Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 30, 1859, Image 3
i=.2: 01111till.6111We E r o f G t E h E i A s l wor kR E I P SU BI I L O I I C Y— .b: L h r ee. A are sorry that we have not room to give Wednesday Morning, Marsh 3 O, 1869 it a deserving notice. We think it sur. •- - -= i passes any of its pr:dieessors. Published The Circulation of Ilse lin AP. by Oaksmtth & Co. 112 & 114 Williams tingdon Journal, is great- street New York, at $3 per annum. er than the Globe and Am. erican combined. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST.—The April • number of this valuable companion of the farmer is on our table. This is one of the best Agricultural publications to the Cut ted Stuted. They also publish the same in the German language. Price $1 per COUNTY CONVENTION. Tho people composing the party opposed to he present national administration, will meet in their respective districts, in the county of Huntingdon, at the usual time nud place of holding delegate election, on Saturday the Oth day of April neat, to elect two delegates from from each township, boreragh, and seperate election district, to coropole a county conveu• lion, to he held in Host ingdon, on Tuesday, the 12 day of April neo t, for the purpose of ap• pointiog delegates to Vue ens sin, State convan lion to take place io nomination a State ticket. iSp order of 'ho County Conimittee. B. F. PATTON. Chaim.. CILVIIEHNG WITH MAGAZINES, Ike Ltuntingdon JoroOAI. for ono year, and either of the Magazines for the same period will be soot to the address of any subscriber to be paid in advance as follows : The Journal and Godey's Ludys Ece7c, for ORO vear, $3 50 Vito journal and draliants Mizgavine, for 000 year, 7%e Journal and Emerson's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly, fur ono year,s3 50 The Journal and Frank eslie's Family Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, fur one year $J 50 27te Journal and Lady' a Home Magazine, ".ivh S'' 75 a e l e t a i%al and relereon's Magazin!, for cue7e`,2 75 Journal and .1 , for ore year, $3 50 The . Joten4/ and Gcre^ce 0.8 year (rabit‘ Our POD TIP! Lady of the Isle. By Mrs. Potato D. E. N. Snuthworth, Author vi the lust Heiress,' Deserted W Bride,' 'lndia," Wile's Victory, qtetri. bution,' .Discarded Daughter,' 'Car, c .. 1 Clifton,' etc., etc. (templet,: ft. mte large volume ; neatly bound in r; ter One Dollar and 'Pwenty.five ; • r tins volumes, paper cover, for 0, I : T. B. Peterson & Bro , : This work will prove to be the too,: n. tractive one ever written by Mrs, ~i.• worth, for she is excelled by no iiv fe- male writer. Whoever rends the first page is sure to be carried on to thu last. tier style is free from insipidity on one hand, and bombast on the other; and though we meet with forcible, we ate never startled with inflated language. Fier characters are rarely under, but never overdratvn.-- Her scenes are fire pictures, her incidents found 'd on facts, and her sentiments are characterized by u singular purity both of conception and expression JUST PVDLISHED."- Opportunities for Industry and the Inuosintent of Capital; or, .1 Thousand Chances to make Alon,g. Prefaced by letters to a Victim of the Panic. on, Is Money Getting a lost Art ; How foramol were u.ltie in Ancient tun s; How Fortunes have been made in Madura Times; flow to get the First Thousand .Dollars, and in what consists the Art of Economy. With an appendix, containing valuable secrets and manufacturing, re ccipts, collated from reliable sourc s, and including come, that, it is said, have been cold, at various times, for coamideroble slums. The result is en original, comprela naive review of all kinds of profitable busines , , and the most valuable collection of practi cal suggestions ever presented to into deal roue of improving their fortune, Chance after chance is given, illustrating the op• portuoities in stock-raising, in stock-job• bing, in planting, in farming, in shipping goods to foreign countries, in manufactu ring, in inventions, in commercial specula tions, in mining, chemical manufacture's, and wherever tr,elers have found an ope ning in the United States, South America, the East Indies, Europe or Asia. The ap pendix of valuable secrets and receipts is alone worth the price of the volume. The one peculiarly suitable for presen --especially from a father to his sons —a merchant to his clerks—a titan in good circumstances to his less fortunate neigh. bor. It will also prove interesting to those who are satisfied with their present busi ness, by giving them information shout other kinds of business, 420 pp. hand some Cloth Binding, good paper. Price $1,25. Published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia, and for sale by William Lewis, Huntingdon. Ladies' Home Magazine.—Th is capti- vating periodical for the month of April is on our table, and contents noticed. We have no hesitation in saying that it will compare favorably with the best two dollar maga nines now published. Send $2 to T. S. Arthur, Philadelphia, and try it. Peterson's Bank Note List—for the month of April is now on our table, This excellent and most reliable Counterfeit De. rector le much enlarged and improved, and is now the best Detector published in Phi ladelphia and we would highly recommend it to every person. Price Monthly per an num, $1; semimonthly, pet annum, 42. A:Clergyman Arrested for Counterfeiting• The Cleveland Plaindealer says :—"Un last Monday afternoon, ns the Rev. Win. Watson, the pastor of the Methodist church in Glenwood, was preaching a funeral ser mon, he was arrested by officers of an ad joining county, for passing counterbit !no sey. The people in attendance at the fu- neral were so incensed at the officers, that they thrust them front the house, and they concluded to retire until the obsequies were concluded. The officers had previously searched his house, in the cellar of which they found Inks, presses, papers, rolling machines, anti the entire apparatus for the I manufacture of connterfeit bank hills.— l'hey also found about $l,OOO in counter feit bills, $3OO of which were slO's on the Forest City Bank, of this city, and about Is2oo in ss's ott the State bank of Ohio,- 1 The clergyman made a clean breast of the matter. Ile became connected tvith sense counterfeiters about two years ago, and us he had been in early life an engraver, lie had been it very useful nod hard-working member of the gang. 11, has preached in Glenwood about three years. lie is about forty years oiLl, a man of fa rally, and has hero very generally esteemed and rb. spectod by tits congregation and neighbors. I lie said ho joined the counterfeiters to get money.'.to do good with." This explana tion was not very satisfactory to his pari• siiioners,'however, and they discarded him i at once." SI R7i Three Thousand Lives Lost by the Ih;enking tater. Neer Tsranrog• en the tea of Azofi, a cat ,trepine occurred, shout the beginnin g of Iktrunry last, which involved it loss of Isle unparalleled except by memorable earthquakes of volcano eluptions. It ap pours that some three thousand inhabitants of Taganrog, relying upon the promise of fair weather made by genial atmosphere and cloudless sky, proceeded to the Sea to indulge in the spelt of fishing be. neath the icc—it favorite plstnile of that region. The atmosphere continuing on. retie, the party were lulled into a le.:ling o ( security, and ventured further than usual upon the ice, in the hope or obt,itung good haul. Suddenly in breeze sprung up front the east, which, growing boisterous by degrees, whirled the loose snow and fine particles of ice in all directions, and before loot; succeeded in detaching the ice from the thole. 'nu large ica field .hen broke into nume rous piecos, which, with their terrified and helpless human freight, drifted towards the open sea, No assistance could be render ed the unhappy beings by their frantic re. latices and friends on share, and within two hours act n sign of life was visible on the surface of the sea, On the following day a cake of ice drifted on shore, upon which we re hve of the unfortunates—three of them dead, and the other two numb and insensible. The two latter—a girl and an old man—were restur d by means of the usual appliances; the girl, however, sur vived hat a few hours, the man recovered but lust the use of his tongue—a conse quence. probably, of the fright caused t.y the B,elle he had peered through. Ile pre pared a written narrative of the occurrence of the fearful night on the Azofi. By this catastrophe at least three thousand persons found a watery grave.—New York Post. The next House of Representatives will copsi,t of 237 Alembers-119 con stituting a majority, 01 these, there have a!ready been elected as foliows : ReFVC.5am Maine New Hampshire Massuolinsetts Vermont New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Ohio Indiana Illinois lowa Michigan Wisconsin Delaware South Carolina Florida Missouri Total, so far • 112 rice States yet to choose Connecticut 4 California 2 Rhode Island 2 Oregon 1 17, Minnesota 2 Would make 120—or a clear mai Ex President Pierre.—lt having been charged, that this gentleman, now absent in Europe, wan anxious to secure the De mocratic nomination (or the Presidency, he 1 has written a letter to a friend in Boston, in which he declarer that under no ble circumstances will he again permit the use of his game to connection with any i rublie office. PRICE REDUCED ONE HALF!! NEW MEDICAL SALT INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. 11 . ONLY ONE DOLLAR. CHRONIC PACKAIaI $2 50: SEE ADVERTISEMENT, For sale nt Smith's Drug Store, Huntingdon. JOY TO THE ADMIRERS OF A VINE HEAD or RICH GLOSSY HAIR.! Talk of beauty, it cannot exist without a fine ! head of hair, then read the tiillowing, and it you ask more, see circular around each bottle, and no ono can doubt. 1)1101'. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORA. TIVE.—We call the attention of all. old and young, to this wonderful preparation, which ' turns buck to its original color, gray bair— ers the head of the bald with a luxuriant gr,,, —removes the dandruff; itching, and all chi., neous eruptions—causes a continual How of the natural flair 8: and hence, it used as a regular dressing Mr the hair will preset., c its miler, and ' keep it from e . to ext. me old age, all its natural beauty. We call then stint the ball, the grey, or tasett end in scalp, to use it , surely the young will not, as they value the flowing locks, or the ,itching curl, ever be without it. Its price is upon the tongue of thousands. The Agent for Prof. Wood's Hair Itecturative in New Ilaven, received the following letter in regard to the Hair liettorativo, a few weeks since: DEnr Rain, CONN., July 23, 1856. Leavenworth—Sir: I hare been trir: ; hi e d with dandruff or scurf on my hen.', for mutt than a year, my hair began to i•unie out, scarf I and hair togidher. I lilaW is a Now H aven pa . per about "Wood's I', cilia. 1 I .1 1 0 1,11 p). ..:ure on the lit of April last, and purchitsoi; it ho tle to try it, end I found to my eadeection it was the thing, it emoval the sear , f and new hair began to grow; it is now two or three inches in length where it wan all I oft'. I hare great faith iu it. I Wish you to semi me two more ',office; by 31r. lot, the hearer of i this. I don't as cry in the kind is used in this place, you may hares market fur ninny bottles idler it is known here. Yultri With respect, RUFUS ITA'rr. PuthAontaiut.t, Sept. 9, 1 .856. Peor. IVooo—Lau• Sir t Your Hair Rester ' ative is proving itself beneficial to me. The front, and also the back part of my head almost lost its covering—in fact umm. 1 have used I but two half pint bottles of pm. Restorative, i and now the top of toy head in watt maildvil with a promising crop of young hair. and the j front is ,t receiving its benefit. I lave trial , other preparations without tiny Benefit whatever. l think from my own personal recommendation I can indium tinny (Alters to try it. Yours respectfully, D. R. TIMM 19, M. 1)., No. 464 Vine St. VI! I : t., Jimu 22, 1953. PROF. O. J. WOOD As you ere about to manufacture and vend you' recently discover.] Hair Restorative, I will ',tate, fur uttomsoever it may concern, that I have used it and known others to use it--that I have, ter several years, been in the hal it or using other (lair Restore ] tives, and that I find yours vastly superior to any other I know. It entirely cleanse; the !uto of dandruff, and with one month's proper e . .-e I will restore any perstas hair to the original ee -1 lot and texture, giving It a healthy, salt and glossy appearance ; and all this. WitillAlt tiring the studs that apply it, or the dres4 uu Wilk!t it drops. I would, therefore, rocotontend its use to every one desirous of having a line 1 color and texture to the hair. Itespeettally yours, IWILSON KING. 0. WOOD & Co., Proprietors, 312 Broaj• away, New York, (in tho great N. Y. Wire Establishment,) no. 11.1 MaCLUt 1 St. Louis, Mo. John Head, Agent, Denting. don, and sold by r2I good Drug,;.4tti. VTII.; 5j.1.17,) Fri 1i,5 V.11.17A111.1.: PATENT. Portable, self-generating orrered to the pdolie, in full confidence ot its positive superi ority over every other 'mini-light in existence, for tintrt,rciTy, SArurv, ECONOMY, and BIIIL. LIANCY o f light, in any temperature, It is tiSVOjI ' of SiELI., SSW.: Ur 1010000 giving a steady, cheap and BRILLIANT GAS-LIGHT, requiring :to trimming '' or other attention, ex cept simply tilling the l ampo with cmnmn littrn• ing fluid, one quart of the fluid giving ism Li., and CU:Annan., eighteen 110111. H. This light is under complete control, being regulated by a sittiple - pr0,..,. The burner con be readily applied to all styles of ()IL, KEROSENE, Cute . ONE, and Iltutarmo FLUID LAMI-3;111S0, to Gas-fixtures, in all their varieties. It is admirably adapted for lighting churches, dwellings, lecture-rooms, has, shops, steam boats, and railroad ears, or wherever a good light is desired Parties 11,SirOUN of securing the right of territory bur a valuable article that will commend itseli; should make early applies tiet, only to the untlersignal. Burners. Lamps, &e., supplied in any quatiti• ty, with promptness—litrwarded by express to all parts of the United States, payable, cash on delivery. BUTLER, ill/SPOIL!) & CO. Mar..9,'59.-10w. No 2 Court St, Brooklyn. TEENS OF TIIE JOURNAL. TERMS Thogiu.T,NuDoNJOI:UNAL'ib :he following rates: IP paid in advance $1.511 lf paid within six mouths after tins time of sat:se:lo.l.g 1.75 . . . _ . If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid after the expiratioit of the year. No subscript don taken for a less period than six month, I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordere4, sod coroner will be discontiins Buchanan . . until orrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. 2. Returned numbers ere timer received 1!,. es. All numbers sent SA in th it way are /Ost, nod linear aecomplidi the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons wishing to stop their suln.criptions, Joust pay up arrsorayes, and send a written or verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub lication in Huntingdon. 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a lege or a proper notice. 5. After ono or more numbers of a new year have been fol'w.rded, a new year has commune. ed, and the puper will not be discontinued null ar2uraf!rs are paid. See No. I. 4 _` c s 6 - i ! 1 I 6 I I The Courts have decided that refusing to take a newspaper from the office, or remori ng and haring It uncalled for, is PRIMA VACIE evidence intentional fraud. Subscribers living in distant counties, or in other States, will be required to pay invariably etivinteil. 29 Cir The above terms will bo rigidly adhered tom all CaACS. A DVEIRTISEM ENTS Will be charged at the following rates _ . I insertion. 2 do. 3 Jo. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 97i $ 50 One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200 3 in°. 6 mo. 12 itio. $3 00 $4 00 $6 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 IS 00 p 2 00 25 00 One square, Two squares, I column, do., do IS 40 27 00 40 00 do:, 22 00 86 00 45 00 Basin's' Card. of six liras,, or 0445, s4.oe. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. (kaiak cif Michael Fetterlsool; doe.) Notice is hereby given that Letters - Testa mentary on the estate of Michael Fetterhoof late at Morris township, dec., have been grau- led to the undersigned. All persona indept ed to said estate are requested to make intone-1 diute payment, and those having claims to pre sent theta properly anthentiented tor beide• meat to JOSIAH FEVITIIHOOF, Exec. E LIZ A FETTERIIOO6, Morris Lisp. Feb. 16,'59.