'Allnw me to add a dozen books to that li brary,' said a rich, manly voice. 'On condition that when in Belton, you'll occasionly read from them in the sanctum I intend to fit up immediately for little pet and I,' replied the hearty tones of the farmer, grasp ing the hand of the other. 'lndeed / will, if Miss Mary will allow tne.' and his remaining hand was . extended to the happy child. Ellen flirted desperately with George Carle ton the remaider of the evening, but in vain sought a glance of repronch from the minister, who had no eyes, nor senses indeed for any body but the fanner and Many. Mrs, Stens 13we was in despair. The next day Me' Kingman sought the farm er at his work. After various subjects bad been touched upon, he said kindly ancl welcome, touching brotherly interest— 'that is a sweet little girl of yours.' 'What, Ellen? Yen. Though not very lit tle; weighs one hundred and fifty, I think,' Miss Stenlowe is very beautiful, bat I was teferring to Mary,' said the young man, a little embarrassed. The farmer knew it very well. 'Alt. Mary, my Mary I' The father'e voice was full of tenderness and pride. 'You should give her every .1.1110.1 ad• vantage ; she has genius, my dear sir. know it ; but didn't till quite lately. I don't know, it seems to me, I, too, have joined in t h e prevailing injustice.' 'Never. You and the child are too much alike. Yon must long if but dimly, have been concious of her intellectual endowments' 'I wish I could think thus kindly of myself. But sir, your advice shall he taken. Yet this winter I have planned a deal of happincsa with her in her little sanctum. • IHave it, then, by all means. Sho can stu dy there, and in the spring euter a first clAss school.' What more the daring young minister said, tot Mary, nor her mother, nor Ellen knew, un• till three years alter, when, at the festivities consequent noon her leaving scLoo: W 1:!: honors, he solved the blushing, and now eery beautiful girl, to be his wife. She could not refuse so congenial an alliance, I must be one year with father at home, be• fore I marry you,' looking tenderly at the good man. 'You shall toy love,' was the answer. I always knew that poor, dear, illmsed child would turn not well. Nobody that weut to the house treated her decently but me,' said Mrs. Stenlowe, the day after the wedd ing. 'Whew!' exclaimed George, bursting into a laugh, 'mother, it won't be so expensive to visit Mrs. Kingman in New York,' and he added a facetious wink to his laugh. The Use DAUGHTER now presides over a home radiant with every gift to make her happiness complete. The dearest and most petted of all her visitors is the good f.rmer futher. spoiled beauty, after in rah) seeking an alliance equal to her sister, and becoming pas• see in search, has finally married a tradesman of small means and capacities, rather than die an old maid. Anton ./, ! i% ;a -- r~.. ~~ ~`' C- F.,? I- i'F 'Xl.k :, \:A . zI.X ._ . ' i'•i , 7-: l'Z''''&•, WM. nnEWSTEII, - Editor and Proprietor. Wednesday Morning, April 8, 1859. 91111'Last ueek we were shown a speci men of Huntingdon county gold. The piece shown us was smelted from ore got not many miles from Mill Creek, and is really gold of a tolerable pure quality. The precise location of the mine is only known by one man, who has sent a quantity of the ore to Philadelphia to have it tested, and it bas proven to be gold with a slight admix. ture of alloy; A short [line ego h . brought home forty pounds of the ore and from it he smelted eight ounces of uthe pure stall"' The mountains are literally coverer with people prospecting for the precious trea sure. Why not End gold in the mountains of this region as well as 'Pike's Peak," we are on the same parallel of longitude that the gold is found in Virginia. IDutcher 11;77e - tM7veTiThis Silver_ smith and Jewelry shop to the room recent. Jy occupied by Levi Westbroolc as a shoe store, where he will be found hereafv r.