Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 15, 1858, Image 1
4 ‘4 eti j 1 tt , gz - Mw ( . I . ' . 1' ..: " I ~ c .., , 11 1 ''-i'ft if . , , I .'" • 1 / 11 . 2 .1 ll'. ~. I'` • • : 1, %., et ...,, 4 . ^::\2:l-1- . . . ' ~\ ;r k„ 4, ,•,,,. ',* ,", ~,, ,L , ,,. ;<4, -..., -.- ,/ VVM. BREWSTER, ED. ___ --- --- -- ---- - ---- -- -- ---- --- - - ------ Eiseeliam Advertisements.! ons Advertiseme . TERMS OF THE JOURNAL. —— ...... l ---- 1 — . TERMS 1 , c$ elect torg. TaIER INVIGORATOR ! The'lloxyixopton JOURNAL' ie published at ~,.__._, . . ~ . _ the following rates t COMPLETE IN puts NUMIIEIL If paid i ___ _ n advance $1,50 __ _ ._ , __ PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. Ifpaid within six months after the time of Compounded eptirely of Gums. subscribing 1,750 THE TORS ttEIittSPAPER, ',one of the beet purgative and liver medi If paid before the expiration of the year, 2, •sines vow before the public, that acts as a Cu- And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid OR skartic, osier, milder, and more effectual than tillafter the expiration of the year. No subscript CIRCIUDISTANTCAL EVIDENCE. any they medicine known. It is not only a Ca- lion taken for a less period than six months. I %shortie, but a Liver remedy, acting Rot on the 1. All subscriptions are continued until oth- BY OLIVER SINCIILAIR• Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach erwise ordered, and no paper will be discontion- sod bowels to carry off that matter. thus accotn- ed until arrearages are paid, except at the option . pliebing two purposes effectually, without any of of the publisher. CHAPTER 1. 11141 painful feelings experienced in the operation 2, Returned numbers are never received by us . will never consent to your marriage of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at All numbers sent us in that way are lost, nue .the same time that it purges it , and when taken never accomplish the purpose of the sender. with William Appleton, Ida,' said daily in moderete donee , will strenghten and 3. Persons wishing to atop their subscriptions, Charles Redington, with flushed look and build It up with nusual rapidity. must pay up arrearages. and c o at it written or The Liter is ono o , n ; the principal regula- , verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub- angry eyes. tort of the human bo- eatdy ; and when it per - 1 lication in Huntingdon. tt -1 `III love William more than I love you, lbtostit functions well 0 the powers of the sys- 4. Giving notice to a postorkster is neither a tem are fully develop- 1.1 ed. The stomach is 1 logs or a proper notice. Charles; why should you be so angry.— almost entirely dep e n- ~,o d en t on the healthy 5. After ono or more numbers of a new year This is not the way to make me love you action of the Liver for the the proper perform- , have been forwarded, a new ,year has cotnmene alto of its functions. kh Wh e n the stomach IS , ed, and the paper will not be discontinued until better than William. If I cannot be your to fault, the bowels are oat fault and the whole , arrearages are paid. See No. 1. ' wife, I can be your friend ! You have +system offers in con- 0 sequence of one erg. I The Courts have decided that refusing to tok , —the Liver— having ais c ea s e d t o d o i ts duty. ',newspaper from the office, or removing an I paid me a compliment I shall always be For the diseases of O. that argon on e 01 the I caving it uncalled for, is PRIMA FACIE evidence grateful for, in offering me your hand. I feet des reference of me over proprietors has made a, it iffs study, in It prat- of intentional fraud. tic. et more then twen- ';',, ty years, to find some subscribers living in distant counties, or in ply y p remedy wherewith to counteract the many other States, will be required to pay invariably other and fairer maidens of your acquain deranttementi to whichit is liable. 1 CA in advance. To prove that this ~n r r remedy is at last die- dfli ho above terms will be rigidly adhered tance, and who I know would be made *oared any person „.7 troubled with Liver t ,T,Tnil rases . happy by such an offer. Nay, do not look Complaint in snyof its,/ forms, h 2 is certain. o but to try a bottle and es nytetion, ... ~ . ... _ displeased! Because [refuse to be your The. , gums remove all morbid or bad A DVERTISEITENTS wife is no ronson that I canno. esteein you Win he charged at the following rates: matter from the system z s u pplying in their • 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. as a friend !' • place a heal by flow tss,.. of bile, invigorating ~. ~ the stom.sch, causing R food to digest well, . 1 . H° oB 0 r less': $25 $ 37i $6O Thus calmly and gently and sensibly t; One apiece, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00 purifying the blooff,gi- vine tone and heel I ~,__._ „ (32 " ) 100 150 200 spoke Ida 130 yd, a sweet, beautiful girl of ' .For thy snlce .' se the whole machine. 7 a 3 ry, removing the cause '^`' 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 'no. of the disease, and eft ' l ' (reefing . radical cure „ eio•hteen, the daughter of a poor widow .1, , ,, ma y I no; a sk ilk I One dose after cat- 0 ing is suffficient to re- Y,., 11 ° square+ $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 . ii O. the stott ach and 'prevent the ffiod from -..r. Iftlffare", 500 800 12 00 to a rich young roan of uncontrollable pas rising and soaring. 10 I column, 800 12 00 18 00 sions, who had loved her long and would Bilious attacks vellfi Icured, an,l what is do., Is 00 18 00 27 00 bettor, prevented, 4 . the oceasiontd use of do., 18 00 27 00 40 00 111£1 VC made her his wife ; for though poor i do., 28 00 40 00 50 00 she Liver In vilsorataile, she was socially his equal, her father boy " n basso it i t Business Curtis of six lines, or less, $4.00. . 1: 1 1 mg Leen a gentlemen-of fortune, who be. fen at mg , It, 'ens the came bankrupt before his death through , es Costiveness. the failure of a bank in which he had in- I , • cad, meal will c -c Dvs vested all he was worth. teaspoonfuls will &keys Only one dose ta• prevents Nightmare. Only one dose talo bowels gently: and cur One doso taken after pepsin. sir One doss of tot ram°. Sick Headache One bottle taken I atones the mune of perfect mire. Only one dose inn kilo Ono dose often repented is a sure mire for - an, and a preventive of elmlera. iebottle is needed to throw out of the effects of medicine:nfter it long for female obsetrnm Mare the dkease, and makes a lediately relieves Cholie, lirOne Nettle token for Jaundice removes an'os ' , lgor to the-4170747,42ncimioLierrlottitt5iiiket Wen. Dowd complaints yletd &Insoles • - at#ll,a,:to . Otte or two doses cures attacks eatt+ril by Worms in Chihli'. ; there is no sorer or speed. !el remedy in the world, as it never fails. 64, — A few bottles eeres dropsy, by exciting elm absorbents. — We teko pleasure in reromtnendi ngthis mad laine as s preventive for Fever and Anne, Chill, Bever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It 'operates with certainty, and thousands are wil • ling to testify to its wonderinl virtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous tee- Amory in its favor. ffiridix water in the mouth with the Inviga e'er, and swallow both togethet. The Liver Invigorator. de • eciontific medical discovery, and is daily working cures, almost too groat to believe. It same as if by magic, even the timst done giving lsenellt, and seldom more than ono bottle in re joiced to care any kind of Liver complaint, frost the wont jaundice or Dyspepsia to a em s.. Headache, all of which are the result of Biassed Liver. PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Aa. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N.Y. by U. MeHanigill, k.l. Read Huntingdon. APra. ' sB.- T. THE CAS/MILLE lIESIEVARY. ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER THE PRESENT PAM:MT IC. WALMI, Principal, P •,, of Languages and Philosophy. Chit , . S. Joslin. A. M , Pt of Latin, Greek, etc. Jasteas W. Hughes, Pi..f. of Mathematics. ' Menianlin F. Houck. Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics. 0200. W. Linton. Prof. of Vocal Mmic. M. McN. WALSH Preeeptress, her of Botany, History, Reading; etc. Mb , • E. St Faulkner, her of Pellls Work. Pair ting, Drawing, Mi. D. L. Stanley, Teaoher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flo'rs, Mrs. Or. Darwin. Tear her of English Branches. Miss J. M. Walsh. TeaoNer of Primary English. The tecent success of this school is euiraot , Binary. Besides being the cheapest one of the bind I,er established, it is now the largest in this section of the State. All branches are taught, and students of all ages, and of both irseF, ,ro received, The expenses for a year ". 4 ant be inner it,. too— •••••• sur W ifigo never they wish. Address, - • JOHN D. WAL6II, Classy!,lle, Hfib'tingdnn Co., Pa. Juna23,':,43. ,• _ . . Notice to Coal Purchasers. ,irtiE subscriber is now prepared to furnish 11 Coal Jr. Coke at his bank at Lilly'. lion, on the Pena's. Railroad, of as good qua *as can be had on the mountain. I will run coal to Hollidaysburg, or any other point on the Penn's. Railroad, if application is made person ally or by later. ALSO—I will agree to deliver COKE at any bank, in cars, at four and a quarter eeute per bush• d viz i—Tilirty-five pounds to the bushel, or de -liver it in my own ears, at any point desired, nt ti3o lowest possible rates. For either of the shove articles,HONlGLE address J. W, Hemlock, Cambria County, Pa, where all orders will be propniply attended to, Aug. 25, 1858.6 t. SHOT, LEAD, CAPS, POWDER AND Oarne•bega for sale at the Hardware Stare of JAS A. BROWN. Sept. 5, '59.-4t. lILIMB' DRESS GOODS, of rich etylo 4 or! -,y7olkoop at p. P. GWIN'S, :TOR & PROPRIETOR. Advertising and Job Work. We would remind the Advertising com munity and all others who wish to bring their business extensively before the pub lic : that the Journal has the largest cir culation of any paper in the county—that i is c instantly incrensmg;—and that it goes him the hands of our wealthiest citi zens. We would also state that our facilities far executing all kinds of JOB PRINT .I.NO are equal to those of ony other office 'nine county; and all Job Work entrtis -I„;;Lusliz...p.and., will be done newly, /%1 - C:I O I'3E4OJM. We request those or our subscribe; who re• cive their paperroo inform us of those in their immediate neighborhoods who are subscribers to the "Journal," and have failed to receive the same, since the stealing of our pack-hook, b 3 ruffians on the 3d of February. DIXON'S improved SAUSAGE CUTTERS and staffers, formula by Oct. 6, '.18.-3t. JAS. A. BROWN. Glass Preserving Jnrs, different sizes, for sale by FISHER /t, MeNIURTRIE. OAL BUCKETS & SHOVELS ! F . Fur SIM tf. JAS. A. BROWN. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. .Grovrr and Baker's Sewing inneltine. Samuel Groves store. Warwick, Cladwiek and Bro. • Cook stove for sale. Climax Grain Fan. Lumbermen & Stockraisers. Aammonton Linda. Mountain Female Seminary. Gifts! G ifis !! Gins!!! Land for sale. Dr. A. I'. Fields. Milnwood Academy. Green Willow Foundry. S. M. Pillengill 1t Co. Gutman's Clothing Store. Brown's Hardware Store. Fisher & MeMutrie's Store. Saml, S. Smith's Drug & Grocery Store. Great Purifier. ; Iron City C•djedgq. Saving Fund. Literary heron. Galvanic oil. Great Beautifier. Invigorator. Cassydle Seminary. Lung Infirmery. Town vs Country. lodine Root Pills. Country Merchants. Alexandria Foundry. Huntingdon Warm Springs. Consumption cured. Bank Notice. Antiphlogistic Salt. Huntingdon Hotel. • iis4l l fr i g•Wi - store. 11. Roman's Clothing Store. Patent Portable Fence. Premiums awarded. The Journal Office. Colon's Book Store Huntingdon Mill. Letter Copier. Rarroad Time. H. K. Neff, M. D. HUl:and. Foundry. Dr. J. R. Huyett, Dentist. Atorney's at Law. Scott & Brown. Wilson & Petrikin. 'rhos P. Campbell. HE CASSVILLE SEMINARY. II EXTRAS. Wax Fruit, $5,00; Wax Flowers, $5,00; Grecian Painting, $3,00; Ornamental Pain ting,s3,oo ; Leather Work, $ 3,00; Chenille Work, $3,00; Ocean Shells & Mosses, $2,00; Piano Music, $5,00, Those wishing to learn the above from a teacher of arperience, should do so immediate ly, for Miss Stanley cau be retai red at the Seminary only a few months longer—she re• turns to New York in the Spring. 6 ` LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. ' HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1.855 They were standing at the garden gate to which he had asked her to Iteco,npany hint after having called to see her, saving that he wished to say a few words to her alone. These fee words were the offer of his hand and fortune. Her reply was that she had been a month. engaged to I%Valiant Appleton. His angry ext.:buria -1 lions of disoppointment called from her the words of rernoastrance end Linducrs which she address him at tie beginning of d•Wceli. i n moat eithOr I. sie or bate ynu, Ida Ruytl ! There is no inediutil with too! As for William Appleton, luny the tfuv-' 'Charles—Charles ! Stop where you are ! This conduct is univi,rthy of you and painful to me !' sly cried, laying her hand upon his orm, which he pettishly withdrew from her touch. 'll 1 cannot love ynu, why will you hate me 1 Does not this show your lore for me was not such as would stand the test of life ?' 'lda talk not thus ! My love for you would have made me die for you! Yes terday, if you had bidden me dorm} deed, invoking the risk of my life, I would have marched with a smile upon my lips to death, so that I felt that you approved !' She luolccd in his face. The moonlight sifted through a !atm° of leaves, over their heads, fell in soft splendor upon his forehead ; for his forehead As uncovered as he sp , !, to the fair object of his war. ship, There was a momentary silence.— She broke it by saying 'Charles, lain very vet) sorry for you! I _, 'Pity me not I Your pits adds poison to the barb you have so completely fasten ed in try heart ! A heart that so loved you that if, like chamomile, you had trod n it under your feet, it would have giv. en out front it bruised leaves sweet frt. grance to regale you. Hate me, Ida! hate me ! This will be the most grateful re- turn you can make me, for robbing me of yourself !' 'Charles,' said the lovely girl, as she took his reluctant hand in he ra; dear Charles, my friend, how can you blame me ! How can you feel so ! Love is a mystery I Ido not knoll, why I you .He has known you but ten mouths, while I have known you from a child up !' know it Charles t I have always ked you! Do you not remember how I have so often gave you flowers; and how we blackberried together; and how you used to love to carry my heavy satchel of hooks home for me ; and how you gave toe birds and rabits for pets, and I named them after you ; and how you used to do all my hard sums for me, and what good friends we used to be !' .Yes, I remember it all, Ida ; and we were very happy ; and when I grew up, and you grew Up and became so beautiful, I resolved you should he my wife ; but then came this stranger sad—and— Here Ile emotion, if not a gush of tears of the young choked his utterance, and he turned away without finishing the sun- trance, 'As I said, Charles, love is a mystery. I 'He selected me, mother.' loved him as soon n 9 I saw him. I don't But you know that on the lens'. °neon, know how it was, but our eyes no sooner ! rigement, the richer would have naked met than nor hearts seemed to fly 'ova, ! you.' er and cml race like long•absent friends !' did not encourage him because he was The disappointed lover made no imine- I rich. I could not trust myself, I feared diate reply. He walked for a few mo- I might be thinking of his fortune, so I let menu io and fro before the garden gate.— i the one who first offered have my hand.' There won a cloud visible upon his brow 'Well, William is a good young man, and a stern fixedness of the lips which and will make you happy. But you know alarmed her. She approached him gently my opinion. 1. would rather you would and said : have married Mr. Redington. Tina fine 'Charles' house his mother lives in would have been 'Well, Miss Boyd.' yours at her death, with a carriage and all !Do not speak to me so unkindly.' that.' 