Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 05, 1859, Image 2

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MuntinOon ournal.
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Editor and Proprietor.
Wednesday Morning, January 5, 1859
The Circulation of the Hun
tingdon Journal, is great
er than the Globe and Am
erican combined.
The Huntingdon Joutt.l. for tine year, and
eithetliof the Magazines for thc 4 satne period
will be sent to the address of any, subscriber '
to be paid in advance as follows :
The Journal and Qodey's Lady'. Book, for
one year, $3 50
The Journal and Graham's Magazine, for
one year, $3 30
The Journal and Emerson's Magazine and
Putnam's Monthly, for one year, $3 30
The Journal and Frank Leslie's Family
Magazine and Gazette of Fashion, fur one re:tr
$5 50
The Journal and Lady's Home Magazine,
tbr oneear, $2 75
She J ournal and Petersen's Magazine, for
$2 75
""3 7.2 -
The Journal and Atlantic Monthly, for one
year, $3 50
Agricultural Society.
As the annual election of officers of the
Society is at hand, it is to be hoped that
care will be exercised in the selec ion of
capable, honest, and impartial men, who
will redeem the character of the society;
otherwise the notorious inismanigement
of its affairs will continuo to displease and
disgust the thousands of country people
who annually bring to our town, during
fair time, at least a thousand dollars of hard
earned cash, and spend nearly the seine
amount In valuable time in tending the
fair. Hitherto •the Fair," we are intim
ed to believe. has been a swindling con
cern from beginning to end. We believe
it was got up to benefit a few sharpers at
the expense of the unsuspecting public.
It will take something very consinsing to
change our opinion; and we look to the re
sult of the next meeting for the signs of
great improvement, or prompt destruction
Our course is taken. We are determined
to use our minuet influence and efforts to
put down the whole concern, if it foils to
give ample evidence of a change in its
treatment of us specially.
TIT for TAT.
Our ex•poatmaster has not forgotten the
indignity of being ousted from office by the
unknown book peddler whose talcient eer•
vices to the party commenced only a few
weeks before the election, and he is now
taking signal revenge of bin rival by a for.
midable attack on his monopoly in the book
trade. Wether the revenge will bens prof
iteble as sweet, remains to be seen. Thus
far, as we understand, the prospects are en•
courageing, and the new establishment
bids fair to do a flourishing business. But
be this as It may, one thing, at least, is
certain—the book buying community will
not be likely to loose by a Mk camped.
lion in the trade.
But the question will naturally suggest
itself to the excited reader, Will the post.
master that is quietly submit to this inva.
sion of his peculiar monopoly, by the post.
master that was? By no means. "His
dwelt is up," and a fearful retribution a
waits the founder of the rival Book Store
in the shape of a New Loco/oco Paper of
super royal size and herculian power, with
a magnificent Job office attached ! a paper
that shall "blow up" the book concern in a
week, put down the Globe in a month, and
send its meddlesome proprietor into the
shades of forgetfulness "in less than no
tune !" We have not yet seen the pros.
pectus of this portentious sheet, in print,
but we learn from out-door report that it is
to be a Semi -Weekly, called " IHE BALD
HORNET," and its platform of principles
will probably be :
1. Devotion to the black Democracy and
fresh oysters.
2. Hostility to the Huntingdon Globe and
New 13Ook•Store.
8, Stupendous demolition of both these ne
Nylons concerns.
4. An elucidation of the Atlantic Cable,
and a gastric analysis of Bologna Sausa
ges and Limberger Cheese.
5. Foreign and Domestic News.
6. General Literature and Science ; with,
perhaps, an interesting department—
original and unique —devoted specially
to Orthography.
Some of the Plank in this platform will
be subject to periodicals changes to suit
circumstances and the season ; but mainly
they will probably be found correct. We
wish the editor abundant satisfaction in the
new enterprize, and anxiously await the
appearance of The Bald Bernet
QUJIRT.— W h y dots ape rash prate
so much about woolly-heads 1 le it be:
cause he fancies a certain resemblance l e
often a woolly-bead and a Snow Flake ?
or because his one time amorous, noctur
nal tee a let; with a certain "woolly" was
interrupted by a shower of brick-hats from
her jealous, woolly admirer I For a ea
initiatory answer enquire at the business
odic-sofa semi-called geman up street, who
stemless in the American.
Skeleton of a Man Pound.
On the 22d ult. whilst Mr. John Heil
ner was out hunting deer on Terrace Moon
tain, in this county, after crossing to the
east side of the mountain about fifty rods
from the top, and twenty five rods from
the road 'ending to CassvEle, ho observed
in an excavation made by the falling of
two trees something which attracted his
attention, which .1/hen cleared of the rub
-1 blab proved to be a small trunk or box
covered with I other in a dilapidated con
dition, in it were found a box of matches,
n small box containing a few shirt butters
andthe frame of a pocket book. The take
ing up the trunk brought to view hones,
and in clearing theft of their covering of
leaves and brush, proved to be the skeleton
of a tall man, ull in their ea urn! position,
tho bones of the feet having the shoes on,
!A other clothing was Jourd. Who'he
was, or how he came to his death, in the
solitude of such a Once is a mystery. It
is suppored he was u jewelry peddler.
Dear Sir.—l will give you a statement
of my labors as Colportror of the American
Tract Society, in the borough of Ilunt;tig
don: In the course of about three weeks
I visited three hundred and eighty faitid
ies, sold books to tho amount of one hun
dred and ten dollars and (our cents, and
permit Inn thr nigh your excellent Raper
to tender my thanks for the hearty 'recep.
tion which they gave me. Yonrs &c
JON ATIIAN FocuT, Colporleur.
Williamsburg Jan. 1. 1859.
gerTho Sanate of the U. S. is opened
doily by a 110111611 Priest in full canonicals.
What do john ape nosh and ethers who
call themselves Americans and anise, a holy
horror of political popery, think of this
Will they again support* can
didate for president so as to secure the tri
umph of thu Locofoco party and its robed
Priest-hood We shall see, what we shall
see. Wear, rather inclined to think, how
ever, that the lips will soon lay aside the
Know Nothing garment which fails to con
eye! Nis true character, and retain the con
genial embraces of his own party; He is
beginning to find the position of p;rute
won't pay any longer, and he even now
yearns to be ouce more a scullion in the
Locofoco camp.
Ear Why was one of the classical ed
itors of the Ape's dirty, little paper, kick
ed out of the Standing Stone Literary So
ciety ? Was it because he has more hair
than brain? or beciuse the Society's mot.
to, ..No excu'e for Ignurtmce 1" Jerusa•
Ivm! The longest lane must have an end.
"The Pennsylvania Legislature wet
yesterday—too late for us .to give their
proceedings in this issue, but will appear
in our next.
Turned Know nothing.
Judging limn the recent acts of the Sher
iff of this county, lie has turned to be a
Know.nothing, lie has supported the Know
nothing Press ever Since he has been in
office and it wank] appear that he has now
entirely given up his once beloved Deinoc
racy. Until recently he supported the
Globe and American, tut he has now
thrown hie entire support to the Ainerie .0,
and we are afraid the shallowness of his
course will turn out to he greatly detri
mental to the county. We think the law
requires the Court Proclamation to bo in.
serted in at least two n .wspapers of the
county, and he has put it in only one.
1111111rThe New York Herald says "the
old Democratic party is virtually disban
ded into a hall dotes wrangling factions,
each at the tail of some factious or section
al leader, and all intent, night arid day,
first and last, upon the spoils and plunder
of the succession." Bennett in the confi
dential friend of the great chief and su•
preme lawgiver of the Deinocracy, and
ought to know what is its real condition.
S o this announcement may be considered
saw :n the city on Saturday morning litst
Mr. Muohmore, a young farmer, of But.
ler county, who is the victim of a sudden
and remarkable loss of speech. I s tins
that aboul a week no, whilst in the full
enjoyment of health, with . no ailment what
ever, he suddenly lost all power of speech.
lie could not utter to word. He had not
eufferea in the least with a disease of the
throat, nor was he at any time, nor is he
since, troubled with any sickness whatev•
er. Indeed, with this single exception, he
is enjoying perfect health.—'rho hist day
or two he has been able occasionally to ut.
ter a slight whisper which may be uncief.
stood. He is in hopes that this is the
forerunner of the restoration of his voice.
It is a most stnguler case throughout.—
Daily Cincinnati Times.
Kr. The C3urt of Quarter Sessions of
this county will commence on Monday the
10th inst and continue two weeks. •
THE English Methodists are said to be
pleased that la v representation is being
agitated in America.
In Huntingdon on Thnreday December 30th
1858 after a very brief illness JOBEYU WATSON
only son of John J and Anna E Lawrence
aged twen trams months
(Balale of lames Nlnr.k, Stec.)
Notice is hereby given, that letters testatne,
tary on the last will of James Black, late of
Jackwm township, dec. hare been duly issued
to the estate of the said dee'fi, are requested to
make itnmediate payment, %ed and all haviog
claims against it, present to them properly att.
thenticalad fur settlement to
Robert Huey. 1
Jane B l ack. I Executors.
Jan. sth 1859.-6 t.
&atil V.AItE32Et.
The Subscriber respectfully informs the Puh•
Pc, that he is prepared to receive and unload
Cars containing Lumber, Bark, Staves, Shin ,
gins, Coal, Iron, &e.
S. W. Corner Brood & CallowLill Stropte.
Jan. 6th 1859.-6m*
COURT AFFAIRS.—Jan. Term 1859.
TRIAL LIST for January Term, 1858.
Dr. Peter Shoetiherger vs A. P. Wilson
John Savage vs Smith & Davis
Same vs John Berkstresaer, et al
Timms Clark's heirs vs Bryson Clark
MOS. ()monism' vs Caleb Greenland
Jaunt, Creswell vs It Hare Powell
Leonard Weaver vs II & B 1' NI R R & C co
Clement's heirs vs John MeCaTiles et al
his. Walls no Johanibaa Walls.