-- Mr. Dutcher is by far the best workman in the county, and will make moderate char gee. Give him a call. Flag PresTaation. On Monday evening last, a largo num. bee of our fellow•citizens met in the Court House, to witness the presentation of a banner to the Excelsior Brass Bond, by officers composing the staff of Major Gen. John C. Watson. The presentation speech was made by Col. F. Lane, and was eu .eloquent effort. The speaker paid a high comp liment• to the musical talent display ed by the 'members of the band; dwelt at corns length upon the eventful scen es through which the ' , Star Spangled Ilan. ner,'• had passed, and concluded in a brit. Pant peroration, which elicited spontaneous applause from the audience. J. Sewell. Stewart, Esq. on behalf of the band, recei. ved the beautiful flag, in a brief but inim itable speech. It was an effort worthy the speaker, and the marked applause with which it was greeted by the apprecia.ive _assembly evidenced its eloquence. After ..several pieces of music had been playeu, •the officers, members cf the Bard, and in sited guests adjourned to the Franklin House, and partook of a most excellen t oyster supper, As we had the honor of be. ing present, we can testily to the odittira. ble manner in which it wee gotten up. The flag is a vory beautiful ong, and is composed of the finest silk. NOTICE.—Young tnen desirous of tr.,v. *ling in a pleasent business, with a good recommendation. can have an opportunity et dce ag so by applying at this office after Thowtrlso next, for one week. PENMANSHIP. The author of an:T;tem of pen manship is expected in town on Thursday next to commence a class in the public: school room at 7 o'clock ;n the evening. Ills agent called on us, judging from the specimens, terms, and conditions, we would ! say to all who are not able to write with eas,, and rapidity, a good hand give him a trial as he goes on the principle of no cure no pay. Ber'The election for Borough officers took place on Monday, and resulted as Burgess.—William Rothrock Town Council.— David Dunn, Davnl Black, Peter Swoope, L. Berg.:ns. Supervisors.—John White, W. K. I Constable.—Wm. 11. King, Bernile call particular attention to the advertisement of EVANS & I In. in this week, issue of our paper. The GIFT BOOR ESTABLISMIENT OF D. W. EVANS & CO. 11l 677 Broadway, New York City, is the oldest, most extensive, and respectable in the country; and the proprietors, from the commencement of their business ca rear, have borne a high reputation for in. regray and imparti Bitty, in the conduct of their peculiar system of trade, raining the snpport of the press, nod the commen . datians of all who have hod dealings with them. It is n noticeable: fact, that they circulate the large i !rid best classified cat- alogue of books in the country; guarantee satisfaction to their patrons, and insure the safe transniiss;on of books, so that the put. chaser suffers no risk in sending his ntou• ey tc, thew, which is not done by any Mil. er Gift Hook House. NI VB3 rs. Evans & Co. are systematizing their business, by [canting agents in e v e ry town throughout the country; in pursu ance of this object, the undersigned has been duly authorized to act ns agent fa r this pines and vicinity, to receive orders, and attend t I the general interests of their patrons. MI who desire books in any deportment of literature, can rely on having their or tiers punctually and faithfully filled, at the usual prices, with the addition of some useful and valuable girt. Uataingut; fait be obtained gratis on at•,plication to the agent, or by addressing D. W. Evans & Co., 677 Broadway, New York city. WM. BREWSTER. . . have just received shier new supply Spring goods ,call arid see them. Their advertisement came in too late, but will np. pear in OUT next. garPASSING AWAY..---1 he venerable buildings in our town are rapidly passing away, to give place to new structures more modern in their style of architeclure. The olcrdilapiduted building on Hill St. a littl West of Mrs Orbison's is now living torn down to be replaced by a more aplen• dell edifice by Mr John Read. The tame displayed by our citizens in buil&ng of late years is highly commend+, 111111 r The Pennsylvania Canal is now in full opperntion and boats are plying to and fro constantly. Kansas Election—The Days. LEAVENWORTII, Tuesday, March 29 1859. it the election here yesterday, there oas but slight opposition to the Constitu tional question, which was carried by a small but decided majority. nolle prosequi was entered in the case of Cherie Doy, and he has been released from custody, and is now in this city. Dr. Day, the father, has been held to bail in five thousand dollars for trial at the next 'fern, of the Court, per At the M. E. Conference recent. held in Philadelphia, the following action was taken io regard to slavery. The Slavery Committee's Report was taken up, and the question embrased in the ssound resolution, of the time of the mantunksion of the slaves owned by tray. ening preacher, of the Mettle dig t' Lurch provoked a long and animated debate. which was participated In by the Rev. Messers, Kenny, Cooper, Barton, Colelaz er, ;McCarter and others Thu time of tuanutni,ion was finally fixed at the age of 21 for both male and female slaves. The report was then adoptod. CoosTe SutturiaTENticrer.—lt has been decided by the Supreme. Court of our State, that the State Superintendent of out. Public Schools has the right to re move a County Superintendent, if guilty of neglect to duty, incorndetancy, or immorality. The case was brought up from the Common Pleas of Schuylkill coon ty, and the judgem.int of that court offitn• ed. STILL M ISSING —No clue hos yot been ascertained to the whereabouts of Nlr Yen• ger of Easton, whose recent mysterious disappearance we noticed in the TELE- . GRAPH. Ills wile offers a reward of *5OO for the recovery of his %may, whether liv. ing or deed. The excitement continues nt Easton, and a public meeting was held the other day to adopt measures for a thorough investigation of the affair. Pike's teak. A steamboat, all d n ith gold seekers bound to Pike's Peak and the region round about. was sunk, on Monday night; in the Ohio, by a collision, and a score or two of ;he passengers were drowned. Thus ends tile golden dream of one (,arty of enthu siasts. Hundreds of others will probably perish by disease or accident, und all will suffer in 're or less from fatigue. privation and exposure. But it is with such trials as these, that waste places are filled up and commonwealths ore formed. A great sacrifice taunt be offered to the good For tune, before hi, favor is vouchsafed to his The number of emigrants, adventurers, pilgrims, or tvhate ver they may be called, is enormous this spring. Every steam boat and railroad train bound to the West is filled with them, and vehicles and ant• orals of all hinds are brought into the set.. vice. .1 private letter. dated St. Joseph, Mo. , lltarch is before us, which says: -Our city is a perfect j in, crowded with Pike's Smile are going with hand carte, ,onie with wheellairr)w,, and same with 'mop:Auks. Two Expresses leave cfery week filled with passengers The ox trains have not yet started. The railroad curs luring in daily from too hun dred to five hundred peoph." Ad other places on the route present the same extraordinary spectacle, and it is :levet] by some that the wildetness of West ern Kansas will contain, before die shin. iner is over, at least one hundred thousand ItiL!hi'.stuts. This cony be the e ast ., un loss the poodle of the richness of the mi nes should be unfulfilled. Of this ther, is some danger; fur occasional reports reach us of returning miners, broken in health, spirits and fortune, wit) report the gold mines a humbug. Some have spent the winter in the most posited region, and hare left disgusted. 'there must be a large per centago of such failures and disap poin.inents in n migrating population, and Pike's Peek, with its contiguous geld country, may not altogether sway the expectations of any. :7 , 01 many C.ve and energetic people will be trans fer• red to it good country, and even if the gold fettle, will become pc rillatl, II t settlers, Thus population and civilization will be thrust fur , lier westward, i.) meet the returning wire from the Pacific Suites, and thus the whole Union will he benelitted. L' Anson E,cAPE.—A few day, ago al the hi.b bridge near Catatvissa, the pas. Some casting or bolt broke, just as the lo emotive and first car reached the bridge, one hundred and fifty feet high The front end of the passenger car was caught by a gust of neat and lifted from the track landing on the and of the bridge. The 11101100 of the car pulled the bell rope and stopped the engine, so that no lives were lost, It was an instant of fearful peril, with a providential deliverance. Democratic Convention wa s called to assemble at Lynchburg. Va., last week, to nominate u candidate for float missioner of Public Works. Ot the fifty counties interested only fifteen were rep resented in the cony ention and no nomina tion teas made. The nominee of the Fern ncrats for this office was defeated at the last election. nod in thu present dilapida• ted condition of the party it stems they don't think it worth while to even make a nomination. Straws show whirls wav the wind blows. riErTHE United States and England having tailed to cents to nny &finite nu. derstandiag regarding the right of scotch or visit--one government declining to yield any point, and the English government refusing to submit uny new pl an — the French have stepped in and sulanitted a prfdee to the English government, which our government have adopted, and which will probably settle the vexed question, It has not yet been made puplic. A Fists Scone.--ft is stated that on , ho arrival of the steamship Roanoke. at Potts mouth, Va., an enormous rock fish was found entangled in the wheel, which re quired the exertion of three men to cap ture; after getting it in on the deck of the ship it wan measured and exlitbned a length of four fort, and weighed fifty-four pounds. My Fare —The President of the Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chicago, and Pennsylvania Central Roads, have agreed to moan excursion tickets to minkters and others, who attend the meeting or the Pittsburg M. E. Annual Conference, a ill meet in the South Common Church, Alle gheny, on the 27th 01 April. Answer to the question in lest tasty, Eisti - it cage. Provo that arvra is the half of twolve #larricb. On the 24th of Mareb,by the Rev. M. Mr. ILtviu I'. STLWAI. to MiSti 5.1 , ;.\ II OHIMAirr, both of .; twr. ~7~c~. On Stinday lust, Stn. MARY, wife of Dr. Join( McC.A.... On Monday last, ELLWOOD, infantson of Tua oross 0114 MAZOiallt CIUIIIIIII. Car The Rev. Mr. Zahnizer of Con neautvilie, Cr twford county, has accepted the call of the Presbyterian Congregation of thin place. Hemay he expected here souse time in May.! THE MILITIA LAW. A supplement to the late 111ilitia is now 1 1 / 4 1 . . I. WOODS, A. M. Proprietor nail before the douse, which is os follows : kVtiODS, Ilil M. 1:1,.; rs, Section I—Provides that the pay for I rf Female Deportment. ////' lowlish Beanches. 14'M. \\ each officer, non commission officer and AH - I) §lIA1.)1.,:, M. Iv.. , Anatomy and l'aysiology. T'aclt , r or Nat:tcona!ics. private, shall be one dollar per day, the I W.VEN, Misa I,IZZIE LYON, parades not in exceed four times a year. irtnr on Art q' leaching and Rips (;• Temiller in Perp,ratur;, , Department. tier„A G. PATTC)N. ' 2 .—Fixes the lines, and provides ''''');:.:.l‘, N er N r . if -trash:. Drawl, a ,,, , for colh.ction of the same. ion Poiatiny and fliney Sec. t h e r i me o f E ncamp . 911 1 ! , , ,, ,„ o r this, th , :T..- It holds alit I m, 14 large. 1111 d CUm . mourn. from Tuesday until Saturday of t , qua., fur . Caroms and Guardians, t! .e same week. . • , o t It t 1 4 out peculiar induct. See 4.—Authorizes the Adjutant lien. ;:, , • I. 01 !'! • which Mr. Owen, oily oral, to supply companies, with the retpii " ui I „ a"' PhYsieiii , I I I . y. so , Isourou,:hlyyaa lit ett fur site number al t nts and equipments fur i, adtoea ti ,e needle, . and fuel also. Lea. camp pu rposes, ' . ,mine and Faaey ,::era 5ac..5.--.Makes it the duly of the Conn , I.- appli ty Treasures, to prepare an annual stale .11,6;51i.. mem, of Coe inilitio ace 'wit. which lifter being passed by the county Auditors shall be published, in the haute inauner as the g` )' .' l ,o all , l StUdi, county maletneat rtliF. See, 6. —Authorizes the Slurs Treas- ao , l urer lo pay our of the aggregate MI6 ary 1"'n". with : 101 ' 1 Pe' , Itn.l to the several county 'l'reastirer,, oily deficiencies. of county all edtary expel' • sea, where accounts hove ocen duly trmte milted. Plain Itir,a, Geld.,' 0.1.1 R..nrn Pins, MA . I RIAIONIAI, BROKEILuGE '9 l'l. Sc3r/ the metropolis; being true Narratives of strange adventur, in New York, „,„ 1 ratneo, Mania, Coral nor startling facts in city life. ne rt rer r w•t l P" of the Nen* York Teens. 1 Vol , i•Ln, n:.'l Gobi Thimble% cloth., illustrated. Price *1 00. pea noel Pocket !Celia P-arl and Nlorocea Porte. This remark:Ode book adds a but authentic. to tip• city of Nnw Yorl: and nxt, Gt. of its G .., corrnpt nod thrigi.,(l„ Rtul 200 to :10 Lri„gi„, t„ light :wine st?„„ .4. tl„i„g,4 or 1,‘:A117 r G'"'onmprisinr n tar , : null 3.ortir,nt of nnscti.x.te Jos articles the ttotori.,u, Airs. Clllllllll,4lnim. varyin . ..• from F. , 1 to 810. I'ubllched by 'Thatch, & intchkort, The propriett,ni rd the Oldest E•ttalt , ished (1L ft Poo!t,tore the State,. the 523 liroo , l‘ , ..iv. New York. unit terroptea SUCCCSi WiliCh ha!, el, NII(;Il tie it earnest etrorts to please thtring 'lie Ice - t fnttr PROF. ow, :;12 linoADA'Av in ruin. years. would return their sincere thattl:s to the „ ; , ; I , oop ,x not 11 .." to ; and ivoitl,lfurilwr Psstlro then:,, :tl,l lit, h ,nr c „„ ;„ „ „,, d . by natural r, .. I , :t • • 1 K : ,3g...aft, , and dar. , 4nron.ii in 1 •• , • 0, •ay but IVond's !lair 'l'unic. is a !.. ": ' . ' taint, nne causes It healthy .1 ~ , .; • . • • grrtnoth of grot, ~air on a yo,iiig head is 11111141crn 1. and DI ly at CC1.,1 . 111, , !kir 11 , We ,lotti cadet, or to e tehli , ll nn totem • every town in the United Staten, as who no ill may benefit I.y our libertll sy,t trAde. co!or is changed, to he sure, but not !hr , :ned, the roots at the hair. Ladies, do you see thrt geranium plant in the window yonder how yellow and faded it looks? It is alive and growing; yet where is the beautiful rich, dark green that belongs to it? Clime You can color these leaves by on external application of chemicals, but they will not remain colored. Do you desire to do it naturally? Make a solution of guano wa ter, apply to the roots, and the plant will take it up into the . system, and then you will see . a rich green permanent hue. Professor Wood's Hair Tonic works on the seine principle•. The roots of the hat • drank op that application, and high health and beauty CAUTE Beware of worthless imita tions HS FC vend are already in the market called by diderent names Uae 1,171, un• less the words (Professor Wood's flair Restorative, Depot St. Louis, Nio., and New York, are blown in the bottle. Sold by till Druggists and Patent Medicine deal ers. also by all Fancy and Toilet Goods dealers in the United States anti Canada. 3 CENTS REWARD. IV ill tin given to any person or p.rrains giv• tog informtaion no to the whereabouts of u bound boy tie.% ran away Iron the subscriber liviut in footer township, Huntingdon Co., without just etti.se ur I , ruvoentiutt, 1,11 ill., ell', in;; 711ardi, 251 h. Soid boy is ot south start.rt., heavy built, w'ilt light hair, rad tore and , small 11060. Is about 11 pears oil. 1 would caut;nit all persons against trusting him un to ) nrimnnt, as 1 will not be responsible for our debts incurred by hits. JACOB NEFF. A pril, 6111 1859 NOTICE TO TEACIIERS. The School Directors of the Borough of IfuntinAdon, desire to employ Teachers for nix public 5e1...015, to he opened tat the 2ud of May, and continue for nine mouths, awl here by give notice to applicants fur said sehook that any who have ❑utthe necessary certi:i,,tte of the County Supet intendent, are relpe..t,•il to tneet at the Piddle School in Ito ll' tingthin, on S-iturd.ty the kith April, when Mr. Owen, the County Superintendent will exam• hie candidate.; for the profession of Teacher. After which, Tenehers will he selected. By otdrr ,)I the lumtrd. G. Mti,l.Lit. Pre&t. W. P. 01t1114UN, Apr. G. '59-3t Gll'iS S GIFTS I GIFTS THE HEW INAL wirr tiouti STORE. D. W. EVAN 6 & TOE r 77 BIWA UWAY 677 1 THE N ToitlC I.lt , lti Y It. 1, - , I V EAR. Whit: gIVI,III , 0 the intreha,ers of [emits at the time of sale: Worth from Gold Watches Engliaalt Lever. Pat. Lev,r and Lepinem, $2O 00 to it:;00 00 Silver Wutehee, Pat. Lever, 101 l jeweled honing eaves and (qr. SSW ant 12 00 to 49 00 t, of I Jcs, Large sizo, and two glum. toe.—ltargu sold ,o;.,!I shop, ' To=nic, Florentine. l'aut.ted, Lova, Goldatone Garnet had Coral Seta of Pit al.tl brow, Ladies' Gold Guard Chains, Fanny Neck do. Chatieluin 8 00 to 18 00 Gents' Pob and Vest Chains 10 00 to 00 00 2 50 to 12 00 6 CO to 23 00 I`- iii .A.c.a..rtamincsr. ra. - \II.TE 2EO T.:L-111212 IIiiM7.ISDJU2. Shade Gap, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. 