Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 23, 1859, Image 3

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Wednenday Morning, Ira :d 3. 185f.`.
The Circulation of the Ilma
tingdon Journal. it :.;reat
er than the Gtobe and Am
erit an combined.
The people composing the party. ppOtted to
lie present ttational administration, trill meet
in their respective districts, is the county of
Huntingdon, nt the usual time and plitee of
'holding delegate election, on Saturday the 9th
•day of April nrxt, to elect two delegates from
front each township, borough, and seperate
election district, to onto o'n a county count.
Lion, to he held in IluntingdOn, on
the 12 day of April next, tier the purpose of ep
pointing delegates to thu'eas S..ate eon,a
Lion to take place in nominating a state ticket.
By order of the County Committee.
B. F. PATTON. Chairman.
The Huntingdon JotruNAL for ono year, and
either of the NaellZillel3 for the same period
will be sent to the addre.os of any enbaeriliar
to be paid in advance as folio.
The Journal and Gutley's Lady's Book. f,
The so
ono year,
and Graham's Magazine, to
ono year, SU
Tire Journal and Emerson's Mdgazinc tot
Putnam's Monthly, for ono year, 50
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Elntily
Magazine and Gazelle of Fashion, fur ono yet..
-The Journal and Lady's lfmzs Mayisin;,
("7: $2 75
7 Journal and Petersons ..'ngazine, kn
L.Rls2 75
Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for oil,
year, $3 30
The journal and Geresee Farmer
ono year C.l 04
Donalion School, Burton Ureen, tench•
er ;47 scholars; 80 read and write; 18
study Mental Arithmetic; Wrtten Aril h
tnetic 18 ; Geography 7 ; Grammar S ;
Algebra 1. ; house good, well suited to n
system of instruction, deportment of schal
ars - good.
!Pot School, —Wm. Stewart, teach.
; 83 scholars ; attendunco ghod ; 29
Tend; 17 write; 12 sindy Mental Arith.
incite; 11 linen Arithmetic 12 ; Ciwogra.
phy 2; Grammar 3 ; History U. S,
house middling; order good.
The school 'nen of Oneida have a good
begining,—we o n ly say teachers rrot,gh
to supply two townships,—good echral•
houses, and no real hinderatice, to a cant.
pints success& the systvw, It is a dis•
trict where the teachers by a well conduct
ed association could carry the art of inch.
ing, and a !mow ledge of rho iciorice3 for
ward to nit endless extent.
The Schism in the Demacracy,
The Ilamsburg clanvoniiiiii of the Ho
chanan Domocracy is already prodoei•
Sts natural fruit. A movement fur a ii i•••
State Convention has been made, the c.tli
for which trill he found in another part 1:f
this days Bulletin. When a holy in t'
up of federal office holders and their d , •
pendents undertakes to condemn and ~,,,
cise nil member', of the party that tl :
support the President in every one 01
outrages on popular rights, the cmalcit..•
must be expected to rebel. Ileixert,r , h
there are two Democracies in Pentis3 lea
nia—tho 4, J. B." Democracy of Lesionp
tonism, pro (thwart. spoils and j ihbio g
and the Democracy of popular rights and
Mate independence. The Convention of
the fattier will street on the 12th of April
It is hard to say which are the stlit-am
tics in thin quarrel. When the 'J i
Democracy read out of the party
Packer and all who agreed %%jilt
Seems to us that they were seceding (rum
the Democracy that elected Gov. Packer.
Which are the' loyal and which are the
rebels, Is not, however, a matter of um Is
moment to us. It is enough to know that
there is an irreconcilable division of the
party in Pennnylvania. Otte side, backed
by the federal g verntnent patronage, sup.
ports the federal adminisuation. The oth
er. with little or no patronage, supports
the State administration against tha tyraii
nioul dictation of the the President nod all
whom he may drive into his reeks. There
is a cii,inae, now, in view of the city and
state elections that tare to take place this
year, of having Democracy newly defined
and learning which is preferred and accep•
ted among thu Pennsylvanians who have
marched under the old flag. At present,
end especially under Washington and ...1
B." system, there is but little more than
the name left.
The effect of this prompt movement in
retaliation of the Harrisburg movement,
will infuse new life into Pennsytvanin pi
ties; it w.ll counterict the impression mode
in other states, icio the Convention's
endorsement of Buchananism has bet,
quoted with many demonstrations of ap
plause; it will strike terror into the little
hearts of "J. B." and the other "8.," in
the Senate, who came in for a share of the
Convention's hollow and and sarcastic adu
lations. It will give the people an oppor
tunity of forming new party associations;
will make the elections of 1859 uncono
rnonly interesting, and- if there is any
wisdom and good management among the
Opposition leaders. will lead to the terrt
ble defeat of the Lecotnpton Democracy
in the amyl Presidential thntent in 189'0.
IthrsE.--A despatch from Bangrir, Mur,
14th. says:— Oar city election came oil,
to-day, Isaiah Stetson, Repnbheart, for
Mayor, received 1067 votes, and Willia n ,
A. 136ihe. Deumerit, ad, Of the alder
men elected, Ike are Remit.lienns and two
Democrats, and of the Coimeilinen, fifteen
are IZeptild cans nod six Democrats.
NEW I.IABIPSIJIRE. Elie returns fruit
t's.7ty Ilattipshire gives the following :Win
mare of lie result of the election in that
S. a' e:—The Reiniblienti rote of this Stare.'
so far at Itt , littl front, 07,7 t ; Deniticrtoie, '
; noticing Goode, ins trmj,rity 3:195
The whole vets of the• Slate 1411tifilit 90.
IlUft. The vote of last I Lill, 33,
333; Gut!, 31 591 ; nutjoitt 1
739 Thep. 13 towns to limir from ts..•
te!img tie• vete t,t lost p•ar
will give Cionolmno 3,-117 1/111illtily,
ConjnoNsiookil rn , ltiro,, so fur on to ' i trout
forv, in the Fast Di itelct, t'i a n..'or
Nl,nr,ton will on, about ISI , • y:
I)iArict. for 31r. Tamp,,,
in lin.. Third, for Mr, Edwards, from
to 'rite r,publicati4 have cl,••
.'lgil!, +find inooinbly nut of l•
Stn.' B..motors. '1 hoey cutlet -1
n• n t Itinresent,
Can, iun Cowey. --IVe stop t
LO niitioulicc the bunting of th,
llott,e. At about 9 o'clock, .1. M. on
Thursday morning, the ultra of fire tva•
arid it wit, discovered that the Court
liter, was in (Write,. Thu citizens were
soon r n the groun, and all the records ware
saved, but ev...y court to save the building
was futile. In two hours front the alarm
thr spler.dal toul.ling was a tones of r
The :)! 014 fire is ottributed to de.
frc ive flna which a few dollars might
have repaired and td ne :at, d rne of tit,
finest kidding. of the kind in the country.
The Court Ideate woe built in 1042 at a
cO ,l ors] PO. The ir surname rut the
buil,liuc is abatit $7 000. $5,000 hei , g
in the I,ycoultrig empany, and 2.000 of
which was talc at on the let of Starch, in
the York In or. Cce Coteriny. The Pro
thonotary, Register :And Goin.ttission. , ;'s
lice will 1-o in Arnold's Hall for the
55" e cnppose eon tracts for re..buildin .r:;'l
be itrn..tli.itely P(111,1*
Terrible Storm en -
Clark's Ferry Bridge Blown Away.
Du, cannon, l'erry County, Itarch
had n ti rrihlr theft Ilene last night,
which did ror,rh thniiiv,c to pr. p,rty.
Clarke Perry britlgtt acre
Stp.goeb,non, need as a towing. bridge for
thu cnaal• and belon4i:t4 to dot Ifennsy I vs-
Railroad e.•atly nil
blown nit:ay. it •,
of t:i u,.,:an •,
voi, down. T.:— • ;•i
;: t inge hrt, i•;:,
. . c:iy; c!hers
1: ~ .
(Line, t'
bri rt'grird,•ci us sit ft'. •I'he
and rising, aid so is the Sus-
at ~ , No vt,Nc 7.111: DEMoclttil
. EN:10, :OAP viatz:EN
a ft, L.CL'at, Uf a IsigHy 1111(11:1,.;
Cler OCCLIEfed in tile liuitorr,:•ta
v tvlticO met at Ilarrn,l,h, t
I Ow
baint-; pre, tit, lV:In C.II all Uplyi,
• 1.. - I I ;unitive I n -
41 .11 /II- I.- •1: • • :
ac.l the : at the •
a •dwrico gen, ; poll the col' . at ; ~ •
celebrated ..:N, Enghtild Soap " 1.,
Prafot•sor wady a decidad ha, bin redo' lc • it great deal of merriment,
KANSAS ELECTION. Au rlrction i; or
tiered to 'aloe place in Kotsas co the fourth
Monday in illarch, in accordance tv!tft the
nct of the 1,1 Legiolature, providing for
the for:nation of a constitution for a Suite
Go:eminent. Dolegatel to the Conititu-
Ilona! Conveosi nt are to tie elected.
THE CANAL, —We see it stated that
water will be let tine the canal on the '2l3th
inst. There has been quite a large, amount
of work done on the canal during the win•
ter, and it is now in better order than it
has been for years.
ly call your
attention to the Select School. by A. 13.
Brumbaugh, Principal, located at :Marhleo.
burg this county, a notice of which can be
found in [mother column. Mr. Bruin•
bough is ono of our most efficient tutors,
capable of teaching all the various branches
that are usually taught in Academia
:lave no doubt bui he will be well patron
(Estate of Claidena Climer, dec.)
Letters Administration on the Estate of Chris.
teen Clime, lam of Penn Township, Geld.,
hove been limed to the subscriber; residing in
same Township. All person baring claims
gainst sakt Estate will resent them for settle.
went, and those indebted wilt make payment
11!areh, 224, 1A39-13,..
tfsl :1O!
TO T1!1• .I) 'I Or I
A risr. 111 11, ..r
'litlli of itotittly. it calm. exist ill tt,
lt,t I tit' hair, tti••it rut I Vitt 3.11 1`
tol: too, . uce virtle.,tr ttroutoi I ~ •C.o.
4111.1 tio 111.1• 1• 1 11.10 . 0 4 1
11,1)4)L6 , S IRAILI 11.1.1‘1.(11:
11 , g•lvic, (~1:! of da. 1.1
hat.% li) it.
el , CI, 6.11,1 tt itlt n Ilimo,o,t ;trio, 11l
--.,• the tialloiria, 0 , ..1 t 1 !
~t,l • t:••• I t..t .
tv,tl,tott it. j,
Th, Ag.t.nt fifi Prof'. 1 . 1 I (Air
m NUNN' !lave, '
1 , ..1 tl.O , . .
DELP HI% Juiy 23.
‘i. : I h ttc
tinii.htdr 4).1' 111211 , 1
..n )TAP. In% I. • :410 1
IA bait' to . 1 1 1 I V I I
1 ~111111 t 1 ..J .1" .1S
I I' tit IL \in I I
l[t ltt ii Int., , 01. t rot
tills. os n y ul the kin I In ...11,1 in t
ha .1 111.11 hi: t tor Moil,
ither it :.1111.,i, here.
R US Pit.% TT.
•I )11 , 111 : ..,'•
11,4 1 • I . •
11' (WO 11, • - • , '.l :. • , ~,• ,
-114 111 A' , 1 '• • .
D. M. D.,
NU. 4134'V 61,
VINCLNN: 3.,!te
I . II Alla I,IIUWiI
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11.1111:$ [ ' hat
Oil, tilertf,tv,
~11 i.'l. ~~• 1...11~1~ •i 11~
0. J. 11'001) l'rt,pro-i,urn.::: 2 lirnal.
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J ._..... - -~~- - it .~.~ .. . .
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ti If. Lk T A r§i.ll, 2(4 na'r,
:1,•11tIon. ex
j !- ill
tel 14.htin ; T churches.,
: ;_crate-ramnA, balk shop., stcnm
ruihun.l curs, or wherever a
iced Partici 111,i1 . 0114 of •
I terlibiry MI. 3 V.sitiabiC article 1 , , 1!
em.m.e....1 itseU. whuul,l make catty
t.. the to ler4ign
Lamps, :1 in nay quanti
iv, with prommtte:s—Mrwarde,l I , y
e.i part.; et the Ileirei, ii•L
I cl,vt.ry 110sFoltI) e Co.
M:11.9;59.-10w. Nu t P.llll St, 'in.:: 11.
11,10iS OF THE JtaitA.ll..
Thv HUN FINUI.N.iti.INAT2 is plfhlish:
he nollowiti,, rites:
If paid within six months idler tho • •
berm; the expiration cit . the cent,
And two dollars and fifty rants it' not rai ,
later the expiration of the your. No soliscrii ,
lion taken for a less pori.ol thou six month.
1. All suliseriptiout are continuo.' until nth.
cruise ordered, sal on paper will ha discoutinn.
. . •
wall/ arrraralee are paid, X ala the option
of the publisher.
2. lire:treed ninehere aro never , ereirrtt L y,,e,
All t.tuniserg sent en in Hitt n•ay are Foal. and
nevor neettnaplish tit.• pis rpoie of the mssider.
3. Perquus n'i•hinl! to star their enheeriptiees,
must rat/ up arreitrilyea. tin,' Rend n written m
verb, nisi., On shot elruct, to the (ace us' pit-i
-t...m.4ns in Ilnistingtlon.
4. (living notice ton postmaster is neither a
legs or a proper Ratite.
i. After" Or morn numbers of a new year
have been MI wardel. a new year has comment,
ed, and the paper will not be discontinued anti
arreorinter ore paid. See No. 1.
The 'Courts have decide , ' that refusing total.,
o newspaper from dm Wilco, or remora og and
having it Inaalle.l for, is PRIMA 050111 evidence
intentional fraud.
h Sula.cribers living in distant tummies, or in
other States, will be required to pay invariably
in advance.
CO The above terms will be rigidly adhered
W in all eases.
Will be charged at the lollowhig rates:
I insertion. 2 110. 8
Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37i ✓R
(bite square, (16 lines,) 511 75 1 00
Two " ( 19 " ) 100 150 200
3 mo. 6 nio. 12 in..
Ono square, $3 00 Si 00 $6 Od
Vuo Squares, 400 600 10 00
1 colu d i o nu , , 600 10 00 14 00 18 00 22 00 25 00
do., 18 00 27 00 40 00
1 do., 22 1.3 25 00 43 00
Bioinine Cords of six lines, or less, $l,OO.
(Eelate Fetterhoo(; dee.)
Noll. is Phy iven that. I.etter4 . 1%•.0,1-
rnontory no the estate mic!,,wl Fett, , rhour
lott , of "lorril township, dve., hove 11,01 ~11,,,•
to the All prrsotto italopt.-
ed to uti l e t tr itt• rotptesteil to ninlm ;none
po)theot, marl limn , Losittif claims to pre
eott tlnott roped,. I , t , ' , .ottientt•fl for /with ,
Illtalt to JOSIAII FETTER 1.101)1 , ,
ET, Ertif 00F, lixec'x.
Nutria twit, b'elt. 16, 's9.—lit*
' Tr.
II! , 4 infornis thr
•:. ;. 1: revoi,p
r:•, • Itarl,, StittPs, Shin
-1_,,t1, Iron, &e.
L. scEitEINEE,
S. Coniqr llioad
Jn. stli 1839.--Gm.
:'(•s fccl Ed
PfT th;. ' and ti:Fsters:::
la .1. niter n lontx seriec of
• • P:tint•tits, hecrine hely
that 111.1
111111p111.., t.
1'1 2 ,1Z; 11 , 1
1 1-1,1 1111 , t1', 111
H' t 111.11 be 1 ~ t
e 11
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~_ ,
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.. ..
lii_h in , he o:ii :n:.l New •
ecntly C•notti•ini lii, views . .•, •
they I,elieve the Inn, et,
1.11,ter.1 juju.' • • ••,
They think 11, r . . I_
—(l.. 9, 4—.1,1. 17. , •
IS TIII: LII• . : r I
• Antil,hl,,,
tl,o• it •
. , • •
• • . . .
;•, . • ,•, •
•••••-••• ' • ' • • - • •
extre.i,it . • • . •
it dill, a i,s?-.Sillll 1 . '•• • • ,
beri eel, the li•C• '• . : •,,'
rug • .. : • .
ha 1.111,41 .••
tiouell t,•:11 Live Thole Ivs• I
,•••• , ••1.. • . • • 7
tie. • • .
110 , •
!VP, Ilewhrehe. •
l'hour4iiis, 2ye.
.• • ••• flu iil. efic, t
• /. I a I'M/ r • . ( I. '• •
Other ,•., . ! .
lain. I Oen htr to 11,1 • ••. • :
the !Milt - ' I •• .
atml i$ very I• , .
NutA4.ll , 1.1..! , ;.. .• •,
ainyottit,r lorit. (11 oik (1./o)1. ti. ..
.n..ialtni WI th beat, vain or to
Pr-.0n.. who have a tendency of blood
to the 1., ail or Leon. or Ira.' icartire , eq,
hrratt, Cie impure air or tommitit•tories and :Ix
11111104 la ilOtt 1111110r1i8. nr ii%
ix wtheauthy edrmites, arc exp nq,l 10 11
vitiation of the fluid.. id the Liely , which
o Wino intertereio lu g with the diet nr lasi
neae, OH, i l l throe 1111.1111, 1111011 11 , ,111011)
,11OW11111111 , 11COlioll 110111
11,1•trlio1IN and
"1 1 i or, unit soldiers bllOlllll supply themselves
with it.
Cr While many nostrum-mokers vietimize
the t.ociti natured ond or
dering "trout six ton dozen boxes of homes,
to CHI e ainy malady." no matter o hat—the un
dersipted hum ir being ;Ode mints, that
the encored 1017, I tit rreeut ii.flannuanory
neasn, woo over mime by one Acute tineko. , ' e,
and the most ohs' Mote and long standing by
one flat nie paehoge. It does just whet it
clniuw 01 do—and no more, or lees—ego .lizt's
the ;bids by removing trom the nyetem oil ar
terial nod venous true.; in,
rte., hit your;einhin,re read this.
F. COGGsWELI., 31 D.,
Dtscovnitnn ANIL, P/InPRIKTOIt.
For title nt the Cheup'Drug Store of Same!
S. Smith, et.Co.' littnOngdon, Pi.
Feb. lifth Isl 4.
MOVER & Min=
M..11..e7.1:1'.-13,:.:1N . MO.
S'l YLES—Pit .1; I , IIONI $5O to $125
rxTrt.i or rot( 151.31.8.
495 Broadway. 1. Y
730 Chc:trint St., Phila.
These Machines sew from tV:11 NlOOl, ae par•
rha,,l from ;nu stora, requirinq 110 r
thrrmi ; they limn, 1 f-11, (Gither tut , l St:,; ‘; ' r ,
%.: stlnerh , each .cant by their
rovn without recour, to the liontl
nio,ilr. a+ is required by other Ica...Li:le:. They
will do butler tool el c Ter sewing than a scorn
sire:, can, even if id, work< ihr one cent an
!War, 111111 are, iiqueitiunittily, the hest
in i1:1 mullet for family sowing, on re-
, t I II eir I
..,,nent, and ndot,taii,,n to
!i..;,.. ~ , , in,—exueuttiiv either heavy ~ r
NVit.• equal facility, and without
its evidence of the unquestiened annethc.:!
or the , c Machine+, tint aIIOTER & BAK.
NIACIIINI: COMPANY he;; leave to respectful
y terer to the foilawi,
,• ' ! •, • !.' Grover & 11.1cer.'s
11,;11 . 1y
. .
~1 r ~. ~ L.':.., it
.~.......~. /''...~ . .......
!WIC. k easily kept In ....lee, and
---,lbw .1. /; 111,ippic, wife ef
:'. • . 11.1.; a in
. • .
••If Ilidner could Le eulle4l up front his 111,11.-
Ly leeks, Le wetild , ing the illivent ci (ir"ver
P 0.., us d more in-ifiguaut, tuiruclo of ut'
than cue CV, V 111,11 1 ., ,tuitL. Lie wo:thl
teecu - e mut.
ii. 1.,
r C:r.)vor
• •11 is a beautiful that;, Lat.! 1 .. •• . ' • •
• , 11 1',115111i . 111 01 1,111,,,,, 11
•• tt• 1 t , ltur,lll titsi-t llmill SAM.,
L . g .171 51511511 t• 511111 1,
l dettils t•,.. •
• • . • ~• r r..t
' ' • •• • • - • • • tu 1.. - •
• . I that machiue to work to our s •
I es,irt. revoinin,riti it 1,1 . •
1101119, (;rover Fc I;A,,
MACIlikl•3 iu the."-LAtify .
: ' , v for ntmily purp.e with
t I ..L ' r !Loy will lust one
never get Out
• . • 5eV , VCCkS,
. .
. . . .
. I ' ••, • •., nod toost.
, , , „ , either by 11.1tol or
. 111 . 1/ 1, 1, & Ma
:::11c r.. 111.0 1/1 1.110 11 1 1 ,5111141 i tl.l our
e.•x. " -.1/.y. 71tilor,
"I have one of Ciro, i• •• .i:lker',4 Sewing Ntn
,•:.inos iu n•ti in no it involna-
Ide. I can confidently if:commend it vi nil per
s.te in want of a tnaclnne."—G. T. Thompson,
.Vieshville. Tenn.
"I take pleasure in ecitifyint; to the utility of
the Grover & Baker Sewing llitehines. I lin
used one on almost every ileseeption of work
for mouths, nnil Unit it much stronger than work
ilono Icy han.l."—.llos. D. IV. Wheeler, Sasho if&
"I would ho unwilling to tlisposo 01 my Gro
ver & Baker Machina for a largo 0111011nt, could
I not repinee it agaid at pleasuro."—Mrs.ll.e.
&Gael, Nashville Tenn.
"Our two Mitrhines, purchased from yon, do
the work of twenty young Indies. Wu with
pkusure recommend the Grover & Boker ma
chine to he the 141.? in nn."—N. C.
illacellaueous Atlvertisemmts.
Peters Patent, nonexplosive Gns Lamps
art , jtul Wag for all being the only
burner having a non conductor and real,
lotto' att4 ving thr Loops and flu •
id nlwivs cold—not like others—the being
but a simight the entering the lumps.
Goods at wholosale prices, or State or
County rights for Sale. Address or apply
to D. P. Peters, 422 Broodway, New
o PIIII.AI3L. 1. P n I A,
This rallery or Art is .w open for pniiiic
inspt•rtion (d• spec:lll,ns of Andiroiypei. Cry.,•
tsl.,2rdphi, Cimilar and Star
Piet iire, or .le, or R , sidetiee, ta-
I.On on the l'it.tures-I,•iters of different col,,rs.
;0.4. i.nclotA, Ringo, ur
I, ',0,11,0
I. at, inv ed ' •
nll , l • • l'iLtures talc, al
WV!! ' I •• . .
I 16, W: j. tO )1•111 . 11 illiS 1:W1111C:rill
1,1; 11`. \V. F. "1 . 10,1 from Pl,i!a.
... t ' ..:' ~.'.
- I
n, 11 ,mall r,
New li,„ '
; c. 22 tr.
...... ..... .. ~:orc,
EatC:l,lll, nail' Dye !
Ori2ina! and Best in the World !
: 1: , • - 11!;
1,1 411,,1.1
.1 it
: , ; ••• I!.
Jr•,'r I'
1~. ...
. ,
9 Volumes of BOMil for Sale.
. • ( I t.-; for enTy ICOO
~.• •- • exietl,vo ,:r•r•!: I wid
• • .
. • •.• • -.. • - awl give (.i;31111)
• . • worili presehts vltryiog
• ••...ots tv 100.00. (..)r, Iltuae
. 1., . : • •
W,li. 1 , , •
' WI , K AN!)
• . turn up behind—l—
' • •• .1: . ...toed, thli is the ui l
• . •
these things aro
17. %. 233 Broadway, N.
1111 11 , 11"1.1/61,11
110,1i11/01,..-11.,V to 'Way •::
th, r.). of nil,t3e,l—!whue an i
, .
: • . r rnc•t , :r II t• •• •
•.t , , •
• • • • • ; SW.A I M 111, ; •
; r I • • ,••••..., : 1 11' 11111, L ' ald , u
'••; • ; ; ; ;• J . 111. UZI I:1W
•tppear ile•rerlulan that 5.,.
many disetetcs sbould be rt.ach. II •,.! •
clo ; suelt an id., will tallish •
points to the lat.!, that the sal, it a .• :•
that of ingredients, each and cv,ry ~p;:•)•
;,,, a p,rreet, to its ttroOttto
io its tetict ts is tottgi,td, Ilectutse the time is
short between diseases and a permanent cure;
and it is an extractor, as it draws all diseases
out of the affected part., leaving eature .
per!ect as belot, the injury. It is searcely ne•
cvssurr to sac that PO WUr4 sln.p, or
mantibtelory should he one moment without it.
No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the
box has has upon it a steel plate engraving,
with the name of Henry Dttlley, Manatee
ret. For sale by all the I)rtigei no nod patent
medicine detthrs throughout the United totes
and Canada.... l'ait , cipal Depot,
165 Clianibors 5t., New. York.
John Rend, Agent Huntingdon Po,
Nov. 17,
Cat. to the reaidence of the
subscriber, living in Tod twp.,
bout the find port of June last, a
heifer, about one year old, darLaft e e,....,
red color, with a slit in the lett car and the
ght cur empped. The owner is requested to
come forward, prove plopertr, par charges and
take it away. E. PLUMMER.
Miscellaneous Advertlsments.
Advertising and Job Work.
We would renrimi the d vertising com
munity and all others who wish to bring
their business exten.ively lefore the pub
lie, that the Journal has the largest cir
culation of any paper to the county—that
iis e instantly increo,n7;—nncl that it
Roe' , into t!:e hands of ,Ur wealthiest citi-
e ,VGLI;LI aau n as that our facilities
ror ex,cuttg nq kindt , of MC PRIN7-
1 . ..,(3 ore e,jus; to those of nny other office
intile county; nod nil Job Work outrun
ed to our hunch will be done neatly,
rowdy, and nt prices which will be
ntisfitctory. . .
rea)".S. M. Pf i'TEN GRA. Z.; Advet
11 !.7a &
19 Slate St Ni. Pottenitiil & Co.
are the Agents Fur tip,: "Jotttsa I. - and the most
h it. ee i ot a ] large,t eirealatiNk Newspaper.
le the Poised States 1111 , 1 the 00,0. They
tI to uo,:uot for ua at our owes
! 1112 \IAN t)
C. ;4 Th.thod of infor
. goner.dly that f.,ere is no mod
, . . to the ~ l ie that id e..,e.t1 to
• r.,".1M(..7 OIL is it:horsing
. effects in trl friend of
event , ,ng Irrtin
it resisted the hest mod
. (;, , ,,tre connty. Wo applied
i.: i, Oil to u.o n.tinfill part, and
• . , et.,l itt 20 minute.' tho pa
, I:cn LlA‘liked WQI frPo fro.
, 1 :1 su a positiro
1 11.11 . Sto motto '9OOll at any
•, , tea; cured in nearly the
J. U. HAllN,Centre Frill.
';nitre county.
IC l'asB-1.
pi-Ari THIS
artl arc"er; store.
- 11'1 I • ,1..0rs west
•5 Hnnr. Icn lu
' . • l'rniqh-
:' •
• 'UV
'1'111; WOULD C!!11...1,1.NGED
P"..)i , 1 - Cl 7 . yrs : il' 1L!
. riIER
I.i r
41 it 'Al,Cre..r, of Na.
I +. uo;tr n= I can reMPTII,Mt , Or
n: peurutwe on my up
,.tularge,l vml Nore.
, . • .1 a wn , l2 of blue
, • ~ rt.e.q. 1 lu,'ing the so. extend
; . (' ANci 11 n:•1 21!,e lit wi , h
I . : upull 1)r.
• ,10,1
1,1; ',wt., •••,- •-• ~• , .•'• ••ttw luttcr
.:••••••,; but ttl! to nu
I`U fl ~i`IIII
r ; I I i ~i
. - -
••. ,•• • ••I "I'LL; a limo
; • „ • ,r,:!nnontatir.sti
..:! ti Dr. StAtler of St.
• • • .• i0..1 In onoutt
tile 111`e.t, t.. - Saler,
5 . C.:1144 140 41 11YYt•1 •• 4 4 , it 11041110
etrert ‘ ,4 141114.4Ver 411 ell , 4:4.444g 1,444 Si4rcild of the
sot ,. In 1)44,4 4 041ier, of the same year, the dis
ea,e had eaten away .t aredter part of my tipper
hp, awl had attacked tile 114450, wl,O I wont to
44,14,4 44 44 4,44 . 4440 . 11!441 Ur. li. 8. Newton
.•1 le Nle.lical College. Ile pronoun
,t• entaile”ri Cancer, superin
; ;.•• 1. titercury•" Ile
„ „ • , , and gave me inter
, ~ I.caied up, but the in
,tu.n WJai thoroughly removed, In
18,7, he Pronounced me cured, and
. , .Ipril ti e lilt re
, • Late in !.I ty Irc erned In
„tuvielf under the
I rettutined
time he need
, • , • ; , ..y succeeded in
I returned
,„.. t „, • ulcers
lace. I ‘,..utinttel wing Newton's
alSil :11i: tn.:II. that I got from
%. ft,• gron lug en
ido of n.y nose, the
• •, ~.teolts nut had attack
i.„,/ or,u, of cv
' , 1)r. Ely seal he could only
, • , •'. ; th a t a cure ,v.ts innaNsible. In
I nought a bott le of Seat-
I tutt,t conk,. 1 lord no tatila in it.
..;1, . 1 occtilnellt•ed taking it ;
I tiu.• i day I.) day.
• •• 1, •• • ..menced lying up.
, , • :I.ted bottle leas
:r by a miracle. I
ate; I have been healthier
I , bc,i, tic the his , vvru yeara.
fl,l til,:iglll . o.l I on :I'll
PrOlfidellet, 1010 lien spared
. .I w1,t,11 has been dune through the
i. -trion,ntality IILOOD
•it!..s,,ihed. this flat any of Au.
A. 1853, I,etioe me, one , 11 . the Justices
the reset, in awl fur thi Borough of Holliday+.
m.g. liluir couviv
Witness-- U J Jones. JOHN GODLEY:
Being afflicted with a greeions Tester on the
urns and Ince—alter trying many remedies
Mach utterly failed t, eure---1 was iinisuaded
W. M. Ilan, & Co. to try Lhulsev'a Impro
ved 'Blued Seatcher ; and now, eix-wheke atter
finishing thu a coed boWe, ntonounce ruyael
'l' he totter broke out, some!hing over n year
ego, no the inside of my at V., extending from
the elbows duwu to the wriNts; Alm) on my titre,
immediately round the month and chin, and con
tined to be it pet:lCct torment to me wad; cored by
the Bleed &oreAer. illy urms, at times, were
almost tireless, owing to the oaths and sores
en them, liable to bleed at eon time on tha
tenet exertion to lilt or work. and ....mimes
so itchy that 1 could scarcely prevent tearing
oft my Ilmh. 1 have now been mired six weeks,
and feel /0 1 / 1 1) to Mr. Lindsey, It/ the pub
lic generally, to oink° this statement, in hope'
that others like myself may be benefftted by
using bis raluuble medicine.
Sworn end sulmerilled before me, one of the
Aldermen in end tbe the City of Pittbburg, this
28:h day of July, A. I), 185 i.
AND AIcSIASTER Alflerptsis,
Vollielgolsurg, Sept. 89,58. Iy,