Ittutittgbon Wednenday Morning, February 23, 1859. The Circulation of the Hun tingdon Journal, is great er than the Globe and Am erican combined. CLUBBING W!TEI MAGAZINES. The Huntingdon Jou::NAL for one year, and eithor of the Magazines fur tho came period will be cant to the address of any subscribu to be paid in advance as follows : The Journal and Godey's Lady's Book for one year, $ 3 5(1 The Jouoial and Graham's Maytwiae, for One year, $3 50 The Journal and Enter Sou's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly, for onti year, $3 50 The Journal and Frank Leslie's Emily Magazine and Gazelle of Fashion, for one ycar The Journal and ladliJ Thme Migazine fur one year, $2 75 The Journal and Petaeon's Magazine, for ono pear, $2 75 The Jo urnal and Atlantic 'Monthly, for one year, $3 50 SHE EX-EMPEROR. SOULOUQUE. The Jamaial Standard gives the following acconut of the abdication of &Allow-pa On the 10th of January, he entered Port nu- • Prince, having had several partial engagements with the forces under Gen.- Gerfrard, in all of which he had been worzied, ih coesequence of the desertion of Isis troops to 'ire side of the insurgents. Tie immediately commenced bar-', !deeding the city, end throwing up earth•werlis on commanding pninta Upon the tollewieg day, when the alarm grins announced the no- preach of the insurgents, the city was thrown into great confasion and excitement. princi pally by tho pievalence of a report that the Emperor, to save himself, meant to melte the struggle an affsir cf taste; to destroy the whole mulatto population of the eity,'whieh is I ery considerable—the mulattoes in Hayti being band almost exclusively in the cities—and, to aid hint in that operation, to call iu the negro peasantry of the adjoining mountains. Gen. Geffrard, instead of attaching the eby at once, lay outside for four dayu, No three coo staidly increasing by desertioes front, the Ene peror. All things being at length reedy, and probably arrangements made with those inside, early on the morning of the 11th he burst into the city, gained possession of the forts, and, apparently without the least mistimes) sta. J rounded the Emperor's house. :rho Emperor immediately sent to eSii the protection of Gen.', kieffrard to enable Mtn to take shelter at the • French Consulate,. which was granted, the Ens- ! peror, wills his family, being escorted thither by three hundred of his guard, who still re mained faithful, but who, utter Tenderly hint this last service, immediately disbanded llis principal ministers also succeeded in reaching the sane shelter, after which the Emperor's act of abdication was ithmediately drawn up, sign .ed, and proclaimed through the city by SOMA .cif trumpet. 'the Consulate was soon summit— ded by au infuriated mob, when Gen. Garrard being appealed to ht- the Consul, issued Ott or der for Soulotique's Matt:tit deperture, pietni.s ing him also an .seort to wharf. About the the time of Seultitame:s retreat to Port amPrinee, the Foreign Comical.; had 5,,t out a vessel to hunt tip a ship of war for the protection of the Ettropean iterests in the ei• ty. This vessel chnneed to fall its with the .transport Melbourne, homed from Janudes to England, with enter 409 sir 300 coltliers en board. The Captain, hearing what was eelit,4 on, changed his rumor, put into Purt•an- lin e and was lying there at the time of Sottiomiee's abdication. Ile agreed to receive the depsiAd Emperor on board, fermi that saute afternoon houlouque left the French Consulate, :Amore-tell on one side by the French Charge, en tim nth er by the Captain of the Melbourne, mid thete• dy followed by his family, Turrountiel LUTOpeIIII Consuls of Eitglii-h vessel. After passing through a dense eta] -menacing crowd, he succeded ie getting on board the Melbourne, but it was fan -Lys Lbo., his ministers wore able to elrect their escape and then only its diagisiae ; the French Comul. ate, in which they remained, beiy ell the time surreunded by a threatening crowd. The Mel bourne then sailed for Kingston, where the ex iles were landed. The personal e roe:mime of Souloutine seems to have predmial a favorable impression - not merely on the negro !equitation of Kingston, but on the whites also. The .91tia• dard describes him "as a very line looking sa ble gentleinan," rather corpulent, handsomely dressed, apparently in good health, mid resent • ,blingin figure and carriage a late Governer of Jamaica. Among his late suite wasp M. Po tion, grandson of that Petion who acted in for mer times a distinguished part in the country, having been Boyar's predecessor in the Prem. Jenny. Soulouque is reported to have provided a gainst a rainy day by investing largely yt the English funds. Probably his wealth is a good a! -exaggerated, but the reputation of it is for sows purposes as good as the. reality. What ever may have been the fau'ts of Soulouque's Administration, it is undeniable that he left Hayti in a much more prosperous condition than he found it, though this, doubtless, teas principally owing to the increased prices of the collets and tobacco which form the principal staples of the island. PUBLICATION of the LARK, We have long been un advocate of the publication of tha laws in the newspa pets, and are glad to note a movement to this el fect in the present Legislature. On Mod day Mr. Zoller, of Allegheny county, road in place a bill providing for the publication of all general laws in one or more newspa pers in the . various counties of the Com monwealth, and the publication of all lo cal laws in the counties directly affected thereby. This is a sensible movement, and one that we hope will be successfully consummated at the present session. Un der the present system the great mass of our people are kept in ignorance of the laws enacted from time to time by. the Le gislature, It is right that they should be thoroughly boolced up on this subject, and the only effectual way to do It, is by the publication of the laws in the newspapers, which are subscribed for and read by al most every family in the Commonwealth. Amendments to the Constitution. A series of resolutions have been intro dueed into the House of Representatives, reposing amendments to the Constitution of our Commonwealth. The first amend. ment strikes out section two from the first article, and substitutes a provision requir - ieg that hereafter, members of the Logic., inure shall be elected biennially; and also requires that members of the Senate shall he elected for a term of tour years, in place cf three years, as at present. .The ninth section of the.first article to to be stricken out, and a new section to be substituted which provides that the Senators who shall be elected at the first general electron after the adoptroa of these amendments, shall be divided into two cleisses. 'file scats of the Senators of the first clots shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, an , ! those of the second class at the expiratme of the fourth year, so that hereafter one_ half of the whole number of Senators may' be chosen every second year. This does not interfere with the terms of Senators elected before the ndoption of this emend . mem. These are the most important fen. tures of the proposed nmend.nents. They contemphae a change which has beets tried its several States, and frequently cog. k:eeiet with reference to Pennsylvania. _The experience of those States that have math , the experimetit, has been rother ia Moor of annual sessions, It is queetiona• ble whea:her a State, with interests so gr. et and diversified as are those of Penn s!: would be benefitt,,d by dispen sim„; with riniutel Leg ,slatu res. The sup, sect is ole odmittiuy of au honest diversi ty 512'11,9 is CLltnCli.--An American writs floe. London that to the churches there, 10:0120e0 routes first, whether gen dentin or lady, takes the further end in the and those that follow till np the re inaMing seats, and thus prevent the awk• ard disturbance which occurs in our church es here, whose pews are rented, id the process of filing outnnd in by Men i t or. der h r iusulatc women at the further end of flu jrriv. In churches where the pews are free, the awkwardness and inconven. iccce occa,ioned to J u lies by the first coin. cos taking tht aisle end of the pew to even greater, as many of those who ohtam that seat persist in sitting :till and malting the, who wish to get into the lew climb over them, a no very easy or modest undertak ing, especially if the crinoline of thu lady beat all fmhionahle. 1t is not the one who does' the eliciting, however, but tit mm who persists in sitting sidl, that is to he censured tor this breach of courtesy. ft is said that the habit of gentlemen taking the aisle end of the pew orjginatdd with the early settlers, %lin not near the doors of the pews so that in caw of a n attack by the letVtios they might Le ready for acticn. This wiil account for the prevailing fash ion of gentlemen occupying the door end of 11. e pew, but we have no Authority far the cu aunt of ladies occupying that po,i. Linn. Ao illtife is no longer any danger 6! ..wades Indians, Wc think this custem of filing rr,t and in like a parcel of soldiers en the part of gentlemen, might well be chatiA, nod we hope that the Em;li,h custom may he adopted by the ladies in this twn. THE NEW BANKING LAW Pittsburg Post says: The sub j ct of bahhing is a difficult one fur Leg. illative mane4einent, nod pechni)s :here have already b•-en to many half digest ..d enactiu,rit6 17:11• t:ic public good. net,' !snow lefore the Senate or our slate an ret for the establislunent of a general bank iug law. It calm of be denied that there are defects in our present basking system and that t , e public is not sufficiently pro. kited against the machkations of thslion. est men, who take advantage of acts incur prink> to earch themselves, no matter who may suffer. l it bill now before • he Senate, which we have exami ed , appears to have been prepared with much care, and by a per soli thoroughly coo cf rsant with all the acts touchitrg The subject already in ems lance upon our smut, boolo. Ito object is to protect the poor and nnsuspecting again> the oppresion•of wealth and the cltt canery of dishonest persons. It provi des ample security for the note holder aid at the same time does not injustly nor oppresively trample the wealth of the hon est capitalist. As far as we can judge of its provisions the new law is a good one, • 'The news from Utah shows a lit• mentable state of affairs ex;sting there The Untied States authorities seem to be almost powerless, so tar as carrying out the law is concerned. While the 'Saints" do nut array themselves in open hostili ty to the federal officers, to series of petty anoyancss is indulged in that renders the positions of Judge Sinclair and Cradle. bough anything but pleasant. PIIIOES to LITAII.—In Utah the prices of provisions and clothing are extremely high at present. Flour is selling ut from $l2 to $l5 per barrel; sugar, 65 cents per pound; .00ffee, $1; tea, $3; coarse boots, $l2 per pair; lino do, $2O; com mon whiskey, $8 it gallonond other lox. urieB in the same proportion. Wages are about the same as they are here, and how working men can live is a mistery. it.... , egr—cransi.pmeas, - THE HuNTINGDoN jour NAL., Miscellaneous Advertisements I TERMS OF THE JOURNA IL. ti' TERMS 1 BOOKS ! 54!,-aLey BOOKS ! ' 'fIie"IIMITINCIDON JOURNAL' is published tit ; 40,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. th., following rates : ..... 1:1' paid in advance $1,50' 8500,09 in rifts for every 1000 Soh!. If paid within six months after the time of 1 In order to reduce my extmove stork I will ]t p a id the expinui. felt year, „ . 1 : 0 7 0 5 ; n r t !s t ::..; t i l=rii ,i. t i l e tlat o •a r w ie t . h it (i n V i g e kS o ll s t o d ol . And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid . `" after the expiration of the year. No subscripl • fi . ."!,, h ,!!'_." 1 ..,7 ) (1 , , "P s " wor th of Pre"r" e arYiug 1 2a cents to $lOO.OO. Or , . these tion taken for n less period than six mon th s. ;i n s•al.° I . prefer can purchase at wholesale pricea.-- • I. All subscriptions are continued until oth- ' who („..n.,..0 ordered, and nopoper will .Ih :cari ll on _ 1 fly soek consists of every variety and style of ~,,,i i a , a .,,,, rage , orepd id ,exceo ,,,, t i,, ~,,h,„ hi:tiling. hch,ol ßoot o of every hind, whole. , s of the publisher. IWu and Weil. Saks to contemned Der.:' WI. 2. Returned numbers are never rcecierd by us. j ‘VM. COLON. 1 All numbers sent us in that way are toot, nod Ece.22.'.lft, never accompliah the purpose of the .noor. -•- 1 3. Persons wishing to slop their vibscrirtions, , tf' CO Ithil [ lv.Ti.lYil BB i must ~,, u r arrea,„,,,,,, • a„,, son, g ' , r o e' , or 1 o I 5 .,,,,, order to lint Oft ~ ,„ d,„ opine o f po h• i rill i E : abs.cailo, has con:mem:ell the 0 (]A: ; ;:on in 'Hunting . . don • j I. S.lll lq/LNU business at Pima Grove. Con. ! . . 4. Giving notice to .ttaa,ter is neither n ; tre county, where he is prepared to nnututnettin lekt or n proper ; und repair liu is 0114 I'l,lolo of every tleserip After 0 R new yeae (ion, with 0011,1000 fa,/ diSpatfrll. 111.111 been a ;:,a ear millit!fle• I lie ',ill also att,liti to repairing O('h ed, end the paper will not be dis., •:1,1 anti l'rices to suit the times. arrrardyre are paid. See No. 1. Da e. 22.1.:58.-41. JOHN 11. JACOIiS. The Courts bare decided that t n to take n newspaper front the office, or r; nod hoeing it lowan.' for, is PUMA F.ICIE evidence 1 intentional fraud. It Subscribers living in distant counties, or in other litotes, will be required to pay invariald, in ndynnee tiT"l' be above terms will lie rigidly naliered to in sat eases. AUV9 f'7'ANt;"3";'jT Will lit charged at E. , , , nitre, (16 li,ths,) 50 75 4, (32 ) 1() 1 50 3 mu. C. tin,. 111 mu. 0,1 :.;5 00 $8 OIJ SUO 600 12 till 8 01, 12 00 13 01 18 00 18 00 L 7 nu 18 00 27 00 40 011 lThe square, Two square: A evlumu, (U 4U (0) )0 Duriimis Cords of six limo:, or $4.00. ADMINISTATORS NOTICE. (Estufe. of' Abrin. ,S:cacaltc•r, ((W.) pere.oni are hereby itoticuttl that Letteri of ~ , , I mihistratiou on the e.,tate of :'11,11..1,:1in latn ur tow:iship, hay.; to the .01,, 4ri ihe sa;d de c. :Jo,l Imo wt. the to the unt.l,,igti• ed without and ali Cs,ta, tot rucluexted :Lake iht.ercihtle pat - 1.111 . 11) STEVER, Adtn, Feb LIGHT ! LIGHT !! LIGHT!!! Peter, Paten!, ricl,eXplOSlVt , GUS LtIITIF4 thing lor all being the only burner having a non conductor and regu• bum attached—leaving the lamps and flu. id always cold—not like others—the being but a straight tube entering the lamps. Goods at wholesale pricvs, to. State or County rights for Sale. Address or apply to D. P. Peters, 422 Broodtn•ay, Now York Feb Ti;OMAN, AXBROTYPE AND PIIOTOGIiAPHIC ARTIST, t. it 0 At Plll Ld P E 1. P It lA, AT THE COURT HOUSE Thi2 . gallery of Art Li now open for pniAie in:Teo:on of specini,ns of Anibrotypps, Crys. of rnlii; Photogo,phA, Cireular and Star Pirturea, uls y Name, or Age, or lt,sidenro. ta lc,. on the Picture:l—letters of different colem V 1 P:COUS srmn PII7ITRI,:q, Frninc,i, ]. nttention pida 1 lc tor., t( Sick t,r deceased per3ren al tledr residence.;. Copied token frotn D a . en A: , „tvien yr Portraits. vices of rosi. I, l lk, 1111.1 1/I,lllil,len ore invited t, tvoi exeodue specimens. Pictures tak, trey in cloudy an fair weather. Ho, often do we hear the exclumati-m,,:,.. , persona are Loki, n! Portraits—lll would oot value :my tooLif I ..