2 00 to 16 00 360 to 750 2 00 to 5 01 1 00 to 7 50 1 50 to 5 00 22 00 to 30 00 5 00 to 00 00 50 to 6 00 50 to 150 ,10 to 2 50 1 50 to 3 50 ;t1.16e1,,., Watch IC. , v 5, .1 Slides, We hare appointed W. BREWSTELL iv authorized agent for Huntingdon and ty, ado will rte, ire and forward all orders s. atttooi , ot and deqp:ltelt • A NEW :1:`.:1) IIEVISEI) CATALI) : • rea , le Ihr di,trilatron, c mtaining every 11,: hie loud:, new or old, nor, in p..int ; and a,- knowkdged by lihrariato: and lit..oooy men the mart e,tipl, to and hest cl,t,ified ever trot, ed, without an exception. 500,000 ere ready to lie given nwity, moiled free to any address, to all ports of tho world. It contain; all works on Art, Science and Nit- N Philosophical and cll. local 11istory, V steal work, Adventures, ' l ' rovel , . A Distill hat, Mkicell ' s Agricultural and I)..- N P ortia', ' l ' lleological, niestic lii•oootny, Bilks Le Essays'. 11. aw Mod , cal 31asonie Itilite.s, Q iStandard Fictions. Biographies, I Prayer, Hymn & Glee C Ifooks, • Eneychiptedias, 0 Text Books for velum's Gto:etteers, Ae.. Ac. And a thousanti t•ari:•ties of vuldiem ions in Co ery &hp:1 1 111:11i of littrutore. Vie . 4(.11 di lu•.r no — and. in many va.e, otlit.r h••ne in t i le couou•v; J1101,i1111,10 . .v 1,001, 01 the 0t• one dollar or more we prcsent some nse•tiol (lilt, witlicnt char,r• 1.1•:'1' E1 . E11.1 . ONE lIE • 1111$ OWN INTE it ESl'. 151:0T And hug at Gift 8. , 0k-- 1'1.:1('1•l stn, 0, aim 00 indor the prices of hooks see the licantiful gills SO tt • rclV TO 111 . .41 nin•m;; 011, ftitruili, 1104 ile OA (iET i Set! tint Out only Ceolll,lllCCal W.ly Yl , l It Of boring hooks is lit NO. 677 110 01 135 11P0.1DIVA Y. - i..lF.ll{ol'. 110— AND TEL BUILDING. {t•}. OUAIIANTEE loti- GIFTS FECT 8,11111,,,r10N. dude, Foie Yonts/..v. A ' L ' Examine our Wan of bit , snes, Any i.e can who will. Observe the EVANS daily distribution 01 watches, gold and GIFT silver; ve.,t, chatelaine nntl gnarl' 11001 C chains; co gold atone, garnet. and gold Seta of pin tool clasps, locket, loge, me- NO client on•l small tier: rings, 677 plain and set with , domes, caineo, gold 11110:11). .10u. coral, Mosaic niiil engraved 1V AY, Muds old sleeve-buttons; scarf-phis, NE IV• crosses. gold pens 411 , 1 petit:llS Y 0 1:11: ocos iti silver and mow° robes, a n d O,Ty. t thousand other articles of use and value. . . . . --- - A gift with every honk worth from 50 etstosloo. SENO 'MR CATALOO u E. At will cost you mobilo:, ut d will ho valuable as a book reference, if noth More. Address D. W. EVANS & CO. No. 677 Brood wily, NeW York. N. 13 4 4-4 4 4 4 4 N. B.—A WORD OF EX 'LANATION to those who I ore known:us wider the Style of Evnum & Co. The 11 .siness located by IN at Nu. 677 Itiood way, New York Cif, is the oldest wlllislanout in the country, owl is known world wide a, In, firig!nol ' Front & CO.'S Girt Book More.' Many have taken the advantage of or popularity to wlvertise under the same name as originators, to increase their trade—and dowel' lowsc liovwg neither eintraeter or n o own, can loudly clothe the conlidtmee of the eMll,llllr V-1 , 1 protect the fen Who may he un actuntinteti with IV, we WOlll,l ,tato that we hope uo ei.lilleelloll with any other llift Book House and though ninny advertise under the flame imr &t 0., Ihx firm von.titut.,l by it. W. EVANS nod J. 11. PliEsT , IN, is the first and only coucern rightfully using the name. But win:vent all confusion in the future, we shall 'too the style of D. W. EVANS & CO., • and all wrongfully sting the appollat ion to mis lead the public, will be mode to suffer the I'm , - alty of the law. 1). W. EVANS & CO, 977 Bro.d.V , New York. April 6th. W. 11. WOODS. 11:: !i Ml,l, A.Feefits—April Term, lti39 Janata. ( . 111.1,1,111. 141131,. Cons, thouthe, loin, ion keeper. Worr'sk. EauplieoliAtigh, I.liiientaker, Brady. f; o. Eby, iitrmer. Shirks. James W. Golbraith, lormer, Shirley. SallMel (;rogory, former, West. hi.,, ksmith, Cromwell. Wm. S. d, eurponter, fluntingdon. ishe 13. llissmig, potter, Cense - ilk. Ad: i in former, 'held. tieor, former, Porter. John Nliimiek. former, Dublin. • Nfiller. former . ilmolerson. Rudolph Nell'. tanner, West. Gei.rge Rod, fiirtner, 'Jackson. Martin'Simitlr, former, \Vorrkrinftrk. Wnsitington Strwitrt, lormer, b , ranidin. Jue.,b Sharp. ineolmnie, 111011 ms il•isterer, (lporgo Walk,. carpenter, A lexamirie. Adam IVarid, blacksmith, John \Vhittalcer, sr., gent., Fltititingdou. honied I'. former, Porter. John Amon. farmer, liarree. Juunito —FiwsT Wauz, .1.1. linker, mo,on, Shirley. Bore, ekrk, Union, Bow,rsox, Shirley. !stool Balm, farmt•r, Toil. Hiram Brown, farmer, James Condom, iaborer Brody, Tit coo; Covenhuven, farmer, Berree. Tod. Jimit Corner, former, liorree. Henry Entnpropts, Huntingdon. ls-mt Donald:on, laborer, Hopewell. Joint, hull'. mosott. Jackson. Jitmos Eitiriken, farmer, Hopewell AI-xi:mit, Ewing, t(itelkr, Frunkiin ( 5• -2lLverr.to, Cturawell. i; jnmin Fink, Farmer. Coss. - • •1 Freidley, farmer, flemierson. ..•' •', . . mders :mots. ;:. , , ;•ndtrion. .b, Shirley. ~ • . • . ; • . ,• , .• ' t, : , Frank'iu, I'L; • •rr , WeJt, ~ net. Jackson, I Ge.a•ge B. VV raver, John farmer, Franklin, Cidel, Wakefield, fl,.rtner, Hardy, We,throtA, shitemi,k,or. .tmtiagiton, P. Taylor, curpwitt r, Clay. Tun ciao*: .1 mums —81.:coNo Wiese. Jacob Barnet, farmer, Cass, Daniel Beck, likelrionitli, Morris, Lleckstr.sser; merchant, Carbon. Conch, farmer. Barren, Vaiimino Crouse, inn keeper, Brady, Nicholas erns:well, gentlemen, A.lesan'a t•lry h. Dcll, farmer, Cromwell, Jahn litinter,Jacksun, Levi Erans.l P., Carbon, E. L. F.,vi.rhart, boss , Hunilibidon, carpcnter, Brady, I,ime t.iorsach, blacksmith, Cromwell, •i•c Given, I . :miter, Oneida, s Gain, gentleman, Ilutitingeliin, Infield Ilrove, merchant, liontingdon, Hirst, tanocr, • td I). Heck. tanner, Cromwell, i I laltorc^, Walker *. •:i on taunt, ' Franklin , Ingrain. litrmer. Franklin, Henry Jamison, grocer. Brady` John fanner, Cletelersla John lacy, farto , ,, Barter, 1..1. 11aCuy , miller, I?catiklin, Isaac SLtrtin , !bro.., Porter, John Montgomery, moult:laic, John Morrow, taritver, Dublin. James Mazce, Farmer, Dublin, illiam Oaks, tanner, Barret', Orbison, merchant, Cromwell, John Shoup, jr..lminer; Union, Valentine Su tanner, Tell' La,' Sian it, farmer, Union, George IVitlielicid, farmer' Shirley, Milton Woodcock, grocer, (Inchon. TILIAL l' WEEK.. . . . . s A Patrick jr . Eby Cunningham & Herr Juin' Savage vs & Davis um tmrry vs Jona McWilliams -Jacob Creonvell vs R Hare Powell Leonard Weaver vs H 1 B 'l' It It &C Co lr.hu Garner vs John Savage - Clement's heirs WI John McCandless et al .1..a,s Wall vs Jana Wall & Bare-vs Caleb Brown Sand Ca!dwell's adei . r va B X Blair Julia C Weaver vs Jacob Russell Peter Ruder vs John Shope. D W Erg, linker Bro & Co vs A l' Wilson John P. Brook, vs. Jahn Savage Jacob Russel vs. John T. Shirley. M•irgitrei iia, it,u vs..linnes Etriken. Valentine Criinin vs. G. IV. Sinai, Fleming Holiday vs. 115111. & B 'l' R R & Co. Boss Vs. Wen; MeNite. Kiriwatriek & Son vs. Win. Hays. his. Kinsel's adins. vs. Christian Price. Bell. (inens. & Co. vs. Isnau Sharrer. David Roln•rt vs. Frederick Schneider. Jas. Saxton ter we vs. Nicholas Shank. Win. Weaver vs• Entriken & Lichen. 1). Lionizes:44mm) vs. J. Y. Hay. Samuel Doran vs .Ins. Paulson. Tallies, Jones & Co. vs. Jan. Entriken gar 'Ashes of Jets. Dougherty. A. McMullin vs. \Vin. Same vs. James Findly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, OEOROE Y. AHDtiT. JOHN A. NEFF. ABBEY & NEFF. No. 308 N. THIRD Sr., (3 doors photo Vino.) PHILADELPHIA TILE OLD II o DD WARE STAND, ESTABLISHED TWEHTT-FOHR YEAH, EV 7 ,11)" DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING ,14,1uniiettl, Farming and Household Hard wur,, is now in store, and will ho offered at tho lowest mnrket pr ea, to Cash and prompt Sin months buyers. Nailn nt Manufacturers primes for Ca3ll Orders front new customers will receive strict and accurate attention and all goods sent from chic house will he 09 rorocntod. . . ....C.,cl; , unity merchants, on their next visit to otir city lo make their Spring purchases aro cor , (tinily invited to call and examine our Stock and Prices before Purchasing. .3tn. CO 1112 ERE 9'lIE euttseeiber has conii o the QM 1 sit/PH/NCI/115111P. at Nee Grove, Cen tro comas, where tle to prepared to menu tacture rod repn,lt and Pistols 1:f every deserip• with ',Attie.; and dispatch. Fie oil alto) attend to repe4.:eg CLOC.&"8„ Pric •s to suit the times. De 22.1853.