Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 05, 1859, Image 1

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11::/ 11 I
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•,', , ;J %i.; : 1, 1 ,
:1 . 41
• Company
"' ft!,
.I,:aied by the State of l'emtqlvania.
or small, and interost paid from the
:• ~ .eposit to the day of withdrawal.
ortieo is open every day from 9 o'clouk.
~ :e I:.,rtting till 5 o'clock in the artertvion,
i cud Thursday evenings till 8
I i.:NRY L. BENNET!, Pre,;dort.
7 1T ELFR 11)(iR, rice I ',.esident,
1:I 111 :
. 1.. li,nnur. F. Carroll 131, , ster,
.Josvp!)H li•arv,
FranriA Lee,
t I Joseph Yerkes,
I Henry
Moue, :5 ,eceired Dud paymistai nude duly
with,,ut nr lice.
investments it, made in Beal Estate
.-,. Ground Rents, awl such class se
, Charter require..
rao Z;
EA 1r BEA IT Ilk lER
11111Silevecgfaillv Bought,
• Ni) A'll L AST ?
, re; permanently gray hair In im
eovers luxuriantly the hall
• all dandruff, itching. 1111 d till Fcror.
n,l r,t i aII PruptiOng the
glossy ; and will ltrrst;r vc
nge. removr,, ;,-; it' I,
&c. front t!te rave, :Ind viireA ull
Sot! 01,111 r,
Fch. 18;%7.
k ('().—bent-; Within
• have ri , t, 111.111 Y ortlrrs
rof. .1. 11. flair Ilestort •
mt. well, rotnneile..l to scn,l to
quantity, (the 1. dozen fol. fur
. , !Ittf w.. tnight or.lor a
tre hut,
, • t •mtltr. , 4 rr
.I.•• • nett. 4,161 , 1. it
• told Itktt., ,, , it rcrrirrs
t rat,-ttutti;tl ,•• ;out
itv, fully r th..t it
often repentid is n sure cure 1.. e
awl a preventive or (lidera.
• , ',attics is needed to throw out of
:teas ul' medicine:idler n long
••' • .
• a* 1 , 0011-:IS oiwirro , ..-0 , - $l
- Boren e 2 sire ; and believe va
•ig t;i
.rickory Grove, Ft. :,odes rn.
1850.—Plor. 11. 1. IVouti..-17eur
••• time last sun;mer we ware induced
rd' liestolutive, rind
• ‘son‘leiful. we reel it oar du
.11..1 the 11 CI 1,1 irrnrt it.
1 Title 51.111 . $ lor th, in,l been
covered with I.t,tem, d it i
he.ol. 'rite hair Onto' vly calm,
—laccapielte e, %%1,, 55 , c , ing his
. ndristul itch , ;,1,11,. or pun. Ites
we 11l so ,151, iit , hs p e of sac- i
• ,oursurprisu, pot. ittris
• tt.plic.ttions re;,. v(fi
ut. find WO .1,1 uoa 01qt "111.
SO/1111 Anti 'lr 011"1,
• Child. • ‘Ve Carl 14, ~, • Pt 11,1
,111,1CO11 qtr e, t.F A
.tly for all .ti ;
•, routs te,pt .•411,
..N:OIiGE W. 111t4GINII0T111f,
S.lltAil A.
& CO., tOIS 312 'Broad, ay
•• 1.1 Cut great N. V. wire railing cstal,
.1 114 Ninrket St.. St. 1.0. ti. M.
;.11 Druggists.
:' • Languages and Philosophy.
b. Junin. A. E,
Prof'. of Latin,
i 1111 1 ,04 W. Hughes,
Prof. cf Mathematics.
ASentandu F. Houck,
Adigna Prol. of NTathematics,
81a0. W. Linton,
Prof. Music.
/41, 14. .11eN. WALSH Precepiresa,
of Botany, History, Itemlingf et,
..f,f;.f rd. Faulkner.
,•• • ' • r ~1 PeHis Work. Paieting, Drawiv,
rli L. Stanley,
Teo ~ , er of Piano 11In6ie, Wax Fruii,
ors. Or. Darwin,
Englieh Branches.
.-5.* Primary English.
The tenant success of this schcnil is extra,•
Binary. licAdes being the cheapest one of the
Sind ever established, it is now the largest in
this sin:tide of the State. All branches are
tatght, and students of all ages, and of both
sexes, are received. The expenses for a year
rc,ied not he more than Stco. Student., can en.
!or whenever• they wish. Address,
SOON D. WALSH, Casevillo,
Huntingdon Co., Pa.
Notice to Coal Purchasers.
THE subscriber is now prepare:l to furnish
Ctstf:, Si, Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta
tion, on the Pemba. Railroad, of out good gna
t, 33 can l'o had on the mountain. I will run
ootil to llollktvsburg, or any other point on the
Sailroad, if application is made person
•ii,y b- hotter.
will agreo to deliver COKE at any
Oot.k, ito cuss, at /our and a quarter cents per bush
:t1 t. to t---Thirty-five pounds to the bushel, or de
it in my own cars, at any point desired, at
ti. 'wet: r , ssible rates.
r of the above articles, address
Hemlock, Cambria County, Pa,
ochre oll , •rdere will be propmply attended to.
Ant:. to. 18513.61. •
Gems bags for sale at tho Hardware
"50,- It.
AT Till. I.AII, FAIR, F.
'l l l-30EA 1330E5T
SS12,1111( RIMV
Compounded entirely of Gumti,
Ie one of the hest purgative and liver tuedi
cites now helot, the public, that acts ne n Ca
thartic, cosier, milder, sad more etreetunl thalt
any thcr medicine known. It is not only a Ca
thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the
Liver to eject it; morbid, then on the stomach
and lamely to carry off that matter. thus accents
plishing two purposes effectually. without any of
the 'wilful feelings csperiencel in t he operatics
of most Cathartics. It si vet:diens the syptem at
time !lilt it icirges it -• AO-
the same an _hen taken
daily in mcderete doses, will stretighten an d
build it up with unusual rapidity.
The lAN n in ....le on.; the principal.regula
to, a the Imufint 1 ,, e1 . :vt and when it per
formats well e; the powers of the sys
-5., are fully develop- cd. The stomach is
almost entirely leper- dent on the healthy
action of the Liver fOrl;'.. the proper perform.
:me of its functions. When the stomach is
to fault, the bowels 111 T , Int fault and the whole
system sulfas it: con-0 (sequence o r one or ,"
—the Liver— having mi t reused to do its duty.
For the diseases of 0: that 044411 oue of the
proprietors ironmade lap it his study, in a pnte.
tine of more thaw ty years, to find some
remedy wherewith to) erninteract the Many
derangement; to whichlM it is liable.
To prove that this 7, remedy is at last dis
covered any person 7 troubled with Liver
Complaint in Iny of fie Ys forms, has but to try
t,ottle and el nviction is certain.
These gums remove all morbid or had
ma tt er t ra m the. ystem x supplying in their
place a heal by flow of bile, invigorating
Ito gottmelt, cgusitte ' , PR food to aige,t well,
purifying the blood,gi. .ving tone and health
to the whole machine- ry, removing thecause
of the dispose, and of Ifecting a radical cure.
One dose after eat- ing is sal - Bejaia to re
here the stomach andrM :prevent the food f rom
.i.nd souring..
Bilious attacks ivelZ cured, anal - whet is
better, prevented, n the occasional use of
the Liver Invigoratoims.t.
Only nne Joni la ,
preventi Nightmare.
lo• ena the
- -
fluty one dose tal
Lowtli gently, end cu
Ike') at ,
arei Coitivene
i!;90 taicen
4.34 - 'one tit,a of te.
remove Sick I leadache.
Ono huttle taken Ptr female oh,etructionre
moves the conee a the disease, and makes
perk, t eat,
Only °tie immetlittlelv relieve:l' (;Rolle,
•fl teds!Jormruls n iii nlisays
tiii/Onn• bott!, taken for Jaundice removes
nil sallowness or unnatural color 1 rum the skin.
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives v4ier to the appetite, and makes food digest
Or, time often repeated cures Chronic Dior
rhoa 'in its wotsr forms, while Slimmer and
Dowel complaints yield almost to the first dose.
One or two dozes cures attacks eau , cd by
Worm , in Children; there is no sorer or speed
ie.t remedy in the world, as It nover
eiY.l Vew bottles cures dropsy, by exciting
the absorbents.
We take pleasure in reeemtnendi ngthis med.
Mite as a preventive for Fever anti Agoc, Chili,
I:,,ver, and till Fevers of n Bilious Type. It
nrerat s \vigil certainty, and thousands aro. wil•
tt, testily to its wonderful virtuts.
Ail \slee it are giving their ominous ter•
ti:oony in its favor.
„ ..
(r . f, _Aix water in the mouth wlth the Invigcb
end ,vallon , both topxthct.
The Liver Invigorat9r
is a ',is wide medical discovery, and is daily
erkiag cures, almost too great' to believe. It
N.:: us if by magic, even the tirsst dose giving
iscuetit, mid seldom snore than ono bottle• is re
quired to ctlru any kind of Liver complaint,
P•ons the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to n sum
mon Ileaduche, all of which are the result ur
diseased Liver.
tt. SANvolip, Proprietor, 3-15 Broadway, AN- V,
Sold by If. 'slolaltigill, & J. Road Huntingdon.
A pr.7.'5F,1 v.
arc t3E3 clafr - .3Faxtom.
„„!,l the "JOURNAL' Of
at ihr iat^ Uounty FAIR, fur the best
.c . ,", i), 43,.... t 14 - 161,111 A ANIS
I rocr t reLeivul llic noitcril
rti3T rOWEiI USS,
rind IL lurpi variety of the most fashionable
Printing Material, which makes it ono of the
most completi Printing. Establishments in this
section, Persons in mod or any kind of
work, cannot do better than favor us with
their patronage. 'Vu have facilities for exccn
ling in a superior Manner any kind of
on the most rensonaLle terms. Those who
may wish to Amin any slyle of
can be accommodated at this establishment at
short notice.
CARDS, &c., Ac),
will bo famished promptly, ozecuted in he
beat style and at reasonable rates.
ok*e. o.ler, by express, mail or otherwise,
kill ro.rive. i umcdiatc attLutiuil.
The"HuntriNonon JOURNAL.' is published at
the following rates
If paid in advance $1,30
If paid within six months after the time of
subscribing 1.75
If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,0 U
And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
tillafter the expiration of the year. No subscript t
tion taken for a less period than six months.
I. All subscriptions aro continued until oth- I
erwiso ordered, and no paper trill bo discontinn.
ed until arrenmges nee paid, except nt the option I
the publisher.
2. Returned numbers ore never reel . dby us.
All numbers sent us in that way tire lost, and
!,Ver accomplish the purpose of the sender.
Persons wishing to slop their sub,criptions,
~ ,n,t pay up arrearages. and send n written or
. .
rhil order to that effect, to the oiliee or pub
h.,iion in Huntingdon.
4. Hiving notice to 31 postmaster is neither at
3. or 0 proper notice.
5. After ono or more numbers of it new year
laivu been forwarded, a new year lion commenc
e'., :m.l the paper will not be discontinued find
arrearay. Ore paid. See No. I.
The Cuticle hare decided duet refusing to tak e
anewspiiper front the ale°, or removing nod
caring it uncalled for, is PRIMA FACIE avid °nee
of intentional Ned.
Subscribers living in distant counties, or in
other States, will be required to pny invariably
in advance.
The above terms will be rigiill7 adhered
to in all cases.
Will be charged at the I'ulluni:i Cute
1 iumerlion. 2 do. 3 do.
Six lines or less,s 25 $ 07i $ 50
Otte square, (10 inos;) 50 75 1 00
Two " (32 " ) 1 00 1 50 2 00
3 Eno. 6 'no. 12 ,no.
One square, $3 09 $5 00 $8 U 0
rwo 4,ittnro, 500 8 110 12 00
k cui:;,,,,, 800 12 00 18 00
i do., 12 00 .18 00 27 00
3 ,
, 0., 18 00 27 00 40 OU
1 d 0.,, 28 00 40 00 50 00
I:usiness Cards of six lines, or less, $4.00.
Advertising and Job Work.
We would remind the Advertising coin
inunity end al! others Who tvi,lt to Lring
their hosinkiten,ively ixlute the pub
that the Jeurr?,,, has the largest cir
culation of any paper in the county—that
i is e instantly increasing;—end that it
goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi
We would also state that our facilities
for ex.cuting all kinds of 3013
I VG are equal to tl,ose of any other
inthe county; and all ;rob \Vorlc estrus.
ed In our hands will be done neatly,
rooTtly, and ul prier; which will br
r:cinest those of our subseribers whore
vivo their papers. to inform its of those in their
iinotediilte neighborhoods who ore subscribers
to the ''Journal," and have flolc.l to receive
the ,ittine, since the stealiiig of our pock: hoots,
1.3 minaus on the 3il of February.
and staffers, for sale by
Oct. U, JAS. A. BROW N.
Pre Irving sizes, for
Sa l , by FISHER
For sale by tr. JAS. A. IHIOWN
Grover cod Baker's Sewing mathi:. e.
Samuel Groves store.
Wendel:, Cladwick nod Bro.
Cook stove for sale.
Climax. Groin Fan. •
Lumbermen & Swamis.,
Aumm;,oton Lands.
Monorail' Female Seminary,
Gills! Gifts!! Gifts it
Land for sole.
Dr. A. P. Fields.
iln wood Academy.
Green Willow Foundry.
S. M. Is
Gutman's Clothing Store.
Brown's Hardware Store.
Fisher & McMutrit's Store. .
Sand, S. Smith's Drug Sc Grocery Store.
Great. Purifier.
Iron City tiollolge.
Saving Fund.
Literary Burnt,
Galvanic oil.
Great Beautifier.
1 migcrator.
Cnsmlle Seminary.
lung Infirmery.
'Coon vs Country.
Indian Root Pills.
Country Merchants.
Alexandria Foundry.
Huntingdon Warm Springs.
Consumption cured. •
Bank Notice.
Antiphlogistic Salt.
Huntingdon Hotel.
New Lard Press.
David P. Gain's Store.
11. Roman's Clothing Store.
Patent Portable Fence.
Premiums awarded.
The Journal Office.
Colon's Book Store
Huntingdon Mill.
Letter Copier,
Railroad Time.
11. K. Neff, M. D.
Hmtingdon Foundry.
Dr. J. R. Huyett, Dentist.
Atorney's at Law.
Scott A; Brown.
Wilson & Petrikin.
Thos P. Campbell.
W. Fruit, $5,00; Wax Flowers, $5,00;
Grecian Painting, $3,00 ;. Ornamental Pain
ting, $3,00 ; Leather Work, $3OO ; Chenille
Work, $3,00; Ocean Shells & Mosses, $2,00;
Piano Music, - $5,00.
Those wishing to learn the above from a
toucher of experience, should do so immediate•
ly, for Miss Stanley can be retai tett at the
Seminary only a lbw months loneer—de, re•
ter, to New York in the Spring.
eit.Lrio :-.4A
N, 4,
._ ---r i - c, . -,,., /,-,,- , l iite 1 : "1: 1 - '' 1/ .
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.44t , s
A*ettct stop).
Our boarding house is not a common
boarding house, nor arc our boarders coat.
boarders. Ido not, by this, wish to con•
rey the idea that there is anything p-cu
liarly.uncommon about uc or our house—
only that we r,-,:dc in an aristocratic pon.
lion of the town, and consider outs
at the whole, ratLor a srlect eet,
however select a company may 1,,
the fact thi+t they are select is not an infal
lible proof that nothing disreputable, can
occur among LlDmi
'lbis has been especially proven in our
cate. We have just been deepiS , agitated,
excited--shocked! Happily for the rei,u-
Lotion of our place, the ulluir of which I
speck had a-gratifying termination.
In our boarding house resides an in veter
aie old bachelor named Wigley. Mr. Wig.
ley in by no means such 'a person as some
people invariably represent old bachelors
to be, neither in appearance nor disposition
He is a pprtly, middle-aged, good-natured,
fundovilig, sortable fellow, nod likes the
society of ladies fur better th-in three
fourths of the married men. Mr, and Mrs.
Piekleby are also of our comphoy ; the for.
titer a commission merchant, is a very quiet
and a very respectable sort of a inr.n; ex
ceedingly fond of his rife, and, withal, a
little inclined to ivalOUßy ; the latter is a
beautiful and afrectionate cr,ature, 10110
doles upon her husband, and iso't jealous
at all.
One day loot week, Miss Celestia Nobbs
—anothur of our boarders, and at maiden
lady of thirty fire or thereabouts—he,rd
a noise in the- hall b and stepplng oat
of her stmt....mem, ..he homed nor the ban
nisters, to see want wan the cause of it.—
,:ht distended her rtoelr-liko neck to its ut
most limit, and listened with breathless
you aro ao:ne!, she heald
a she'at imed rilVa4ti2ed h
Mrs. exclaim; and the next
moment 411 saw 'thnt lady pass beneath
her to meet a gendeman, of whom sh,
coahl get but a prtial view. Then a loud
Liss was giros, and Mrs. Pickle by said, in
somewhat lower tone of voice :
, Cents with me—come to sty toots ; it r.
Picktell is at his office, and l am alone.'
Then, both started to ascend the stair,,
tad Miss Nobbs hastened to withdraw in
to her room, but not before she had caught
abetter glimpse of the Iran with Ira.
Pickleby, and discovered, as she thought,
no other than Mr, Vigley. Ti,' •nt!e
tnan had been itbscot , .try for
tree!;, nod she
,had seen tan , on his re
turn, net more .than no hour previous, en.
ter the house., .
Miss Celosti a Nobbs is one of those pure
,tial immaculate things, the chi desire of
whose hearts it is th it nothing sinful shall
occur on earth, and who, feeling tiler:wives
to be spotless philanthropically, as they
scent to imagine, spend their time in prying
Into the affairs of wilier people, and dicta
ting to th .an the course they should pur
! La !' sa,d the spioSter, as she clos
ed the door of her room, and walked on
tip-toe to n beal—`it's come to this, has it?
I always thought there., was something
store than everybody knew going on be
tween the two.'
She sat for hull an hour in deep medita
tion upon the matter, and then she arose
and moved toward the door.
'lf the wicked, shameless creatu re thinks
said hiss Nobbs to herself-- , if she has the
faintest idea that such actions will be suf
fered in this house, she will find herself
mistaken, I can assure her.'
She heard footsteps without, and as she
passed into the hall, she Paw Mr. Wigley
descending the stairs, and heard hno leave
the houscl.
'Left her, have you 1' she uttered under
her breath. 'Well, well, I never expected
to see such things going on—never ! But
you'io found out—you'll known—both of
She hastened to the room of Mks Dobbs
on the floor above. Miss Dobbs is a con
fidante of Miss Nobbs, a few years older
than herself, and a few degrees thinner in
person. Mi-is Nobbs was gratified to find
Mrs, Briggs in company with her friend on
this occasion. Mrs, Briggs, I may as well
state, is a widow lady of some twelve
years standing, who had long endeavored
it is generally believed by nearly all
the house—to captivate and en t rare, in the
inesheof matrimony, Mr. Wiley.
14iiss•Nobbs sinned tnyiteriossly, us site
ettolll. iind carefully closinr the doer.
she seated herself ',side her friends.
am glad to find you together,' she
said, 'fort have a thing of the greatest im
portance to make knoWn!
•Do tell,' exclaimed Miss Dobtt, with an
eager air— , what is it ?'
'something you'll be surprised to know.
Oh ! it it the met wonderful thing in the
world how deceptive onion pcnple can be !
liloVei in 411.4
•Cii t what is it ?' cried both the Indies in
a br,.atii.
Moct ,sheineful goings on you ever
I'll he sworn 1 . 9 replied the euei•
the curiosity of her listeners became unen
durable. Then pausing is moment, to let
her words take full effect. Miss Nobbs
looked solemnly from one to the other,
yon believo it ladies, when I tell
you that I saw with uiy own eyes. Mrs.
l'iehleby in the hall below with a—man ?'
You don't say r ntt,•red Miss Dobbs,
'Shocking!' exclaim Al Mrs. Briggs.
•True, every word ; I,ut that isn't all;
I heard them give a kiss; and .I‘.l re. Pickle.
by invited him to her room !'
'Gracious heavens !' ejaculated the lis
teners Eialultareously, elevating their hands
in horror and
'Yes; she told him he was all alori—
that Mr. Pickleby w, not at home—and
so, they went sir together. Oh !its al•
most incredible. ..MI ,shaineful conduct r
The initnoth,t, thing!' ex.
!' :Miss Dot,bs,
'But who
tklien dumb by the
gnve some tt.kons of an intention
to swoon; but thiNking batter of it, she re
•This is a terrible thing r said t)liss
'inhbn earnestly, alt e r enjoyirq fully the
indeed!' uttered ales Dobb,
net to be borne exclaimed the in
dignaiit v.atiow, her face av,uining a:very
er.pb.•scilitti,ot I" site. sin,ke.
.It nrlit not to borne r s‘tni tne sp:nster,
.tl,:. r..; , itakiou of this house wilt not ul
low ,uch thingsio pans unnoticed!' 1
•And our own repuintions , chimed the
lur manion.
am we shouli be mule Losuler
mmti t'm widow, 'if it should become
known that we live in the midst of such
iniMaitims scenes!'
'Our characters are not to be trifled with
tints I' exclaimed Miss Nobbs, with a de
termined air, 'and this thing inust aot be
so frrr d to stop lire !'
'Poor Mr. Pickleby !' sighed Miss Dobbs
tats• hint from my heart.'
'A n d en do said the ,idow ; for I
dare say he bus not the least suspicion of
his wife's perfidy.'
'lle most know ii,' uttered Miss Nobbs,
speaking in a low and deliberate tone of
, You ar, right—he must know it, but
how ?' inquired Ms., Dobbs,
must tell hint
Will it be priper
surd Mrs. Briggs. will be but
the performance of a Christinn duty. We
must toll
•And I, for one, ant ready to go and per•
form that duty,' remarked ➢Mss Nobbs,
w:th n week and resigned look no if she
bad token it upon herself to suffer at the
, Aid I,' said tae
.01i, I will accompany you ; I am sure I
only want to do what is right,' said Miss
Dobbs submissively.
'Then lot us go at once.'
'Yes ; the sooner he hen his mind disn•
bused in respect to his wife, the better.'
Forth, accordingly, the immaculate . trio
sallied as soon us they could make the no.
cessary preparations, and bent 'heir course
toward th, store of Mr. Pickieby, in the
loner part of the city.
The merchant was busily engaged in the
transaction of some business,when he saw
the three ladies approach him. He sus
pended operations, and inquired what hop.
py circumstances had brought them hither.
'lt is a sad errand on which we are
come,' saki Miss Nobbs, shaking her head
with a melancholy air.
'A dreadful errand!' affirmed Miss
Dobbs, dubieu,ly.
'A more dreadful errand you could not
imagine' added Mrs. Briggs, making a
strong etiert.te shudder.
'For mercy's sake, ladies,' cried the
alarmed man, turning pale, 'what is it P
'ln the first place, Mr. Pickleby,' said
the first spinster, 'we wish to n ssure you
that you bane our warmest sympathies--
that we feel for you.'
.Prom the very bottom of our heart,,'
added the elder maiden.
"And nothing but a deep sense of duty,'
remarked the widow, "has induced us to
take the step we have, in order t o 'T ir e ,'
to you such distressful news."
"What is it ?—what is it ?" exclaimed •
the merchant, franneall:. .Don't he
n; in ,tispense; what hav hal pened P'
, Your wife !" uttered Altss Noitbs, in n
lign:e.cant Me.
"Yes, Mr. Picldeby, your wife r' repen
ied the ether two to n breath.
Mr. Pickle by staggered backwards, tvh te
look of dreadful terror overspread his
featu res
"My wite !" ho gasped, .whilt of my
e.ifo ? Is she sick !—is shu dead 1"
Miss Notibs closed her eyes, and shook
"Then why do you alarm me 00? what
would you hove me to understand ?"
• '.ls there not ,omething that, to' your
noble mind, is worse titan death I" _
44 E11!—w hat—what do yo mean ?n
„ Dishonor !”.
"But Mrs. Picicleby—she---che--"
Mr. Pickleby, your wife is deceiving
yuu !'
•Cruellti•, shamefully deceiving. you,'
ejaculated Bliss Dobbs. •
'Undoubtedly7and in a manner not to be
borne,' the widow.
l'ickbahy lonled from one to the mil.
• Q r in speechless agony.
'Bri,tly,' said Aliss Nobbs, while ynu
are absent, your wife is receiving the at-
t,ntio, of who'. fri:,n„'
‘W e hare umicod with grief,' continued
Miss Nobbs, .that one of our sex should
so far forg,t her modesty as to do us she
'And ft
`as I have-already said, we determinod to
acqua!iit toll with the fact
•: - line do you know thts ?' cried the rner•
chant, in a voice of rig, 'An; you cer
tain of kvilat you say
'Quit v," unsweud 3li=s N
suw your wife tlm inornitirg. with Jr.N Wig
ley, iii th, hall; heard them .d to,
!her they keen , . to your room."
Do you mean to sat that
islet•'is the rt;:m ?"
"Wig !" repeated Aliss Nubby em
, The odiou's villinr, I" cried Picklehy;
seizing his bat 119 he spoke. "He shall
repent it—he shall shall repent
He rushed front the store as he spoke .
leaving his informants in the most once.
remonious manner. They quietly proceed
ed homeward, congratu kting each other
that they had evidently the mans of putting
down a giant of iniquity.
Mr, Wigley has an office on !roadway
Mr. Pick Irby, scan after his interview
the ladies, wood in the presence of Mr.
Wigl v y, who smiled, and offered his hand
to the other. Mr. Pickleby, with every
expression ut scorn and hate, declined to
touch it..
"Permit int to inform yon," :Aid the
merchant, alino:t choking with rage, that
I know all l
Mr. Wigley looked at :he speaker with
'Yes, sir," continued tho excited Pick
lehy, know all : and I'm not such a pal.
try coward as to suffer it to pass with lin
punity !"
Whereupen, helore the other could
ter a word, he gave Mr. Wigley such a
blow on the head as to stagger him not tt
little, and, before he could recover front
the surpr ise, it was followed by another
how on thu otheeside of his head, which
wade 168 ears ring in a most wonderful
This was rather too much for the good
nature of Mr. Wigley, and so he nerved
himself to the task, and commenced a re
raiation. Being nearly double the weight
of his antagonist, he soon bad it all his
on ri way ;and to be brief, in less than ten
minutes, Mr. Pickelby cried loudly for
quarters, admitting himself to be as well
' whipped a man as he had encountered.
"And now," said Wigley, after helping
his adversary to his feet—"now, that our
affairs settled, please tell the what t have
flogged you for."
"For intriguing with my wilts, as you
well know," replied the defeated, but
j indignant man:
a lie !" said Wig ley.
'.lt's the truth," responded Piekelby,
"ano can provo it."
, Yon 'can't - do ii." Come, n•e will go
and see Mrs. Pielcel by herself; and show
me a witness if you con."
“Very well; it's just what I desire.”
I Mr. Pickelhy washed the blood from
his face, arranged his disordered garments
s well us he could, and accompanied Mr
Nlias Nobbs Miss Dobbs and Miss
Briggs were called, and an explanation de.
untitled by the acetised Wigluy.
Nohbs persisting in the truth of what she
tittered, the whole party, at the request of
the injured husband, &weeded to his
wire's apartment:
Mrs. Pickelby, to the surprise of nil,
was not clone ; a roan with her. As soon
as Mr. Pickelby saw him he smiled, and
advanced and shook him by the hand.
"My brother!" said he, turned those
who bad followod him.
Miss Nobba face became crimson.
"I fear," she stammered, "'hot I have
unintentionally nodes mistake. This must
be the gentleman I saw; and he is so much
like Mr. Wigley, that I was led to believe
he woo no other. I beg i.nrdon 1"
As the trio of ladies t3olc their dei.arture
Nlr. Pick'city was heard to utter timers
maledictions opon the bends of all med.
d:ing, buoytongned scandal-mangers ; but
hp soon recovered 114 temper, explain.
ing the whole affair to his wife, joined
heartily in the laugh that was raised at his
expense, and ended by inviting Wigley t
join their party that evening in a game of
Salutations i►mong Diff'rent Nations.
The expressions used as salutations a
rn9riy different rations have under their
holmium napect, something characteristic
and interesting, even for the most casual
ht chi East, som of these ex,:resbions
savor, ui a more or lea: chlree, of the
Scriptures, and cif thy serer, and patriur.
chal sentimein of the inhabitante. One
recognizes the immobility of these pastor
al and warlike people., standing aloof from
all human progress. Nearly all have a
foundation in reli,giouS senor nts,and
pros peace to thm, to whom they ere ad
titation used by the Arab,
dem," or "Shalom," means peace, and
i 3 fuund in' the word Jerusalem. The
Arab relates his friend thus, "May you
have a happy inbruing •`May God grant
y,.11 his favori" If God wills it, you are
well." This last expression plainly be
trays their fanaticism.
'lid Turks have a formula which can
only be used in a sunny climate—‘ , May
your shadoiv never be less." An English
man would never think of wishing a friend
a fine shadow.
The climate of Egypt is feverish, and
perspiration is necessary to 'the health,
h e nce the Egyptian, !netting you, asks,
E; on do you peat ire ?'
'Have you eaten V 'ls your stomach t 4
good order?' asks the Chinaman ; a touch•
ing solicitude, which can only be qp7recias.
nal by a nation of gourmands.
"Good cheer," says the modern Greek
in nearly the same lanklage that the ens
-cit nts were 'vont to greet their friends.
A charming salutation, which could only
have originated among the happy, careless,
The Romans, who were heretofore robust
indefatigable and laborous, had energetic
sulutations, expressing force and notion . .
''Solve," "Be strong," "Be healthy;" and
, Quid fimias," "What do you?" or "What
make your'
The Genoese, of modern times, nay,
"Health and wealth," which is very appre
priaie for an active and commercial peo
The Neapolitan devoutly says, "Grow
it , sanctity ;" and the Piedmontese, nm
your servant." The "hqw stand you 2"
of almost nil Italy, forcibly indicates the
nonchalance of the sunny land.
The Spaniard, grave, haughty and in
different wishes you "Goad morning," to
which we respond, -at your service, sir."
Another salutation which the Spaniard
uses, "God be .vith you Signor," shows a
melange of respect for one's self nod Tell
gious sentiment. . . . .
The ordinary salutation of the Germuu
is “Wie gelas?"—“How goes it?" and has
vagueness partaking somewhat of the
dreamy character of the German. To bid
one adieu, he says, ''Leber so, wohl"—
"Live quiet and happy." This last plainly
exhibits his. peaceful 'enure and love for
the 'simple joys of life.
Ths travelling Hollander asks,"Hoe
hearts go?" 'How do you go?" The tho
ughtful, active Swede demands, "Of what
do you thibk?" whilst the German express'.
ion -Live well'--"Live well." But the
greeting of the Pole is best of all, , Are you
The English have the "Good Bye," a
corruption of the word" God be with you,"
sub some others; but that which exhibits
bent the character of the English is "How
&Lynn do?' us the activity of this people is
shown in this demand where the do is spo
ken twice. Nothing 13 more characteristic,
more lively, or more stirring than this'.
The"Ouniinent vous portez vous?" of the
French is equally characteristic,. The Fre
nchman is more active than laborious—
more aident, more passionate, then though
ful; hence the principle with hill is not to
do, but to go to be lively, to show himself,
There is something in the expression."
Comment vous porter sons?"—'• How do
you curry yourself?,—which bespoke :at
once his frank limner and pleasant face.