lamas' golitinit. He that by the plough would thrive, Himself, must either hold or drive." CULTURE OF BUCKWHEAT. Enjoying daily, as perhaps all our rea. darn now are, the welcome dish of 'diet cakes, piping hot," what more timely t han a word about growing buckwheat? It was formerly ca lied Beech-wheat, from the resemblance of the kernel to the beech nut- It is supposed to be a native of Asia and is now extensii ely used in China, and other oriental countries and in Europe fur making bread and cakes and gruel. It is cultivated extensively in loony parts of the United States, and in some sections is hardly less important than the wheat crop The average price per bushel ss fifty -cents Considering the short time required for growing it—about seventy five days—it is a very profitable crop. The land on which it is to be grown should 1, brought into fine tilth and be well manured. Butte dust or plaster and ashes make an excellent dressing for it , and barn-yard manure is not lost upon it, if judciously applied. The old notion that the poorest land is good enough for buckwheat is now well discarded. And the truth of another notion, that it is a very exhausting crop, is also doubted. Ono reason why it kills out weeds and grass is, that the land for grooving it, is plowed and harrowed in mid-summer, and so exposes the roots of every green thing to the scorching sun; and then the rapid growth of grain overshadows and smooth ers every other thing that springs up. It is almost sure death to Canada thistles, if this crop is followed by oats and clover. The time of sowing varies with the sea son front the middle of June to the mid die of July, though in ordinary seasons, it is hazardous to sow-later than the fourth of July. if sown too early, it is liable to blast, if too late, the frost overtakes it CULTIVATION OF WINTER BARLEY, ho soil most suitable for burley, is a goo d s t ri ,•:ig loam. If not naturally rich enoug h, it s Lould of course be manured sufficiently to nict;:e it so. It should be well drained for land inclining to he wet , and not sufficiently drair:Pd, will not pay to grow bailey. There are, doubt, great, many manures that will answ;er the purpose. Stable manure does very wei!.: so does one or two good green Crops plowed under, such as red clover, rye, &c. Of course they should be well rotted before the grain is sown. Oat stable is perbaps , preferribte to most other ground for putting in fall barley, for various reasons, seine of which will be explained in their proper place. it is n very important matter that the ground should be thoroughly broken up and well prepared by the last of August, in order that the barley may be sown as early as possible in September, if seasona ble, and if not seasonable, it should be put in the first suitabte weather, us n general rule, (lat. 38°), we cannot sow too early in September; but when we have a very hot, dry season, It would be better to unit until about the Ist of October, when the sun has not so touch power. It would be advisable to sow then without waiting lon ger, even if the ground is rather dry. The sun will not be likely to hurt it afte r that time. There is quite a ditlerence of opinion in regard to the amount of seed sown to the acre. Two bushels, perhaps. is us near right as we can come at it; and in this item we should be governed by the time it is sown. For instance, one and three fourth bushels, or even one and a half bushels, sown early to September, will be equal to perhaps two and a hull sown in November, for the very plain and palpa ble reason, that when sown early it has a chance to stool or spread out over •thu ground, but when sown late, it has such 11 precarious existance that it has. no elm ncr to spread before a great dent of it is thrown uut by the frost, and perishes. After sow ing, the grain should be harrowed, cross harrowed and rolled, the old furrows o pened, or others made wherever it may be thought necessrry, for it will not do for water to stand on it, Barley has its casualities to encounter as well as wheat and other grain. If sown before the first of September, there will be danger of its -owing to a joint before the hard weather of winter comes on, and it may be ruined; but sown about the let of September, there is not much danger in that particular. it is true the insects, &c may injure it moat or lees, yet all the in juries it is likely to sustain from those cau ses are not to be compared to the injuries received by the late sowing, from severe weather and other casualities. The reason why oat stuble is preferable are that it is easier broken up, and we can make a fur better job of it then we could with wheat stubble, or other ground that had lain twelve months without being plowed. But the most important ad van• tage doll is that, when the barley is put in about the first of September, ail the scatter lag grains of oats that are in the ground start and grow up vs ith the barley, thereby helping to cover the surface of the whole field before the hard weath , sets in; and when that does occur, the barley will be so firmly rooted and matted over the sur face, that it will not suffer much by the weather. The hard weather will of course kill the of a, and in the spring the parley will have all the surface to itself, and a ws a • 3.L. K. Aliscellaneons Advertisements, o r i i , e .g 4 ,o j , „ , Iron city Coruna ercial College. , PITTSBURGH, PA. - • CITAIITEECE 1855. 300 Sintlents attending January 1853. -----=-- " '-'-':=--- 7 1 --. .iii r - iii - ii ---- mow the largest and . most thorough Cutn .t i . I NYIG() R A:I:01) I -,,, , 1,. mere.. school of the United States.— • t Young men prepared for actual duties of the • 1- . Counting Rtmin , I PREPARED BY DR, SANFORD. J. C. Smolt, A. M. Prof. of nook-keep- I Compounded entirely of Gums.. ing and Science of Accounts. • ! 13 one of the best purgative and liver Hindi A. T. Dot:Tulin., Teacher of Arithmetic ; cities now before the public, that acts as a Ot ani] Commercial Calculation. i titanic, easier, milder, and more ellectlisl than J. A. lii Ttunetc and T. C. imtg.txs, 'Pena- t one ther medicine known. It is not only a Ca ere of Book-keeping. I Manic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the A. COWLEY Sind W. A. lkitia,n, Profs. of I Liver to eject its morbid, then . the stomach Penmanship. , and bowels to carry Mr that !natter. thus Atieolll - AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-! plishing two purl - mites effectually. without any of REEPING, ; the painful feelings experienced in the operation I As used in every department of business• of most Cathartics. It stecgthens the system at I COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC—RAPID the same time that it purges it, and wheiflaken 1 BUSINESS WRITING—DETECTING , daily in moderate doses, will strenghten end COUNTERFEIT Al ONEY— • build it up with unusual rapidity. AIERCANTILE cOI,IR ESPONDENCE— t The Liver is one till"' the principal regula- CitrADIERCIAL LAW— . tors of the human Ito-I , *-- tb and when it per t Are tntight, and all other subjects necessary : farms its functions welliC the powers of the sys for the success and thorough education of a : tent are fully develop-if:el,ed. The stomach is practical business man. almost entirely depcn-t,;..0 ;dent on the healthy ! 12 immaviiuivis. , action of tho Liver fur ,;3•lthe proper perform or int runctions. leis When the stomach is Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh fur t we e., I ..,„ ~ ,es tit I ~, , a the lititit,. t0,..t. s nit ~ ,,,,,fau l tant. ti c w h o le the past three years, also in F.astern and Wes- ' I system st.tilers in cmi.4 , sequence of tme orgtm tern Cites, for the bast Writing, NOT ENGRVED WORK. ; —the Liter-- ditivin,,, s , t0..5,1 to do ES duty, Important Information. For the disease, 0110, that organ one of the I proprietors has made) „ ,, it his study, inn prat:- Stmlents enter at any time—y, vacation—. tiro of more than twelt. ty years, to find SOMO 1 Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Grath, i rt'aiedY ' v iler.'”., , tot ttounteract the ninny , stes assisted in obtaining sitentions—Tuition ' dctlitigeinont3 to "' b leb :1 It it 'el'. for Full Commercial course s3s,oo—Averago To prove that thin , remedy is at last die. time Bto 12 week—Eloard, $2.50 per Week— ; severed any j)ersont 4 troubled with Liver Wationary, s6.oo—entire cost, sem.. t,., s7o._ C,tinplaint in coy or lisp.. forms, has but to try 00. . a , ottle and e, nvistiun , . .., is certain. Ministers' Sons received at lutlf price. • , l' hear gums r ,, toore " all monist or had ror Card — Circular—Specimens of Busines, ratter from the system ...,, supplying to their and Ornamental Writing—incluse two stamp itlaeo n heal ItY no"'S„' or bile , l o y iemreliii4 I anti address F. W. JENKINS. ;::e stomach, eansingm,food to digest wall, 1 Sept. 29, 1858.-Iy. Pittsburgh, inn iwrifYing lite hlooll,lti- ;..„,, ring tone and health . to the whole machine- ",7, n•, tonovi, 4 ., the cnt,,o AL - roosa, Blair co, Jitly 3, 'S•, or the disease, and el. ..,... ducting a radical cure. J. D, Lewistown, Pa., One dose after cat- ?...., ing is sitillicient to re. Dear S ir — Mr. Wit, Levy the stonmelt anti M !prevent the food from ' Ti•nsnavott, who has been suffering st-s - ,,,1 t i. : ;„„ „„d „ wi th,. IN years fnm rheumatism, got so ill that h ivnd is fr, 8i1t , ,,, a t t a d,„ „t•el2Zi 'cured, and "hat ls , will tint it to their mit-Image to and relatives weft summoned to witite, lti , heitor, prevented, It ~ the occasional me or death. I induced his friends to try the ',hi.: i 1,,, Liter 1 nv i g0r ,,,,,, of your preparation—they did 00, ES-the last re; •- o ',lv on, dose to- 1 " n before centre sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, he lie-' , rev:otts Nightmare. . 1 . , 1 gun tto improve, got better and better, anti now. , ~,,y ~,, ~,,,t, t„ke, at nag • ] ,, acne th e SO fur as I know, he is a hale and smut rata, 1 i „,,,i, gently. and mires Costiveness. This is not the only case where the o,,vaxiC One tlO3O taken alter each meal will o e Dvs- Ott, hos surpassed human expectations. In . ~,,,„;,,, every case where I have recommended the OIL, f' . .7,r0 h0 doer of Iwo teaspOulatili will ulnae: it has done what it promises to do. &Ala us • r emove ski ; ii,,,,i,,,h e. another 820's worth. • One bottle taken Mr female °lnch, Come Yours truly, D. LEIIER , • moves the canoe of the diseaso, and makes Aug. 18,'58-1y _ . perfect cure. FOUND AT LAST II .1 ; Only one dose immediately relieves Choli, The lw - ay to Saxe . Money! ! ; Willie One dose often • t eat rd is a sure cure fit 13. ND C UIL 23 1111 P.D illizis ! ' Cholera ,Murlins", rin i ti e . , preventive of ( . "..01,,,i. is to ciTooly th e battle is needed to throw out of Bra ALT. Claus OE ItAltDE.Attl: the system e etre - as of medicine:after a long Buy ALI, KINDS OF linctiwAne teltness. Boa Al.:. KINeS OF IIAttOWASE ; 0"One bottle taken for Jaundice censors, I FEW! .Tea. A. liiit • L', ;ill sallowness or minataral color from the skin. PRONE Jas. A. 11,,,,,, : One dose taken a short time before eating N, , ,,. ii, 1858, FROM JAS. A. Boon,, gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food diges. AT CITY PRICES. ; well. ItuvrniAoN ivmm til'illNGS. This ARRIVAL OF NiW (100DSOne do, h often repented cures c , "in Ida , I Tim w.ii.oi s;iiiii, ,it•iho ha, of Wallin exceeds all others is importnneo, rluelt in its worst ronii , ", while 'flh!"''' and ! Ithigo, five Ili I, tioi,ll , :i 11 E1 1 1 1,1 ;•lott•. , , , i‘ , , '•THr /T o n p• i I Bowel complaints yield almost to the fiat dose. 1,,,,..* : Because.n. su pp lies ~ ~. ~ , wit 1 ,! in;; Standing , I,iie , i'el I, and 01,1 c , ne:l by ~, el Haile', C:11,1 41 I , V ' • • . . i . 1 indesperMthle ankles and mitts useful inv.. , . One ." ..I" . . ( , ) .' ll '''' , ear • ' : :,... I mom. , hills mot ~,,,,L and- • hat, berm it ased • . 1 • I ear , h e f oun d 0 0 . ,. / i n a HARD. ; Worms in.tmitoreu ; [net, il tot suro . r . t , r ,i,oeu i 1,,. the i , ~..1 . ,,,,,,,.,.,.,„ .„,, ,0 loth) ~,,i,,, lions, v. ite 1 Irel RE .52'01:1:'. i lea remedy in th e world, as tit occur i , th , i The exten;ivit ,iond building, heti) houses, 2nd. The subscriber purchasing in large , cern few bottles cures dropsy, by c .' i t i ng ,I 0 •.t . .p c., erected at great esiit.e by (is; P Herat A. . quantities from manufacturers, is enabled to ! iii° " . .. h e r "' 1 Wilson, have boon completed—and the groves sell these goods taint I We take pleatotre in reeornmendi ngthis moil- ! have been be:twin:llv laid out and aorned.- 20 to 100 p6.r cent cheaper! i kin. a" .I:rev,erd,l,rn l b ' vt- ,"'".,'"'. 1 Ag',', ('hit ;, ! The mod rimier:: .iMi ibomiiims airy and con, i Fever, eml a ll -rovers . . , tliltoos T' , . 1, I natality furnished; mot the po , pc,tt, from the than they tiro sold by 0tr,,,1. merchants. operates with t o and thousands are soli. , verand a hs for beauty, cannot lie . excelie.l. Ms clack includes a cl'larla° satiety of' I ling to testify to its w„nderfal virtues. - For hallo century, these Springs have been BUILDING-HARDWARE, : All who u s e it me gluing their ' ma u l ...les" celebrated fir alt ntedielnal rimiliti2s, awl the CUTLERY, 1 timeny in its raw,. , great nature ut the waters in ritem:loe mid elite- OILS, PAINTS. ''' ' CC 4 rMig 'water in the month with tie 'mtg.' tic sin:ohm, The temperature of the water VARNISHES, GLASS, , . • being 691 degrees, renders the bathing delight. STEEL, IRON, fi ,,,r , Olin ~;:yiitiom both togethet. • ful and invigoratirg. In the surrounding tt'octls .51ECIIANIC'S TOOLS, The Mire; Ynvigorator• . , • , •, , iind mountains. game tt'tonnd, and the fitiest lIOLI,OW-WARE, 'lt a .lel llille leeal nl. "'''' all ' lo "'"'y i fish Erg cainda in Stone Crock. Persons in per- SADDLERY, 1 working ewes, almost too great . 10 Leleva• It ! ~,,, of hehm, ut , lead's, w. , , , , , hind ..,,,, i, ~,,,,, CARRIAGE TRIMIINGS, I cures a n if by ,nagie, even the tirsst dose giving! CHAIN PUItIPS,I delightful .i.. 1 Itsalthltd retreat; tel its octant, I "'el.'' , and se Inni ' than one bottle Is ". Ito the Pennstivaitia IltWroad, and the clieapne, LEAD I'IPES,I quite , to core any kind of j.j,,, os,iiipi•lilli, I a the rates darned guests, give it a decided ItIOROCCOES, Ifr th om e worst jaundice or US,Pecant-ella to . e"' --,..--- m arm. any other watering place in th e LININGS ke. mon Headache, ell of which are the result of a ":"" el "' Together with a full assortment of everything diseased Liver. State. pertaining te his line of business. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PEII BOTTLE The Proprietor imo last year, of experien, in All orders receive prompt attention. ~,,. sA.-0,., Proprietor, , 45 th .,..,,, w • u5, N .', t . 1. 4 , ,, !T5...111 : 5! bbd to .. t o ttli i l l s n o L t i • b t l t e •mtitte will be spa- JAMES A, BROWN. Sold by Samuel Smith, Se J. Road Huntingdon le ',,`_,',..e1""-' guests '' a Illintingtlon, Oct. 6th, 1858. Apr.7.'58.-1r• Inlet B run from Huntingdon to Warm Springs on the nrrival of the tlitf,rcut Railroad trains --- - - - _ . _.. - fiire 25 rents. 'Families accommodated at mo -16 0 11. , 3 flEficii TH- 'I / .9,...., CO •j(Yliicle.l2. r -b crate (cribs. Warm Springs near 1 Cr- , .. a p c o m 4rDagiaag , 3l,cr - jr.,l„ Huntin g .i., Jo. 50, i Jolly It. HERD, pro•pri,lo7. ..... New 'Drug and Grocery Store. HO I. THIS WAY. SAIIIITEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 5 doors wost I Premiums awarded the "JOURNALe Of of the Court House, Huntingdon. Dealers in ' lice at the late County EAIR, for the best Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs Paints: Varnish es, A,, oih,,Spt. Turpentine, Flui d, Alcohol, Wine (CAR); AXA 1111 AN.O, and Brandy of the.t,est article for medical per- trt tr.mxtf: ,, , - .K.r i t.on.r . r't 3 7 r t a" , 7Z. r i 7 - i poses, Concentrated Lye for making Soap, Glass ='1X..1...4..1t , 1... , .X. .r - elt-A,ll` . ..k...l6ll'l:ini Putty Patent !Medicines alto Coffee, Tea, Cho- !loving recently received from the Eastern colors, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Salt ci t i es, a Flour, Crakers, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisies- Tammo, Cigars, Syrups of alt kinds fur sum, rtiaT politittl PRE co t mer drinks, in a word every thing 'usually kept in a I)rug or Grocery Store, those who dosire 1 and a large variety of the most fle.thinnable pure and Genuine articles will' do well liY Printing Malaita, which makes it ono or the giving us a call. trust coin plet's Printing Establishments in this Sept. 29, 1858•—ly. section. Persons in want of any hind of a 7114 OE IlirEacZY work, cannot du better than favor us with their patronage. We have facilities for execs ling in a superior manner any Lind of iti1i111122,5 )b(ll,2thill This i.e a new and valuable improvement, and i 3 better. cheaper, smaller, lighter; mere simple, requires less power, will chaff and clear grain and seeds more rapidly, toil with ,fir venter economy, than soy other (halo Fan in use. Send for a descriptive catalogue to Wm. L Boyer & Bro.„Agricultural implement Fac tory, Philadelphia. Sept. 29th, 1,-.58.-611).. '.ITEM pv BUREAU. An experienced Editor, a sTice.Ts7urAuthor, and a thoroughly educated Literary Man, woo. ry with twenty-five years of ths drud •ery of Daily Journalism, lion determined to Lire out and sell his brains at retail, to those who may require their services, in any honorable way. Merchants, Busini, Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, off hand with Advertisements, (poetical or otherwise,) Notieci, Cards, Circulars, or any species of or• tides desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pant. phlets, Editorial Articles, Communications, and every sort of Brainwork, which they may find it inconvenient or troublesome to do them. selves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in so ciety or occupation in life 2an have Letters written on any subject, life, business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Correspondence of every kind, either English, French, Spanish, German or Latin. Poetty, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet doux, Monodies, and Compositions of tin, most delicate and confidential character, incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished in inviolable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. Au8.18;38..1y PREMIUMS AWARDED TM JOURNAL JOB OFFICE AT THE LATE FAIR, Fffit 90'3E3CM1 T3M5.191 1 I'l_K _ • Miscellaneous Advertisements. PRINTING IN COLORS on the most reasennble terms. Those who mny wish to obtain any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accommodated at this establishment at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL BEAUS, SHOW BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPIILLTS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c., will be fuinithed promptly, executed in he best style and at reasonable rates. xl. , :e• express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. \"M. BREWST Ell. ogyhriiiinwaß a's3l. - Url. T its subst;ith;;;: ".. peeit'UTlTaarreuners to his friends and the public generally, that he has WAHNICK, CHADWICK & IWO., lensed that old and well establislap l'Avrior (M . O.:MORS co NEM AN a WARNICK.) , STAND, klloWli RS the Miniingdon NORT fI—E.A wr CORNEII OF SECOND & : Honed, on the cornet of Hill and Clerics 11 ,-2-- .,, -i,- RACE STREETS PHILA DELPHIA. I Street, in the Borough of Limning. ,i 'I M anufae.urers of end Dealers Wholesale and don, 6.... Retail in 1 lle has reeved/ put the imuse through a there- HEATERS, VENTILATORS, RANGES ! ugh course ofrepaira, and is now equal to any in AND STOVES. ! ; this placa. Ills TAME will always be stored with the ALSO, . best (Ito season can aflord, to suit the tastes McGregor's Celebrated Heaters and and appetit3s of Ids guests. Stole% i lies BAK will always be tilled with Choice Li. (azit o l n lit; vo ST 6 =always . attended by care With a great variety of the :idea patterns of : COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, , WIN hopes by st ri ct *oleic!) to bu s i ness ALSO, and a spirit of accomodutiOn, to merit and receive Queen's Patent Portable Forges. a ithcrul share of public patronage. Nov. 3,'5E1. , . ' Sept. 11, 1858—t y. P. McATEER. • u.D I R.; • N Y;ational c';fl.. ti;ikM,P , :t.''.:t':4C B4 iit . ' Company: IVA LNUT STREET, UTII-NVEST CORNER OF TIIJRD, LKEILWITAIVEI2,, Incorporated by Abe ;irate or Pennsylvania, nut PER CENT tVI'ETIEST . IVjONEY IS RECEIVED IN AN SUM hi, or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office to open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 5 o'elovk in the afternoon, and on Monday clot Thur,,lay evening, rill o'clock. HON. lIENRY L. RENNER, Pcc,/,/ , ,,t. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, fire Wrl. J. REED, Snych,.., DIRECTORS : lian.lienry L. Benner, Carroll Brew ter, Edward L. Chrier, Jos,ph B. Birry, Robert L. Franois lee, Sand. K. Aghtaa, ,rwa•pli Yerkes, C. LamiNtlt 31anas, I Henry Die!readaril'er,' Money in :::tai payaet,t e ,a a d e d a ily gold Without 11 , floc. itivc,tnulitt arc tuxlu iu Red Estate Mortgagcs, 11,ut4, aud suc h dim s o .. curities ar the Charter requires. Green Willow Foundry. T W(1ULI) reipc,ttally Worm the public that A I have emninen,ed • basilicct at the above place, n.. 1 will he re.* accomodate all who may wont any thing in my line of„husinc.. I will have int 1,11,1 or make to o,rder Threshing end ;dl odor machinery that nine be called for. of ever, description, Cook and Patter Sterc4, ilollnw•were, La.— All kinds of Ternintz, either wood or iron. and Illockstnithing will ha Lao in the he,t manner and an the mart r,a,onable terms. Farmers find others \51, , 1111;; t , i purelinse new machines teill find it to tlwir adi-Imagn to lz;ve me a eall. All kiwis Ilf pr.,1q,..t. taken in ex,bani, at rnarEut PETER TIPPER - 1' IVater,,,- Ovt. 1 INFORRIATION, ilr put•tfiilly . lie geuend Stare in 1' 3 n plen!li,l. ‘vn.npu nt sch,ctol , it It cure, to suit purch,cr :rlic stock or rfarelware.ll(4lSM - 1:14s, Titoecf; nrcl Shoe., Ent, 1 (%:pg. unrivty ref t2l :171.:r. (Azov' Doe;; anybody want to get into good blot. ne3s, by which try eon make from $75 to $lOO 0, month Withollt herd labor? If 30 send me 5 emits in stomps or money, for return pottage, and by return mnil, yon will receive circulars of the grandest Inono3minking. (lieme over nprearea to man. Discovered by Georgian and roved to be inynlnable by million of Somber': people. :. Mobile Abs. SE L C LOT:11 LNG yRICES TO sin"riir, TINES. 1858,FALL ,ND N W i IN \ ' ‘: ITIc CloolLl. 1858, il'. Gutman & Co., Inform tie public generally, that they Intve received alarge stock of Fall and Winter Goods, consisting of COA rs, VESTS, PANTS, &c., &c. Al,O, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. Hit slot lc or Clothing is of the lateit fash ions, and noomfactured of the best materials; and as they itre determined to sell as cheap us the cheapen!, the public will do well to give them a call and examine their stock. ihe'Don't forget the place—bong's brick building, on the corner, Market square, Hun tingami. 00..13 '5B N115i11.1,1.7E0U5 ,AOVERTISMENTS Miss SOrni COLON.. G. \V. CROCKETT, CHARLES 13URDEVP THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CL A I . l', t:N,, GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL. YOUNG, Mits. ANNA WHELPLE Miss VIRGINIA VAUG Mi.. DI. VERNON. Miss HATTIE CLARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only for tho G 0 14 D . k Z@:. GOLDEN I'ILIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDiEN • THE GOLDEN PRIZE ILLTISTRATED lIDE.i & S;iLTE:i; successors to Iteeket & Co Thu New York Weekly Golden Mize is one or the large,t awl best literary pnees of the day—An Itorerial Qnatto, emit:6l)lm; eight int ge ur forty columns, of the most int( re.intr nml feseinatin :ending 'natter. from 11, ' , chief the very first writer; 01 the day, EELGANTLY it.i.usTitATEo I..VEItY WEEK A P1i1.1,-;ENI', Worth from 53 Cents to $4OO 00. Will 1,, given to end, snl,,arther Immediately on ret cipt of the sultseription money, This n memento of Friendship, and not as tin 'mit:et:meta to obtain anbserihm T E R 111 S I Copy for I year, S 2 00 and I Present. 3 5U 2 Presents, I 4, 5 00 5 " tg 5 8 00 5 " AND TO C 1,171,8, 3 f.'”i , iep, 1 year, 00 3 " 700 5 " 15 00 10 " 21 " e; 30 00 21 " The amities to he given away are comprised in the following list L. 2 I'3eke4os °Mold, con' g $5OO 00 each. 5 no do do 200 00 el A:. 10 .1,, do do 100 00 end, 10 Patent Lever I funeg Watches 100 on each. 20 Cold Watch. 75 00 each. 50 do GO 00 each. 100 do no 00 cock. 300 f a tties' Gold W. - aches 35 00 cock. 200 Silver Hunting Watches 30 00 each. 200.`'fiver Watches Cl)) 00 to 25 00 c.och. 1,301,1,1.1 (3 eml, Chains 010 00 to 3 0 0 0 coth (1011 Loa 11eneelete, Brooches, Ear Drops, 11renct Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Ituttops, Ilings, Shirt Studs, Watch 11 . cy,, (4,1,1 and Oil vet. Ti,ablos, and . a variety of other articles, wnyll, from 50 cent to 215 each. We v 11l present to every person sending ns subscrillers, 02 each, a Cold Watch, worth to any Doe sending no 100 snl:scribers, at S 2 tocli, a Gold Watch, worth 900. Every sal ,, cril , er will also receive a present. linmed:ately on receipt of the money, the Enderiher's name will be entered upon nor hook and the present will he forwarded within 'c c. by moil or exprass. post paid, G5.../1 1 11 , 01000niontions should be addressed to DEAN C SA LTEtz, 835 Broadway, New York. dime 9, A,. BLANKS . I _ BLANKS iA -- , A yoncral ~,,,,bnpia (4. Illanko or all do . soripl;ong jos,' printed qial Jr;., Ado td 1110 itointin't of .I.l.,rerec4, Geomon 1,),,,1, Noiiee to lleleree,, J W1 ; 1111010 Notes S.ont,-n,, Ve:eiee Note,, Exi.cutiohs, Conmald is :inles, Soil, l'aeito, Suhpundts. Conii.lalolo, Deeds, IVarrants, :ltovgage3, Genmitotents, Bond to 'dnut - lift Constable, ,te Dr. John 'McCulloch, pro!'es ionnl servicus to 0., cit . ., liunting , tonand vicinity. Office, on Ili] het w ontgumery ttn,l untingtl on, Aug. 29, 1855. COON STOVE. _ , A spr,ENDI :74:1 - V'COOK sTo vE lent this office; it is et.l,,tinted t> burn's coal. EU VAL'S G ALVAN IC OIL, Pryarrd orignottly lw Pro. 11. I/UV-ALI: formerly at thu College of Surgeolw, at Parts. IS NOW OEFERED TO THE 1'1.713- MC, ' V., the Cum of all sore veil Discases.,7,l F or instance—Pain or soreness in any part of the system, Rheumatism, pain in the hack, breast or sides, healed bren,k, N,nralgia, Burnt, Sprains, ilead-nehe, 'ramp in the Stomach er any other dis .st,e that is SORE or I'AMFUL, and lit it only over this class of diseases we I , daiTa a VICTORY. We say positively • n sine patrons we can relieve the sutterer 99 time, not of InO. We would just say the PrOf. Ito Vali seas 2n year,: won,: to this medicine superiority .)ve..r ail others. Priee 50 els. per bottle-1 per cent: oll'tho trade. All orders must he ad.. dig: sod to J. 1). STONEROAD, Sole Agent for 17. S., Lewis TOWN, Pa. Aug.18,'58.-Iy. CONSUMPTION CURED. CONSUMPTION r AN OLD INDIAN Dttevoit, UZMAS BRANT, i ' ot i Vit e th a t. l' oiti t e " r;' } o . it a Y7t"„ 4 „o ti t". o;o,t, discovered a RARE CONSUMPTiONI'LAN'r, that proves to he it certain cure Aar Consumption, CURED.tst: . inut, Liver tut, en°. Alice- lions, Coughs, COW, lite.— CONSUIIPTIONIfining 11'3 fortune and retired from business, lie n trill send the prescription s and CURE.. directions for preparin g the medivinesfive of charge to all CONSUNPAIONwho may desire ir, and will rend to his agent, enclosing CURED. i ZU ) r s e t t ' t i t i r ' ineer e ,'A r v " i s tli . a t' cle t s Y t s cription of their symptoms.— CONSUMpI'IONTIie Old Doltor has cured more than 3000 eases of Con. CURED. b a . 7 1 7,1 7 themselves of this opportuni coNsuDirrioNty, as the Doctor wishes to do all the good ho can before ho dies. AdtLess all letters to DANIEL ADEE, Box 3531 I'. 0., Now York, Who is his tole agent. June 30th, 1e.58..1y. CURED. MOMlaflesas A dvortise mut s. New Cavd-Press. Having bought alast "CARD-PRESS," we are now prepared to print in the proportion of three cards in the same time that any other preeu in the county can print one s consequent. ly we eon print. them cheaper—if not done well we make no charge at all. We ask your pa tronage. NZ 1W , 2 onms 2 , 7211 N GOODS! FISHER & HAVING re-opened the METROPOLITAN formerly lom., no "S.,:crox'n" Wm plea sure in announcing to their tnany friends, flint they linen received a new and well-selected spick of Goods, which they feel confident will satisfy the demands of the public, and will prove unexceptionable in STYLI', and QUALITY. The line of Dress Goods embrnees ROBES A QIJILLN IN ORGANDIES, LAWNS, PERCALES, be. CHALYS, BER AGES, B il I LLIAN TS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, CR AVELLA MOHAIR, DANUBIAN, TA MISE ' AND LA- N - ELLA CLOTHS, DEBAGE, LUSTIZES A LPACCAS, PRINTS, GINGTIAMS, We have a fine assortment of Slimmer Man- Shawls, DI, 3 Trimmings , Fringes, An tiques, Riblionu, Mitt,, Gloves, Gauntlets ' 11, sicry, Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, lintions, Floss. Sewing Silk, Whalelmnes for Reed Hoops. Brass do., Skirt Cord, f.e. ALSO—TICI,OII3, blenched MP" blanched Sliding nt all prices, Colored 01:1 White Combrics, Barred mut Swiss Merit Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, Tairleton and men other attic!, which comprise the line of Whil, and Domestic Gout's. We have Gumo, Emmy Casiimcrt, Sattinett,,JCDTlß, 'l'a'ced::, COtlMlatles3, Denims and Bloc Drills, HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS, or every vatjety anvl style. Also all kimis o STRAW GOODS. A frond s . tock of GRO( CRIES, 11.1i11) & QUEENSWARE, tiIIOOTS & SfgoEp, Wood and Wiligovv-ware, nltieli will be•sold CI? We tine deal in PI,ATER, - Hsu, and all kinds of GIZAIN, null po,,oss facilities in tins branch of trade unequalled by any. We deliver all peel:ages or parecli of Merellan.ike, CHARGE, et the ‘lepoti "I the' Broad Tor, and Pennsylvania Railroads. Come one, come all, and he convinced that •tite ":,11, - ritore MA N . ' it the place to secure fishionalde and de,irable goodt, diFpond of at the lowest rate, Apr.l New Good!, ! New Goods ! 79. P. GWII7;,S 1). P. Gwiii IiRS j , l st rettund from l'hilmlel• with tie larg,t aml ..iL IJeamifill en• .ortment or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Eve, hrhu^ltt to Huntingdon, consisting or the most fit,ltionnlile Dress Goods for Ladies ixed Gentlemen, such es Black and Fancy, All Wool Ic Loins, (all colors) Spring Chaffin Detains. Berages. (all colors) Lt even Cloth, Delinize, Alpneen, Pop lins, Prin eJ Berages,l3rilliunts, plain and fig ured, Ging!mms, Lawns, and Prints or ercry de scription. . -- A LO, a largo fot of ilress 71'rittimings, Frin ges, Antiques, Gimps, hattons, Crapes, Reed & Brass Ifoops, Skirt Cord. Silk and Linen handkerchiefs, Neck ties, Stock, Zephyr, Preach Working Cotton, Linen and C,:tton Flocs, Tidy Yarn, ac. Akg the best UM cheapest Asset tment of Col art, aria Uncleulee , es, in town. !Lied and Plain Jaconet, ttit ired, Sitirt Iteltt• Afaricille fur Capes, :Pia tt variety or wute goodo too tutinerunt to tarn. lion. Srring SitaAls, IMP° Delaiim lily Capri, Mallt;11.1s, . • Ake, C,SirlrltS, Tweed+, IC. Jeans, Colton Drill, Nanknens, 'l'ieken,'l'eldo Diapers, Flonnel,, Alto, a I,trge lot of Honnet,, Hat, flats, &e. MOOtS and Shoe.% the largest and chat pest a,ortn,,..nt in town. 1 1 .7 e1.TT1Z1Cf515,711.31.74, IS,711.31.74, Buckets, Tubs, Basket:l, Chartis, Batter Bowls, Brooms, ,@c. Carps ts, 011 Cloths, 1 and tinit, Sugar, Cctlimt. Tea, Molasses, mai all goods usually kept in a country StOr, My it'd customers, and an mangy• new one, as can crowd in are respectfully requesto:f.eol,,, and examine cry goods. All kinds of Country produce taken in ex• change for goods, at the highest market prices. DA V 11) P. G W I N. • April 21, 1858. LU CLOTHING ! A Sew Assortment Just Opened I And will be sold CO per cent. CU EAPER THAN CHIC PEST! LT :ROMAN respectfully irrorrns his env., - 11 roars and the public generally, that he has just opened at his store-room in Market Square- Huntingdon, it splendid new stock of Ready made Clothing for fall and Winter, which he will sell cheaper than the same quality of Goods can he purchased at retell in Philadel phia or mmy other establishment in the country. Persons wishing to buy Vlothing would do well to call end examine his stock heilwe l grebe sing elsewhere. Also, 'lois, Caps, which v7lll ho sold lower then nt any other n tablishment in the comity. Iluntingdon, April 1. 1858. STAGE LINE FRONT chambersburg to Mt, Union rp he undersigned aware that a suspensiono 11 the lino of Stages over the road between Cbambershurg und Alt, Union, cannot be but disadvantage°s to a large section of tho coun try, hits, at a considerable expense and trouble made arrangements to run a line of Stages Tri-weekly between this two points. Good Horses and comfortable Stages have been !Oa red on the route, and experienced and trusty drivers will superintend the running of the Couches. The proprictorof the line is disirous that it he maintained, and he therefore upon the public generally to patronize it. et li dent that it will be for their mutual advanta Every attention necessary will be given, r 1 the running of the Stages will be regular. Stages leave Mt, Union, every Tu da) Thursday, nod Saturday evenings, nrrf ng nt Chambersburg the next day at 2 &dor . lto turning, leave Chambersburg, the so a night at to o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union :le next eveaing in time ibr the ears. Betwe, Mt, Un ion and Shade Gap the line will be daily. 65- Fare through $3 ; to intermediate points in proportion. JOHN JAMISON. Jan. ttOth, 1858.—tf NAT.Lk.Nr/ 11 3E13=i! WITEAI AND CORN wanted at this otlice. Those having either can filly.° of the sante by calling soon. RAILROAD HOURS, TRAINS GOING EAST. Mail T. I Ex. T. I Fast, T. Train leaves P. M. A. M. P. M. I'otcrsbc 1.06 8.24 11.24 Hunt' , don, 1.22 8.39 11.39 Mill reek, 1.33 8.19 1,1.49 Mt Onion, 1.17 9.03 12.03 I All. GOING Wee, Train leaves P. M. A. M P. M Mt. Union, 4.32 6.45 11.36 Mill Creek 4.48 6.58 11.49 Huntingdon, , 5.03 7.11 12.01 Petersburg, 5,20 7.23 12.13 ki.%'- The Passenger train on the H. & B. T. railroad leaves Huntingdon aa followa : 7 30A. M. 3P. M. 4 ,Z 0.e07.c5c,00 0 0 1 . la triarAr 0 4 . : 1 .13JOB OFFICE 0 0 < I A (I OF TUE 0 i :- < :i,i ' ) ( 0 ) "HUNT. JOURNAL.''' 0 o . -!rl . , i. , The largest and best o : JOB OFFICE S I t 'u , ,`; IN TIII: COUNTY. t I I < ~:, : .IFGE-WORK 00_ .7 fi ° L ' [ . IJ EL IIK {1 IT•SMVO ) ' EXECUTED g ~' 0 :CS , JD , Ef32572Eil g 4, 4 0 THAN 0 4 ) ' n o 7', V:E.lnEgifx g 7 AI' 14 , 0 1,11 FE ~ CT 5,11•10 . ••' ;, <O jo , g WA RRtilli . :..9 0 Nt. ' n o All kinds of : 4 1' g BLANKS g 11 2, c ,? ? ,,, 0 ~. _ _ 0 : 4 Z" 2 .T=i.:A:bc.:g , i. - ginlz-4,,g'VErlkeinf wnm rgumvsztanott )11 . MITE undersigned owners of the Huntingdoit Y. Mill, inform Carolers and the public general ly, that they now have their new mill in running ardev, ',dill all the modern improvements in the water %%heels and machinery. They have pot in five of the Improved Jon val Turbine Water Wheels, and can grind ing ell stages of the water, and during the m cit weather, nay and :ill hinds of grain. They are prepared to sell, and have on hand CT sale at all times, :it market rates, all kind of can their FLOUR, s FEED ANDgrai STUFFS, and farmer havo own n ground, alla take it buck in n return load, or they can be furnished is ccehange at a moment's notice en urinal (timidity of Flour and Bran or chop• ped Med. MACHINE 13 Ornn improved inanufacture; and they wit insure a FULL. TURN OUT of superior quali Ir to every I , u,diel . or grain left at their mill.. . . ...... • N. 8.--The Buckwheat steney are not quite 11:1;, December 10, 1856. H. NEFF, M. D., . LT AVING located himself in WA lIRIUI. II l& 11 in this county, would respectfully offer hit se,riees to the citizens of that plat, the country atu,eitt. J. B. Loden, 31. D. Gon. A. I'. Wilson, llenflerson, " Wm. P. Orbison, J. H. Homy, " Hon. James Gwinn, M. Stewart, " John Scott, Esq. 11 , m. George Taylor. _ . Pa. Jacob M Geminill, M. I)., Alexanat John M'Culloch, " Petersburg. 11,74 A. P. Wusirs IL BRIJ. PETRIRIN WILSON & PETRIKIN, 4TTOR.NEYS .11UNTI.NGDON, PA. Practice in the several Courts of Huntingdon Bleir,Canibria, Centre, Mifflin and JuniataCourt- March 23, 1853. . Cheapest "Job Printing" Office WWI COUNTY. MI hare now made such arrangements in our Job gylce as trill enable us to do all kinds of Job Pruinting at 20 per cent. cheaper rates man any Office in the County. Give us a call. If we don't give entire satisfac tion, no charge at all will he made. IN BLAST AGAIN ! fluntingdon ri, : ww ! , 1 9 ,, Foundry. ginE SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME. thod of inhuming their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt ingdon Foundry, and are now in successful op eration, and era prepared to furnish casting of all kinds, of the best quality on tho shortest no t ico and most reasonable terms. Farmers are iiivito7i; call and examine our Ploughs. We are manufacturing the Hunter Plough, (this plough took the premium at the Huntingdon County Agricultural Fair, in 1855) also Hunter's celebrated Cutter Plough, which can't be beat, together with the Keystone, Hill side, and Barshear Ploughs. Wo have on hand and are inanuilieturing stoves, such as Cook, Parlor and office stoves for coal cr wood. EZOLLOW-w ARE consisting of Kettles ' Boilers, Skillets, B:c., all of which will he sold cheep for cash or in ex change for country produce. Old metal taken for new castings. By a strict attention to busi ness awl desire to please, we hope to receive a share of public patronage. J. Al. CUN:pilb/OHAM &BRO. Aprll 10, 185W-tf. DR• J R:HUYETT ALEXANDRIA, RUNT. CO., PA. April 1,1857.—1 y. V11):3 1/RhANgel R 43Cdl2° Willattend to all business entrusted to:hirn•Of fire nearly the Court House Play 5, , 5:1 JOHN SCOTT: SAMUEL T. BROWN MOTT LBIIIOV7EI, Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, Pa., Office same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq• 19, tail,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers