'5. , trality laws; but of what consequence is Nu n tinOon flitritat. the law, provided it can be reduced prat- j cally to a dead letter? By going on with ' this process—by mollifying one Federal law tarter another—it is plain that in a very short period the Union and all the restraints that it imposes liay, for all pram tical purposes, be got rid of, In fact, this new method of dissolving the Union, beside its superior practibility, has many other things to reccinmend it. It will give to the Southern States, at one and the same time, all the advantages of being in the Union, and all the anticipated advantages , of being out of it. Their citizens may continue to hold all the principal posts of the Federal Government at home and a• Wednesday Morning, January 19, 1859 . , broad. They may still draw their fat sale -Iri s out of the public treasury. They still The Circulation of the Run- maY have the one of the a rm y and tingdon Journal, is grea t- N ivy to accomplish their objects. They er than the Globe and Alll- ' may •enjoya post office system Otis erican combined. ' tainett for theta at the expense of the North ; at the same time, they can import CLUBBING WITU MAGAZINES. !Slaves, send out plundering expeditions , against neighboring States, and figure n 'The Huntingdon JOURNAL for one year, nod ; way in other directions without any res *niter of the Magazines for the same period friction upon them from Federal authori will be sent to the address of an/ subscriber solTpaidin advance as follows : I 13 * _ 2'll Journal and Godey'a Lady's Book, for I •• v £NOEANCE AND VITTLEB."—Under $3 50 -nw . ,rlurnal and 0;0111111'4 Magazine, fur the shove caption the Warren, Telegraph Al :mi.!, $ 3 50 renurks on the President's discrimination - -. The Journal anti Emerson's Magazine and . . r a a,„„a Monthly, fer one year, $ 3 50 to inviting guests to his dinner tal,le, and 1 The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family • suggests the following form of a card of Magazine and Gazelle of Fashion, fur one your dintri • on . . $3 50 a -•- Th e J an ma l an d Lady's Home ma i,;;; ; ;;, ''Presidential Dinner—Alinit the Bea. for The Journal y and rderson , , mauavn , $:2 j or s rcr.—Gcod for this Any only. Not good 75 to any democratic member of Congress re nunTLea Journal and Atlantic Monthly, fur one elected against the President's will. Le. ' 44 year, 3 compten members, rejected by their con- TUN ADMINISTRATION. i stituencics, can obtain first.class ticket on We take the following from the N. Y. application to the Slate department. No Tribune. compton democrat who has not gi• The characteriolic of our present Feder- ven in, allowed to come in, Little Giants al Administration appears to be imbecility mititively excluded. Canes, bludgeons, Except in the matter of collecting tuxes, • n. weapons, to be deposited at the making loans, spending% money and wing the nation into debt, the Federo. Gov door, le guard ngainst accidents. Reserved liniment, in the Lands of Cass and Bu- seats for these who appear in ocinti of Eng •ohons., has fallen into a state of sosPon• ! fish manufacture. • Any excess of self4e den SEinrilio(l. It sulfers under a syn. •ct beyond forty grains to each person, cope, which it is nut easy to distinguish will he rated extra. Character at the sole from death itself. Everything undertaken by 'Mr. Buchanan has proved u failure, risk of the owner. No tickets genuine The great object to which he devoted tle tt ithunt the written signature of youthful ecergies of tin Adininistiatiun JAMES BUEIIANAN• was the forcing a Slave-State COSblittl- lion upon the Territory of Kansas. nit. • Rarey Outdone. .project, iu split' of aft the " 1 ' 1 '0" o f Au ingenious individual in North C.ir.t. Administration brought to bear upon it lim a has discover d a here etrecl.l meth -one of the few things to which the ministration his silo, ti any enerirty--most of of taming a refractory horse than any signally failed. What little force the heretofore known. If our readers desire Administration has left after this event, is to manic ore of it, they may learn the “rno employed in no effort to prevent the re - rperaudi"from the following pare turn of Air Douglas to the United States • /tr isles Senate, it being to hi, defection that the , from t ( 1"' Rakl g h Kansas defeat was ascribed—at least so On going up Fayetteville street, the much of it as grew out of the refusill of other day, we saw an apparently fine-spir . the House of Representatives to join in lied horse following a man who was tap. Miring un the people of Kansas a State oo , n chino. Tito men did not hold the Constitution which they had expre•sly re. I bridle of the horse, but simply tapped tit pudiated. But the Admiti,tration sue r ceeded na better in Illinois limit it had in drum, and the I orse would hilliPv him hi - Kansas. it found no supporters in either titer and thither, in all milliner of serpen except the set of office holders and their tine evolutions. Of course there was dependants. So it has been in everything • no deal of •iniiration" expressed by that the Administration has netlerite , • ,•• • ' tom The 'fill;lite ters laugh alike et the at agars in t h e street, tthe kariaig that sank , proclamations of the President and at the of them' would •• bust" if they could not feeble efforts of the Fed' sal officers to stop solve ithe problem of the otati's control t hem., Fillibustoring vessels sail now from over t hy h o r,o, we, with our banal amiabil• Mobilo and now from New Orleans, " 41 ' f mud out nil about it, and told them -perfect impunity. The only thing new ' ally done to interupt titer operatioos w. the korai , was drilled in a Thmiieralir ran dom.+ by Cummouere Paulding. Ile i t cos the night blur°. The explanation praised and thanked by the Government i was so simile and satisfactory, that every of Nicaragua, but is disavowed at bailie, , flo w s ,,, son of d in specifit „ rs 'vent awQ) , and left to defend himself lit his own ex surprised ;bathe hadn't thought of it hint pease against the lawsuits which the dis• appointed filibusters are bringing against . . • hon. In the face and eyes ola law :if the . CANA). ENLARGEMENT.—Ic will be seen cession States which nobody, till the iie cession of Mr. Buchanan, Mel dreamed .. by the fallowieg resolution recently adop vets of evading or violating.; three hundred ted by the 13oard of Directors of the Penn- African Slaves (ziore or less) have been sylvania Railroad Complinc, the.y design landed on the coast of Georg, i; and the to increase the capacity of the canal from whole staff of Federal officers in that Sum, , mlican , o Island to ( columbinein order - : r_to and in South Carolina is vuiuly employed AO endeavoring to get rime clue to their ! furnish greater facilities fur the trunspor -whereabouts. In fact, the organ of Mr. I teflon of freight: Buchanan at the seat of the Federal Gov• I Resolved; That in order to furnish great. ernmont frankly proclaims that, under the er facilities for the transportation of freight AdtriMistration of Mr. Buchanan, our Fed I it I en the caual, the Petinsylvuma Railroad era( ays:ina is a failure. Undoubtedly is; and it is acrd to day where two or mere Company will increase the capacity of the years of such Wretched imbecility may canal from the Junction at Duncan's Island land en. In the cites of Kansas and Ilh - to Columbia, so as to give an untforin tiois, it cannot be doettat that the Gee. de depth of eve feet of teeter throughout, and eminent did the best it could; but, in those i p two canon they had the disidventege f : „ that the Resident Engineer be and lie is the very worst kind of a cause. Oar oiler hereby instrucied to submit an estimate and more energetic men than even :heir of the Coot of increasing the length of the paid flatterers ever pretences Mr. Cass or ; locks to pass boats of one hundred and Mr. Buchanan to be, might naturally l '' ' twenty feet in length on that portion of the nough have failed in the attempt to sub- :, atitute themselves in the place of the pee- ca° a `. ... plc si . Kansas, or even in the place of the • • ,, entlemaii iit the habit of enter pseu.:a.Democratic minority of the people ~....- A, 6 of Illinois, who, under that systein of fraud , tabling very phen, a circle of friends, ob. which seems to have been regularly adop- served that ono of Own was in the habit ted as a part of the tactics of the pseudo. of eating something i, s sicire grace was ask Democratic party throughout the Union, : ed, and, determined to Care him upon a usurp for themselves the choice of a major-' ity of fhe Illinois Legislature• But what he said: "For ' repetition of the offence. shall we say to the total failure of the Ad : whet we are about to receive, and ic.ir what ministration to enforce the laws against fil- James Taylor has already received, the libustering and the African sin ve •trude Lord make us truly thankful." The ell and of the headlong pace at which they feet May be itnagic ed. are pressing the nation in to private as well as public public bankruptcy 1 Incapable as this Administration is, not able, oven with all STOPPED PAYMENT.—A despatch from the patronage at its disposal, to keep the , Washington to the New Yorlc Tribune, leadership of the party that placed it in : says that the Government has suspended power, there is, perhaps somethi g more ayment. 'There is no money in rho to be taken into account than mere imbe• - • citify. Mr. Buchanan may he suspected ' Treasury . Let Congress pass a proper of playing into the hands of that large class Tariff bill, and there will soon be an shun of his political friends to whom the disol- : dance of funds not only in our "exhausted• ution of the Union is the first object. De , 'Treasury, but also in the pockets of the recited in all their attempts at Recession, it ' , wo'ald seem that with the connivance of ' P e3 P' e * Mr. Buchanan, the Nullifiers were now A HIT AT SUMNER.—ID the Massachu. bent on a practical dissolution of the Union a practical destruction of the Federal au. setts House of Representatives, on Tues. thority by paralyzingall as powers. They day, a motion was offered inquiring wheth despair of inducing Congress to repeal the or there does not exist a vacancy in the U. laws against the slave trade, but the prac- : S. Senate for Massachusetts , besides that tical object of that ropoal is to be ace., pushed by setting those laws at defiance : occasi:an ed by the expiration of Hr. %Va. and trampling them under foot. They 1 son's tern. Will Mr. Sumner take the despair of procuring n repeal of the Nell- hint 1 eltems, WHAT'S IN A NA%IE?—J. SIMI) .41 Afrioa has been appointed n clerk to the l'eunsylvnitht Senate. Thin 'night not he remarkable, but it is strange that Mr. Africa shonld turn out to Is litter op. 4,1 ,1 to the black Republicans. —Blair Can tll Whig. BOTTS FOR PRESIDENT.—A club h. been organized at Washington for the per pose of pressing John M, Botts no the Op positien candidate for the Presidency. We apprehend that the great tnass of the people will have something to sly in that matter when the proper tense cc rives. l'otvoAmv.--We learn front Washing ton that a bill for the suppression of po lygamy In Utah and all other Territories, will be introduced at an early day; in Con• green, and be vigorously pressed. So it should be. It is rather unfair that one man in Utah should have thirty wise whilst the ('resident of thus great nation has none I-• ! L - -plVe learn from the Harrisbyrg Tel egraph that Governor Pitcher has signed the bill, paused at the clove of the last tins sion, granting to the Pennsylvania Rail road Company the right of way to con struct a ratlrond front Harrisburg to Dau• phin. The lull was signed by the Gover- nor on Tuesday last, and returned to the Legislature on Thursday Inst. This bill had a hard struggle to get through the Leg 'stature of 1858, owing to violent opposi tion from other railroads, interested, and was among the last acts of the session. _ _ _ B ar rho new cent, ordered by the Sec rotary of the Treasury, is pow vi circula tion. The obverse presents an ideal head of America; the droooping plumes• of a North American Indian. The - head is in tended or an illustration of 'Liberty.' The reverse ii plain laural wreath enclosing the words one cent, weight 7'2 groins, or three twentieths of a tray ounce—eighty eight pbr e,m, copper and twelve per oent DEATH OP THE EMPEROR OF JAPAN.—It is reported that the Emperor of Japed died so,,n after the American treaty was signed. II,• died of cholera, ten !eh disease was car rying off greet numbers. Deirllon Thaddeus Stevens, of Lan• Pa , is on a visit to Wit-lime:inn. 1: is not stated wether tie has been asked to dine e•ith the President. flarWm. E. Frazer, Esq.,the newly e lected C nal Commissioner, has beim sworn ONJ OF THE DOVE .—A lady in Will hattisport l'a has . a beautiful dove which was batched Genoa under the roof where Christopher Columbus was born. 3tur.ler of a whole Mem ph i,-"lpjualsays, ilium .11r Moore, his wife dtol mother, were brutally murdered on t'hrirttnns night. in `,lcNoiry county, Ten nt,ee. The old lady wo, not quite dead mm hen the deed was discovered, Ent was unable to give nay clue 1 , , the tom, erer only that it was done by negro,. Th, re was great exc : tettient in the neighl,ml,.. , , and several arrests were 'node, hie it 6., wor m . disehiru..d. There were children ul Mr, red, t youngest, on itilant, beim! frozen when discovered. NEw ri,vr.r eourny) paper's ore disees , infr lion of it new cutlery out of ilittinver the adjnitiit , g towedups. York Pen 81fivania soya : _ . W r. ii. nh o e :or to Mt o;le E Mercury, W., hoy.. ue Fasitation in recommending it.— It ofoir. tin re-spooling,—N. Rea/lye/id. Fm• family use they are unrivaled.—X. Dui. ly Noce. 'Hwy ..ew a seam that will not rip.—N. E Cow Bier It performs nobly and extseditieusl—K. Exam roar. rood:able for the elasticity of seam.—Pultee Gazelle. Well adapted to all kinds of fussily sewing.— N. lily:erree. Best adapted Iffr family use.—N. T Day hook. We do not hesitate to recommend Chronicle. It sews strongly and does not rip.—Lire Must. The prince of inventions.—Protestant Church. mall. It is woman's best friend. N. Y. Weekly News. We g ive our preference to Grover Ss Baker's. Student. The most Messed invention of modern time,— Mother's 3lagazine. ser During our visit to Lowell we were / I makes a pleasure of a toil.—N. Ern. Post. shown through the Labratory of our celebra- The favorite for family use.—Lirooklyn Star. led countryman, Dr. J. C. Ayer, scarcely could We might appreciate their value.--clineeican we have believed what is seen there without Missionary. proof beyond disputing. Its great merit is in its peculiar stiteli.— , ,ai• They consume a barrel of solid Pills, about ly Circle. 50.000 doses and 3 barrels of Cherry Pectoral We most its simplicity and durability.—Na -120,000 doses per diem. To what an incl.. isoo , d Ala g az ""' coivnble s the b b d mitte to e et extant.— Virginia Arg. amount or human suffering does this Ad • point I 170,000 doses a day Fifty millions Il iti n e o , t , liable to get ant of repute.— ogcnnes of doses per year What acres .d thousands Is nila . pted to all home requirements.—Dover of acres of sick beds does this spread before Empire, the imagination I And what sympathies and A very pretty piece of furniture.—. Urchins Un w.?el True, not all of this is taken by the ion. rosy ,Nek, but alas, much of it is. This Cher- Sews with a torty•seninstresspower.—:-Rockland ry prop and this sugard Pill are to be the Gazette. companion of pain and anguish and sinking t Nothing eau be more perfcct..—Southbridge sorrow—the inheritance our mother Eve be- Press. quenthed to the whole family of man. Here The roost ingenious and useful,—Nantucket the infant darling has hems touched too early Mirror. by the blight that withers half our race. Its Has obtained deserved celebrity.—Salem Ob. little lungs are affected and only watching server. and waiting shall tell w el ch way its breath The best in the market.—Chicopee fififirmil. shall turn. This red drop ou. its table is the It does not get out of repair.—Cape Cud Ail. tallisman on which its life shall bang. There vocate: the blossom of the world just bursting Into Sews silk or cotton Irons ordinary spool,— 11, womanhood, is stricken also. Affections most I verhill Gazette. assidious care skills not, she is still hiding The work it does will not rip.—Ameaburg Vil• away. The MITI messenger comes nearer and l lager. neater every week. This little mediciment I Are superior to all others.—lfitighani Journal. shall go there, their lust perhaps their only , A most admirable invention.—Ruston Courier. hope. The strong man has planted in his yit• They are enjoying universal favor.--N. 0. ale, this same disease. This red drop by his Picayune. aide is helping him wrestle with the inexorable Superior to any now manufactured.—N. 0. Deb enemy ; the wife of his bosons .d the cherubs ta. of his heart are waiting in sink sorrw and Will do more work than a dozes hands.— fear lest the rod on which they lean in this _Washington Union. world be broken. 0 Doctor! Spare no skill It sewn everything.—Boston Watchman. nor cost, nor toil, to give the perishing sick, The best of the kind ever invented.--New the best that humus art can give.—Cal. Tea , !Haves Register. as 'tetra.Nov.lo,'oB. In point of population, Hanover alone surpasses the whole county of Forest the last county limiied—which into only 211 taxables, and there are at lest six or eight counties in Pennsyl-anta less pnpu• lour than the one proposed would be— rm could one•half of the countie in the State present a county seat equal to Elan. over." g We are not in the habit of petting pa tent medicines:but when such an article as lie VALCS Galvanic Oil, which sustains fully what it claims, is presented to the public, we feel no hesitancy in speaking the truth free of charge. 'rho above mentioned medicine has obtained fo. itself a world-wide name name, never to go down with the common articles of the day. It is one of the very best remedies, for all kinds of pain, that can be produced. It often gives relief in five minutes.—Troy Blade Miscellaneous Adverlisemenls PAPER! PAPER!! Sate, Post., Commercial, Foe'seep and Flateap—a gem] nesartmela toy sale by the am, hall rent quire , tr sheet. at Lewis' Npw Beal< Mid Stationery Store. 1)4(722;58.1r. HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? I, ►u. ~11a 10.0 , 101, Mil' Me The Original and Best in the World ! All others um mere imitation, nal elioull he ovoidal. if rite wish to e•ientie ridicule. GIIAY, BED. Olt RUSI'Y If Alit Dial is stantly to a bemitiliii an .1 Natural Broii a or Black, willmat the lea,t injury to I fair or Shim Fifteen Medal. mat Diplomas have beer warded to \V,e. A. Batchelor since 1839, and neer mon applications hone been mode to the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. WM. A. BA'ICHELOR'S HAIR DYE pro duceg a (Air not to he distinguished from na ture, and is n mm ali nid not to injure in the Isnot however long it may be continued, and the in effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the lb it in. viaoratedfor lin: by this splendid Dye. Made, si Id or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Uni• ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. tar The Genuine has the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of Wi,!. A. PATCHEI,OIi, 233 Broadway, New York. John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, '2B-1 y. (Estate of Ceorge Krouse dee.) EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given,that letters testamen tary 011. the In,t will of George . 11. rouse, late of Todd township, dec. have been duly issued to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the estate of the said dec. are requested to make immediate payment, and all Icaiing ebtIMR gainst it, to present them properly authentic!, ted for settlement to Henry Corcelius, Exernior . Jaw. 6th. 1858.—Gt (Edlale of )Vary Shively,dee.) ADININISTnATows NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate nt Nino) Shrively, late of Porter township.. dee. having been gra its.d to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, one those hosing claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement to JueobW. N. B.—The Adininktrater will atteitil in Alexandria, on the Bth and 15th days of Jan flary inst. Putter township, Jon. 5:1559. cum& 1341(EW8 • rtfi ,s; g vkvi# 4V 31/1C.A.4013i11N1 10 Price WM. BREWSTER rte fn• Huntingdon enmity. Pa. Call at the Jow,,el ()()ice" 1111,1 •ree the Machine These Illnehines vow from In /pools, mot form n SPllni of unequaled atrettoh, beauty, 111111 el oirity, which will NOT rip, oven if eve• ry too li mtiielt be eta. They nre unquestion ably t e le-St le the mullet lin• family i.e. N lONS OF TUB PRESS. i r the beet.—Amer•. • • , l'e sacs Ullll4l. —IV. • • • IV: 1: Thdripend7, or% ; ,111-nut.-11./lite S; J. , i ; ,; r Grover & ltligel!minus Advertisements. BOOKS ! -, 4 1 1 ;-!{" BOOKS ! 49,000 Volumes of Books for Sale. $500,00 in Gifts for every 1000 Sold. In order to reduce my extensive stock I will sell one thousand dollars worth of Books at the regular retail prices or less, and give ($5OO) five hundred dollars worth of presents varying in value from 25 cents to $109,00. Or, those who prefer can purchase at wholesale prices.-- My stook otoliitott .1 every variety and style of heeling. Seined Books of every kind, whole sale and retail. Sales to commence Dee. 210. WM. COLON. Dec. 22,158. VO rrIIE mihscuilier has comnwneed the (31". N: I small:Iwo business at Pine Grove, Cen t,. county, where he is prepared to manufacture tool repair lit,, a and Pistols of every deserip 'ion, with neatness and dispatch. • He will also attend to repairing CLOCKS. Prim to suit the Gams. De 0. 22,1858.—tf. JtJItN H. JACOBS:: NEW BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. n the "Glebe" Mee Building, Market Square HUNTINGDON, PA. The subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Huntingdon and adjoining ctuntiee, that he has opened a New Book and Stationery Store, in the corner room of the dGlolie" buil ding, where may be found a general assort ment of Miscellaneous and School Books and Stationery, all of which he will sell at reason able prices. He will add to his stockweekly all Books and Articles in demand, mid expects in a short time to bare on hand as full a stock of saleable Books, Stationery, &Ay., as can be found in any town in the State. Having trade the necessary arrangements with publishers, any Book wnnted•and not up on his shelves, will be ordered nod furuishml nt city prices,. . . . . - - As he desires to do it lively business with small profits, a liberal share of patronage is solicited. W:11. I,EWIS. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A ~,,poinal remedy, in which we have la bored to produce the meet effectual alterative that root be made. It is a concentrated extract ci Para timseparilln, 1, combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sur.porilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who sorer from Stro mous complaints, and that ono which will accomplish their cure Must prove oi humeri, serviec to this large elms of our atilietesl fellow.eitizens. How completely this eompound will do it ho. been proven by roper inimt ou litany of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: -- LA AND SCUOPULOUS COMPLAINTS, DID/ PITONS AND Niter - rive DISEASES, Ulnas, Ptmer,as, Burrell., Tuttons, SALT RIIIIIIII, Sects IL cit, Ijyrun, AND SYPHILITIC Al , ractioss, Itlattecitur.Disnssx, DROPSY, NEI, IIAL•IIA on Tie Doetopaccx, DentraTv. Dv.- rve4ra AND INDIGESTION, SEYSIPELAS, ROSE Sr.ox Pint, mid indeed the whole etas, of complaints arising from lurettryt or Ttic 111,01.. l'hie compound wlll be, found R great pre nl4.4 r Id . health, When. ,al,ll in the spring„ to c::;c.1 till foul human; which fester in the 1.1. , oat that Raison of the year. By the time. ly cKpol 0, of them many rankling disorders sr, mppel in the bud. Multitudes can,by the out of this remedy, spare themselves from roe co:loran, of foul etuutions and ulcerous through which the aystem Will strive to rid self Of corruptions, if not . tiosiistilto do this the; ugh the natural channels of the body by un alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vltiated 1,10 ,1 whenever you find its impurities limiting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or smel ocean eit when you find it is ob structed sad ctuggi,h in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder penple enjoy better health, end live In f, cleansing the blood. Keep the 1 , 1 • 1 licaltliy, and nil ij well; but with this of life disordered, there can be no health. Sooner or later something wrong, and the great machinery of ii:s • ;,bred or overthrown. - has, mid desertes tench, the :ta:iou, ueeiiniplishieg these ends. But litii beer egregioubly deceived by it, partly because the drug • • i•, 11 the virtue that is elaithed r. : • !• . : 1. -,• 1 malty prepuratiene, . er,,,tra,l . extrn-ts of it, iuiu but little of . the virtue of Snr,,apatrills, cr any thing else, Eu'ring k r :lc years the public lie, been mis led by large bottles,rivending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for ono dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if auy, &maim lino, but often no curative prorgrties whatev er. Hence, bitter and pitiful dkappointment has followed the use of the vitriol:s extracts of Sureaparillo which !trod the inarkut, until the namc itself is justly despised, and has become sym :tcnions with imposition and cheat. Still we .11 this compound rind inteml to supply such a remedy as shall recite the unme from the hoot!of elloony v.hish r.cts upna it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which ore irimittible by the Oldimay run of the dbea.cs it is intend ed to sure. In order to creme their complete eradication from the system, the remedy Phould bejudicionsly taker aecoi ding to din:olio.. the bottle. DR. J. C. AVI2 l 3 & CO T,OWET.T„ 'MASS. Price, $1 per Eottle 3 ' Ml:ll°We* for $33. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, las won for itself Furl) it mown for die rue a duty or Thi it i, e,tirrly intoc , retr , i, fi r t.s to ieroWt tit; evident, of ils iirtues, wherocr it has been em td ved. it blot hal: both in contitaht vet ihrintgh t.ssur:; tlir t,ople rp . s,li!y is kept up It; the ***** it ever lir. tern. nod that it may lin react' en to .;..iv rcliat nll it Iles ever been found to do. l' ' S 'Cathartic Pills, ••, , „' orrelirr, Dysiupsin, Indigestion, •, ,•; Erysipelas, liter/ache, hi. I:1111)60M and Skin Di.mrsch •.• ( ' ;;'1 ' , ropy. Teter'', Tumors and ! Ircrma, Gout, Neuralgia, at a ).;,•• und for Purifying Ms Blood. 't :10 tugnr-roated, so that the most semi e re , ibke theta .pleinnintly. and they ore the r•i ni ,!'t la in the world for all the purposes of a Pica 95 cents per Box., 5 Pone for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clerg " yme en, khysicians, States 'nen, and eminent. personage, hate lent their limes to certify the ouparalleled usefult,e,s of thew remedies, but our space here mill nut pm mit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AMIMICA r; A rat., N in which they are.given; with also full deueriptious of the above complaints, and the treaunent that should be fel lowed for their ettre. Do net be pot otr by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Anen's, and take no others. The sick rrant the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are fur Bale by JOITN READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pq. Nov. It, 1858.--IT Itliseellaneoni Advertisements. (Estate of John Young, deed.) Administrator's Notice. ETTERs OP ADMINISTRATION on the estate of John Young, late of Case tap., deed., haying been granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate are required to ninke immediate payment, and those har• ing claims will present them, duly authentien led for settlement, to JOSEPH STEVER. _ _ . and durable. Fitting ton charm—no turn up behind—no shrinking off the bead ; indeed,this is the, only Establishment where these things are proper. ly understood and made. Nov. '58,-Iy. 233 Broadway, N. Y. DALLEY 4 B MAGICAL PAIN EXTRC TOR. In all diseases inflamation mote or less pm. dominates—now to allay inhumation strikes at the root of all diseases—hence an iminedi• me cure. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTFIGTOR and nothing else, will allay inflninntion at once, and make a certain Pure. Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor 'will cure the following among a meat catalogue of diseases: Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Chafes, sore Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strains, Bites, Poison Chilseys. Boat, Swelling, Rheu matism, Soali Head, Salt Rheum, lialdneiis, Erysidelas, Ringworm, Barbers Itch, Small Pox, Meanie Rash, &c., Sc. To some it may appear inereduldus that so many diseases should be reached by one arti cle ; such an idea will ravish when relive:ion points to the fact, that the solve inn comlthan son of ingredients, each and every one apply ing a perfect nntitode to its apostate disorder. ALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR iu its effects is magical, because the time is short between diseases and a permanent cure; turd it is an extractor, as it draws all diseases out of the affected part„ leaving nature as perfect to before the injury. It is scarcely ne cessary to say that no house, wort -shop, or manufactory should be ono moment without it. No Pain Hittractor is genuine unless uhe box has has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of !Teary Dailey, blamilacto rer. For sale by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the [`oiled States and Canaries.... Principal Depot. , )65 Chambers St.,Now•York. C. F. CHASI John Rend, Agent Huntingdon Pn. Nov. 17, 58.-Iy. THE GREAT PURIFER ! THE WORLD CHALLENGED !-- geb- TO PRODUCE ITS EQUAL! Afar THE BLOOD SEARCHER 814 - (1 LOH 1011 SLY Till CM PHA NI ! Sworn statement elf David McCreary, of Na pier Township, Botifeirel county. ' In April, 1856, as near as 1 can rmnemember smnll pimple made its appearance en my up per lip, which soon became eninrgeel mid sore. I used poultives of sorrel, and a wash of bine vitrol, without effect. Finding the sore extend ing I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellshurg, who pronounced it CANCER, nod prescribed a wash of sugar of lend and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of un avail. I called upon 1)1% Shaffer, of Davidseille, Somerset county, who adset pronounced the disease Cancer and gavr me internal and external remedies—the latter consisting principally of caustic; but all to no purpose, as the disease continued spreading to ward the nose. I next vsed it preparation of ar senic, in the form of solve. This for a time checked the disenso, tut the inflammation soon increased. I next called upon 1)r. Stutter of St. Reelltod county, who also pronoun ced the disease to be Cetnerr, end applied a Salve ssid to be a never-failing remedy, but it had no effect , whatever in clucking the spread of the sore. In December, of the same year, the dis ease tent omen away a greater part of my upper lip. and had attneked the nose, when I went to Cincinnati where I consulted Dr. R. S. Newton of the Eleetic Medical College. He pronoUn ccd the disease .a cutaneous Cancer, supeHn. dared by nu Nordin:Re too of mercury." Ile implied mild ame ointment, and gave me inter nal remedies. My face healed up, hot the in Hammation wets not thoroughly removed, In February, 1857, he pronounced me cured, and I left for home. In April the disease twain re turned, and so violent was the pain tbat * l could not rest at night. Late in May I returned' to Cincinnati. noel again placer) myself under the charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained until September, during which time he used every known remedy, and partly succeeded in checking the disease, but when I rot terned home there were still three discharging ulcers upon my face. I continued using No wton's preparations, and also medicine that 1 got from Dr. Ely, hot the Cancer continued growing un til it had eaten off the left side of tity nose, the greater portion of my left cheek, and had nttack ea my left eye, I had given up all hoi,e acr er being cured, since Dr. Ely said lee could only give relief; but that a cure was impossible, in illareb,lBsB. I bought a bottle of "Blood Sear cher," but I trust confess 1 lend na faith in it. I was very walk when I commenced taking it ; belt I fennel that I gained strength day by toy. nod also that the ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle was ta ken my Ince was healed as if by a miracle. I used a fourth bottle and I have been healthier since than I have been fur the hist seven years. Although toy thee is sadly disfigured. I am still grateful to a benign Providence who has spared my life, and which has boon douo through the instrumentality of LIN1,81;e8 Immo,. Mout> SEA ROHE. DAVID McCREA RY. Sworn and subscribed. this Blst Wa7;i : Au gost, A. I). 1858, before me, ono of the Justices of the Pram° in and for the Borough of Hollidays burg, Blair county Pa. • Witness— U J Jones. JOHN GOB LEY. NEW EVIDENCE, Being tallicted with it grevious Totter on the arms and race—after trying many remedies which utterly tailed to cure—l was parsuaded by W. M. Barns & Co. to try Lindsev's Impro ved Blood Searcher ; and now, six-wheks otter finishing the s cowl bottle, pronounce mysel cured. The tester broke out, :something over a year ago, on the inside of my tutus, extending from the elbows down to the wrists; also on my face, immediately round the mouth and chin, and con tined to he a perfect torment to me toddi cored by the Blood Search, My arms, at times, were almost useless, owing to the cracks and sores on them, liable to bleed at any time on the least exertion to lift or work, and sometimes so itchy that I could smrcely prevent tearing oil my flesh. I have now been cured six weeks and teal it due to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pub. lie generally, to wake this statement, in hope that others like myself may be benetitted by using Iris valuable medicine. her JANE ' e l WILSON , mark Sworn and subscribed before me, one of the Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this 28th day of July, A. D. 1858. AND Mt:MASTEN Aldermen. Hollidaysburg, Sept. 22,58+17, Antiplalaglatic Salt. - - This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases it is a certain care. Got a t,oc and ire it, se wit., ore aOlicted• The Paper for the Times. The Genesee Farmer. The Oldest, Cheapest Establialso4 in 11131 and Best. The twenty-ninth volume of this popular monthly Agricullural•Jmrrnal commences with the January number, which will be issued by the 18th of Deccml.w. Every one interested in the culture of the soil, is invited to send for n copy, and examine it before subscribing,— Published in one of the finest ngrieultural and horticultural seetionsol America, with hundreds of able alai experiee,d correspondents, it abounds with information interesting and cal. to every farmer and frui , grower. It is the timeliest agricultural journal in the world, and has attained a larger eirculation than any paper. It is rmphnlicully the paper liar the 11110+. Each volume contains three hundred and eighlytfimr pages, and is sent to tun• address fur fifty cents a year Great indueetnenni oft'erml to ngenls. Post• masters, and all friends of rural improvement, are respectfully ,olicitad to send for a sped. men. and to net ns agents. Specimen copies sent free on application. Address JOSEPH HARRIS. Publisher and l'roprietor, Rochester, N. Y. f1en.22;55. Hammonton Lands, NEW ENGLAND SETTLEMENT. it mw opoirru.NlTY. TO AM. WANTING FARMS TN a healthy phom, twenty-five miles from Phil adelphia, on the Camden Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An old Potato has recently been opened for sole, and tit e first division of 10,000 acres divitl.l up into limns of twenty acres up wards... The coil is dr the best quality for the production of hulls, grains, hr. The price is SI sas2o her acre, parable iu easy quarter yearly instalments, within n term of four years, with. interest. The terms are made cosy, m order insnrc the rapid improvement of the land, by en abling every industrious mint to boy a form. It in now being extensively improved by good roads null some of the hest chianti from Now England mid the Middle Staten ore erecting lingo Improve ment, It is a scene of the greatest improve ment out of Philadelphia. Seventy-tive houses have been built in four months. Practical far mer, end business men limn the length and breadtk of the Guinn arc settling there. It is an important business place, on Account of •its being in mite midst of a great market. Evary article raised upon thin laud finds an immediate sale.— The meter is excellent, nod no such thing as fen vet. is known. The soil is a sandy or clay loam, with n clay hottom and retentive or manures. It is free o stones and is easily worked. It nhottnds largely in the phosphates, and such is its fertility that from the crops produced upon this land and the large area adjoining under cultivation, it will bo Mend not to he excelled anyu here in the produc tionof crop most adapted to its market. . T w The render may be well aware that the-earliest and Ow best fruits and vegetables ensue from New Jersey, widish are annually exported to tho osseous of millions of dollars. The land, be sides being in every way 'Accessible tor fertilizers bas no abundant slimily of the bees quality of pluck manure. Lumber and building etnteriols rut be had on the s, of at a cheap price, from the mills. Other mill are now being opened, and brick-yards being started on the ground. A person can put up it frame tenement for present convenience for one hundred dollars. On account of the extensive emigration. this is the hest course to pursue to of der to get a place to line in at first. Carpentrs and bni:ders arc on hand to put up houses on the hest terms. In senility here the emittrrint has many mien, tages. tie is within a few hours' rlde of the greet nines in the Middle Slates New England, he is near his old friends and llS4oeixtions ; he is in a settled tnnery, where every improvemant and vooll'oll or civilization is at hand; to is in n heal thy place, and is not subject to the certainty of losing the greater part of his 'amity awl` his own health by those malignant foyer which make the graves of so many millions of the young and Imlay in Far alt reigons away from home and friend:, Besides, he has a mad climate and an oprp There are three trains tinily to Philadelphia, and to all those who km rove the, railroad com pany gives a free ticket. The render will at once be struck with the a.l - here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The rea son is, it watt never thrown in the market; and unless them statements were collect no one would be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see the land under cultivation ; they will meet persona, no donbt, from their own neighborhood ; they will witness the improvements, and can judge of the character of the population. Persons should come prepared to purchase, as many are locating anti locations are not held on refusal. The Hammonton Farmer, a monthly Literary and Agri.'ltiirrtl paper, containing full informa bona Hammonton, will ho sent to each inqui rer, and can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, clear of all incuudiranee; when purchase money in paid. Route to the land i-Leave Vine street wharf, Philadelphia, tar Hammonton by railroad at '3, A. M., and 54. M; when there inquire tor Mr. Byrnes, Boarding conveniences will be found. Letters and applications can ho addressed to S. B. COUH II LIN, 202 South FIFTH Street below Walnut. Philada. Maps and information eheerthlly furnished. Aug. 25, 1850.--3 m. ''!'Girl.. Darkness corm the Earth. ' mt Gmss Da dote, the people. C'[II.7 — STRY IVLERCHANTW .inclall Other,, will take Notice! THAT they can supply themselves, in any quantities with • Jones' Far Famed Patent NON EX KEROSENE ur COAL OIL LAMPS, At die and it tnii, HEAT) WAR. TEItS. South SECOND Street, PILLADELPIII, The waif/ph:cc where exclusive Agencies enn be obtained for the Status of Pcunsylyania, New Jersey and Delaware. These Lamps give a light equal in intensity of flame, nod similariu appuarance to Gas, and are claimed to he superior to all other portable lighte, now in ace. Nu fear of Explosion—No offensive odor. —No smoke.—Very easily trim. med.—As easily regulated as a Gas Can be adapted to all purposcs.—And better than all thr a poor man,--till per cent. cheaper than any other portable light, now in common use. SOLE AGENCY AL 50, YOU Knopf Patent Rosin and Coal Oil Lamp. sorLampA, Oils, Wicks, Shades, toad every article in the line. S. E. SOUTHLAND, No. 38 South Second Street, Pkiled& Sept.B,'sB.- Da. 8. 2.4 FIELDS RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Cassville and surrounding vicinity, that ho has again cornmenced the practice of Medicine, and hopes, by devoting his whole attention to his proPission, to gain n good sharO of public favor. My charges will he very low. I re• cowed two Dipolmas, one from the Mineral College, and ono from the Eclectic College.- 1 will practice both M.aeral and Vegetable.— Any person desiring to see my Diplomas, can, by calling at tuy other, half a mile from Cass vi Ile. October IS, 1858.-3 m. I : 3I:CHS IN GLOVES 4 MITTS chca, D. P. (MIN'S I\OUGLASS & StIERWOODS' Patent Ex, 1, tension Skirts, for sale only by Fustian & •1401 on ram,