Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 23, 1859, Image 2

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    Aunt ington Nunn!.
Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning, March 23, 1859
We have copied largely front the Har
risburg Teles,raph and Philadelphia But.
Jean of the doings of the late Locofoco
State Convention. It will be seen that
the whole convention, without a dissen
ting voice, fully endorse the presidents
Kansas policy, with all its infamous frauds
and bloody horrors, and cast Douglass and
Packer, and of course every anti Lccomp
tan Detnocrat out of the party. True, a
small minonitt, 37 but of 133 voted for a
resolution endorsing Gov. Packer on some
points of his administration; out this was
a mere sham of the shrewd 37, a palpable
aelfstultification of themselves,. Had
they apposed the Buchanan, Cuba-steal
ing, slave exteuding writ Billy Bigler res
olutions, they might have had some credit
for voting for the Packer resolution. But
after Buclanan and Bigler, their
vote for Packer was an insult to him and
his friends.
We rejoice that the slavery party is
begining to show its true colors. Thou.
sands of honest and good men will attn
don that party as soon as they see its real
principles and aims ; and these thousands
will rally around the Peoples standard and
make their party impregnable for years
So mote it be.
We shall give extracts from some of the
ptincipul speeches in the Locofoco con.
vention, and offer some further comments
next week
The election on Friday last passed off
very quiet, and orderly. Little interest
was manifested by our citizens in the re
sult, as it was riot nettle a party issue
We append a list of officers elected; those
pi italics represent the Peoples party;
Democrats in Roman:
Fur Constable—W. K. Rahm,
School Diricfora—Owei, Boat, Alex. Port
Inspectors.-4. IV. Benedict, Taos Ad
4senaor.—Ch r isti lin Snyder.
As we stated before very little interes t
was manifested in the result end not one
third of the vote of the district was polled
Sheriff's Sales.
The following property will be sold by
the Sheriff, on the 11th day of April, at
10 o'clock, A, II:
Four lots of ground in Newburg, Tod
township ; property of Amos Clark.
Three lots of ground in Porter township,
property of Daniel Shively.
Lots No. 17 and 23 in the village of
Grayspori; property of George II Steiner.
Lot No. 91 in the borough of Hunting
don ; property of P, ter C. SwOope.
Five lots of ground in the borough of
Birmingham ; property of A. P. Owens.
Eleven acres in Barren tp ; property of
Moses Robison.
One hundred acres in Shirley tp. ; pro.
party of James Leonard.
Two tracts of land in Henderson twp ;
property of Samuel Sankey, %% !Ilium San•
key end Margaret Sankey.
A lot of ground in Marklesburg; proper•
ty of Anthony Beaver..
A lot of round in Franklin township
property of Henry L. Harvey.
A tract of land in Barren township , pro
party of David Crownover.
girln our lust issue wa published
some suggestive rules for the spplication
of lime, which we took from that excellent
reliable periodical, the American Agricul•
Wrist, and we would particularly recom
mend out farmers to try it,
looking to retrenchment have, however, ,1
ilirOn last Thursday a brakeman on ! issued front the Postmaster-General, and
one of the Central Railroad Colnpany's the probabilities now are ti at Mr. Buchan.
ears had one of his feet run over by one I an will yield to the wishes of art majority
of the cars, he was brought down to this of his Cabinet, and wait till Deceinter for
place for Surgical attendance; the Surgeon Congress.
bound up his foot, but the probability (Si
'Cho April number of the Atlantic
that amputation will be inevitable. i Monihly is now on our table; the contents
are as folliiws: Agsaiianisui; Bulls end
Bears; Prayer fur life: Odds and ends
from the Old World; Two Sniffs; PI!.
trey's and Arnold's Iltatories; Drifting;
Baba di Roma; A letter to a Dyspeptic ;
Th, Utah Expedition; Our Skitter Belli;
The prJessor at the Breakfast-:able; Tim
IMIr At a meeting of the Presbyterian
congregation of this borough, held on Mon.
day last, in their church to elect n pas
tor, the Rev. Geo. Washington Zau
of Crawford Co., received a unanimous
. .
Tax New Bedtord S'landare of March' Ministers Wooin?; &c. &c. Ptiblislied at
10th, says that there :a a man residing in Somali, Mast , , by Philips, Sampson & Co.
that city who has for several dap been in :at $3 per rienufrb
a trance, and now that he has come out of , ----__.....
carA ~Itle orphan girl died
it he gives evedence of having attained !
suppirsed, in the hos itntof the ' ms was
sisters of
wonderful kno v:edge. speaking seven
Cr)',hait at NVheelitfg, Vu. Her lettere'
different languages. He is repre, diled was arranged, but owing to the inc'entun
as being a titan of no education, except cy of thi• weather, it was patine:ed. In
w h at b e b ee o bt a i ne d w hil e i n t hi s state of ttio meantime, while one of the Si-ters
trance. I was arranging &misfiling ab en the entlin,
- - i the little girl raised op and asked far n
drink of water It us suppose) that she
with in n trance, and it was nothing out
the heavy rain that averted her horrible
re..o of being buried alive
IPPrCoiert will coma eras on Monday,
the 100. inues t.vo
CODE OF 110N011. The Pennsylvania tiemocracy.
..filopted by the Editorial Union ofi To seem the support of the Democrat-
Pennsylvania. i is party in Perinsylvarrin, n Democratic
I•W tierces, it is the leading purpose or office holder oust sacrifice his principles
this Union to establish such a code for Ihe to
the soca Iled principles of the party. De
general observance of the members of this
Union us experience shall from tune to must get rid of his conscience and put in
time dictate, ana as shall cause the press its place a platform. Governor Packer
to become a more eflectiv e agent in the has not yet performed this piecti of poliii
promotion of the general welfare of our col surgery. Ho presumed to proserve
comeaon country; we, therefore, declare.his conscience and to obey it in preference
Ist. Thin moderation and fairness and
dignity are, at all times, honorable in the to platforms and l•residentr. Ile recog.
editorial profession. sized popular rights and condemned exec
.2.d. That courtesy, especially to Co- utict, nod congressional usurpation. •f he
Ce ssi
temporaries, is to be cultivated in the pro.
President of the United states regard,l
this as a personal mitre, and he set the
Bd. That personalities which necessa
rily lead to the degradation of the i „,.„ whole rack of party h ou nds upon the of
are to he deprecated, fending Governor of Penusylvania. The
4th. That in the conduct of newspa- T stilt is dint the Democratic stn e
per discussions, the rules of "Imnorable vernier), which net yestesday in Dorris
war" should beobserved.
burg, passed res.olutMas approving of James
That the deliberate and wanton viola-
Linn m" t h ese se ll evident principles, and Etiehrinan and bin course, and rejected a
of such additions as may be hereafter mode reso'ntion approving of William F. Packer
shall be deemed sufficient grounds to con. ;ne t his
sure by this assocertion, and, if persevered , It must be a matter of very small enta
il) the expulsion of a member.
That the wanton violation of that code seeneuce to Gov nmor Packer to be relau
of honor which this Union shall deem es. ked by picked Cotieention, the snot
sential to the dignity and respectiability of active splris of which were dorm , d hun
the press, shall suhiect the member so of• turd of federal place unit pittreMige, or
fending to a forfeiture of the usual courte.
its t:a sti
inointed appliet. for the favor of
ales of the hirers; mid a resolution miry be "
adopted that the members of the Astoria. tier State *.eivernittent. Nay, n twin of
tion shall strike his Raper from the list o f ; delicacy or fine sense must congratulate
exchanges." himself that he does not receive the coat.
Having the honor of being a member of Omit-ns of a body that can comphineot
the Editorial Union, we shall endeavor to James Buchanan. The mere oircumstan.
observe its laws; and, therefore, note, once ces of the Conventmo's sustaining ins
for all, refer those creatures who have been present federal administration, with its
n the habit of foully slandering and corruptions, its usurpations:. its extrava
t g us, to the above Code of Honor as our paces, atr 4 its manifuld 'mirages open the
'o'er to their future billingsgate, { p eo pl e mid the constitution, makes its
praise a mockery, its endorsement an in
suit The Democratic party of Petinsyl
rosin to Inch contains so many pure Ana
worthy men, should have been spar d tit
degradation of having the inienities of "J.
nun cited in ils.lilfts. It would have
been much more decent to have passed in
silence over the doings of :he President du
ring the last two years. Oblivion is the
best 11.11 to he asked for by the true
friends—if suck there are—ot James Bit
ch man,
ITIIE • WAVERLEY NovEr.s..—The well.
known firm of T. B. Peterson,& Brothers
306 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, are now
engaged in publishing n retnarkably cheap
edition of these unapproachable works r.f
fiction. The first, "Ivonhoe," appeared
lon Wednesday of last teen; the next, •Guy
I mann ,ring," will issue to,day..'llob Boy,"
next and so on, cne novel will b • published
I regularly on each and every coming Sat
' urdoy, until the whole number of volumes
—twenty six—is completed. The low
price fixed by the publishers for them ore
25 cents a volume, or the whole twenty.
n ix volumes for five dollars. complete
set will he forwarded. Ire, of.l
!mail, to any part of the United States, to
laity one, by the publishers, on receiving rt
!refl. - nit:once of five dollars for the twenty
six voluinent or A remittance of thriie dol
lava will pay for the fir,t twelve volumes ;
or n remittance of one dollar will pay for
the firth four volumes. The novels will
bo neatly printed, and each volume will
contain about 125 pages, printed on fine
I white paper, and neatly bound .with pa.
per cover. The reeked unilorm Edim
burgh edition, from which this is reprintrd
comprises fory-eight vol ones, the cost of
which is seventy two dollars;iiiiii this oil'.
' tine will contain every word of the Ella
burgh ~ d ition. We commend the deter
: niniation outfits tuterprising Philadelphia
firm. to huffish the works of en Author
like Walter Scott, at a price so reasonable
that all persons whatever may possess it
full set, mid direct the special attention of
our readers to the fact, and would advise
them till to make a remittance of Five Dol.
lays once, per first mail, to the publish
era, for the entire set, who will send them
complete to any one, free of postage, on
receipt of that sum.
The Iron City CL!/edh•.l'ittsburg. Pa.
has done more in three year.; to pop.i la r.
jut the science of accounts. than any other
in,titutution in the country. Advertise,
the mot t extensively—pays the most lib.
eral saleries—employs the best talent—
gives tie most thorough and practical ed
ucation to graduates, and is rewarded by
having the largest institution of the kind,
in the Union, numbering at this time up
wards 350 students.
err We had reason io hope that the
Presidont would decide whether or not t o
ham an extra session of Congress . by this
timo, but that aged politician, with charao•
'erotic timidity , still hesitates. Orden.
Doubtless the pol:Crel trier ds of Gee.
error Pucker wi:l be tab., to mike an ant-
Plu and 11.1(1,001e %Indication of his courhe
sild his ndatini,tratfon. It is 1.4 our of
nur do Wt.' thick it ie I,operotiv•ly re
fluired in the ',cadre( circuo....4.,hees of
the case. lint the tic' of the Contention
desetves notice as an impoil int initi.itive
step in the :Suite c;irtra, id 1839, and as
! having thu. , d-c,i1.,1 bearing nit the Pres.
identia, canvass R ‘lessis. Rich
1 unison L. Knight and John Rowe were
res t ieciively nominated by this sawn Coa•
entitm for the rffices of Auditor Clen ,- ,tl
arid Survey, r These grnitlenviil
whose cc oiliness we tire not going to dis
putt., have forced upon their backi, at the
very opening of .the contest the burden
of James Uuchanan's sins and weakoess.
'They nie branded ''J. 11." by thii hot
of the Slate Coi,vention. y are to i,
while in this disabled and &prior d con
dump, to declare war against Uoy.
Pucker, hus administration, and the host
of INtriocratic voters that agree with him
in his diflerer ces with the Pre:id,..nt, ergs
advocacy of the 6vvereigti right of the '
people, and his opposition in slavery ex
tension. The Convention could not have
entirely considered this, when they rejoc•
ed the Packer reolutioa. They certainly
would not have insulted their candidates,
whoever they 'night have horn, by (lei ,
ing them into the field and 'timing them
to run the gauntlet nu the people ut Pew,.
sylV.ll.l. with such obloquy tin their
An ellirt will be 'node, by way of nba
ring the injurious eflect that the condenina
tion at Gov, Packer roust have up ni the
Democracy at the next etectten, to repro•
sent that it w ,a owing to his course on li:ca I
and State yiesuous. lint lilt inmple are
nut quite so asinine as the Dr:moor:um lei,.
ders suppose theta to be. They kung
that the orders fur this coudenmatioh alone
from Wash :Igloo. They know that it is
1.,1y owing to the foci that Gov. Pucker,
in oil messages, instead of adopting the
President's southern view io regard to
Kansas, presumed to adopt the vii w of the
people of Pennsylvania, to whom slate he
was resp•msible. Ther, was a time when
any kind of doctrine coiild be forced upon
Pennsylvania by lederal adminia tratior s.
and when pri -,liiveryism was humored
and dish to, it not absolutely sustain
ed. But this tint.• passed. 't he el..c•
lion of October, 1858, when the candidates
of the Buchanan Democracy for mate tiff.
ceo were defea;ed by from twenty-live to
thirty thousand majority. and t:iimi i he t.,
tot combined opposition :mil eat-rnp
tot, democratic itialooly on (2, , 11;,, , ,,an•1i
was about seventy thousand, wis the most
cohviiicing illiv-iration of dos. Did the
Convention reflect that Ibis intij city wits
against them, end ilium be over...moo before
Messrs. Wright and Rowe can be earl:7l.d?
bid they reflect that by rejecting the Puce
leer reimlution they secrets 'Jetting the axis
flog schism in the party, were driving
from tin in the 1111188 of ittile; , entlent voters
anti are making the vine f.,r the party can
didates u mote hopeless minority than it
woo lust October? Did they know dint
they were giving the opposi..Al it strength
they could not have dre 1:11I'd al, nail were
thrusting upon them fitc , litits. not only lor
a victory in October 1859, hut fora morn
magniEcen national victory in November,
' 1860 • -Phila. Bulhtia.
;ratio State Conven• ' LEGISLATIVE NEWS. 1
i,ed, the Deinn.:•rniic : Petiliona 4.c. !
iburg, elected as per- ' Mr. SCIIELL, a petition of citizens of
If untingdon county, for n law prohibiting
(lolling in Aughwich creek and its tram.'
Clout of the Demoi
tion —The A
After our report cl
;Onvention, at llarrt
notoeot officers
Vice Presidents.
I j. A.
John Roberts,
.1 B. DRVI
I'. korner,.
I'. D. Brodium(l,
'lit: !pain,
B. .1. Ifithiornan,
1 3 ..1..111,40n,
M 5. 1 ,1..,
J. W. 'l'nto.
.1. 11...1iwr,
A.;•, , ,
11. Sv:ionl.
J. Whenlnn,
S. 11. Gilbert,
11. H. Knight,
Wm. Gri , v,
J. Van Ilnalcirk,
S. If Shannon,
Anthony Grady,
A. C.
F.. S. Doty,
I'. Hamilton,
W. 11.
S 11. 11,41,
11. I,wri.v.
.1. 11.
.I.i lii
.1. 0. 11.111 and,
.1. W. Douglass, J. I.rib, i OBJECTED nli.t.s.
J. S. Africa, J. 11. Bailey, Ely Mr. STEPEIENS, ..An Act to in
.l. P.. Davis, B. E. Brown,
T. P. Collins, Juts. Sweuu, corporate the Huntigdmr (7 ,, unty Bank."
\V. S. Picking. S. Jenkins, PETITIONS &C.,
1..1. liuruson, S S. Seely.
G. W. Sliuwdu, Jacob Cannel, On motion of Mr. YARDLEY, Senate
The report wins unanimously adopted. I bill No. 52G, "An Act to incorporate the
The tThairimin announced the follow rig Huntingdon Valley railroad campany/
COMM ittve tint Resolotinns. t I "An Act to repeal an act relative to
R. J. Haldminin.G M. Wl.non. G.W. roals and Aridges in Jackson township,
Miller. Jos L. Gillis, It. E. M rennglto, L. I Ilan lingdPn county."
L Tate, V E Pinlett, 0. B. liollin , S I By ;Ur. 1 10/1 ON, .An Oct for the
Inrther Y 4.411101011 Of the S , ,t I tax on real
Jenkins, N. D. Fetterman, R. 13 l'etril,n,
nn nu al estnte," with a trative nec
J. B. Beck, I, Hagetnnn, E. S. Dot, J. lan g
Leisenring. i out litentlatum.
The following is tin obstruct or the reso• From the Mantas z
so G u o . a l : l N 11 1 1 ,, c rc 5 , i , ° . 2 1 0 . :
Th e Salt Loft,' Inuit arrived at St. Jos
The ,
epic 0.. 0.1 c,ituroat
: firro. resolution 'sustains President • , . . , posst , ogers
Buchanan's Administration.
' top,. t muting hundr,ls of persons on
The second ta,ows prals4 00 the Ad
route fur the gold r. pion.
ni:nistration, for settlitrg tplostions with I Tit, pip e rs report the
emigration as
Grout Britain, liansas, Utah, &a.
ing grin ter Ono airy known before in this
'Ph, third advocates ineidental protection
to the iron a li!.co I inlereot., rind holds [lie .
The Kansas Pity Journal if Conine tc,
present fluid to be ii., flciei.t. It also re-
of the 3t , th oh., het, the tett ,,, at/vices froth
commends the views as advanced on the ! the „tote.. llv
te , tr , wa , fireerautt, the
subj. ct of the tarifi by
inhis i miners making train three to fire dollars a
day on an average.
The fourth defends the Paraguay expo Al. G. Ramsey says the country around
the head wirers of *the Kits ats is as rich no
The tl;'tli advocates the annexatin of the Platte in goid ; la sales it is much supe
rtor for it4ricultoral purposes, lie Can
The .ixth commends the Administration trots emigrants ag,tiott. the,
for opening it highway t o th.• l'ileifie• ore d it.ponal to be troublesome, arid think
entitle the public to travel with safely, tire lot
The seventh supports the doctrine of I on
e tam, hunt there tiro prints or
yllllllr se veri ignty.
mei lA' the thud, who st,tle that the wows
he eight'i favors nri honest and econo itre ntm . bo,z, rn t there is no stoney to be
mica) of the nif,,,rs of the trod, owl Hwy h oed ct..turvinioo ;Lod death
(:o,,,,,ronwealth, moll the [wapiti •re re to 11 1,, prim nom of tint adv. usurers.
!level the erroroton, debt ; and oppwes A company has bees orgitinz-il, with a
any ritorecePsa re exp , iol orVeduction capital or t•.:oo,oti, to run it ittutile dotty
Of revenue :roe or ;Mtge ttiltlit, and un eXprt,2
fire ninth reroiunh ulna ahr es ntd ,11. Irma to for the
mew of at in leretidert treasure. for the trate, °minint of pl,:eligert and freight.
safe It. , ephig of the 111,11i..y of the 'ion- Two .01 leay.• venworh each
moo we 1 ti, nu the principle of the United rt., ) . intend to establish stations
S !,utr.Treasory. nhing the route, every ton miles.
The tenth it. proves of St.titillt litgder's
course in Congress. NO EN:l'ltAt SESSION OF FONGIIir.SS.
apprisi, tlit• graining
aorpornii• inivili.nes, and Ind& ilia' indit i
, Inalcainhil shun id in• encounnp.d.
The resolutions were rend septinitely u , h• t . rophie duo patch has been soot to Nvty
and adopted• Yo,k thi, morning to go out by the Colt.
Mr. I.Anilwron o :.p Stromer,...ouncing that there
pr,,ving the policy Gov. l'Acic. wlll he no Prooir , ocion Idbood for an vx
to „„1,,, s ~,; , ,„,s . , c „,, 0 ,.,„ of Cinigresn.
'dud hit administroll aof .;ue aftuirs Thera is much speculation as to how
Commonwealth. particularly of the ex u e service of the Post office llepartinent
forte, „ s worthy „ r ,„„,„,„„,,,„, 1e It he maintaitted. In quarters, usually
commendation. Mr. Lamilterton supported the best . Informed on such subjects, it us
the resolution in a pswerful speech. sold the low authorizing the issuing of
Mr. Monaghan nI('I ier.spul'',ug, n,t Colitt:•C'S W!ii be curried out,
the resolution, cletri f ,in g , Gov. Porker with eautnicilug the ',me el Treasury tvarru•utts
dishatte,ty nt his public sots, by the traits. as t1,11:11, is no motley to pay
fen and sale of the l)e'uware d,visitm, and Oiett), ti.eY will be itt tbu baud , nt contrac•
other canals of the State. tors, serve as the ha,is of leans. It is nut
known that. any other evidences or ce.•titi•
Messrs. Jenks and flopkins supported
the resolw.ion. cams of indebtedress will be i• • ;led
Mr. J 01112,011 denounced Governor Pack
Peaitenda.y Birde.—Four prisont rs
er in unmeasured terms.
swooned. Cumbria county
front were on Friday pia
11t Gillis and
previous question was called by
cod to durance in the Western penitentiary
itswooned.'rite resolution ,
was lo,t--ayt, 7, nays b l'hey were sent for burglary and larceny
for terms of r ine, seven and two years
Convention then proceeded to ballot
All the cells but two in the institution are
or a candidate for Auditor General, with
now riccur.d. lF the system of suiitary
t he following result :—Wright b 9. Ziegb,
confinement is to be adhered to the Stan
27; ~tlistiury 7 ; lJnwl,e b.
must value provisions for an erilargi•ment
Richurd.. L. Wright was thereepo.
of the number of cells before many•more
declared the choice of the Convention.
prisoners lire sent here.
John Rowe tons re nominated for Sur.
veyor General by acclamation. The Mpuhlicaa Ticket to be Elected by
At a lute hour in the evening time Con 50,000 111.1aity —Mr. Collins submitted
vention adjourned. Ithe following, which was seer read the sec.
and time :
Mistake at a Fan, ral.—Aboot the end Rtso/ved, Thnt it is the opinion of this
of last mouth, the following singulur inis. Conversion that the R.ptililir , ns will elect
take wrs made at Dole, Po u nce :
their ticket next frill by homer) ini.joritv.
Two persons had died at the hospital of
On motion of Mr. Piol•tit, the proce
that town, and were buried tit the same ings
of the catty,
wolt ed
time. The deceased were a young ' ill we're directed to be published in pamphlet
and it roldter of the garrison. Ituth cotl;ns form.
being placed alongside of each oilier, they
were so confininded that the young girl Bothcreil —The Ifarrishurg 7'e/eget/jib
was accompanied to her last home by n pla• FIIt N l l lN vv iin i i i neinn i n j un , now
om i t o f dragoons, with military bettors, in about the same rondilim in which Mac
, while the voting soldier covered with it pall lit-nth, in the ..13 •aunr's ('liters,'' :mind
.01 flowers. emus emblems of purity and himself is hen two interested ladies areick
innucem was borne OH four f2llllll/112 tn i hi nt rat the seine t i me. If t h ey ca l l an
slieelders, and followed by a proce,siun of extra stusion, or Opposition niiijnritv in the
young girls reciting prayers. , flimsy of It, prentatives will in inve,tign.
v.v. If they do no: call ii, they must get
I Pra°" e ""'Y 'Jul' Couch.
frf. 1111)/12 without money, which will. be death
ferson cionity, Pit.. whilst tritvellitig home mu the
from Indiana, on the 4th inst , lost one hun
flow happy I could he with either,
dred and sixty dollars in gold nab silver. Were t'other dearer charm away."
lades with nets ar.d seines,
Xll u, a petition of citizens of Bedford
comity, fora law authorizing the sale of
their poor house and the purchase of ail
, other.
No. 492. "An Act to run and define ti
part of the boundary lint bet , een the
counties of Main end Eltuttingtlon."
No. SSB. A supplement to an net re
lattna to hunting and fishing in the ()aun
tie:4 of Iluntingalon, Carlon], Luzertie,
Dauphin, :\ltfilitt. Elk. Pike, Monroe and
Butler, 71,provee 21th dny of March, 1818
extending ihn cattle In the couuty of
The Trial of Mr. Sickles,—Wnshing•
ton, Drarch 2.o.—Tha trial of :tin Sickles
has b een fixed for Monday 0, L'Sth
Ex Senator Hedger is to assist the District
Attorney in the ?rosecution.
~ ; ~~~irr~~c~.
1::, 1,5 Ruv.G. \V. BUI/11,, r. Sa IP.
lull Dunlop, to Mi. Mahal°, neater, both of
Todd town,hip, Pa.
Thrt.b. 15, ho the saran, Mr. John McLane,
to Jli.s Margaret Aun Shoop, both of Todd
PHILIDOI.PiIi A ; NI tit. 22 18,0
FLOCK—Sup. rtine, per barrel, :37(d. , 50
" k:xtra " 6 87
family '• 7 23t0 7,50
stye Flour and Coin Meal
I G0(4.1
75,1 NO
Wheat—red, per LIAO,
N . 1 , 1;;;. -
:5 75 a 6 00 per 04 porinds
$2,00 to 2 0
Timothy seed .
Flax, per 1,11,1101
What the Press Say.
, :II 0 i.;,,ltla!de
remedies 'ir el •:f all s , r s ol• ver.
m..1./110001 them.
e r
.I)LAL,mssi.. ,, onirr•
w, 'al secure Ote[a.—.V,u; l'ork Jour
"1 shall write Fon,etl.inr al oat your Extermi
n. t , s. I can do so with nronrielY• ThoY ."a
5c..% h. a and .lestrny;ng all vtriniu.
—Ed. E a er," Eugene, 3/o.
"Death to all Vomiu."
A.l 8 RIG sppr, , ,h,S,
ANTS slot HoAciii.s,
I`'P , lll t eir 1.(115 c•" ale out,
And Ail,. ItAxr,
In spa! C kis,
Boos b 10
Y.u, it, the :tight,
Asun the [l,l you shotiber,
Thro' elmtuiter 3,1 11311,
In stittivlA um ter.
IT IS 'A 13:LY 11 . 01)1:11FIL
what i.!ort..i (Irv, It its. 1ti.:114,
Ground dire, Bed•lito,,, Ants, :%lotlo,, Mos.
ilOt's, I lens, 111Neelli 011 Alain:llT, In short
eVery ye,, are WWI Ll.Stru
'Costal '3'.Rat, Roach, &o Exterminator.
'Coetar's' Bed Bug .Id.xternituatoe,
'Costal'e zl,otrio Powder iur Insects.
se pit. tl direct, hy nail, to :my adthltee itt the
;-; att.t, 111 10i
111 e ript 1 , 1,00, a Lax of the dA.r,
:iv. Ext. ; . _
dpi: of v,OO, a l'ox each of the ft,,,
H. s 11, 00. Ext. , a:11 i.:l..ant P
t p • to t:i o ver
min valises.
tiffid h . % 1., •. •.1 De..'ers erery int ore.
I 11,10103 " EiaNcipAL 90U 111/0.1.1,
I'. 6.—Cir , .ulap,' tvrans, lc , *eat Ly mail on
- .
it il , licnlie~n.
Cz"Wl.o'es:ile Agri. 'or PoiHylv.mia
CO, , ,TARS 111LAN;'11 DEPOT,
\oltlie.tst to iter Fitch 030 .bell Street,
An.l WI ole,tlo go:Doran v.
Mtir. 23, 's9.—tit
Titis sple!alid iicw weekly is i , .ereashiz very
raridiv iit its circulation, every body is deligh•
tea with it. The layer is Itaniseed to clulm
nit the following rt.u . .arkahle lu:v rules:
2 Sul,ser;hers one year, • - • • $3.00
41 It
• • • • 1 0.0 0
. . . - 20.00
and one grnlii in getting np a club of 20.
Sai;svripiimi bolo; 5 . 2.00 poi.
Those wisbin4 to silli,urOie. or form (Atli.,
will have sample copi,s,at lied by addressing
F. G Irsonn, Boston 31053.
Glensoti's new Enterprise. is highly spoken
of by Lh press. We give n few of the übluy
luvurable notices we linen seen.
Mr. filer.on it.ts the ”xperienee; the enter•
priAu, the tact, and the capital, requi,ute to cue
Mill it good and sue,rBsful imper..—N. 3: Coot,
WEEKLY. --This is the best pie•
toriul awl literary paper Lie UHL.
led States. and tit,ly should Ito without
it.— I,erl Accra , IVopwa,
1000 ' 0 W KELLY in full of ei,ryilling to
pleas toe e)o and the mind. The new ales
trat,,tl weeicy (mimes a great excitement in
iirwsinti , ertlota.-11tpixtee, IVapaca, Trig,
Ct.,,tsus's WEEKLY 1.1x,0r.8 SHIP
I!..littd. 114. We du 110 t 11 , :l,tt! to
it the best , titer:try and pit curial journal pub.
in Cie linititi.—Rintbliettu Watchuicia,
11 7 .
new weekly is, without question, the largest
nod handsomest literary sheet in the l'iti w.
I. i ; t'itt•ti with a precious cargo „i sl:rtcir
~1 ~• •try, editoriuls, wit and
, . . Oka!le
11,31,0, is again in the lielu. His well .earned
pupal trity is tt Nunieieat guarantee fu• sue
eess of las new enterprise.-11,11,1tatte,
Glavones Now Paper is what 'night Iwo
been expected rum the experience and skill
of tie gallant ennituudore null editor, elegant
in its t)po,,,raphy, illustra t ions and readl.ig
matte, I.lveryilling that good taste and
ptrinitee'could devise, appears to havo byen
braii4L t into requisition.—Letlyer.
Glwson'm ',hie-1101(4Mo Ship, by time illus.
irious tile:Non, is illustrated with excellent en•
graeings, nod cotilahai the ehoteest
waiter A neater palm has never been is.
snail Irian the press. Glens,,,. is it Napoleon
in the liold u. is °el:aided by him.—Bus•
tan :ill. rued 'he.
Gleusons Line.t;)'l3,llllo Ship.—The largest
edition ever printed or the first member of a
paper, either ie Ameri c a or Europe, was that
at Coe "Line ut-Battl, Ship, by Catunealere
Gleabun. Otte betal etl thou:llA eupies acre
issued awl 6 lid.
'I I is truly wonderful!, and shows Irina
int t, tnla it, and n union of in nuty and lint tnn
ilo, by a muster 51 , 1011.—Suit,
,:ay News.
Mar. ad
Dar 5000 ACENTS WANTED---TO aell 4 new
111,1111,M5. Awaits have nude over 623.000
one,—better tlittli all other similar acacias.
Send Four humps and get 80 pages parlieeluda,
EP RAJA BROW , Lowell, ~luda.
Sktr lOOD ACEM IA A NTI:II.--Pur purlieu'
Zara send [many. C. P. \V tiirr EN,
Mar. 23. '69. Om. Mane.
The first numberOf
F Clinton.Barrington, Edit, and Proprietor.
F. Clurtun Barrington, Editor and Proprietor.
F. Clinton Barrington, Editor and Proprietor.
1. The Evickners tlf Deism : In which the an—
thiar deserilieN his plumage through the hollow
depths of Atlivi,m, Materialism, anti gives
his reasons for returning to the Deity for the so
lution of the terrible problems presented In
4. The Fable of the Redeemer.
5. The Reich of 13Iood A review of the poll.
tieal indieeting the rotning struggle of
aaid common sense againvt tyranny and
pi iost:•rnft. _ _
U. The Fubles of the Exodus : In which it Iv
que,tioned wfiether Moen over existed, and
whether the Jew 2, as a nation, were ever captive
in Egnt. . • _
Harmonadd An Epie. By 1 rank
Ciiottte Barrington. Rook 1. The Encampment
uf the Nom • des , 2. The Temple of the Prie•ts.;
3. The Palace of the Kings; 4. The Repttldic
of the People ; 5. The World of the S i tit tot ;
Universt, Or the Gods.
8. T/ .1.101(tr of the Nations; In which it In
rgue.l that there existed in tho.lwart of Asia,
6.000 yvars ego, 0 grew and intelligent people,
to whirl, the lore modern nations, such as [h.,
Jett,, Egyptians, Chaldean!, &C., uwod thew
knowl e d ge or the arts and sciences they hold In
cuanaeuri MO each other.
9. An Exposition of Liiblicttl Tryneation: Show
h . t . go..tetiuns front many versions, that the
',tido is nut the same in any twu languages—
the English saying one thing, and the Freuelt
quite anuth,r.
. _ _
lu. Proofs that "Solomon's Song" is a fragment
of a flub., drama, and that the Book ut Jub
in merely the tianslatiou of an Arabian ro
12. The "Vice/s: 1 few Plain Statementi,
designed to 611U1V thilt a merely negative akepti
ci•m is the wer.t curse which eau befull uuy
13. The Age of Spiri4r: A Review of Spiritual
2,lunifust,tions, which liko n two-cdget sword,
cuts both wayt, bulb he lovers and douldwrs.
15. The buildiny If the continents: A Record
of the World or iix Handrail Million Yew,—
showing that the walla woe formerly water. cod
that all continent, and Ishii:di; were built up by
flit) ,11111111 Wt/ItUCU Lice element, awl after
the M.lllller in o Welt iic Nee t h e wurk still going
forward fleeing the Coral lsloe al the Pacific,
iliciti,ug a paper by Baum limbokit, author
of ••Cosalos," uo the 'notion of the Solar Spi
t.. ...unto! the Ceti.. San , ',Notes" of Prof.
A ,s,iz on "La have liumeine," and —oosl4lo.
I, r,i t hiit URIVer.44I" of Leeoutrier
lieNearehes in the Coifed States mud C . a.-
du 1.," by Churl,. Ltc.i, F. It. S.,
$2 per annum, in uthuneu. Single number.
25 c,
Su,criberi remitting $1 will receive our
Mont ly DIX muutl t , Lind the upueryphel New
Tehteweio, or any other duller nJtt they to.ty
bultuAbers remitting $2 will receive out
Monthly n.ycur, the aiuruseid T.l3tuineut, uud
the lo.t 1,01:1 et' Leu,h amities:Lir, tic any $2
bah: uutce curroat there mailed received at
par. A.,:tes •
IS A lil,INuT(iN & CO., Pu!dishers,
2 , ;(... 333 limuLlway, IN. Y.
Marklesburg, Huntingdon Co. Pa
Mil.l, OPEN !Ur the rueeptiva of male tin('
99 temaie 1 upill oil TuEsDAY, APRIL 19, 1839
au! euntinue t,o,ty•two
Thu Se11(.1 »ill lotve the tulruntage of a full
set or l'el.oe's Outline together wiih
various iipiiruvud touthethatiLul sod philusophi•
cal api
„ _......
Pant, Alur attention will be given to thus•
who ate desirous ut becoming TIiACREItS. Lee.
tires on the —Art of Teaching,” Ae., will be
delivered by the County 6operintetidentaud
other educators.
7'hltMs:—Fromm $4,50 to ?6 ; oo—one•hnlf
i I..iv.inee, the real of the
ur the
MAIIKLESIiCKU id pleasantly situated on this
Buntiogdmi nod Broad Top Railroad, eleven
miles aal' ui llunting.lnti, 111 II (pill. nod or.
&rip community, and It healthy neighborhood.
For further int ',multi. tipple to
A. B. BRUM BA Ulla, Principal,
JANIES imtiugdon Co., PA.
Albert Owen, Co. Supt., Huntingdon.
A. W. Benedict & Wm. Colon. **
lie. Ifeury Mc:Kibbe.), Alexar.dria.
11. S.titgr4,
J. 11. Wintrutie, Marklesburg. •
No. 308 N. Timm ST., (3 30M, above Vine.)
Far,eing and Hard.
wsre, is now in ,t,ire. and will he Caere, I at the
lowe , t market pr cry, to Cash and Prompt Six
...fill, buyers. N,tils at Manufacturers prices
for Cash.
Orders from new customers will receive strict
anal seetirate rU notion and all goons sent from
this imuse will he represented.
trerrottittry merchants, on their ticxt visit to
tin, city to make their Spring purchases are cot.
dially invited to tall 111113 examine our Stack
and Prices ',entre Pur:husing.
IPC) 7G o
T HE stilfscaiber boo commenced the GUN•
.5...111111M*0 business at Pine Grove, Cen
tre county, where ',e is ifrfl i ared to manufacture
and repair On is and Pistols of every deecrip•
don, with neatness and dispatch.
fie will ulso intend to repairing CLOCKS.
Prices to snit the times.
De c. 22.1858.-Ir. JOHN H. JACOBS.
Ilesprearnily informs the citizens of Hunting
don. t ieinity, and the .‘urrnunoling euun
trly. he bps entainencad business in
the roam inTuning• NI. Straus Store, ill [SO
lit,arazutaort, mei •
lope, aaa reeeiv. at shore of public marromom.
‘VATCFIES tool CLOCKS repaired in tho
best tnkmaniike wanner.
ilia ~ruck 01 WATciiES and JEWELRY is
of the hest, all of which lie will dispose of at
resisynithia prices.
The imblie penerally are requested to give
him a cod an d cmdbine his stock.
WHEAT AND CORN minted at this
race. 'lima hitting either can dispose of the
rani. by twilling Worm.