Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 23, 1859, Image 2

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    Vuntingbon ottril al.
_____,..,. ~ • ~..._ ,:_,_;__,,,,
Editor and Proprietor,
Wednesday Morning, February 23, 1859
month of March is before us, and u very
attractive one it is. The engraving,
"Rose Bud." is alone worth the subacrip•
tine price for one year. See our club list.
T. B, Peterson & Bros., have just Pbu -
lished Miss Bremer's new work, 'The
Father and Daughter,' and it is likely to
be one of the most successful of her efforts.
Already hundreds of copies have been told
The Meesere. Peterson stereotyped, prin
ted, bound, had ready for sale, this charm.
ing volume, in forty eight hours from the
time they received the advanced sheets;
in this extraordinary enterprise, they used
over three tons of paper, as manufactured
by the celebrated house of Charles Ma.
gorge & Co. This must be regarded as it
truly extraordinary feat, and is in , every
Way creditable to all concerned.
have looked over its pages with
some attention, and find that they abound
with touching and truthful, and beautiful.
The style is easy and natural, and the poi
traits are graphic and glowing, and the
story possrsses the deepest interest.
The enterprising publishers have achieved
quite a feat in the rapid manner in which
they have furnished the book to the rend
ing community. It has been ably trans
lated by Mary Hewitt. An immense edi
tion will, no doubt, be disposed of."—
By sending $1.25 to 'l'. B• Peterson &
Brothers, 800 Chestnut St., Philadelphia,
the work will be forwarded to you free of
School lournal.LThe February num
ber of this valuable School publication is
now before us. It gives all the necessary
information in relation to the different
Schools of the State. Published in Lan-
caster, Pa., by T. H, Burrowes, at Si per
Great Republic.—The March number
of this publication is on our table. This
number is filed with the most valuable in
formation, and is destined to be one of the
foremost literary Magazines to the Tja , ted
States. Published in New York by Oak.
smith & Co., 112 & 114 William St., at
$3 per annum.
iarla pays for a course of instruction
at the Iron City College of Pittsburg, Pa.
Young men graduating at this Institution
are guarantied to be capable to manage the
books of any business concern and quali
fied to earn from $5OO to $lOOO per year.
Mi'The American Bank Note Cornpa•
ny are about to make public an important
improvement in the general design of bank
notes, which will effectually guard agamit
that species of fraudulent paper known as
altered bank notes. By the new patent no
bank note can be successfully altered so as
to impose upon the community. Several
of the pominent Banks have adopted this
new style, which will work a complete re•
elution in the appearance of bank notes.
Pennsylvania Editors in Council—Con
vention at Harrisbusg.
The Pennsylvaria State Editorial Union
met at Harrisburg on last Wednesday. The
sue r“anee was unusually large, thirty
nine counties being represented, and
'eonsiderable larger number of papers.
Levi I. Tate, of the Columbia Deu►ert-at,
was called to the chair, temporarily, but
subsequently the permanent President,
Morton McMichael, opened the proceed.
ings with an address.
Mr Evans, trout the Business Commit.
tee, made a very interesting report, which
we cannot find room for. It proposed
sixteen topics for consideration, affecting
the circulation, advertising, editorial and
business conduct of a newspaper. These
topics scent to be generally such as con
cern country newspapers. They were
referred to committees, who will deliber•
ate on them and report hereafter.
We subjoin the code of honor adopted
by the Union :
And whereas, It is the leading pur
pose of this Union to establish such a code
for the general observance of the members
of this Union as experience shall from
time to time dictate, and as shall cause the
press to become a more effective agent
in the promotion of the general welfare of
our common country ; we, therefore, de.
let. That moderation and fairness and
dignity are, at all timet, honorable in the
editorial profession.
2d: That courtesy, especially to co
temporaries, is to be cultivated in the pro
Bd. That personalities which necessa
rily lead to the degradation of the press,
are to be deprecated.
4th. That in the conduct of nawspa.
per discussions, the rulss of ..honorable
war" should be observed.
That the deliberate and wanton viola.
lion of these self-evident principles; and of
such additions as may be hereafter made,
shall be deemed sufficient grounds to cen•
sure by this association, and, if persever- .
ed in, for the expulsion of a member.
That should any member of the Union
'be convicted of an infamous crime, the
Recording Secretary under the direction
of the society (the said member being en
titled to be heard either verbally or other
' Rise in his defence), shall draw black lines
around his name, and he shall no longer
be considered a member of the Union.
That all minutes of any name or names
that may be expunvd, shall be made at
the proper meetingof the Union where it
is ordered; but no unworthy or infamous
notice for expunging the name of a member
shall be countenanced.
That the Wanton violation of that code of
honor which this Union shall deem es
sential to the dignity and respectability of
tlie press, shall subject the member no of.
fending to a forfeiture . of the usual courte
sies of the press; and a resolution may he
adopted that the men - there of the Associa
ton shall strike his paper front the list of
That we deem that all questions of fac.
or of personal veracity should be discussed
by the pen, and that publio opinion may
be relied upon as a safe arbiter in the end
of their settlement.
mriub vote of the Union at any regular an
nual meeting acquiesced in at the next fol.
lowing annual meeting, shall entitle a mem
ber of the profession to a certificate of hon.
or, which shall be made out, certified and
enrolled on parchment in such style and
with such devices, and according to such
forms, as the Union may prescribe.
Concluding Proceedings ,
The Business Committee made a detail.
ed report, which was transferred to a select
committee of three, who are to report nt a
special Convention, to be held on the third
Wednesday of August, at Pittsburg.
The constitution we+ adopted, after con•
siderable debate, and signed, during the
evening, by seventy members. It is as
follows :
Article 1. The kssociation shall be coon
by the name, style and title of the Editorial
Union of Pennsylvania.
Art. 2.. It shall be the object of the Ed
itorial Union, First, To promote the wel
fare of the press of Pennsylvania, elevate
and improve its character, and to extend
the sphere of its usefulness,
Second, To cooperate with the press of
other States, and of the United &cies, in
the promotion of this object thrt,uglout
the country.
Art. 8. All partisan or political discuir,
sions tho meetings of the Editorial Uri.
ion shall be avoided
Art. 4. The officers of this Editorial
neon shall consist of a President, four vice
Presidents, two Secretaries, and a treasu
rer, all of whom shall be elected by a Ina.
jority of the members voting, by ballot, at
the first annual meeting of the association
and at, each yearly meeting theretifter.
Art. 5. The Association shall consist of
such editors as shall be present at the time
of the formation of this constitution, or
shall be duly elected members by a major
ity at any regular meeting of the Associa . .
tion, and all members shall be required to
sign their names to this constitution : Pro
tided, That no person shall ho a voting
member of this Association after his con
nection with the press shall have ceased.
Art. G. Delegates may be appointed to
attend Editorial Conti ntions of other States
or of the United States.
Art. 7. Delegates from Editorial Conven
tions of other States, or of the Union, may
be admitted to participate in the meetings
of this Association, but shall not vote upon
any question.
Art. 8. That parliamentary law shell
prevail in the deliberations of this body,
where it to not inconsistent with the con.
stitution and by-laws of this Association.
Discussions may be limited by the mnjori
Various other propositions were submit•
ted sod referred to the business Committee,
Harrisburg was fixed upon as the place
for holding the next annual meeting, on the
third 'Wednesday in February.
Mr. Forney made the closing speech
l'which was a masterly production.
The Convention, which was the largest
one of the kind ever held in the United
States, adjourned at half•past eleven, tho
best feeling having prevailed during the
Mgr A vein of lead ore has been dis
covered in Somerset county, Pa., to the
neighborhood of the town of Somerset.
The fact has caused considerable excite
ment in that county. where, also, the peo
ple are in high hopes of soon enjoy.
ing railway facilities, as a bill is pending
in the legislature, chartering a Company
to build a branch railway from the Penn.
sylvania Central at Jordistown, to Somers
Mr STEPHENS of Georgia announced
his determination to leave Congress. •It
would have been better for himself and
the country if he had left it when he left
the Whig party.
ton States insists upon it that there is no
Democratic party; it has gone to the I.dem
nition bow•wows," not because ..the co
hesive power of public plunder" is not
as strong as ever, but, like the banditti in
a mei° drama, the robbers are qurrreling
over the distribution of the spoils.
mr- The Family and School Journal,
published by Townsend & McKenna,
Philadelphia, at $2 per annum is an ex.
cellent publioation
ger SENATOR BIOLFR made what he
and his friend will call a speech"'
in the U, S. Senate. Ps leadirig points
are thus summed up by the Wash
ington correspondent of the North fluter.
can: First, that there is no such serious
disagrement between the President end the I
Secretary of the Treasury, in regard to the
tariff, as the public had 'supposed. Sec-'I
ond, that ho was opposed to the principle
of "protection for the sake of protection." ;
Third, that he was in favor, if nothing';
better could be done, of raising the duties I
under tho present tariff "tour or five per ,
cent., or returning to the act of 15-19;"
and, fourth, that the evils under which the
country is now suffering, were superindu
ced mainly by an inflation of the curren
cy. 'These are the lending features of
performance which is nt once eharitetiiri.,-
tic of its author and its patty. It is neith
er fish, flesh, fowl, nor good red herring.
It looks both ways* at the same time; to
Pennsylvania, by pretended preference;
and to the south, which_dictates and directs
the demacrotic policy. .
ear Messrs Wigton of the House, and
Schell of the Senate have our thanks for
valuable Public Docuinents.
Answer to the Industrious FrUg.
The frog appears to lava cleared at e
foot per day, and at the end of 27 days.,
he would be sTfeot up, or within 3 feet
of the top, and tho next day he would get
out. He would therefore be 28 days get.
ting out.
The Sheep-told
A farmer had a pen made of 50 hurdles,
capable of holding 100 sheep only; sup
pose he wanted to make it sufficiently la'rge
to hold double that number, how many ad
ditional hurdles would he hare occation
FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $5 75 ( 594
" Extra " " 5 93( 6.12
family '• 6.25 to 725
ttye Flour and COLD Meal
Wheat—red, per biushely
" \Vlthe
I 4O( 13
1 CO. - 6 . 70
Rye i, 90
Corn 78
Oats o 01
Cloverseed $6 28(2,6 87 per 64 pounds
Timothy seed, $2,00 to 725
Flax, per bushel $1 75
The •Life, Speeches and Memorials
Containing hientost celebrated Orntions,'n
lectiun front the Frulogics delivered on the
meadua of his Death, and his Life
and Tittles.
BY SAMUEL M. smuit,'N.Ft, A. M.
This splendid work is just published, in ono
large volume of 550 ages. It is printed on
line paper and hound in beautiful style ; coo.
tains excellent tint illustrations of his Birth.
place and Mansion at Mansfield ; nn3 a fall
length, lifelike, Steel Portrait. Tho Publisher
offers it wills confidence to the American peo•
ple, and is convinced that it will supply an ins.
portant want in American literature. No work
was to be obtained heretofore, which presented
within a compact and convenient compass, the
chief events of the life of Daniel Webster, his
moot remarkable intellectual efforts, used this
most valuable and inlaresting eulogies which
the great men of the nation uttered its honor
of his memory.
We present all these tress 11,S in this vol
ume, at a very mode-ato price, and in a very
convenient form. Subscription price, ii, cloth,
$1,75; handsomely embossed loather; $2,00.
Persons desiroas of becoming Agents for
this valuable work, will address, for further par
ticulars, DUANE RULISON, l'ub.
Feb.23,'59.•3t. 33 S. 3rd. St., i'bilada.
(Estate cf Michael ?et terkool; dec.)
Notice in hereby given that Letters Testa•
mentary on the estate of Michael Fetterhoof
late at Morris township, dec. haeo been gran
ted to the undersigned. All persons ihtlept•
ed to said estate or requested to make imme•
diate payment, and those having claims to pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle.
went to JOSIKEI FEVIERHOOF . , Exec.
Morris twp, Fob. 16, '59.-6V
Tho Subscriber respectfully informs the Pub*
ik, that he is prepared to receive and unload
Cars containing Lumber, Bark, Stares, Shin
gles, Coal, Iron, &c.
S. W. Corner Broad A; Callowbill StreTta,
Jan. sth 1855.--Gip*
All persons interested nee hereby notified
that Letters of Administration on the estate of
Michael Detwiler lute of Clay Township Dun.
tingdon County dec'd have been granted to
the undersigned; and all persons having , claims
or demands against the estate of the said dee'd
are requested to make known the same to the
undersigned witholit delay and all owing this
estate aro requested to make payment. Die
Post Office ie Dublin Mills Fulton County.
Jan. 12th, 1829.—Gt.
Executor's Notice.
hereas, letters testamentary on the estate
of Dutton Lithe, late of Springfield tp., decd.
have been granted to the undersigned all per.
sons knowing themselves indebted to sold es
tate will 'nuke immediate payment and those
having claims present them duly authenticated
for settlegtent to.
TR A Y.--Came to the subscribers in
0 Franklin township about the Ist of Octo
ber last one white and red spot
ted steer, supposed to be about " •
three years old. The owner is
requested to come forward prove ta4r4.l:-
property pay charges and take it away or it
will be disposed of SS the law directs.
Huntingdon Furnace, Feb. 2, '59.
A Perfect substitute
For the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters 11:
when the undersigned, eller a long serica of
laborious and costly experimenta, bccanin fully
continued in his conviction, thnt the Aniipblo-
. .
gistic Salt which he now has the happiness to
present to. the Atncriran kni2n,iF.onn_
, ,
for Blood-letting, Leeches and Blisters, his
mind was so agitated that he could net sleep fur
many nights. The cause of his aqitation Won
the striking tact, that the mantle, of lot operation
like that of the sires in raceinati , m, cutild nut
ha saturfactorialy explai tied upon any known
llow, in what w.ty, itso effectually
subdued Inflammatory Discese and no others,
was at first wholly inexplicable—hut, on forth,
. .
experiment, it !cs proved that it Equalizes the
~thydsot the body, the want of en ennilibrimn in
. .
which, is the sole cause of inflammation. Such . •
493 13roadwa Y.
is its potency, that like the vaccine matter, it y, N. 730 Ch estnet St., Phila.
requires merely - v at adheres to the point of a quill
nieso Machines sew from two spools. as pm ,
dipped into a solution of it, to effect the entire
system—but must be instantly used to prevent ohnged from tho st a rs, requiring no ro . winding
decempos'tion net serum its full virtue. Throe of thread; they Ilan, Fell, Gather and Stitch
quillin acute., and tau ch."' disc.'s", in a superior style, finishing each seam by their
C cry 24 hours, till the heat, pain awl fehril fi
tine Lava
ba ,,,, ad, and a perfect cure affected. or. o;g:ration, without recourse to the hand
--• • •
i t. t a l; ea. th a W . place of blisters, ointment I needle, as is required by other machines. They
and leeches in locidatlhetions, as lll'Hill FC1 . 01 . , I Wiii du better and cheaper sewink than a seam-
Crimp ? Toothache, Pletirivy, IC., its mud° of stress can, even if she weeks fur cue
ndministration is two-fold. (See dliTetiiii of dis
soiyi.e.) . .
~ _ . hour, nod are, unquestionably, the best Ma
- " '
TM; discc;vcrechnswithhold it toot the pub- I chines in the market for family sowing, on ac
lie till now, by the advice of a judicious count of their simplicity, durability, ease of
cunt and valuable friend whom ha consulted—
management, and adaptation to all varieties of
gentleman known and felt in the medical
world—ond who desired to submit it to tie test i tinnily sewing—executing either hoary or fine
- - -
of experiment. After witnessing under his own work with equal facility, and without special
serntinising ,ye, its signal ttitunph 'over both ~di„,,,,,,,
acute and chronic inficuntsmtory diseases, in re- At.
e ; ideeee
the unquestioned
pealed and re•repcted trials, ho oared $25.- ...
(050 to came in ea A special and equal partner in of their Mudd..., the GROTIM & BAKER Bow
fie iteciPe fur its 11, anufacturo, but the 1 , 01 , 0 - Inn Macumc COMVANY beg leave to respectful
sal WOO refer to the following
The disuse of the lancet and blisters, is de
manded both by humanity by humonity and TESTIMONIALS.
scknee. Is it nut a mistake, to suppose that "Having had one of .Grover & Baker's Ma
.. ..
a Loftin of weer (the inflamed blood) I chines in illy family for nearly a year awl n halt
will react to boil, by clippiog out u port of it— I take pleasure in commending it en entry cony
" • "
or u cask of bad 'ci;lcr b.looil) be made roli,J,l kw the purpose for whin h it is designed
good, by drawing a portion of ill Is it not a —Fondly Leavitt, trfe
mistake, to suppose that blisters and rubefacients of Per. Dr. Learnt, Editor of N. 1. Independent.
will remove inllotnwatiao, when they virtually I ••I confess myself delighted with your Sewing
superadd ono inflammation to another? The Machine, which has been in my family fur ulu
late Or. B. Waterbon.. of Hortord Utliverst- ny mouths. It has always linen ready fur duty,
ty, said "1 am sick uf quackery„ line r e otiring no adjustment, and is easily adapted
of the west on. Went physicians In Nov England to ever y var i ety o f fitnilly sewing, b y simply
acknowledged ins: befm*e his death, 11,01 "be changing the spools of thread."-3Ec. Elizabeth
has been doubting fur many years, wethcr flood- Strickland, irEP ry' Rev. Dr. Strichland, Editor tf
letting end blisters did not aggravate rather N. 1. Christian Advocate.
than arrest ditltte. , ' SuM3 who stand r.mb,r trying several different good machines,
high in the Old nod New school, lIRVO quite re- I preferred yours, on account of its simplicity,
gently espoused his views and Time openly can' and the perfect ease with which it is nnuogcd,
fess, they believe the Inn,ret, s ete n s 'reel," end as well as the strength and durability of die
blisters injure ton whoro they benefit one— seem. After long experience, I lnel competeut
They think there is a meaning to Deut. 12 . 23 to speak in this mintier, and to cunthlontly
— De. 9, 4—a " Lev it• 17, 14—W " `Ti. commend it for covey variety of family sewing."
!MOOD IS TIM Lim" It is not the c.eces4 of
—..llrs. E. B. Spooner, ulfe ophe Editor ol Brook-
Wood (there Inver is ton much) that causes di- im
seine, but the want of it balance between the 4
fluids and solids. "I have used a Grover & Baker Sewing Ma.
Tile special excellence of the Antiphlogistie chine for two years, and have fond it adapted
Salt, is that without the „m oss loss of bl oo d to all kinds of family soh• ng, from Cambric to
Broadcloth, Garments have been worn out
and strength, it effectually subdued inflainniato
ry diseass, (no others) by producing au equili• without the giving way of u fultch• The M. -
Miens of all the fluids itt the body and n cense • chine is easily kept In order, and is easily used."
Tient uninterrepted circulation. It exert, like — ,Airs. A. li. 11l ',IA of Ea". !leo. nip
the vaccine matter, and extraordinary influence Pc: Neu , Sark.
over the v•eus and arieries—resultingin a grad- .9 - our Seeing Machine hes been in use in
oat decline elk:Ham:nation as indicated by the my family the past two years, and the ladies
pulse, which assumes its. natural state as the request me to give you their testimonials to its
heat, pain one fever dissappear. perfect adaptedness, as well as labor-saving
Cr.iV• Many medicines offered ( for sale, are qualities its the performance of family and
backed by doubtful certificates, their elteif vir- household sawing."-4Zobert Boorman, N. E
tue) . :and claim to he universal iViii idles, Ming 4:For neverel months wo have Grover & Be
all malidies--ia burlesque on common sense: bees Seining Machine, and have coine to rho
As the discoverer of tlifs Salt, solemnly protests conclusion that every lady who desires her sew
agalnet liming it pieced in the category 0 lug Leant fully and quickly done, would be most
frauds and impotitions. he has re s olved that it fortunate in possessing one of those reliable
shall go forth to the world, like the pure gold end indefatigable ..iron needle.-women,' whose
golif l r: with no utiffr.P.Mml t h an its tr.: vat- combined qualities of/insidestrength cod simpli•
ue. If the public find it geffuine, they will 1.6- city, urn i„,i11,,,,bby5—.7 , 13'. di• Qms, (laugh , of
ceiva it — if spurious, they will reject slot cu. - (inn. Gee. P. Morris, Editor of Home Journal.
lariat it. Instead of being a panacea for all ills,
, Extract of a totter from Thos. It. Leavitt, an
it has control over but one ill,— has but one slut A mor i coo goe d e e me , ewes •• 'Gant in sydney,
—accomplishes but ant Way, to Wit, SUBDUES
Ni,V South wile. sic eaunry 12 . , 1858 :
INFLAMMATORY Discam—wlmtever he its form „ r bud u 1 ., n ' s - 1
p• „Lel m erne su 1852, in
or locality—wether in the head, throat chest ab '
which theta wor i r , three • thousit ' ud yards of
domen, extremities or skin. It is asked, Lem . '
..; -
of Grover &Baker's Ma
lt does this?—simply by restoring the lost bal. seeing dune '
:team of that has outsteod
once between the fluids and solids. chines, Wipe '
The following /. Ilowing different /or which the un
balanced fluids assume, andmany not ~3111:41'.1?1611 sewed by sailors with a mu-
Goosed that have tumour lens heat, pain or fever • .emiteee n t a p could be ealleil up from his flier
(no others)ure as pet filet ly cured by the Anti. •-2 , 0 would sing the advent of Grover
phlogistic Salt, as fire is extinguished by {l, [I. D r us u more benignant, miracle of art
I. Cases where the unbalanced fluhis ei - o irer ,„ .0 ever 'V ulean'e smith. li e would de
sks linen end TIIIIOAT—tO wit, Brain E' ii
. midnight shirt-making no 'the direful
Pies, Heado c ho, Infi en , a w Lyon, E ars an d ' e h „ , 3F,,, g of Wins unaumbered."—Prot. Nerds.
c ‘ ,l "k•crT Neur.V., ErYsiPelas, Ceara, the ` ed ' e "I take pleasure in saying, that the Grover &
[ironclad., : ye. Baker Seining Machines have more than sat•
2. Cases where the unbalanced it - ,,,„. effect mined my expectation, After trying and let ur-
tli. C. 1 . 8 T and Aaa o aaa — la Ag e gamed fling others, I have three of them in operation •
Lungs and Liner, Colic,
_Pleurisy ,
ai ls, Dy , pep- in in y different places, and, alter four years'
Out, Asthma, Dropsy, Ilcarthuri r Gravel Price , trial, have ou fault to tied."—J. IL aun.i.d,
uonortha, Venereal, lee. • . .Senator of South Carolina.
3. Canes where the utthalanced fluids etteet "My wino lies had one of Grover a. Baker's
the ENTRF.MITIFR end HICIN-10 wit; Malm,. Family Sewing Machines for some time, and I
(ism, Gout, Scrofida,. Ulcers, Chillains, Chillmins, . tisiied it i s wit, el the bast i , i iiii .. 0a ,,,,,,
Chick en and Small Pox, it'll- ttl
Salt Rheum, with itol ' eel b itles that has been invented. ' I t teke muck
in g and other Cutaneous Affections, &e.
inflammetory, pleasure in rec.:mot:ding it to the public."—
This Salt gretstly alluvial. the 2.
. essee.
or of C
pains pecular to married Indies, (before and at J . G. !!orris, G„ ‘ „.„ '
the time of confinemeut) and many !Meek eons- "It in a beautiful thing, and puts orer;:botly
plaints, end is very Mentions in Fever, Ague, into .m excitement of good humor. Were 3lt
NVounds, Nervous and Spinal Affectiotis an d I Chtlaide I should insist neon Saints Gruver and
anyother formes of (mark litie)h.flemmatery di- Baker having au eternal holiday in commento
sease,attended with heat, pain or febrile syreg- I ration of their good deeds far humauity.—CNis•
totes._ Isies M. Clay.
er7V Persons who have a tendency of blood i "I think it by far the best patent iu use. This
to the head or heart, or lend inactive lives, or Machine can be adapted from the finest cambric
breath the inilmre air of manulitetories and the to the heaviest eassonere. It sews stronger,
poisonous fumes of metals rind minerals, or live faster and mom beautifully than 'en can into
is ouheolthy climates, are exposed to a poetic- I gin, II !nine could nut he replaced, money
liar N illation of the tools of the body, Which one could not buy V."—Mrs. J. G. Brown, Nosh
th,,e without intertereing with tlie diet or tol- rills, Tom.
noes, once in three months, would invariably : t i s san d y, very nest, and durable in its
aireecs,. It is beleived to afford protection from work; is eas ily understood and kept in repair.
int . "' it's di'd", therefore teas'elle. , earnestly re commend this Machine to on my
saiiors, tied soldiers should supply themselves quainOinces and others."—Nrs. ill, A. Forrest,
with it.
Memphis, Tenn.
tW Wh ile many nostrum-makers victimize
th e nee d mitere d ii ni„i d n i ,„ "w in, „ y or _ .We find this machine to work to our notis
deriog "from six ton dozen boxes of butt les, flietion, and with Isb , w 3 uru r ooo tmood it to the
to cut e any maludy:' no matter what—the tut-'
. public, as we believe Grover & Baker to be the
dersigned is happy in being able to state, that I be. Sowio Machine in use."—Deurg &others,
the severest forms of recent inflammatory di. Allisonia, Tenn.
sense, was over come by ono Acute package, "If sari exclusively f or family purposes, with
." the ]nest übst , nuto and long .t."‘diug by ordinary care, I will wager they will lust one
one Chr(bie pa n t o . It d ugs just what It 'three score .seare and ten; and never get out
claims to do—and no more, or less—equvlizcs I of fis:."—Johli Erskine, Nashville, Tenn.
the fluids by removing twin the system all or
terial and venous obstrue.i mg.
"I Lave had your machine for several Areas,
gar Pleas let your neighbors read this. and am perfectly satisfied that the work it dues
F. COGGSWELL., Al. D., is the Lost and most beautiful that ever was.—
ANL , 111agyie Aintisun, Nashville, 7'enn.
For sale at the Cheap Drug Store of Samuel I "luse ,ny Macbinc upon coats, dressmaking,
S. Smith, &Co.' Humiliation, Fa. sold lino linen stitching, and the work is admi-
Feb. lath 1859.- _ ruble—far better than the best bend-sewing, or
Orphans , Court Sai te. any , other machine I have ever seen."—Lucy
In pursuance of an order of the OtiMans' 1 /"..P.", Nashville; Tom
Court of Huntingdon county, 1 will expose to '1 find the work the strongest and most beau
sale by public outcry on the premises on Wel I have over seen, made either by hand or
Saturday, Ike Wit day 1.! March next, machine, and regard the Grover & Baker m
at 10 o'clock A. M. olsaid day, all that certain chine as one of tie greatest blessings to our
piece and parcel at' land 6itnuted in Dublin tp, sex."--.11., Taylor, Nashville, T'/am.
Huntioglon county, aforesaid, adjoining lands "I Lave one of Grover & Baker's Sewing Ma
(-1„1- Spitzer. hind IbtinerlY .wlled by. James chines in use in my fa wily, .nd find it amino
&Al" mud what's mot'. Pltrln'untrlY ble. 1 eon confidently recommend it to all per
deseribed by the courses and distances of the sons in mint of a machine."—G. T. 7'hompson,
sttroe in the order of sale aforesaid, and con. I Nashville. Ten n .
"I take pleasure in certifying to the Utility of
10 AORIIIS and 22 / 1011031110 , the Grover & Baker Sewing Machines. I have
used one on Oiliest every description of work
The aforesaid' parcel of land will be sold as for months, and find it much stronger than work
the real estate of Helix and lime/men WAr.• done by haul."—Mrs. D. IV. IVheeler, Nashville
Ken late of the township nod county aforesaid nem
dee. who died intestate, and is the same land "I would be unwilling to dispose °f e rny devised tlwin jointly tu fee by their father ver & Baker Machine fur a large amount, could
David Walker dee.
The terms of sale are cash on the final con
I net replace it again at pleasure."—Afrs. Lf.C.
&creel, Nashville Tenn.
&Illation of said sale.
"Our two Machines, purdased from you, do
DAVID WELCH, the work of twenty young ladies. We with
Administrator of pleasure recommend the Grover & Baker ma-
Mary & Susannah Walker dee. chine to be the hest in uso."—N. Stillman 6 , Co.
Jan. 3th, 1839-14 Tenn.
The undersigned takes this Method of info,
ming the public generally that there Is no med
icine now °tiered to the phlie that is mica' to
suffering humanity.
I was on observer of its effects in a friend of
mute, who suffered almost everything from a
nrart4ic affection which resisted the hest med
ical treatment in Centro county. We applied
freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, And
gave soma Inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pa
tient was asleep. and when awaked was free free
tr,an pain, and contimal so.—This is a positive
fact which I am willing to make good at any
than. A ease of FaLou Was cured in nearly the
same length of time.
J. H.,IIAIIN,Centre RM.
Aug. 18 1858-Iy. `;entre county.
(Edlate of James Black, dee.)
mtuave - ows NO,EittE.
Notice is hereby given, that letters testamen
tare on the lost will of James Black, late of
Jackage tuwnship, dec. have beau duly issued
to the estate of the said deed, are requested to
make immediate payment, aed and all having
claims against it, present to them poperly au•
thentieated for settlement to
Robert Huey] .
Jane Black, threcuturs.
Jun. sth 1869.-6 t.
So long unsuccessfully sought,
v uu it restores permanentlygray hair to Its
11 original color; covers luxuriantly the bald
head; removes all dandruff, itching and all seref
ula, scald head and nll eruptions; makes the
hair soft , healthy, and glossy ; and will preserve
it to nay imaginable age, removes, as if by taafr
ic, all I latches, &c. front the face, and cures all
neuralgia and nervous head ache. See circular
and the following.
Dever, N. 11., Feb. 2,1, 1857.
PROF. 0. J. WOOD & CO. —Gout; Within
a few dens we have received so moon orders
and calls for Prof. J. 11. Wood's Hair • liestora•
tine, that to day we were compelled to send to
lloston fora quantity, (the ti dozen you for
warded all being sold, while era might order a
quantity from you. Every bottle we have sold
secret to have produced three or four new customers,
and the approbation, and patronage it receives
from iho most substantial mid worthy citizens
°four vicinity, fully convince us that it is A
Send us as soon ns may be one gross of $1
E 17.0 1 and one dozen $2 size) and believe us
yours very respectfully.
Signed, 'I). LATHROP 2. CO.
Hickory Grove, St. Charles co. Mo.
Nov. 10, tOttil.—Proi. 0. J. Wood.—Dear
sir: Sometime last summer we ware induced
to use 50010 of your hair Restorative, and
its effects were so wonderful, we feel it our du
ty to von and the afflicted to report it.
Our little son's head for some time had been
perfectly con ered with sores, and some called it
scalled bead. The hair almost entirely came
off in consequence, *hen a friend, seeing his
suilbrings, advised us to use a bottle of your Res
torative, we did so with but little hope till, •
cess,but tooursurprise, and that of all one
a very few applications removed the disease en
tirely, and a new raid luxurient crop of heir
soon started out, and we can now say flint otir
buy bases healthy scalp and as luxuriant crop of
hair as any other child. We eau therefor°, and
do hereby recommend your Restorative, us
perfect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and
hair. We are yours respectfully.
0. J. Wood & co., ?raptiero7; 312 iiruad;ray
NeW York, in the greet N. Y. wire railing estah
r. end llt Market St.. St. Louie Mo.
Amino. '' an Druggists.
Sept. 2,, CB.—Sm•
IVAL4II, Principal,
Prot of Latigunges .d Philosophy.
Ci.A. N. Jlesliu. A. 52
Prof. of Latin. Greek, etc.
Jaznes W. Hughes,
Prof. cf Mathematic:l.
Hen►3anniu F. [buck. •
Adjunet Prof. of AlathetaLica.
GIOIA. W. Linton.
Prof. d' Vocal Marie.
Mrs. M. Mcli. IVA Lill Preceptreav,
Tearher of Botany, History, Reading; etc.
Mies E. M Faulkner,
Teacher of Penis Work, Painting, Drawing,
Miss I). L.!.,tanley,
Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, EU.,
Mrs. DDr . Imerwin.
Teacher of English 131 , lnCnes.
Miss J. M. Walsh,
'reacher of Primary English.
The teeeut success of ti,6 school is calmer.
dinury. Besides being the cheapest one of the
kind ever established, it is now the larg est in
this section of the State. All brances are
taught, and students of all ages, and of both
truce, are received. The expenses for a year
need not be more than $9O. Students can en.
ter wherever they wish. Address.
JOHN D..WALSII, Catorville,
Jltiociugdou Co.,
!BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks at t h
" urnal (Mee." We hare now prepared uye
ry superiorartielo of BLANK DEEDS, BONDS
1 It &e.
From the sth day of January 1858 to the
30th day of January 1859 including both days.
1854 John Laport, Franklin, $7O 76
1855 John Beaver, Hopewell, 114 67
" A'm Isenberg, Morris, 174 22
" Jno. Thompson Walker 1.0 00
1856 Joseph Forrest Burros 208
" Geo. Rupert Brady 46 06
4 ' Fred. lineman Cromwell 12 43
" Sol. Hamer Jackson 111 25
" Benj F Wallace Morris 15 00
" 1 A J Dunlaps Ted 10 00
" I) Pheasant Union 1 13
" 1 Jos Isenberg Walker 222 45
" Willis Moore West 102 59
1817 Alx Stitt Alexandria 184 75
" Jno It McCarthy Brady 602 13
" Peter Levingston Barren 850 59
" George /if Green Cass 183 90
'' Samuel Smith Cissville • 80 10
" Joseph Park Clay 272 65
" Wm Johnes Cromwell 424 42
" Brice Blair Dublift 009 70
" Win Bice Franklin 1123 25
" George Numer Henderson 250 00
" Samuel 8 Smith Huntingdon 639 97
" Geo B Weaver Hopewell 366 02
" John Jackson Jackson 1076 25
" Henry A Mark Juniata 266 26
" Samuel Harr ish Morris 488 67
" George Miller Oneida 52 00
" A S Neff Penn 465 43
11 D P Henderson Porter 1313 60
" James G Doyle Shirley 1049 58
" 0 Boworsox Shirleysburg 124 87
" Joshua Johnes Springfield 166 45
" Thou Cisney Tell 222 03
.' Abrm Elias Tod 691 10
" hi F Canibell Union 200 15
" Martin Planner Walker 416 58
1 , S Lohman IVarriormark 859 1 .
" Jno Thompson West 1028 16
1858 Wm Walker Alexandria 109 60
" P Livingston Barree 93 60
" J C Watson Brady 131 16
" Joseph Park Cast 76 50
" John S Gehrett Cassville .20 00
" '0 W Horton, Carbon, 7 20
" George D Hudson Clay 35 30
" Joseph Cornelius Cromwell 52 00
" William M'Clain Dublin 140 00
" John 13 Thomson Franklin 970 00
" Jacob Hallman Henderson 162 69
" Peter Swoops linntiogdon 1033 00
Jacob Weaver Hopewell 100 00
" David Heffner Juniata 65 62
" Nathaniel Lytle Morris 130 00
" George Green Oneida 100 00
" Michael Garner Penn 302 62
" Daniel lined° Porter 145 31
" Samuel Foust Shirley 379 06
" Benjamin Long Bhirleysburg 36 41
" Jacob G.Jones Toll 76 50
" David Aurandt Tod 18 00
" Abram Wright Union 71 83
" Henry Swoops Walker 69 50
" Thomas Ffyskill Warrieremark 470 02
" Andrew Mattern West 689 85
20619 60
County tax on unseated Lands 428 74
School " 431 09
Road " " " 407 37
Fines & Jury fe.a reo'd of Id. F.
Fines 3; Jury fee, reed of I) Cald
76 00
Itec'd of A& J Port for Toll ;louse 100 00
" Jacobi rant " 65 5 66 50 00
It,ut rued of Huntingdon Bond fur
Court Huove
Rent reed of Gontinentala
19 00
Itee'd or Henry Glazier for old privy 10 00
Itet'd for alio of stray ateer 00
Redemption Received
Balance due Cuunty Tremuror
Total amouta,
Att'y Gen, Prot'y, si, 6 . and
witnesses fees on Corn pros
Constabl s for making rat'as
adv'g spring election, &c.
Gr. & 'Jr. Jars. court crier,
Judg. loop. Cllto of elections
kssessor's orders
Inquisition without bodies.
'Road and bridge views 818 00
Do dam. Mrs. Vandevander 93 00
Do. do. Tbos. Crownover 48 75
Do. do. M. Chilcote, 80 76 583 20
For running division line be
twaen 'rod & Carbon tps.
Bridge orders :
Wise &Eby, bridge nt Hun
tingdon, 1881 00
Do. for r.sp'g above bridge, 80 49
W Harper at Drake's ferry, 276 00
& A.lionisey at Rockhill 100 00
A, S. Harrison linvstown Br. 950 00
A. C. Muir, b uilding bridge
across Tuscarora creek,
• ( 'ornntissioners t—
li. L. McCarthy, 160 00
G. W. Mattern, 65 00
,1, Baker, 100 00
Brij. K. Neff, 57 50
• UM, to Comm's In fullfor '57 • 89 00
u, acct. for 1859, 275 00
Atty. for Comm'm iu foil '57 10 00
14i. in full for '5B, 40 00
County auditors for 1857, 69 70 886 20
Expenses of visitors to Poor
House to inspect accounts
by order of Cour., 80 00
Publisteg rep• of Visitors, 10 00
Treas'r of Mont. Co. Purr H, 7000 00 7090 10
Interest on County Bonds t
J. G. Miles. 9 00
Woo. P. Orbison, 160 00
Esr. or C. Bucher, 00 00
IVen. B. Lens, 80 00
Samuel Wigton, 45 GO
Jno. H. Cloonan, 41 48
Thomas Fisher, 114 00 508 45
Medicine and attendance to
prisoners in jail,
Wood and coal for C.H. and
40 00 0086 40
237 21
Gas consumed at Court 11., 36 71
Repairs at Court H. and Jail, 242 09
Sweeping and cleaning C.U. 25 00
Washing for pris. in Jail in
lull for 1857,
Do. on account for 1858,
J. F. Ramey for mulling and
marking lino between Hun
tingdon and Mifflin counties
Penna. State Lull. 1109. for
19 00
15 00 070 04
Nancy Long, 65 00
oio. do. D. Brotherline 212 53 277 84
Stationary & Block books for
county ofilce;, 28 51
County Printing—J. A. Ntoth, 149 75
W. Brewster 08 16
W. Lewis, 97 25
Postage and express, 33 99 879 72
Ono copy standardweights and
measures, 201 60
',rooming Insurance Coulp'y 26 80
West'n Pen'y for convicts, 861 50
Hunt. Co. Agr, Soci'y, 1857, 100 00
{4 " 1858, 100 08 500 00
Mdso. for C. IP and jail, 71 24
County Bonds paid—D. Blair 481 39
Leas for Miller, 1188 65 1670 03
A. B. Crewit's est. 2500 00
IL Glazier transcribing gen
eral index, 225 00
M. F. Campbell traneg judge
meat docket. 225 00 450 00
1)0. for his fees and coast as
clerk of C. of Q. S. I'rot'y,
Stationary, &c., 237 65
1). Caldwas' do. do. 134 21
do. do do. IN 65 894 51
F. H. Lane, Tr. for deeds to
Comm's at Tress's sale and
adv'g land aftersvaad direc- •
ted not to ho sold 28 IS
Refunding orders paid, 49 24
School money paid to James
Harper, troller of Cromw'll
tp. school district, a es
Redemp'n money paid out, 63 16
Fox scalp premiums, • 398 94
Shig. Stiller for summoning
jurers, hoarding and convoy
ing convicts to the peniten
tier in full for 1857, , 81 58
Do. on account for 1858, 550 00 631 39
13alanco due Treasurer at last
settlomen 1567 00
Co. Treasurer's Commission
on $48895 84 at 1f pr. ct
28,983 35
In testimony of the correctness of the above
we hereunt o subscribe our names, and affix the
seal of the said county, this 3d day of January
A. D. 1859.
H. W. MATTERN, Comm'rs
We, the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon
county, Penna, elected and sworn according to
law, report that we mot, d d audit, settle and
adjust according to law, the accounts of F. 11.
Lane, Treasurer of the county, and the orders
of the Commissioners and the receipts of the
same, for and during the past year and find a
balance due F. H. Lane, of six thousand seven
hundrod and seventy dollars and torty.three
Given under our hands at the Commisaionera
office in the borough of Huntingdon, the third
day of January, 1959.
P. D. STEVENS, . And're
T. W. oßarnus,
1269 20
GA 00
12 00
160 00
15 00
4 00
68 62
6770 43
28883 85
1889 87
881 28
2915 51
810 70
482 00
58 50
280 00
738 49