Attatingbon Afournal. , .. .. - _'.--- ..,_. ...„...-.--,.,,, 1..4.?..,.,„ ..., „ , 411 ,,,,,,..6„,, , _., q -- *; - ? - ,..f;:, - tbi ilt i k - .7*. ' ...,14t e . ' * ,* ) ..-.".7..‹,-,:,._t;p4, ' WM. BREWsTER, Editor and Proprietor. Wednesday Morning, February 9, 1859 A NAKED LIE. The American says we stole a copy of its mos . /heck bef4e last, in order to comment on an article it contained. On the occasion referred to, the American, as we can prove, was left at our office by the carrier, before nine o'clock in the morning and was served to its town subscribers before ten o'clock. We can also prove that our form was not made up that day until several hours after the Americas came to us by its own carrier, and we did not get ready to strike off our'paper till in the af ternoon. Bearing these facts in mind, let the reader further observe that the only notice we took of any thing in that day's American, was comprised in less than three lines, and some idea may be formed of the utter recklessness with which the ditty scribblers for the Ameri can fabricate and fulminate their slanders. A friend at our elbow suggests that this baseless and absurd charge against us, of sit aling a co py of the American, may have been the off spring of a disturbed imagination, excited by the ever-present fear that justice might yet over. take the miserable accuser who stole our Pack. Book some fifteen months ago. We, however, incline to the belief that lie lied on this OCCA. also, as he had done on hundreds of other oc casions—simply because ho loves falsehood and is incapable of speaking the truth A SAD STORY• On last Thursday William Nevltn, re. aiding at Petersburg, was told that his bro. they Thomas, of this place, had fallen down dead la the middle of the street, and that it was necessary for him to come down and make some preparations for his burial. He immediately stopped his work, and in company with his father and another bro. ther, hastened down to learn for themselves if the story was true. When they arrived, they learned that the story was false, and that Thomas was in the possession of good health, attending to his daily labors. Pleased and gratified that Thomas was still alive, they determined to celebrate the event by imbibing large quantities of li quor, which proved fatal to William, as The tether and otnEr son went liume, some time after they had gone, started homeward. It Hems that he reach ed the Eluntingdon dam, unable to proceed which was granted him. After he hod sufficiently warmed himself as he alleged, he left about 10 o'clock at night, with the avowed intention of reaching home before morning. Nothing was heard of him till the next morning. wh . en a watchman on the Pennsylvania Railroad discovered hint ly ing on a bank near the Railroad almost dead. He was removed to the house at which he had warmed himself, where all the assistance possible was rendered him, but all efforts proved ineffectual. In a short time he expired. He was buried on Sat• urday. Bots•reeous—Tho conduct of certain young men ( 1 ) who at least call themselves men, on last Friday night. The vulgar songs—the unearthly blasts upon old worn out boat horns, were in painful contrast to the mild manner in which young men usu ally serenade those who have joined them. selves in the holy bands of matriinoty.— But nothing else could be expected, as our town is proverbial for the vulgar mariner of complimenting a newly married couple. We trust upon a future occasion, those who take pride in manifesting their desires for the future welfare and happiness of the bride and groom, will confine themselves within the bounds of common decency, at least. LARCENY,--.on last Tuesday, William Coble was committed to jail on charge of larceny. Several articles that had toys. teriouely disappeared from their owners, were found in his possession. Since Co. ble hat been lodged in jail, Daniel Pope, William'Holley and Thomas Nevlin have suddenly disappeared, implicating them very strongly as accomplices with Coble. Great endeavors are being made by the officers of the law, to secure the above na wed gentlemen AN ELOPEMENT.—One day last week the daughter of a respectable citizen in the upper end of the county, eloped with an Irishman. The young girl who is (about fifteen years of age), in company with her gallant and promised husband, se cretly left the parental roof, about 11 o'- clock at bight, and Irtstening to Altoona where they were married. The kind father mistrusting that all was not right, followed the loving pair, and arrived at Altoona, too lat , to heart he words! "And if any one can show just cause why they maay not be lawfully joined together, let him now speak. or else hereafter, forever hold his peace." Three Mill Tax. ; A Boy Carried over Niagara Falls. , plainly results that this impost concerns the We notice a number of our exchanges. es-1 We learn from the railroad men that an State nod the tonnage, and not the company. pecialle these along the Juniata, are earnest.. adopted son of Mr. Gibbs, foreman in the Ni. ".13.n.t0,r" impunity thewri t t o eLol i ts a e t ry , e , s h , i, " l l:o ? ) vas t : a o o n h c . a n o . ly discussing this qziestion. We all assert h „f r a a T t io'iaittuP2:l,illie"r'n'ovoono taker ° ,l.7 i r e t v h i e et Z . I- ' gunge or the seope of the constitution is for. that it is not the Pennsylvania Railroad Con, woo a promising - little boy, about•eleven years ! bidden." And this leads him to an exainina• pony that pays this tax, but that it is paid by of age, and a general favorite with all who tion in detail of the different decisions of the the shippers of local freight and the consumers kn.. him- , supreme Court of the United States upon this of that freight. Thus whilst the Coinpany pay ' The Niagara Falls Paper Mill is situated on ' subject. Want of space of coarse forbids our littth Island, Letween float !stela and Oa Ildlowing Mr. Stokes through his admirable directly into the State Treasury 5250,000,00 main land, and the machinery 6 :d,.,, 0n b y wa : , review of the cases in which this interesting in the shape of a three mill tax, they fully in• ter power. question has been varjoasly presented. The demnify themselves by assessing a consider. On Saturday afternoon a number of men ' iie w su e lt t o n. f ti them , f , na s y, w leii i lfave e ct it sta a tel ,l , a a s i t i e d rl a , bly larger amount of toll on all merchandise ; o T s r t e ru e e rg t e h d e f i ii4": l Xt7,l y it i l; 6 ::2l i Litickm 'l:p"ot h i l th e ese clauses of the constitutinji carried to and from the various points between Mr. Gibbs' boy was playing about the vicinity. ; end are deeply imbued with political wisdom. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. This access of 1 In one place the race to spanned by a narrow The principle to be extracted front these ad toll to the full extent. of the three mill tax, ' foot bridge o f pl an k, destitute of a railing or judicatioes may be said to be that no tax stay falls, of course, partly on shippers, but pr i ne i. other protection on either side, and somehow, : h e e n: l t e! t v i i i e e d by a State p 7, l'lttonl i i i ad d ien pally on consumers. Hence it is contended iiiitocrtheitit'ltelrbis'' The li i tes lostentreat li i hi, balance, ws vei e s t , 111 tent the lioTev r ifri e mportant this right of taxation by these writers, that the whole burden of the and in an instant the child was carried oil may appear to the government by which it is ' tax rests on a small portion of the people of through the bulkhead at the tail end of the sough, to be exercised, mid, notwithstanding the State whereas it should he borne by all, race, and precipitated some ten feet into the its prohibition, may come in conflict with the As evidence to the truth of their position, they 'miming (loot, a t s w horyist a a s nce above the bridge , . sy t i a tl t i ? in o itl i t o e ' r . i e i r tor t ;. t a x p erta n " ia d y 1 1 hart call attention to the fact that the Company do i nli e e th r n a g pi t ds e we o re is f 4 u7l. o . f floating blocks of ' ceased that the words of the prohibition ought not seek a repeal of the tax; b u t b e i ng fully in- ice, and mingled with these the poor little lel- ' not to be pressed to their utmost extent, and demnifled, in the manner above stated, they , low was carried down the stream. Help could ! that sound principles of construction ought to are comparatively indiferent, feeling assured not be afforded, and the horrified spectators 1 r f la o ti o tf e i c a t ll ii C a o e i n trt e s_troin carrying_ theftsm beyond d d to he secured consti• that the real suffer°. will, in time, demand a observed him io till ra isloie his s ts h lo a s ii t d to e s n i! o lit.. i 7e to w r it o s . ! I , nation, j }rot the acknoWledged power of a State corrective. This corrective, it is alledged, ,I move something from his face, and that Was ; to lax its own citizens, or their property with. consists simply hi a repeal of the tax with a 1 all. The distance from the race to the fall in its territory, must not be used so as to ob. distinct proviso in the repealing act, that the' cannot be much over fifty rods, Mid the fatal struct the free course af a F r o u tverti e ve a n d t m o ir C i r e . Company shall make an equivalent reduction heap. t. any me v n e o s t 4e ng wre " L e r d. be l 'is t is co n ve t re p i of b ei ti l i e e . j ' ti r rg s e . inent or C.Vl g ar e :liall, h in t Brown vs. the en way.freight, that is, reduce the toll on every 'email.. The remorseless vortex beneath the State of Maryland, 12 Wheaton, •119, in which article in such proportion that the aggregate falls seldom returns to land anything °omitted this doctrine is en arced, will, no doubt, be reduction shall be equal! to the repealed tax. to its mysterious depths..—Rochrster American. most acceptable to our readers, as presenting ----..........-- ' in clear and nervous language, the evils of the We have Oven only the principal position The Sslt Lake Mail. i old system, and the value of the constitutional of the articles we have read in our exchanges.. 9. remedy, and showing, by way of illustration ' We have neither flute Sr. Louisne nor space to give the ' Friday, FA. 4, IBJ of the case then under consideration, how di. The Salt Lithe mail of the 15th ultimo reach. redly the impositionf a dutylike thetor na facts and arguments advanced to illustrate •„1 St. Joseph.. th • • dahead • "eY le e 11st, six days of tax in our own State would interfere with the and sustain these positions. Nor have we form• ' the contract time. powers surrendered to the Federal govern• ed any conclusive opinion on the subject. Wel 'rho G. S. District Court had adjoinmell. meat, for the common weal. f•Why are they doubt, however, wetber the Railroad Compri- rho I,egislature was still session, but no• (the States) retrained from imposing these du th: ny would accecpt of a release from the three z i o u t , importance oei C p i,the corlZet o o ' rl . or the Salt t t tf:2 int l e .:l e ai t nl o y f bj l ea w 7: h inCe b g t neraLop o i t i o i:i i ol:, mill tax on tbe conditions proposed ! . In au Lake and Plueervllic route, arrived here last ' placing that whole subject under rho control Y l other column we give a legal opinion on the ! night en route to Washington. He is only sev of Congress. Whether the prohibition to lay constitutionality of this tax, which demands' sateen days from Salt Lake, and expects to iinimsts or duties on imports or exports pro• as we have uo doubt roach Watthing it will receive, serious ton within nineteen days. He clefled from an apprehension that the power left Utah in the dead of winter to test the prat- might be soexercised as so disturb that equal. attention. I tibility'of the rail.. He thinks that the . trip sty among the States, which was generally ad. • ere king, will be oue of more pleasure by neon' vantageoiis, or that harmony between !Item HORSE -STEALING. of crossing the mountains in the sleighs, and , which it was desirable to preserve—it is plain OH the night of the 26th ult., a valuable that the travel from the Pacific will be over , that the object would be as completeli defe, t , ;tad o i, n b e y t•t m p r., o o w rt es i t...? ,,,, tux l,i the a t rtiitel.W.%in, landed, eiand as s mare woo stolen from the stable of James Itler. Chit route. ~ . --.,.... tt gun,e in Cromwell township. The thief was .. . ~ Dank Robbery and Murder. , , .4 a powtr to tax it while entering in prat. prsued mid arrested near Idercersburg, Fran. ?. I .lllarths, Tenn., Friday, Feb. , I, tr,e, , i3onceeding to the full extent which is regain klin county, and lodged in the Chamhershurg jail. His name is John Davenport. Ills fa. The Branch of the Union Dank fa Jackson ! ed, that every State would in its legislation on : that subject provide judiciously for its own in. Tenn , wits robbed of a large amount of specie ' tnily resides a t B e th, Furnace, Shirley twp., and paper money last night, and the clerk inur. : Wrests, it . cannot be conceded that each duty where be stole, on the same night, a saddle and dared. No clue to the perpetrators of the deed ! respect the interests , .. of others. .A. ~ 9n bridle from David );ruler. On Saturday of lilts yet been discovered. imports is a tax Olt i 1,,, article, which is laid by the consumer. The great. importing States lag week, the unfortunate man was lodged in 1p ecacuanba and Delirium Tremens. • would thus levy a tax . the non Unveiling thejail of this county to await his trial. States which would not be less a tax because The jail physician at Chicago has had one TUANIM—John Covode, m . c, b„ oti , hundred cases of deleriuin trgin f e t ns . ll7 4. it their interact would afford ample security a. gainst its ever being so heavy as to expel emu thanks for a Document containing the Exports 1 L . '„,' „ f ‘,.?! ( ;i 1 ,,t 1Y„f,°,1,,,prd0,r,,. saps; , , . . memo front their ports.. This would neeessa. I --ine ' " '"" -e "" I '' ‘.''''' . 'P e " . ily pruduce countervailing ineasu7es on the and Imports, as showing the relative advance. enanlia, which I have tried in ttliirty.six cases ment of ever nation hi wealth, strength, awl I found most remerdably successful, quieting imrt of those Slates whose situation was less li . ..ruble to importation. For this , among Independence. the nerveous system, exciting the appetite, ~,,,,, ...,,,,,,,,,, ihe whole puiecr o f lo ying au . acting on seeretioits, and uniformly procluein , ''. ' 4 Schell of the Senate, and Wigton of the sleep. When a case not of too long standing ,lies °" 'VI I was, 'ilhgtt.;,-/fr and Ivy House has our thanks for valuable public too- I give it as nr. emetic the first dose, and after ' ''''•Nteininn'etilig'llzrotivlii th e e the a SM . tes meal uments. words I give from fifteen to eight,on .......- - every other hour. Connected with this rien• : seine,, g'''''' I limits. It cannot interfere with the re... uni..lo. of oommeree. If the-Se.i., mai) , titN. was ham: on the Pennsylvanm Railroad, frequentle drink etrolig beet teh without ally , t - , , 1 , •-- •114,fe• tong. .1010 e-stimulants." ,Cory, what shah minim them from taxing from re.o 1 one )or, a p t i o o r n t 2 t a a t o ] ir , i . t , h ,, e / ;, , t fo s r 4 a t i h i e f v u , r t p r o a s h e , of i at Fostoria, Blair Co., on Thursday nigh t , goods in their transit route through the State, 'flit TONAT6E TAI. immediately titer the departure of the Eta. We have been favored with the opinion of igrant train goin. west. When last heard ' 11 , 1*, , , , - ' . . •• • - • ' ' 4-..... , ----- l ' . --......,-,.. • ear 40011 'Cattle. HALL'S 4101.7NAL or irEALTll—for Pe,ruary is now before us. its contents are, Consump tion—lts cure, Cellars, Careworn, Poverty, disease and crime, Suicidal Women, Make a Brick, Warming Churches, Encouragement . A little kills, Broken Bones, Locating for life, Premature Decline, Nature & Revelation, he. Also Jp at Published, Health and Dieease, by W. W. Hall, M. D., bound in musli u. Sent free of postage on receipt of $l. Address Hall's Journal of Ilealt, H. B. Price, Pub luster, New York. Tns GENESEE FARMIL—The February num ber of this popular agricultural journal is re ceived. In the Agricultural Department, this month, we find jburtern articles written ex pressly fur the Genesee farmer. The Horti cultural Department occupies fourteen pages, and is usually interesting and beautifully il lustrated. le the I;adies' department we have twenty ono original domestic receipts, contrib ted to the Farmer by experienced housekeep ers. Terms 50 eta a year; or we Will give the Huntingdon Journal and Genesee Farmer one year for $1,87i Address Joseph Harris, Pub lisher and Proprietor. Rochester. N Y. Henri' JOUIWAL.—This is e semi-mon thly publication by S. D, Humphrey. This is one of the oldest trod best periodicals in the world devoted to Daguerroutpye, Photography and science and arts pertaining to Heliogra phy. Send $2 to S. D. Humphrey, 37 Lispe card Street New Yotk, and he will send you the work regularly. 6intral Ntins, New Federal Appointments. • [ From the Pittsburg Evening Chronicle.) We have been shown to-day several tele grams from Washington, to the effect that Judge Samuel W. Black has been appointed by Provident Buchanan to be Governor of Ne braska, sod Col. William McCandless, to be Judge of the United States Court for the We stern District of Pennsylvania, vice Judge Irwin lately resigned. The Senate, we pre sume, will immediately confirm the nomina tions. No possible exception could be taken to either-of them, and both will give unusual satisfaction iu this community. Judge Black is widely knows, and univer sally popular in this State. Be was generally considered the most promising and successful criminal lawyer of the Pittsburgh bar, and du. ring his breit occupation of the bench in Ne- braska, Ls "won golden opinions from all sorts of people." Dol. McCandless has hosts of warm and de voted friends here, and everywhere where Its is known. We congratulate him most henrti• ly and sincerely on his success. COBVICIIuII of a Murderer. BALTIMORE, Friday, Feb. •l, 1859. Duvall was found guilty of murder in the first degree this morning. It will be recollec• ted he killed Fischer a german tavern keep. er, 301110 months ago. reatisylvaltilt or from taxing the tninsporlation of road, and in more complele demonstration of articles passinpirom the Stale itself to south the illegality of his enactment than his argu cr Pate commercad pmposes? These ea. ment supplies, it would be difficult to exhibit. se, are aft within the seven, power of taxa: Starting with the provisions of the federal con Lion, but would obviously derange the mons. stitution which refer to this subject, the learned Sires of Congress to regulate commerce, and writer has shown, both from the cotempora- affect maternally the purpose for which that .043 veiws expressed by the framers of this paver was given." Let the sciolist in' politi instrument in their comments upon these clan-can ethics ponder well these words of the , no sea, and front the judicial interpretation placed ' less enlighened statesman than jurist, awl upon theta by the great jatsts whothave sail reflect that, independently of the manifest en the highest court of the nation, that this tax legality of the imposition of such burthees up. as unsound in law, as it is illiberal in pried- on the internal trade of the country, they will pie and short sighted in policy. The industry inevitably lead to the application of the tex of Mr. Stokes hos enabled him to prove, sans. , ileitis, a renni.sly unfortunate, so grateful to the factory, that, however discordant the views of wounded feelings of self interests, that it is more the stinteciten of the day were upon most mat- eagerly resorted to than deliberately consider tern which fell under their discussion, a rare ed as to its:power to react upon the party a. degree of unanimity prevailed as to the great dopting it. We cannot omit quoting, in this defects of the cenuneacial policy of the States connection, the following passage from the o. lof the confederation, and as to the necessity of pinion; "Pennsylvania is one of the greatest investing Congress with the power of regula portals of the west She refuses access, except flog this subject. on payment of tribute She invites retalliation The chief source of the embarrassments that Let it be but once commenced, and her vast threatened the very existanee of the United trade to the valley of the Mississeppi must be States was their independence on commercial spee lily annihilated Hemmed by other subjects, and upon the propriety of general States, she is at the mercy of them all, for what and uniform regulations in this respect there 1 she can do, they may do in asserting the was absolute unity of opinion. A prominent , legality of the tonage tax, she gives impunity debater ohaerved, "that it was well known that to adverse taxation on her own produce and the different States then pursued different syte ' people" tans of duties in regard to each other, an! that ! That the law remains as expounded by by this, and for want of general laws of prold. Marshall, is satisfactorily shown in conclusion, billet ihrough the Union, we had not sebored by Mr Stokes, as the present Cho if Justice of even our own domestic traffic. that passed , the national Supreme Court, concurs in the from ' , tato to,State, which was contrary to the rule laid down •, A rtithough at the advocate of policy of every nation on earth. Scone no- the S ate of :Maryland he had argued and por tions had no other commerce." There, then treaded himself that the law pronounced inn. being the crying evils of the old system, and constitutional wits a valid enactment The ap this !being the unanimous sentiment of the body nlication of the decision to the case in hand that was called upon to devise a remedy for is so directly and clearly enforced that no one than, the clauses which are now found in the can peruse the argument without yielding to constitution were consequently adopted. Oule assent to its correctness What is the remedy of them, in plain terms, prohibits any State, agasnst this legislation, and without tine consent of Congress Irons hying how it may be enforced, is a question of tech. any duty on tonnage; and a most successful nice' law considered by Mr Strolces at tine part of Mr. Stokes' argument is to show that close of his opinkin, in brief and clear terms this,word as used, though originally consider. , we trust however that this queation may never ed to apply to tonnage of water craft, has as require the consideration of the Supreme direct an application to the conveyance of , Court of the Vnited States; but that the legis merchandise over a railroad or a transit over - lature will nn longer hesitate as to the repeal on land.a law which is not only in opposition to the Thus it in said in the opinion:—" No din dictates elan cal ightened commercial policy, criuninatiou was made between the application and to the known wishes of the mercantile of the word to inland streams and the ocean. :amenity, but as Mr Stokes has shown, is Wherefore the 'Bodo of transit can make no in plairssvidlation of the fundamental law of change in the legal aspect of the case. Rail. the land roads and canals there were then none. But -- Washington had already suggested a qua! to DEATH OF AGNES COLEOATE —Mrs. unite the Chesapeake with the Ohio. Canals Colgate died iv. her residence, on Friday were known us means of transport, likely to be evening last, under the following circum constructed, but no exception teas made in re stances :—During the day previous, deal gard to them. If artificial water cow.- ring to go to Mr. 't'urner's, about a mileideation, is within the purview of the eonstite• distant, she set out alone; becoming faint lino an artificial iron cominunication, or ant , other species by whirr transportation is effee• on the way, sank to the ground, where ted is certainly so, alum . Tonnage. carried by she lay at u fence by the way side, for the any means whatever, from State to State, or space of probably six hours. When from abroad, is equally within the terms and found in the e'vetring, she was entirely un intent of the constitution." This objection, r i a s ee a ll i s o , i th r erefore, completely ret:uted, as well us conscious, and remained in a state of in in SenSibility until the lime of her death. which t ,,,TH'in r o e t, l3 , P e r us " al)Peur "'' The deceased has fora long time been a The supporters of this tax contend that as resident of Cromwell, formerly Shirley this duty is must levied upon the merchandise township ; tens for many years a widow; or its owners, but upon the company, it is but, aged about 76 years ; leaving a large fain. r. Stoker t Lte y tom- , i p n iii ? y ffe i tt r , tochortseidr.erantiuotn if g il r y ea o l f g c ra d n il d dr c . h in ildr c e h n ill . dren's children and the fallacy of this argument, mid demonstrates by the dearest logic, that the oomph iy is but Walter Scoot deolared that au insiremdit in the lends of the State for the collection bf this duty imposed upon the prop. these four lines. by Robert Burns, were erty ..tat passes over the road belonging to it, wcrth a thousand romances:— Nay, the State may even collect this duty with. ' Had we never lov'd awe kindly-- out the intervention of the company at all, as Hind we never hoed sae blindly-- an examination o f the different sections of the Neve , loot — or never Parted Act of Assembly clearly shows; aud it thus We had ne'er been broken:hearted Mexican News. WAsuiNaTox, Friday, Feb. 4, 1859. The details of the Mexican news by the steamship Tennessee, at New Orleans, is recci• ved. It is stated at Vera Cruz that Gen. Miranion would nut accept the Presidency, but. declare in favor of the restoration Zuloaga and tie Tuenbayn Constitution. This, it is stated, would cause Robles to pronounce in favor of the Liberals. Juarez as well Miramon was much pressed for money. It was the universal opinion among the for. eigners, that if the United States would declare 14 Juarez, the moral effect woula be so great as to place that party in power within sixty days. The following is a summary of the war move. meats on the Pacific side: Mazatlan had yielded to the besieging forces. Camino had not taken Cuernavaca, but had Pullen back to Yantepec unpursned. Only live hundred of 1113 troops were engaged with Mir moon at San Joachim. From San Luis the news is that Blanco and Coronado, having effected a union with the ar my at Zacatecas, were before the city with three thousand men, and that Miramon's brother had been sent from Guadalajara to its relief with a force of six hundred. It was believed, however, that the garrison would succumb before he got there. Coronado, it was stated, had twenty. two hundred riflemen and nine cannon. The Reactionists were still concentrated at 0 ri zava Cordova had been evacuated, The Constitutionalists, under Gnu. Trejo, represent their muse as prosperous, and that the people are flocking to their standard, while their leaders talk loudly of victory. On the contrary, the Reactionists are equally confident and threaten a descent on Vera Cruz. No LoxnEtt A DEMOCRATIC PARTY.—SaIta. tor Douglas' organ, at Washington, Thu Sla tes," declares in a recent leader that there is no longer a Democratic party, and cities, in proof of its assertion, the dissension between President Buchanan and Secretary Case on the question of Squatter Sovereignty, between Buchanan and Floyd on the question of the Facia Railroad; and between Buchanan and Cobb on the Tariff question. It says that on no single issue is there concord in the party and asserts that the confusion of Bo!nl was licit equal to the present (E.:sr ds of the Dentocra. cy. The &dee beiug understood to express 9:4 Views ofjudg,e Douglas, the article attracts great attention. HATJNTED House.—They have near Millersburg, in this county, a "lion - in the shape of a haunted House, Accor- ding to report, ghostly appearances are seen "at the dead arid stilly ho ir of night," spectres in white robes move noiselessly along the rooms. Several parties have been on the watch to unravel the mystery but thus far, we learn, without success. How the Imported Afrioans Work. Two of the Congo negroes brought to Georgia, in the yacht Wanderer, have been smuggled into llississippi. They are on a plantation bordering no the Missis sippi Central Railroad, between Canton and Durant. We sow them, says the ed. itor of the Vicksburg Sun. They are in t he possession of a very genteel looking gewleman funned Nlontigue. lie says they ere obadieut. and when 'encouraged e uVac . ' this - fir State, tn relates the ciacnstances of a horrible trage dy, which occured one night lost week. A far. vier hearing a noise in his strble, immediate ly dressed himself and soloing a club, prod e. ded to the scene of action; he found his stable door open and two nten inside. lie listened Red heard one of them remark, i•he could not get the hit in his (horse's) mouth." lie Mi nt mliatety stepped to the door and inquired who was there. This {eery was responded in on the part of thieves by the presentation of a pistol to his breast. but, before lie had time to fire the farmer dealt him a blow over the Lead; which almost itmtantly killed him. Thu other thief made himself scarce. There was about $4OO found on the body of the dead man, but nothing affording a clue to his identity. _ _ The corn crop of the United States in 1850 was 592.325,612 bushels. Of this 11,000,000 oushels were used for distil. ling purposes. AN AFFRAY.—took &ado last night ut the Broad 'l'op House, in this place be tweet) Wm. Sturtsman, Jos. Thompson and John Swivel. Jos.•Thotnpson kick ed the dog which cccasioned some angry words, and the throwing of a poker b y Sturtsman at Swivel, which broke his arm Swivel in return discharged a pisiol at Sturtsman which he narrowly escaped. Ear Kansas and Oregon are our chil dren, and are asking to be admitted into the united family,..but we are trying to get Cuba, a stranger, in preference to our own flesh and blood. Answer to the unluoky Hatter. In almost every ease the first impression is, that the hatter loot $2O besides the hat, thou, h it is evident he was paid for the hut, and had he kept the $8 he needed only to have born, • ed $1,2 additional to redeem the note. The Marker woman's Puzzle. A market woman bougt 120 apples at two for a cent, and :20 more of another sort, ut three for a cent, but not liking her bargain, she mixed them together, and sold them out again at five for two cents, thinking she should get the same sum; but on counting her money, she found, to her surprise; that she had lost four cents. How did this happen 7 Orphans' Court Sale. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, I will expose to sale by public outcry en the premises on Sat. urday, the sth day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all' that certain piece and parcel of land hituated in Dublin tp, Huntingdon county, aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Spitzer. laud formerly owned by James Walker, deed., and othsrs ; more particularly described by the courses and distances of the Milne in the order of sale atioesaid, and con• taining 10 ACRES and 22 Platatuis, unini proved. The aforesaid parcel of land will be sold as the real estate of MARY and SIMANkIAII WAt.• era late of the township and county aforesaid dec. whn died intestate, and is the same land devised ti in jointly in fee by their father David Walker dec. The terms of sale are cash on the final eon. firmation of said sale. DAVID WELCH, Administrator of Jan. 9th. 1849-3 t Nary Busannah Walker dec. A GOOD ONE.—The N. Y. Evening Post's Wnshington correspondent tells the Jollowing good saying of Thaddeus Stevens the Republican representative elect from Mr. Buchanan's district:— '":'a gentleman was referring, in presence of Thaddeus Stevens, to the possibility of Mr. Buchanan turning against the South for the purpose of retrieving his lost fortun es in Pennsylvania; and asked Mr. Stevens what he thought would be the result. Mr. Stevens replied that there would he no iron ble ahout•thnt, us the South could redraw hitil any titne under the Fugitiie Slave Law! The inquirer seemed perfectly iit ialled." ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.—We h recorded two disastrous fires within the List week. Another occurred yesterday morn• ing in Turbett township, Juniata county, consuming the tanner; of John Mott. The establishment was insured for $3,00 in the Perry county mutual company. Ea'The democratic Senators et 11 'ash. ington have held a caucus; nitd resolved that it is inexpedient at present to change the tarill. EWA Row oecurredin a jury room at Pittsburg,. They stood eleven against one on a knotty case, when the one beenmilg insolent and giving the lie to an old man, he was put through in good style. 'Th ree broken chairs were found in the jury roots, and there wore other evidences of a gener al muss. - S AN Our° paper says that at Mont ua, Portage county in that State, Mr. 'Val wino Perkins, aged 45 years. has lost the WC of every joint in his hody, save those of two fingers and two.toes. Perfect ossifica tion has taken place. His jaws hay.: been set for thirty yeses, and he is fed through an npertute mnde by 'the romoval of two front teeth, Ile has a good appetite. nerOdd.— A man named McKinney NI the tippointin'ent nl . Oinieral Saperintionit:at was hires.' at W a terf o rd, 31,.. t o din a gniv,! °f the t \l \ i ' e a a Y r i rwl7, l' i l s l e o l b ' i t e • R N 2 l; ) . and make a coffin for another man mimed Andenion's 411CC0.480r at Altoona. Mir. Jones. But, previous to the interment, the A party of boaters init. in Red River V .1. relatives of Jones appeared and the corpsehutl in ' ll " . ,, e d we e eles "I'l six was removed for interment in a dismo niii I:de a r I s• n o ' ;' ° ;:ir , in the 051110 churchyard. Thus the , gravo dug by Mc-t h unnnn d ti`,Z, a n d)"'. fired Kinne y remained open. And now comes for two . . the strange port of the chapter of strange I Tor, GoVEUNORSIIIP.-11.11. A. 11. Elveder it incidents. NlcKinney while riding a few •-;nletitii-'.:, of byiloeribbri icnus in ca,; days since, was thrown nod kille Goventur of d. El is Pennsylvania by that bye party in 18i10, coffin was made of the plank sawed by his : ity-Counterfeit silver eitin, coatroom to cir. own hands, on which the lifeless body o f culaT largely in this . t i s i onnority and . th ,g roult. , Jones had reposed; and h.. was buried in ; ;;.„ t the grave which he had dug for Jone s , . ill, reverise of an onlinary MILS is presented the nniisool phenovienon.. " 1 '"" 1 "". hit the Qunstables not tad to discover its r• o f a man who"sleeps that sleep that knows xoet Hitimetittcr ifig .. . . ..... ~...., ~,,,MIT eleeMil Omsk - SOH, I MMOCrAI, Mayor, by serer Ma jority over his republican opponent. The fr --- "Alr Henry W. Funk, of the vicinit vote was very heavy. y 1 Th., editor of the National li. liigeotl. a new of Wanesboro', Franklin County, sold a administration paper started at Clevelnd, says mamtnoth steer one day lust week, to 1",,(17.,ig:41,,it1it"d5:,"(1.:11.itatt,11Fii'vr,1",1::.",".1?:,;,, Noun Abraham Burr& Co , for the sum of $125 - be revealed to show the people that it Att . ssa• Some six or eight weeks ago this steer chusetts Democritt invested SlO.OOO in the weighed upwards of 3100 pounds. His j,l':,(;.tii.,:,.:f.„l„B,iliiZh:Tirretche"i \;,,ll,74V,T,Nhi„ri weight may yet be ine - ensed it is supposed event was consummated, about $ 000,000 mtt M 4000 pounds. , of the Trensury oil a live oak contract—,3loo,• ,11. Ow ty...--... 000 or moot, will be dear profit. 1.4.. g'& ' cEXIi I t A I SCOTT is receiving a varie- ' w ri lir S it t e e t P l l ;: ti r it "' m il" i d 2Cliliin.'llii .( k r h lr ty of honors in New Orleans. Among fa was iliscove t t=)C i o ' it'2 o'cloe ' l l :, ' .V..M. ()nu ' o . s ti t tr t.ot.n feet, with other distinctions conferred upon him, the woman, an invalid, was hurtled to death. The following is related by the New Orleans ttirt i ones high Delta.--The day that General Scott arri. o f wood ee L. ta t ', t artly saver'. Tht Itaildin g wa s “ Loss $5OOO. , 100 by a ved in the city, being in a crowd at the Si. Senate Schindel has introdtmed into the Charles Hotel, some ons who Was next to er-7,b/i)l,,isn":,M4,4i,7,eva'ajudrt,i,t,i,ilton•,,:' him nutted permission to carry his overcon t tics — delncliing la' lo .ol front Norlhstnftton • t The General unsuspectingly handed it ov- .L.lsid„Ct'ea l a b e o„l,l,l i . s c' t ' r n iet ll i ' s rlY r i :l:ll4 l li k e ' M I r M' n " i r t . rt — he er, , and has not had the pleasure of seeing peaple of all patties in how cou e MieVa ' re in la, it since." von of it, we presume it will pass both (listses land become it low.—liar. 711. Elirrho Washington correspondent . Capt. McKinley, formerly the editor of the of the Boston traveler says the friendsof Felines County (O.) Partner, and more recent.. ; Senator Wilson were well pleased with 1 3; anctattsttion,rion, tt.: l „ f d e , 6l:aVr , t , t r r i , (hieedsauttliitl what the gentleman said in his his speech before New Years. lie had contracted habitit y on the Pacific Railroad, but even more of intemperance in bleak°, and at Ostegn, ha. vtngmet with congenial friends, be sat down to with what he did not say, play at cards with theth, and fell dead with the -----........... . __. cards in his hand:l.—Columbus Journal. learTnicE OF A LEGISLATOR'S Rees.-. The Ebensburg Sentinel, one of the Denta l'. S Marshal Robinson broke the head eratie organs of Cambria, is very decidedly of a representive to the Indiana Legislature, -I:l:l4ensctittyhebroLiaty f a :,7ll; o l,l l l l , 94 , l i i a t ' wo would named Colgrore. The jury found him rather that the sight hand whfc ' h God gave or guilty, acd the court lined him 130 95 should wither, than it should cast a Vote for for the fun. Mtn (Douglas) for the highest or lowest &lice in the gift of the American people. o — There's a story current in which "Saiii-inedary" figures. ..His Excellency' went into a barber's shop at Lecomplon to get shaved. The barber Is a black man, and On Thursday,. the 3d inst., by Rev. bfr. Bar• belongs to Judge; Ellmore, for ours,as Buc nits, Mr. HENRY WILLIAMS to Miss MA• banns says, is a slave s)il. 'NUM KIMES, both of Thintingdon. , With the above notice wan an abundant sup- Sam.--" I'll shave by the month.' ply of cake for the Printer, for which the hap Barber. —"Hon% know; lasses , 'bout , t'y party „ill accept ... dt'„ke, and beat wish: that. Saint—, Why not, Tom." , es•for a peaceful prosperous and pleasant jeer r.ey through life. Barber.—"Kase, manse, ' you Gubunit. Or. Thursday, the 3d inst., by Rev. S. H. rs stay mighty shor tune in Kansas. Idlrteidlitlir;tl ITIri!!"li";1;rYA" I 'an't trust you for four weeks. Too long On the Ist ins . t.,Zt e li t o i res= f o f P t n e or t irle's a tyme for people of your color." father, by Rev. J. L. Holmes, Nfr. Thomas E. Almmtt 03 Miss Of course, Governor Medary paid up; s Kenzie L. Gren, alMlelissa, of Hunt elind est aughter gdon county. of there was no help for it. I On the 2d inst., at the residence of the bride's eirni , j 3 NO T ilaThlint - a bill has been 1 Ltn i :i t a t lnliat:lntZi„ B , l arilGoefTguisiveilt,r , Va Mi" introduced into the Seriate of this State to : - On Dec. 23d, by Rev. John Moore, at the house of Samuel heti, Esry, Dft, Etna, Mr. J. prohibit the circulation of Bank notes under twonly dollars. Will anybody he ood li. Sissldr to bliss Clarissa C. Davis, all of gYellow Spins, Blair Co. enou g h to tell us what advantage is to be On Jan. r 20t g h, by the same, at Williamsburg gained from such a bill. In the present A :p r. „ E ; Th l i ' t u z , ( ~16 .1 :rlitta o r if i at ' ra a r nk r w "1 to Mica plethora of silver coin, five and ten dollar On „ the adjust., by the same a g tWater Street, notes are a very great accommodation. We )Ir. George D. Isett to Miss Susan E. Butts, of believe that nine out of every ten men pre- thu former place. ______ • fey them to gold and silver, on account of'! De Vsu.,s GALVANIT OIL has done more their greater convenience. , good, performed more cures, nod releived more ! taynell,t,l'eall,) many others could N reou• ; pain, than any other medicine in the known vention will meet in Harrisburg on thu Yolitical.-1 he Democratic State Con- ; world It has c p u e r r e . d on a wonderful case of fourth of March tioued. 1160 . tCIIIS, The Delaware Lottery Grant has passed both branches of the Legislature. The next Ohio Stale Fair is tO be held at Zanesville un the 20th, 2lst. 22d, and 23d days of September. The Freeinasons of Virginia intend to e rect a splendid temp lent Richmond. It is stated in the Buffalo Commersia/ that there are fifty-throe steam canal boats built and in process of construction fur the coming season of navigation on the Erie Canal. The U. S. Senators aro dissatisfied with their new hall. Whenever there is a shower, the noise of the rain falling upon the roof is so great they cannot hear. The Michigan Legislature have Were them a bill donating six hundred and forty acres of land to a Mrs• Rogers, because she blessed her husband recently with four children at a birth —three girls. and one boy. This is encourag ing to the ladies who engage in literary par. Poor Mexico now has five Presidents, or at least five men backed by military power, each of whom thinks that he alone can rescue her from the gulf of ruin to which elm is hastening. Lieutenant Maury, of the United States Na• vy, has been complimented by the French gay cement, uith the Order of the Legion of Ho. nor, as a tribute to his valuable services. The population of California, according to the best estimetes, amounts to ti 00,0011; When the next apportionment comes to be made, the Slate will have six members of Congress. In. Kansas, the legislature is in session at Lawrence. The Secretary of the territory hac• log refused to furnish the members with a copy of the statutes, the House deelaired it contempt nod bad hint arrested and arraigned for the of• fence. Ile, however, purged himself of the contempt and was let off. The spring emi• graben to Pike's Peak gold mines is already 11 riving in Kansas. IA person, named dulin Hartman, last tl•orn the Mountain gold mines in Kansan, published la letter in the Leavenworth Tones, saying that be dug $3OOO of gold in tweniy-five days. A verdict wan rendered in the Supremo dicial Court to day against. Idle Bunton and Worcester gailroad for $23,000 damages, a. •.varded tri:Mrs. Sarah H. Shaw, %ch., 1111 , 41t11(1. inns kiiled, and she injured some yiiiirs ago by the train coining in cenmet with plain ~ . tiffs earring° Ir..Tolin B. Antl,soit hug resigned his po. sition 1. Superintendent el the Middle Divii• .. .. ion (Odle Pennsylvania Railroad, an d nerept 'ffiarricb.