, ~N l'% 1 , If l' ''.. • I • ' ' • 1 /4 • , 1 11'.'- • . \ A • ; i j \ ki, ' , z i . ~ • '. . ' (k . ' ( 1 / li g tilli WM. BREWSTER, ED. THE GREAT BEAUTIFIER So long unsuccessfully sought, FOUND AT LAST ? Fox it restores permanently gray hair to its original color; covers luxuriantly the bald bead; removes all dandruff, itching and all scrof ula, scald head and all eruptions; makes the hair soft , healthy, and glossy ; and will preserve it to .y imaginable age. removes, as if by mag ic, all I bitches, &c. from the face, and cures all neuralgia and nervous head ache. See circular and the following. Dover, N. 11., Feb. 2d, 1857, PRO]?. 0. J. Wool) & CO.—Gana; Within n few duys wo have received so many orders nod calls for Prof. J. IL Wood's Bair Bettors tire, that to day we were compelled to send to Boston for a quantity, (the 6 dozen you for warded all being sold,) while we might order a quantity front you. Every bottle we have sold seems to /ince produced three or four new claimers, and the approbation, and patronage it receives from Ric most substantial and worthy citizens ofour vicinity, fully convince us that it is A OST VALUABLE PREPARATION. Send us as soon as may be one greet; of $1 size; and one dozen $2 size; and believe us 'yours very respectfully. Signed, D. LA 111160 P &CO. Hickory Grove, tit. Mules co. ?to, Nov. lit, 1856.—Prof. U. J. Wood.—Dear sir: Sometime last summer we ware indueed to use some of your Mir Restorative, and its efiects were so wonderful, wo feel it our du ty to you and the afflicted to report it. Our little ion's bend for come time had been perfectly covered with sores, and some called it walled head. The hair almost entirely came otf in consequence, when a friend, seeing his sufferings, advised us to use 0 bottle of your Res torative, we did so with bid little hope of sue cess,itut tooursurprise, mid that of all our friends a very few applications relllotOli the disease en tirely, and a new ard luxnrient env of hair soon started out, and we can now say that our boy lianas healthy scalp and no luxuriant drop of hair its any other child. We can therefore, nod do hereby recommend your Restorative, us a perfect remedy for all diseases of the scalp and lode. We are, yours.trpectfully. Total amount EXPENDITURES. Att'y Gen, Prot'y, Slilf and witnesses fees en Con pros Constabl s for making ret'ns adv'g spring election, &c. Gr. & Tr. Jurs. court crier, Judg. Insp. Clks of elections kss cssor's orders Inquisition on dead bodies. Road and bridge views 313 00 Do dam. Mrs. Vundevander 93 00 Do. do. Thos. Crownover 40 75 Do. do. M. Chileote, 80 75 533 50 •For running division line be. tweet, Tod & Carbon tps. 13ritlge orders : Wise &Eby, bridge at Hun : Bond., 1681 00 Do. Mr rep'g above bridge, 38 49 i W harper it Drake's ferry, 276 00 If.B. & AdLansey at Rockbill 100 00 A, S. Harrison,lttivstown Br. 95U 00 A. C. Blair, building bridge across Tuscarora creek, Commissioners .- 11: L. McCarthy, D. W. Matteni, .3. Baker, Benj. IC. NOY, Clk, to Count's in Tull for '57 Do. on amt. for loss, Atty. fur Comm'rs in full '57 Do. in ftr/Ifor '3B, County auditors for 1857, Exuenses of visitors to Poor by order of Cour , • numw. Mrs. M. McN. IVAL4II Precerlres , , Publisli'g rep. of Visitors, 10 00 'real:her ol Botany. 'History, Reading Treas'r of Hunt. Cu. Pore 11, 7000 00 7090 50 Rlies E. M Faulkner. Interest on County Bonds t Toucher of Prilis Work, Drawing. J. G. Miles, PllB9 1). L. Stanley, I Wm. P. Orbison, Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Frail, Flare, Exr. ot C. Bucher, Mrs. Dr. Darwin. Wm. B. C . Teacher of En2lish Branches. • Samuel Miss J. M. Walsh, Ito, It. Gomel), reacher of Primary English. Thomas Fislitr, Medicine oral attendance to The recent success of this school is exit., Prisottars c.... ttnd ,dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the W.." an d c ool lbc 237.21 kind ever established, it is now the largest Gas l e'onsuined at Court , 36 71 this seethe. of the Stale. All branches are cup airs Court 11. mid 242 02 taught, and students of all ages, and of bollt sweeping and ;leaning C.ll. 25 09 Sexes, urn received. The expunges kw a,year~Vttshin g for prix. is j a il i n need not he mom than $9O. Students can en- I full f o r 1857, ter whenever they' Wi3ll. Address, Do. on account fur 1858, ~ JOHN D. IVALSII, Canny lUle, J. F. Rainey for running and - Huntingdon Co., Pa. marking line between Hun tingdon and counties Penna. State Lun. Iles. for Nancy Long, 65 00 ,ro. • do. 14.13rotherline 212 25 277 25 Stationary & 131 ink books for county oflicet, 28 51 County Printing—T. A. Nash, 149 75 W. Brewster 68 45 W. Lewis, 97 25 Postage and express, 35 96 379 72 Ono copy standard we ights and measures, • Lycoming Insurance Comply West's Pen'y for convicts, Hunt. Cu. Age. Soci'y, 1857, 100 00 , " '"" , rlB5B, 100 00 200 00 Mdse. for C. andjail, 71 24 County Bonds Le aid—D. Blair 481 38 Le fur Miller, 1188 65 1670 03 A. B. Crewit's est. 2500 00 11. Glazier transcribing gen eral index, • M. F. (3,:i4rb01l rAns'g judg -225 00 450 00 ment docket. Do. for his fees and coast as clerk of C. of Q. S. Prot'y, Stationary, &c 237 65 ~ D. Caldwell, r.lO. do do. . do. 134 21 do. 126 65 894 51 F. 11. Lane, Tr. fur deeds to Count's at Trees's sale and adv'g land afterwaad direc ted not to be sold Refunding orders paid, School money paid to James Harper, treas'r of Cromw'll tp. school district, Redemp'n money paid out, fox scalp premiums, Sbll'. Miller fur summoning jnrere, boarding and convey mg convicts to the peniten. tier in full ter 1827, 2)o. on account for 1858, Balance due Treasurer at last seitlemen Co. Treasurer's Commission on $48895 84 at pr. ct. GBOVGE W. liIGaNBOTHAM. SARAH A. HIGGINBOTHAM. 0..1. Wood & co., Proprietors 312 Broadway New York, in the great N. Y. wire roiling estate tislonent and 114 Market St.. St. Louis Mo. And 501(4 all Druggists. Sept. 22, 1858.-3 m. TIIE CASSVILLE SEMINART. ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER THE PRESENT FACULTY. Itr. SUN. lIVALSII, Principal, Prot of Languages and Philosophy. Chas. S. Joslin. A. 1$! , Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc. James W. Hughes, Prof. of Mathehlaties. lienlamin F. Houck. Adjunct Prof. of Nlatheinaiies. J BLANKS.—AIways buy your Blanks at th "Jt urnal Wire." We have now prepared tt Ye ry saperiorartiele nIBLANK DEEDS, BONDS J UPGMENIr NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U. NS, &e. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF TOO COUNTY OF HUNTINGDON, From the 51/1 day of January 1858 to Me 30th day of January 1859 inrlndiny Loth days. - - RECEIPTS. 1834 John Leper!, Franklin, S7O 76 1835 John Beaver, Hopewell, 114 67 " A'in Isenberg, ' :Morris, 174 22 " Jim. Thompson Walker 10 00 1856 Joseph Forrest Barren 208 " Geo. Rupert Brady 46 02 " Fred. Harman Cromwell 12 43 " Sol. Hamm Jackson 111 22 " Bciij F Wallace Morris 15 00 "A J Dunlaps Tod 10 00 " 1) Pheasant Union 1 13 " Jos Isenberg Walker 222 45 " Wilhn Moore West 102 59 1857 Alx Stitt Alexandria 184 75 • - duo R McCarthy 13rady 602 43 " Peter Levingston Barren . 850 59 " George 31 Green Cass. 183 90 " Samuel Smith Cassville 80 10 " Joseph Park Clay, 272 55 " 'Wm Johnes Cromwell 424 42 " Itrice Blair Dublin 569 70 " Win Bice Franklin 1423 25 " George Neuter Henderson 250 00 Samuel S Smith Huntingdon 639 97 0 Geo B Weaver Hopewell 366 02 " John Jackson Jackson 1076 25 " Henry A Murk Juniata 266 26 " Samuel Hernial Morris 488 67 " George Miller Oneida 52 00 0 A S Neff Penn 465 43 " Dl' Henderso u Porter 1313 GO " James G Doyle Shirley 1049 58 " C Bowersox Shirleysburg 124 87 " Joshua Johnes Springfield 166 45 .."17hos Chine)? Toll 222 63 " Abrm Elias Tod 691 10 ", M F Cumbell Union 200 15 " Martin Flea= Walker 416 59 " S Lehman Warriormark 859 80 " Jno Thompson West 1026 15 1858 Win Walker Alexandria 109 30 " P Livingston Barree ' 93 50 " J C Watson Brady 131 16 " Joseph Park Cass 75 50 " John S Gehrett Cassvillo 26 00 " 0 W Horton, Carbon, 7 20 • " George 1.) Hudson Clay 35 30 " Joseph Cornelius Cromwell 52 00 " William M'Clain Dublin 140 00 " John B Thomson Franklin 970 00 " Jacob Hallman Henderson • 162 59 " Peter Swoops Huntingdon 1033 00 " Jacob Weaver Hopewell 100 00 .. v.,....;.1 ...W.... I Intl:ail 65 62 TOR & PROPRIETOR Nathaniel Lytle --- Akirris 13 0 0 0 4 F George Green Oneida 100 50 " Michael Garner Penn 302 62 a • Daniel ICnode Moder ' 145 31 " Samuel Foust Shirley 379 05 " Benjamin Long Shirleysburg 36 41 " Jacob G Jones Tell 75 50 " David Aurandt Tod 16 00 " Abram Wright Union 71 83 a Henry BwooPe Walker 69 50 " Theme Hyskill Warriersmark 470 02 " Andrew Mattern West 989 85 20619 60 County tux on unseated Lands 428 74 School " " " 431 09 Road " " " " 407 37 Fines & Jury fees rued of M. F. Campbell 64 00 Fines & Jury fees reed of D Cold wetl 12 00 76 00 'he'd of AA J Port for Toll House 100 00 " " A Jttcoba root "55 56 50 00 Rent recd of llontiogdon Baud for --- Court house - 15 00 Root reed of Continentals 4 00 19 00 Redd of Henry Glazier for old privy 10 00 Ree'd for aak of stray steer 00 Redemption Received 68 52 Balance due County Treasurer 6770 43 40 00 3085 49 160 00 65 00 100 00 57 50 80 00 275 00 20 01) 40 00 68 70 866 20 9 00 • 180 00 60 00 60 00 45 00 41 43 114 00 509 48 15 00 15 00 570 04 225 00 81 52 550 00 631 52 28,983 35 In testimony of the correctness of the above wo hereunto subscribe our names, and affix the seal of the said county, this 3d day of January A. D. 1859. IL L. McCARTIIY, H. W. MATTERN, Comm'rs JOHN FLENNER, We, the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon county, Penns, elected and sworn according to low, report dist we mot, d d audit, settle and adjust according to law, the accounts of F. H. Lane, Treasurer of the county, and the orders of the Commissioners and the receipts of the same, for and during the past year end find balance due V. H. Lana, of six thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars and lorty-threo cents. Given under our hands at the Commissioners office in the bormigh of Huntingdon, the third day of January, 1859. JAMES CREE, I'. I), STEVENS, 4lttl'rs T. W. GRAFFIUS, APPEALS. The County Commissioners will hold their appeals fer the present year, at the following times and places in the several townships and boroughs, to wit: Tell township, Monday 28 Feb. 1859, at Union School House near the Union Meeting house. Dublin towp. Tuesday Ist March, at' the Pleasant Hill School house near Joseph Nelson. Cromwell, Wednesday 2nd. March, at Or bisonia, nt the house of David Etnier. Shirley tp. & Shirleysburg Borough, Thursday 8 d. March at the house of Mrs. Praker. 1269 20 Brady, Friday 4th. Morel], at the Public hoisSe of V; Crouse at Mill Creek. Warrioimark, Tu eday Bth. March, War- riormarlc at the house of J. Chamberlain. Franklin. Wednesday 9th, Mechanicsville School Ilouse, Morris, Thursday 10th., Waierstreet at the house of John Seeds. Huntingdon, Friday 11th. at the Court House. 150 00 Henderson Sat. 12th. at the C. H Cass tp. & Cossetlle bor., Tuesday 15th at the Public School douse. Clay, Wed. 16 at the School hoube in Scottsville. Springfiela, Thursday 17th at the School House near Hugn Madden. Union, Saturday 19th at the School house near Ezekiel Cotbins. 28983 35 Jackson, Tuesday 22 at the Public House at McAleveys Fort Barree, on Wednesday 23d, at the Public House in Saulsburg. West, Thursday 24 at tri, Public School house on the farm of Miles Lewis. 1359 57 381 23 21115 51 810 70 432 00 67 34 Porter town : and Alexandria bur Priday,2s at the Public School House in Alex n, Carbon, Tuesday 20th. Broad Top city at the Public House. 'Pod, Wed. 30th. at the School house near Eagle Foundry. 38 50 Thursday 31 Mar, at the house of James En triken. Penn. Friday Ist April at the l'ublic [-louse in Markelsburg Oneida Teusday sth April Centro Union School House. Juniata Wednesday 6th April at the place of holding Elections. We:her Thursedey 7th McConnelstown at the place of holding the election. EI L, 1 S. W. NIATTERN. Com. WILLIAM GLASGOW, Steward, in ac *1 with the Iluatingdon . ligaigr a ,Milth o Mttse, frott Js Jane'. To Ball. at last . Settlement • +a Co. Treasury for Orders drawn at sundry times. 747,73 " Cath'r Praiser, Shoats sold her 4,18 " Blair Co. A. House, cash reed 41,71 Bare ,k McLaughlin, cash paid them through Co. Draft 18,85 " K. L. Creen,Groceries sold him 10,84 " John Lutz, Sr. Fish & Salt 801,1 hint 70 " .I.l3.Kidder,.this acct. ott Books 6,70 '• K.L.Green, 4 dos Bread Bask. 1,10 " Cr. McLaughlin, Gro. bought for private use 5,37 " Cambria Co. A.House, Ch. rue 20,57 " I Clugstou, Bal. of his acct. on Books 28 " Cash rue A.S.Harrison, (found ott drowned persons 42 " Ch roe, Harrowing Corn 1,00 " Lane's Est., Ch rec 80,87 " Wm. Johnson, Hides _ 510 " Ceti]. Praker, plowing &c. 2,40 " Westm'd Co. A. H. cash rev 1,48 " Private use, 4bu Potatoes 50 2,00 2 bu Corn " 1,00 ,s 3 gall Molasses " 1,50 • 220 lbs Beef 5 11,00 .300 " Pork " 15,00 10 " Coffee 12 1,20 $1185,63 By Sundry Expenditures for use of House 230 00 201 60 26 00 361 30 in. By E. Doyle, for palm% to him. Statement No. 1. 8 56 By Jos. Cornelius for ox en Case. Stat. No. I. 13y Cumb. Val. F. 1. Co. Cash per Ag. Ins. fees. Statement No. 1. B. Graffito], Tin Ware pr Receipt. Stat, No. 1. Win. Jennings, 1 plow tatoment No. 1. Cash exp. Sundry purpo see during mb. No. 1. 4 00 Ch. exp. going to Cambria Co. No 1. 920 do. Harrisburg, No. 1. 475 ?eh. J.W.Galbraith Cabbage Statement No. 2 1 00 S. Heins, plow pts, bill " 1 90 Wright &C0.,1 br faucet" 2 50 J.Palmer &Co, 6 ids fish" 45 77 F.Harmony, pumpkins." 3 00 Jon.Montasue, cash pa id him per order. "6 52 Jungerick & Smith, gro. Per receipt- " 22 84 Mrs. Goodman, making pantaloons. " 1 00 Epraim Doyle, making coffins on acct. 43 Mar. Jungaric & Smith, Gro. per receipt stat'in N 03.171 13 J.C.Seckler, freight " 28 82 John Read, garden seed" 90 Win. Jordon, keeping N. Kelly. " 267 B.McMalien, cash paid on account. " 200 S.Bolinger, hauling rails" 1 25 Wm. Brown cats in Ox , en CUB Apr. G.Flautt work done at the house. Stat'm. No. 4 3 37 W.l.Steel, 1 wag. whip " 1 60 Luta & Harris, mortising locust post " 7 GO - S.Kurts, altering hogs G 2 G.Meguly, 14 bushels po tatoes " 6 50 G. Flault. work done ut " 4 00 house J.B. Kidder, parsnips & ashes " 1 79 E. Doyle, malting coffins" 4 00 28 28 49 24 3 62 65 16 398 94 1567 00 7p3 43 - -~. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE." NGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1859. Andrew & Dixon, for cook range per bill 132 00 Fisher & McMurtrie chandise rec. Caen paid for traveling ex . penees & other , rurposes" 41 2,1 Cash paid, errantry use of house. r• 8 64 riky Dr. R. Baird, attending 0, D. paupers Nod 5 00 J. Murphy, (rash for send ing paupers to boas° 75 Cass paid, expenses go- ing Co Huntingdon 3 82 Juno Ch. paid snndry travOlug expences. No ii 8 80 July J.C.sechler, freight paid per receipt. No. 7 6 30 F.&.Franciecus, 2 pairs homes 2 00 Jos. Harris, harvesting 500 C Atherton, manure Ac 100 Cash paid, SUndry trav elling expenses. , 22 46 Aug Jungaric & Smith, °ash paid them pr receipt. 8 10 00 M.A.Doyle, house labor 10 00 Jos. Harris, painting &c. 3 75 A.A.Shannon, repairing harness t 90 Abm. Lutz, apples cab. bags &c. 2 20 Eliz. Zelch,one years rout of lot. 1 50 S. Karts, altering hogs 1 00 Cash paid, Expense of at. tending Court &a. 9 84 Ch. - pd. removing, patp pers to house . 6 50 Ch, pd. travelling flees • 5,40 Sep. J.C.Seckler, cash paid per receipt Stat. No 9 4 92 11.1tobison &Co. do, , 65 31 J. Burns, shaving paupers 75 Cash paid, travelling exp. Broad Top 507 do Spruce Creek 2 15 do various places 4 64 Oct. 11.Robison Cush paid them__ _- Per recipe No 10, 3G 97. lil.A.Doyle, house labor 32 4I Cash . paid traVelling Hopewell, Greensburg 26 25 do Huntingdon 2 25 do sundry places 607 Nov. Jungarie S Smith Cash P J J . .B P a t i a a d per r l r . , o 4 i i ., r r e ß c c tl e h ll i e pt d : N sundry No. 25 rUt 3 2 7 61 Cash paid, Expenses to Huntingdon 2 90 do MeConnelsburg 425 do Mary do sllea s l ' n e t g lit ti n 14 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 . 1 Q-fi , paid, sundry exi,en Dec.. rUgPelil;t'_: . ,'c , titli paid freight &c. bill. ':o 12 31 15 Mint Hoover, hous'e la -12 SG ' 147tii Cash 'paid travelling to Huntingdon 231 1859 do sundry expenditures 3 52 Jan. 4. Walt, robe purchased for use of house. 7 50 I.evi Evans, note returned 12 39 3. McElwee, do 9 00 Mrs. Glasgow, extra ser. 100 00 2G yds of carpeting far tu,e of house. 1 bedstead, do By balance of acct. to square 224,67 1859 Jan. 4 To balance at settlement as per contra. I 18, \Vrn. Piper, for order overpaid (Nov. 2nd 1858.) 28 50 In testimony of the correctness of the a• hove statement and exhibition, we have hero to set our hands this; 4th. day of January, A. D. 1959 , JOSEPH CLARKSON. GIBE 3NY• JAMES MURPHY. Receipts and Expenditures. Of the Ifuntiagdon County Alms House from Tan. Gilt, 1858 to Jail. 4th, 1859 inclu. DR. To County Treasury for amount drawn therefrom 7014 09 William Glasgow late Stew hall of his Root at last settlement 224 67 do t for sundry items detailed itt his hect. Aggregate 213 23 CR. By sundry persons 10,787 lbs. beef No. Ito 14 in. ar 81 Do. 3,557 lbs. pork No 1 2. 3 6 and 9 177 37 David Stoner 101 be. Wheat, No. 15. 101 00 Thos. MeGarvey meat, No. 16 1 61 T. E. Orbison 30 bit wheat 95 cts 17 A. Heiner 75 bu do. • do. 2 bbl. Flour do. 8 It. rye, No. 18 ' David Etnier 26 bu. potatoes No. 19 A. L Funk 7i " " "50 No. 20 Jacobs & Long meat per bills No. 21 & 22 John Jacobs meat Si sund No. 23, 16 56 Thos. MeGarvey meat No. 14 107 97 David Ricks Esq. 1 yoko ox en made into beef No. 24 A. MM.- 60 be. wheat 1 25 No 25 62 50 Abm. Lutz 23a bu do. 1 25 No, 26 Samuel Bolinger 18 do. 1 25 No. 27 Cath. Frakor 37 lbs. Bacon 10 l r: l h ° e; r. FiMeMurtrie 10 bbl flour No. 29 03 .17 1391 83 Merchandise and Groceries File M. By. W. B. Leas for merchan dise per Bills No. 1. 2. 3. & ' 325 64 4. W. A. Fraker do. No. 5 to 11,.238 91 Geo, McLaughlin d 0.12 to 14, 102 48 Bare & McLaughlin, do No 16106 40 A L Etnier, 16 &17 2 96 - Doyle Foust &Co. 18 to 20 75 56 11 A Robison &Co. 21 44 32 T E Orbison 22 12 11 978 38 Out Doer Paupers. marked file 0. D. By Danl. Mel toe for keeping R Chancy 1 lO for keeping 87 R DRughoubsugh, S Daugh'bh 1 I to 11 52 00 18 00 14 00 J 2 Geouge Miles, for keepin for F That- cher 19 to 22 Rich. Ashman, do .T Banks, 23 to 26 Margt Wales, keeping McLaughlin 27 to 33 J Stensia, relief afforded 34 to 36 Baml Houpt, keeping, Atary Weam " 3 20 37 to 39 D Houck, E Peight kecping 40&41 B Hopkins, DI Hopkins, do 42 -3 0 W Matters, .Wm Firran, do 44-5 J W Matters, Mrs Wharton, do 46-7 1 Liniuger, coffins, 48-9 E,Orbison, furn's, for 0 D P 50 Ann Walters, do P Quinn, 51 T Kough, do do 52 Ann Donahoe, do do 53 S Reed, making coffin 54 W K Wimer, burial expenses 2 children 55 J Chamberlain, furnishing sundry paupers 56 G Guyer, do 57 S Cisney, do for Wilson fam• 58 JIM Stoneroad, do Risely fam 59 J Clark & Son do do 60 A Willoughby, do A Hicks, 61 W K Ralim, burial of person found in dam 62 El Rickets, furnishing for Ferner family 63 B Stevens, do Wm Abbot 64 H Brewster, do J Thompson 65 H C Weaver, sundry 0 D P 66 A S Harrison, services per drownd • ed man 67 1 00 Knode & Westbrook, do 68 5 00 R B Wigton, for fern sund 0 D P 69 '2B 50 S B Donalson, making coffin Wm Allan 70 4 00 0 Etnier fern sund 0 D P 71 15 61 D S Barkstresser,&Co do P Quinn 72 2 97 Barkstresser & Moore do W Allen 73 3 '25 M McCabe, ferns J Murry 74 31 05 Hudson & Wallace burying Wm Abbot 75 6 00 Long & Miller, furnishing D Han-. _ _ 0 8011 76 2 31 Id Hamilton, atten'e D Price 77 1 25 8 fries dig grave. D Hanson 78 3 00 W Sneel keeping &c NV Roberts 79 38 00 Rennet & Bolinger, tug grave J . G Lane 80 1 75 Eliz Ennis, keeping J Grinder, 81 15 00 J Shaver, coffin for J G Lane 82 400 N C Shaver, keeping " 83 15 00 E Dal:as, nursing " -84 10 50 I Baker, furnshing for " 85 5 21 -11 D Stevens, making coffin for W Sneet 86 4 00 NV E MelJurtrie, house rent 87 300 I Neff, furnishing 0 D P 88 1 75 A Estep, do NV Roberts 89 18 00 H Kelly. do do 90 48 00 Louisa Sneet bal purchase money of house Ac 91 15 55 Sarah Decker, for furnishing for Mrs Martin 92 14 110 W Roberts 93-4 96 . 00 H Orlady, dp J Franer 95.-6 7 75 J McCulloch, do 3 cases 97 to 99 15 75 'JH Dorsey, do sand cases 100-1 22 00 Voi s o h rtblo4 8t76 e„.iggo, zrz JNV Harvey, do Thus Magee 108 825 1) F Bair 1, do NV Abbot 109 18 25 " visiting send 01) P 110 15 00 4 NI J McKennon, mad & atten E Price 111 375 • J R Mats, do NV Gooden 112 10 00 20 00 22 50 3 :3 P BCEO A I h oker ?o rded t n oro b , Cdl , uro d r j o t,: A rmlr 1 1 ,, e 41g n 1t60 1 , 1 , 3 11 5 1 1 8 2 0180 47 29 1185 0 Bemusing ,Ir. Delivering Paupers, inarkeaile It By Jacob Porter, (or delivering poop. ers, at sundry times No Ito 4 inclu 31 50 V Harnisb, do 6 and 6 13 80 J Stoneroad, do I pauper 7 II 10 S Coen, do do 8 12 00 J S Africa, do sun pauper 9 580 J Decker, do 1 pauper 10 2 50 IV Bice, do sundry pauper 11 12 40 .1 Alexander, do I pauper 12 4 00 NV Win*, do sun pauper 13 4 50 I Ashton, do do 14 600 H Creamer, do 3 paupers 15 990 B F Chilcott do 14 do IG 9 00 N Decker, do paupers 17 4 50 -- 47 29 75 70 FARM. stAnn an mu F. By Wm. Piper, for Cash paid at sand. times. No. I to 9 in. 268 12 Joint Wicks for Belittling, No. 10 27 15 H. Myers, It 22 21 W. Long,tanrs , 57-812-13 29 60 1. Steel, c illa s t raps, 14 550 Jno. Gifford, locust p sbu. osts, outs 38 00 S. B. Douglass, 2 seed at 33} 18 833 G. Garber, 20 bu. do. wheat 17 90 00 Luta & Wakefield threshing 18 32 00 G. Wakefield, 600 chest. rails, 9 33 00 483 9 si, 1 Incidental and Miscellaneous, Marked File I. By E. Doyle for coffins, vou chers no. 1 to 3 in. Abm. Lewis, sundries, 4 to 6 McKinnon & McNite, drugs, 7 and B, M. Harrison, tinware and rep, 9 and to, 36 53 D. Snare, 'Esq., official fees and suud's, 11 to 13, 26 21 Henry Brewster, do. 14 and 15, 13 93 C. Bowersoa, carpenter work, 16 and 17, 43 75 3. Brown and Co., hardware. 18 and 19 8 78 Bergstresser, leather, 2-21 B. Brindle, meat vessels o and 13 94 coopering, 22 and 23, 21 00 S. Ricketts, lumber, 24 and 25, 15 92 Toter Myers, tailoring, 26-27, 5 00 S. A. Myers, 28-29, 975 W. Lows, pub. an. rop. 27 50 " visitors, 10 00 statiour7 5 24 7451 99 28 50 71 25 8 00 4 00 13 50 88 38 90 00 29 38 30 to 32, 42 74 J. Nash, pub'g An, Rep. 33, 27 40 Bur e aus & Grim, for 70 pipe rings, 94 5 80 P. IL Lane, for commission, on $5080,35, 50 80 C. Price, I milch cow, 36, 20 00 B. Lutz, plank, 97, 75 D. • Mcßarcey, lime & wood, 38, 12 95 J. Slattern, 811 s. st'g yarn, 39, 600 B. M'Malion, boring and laying, 64 perches, 40, 32 00 Taylor & Cremer, sundry fruit trees, Or., 41, 28 17 Jos. Harris, 'whitewashing, 42, 7 18 Ricketts & Boohet, tobacco, 43, 5 50 W. Rill' eland, one coffin, 44, 350 W. McNite pipe timber 16 trees, 10 00 45, R. B. Wigton, do. 30 trees, 46, IS 75 11 11 Johns'u 20 tons coal 53, 100 00 Jut). Read, drugs, 47, 22 60 . 1 : OUTSTANDING BALANCES Due at the Settlement of the Auditors for the year ISSS. Totvn&bor. Collector's Names. County Tax. State Tax Militia Fines. West, Charles Green, 37 81 70 58 Walker. John Coulter, 49 34 4 35 52 50 __... Cass, Joshua Greenland, - 6 5 0...- Henderson, Luke Voorhees 123 56 77 08 75' 05 Barree, William Couch, 39 64 Cromwell Michael Myers, 900 Porter, William B. Shaw, 10 00 Barree, John Smith, 877 03 51 50 Walker, John Thompson, 18 06 28 50 Brady, George Rupert, 16 97 87 50 Jackson, Solomon Hamer, 293 12 83 75 Morris, Benj. F. Wallac,i, 77 97 28 28 Warriorsm`k, Henry Grazier. 18 30 Walker, Joseph Isenberg, Cassville, Nicholas Corbin, Alexandria, Alexandria Stitt, Brady, John R. McCarthy, Cass, George M. Green, Cassville, Samuel Smith, Clay, Joseph Park, Cromwell, William Johns, Dublin, Brice Blair, Franklin, William Bice, Hendersen, George Numer, Huntingdon, Samuel Smith, Hopewell Geo. B. Beaver, Juniata, . Henry A. Mark. Morris, Samuel Harnish, Oneida, George Miller, Porter. D. P. Henderson, Shirley, Jas. S. Doyle, Springfield, Joshua Johns, Shirleysburg, Charles Bowersox, Tell. Thomas Cisney. Tod, • Abraham Elias, Union, M. F. Campbell, Walker. Martin Flonner, West, John Thompson, Alexandria, William Walker, Barree, Peter Le vington, Brady, • Jno. C; Watson, Cass, Joseph Park, Cossville, John S. Gehrett. Carbon, Geo. W. Horton, ('lay, Geo. D. Hudson, Cromwell, Joseph Cornelius, Dublin. Win, McClain, Franklin, J. B. Thompson, Henderson, Jacob Hallman, Hopewell, Jacob Weaver ; Huntingdon. Peter Swoops, Jackson, Samuel Steffey, Juniata, Isaac Heffner, Morris, Nathaniel Lytle, Oneida, George Green, Power, • //lintel It - node, Shirley, Samuel Foust, Shirleysburg, Benjamin Long, Springfield. David Wible, Igo, lacob.o..hines„ . Walker, Henry Swoope, Warriorsm'lc, Thomas Hyskill, Went, Andrew [Vattern, 54 06 72 00 70 50 41 25 1852 1853 13 25 27 02 2 OG 23 00 24 63 2 90 1 00 1857 9 00 18 00 1 70 2 90 827482 64 $14890 57 $lOB7 97 Bonds due and owing by the county : To Wm. P. Osbison, C. Bucher's, Est., Samuel Wigton, Joha R. Gosnell, Thomas Fisher, Balance due A. 13 Crewit's estate, Unpaid on Jury orders, " " Comth, Elec'n 1400 40 Assessor's orders " Constable's " " r, Inquisition. " Deficit to the Commonwealth for 1850, 1857, Given under seal of of4oe, Sd of January, 1859 H. L. McCARTY, G. W. MATTERN, Commissioners JOHN FLENNER, "- 128 00 I Attest:—llenry W. Miller, Clerk. - Wm. Colon, stationary, 48, 5 8 48 Wm. Drake, repairing, 49, 6 25 Abu, Varna, masonry, 50, 4 87 David Shaver, lumber, 51, 7 38 Jno Temple, whitewashing, 52, 4 37 W. Barvey, wood ladders and repairing, 54, 6 12 H. M'Monigal, doz. Sanford's Invigorator, 55, • 5 00 J. HertzlarmanN 381 wool, 56, 9 62 C.V.M.F.1.C0. assessmit 8, 57, 21 60 T. M'Garvey, 5 days butchering 58, 7 50 Sundry persons, official fees, 59 • to 61, 3 20 Do. do, small items, 62t066, 9 28 A. Heffner, lumber, See File P, No. 3, L. Evans, apple butter, No. 6 Doyle, Foust & Co., stone coal, 6:c., M. IU, 22 75 809 24 Salaries. By IC. L. Green, for services as director In full, 61 00 Joseph Gibboney, do., to date, 156 80 James Murphy, do. do., 106 60 ])avid Clarkson, do. do. 27 20 W. Glasgow, sore's as steward 400 00 Dr. B.Baird, as atten'g phys'n 150 00 Honry Brewster, as clerk, 50 00 D, Blair, Esq., as counsel, 20 $31:1 971 60 Jan 4,1859. Jno. Thompson, steward. for or drawn of this date, 100 00 Wm. Glasgow, lam steward for sundries detailed in his acct 1185 63 1285 63 43 83 33 64 17 50 Jan. 4, 1859. To Jno. Thompson, pros stow, 100 no L. Evans' note transferred from pro iourstewa d, 1)o. J. M'Blwro's do. (Judgm't on Esq. Hicks' docket, 1)o. Jno. lions note, taken for one yoko of oxen, by previous steward, 75 00 Do. Woe. Johnson's note, bal of acct. 132 bus wheat, 56 bus rye, 250 bus oats, 1500 bus corn, (in ear) 300 bus. potatoes, 90 bus. onions, 2 bus, small do., 9 bus, soup beans, 1 bus japan peas, 15 bus beets, '5 bus turnips, 6 bus parsnips, 5 bus cloverseed, 3000 heads cab bage, 19 loads bay, 20 loads corn fodder, 3457 lbs pork, 2388 ills bee, broom corn for 10 doe. corn brooms, and 50 bus screenings. VOL. XXIV. NO-6. 125 32 23 37 70 51 545 20 '47 11 100 00 43 11 ARTICLES JIANUFACTURE'D. 10 pairs drawers, 85 smocks, 41. skirts, 8Q dresses, 2 dos towels, 47 pairs stockings, 75 napkins, 56 aprons, 15 sheets, 18 comforts, 14 caps, 150 lbs hard soap, do 1200 gal soft do. 200 lbs butter, 300 lbs candles, 6 bbls sour krout, 6 doe corn brooms. STOCK ON HAND 3 horseJ, 10 milch cows, 8 head stock cattlo, 15 hogs, 17 sheep, 81 bus wheat, 25 bus rye, 150 bus oats, 1000 bush corn, (in ear) 5 bus. cloverseed, 75 bus potatoes, 5 bus beets, 800 heads cabbage, 4i bbls sour krout, 6 bus onions 2 bus small do., 15 loads corn fodder, 12 loads hay, 0500 lbs beef, 8000 lbs pork, 5 bus soup beans, 400 chestnut rails, 225 locust post. 19 52 MONTHLY TABLE. • :';.1;i...-.i..;- 7 r...'.F . ,...r ci. 555. 3..3 -3 .3 ..3 V. gl (suopiqupv _ 3......: co ~., ,_all 7 Po --,--- 5-• 3 J.40.1CL t.' _ .3 .3 3,3 3.,. I. tr, t g ` maw law ~, i., b. , ... \ tirej -----i i '..' C. P. ,' b 2 .... it t Oni T. t e3 a WS tt it IS WI 211 OD i int ve.. 2lt T.. it t.l 2'. 4 *n0... 0 m F, , blitttS:.'stitist-'8: 3 ." j. '..pnito a l X. 3 V, A .i; 81 t,".. --- ';,ltststVF'o ll4 l_4l4 ---- .\4 1 ........,........2 5:1:1 ..011...1 . li t • Number of insane, 10. Idiotic, 18. Oat door paupers now on support and relief eboo 45 Cabe , During the year relief has been af forded to about 115 e ases of outdoor paupers. Meals given away to weyfarlng persons about 200 We, the undettigned Auditors, of the county of Huntingdon, do hereby certithat we have examined the orders, accounts, ~ of the tn. rectors ef the Poor of said county, mid find'the same, together with the vouchers, to be correct as above stared. Witness our hands this 19th day of January. A. D. 1659. JAMES L'REE, • I'. D. STEVENS, THOS. GRAFFiIIS, 7451 99 19 39 7 42 203 81 PROCEEDS OF FARM. 28 77 7 50 5 00 3 22 22 00 42 60 59 00 T 50 2200 000 1 i • 9 00 7 5(4 7 2 tl 903 18 • S3SOQ 00 1000 00 750 00 , 690 50 1900 00 7840 50 448 05 88 50 302 71 228 86 106 60 8 55 44 18