-1. JOHN H. JACOBS. VV."; WATCH 4 JEWELRY STORE, \ J. W. DITCHER, WATCHMAKER &lEWELLER, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hunting don.ll, sieittity,,tml the micron:Ming mon- ~,--• try. tit. he has commenced ha siness in the room opposite NI Go.MATI'S Store in ; •'-• 11 IitILLT SQuAne ill NTINGI , ON, and ....,... hope• to reeeiys a. slime or public patronage. wATcitus and CLOCKS repaired in the hest workout:lake manner. Ilia stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY le of the hest, all of which he will dispose of at reesenehle prfces. Tim public generally are requested to giro :ITI n call and examine his stock. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS PuitAnebettu, Ilta. 23 1859 FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, sfi 2.5(k337 Extra " 6 5014452 25t0 7,52 family Rye Flow and Cora Ifurl 1 00@i 81 1 7541.90 95 Wheat—red, pier toughie', Rye Cnrn Oat 3 el..verseed T:moth3 sved, h,kel af; $5 75(0 00 per C 4 pounds $2,00 to 250 $1 75 What the Press Say . Ot . 8" EN le:. inn ws aro it;fll,ahls ckartng houses 'Sail sorts of vcr. With Ali coo:l:knee we recommend thaw. V. Y Aldo State Register. "CostAtee"letti , dtes - for all domestic pests, ,ch e, N..tA, Bed•littgs, Ants, nen do. ors loval , utidu ; .or C:111 sneak UCtURI 1:11uw,, , !,(1 I f their merits. DIIIICOIsee ant DCALL:cti $llOlll.l scud their erJers early, irthey :come a trin.'a in them.—New York, Jour __ •—• • ,utueibipg about your Extermi . I M I Vito do so with propriety. They itre rapi•liv lure end destroying all verwim --Ed. '•Littniitr," Fayette, 31u. ' "Death to all Vermiu," As S ittu approached, ANTS and Iturainza, their boles cows pat, And Mica and RATS, In spito Of Cats, Gaily Skip about. Bitti 13 nos bite You, in the night, As on the bed you !lumber, While INSECT!! crawl Thin,' chamber and hull, In egieida without number. iS '1 ItULT WONDLRFUL oer.incv, lints, &molts, Mice, Moles, Graitild Alice, l.'cd•lings, Ants, Moths, Mos i hoes, Hess, Insects on Animals, in short ',cry of vermin, are utterly destroyed awl ext4.lll,hu.ted by 'Costar's' Rat, Roach, &a Exterminator. 'Costar's' Bed• Bug Exterminator, 'Costar's' klectrio Powder for Insects. Su ',lli d direct, by moil, to any address in the United St tics, in follows; On receipt of $l,OO, a box of the RAT, 110A011. be. Ext. On receipt of $.:,00, a box each•of the RAT, Itomm, On. Ext. , nod ELEM. I'OWDEIS (sent postage paid) sufficient to destroy 1118 Ver. min tam any •treinises. Sold by Dragg,ktv and Dealers erery where. "CONTAIet." PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 420 BROAD• WAY, N. Y. I'. S.—Circulars' terms, &c., sent by-wail on AgPnts for Pennsylvania t COSTAR'S BRANCH DEPOT, Northeast coition Filth and Arolt Street, And Wholesale Dealers generall.r. Rair. 23, '50.-64. /kr 5000 AGE'iTS Wavren—To sell 4 new invomious. Agents have nude over £25,000 uu om.,—hitter thus all other similar Recumiee. Smid isur 151111111. and get BO pages isartionlars, gratis. EPHRAIM BROW , Lowell, ANIL Mar.23;59..601.* air 1000 AGENTS' WANTn.—For parlicu Jars send stump. C. P. W HMI EN, Mar. 23. '59. iJoi* Lowell, Mau. (Ethste Christena (Minter, dec.) ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters Administration on the Estate of Chris. Lena Clitncr, late of Penn Township, deed., have breu issued to the subscriber, residing in same T"wusliip. All persons having claims, gainst said Estate will present them for settle ment. and those indebted will make payment to JOHN HOUSEHOLDER. Adininiktratat, March. 22d. 1859—Ct. PENN MUTUAL Life Ilion enlace Company. A dividend of"fwENTY•Fivit per cent. on all the cash premiums of 1838. sin(' Six per cent. on ell het ip issued by the Company, hits been declared. The underEigned is ready to Pay Cosh and deliver scrip to all entitled to theta. R. ALLISON MILLER, Aoewr. Mar.30,'59..3t.* T A (4:SON'S HOTEL. Huntingdon, Pu. J. S. HILLER, PROPRIETOR. I 'Respectfully Worms his friends and the travel'ing public generally, that he g h a . leased the "Jackson House," fur se e I en d yetu•e occupied by Wm. B. Zeigler, and I t h at h e will be pleased to receive the calls of all who may favor hint with their patronage His table will he furniehed with the beet t h e market to con t f l o ttr a tio t h n o. w . ill be given anntingdon. March 800869.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers