to the surplus assets of the bank, after payment of its debts, were protected; and suitable prvission should be made for set tling its affairs. The injunction coutined in the Consti tution, that the repeal or revocation of a bank charter shall be in such manner as to work no injustice to the corporators, is not a qualification of the power to revoke, or annul the charter; but it is simply a re. quirement that, in taking away the char ter, the rights of the stockholders shall be protested, so tar as is consistent with the act of repeal itself. Ido sot doubt that the Legislature may alter. revoke, or annul any existing bank charter, whenever in its opinion tho continuance of the charter may be injurious to the citizens of the Commonwealth. Any other construction of the c,nstitutional reservation, would make the interests and safety of the pub. lie subservent to the gain of the private stockholder. Believing, therefore, that there is no want of power, I cannot ref rain from expressing my decided opinion that whenever it is clear that a bank is insol vent, or in great danger of becoming so, or whenever its privileges are so used or abused as to seriously prejudice the inter eats of the put lie, it is the duty of the law making power to protect the people, by de ttroying its corporate existance. In this conne9tion I deem it my duty to reiterate the views expressed in my inaug: ural address. I then stated, ns my decided opinion, that there should be so further in. crease of banks or banking capital under the present system—expressed a decided hostility to the issue of notes of a small denomination —and recommended such a change in our laws relative to banks, their organization and management, as would at least secure, beyond all question, the prompt redemption of all bills or notes put in circulation by the several banking in stitutions of the Commonwealth. Well satisfied of the imperfection of ex. fisting laws relative to banks and banking, I deem it a duty to inform the General Assembly that I cannot give the executive approval to any bills chartering additional banks without a radical change in the en tire system. It is but just to state that in my opinion a large majority of the banks of the Commonwealth are well and safely managed; and in a perfectly sound cond tion; but this it duo to the honesty and in. telligence of those having charge of them, rather than to the efficiency of the laws. Under the management ..of incapable or dishonest men, experience has shown, that there is really but little. if any, security to the public in the regulations and restric lions now to be found in our banking code. True wisdom dictates a reformation. The ruinous losses which have fallen upon the people during the financial pres sure of the past eighteen months. suggest the necessity of preventing their recur. renco. Although many causes may have combined to produce these disasters, it is too plain to admit of doubt, that our bank ing system has been one of the most prom_ anent. The va:ue of the precious metals —the prices of property—and the wages of labor—ane always affected by the abun dance or scarcity of the paper medium re ceived as a substitute for gold and silver coin. The power of the States to author ize a paper currency, through the agency of banks, has been so long exercised, and acknowledged throughout the Union, that tt is no longer as open question, But it must be acknowledged that the power has been greatly abused. The delegation of this attribute of sovereignty to a number af irresponsible corporations, without prop er checks to limit its exorcise, and without providing any security whatever for the re demption of the issues thus authorized, has been attended with evils of the moat alarming character. These corporations are practically made the exclusive judges of the amount of paper currency to be fur nished to the people, and have the ex clusive power to contract or expand their circulation at pleasure. Depositors and other ordinary creditors of banks, need n legislation for their protection. Everp one who has Mutt dealings with there insti• uttions, dither as depositor or otherwise, enters into such engagements. voluntarily, for his own advantage, and may be safely l e t to his own vigilance, and the ordinary remedies of the law, far his protection But the millions of people engaged in inl duatrious persuits, the farmer—the me. ehanic—the metchaut—and the laboring man—are under an imperious necessity to receive for their merchandize and their In. bor, the ordinary paper currency of the country. It impossible for persons of this description to investigate the concerns of every institution whose notes .are in cir culation. But no investigation could save them from the losses arising from the de faults and frauds of bank officers and the insolvency of bank borrowers. The note holders of banks have pecu liar claims to the protection of the govern ment. they are involuntary creditors, who are forced to receive the notes authorized by the government, They hove no direct dealings with the banks. They do not trust the banks from any hope of gain. They have no profit in passing the notes which they would not have had in passing gold and silver coin, They constitute al. most the entire community, and the hum- ble and ignorant are always the greatest sufferers when a bank fails to redeem its notes. The whole people . are, therefore deeply interes,ed in the security of the cir• cnlat•on allowed by law, although many of them may never have had a share of bank stock, or been within a hundred miles of its place of business. The Government that antherizes the issue of t paper curren cy is under a high moral obligation to re quire simple and available security for its redemption. The certificates of loan issued by the General Government, or by this Common. wealth, at a value to be fixes upon, with the power to require additional deposits of security, from time to time, (19 the loans depreciate in the market, would be as safe ana available as any guaranty which could be provided. A law requiring all issues of banks here after organized, to be secured by the pledge of these loses, would enchance the value of the present loans, and thus give the hol ders a premium not contemplated when they became purchasers, and for which they never ga , e any valuable contideration This enchanced value would be derived from a privilege granted by the State, and and the State ought, therefore, to have the benefit of it, as far as this may be secured by legislation. The recent amendment to the Constitution circumscribes the power of the Legislation in creating State debts, with an exception in favor of oebts contrac tad "to redeem the present outstanding in• debtedness of the State." A law authori zing new State loans for the purpose of re deeming the present over due debt, would within the con stitutional exception, end would be free from objection on constitu. tional grounds. The new loans, thus authorised, rederna lile at the expiration of twenty years, with the banking priviledge attached to them' would undoubtedly sell at a high premium. The. proceeds of the sale should be applied to the payment of the present State d :bt, now overdue, amounting to more than seventeen milloins of dollars. Under this system the State loans would no longer be held by foreigners, and the semiannual shipments of special to pay interest, would therefore cease. As the currency would be limited to the amount actually secured, the danger from expansions, which have heretofore stimu• lated the incautious to imbark in ruinous enterprises, in overtrading. and in extrav agance in th-ir expenditures, would be greatly lessened, if not entirely overcome. As are securities would be in the hands of a high and responsible officer of the State„ with authority to sell them for the purpose of redeeming the circulation, the power of banks to arrest specie payment, at their own pleasure, would be at an end. The system proposed is as near an up proach to a specie basis as the condition' and habits of the people are at present prepared for. The duty of securing the community from losses continually arising from an unsafe currency, cannot be longer delayed, without a manifest disregard of the public interests. The subject is there. fore coriimenaed to your early attention. The report of the commissioners appoin ted to contract for and superintemithe exec tion of a monument to the memory of the citizens of Pennsylvania, who were slain' or lost their litres in the late war with Mex. ico, will inform the Legislature of the pro. ceedings had on that subject. After re• ceiving proposals for the erection of the monument, and the adoption of a plan, it was determined. in view of the limited and inadequate appropriation made for the accomplishment of the purpose, by the last Legislature, to pxitpone the commence. meat of the work until further legislation could be had. It is the opinion of the commissionsrs that such a monument r as would do credit to the State, and honor to to the living and the dead, cannot be built for a less sum than thirty thousand dollars. If the. Legislature should ;concur in that opinion, the apptopriation should be increased accordingly. The report of the State Librarian will in form you of the progress made in the cat• alogue authorized by the last Legislature, and the general condition of the Library, which has grown to be an institution that deserves your fostering care, I would commend to your attention the suggestions of the Librarian. The report of the Attorney General, which will be laid before you, will exhibit the operations of the Law Department of the government, for the past year. -.The act of the 21st of April, 1857' which re quires the Attorney General to keep an office at Harrisburg, and which provides that all debts due to the Commonwealth, shall be collected by that officer, has prov ed to be a highly beneficial enactment. Under its provisions large sums are saved, which were formerly paid for commissions and consul fees. And the improved state of our finances is in no inconsiderable de gree owing to the prompt manner is which outstanding claims are collected and paid „ into the State Treasury. The Adjutant General's report, which will be laid before you, will show in detail the present condition of the Military De partment. I would respectfully call the the attention of the Legislature to the re• commendations of that officer. The Intlain law of 1858, has net been fully tested; but it is believed to be, in the main, an improvement on the laws in force nt the time of its passage. One of its best features, and one that should be strictly en. forced, is that the system is self-supporting. I u no contingency should that department be a charge upon the public Treasury, in time of peace, In referring the attention of the Lops latnre to the elaborate reports of the Au. ditor General and State Treasurer, relating to the bounces of the State, which will be laid before you, I cannot refrain from giv ing expression to my views on the impor• tance of a change in this mode. of keeping and disbursing the public moneys. The State Treasurer receives and dis burses between four and five millions of dollars annually ; and it not unfrequently happens that there is a ballance in the Treasury exceeding one million of dollars. The bond of the Treasurer is not eighty thousand dollars. He deposits the money of the Stare whenever he pleases, and it Is paid exclusively on his check. Th e monthly settlements with the Auditor Gen eral afford some security that the funds of the Commonwealth will not be misapplied; but it is entirely inadequate to the complete protection of the public interests. Until the State shall adopt a different system for tho collection, safe keeping and disbursements:of her revenues, the money on hand must be kept either in the Treas. ury vault or deposited with the banking in• stitutions in the State. For many years the letter mode has been adopted. I re• spectfully recommend that provision be made by law that no money shall be depos. ited in any bank by the State Treasury without requiring security to be first given to the t :ommenwealth, for the re-payment of the sums deposited—that all checks is sued:by the State Treasury shall be coun tersigned by the Aud iror G morel, ns well as in the Treasury Department. The commissioners appointment to re vise the crisni I d o f ; On. co de 1.1.9 --ommen• wealth, are progressing with the duties of their appointment, and will report the revised code before the njournmenuof the Legislature. The various charitable and reformatory institutions, which haie heretofore rece, ed pecuniary assistance from the State, such as the State Lunatic hospital, at flan risburg—the Western Pennsylvania hos pital, at Pittsburg—the Houses of Refute, at Philadelphia and Pittsburg--the Pout- Sylvania Training School fot idiotic and feeble minded children--the asylums far the blind and deaf and dumb, at f'hiladel• phis—the Northern Home for freindleco ehildren, at Philadelphia—l recommend to your fostering aid and care. 'l•he an nual reports exhibiting a detail of the op erations of noble sad excellent charities during the past year, will be laid before you. I cannot• recommend appropriations to charitable association, of a purely local character, however praiseworthy the ob jects and rno.ives of their founders and supporters, or however useful they may lie to their particular localities. The present condition of the revenues of the General Government, demonstrates the urgent necessity of increased duties upon foreign importations. The people of Pennsylvania have ever taken a lively in terest in the proper adjustment of a tarill;, end they have, with singular unanimity, at all times, favored.such an assesinent of duties, as would not only produce revenue but furnish the largest incidental prote - nun to the great mineral, manufacturii g, nod industrial interests of the country. If ol their voice hitherto been more potential in the co:mails of the nation, it is no longer problematical that much of the pecuniary distress, lately experienced by all classes and conditions of the business men, inight have been to a great extent'averted, The necessities of the government and the poop le, now, alike, demand a change—an in crease of duties—and I take great pleasure in endorsing the views of the President of the United States as expressed in his last annual message, relative to the change pro posed. His advocacy of the specific du ties on all "commodities which are usually sold by weight, or by measure, and which from their nature are of equal value,—such as iron, of different classes, raw sugar, and foreign and spirits." has met with a hear ty response from the great body of the peo ple of this State. It is to be hoped that his views on.this question will 'oe favora bly regarded by Congress, and that the ac tion of the Federal Government may cor respond with the suggestions of the Presi dent. When I was called upon to assume the gubernatorial chair, nearly one year ago, in deference to public opinion, and toy own feelings. after a rapid review of events in Kansas, I stated, that "to the people of Pennsylvania the admission of a new State into the Union—into that Confeederacy of which she is a member—must be at all times a subject of high interest. And I believe I express their sentiments, as well us my own, in declaring that all the quali• lied electors of a 'Fenner, should have a full and fair opportunity to participate in selecting delegates to form a Constitution preparatory to admission as u State, and if desired by them, they should also be allow ed at unqualified right to vote upon such Constitution after it is rraEued." Subsequent event have confirmed me in these sentiments. The deplorable disputes in the first session d the present Congress —the popttlar excitement resulting from those disputes, tardier with other pro eroding, in their nature novel nod alarming would all have bees averted, had the peo ple beer secured in "the unqualified right" to vote upon their iomestic institutions. I regret to be compelled to say, that, unties various pretences, this sacred franeltise has been virtually withheld from them.— When they refused to accept the Lecomp. ton Constitution, uncle for them by dele gates representing Cie minority, they were explicitly denied the privilege of making their own Constitution, unless upon a con dition not previously exacted. If they sic: cepted the Lecompton Constitution, they entered the sisterhood of States at once, with a population less than one half of the existing ratio of Congressional represen tation; but, if they refused that Constitu- tion, they could not be admitted into the Union, with the Constitution of their choice until they were ready to show, by n formal census, that they had attained a population equal to that ratio. The results have be come historical. The last expressive vote of the people of Kansas against the act of Congress, commonly known as the English bill, has foi a time arrested Congressional interven tion. Peace has resulted alone from the votes of the people, not front the sugges tions of outside influences. But, during , the angry feeling which this controversy hes aroused, the theory has been started, and insisted upon. that it will hencefor ward be the . duty of Congress to protect slavery in the Territories, it the people of the territories shall foil to do so. The war rant for this extraordinary assumption is alleged to exist in the decision of the Su preme Court of the United States, in the case of Dred Scott. Entertaining, no I do, profound reverence for the decisions of that august tribunal, and standing ready to obey them, whenever they are enunciated, I have yet to be convinced that any such construction can be fairly given to-their action in the case referred to. Such a doe trine, no matter how sanctioned, or sup• ported, will shake the very pillars of our constitutional fabric. It would compel ery territory to elevate property in slaves above every other description of property —and to establish a slave code in its early municipal regulation ; or else it would con. vert the Congress into a theatre of mini nation end confusion, and fill the whole country with strife And all this, without securing a stogie advantage to the North, or protecting a single right of the South. Icegarding myself no fully committed to the doctrine of po, , ular sovereignty it, its broadett sense, I can never subscribe to the theory of Congressional intervention, as understood by the opponents of this doc. trine. By popular sovereignty, I mean no violation of the rights of the States— no assault upon the institutions of the south—no appeal to sectional prejudices. Or, the contrary, I regard the doctrine as the embodiment of the popular twill in States and Territories, as the conservator of the rights .and the equality of States and people—and no the only means by which a vexed and dangerous agitation wil, be astisfactorily and perpetually "settled. A theory equally heretical has been ad. winced in another portion of the Union.— It has been held that this government divt• dell into free and slave States, us it was framed by our Revolutionary Father; min- NI endure—that all must become free, or all TllO NIS R PSON STAlxs. WhenADMI become slave. suck a doctrine :511 persons TRATOS NOTICE. interested are hereby notified shall be enforc .d, that will have been sub- that Letters of Administration rat the estate of ve rted —S tato sovereignty prostrated— I i'lliii`;:(llV P , : u h n T er d l e a c te d d lia C c la e y be,, Townshipg tellutno. State rights disregarded, and the liberty I the mulersigne Y d; and all persons haring claims of the people destroyed. It should meet 'or &m ild. iltlafnsytisotwenel7,le.thlLHl:uletch'do an indignant rebuke from every lover of I e ., q ? 1 a u r nee r i•st ' giltt without his country, and the blood bought right of I estate are requested to make payment. His Post 011leeie t o and all owing this the people and the States to self•govern•Dublineillfintat i llit l, y l . o. ment. J°"' 12th , 1859,-6t. Under the various amendments to the • ' 'Ja Constitution of Pennsylvania, the influ• PREMIUMS AWARDEDTHE JOURNAL JOB MICE once of the Executive has been greatly AT TIM LATE: FAIR, FOR reduced by the transfer of patronage from TX-IM EIMEEPII the Governor to the people. This is in miLA R E am Lo , yjamr accordance with the principles of self•gov- " 7 ernment, but it must be acknowledged that i PaINTINO. in relieving the Executive front annoy se rious responsibilities, it has diminished his THE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. • . ability to inaintaiu the rights of the State Wax MMOMPl..l3,..fiiii. f ru it , ,00 ; kcJ against Federal end ether encroachments, Grecian Painting, $3,00 ; Ornamental Pain and his thrown u great share of respensi- iting, $3,00; Leather Work, $3,00; Chenille Lo i r i k o ,4l: , ,g , iagan Shells & Mosses, $2,00; bility upon the peeple. The extensive pa. tronage of the fethiral government, and the , Those wishing to learn the above from a large salar.e s pale to its officers, in csmpa• l eacher4 i l;:ar a ;:irice, should do so . , im a tnet t lia t t li e ; risen with those o the State, present com stunt inclucemen to our citizens to over- turns to New York in the Spring, look the State its the pursuit of more In- - t i l3'' for to on ly a l ' IL ' n a t i o ' n ths tota l or ' sL re. IVC:DrimiMe .. crative employmbins under the United We request those of our subscribers who re States. It is, thetWore, the more necessa- i clue their papers,to inform us ofthese in their ry that the peril* should guard the 600.1 lul.:llßheed,lji.l.ooußieinllitOilchaoolll:ilfo.ZTS subscribers ereignty of the State i with incree'sing ' the same, since the stealing of our pack-Look, watchfulness Itte constitution ot the Ib3 ruffians on the 3d of February. United States con ins the great fundainen- n nmmve tat principle w XON'S i hipi should govern its con- !li and bluffers, for d SAUSAGE CUTTER sale by struction on ever question respecting the i Oct. 6,'a0.-3t. JAS. A. BROWN, extent of the fedttul power. 4 The pow- ' ors Lot delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the Slates, are eserved to the States re. spectl vely, la to t e people." It is on th:s 1 broad platform th t every claim of federal 1 3 i power not grunt by the constitution, ! bliould be blernly esisted. The tendency . to centralization is so great, and the over- (Estate of James Black, dee.) shadowtug influences of power and patro- MIMS:UW*IMB 240141111111 a nage so seductive, that liberty cannot long , Notice is hereby given, that letters testainen* r i t t : w l t u ts B t h l i v I oiieaokate o bo preserved without the exercise of sleep. tjaalann less vigilance in enforcing a strict construe- to the estate of trl' (e f i f a r ,, it of d i , said c dee'd, are ' requested l issuedestel eto L ion of the federal compact. The doctrine make immediate payment, sod and all having of State rights is the doctrine of true libel-. e the i ' set tiler esent t i o u then) properly au ty. Popular sovereignty is the life-blood Robert Huey. i Fseciao , of our free institutions, sod the palladium , Jana B in ek• of our safety. Every patriotic induce- ra, sth 1859.-6 c. ment to sustain those great principles Tjala s hould be fearlessly held out to our citi zens, and every unauthorized assumption ii, Th ti e ja S t u i bse . riher respe d etfully informs the Pule of. power should be resisted tvith unceas- c a ' rs sostseiii,ljk),.retP,sasriebeit•°, receive and energy, and by all constitutional j gles, Coal, Inni; means Having now discharger.' the duty im posed on the Executive, by the constitu tion, I cannot conclude without congratu lating you upon the peculiarly favorable auspices under which you enter upon the duties of the session of 1859, Few im portant subjects of legislation press upon your attention. Prudence, firmness, fidel ity—a watchful regard for the interests of the Commonwealth—a jealous guardian ship of her finances—on the part of the government—ore all that are required, tin der Providence, to ensure the continuance and increase of our onward prosperity.— Pennsylvania may, then, at no remote pe riod, rejoice in the extinguishment of her public debt--the repeal 01 her onerous and burdensome taxes--a fame and a credit untarnished—a free and popular and edu cational system—and an industrious and loyal people, prosperous and happy. WILLIAM F. PACKER. Execortye CHAMBER, I Inn. sth, 1859, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. F. TLIOMAS, AMBROTYPE AND PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, PeOM PIIILADELP-1111A, Op/70,4M the fl, (f 1 A. T. Railroad Depot, This gallery of Art is now open for public inspect'on of specimens of Ambrotypes. Crys• lolographs, Photographs, Circular and Star Pictures, also, Name, or Age, or Residence, tm lion on the Pictures—letters of different colors. VARIOUS SIZED PICTURES, Set in Frames, Cases. Lockets, Rings, Pins or Bracelets. Particular attention paid to taking pictures of Children. Time, from one to four second,. Perfect satisfaction given, or persons are not expected to take their pictures. Pictures taken from 'sick or deceased per soma at their residences. Copies taken from Da. guerreotypes or Portraits. Also, views of mi. donceS, Ste. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and examine specimens. Pictures taken as well in cloudy as fuir,weather. How often do we hear the exclamation, when persons are looking at Portraits—" would not value any sum could procure the Portraits of my parents—ur, doceased children I" Rea der, if yuu are gifted with this ennobling leek iog of unity; you have an opportunity to grati fy it at a small cost, by procuring Portraits, which, it is known, will riot fade. 14 - Those tout wish to learn this beautiful art can call an. see IV. F. Thomas, from Phila. Prices from 50 cents upwrirds, J011.12;58.1. FRESH GROUND PLASTER. The Juniata Fl our and Plaster Mills, one' tulle east of Alexandria, Hunt. co., have on hand at all tines,the best quality of Ground Plaster, for which Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange at market prices. SAMUEL HATFIELD Jan.12,'58.-St. Executor's Notice. Whereas, letters testamentary on the estate or Dutton Lane, Into at Springfield tp., decd. have been granted to the undersigned all per sons knowing themselves' indebted to said es late will make immediate payment and those having claims present them duly authenticated the settlement to, Glass Preserving dam different sizes, fol sale by FISHER & idcHURTRIE. (ML BUCKETS & SHOVELS For sale by tf. JAS. A. BROWN. JOSEPH DOITG LAS, Gunsmith, MaConnellatown, Pu. ITAHKE I{EL of all Noe., Herring, &c., can he had of the Lost quality, 14,y calling on F 1,111,1; & chfuwilue. E. SCHREINER, S. W. Corner proad & Callo%ollll Streeta. Jan. 5(11 859.-6in* COURT AFFAIRS—Jan. Term 18%). T RIAL LIST for jemmy Term, rta,r Dr. Peter Shoenberger vs A. P. Wilson John Salvage vs Smith At Davis Same vs John Berkstres,er, et al Thomas Clark's heirs vs Bryson Clark Moses Greenland vs Caleb Greenland Jacob Creswell vs B Hare Powell Leonard Weaver vs H E 13 'l' NI It It A: C C , Clement's heirs vs John McCall!es et al Jas. Walls vs Johnathan Glasgow & Bair vs Caleb Brown Samuel Caldwell's ether vs Blair tk, Robison J. IL Weaver vs Jacob ttesselt John W. Price adtor so John Snyder Peter Etnier vs John 51105, SECOND WEI,K, I3reker, Bro. it. Co et al vs A. P. Wilsun Jim Chain:bed:tin vs (V Graham gar of F Haslett Jas Perry Ind vs Hugh McNeal Jacob Russell vs J Shirley tf• Bro. Margaret Hamilton vs James Entrekin D. B. Bantu vs John Ely Jonathan Detweiler vs Jacob Oteakirk Valentine Crouse vs 100. AV, Spoor Samuel Myton's heirs vs 'sane. Walls et al Long ler Rupert vs Robert Laid • Same vs Michael Sprealde R. It Porter vs Valentine Hoover 'Comma & Cresswel vs I) S Berkstresser Some vs McCoy & Ca David Foster vs Janus Ectriktat A Set E Roberts vs (('vet Speer's heirs Wm (V Wiley vs II At It MRItAt C Co Huntingdon Cas Co vs S S Wharton. TRAVERS": JeItORS—SECUND Jacob Anspach, farmer, Jae William Cunningham .1. I' John Clabaugh, Mentor, Wolo. Daniel Fleenor, farmer, WaNser. Thomas Fislivr, merchant, lluu in lion. David Friedley, butcher, Walker. John Gehrett, farmer, lliady. Christain Barnhill, Muslim., ]'once. George Hartley, scrivener, Huntingdon. John Hamilton, lumberman Carbon, James Holing, farmer, Shirley. Francis Holler, blacksmith, lirarly. Aaron Kelley, farmer, Henderson. llnuiel Koper, farmer, Henderson. George Long, blacksmith, Walker. Nathaniel Kytle, saddler, Morris. John M. Leech, mill . eri,glit, Jackson, Edmund Morrison, mriner, Shirley. J. A. Moore, 1111,1,1:111,, J. Mcl(aition, M. D. :;liirlephat., Thomas Miller, farmer, Crum weft William Modre, farmer, West. Hobert Myers. earperter, Shirley.Joir 4 Julm Nell; farmer West lienjausin Neff limner Porter Alexamier Orr former Dublin Amos Pheasant Mustier Union Carers Patterson blacksmith Alexandria Samuel Massell laborer Warriorsinark liyefhrmer IVarriorsuntrlc Salon& G. Simpson inn keeper lirady Jacob hoop farmer Tell James T. Scott former West - Daniel Shullx farmer, Morels. Walter C. VuntrieB, th , rlt, IVorriorstimrli, Levi Westbrook, ulcer, II utithig,ll,ll, 1,59. The Paper her the "litueli. The Ueueaee ['antler. :rho Oldegt, Cht•nl,.a The twenty-ni.itb — volume of this popular monthly Agrieulit . Journal eminences with the January . niunlier, which will be issued by the 18th of December. Every one interested in the culture of the soil, is ,invited to send for copy, and examine it berme subscribing.— Published in one of the finest agricultural and horticultural sections of America, with hundreds 'of able and experienced correspondents, it abounds with information interesting and val uable to every farmer and fruit-grower. It is the cheapest agricultural journal in the world, and has attained a larger circulation than any similar paper. It is emphatically the paper for the ,times. Each volume voilhdos three hundred and eighty-bur pages, anti is sent Is any address for fitly•cents a year! Great inducements offered to agents. P o , masters, and all friends of rural improvement, arc respectfully solicited to send ler a speci men, and to,act as agents. Specimen copies sent free me application. Address JOSEPH HAI - ERIS. Publisher and Proprietor, Rochester, N. Y Uce.22,': - - (Estate of James Magill, &c . d.) Administrator's Notioe. T ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the ji estate of James Alegi'', late of Jackson tp.. dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present them duly authentica ted Ibr settlement, to . JAMES MAGILL,I Ad u e re , JOHN CUMMINS, Dec.' I 5,'58,6t. IMOISIVEALS NOTteas NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL persons interested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Reg wines Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the County of Hunting don, on Wednesday the 12th day of January, next, to wit: 1. James Gwin, Esq., guardian of Mary M., Anna A,, Nannie and Alexander Gwin, minor children of Alexander Gwin, late of the bor ough of Huntingdon, deceased. 2. Peter Shaver,guardian of Mary Ann, Amanda Jane, ail . Narcissus Bell Shaver, thteo of the minor children of Wm. Shaver, late of Shirley township, deceased-. 3. John Read, Administrator of Thomas Read, late of the borough of Huntingdon, doe'd. A. Win. Stewart, Adminstrator of James Stewart, Into West township. dee'd. 5. Isaac Norris, Administrator of Wm. Nor ris, late of Penn tp., deceased. 6. Robert Lott, Administrator of Nathan Scofield, late of the borough of Huntingdnn, iced. HENRY GLAZIER, Register Regidter's Mailitsydo,t, ftni, 9,1859, PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, Nov.lo, 1858 FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $512(35:17 ' 1 Extra " " 5 50 family 1 . 5 50 to 670 Rye Floor and Corn Meal Wheat—red, per bushel, . 1 25®1280 “ White . " 1 35@1•10 Rye GO to 68 Core o GO Oats '• 45. Clovers& . $5 25 Cis) per 64 poeuis. Timothy sotsl, $2,00 to 212 Flex, per bushel $1 70 PAPER) PAPER I! Nine, Post. Commercial, Foolscap and. Flatcap—a good assortment for sale by tha ream, half ream quire ur sheet. at Lewis'New (took and Stationery Store. /ee.22,'58.4r. (Estate of John Young, dee'd.) Administrator's Notice. , I El-mils 01? A OM IN ISTR A TION on the L e,tale of John Young, late of Cads twp., tlee'd , having been granted to the undersigned all persons indebted to said estate nee required to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims will present them, duly authentica ted for settlement, to JOSEPH STEVER. MORE THAN 500,000 Bottles SOLD IN 'l' II E NEW ENCIAND STATES IN ONE YEAR. rpm: itEsToil.vrivE OF 0. J. WOOD, tbr resinring ii hair perlvetly and permu• newly Inis never yvt had a 'rival, volume tiller .volume ini;lit 1,, given from thl party of the world mid must intelligent to prove that it is a ',erred Restoentive; but read the circular and you cannot doubt ; read also the following, ItAnt.--.lh•ople have for centuries 1,,,011 afflicted with bald heeds end the only re. thinly, heretofore littown• hen been those tenotto I i,hte tKigs. Ily a recent discovery of lfitest these art arr. being rest dittpeo• -,•.! cult, bat n latent es:tity persona still pilot. Omni, hems„, they Ilene bean so urten 1,” n 1 npon ,W different Mods. To ;:n•lt we enrttestly innke the , that tlicy will try nave again, lor in NVinnl l B liontoretit, inch ibiug On tail. \Ve knew eP ,t hely tt ho was bald, who oat d 111,, ',tick it short tint, and her head io entri,lntely tt itlt the and curls ittingitiulde. We ktit,tv ttt Ca,11 , 1 where hair neon rapidly lolling nett, whinh it ',snowed in grottier porli:etiott then it over had ben before. It widtont doubt one of the hest Hr. t 10 1 ,, rot. the Lair hi good ponclitiott, 0.1 zo , :go.nt Uhl illy i" ail flit. ttitt tittit hiiir it t t.. improve ! ,..r 'Mt; totty i;; 1, but evt.ry ittxt of heir .1' 1111111 10 NI lIQ 1110/111:4 OM( Sl.“111 , 1 lg. !NH 11101'4d t.. Ilhtein AllOl a ei/Ilslll/1 . 1114,11, - .Idow , tfr, 1'161;1(10i Ilia. tpri. 106, ji4, im3f; (). .1. WI ',tit .1- C‘).--..1 . 4.18 : linytt iitir I{,dorativo 11, , ftor Itili• yt.tll • I nrnl ngt`llto, :':I•1 Illg 1,111,11,1,1 a 111.• .1, 111 . 1II•1111 1 . 11 . 01 - 1,1 Itt . It nty'sell. I witt.l.l 11, 1/ 1 / l alll 1111 1111 . 1111. //I I >hi'. Or State in Ilu ont t,t tank, arch tin nr. rat,e.m.m. i ,111 T."0%1114'111 molting 0. 1 .,al I.: it in the l'oitetl States, lbr r.,noritig the ba,r. ' I loo,t• enraged in the drag lisiae,, yen,. nod have 101,1 Mari• ,:1A prepar.ditis t..r the it hit., 1101 um, ti. oo d 1,1 Iliog that re,tore.4 the se..retku organs or (he ~alit yoas, beior rdly convinced your retoorative i what tei,ree. , nt it to I ,ould like to ertgatm in the a it, tor 1 um sati,lit-t1 it trust sell runt; truly. S. sTocKm.ks. waninud. Ihi.. 5, 18,17, :TM.% (I. J. WOO!, llnv. renlized the p. Hair !tl.- Omar', I wish t.• stale, that lit...lit, my hair growilm thin, to, nett 110 grny, indueed Iron what 1 read mid heard, to tty the articles prepared by you, to promo'. its grout!: and eluttige it; color as it wits in ynoth, both of which it has effected completely- In the oper ation I have used nearly three bottlus. Yours. &e. .IA;NIPIS FRANCIS. O. J. WOOD X; Co., Proprietors, 31'2 Ilroad waß, New York, (in Ike great N. Y. \Vint Ruillng EtJahlislottent,) and 11.1 Market St., St, I.uttis, Mo. John !lead, Agent, Hunting. don, and sold by all good 1/rtiggiets, Dee. 1,'51-3.43111. To the Stockholders of the Sherman•N ; Valley and Broad Top Rail Road Company. ! Notice is hereby given, that an Election will he bold at the house of Mrs. (tray, in New Ger man town, Perry county, on Manday, the 10th day of January, A. D. 1809, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 6P. N., to elect a President and twelve Directors, o said Company, to serve for ono year front that date. By Order of the Board. G. W. SPEER, Sec'y. Office of S. V. & B. I'. 18, R. 1 Warm Springs, Nov, 26. f P.S.--Collectors of Stock, by order of the Beard, were instructed to place at the hands of a Justice of the Peace, for collection, alter the with of Decetnber, 1858, all arrearuges for un paid instalments. • Dcc.B;s7. Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising com munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensively before the pub lic, that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—that iis o instantly inereasing;—and that it goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi- zens. We would also state that our facilities for executing all kind of JOB PRINT ING are equal to those of any other office inthe county; and all• Job Work entrus ed to our hands will bo done neatly, promptly, and at prices which will be atisf actory. New Card-Press. Having bought a fast "CARD-PRESS," we are now prepared to print in the prcportion of three cards in the same time that any other press in the county can print one, consequent ly we can print them cheaper—if not done well we make no charge at all. We risk your pa. tronage.