illt.. lturitingbpt WM. BREWSTER, ED SAVING FUND. _ k National ids X ' , 'SAFETY TRIST Company. _ , WALNUT STREET, SORTII-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, MIIIAMINItia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania. ItIVEVER CENT INTEREST MONEY IS RECEIVED IN ANY SUM large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the mornifig till 5 o'clock in tha afternoon, .and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDOE, Vice President, WM. J. REED, Secretar.y . DIRECTORS F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Berry, Francis Lce, lion. Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Carter, Robert I,..S!tlfridge, Band. K. Ashton, - I Joseph lierles ' C. Landreth Menus, Haney Dielientlerffer, Money is received and payments made daily in sold without notice. . . . The investments are made in Real Estate Mortgages, Ground Rents, and such class sc• rarities as the Charter requires. Feb.24,'57. THE GREAT BEAUTIFIER Bo long unsuccessfully sought, FOUND AT LAST? .Von it restores permanently gray hair to its r original color; covers luxuriantly the bald head; removes all dandruff, itching and all scrof ula, scald head _and all eruptions ; makes the heir soft , healthy, and glossy ; and will preserve it to any imaginable ago, removes, as if by mag ic, all notches, Sc. front the face, and cures all neuralgia and nervous head ache. See circular and the following. Dover, N. 11., Fel,. 2,1, 1857. PROF. O. J. WOOD & Co.—GentA Within a few days we have received so many orders and calls fur Prof. J. 11. Woad's Bair . 11estorn• tire, that to tiny we were compelled to send to Boston for a quantity, (the 6 dozen you for warded all being sold,) while we might order a quantity from yon. &erg bottle ,re hare sold -seems to hare prothteed three or four new customers, and the epprobation, and untrunage it receives from ihe mast substantial and worthy citizens thuir vicinity, folly convince us that it is A NOST VALUABLE PREPARATION. _ be grois of $1 Send us ".79" and believe us Yours size; =Vane .dosen ye"I.""""IIY. THROP & CO. Signed, D . LA Ilickory Grove, St. Cherles co. ?V, Nov. 0. J. Wood.—lAtir sir: Sometime last summer we ware induced to use some of ~oue Hair Restorative, and its effects were 4e. wonderful, wo feel it our du ly to you and the afflicted to report it. Our little son's bend for some time bad been perfectly covered with sores, end some rolled it similes] head. The heir closest entirely came oil in consequence, when n friend, seeing his smfferings, advised us to use a bottle of your Res torative, see. did so with but little hope of sue -coss,hut tooursurprise, and that of all onr friends se very few applications removed the disease en tirely, and a new and luxurient crop of hair soon sta7ted out, and we can now say that our boy hoses healthy scalp and as luxuriant crop of hair ns any other child. We can therefore, and do hereby recommend your Restorative, as a perfect remedy for all diseases of the scabi and hair. We are, you. respectfully. GEORGE, W. HIGGINBOTHAM, SARAII A. HIGGINBOTHAM. 0. J. Wood & co., Proprietors 312 Broadway New York, in the great N. Y. wire railing comb lishment, and 114 Market St.. St. Louis Mo. And sold by all Druggists. Sept. 22, 1858.-3m' THE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER • THE PRESENT FACULTY. McN. WALSH, Principal, Prot of Languages and Philosophy. •Chas. S. Joslin. A. ill , Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc. James W. Hughes, Prof. of Mathematics. Benjamin F. liouck. Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics. GeO. W. Linton, Prof. of Vocal Music. Mrs. DI. McN. WALSH Precuptress, Teacher of Botany, History, Reading; ote. Miss E. M. Faulkner, Teacher of Pell! Work, Painting, Drawing, Miss D. L. Stanley, Teacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flo'is, Mrs. Dr. Darwin. Teacher of English Branches. Miss J. M. Walsh, Teacher of Primary English. The recent success of this school is extraor dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the kind ever established, it is now the largest in this section of the State. All branches are taught, and students of all ages, and of both sexes, are received. The expenses for a year need not be more than $9O. Students can en ter whenever they wish. Address, JOHN D.WALMO, Casiville, Huntingdon Co., Pa. __ . June23,'sB .! Notice to CoaTtiirchaoers. THE subscriber is now prepared to furnish Coal & Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta tion, on the Penn's. Railroad, of as good quali ty as can be bad on the mountain. I will run coal to Hollidaysbnvg, or any other point on the Ponn'a. Railroad, if application is made person ally or by hitter. ALSO—I will agree to deliver COKE at any bank, in care, at Per and a quarter rents per bush el via t--Thirty-tive pounds to the bushel, or de diver it in my ownvars, at any point desired, at the lowest possible rates. For either of the above articles, addresf J. M'GONIGLE, Hemlock, Cambria County, Fa, wbere all orders will be propmply attended to. Aug. 25, 1858.6 t. SHOT, LEAD, CAPS, POWDER AND Game bags for Hale at the Hardware Store of JAS A. BROWN. Sept. 6,50.-4 t. TOR & PROPRIETOR. PREMIUMS AWARDED THE JOURNAL JOB OFFICE AT THE LATE FAIR, FOR TX--131113111111690 131.2E1gi anc) Dilan' PRINTING. Miscellaneous Advertisements. THE LIVER INVIGORATOR ! PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. Compounded entirely of Gums. Li one of the best purgativO and liver medi eines now before the public, that acts as a Ca thartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any titer medicine known. It is not only a Ca thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off that matter. thus accom plishing two purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in the operation of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at the same time that it purges it , and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strenghten and build it up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one of j the principal regula tors or the human body ; and when it per forate its functions well G the powers of the sys tem are fully develop- ed. The stomach is almost entirely depen- .0 dent on the healthy action of the Liver forthe proper perform ance of its functions. A When the stomach is to fitult, the bowels are Q at fault and the whole system suffers in eon- 0 sequence of ono organ —the Liver— having • ceased to do its duty. For the diseases of Vot that organ one of the proprietors has madd gp it his study, in a prac tice of more than twen- s „ t ty years, to find some remedy wherewith to) counteract the many derangements to which If it is liable. To prove that this E 2 remedy is at last dis covered . any person troubled with Liver Complaint in any of its forme, has but to try bottle .d et wrietion is certain. These gums remove all morbid or had matter from the system z supplying in their place u heal by flow 2 of bile, invigorating', , the stomach, causing food to digest well, purifying the ving tone and health to the whole machine- /172, ry, removing theme of the disease, and ef• ffecting a radical cure. One dose after eat- 0 ing is sufficient to re lieve the stomach and !prevent the food from rising and souring. MI Bilious attacks nee), cared, and what le hotter, prevented, et the occasional use of the dyer Invigorator.t= Only one dose to-174 I n before mitre prevents Nightmare. Only one dose taken at mg , sons the bowels gently, and mires Costiveneas. . One dose taken after can't meal settle Dys pepsia. arOne dose of two tenswinfula iil Maks remove Sick Headache. One battle taken for female obsetructionre moves the trines of the disease, and makes ft perfect cure. Only one dealt immediately relieves Cholic, while One dose often repented is a sure once for Cholera Morbus, and a preventive of Cholera. Only ma bottle is needed to throw out of the system the ellbets of medieine:ttfter'a long sioknecs. _ _ (Fr One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatnral color from the skin. (Inc dose taken a short tune before eating given vigor to the appetite, and makes food tliges. well. One dose often repented cures Chronic Diar rhu•n in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by Worms in Children; there is no surer or speed. ICJ remedy in the world, as it never fails. CFA few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting the absorbents. We take pleasure in reetunmendi ngthis med icine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill, Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It operates with certainty, and thousands are wil ling to testify to its wonderfnl virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tes timony in its favor. Mix water in the mouth with the Invigo ator, and swallow both togethot. The Liver Invigorator. Is a scientific medical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too great to believe. It cures as If by magic, even the firsst dose giving benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is re quired to cure any kind of Liver complaint, from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com mon Headache, all of which are the result of a diseased Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. UR. Siorronu, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N•Y Sold by H. BJ. Read Huntingdon. Apr.7.'58.-1 Y. 46 034.1M1L1V" WC:MB OFFIC:31111. Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL" 01 flee at the late Comity FAIR, for the best CARO, 0143111 AND IaiNGY PIRINTING Having recently received from the Easter Cities, a FAST POWER MESS, and a large• variety of the most fashionable Printing Material, which makes it one of the most complete Printing Establishments in this section. Persons in want of any kind of PLAIN OR FAINGIC work, cannot do better than favor us with their patronage. We have facilities for execu Ling in a superior manner any kind of PRINTING IN COLORS on the most reasonable terms. Those who may Wish to obtain any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accommodated at this establishment at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS, SHOW BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c., &C., will be fittnished promptly, executed in he best style and at reasonable rates. Mir Orders by express, snail or otherwrsc, will receive immediate attention. WM. RREWSTEII. " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNT TERM IA OF THE JOURNAL. TERMS The"fluttmanotrJOVENAL'iB published at the following rates t If paid in advance $1,50 If paid within six months after the time of subscribing 1,7.5 If paid bcfot; the expiration of the year, 2,00 And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid after the expiration of the year. No subscript ,n token for 'a lees period:than el,: months. 1. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, and no paper will be discontinu ed until arreorages are paid, except at the option the publisher. 2. Returned numbers are never received by us. All numbers sent us in that way are lost, and never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons . Wishing to siop their subscriptions, must pay up arrsarages, and send a written or verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub lication in ]ifantingdon• 4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a lega or a proper notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new veer have been forwarded, a now year has commenc ed, and the paper will not be discontinued anti rrearages are paid. See No. t. The Courts have decided that refusing to take newspaper from the office, or removing and eying it uncalled for, is raitiA FACIE evidence intentional fraud. h Subscribers living in distant counties, or in other States, will be required to pay invariably in advance. a" The above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all cases. ADVERT!SENENTS Will be charged at the following rates 1 insertion. 9 do. 3 do. Six linos or loss, $ 25 $ 371 $ 50 One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 Two " (32 " ) 100 150 200 3 Mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. One square,. $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 Two squares, 500 800 12 00 column, 8 00. 12 00 18 00 do., 12 00 . 18 00 27 00 do., 18 00 27 00 40 00 28 00 40 00 80 00 Business Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Grevrr and Baker's Sewing machine. Samuel Groves store. Warnick, Cludwick and Bro. Cook stove for sale. Climax Grein Fan. Lumbermen & Stockraisere. A ammonton Lands. Mountain Female Seminary. Gifts! Gifts!! Gifts 11l Land for'sale. Dr. A. P. Fields. Milnwood Academy. Green Willow Foundry. S. M. Pillengill &Co. Gutman's Clothing Store. Brown's Hardware Store. Fisher & MeMutrie's Store. Sam!. S. Smith's Drug t qvgpery Step, Great Purifier. Iron City Colledge„ . . Saving Fund. Literary Buren. Galvanic oil. Great Beautifier. Invigorator. Cassville Seminary. Lung Infirmery. Town vs Country. Indian Root Pills. Country Merchants. Alexandria Foundry. Huntingdon Warm Springs. Consumption cured. Bank Notice. Autiphlogistic Salt. Huntingdon Hotel: New Lard Press. David P. Gwin's Store, H. Roman's Clothing Store. Patent Portable Fence. Premiums awarded. The Journal Office. Colon's Bads Stovo . Huntingdon Mill. Letter Copier. Railroad Time. H. K. Neffi M. D. Huntingdon Foundry. Dr. J. R. Huyett, Dentist. Atorney's at Law. Scott & Brown. Wilson & Petrikin. Thou P. Campbell, Green Willow Foundry. IWOULD respecttully inform the public that I have commenced business at the above place, and will be ready to hccomodate all who may want anything in my line I will have on hand or make to order Threshing Machines, and all o.her machinery that may be called for. Castings of every description, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Plows, Hollow-ware, fic.— All kinds of Turning, either wood or iron. and Blacksmithing will be done in the beet manner and on the most reasonable terms. Farmers and others wishing to purchase new machines will find it to their advantage to give me a call. All kinds of County produce taken in exchange at market prices. PETER TIPPERY. Waterstreet, Oct. 13, 1858.-ty. INFORX&TION. MBE subscaiber thankful for past favors res- I pectfully informs his friends and the pub lic generally that he is receiving et his new Store in Portstown, opposite the old Toll Bridge a splendid stock of New Goods, which has boon selected wit h great care, to suit purchasers.— The stock of Hardware, Quensware, Boots. and Shoes, Hats and Cape, a variety of Stone and Eartheh ware. Fish Salt, Ceder-ware and in fact all articles kept in a country store. All of which will be soil ow for cash. or country prodacc. Cive us a call. SAMUEL GROVE. Nov. 3, 1858, WARNICK, CHADWICK & sno" (8000E880113 TO RERAN a WARWICK.) NORTH—EAST CORNER OF SECOND do RACE STREETS, PIIILADELPIIIA. Manufacturers of and Dealers Wholesale and Retail in HEATERS, VENTILATORS, RANGES AND STOVES. ALSO, McGregor's Celebrated Heaters and Stoves. With a great variety of the latest patterns of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, ALSO, Queen's Patent Portable Forges. Nov. 3; GB.• NGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1859. °pular snug. LBY EQUEST.I MOUNTAINEEWN FAREW I have come from the mountains; Of the old Granite State, Where the hills are so lofty, Magnificent and great; I have left kindred spirits, In the land of the bleat, When I bade them adieu For the far distant West. 0, thy mountains-0, thy vallieo In my own native State. 0, thy hills and thy willies, Are sacred all to me, No matter what in lands 6 Of others I may see. I may view scenes as sunny, As fair and as smooth; I Then I'll think of my cottage, That stands in the grove, 0, toy childhood-0, that ho estead In my own native State. When I think of the fair on Who once was my pride, As she roved among the mmintains So closely by my side ; Then I sigh for the days That never will come back, For she sleeps on the shore Of the bold Merrimac. , 0, that loved one-0, thatigravoyard In my own native State. A mother dear I've lost, She'v gone to the gravei She was the dearest blessipg, That God ever gave ; Now I go to the spot, Where buried is the love, And I seem to hear her singing, With the angels above. 0, my mother, I bless her ashes, In my own native home. A mother dear I've last, She's gone to the grave, She left her orphan weeping, . To go td God who gave. Now I go to the spot, Where buried is the love, And I seem to hear her singing, With the angels above. 0, my mother, I bless her ashes, In my own native Sttte. MORAL MINIATURES.---NO. 17. IMAGINATION. Imagination is that power of the mind which pre-supposes things before they take place, or which will never come to pass. A large part of happiness —so call et!, which people often enjoy is wore the effect of imagination than reality. Hope being the vivifying principle of our na ture endues us with elastic energy, and ur. ges the most toilsome, arduous enterprizes. The mind, in gazing into futurity, decks every object with the brilliant rainbow hue of lasting felicity, and seldom notices the shadowed side of the picture of life. It heightens the most attractive graces, ad_ ding new charms to each individual feature that claims our thought. In excursions into the regions of fancy, man is constrain. od by no limits nor impeded by difficulties. Desire and imagination soar aloft with wings of equal fleetness and follow each other in scenes of ecstatic richness, and of magic beauty, man lingers and hopes as ev idently surely as if they were painted on the substantial canvass of actual truth, and it is unwilling indeed that he leaves the delusion whets rudely interrupted by stern reality. 111 have fed perhaps too much on lotus fruit, Imagination yields—fruits that unfit The palate for the more substantial food Of our own land—reali ty .'—Langdon. Often imagination b - comes so powerful that it envelopes the understanding with an Impervious veil, and looks most beauti ful, when reality is the most gloomy. As the mid night lightning is the more instant ly vivid, than the blaze of noon day so the entrancements of fancy are more splendid in ooatra•distinction to the misery we may be in partakers of. Philosophers have de spised the enjoyment of mental creations, and mony have arrogated the privilege of determining upm the fittest pursuits or pleasures of their fellow mortals. Absor bed in abstruse speculations their finer feel• ings become blunted, and to them the real and proper pleasures of imagination (with in a' wise control) seem, in time, insipid and useless. They lose that pure percep tion which opens such inexhaustible en. joymee• to rational beings, and therefore unhesitatingly condemn all they feel unfit ted to participate in. From the civil end political institutions of society, and fro:n our own inclination, we see that it is wise ly decreed that the direction given to our talents should be different. 'the wants of society do not require all men to be acute logicians, profound mathematicians, politicians, nor would all minds be adap• ted to such pursui.s. Genius, by whose aid desires arc gratified according to the natural bias of the mind, belongs to a large class of human beings. Others hare a greater strength of intellect or inventive faculty, and thus we see that Providence has not unwisely planted the prolific seeds of taste and imagination in the minds of his children. Exposed as we are to afflic tions, encompassed by dangers, and diffi• culties, we are apt to seek solace in whatev er is within our reach, and in so doing, the poisoned chalice of criminal indulgence is too often seized upon. To draw humanity from these enticements, and lead toward the paths of peace a lively imagination is granted, It pictures vice, and shows its snares, and thus, by the aid of fear, we are saves from destruction. If Necessity is the mother of Invention, Imagination must be the sister, for she assists her in almost every act. How could the artist model his life.speaking figures on canvass without a previous idea indelibly impressed on his mind 1 Or how could the mechanic carry out the plans of the inventor without a preconceived no.ion of the finished work ? bike every other trait of character, it is, I admit, liable to be misused, and in such ca ses produces a morbid melancholy, not easy of eradication from the system. But we must guard against this, ar.d let what were intended to be blessing's, be in reality bles , sed to us. EDUCATOR. *tied Vistellnil. TEA AND COFFEE. Taking into account the habits of the people, tea and coffee, for breakfast, add to hqman health and life if a single cup be taken at either meal, and is never increased in strength frequency, or quantity. If they were tnere stimulants, and were taken thus in moderation and with uniformity, they would in time, become either inert, or the system would become so habituated to their employment, as to remain in the same re lative position to them, as if they had ne. ver been used ; and, consequently, as to themselves., they had better never have been used, as they are liable to abuse. But science and fact unite in declaring them to be nutritions as well as stimulant; hence, they will do a new good to the system ev ery day, to the end of life, just as bread and fruits do; hence, we never got tired of either. But the use of bread and fruits is daily abused by multitudes, and dyspepsia and cholera morbus result; yet, we ought not to forego their employment on that ac count, nor should we forego the use of tea and coffee because their inordinate use give nouralgies and other ailments. But the habitual use of tea and coffee, at the last and first meals of the day, has another high advantage, is productive of incalculable good in the nay of averting evils. We will drink at our meals, and if we do not drink these, we will drink what is worse—cold water, milk, or alcoholic mix. tures. The regular use of these last will lead the young to drunkenness; the incon siderate employment of simple milk, at meals, by sedentary people—by all, except the robust—will either constipate, or render bilious; while cold water largely used, that is to the extent of a glass or two at a meal, especially in cold weather, attracts to itself so much of the heat of the system in raising said water to the temperature of the body—about one hundred degrees— that the process of digestion is arrested ; in the meanwhile giving rise to a deathly sick ness of the stomach, to twisting pains, to vomitings, purgings, and even to cramps, to fearful contortions, and sudden death ; which things would have been averted, had even the same amount of liquid, in the shape of simple hot water, been used. But any ono knowing these things, and being prejudiced against the use of tea and cof fee, would subject himself to be most un pleasantly stared at, and questioned, if not ridiculed, were he to ask for a cup or glass of hot water. But, as tea and coffee are now universal beverages, are on every ta ble, and every body is expected to tale one or the other, they are unwittingly the 'means of' safety and of life to multitudes. They save life, where a glass of water would have destroyed it. Elo that the use of these beverages is not merely allowa able, it is politic, it is a necessity.—Hall's Journal of Ilealth. NM son of the Emerald Isle, who ar rived in New York the other day, was naked by un acluaintance to take a glass of grog, and declined, giving as a reason for his refuse! that he had joined the tern perence society in Cork, before leaving Ireland- Hie friend replied that that was tit) consequence, as a pledge given in Ire land was not binding here. To this piece of left-band immortality Pat indignantly retorted—"Do you suppose whin I brought me body to America, I'd be afthur leaving my trawl in Ireland ?" THE ART OF LIVING WITH OTHERS. In the first place, if people are to live happily together, they must not fancy, be cause they are thrown together now, that all their lives have been exactly similar up to the prevent time, that they started exactly alike, and that they are to be for the future of the same mind. A thorough conviction of the difference of men is the great thing to be assured of in social knowl edge. It is to lite what Newton's law is to astronomy. Sometimes men have a knowledge of it with regard to the world, in general, they do not except the outer world to agree with them in all points, but are vexed at not being able to drive their own tastes and opinions into those they live with, Diversities distress them. Yet we might as well say, ' , why all these stars why this difference; why not all one star ?" Many of the rules for people living to gether in peace follow front the above. For instance, not to interfere• unreasona bly with others, not to ridicule their tae• tea, not to question and re question their re solves, not to indulge in perpetual comment on their proceedings, and to delight in their having other pursuits than ours, are all based open a thorough perception of the simple fact that they are not we. Another rale for living happily where others is to avoid having stock subjects off, disputation. It mostly happens, when people live much together, that they come to have certain set topics, round which, from frequent, dispute, there is such a growth of angry words, mortified vanity, and the like, that the original subject of difference becomes a stanthvg subject of quarrel; and there is a tendency in all mi nor disputes to drift down to it. Again, if people wish to live well togeth er, they must not hold too much to logic, and suppose that everything, is to be set tied by sufficient reason. Dr. Johnson saw this clearly with regard to married people, when he said, "Wretched would be the pair above all manner of wretch,d ness who should be doomed to adjust by reason, every morning, all the minute de tails of a doMestic day," But the epplica• don should to much more general than he made it. Theo) is no dine for such rea sonings, and nothing that is worth them And when we recollect how two lawyers, or two politicians can go on contending and that there is no end of one-sided rea soning on any subject, we shall not be lure that finch contention is the best mode of arriving at truth; but certainly it is not the way to arrive at good temper. if you would be loved as a companion avoid unnecessaSr criticism upon those with whom you live. The number of peo ple who have taken out judges' patents for themselves is very large in any society. Now it would be hard for a titan to live with another who Ira always criticising his actions, even if it were kindly and just criticism. It would be like living be tween the, glasses of a microscope. But these sell elected judges, like their proto types, are apt to have the persons they judge brought before them in the guise of culprits. One of tne most ?revoking forms of criticism above alluded to is that which may be called criticism over the shoulder. "Had I been consulted"—•'llad you listened to me"—“But you always will"--and such sort scraps of sentences, may remind many of us of dissertations which we have suffered and inflicted, and of which we cannot call to mind any sooth ing •.ffect Another rule is, not to let fsmiliarity swallow up all courtesy. Many of us haven habit of saying to those with whom we live such things as we say obout stran gers behind their back. nese is no place however, where real politeness is of more value than where wo mostly think it would be superfluous. You may 'say more truth or rather speak out more plainly to your associates,' but not less courteously than you do to strangers, Tate BELLS OF Moscow.—Bayard Tay lor, in an exceed ingly Interesting letter from Moscow, gives an account of the great bells of that city—the largest and most costly in the world. The Russians hive a peculiar ienchana for large bells. The largest among them, which is on the Tow er of the Kremlin, was cast by order of the Empress Anne, in 1730, and weighs one hundred and twenty tons. it is twenty-two feet high, and twenty one in diameter at the bottom. It cost one million and a half of dollars. There is another belt near it which weighs sixty-four tone. It takes three men to ring its tongue. It is only rune three times a year, then all the bells are silent. It .3 said the vibration of the air is like the simultaneous discharge of a hundred cannons. litirWhyla the star.spangled banner like the Atlantic Ocean &MIN it will itcrer ccitso to wave. VOL. XXIV. NO. 5. MARRIAGE BY P k tpxy.—Tbe Rev. Dr. Gregory pronotinsed, at De Veux College, Suspension Bridge. N. Y. the marriage ceremony Letween puttee who were not, at the time. within WOG miles 0( each other. It was done oy proxy, the lady's father an ting as proxy, for the bridegroom. The affair took place on the onening of the new year, under the following circumstan ces. The bride. for seven years a resident of California, after . the depth of a former husband; became engaged to a gentleatan residing in that State, but having a large landed property in Mexico. By some Cr. mngement between the parties, the lady returned to her paternal home at St. Cath erine's, Cannily West, where her inten ded was to meet her about this time, and claim her as his bride.—The recent troub. les in Mexico, however being in the vi cinity of his plantations demanded his im mediate presence in that country, and for bade Lis coming North to fulfill his en gagement. He, therefore, frankly wrote her of the circumstances which detained him, and enclosed a regularly executed 'power of attorney which authorized the lady's father to stand instead . of the bride groom, and for him, enter into matrimonial vows. The papers being executed in the United States, it was thought necessary to have the ceremony performed on this side of the Niagara, and father and daugh lei. came over to the De Veux College, and the legal wise 0( her California lord. She sail for he- Pacific home about the sth of Febuary, and there jam her proxy hus band, or seek him 'in the wilds of Mexico. SOLILOQUY OF A LOAFER. Let's see where am I 7 This is—coal I'm layin' on. HoW'4 I get here 1 (re fleets.) 'Yes, I mind new. Was comin' up street met a wheel barrow—was drunk —comin' 'tether way—the wheel barrow fell over me, or I fell over the wheel bar row—nnd•one of us fell into the cellar— dont mind which now. —guess it must a been me. I'm a nice young man, yes I am—tight ! tore ! shot! drunk ! Well I can't help it—'taint my fault—wonder whose fault 'tis?—ls it Jones' fault? no— it my wlfe's;fault well it aint. Is it the wheel barrow's fault? n•o o. It's whiskey's fault. Who is whiskey? Has be a large family? got many relations; All poor I reckon. think I won't own 'its any more. I'll cut his acquaintance, I've had that no. tion for the test ten years, and always ha ted to do it far fear of hurting his feelings-- I'M do it now—l think Liquor's injurin . me—it's a spoilin" my temper. Ssirietimes I get Mad when I'm drunk and abuse Bets and the brats;' it used to he Lizzie and the uhildien; that,s some time ago; I can jilt mind it; when I" come home evenin's she used to put her arm around my neck and kiss me, and call me dear Wil liam. When I come home now she tams her pipe out of her mouth and puts her hair out of her oyes and looks at me and says somethin' inn' drunken brute! shut the door after you, we're cold enough havin' no fire, 'thou lettin' the snow blow in that a way . Yes she's Be!s and I'm Bill now; I ain't a good Bill anth er; think I'm counterfeit—wont pass a layers without goal' in and gettin a drink. Don't know what Bank I'm on? fait Sun day I was on the river bank, drunk.' I stay out pretty late, new, "sometimes I'm out all nignt; fact is. I'm out pretty much all over—out of friends, out of pock et, out at the dhows and knees,and always outrageously dirty, so bets says—but th,T, she's so judge, for she's never clean her self. I wonder wily she don't sear good clothes may be she hasn't got 'em: whose fault's that? taint mine—it must be Whii: key's, Sometime I'm in, however; I'm in.toxi. icated now, and in somebody's boil better. Thre to onegood principle I 've got-- I won't get in debt, I never COULD do it-- There, one of my coat tails is gone, got tore off I expect when I fell down here-- I'll have to get a new suit anon, A tallow told ntp the other day I'd make a good sign for a paper mill; if he wasn't so big I'd licked him; I ain't a dandy the ugh my coat is pretty near artaasi.ain style. I guess I tore this window shutter in mypants the other night when I set down on the wac iS Ben Nuggs shop.—l'll have to get it men. ded up, or I'll catch a cold. .ly beat hat is atandtn' for a window pane that went out the other mooting at the invitation do brick•pat.—lt's gettin' cold down here; wonder how I'll get out; I slot able to climb-- if I had a dritik I think I could think better, let's see I aint got no three s cents- rwisn I was tu the tavern, I could sponge one. *hen anybody treats, and says 'come fellows, [think my nants , fellers' and Ire got to good manners to re, Mit,. Well, I must leave this br they'll arrest me for burglary. I ain't come to that yet. Any how it was the wheel-bar row did the harm, not Inc. 4 ~