Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 26, 1859, Image 1

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The "llONTinunoit JOURNAL' in published at
the following rate:: :
If paid in advance $1,50
If paid within six months after the time of
subscribing _ 1,75
. . .
If paid Info; the expiration of the year, 2,00
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
after the expiration of the year. No subscript
lion taken for a leas period than six months.
1. All subscriptions 'are continued until oth
•orwiso ordered, and no paper will be discontinn
aid until urrearages are paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
2. Returned numbers ere never received lir us.
All cumbers sent as in that way aro lost, and
never accomplish the purpose of the sender.
3. Persona wishing to slop their subscriptions,
must pay up arrearages, and sand a written or
verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub
lication in Huntingdon.
4. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither it
logo or a proper notice.
5. After one or more numbers of A new year
have been forwarded, a new year has commenc
ed, and the paper will not be. discontinued nati
rrearagee are paid. See No. 1.
The Courts have decided that refusing to take
newspaper from the office, or removi lig and
acing it uncalled for, is PRIMA FACIE evidence
I intentional fraud.
11 Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other States, will be required to pay invariably
in advance:
eprl'he above terms will be rigidly adhered
bin all eases.
Will be charged et reihmi,g ;toes
I ins,rtinn. do. 3 do.
Six lines or lets, $ .25 37i $ 50
One slinire, (16 lines,) 51) 75 1 09
Two " (39 ) IOD 150 200
3 too. too. 12 too.
03 00 $8 00 $8 00
5 00 8 00 12 00
8 00 13 00 18 00
12 00 10 00 27 00
One square,
Two squares,
18 CO 27 00 40 00
do:, 28 CO 40 CO 50 00
Business Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00.
Grover and Baker's Sewing machine.
Samuel Groves store.
Cladwiek and Btu.
Cook stove for sale.
Climax Drain Fan.
Lumbermen A Stoekraisers.
A ammonton Lands.
Mountain Female Sendmay.
Gills! Gifts Gilts ill
Land fur sale.
1/r. A. P. Fields.
AI Him.' Academy.
wen Willow Foundry.
S. M. Pillenyill &Co.
Gutlllsll . B Clothing Store.
Brown's Hardware Store.
Figkr Jr...MeMuirlit'a . . •
Sand. S. Sulith'a ltrug & Grocery Store
Great. Purifier. '
Iron City Colledge.
Slicing Fund.
Literary Barna.
Galvanic oil.
G rent Beautifier.
Passville Seminary.
Lung Infirmery.
Town vs Country.
Indian Root Pill,
Country Merchvnia.
Alexandria Foundry.
Huntingdon 11'arw Springs.
COIISUMPtifiII cured,
Bank Notice.
A ntiphlusi6t;e Salt.
Iluntingdon Hotel.
New Lard Press.
David G Noire.
11. Roman's Cluthitig Store.
Patent Portable Fence.
•Premiums awarded.
Thu Journal Office.
Colon's Book Store.
Huntingdon Mill.
Letter Copier.
Railroad Time.
H. K. Neff; M. D.
Huntingdon Foundry.
Dr. J. R. Huyett, Dentist.
Atorney's at Law.
Scott & Brown.
Wilson &Tetrikin.
Thou P. Campbell.
Green Willow Foundry'.
wouLD respectfully inform the public that
have commenced business at the above
place, and will be ready to accomodate all who
may want anything in my line I
will have on hand or make to order Threshing
Macbin., and ell ....her machinery that may be
culled fur. Castings of every description, Cook
and Parlor Stoves, Plows, Hollow-ware, &e.—
All kinds of Turning, either wood or iron. and
Illecksmithing will be done in the best manner
and on the most reasonable terms. Farmers
cad others wishing to purchase new machines
will find it to their advantage to give me a call.
All kinds of County produce taken in exchange
t • ,rket prices. PETER TIPPERY.
oterstreet, Oct. 13, 1855.-ly.
subscuiber thankful for past favors res.
pectfully iufortns his friends and the pub
lic generally that he is receiving at his new
Store in Portstown, opposite the old Toll Bridge
a splendid stock of Now Goods, which has been
selected with great care, to suit purchasers.—
The stock of
Hardware, Quensware, Boots.
and Shore, hats and Cape, a uariety of Stone
and Earthen ware. Fish Salt, Ceder-ware and
in fact all articles kept in a country store. All
of which will be sol low for cash. or country
prods.o. Civo us a call.
Nov. 3, 1858.
Manufacturers of and Dealers Wholesale and
Retail in
McGregor's Celebrated Heaters and
With a great variety of the latest patterns of
Queen's Patent Portable Forges,
Nov. i,'58..
M I ME WpD D'Ehlgtr
Compounded entirely of Gums.
Is one of the best purgative and liver meal
tines now before the public, that nets as a Ca
thartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than
nny thor medicine known. It is not only a Ca
thartic, but a Liver comedy, acting first on the
Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach'
and !towels to carry off that matter. thus BCCOM-
pliShillg two purposes effectually , without any of
tit° painful feelings experienced in the operation
of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at
the same time that it purges it , nod when taken
daily its moderate doses, will stronghten and
build it up with unusual rapidity.
The Liver is one o i j the principal regale
mrs tif the human bo- - IR dy ; and when it per
forms its functions well 4:1) the powers of the sys
tem are fully develop- (y ad. The stomach is
almoht entirely depen- of dent on the healthy
action of the Liver for Z.' the proper perform-
novo of its functions. - IR When the stomach is 1
In [bolt, the bowels are 0 at fault and the whole
system suffers in con- ;I§ sequence of ono orpo
—the Liver— liftving em cease , ' to do its duty.
For the diseases , * of iott that organ one of the
proprietors hos made i t . it his study, inn prac
tice of toot, than twen- , ti ty yeses, to find some
remedy wherewith to) counteract the many
derangements to which it is liable,.
To prove shut this g remedy is tit last dis
covered any person ~..7 troubled with Liver Till II
Complaint in any of its 1.. forms, has lint to try GREAT BEAUTIFIER
a bottle and ocaviittion lo is certain.
These gums ran eve 4 all morbid or bad So long unsuccessfully sought,
i!' their FOUND AT LAST?
plat, n heal by w I n , of bile, invigorating
the stomach, causi g mi fund to digest well,
purifying the blooti,gi- eg ving tone end With goon it restores permanently gray hair to its
to the wholo machine- 77; ry, reinering theenuso I: original color; covers luxuriantly the bald
of the disease, and of. ? . f frecting a radical mire. head; removes all dandruff, itching and all scrof
iine dose after eat- ti ing,is sufiticient to re- ula, scald head and nll eruptions; makes the
lions the stomach pod ln_, prevent the food frees lade soft , h e ohhy, and g lossy ; and will preserve
rising and soaring . ,4111 . it to any imaginable age. removes, as if by mag-
Bilious Guacks to.elral Inured, and whnt is i t ., all H u ta., & c . frost the face, and cures oil
honor, peoyeotedt o• .* . tire ... i..1 ... a neuralgia and nervous head ache. See circular
the Lieu InvigoTatoi.f= and the following.
(duly one (luso tal'a 1 n before rentre
prevents Nightmare.
Dover,N. 11. Feb. 2,1, 1857.
Dimly one doss token at mg ' , I"'non situ • PROF. O. A WOO & Co.—Gents; Withi„
bowel 4 gelatin, end cures Cdslineness.
Drs- 1
few days we have received so many orders
cir : a dose taken after each meal 1%111 c o I.vs-
nn, ca ll s ja y ,. Prof. J. H. W ood ' s Hill , n ottoro.
pepsin. .
One dose of two teaspoonfuls will always tine, that to day we were compelled to tend to
Roston fora quantity, (the 6 dozen you for
remove Sick licatiacll2.
warded all being sold,) while we might order a
One herbstaken for female obsctructionro
quantity from you. /',cry bottle we have sold
moves the canoe of the disease, and makes a
Crease t o puce prvdaced Ike or lbw' new. oustooterA
perfect core.
.-., m - iftid !do; approbation,
t il l patrons it neva
-CtoLy one doze immcdintely rc'ieves ...loon, from the ni ,, st ito b stont i o t mi d wor thy citizens
°four vicinity. fully convince us that it is A
title .1.‘,.. often repeated is a sure cure for ~, , ,,,s t r v . , t_LTATsLE PREPARATION.
Cholera %who., anti a preventive of Cholera. ii , s t a ,. t o t r e, m us fluty he one gro,s of $1
CW(ifflY one bouts is ~,. tided to Prow oat ^p l s lLe; mid one dozen $2 size ; and beileve us
sym CM the eireetA of modioineafter a long 1 yours vory
_ I Signed, H. LATHROP & CO.
f ( V,VOne bottle taken for Jaundice removes
all sallow,. or unnatural eolor.from the chin.
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food tinges
One dose often repeated cures Chronic Dia:t
rite, in its worst forms, while Summer' and
Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose.
Otte or two doses cures attacks caused by
Worm:tin Children; there is no surer or speed•
lea remedy in the world, as It never fails.
GrA few bottles cures dropsy, by exciting
the' atbsorbents.
We take pleasure in reeommendi ngthis med
icine no a preventive fur Fever and Ague, Clint,l
Fever, and all Fevers ,of a Bilious Typo. It
operates with certainty, and thousands are wil
ling to testify to its wonderful virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimous tes
timony in its Inv,.
er Mt% water au the mouth with the inyigo•
ator, end swallow both togethet.
The Liver Invigorator.
Is n scientific medical diocovery, and is daily
workieg cures, almost too great to believe. It
cures as if by magic, even the Brest dose giving
benefit, and seldom more than one bottle is re
quired to cure any kind or Liver complaint,
from dm worst jaundice or Dyspepsia too com
mon Ilembiche, all of which are the result of
diseased Liver.
in. S.%nFunu, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, NY,
Said by 11. AleManigill,. & J. Read Huntingdon,
Premiums awarded the “JOURNAL" Of
flee at the lute County FAIR, fur the best
441.11 Di titoittnt. ANA
Having recently received trent the Eastern
and a large variety of the moat jitsliionable
Printing Material, which makes it one of the
most complete Printing Establishments in this
section. Persons in want of any kind of
work, cannot do better than favor us with
their patronage. We have facilities for men
Ling in a superior manner any kind of
on the most reasonable term. Those who
may wish to obtain any style of
can be accommodated at this estubliehment at
short notice.
CARDS, &c.,
will be furnished promptly, executed in. he
best style and at reasonable rates.
Orders by express, mail or otherwise,
will receive immediate attention.
6 National
ti o
Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania.
M . . .
large or small, and interest paid from the
day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The taco is open every day from 9 o'clock
in the morning till Vo'clock in the afternoon,
and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8
o'clock. r •
HENRY L. BENNER, President,
WM. J. REED, Secrgtary.
Hon. Henry L. Bennet', F. Carroll Brewster,
Edward L. Carter, • Joseph B. Barry,
Robert L. Selfridge, •• Fronds Lee,
Semi. It. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes
C. T.andreth Matins '
Henry Dieffetderffer,
Money is received and payments made daily
in gold without notice.
'the investments nra made in feel Estate
Mortgages, Ground fonts, and such class se
curities as the Charter requires.
Hickory Grove, St. Charles co. Mo.
Nev. 19,123§.—Pr0f: O. J. Wood.—Dear''
eir t Sometime last summer we ware induced
to we setae of your Heir Restorative, and
ins clkets were so wonderful, we feel it our du
ty to you And the afflicted to report it.
Our little son's head for sonic time had been
perfectly covered with sores, and some called it
sculled head. The hair almost entirely came
oti in consequence, when a friend, seeing his
sufferings advised us to use a bottle of your Res
torative, we did so with but little hope of sue
cess,but tooursurprise, and that of Minor friends
a very few applications removed the disease en
tirely, and a new and luxurient crop of Muir
soon started out, and we can now say that our
hoe lons as healthy scalp and us luxuriant crop of
lisle as tiny other child. We can therefore, ana•
sin hereby recommend your Restorative, ea a
perfect remedy for all diso.tses of the scalp and
ha.r. We are, yours respectfully.
0. J. Wood .gc co., Proprietors 312 Broadway
New York, in tho grout N. Y. wire railing estab
!lament, and 114 Market St.. St. Louis Mo.
And sold by all Druggists.
Sept. 22, 1858.-3nr
McN. WALS, 14incipal, •
Prot of Languages and,Pitilosoptly.
Chao. S. Joslin. A. 31,
Prof. of Lutin, Greek, etc.
Prof. cf Mathew - Mies:
Benjamin F. Umiak.
Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics.
Galt. W. Linton.
Prof. of Vocal Music.
Bra. M. McN. 41',11,511 Preeeptress,
Teacher of Botany, History, Reading; etc.
Miss E. 111 Faulkner,
. . .
" FelZera ierrsWorEll'aicting, Drawing,
Miss D. L. S tauten no , rs,
Teacher of Piano Music, Wa x
Mrs. Dr. Darwin.
--7 Teacher of 13n Bra n che 8,
Miss J. 112. Walsh,_ _
7 17aCii . e; • Oi Primary' English,
The recent success of this school is exirnor
dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the
kind ever established, it is now the largest in
this sectioi , of the State. All brunches uro
taught, and students of all ages, and of boils
sexes, are received. The expenses for a year
need not be more than $9O. St.K.donta can en.
ter whenever they wish. - Address, -
JOHN D. wALbn,cassvine,
ill'iftitingdou Co., Pa.
Notice to Coal Purchasers.
THE subscriber is now prepared to furnish
I. Coal Sc, Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta
tion, on the Penn'a. Railroad, of as good quali
ty as can be bad on the mountain. I will run
coal to Hollidaysburg, or an 7 other point on t.. 0
Penn'a. Railroad, if application is made person
ally or by hitter.
ALSO—I will agree to deliver COKE at any
bank, in cars, at four and a quarter rents per bush
el viz :—Thirty-iive pounds to the bushel, or de
liver it in my own cars, at any point desired, at
the lowest possible ratcs.
For either of the above articles, address
Ilemlock, Cambria County, Pa,
where all orders will be proptuply attended to.
Aug. 25, 1858.6 t.
Game-bags for sale at the Hardware
Store of JAS A. BROWN.
Sept. 6 , '51.-4t.
i*tiert gliscelianß
Some days since a young couple who
had newly donned hytuenial vestments,
came from their home, a pleasant village
in this State, to spend a portion of that
supposed-to-be delicious period known as
the honeymoon, and placed themselves un
der the charge of the proprietor of the
Spencer House. They then sallied forth
to witness the beauties and peculiarities of
Queen City, and . do as brides are ever I
wont, it quantity of the little business em
braced in the term 'li t lopping.'"l'hey
were gone several hours and did not re. I
turn to the hotel until after sundown, quite
fatigued with their exchions. The bride,
Mrs. H., then found that she had forgotten
some articles indispeneible to her toilet,
and uneelling to disturb. her husband, win
she knew must be weary, slipped out
while he was down stairs, and went up to
Fourth street to get the fliminutive bundle.
Che was successful in her search for the
store and the article, but on her way each,
mistook, from her ignerance of the city,
Main street for Broadway, and the Madi
son for the Spencer Bettie, which are eau.
ated nearly opposite to each other,
Mee. 8., went into the bete) and thinking
it looked rather different from the other,'
netted one of the waiters she met in the
hall, in rather a low and indistinct tone, if
that was tl.e , lSpencer,",to which, he, fail.,
ing to understand_ her, replied in the Min.- ,
i motive. She then ordtired him to bring i
1 her the key to No. 48, which he did, and 1
she entered it, and retrieved her bonnet,
shawl, and other porticns of her attire, and
crept between the sheets of the bed to en- i
joy - a little nap after her long walk, never
dreaming she wits hi ti.e ',tong hiouse, for
the reason that the npartmmtit happened to
have the same position,, and be furnished
very much like her room 'tt the ' Spencer."
Instead of taking a -li le toe I: ," she fell
into a preJeund elm:l).—i --cf. iene4 i.^..-
after hour' Until 11 o'clock, at which time
she was disturbed by a most unexpected
The rightful occupant of No. 48, a-mer
chant from a town to Indiana, who bail
been to the theatre and become a tittle in •
toxicated, went to the Madison, and wish.
in no one to eon his condition, walked up
to his room without a light, and fortunately
or unfortunately, found the door unlocked.
tie entered quietly, and as a total darkness
removed 'llls garments and crept into the
spaoious double bed, not disturbing in the
least the fair bride who lay near the wall.
How long the two reposed side by side,
with only a foot of space between the-.n,
all unconscious of the other's presence, is
not exactly known, but probably an hour,
when tremendous noise was hoard in the
apartment from which female screams
issued wildly, piercingly and ceaselessly.
The hotel was in an uproar; proprietors
clerkB, waiters, porters and guests, dressed
and half-dressed, were at the door of ,•for
ty eight" in a few nunutes, blocking up the
entrance; arid asking each other eagerly,
""What's the mutter I" "For God's sake,
tell-us what is the trouble I"
The cause of this outcry may be ima
gined. The bride had awakened about
midnight, and :inning her hand over her
husband it fell upon the Inlianian's face,
and the soft, warm touch aroused him at
once. Ile did not understand it exactly,
though he did not dislike it, and in a inn•
ment more Mrs. R. said : "•My eearest
husband, whore have you been all this
"Husband," echoed the merchant, be-
ginning to see, like Lord Tinsel, that he
had , made a small mistake here ;" "I am
nobody's husband. I reckon, my dear
ninclnin, you're in the wrong bed."
‘ln' the wrong bed—horror of horrors,
thought the bride—what would her liege
lord, what would the curious world say'?
And Mrs. R. screamed, and Hwang from
her couch just as tier companion did the
same: He was fully at much alarmed as
the, and entreated her to give him time
and he would leave the apartment, altho'
it was the one he had engaged—he'd make
I oath to that.
Scream, scream, was the wily reply to
his kindly proposition.
"My God, Madam, don't ye II so ! you II
wake the house. Be reasonable : I swear
it's only a mistake. Have rota,. thought
of :he consequences. I don't coot to
hurt you-1 swear I don't. You'll get
me shot and yourselP—well, I won't say
The screams increased, and the poor In
dianian, expecting every moment to see a
pistol thrust in his (ace by a jeattleuti hue•
bond. turned an pale as death, which he
expected, and resigned himself to his fate.
Just at this juecture, the throng outside
presented itself at the door, and beheld
Mrs. R, cowering in one corner, exerci•
sing her lungs magnificently, with a sheet
wrapped over her form and head, and the,
Indianian in the middle of the room, en
veloped in a coverlet, ejaculating, "My
God, Madam ; don't!"
The junior proprietor, Dr, Cahill, saw
there must be some mistake, and, request.
ing the others to retire, called the mor
chantout with him into another room, and
there learned the whole story. Phe Doc•
for then sent one of the ladies of the ho
tel to Mrs. R., and the entire affair was ex
plained, greatly to her relief—though she
was overwhelmed with confusion at a cir
cumstance which might have ruined her
reputation forever.
Under the escort of the Doctor, she was
conveyed to the "Spencer," where:the hus
band was found pacing thecorradors with
frantic mien 4nd half-crazed with grief at
the moiterious disappearance of his wife,
whom he believed had been spirited away
bye villain or murdered for her jewels in
thin , infernal city, where, au hu expresaed
it, ..they would kill a man for a dollar any
time." •
The !MI./sing. striking scisntifio facts
were picked up in the course of our rend
ing, from various reliable authorities. We
thin many of them will be new to our re.
The difference between the skull of the 1
domestic hog and wild boar, is as great as
I that between the European and negro :
skull. Domesticated animals that have
subsequently run wild in the forests, after I
a few generations lose all traces of their I
domestinationi and are physically different
from their tame originals.
It is tun natural for a cow, any more
than fur other feriude animals, tome milk
when she rata no young to nourish. The•
I permanent prodnetion •of milk is a' modi•
thed animal firnctien, Produced by an aril
awl. Hann . ior seveiti genereitions.• In
Columbia the practice of milking coivs
having been laid aside, the natural state
of the function has been restored. The
aerection of milk continues only during the
suckling of the calf, and is only an occa
sonal phenomenon. if the calf dies, the
ceases to flow, and it is only by keep
i,2 him with his dam by day, that au op
portunity of obtaining milk from cows by
night can be found.
The barking of dogs is an acquired he.
reditory instinct, supposed to have origina
ted in an attempt to imitate the human
voice. Wild dogs and domestic breeds
which become wild, never bark, but howl.
Cats, which so disturb civilized commu
nities by their midnight "caterwaul.' in
the wild state in South America, are quite
The hair of the negro is not wool, but a
curled and twisted heir. The distinction
between hair and wool is clearly revealed
by the microscope.
The dark races have less nervous sensi
bility than the whites. They are not
subject to nervous disease. They sleep
soundly in every dtsense, nor does any
mental disturbance keep them awake.
They bear chirurgical operations much
batter than the white people.
A certain species of fungus has been
known to attain the size of a gourd in one
night; and it is calculated that the cellules
of which it is composed, must amount to
forty-seven thousand million. If it grew
in twelve hours this would give four thous
•tnd millions per hour, or more than sixty
six millions each minmte.
- Animalcules have been discovered so
urn ill that one million would not exceed a
gram of sand, and five hundred millions
would sport in a drop of water. Yet each
of these must have blood vessels, nerves,
muscles, circulating fluids, etc., like large
One of the most wonderful achievements
of astronomers to the weighing of the no
d', oldie solar system. It is certain that
the 111116 H Of Jupiter is more than 822, and,
leas that 2:23 times the mass of this globe
—so accurately has this work been accom.
d. The mars of the sun is 889,551
dines greater than that of the earth and
moon, and 700 times greater than the uni
ted messes of all the planets.
The planet Saturn is composed of mat.
tor only half as heavy as water; Mercury
is considerably heavier than quicksilver,
and a third heavier than lead; and our own
globe is twice as heavy as common rock,
and half as heavy as lead—a fact which
shows tho great density of eternal parts.
A flash of lightning on the earth would
be visible on the moon in a second and a
quarter; on the sun in eight minutes; on
Jupiter when farthest fr3rn us, in fiftytwo
minutes. on Uranus in two hours; on Nep
tune in four and a quarter; on the sta -
Vega, of the brat magnitude, in forty-five
years; on the star of the eighth magnitude,
in four thousand years; and such star,
aro visible through the teloseope.
La Place. the great French astronomer
says : "I have ascertained that between
the heavenly bodies all attractions aro
transmitted with a velocity which, if it be
not infinite, surpasses several thousand
times the velocity of light." His anno
tator estimates it at eight million of trines
greater than that of light.
The circumference of the earth is 25,-
020 miles. A railway train, travelling in•
cessantly night and day, at the rate of
twentysix miles an hour, would require
six weeks to go round it. A tunnel through
the earth, from England to New Zealand,
would be nearly eight thousand miles
After descending 210 feet we saw the
first veins of rock salt ) in a bed of clay
and crumbled sandstone. Thirty feet mole
and we were in a world of - salt. Level
galleries branched off from the foot to the
staircase ; overhead a ceiling of solid salt,
under foot a floor cf salt, and on either side
dark gray Walls of salt, sparkling here and
there with minute crystals. Lights glim
mered ahead, and on •turning the corner
tee came upon a gang of workmen, some
hacking away at the solid floor, others
trundling wheelbarrows full of the precious
cube,. Here waa the chapel of St, An.
limy, the oldest in the mine , —a Byzan
tine excavation, supported by columns,
with altar, crucifix, and life-size statues of
saints, apparently in Oink marble, but all
as salt as Lot's wife as I discovered by
putting my tongue to the nose of John the
Baptist. The lifunid air of this upper Sto
ry of the nines has ditrriiigt!irrsoMe of the
saints. Francis especially is running a•
way like 4 dip candle, and all of his head
The limbs of Joseph are dropping off as
if lie had the Norwegian leprosy, and
Lawrence has deeper scars thhn his grid
iron could have made, running up and
his back. A Bengal light turned at the al
Or, brought into sudden life this strange
temple, which presently vanishetl into'
darkness as if it had never been seen.
I cannot follow, stop by step, our journey
el two Iriurs through the labyrinths of this
wonderful mine. It is a bewildering maze
of galleries, grand halls, staircases and
vaulted chambers, to here one soon loses all
sense of distance or direction. and drifts
along blindly in the wake of his conduc
tor. Everything was solid salt, except
where great piers of hewn logs had been
built up to support some threatening roof
or vast chasms, left in quarrying, had been
bridged acrois. As we descended to lower
regions, the air became more dry and agree
able, and the saline walls more pure and
brilliant. One hall, 108 feet in height, re
sembled a Grecian theatre, the traces of
block taken out in regular layer, repre
senting the seats for the spectators. Out
of the single hall 1,000,000 cwts..of salt
had been taken, or enough to supply the
40,000.000 inhabitants in Austria in one
A Flea under a Micrscope.
When a flea is made to appear as large
as an elephant, we can see all the wonder
ul parts of its formation, and ar- astonish •
ed to find that it has a coat of armor much
more complete than ever warrior wore,
and composed of strong polished plates,
fitted over each other, each plate cov
ered like a tortoise sheal, and where
they 'elect hundreds of strong quills pro
ject like those of the porcupine or hedge•
hog. Th ore are the arched neck, the
bright eyes, the transparent cases, the pie
to puntare the skin, a sucker to draw blood
six long-jointed legs, four of which ate
folded on the breast all ready, at any mo
ment, to be thrown out with tremendous
force forth it jump which bother one when
they want to catch him, and nt the end of
each leg hooked claws, to enable him,
to cling to whatever he alights upon. A
flea can jump a hundred times his own
length, which is the same as if a man jam
ped 700 feet; and he can draw a load 200
times his own weight.
Writ was dons whoa it was begun. it Iva;
done when it was halt done, and yet wasn't
done when it was finished. Now what was it
Timothy Johnson courted Susannah Dunn,
It was Dunn when it was begun, it was
Dunn when it was half done, and yet it
wasn't Dann when finished— for it was
'Fear Goi'lid — love the women,
By doing thus you will feel (19 bus vent as 11111111rMake note of it—Remember
a Phoenix just arising from his ashes, or the Human Constitution is one that
the girl getting squeezed in a polka. I rot be amet,l,t; I '7 a two third vote.
MONSTER CANNON. The construction
of n monster piece of ordnance has been
projected by the Secretary of War, which
will probably be cast at !he Fort Pitt Works
in this city. It combine, some of the fea
tures of both the , Dahlgreen" and "C' 1-
ninbiaci" gene. and is calculated to do ex
ecution at four miles. It is to be of fifteen
inch calibre. with a diameter of 'twenty
eight and a halt inches nt the' muzzle, for
ty-seven inches at the breech, and en ex
treme length of fifteen feet. The ball will
weigh between four hundrqd and four
hundred and fifty pounds, requiring an
enormous charge of powder. The estima
ted weight of the gun is between twenty
five and thirty tons. Such n piece of ord
nance, placed on the hill back of Sawniill
run, would demolish every building in
the Arsenal at Lawrenceville, that distance
being about its effective ratige, Itwili
cast hollow, on the principle of Major Rod•
man, and under hie supervision. If the
piece is to be constructed, there it on place
where t. could be more cotiveintl )- or bel
t, done than in this city.—Pitts6urg Des
, patch.
Same unfortunate swain who has been
duped by a fair maiden, thus relates his
case :
With whiskers thick upon my face, • .
I went my fair to see ;
She told me khe could neve; love
A nose laced man like me.
I shaved them clean and called again,
A tal tkough tn/ trouble o'er.
She laughed outright, and said I was
More BMW FACED than before.
&Wing. a Trile for ssoo.—The Balls
ton (N. Y.) Journal says a resident of the
town of Malts, Saratoga county, a few days
since sold his wile for and in consideration
of the sum of five hundred dollars. His
wife bad Leen atek for a number of years,
occasioned by a fall she receiva in her
own house, and has been cons:antly failing
until she is unab!, r. oak, or n•o•'e hand
or foot. Her i.;• :o making sale of
t h i!e s ,, f s i t r s im o l it u ffi, e t : "• , :l n araveing
purchaser should ;nr and maintain
his wife during her lifetime, and that he
shon'd be freed from all embarrassments
with regard to her.
WED. JAN. 12,—The Senate was open.
ed.for the first sime this session with pray
er, by the Rev. Mr. Dewitt. A .supple
meat to the net incorporating the Brad
ford Railroad ;orripany was passed finally.
Correct Speaking•—We advise young
people to acquire in early life the habit of
using good language, both in speaking and
writing and .o abandon as early as possible
any use of slang words or phrases. The
longer they live the more difficult the RC
quisidon of such language will be ; and if
the golden age of youth, the proper season
for the acquisition of language be passed
in its abuse, the unfortunate victim of ne
glected education is very probably doomed
to talk slang for HI.
MARRIAGE resembles a pair of sheers,
says Sydney Smith, 80 joined that they
cannot be separated, often moving in op.
posits directions, yet always punishing
any one who comes betwen them.
AGAIN T ALL CREATION.— About five me.
since the wife of Jacob Abbott, living ten
miles west of Golconda in Pope county,
presented her husband with eight pledges
of aftection at one Myth. Four of these
children survived until! some six weeks
since, when two of them sickened and
died The remain ing two are still living.
The whole eight were very small ape.
cimens of humanity when ushered into
this world, as might have been expected.
'Phis statement is litter ally true; it is
vouchd for by numbers of respectable wit
neesses who saw the four living children.
Egypt it a very prolific country—a little
too much so, sometimes —Cairo Gazette.
Simple Mode ofAsoertaining Interest•
A non method of computing interest on
any number of dollars. at six per cent..
which appears simple :
Multiply any given number of dollars oy
the number of stays of interest desired,
seperat the right hand figure, and divid.
ing by six ; the result is the true interest
of such sum fur such number of days
six per cent. This rule is so simple and
so true, according to all business usage
t hat every banker, broker, nterchant, or
clerk should post it up for reference and
use. 'There being no such thing as a
fraction in it, there is scarcely any liabil
ity to error or mistake. By no other ari
thmetical process can the desired informal
tion be obtained with so few figures.