'What matters it ? Are you anything • !Don't talk of such things, mother.— to me ? Am I anything to thee Are I They do not come into my thoughts, I you not his! bad), soul, and spirit? Are. shall be perfectly happy with William-- you rot his in all that made you dear—oh, i And since I have teen the exhibition of an how dear tome? Ido well to speak un- ! ger and feeling rhown by Charles fiis ev• kindly ! But forgive me, Ida! I see ening, I see he a fearful temper, which moonlight reflected, as from diamonds, in might have. !node ran wretched as his tears upon your cheeks. I am not angry wife.' with you ? Poets say lore cannot be he!. ' 'Well come in, dear child. It is full a ped ! But as for him, who knowing how quarter to tea. Hottest people ought to I loved you, and has come between me and be in bed half on hour after the bell ring happiness----9 'Soy no word in anger, Chines ! For '1 will be in soon, dear ma. 1 think my sake. do not be angry with William I William will be here by ten. I will just Appleton.' meet him at the gate here sad say good 'lda, what do I owe you—that for thy : , Well, at ten you must come in. Tic sake I should not hate him V you har.dkerchief over your head, Ida, , Nothing—but—oh—forgive me ! Ifor I feel there to a dew.' the wound, hod drawn from the orifice knew not you loved me so denrly. You I t Ten o'clock was struck by the old clock made by the bullet, a iones of paper, sat never told me till to night.' lin the house, btu idn's lover had not come: united with blood and river water. He ‘Because I did not deem it necessary to She %voted ten minutes past, when slowly I saw slot it was a newspaper wadding tell thee,' ho observed, bitterly. 'Do the nod sadly site returned into the house. which hod heed' driven into the wound be. bids tell one nnother they lore bolero they I 'He has never finled me beforo,' she hind the bar. Ile stated to the coroner, mater Does the night-blooming cores said, 'but perhaps some:Mug has de:ainel item this circumstance, that the assnssin tell the moon it loves before it opens its him, It cannot be that now that I nun en- I must have stood close to his victim for the bosom to her embrace ? Does the river i gaged to him, he loves me less, and thinks I scudding to have also entered the wound. tell the sea that it loves before it flings its• he need not be on punctual to his engage- This assertion throw no light upon the au. elf murmuring into huts are. 'nests as he was when he tons not sure of 1 thor of the crone, and had little weight Does the glow•woroi tell its mate thnt t me, and was trying to win my consent.' I with the coroner and his rustic jury. The it loves ere he lights the lamp which is to How sensitive, how jealous, hour exact- I surgeon, who was a shrewd man of the guide him to her bower in the grass?— tag is truelove! world, and who let nothing escape him, True love is instinct, and is voiceless 1— Ida re-entered the house, and by.and.hy took the wadding home, and having rein°- , I did not belie ve Ida, I had need to tell you I retired, but not until all hope of seeing ved the stains of blood and dried it, closely how denrly, how loudly, how p ,ssionate- William that night had expired. examined it. lie discovered that it was a , . i• i ~... , ~..,, ~, rnirn ,,,,,, i ,„, ! , p roo i i I:, the mornin she dreatneda dream. i part t, tt newspaper called "The Evening ',find.' the 161'41 , rolCd k f fiTit'll'lMilli. ~. AV ker.? !" .. "1 - 4 tlii.lts, upon looking ci;refully at you that l love you would byre seemed i when n mermaid rose out of the water be. this flagnient, compresses his lips and was to me like painting the rainbow, or leadingl tore them, nod said, in a Mush voice— for a few moments silently (listing his keen torches to the light of the stars 1 But, I 'Come—l hove waited for you! You , gray eyes upon his office floor. alas, I tee I have been mistaken ? the love ' must go with me ! My borne in the depth I , The Evening Star !, he at length ex of this world to secure itself must gabble ,of the river is ready !' claimed, or rather muttered. 'I wonder and speak itself out, or the loudest goose I She thought that the mermaid so fusel- who takes that paper in this village !' will be the victor ? anted William that he left herside, :Ind This I must quietly ascertain. I saw be 'You are very bitter, Charles ?' went as by a resistless spell, to the syren, tore the coroner that this piece ofa er 'Pardon me, but I fell bitterly. Go id who was about to entwine her arms about might be probably a clue to the murderer, night Ida.' him, when some one cried, as if from the and I did not wash to stake any noise about 1 Let us part friends P 'Friends 1 Eli ? Friends ? What does air— it, lest the murderer himself might b that mean ? Not enemies? 'Fire and slay her. or she will destroy present at the inquest and take the alarm 'Nit Enemies' answered the young hint!' [ think I have shown my usual sngacity• man, as he coldly received in his awn her She heard nt the inoinent u report as if Now, with the aid of Providence . . I may soft hand, with which she warmly clasped I from behind her, and she saw William find out who murdered William Appleton ' hi,. .1 con never hate thee I When I with a wound in his forehead, fall into the Poor Ida Boyd ! They say it has broken arms of the syren, who plunged with him heart, as they were soon to be married ! die, Ida, your image will be found engra. ten on my inmost heart ? Good night.— into the water and disappeared. There The Evening Star ! Stay there, bit of pa- If I nev:.r more speak to thee, eo not im• j was a mocking laugh behind her, and she per," he added, until I look further !! imagine I hate the ? But I can never thought the voice sounded like that rf As ho spoke be locked the wadding in e look again upon the form which is possess. Charles Redington. She turned to see 11 his pocket walked out. He took the direc ed by my rival?' her fears were true, when the loud voice than of the past oflise, which he entered of her mother awoke her, with a loitering atop, as if he had no pur ward. She impulsively fol:oned him half He left the gate and walked rapidly on-- 'Awake child ! Up, Ida I There is fear- pose. 'I he postmaster was seated in his a dozen steps, but seeing he paid no at. ful newa'' great armed chair, (being a bent up Men tention to her pursuing feet, though the 'What is it, mother ?' she cried, starting raatic man, with iron spectacles,) actually must have heard them upon the pave- front her vivid. reading a copy of the "Evening Star." meat, the stopped and clasped her hands 'William —' Dr. Thomas was a friend and his phy together upon her bosom and sighed hen. 'William is dead !' she shrieked, catch. mien. After a question or two as to the vily. ing the words from the pallid lips of her present state of his rheumatism, the doctor , wi.po.wili 1 wi pot , will 1' cried in , mother. 'I saw him shot ! Is it not so 1 : said plaint ive tones a whippoorwill, in the top Oh, do not be silent !' • of a neighboring tree. 'Hews has just come that he was found 'What a doleful note! This bird's into in sounds ominously and tnakes me feel fear , In the river, with n bullet wound in his !' she said, as she turned slowly to dm gate. forehead I' she cried. 'Flow wonderful and true l' cried two or 'They sae it sings thus only when some evil in to happen to the h ,or,r. Shalt I three neighbors, who were at her room go in or wait for William.' she gebloqui..d,; d .„ ° M.7 l 24l:4thiesCatav tam r . , I svw it ill a dream. Ott, tell me, is Wdliam dead.' 'Yes,' answered the minister, who, lie ! o Ci ' t clo h c e l r c, li n r i l vd d. th ' e lh bv:lr for t U n ' in i e w 7vi a ll t i t: !: ' l ' t ring.' ing near and having heard the news, find The young girl, with a torn heart—for she loved both lovers, (but William most.l ha'stened to the house of mourning, as be and tenderest, having slats pledged hit her came his office. 'He was found dead an hand, heart and troth,) lingered long site; hour ngn, by the shore. half in the water. the nine o'clock bell iung, for William had He had been shot hi the forehead. His promised her he would come at nine.-- body is taken to his mother's where an in- With'Oh! William ! William ! who could quest will be held. every note of the bell site expected to hear blended the sound of his footstep. Half -past nin e came, and her mot her came have done it ! William dead I' shelshriek out to her and said— ed, and fell insensible into the arms of her 'lda. you ought to be in, dear. ‘where mother is William ?' 'Not come yet, mother. I wonder what hos detained him. The death of William Appleton by via 'Perhaps some engagement. You know lance. In so mysterious a manner, zrented he is but a book-keeper, and hasn't his the most profound exoite !mut throughout time to himself, poor young man, as Mr. the peaceful village. He was beloved and Hedington, who is rich. -I must confes s , popular, and was not known to hove an en- Ida, I urn surprised you should have selec• emy. He had been found by the shore, led the poor one.' ' his body half in the water: but as Ins rlo• night to him. Ho was to bring me a wed. ding ring.' CHAPTER 11, thing and hair were thoroughly wetted, it was believed he had been thrown tn, nod floated rishoro. The place where he was found was about half way between the vil lage and the residence of Ida Boyd, by the road that led along the winding and shady, banks. 'He must have been going to see her, or else coming from there.' said a woman, who was present as ally were holding an inquest. 'He was 'gaged to her and iv t to see her every night.' This opinion prevailed. The a stion now came up, who could have done this I and what could have been the motive for doiag it ? 'rbero was no suspicion of person or motive, and the jury gave in their verdict —"Shot dead with a pistol or gun, by some person or persons unknown; and then thrown into the river.' What :nore could a coroner's jury, not omnscient nor omnipresent, decide. The funeral took place on the third dayond attended by a vast concourse of people; for murder invests death with a fearful mystery, tvhich arouses the deepest sym 'gullies of the human heart, as well nu awakens the liveliest curiosity of our na ture. But there were agencies of Providence at work for the discovery of the murderer. The surgeo3 who had been called to exa- mine and pronounce upon tho nature of 'A Nets York paper, eh ?' .Yes, the Star; Noah's, paper. They say he is n Jew; but he is a great wit, and a capital, line writer.' 'So I've heard. Do you takd it u.. ether side of my rol. 1 1 77 sin '."-;,' a - rairzit" politician. You see her owns on it t' 'Yes, 1 see. It is such eat interesting paper, I suppose, many copies du are ta ken at this village.' 'No. This is the only one taken tit this office. It is usually taken out by her son Charles, but he has not been here for several days; so I thought l'de peep into it.' 'A privilege,' replied the smiling doe. tor,' which you postmasters take not only with papers but with letters, eh?' 'Ah, doc.or, that is a serious joke,' re sponded the man of privtleges, as he fol ded up the paper, for that moment Chas. Redington entered and asked for his pa pers and letters. 'So you keep up the old 'Star' subscrip tiont'sir, like your father ?" said the doe. The young man answered, with a curl of the lip— 'l sup•iose ono elm subscribe to what pa• per he plenses;' and thus saying, he pork- VOL. XXIII. NO. 50. eted his newspaper and went out of the office, which was kept in open room, corn mon vial! comers; indeed, the people gen erally helped themselves to their own let ters, (and their neighbors' too, if they choose,) to save the bent and rheumatic postmaster getting up tied Us' chair. Doctor Thomas weeded his way to his own office slowly and thoughtfully. Chas. lea Redington was above suspicion, Weaf thy son of a member of Congress, born in the villnge, and of good name and fame. Yet he was the onlY one who look the 'Star,' and it ,vas a torn portion of the .Star,' which formed the wad of the bul let ! 'lt is possible another man Tat have found or torn the paper. Perhaps he does not file them a.vay. If so, any one might pick them up• I must be cautious. I will call on his mother, and ask her for the loan of a volume of the folio Encyclo. pedia, which belonged to her husband. This will enable me to look about and per haps learn something. Yet do I suspect her son for the deed. t Heaven forbid But this wadding must be traced.' Thus he mused as ke walked afong.— That day he called on the widow, and was shown into the library for the book by Charles himself, who looked pale and ill at ease, so much so that the doctor said— 'Mr. Redit gton, you do not look well. You must look after yourself.' The young in an ianghed and turned away his head. Upon a chart the doctor saw piled in a heap a gre at number of the 'Stor,'. He took one up and then said— 'This is a singularly American journal, Mr. Redington to be edited by a jew.' I seldom read it. lam not n politician, keep it as waste paper.' indeed. Permit me to look over some of them,' 'Yes; but you Will excuse me, as I have an engogement; You con borrow any oth er books you please, sir, besides the Ency clopediu.' After the young mon had gone out the doctor proceeded to examine the ne Napa pers upon the chair. but found them all whole; seeing one wrapped around a par- that it contained melon seed. A portion of this paper was tuna off. A glance showed him that he had the missing part at his office! Instantly and adrenly he poured nu. the seeds and secured the paper. He WWI overwhelmed with surprise and pain. As he toss leaving. Mrs. Redingtos met hits in the hall and said, after a few remarks about books— Have they discovered the murderer, doctor ?" 'Not, yet, I believe.' Poor , Ida! Charles thought werhls of her, nod has not been himself since he heard how sbe is almost beside herself. L think he loved her; but I always told hurt she was too poor a match for him. lam sorry for her, and for the poor young man. Bow pitiful !' The doctor left and proceeded to Pus of lice, took out the wad, and went to the res idence of the justice of the peace The two gentlemen remained together for two hours, That night Charles Redington was arrested, while at the tea-table, by two officers of the law, and conveyed to He denied all knowledge of the mender, and assumed the front and bearing of inject. d innotlence. He wee in due Ulna, brought into court for trial. The only ground of evidence against him was the fragment of newspaper. But the defense ably argued that the assesin, whoever he was, might have stolen the paper, as no such paper was to be found on the prison era premises, or brought it from any oth er town. .The .Stair mails fear thousand copies weekly,' he ndded, and there are four thousand chances that my client iv ivino. cent.' 1% hen evor3 body in ,nurt 'Mrs. Eleanor Redington's name upon it, was produced, and the fragment fitted to it before all eyes, _ . When eihoiles Redington nee this pa. per produced he uttered a cry of despair, and sprang from the prisoner's box so un expectedly, that he had reached and leaped from an open window before he oonld be arrested. Mounted men followed hi wird fl•ght, and he was overtaken and caught at the very spot where the body of William* Appleton had seen discovered. 'Theva cult wee that he confessed in prison the deed of murder so clearly established by circumstantial evidence. lie said he had gone home after leaving Ida Boyd, loaded his pistol, tearing oft a portion of the 'Base for the wadding, resolved to meet Appleton on his visit to Ida Boyd, and compel his to velinquish her to himself. That he met hi:n on his way, and upon his refusal to comply with his command, he shot him in a moment of uncontrollable jealousy. Three months afterwards Chance Red. ington expiated his crime on the gallows, and the evening of the same fatal day the body of the fair Ida Boyd was laid by weep ing mourners in her fast home. Oh, love, nh war—which has slain the most victims.