(1 procure the Portraits or toy parents--, oamed•children I" Hea der, if you are gi :Cab this etutobling feel• it, of . no opportunity to etwi onteuring Portroi, Cam, t‘iioara this beautiful art car ,, :is ate W. i' hoinas, from Phila. l'jces front 5U emits upwnrds. Jan.12:59.1. nAPER ! PAPER!! r Note, Po,t, Cominereial, mid Elateap—a good assortment for sato by the ream, half ream quire or sheet. at Lewis' New Book mid Stationery Store. HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? Win. A. Hatelielors Hair Dye! The Original and Best in the World All others are mere imitation, and should be avoided, if you wish to esca p e ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed in. staetly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without the, least ittjur) to Hair or Shin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas :Dave been a• warded to Wm. A. Batchelor _since 1339, and over 80,000 applications have been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous WM. A. II NTGLIELOR'S HAIR DYE pro. damn color trot to be distinguished from na. tare, and is wserauted nut to injure in the least however lung it nosy be eontinned, and the ill effects of Berl Dyes remedied ; the Lit it in vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye. Made, St Id or applied (in 9 private moms) at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Uni• ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Efir The Genuine 'instil° name and address upon a eteel plate engraving on four side.; of each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, New York. John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, . (Reale of Mary Shively, dcc.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Many Sbritely, late of Porter township. dee. having been gra 'led to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are required to make iminediate.payment, awe those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to Jacob W. Shively,4dmr. N. B.—The Administrator will attend ia Alexandria, on the Bth and 15th days of Jan• u lo r l i rle L township, Jan. 5. 186. Illiscellaueons Afivorlisements, E I ,V P,001( AND STATIONERY STORE. n the - Gltiln!" OTlce Building, Market Sq u are 11 L:NT I'A ruspe.,trtil:v Of 111111t111 . ,1011 ht, op,u,tl :I, INC'S 13ook 111 • ; t,titttr t ti,o . a,ny 't and , • .1 • J. .:• in:IP it Lima t I 11,1, On 111111 , 1 as t it ,aleal;l2 c:tv As 1,0 .4,lre, to d,, a lively pro;:ts, share of WN. TI:S`.H. Scrofula, 0r1!:r,.. 1U 'S Evil, i 3 a ~..,a.;tattnaat of th, Llixtl, 1p: v.hivit this 1!.,:d pervit... b 0. 1 .,., ony from its wt. not de,lmy. Tho ,CrOlUlOll,4 cau,vd di•ease, J9W ord.:re:l or unimithy input: Llth and filthy 11,1%iL.:, the dei.te,ing , •••nortil,•tton. \'i:r.t• aLovf., r0:1, rtai. ever .1,; • , unto the third end fourth i,s4i , 4i i alio t;" hutted, it seems to be the rod of thin who turd, 44 1 will visit the iniquities of the fathers uvon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of cotropt or ulcerous matter, which, in the longs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, tovelling , ; and on the surface, er io up!ns or cures. Tine foal cor ruption, whic . o geode, in tier Wood, tlepressa the energies of life, to that setofalaus constitu. tiens not only ,ntifer front scrofulous com plaints, but they have far paver to with stand the attacks of othci ; eowe guently, vest taunt:cc: perish by di,ordors althougii not ecroi . ..ilout iu their nutum, are still tout:red fatal by this taint in the system. Moat of the esusmention whirls de cicnatrs the human family Ito its origin directly in this scrufolonn contaro;natlm ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, bruit, had, ind,cd, of all the organs, r.rise „from er are aggravated by !ha same cause. OiWgnartor cf ull our pcoplo aie scrofulous; their p..usqus are invaded by this lurking in fo,tion, Itud their h,altli is undtrutined by it. To ci,tuse it from the sv.,t rt Ivo tot,t ~i;ovato biood by :11l I,!lcrative toodioLn,, and its. v:,,rilto it by bc.a!thy food awl cxcrcike. wo kupidy on .A:vr:TrS • • Heal • ; fz . the ,11,1 tvtive 11,v, , _ TV!) (11/ I,truity. itrool). , • . • • , . • • Chartio FOR OF A FAMILY PHI !", are ttn corripet,tl that disease within the range et their !equal e itt withrtatat r,r CV.lde than 1 1 . 1 1.111. to Imman otrTati ism, correeting • Mseasacl action, and re,,t , t het its healthy Nit:lilies. As a renstmteneo of the,,s properties, the ivo:did lobe lamed down pain or pllyeie,l del flity it astarlsbrd to find hit health or , nerg, restored by a remedy at once so L,Parla end insitiag. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of sorry be , ly, but sko cony formidable mod dangerous (:14.2it,5. 'lho agent lelow named is tleaseti to furnish reatis tor Atnoimm Altuarate, ecmtaining certificates of their cores and directions u fur their use in floc telier.inA complaints: Costive- Sn. Ilearthoffll,iirhdlly . ,i7.l(ll . SOrdered 1611 Sal 111W . V., lint, I'4M in (lad 3101 . bid Ir;m lire. Ike Buta. r, ~(14th,ey, L 053 if Amu , Jr,u,4l , e, aiLtl otter itio,cd complaints, atiaire; fr:sn a tomatote of the Ludy or obstructiatt of its f,,nctione. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PO. ItAPID Ct. op Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Ilroneliitiu, Incipient Consump. lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced btages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and sn DU memos are the cases of its eores, that almost every section of country stounds in perions pph• lielikLown, who have Leen restored from alarming and even desperate iligeascs of the lungs by its use. When vent tried, its superiority over entry other medicine of ito kind is too apparent in escape observation, and wire' its I iglues eve known, the ptiblie no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the tEstiesslng and dangerous affections of the pulmenaly wails that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the cenutrinity letve failed und been discanled, this has gained friends byerery trial, conferred benefits on the Lfilieted they eon never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to bo forgotten. • PREPARED Olt DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOW}LL, MASS JOHN Ryan, Agent Huntingdon, l'a. Nov. 10, 1958.--ly . Miscellaneous Advalisements. 13 A , TCTIELOIIS , WIGS AND T . OcI'EL . S , „ 74 Dominion „. h as; all. They are olagaut. ens) ; and duraldo. Fitting Co a charm—no taro up behind—no Old Dominion shrinking off the head ; indeed, this 73 the only I Estnblisionent n•hcre these things are 'Toro. I Old Homi 0104 ly nialmtood and made. Nov. 17, 233 Broadway, N. Y. ON Dominions DALLEV*B MAGICAL PAIN EXTRAC- j old llominions TOR, _ _ all .11sea,m, lull:m.l4m mato or loss pre -1 dominato,—.n,w to all,y in damation strikes old pomh i j o n 9 at the rout of r.ll die-: ses—lumeu nu imuiedi GALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRGTOR aild ',thing el re, allay it:flu:nation at once, ; niv.l, a ecrtaia cm:. Over forty different varieties and shies, It,.;lcy Magi,al Extracicr will core I • 11;iu.:!;,10';',1.,4,:.e'L1n0",,,°,1;::,,,,,1i?t°,-;t70.t,r"8:i,°4'1",„ us Ur. lien of the Jonrnnl .1 Health ~,,,,, 1:0111,8, sore sc •i eucc and c ommon sense," the, arc thpillb , N I.lruisos, Strain, into tiso, an d are destined seen to amber ( 11iir. Poison, ri,P,,cy, Met, I cede ail others. They can be obtained from or rnto;em, 5,a1,1 dead, F.:dt Rheum, Bahluese, ! cadored through any Etorekocper, or dealer in Kry,i'le!as, Ringworm, Darin:re Itch, Small i housekeeping article, Mc,le Rash, I.lzr„ Sit. I `Sr-2 — Alerel,,,;,ts who have not received our it may ay pear incredulous that se I Trade Circular, giving rvio, torn.' will „.,„„ r ,Lanid 6 e eu had' b y one turd- ; lie itnined lately cupplird on application, by ley elc ; ruch nt, idea wail ranial, when reflection I ter, 1 . ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, to 11,, fact, that 11, waive i.; a combine. l 117 S. 117 '..tout Tenth Street, Philadelphia. evezy ono apply • t.te!e Manufacturers under the Palm: tr.• phr,:ot azi: l tnde 13 its apo.gate dirorder. 1 Cit7•Alr.o., manufacturer., under the Patent, GALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR cf A ItTEIt'S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGIIT 011, is !wren, the time is I SLLF-SEALING FRUIT CANS & JARS. art I , etween and a perihuncet cure; ht.. !kith, it an ex , rahh,r, ni it dr ,cs 1111 (ikeasee STCYIE9C(C3p. air,.o,,d H ui., I, We rcrier,t those [sir hubhcrtbers who re cite flick papewhtu inform vs of those in their itnn , editde ocigLlJo7hends who are subscribers t, t 1 ";fournel," uhid bare failed to receive j the same, since tee ider‘iiih, hf oar pt:ck-hook, ' h) radians en the n.l of Feb,s.iry. I ' .. ~ ~ .., .......111:. .. . „ thr 11,e IltTot, I Canal 165 Chau:bora hL. Now-York. • C. P. C11201V,, ,Joho Rand, A g out nViiin g don i Nov. 17, TUEEA.T PURIF'ER ! THE WORLD CHALLENUED ,C:::•; - • TO 111('!)1"C1'. ITS EQUAL! THE l;1.0011 SEARCHER TRIUMPHANT! liv:orn statement of Davil McCre,y, of Na. pier Totem hip. licliord comae, in April, us near as 1 can remernemi , er a !mall pin.ple trade its (11.1110arAttoo on lay up per 111., iii•sil SOen became cnlari,ed and sore. I Ivied poulti,s tit Ferrel, and u wash o r blue eine% without elfeet• Finding the sore extend - b.,. I cail,l c,n Dr. Ely, •01 Stitellsburg, who pri t oonneed it CANCER, and itreserihed a wash of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding' these remedies of no avail. I .called upon Dr. Shelter, of Davidsvillc Somerset county, who also pronounced the diseaso Curter and garr me internal and external remedies—the latter conAsting principally of caustic ; but all to no purpose, as the disease continued . spreading te• weed the nose. I next toed a preparation of ar senic, in the form of salve. This for a time elleckpl the disease, lut the inflammation woo increased. I next celled upon Dr. Stater of St. Bedford county, who also pronoun ced the disease to be Cancer, and applied a Salvo slid to be a never-failing remedy, but it had no effect whatcver 'in checking the spread of the sore. In December, of the same year, the dis ease had oaten away a greater part of my upper lip, and lout attacked the. nose, when 1 went to Cincinnati. where I consulted Dr. 11.3. Newton of the }Acetic Medical College. lie pronoun ced the disease cation:ons Cancer, superin . duced Itr an inordittam tom of reoccur . ," Ile applied mild tine ointment, rn.l gave no inter nal remedies. My face hotfled up, but th t , in 11,minaticu was not thopiughly ren t oe,,i, du Fe: aunty, 1857, be prenounced me cured, and I left for home. In 41,61 the (Ikease again re tarncd, am: so ',Men,: was the pain than could not reit at night. Late in May I returned to Cincinnati. anti estie place t tnyielf under the charge of I)re - S:ewton, Willi Wl,lll I remained 11,11 Septet/flier, dnring wice:t time he wed ever, kr, /am remedy, an i partly succeeded in cheekily.: the. disease, Litt when I returned there were still farce discliarcing ttlecte upon my face. I rentinue.l uting Nu wtmt's f•reparat loon, and td encdietne that I got iron. I Ir. Ely. but the Cancer continued growing un it had eaten oil the belt tdde of toy nose, the , Ater portion of tey le:t check, mid had attack ; my left eve, 1 iced nutty up nil ho, eof cv en I , eMg cure,i, rinse Dr. Lly E.aid he could only rite relief; hit that n cute wee impossible. In '! tors. I bought a bottle of "Blood Seat but I must confess I Int.l no faith in i t . a , "...ty wcnk n I commenced taking it ; .•und that I a• 1 strentii day by day, , . :hot the . t,•, I s ninnineitt . latt drying up. ; !. :"., I ; tt the third bottle wits la- I !' • u miracle. I ~.. • •. tve been hetilthier , : but seven yearn. • ',figured 1 11111,;11 r.0,0h , 0u0 Olin has rpat . • , hi •t, 1..', 1 it dune thiraigh i!. • • : , :cUIZEAII Y. •.. thi, 31, day tt .1. !, , ; me, one or the .lustit , .• tt.c Lurk:ugh of •• . '' . !air county l'a. Jonc,. JOilS OUBLEY NEW EVIDENCE, unlieted with a grevious 'ratter 011 the terns end taco—a(ler trying, many ienicdiee hich utterly failed to eure-1 was pursuadml by W. Darns & Co. to try Lindsev's Impro ved !Mood Searcher ; and now, six-wheks alter finishing the s coin! bogie, pronounce rnyht.l owed. The letter broke out, something over a year :Igo r nn the inside el my, aims, extending from the dhows down to the wrists; also on my face, immediately round the mouth and chin, and eon 'lnert to lie n perfe,t tormePt to me untill fliced ly the Blood Scorcher. lily arms, at times, mere ahnost useless, owing to the CI lake rod sores on them, liable to bleed at any time on the least exertion to lilt ur work, and sometimes so itchy that I could oearcrly prevent tearing oil my flesh. I have now been cored six wee', and feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pith lie generally, to make this statement, in hop.: that others like myself may be benctfited by using his valuable medicine. JANE k WILSON, mark Sworn and subscribed before me, one of %he Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, thin 28th day of July. A. D. 1853. AND MoMASTEV. Aldermen. liollidaysburg, Sett. 22,58.15. Aat t itthlogist ic Salt. This celebratea medicine is fur sale at the Journal Office. For all intim tmitory diseases it is it certain cure. Get abe a and try it, ye wit are afflicted. (Estate of George Eroose EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice is iiTetT,ti;iiiiott;r7testamen tary on the last will of George Krouse, late cf Todd township, dec. have been duly issued to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate of the said dec. aro requested to make immediate payment, aud all teat Mg claims a gainst it, to present them properly authentica ted for settlement to Henry. Core°Hue, Exemitor sth. 185 e.—Gt • .761 Illiscellaneoils Advertisements. "OLD DOMINION" Coffee l'ote. Cuffue Urns, For Hotel.. Poarding-Iluules . 011"Dominlons For Rcetaurints• For Steaml.ats. Old Dominions roc the Mill!ou. MORiI THAN 500,000 Bottles SOLD IN THE NEW ENGLAND SIAM IN ONE YEAR. :TIRE RESTORATIVE OF 0. J. WOOD, I for restoring the hair perfectly und pertna udutly has never yet had a rival, volume after Volume Might he given from W. llparts of the would and from the most intelligent to prove that it is a perfect Restorative ; but read the circular and you cannot doubt; read also the following, vral„Titc Ils in.—People have for centuries bees afflicted with bald heads and the only re• I imply, heretofore known, has been those ahem. triable wiv,. Ilya recent disPovery of Proles. son Wtmdthese rt, being last dispel, scil with, bat a great many persons still patro , nine thorn, bass ices they hlvn been so often imposed apes lisle Tonics of different kinds. To ell such persons we earnestly make the request, that they will try once again, for in Wool's Restorative there is no ouch thing as fail. We know of lady who was bald, who ! used the article a short time, and her head is I now covered completely with the tiniest and I most beautiful curls imaginable. We know of numerous cases whore hair was rapidly falling out, a bich it, restored in greater perfection than it et or had been before. It isahu without was of the best ar• tic:l,B fur keeping Lair in good condition, making it :.c f t glosly, removing dandruir and has proved itself the greatest macron to all the ills that hair is us heir to. It is the duty of every oue to improve their personal appearance though some cony differ in regard to the ways of doing it; but every ono vial admit that a beautiful head of heir either lill loan or women, ss an object much to La deitired, and then, are no means tbit should ho left untried to obtain such a consideration. ; Woman's Adrocate, Philadelphia. Coshocton, Ohio, Nov. 18, 1856. 0. J. WOOD sh 'CO.—Gents As Ilia,: le, engaged in selling your Hair Restorative tlie last 500000 fur one of your local agents, mid having experienced the beneficial abet, of it sisyself, I would the to obtain an rigeney thu 'State of Ohio or some Suite in t to dsould you wish to make such nu an roogonwsi s, es I ate convinced there is nutting e,issal to it in the United States, for reztoring the lair. I h ove boon engaged its the d:s.; btainces foruenra!years, and have sold vast• o n o preparati o n s f or the hair, but nave found nothing that restores the secretive organs or ori g orates the se n t., as well ns yours. being fully convinced that You* r"ti.wati. is what represent it to be, I . would like to engage in the axle of it, for I am ca tisfied it must sell Tours truly, S. V. STOCKMAN, Worland, Moss., Feb. 8, 1857. PROF. 0. J. WOOD & CO.—Gouts : Dar. in g realized the good etreeto of your flair Re• I with to mate, that fiading toy hair lag thin, no wall as gray, I WIN it:dared wind 1 read nod heard, to try the articles o.all by you, to promote its growth and ;u; age its color no it was in youth, both of ,hielt it haseireeted completely. In the oper ation 1 hare used nearly three bottles. Yours, c. JAMES FRANCIS. 0. J. WOOD tt Co, Proprietors. 312 Broad nil,. 11,w York, (in ibo great N.Y. Win) rtailing listablishatent,) and 114 Market St., St. Lonii, Mo. Jolts Dead, Ar,at, 'Hunting• too, and sold by all good Druggitas. TAKE 1102 CE. Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising corn• munity ,nd all others who wish to bring their business extensively before the pub lie, that the 'Jovial! hos the largest cit-• culation of any paper to the county—that iis e instantly increasing;—and that it goes into the ba,ds of our wealthiest citi- We would also state that our facilities for executing all kinds of JOB PRINT. ING are equal to those of any other office inthe county; and all Job Work entrus ed to oar hands will be done neatly, promptly, and nt prices which will be a tisfactory. M. PETTENGIII. & CO:5 Adrer tisiug Agency, 119 Nassau St., Now York, & 10 State St., poston. S. N. Pettengill & Co. am the Agents for the "Jona:mt.. and the most itilue Oita and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. They aro authorized to coati a,:t for us at our lowcs rates. FRESH GROUND PLASTER.' The Juniata ',lour and Plaster Mils, one mile east of Alexandiia, Huot. co., have on hand at all times, the best quality of Ground Plaster, for which Grain of all kinda will be taken in exchange at market priced. SAMUE T a HATFIELD Miscellaneous Advertisements. ..... Iron City Conintercial C,ollege. Te Pots, riTTsRURGH, PA. = . 7 CHARTERED 1855. 300 Students attending January 1868. NOW the largest and most 'thorough Com mercial School of the United States.— Yount , , men prepared for actual duties of the Counting Room. _ _ a J. C. Smrrn, A. M. Prof. of riok-keep ing and Science of Actrounts. • A. T. DOUTUETT, Teacher of Arithmetic nndCommercial Calculation. _ . J. A. Ilarmeant and T. C. jERRIbIi, Teaub. ers hook-keeping. A. COWLE,Y and VI. A. Tslira.ta, Profs. of Pani:l.o4l. SINGLE AND DOUBLE. ENTRY BOOK. HELPING, As met] in every departmebt of business. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC—RAPID MUSINEIS WRITING—DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY-- MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE—. COMMERCIAL LAW- ,fro taught. nud nil other subjects necessary fcr tho fincre,4 and tburotizb education of a practical busine,4 inao. 12 PI3EIVIIiT222. lirne•n uli the,intno in Pittsburgh fbr the past tbreeyenr=, nice in Eastern and Wes tern Cat,, l'or the beat Writing, iOT ESL:RI:ED WORK. Importitnt Information. Stitdentt: enter at any time—No vacation—•. Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Gradu• arcs assisted in obtaining sitontions—Tuiti, tbr Full Commercial name $35,00—Aver,,.: time Bto 12 week—Board, $2.50 per week— Statioattry, s6.oo—entire Met, $60.00 to $70.• "p• • Ministers' Sons received at half price. Tor Card—Cir.:fir—Specimens of Business end Ornamental Wriiinp—inclose two stamps and address F. W. JENKINS, Sept. 21i, 1858.-Iy. Pittsburgh, Pa ALTOONA, Blair co., July 3,'58. J. D Brow:Roil', Lewistown, Pa., Deur Sir—Mr. Wm. TvLanai:on, who hus been suffering several years front rheuniati.n, got so ill that his friends and relatives were summoned to wituess his dealt. I induced his friends to try the virtue of your preparation—they did so, as the last re; sort ugd, to their astonishment and joy, he be gun t o improve, got better and better, and now. so for as I know he is a hale and stout man, This is not the only case where the Gs.ivainC VIL has surpassed human expectations. In every ease where I have recommended the On, it has done what it promises to do. Send us another s2o's worth. Yuurs truly, 11. LEIIER. Aug. 18,'53--1y row) AT LAST_ ! ! ! The Way to Save Money! ! Al 'CD Clll2stla HARD TIMM ! is Io BOY ALL EINES or IlArtowAßE BUY ALL KINDE or HARDWARE BUY A 1.7, KINDS OF HARDWARE FROM JAS. A. Raw.. FROM JAS. A. BrtowN. FROM Jas. A. BROW,. AT CITY PRICES. This ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS exceeds all others in importance. 1,1. Because it supplies THE PEOPLEwith ivdespensable articles and many useful inven tions. isl iols can be found only in a HARD WARE STORE. 2nd. Tha subscriber purchasing in largo quantities front manufacturers, is enabled to sell these goods front _ _ _ 20 to 100 per cent cheapert than they nre sold by other merchants. Ilia stork includes a complete variety of WEILDING-HARDWARE. CUTLERY, OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, GLASS, STEEL, IRON, MECHANIC'S TOOLS, 11OLLOW-WARE, SADDLERY; CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, MOROCCOES, - LININGS Sc. Together with X full aseortmei:t of eyerythw g pert ninlng is ED line of business. A it callers receive prompt attention. JAMES A. BROWN, Huntingdon, Oct. 6th, 1616. 'DON'T READ THISI New Drug and Grocery Store. SAMUEL S. SMITH, H , 11111 5t.,5 doors west of the Court House, Huntingdon. Deolera in Mims, Chemicals, 1/Yo Stuffs Paints Varnish es. Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wino and Brandy of the host article for medical pur rases, Concentrated Lye for malting Soap, Glass Patty Putout Medicines also Coffee, Tea, Cho colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Salt Tjour, Crakers, Nuts, Condio, Figs; Haisiess Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum, titer drinks, in a word every thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery biore, those who dtsite pure and Genuine articles with do well by giving us a roll. Sept. 29, 1859.—1 y. AsK 'Fis is a ticw and valuable improvement, end is better. cheaper, smaller, lighter, more sinplo, requires less power, will chaff and clear, gram and ~.erds more rapidly, and with far greater econf»ny, than any other Grain Fan in use. Send tar a descriptive catalogue to Wm. L Boyer C Bro., Agricultural implemeut Fax. tory, Philadelphia. Sept. 29th, 1858.--Gm.. --- I,I7II`7IMARY An f•X prtioneed Editor, su , ,,cessful Author, find n thoroughly educated Litera r y ma n , yea,. rY wit' , "en LY'fivo ward of the drudzery of 1 Ally Journalist—, hat; determined to hire out nod sell his brains nt,tetail, to those who may require their servkas, in any honorable way. ItTerthants, nosiness Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, offhand with Advert:dements, (poetical or otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Circulars, or any species of ar• titles d aired, PoViticians will be supplied with Speeches, leni,crts, Kosolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pam• ".stets, Editorial Articles, Communications, tint every sort of 13rain•work, which they may led it inconvenient or troublesome to do then, ;el Ladie3 and Gentlemen, of every rank in so eiety or occupation in life .au have Lettera written on any subject, Anther business or sent mental, The sfivertiser will also conduct or translate Corre.,pondence of every kind, either English, French, Spanish, German or Latin. Poetry, Acrostics, for Albums, Notes, Billet doux, Monodies, and Compositions of the moat delicate and confidential character, incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will in , • furnished in inviolable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau Boa 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa ug.l Et,'sB .-1 y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers