Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 02, 1859, Image 3

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    Nunttughn rank
for the Indies and three cheers for tile la
dies and three for the Huntingdon Braes
' Bend, the crowd dispersed, leaving all who
witnessed it under the pleasing reflection
that old Petersburg has aroused from her
lethargy, and with the iirnion C.4uards"
and their gallant captain, the people can ,
retire to their midnight slumbers, know
ing that they are safe under their protec
lion. Long may they live, and when they
have passed away may the stripes, borne
by their children, wave over them. The
best order and peace were observed thro'-
' nut the day. QUIXOTIC.
Wednesday Morning, March 2. 1859.1 AMERICAN A ORCIILTURIST.—The May
_______ number of this monthly is now on our table
The Circulation of the Hun- This is one of best Agricultural peri
tingdon Journal, is great- odical nt ell times—but the pre sent
er than the Globe and Ant- I
number is particularly valuable, We
erican combined.
I are astonished that it is not taken by
The Huntingdon JOCUNAL for one year, and i Published in Mew York, by Orange
either of the Magazines for the sane period I Judd. A. M., at $1 per annum.
will be sent to the address of any subscriber
to be paid in advance as follows : ! PHILADELPHIA MARKETS.
The Journal and Godey's Lady's .flook, fur !
Le a ' Journal and Graham's Magazin S e 3 , f s o o r ! Putt.snEt.rms Mon.?, 1859
one year, .. $3 50 FLOUlt—Superline. per barrel, $5 75(4600
The Joni nal and Emerson's Magazine and I u Extra " " 5 944645
Putnam's Monthly, fur one year, $3 501 0 family c• 6.25 to 725
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family i u se Fl our ant i C on , g e m
Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, fur ono year
$3 50 ,
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine, 1
for one year. $2 75
She Journal and Peterson's .Ihtgazine, for
ONO s'ear,, . $2 751
The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one
year, $3 50
The Journal and Gerate Fanner. kr
one year, $1 87}
PETER: 1 1111RO, Feb. 24, 1850.
Editor of the Journal:
Sin:—Pardon file if I intrude upon I The Life, Speeches and Memorials
your patience for a few minutes, in ni temp- ! OF
ting to give you a brief sketch of the grand ' DANIEL WEBSTER;
co i n e t , n ( ! o " i i i " Fre l m iis t i h " e o l t celebrated . Orations, a se
celebration of the 22nd. As items of new 3
are very scarce in this part or the country. ! 0 „,„i„„ o f hi: 1 Ka togies t i t lilVelr:i',d on
I think it would not be amiss to give a brief : and Times.
description of the banquet at the celebra- y sAmu ni l , gt - cKER, A. 31.
Lion of the birthday of the great patriot, I
George Washington. This splendid work is just published, in ono
large volume of 550 pages. It is printed on
The day and the occasion were one long r,„; paper and bowel in beautiful style; con
s() be remembered by the citizens of our I tains excellent tint We:Al.:Wont; of his Birth
borough and 'Mindy.
place and Mansion at Mansfield ; and a fi ll!.
len,gth ' Steel Portrait. The Publisher
At 9 o'clock in the rimming one could oilers it with confidence to the American pen.
see white cockades waving in the breeze, pie, and Is convinced that :t will supply an ini i;
which was a strong indication that the 'true I ,::,, t 7 o ut b ` o "a t ta il i l iec i n i e ic n r c e n o i r i e r w a t u ie T p N r :Z e r d
and tried hearts of '76; were not forgot- within a compact and convenient compass, the
ten. The unusual stir showed that the chief events of the linoof Daniel Webster, his
. , most remarkable intellectunl efforts, and the
people were to and fro, with hearts as light most valuable and interesting; eulogies which
and free as the sporting guests of a wed- the
men of the nation uttered is honor
dung feast. I must not forget the ladle:, c'f.l.l,ica mmory.w
present all these treasures in this veh
(God bless them!) who spared no pains in ume, at a very mode-ate price, and in a very
twining eve tths, and making other or. ; F i tt, r 7ltl i t i p o rz i Su bscription »rice in cloth
menus to decorate tie streets, and oak, • Per . sons desito > .;; of becoming ...t .' gents for
the occasion well a orthy of the patriotic this valuable work, will address, for further par.
hearts who assembled to celebrate the birth, tiruhtrs,DUANE PULisox, Pub.
3,'59..3t. ::3 S. 3rd. St., Philuda.
day of the fattier of our country and the Fcb.2
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
man who stood the storm, and °wroth! the I
wnrs that secured to us the liberty that we MORE THAN 500 , 000 Bottles
boast so much of.
•01,l) IN 'I'll)
At helf-past nine, f 'apt. Johnson had his NEW ENGLAND STATES
handsome squad of Union Ounr‘is drawn IN ONE YEAR.
up in battle army. One would have sup
posed that he „as preparing to meet the , I ,,,Vi e ,,: s t" = l ; ' i r k ; P r f"" ; ' , aud Pe a rma •
enemy on the plaint' of Utah ; and I dare volume might be .‘ g .t iv ' e a n f'rcm.ti;nittilp.oaltutisnco‘f a fter
and from the most intelligent to prove
sny the heroic atptain and his brave COM.
c l i t r a c t u l t t ,r is un a d perfect ,.,,a Restorative ; but read the
pany would have given old Brigham a hard cannot doubt; read also the
straggle for the conquest on the inornin, following. "
of the twenty•second. s i n.- I.'rople have for centuries
While the company were being drilled hers eillieted with hold lieads and the only re.
: heretofore known, has been those nit.,
to the satisfaction of all the spectators, the
le tendon of all we, directed to a moving so l i! I ! ..) ‘ o v il ". %es i e lY nt i l t icTer t i ir d o is h ' el7j Y e fa ° .. t t i cl ' i r s ' p r e c t s t:
colutnn of what ono might have tools to be sal with, hut a great many pewits still pairs
the advance of Brigham'e 64—but turned11,17,0,`„r„1,01,6,717,8,7 they Lave been so often
Tunics of,)iiferent kinds.
out to be General Watson and staff. accom. ;To all such persons we earnestly make the
partied by the Huntingdon Brass Band. 'request, that they will try once again, for in
They were greeted with a salute of 24 f0i1. I\'o know of a lady e•ho a•ns bald, w•hn
guns from the Guards, who were stationed used the article a short time, and her head is
.on the opposite hill. The General end now
e most bTuTilfluleCumtleila tely i
till th h
V i e " i lc e i s tr t w anfi f
Staff were then met by the marshl of the Inumerous cases where hair was rapidly falling
day, and escorted to the public square, I out, which it restored iu greater perfection than
where all present were treated to the soul- , it ever had been before.
It s fo a r h ic o ee w p i i t t !T t ii t ,e dtab i t e oni:eg000l
cheering music of .‘Yankee Doodle,"
the Bend. The procesion formed and malting it seft glossy, removing dandruff and
starched enemy to all the
marched down Main street, to the Depot,
up Hit/ street to Montgomery, and from It is the duty of every one to improve their
there to a field in sight of town, where the personal appearance though some may differ
Guards wero drilled by Gen. Watson and to regnrtl to the ways of dais it; but every one
will admit that a beautiful lieu ,) of Moir either
Capt. Johnson, till all present were assur- in man or woman, ss an object much to be
ed that the Guards were well disciplined desired, and there ere , no means that shoald
be left untried to obtain such a consideration.
for service, Womatic Advocate, Philadelphia.
After returning to town, (and by this
t.,,te the crowd had s.velled to the number
th r ee or four hundred in procession, of
ficers, soldiers and spectutors,) all partook
of a splindid dinner, got up by those noble•
hearted landlords, Neff and Helfright, who
are always sure to bo first in serving goad
dinners on all occas ions,
The celebration was finished by one of
,the most touching events of the day,—it
was in prosenting a most beautiful wreath
to Gen. Watson and staff, by 51;ss Anna
Hunter, aged 6 years, as an humble tri-
bute of respect for the men who had as
seinbled to celebrate the birth day of our
glorious chieftain. The wreath . was made
by the ladies expressly for the occasion,
and our talented townsman, E. V. Wing.
gard, made a short but very appropriate
speech on its presentation, which was re
sponded to by one of the statt in behalf of
the officers in a speech well worthy of the
speaker. In returning thanks, ho assured
them of his double wanks to the smiling
young innocent, who was chosen to present
the wreath,
Indeed, if this was the last, it was no t
the least act of this public demonstration
is oar quiet village. After three cheers
45a1 48
1 60(,1,1 70
Wheat—red, per hnsbel,
White "
Cloverseed $G 50(i:46 75 per G 4 pounds
l'iniotlu serd, $2,00 to 225
Flax, per bust ,1 $1 75
Cochoclon,ollio. Nov. 18, 1858,
0. J. WOOD & Co.—Gbnts As I have
been engaged in selling your Hair Restorative
the last season for one of your local agents,
and having experience' . the beneficial effects
of it myself, I mould like to obtain an agency
for the State of Ohio or some State in the
West, should you wish to make such an ar
rangement, as I um convinced there is nothing
equal to i t in th e United States, for restoring
the h a i r . I h ave been engaged in the drug
business fur several years, and have sold vari•
one preparations for the heir, but nave found
nothing that restores the secretive organs or
nvigorates the scalp no well us yours, being
fully convinced that your restorative is what
represent it to be, I would like to engage in the
sale of it, for I am satisfied it must sell
Yours truly,
Wayland, Moss., Feb. ii, 1857.
PROF. 0. J. WOOD & CO.—Gents Hay.
ing realized the good effects of your Hair Re.
sturative, I wish to state, that finding my hair
growing thin, us well as gray, I was induced
from what I read and heard, to try the articles
prepared by you, to promote its growth and
change its color as it was in youth, both of
which it hex effected completely- In the oper
ation I have used nearly three bottles.
Yours, &c.
0. J. WOOD & Co., Proprietors. 312 Broad.
war, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire
I Railing Establishment,) and 114 Market St.,
St. Loo:4, Mo. John Read, Agent, Hunting•
don, lind RA by all good Druggists.
Miscellaneous Advertisements
The"llutmeonow JOURNAL' is published :It
the following rates :
If paid in advance $1,40
if paid within six months otter the time of
_subscribing 1.7;
. . . .
If paid hero; the expiration of the year, 2,00
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
after the expiration of the year. No subscript
tion taken for a less period than six months.
1. All subscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, and no paper will be discontion-
until arrearages arc paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
2. Returned numbers are nererreceired by us,
All numbers sent us in that way are lost, had
never accomplish the purpose of the haunter.
3. Persons wishing to slop !het,'
moot pop V ar•r•earages, and send a written or
verbs' order to that effect, to the Oleo of pub
lication 'Huntingdon.
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
legs or a proper notice. . .
5. After . ° Tie or more numbers of a new year
have been forwarded, a new year has commenc
ed, and the paper will not be discontinued unti
arreoragee are paid. Sea No. 1.
The Courts have derided that refusing to take
a newspaper from the office, or removing and
having it uncalled for, in PRIMA FACte evidence
. _
I intentional fraud.
h Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other States, will ho required to pay invariably
in advance.
tarTlie above terms will be rigidly adhered
to in all rases.
Will be charged at the following rates
I insernon. 2 do. 3 do.
Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37{ $ 50
Me square, (IC lines,) 50 75 I 00
Two (32 " ) 100 150 200
3 mo. Gmo. 12 nio.
One square, $3 00 $5 00 $0 00
Two squares, 500 800 12 00
4 column, SOO 12 00 18 00
12 00 18 00 27 00
do., 18 00 27 00 40 00
1 0., 28 00 40 00 50 0U
Business Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00.
(Estate qf Arm. Showalter, dee.)
All persons are hereby notified that Letters
of Administration on the estate of Abraham
Showalter late of Cass township, Huntingdon
County, dcc. him: been granted to the under-
signed; all persons having claims or demands
aguinst the estate of said dec. aro requested
to make known the same to the undersign.
eel without delay, nod all owing thin estate are
requested to make immediate payment.
Cassville, Feb Bth
Peters Patent, nonexplosive Gas Lamps
nre just AT thing for all being the only
burner having a non conductor and reru•
later attscheci—lea ring the lamps and
id always cold—not like others—the being
hut a straight tube entering the lamps.
Goods at wholesale prices, or State or
Cottoty rights for Sale. Address or apply
to D. P. Peters, 422 Brootlway, Now
PROM I' i LAD. T. n I.t,
This gallery of Art is uow open ft..r puOic
inspection of specimens of Ambrotypes. Crys.
talographs, Photographs, Circular amid Star
Pictures ' also, Name, or Age, or Residence, fa
h. on the Pictures—letters of different colors.
Set in Frames, Cases. Locl.•ets, Rings, Pins or
Particular attention pal,' to taking pictures
of Children. Time, from one to four seconds.
Perfect satisfactiwi given, or persons are not
exported to take !heir pictures.
Pictures taken from Lick or deceased persons
at their residences. Copies taken f.•um Da
guerreotypes or Portraits. Also, views of resi
dences. &c.
Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call
and esamino specimens. Pictures taken as
well in cloudy as fair weather.
How often do we hear the exclamation, when
persons are looking at Portraits—'l would not
value any sum if I could procure the Portraits
of my parents—or deceased children I" Rea
der, if you are gifted with this ennobling
ing of unity, you have an opportunity to grati
fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits,
which, it is known, trill not fade.
geT-Those that wish to learn this beautiful
art can call one ace W.F. Thomas, front Phila.
Priem; from 50 cents upwards.
Jana 2;58.-y.
Noto, Post, Commercial, Foolscap and
Flateap—a good assortment tor sale by the
ream, half ream quire or sheet, at
Lewis' New Book and stationery :tore.
Dec.22,'58. tt.
Wan. A. Dateltelors flair Dye
The Original and Best in the World
All others ere mere imitation, and should
be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule.
stantly to a beautiful and Natural Brows or
Black, without the least injury to flair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas bane beep a
warded to Wan. A. Batchelor since 1839, and
over 80,000 applications have been made to
the Hair of his patrons of his flamous Dye.
\V M. A. BA't UHELOR'S 11Allt DYE pro
duces a color not to be distinguished from
ture, and is warranted not to injure in the least
however long it may be continued, and the ill
effect of Bud Dyee remedied ; the 11, it in
vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye.
Made, mild or applied (in 9 private rooms)
at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New
York. Sold in all cit. ,a and towns of the Uni
ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods
e - The Genuine hostile marl and address
upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of
each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR,
233 Broadway, New York.
John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa.
Nov. 17,'38-Iy.
(EE/ate of Mary Shively, de,l
Atinligvt!iirHA.tpws NOTICE.
Letters — ofAdminit7ration on the estate of
Maoy Shrively, late of Porter township. dec.
having been gra t.d to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate are required to
make immediate payment, ane those having
claims will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Jacob W. Shively,.4dmr.
N. 13.—The Adtuinistrator wall attend in
Alexandria, on tho Bth and 15th days of Jan
na ilo i r i t l e i r t. township, Jan. 5. 1869,
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
R VTIM -- war_Q -- T/111Z.
11 surpass all. They are elegant. light, easy
and durable.
Fitting ton charm—no turn up behind—no
shrinking oft the head ; indeed, this is the only
Establishment where these things are proper
ly understood and made.
Nov. 17, 233 Broadway, N. Y.
T i. all diseases ialatnation more or less pm
1 dominates—now to allay intlatantior. strikes
at the root of all diseases—heuce an iatrnedi•
ate cure.
and nothing eine, will allay inhumation at once,
id make it, certain cure,
Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor will cure
the following among a great catalogue of
diseases: Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, core
Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strairs,
Bites, Poison, Chi!says. Gout, Swelling. Rheu
matism, Suald Head, Salt Rheum, Baldness,
Krysidelas, Ringworm, Barbers Itch, Small
Pox, Mangle Rash, &c.
To some it may appear meredidons that so
many diseases should be reached by one arti•
de ; such no idea will vanish when reflec!inn
points to the fact, that the salve is a combine.
non of ingredients ' each and every one apply- •
Mg a perfect antimile to its apostate disorder.
in its effects is magical, because the time is
short between diseases and a permanent cure;
and it is an extractor, so it draws all diseases
out of the affected part., leaving nature as
perfect no before the injury. It is scarcely tie•
cessary to say that nu house, work•shop, or
manufactory should be one moment without it.
No Pain'Extractor is genuine unless the
box has has upon it a steel plate engraving,
with the mime of Henry Dailey, Manufactu
rer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent
medicine dealers throughout the United Statas
and Cummins. Principal Depot,
165 Chambers St., New.Yorlr.
John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa,
Nov. 17, '58.-Iy.
Sworn statement of David McCreary, of Na
pier Township, BedMrd county,
In April, 1856, as near as I can rememcmher
a small pimple made its appearonee on my up
per lip, which ,cion became enlarged owl sore.
I used ?milli les at sorrel, and a wa,h of blue
vitrol, without effect. Finding die sore.extend
ine I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who
pronounced it CANCER, nod prescribed n wash
of Eugur of lead and bread poultices. Finding
the, remedies of no avail. I called upon 1/r.
Shaer, of Davidsville, :Mmersct county, who
alai pronounced the disease Cancer and gore
no internal and t,ctermil remedies—the latter
consisting principally of caustic; ban ell to no
patio's, os the tliwitse continued spreading to
ward the boric. I next used a preparation of er
scnic. in the form of salve. This for a thee
checked tb: disease. I ut the inflammation soon
iII,TeRSC.i. I next coiled upon Dr. titatit: of
Claitsville, Radford rummy, who also. pronoun
ced the disease to he Cancer, and applied a Salvo
said to be as never failing ronedy, but it had no
etlbet whatever in checking the spiced of the
sore. La DeciunWr, of the s , nne•year, the din
e., hod eaten away a greater purl 01 my upper
lip, and had attacked the nose, when I went to
Cincinnati where I consulted Or, R. S. Newton
of the Elect ic Medical College. Ito pronoun.
cad the disease •'a cutaneous Catcer, superin-
by an inordMate n-as of mercury.'; Ile
inild sine ointment, tool gave Inc inter
nnhve,„,„:ls. My face healed up, but the in
,:ns not thoroughly -removed, In
F e b ruar y. 1857. be pron ounced me cured, and
I left fei ; home. '
_April the (Incase again re
turned, nod so violent the pain that I could
not re at night. Late In ,Nay I returned to
Cineinr ol ti pr an . Ndnegwation p i ece d , e pselt under die
chargen, with whom 2 . remained
unsil September, during which time hd ilm 3l
ever y known ...illy, and partly succeed es: in
checking the disease, but whets I returned
home there were still throe discharging , ulcers
upon my face. I continued using Newton's
preparations, and also medicine that I got from
Dr. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing un
til it had eaten off the left side of city nose, the
!sreater portion ul my left cheek, and hada:tack
ed my left eye, I had given up all ho,•e of ev
cr being cured, since Dr. Ely said he could only
give relief; but that a cure was impossible. In
March, 1853. I bought a bottle of "Blood Sear
cher," but I must confess I lied no faith in it.
I wan cery weak when I cotninenced taking it;
but I found that I gained strength day by day.
and also that the ulcers COMIIICitced drying up.
I continued, and when the third alto was ta
ken my lace was healed en if by a ntiracle. I
used a fourth bottle and I have been healthier
since than I have been fur the last seven years.
Although my face in sadly d'.sligured. I um still
grateful to a benign Provideuee who has spared
my life, and whirl: has beets dorm through the
instrumentality of LINI,SEY'S IMPROVED limos,
Saancrusn. DAVID McUREARY.
Sworn mut subscribed. this 31st day of Au
gust, A. D. 1854, before me, on of the Justices
of the Peace in and for the Borough of Uollitittys
burg, Blair county Pa.
Witness— U J Jones. JOIIII GODLEY.
Being Hallamd with a grcrious Totter on the
arms and face—after trying many remedies
which utterly Ailed to cure-1 was pursuatlod
by W. Id. Burris f. Co. to try Lindses's
end Blood Searcher ; now, six-itheks alter
finishing the a coed bottle, pronouneu niyhel
'lllO triter broke nut, something over a year
ago, on the inside or toy alms, extending front
the elloows down to the wrists; also on toy face,
immediately routol the mouth and chin, and eon
tiued to he a perfect torment to me until! cored by
the Blood &umber. lily arms, ut tunes, were
almost useless. owing to the ourks and sores
cut them, liable to bleed at any thou on the
least exertion to lilt or work, and sometimes
so itchy that I o , dd s.lnrcely prevent tearing
oil toy flesh. 1 have now been cured six weeks
and feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pub
lic generally, to make this statement, in hope
that others like myself may be benetltted by
using his valuable medicine.
Sworn and st,hsm•ibad before me, dim of the
Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this
28th day of July, A. 1). 185.
AND 11loMASTER Alderman.
Hollidaysburg, Sept. 22,58• ly.
Antiptiloakstic Salt.
This cob:brawl ineilTeine is for sale at the
Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases
it is a certain cure. Get abc x and try it, ye
who are afflicted.
(E wale o George Krouse dee.)
Notice ie hereby given,thnt futAWltesta mon
ary on the not will of George Krouse, Into of
Todd township, dee. have been duly Maned to
the undersigned. All persona indebted to the
estate of the said des. are requested to !nuke
immediate payment, and all lea tiny claims a•
going, it, to present them properly authentica•
ted for aottlement to
Henry Corcelius, Executor
Jao, 6th, 18.56.-6 t
Advertising and Job Work.
We would remind the Advertising cont.
munity and all others who wish to bring
their business extensively before the pub
lie ; that the Journal has the largest cir
culation of any paper in the county—that
iis e instantly increasing;—and that it
goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi•
We would also state that our facilities
for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT
ING are equal to those of any other office
intim county; and all Job Work erntrus.
ed to our hands will be done neatly,
promptly, and nt prices which will be
giay.S. M. PETTENG ILL Y.; CO.'S Advii
tisiug Agency, 110 Nassau St., New York. &
10 State St., Bo3ton. S. M. Pettengill & Co.
are the Agents for the "Jouasht." and the most
itfluo +dial and largest circulating Newspapers
in the United States and the Canadas. 'I hey
are authorized to contract for us at our lower
The Juniata Flour and Plaster one
mile cast of Alexandria, Hunt. co., have on
hand at all times, the best quality of Ground
Plaster, kr which Grain of all kinds will be
taken in exchange at market prices.
Jan.] 2,'38.•5t•
The undersigned takes this Method of infor
ming the public generally that there is no med
icine now offered to the phlio that is egeal to
sulfering hutnanity.
I was un observer of its effects in n friend of
mine, who suffered iihnost everything tram a
maralgic affection which resisted the hest med
ical treatment in Centre county. We applied
freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and
gave soma inwardly, end in 20 minutes the pa
tient was asleep, and when awaked was tree tree
(rum pain, mid confined so.—This is a positive
fact which I am w illing to make good nt any
time. A ease of FELoN was cured in nearly the
same length of time.
.1. 11. lIAIIN,Ccntre 11111.
':entre comity
A IN . : 18 185871 y
(Edfate of I,m,R Block, day.)
tz:ii_c:u •7t o.n:!s. NO-trt..c,;.
hereby given, that letters test amen
tare an the last will of James Black, late of
Jaeksan township, dee. have Lett duly issued
to the estate of the said deer:, are requested to
make immediate payment, nett and ali having
claims against it, present to them properly nu
thentieated far settlement to
Robert Huey. Frecutors
Jane Black. •
Jan. iith 1859.-60"
So li7: u omitecessfully sought ,
F permanently gray hair to its
Pon it ri g nruelstors colon ; =ris'iluxurimitly the bald
head; removes all dandruff, itching and all serer
bend and all eruptions; makes the
hair suit , healthy, and glossy ; and call precise
it to nay imaginable age. removes, as if ny mag
ic, all I hitches, &c.-front the face, end cures all
neuralgia end nervous head ache. See circular
and the following.
Doter, N. IL, Feb. 2d, 18.1.7,
PROP. 0. J. WOOL) CO.—GentA; Within
a few days we have received so many orders
and colts for Prof. J. H. Wearrs Hair Restora•
tiva, that to day we were eentpelled to send to
Boston fora quantity, (the G dozen you for
warded all being sold,) while we might order a
quantity from you. Every bottle tee hare sold
OEMS 10 hove produced three or Atlr me customers,
and the approbation, and patronage it receives
trots the roost substantial and worthy citizens
ofour vicinity. fully convince us that it is A
Send us as soon as may ho one gross of $1
sirs; and one dozen $2 size; end believe us
yours very respectfully.
Signed, 1). LATHROP & CO.
Ifickery Grove, St. Charles co. Mo.
N ov , j:tt. MG.—Prof. 0. J. Wood.—llear
s ot eethe; last summer we ware induced
to use come of i'stir Muir Restorative, and
its effects were so woi:derfali we fool it our du
ty to you and the of iivied td report it.
Our little son's head for sonic time had been
perfectly covered with sores, ratd suiCe celled it
scoffed head. The hair almost entire:;,' Onto
off in consequence, when a ffiend, semng us
sufferings, advised us to use a bottle of your Res
torative, wo did so with but little hope of sue
eess,but tooursurpriso, and that of all nor friends
a very few applications removed the disease en
tirely, and a new and luxurient crop of hair
t•eon started out, and we can now any that oar
boy hexes healthy scalp and as luxuriant crop of
hair as any other child. We can therefore, and
do hereby recommend your Restorativo, as a
perfect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and
hair. We are, yours respectfully.
- gAli;111 A. 111GolN1101111A1
0..7. WLOIBIUO., Proprietors 312 Broa.lway
New York, in the great N. Y. wire railing with
halm . t. and 114 Market St.. St. Louis Mo.
And so, all Druggists.
Sept. 20, `58.-3tn•
• •
111eN. 1VA1.:41, Principal,
Pros of I,aosortges nod Philosophy.
Chat. ft. Joann. A. )l
Prot', of !Alio. Greek, etc.
Janice Hughes,
Benjamin F. Houck.
Agljnoet Prot. of Nlatbeniatics.
Gen. W. Linton,
of Vocal Music.
Mee. M. 1.411 Piecepirese,
— Fen,.ll;r nl v
liwnnc. Ilistory, Reading; etc.
Mies E. 111 Faulkner,
— Timelier Pellis Work, Pointing, Drawing,
:Hiss 1). L. !fan1.9,..
Te..lr7 I , 7ZiCiljic, Vax Fruit, Flo'rs,
MlB. Dr. Darwin.
Toucher of Hoclish Branches.
Miss J. 311. Walsh.
'feather of Primary English.
The i ecent success of school is extraor
dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the
hind ever etaitblisited, it is now the largest in
this entitle of the State. All branches are
taught, and students of all ages, and of both
sexte, are received. The expenses for a year
need not be snore than S9O. Students can en
ter whenever they wish. Addle.,
JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville,
Huntingdon Co., Pa.
BIANILS...AIwsys buy your Blanks at th
Jt mat Unice." We have now prepared ave
ry superio hrliele of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS
'I kl,h.sqr•
We request thus, ut uur nu scribers who re
dive their papers,to inform us of those in their
immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers
to the "Journal," and have failed to receive
the same, since the stealing of our pack• Look,
by ruffians on the 3d of February.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. a". ".
$500,00 in Gifts for every 1000 Sold. 0
In order to reduce my extensive stock I will
sell one thousatul dollars worth of Books nt the Iron City Comm medial College.
regular retail prices or less, and give ($500) PITT/Mt/MI, P.A. • CHARTEItEr 1855.
five hundred dollars worth of presents varying 300 students attending January 1858.
in value from 2.i cents to $lOO,OO. Or, those
,NON the largest and most thorough Corn
wh. prefer enn pure one at Priem — mmcial School of the United States.—
My stock consists of every variety and style of young men preparad fee neural d ut i es o f the
binding. School Books of every kind, whole-1
solo and retail. Saks to commence Dec. 24th. , Sm., A. M. Prof. of Book-kcop-
Counting Room.
WM. COLON. j ing and Science of Accounts.
A. T. Dourne•yr, Teacher of Arithmetic
and Commercial Calculation.
J. A. HETI/JOCK net T. C. Isextys, Teaeh
as of Book-keeping.
A. COWLEY and W. A. MILL., Profs. of
As used in every depnrtment of business.
Aro taught, and all other subjects necessary
fey the success and thorough education of a
practical business mint.
rrIGE ,mliseniber has commenced the On.
8,1117711 NC business at Pine Grove, Cen
tre county, where he is prepared to manufacture
and repair Guns and Pistols of every descrip
tion with neatness and dispatch.
lie will also attend to repairing CLOCKS.
Prices to suit the times.
De e. 22,1858.—tf. JOHN H. JACOBS."
n the "Globe" Office Building, Market Square
Thu subscriber respectfully infortas the citi
zens of Huntingdon and adjoining e tunttes,
that ho has opened a New Book and Stationery
Store, in the corner room of the "Globe" buil
ding, where may be found a general assort
ment of Miscellaneous and School Books and
Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason
able prices. He will- add to his stock weekly
all BOO , s and ankles in demand, and expects
in a short titne to have on band no full a stock
of saleable Books, Stationery, &•e,, as can be
found in any town in the State.
Having made the necessary arrangements
with publishers, any Book wanted and not up
on his shelves, will be ordered and furnished at
city prices.
As he desires to do a lively business with.
small profits, a liberal share of patronage is
Dee.22,' WM. LEWIS.
A.yer's Sarsaparilla
uLd remedy, in which we hare Ia-
1,1,1 to produce the most effectual alterative
that can I:0 Imo:, It is a omecntrated extract
Para Suotvaellla, so combined with other
2tanPes or still greater alterative power as
to utl icl as OitiHtiYo antidote for the diseases
Sa,apnrilla is reputed to cure. It is believed
that such a remedy is wanted by those who
soar from Stl.lllolti complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure must prove
of immense service. to this large class of our
aflikted How completely this
compound will d it has been proven by expel . -
init.:a on many of the worst eases to be found
of the following complaints:—
11.crtnNs, Nignottraxi, Dtstukste ' Ditorsy, Nor
',jilt OD. Tic Dout oonnex, I)neurrv, DYE,-
C. ANTHONY'S nay, and indeed the whole
•, from iSIPUIttLY OP
mit 1.11.00 u.
compound will be founds great pro
mot, of health, whoa: taken in the spring, to
the fold humors which fester in the
: , t that some t tic year. By the time
ly e.::AM.Mn of them Imo, rankling disordere nipped in the bud. .`multitudes can, by
the aid of this remcdv, :Tun themselves front
the el:dor:nee of Thal eruptions sail ulcerous
!WIN, through which the si y stens will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, if rot assisted to do
thin through the natural (Immix of the body
tv an alterative malicine. Cleanse out the
vitiate,l blood wit:-.lesser you find its impurities
hut: dog 01,410 the skin In pimples, eruptions,
or ser, ; cleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish its the veins ; cleanse it
whenever it is ful, nod your feelings will tell
von when. Even where no particular disorder
is felt, rc,ple enjoy better health, and live
longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the
bleed healthy, and all is well; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, there can be no
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, aml the great machinery of
life 13 disordered or urverthrown.
sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the
reputation, of recomplishing these ends. But
has I,ecri egregiously deceived by
Freparntions or it, pertly because, tho drug
,ac, hal 1,,t nit the virtue that is claimed
for it, hot Linro because ninny preparations,
ore:ending to he concentrated extracts of it,
but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,
or ;my _ _ _
lTuring 1,!.: years the public have been mis
led try large bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Extract of t.;amaparilla for one dollar. bloat
ref thm, have been frauds upon the sick, for
they not only contain intik., if any, Sarsapa
rilla, hot often to curative properties whatev
er. Bence, bitter and painful eliscleVolianicnt
hots followed the use of the various extracts of
which flood the market, until the
onnic ittell Is justly despised, and has become
ET,CIIVMOIII With /21111 , Fiti011 mid cheat. Still
we coil this compound f4arsuparilln, and intend
to supply tech a remedy as .101 rescue the
nsine from the load of obloquy which rents
p re it. And we think eve have ground for
I.cliccing it lots virtues which ore irresistible
by the melMary run of the discasen it is Wend
ed tee cure. In °mkt to secure their complete
eradication from the am ctem, therm:lady should
I.e jmUciously taken ace, disc to directions on
the bottle.
Drs. 3. C. it ICE 111 & CO,
Pr!“ r., CNI per nut liott/ec for $.
Ayer's Cllevry Pectoral,
tnelt a renown for tits cure of
fr,y ty of 11. v,, t. 11.1 Lung Coo plaint, that
it i, entirely tita.,.v.s7try nu to reconnt the
c,h 4 enee of 1,4 Vit., It 11,6 I'CVII cm.
A , 4 1,13 long 1..c,n in constant tve
,ei;tt, n,etl not Ito more than
tt„: 1 , it. quality is kept up to the Lest
s 1.. , :h and that it may be relied cn to
, aat tl.rr ',lief all it its ever been found to de.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
(Vsiircuw, .I.eundico, Dyslupsio, Indigestion,
.lU,suntrey, ••:d Nou;och, E•ysipt;em, Headache,
Filch Itl.r.uulnac,u, Eruption; and Diseases,
rumplaiat, Dropsy, Tedee, Tumors and
.alt .1:1u um, Worms, Gout, Neurapiv, of a
Pal, and pr Purifyiny the Blood.
'rhvy are sngar-coated, so that the most send
tiso rem take them pleasantly. and they are the
best tivnicut in the viurld for a the purposes of a
family pLy
Prin . Bl coon per Poe; 5 Peed for $l.OO.
Great umbers of Clergymen, 1 - itysiciane, State.-
men, and eminent personnges, have lent their
mimes to net tlf, the unparalleled usefulness of these
rucethes, hitt Our space here till not permit the
in‘ertitm of them. The Agents below bathed fur
ipstis mir Anr tete. ALM VS AC in uhidt they
are peen; with aleo full descriptions of the above
complaints, and the treatment that aht.uld be fol
lowed for their cure.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with
other prerrations the make more prntit On.
Doused .{): tat's, I.nd take no °them. 'flee sick
want flee hest aid there la for thorn, and (key should
have it.
All tea Remedies are for see by
Joss READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa.
Nov. if 185R.--1T
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for
the past three years, sloe in Eastern end Wes
tern Cites, for the best Writing,
Important Information.
Students enter at soy time—No vacation—
Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—.Gradu-
Otto assisted in obtainit,g sitcations—Tuition
for Full Commercial emir. $35,00—Avcr.:.,,
time 8 to 12 week—Board, $2.50 per week—
Stationary, s6.oo—entire cost, $60.00 to $70.-
tir hlinisters. Sons received at half price.
1- or Card—Circular—Specimens of Business
And Ornaments' Writing—inclose two stamps
and address F. W. JENKINS,
Sept. 29, 1859.—1 y. Pittsburgh, PA
ALTOONA, Blair co., July 9,'50.
J. D Sroxunoxu, Lewistown, Pa.,
Dear Sir—Blr. Wm.
TumLtrou, who has Leen suffering several
years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends
and relatives were summoned to witness his
death. I induced his ffirials to try the virtue
of your preparation—they did so, as the last re;
sort agd, to their astonishment and joy, he be
gan t o improve, got better and better, and now.
so far as I know, be is a hale and stout man,
This is not the only case where the GALVANIC
OIL has surpassed human expectations. In
overy case where I have recommended the Ott.,
it has done what it promises to do. Send us
another s2u's worth.
Yours truly, 11. !MIER.
Aug. 18, '5B-ly
The Way to Save Money!!
is l 0
FROM ha. A. %own.
nom Jas. A. BROWN.
exceeds all others in importance.
let. Because it supplies THE AEOPLEwith
indespenNable articles and many useful inven
tions. which can be found only in a /LARD
2nd. Tho subscriber purchasing in large
quantities from manufacturers, is enabled to
sell these goods Irons
20 to 100 per cent cheaper!
than they are sold by other merchants.
Ills stock includes a complete variety of
Together with a full assortment of everythiug
pertaining tc his line of business.
All orders receive prompt attention.
Guntiogdop, Oct. nth, 1858.
Wow Drug and Grocery Moro.
SAMUEL STISMiTtI, liiu St., 5 doors west
of the Court House, Huntingdon. Deniers in
Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stull's, Faints Varnish
es, Oil,, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine
and Brandy of the hest article for medical pur
poses, Concentrated Lye for making Snap, Glass
Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea, Cho
colate, Sager, Molasses, Vinegar Fish Salt
Flour, Crakers, Nuts, Candies, Fi gs,' Heisies-
Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum,
seer drinks, inn word every thing usually kept
in n Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire
pure and Genuine articles will! do well by
giving us n call.
Sept. 29, 1858.—1 y.
nisi:, a new and valuable improvement,
and is better. thenput, 3inaller, lighter, more
eitupk, requires von! , wilt chaff and clear
gram an'!. seeds rwre rapidly, and with far
greater economy, than any . other Grain Fan in
use. Send for a descriptive catalogue to Wm.
L Boyer & Bro., Agricultural implement Fac
tory, Philadelphia.
Sept. 29th, 1859.—Gm..
An experienced Editor, a successful Author,
and a thoroughly educated Literary Man, wea
ry with t•venty-five yeses of the drud -erg of
Daily Journalism, has determined to hire out
and sell his brains at retail, to those who may
require their services, in any honorable way.
Itlerchants, Business Men, Inventors, and
dealers of every kind, will he supplied, off hand
with Advertisements, (poetical or otherwise,)
Notices, Cards, Circulars, or any species of ar
ticles desired.
Puliticians will be supplied with Speeches,
Reports ' Resolutions, Letters,Toasts, Pain-
Wets, Editorial Articles, ommunications,
and every sort of Brain-work, which they may
find it inconvenient or troublesome to do them.
Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in so
ciety or occupation in life, 2B l l have Letters
written on any subject, whether business or
The advertiser will also conduct or.translate
Correspondence of every kind, either English,
French, Spanish, Gorman or Latin.
Featly, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet
deux, Monodies, and Compositions of the most
delicate and coufidential character, incident to
every possible circumstance or event is life,
will bo furnished it, inviolable confidence, by
writing to the undersigned, and explaining
their wishes.
Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will
be strictly and promptly attended to. Address
J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau,
Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa,