'Courts of Justice," as Judge Thompson ob• serves in the District Attorney case, "would de serve to lose all confidence and respect,"—nay we add to it, world deserve the contempt of everybody,—"if they were astute is devising teoheical rules under which the dearest rights of the people would be destroyed by unworthy men." . The only difficulty which we have felt in this ease, has been determining whether it is our duty to take other or further notice of it, than to record our judgement upon the merits of the complaint with regard to the election of county commissioner• Offences against the law,indic• table in this court, in which the officers of this election are implicated, are clearly proven in the evidence before on. But what ever a court may feel to be a duty, when such disclosure is made against a party in its presence' yet as those impeached are not before us, or strictly parties to the proceeding, we deem it proper to leave any ulterior adios against them to those to whom it more appropriately belongs to exert an activeagency in instiuting and carrying on pub. lie prosecutions for crimes and misdemeanors, the District Attorney, the Grand Jury, and such private citizens of Washingtor. township, or that they condemn and deprecate this fraud ; and we trust they will vindicate themselves and there township, by seeing to it, in the fut ure, that there elections shall be conducted by men who respect the law, and the rights of their fellow citizens. And now, having discussed this case in all its aspects, and given at length our reasons for our decision, we have only to record the judgement of the court upon tne question presented in the petition, and coin plaint ; which is, that Abel Lloyd,:having as it is shown to the court, re• ceivz.d a majority of the legal votes polled for the office of county commissioner at the general election held in and for the county of Cambria on the Second Tuesday of October, 1858. is du• ly elected to that office, and entitled to perform the duties, and enjoy the emolumeots of the same during the term specified in the law: 29th Dec. 1858. By the Court, gmorous. No GMAT HAND FOR ANOELS."- Last Monday, an old lady entered a well known book store, and inquired for a "Tres tlee of Angels." She made the inquiry of a boy, and was told they“hadn't got no such book.' This remark caught the ear of the principal salesman and ns he always sells something to everybody who enters the store, he stepped forward and addressed the old lady: .We're just out of the book you're in search of, ma'am, but we've got Fox's Hook of Martyrs, crammed full of pictures— splendid book fora present." "La sakes, do tell!"exclaimed the customer, examining the books:"why hero's a picter ' of a chap drinkin' pizen, and here's a lot of men a vawin' a poor feller's head oil!" "That gentleman there ma'am," explain ed the salesman, elucidating the picture, "is taking it melted lead sangaree; and the other individual is about to be perforated in he intestines with a patent manure fork. I guess you'd like it better than et work on angels." "Well now, that ere is a better book, I guess, than anything else. Whet mought the price of it bet" "Twenty shillings, ma'am, very cheap book, that." ..WeII, dew it up. My darter's just got married, and I calkerlate to make her a present. She wanted sunthiq' about ang. Is, but I never was no grant hand for angels. no how." The lsdy handed out four parcels,enah containing fifty coppers, and completed the amount by adding three battered shillings end a dubious looking sixpence. the whole savoring powerfully of rnaccabny snuff. The sale completed ,and the customer gone, the principal called up the boy. "Sonny,"said he, "see here; when You're asked fora thing which you haven't got, alwass show the nearest article like it you have." The urchin looked reflective, and was about to ask the resemblance between "Li ves of the Angels" and ;Tux's Book of Martyrs,"but he didn't. A Tough Story—Rather. 4, gentleman travelling down east, over. took a farmer dragging a lean, wretched looking horned sheep along the road, • Where are you going with that tnisera• ble animal asked the traveller 'tam taking hint to the mutton mill to have him ground over,' said the farmer. `The mutton mill 1 I never heard of such a thing. I will go with you and wit, nests the process. They arrived at the mill ; the sheep was thr own alive into the hopper, and almost im mediately after disappeared. They then descended into a lower apartment, and in a few moments there was ejected front a epoul in a ceiling fourquarters of excellent mutton, two sides of morocco leather, a wool hat of the finest quality, a sheep's head, (handsomely dressed) and two ele • gant carved powder horns. Were it not for the fact that the abot e is in 'the papers' we should be disposed to dispute. W HEN EASTER COMES.—It will be interesting to learn that Easter. which will be on the 24th of April this year, last fell on that day in 1791, and will not fall on the same date again till 2011. Since the intro. duction of the Cregorian Almanac thin hoe only been the cam to the years 1639 1707 and 1791. The period in which Easter can fall , reaches from the 22d of March (earliest date) to the 25th of April (Intent date,)deaving thirty.five different days for the celebration of this festival. In this •ntury Easter will fall only once (1886) the Infest date, the 26th of April. Miscellaneous Advertisements. d r/ , Iron City Comm ercial College. PITTIIBUROH, PA. Cnattrannn 1855. 300 Students attending January 1858. Now the largest and most thorough Com mercial School of the United States.— Young men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C.' SMITH, A. M. Prof. of Book-keep- Mg and Science of Accounts. A. T. DOUTIIETT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. J. A. Mumma and T. C. JENKINS, Teach ers of Book•keepinp. A. COWLET and W. A. MILLER, Profs. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK KEEPING, As need in every department of business. . COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC--RAPID BUSINESS WRITING—DETECTING' COUNTERFEIT MONEY— MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE-- COMMERCIAL LAW- Are taught, and all other subjects necessary fur the success and thorough education of a practical business mau. ma PRESTIT7IIn. Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in Eastern and Wes tern Cites, for the hest Writing, NOT ENGRVED WORK. Important Information. Students enter at any time—No vacation— Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Gradu ates anointed in obtaining situations—Tuition for Full Commercial mums s3s,oo—Arm•age time Bto 12 week—Board, $2.50 per week— S f aiionnrYi s6.oo—entire cost, $60.00 to $70.- 00. fir Ministers' Sons received at half price. for Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing—inclose two stamps and address F. W. JENKINS, Sept. 29, 1858.—1 y. Pittsburgh, Pa ALTOONA, Blair co., July 3,'58. J. D STONEROAD, Lewistown, Dear Sir—Mr. Wm. TURNBAVOII, who has been tailoring several years from rheumatism, got so ilrthat his friends and relatives were summoned to wituess his death. I induced his friends to try the virtue of your preparation—they did so, as the last re; sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, he be gan t o improve, got better and better, and now. so far as I know, he is a hale and stout man, This is not the only case where the GALVANIC OIL lia9 surpassed human expectations. In every 0080 where I have recommended the Om, it has done what it promises to do. Sena us another s2o'B worth. Yours truly, 11. LEBER. Aug. 18, 'SS—lo. FOUND AT LAST ! ! The Way to Save Money! AND CURL HARD TIZYLIE:s IS 1.0 BUY All, KINDS OF HARDWARE BUY ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE BUY ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE FROM JAR. A. BROWN. FROM JAR. A. BROWN. FROM JAS. A. Bnows. AT CITY PRICES. This ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS exceeds all others in import... let. Because it supplies THE PEOPLE with indespenscible articles and many useful inven tions, which can be found only in a HARD WARE STORE. 2nd. The subscriber purchasing in large quantities from manufacturers, is enabled to sell these goods front 20 to 100 per cent cheaper! than they are sold by other merchants. His stock includes a complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OILS, PAINTS. VARNISHES. GLASS, STEEL, IRON, MECHANIC'S TOOLS, HOLLOW-WARE, SADDLERY, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, MOROCCOES, LININGS &e. Together with a full assortment of everything pertaining to his line of business. All orders receive prompt attention. JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Oct. 6th, 1858. ID 0 T A T 1 Si New Drug and Grocery Store. SAMUEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 5 doors went of the Court House, Huntingdon. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints Varnish es, Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wino and Brandy of the bout article for medical pur peses, Concentrated Lye for making Soap, Glass Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Ten, Cho colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Salt Flour, Crakers, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Ilaisies- Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum, mar drinks, in a word every thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire pure end Genuine articles will' do well by giving us a call. Sept. 29, 1858•—ly. —.i-__--_-_____ Ulan - Jam rtabuth TAiN. This is a new and valuable improvement, and is better. cheaper, smaller, lighter, more wimple, requires less power, will chair and clear grain and seeds more rapidly, end with fie. greater economy, than any other Grain Fun in use. Send for a descriptive catalogue to Wm. L Boyer & Bro., Agricultural implement Foe. tory, Philadelphia. Sept. 29th, 18513.—Gm.. LITERARY BUREAU. An experienced Editor, a successful Author, and a thoroughly educated Literary Man, wet, ry with twenty-five years of the drud , ery of Daily Journalism, has determined to hiro out and sell his brains at retail, to those who may rev e ir r e o t i h a e n i t r ,,, segims e , s i s u a l t i lh , o7 n or v a e b n i t e or w s d dealers of every kind, will be supplied, offhand with Advertisements, (poetical or otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Circulars, or any species of ar. tides desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches,. Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pam. phlets, Editorial Articles, Cotnrounications, and every sort of Brain-work, which they may find it inconvenient or troublesome to do them. selves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in so ciety or occupation in life,an have Letters written on any subject, hether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Correspondence of every kind, either English, French, Spanish, German or Latin. . . Poeuy, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet deux, Nfonodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential character, incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished in inviolable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, Box 2206 Philadelphia P. 0., Ps. A.q.111,'69,1y PREMIUMS AWARDED THE JOURNAL JOR OFFICE AT TOR LA!!, FAIlt, FOR THE 31331111E310 Elba Tin ,22.1.11 Tlkaant PRINTING. miscellaneous itiiertisements. T7L INVIGORATOR ! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. Compounded entirely . of Gums. Is one of the best purgativr; end liver midi eines now bolero the public, that acts as a Ca thartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any ther medicine known. It is not only a Ca thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that matter. thus accom plishing two purposes effectually. without any of the painful feelings experienced . in the operation of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at' the same time that it purges it , and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strenghten and build it up with unusual rapidity. fl The Liver is ono o a the principal regula tors of the human be- II dy ; and when it per forms its functions well 0 the powers of the sys tem are fully develop-4u ed. The stomach is almost entirely depen- dent on the healthy action of the Liver for the proper perform ance of its functions. a When the stomach is to fault, the bowels are 0 at fault and the whole system suffers in con- 0 sequence of one organ —the Liver— having it. ceased to do its ditty. For the diseases o Os that organ one ol the proprietors has made as it his study, in a prac tice (Amore dm n 'wen- 1 - ,1. ty years, to find some remedy wherewith tel counteract the many I derangements to which X it is liable. To prove that this -remedy is at last dis covered any person ',,Tii troubled with Liver Complaint in any of its 1 0 . forms, has but to try a bottle and en nvactionl.l is certain. These gums remover elf morbid or bad matter from the system z supplying in their place a heal by dol.:. of bile, invigorating the stomach, causing N' food to digest well, purifying the blood,gi- rg ving tone and health to tha whole machine- ry, removing them.° of the disease, and of 7 'Riming a radical cure. One dose after eat- „I ing is suffileient to re lieve the stomach and prevent the food from rising and soaring. lelli Bilious attacks avelt cured, and what is better, prevented, b , the occasional use of the Liver Invigoratei.ta Only one dose to-i , n before rent. prevents Nightmare. 1 I Only ene dose taken at mg , , lon,mns the bowels gently, and cures Costiveness. One dose taken after each meal will c 'e Drs. . pepsin._ . _ cr Ono dose of two teaspoonfuls will always remove Sick Headache. One bottle taken for female obsctructionre moves the cane: of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. Only one dose immediately relieves Cholic, while One dose often repeated is a sure cure for Cholera Morint4, and a preventive of Cholera. WOnly one bottle is needed to throw ant of the system the effects of medieine:allor a long Meknes, CrOne bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural color I rom the skin. One d ons taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes Mod digcs. well. One dose often repented cures Chronic. Mar three in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks cawed by Worms in Children; there is no surer or speed. ie. remedy in the world, as it never fails. firA 'few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in reeommendi ngthis med icine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill, Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. - It operates with certainty, and thousands are wil ling to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use it aro giving their unanimous tes timony in its favor. _ . the month with tho ator, and swallow both togothot. The Liver Invigora t or. Is n scientific medical discovery, and is day working cures, almost too great to believe. It cores as if by magic, even the firsst dose giving benefit, and seldom more than ono bottle is re quired to core any kind of Liver complaint, from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com mon Headache, all of which are the result of a diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. BR. SANFOUD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N•] Bold by Samuel Smith, &J. Read Huntingdon 4 q0115T.121" a'C:P3E3 Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL" Of flee at the late County FAIR, for the best CARD 31.1,A.41C AND FANCY RIiEGTINSi: , Having recently received from the Eastern Cities, a ritZT POWER MESS, and it large variety of the twat fit,hionuble Printing Material, which makes it one of the most complete Printing Establishments in this section. Persons in want of any kind of PL.LEN OR TAWS' work, cannot, do better than favor an with their patronage. •We have facilities for execs thug in a Roped, manner any hind of PRINTING IN COLORS on the moat reasonable tonne. Those who may wish to obtain any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accommodated at this establishment at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL IIEADS 8110 W BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c., &c., will be famished promptly, execated in he best style hod at reasonable rates. SW Orders by express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. WM. RftEWSTER. WAHNICK, CHADWICK & NOASOCCESSORE TO NEMAN A WA ONION.) H-EAST CORNER OF SECOND A RACE STREETS, PHILA DELPIIf A. Manufacturers of and Dealers IVltolesale and Retail in HEATERS, VENTILATORS, RANGES AND STOVES. ' A LSO, NlcGregor's Celebrated Heaters and Stoves. With a great variety of the latest patterns of COOK 'AND PARLOR STOVES, . . ALSO, Queen's Patent Portable Forges. Nor. a.'ss • SAVING FUND. lc ,DIDA tz National 0 ---s'l'' '''''' • I —,. - t ku l ;44:.......4 -:. -, IE 9 fit A . SAFETY MST ~ &- W- 4i--i-=- - •i. '20,!t,. 'Ai ., Company. Ati5w........ WALNUT STREET, ROUTH-WERT CORNER OF THIRD, MIIILAPEIVPII[I4I. incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. IV PER CENT INTEREST . . . . . . . A,fONEY IS lIECEIVEI) IN ANY SUM 1, - 1 - large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every dey from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'clock in the afternpon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE Vice President, WM. MIRED, Secretary. , DIRECTORS: Hon. Henry L. Benner, E. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Burry, Robert L. Selfridge, Francis Lee, Saml. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkcs, C. Landreth Munn% Ilenry Diellenderffer, Money is received and payments made daily in gold without ai tire. The investments are made in Reel Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such class se curities as the Charter requires. Feb.24,'57. Green Willow Foundry. WOULD respectfully inform the public that I have commenced business at the above place, and will be ready to accomodate all who may want anything in my line of business. I will have on hand or make to order Threshing Machines, and all o.her machinery that may be called for. Castings of ever) doscription, Cook and Pazlor Stoves. Plows, Hollow-ware, &c.— All kinds of Taming, either wood or iron. and Blacksmithing will be dono in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Farmers awl others wishing to purchase new machines will find it to their advantage togive me a call. All kinds of Count!) , produce taken in exchange at market prices. PETER TIPPERY. Waterstrect, Oct. 13, 1858.- ty. INFORMATION. r FIBS subseniber t Ibr past favors res pectfully Worms his frit:lo4 mid the pub lic generally Slant he is receiving at his. new Store in Portstown, opposite tho old Toll Bridge splendid stock of New Goods, which has been selected with great care, to suit purchasers.— The stock of Hardware, Queusware, Boots. and Skov:, unto on.i Cops, o unriety of Stone and Earthen ware. Fish Solt, Ceder-wore end in fort 01l armies kept in it country store. All of which will be col 1 o t t cool, or country Cive no an coll. SAMUEL GROVE. Nov. 3, 18511 HUNTINGDON WARM SPRINGS. The Warm Springs at the nese of Warrior'. Ridge, five in lee north et Huntingdon, overlook ing Stu n ting Stone Creek, and envirtined by ro mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased by the fo:mer proprietor of the Learner House. The extensifis Hotel buildings, bath houses, he., erected at great expence by Go floral A. P. Wilson, have been completed—and the groves have been beautifully laid out and adorned.— The Hotel parlors and chambers airy and coin. Ratably furnished; and the prospect, from di verandahs fur beauty, cannot he excelled. For half a century, these Springs have been celebrated for their medicinal qualiti2s, and the great nature of the waters in rheumatic and chro nic alibi:Hons. The temperature of the water being 139 i degrees, renders the bathing delight ful and invigorating. In the surrounding woods anti mountains. game abounds, and the finest fish are caught in Stone Creek. Persons in pur suit of health or pleasure, will find this a most delightful and healthful retreat; and its nearness to the Pennsylvania It:inroad, and the cheapness of the rates charged guests. give it a decided advantage over any other watering place in the State. The Proprietor lion had years of experience in, the business and no pains or trouble will be spa rest to make guests comthrtable. Hacks run from Huntingdon to Warm Springs on the arrival of Me different Railroad trains— fare 25 cents. Families accommodated at =- orate terms. JOHN It. lIEHD, Proprietor. Warm Springs near ? Huntingdon, June sth - 310 ! THIS WAY, Does anybody want to get into good busi• netts, by which they can make from $75 to $lOO a month without bard labor? If so send me G cents in stamps or money, for return postage, and by return mail, you will seeeive circulars of the grandest moneymaking Acme enr appeared to man. Discovered by Georgian and proved to be invaluable by h million of Southern people. Address, A. C. DENSON, Mobile Ala. Sept. 22, '58.-Iy. SELLING CLOTHING PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. 1858. FALL AND N w E iIa GOODS. 18584 M. Gutman & Co., Inform the public generally, tha they have just received a large stock or Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of coA [S, VESTS, PANTS, &c., &c. Mao, BOOTS, SU 0 ES, H A'l'S, CA PS. His stock of Clothing is of the 'alma fash. ions, and manufactured of the hest materials; and an they are determined to sell as cheap us the cheapest, the public will do well to give them x call and examine their stock. forget the place—Linig's brick building, on the corner, Murket square, Hun. tingdon. 0ct.13,'58 T UP:SIIVEIRIS - MOTJ 1107 1 21. ...... „. ti subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has leased that old end well establisheii TATFIIN STAND, kDOWD as the iiitiifingdon House, on the cornet of Charles Street, in the Borough of Hunting- • don. I I . . . . . . Ile bas recently put the house through a thuro ugh - course of repairs, and is now equal to any in this plat a. M. TABLE will always he stored with the best the mason can afford, to suit the tastes and appetites of I.is guests. His Ban will idways be flllad to ill, Choice Li quors, and fits Siesta always attended by corn tul and atten tine Ostlers. hopos by evict attention to b us i ness ands spirit of accOmodat ion, to Intuit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Sept. lb, P. MeATEER. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEAIENTS Miss SOUTH WORTH, CoLorizi. G. W. CRoCRETT, CHARLES BURDETT THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAPP, JUN., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YOUNG. Mits. ANNA WIIELPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAUG Mits. DI. VERNON, Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only 'for the GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLUSTRATED DEAN & successors to Becket & Co The Nov York Weekly Golden Mize it one of the largest and best literary papers of the day—an Imperial Quarto, Collthinifig eight pa ges, or forty columns, of the most interesting and festinating reading matter, from the pens of the very tirst writers of the day, ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. A PRESENT, Worth from 53 Coots to $4OO 00, Will ha given to each subscriber ammedintely on receipt of the subscription money, This in presented as a memento of Friendship, and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers TER MS: 1 Copy for 1 year, $2 00 and 1 Present. 1 " 2 " 350 2 Presents. o 3 g, 5 00 5 4 ' 5 <, 8 00 5 " AND TO cLuns, 3 Copies, I year, 500 3 " 7 00 5 " 15 00 10 " 30 00 21 " 10 ‘, 21 The articles to he given away are comprised in the following list : 2 Packages of Gold, con'g $5OO 00 each. 5 do do do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each. 10 Patent Lever llunt'g Watches 100 00 each. 20 Gold Watches 75 00 each. 50 du 60 00 each. 100 do 50 06 each. 300 Ladies' Gold Watches 35 00 each. 200 Silver Hunting Watches 30 00 coil, 500 Silver Watches AlO 00 to 25 00 each. 1000 G'ld Guard, cm. $lO 00 to 30 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Must fins, Cuff Pins. Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Sil ver Tlmnbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 each. We will present to every person sending ni 50 subserihels, $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $10: to any eno sending us 100 subscribers, at $2 eneh a Gold Watch, worth $OO. Every subscriber will also receive a present. Immediately on receipt of the money, the snlatriber's name will he entered upon our book , and tl,e present will be forwarded within one week, by moil or express, post paid, I; All communications should.be nddressed to DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, New York. June 9, '5B:-Im.ly. It 4 N BLANKS BLANKS 13 a Ifs ,@3 • . A general assortment of Blanks of all de scriptions just printed and for sale al Me "Journal °pee." A ppointnet . of 'Referees, Common Bond, Notice to Referees, Judgment Notes Summons, Vendue Notes Executions, - Constabh's Sales, Scire Facies, Submenas, Complaints, Deeds, Warrants, Mortgages, Commilint ovals, Bond to idemnify Constable, fie Dr. John McCulloch, nffers Ids professional services to the citizens( U Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, on Hill at. between Montgomery cud Beth. untingtlun, Aug. 29, 1855. COOK STOVE. A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE for sate At this office; it is calculated to !sum wood or coal. DU VAL) 'S GALVANIC OIL, Prepared I , riyanally by Pro. 11. DUir-ALL. formerly ut the College of Surgeons, at PariZ IS NOW OEFERED TO THE PUB LIC, itgr For the Cure of all sore and Pain ful Diseases.,4l For instance—Pain or soreness in any part of the system, Rheumatism, pain in the heck, breast or sides, bolded breasts Ueuralgiu, Burns, Sprains, Head-ache. Cramp to the Stomach or any other din _ease that is SORE or PAINFUL, and it Is only over this class of diseases we claim a VICTORY. We say positively to our patrons we can relieve the sufferer 96 times out of 1,0. We would just say to the public, Prof. Du Vail was 26 years in bringing to this medicine superiority over all others. Price 50 cte. par bottle— per cent cut nil the trade. All mien. must be ad dressed to J. D. STONEROAD, Sole Agent fur U. S., LEWISTOWN, PA. CONSUMPTION CURED. CONSUMPTION IFir AN orm INDIA Doc Ton, UNCAS 13 RAN' CURED. while a Missionary /11111111/: t Indians of the Rucky . MOMl sins, discovered a RAP CONSUMPTIONPLANT, that proves to he certain core for Consumptic CURED B r o n chit i s,a •Complaint, Ncrvone Alto firms, Cotiglis, Colds, Ste.-I CONSUMPTIONIIaving now made his fortune and retired from hnsinev., hu CURED. medicines free of charge to all CONSUMPitiONwho may desire it, and will send to his agent, enclosing CURED. two stamps (6 cents), to pay the return letter, with a des• cription or their symptOms::- CONSUDIPTIONThe Ohl Do^tur has cured more than 3000 cases of Con cvnEn. swoption alone, and hopes all " afflicted people will avail theinselverto7iiii. CONSUMPTIONty, as the Doctor wishes to do all the good he can before he CURED. dies. Address all letters to DANIEL A DEE, Box 9531 P. 0., New York, Who is his sole agent. bl[l9 80th, 19411..17. Miscellaneous Advertisements. New Card-Press. Having bought afoot "CARHPRESS," we are now prepared to print in the prcportion of three cards in the same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent. ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well we make no charge at all. We ask your pa. tronnge. NEW SWORE! NEW GOODS!! FISHER & McMURTRIE HAVING re-opened the METROPOLITAN formerly known no "SAXTON'S' . take plea— sure in nnnouncing to their many friends, that they have received a new and well-selected stock of Goods, which they feel confident will satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove uueltceptioncble in STYLE and QUALITY. . . i'llefine of Dress Goods eml;races ROBES A QUILLS. IN ORGANDIES, LAWNS, PERCALES, &e. CHAINS, BERAGES, BRILLIANTS, ALL WOOL DE LAINES, CRAVELLA MOHAIR, DANUBIAN, TAMISE, AND LA VILLA CLOTHS, DEBAGE, LUSTERS ALPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGIIAMS, Are. We ha ,c a fine assortment of Summer Man tillas, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An tiptoe, Ribbons, Mitts, Gloves, Gauntlets, II r story, Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, Floss, Sowing Silk, Whalebones for Skirts, Reed Hoops, Brass do., Skirt Cord. Sc. ALso—Wekens, Osnahum, bleached and un bleached bluslins at all prices, Colored and White Dmitri., Barred and Swiss Moil( 5 Victoria Lawns Nainsooks, Tarleton and many other articles w hich comprise tiro line of White and Domestic (loot We hare French Cloths, Fa n cy Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cot Lunatics, Linens, Denims and Bloc Drills. HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, of every vadety and style. Alsu all kinds o STRAW GOODS. A good !dock of GROt ERIES, BIRD & QUEENSWA Rll, BOOTS & SHOES, Wood and Willow-ware, hich will he sold CIIs AL' WO RiSO deal in PLASTER, FISH, SALT, and all kinds of GRAIN, and possess facilities in this branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all packages or parcels of Merchandise, FREE (it , CIIARGE, at the depots of the Broad Top and Pennsylvania Railroads. Conic one, conic all, and he convinced that the "AltanorokivAN" is the place to secure fashionable and desirable goods, disposed of at the lowest rates. Apr.14,'58. New Goode New Goods D. P. GR'IN'S CHEAP STORE, D. P. twin has just returnd from Philailet phin with the largest and most beautiful as. sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, E'er brought to puntingiton, consisting of the meet fashionahro Dress Csotis for Lnillos and Gentlemen, stick as Black Silks, and Fancv, All Wool do Loins, (all colors) Spring lielsinas, Chnllie Detains. &rages, (all colors) Lt even Cloth, Dobai., Alpacas, Pop lins, l'rin ail Beragos, Brilliants, plain and itrei, Gingharns, T.awns, and Prints of every de scription. ALSO, a large lot of dress Trimmings, Frin ges, Antiques, Gimps, Ribbon, Buttons, Crapes, Reed & Brass Hoops, Skirt Cord, Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock, Zephyr, French Working Cotton, Lino and Caton Floss, Ti•ly Yarn, &c. Also the best uud cheapest assortment of Col ors, and Underslcevos, in town. Bar'd and Plain Jaconct, Dtnit Muslin,bSwiss, Plain, Fig ured, Shirt 13eltt• Marseillo for Cayes, and a variety or white goods too %tumorous to meu• firm. • Spring and Tidbit Shawlt , Whito Dentine for Copes. Mantillas, &e. Also, Cloths, C71,81111C11, entiSilletS, Tweeds, K. Jeans, Atusling, Cotton Drill, Nankeen., Tieken,Table Diapers, Flannels, &es Also, a large lot of Bonnets, Flat, Hats, &e. roots and Shoes, the largest and rhea ,sorlinelt in town. IX Ala D VIT A t 111, WARM, Buckets, 'rubs, Baskets, Churns, Batter llowls, Brootna, Brushes, &c. Carps ts, OH Cloths, }A and Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, and all pods usually kept in a country Store. hly old customers, and as many new ones as can crowd in are respectfully requested to come and examine my goods. All kinds of Country produce taken in en• change for goods, at the highest market prices. DAVID I'. G WIN. April 21, 1858. 211 MEV 2111 CLOTHING ! A New Assortmeut Just Opened And will be sold 30 per cent. CIARAPERTHANTIVF CBE PEST! IT ROMAN respectfully norms his custo- Ai, mots and the public generally, that lie Intl just opened at his store-man in Market Square- Huntingdon, a splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for Fall and Winter, which ho will tell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can. be purchased at retail in Philadel phia or any other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Clothing would do well to call and examine his stock betbre 1 ...cha sing elsewhere. Also, Hats, Caps, which will be sold lower than at any other ei tabliAment in the county. llnntingthin, April 1. 1858. STAGE LINE FROM Chambersburg to Mt, Union T lio undersigned aware that a suspension° the line of Stigma over the road between Chambersburg and Alt, Union, cannot be hut disadvantageous to a large section of the conn• try, has, at a considerable expense and trouble made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly between the two points Good Homes and comfortable Surges have been pla ced on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Coaches. The proprietor of the line is disirous that it be nistintuined, and he therefore r•slls upon the public generally to patronize it. cc (I dent that it will he for their mutual nilvantn Every attention necessary will he given, r 1 the running of the Stages will ho regular. Cr Stages leave Mt, Union, every Tu del Thursday, and Saturday evenings, urri ng at Chiturbershurg the next day at 2 o'cluc . Re writing, trove Chumbereburg, the se a night at in o clock, arriving at Mt. Union he next everting in time for the curs. Betwe, Mt, Un ion and Shade (Fop the line trill be daily. 7 • Fare through $3l to intermediate points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON. Jon. 20th, 18118.—tf NATA.I\TT3III3I WHEAT AND CORN wanted at thug office. I . lloBa having either can dispoee of the elm by ealling goon. RAILROAD HOURS. TRAINS GOING EAST. Mnil T. I Ex. T. I Fast T. Train leaves P. ht. A. M. P. M. Petersburg, 1.00 8.54 11.24 Huntingdon, 1.22 9.10 11.39 Mill Creek, 1.33 9.20 41.49 Mt Union, 1.47 9.33 12.03 i &INB GOING West, Train leaves P. M. A. M P. M Mt. Union, 4.32 6.45 11.36 Mill Creek 4.48 6.68 11.49 Huntingdon, 6.03 7.11 12.01 Petersburg, 6,20 7.23 12.13 ler The Passenger train on the H. & P. T. railroad leaves Huntingdon as follows : 7 30 A. M. 3 P.M. Tis: AAA-MI.46MA 'l‘,b .c...(...0,..•=0. si VIIMAI , At JOB OFFICE i' 0 OF THE el - g "HUNT. JOURNAL." ! 4 1. ° The largeel and but ii? 4i tst ,°, JOB OFFICE [to 4 43 ° 0 IN THE. COUNTY. t 402) 0 JOB-WORN t : ' 4. (0 or 1 °li, %I EIENg t Elv 4._1, ° EXECUTED : g , .Oa C'h zp as the , ,, ,a,„ 4 ' 4 ' „ 4115re.)132VT1A g 44. 0 THAN • oat : TRZSIIINN. l c') '''* gr,RFNCT SATIII" ' —.:‘,.. ' O o WARRDI ....II o o o. , a. • o All kinds of o • 4 . ! : BLANKS 0 . , 0 it., 4k. 0 0 4 1 43 ( LCO:iff 72. 0 Y . 0: . :A = 1;1; 0 f i .- . WVVV-VVVVV*I Intt ATINTINCMON (A' THE undersigned owners of the Huntingdeac Mill, inform farmers and the public general ly, that they now have their new mill in running order, with all the modern improvements in the. water wheels and machinery. They have put in fire of the Improved Jon. val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grin(' Mg all stages of the water, and during , the o , weather, any and all kinds of grain. . . They are prepared to sell, and have on head for sale at all times, at markot rates, all kind of FLOUR, FEED AND STUFFS. and farmer 3 can have their own grain ground; and take it back in a return load, or they can be furnished in exchange at a momenta notice an equal quantity of Flour and Bran or chop• ped teed. Irma swim EaAonnams is ofan improved manufacture; and they all insure a FULL TURN OUT of superior quell ty to every bushel of grain left at their 11811 ER ttIIQMURTRIL. N. 8.--The Buckwheat stones are pot quite ready. .Ibilitingd,n, December 10, 1856. 11. K. NEFF,_III._I)., H4Vi NO located himself in WARRICOI3I.I.eI, in this county, would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of that placo and the country mut:rent. REFFEUENCIM J. 11. Wen, M. I). Gun. A. P. Wilson, M.A. llonderson, " Wm. P. Or bison, Vag. J. 11. Dorsey, " Hon. James Gwinu, M. Btowart, " John Scott, Seq. Hon. George Taylor. . _ don, Pa Jacob M Guumill, M. p., Akx.na, Johu Arc,' " Petersburg ip74 A. P. Wicsox R. BRIT. Par ntstut WILSON & PETRIKIN, ✓ITTOR.NEYS .h'T LilW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon Blair, Cambria, Contra, Mifflin and Juniata March 2n. 1853. Cheapest "Job Printing. Office ZX THU COUNIFT. lre have now made such arrangements in our Job (Vice as will enable us to do all kinds of Job Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Than any Office in the County. Give us a cell. If we don't give entire satisfaa• Linn. no charge at all will he made. IN BLAST AGAIN I fluent in lot 1 4 _ Foundry. I:lEVi= MIIE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME. I that of alarming their friends and the pub. lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt-. ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful op eration, and are prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the hest quality on the shortest no tice and most reasonable terms. ..... Farmers are invited to call and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be beat, together with the Keystone, Hill side, and Ban:hear Ploughs. We have on hand and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and olliee stoves for real cr wood. 7401.L0W-WaRE consisting of Kettles, Boilers, Skillets, itc.. all of which will ho sold cheap for cash or in ex change liar country produce. Old metal taken for new castings. By a strict attention to busi ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a there of public patronage. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. April 30, 1856.—tf. DR. J R. HUYETT DE:Nwfusur; ALEXANDRIA, HUNT. CO., PA. April I, 1857.—1 y. ° SR/0/44E0, 1161e Willattend to all business entrusted to:hltn,Of dee nearly opposite the Court House May 5;53 SANIIIi OgIVTX a IBROIVinf, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office saunas that furtuerly cocupied by John Scott, Lao. Oct. to, t 544. Inowx