Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 05, 1859, Image 4

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    farmers' (goinut.
He that by the plough would thrive,
Himself; must either hold or drive."
CORN, oats, rye, and barley, are all more
or less used as food for man--they are all
eminently nutritious; but of all cereals,
wheat is most preferred, and is most ex
tensively used. On the other hand, few
annuls relish wheat, end without exception
always prefer oats, corn, barley or rye,
where a choice is allowed them, Wheat
AWLS designed to supply the principle bread.
(nod of the most active and inteligent por
tion of the human race. Ever since the
eons of JACOB went to Egypt, to buy wheat,
with double money and a present of
little balm and a little honey, .spit,es and
myrrh, nuts and almonds," the wheat.
growing farmers could always find a mar
ket /nor! readily than the producers of any
other cereal.
Though wheat is a native of thr tem
perate zones, yet it is remarkably hardy,
withstanding alike the hattests summers
and the severest winters. Its range of
habitat is more extensive than that of any
other cereal. From the cradle of the hu•
inan race to the last clearing on our west.
em frontier, wheat can be grown. While
some soils are much better adapted to its
cultivation than others, there are few soils
-an poor that zonnot, by judicious manage
ment, be made to produce at least an oc
casional crop. The soil naturally adapt
ed to the groat of wheat is of very limited
extent, Its production for any length of
time,rin any country, is not an easy mat
ter. Infinite wisdom has so ordered, that
those things which are most desirable
shall be the most d ifficult to obtain. As
we have said, there is comparatively little
land that will naturally produce good crops
of wheat; but, on the other hand, there is
even less land which inteligent and care
ful culture can not make to yield more or
lass wheat. In the county of Norfolk. in
England. we ha-'e seen, on what was once
a ' , blowing sand," large fields of wheat
which would average forty bushels per a
cre. Farmers must not expect to grow
this prime article of human food without
intelligent labor' With it, nothing should
daunt them. The Anglo-Saxon motto,
•Though,', combined with science, will
()vier come all obstacles.
ft is impossible to lay down specific di
rections fur the cultivation of wheat, adopt
to all sections where the Genesee ]ter-' ;
mer circulates. We can but allude to
general principles, and leave their appli
cation to the intelligence of the raeder.
In Western Now York, so celebrated for
the production of the fatuous "Genesee
wheat," many fears are entertained that
wheat culture must be given up on ac
count of the ravages of the midge. We
have repeatedly given our reasons for coal
sidering these (ears unfounded. Farmers
here have run their land ton hard; they
have sown too lunch wheat and other ce
reals. They must sow a less area; select
the best portions of the farm, manure ju.
dicioualy. cultivato in the best manner, and
sow early with plenty of seed nod an early
By far the greater portion of land in this
section needs underdraining. Even intel.
ligent farmers have the crudest and most,
erroneous views cn this subject. They
laugh at the idea that I ght, high rolling
land, can possibly need draining. Yet it
is a fact that such lend is often full of stag.
nant water • Dig a trench eight or ten
feet long and three or four feet deep; let it
remninopen for a week or two, and see if
in the mean time if water does not accu
mutate and remain in it. If it does, the
land certainly needs draining before it can
produce healthy, early, maximum crops of
wheat, Threefourth of the land in West
ern New York is in this condition. and
the wonder is, not that wheat so often fails
but dint fair trims have been so long ob
tained. That juuicinus underdraining will
pay in this section, has been repeatedly de
monstrated. It no longer admits of a me
rnent's doubt. Unber draining is a perma
nent improvement, and the increase ob
tained from it is net profit. We know of
instances where the increase of the first ,
crop of wheat after underdraining has paid
the whole costs of constructing the drains,
ft seems impossible to make farmers be.
lieve this. We could wish that every
town and agricultural society in the State
would appoint a committee,. consisting of
two or three intelligent practicel farmers,
to visit such thoroughly underdrained farm
as those of JOHN JOHNSTON and ROBERT
J. SWAN, near Geneva, N. Y., and have
them report at a subsequent meeting.
Such is the force of example in ngricul-
Lure, that we believe such a visit would
lead to much good. We make the sugger.
film entirely on our own responstbilty, feel.
lag confident that WIHNSERS. JOHNSTON and
SWAN would cheerfully allow such persons
to examine the results of their system of
(To be continued. )
irrlf you withearrr7i:Eoy your defects
quarrel with your bast friend. and )uu will
be surprised to find whet a villain you ore
even to the eetituutiou of a (mind.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
ra aLaao
My connection foe the past eight years with
the above I.titution, as Cheif Physician, and
a twelve weary course of steady devotion to the
Cure of Pulmonary Consumption nod its kin•
deed diseases, together with my unrivalled op
portunities and advanrage of pathological re
st arch—aided tot a little by a perfect system
of Medical Inhalation—has enabled me to ar
rive at a decisive, direct, and successful course
of treatment for the positive and radical pure
of all disease of !bet/groat, Lunge, and
Passage, By Inhilatien, the vapor and cura
tive properties of medicines are directly addes
sed to the diseased organs and the integument.
do not advise the use of Medical Inhalation
of any kind, to the exclusion of general treat.
ment ; and although I consider it a useful ad.
juvant in the proper management of those fear
ful nod often fatal diseases, yet I deem it very
necessary that each patient should have the
benefit of bothOgcneral and local tteatment.
The success of my treatment in the above di
sease, and the high character of the Institution
over which I have so lfteg had the Imor to
preside, are too well known to need any eulogy
or comment front me. At the solicitation of
many private and professional friends, through
whose philanthropic aid the above charity has
been long and liberally supported, and after
due consideration, I have concluded to make
such arrangements as will bring the benefits of
my experience and treatment within the . reach
of all, and not confine myself, . hereto:l;re, to
those only who entered the Infirmary, or who
were able to visit me at my office. Hoping
therefore that the arrangement will give en
tire satisfaction, both to my profesinal brethern
and the public, I would respectfully announce
in conclusion, that /mos note be consulted per,
aonally at by letter, on all diseases as *drive
mod that the medicines, the same as used in
the Institution, prepared to suit each individu
al case, Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhaling,
&e. tisc., will be forwarded by express to any
part of the United States or the Canadas.
TElt3IS.— My trans of treatment by letter are
as followings, via; : 512 per month for each
patient, which will include medicine sufficient
fur one month's use; also, Inhaling Vapor, and
an Inhaling Apparatus, Paymens as follows:
$6 to be paid to Express Agent on receipt of
the box of Mt dicine, and the balatieeV at the
expiration of the mouth, if the patient be cured
or is satisfied with the treatment. Patients, by
giving a full history of their case, anal their sy
mptoms in full, can be treated as well by letter
as by personal examination. Patients :trail.
is}' themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may
rely upon immediate and permanent releii, asi
he seldom hes to treat case over thirty days.
Letters of advice promptly answered. Fur fur•
titer patieulars address
No. S2O Breadway, nor. Twelfth St., N. Y.
P.S.—Physicians and others visiting the
city ere respecfully invited to cell at the In.
firmatory, where many interesting cases can
be witnessed, and where our intproued Nip:ma
tes for the inhalation of reheated vapor can
be seen and inspected.
TOWN V 8 COUNTRY.—WS noticens the
warm weather grows apace, the denizens
of pent up cities seek the unbrageous
shades and sylvan scenes of the rural por
tions of the gauntry; per vont ra the in•
habitants of the country and dwellers among
the enchanting scenery of nature, having
a little leisure time, atter gotheriug in the
fruits of the earth, turn their attention ci•
ty ward, for recreation or business purpo
ses. To all notch, perhaps no City to the
union possesses so many charms as the
City of Pe nm - wit h its many objects of beau•
ty and art. Its magnificent water-works, its
Academy of Music, Academy of Natural
Science, Art Unions, Picture Galleries,
Parks, Cemeteries, etc,; and last, though
not lent, that link between the present
and glorious past, that revered relic of the
"times that tried men', louts,"—Old Inde•
pendence Hall. All are objects of unu
seal interest to the intelligent visitor, afte
viewing which, a tetv• minutes might be
profitably spent in-the Hair Dressing So- '
oohs of George nurgaland, No. 29
South Sixth St., between Chestnut and
Market, in admiring the light and beauti
ful "Gusaimer Wig" and Toupee" of
his make. George has a!so a 'Liquid
Flair Dye" which is rapidly a iperseding
all other in the market.
An experienced Editor, a successful Author,
awl a thoroughly educated Literary Man, wea
ry with twenty-fire years of the drazery of
Daily .Journalism, has determined to hiro out
and cell his brains at retail, to those who may
require their services, in any honorable way.
Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and
dealers of every kind, will be supplied, off hand
with Advertisements, '(poetical or otherwise,)
Notices, Cards, Circulars, or any species of ar.
titles desired.
Politicians will be supplied with Speeches,
Reports, Resolutions, Letters,Toasts, Pam•
phlets, Editorial Articles, otnniunication.,
and every sort of Brain-work, which they may
it inmvenient or troublesome to do thorn.
Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in so
ciety or ocenpation in life,:an have Letters
written on any subject, hether business or
The advertiser will also conduct or translate
Correspondence of every kind, either English,
French, Spanish, German or Latin.
Poettv, Acrostics, for Alburns,Notes, B Met
deux, 3lonodies, and Compositions of the most
delicate and confidential character, incident to
every possible circumstance or event in life,
will to furnishodin inviolable confidence, by
writing to the undersigned, and explaining
their wishes.
Orders by mail, accompanied with cash. will
be strictly and promptly attended to. Address
J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau,
Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa.
Aug.18,'58.-I v
The undersigned takes this Method of infor.
ming the public generally that there is no med
icine now offered to the pbllc that is eneal to
DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL ice reliereing
suffering humanity.
I was no observer of its effects in a friend of
intne, who suffered almost everything from a
nruralgic affection which resisted the best med
ical treatment in Centre county. We applied
freely the Galvanic Oil to the painful part, and
gave soma inwardly, and in 20 minutes the pa
tient was asleep, end when awaked was free free
from pain, and contiued so.—This is a positive
fact which I am willing to make good at any
time. A rasa of FELON was cured in nearly the
same length of time.
J. B.IIAIIN,Centre
Aug. 18 1858-Iy. Centre county.
Linen Shirt Breasts, Beady-rnade Shirts,
white end Nury and collars, very ehsap
at P. WM'S.
„ ....„,, ,,,,, ,, ,, iT ,,,,•, :,‘,...,,,,
r \::,...,•„.,,,,...,
1859. G y '.!......A.:: :: r 4. '"'ln - 't . -- ---''' .l ='' - ' -4 11 ell
_C.IARD ,,,, , dr_ , 1 . 6.e ,_--,„ t" 9 .7 VT...s . ( 'uL } Tir 7 111 1 bKF - Tp
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• (''k' ' - ',14) ,'-' '2 THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, 111. D.,
, ' l ' ) "a - t0z..7.1 - TR.r44 -- ..z. - ?... ..L.,, .V"N , (i. HENRY CLAPP, dt:N.,
• t.
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1J . lA, . • 401,$ 'Alas. ANNA WIIELPLE
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Write only fiw the
t(i)FB 1859. i. 11859. 1 -i - ;.: I ,',-; 1 .i. i ;7 ? .., - .' ' GOLDEN'PRIZE.
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67 6 910 1112. 78910 II t 2 Pi , rf, GOLD EN• PRIZE.
cal 13 [4 15 la 17 le lid It 15,16 17 IS 19 2.0 ILLUSTRATED.
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i ':' . ,,,l i g , 4 ' 1: 16 17 :2,1 ',.‘iyl.-"P;)
. The New York Weekly . Golden Pi ize ix . one
IF ~,,,,,, 21 22 , 21 \:-.) , .ot the largat and best literary papers ol the
~- pii .:, ! day-an Imperial Quarto, • containing eight pa
~,, `, .i i, 1 1.:, ,, 1
27 28 29
- ,--- .t-? APRIL. , - 7, OCT. 25 26 . 27 2 , 29 :30 -
(. ~,..1 , 1. get',. or forty columns, of the most interesting
I and leseinnting reading matter, from the pens of
S.; F'B'l 3 4 •
16 , 2 , :( 3 7 , ii.8 1 1i,2 : k,.., !,' 1,21., 7 ,
2 , '-' i l
6.),,,,4 t . „4 , ccf,) ,(",...., the I . .er : y . ftrst.wrlters of the day,
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tili 24 25 26 2_ 6 3
_2 7 1 2 18 52 02 8 2 ,,0, 712 ,4 6 1 :-1 ,;. ;
~ :v a :. % , ,,, ! A PRESENT,
Worth from 53 Cents to $4OO 00.
C)(12 -- - 30 3 1' - '- -- -1 ..41 ,. .,:': -~n -P - . ~.. . . . . - .
, r 4- : VI, to ha given to each subscriber oninediatcly
‘; on
. reee , lpt of the sul.7riptio!i money. TlllB is
i MAI% I :: 3 NOV.
(3 4) 88 l°
13 14 15'16 17 18 191 ' , Oirts.l.l' , liNtscit!ort 1111 A Illelllllllo of 'Fr i endship, and not
In •
, ~,,
~. it i .. .1440 , '' Ins 00 inducement to obtain subscribers
20 21 20:3 21 25 21 , 1 , ~,,,..„,--... , ,
27 28 29 311- -1-
~..,, - B'2 I TE.ItAI S t
~.a , j
D u c . _ ___ ....._ 12 3, ...10,,, .17., i 1 Copy for t year, $2 00 and I Present.
t.... 5
JUNE 2 -- 2 i r -I;(3)6 2:47'
456; 71 8 lO . ! 7 .. 2 ” 350 2 Presents.
5 00 , 5
',7)....' 11 12 13,14 15 16 17 , j).' - ,=" j I tc 3 "
18 19 20'2i 22 23 24 I -,..,,,.- 1 1 ' 5 " 800 5 ",
• r , LA
4 ) 25 26 270 29 3 ,, 31i1
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7 00 5 . r.
15 00 10
k ~) „.,...,____,___ ___.--,--_. 3,
) r. 4 ~ . .. '
kc; t i l "PLATINT dr Eli Nip -, - •
',, ~ „ :„...Lv ..,„ ...;,-', , it. "
a ~,, ot trern Inscription, inomptin executtb in tin best sttjle4 5:.(,,,,, ! -,(„,:„rtich:to ho gi„,a,,1),(,)„.a3. are con ;;„,„,,
and at the lowest prices of the .1)1 r 4, !in the following list t
- (....; ''.OOII2,TJAI CIYDT.c%.” ..,, ~.. , 2 Packages °Mold, eon'g
' 4
a ' 5 do c'.. do
lis (1.., .do do $5OO so each.
.200 00 each.
100 00 each.
We Tv'e 4 fitylititi eta a o..Fweaataante?// .), ilO l'atent Layer Ilioteg Watches 100 00 each.
a 1 20 Gold Watches
1 . , : k0 9 / Xie, to whet aa46., all eanelani4 Gal if mede. ~ ,: „30,, p 1 , 1 0 .) ,d 1,,,, 75 00 each.
60 00 each.
50 OC each.
..;.\ l l g aide/te a / 1 4 agendea I le. ....I,,Wtedd )11r? 300 Ladies' Gold Watches
, 200 Silver limiting Watelies 35 00 each.
30 00 end,.
0t., , ,
a)) ek ale'nfa l on A. Kn. eieeedee.-3-- ..I ' l7 r ( i i ' ' ‘ i:i l. (; " ,, ` : .`. :l ; :illiainsVo o o o n T. '-' :io 0 1 ( , ) ,. , e ....1',... 1 :1;
.., .
.: - Gold Lockets, Bracelets, lironehe,, Ea,
(v.,''' f re&q ,7 .; -, ..‘ 1 •• • • ta• -- . e •
, /OW ''..4, 4, 1 , =,1 , ..0u.. :il, 13111 l'lll, ...Ice, l-,,1,01m.
e ' ' ''!.. f t ' . -- ....A. - 47. - AX:Sits -, :- a-W. , ...,'9-N, k `,....,7• Rip— :',Lirt Stub; Watch Keys, Gold and SI!:
1859. 0, ~,..1 ,), 7*.! ) 1-t ir, w e - /4:2;77( eV) " -- .S___ - '' 2 '; - ,.9.51,...,c9 ifihn 02, f verchinthlcs, and a variety of other arti!,
k5......c, •
.e .
............., ..' Tj ':: - r. \ O"'URO--.-4-,,, , p.)''' worth fro,Aso rents to $l5 ....if.
` ,l ' 71:
_, ...._ .1".
- li e will present to every person foool iug I,
d V 4P:i? i5O ..uv.eril,ers, $2 each, .n. Gold IV...ft', ~,tl,
- 3 . ;'' '
$40.10 any one sending us NO sithicnbers, at
•"' - ' '' - - .$2 each, It Gold Watch, worth $9O. Ever :
',nhscrilu, will also receive a present.
lIINTINGDON OVARM SPRINGS. i iin , e „„ u , . .
. re, opt 1. 1 .
the mone y , t h e
, The Warm Springs at the hese of Warrior'. ' ~ol (libel's name will he entored upon our
' Ridge, five m lee north of 11,,,,tingdon,oyerlook.. book , and the present will In- forwarded within
ing Standing Stone Creek, and cnoirotted by ro- i our ~,,h, by ~,,if or 0 ,..,,, r ,,,,,. 5 ,,„, ~,,i,i,
• mantic hills and woodlands, have been leased . eihnAll communications should he a d dressed t 4
by the former proprietor of the Leamer I funse. t 111',AN 5 SA LTER. Proprietors,
..I'l,o extensive Hotel Inaling4, bath mites, 1 na:, Itrondtray, New Ynri ,
&c., tweeted at great exptlice by General A P. I , , „ ..,_,,.. ,
Wilson, linen been completed-and the groves i .''". . 1 -
have been beentikally laid out and adorned.- -
The Hotel parkas and chambers airy and cot, •
fortubly furnished; sad the prospee, from the
verandahs fair beauty, cannot be excelled.
For half a century, these Springs have been 1 ,
celebrated for their .maliti,s, and the ! t ilarilberSbUrg to Mt, Union
great nature ot the waters iii rheumatic and ciao- „ ..
nit, alleetions. The tompariture of the water ! rim e 1,11,10,;,,,,:d 05,1100 t h at „ ,„0,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,
tieing 691 t'egrees., 1,14111 . 3 the bililllll,ldight. , 1 s h e H e , o r 5t,,,,, over the road between
fill rod i l l yl g""lullg•4 6 ‘,. flill " fr " uf , l ' lll g ff '" l ' l s l Cli,nhershurg and Alt, ru'lon, 1 001101 be hut
and mountains, gut.. it." 1111(18 ) . 11 " to° " 11 y. ' disadrentageons to a large section 01' timer"...
nth sin 'nu& in St""nerPek• Persons in 1101 - ! trv. has, at a considerithle expense and trouble
soil of 19,91,11 or t 10401. e, will ti e d (Ills n in''''' ' ni%.10 erre tigement F. to run a line of Stage:
delightful and healthful retreat; mid it s s nearness . T i ,_,,,,,,, : , I,etweee the Iwo points ~.30,.,,
to the Pentisyivenia Reilroadoind h heapness
_- (leures
eethlere Aerie 1 1 ,, " „„ heeii ` p! : , :
of the rates charged gio,ts, give it n decided `, ea d an t h e i. on tr, mid experienced and trii--lv
advantage over any other watering glace in the .!..,,...,.., 1 ..., , apar i thea ,i ,),,, ri ,,,,,,,,,, ~,' thi,
Stine. proprietor 1,,,1y,,,,,-,
or.peri,..,, ,„ t ,. - , -;•: . : ., . , : : . :: th, t i , n rv a n , ie u t i n i, l l . .i i f ,o the th i , ii , : e e r i , s ,, , , lia r k . t: i n i .. ,
the business and do pin, or 1, 05 6, 0 will be 5: ,, •• , opon the puldic generally to patronize it. el ti
red to make guests comfortable. dent that it will be for their mutual advanta i.
flacks run from Ilentingdon to Warm Springs . 0, , e,, ,00 ees , o „,, will ( . 0 „ 100 , 1 ~ (
on the arrival of the different Railroad train,-- the )4,,,,,,,g ~, th e ,I d aes ..rill ho rege ' i ' ee. !
fare 25 cents. Families accommodated iit T.- ; ~,,- F,,,,,.„ 1,- . .,„. a 11 1 uhth,„ , „.,,,., T„ ,;„,
crate terms. • JOAN (1. !, 11 ' 1 ` I), Thi ' frstiav,%,l,l Satto - .l4 ' y evenings,. arri ag' tit
Warm Springs near'? ' , '"Pri'''''. ch,iller..l.nrg the next day et 2 o'cloc . llo
litintingden, June sth i
• , taming, leave (Ant tithersliarg, lino oi , a night
• let 10 o'clock, arriving at Mt. Union he next
CONSUMPTION CURED. 1 e,,i.,,,, ill Lillie lilt the car, Retire -1 Mt, Un.
feNzflirrioN i , ,: - AN OLD IN DIAN , ion and Shadc(4,olthe line will be thiily;
Dacron. UIZ
NCAS LA Nl', , t",, , ,' • l'are through 533 to intermediate poi!,
n while a Missionery ninon:, diT , i. 1: ,, p ,,,, i0n• JOAN JAMISfiN
(1 : 111 .'. 1r.d1,111., of the llo . eky Munn, ' Jae. 2001, 1851.-tf.
aim, discovered it 116115
CONSUMp'rIONPLANT, that proves to be n : ik, ) g.: ,;r4.. 9$ A 0. :.
, ,„„„„. Wi l.t :: j Ai e ti' , .',' i '. '. . ( •., 1 :::.'" 1 iT,'•:,'; : BLANKS I BLANK'S'
...v....—. ConiplaiM, Nervous' Atli:, ;
lions, Coughs, Colds, &e.- , - 16 114 2 1 11 lii liti 0
coNsumpTioNiiityin g , .1, 1111111 C lii, Mri tine , ...I genera/ ahortment of Blank, ef all 17 c .
and retired from hininess, he 1 s.wiptions filet printed and Pa• vile al Mr
~ I v i i i .i t i , ;7 i l o l .l l l ,t hi e , x rcgii i :i .t li o i t , i , s il !: I “j„,,,,,i ()p i e ,
I I Al , l,ol'loll'l of 'lt:forces, (..minoni Laid. of charge to all 1 N at , aa ,„ itefcrees, Jinigia, , lit N,,tes
CONSIDIPAIONwho may desire u, and will 1 5„, aa , 0 „ 8.,
Vendee Notes
:mill to his agent, enc105ing1,,, x, ,,„,,„„„
cu „„„ two stamps (6 cents), to guy a.. ,.. e Facies,
....'.. the return letter, with a des- "' Sultputtiss,
cription of their symptoms.- 0 :m0 11102 o Deeds,
CONSUMPTIONThq Old Do,tor has cured " ftrrtull Slortgages,
more t h an 3000 east , ' ~/ Con- 1 Commitments, Bond to idersinify Constable, &s:
11 ' •
MED , Nigel n p i Tol;io and ,,r:,t t u 1
thethselves of this opportuni- , - BANK . NOTICE.
'• itiFi, l tTiigud"Z,risi l ug.7l,`,. l gl i t t •e i z LI i e ' e r that i ;
s II7e;• " 1 1 1?1 . 01 o lt1
CONSUIRPTIONO., as the Doctor wishes to do
all the good he 0. before lie ,
CURED. dies. Address all letters to
, DANIEL ADEL,' to make egghead. to the, next Legislators for
a Charter, for rho creation of 9 Corporate body
11 " 3531 P. (1 . , New York,. with Ranking or Discounting privileges, to Cc
Who is Ids solo agent.'styled ' , rim Ifunrisionon CouNTY - 13snu," to
J __ ._
,Tune 30th. 1950.-Iy. I he located in the Borough of Huntingdon, coon
ty of Huntingdon, tend State of Pennsylvania,
1 ; with it capital
. of ono humbled thousand dollars,
• 1 with the specific &pet ot issuing Bank paper,
I and doing all other things ordinarily pertaining
I to a Ilniik of issue.
I ;W. 10. Zalooxii, B. E. illeMottralc,
I 1 DAvID Bt. in, A. JOHNSTON,
I WM. 141.41URT1110,, JAMES Maoutna,
i rhea. 11. CIIEMER, G/lAFFIIIS 111/LLER,
lA. W. Belve.ourr, Jrto. Isiceurd.oe ~
It. Bourn PEtatutn, /01IN Wurrrttamt,
T;1031. P. CAMPBET.I..
•` 1 " .
1 6 7
I 2 13 14
19 20 21
26 27 26
`2 3 4
O 10 111
16 17 181
23 24 25
2 3 41
O lo It;
16 17 19
3 '2 4 2t,
30 31
-- 1
6 7 6
13 14 15
111 21 22
27 26 29
4 59
11 12 13
18 19 2t.
'45 26 27
1 2 3
8 it 10
15 16 17
22 23 V!
29 30
Al, -.,:,:..f.:-.A,v0..a.x•A:.T0 Tj Nil).7,t 71,
~ 4 """'
q~ 11 ~ 'llllli~
The Alexandria Foundry Fhtsks,Patter,
have been bought by R. C. Meths,. The
Foundry is in blast and he has all kinds id Cas
tiffs. Stoves of all kinds, Machines,
Ploughs, Kettles, &e.. &c., which he
will sell at the low—
" est market prices.
MI kinds of Conn. s : . try produce and
old mewl taaen in exchange at market prices.
- It. C. Me 1.111,1,
51:, , y 26 1858.
linvejont received their second stock of
which will he, sold of at
It comprises Summer Drees Goods of every
description, Prints,
Gingham, Cottons, White
Goods, Hosiery, M itts, 'frimtnings, Marseidivi,
.• •
Patent Extension Skirts, 1i0c49 of all kinds,
Straw Goals, Boots & Shoes, and a large and
general nssort.•nnnt of all kinds of Goods :mi•
table to the woofs ~f the community.
T ittillinVilnikilaN Ilig - if lila.
IIE subscriber respectfully announce! , to his
friends and the public generally, that lie has
leased that old and well establisliep 'NI:1 , 11N
STAND, knOWTI fis the Huntingdon . -,,,,,
Bo om on thecornei Of Millard Charles i. , V',.:l
Street, in the Borough of !tenth. .!! .. , L
do l ., . ..
— fie has recently put the house through n thoro
ugh course °impairs, and is now equal to any in
this place.
Ills TABLE will always be stored with the
best the season can allerl, to suit the tastes
and appetites of his guests.
Ilts B. will always . he tilled pith Choice Li
quors, nud Ills &mutat always attended by ca re
tut and attentive Orders.
Wile hopes by strict attention to h o ,u,e ss
and a spirit of accomedat ion, to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage.
Sept. 15, 18513-Iy. I'. Me ATEETt.
SELLING mown: v(4
18 . 58, EAU AND N
M. Gutman & Co.,
Inform the public generally, that they hare jest
received a large stock of -
Fall and Winter Goods,
conflicting of •
• PANTS, &e., &c.
Ris stock of Clothing is of the latest fasts.
ions, and manufactured of the best materials;
and as they are determined to sell as cheap us
the cheapest, the public will do well to give
them a call and ezatninc their stock.
4627 - Don't forget the place—Long's brick
building, on the corner, Market square, lion.
Does anybody want to get into good busi
ness, by which they can make from $75 to
$lOO a month without hard labor? If so send
me 5 cents in stamps or money, for return
postage, nod by return mail, you will receive
<Jrculars of the grandest .moneymaking
scheme ever appeared to man. Discovered by
Georgian and proved to be invaluable by
million of Southern people. Address,
A. C. DENSON, Mobile Ala.
Sept. 22, '513.—1y.
14 in great variety at the cheep etoveLf
.11 P. GWIN.
Prepared ariginallli 1a Pro. If. DUFCA LI.
formerly of the College of Surgeons,
le' For the Cure of all sore and Pain
F or instance—Pain or sureness in any
part of the system, Rheumatism, pain
in the back, breast or sides, healed breasts
lteuralgia, Burns, Sprains, Head-ache,
Cramp in the Stomach or any other dis
ease that is SORE or PAINFUL, and
it is only 'over this class of diseases wet
claim a VICTORY. We say positively
to our patrons we ran relieve the sufferer
09 times out of 100. We would just say
to the public, Prof. Du Vall was 26 years
in bringing to this medicine superiority
over all others.
Prise 50 cts. per bottle—i par coot
cut °lithe trade. All orders must be ad
dressed to T. I). STONEROAI),
Sole Agent fur U. S.,
. a la at this office; it in calculated to burn wood t for salc at notoufacturers' prices by
.r coal. JAMES A. BROWN.
Dr. John McCulloch,
Offers his professional services to the citizens,
Huntingdon and vicinity. Office, on llill st.
between Montgomery and Bath.
untingdun, Aug. 29, 1855.
ca. [ll. 2111M®ril TiItIIINE D
MlDlTZlialtiOtt e
Juno 13, 1857.
' .„,11'LENDID Line of Drone Goode, e
i•- 3 ,lloheit of all kind., Berages,Chalt n e, i r in
' orod Brilliants, Chintzes, &c.. ealibe b and
CLOTHING from ma in Huntingdon at Whole
sale, as cheap as they can in the cities, asl
a 'Wholesale sl to is Philadelphia.
Apr.9,'56. H. ROMAN.
QPRING SHAWLS and Mantillas of evea
style at the METROPOLITAN,
• i
slew Card-Press. Mail T. I Ex. T. I Past T.
~ !•, , , , , , „ , Train leaves P. hi. A. M. P. hr. eougnt arast - t..IAitu•PRESS, 'we , 1 / , 010r5 1 n0 . 0 . , 1 . 06 0.24 11 . 24
art: now prepared to print in the preportion of I 1„„fin,,..4n, 1.22 8.39 11.39
three cards in the saute lilac that any other mill (''reek,l . 23 0 . 40 11 . 49
press in the county can print one, C011301.11IVIII• , Mt. Union, 1.47 9.63 12.03
ly we can print then.: cheaper—if not done well 1 stirs OWN() West.
we make no charge nt ail. We ask your pa. I
tronage. i Trait: leaves P. M. A. M P. NI
..... _ .________
- • Mt. Union, 4.32
--- --- ' 6.4S' 11.35
INTZIW STORE! 11713 W G 009331! • 'Mill Creek 4.48 0.58 11.49
o I
litintingdon, 5.03 7.11 12.01
FISHIER & !WM 1111 HE Petersburg, 5,A 7.23 ' 12.18
1 .- the METROPOLITAN ; ,
-.. formerly known ."SAxTox's" take plea- ! 1
, ip
. 4 ,0, 4 , 6 a n
sure in announcing to their many friends, that j Si I.73,Erezilt.Rneg EN ie ~
they have received a now and well.seleetnd :
i =0c.•cpcc,....0.,-..:.-..t0 rt i
s C teek of Goods, which they feel confident will , 41, 0 , 0 t''''
satisfy the demands atilt: public, and will :trove ' V ~e,
unexceptionable in STYLI: mid QUALITY.. 4 9;: )
( 0 ,
( 0 ) g 4.>
The line of Dress Goods embraces
1 1 0 0 JOB OFFICE a t
LAWNS, PERCALES, Ite. CIIALYS, .5 . 2 , ' 0
OF THE 0 !i
DELAINES, CRAVELLA 111011.1.11: ,
' •;, 0 ..lIUNTs JOURNAL." g 4 ......
I. uOTnEs A LPA CCAS, ',•.:•.• 0 The largest and lost
( 0, t.-
' !'PRINTS, (11NGIIAMS, Ike. JOB 0 ~.„.
We have 11 fine ilStiOrtlllCTlt of Summer A1:11: • • , !A. Tim co / . ,-- .. \-pr : 0 ci os
tilhis, Shawls, Dress Trimmings, Fringes, An- • '• 0 tx....
tiques. Ribbons. dints, Gloves, Gauntlets, fl,- '.'' JOH-VlOlllll. ~ op
sicry, Ladies' Collars, Handkerchiefs, Buttons, ,• -' - 0 '4.:..,
Floss, Sowing Silk, Whalebones for Skirt 4, -•: •• 0 ~,,t.
Reed Hoops, Brass do., Skirt Cord, fie: •': ', '' 11 7 , 110:11 - ib,c , ,:fl, a. nt , .
A kso—Tiekons, Osnalsurg, bleached and un
bleached Muslins at all prices, COlOl . Oll and '• , EXECUTED oVe
White Cninbries, Barred am? Swiss Muslim.
.. it beSy
Victoria Lnwns, Nainsooks, 'Varlet. and mar: • ~_ • i ,Ifp 4151, '.
. ~, 10 W .
other articles which
l, comprise the line of Wi:11:: .
. o ,
: ' '"S;i;il 1 ,(,) ji.:'
nod Domestic Gent's. i p : hIJ ..i 2: - .1
We have French Cloths, Fancy Cassino:res. . :' , 0 THAN 0 ai>
Si: t tinettv, Jenits, Tweeds, Cettonad., Linc-m ,: ~
Denims and Blue Drilla. :•. , p '11•1,11)4ZOTs ((', ' ' .l)
"r Ail,i, fIATIF ' ,o f . 'l l.
''. L i'
of every variety and style. Also all kinds it .. 0 IVARRAN. , 0 ";"
STRAW GOODS. 0 .....
i ' i: , i) All kinda of ~ "i;•: ,
A ,p 4 :melt of • ,
GUAR EMUS, 11.1111) tiz, lit R:11.11:. E, ; „.:,
I e " ';', 131, AN KS ( 0 ) 4 - 1 . '5
„ 0,. : .
I -i , -•- - - • 0'.4
i . . . . _
_11f.1: :. ~ k >
Viooll anal tiiißlow-Ware,
~Lieli will !,, sold
We lisn twit( i:, PLASTEII, 11:311, SA :. 1. --'
'.:. ' ".'..:" '''''''•
nail all kinds of GRAIN, and possess i:o.iii,i, : .
in flits brallifit 0 l trmie wimp:ailed
.heart. NY, :
. - -
delis et' :ill 1,tc.1:14., or ', reel, or 31t-r,•l::lndi , e.
FREE or CHAR4ii. at the depot. 0 the
Bwthi 'full awl t-t n Itttilmalle.
Conte 'air, l'i,llol 011, 11111 l be convinced that
the "hlk-rnoromwe' is the pinee to Set•Ull ,
ritt•lliiintllfill and desirable 600,4:, ilkposeil of ,
the lowest rates.
A pr.,1*;98.
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
IGottis ! Ne‘v Goothi !
D. I'. Crain b . jnot re:tond from I'itil.l.l,l•
plaiit liith tLc large,t and
('oosi,ting or the Ino,t .1)rv5t. , (7.,0
f or r,,,,iie, ~,,,‘,l(l,ntlonctl. such ns
and I'xnev, Wool I,nin••• ,•
Spring ri e l.,inns, Clotllic I ;',,,,., (.„!
colors) l.t cr,•ll (1.10 i;
l'rin c.l ,• • ,• ;
scii; •.
Crnp, BntYti Jlon,
Zl,pll, • . • ••., , .
.lateniiv•. : • • .
81.irt Beltt• :tluNvic, ; • • •.••
variety 01' t,, :
Springy n. .d ;
Also, (714,t1),,
Ticke,'l . ,.l,ll3l)lapt,s,
Also, u largo . lol , ol noudiets, I , lut, Mit4,
Bootn ar.e. Sher.,E, the largest awl chea
l: , it•ket , .'
Butter ,, • . . H•pets.
.• • "nil
ear. •(.hull;' rc.,
Al; I:e:wiry prodti,
, 11111Tg, good::, ;It the hittl,o,t vtinr!se, •
Apr:l 21, 1853.
71 ,
.1 .r.a
Yis.ll)'i'.l j ITY'f.a
('l,ol'lll - Nr4-!
A New Assortment Just Opened
And will be sold 30 per cent.
ItONIAN respertlially in'imas his east,.
1 taw hail the pahlie gewally, that he has
last opened at 11 is stare-noom It, Market Spotro•
Huntingdon, a splendid new 'Pteek of heads
(1611 dug for Fall and iVinttr,
which he will sell cheaper than the same qualiti .
of Goods can be tuner hosed at retail in Philaild
phia or env other establishment in the country.
PersonsXvishing to buy Clothing woithl du
well to ealland examine his stock before,
elsewhere, Also,
. _
rpm , . sunsenrnEtts TAKE THIS ME-
I flool of informing their friends and the
lie generally, that they have rebuilt the Hunt
ingdon Foundry, end ere now in successful ;a
eration, and are prepared to Cornish casting et
all kinds, of the best quality on the shortestno
t ire and most reasonable terms.
Farmers tire invited to roll and examine nu?
Ploughs.• We era matnutiteturing• rho Home,
Plough, (this plough took the premium at the
11tuitingdoli County Agricultural Foir, in 1855 )
also Hunter's eelebrafed Cutter Plough, which
Juice SCOTT, , Amv.
j. T. nnowN can't be heat. together with the Keystone, Hin
e, and Barslicar Ploughs. We have on hand
and are manufacturing stoves, such as Cook,
g.1C4T944 4 DIEIRJIII f , 'Parlor and edict stoves for coal cr wood.
Attorpays at Law,
Office same as that formerly occupier!piort John ll'fly sonsisting of Kettles,Boilers, Skillets, & c., all
of which will be sol_cheap for cash or in ex
cut, Esq.
change for country produce. Old metal taker
Oct. 19, 195:1.
for new castings. By a strict attention to busi-
WHALEBONE, REED ANC giros and desire to please, we hope to receive a
VV VV Hoops and Sited Skirts, for sale at the chore of politic patronage.
cheap store of D. P. GWIN. J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO.
Apail 30, 1856.—tf.
Hats, Caps, ,
which hill he sold lower than at tiny tali,cr es.
tablishment in the 4:Utility.
Ilunth.g.lun, April I. 1858.
MAN liS.--Alway. buy your Bluulis Kt
" A ional Unice." We lam , now prounred n v
ry soporiorartido of BLANK DEEDS,
- - •
An excellent one for vale ut this office. This DR j R Hllygri ,
Bone of Adams' No. 1 Cant nod Lever Press. I
"" ift•
BOOTS & 8110 ES, the largest and m 111114 Vt ir eheape
assortment in town, at ALEXANDRIA, numr. Co., PA.
D. P. GWIN'S. I April 1, 1557. —ly.
Gl.llll SHOES, cheaper at D. P. ° WINS •
than can he had in town. Call and roe L., ILIi BONNETS iu great variety and cheer.
them at D. Y. °WIN'S.
MeConnollstown, Pu.
VllO. P. f.t2IIIP6EM6.
M ACKEREL of on Nor., Herring, Sec., can Willattend to ail business entrusted to:him. Of.
bo had of the best quality, hy calling on lico'nearly opposite the Court House
Freuea&hfchiunrme. Slav 5 . ' 5,
----- LTC." LENIN!) HAG CARPET f0r374 ets. per
T DRESS 0001)8. of rich style 1 ./ yard at the cheap store of
.4 and 7.7011111 p at D. P. °Mrs. Filltlint k Moßftrxrani.
"AT . X 1 ,7 4'5 7:!-1
T I) 01 . 110 ES 1 1l the limiting !.,•,
tuni the inii;licgvlnn . ..,
ti:cy ii:t.t•!!.t-1r vew mill in running
itnprovemebt, iii t!i
rl,l five ut .
%Vat( RI can
Will,. aDil 1.1111i,4 Ow
•i.. ntiy awl RN I.inds or gram.
ore tirtilio rod to tittll, tuid titi
ot oil !it, • iit v o id
piktip, FEED AND 5T1111,,,,
,I•tt t: l' . l •. ,111 I,a c till•ir I.lWil 'J. n urp:arid.
:•::t! ,• :• i,:ttk it: 3 rein. 11.114t1. r tlit•y Cit:l
• f, ~'• in to:cllatii4t, at tt t11.11110t1i . 4
..1 . Flour urol 13r:Liz ur oliop•
: •
: :.117
_ .
5 a 111
; , , .en
.1. 0. 14 "fun. Juinev
Al. t - qc,cart. John Scott, Nsn.
tiet , rge Taylor. •
,;• Gemniill, M. I)., Nvxand o
al im
. E !AN.' ,
.• . s • ti Courts of flantia,„ , l.•n
• Ntittlin and .Inniata C , .a.,.
Marelt la:.
I heapest "Jab Printing" 014 e
II", Lore MC, MCde Mien aiii(COCClelleS in our
Job (?(lire C 3 Will eriable, CC to do all kindi of
job Printing at .20 per cent.
I • elaeoper rateN
Toon any Office in the Connty.
Give no u call. If .ve don't give entire vatietic
. lion, no charge et ell will be made.
gleaming,lon FuUndr).
rf r