-6t"' CriLla vanoaaa. The Subscriber respectful)) , informs the Pub lic, that ho is prepared to receive and unload Cars containing Lumber, Bark, Staves, Shin gles, Coal, Iron, &e, E. SCHREINER, S. W. Corner Broad & Callowhill Street, Philadeldhin. titITIM,OOIBTIO SALT; A Perfec grislitute For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters !!! when the undersianell, niter a long series of laborious and costly experiments, became hilly eimfirmail in his conviction, that the gistie Salt which he now has the happiness to Present to the American public, ova'' , a PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his mind was so oginitcd that he could not &lei, r m r nary nights. The cause of his ngitatien was the striking fact, that the man m;,, or lie operation like that of di. m vaccinntion, could not be satistlictorialy explained open nay known principle. How, in what w iy, itso effectually htflomporpry Dicta. and no other, was at first wholly inexplicable—but, on further experiment, it was proved that it equali:rs tie fluids of Cite body, the want et an equilibrium in which, i. 4 the sole rcpt.,: of inflammation. Such is iii potency. that lice the vaccine mutter, it requires merely sv at adheres to the point °rattail! dipped into a solution ut it, to alGiet the entire system—hut must Isa instantly used to prevent decamposlion and secure its still virtue. Three quills in °cute, and two in chronic Ciseases, e vet v 14 hours, till thel:rot, pain and folfrile ac tion * have Subsided. and a perfect cure eflheted. When it takes the place of blisters, ointment and leeches in local affections, as Brain Fever, Comp. Toothache, Pleurisy, le., its mode of administration is twe-fold. (Sec directiin of dis solving. &.c.) 'rim discoverer has withheld it front the pub lic, till now, by the advice of a judicious Pl , Ysi* elan and valuable friend whom he consulted— a gentleman known and felt in the medical work—and who desired to submit it to the tact of experiment. After witnessing under his own scratiniiing rye, its signal triumph urer both acme and chronic: iljhusoodurg diseases, la re pealed and re-repeated trials, ho offered $25.- 000 to corm, in as a special end equal partner in the Recipe Neils manulitcture, but the propo sal was tvjected. "• • • The dis'use of the lancet and b!ktors, is de. S mended both by humanity by humanity and science. It it not a mistake, to suppose that a kettle ut boiling water (the inflamed blood) will CI:1100 to boil, by dipping out a part of it— or a cask of bad cider (Ismd blood) be tondo good, by drawing a portion of it 7 Is it not at mistake, too ouppo.oe that blisters and rubeliteietsts will reninva ',amniotic, when they virtually superadd our intlammotinn to another? Thu llnto B, Waterosuwse, of Harvard liniversi ' ty, said "I not sick of learned 9nuaerg„' One a the must eminent physicians In New England acknowleolgeol just before Ito death, that "he has been doubting fur many years, wether I loud ! letting nod blisters did nut uggrarctic rather Ithan arrest diset, " Sumo wits stand high in the Old and New.sikkool, have quite re cently evoustal Isis views moil now openly C6ll - they believe the lan. et, setuus leeches stud blisters injure ten when,' they beordit one— They think there is a moaning to Dem. 12, 23 —Gen. 9, 4—andLecit. 17, 14—toat "nisi 'moos, Is THE Lira." It is net the excess or blind (there never is too mauls) that catisoi di- scone, lout the want of a balance between the I fltt!ds and solids. "'ho' spec`...!! excellence of the Antiplolugistic Salt, is stoat !rithoom oboe useless less of blued nail stretigii, it e n e ,::!:tily ry . disens, (stn by lasoun of all sloe fluids in the body ato. 4 . aspent uninterrupted circulation. It exerts, like ' the vaccine matter, and extraortlinaly iallUenCa ever the v cue and nrieries—resulting in a grad- , ussl decline of inflammation as indicated by the , pulse, which assumes its natural state as the ht, t, pain mho fever olissappetor. C.;7' Many Inedieines oflered for sine, are by doubtful certificates, (their elicit vir tue):and elidni to be universal remidies, curing all malidics—a burlesque on common seas, As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests against having it placed in the eategyry ut frauds and impotitions. he has resolved that it shall go forth to the world, like the pure gold dollar, with no other inissport than its true val, us. If the public find it genuine, they will re ceive it—if spurious, they will reject and con demn it. Instead (dhow it panacea for all ills, it has control over but one 111,—has but one aim —accomplishes but one thing, to wit, SWIM'. INFLAMMATORY umanst—whatever he its form or locality—wether in the head, throat chest oh lumen, extremit•es or skin. It is asked, how it does 6M—simply hr restorink , the lost bal ance between the fluids mud solidr. The Ir,lloning l it crp. Alma which the un balanced fluids assume, and many not here men Oohed that Intro more or less heat, pain or lever (no others)are as pet feet ly cured by tho Audi phlogis, ie Salt, us thin is extinguished by water. I:6ses 1lf:,;u the utibuluncul fluids aft 'vet th•s TIEao and runoAT—to wit , Brain &'vcr, File, Headache. hylenaned Eyes, Ears and Nos.:, canker, Neuralyia, Erysipelas, Catard, Croup, Broorpitie, ?sc. . . 2. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect the CHEST Red ABDOMEN—ILI wit; Inflamed Lungs and Lirer, Colic, Pleurisy, Coughs, bppep ssa, Asthma. Dropsy, Ilearibunt, Greed Piles., Gonorrhea, Venereal, ire. 3. Cases where the unbalanced fluids effect the EXTVL-311TIEs tint tjK ae—to wit; Rheuma tism, Goat, Sere: Tula, Perrs, Chilhains,Chigains, C.:icken mu! Small Pox, Sall Moan, With itch ing and other Cutaneous Affections, &c. This Salt voratly alleviates the inflammatory pains veculim to married ladies, (befure and at the time of eantinement) and many Inmate rum 'lianas, and is very alratious in Fever, Ague, Wounds, Nal - vela; and Spinel Affections end anyuther forms of (mark this)if:flanitnatory di mmer, attended with heat, pain or febrile symp.; tutus. IS.l' Persons who haven tendency of blood to the head or heart, or lend inactive lives, or breath Via impure air of manufinctories and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or line is indica:thy climates, are exposed to a poetic liar vitiation of the fluids a the body, which one dose witlioat interfereing with the diet or bus' noes, once in three months, would invarinlily proven,. It is belpived to atford protection from infections disease, and theretbre travellers, sailors, and soldiers should supply themselves with it. eir While ninny nostrom•mnkors victimise the good tottered and pill-ridden public, ny or dering "from six to a dozen boxes of bottles, to core any malady." no :natter what—the un dersigned is happy in being Ale to state, that the severest forms of recent inflammatory ei seaso, was over come by one Acute package, and the most obstinate and long standing one Chrinie package. It does just what It claims to do—and no more, or less—equalizes the fluids by removing from the system all ar terinl and venous obstruc'ims. egT Pleas let your neighbors read this. F. COGGSWELL, M. D., DISCOVERER , ND PROPRIETOR. For sale at the Cheap Drag Store of Satunel S. Smth, !tontine., Fa. Feb. 16,11 MO. - COVER & DAM'S _ All MEI NT ID' TllO7/149, NEW STiLEs—TRUCES ritoNi $3O to $125 ; AMBROTYPP, AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ETRA CIIARGL or S 5 FOli 11101 M! IM A R TIST , 491 Broadway, N. F. 730 Chestnut St., Phila.' FROM POILADELPHIR, • These Machines sew from two spools. as ;me-; AT THE C OURT HOUSE. chased from the store, requiring no re-winding of misread; they Ilem, Fell, Gather Mill SIAIOh ; Tits.. gallery of Art is now open for public its superior style. finishing each seam by their', ewe operation, without recourse to the hand.N o r ne, P or . Age, or Re , idunce, sterile, as is required by other machines. They 1 ken on le Pielures—letters of different colors. will do better and cheaper sewing than u seam stress can, even if she works fur one cent an l VARIOUS SIZED PICTURES, and are, unquestionably, the best Matt Set iu Fusions, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or chines to the market for family sewing, on ac- i Bracelets. count of their simplicity, durability, ease of j Particular atientiou paid to takittg picturel Imanagement, and adaptation to all varieties of ;of Children. Time, from one to four seconds. ; family sewing—executing either heavy or find Perfect swilraction gi,v, or persons are not to take ; mirk thetures. with equal facility, and without speei4 re Pictus taken fro eir nick sick or deecased persons niljustuticnt. at their residences. Copies taken from Da As °vide:nee of the unquestioned superiority guerreotypes or Portraits. Also, views of resi• ' of their Machines, the Gitornit St,- I dences, Ate. I too 'Maculate, COMPANY beg leave to respectful- Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call ly refer to the following I nod examitte specimens. Pictures taken as TESTIMONIALS. well cloudy no fair weather. ! How often do we hetar the exclamation, when "Having had one of Grover & Baker's Ma- : y for near it scar and nhall persons are looltiog Portraims—"l would not ct:inc; in lay ti commending it as every way lle ashy stun if I could procure the Portraits rehittlde for the purpose for which it is designed 50 :1' Intheithi — or deee"ind ellildre" l" ithnt —Family St-wing."—Ma. Joshien Liarin, wife I der, if you are gifted with this ennobling feel. of lice. Dr. Lewitt, Editor QIN. Y. Indrpendint. ing of unity, you have an opportunity to grafi ; tI confess Myself delighted with your Sewing fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits, Maeltins: which lots been in my titmily fin. ma- which, it is known, wilt not lade. Iny ininitlis. It has always been ready fur duty, j eisY"'rhose let wish to learn this beautiful I moiling no adjustment, and is easily adapted art enn call ana see W. F. Thomas, from Phila. a t 7tatu v i e t7 , tl ' ;e ar s i t e st?„ . ls o rt f irre " titl!'"M. b ;:ii, " 2„ l 7l I friers "" " """ upwards. y. Sfrickland, rf Rev. Dr. Strickland, Editor ( I f ): Chriritiun Advocate. DAPER! PAPER!! I "After trying several different good nit:dines, r Note, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and I preferred yours, cm account of its simplicity. Flatcar —tt good to:sort:nen , tor sale by the , and the. perfect ease with whlelt it is managed, ! renal, hall roam quire or sheet• at ns well as the strengths and duraltility of the I Lewis' New Bock stud Stationery Store. eosin. sifter lung experience, I heel competent De c.:!2;58. tf. Ito speak in this monitor, and to confidently lis• I commend it for every variety of fitfully sewing." I HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? -Mrs. E. B. Sr w'the Ed,' Brook. I lifur 01 ipooner, wife —Mrs. lyn Sian "I have used a Gruver & Baker Sewing Ma. t The Original and Beet in the World 1 Ode, far two years and here tumid it adapted! to all kinds of foully sees ng, front Cambric to All others tare mere imitation, and should Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out Ihe avoided, if you wish i•, . ,1110 ridicule. without the giving way of a stitch. The Ma- : t; 1 y,!: . D , p . y HAIR rhea in chive is entity kept In order, and is cosily aged." • • :uit „,„i or — Mrs. 11 VW', wife ( V . h.. least in' ,ry to Hair or Ski.. pie, ..Vrte York. • ' d Diplomas have brier L• "Your Seeing Machine has been in use in w ; :a niece 1839, oil toy family the past two years, and the Indic., ; request etc to give yen their testimonials to its preteen adaptednesa, as well ALS ki/lir-Sarillg w.,1 . A . BA I L: dr - .1,.)1c6 HAIR D E y p,. qualities in the performance of family and household sewing"—Robert Boorman, y ""ces a color nut to bo diatiu t luiubed nom list' and is warrant , d nut to injure in etc least. " Far several months we hay° Grover 6 ' Bit.l turn, hung u :tin, ae ker's Sewing Machine., and have come to the I e—e"•it may bcm n e ;d th e ridh tt. conclusion that every lady who desires her sew ing beautifully and quietly dune, would be most vigarat'ailur by title splendid 1/Ye• f0r,„,,,,,e i n po ,„„i„ g one o f t h em , r 0.„1 . 4 0 Made, sad or applied (in 9 private rooms) and indellitlgable 'iron needle-women,' whose et the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, Now combined qualities of beaubi, strength and sinudi- York. Sold in all cities and towns at the I.7ttb eit:q, aro invalueble,"—./. IV—Morns, drugilder e/ • lad States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Gen. Geo. P. Morris, Editor el Herne Jew nal. Doik, • _ ..... i -,....... Extract of a letter from Thos. It. Leavitt, an I ...ri - Th., Genuine has the name and address American gentleman, cam resident in Sydney, I upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of New South Wales, dated January 12, 1850: I each box, ref IV M. A. BATCHELOR. "I had at tent made in Melbourne, in 1853, in I 233 Broadway, Now York. whirl, there were over three thousand yards MI j, i },,, iz,, a d , A g „-„,!/.,! Rg d oR p a. sewing done with one of Grover &Baker's Ms- N0v.17. '5B-Iv. deletes, and a sit/gist seam uf that has outstuod I -•-- • -- _ . . all tan doable seams sewed by sailors with a nee dle and twine," BOOKS I al BOOKS I . . . "It Homer could be culled up (rein his mur ky Mules, he would sing the advent of Grover • 40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. Ss. Baker os a more benignant, tniravlo of nil , 1 $509,00 in Guts for every 11100 Sold. man i 7 ,m ever ‘, ' "' ee "'' '''" ith ' lie 't h e l e ; ; let order to resit., my exteneeve steel: 1 will nouti:e midiliget s hi rt-mak i ng „ m ' :. t 'V ''','""' sell one thousand dollars worth of Beisks ist the spring of wets untimit" ,,r m'' ''— ' ee '• '''''''' , I regular retail prices or less, and i .:we ($300) the , Ger ' vee '' i five hundred dollars worth of presents varying "I take Baker Sewing Machines hat . : more •:I„ee sus-. in value from 25 cents to $lOO.OO. Ur. those pleasine in ea' lug, the rained Tus expectation, Alter tryuta P.m re t 9 N ; who prefer ran purchase at wholesale prices.— Mug others, I have three of them in uperni:tm !m y ~,,,o ',resists of e very variety and style of in my different places, and, after four ears' 1 -,. -. ~, ~,_%,„.., eL5 ,.,....,. ovary kind, whole- trial, have co fault to fital."—J. 11. llantozond, 1 bnia ,,, ...,'.::, -, , .;"" I aid, and ret z,,. Sul,u 1.0 commence Dec. 24th. Senator of &alt Carolina. "Sly wile has had ono of Grover & Baker's I Wil. COLON. Family Sowing Machines for some time, and I ! Dee.22,'59. am satisfied it is one et die beg I:dam-saving I 7.1 yd r , ;.., ____ nry] , 4 r.,......_Vrt, -. Ci.l inaehties that has been invented. I take much ! , , i i j rz . , l v . cus, - . 1 vj u e. : 4 _, o pleasure in recommending it to the public."— J. U. !lams, Governor of Tennr.ssee. DATCIIELORS WIGS AND TOUPEES "IL is a beautiful thing, and puts everybody 1 J surpass all, They arc clegaut. light. easy ; into an excitement of good humor. Were I a and durable. • Catholic 1 should insist neon Saints Grover and Fitti ng t o a cheerio—no turn up behind —no Baker fluvial; on eternal holiday in consomme- shrinking off the head : indeed, this is the only sine their M. y. Iv undethtood and made. "I think it by tar the best patent in use. This , • Nov. 17, '50.-Iy. 233 Broadwest, N. Y. ',Machine can be adapted from the fi nest cambric I - _ • - • . • --- _ • to the heaviest etissiincre. It sews stronger, ' DALLEPS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRAC: flister and 010:0 bcalicifully than -ne can ima gine. it mire could not be replaced, money I TOR. build jou buy it."-llrs. J. G. Brown, Nash- I f n all diseases inflaination wee or less pt., rifle, Tenn. 1 1 dominates—note to allay intlaination strikes "It i• speedy, very neat, and durable in its t at the root of all diseases—hence an himedi- I work; is easily understood and kept in repair. 11 Hie cure. i c"; ! . l .slY rc-egill'eud 1116 M ' whin° "I all I", a c - I DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRGTOR ! sinaintanees and others."—Mrs. M, A. Forre st , . Memphis, Tenn. d • tl ' .• will allay inflatuation at once, I no Id) 1,111, else, • ' and milli i u certain cure. "We find this inedible to work to our sat.- Halle , m ag i ca l p a i„ I,:tractor will corn faction, and with pleasure recommend it to the public, is we believe Grover & Baker to be the the following among a went catalogue 01'1 best Sewing Machine in use."—Deary !bothers, Nilediseasesf,p: turns, 131?, .Bruises, i B , t; , l: l , ls i tCtts,Cll a tt Strain., "If sore Ailisonia, Tenn. h Bites, Poison, Chilseys. (loot, Swelling, Mien. "If use 'l , " I "si'el, for fatally "'f i r, I '," n 1 ;;;, ; ni :idea', Scald Head, Salt Rheum, itnid.,., ordinurY a , I wil l wager t h ey w ''' ''. -''" 'throe score years and ten,' and never get out , i Krysidelas, Ringworm, Barbers Itch, Stnitll Pox ',gees!, Hush, &c., &g. of fix."— ,Juba Erskine, Ausheille, Tenn. i ,' i la some it may appear incredulous that so "I hove had your machine for several weeks, , many diseases should bit reached by one esti- end am veiledly satisfiedthat the work it dues i ete such on idea will tallish when reflection , is theheatoil ill'. be ".iii i. " l t ha t e'e r was.— poicts to the fact, that the salve is a cuinitina• j Maggie Allinson, Nashville, Tenn, dos of ingredients, each nod every one apply. , "1 use too M I ,chine upon coats, dressmaking, big a perfect tot bode to its apostate disorder. 1 and tine linen stitching, Anil the work is admi- ! GALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR rabic—lair better than the lust land-sewing, or I in its effects is magical, because the limo v . .y other marital° I have ever scen."—Lucy short between disemies and a pertuaneitt cure;' 11. Thompson, Nashville, Tenn I and it is an extractor, as it draws all diseases i I out of the affected part., leaving nature as "I find the work the strongest and most beau- It •is scar cely ne• I tiful 1 have ever seen, made either by hand or ; Perfect as before the injury. machine, uud regard the Drover & Baker ma- ; cessary to sit' s • i t io lu t i , t l no e o to e use, works hop , nt t i l t r . chine as one of the greatest blessings to our I manufactory , I b mom witho ut the "1 Sex."—Jfcs. Taylor, A'ashville,7 l / 4 nn. No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the stl h ove one or Grover & Baker,s Sewing m o , ! box has has upon it a steel plate engraving, , with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufactu- I chines in use in my fa it sly, nd find it invalua • I . " 1' T . medicine dealers throughout the Coiled States blO I can confidently recommend it to all per- ; lc, ; For sale by all the Druggists and patent I sons in want of a machine. —s . T h omps on, Nashville, Tenn. and Canadas. Principal Depot, 0 1:. P C . HASE. ICS Chambers St., New York, 1 "I take pleasure in ceilifyin to the utility of L. Read Agent Huntingd the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. • I ha•e i used one on silliest every description of work : `''' Nov 17, 'iB.-ly for mouths, and fi nd it much stronger than work , • • ...... '—.lll.s. D. IV. nester, Nashville ihme by Itanl.". Tom. Came to the residence of the subscriber, living in Tod twp., m INSI I / 4, "I would he unwilling to dispose of my Gro ver & Baker Machine for a large amount, could bout the first part of June last, a 4 _ I nut replace it acain at pleasure."—Urs. H. C. heifer, about one year old, darliSns= State!, Nashville Tenn. "Our two Machines, purchased from you, do red color, with a slit in the left ear and the right ear cropped. The owner is requested to the work of twenty young ladies. We with pleasure recommend the Grover h Baker ma. .me ( .ward, prove 1 , ..P0r' , . rav charges and (thine to be the hest in nse."—Y. Svii/Noos 4- Cts take it away. 11. PI.UMMICEI nom. I Ms.* it. 10,4 t. Miscellaneous Advertisements. LIGHT ! LIGHT !! LIGHT !!! Peters Patent, nonexplosive Gas Lamps • arejust tile th ing for all being the only : burner having a non conductor and regm later attached—leaving the lamps and flu• id always cold—not like others—the being 7, but a straight tube entering the lamps. Goods at wholesale prices, or State or County rights for Sale. Address or apply to I). P. Peters, 422 Broodway, New York l'oh I . Win. A. Ratehellors Hair Dye ! STRAY HEIFER-. Miscetianeons Advertisement& TAKE NOTNE. Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising com• munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensively before the pub lic, that the Journal has the largest cit . . euletion of any paper in the county—that iis omstautly iucreasing;—and that it goo into the hands of our wealthiest oiti• zone. e would also state that our facilities' fur ex..cuiing aft kinds of JOB PRINT ING are squid to those of any other office inthe county; and all Job Work outrun• ei/ to our hands will be done ueetly, promptly, and at Nice: whioh 'rill be atisfactory. SerS, M. PETTENGTLL & CO:Taii; Using Agency, 119 Nassau St., New York, & 10 State St., 13ostut.. S. 01. Pettengill & Co. ore the Agent:, for the "JOVltliat." and tho molt fitittentittlald largest lireulating Newspapers in the ljnited States and thu Canadas. They are rath , ..ziud to contract for no at Car !owe* - - 1 SUFFERING HUMANITY READ THIS' The undersigned takes this Method of infor ming the public generally that there Is no med icine now otleied to the Odic that it eqeal to ! VALL'S GALVANIC OIL in rehoesleg buffering humanity. witi on obsei , er of its effects in a friend of mute, who sallercd Almost everything from a nraralgie affection which te.siated the best med. icol treatment Centre county. Wo applied freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and gave some inwardly, and iu 20 minutes thepa ; beet a,lecp, end when awaked was free tree rain, and conti.ied so.—This is a positive fact uhieh I are willing to make good at any I time. A case of I , ot.qtr was cored in nearly the saute length of time. J. 11. HALlN,Centre ' 'entre countr. 1658—1 y ILION'T'IIEAP THIS New nrrg and Grocery Store. SAMUEL S. SMITH, llill St., 2 doors west of Mont,toine!y, St Huntingdon. Dealers la ChoutiruN. Dye Storrs, Paints Vandal, es, rm.:, Sm. 'Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wino and firmly of the lest article fur medical par pence, Concentrated Lye flu. InMsing Soap, Glass Putty Patent Medicine's also Coffee, Tee, Cho colate, Sugar, Moltutves, Vinegar, Fish Salt Flour, Ural:Yrs, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisins, To',ueco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum mer drink, in a word every thing usually kept in a Drug or Oro,yry Store, those who daubs pure and Genuine articles will do well by us a call. Sept. 29, THE GREAT PURIFER !- 111 E WORLD CHALLENGLD t S'ls" TO PRODUCE as EQUAL I 1.11.00 D SEARCHER kti"OI.ORIOUS!,Y TRIUMPHANT Sworn etamment of David Mt:C.oth of Ni• pier Tkiw,hip, Bedford county, In A pail, 1856, as near as I can rememembst a small pimple made its appearance on my up- Per lip, %hick soon became enlarged and core. I used poultices of sorrel, and a wash of blue vitml, without effect. Finding the sore extend , in t ; I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who pronutinced it CANCER, and prescribed. Wll4 of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of nu avail. I called upon Dr. Shaffer, of Davidsville. Somerset county, who ' also pronounced the disease Cancer and garr me internal cud external remedies—the latter consisting principllle of canstic ; but all to no put pose, as the disease continued spreading to ward the u4s. I next rand u preparation of or. seine. In the form of salve. This for a turfs checked the disease, I ut the inflammation loon increased. I next called upon Dr. Starlet of St. Clairsville. Bedford county, who also pronoun ced the disease to be C•tncur, and applied& Salve said to be a uevcr•failing remedy, but it bad no effect whatever in clerking the spread of the sore. In December, of the scene year, the die. rune luta 00100 away a greater part of my upper hp, D ud attacked the nose, when 1 wont to Cincitinati where I eonstilted De, R. S. ,N e „ too oft o hectic Medical College. Ile ptonoun eed the di.aso 'a cutaneous Cancer, superin• doted Ity an inordinate 1.0 of mercury.' Ile applied mild tire ointment, and gave me inter• ! nal remedies. My face healed up, but the iu Who not thoroughly removed, In Febrettry, 1857, he pronounced tile cured, and 1 left for home. In April tau discase again re, and so violent was the pain that I could not ft .! a t e;ght. Late in May I returned to Cincinnuti, and qta:n placed myself andFr the charge of D i .. sewton, trill whom I remained un,il September, during winch time he used corer known remedy, and pirtly succeeded in checking the disease, but when 1 rot urned home there were still three discharging ulcers upon my face. I continued using Newton's preparations, and also medicine that I got (coat Dr. idly, but the Cancer continued growing un til it had eaten off the left side of on nue., the greater portion of my left cheek,UlPlicad attack ed my left eye, I hud given tip all hoee of ev er being cared, since Dr. Ely said lie could only give reliel'; but that a core was imprnslble. In March, 1858. I bought a bottle of "Uluud Sear cher," but I must confess I 111111 110 Path in it. I was very weak when I commenced taking it ; but I found that I guided strengtu day by Say, and also that the ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was ta ken ray lace Was healed as it' by a miracle. I used a fourth bottle and I have been healthier nice than I hare been fur the :oat seven years. Although my face is sadly disfigured 1 am still grateful to a benign. Providauce who has rpm•e4 my life, and which has brat, dune through thu instrumentality of L/MI.SEI'S lntt•aovcu BLOOD SEAREIIEP. DAVID .McC 'MARY. .. Smart and subscribed. [lds 31et day . of Aa gust, A. B. 1858, before me, one of the Justices of the Poser in and fur the Borough of Bollidaps burg, Blair county Witness— U J Jones. JOHN 1-1013T.EY NEW EVIDENCI: Being afflicted with a greviniis Tatter on the arms and face—after trying many remedies which utterly failed to Core—l was persuaded by W. N. Burns tic Co. to try Lindsey's linpro vnd Blood tienrelter ; and now, six-wheks after finishing the s end bolde, pronounce myael cured. The tatter broke out, something over a year ago, on tne Meld* of toy toms, exteadiag froin the elbows down to the wricz.i; also on toy fare, immediately round the :neaili and chin, and roe titled to be a per', 4 ior , ,:inat to me wain mired by the Blood Searehe, .M.y.anne, at liaise wore almost eerie., owing to the ernebn and cores en them, liable to bleed at any time on the least exertion to lilt or work, and sometimes so itchy that I could scarcely prevent tearing oil my flesh. I have now been cured six week, nod feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pub lic generally, to make this statement, in hope that others like tnyaelf may be benefited by using his valuable medicine. JANE W ILSON. mark tiwurn and subscribed before me, one of the Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this 28th day of July, A. D. MU. AND hiohiASTEP I 'fieems ,, ,,, iiiallidayshare t Sop. 91141111-I.r. 717:2fra€