Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 16, 1859, Image 2

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    ~)-1) • et • j Territory was organized, nor the Consti. I Kansas Legislature.
Asst . yvy rylv 1,1 1111
• AtlttililjbU Si Aatit ' I tution of the United States, contains any Sr., Lowe, Ft S. 8, 1859.
Ilimitations of the power of the people of Beth Houses of the Kansas Legislature '
said Territory over the subject of Slavery have passed a bill provtding for the forma
• • -
therefOr, tint of a Constitution' end State Govern
•s •
. eit Lnaeled by the 'love - rem' and Leg- n.,ent fur Kansas. The 13111 provides for
idutire .Is:it:ably of the 7'erritory of tin election on the fourth :\ londay in M irch
EanB , l3, as follow,: o .1: ride fur or against the holding of a
* Src. 1. There shall be neither svery mien. If the decision Invorain , e,
nor involuntary servitude en the 'Territo r y , nut t I etion of fifty delegatss will be held
otherwise than in punishin co t of crimes -en le- i first Tuesday in Ape, ("on:
litt EitSTELI,
Editor and Proprietor. whereof the party shell have been duly r, iei n will meet on:theetirst Tuesday in
convicted, and all laws and statutory pre. : la'y. at •Wyandott City. The Consli-
Wednesday Morning, Februaryl6, 1858 v i s i ons, ons, now existing and its force w said t - tem is to be submitted tithe vote of the
"AN ATTEMPT TO SWINDLE." Territory, so far an the same legal , xo or , rcnple on the first Tuesday in Octeher, and
Under the above caption the rabid out- attempt to legalize, or recognize the coin- the State officers under .lie Constitution
door editor of the .american makes anoth.; tones f slavery wi thin this Territory, are ; are to he elected on the first In .sdiny in
er iutilit attempt at charging us with swim hereby! repealed and declared null and 1 D..eember.
dling our neighbors; also of being guilty t oid.
of ' , plagiarism" in the article which ap- Sac 3. Every person who shell, within
peered m our columns two weeks ago.— this Territory, without the authority of
For your sake, Robert, we grant that the law, restrain, or attempt to restrain, the
first pant of that notice was not original, liberty of any other person, upon pretense
nor did we even attempt to palm it off on el owning any property in such other per
the unsuspecting as such. We state to tine son, shall be deemed guilty of r mii,de
commencement of the article that it is ta- meaner, and, on conviction. thereof, shall
ken from another paper. Do you.wish be punished by fine, not exceeding five
anything more? As regards our attempt• hundred dollars, or by imprisonment iti
ing to swindle the people, we would here county jail. not exceeding six months ,
remark, with all due deference to you, or by both such fine and imprisonment,
johnny, that you lie,-under a grave min- SEC. I All persons whoshall have been
take. What appeared in that artile to Sue, held as slaves, by law or usage, in any
that there are many in our midst who are I State or Territory of the United Stores nobs
wanting in the necessaries of life, W hen shall come, or be bro . aght into the Territo•
your chosen jew came to us, we considered ry sith the consent of their masters, are
that we would prove recreant to our trust, hereby declared lobe FREE persons, They
if we were to name those, who oven at ibis :mi. end be sure in the Courts of this
time are in want of means bye which th y 'Territory, and shall be deemed 'capable of
can sustain themselves, Those whontre entering into valid nail binding contraets,
even in need, would not desire us to point and -of acqutrieg, trnsferring and trans
them out to the public, and when we said minting property, In the same manner,
that there is such in our midst, we asserted and subject to the same conditions as are
the truth, and in so doing we did our duty. now provided by law in case of other per.
Talk about plagiarism and swindling. sons. They ratty starry persons of their
As you are very apt in answering ques• own color, and shall - be entitled toihe cas -
Sons, tve will here take the opportunity Cody of their own children
of proposing a few for your consideration. SEC. 5. If any person operating or claim
Was your “inurder smry" original ? Was ing any right of property in any other per
it written by you, foully a stash? Was son, in this Tyrritory, shall separate such
it not in the public print years ago I Was person fro n t or deny hen access to his er
it placed in your columns fur a good pith. her father or mothe r. or his or her child or
pose t Had you not to come out in you, children, or his or her wife or husband,
n e xt issue, and acknowledge that the story such person, no offending, shall, on' con- i north in lumps or nearly the size of t , g t;,:•;: c e
was false, and that it woo gotten up at the vietion thereof, be punished by fine not corn. Ito says these mines eau be anproaclied
expense of one of our good citizens, whose exceeding. 51,000, or by' imprisonment not I within a comparatively short distance by
name is brighter than your own'? What exceeding two years, or by both such fine steamboats- lie also says site heed waters o f
consistency i What morality I You talk and imprisonment.] the above named rivers are so near together
about having the interest of the people at Sze. G. All lines paid or recovered for that he atone limo drank from rho Ittisseari
heart—diet you permit nothing to appear violation of any perversion of this act, shall on the east slope of the Rocky Mont..ains,
a half at. hour afterward from the Columbia
in your 8 by 10 sheet that would Cat re• go to the county in which the ell sane shall !River, on the Pacific slope.
preach upon the character of any ono. Ibe tried.
You hove done this—you accuse us of !
our WeleOtile i 1 b .
swindling, which you have failed to Prove.
' monthly for March is now bore us. It ,
johnny yeu are too troll known by the pen- .
sa 'aa I I,le nut bee. W autop articular
ple of this county, to be believed in tiny- '
aitcuituu to its . t.. • „ ~
thing which you might say. You will re- "g"' ln g n ' "Mutual la " oa •
8-auction, is a plate that will please alt lay. to
ceire you deserts, nail being convinced of
ere The fashion plate is truly tao o!:Lt•st
this foot, we leave you.•
good. •'Laster," an original design. The t.o. , I im. :
War We -are requested t y Mr. Joseph first falsehood is printed in ! I , i • L'eiest
Thompson to state, that lie was not Conner • 'number of engravings is 70, and one lam
ted with the affray at the Broad Top Hotel dred pages of reading matter. See in, • : .