Glasgow & Bair vs Caleb BroWn
Samuel Caldwell's miner vs Blair & Robison
J. 13. Weaver vs 311.0 i) tISAeli
W. Priee aditir vs John Snyder
litaier vs John Shope.
Broker. Bro. & Co et al vs A. P. Wilson
Jos Chnimherlain vu W Graham gar of R. F
Haslet t
Jas Perry ind vs Hugh McNeal
Jacob Russell vs J Shirley d: Bro.
Margaret Hamilton vs James Entrekin
I). 11. Barney vs John Ely
Jonathon , Detweiler vs Jacob Otenkirk
Valintine Crouse vs Geo. W. Speer
Samuel D. Myton's heirs vs Isaac Walls et al
Long far Rupert vs Robert Laird
Same vs Michael Sprankle
R. It Porter vs Valentine llonver
Gemmill is Cresswel vu D S Berkstresser
Same vs McCoy & Co
David Fruter.vs Jam. Entriken
A S & E Roberts vs Ron.. tipper's heirs
Win W Wiley vs H & It 1' N ItIt&C C..
Huntingdon Gas Co vs S S Wharton.
William Appleby, farm,. Dublin,
Richard Ashman, merchant, Clay,
John Colntl. farmer. Dito
Frederick CI i 5.1111.11, farmer, Franklin,
Duna, farmer, Clay.
Green Dorsey. engineer, lin tair.,don.
&Lionel Eyer. Iltrtacr, We ~,,intark,
Benjimain Foust, no-reliant, Shit ley,
Samuel Grazier, litrmer, Warriurstaark,
Jackson Harman, cabinet-maker, Shirley
William Hunt, laborer, Jackson,
John 11. Lightner. merchant, Shirley,
Stewart Melton:Lid, Jackson,
James My ton, Jr., farmer, \Vest,
John Nuiner, farmer, flenderson,
John S. Park, farmer, Cans,
Jacob Porter, constabe, West,
Elliott Ramsey, farmer, Springfield,
Win. Smith, thriller, Union,
Henry T. Stains, marble cutter, Clay,
Elisha Shaentaker, fat oar, Iletlt•rs.m,
Samuel Wilson, laborer, Warri,sinark,
David Webb, firmer, Springfield,
Peter Whitsell,fitriner, Cruniwell.
Thomas Ashton, farmer, Springfield,
William ,Hire, carpenter, braid:till,
Henry Royer, farmer, Hopewell,
Alexander C. Blair, carpenter, Franklin,
Thomas Bell, carpenter, Berme,
Samuel Bollinger, thrmer, Crow we I!,
James Barr, farmer, Jackson,
Samuel Coen, constable, Barrett,
Jesse Curfman, farmer, Cass,
David Goodman, mill might, Henderson,
John Griffith, farmer, Tod,
John S. (delimit, farmer, Case,
iushwv Orcaulund, inn-keeper, CUS:I V i Ile,
Jacob Goodman. mechanic, Seedy,
Nathan Horton farmer, Tod, IluplCins, fingernail. Porter,
Thomas H. fluting, farmer, Shirley,
Robert Henderaun, farmer, k'runkiln,
JOllll S. Lieu, iron muster, Franklin,
A. A. Jacobs, boat builder. Huntingdon,
John Kutch, blacksmith, Franklin,
Robert King, tailor, Huntingdon,
Isaac Lininger, cunt. maker Huntingdon,
James It. Lane, thriller, Cromwell,
Clarke A. Mit., farmer, West,
John W. Mattern, merchant, Franklin,
George Jliller, limner, Henderson,
Daniel Neff, farmer, Porter,
Alexander M. Hake, fanner, Harree.
Samuel Peightal, %Valker,
Samuel Purder, farmer, Jackson,
John Purtei, Jr., dell. Alexandria,
James Quarry, homer, Cass,
John Russ, laborer, Brady,
David Reeder, farmer, Tell,
Wm Randolph, farmer, Jackson,
Simon P. Starr, farmer, Cromwell,
Matthias Shoup, fanner, Tell,
John H. Stonebruker, putter, Franklin,
Joseph Stever, thriller, Cass,
Amos Smith, farmer, Cass,
J Ltt spanugle, tanner, Warriorsimuk,
Job,, Stewart, (Mane) farmer, Barren
Joseph M. Stevens, clerk, West,
Hiram Willuonsu tinnier, West,
Adolphus II line, farmer. Uneela,
Wm. A. Whittaker, farmer, Porter.
Jacob Alispach, farmer, Jackson.
%% ilium Cunningham .1. P., Clay.
John Clabaugh, Walker.
Daniel Flenner, Limner, Walkor. -
Thomas Fisher., merchant, Huntingdon.
David Friedley, butcher, Walker.
tuhn Gehrett, tanner, Brady.
Christain ilarnish, farmer, kirter.
George Hartley, scrivener, Huntingdon.
John Humilton, lumberman, Carbon.
James Huliug, farmer, Shirley.
k rancid Huller laucksuinli, Brady.
Aarun Kelley, farmer, Henderson.
Daniel Kyper, }'armor, Henderson.
George Lung, blacksmith, 55 alker.
Nathaniel Lytle, seedier, Morrie.
John M. Leech, mill Wright, Jaekson.
Edmund Morrison, !armee, Shirley.
J. A. Moore, merchant, Carbon
J. McKinnon, M. D. Slarleysburg.
Thomas Miller, farmer, Cromwell.
William Moore, term. r, Went.
Robert Al) era. carperier, Shiroyaburg
John Nell, farmer West
Benjamin Nell farmer Porter
Alexander Ger !urine, Dublin
Amos Pheasant farmer Colon
Cereals Patterson blacksmith Alexandi ia
Samuel Russell laborer Wairiorsinark
Wil tutu Rye farmer Warriorsinark
Samuel G. Simpson inn keeper Brady
Jacob: hoop Ikriner Tell
James T. Scott Ihruier West
Ilaniel Shultz farmer, Morris.
Walter C. Vantries, clerk, Warrioramark.
Levi Weetbrook, shoemaker, Huntingdon,
Jan. sth. 1859.
(Elate of George gratsse dec.)
Node° is hereby given that letters testamen
tary on the last will of George Krouse. late of
Todd township, dec. have been duly issued to
the undersigned. All persons indebted to the
estate of the said dee. are recinested to man
immediate payment, and all leafing claims a•
gainst it, in present them properly authentica•
ted for settlement to
Henry Caerelius, Executor,
Jun. sth. 1858.—at
(Estate qt' Nary Shively, dec•)
Letters of Administration on the ' , state nt
Mitoy Shrively, late of Porter township. dec.
having beet. gra tt , d to the undersitrned, ail
persons indebted to mid estate are required to
mike immediate pnyment, nne those hoeing
elitists will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
Jowl, W. Shively.Admr.
N. B.—The Administrator mill attend in
Alexandria, on the Ath and 15th days of Jan
may inst.
Porter township, Jan. 5. 1F59.
SUMO Volumes of Books for sale.
$300,00 in GCIs for every I(100 Sold
lu order la reduce Inc VX11•11i1Vi. I will
Rill one i housand 11011111'S WI.I - '1 of Il , uf k ,l
regular retail pric.•a
fief. hundred w•urth of ;al...tints vi o lin
it, value train 25 vita te $lOO.OO. 01., thow••
who poet.•. can pu,luigt- llt wholouule
My eves variety and %Lyle a
bindin g . soimoevery khel, whole
sale and retail. Sales to 0111111.'110. Div. 21 , h.
'l' sliest:ether hat vont tnetott d the GUN
lIIISIIIO.I at Pine Grove, Ceti.
Ire county, where he it prepared to mattultotture
! and repair Ott anti Pottols of every deterip•
i lion, with neatness noel ditpatelt.
He alit also amend to repairing CLOCKS.
Privet to suit the tittles.
He e. 22.1/458.—tf. JOHN 11. JACOB S.
In ill , . "Giobtufillici, I uilling, M kit Square
1-1 UN T I :‘:(.3 PA
s inicorms th.t
ns • ,t . iwni•, • 4.
It: h 4
Sco., us can be
la,Rde the ;I.:i.e.:try krriiiigotilent,i
with pub!.rilt,s, 111,014
nii his hh,l,•es. for,iie,hi,l tit
.ks he demires to du u Iivt•l)• businwis with
Kntall rrolit4, n liberal share of poiromage i;
p A PER ! PA PER. I !
r Post, Commercial, Poolsenp and
snit—o good assortment !or sale by the
reset, half ream quire or sheet, at
Lewis' New gook and Stationery Store,
The stockholders of the HUNTINGDON
GAS COMPANY are hereby notified that an
election will he held at the office of the Seem
tarry between the hours of one and f ntr
o'clock P. 111.; on the first Molder Find third
t day of January Leal, for the purpose of electing
lice managers for said Company, to serve ton
I lilt the lieXt alma, election. •
bee. 22, 1838.-It.
The Paper for the Thum
The Genesee Farmer.
Esinblisieed in 1831
The Oldest, Chenpest
and Best.
The twenty-Moth volume of this popular
tnouthly Agricultural Journal commences with
the January number, which will be issued by
the 18th of D.:ember. Every one interemed
in the culture of the soil, is invited to send for
j a coity, and examine it before subscribing,-
1 Published in one of the finest agrieultural and
horticultural sections of America, with hundreds
1 of Ode owl experienced correspondents, it
abounds with information interesting and eel.
noble to every farmer and froir.grower. It in
the cheapest agricultural jortreul in the world,
I and has attained a larger circulation than any
simdtrr paper: It is emphatically the paper
for the times. Each volume contains throe
hundred and eightrfoor pages, and is sent to
any address for fifty cents a year I
Great inducetnents offered to a,cmo. Posh
masters, and all friends of renal imprmsement,
are respectfully solicited to send lore
men, and to net as agents. Speeim, n ..opke
sent free on applicatioo.Adtlre,ts
Publisher and
Mr:Fleeter, N. Y,
( of
Administrator's Notice,
T ET I Ili*: on the
' , built. law of Jackson hp.
nee'd , boem g beet. ,ranicil to the undersigned
all pers..t indebted to said l'stikte ore required
to make
,„itutneilinte payment, and those Ime
ing dahlia will present theta duly authentica
ted fur settlement, to
.lOIIN Cl.:011NS,
Dec.') 6,'58.-M.
11 Or ST • 11 1 0 SOTZCZW
(111 at the following:named
p•rMillA have settleil their aCCOMItS is hit
•ster'a Office nt Huntingdon, and that the said
accounts will be presented tor confirmation and
at an Orphano' Court to he held at
• • Huntingdon, in and for the County tiff-fuming
due. on Wednesday the 12th day of January,
next, to wit:
I. Jmnra 0 win. Esq.. guardian of Mary M..
Alma .t., Nan Lie and Alexander Gal,,. minor
children of .11exander 0w1,,, late of the bur
atieh of lluoiiagdon, deeeased.
2. l'eter Sttter, enardinn of Mary Ann,
Amanda Jane, tool Narei,ins Bell Sharer,
llore of Oar Soho. I:161111'1M of billiVer,
lau• "r h.wnship. deceased.
1. .1..n0 Read, Admittistrat.... of Thomas
Bead, lam, ~r the borough at lientingdon,
4. Wm ~Stewart, Ad mitistrator ef James
Stewart, Itt. West township. ilee'4.
5, lama; Norris, A d hi intrutor of Win. Nor.
ris, late of Peon ipoleceased.
t. Rohost Lot,' Administrator of Nathan
Scofield, late of the borough of Huntingdon,
Ikister's Office. t
Huntingdon, Jen. 9, 1859. I
(Estate of John Young, deo'd.)
Administrator's Notice.
eetfde at John Young, late of Coos twp.,
dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned
all persons indebted to said estate are required
to make immediate payment, and those hay
ing claims will present them, duly authentica•
ted for settlement, to
Dvc.l d; ss. Gt,
MORE THAN 500,000 Bottles
for restoring• the hair perfectly and permit.
newly has never yet had a rival, volition after
volume might he riven from ea parts of the
world and from the most intelligent to prove
that it is it perfect Restorative; but read the
eireetar and you cannot doubt ; read also the
Efk.Tris finta.—People have fin centuries
heen nftlieled with bald hends and the only re
medy, lueretofme, known, Iths been those about.
inabie wigs. liy a recent discovery of Pram,
sor Vow, these articles art; being fast dispen
sed with. hat a great nothy pu r,. still patro
nise fluent, because they hare !WSW so often
imposed upon flair 'Dudes of different kinds.
To all such persons we earnestly !mike the
request, that they will try olive again. for in
Wood's Restorative there is no stuck thing ns
fail. We know of a lady who was bold, who
used the sakie a short time, and her head is
now covered completely with the tiniest and
most beautiful mods imaginuble. We know of
numerous eaten where Imir was rapidly falling
out, which it restored iu greater perihelion than
it ever hod been before.
It is oho without doubt one of the beit nr
tiilmt for keeping the hair in good condition,
making it sett glossy, removing dandruff and
lots proved itself' the greatest enemy to all the
ills that link in out heir to.
it is the duly of every one to improve their .
personal appearance though some mny differ
to the ways of doing it; but every one
will admit that a beautiful head of hair either
out or woman, so nn object much to be
derired, end there are no means that should
be left untried to obtain such a consideration.
—1 tro si out Advocate, Philadelphia.
Coehooton, Ohio. Nov. 18, 1856.
0. .1. WOOD at Am I hare
!won fmcnt•bd in Selling your' Flair ite,torative
I:141 !p.m for t,,
m hnriitt parerionert;
of it mysrlf, rwouhl like tmrlasiu rtn 11,111. y
rill St:ltl` of Ohio or some State is tlm
Wco, should you wish to make such so ar.
• . . ni I ee ni e , v
nineed there is—
to it in the United States. for restoring
the hair. I loive helot engaged is the dreg
11, e several year, 11,11,1 have cold
mis prelairationa for the heir, hat mire fou n d
nothing that restores the seermive organs or
iiivigorones the scalp as well as pure, being
folly eonvisced . that your restorative is what
represent it to be, I would like to emptge in the
sale of it, lor I am satisfied it must sell
Yours truly,
Warland, M a i., F.ll. 5, 18.4.
PROF. 0. 3. WOOD k O ne ,
lag realized the gomi effects of your Hair Re.
morative, 1 wish to state, that fi: di:lg my hoir
growing thin, as well as gray, 1 was indueed
Iron what I read and heard, to try the artielui
prepared by you, ter promote it, growth and
ehange it., color at it was in youth, both of
which it has effected completely. In the oper•
ation I have used nearly throe bottles.
Your, Esc.
0. J. WOOD & Co., Proprietors, 812 11rmul•
%yap, New York. • (in the grunt N. Y. Wire
Rnil ,g Establishment.) and 114 Market St..
St. Louis, Mo. John Read. Agent, mintin g .
doe, and sold 1 .1 , all good Druggists.
Dec. 1,'58.-In.
To the Stockholders of the Sherman's
Valley and Broad Top Rail Road
Notice is hereby givou. t h at an Election will
he held at the house of Mrs. Gray, in New Ger.
'antonym, Perry county. on Monday, the 10th
day of .bi n ary. A. D. 1859, between the hours.
of 10 A. M. and 6 I'. M., to elect a President
nod twelve Directors, of said Company, to
servo for one year from that date.
by Order of the Board.
G. \V. SPEER, Sec y.
011iee of S. V. It B.'l. 11, 11
Warm Springs, Nov. 26. j
P.B.—Collectors of Stock, by order of the
Hoard, were instructed to place in the hands of
n Justice of the Pence. for collection, atter the
17111 of Drencher, 1858, all arrearages for u u •
paid insi,,lnients.
Dee .8 '57.
luilitle of IMBElcl'Sl'kglf, deeetsja.
Bt• virtue of an only; of the Orp'ans' Court
of Iluotinedon County, there will be expo,ed
of Public Sole to Cussville, oil Saturday the
1,1 .hiy of domutry, 1859,
mit unto in Cuss township, adjoining lan& of Pe.
ter Curiwon, George W. Speer and other:,;
ecwtoinWg about 202 acres owl allowonee—
. part 4.r which it cteured, and the balance we II
• tinslo-ored,
.1 he building consist of a large Stone Dwel.
ling Donee, god
Vi-U1 lb
TERMS OF SA I.E.—Chiethrtdof the pm ,
chme money to be paid nil confirmation of sale
at the January Court Ibilowing, and the real
due in two elttal annual payments with inter
est, to be towered by the Bonds and Mortgage
dt the purchaser. 1). CLARKSON ; trustee.
Quist/file, Deo. 8.'58.--3t.
t_inving been reliably informed that Samuel
- 11 L. Glasgow held, ot, holds. several notes
nt ltiol, purporting to he given by me to him
tviii, never g:ven said Glasgow a note,
or it,,te,t of hand, or evidences of debt of any
kind, or any amount, or received vnlue or con.
eideration front ni n ; I hereby forewarn all
lieNons from having anything to do with any
tulles or evidences of debt purporting to he
given by atte to said G itisgow, as I will not
pay them unless compelled by law.
Shirleysburg. Deo. 8,'58: St.
-- -
111 pursuance of tin Ordinauce passed by
the Burgess and Town Council of tae bor
ough of Ilentingdon, the 3d day of Decem
ber, 1858, proposals will he received by the
undeettigned up to 12 o'clock M. on Saturday
the 25th (fay of December instant, to loan to
said borotigh., ,the sum of one thosatad dollars.
Redeemable in the first day of January, 1860
and to bear interest not exceeding six per
cent per annum, payable semi-anntailly on
the first. days of January and July fo
ears which certificates will be isued for
amounts not exceeding one hundred dollars
ilk 8, Ike* e 3 Thatost.
FIAWR—Sup erfine. per bnrrel, $512(5 - 537
Extra " 5 50
5 50 to 675
. " family '•
Rye Flour and Corn Meal
Wheat—red, per bushel,
0 White "
I 26(41280
1 35@14c
60 to 6i
$.5 25 0; per 64 pounds
$2,00 to 212
$1 70
Timothy seed
Flax, per bushel
arm. A. Ratchellors flair 1)3 e!
The Original and Best in the World !
All others me mere imitation, and should
be avoided. if you Wish to °mule ridicule.
atnnGy to a beautiful and Natural Brown or
Black, without the least injury to -Hair or Skin.
Fifteen Medals and Diplomas hove beer a.
warded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and
over 81.1,000 applications hove been much: to
the Flair or his pum's of his famous Dve.
duces o cedar pot lobe distinguished from no
Lure, and 4; warranted not to injure in the least
however lomg it mny be continned, nod the ill
clients of find Dyes remedied • the 111 it itr
vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye.
Made, st ld or applied (in 9 private rooms)
at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, New
York. So'd fat all cities and towns of the Uni•
ted States, by Druggists and Falley Goods
WI" The Heimine has the name and Maress
upon a steel plAto engraving on four aides of
each box, of WM. A. BATCH ELOH,
2:1:1 Broadway, New York.
John Bend, Agent Huntingdon Pa.
Nov. 17,
Real katate of Palma C. Stuawley Deed.
THE subveriber nit :Idminintrator of mid
tats, and ar the purpose of paving the
debts ngainst Lite come, wisher, hereby
!mallows to born,w :the nun of (about) !tine
hundred dollars, for which interest, at the•rnto
seven per cent per onion, will bn allowed, to
be by Mortgage on said rent estate.—
od provided Fetid loan is not elTeeted by the
2:1.1 of December. next, (1828.) then on snid
Yid day of peember next, by virtue of a 4th
&urine order of r.oort, tint' between the bourn
of 10 o'clock A. M., and 2 o'clock P. M. of
said day will tp0.1,11 piddle n':!:, on t h e
premises, (or SUCIT. part thereof an will be until
cent to pay the delts atoreJniii)•tlie following
Heal Estate ; viz :
istuate in Shines anwoship,
:y, bounded by Juniata River on the tiorth•ellS t
by Aughwick Sr eel: on the north weal. by
lands of .1. V. 1{c•ll on the south-west, by land
of (flyer Ender real heirs on the south•
cast. Contain:tor about Two hundrie3 and
fifty.iliur {RIM% and allowance, ( wore or less.)
,hoot eve hirolred acres of which are cleared
and under cultivation ; having tiinreott , cr•ct•
eil a
Two stcry St, , :se Dwelling lionsel.
ilnnk llicrn, Stone Tenant ht/IMI,
Ae. A1. , 0 on Paid proniren in an Iron Ore
Bank, Apple Orehnrcl, Ac., At. Being the
real eatata of nail] denenne,l.'
TERMS CT 511,E.--Doe third of the or.
chase money to he paid on untdirtrintion ofartle
and the residue in two .trittal Antolini payment,
with interest, to he sectored by the Bond, and
Mortgage of the purehrAer. Poe attonennee
given on the day of gale by.
Adm . , of Eltate of Dar mn C. sntawley. (Iced.
Deeetuher Ist
1) surrai, all. They urr•, elegnut. light, yniy
nod clumble,
Fitting to n charm--no turn up in-hi nd —no
shrinking off the head ; indeed, this is the only
Establishment where these things are proper,
ly understrmil and made.
Nov. 17,'58;-Iy.. 233 Broadway, N.
Tun subietiber will sell at private sale, an
elegant house, calculated for a tavern stand or
store. The house stands on
a lot of one acre and a half, on
mhielt there is a good stable--
It is well supplied with nosier.
The above property in in MeConn,llstwon,
Huntingdon county. will he sold at a great
bargain. Further particulars will be given by
Benj. L. :depth., on the prendwo. or
Juniata tp Nov. 21,
caovta a DAXER'S
fr, ~
i_i _.„„.„.._____, i ii .--- til
- ' Ilkikr"""1 M'
4 .11
ft. At , i , w
- l ,'‘ ', , GI
• fl'
'• . _,::-
WM. BREWSTER Agent for liuntingdon
county, Pa. Call at the ...Journal (Vice" and
Iwo the Machine•
These Machines sew from two spools. and
form n seam of unequaled strength. beauty,
and el , stieity, which will NI, rip, even if eve.
ry felt h stitch be cut. They are unquestion.
ably t e best in the market lorly use.
Grov & Baker's is the host..—Ainer. Agricul.
To a of which the Tribune says atuen.—K
I' • bunt.
It is ii .1 that it claims to he.--N. independ't,
It finishes its own work; others do not.--11conts
We give it the preference.—American Baptist.
Adopted fin woolens, linen or cotton.—Amer.
tiledeal Monthly.
IV edlike Grover & Baker's best.—Ladies'
IVhch is the best?." Grover & !taker's.—A;
I'. iii9o/ch.
Superior to all others.—N. E Mercury.
Wu have no hesitation in recommending it.—
N. E Express.
It requires no roapooling.—N. Emigelisi.
Fur family use they are unrivaled.—N.
ly Naos, •
They sew a seam that will not rip.—N. Y. Cow
It perform nobly end
, - :_wioe•
marl:Ale for the elasticity of ream.— Polic e
Gazette. _ .
ileGlapted to all kinds of family sewing.-
IV. V. Observer,
lirst adapted far family use.—N. F", Day Book.
We do not hesitate to recommend Y.
Chronicle. . . .
itarw7l;t;ongly and dons not rip.—Loe Mud.
The prince of inventions.—Prutestant Church
It is woman's best friend. N. Y. Weekly News.
We give Gni preference to Grover & Baker's.
Student. .
The most blessed invention of modern times.—
Mother's Magazine.
It makes a pleasure of tt toil.—N. Y. Len. Poet.
The favorite Mr family ase.—/irooklyn Slur.
We might named ate their value.—American
Its great merit is in its pamtli a• stiteh.—f4M-
W. attest its simpljeity and durability.—Nt ,
Ilona/ Mactibta. . . .
ATI;;;;;41to be the best extant.— rirginio Ars,.
14 nfit liable to get ont of repair.—Vergennes
Lt Adapted to all home rettuirerments.—Doter
A very pretty piece of foruiture.—Machine
ion. •
Sews with a lorty.aeanni re. power.—Rocklamdf
Nothing can be wore
Press. • _ _ • • .
fl;e — snost ingeuinus nod useful,— Nouliseldet,
Mirror. . _ .
Has ebidiated deserved ve!ebr;ty.—Fialeau UV
The best in the Innthet.--Chicopee Journni.
ft de. .f get nut of repair.--Cape Cud end•
Aton frunl or,fitlry ar,oots.- Fliw
Sews silk or
verhilt Gnulrt
The week it does will pit rip.— A taeirrurg
Are superior to oil others.-11ingliaui J.mro a d.
A met ailed:llWe Courier
They are enjoying universal lavor.—N. U.
Superior to any now manufactured.—N. 0. D 4
Will do more work than a dozen kande...—
Washington Union.
It news everything.—Bmiton Watchman.
The best of the kind' ever invented.—Pert
Haven Reo , iter.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A convi,lind remedy, in which wo have la..
bi produce the most effectlual• alterative
that eaa be made. It ice concentrated extraos
of Para Sarmparilla, so combined with other
suletsnuce of still greater alterative power as
to afford an elliNtive antidote for the diseases
&nm:lrina is reputed tb cure. It is believed
that such a remedy is wanted by those who
soder from Strumoits complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure must prove
or so•vice to this large close of our
fellow-cltirzus. How completely Oda
comp.-mud will do it has been proven by exper
iment on many of tho worst caeca to be found
of the following complaints --
SCALD Bean, Syrinx,. Is. Srenarric A,.
.WU on Tic Doutlonscx, DHRILITY, Drs.
PtPISII coo Imo:psalms, liarsimmes, ROAR
OR ST. A N ritonv's Fiat, and indeed the whole
dim cf complaints iirising from IMPURITY or
This compound will lie found a great pro
' mot, of health, when taken in the spring, to
expel the find humors which fester in the
blootl tit that season of the year. By the time
ly erpolsios of them many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by
the sicl'of this remedy, apace themselves al
the endurance of fun) ccoptions end uloerous.
area, ihnnigh which the ayatem will strive to'
rid itself. 'cd. corruptions, if not wanted to do.
this tlmingli the nature! channels of the body
by an eltoretiye medicine. Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin iapimples, eruption sines ; cleanse it when you find it is,
etruoted sad sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it
w'nenever it is foul,.and your feelings will tell
you when. Even where nopertionlor disorder
LI Ms, people enjoy totter health, and live •
longtr, f w
or cle:sing' the blood. Keep the
blood licaltby, ad all is well; but with this
pslinhun of life disordered, there ran be no•
hating health. &Mer or. later something.
%mist go wrong, and the greet machinery or
life it dieordered or overthrown.
Snrsnparilla has, nod deserves mush, the
reputation, of accomplishing those ends. But
the world lies been egregiously deceived by
preparations of it, portly because the drag
alone has not Kt the virtue that is claimed'
for it, hut more because many preparations,
Pretending to be concentrated entracte of it,
contain but little of the virtue %.1 Sarsaparilla,
or any thing cite.
]hiring liTte years the.publie have been mis
led by large bottles, pretending to give ■ quart
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for cue dollar. Mug
of these have been frauds upon the siek, for
they not only contain little, if 41ny, Satsapa
rink but often no emotive properties; v. hattiv
er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
hat followed the eke of the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the
name itself is justly despised, and has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we rail this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the
name from the load of obloquy which race
ulna it. And we think• we have ground for
believing it has virtues which are irresistible
by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend
ed to cure. In order to secure their complete
etadicottoo front the s:r‘ton, the remedy should
be judiciously taken according to directions ou
the bottle.
PLErAiall BY
DR. d. d. A ER a co.
Price. $1 per Bottle I Nix Bottles for VI
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
it !'.IC Cllre of
••••• hot, That
, • ,i ,cll
.• • • • •• 1 , kept tq, to the beat
•• • . • it rap.s. I , r relied ou to
• • has ever
been fotuul to do.
Cathartic Pills,
720:t. CUP-t 78
. . .
I ys , -;? lhadifehr.
.1 1. fan; !I. in Disrasa•
I hint, llrcpr . 4 r Thad', Timor: and
Idnirra, Worms. NeuraluM, as. is
r Pill, vita.
.Thr Petrifying Um Blood.
, ;tin sorar-, anted, so that the amt sensi
ti.; in pleasantly. and they are. the
• .he tlerld for all die purposes r
Pried 2 cents per ror, 5 Foxes for $lOO.
r timbers of Clergymen, I hysieions, States
ruc,,, (Ant eminent personages, tiara lent their
1,11141P 4 4 ID C 4 rtify the unpornlltled of:Oldness of these
t , n.die., tut our spout, here will not permit the
rd.,. of them. The Agents below netted fur
ntsh grttiL our AM:II:WAN ALMANAC ill I,hich they
ate Oven ; with eke full descriptions of the ebove
compluiots, and the treatment that should ho fol.
lunurl for lair cure.
Do out be put off by Unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they make morn profit on.
Demand Assn's, and take to others. The sick
want the best aid there is fur them, nod they should
hare it.
All uur Itetnedies are for bat. Ly
Joan READ, Agent Ilentinwlen, Ps.
Mtv. lA, 1968.-Iy.