Magee, farmer, Dublin,
William Oaks, fanner, Barree,
Thos. E, Orbison, merchant, Cromwell,
John Shoop, jr.,fartner, Union,
Valentine Smittle, farmer, Tell'
Levi Smith, farmer, Union,
George Wakefield, farmer' Shirley,
Milton Woodcock, grocer, Carbon.
And,ew Patrick jr vs Eby Cunningham & Herr
John Savage vs Smith & Davis
Om Curry vs Jona McWilliams
Jacob Cresswell vs R Hare Powell
Leonard Weaver vs Huut h B T It R & C Co
John Garner vs John Savage
Clement's heirs vs John McCandless et al
.rotny Wall vs Jona Wall
Glasgow & Barn vs Caleb Brown
South Caldvell's adm'r vs B X Blair
John B Weaver vs Jacob Russell
Peter Etnier vs John Shope.
Boker Bro & Co vs A P Wilson
John P. Brook, vs. Jahn Savage
Jacob Russel vs. John T. Shirley.
Margaret Hamilton vs. James Etrikon.
Valentine Crouse vs. G. W. Speer.
Fleming Holiday , vs. Hunt & B 1' R R & Co.
Eph. Ross vs. Was. McNite.
Kirkpatrick & Son vs. Wm. Hays.
Joe. Kinsofs adios. vs. Christian Price.
Bell, Garrettson & Co. vs. Isaac Sharrer.
David Rupert vs. Frederick Schneider.
Jas. Saxton for use vs. Nicholas Shank.
Win. Weaver vs• Entriken & Drhere.
D. Houtz assignee vs. J. Y. Hay.
Samuel Doran vs. Jas, Pattison.
Tames, Jones & Co. vs. Jas. Entriken gar
cishee of Jno. Dougherty.
A. McMullin vs. Wm. McMullin,
nine vs. James Findly.
NO. 308 N. THIRD Sr., (3 doors nbovo Vino.)
- 12 - 4 Mechanical, Fkrming and household Hard
. ware, is now in store, and will be•oftered at the
lowest market prices, to Cash and prompt Six
i months buyers. Nail, at Mannfiteturers prices
for Cash.
Orders front new customers will receive strict
and accurate attention and all goods sent front
this house will be as represented.
Cir Country merchants, on their next visit to
our city to make their Spring purchases are cor
dially invited to call and examine our Stock
and Prices before Purchasing.
THE subscaiber he commenced the GUY: ,
0L BMITJUN G business at Pine Grove, Con
tre county, where kg is repared to manufacture
and repair Gun !gala of ovary deftrir
lion, with neatness and IV.T.tch•
He will also attend to repdit:lfg CLOCit.
Prices to suit the time..
Do c. 22,1858.—tr. JOHN 11. JACOBS,
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hunting_
dm, vicinity, and the surrounding coon-
try, that he has commenced bit siness m
the room opposite 111. Gutman's Store in V 1
hopes to receive a share of public patronage.
WATCHES and CLOCKS repaired in the
best workmanlike manner.
Ili, stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY is
of the best, all of which he still dispose of at ,
reasonable prices.
The public generally ore rognested to give ,
him a call and examine his stock.
Pflibum.rttiA,. MAa...12 1859
FLOUIt--Superline, per barrel, 25c1:4537
ii family 1 .
HIT Flour and Corn Meal
Wheat—red, per bushel, 1 600:
White " 1 75(101 AO
Timoth) seed,
Flax, per buslp,l
$5 75q0.6 00 per GI pmt.'s
$2,00 to 200
41 75
What the Press Say.
Extemnitintors are inrolonbic
remedies 'or Hearing houses •;f all sorts of rm . .
mitt. With All coon :knee we recomtncnti thorn.
—N. 1•. both/ Stu, litilister.
"CosTAlt . ;,"iciiistlies Ow all domestic pest,.
such as Hots, Roaches, Red-Bur, Ants, Floe.,
tic. are invaluable ; we can speak from actusl
knowledge of their merits. Duccotsts and
Des Lt. should sold their ortiors early, if they
would set•ure n mule in them.—New York Joel,
shall write soinethieg shunt your Extertei
nators, ns I ran do so with propriety. They me
rapidly here and deetroyieg all vermin.
MOM, 31.0.
"Death to all Ve.min,"
As S itto approaches,
From their holes come out,
And Mice And RATS,
In spite of Cats,
Gaily ship about. •
Ilat,Buus bite
You, in the MOO,
As on tbn bed you slumber,
While INSECTS crawl
Thro' chamber and hull,
In squads without number.
what Certainty, Rots, Road's, Mien,
ground Mice, Bed-Bugs, Ants, hloths, Mos
im hues, Fleas, Insects on Animals, in short
every specia of vermin, ore utterly destroyed
and exterminated by
'Costar's' Rat, Roach, 84c Exterminator.
'Costar's' Bedßng Exterminator,
'Costar's' Electric Powder for Insects.
Sucplied direct, by mail, to any address in the
United Stoles, us fellows;
On receipt of 01,00, a box Grille RAT, Roaen,
&c. Ext.;
On receipt of $2,00, a box each of the OAT,
Roacti, &c. Ext. , and ELECTRIC Yowoßa ,
(sent postage paid) sufficient to destroy the ver
min non any wemise.s.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers erery whore.
‘‘CosTait's" Purseicar. Down, 4 20 BROAD
WAY, X. Y.
P. S.—Circulars' terms, Or., vent by mail on
erWholesale Agents for Pennsylvania
Northeast corner Fifth and Arch Street,
And Wholesale Dealers generally.
Mar. 23, '59.-60.
tar 5000 AGENTS WANTED-TO selih no;
inventions. Agents have made over $25,000
on one,—better than all other similar agencies.
Send four stamps and get 80 pages particulars,
gratis. EPHRAIM 8R0W.., Lowell, Mids.
Da' 1000 AGENTS WANTED.—For partieu
Tars send stamp. C. P. WHITTEN,
Mar. 23. '59. 61n 5 Lowell, Mass.
(Relate of Christeua Climes, dec.)
Letters Admiuistratina on the Estate of Chris.
tena Climer, late of Penn Township, dec'd.,
have been issued to the subscriber, residing in
same Township. All persona having claims a
gainst said Estate will present them for settle.
tnent, and those indebted will make paynteut
Marcb, 22d. 1859-6 t.
- -
Lift Insurance Company.
A dividend of TWENTY.FIVE per cent. on all
the cash premiums of 1858, and Sin per cent.
on all scrip issued by the Company, has been
declared. The undersigned is ready to pay
Cash and deliver scrip to all entitled to them.
TACKSON'S HOTEL, Huntingdon,
Respectfully informs his friends and
the travel'ing public generally, that be Iffi
has leased the "Jackson House,"
fur sev• Pllll
eral years occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, and
that he will be pleased to receive the calla of
all who may favor him with their patronage.
His table will be furnished with the beat the
market can afford, and every attention will be
given to make those with him feel at honk.
fluntingdou. March 30, 1839.
506+ - 9.61!
7 2.5C0-7,;,0