—he says he went in only to warm him- .club list. PHIL AIDE LPHIA
Capt. Montgomery addressed a large
audtance in the Congregationll Church
lest night. It was densely crowded. The
Rev. M. Bishop of 0, S. Presbyterian bo
dy opened with prayer. The Hon, Ben
Harding of Doniphan presided. T. D.
Thatcher, esq., secretary. Capt. Mont
gomery spoke for nearly three hours. He
gave a simple and unvarnished history of
all the Southern troubles. He was fre
quently interrupted by applause. At its
close, the audience gave three hearty
cheers for him. Three cheers were also
proposed and given for , 'Old Man Brown,'
who is absent.
Capt. Montgomery has given bond for
*4,000, with several securities, and has
returned to the the south to give his pres.
ence aid, to see the difficulties quieted.
Tho Legislature is at work. They de
bated in the House, yesterday toren eon, a
bill to exeopt improvements on land from
taxation. It was indefinitely postponed by
a close vote. A bill for a new Constitu.
tiou Convention is talked off. It is quite
uncertain what action will be taken on it.
The House and Council are both trying
their hand on a fairer am;ortiontnent bill;
It is generally believed that a census will
be indispensible.
The following bill, after some discus.
Glen, passed the House by a large major
It is thought the Council will not dare
to vote rgainst it.
AN ACT to prevent Slavery in the TerritAry
of Kansas, and to punish certain offenses
therein named:
Whereas, It has fierettifore been attempt.
od to force the institution of Slavery upon
the people of liansas, and legalize the
Same within the limits of this Territory,
contrary to the will of its inhabitants; and
whereas, the existence of a servile class
of L:ebased and degraded negroes within
said Territory is deeemed inimical to its
highest interests; and whereas, it is riser.
led and maintained that Slavery has ti le
gal existence in said Territory; and whereas
persons are now held in a state of servitude
in this Territory by persona claiming is
r s property in them; and whereas,
the Organic act under which the
We all know that the Democracy at ....
~.,-. Ili, ~ t , and Tuna AT—t., wit, /,ruin Eccrr, ""!":",' !„, c.. . , ,, "" —i :. a „ . 2 4 , rf , 0 ,, , ,,,
North can never rise under the weight •• i..xtra -- ~ , ! .. ... I:a.i. 1 Icadache, Nlciiiined Ebcs, Ears and Nos,, ' l " u '. '" ' """ um " ' '' ` `•
which the I'resident has placed upon its '• " family ' f , ,Y •,'. . Clalk. , , Nco ,,, lgia, Erysipelas, Citairili. Crimp, '', L'-‘ , l''.eatlul , in saying, that 1.11. Grover &
it ) , , , rime and Colo Meal Itaker acwing Machines have more than :tii
beck. It has already fallen, and with . ii, ! • ! ..,,,. ,1,,, ~,,t,d,,,,,,t • fl u id, •:' ,•, mined my expectation, After trying un,l Tenni
, . , ~.„ .. , ~, • /,.., . i nee , others, I 1111 V 0 three 01 111011 i 111 ma.ratieti
we repeat, it can never rise NVill the Wlii.,t---rod, per bushel. .
, ... , ...
..,. c 0.,.,;. . ,•,
... in iny different places, and, after four ye.,
‘• \Vhite " •
• m ;•,1 11.1, , 0 fi fid, tin (111,12,--,r. if, it,/,,,,,,,,,1,
Nerthern Deluca racy—will, especially, . .
live , • • - Srl.aroc ty &nth Carolina.
Pennsylvaniaund New Jersey ever assent le- . it e
m .' . • ' , ,'. o . wed , O• , • • •.. I ".Nly wiie has had ene or Grover K. linker's
to the doctrine that Congress can force j Gaut : .• ' ,', .•, .• , : ,'• , - 1 , Sewing Machinei for some time, am( 1
' • •,,(: , • i• r.: .-, •,-. ; • .. ; .tisiied it 'is one of die best label ..ap ing upon a territory a constitution which the ! %: I ,': ,. y : , : t r l s , `"' d , $ 4 2 f 11 1...i1iG ••'''', ' • - ! .' - • „
ii I ) semi, iii... ~ i,, i _ . . ~.•-, . ,•.; / ....•. ..., .; ii,• - ,,,,,. ...;•. I• .- i: .., • . s that Las been invented. I take much
people abhor? \VP' tin - Democracy any 1 Flax. per iiiislicl i • . : l in . lag met i..iiier Clam, ta t , .‘,/,,Oniis, &c. ~. :•;,,, iit recuninainding it to the. public."—
where., Nor , l , or south, tolerate for on y ! airtionm,..,.-.v.,,,,,,, , ---,......--,---.......... , ....., , ,,..5.,,,,,,,,aft, ":1 li ii , :, I t g m:any all e viates the inflamii...t•,i- ./. t,• .Theris, Governor cif I'
NEW ADVE R TsEENT ;'aIts IM ;.„, )..1,10.1 . to Married ladies, ( , 01.4 . e and la i. Itis it beautiful thing, and nuts over; hoe,
great length of time a doctrine so odious, 1 the time of emilinimicut) and min, female cum- into au ~,,,,t em„ ,,, o f good humor. Were ) ;1,
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ! 1 , , , 0 •- • •
.ts very t itail . ioo in ( ~ ,1 . , , si, Ll-• Catholic 1 should insist upon Saints Grover and
a principle antagonisticid 1..) popular Eov.. 1 .
• N , oiols, Neivo. mid N'imil Allem.. "'"I Baker having an eternal holiday in comm..,
e rcignty, and in Contravention of the Km, ! (E s t a h, gie Mich„,.2 . 1,0,.,,.h,,,,f , a ce. ) . au:Tonna ler. of (mark illis)iiifliiminotrry di- ration of their good deeds fur huuttinit.—ras
2us act mid the Cincinatti platform? The Notice ;Ii I ; It I i 1
.s ..croay g.ven tort. Le t ters 'ifii,l.l.- s , e , iise, :mended with beat, pain or febrile snap- „i„, :IL ch,
South may, for a time, act in unison with !""''''''''Y c''' .'" "'tr . " DC Mic!" ,l r,"",r,'“.'f teem.
W- .- ', - , - ret,.its tt.l have . tendency of blood "I think it by far the best patent in use. This
. late iti Morris towlis,liip, dec., have been pea Y• , •!... I, 1 .n.l,
of .i. lead • t' •;1' • - .. :Machine can bit adapted from it finest emulate
the President, for it is palpable to all who ; t „,i ie t h e ~,,doe si g , ,o d . All persons itulept• ,-,'',.,;..':,',, ,!,!' ll ; i '!- '-.'- •
-iii:(-)H.ii;:ii,ul:.:7,,-,;r; lcs iv es,
, I ;' , . to t h e heaviest eassimere, It Paws stronger,
are not blind that he has ler gued himself led to said estate are rcque,tell to rotke Moue - p.,,0n0;:s :lures of metals and Minerals, nail
live taste' And mote beautifully than , me can num
dita , t t e lntyineif i t, mi d . those laving. claims to pcm i, unhealthy climates, arc exposud to a panic- • '"l°. If mil. c.'n';'l nut b j ° TFPlred; money
with Southern Pecessionists rind ultra- 1
themproperly Roth... Med 7,, 5..10.0. !I.+r venation of tL; little.; cf the Ludy,which ono coati not bu Y It. "• ' (''' rawa : .. ajh.
slavery men to se , :tionalize the party am , :vent to JOSIAH I , lLTlltiltllofili'. Es., ilii•ii ;bloat intertimeiti g . with the nett or busi- ti l e', ''''''''
give it a Southern cornplection ns objecti, - . IILiZA E 1 i Edam )1 To .
17 ' -'-a.-a --- -- - '---'', s.:X , ~.,... 1 ,,,, . iiiiee in three months , nimbi invariably '•.it is speedy, very neat, and durable. is? its
Morr, ii, T . Fob. IC, 'c\?,,,—(it. 1 01t,11,. to is beleiVe4 to afford pietceumi from work; is easily understood mud kept in repair. I
able to the North us the sectional Aboliti... , inf. et hats discafe, nod therefore travellers, earnestly recut's:newt this Machine to MI my it,-
. .
party is to the South. 11 is
. ‘tstep in urn. iL-i.iL ..Y.A1..._:_ii.i.„).10-1&> saimiis, mi d soldiers should supply th e inuives , q uaint:times and others."—Mrs. .11, A. Forrest,
with it. ' Memphis, Tenn.
cancer" clearly indicates this; and there. - _ • ` CT While nutty nostrum-makers victimize "We find this machine to work to our satis
fore the fire. eaters of the South, ready ten ii, ' : ll :o .. 'i , h,b , :erilicr respectfully informs the I'M,' die . , , ,,,d , nat i uted riot pill- ridded public, ay or- Glenna, an d with pleasure recommend it to the
lid . i s . prepared to receive and unload
1O "' r
w t , c , i n... si t s„ . tit_tt dozen hexes of bottles, public, it s . we holicyc Grover . Baker to b o . the
grasp at shadows if they seem to favor the 0,!,..,1;:,.:ntamnig Lumber, 1 . 3,.u.k, siayes, shin-
unread of the .• peculiar institution," w:'.'„ pl;•s, ronl, Iron, /to. • '' . , 1, tit 2 ' no mutt mlint—um iiii- best Sewing :Niacin. in use:'—/teary Brothers,
der::;, is lici , py in being able to state, that A11i,,,,,i d , T,,,,,.
probably sustain Mr. liuenaNaN in, hi s • E. Stliii REIN Elt, ' the severest terms of recent inflammatin•y di-
~ . . „ . ~ . .
',,.the e was over coin° by ono Acute pac k age , It used exclusively fu r tinnily pin peso s,
S. W. Corner limed & Callowhill f•trtieta.
anti-Democratic course. So.'. the fair. and tlic most olist;mit c . nod long standiu ,by ordinary care, I will wager they will last one
Philudeldbia. Duo Clog pie package. It does just Mitt it 'three score years std ten; and never get out
minded non of the South 'tv; i i no t, no d t i,,, . 100. stlllB39.—fini. -claims to do—und no more, or less—equalizes of tis.."—John Erskine, Aushville, Temi.
free Statue dare not. It •,vould be pokical ADIIIINISTIIATOIIS NOTICE. the fl uids by removing from the w es t er ull or- "I in ,,,, had }ear mac hi ne for several wee k,
terial and velum,: otedrite•t As. and ant perfectly satisfied that tile work it does
death to•theln to 11 tike even the attempt Ail Pers..; iiilercsted ore hereby notified 65 - fl eas lot neighbors rend this. is the ;test and most Imait tiful that mer wits.—
to do So. Vt . nere, would Ponnsy In.. ia . that Letters of Administration on the estate of your OUGSWELL, M. D., jhtyy ,
.. siimis . , A r as h„,,, e, m an.
; ldiehael llMwtier late of Clay l'ownship ITun- ! DiecOvEintn .kND itoPtiliTon.
Democrt . ,cy he c'll the next contest, or in ! tingdon County ilee'd 1 ,,,,, 0 • 1. ,,,,,,, . . For sale tit let Cheat, .1-)rti7, Store of liamuel "I use my Machine upon cents, dressmaking,
granted t . s . .
a 1 ' l i e &Co •• Il i Mod n Pi . mid fi. li nen stitehing, and the wells is admi
thu Minlest of 1800, Were they to hoist !the mulcosignedi and till persons haring claims
a, 1 1 '
i '5 . 1 al.".
' aa ' a a •
or &Mends agnillet the estate athe said dee'd ' ruble—far Leifer tiitin the best hand-sewing, or
lice sectional flag of President BuoLIANAN? !' .---- 4 1, 1 ,i ' 1 1 0i - t h vi - n -L ,,,, - c ourt sale. - - , any other muebiue I have ever seen."—Lue.y
I arc requesfed to make known the enure to the J .
W here would the Democracy of Nlle J'e T- . undersigned without qelay and all awing this ! In pursuance of an order of t hi: Oiphans . Li. Thaag ' saa ' Nashville ' Thal •
! sev be? Driven to the the wall—beaten— 1 estate are requested to make pay m ent. Ili, Court of Iltmtingdon county, 1 will expo ac to
. "I find tine work the strongest and must lieini
l'ost Otliee is Dublin Mills Fulton County. ' Salo by public outcry our the Premises on tifid I have ever Seen, Matto either by hand or
crushed—annihilated! And what politi.. •G. W. KESSELRIN O. : Saluelloy, the 51h1-jay ri'
. .11,,,q,,,,,t, machine, and regnrd the Grover & Baker ma
diinl as 0119 1 greutest blessings to .r
. of the
:Nashville, non.
cian does not knots that unless the Dem- ' Jam 12th, 1P59.-Ct. ' tit 10 o'clock A. 11, ofsaid day, all that cm tain
( airen
--- - ' piece and parcel of land situated in Dublin tp, sex: —Air ' J . '
crony can carry these two free States an ENeelit ,, lr'S Notice. i lltlittingden county , a roresajd, adjoining lands ! "I have ono of Grover &linker's Sewing Afti-
Abolition President will succeed Mr. ' i,i l u li t e t reati, lel term testamentary oil the nsttde l o f joh,i-5,,i,,,, laud r . ~..1 , ,,,,,,e d 1 .„. James ; c hi ne , i e use i n my fa teily,••
on Lane, late of Springfield tp., deed. I wan .„,. ',.,, i . , : ium i 0 ,1:1.' ) ; . ; ~,,,r rid llnd it MVO.-
BUCIIRNAN. • haVio beim granted to thu undersighed till per- dc ;; ; ',.;,',,.., .i . ',' •
torleruou;:linforei:talpdnac::_ i i , :cid. ; :; , ,, ; ...):: 1t1e , .. hw 1 11 e ,., .:1 7, 1 e ti o n i , i . fideittly recommend it to all per
„„ „, ,‘„., snits in want of a machine. ” r T T/
0. —.. T. Thompson,
sons knowing theniselvos iiithibted to said es- i ~,,;,,;,.:
Lo z AND POETRY. —YOutig l a di,,, : tate . ivill inalte immediate payment und those
ed t„;„•,„„
"I take pleasure in minifying to iho utility of
Immo. cnns pr ! '
shouldn't write poetical love letters. It ! for settle m ent to.esent them duly authenticat ed
- 10 ACR ES and 22 PERVII33B,, the Grover & Baker Sowing 111achines. Ilir,
TH 0 MPSO N STAIN'S. i unimproved , i used one on ulmest every description of work
is dangerous—Such a ore was writt en to I .„, ' The aforesaid pnreel of land will ho sold as i fur months, and find tni
!ft •il i itch stronger than work
a Kentucky beau, not long since, which 1 . " aa ' lli's9..o) ' the rent estate of lattv and SusANNAtt •WAL. I done by limi."—Airs. D. It: Wheeler, A'ushn ilk
1.---Came to the subscribers in i Les,.
of . the township and county aforesaid I T e a "'
so affected him that he stole a horse to go ! BTR A t Y.• -- '
! s i t in o i n l i i , n w t h u it ti o 'n:h nd ip ro al d tOi l t , t ot t - ho Ist of octo- •
died intestate and id the Seine land 1 "I would ho unwilling to dispose of m ere
and tea the writer, and got into jail to pay dev i sed them fointly 'l n fee by their father ' nor & Baker Machine for a large anicitint ) , ' co s uld
for Getting in love with n poetess. Here i red steer, supposed to 1m iditont '...••••'ir'',i.' , David Walker dec. I not replaceit again at pleasure."—.llm. Lf.C'.
IS Ihe verse that did damage;— i three years old. The owner is j 4 ',., ! The terms of sale are cash, on the final can.. &ord., Xis/till/le Tens.
bey lust
the "O w o o r rk two or lll: w ic o h n i t n y cs, yo n u u n re g hit E s i e d t i l es h:ot. N l y y o ou , , ,l l t o li
Mary Johnson is tay mune, I requested to come forward prove Oltisiit‘i:g,iiti ; t hrll lB 6°.; or .oid solo.
;property pay charges and take it away or it ' DAVID WELOI-I,
Attd single is my station;
i will he disposed of no the law direct, Administrator of !pleasure recommend the (tracer & Baker ma-
And happy will be the little man, ; G. it J. H. SIIO ENBERO ER• Mary It Susannah Walker dee. ! chino to he the best in. nee."--V. Stillman ei Co .
Who malice the alteration. ' Huntingdon Furnace, Feb. 2, '.5). ! Jan. Can. 1i59-3t Tenn,
Admission ol'Orfgon.
1 The wrongs done to Kansas by the ad
misistration party have mode tinny of the
opposition reluctant to admit to the Union
oilier SlCe.e that applied after Kansas.
There was consequently some (Haien Ily
in carrying the bill for the admission of
Oregon, but it was accomplished on Sat
urday evening, the final vote of the Ilniue
playing ben 114 to 113. The federd
Union consists now of thirty-three States,
. .
in eighteen of which shivery is not allow
ed. The relative positions of the free
and slave States may he . shown at a glance
as follows:
States. Senators. Representatives.
Freo 18 ' 36 147
1 Slave 15 30 00
Total 33 66 237
The preponderance of the free States is
year:y getting stroger.
The Gold Iliggiogst
ST. LOUIS, Wednesday, nil, 9, 159.
The. Shpll City Reelsler, just received, no
tiers the arrival of Major Qnthertson at that
place direct from th o bend wate r s of the Mia-
sour; River. Ile repents the diseov,ry of new
gold diggings on the divide between the Nis'
swirl and Columbia Rivera, in tbo neignbor
! bun" of Stevens Pass. The gold obtained
frotnlbe,e di,rgin,,a is inferior in quality, bu
ing worth only about $l4 or $l5 per eeree,
hot it is said to exist in gnat quantities
Mui,r Culbertson brou7ht dawn about t:i1,300
fine. I , r Barrel,
A Perfect Substitute
roc the Lancet. Leeches and Blisters'.;!
when the idler II tong Svr:, n.
hiliodons and costly expcdnients, Itec.ant,
confirmed in his conviction. the the \uti~'':-
Ilidt which he now has the • hoppitic—i t:.
present to the itneri,an
for Blood-letting, Leeches nn.
mull was so agitated that lte eon! ' p
many nights. The eatt , e of hi: nation wrot
the etri?.., , ,g• fact, t: - ~,, • ' •
.like t! the
:t; .1 , . filrther
experiment, it was proved that toali,3 the
fluids of th, body. the went of an ianibrinm in
v,hi...11, is the nolo emgic of inthenication. Snell
is its potency, that like the vaccine matter, it
requircs . nterely wet adheres to the pointera quill
t tipo,l into a solution of it. effoct the chtive
.. , y,tem—hot must be instantly u,ed to prevent
,euntpos't ion and secure its titllvirtue. Thre e
, leuth, and two in chronic diseAses,
„,„," till the heat, pain 1111(1 febrile ne
a»d n perfect cure effected.
When 1' takes the blisters, ointment
81111 lee,llU3 it, local atreeti,ns, as Brain Dever,
Croon, Toothache, Pleurisy, its mode of
adminktiation is ovo-fold, (Svc direvtan of ans
Th, discoverer has withheld it from the '
lie nil now - , by the adorer of it judicious physi ,
eian and V:1111111)10 friend „born he consulted—
n gentleman imown and felt in the medical
world—awl who desired to submit it to the test .
o f experiment. After witnessing, under his tiwn
scrutinizing eye, its Sig. I over both'
:mite mid chronic iiifirronnotorg diseases, in re
prated 111111 re-repeated trials, he allured $25.-
000 to come in as a special and equal partner in
the liecipis for its manufacture, but the propo
sal was ri jeered.
The disuse of the lancet and blisters, is de- ,
minded both by humanity by humanity and
,ienee. Is it not a mistake, to suppose INA
a kettle of boiling water (the inflamed blood)
willreuse to boil, by dipping out a part of it
or n cork of bad cider (bad blood) be made
good, by drawing a portion of it / Is it not a
mistake, to suppose that blisters - end rnbefacients
tit remove inflammation, when they virtually
snperadd one inflammation to another Tho
Into Dr. D. Waterhouse, of H taro rd Universi
ty, raid ni am sink at' learned qnackery,,' One
alike roost 12111 hien; phys!cians In New England
tieknowle4ed just before Lis death, that "he
has beet, doubting Mr many years, wether /leo&
lettim; and blisters did not agyrarnie rather
,res, - nu w:to s.tand
high in the Old and I.Cew school, have quite re
e,btly ekpougnd Iris views end cow openly cot,
11,, they beliel e the Inn, ut, setonA leech cc 1111,1
101 , 101 , inj , tt'e ten where they benefit one--
They tliinit there in u mem' ing to Deut. 12, 23
—Gen. 9, 4 — it. 17, 14—teat "Ton
111.001/ 1R Till; LIFE." lI IS 110 t thC urress ll
blood (there never it too roach) that eat., di
sense, but the went or n 1.1111111. IletWC,ll the
1111i11 . 4 and
The uxeelleueo of the Antirl,l"gislio
S.ilt, is that without the useless loss of blood
and strength, it elFectuully subdued inlisnintato-
disease,ec (no others) It Ineducing an cytili-
Minnt of all the finks in the hotly and n cense
,rem nnint err om e d circulation. It exert , , like
the vaccine metier, nil extra ortlinmy influence
over the v ens and eritries—resulting in a grad-
UM decline of inflammation as indieate‘l icy the
pulse, which assumes iii natural state es the
heat. pain an, fever di,sappear.
Cy' Mane medicines offered fur sale,. nre
Lacked by ..lonhtful certificates, (their elicit "h.-
tue)lind ehiint to he universal muddies. enri , g•
butlet , tino on common some;
As the discoverer of this Salt, solemnly protests
against having it played in the entegcrs ut
trends and intpotitions. he has resolved that it
!gill go forth to the world, like the pare phi
with no othorp.spori than its trio; val.
Ile. If Ow publie find it genuine, they will re•
0. , 00 it. horearl or paitatcot for uli illy.
1: Las control over but one but eer:. aim
314 0 , 1:',111,1,,, ate !kitty, to wit, st-ittaiLs
o I ~!, I , l,l,Sl,—WhAtel er Lc its fort:,
uk chcst 11'1
• tnt Shill. It is 1,101. hoie
it I , rriti . v the loot hot-
`. I,IIIV !,r)t ;• •
It ,led 'I
ii! ' •1.
!,--,-„,, 4,
‘iii..- , ,,,,,--
- t (
• h.'.\-. IA, _
493 Broadway, N. Y. 730 Chestnut St., Phila.
These Machines seu:hisin two spools,
ch.ed from the store, requiring no in-winding
of thread; they flout, Fell, Gather and Stitch
inn superior style. finishing each seam by their
own operation, without recourse to the hand
needle, as is required by other machines. They
will do better and cheaper sewing than n seam
stress can, even if she works for one cent an
boor, rod ore, unquestionably, the best Ma—
chines )u market for family cowing, on ac
count of their :1 niplicity, durability, core of
management, and aciaptatiod to all varieties of
flintily sewing—executing either heavy or flee
work with equal facility, and whimt special
As evidence of the unquestioned superiority
of their Machines, the GROTER & BAKER S.,
lon hiacttttec COMPANY beg leave to respectful
ly refer to the following
"Having had one of Grover & Baker's Ma
chines in my homily for nearly n year end n halt
I take pleasure in commending it as every way
celiablo for the purpose for which it is designed
Joshua Leavitt, alfe
qf Act, Dr. Leavitt, Editor of N. Y. Independent.
f minters myself delighted with your Sewing
maciiiim, which has been in my family for-nin
ny months. It hits always been ready for duty,
rifltititing no niijustntent, and is easily adapted
to every variety of family sewing, by simply
ahnngingthe wools of thread."—Mrs. :Elizabeth
Ot icl land, to /e of Rev. Dr. Strieldand, Editor ql
N. Y. Christiam Advocate.
"After trying &were' diffeAnt good madame',
I preferred yours, on eccount of its simplicity,
mid the perfect ease with which it is managed,
un nil as the strength And durability ot the
scam, After long experient , e, I fent ...Man ,
to ,peal: in thin manner, and to confidently re
commend it for eve r y variety of family sewing."
—Mrs. E. LI. Spooner, zeft (Dile J.::clitor- Broa
lyn .Slur.
“1 have used a Grover & Baker Sewing
chine for two years and have found it adapted
to all kinds of Family sem itg, front Can. , hric to
Broadcloth, Garments have beet). wort:
without the giving way of a Stitch. The
chine is casiry kept In Order, end is cosily
Whirr!, wiji, of Bee. (leo. nip.
tie, New York.
"Your • Sewing Maehine has been in use in
utc littni!y the past two y?ars, and the Indies
requt•+t the to give you their testimonials to its
vvrieel atitmolt;ess, as yell as labor-saving
qualities in the tel or fatnily tun!
houseitom Fewing."—Hobart Boorman, N. I'.
. "For neveral months we have Grover ec. Ba
ker's hewing Machine, and have came to the
conehtsion that every lady who desires her sew
ing beuutifidly and quirldg dune, wonul be most
fortunate in possessing one ul these
and indefatigable 'iron needle-women,' who,
combined qualities of beantg, strength nod
city. ore invaluable,"—J. ,iforres, daughter of
Got. Geo. P. Morris, Editor of /Ann, .1 0 ,,,at,
Extract or a letter from Thos. R. Leavitt, an
American gentleman, now resident in sydney,
:New tiouth Mies, dated January 12, ISSS :
"1 had a tent in sde in Nlelbn lane, in 163:3, in
whieh tilers were over three thousawl )ard, of
sewing dulls with one of Grover Baker's I'd:,
chine, and a ;days seam of that has otsttood
nll the dovb:, seams sewed Le sailors with a nee
dle Lind twine,"
"If llomer could be called an from his our•
by bodes, he would sing the advent at Grover
& Baker as a more benignant, miracle of art
thou was ever V Wren's WOlOll lid-
SUFFERING HUMANITY READ THIS: i . Jno Thompson West 1026 15
The undersigned takes this Method of infer- 1858 Wm Walker Alexandria 109 50
ming the public generally that there is no med. a p Li vingo ton Barre° .93 50
kir, now ullered to the phlie that is eq."' to i ‘: J C wittnen Brady 131 16
DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL in rellevPill4 a Joseph Pork Cass 75 60
sufl;n•ing humanity.
• •.." John S Gehrett Xas,ville - 26 00
1 wart an observer of its effeots in IL friend of -
GW Horthn i Cnrbon 7 . 20
mtne who suffered almost everything from a it ,
nruraigie affection which resisted the best recd-
George D Hod:on Clay 35 30
ical treatment in Centre county. Vie applied ' Joseph Cornelius Cromwell 52 00
freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and `. William M'Clain Dublin 190 00
~,IVI3 FO7llO inwardly, and in 25 minates the pa- I " John 13 Thomson Franklin 970 00
ti ent woe ttsteep, sod when awaked weillree free " Jaeob Hallman Henderson 162 69
tram pain, end eontined Ca —This is it• positive j “ Rder Nwoope . Huntingdon 1033 00
ftvt which I rut willing to make good at any . Jneuh Weavts Hopewell 100 00
time. A vase of FEWN was cured in nearly the I ‘, p„,id Ham er Juniata 65 62
:mine leugth of time. " Nathaniel Lytls Morris 130 00
J. H. HA llN,Centre Hill. 1.. George Green Oneida 100 50
A ug. lk , 1859—ty
c'entre county. " Michael Garner Penn 302 62
" Daniel lined° Porter 145 31
" Supine] Foust Shirley 379 05
" Benjaniin Doug. Shieleysburg 38.41
" Jacob 0 Jones Tell 76 60
" David Aurandt Tod 18 .00
" Abram Wright Colon 7183
. Henry Swoop° Wnlker 69 50
" Thomas HyAkill W arriersinark 470 02
" Andrew Mattern West 559 85
(Eslatt of James Black, drc.)
tl'-:> - :4 - tll. ,. *llin, Ni1,240Z.
Notice is hereby given, Ihnt letters testamen
tare en the last will of :James Black, late of
JaClmtn township, dec. have been duly issued
to the rotate of the said dee'd, are requested to
make immediate payment, ted and nil having
claims agaittot it, present to them properly au.
thentieated fur settlement to
'Robert Huey. 1
Jane Bkick. Executors. •
Jan. sth 1839,-61,
So 3cssig 'unsuccessfully sought,
iron it T a r litl hair to its Porbualeoiirioerititri ly
the bald
head; removes all dandruff, itching n o d all scrof
ula, scald head and all eruptions; makes the
hair soft ,' healthy, and glossy; and will preserve
it to any imaginable age, removes, as if by mag
ic, all I hitch., &e. from the fare, and cures all
neuralgia and nervous head ache. See circular
and the fallowing.
Dover, N. 8., Feb. 2.1, 1857.
PROF. 0. J. WOOD & CO.—Gents; Within
etc cloys we have received so many orders
and calls for Prof. J. 11. Wood's Bair Restore •
tine, that to day we were compelled to send t o
Boston fora quantity, (the 6 dozen you for
worth'4l all brain; sold,) while we might order is
quantity from you. Ever!, bottle we hate sold
irons to bore produced three or four• note customers,
and the approbation, and patt•onage it receives
from the muse substantial nod worthy citizens
°fear vicinity. fall Y eMlVinee us that it is A
Send us as soon as may ho one geo,s of Si
Flu.; .Ind one tiveen $2 size ; find believe us
y e n, very resl:ec•:My.
Sigmd, . D. LAT lIROP .44 Cu.
Hickory t_icovc, St. Chalks co. Mo.
1,56.—Pr0f. 0. J. Wood.—Dear
sir: Lltit summer wo ware induced
to use some of tour Bair Restorative, and
its eticcis mere so • wonderful, ire feel it our du
ty to you ni) , l the afflicted to report it.
Our little son's head for noon time. had been
perfectly covered with sores, and some called it
sculled 'acad. The hair almost entirely name
off in con,equence, when a friend, seeing his
utieringa, nftvised tt , to use it bottle of your Res
torntive, or did no with but little hope of one.
cess,bat toourmirprise, and that of all oar friend,
a very fete aprlicAtions removed the diserum
tirn.l', and to new cod luxuriant crop of hair
00011 murteil out, and we can now ,ny that ono
Loy low :La healthy scalp and as lluxurinnt crop of
hair no new titter child. We C. therefore, nail
do hereby recommend your Restorative, as a'
perfect rcmeely for all diseases of the scalp and
hair. We are. yours respectfully.
. . .
0..1. Wood .c; ro., Yroorietors 312 Broa , !way 1
New Yorl, in the t~t it N. Y. wire roiling estab
and 114 Market :it_ St.
sold by nil I . l ritelzidl B •
Sop, 22,
of Laoluagos and Pi.i:osopliy.
41.1. S. .Ifoi,list. )1. ,
l'rof. of T.uliii. Gr.,1,7; etc.
F3ecn*atonal A'.
I'rof. of Mat!,,:mtl,
Gel). %W. U.ill( 031,
Pn.r. Ourd
VTAB,UN Preeeptres3,
Teael:.r 91 History, Heading; me.
PHI, E. M r. , attlicrier,
Toucher of Work Pairiing Drawing,
Bliss H. 1.. , taiileY.
01 Fruit,
NI P . , Hr.
nraeller or Euzlish 13rauclics.
Bliss J. 143.16'aish,
of Primary
The 'went success of this school is extrour
,thiury. lle,ides being the cheapest one of the
hind ,vcr establißhed, it is n'ow the largest in
of the State. All 'mulches 'two
sunletc of all ages, and of both
received. The ex penors for ye,
nut be more than $9O. Students can e,:•
they wish. Address,
$O/1/A; f. WALSH, Cassvfillo,
liuutingdeu Co., l's.
J u ne2:;,',7, , . •
BILANIKS...AIways buy your Malik s .tt t
arum (Aire.' We 1.,' now prepured a ;
ry sn , periorortiele or BLANK DEEDS, I;, , ND
or Tit E
Trout the 5//t day t,/ Janutir . i/ 185 S to tht.
day qf.hrit:try 1 t-. 59 ittrlttttiny both day,
It EcEn-N.
IF.Si John Import, Franklin,
John Beaver, Hcpewoll,
A •ni Isenberg, Morris,
Jon. ThoinNun Walker
IW . ol Jo,e•ph Forrest Barrer
;co. Rupert Brady
Frod. Harman Cromwell
" Sol. Hamer Jackson
" Benj Wallace Morris
" A J Dual: p 3 Tod
11 Pheasant Vtdon
" Jos henbag Welker
" Willis Moore Went
1857 Abc Stitt
" Jim R McCarthy Brady
" Peter Levingston Barrels
" George M Green Cass
" Samuel Smith Cassville
" Joseph Park Clay
" Wm Johnes Cromwell
" Brice Blair Dublin
" Win Bier Franklin
" George Numer Henderson
" Sanniel S Smith Huntingdon
" (ice B Weaver Hopewell
" John jacks . . Jackson
" Henry A Mark Juniata
" Samuel Hardirh Morris
George'iMiller Oneida
" A S Nell Pen
" I) P liendemn Porter
" James G Doyle Shirley 104;
C Llowersox Shirleysbueg 124 87
" Joshua JOllllOB Springfield 166 45
" 'rhos Cisney • 'roll 222 63
Altrtu Elias Ted 691 10
" M 1? C.tinbell Union • 200 15
" Martin Manner Walker 416 59
" S Lehman Wurriortnark 859 •
20619 60
County tax on unsentud Lauds 428 74
School " " " 43 i 09
Road " " " " 407 37
Finest Jury ices reed of M. I , ',
Fines k Jury fees reed of D Cnld•
76 00
Reed of A& J Port fur Toll House 100 00
" " A Jneobs rent " 65 & 56'60 00
Rout reed of rfuntingdou Baud for
Court Clouse
Bent ree'd of Continents
• 19 00
Reed of Hoary Maxier for ow privy 10 00
nee'd for dale et dtrar steer
Redemption Received 88 Z 2
Balance au. County Treasurer 6770 43
Tot al nm oo at
Att'y Gen, Prey, 811 W and
Witnessui fees on Corn pros
Constabl s for malting reens
cilv'g spring election, &r.
Gr. &'l'r. J um court crier,
Jtolg. Insp. elks of elections
asteisor's orders
Inquisition on dead bodies.
Bend and bridge rims 310 00
Do dam. Mrs. Vanilcvander 93 00
Do. do. Thos. Crownoeer .16 73
Do. do. 51. Chilcotc, 60 75 583 50
For mining division line be•
t•vism fad & Carbon tps.
Bridge orders :
Wise & Eby, bridge 01 Hun
tingdon, tail 00
Do. for rop'g above bridge, 08 49
W Harper at Drake's ferry, 076 00
E.E. A.Rainsey at RocKliilt • 100 :00
A, Harrison, harstown lle. 950 00
A. C. Blair, building bridge
across Tuscitrom creek,
Commissioners :
11. 1.. McCann'', 180 O.
G. W. Mattem, 65 00
Baker, 100 01.1
Benj. K. Neff, 57 50
Clk, to Comes in fullfor 'O7 SU 00
till. 1.11 acct. fur 1858, 275 GU
Atty. foe COMM'. in hill '57 30 00
Do. in full for '5B, 40 00
County auditors for 1857, 69 70 • 660 21/
Expenses of visitui•s to Poor
Honsc to inspect accounts
by order 01 . Cour., 00 00
•Poldish'g rep. of Visitors, 10 00
Treas'r of Hoot. Cu. Purr 11, 7000 00 7090 50
Interest on County Bonds t
.1. G. Stiles,
Win. I'. ()Eidson,
Exr. of C. Bucher,
Wm. B. Lens,
Samuel W
duo. H. t.
Meai , inti and atteudauce to
pri,ners in jail,
Wood told coal Mr C.ll. and
2:4 21
Gas c,:nsunted ut Court IL, S 6 71
Repairs ut Court 11. and jail, 242 02
! Sweeping and cleaning 0.11. 25 UO
Washing for pHs. in jail iu
lull for 1857,
Do. on account for 1958,
J. F. Ramey fur running and
!narking line between nun
-linglon and Mifflin comities
Penna. State Lun. Iles. l'er
; Nancy Long, 65 W;
do. D. Brotherline 212 25 277 25
Stationary & 111111 k books for
! county uflice , , 28 51
County Printing—J. A. Noah, 149 75 •
W. Brewster 58 55
W. Lewis, 97 25
expreon, S 5 96 579 72
One copy standardweiglds and
I,coming insurance Conin'y
\l'est'n l'en'y for convicts,
lima. Co. Agr. Soci'y, 1857, 100 00
Md" " 1858, BA 00 200 00
se, for C. 11• and jail, 71 24
County Bonds paid—l). Blair 481 38
Leas for Miller, 1188.65 1670 03
A. B. Crouch's cut. 2500 00
11. trawcribing gan.
end index,
M. I?. Cemphall trans'g judg.
meat docket. 225 00 s5O 00
Do. for kis fees and coast as
clerk of C. of Q. S. Proey,
Stationary, &e., 297 65
D. Caldwell, do. do. 134 21
do. do do.
P. IL Lane, Tr. fur deeds to
Comm's at Treas's sale and
$7O 7G adv'g land afterwitad
-114 47 Mil not to bo sold
174 12 I Refunding orders paid,
10 00 School money paid to James
208 Harper, treas'r of Cromw'll
44 05 tp. school district,
Redento'n money paid out,
Fox scalp premiums,
1I 1 Shit: Miller fur stimuli:lilting
10 15 jure., hoarding and convey
Ou int; convicts to the pennon.
I 1:: Bar in full for 1857,
222 .15 Do. on account for 1858,
102 50 Balance due Treasurer at lust
184 scttlemou
602 Co. Treasurer's Commission
850 o n $48895 84 nt et.
• 28,983 55
In testimony of the correctness of the abovo
we her,unto subscribe our names, and of the
seal of the said county, this 3d day of January
A.D. 1859.
80 10
272 55
424 42
569 70
1429 25
250 00
11. L. McCARTHY,
11. W. MArrERN, t Comers
We, the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon
county, Penna, elected and sworn according to
law, report that we mot, d d audit, settle and
adjust according to law, the uceonnts of F. H.
Lone, Treasurer of the county, and the orders
of the Commissioners and the receipts of the
same, fur and during the past year and rind a
balance due F. H. Lane, of six thousand seven
hundred and seventy dollars aud torty-three
639 97
366 02
1076 25
266 26
488 67
52 00
465 43
1313 60
Given under our hands at the Commisaionere
office in the borough of Huntingdon, the third
day of January, 1859.
P. Di. STEVENS • , Auci'm
1269 20
G 4 00
12 00
1.10 OE)
.1.; 00
4 00
28983 35
130 37
381 98
2915 51
810 70
488 00
67 84
88 50
40 00 39139 49
9 (00
ISO 00
60 00
$0 00
46 r 0
41 43
114 00 SOO 4$
13 00
15 00 570 04
no U()
201 00
26 90
361 3U
225 0)
126 65 102 Al
2 28
49 24
9 62
65 16
998 94
81 59
550 00 891 59
1367 00
733 43