~~~ PHILADELPHIA MARKET,I Puis.AnEt.en i - FLOUR—Superfine. per bnrrel , 612(q 537 Extra " " 5:10 6 50 to 675 family live Vicar and Corn Meal Wheet—red, per Itesite " White Rye Curu flita Cloverseed Timothy seed, Flax, i" bus).l $3 24 Lj per tl4 pounds $2,00 to 212 $1 70 MORE THAN 500,000 Bottles SOLO IN THE NEW ENGLAND STATES IN ONE YEAR. THE RESTORATIVE OF 0. .1, WOoli, 1 for restoring the hair perfectly and pertna• nattily luts never yet had n rival, volotne alter volume might be given from a l parts of the world and recto the most intelligent to prove that it is n perfect Restorative: but read the tdreular vou cannot doubt reel also the following, U61.1' • 11.tle.—People have for c,ettnrici Steen tallittol with bald her% RIO the tally r e thinly, heretofore 'known, has been Atom. wi,. It recent ,lilPtivory of Proft,. nee Wien! these article{ nr. h, ing f l ast disp,n sed I,:th, hat n grent many icriun.; ,till nice them, hncaus. tli.v 1131, 1,1.1.11 sitrtttru intpiacd .1114111 Tun ic; t;;'difli natt kinds. To all such persons we earnestly make the rquest. that they will try mice again, for in Wuturri Ilestorttive there to no snub thing no fail. We know of a lady who was hall, whit u,ed the article a abort tint, and he r heed is tn.w• revered et:widen:lr with the tiniest and Inuit beautiful eerri inniginalde. We knew of nutnereer efl,, where hair oar rapidly falling out, whit+ it reAterell in gred Pr perihelion than it ever had been tither. It is sho without .loubi eine ol Ile. le.,:,•,ar tleleoi liar keeping the hair in tusking it soft glossy, rental ing dmeirtifr and bits r.r.,011 itself the ,Ireateit cui'tny t., all the ills that stir is nu heir to. • It is the duty of every ow , 1., 11:1 it personal appearance though vonto nay to regard to the ways of titling it; hat every one will admit 111111 ti beautiful It cad eith, in Hum or woman, st; nut tilijeet punch lit he de,in•d, noel thee,: ere tie meet's that xhenld 1,1 rit•tl to obtain :owl; a consia,r;t• hia. HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? 'Wm. 5. ntateltelors Ilair 1)) ' r: The Original and Best in the Wor4ll, All 0th4,4 are tom, itnitution, nod slf.fold I of he nvoifl.4l. iP von wish to t,,t•ato• ri OR ' t" 11.1 lit ltyed in• idat , tlv t 0.4 Itenutiful nod Natural . 11rown or Itlnffk; without the least injury to Hair or 50,,, Fifteen Medal:, and Hiplonoti hart , carded to Wm. A. Lintrlielor riff.,., 1 : ,„,i • over 80,00 npftlicationB I.'. 1,4 toi 1 , •41,14 to ; the Ifs's' of bin tattrons of Otatin, 1f,,.. W(. A. if AI‘CIIELOIV? If 1)1'6 two . dace., a 4eutor nut to be i • rom t . terffi and is warranted not to Ntire . ln the Iraat *owe.i4r long it %nay be oottlinord, Hod the ill ,offeeta of iqd Dre'i r,ni t atad ; the it: it viguratedfut Ii 'a;+ . Dye. - Made, ...id or applied :tin 9.. 'private ronin,) et the Whig Fttentrv. tub , Brondway. New York: Sultt itt idLoAius itittowns;ol the tad Swot, , PitakgiFta and ninev. Goole Dealt:rm. per The cien.tinf, hp. the nrtinA and "oddrr••s Klet.,l plato vnitrkey4.,,g. oit • four of , .41) No, 17. '5B-I,', [ro 1 . 14 1,,,,•;,1 11. egialpkit.3 AUDITOR'S NOTICE. ..••• • , TIM andorsigi,e(l, , ; 'l.inlitor, appointed by , The .cuttrt of I'lol, of Iluillin'gdon counly,lti.dietribute the halauce in the hands a Dr. .1. IT. lfiutrtde , i0.!1 1 Cf perist 11. "• Carol; I. ender a salmon, assignment the benefit 'of. crnditors. 'hereby gives . anti'ce laustrba - will attend for that purpose at his • ,afTice, in Huntingdon, on Friday (he 2401 day Dee-ember next, at 2 o'clock I'. AL, when rhvre All persorielitivis. cli k lnie Against i l i g Tl 4 4 ' l(4l,o : ar ' kquester to present the Dome to the ui&ersigned Auditor, or be deb.,- tea from Settling in upon said fund. THE.O. H. CRENIER. lath! •,. ~lqe, I t,'SB-it, MONEY WANTED. ORDER OF TOE ORPHANS' COURT, Real Estate of 'Dawson C. Smawfey Doe'4l.. • x, • . • . kmatr , n!i , - ,r of pn ..4a r, ul es ,; 1 llate. nod toy 1110 sitslitalagainstithe....mnte, frTs ' l e tr:, Cerety ruVrZ ik do t t ) :lr , far w ncb interest, at the rate *Ten - per tent per annUai will hi allowed., -.to • be secured by' Mortgage on Liaid real estate.— , is nut y the • f , (111,18;) then on said y afiillbi ext, virtne of a- 4th plurim 9140, of Court, and between the hours 'lll li=l k .h - dock o l‘ u l t . tl o ie f hretuk44A4,*ch part therpar as will tlestilii• cent to pay the debta,atoresaidt). the fullowia. •:•,. Veal Eztate, viz : Tit:AjCT OF: f i AND titillate in tnunAli ip, J funtingdon ,Vicv).49k b y Janiata Ittyer on the north-cast by creek, An ,the ~nortluwest, by. lands of en ilat,,sothth.west,'lty land 'of °lvey Efnier and 'Bell's heirs.rttl the' sdittlf- I. Containing about Two hundred • ,„-lifty r four acres and alln.wonee, (more or less,) about one hund r%d ueresthf ?which. are .eleared and. undeY cultivation t: haying thercon erect- Two story Btone Dwelling liouse; Bask Bara,',,Stoun firing-house:Tenant house !sc. AlaY'cfektid'piemises is an Ireu,.fitro r - • , • Bank,. Apple . - , Orclutrdi rte. Being the ••-• ~s tat estate of laid•dc'eensed. TERMS CF. SALE..—One-lhird of the ptit eiteeo money to be paid On confirmation ofsale And the' residua' in two equal annual payments with interest, to be Secured by the Bonds and; 'Mditirtge of the purehrser, tine atteneance given on the day of sale by • lIENBV , BABW.STER, Adnt'r. of Estate of Daterafi C/j'artaatcley, deed. DeeentberdaysB,—ts. . 711 1 .6g = Wilaigi DATCHELORS WIGS AND TOUPEES 1) surpass all. They are elegant. light. easy and durable. Fitting to a eharm—no turn up behind—,no shrinking off the head ; indeed, this is the only Establishment whore these things are proper ly understood and 'made. . •• Nov. 17, 'sB.—ly. 233 Etroaduay, N. Y. ek 4 4 2 LENDID RAG CA# . 11 .. ): for 37f etc p.r *-- , llrel at the ellen', itore o " - "mug & IlleMoirtare. --- - . . _______ . . - • - . . .• _ _. . . . . _ . ..... ._ _ _____ _.. _ .. - - • - ..-.. -- - - ----_ _ __... . NEII . .11111:WIISE3IENTS. ; emarkable for the elasticity or et eni.-Feliet , GIFTS! GI:Ella GIFTSM INFORMATION. I 1,4, t•N :I Al' LAST !1 ! NE IV GO0138!!! Gazette. Th e 1,4 -a!, 1,7. Save Money ! ! „ L .., „,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ , i 11) it t fit ')‘ 1) r 1 I N't...if ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Well adapted to all kinds of Gently sewing.- 1 .N. Y; Observer SPLENDID G1.7.1"2.8 ! rptiE subseiiiher thenktul 1M past t..‘ ors re,. AND °tilt -. in•""'"`"'""" ,---''''' ' k-r it Il i ~ • 1 I 1); . 1 ft ki,- . 1 i_\ , le • ll 439 Chestnut St. T... ouly ()rigour/ GO husk . I._ peetfuliy i•iforma his friende null ihe pin,- is to ii.....,, , ,,1. Best adapted Eir family use. 3; /Mt/ Book. ' - • 1)Y irtito of an order of the Orphans' Conte W e do not hesitate to recommend it.-:-N, y ; lie generally that he is receiving ,this new 11, , AFL Kisie. 1.1 HAI:DWARF Clore. ' Store in Pottstown, opposite the old Toll Bride, Ft 1 Al.l, KISDs ~i limitin A n, I) will be exposed l() public, sale on the prem• Chronicle. ii;. 1;• Evans wenld irform his friends and the ' FISHEIt: & MeMl.7lfrlttli ' S, • c splendid stock ot New Goods, winch has been Li, ~,.. Ki ,,, s, ~.. ii ~ , t h, ,.: ' i , ices, . It sows strongly and does tint rip.-Lire liln.;1. P" I 'li" ' l ''' 11 " St" Gift l ''''' k , S '''' ; ',', l P l , l I , l)l 'selected with groat care, to !suit purchasers.- Fitem Jas. .\ . '''."'"' r , IIEY linvc jti3t r a.i Ted . 1 - 11 - ate 'mid beau- Ott Saturday ltiiili of Deeentbef,*as. The prince of ineentiotte.-Proteetoni Ginned, ! 11 " hi "e ! ""'e is h er " l ' cuh Y c"'''''s"'" in' The stork or I FR" ,, Jis• •k• „li• ." .,' s ' 1 blot ussu . rtinteit ", ,f ‘ l;lll ' nl;l:wiakter model', next, nt 12 o'clock, A. M.. the following des. ma n . Brown's splendid Iron 1111Hditig, 4:19 Chestnut st. '• r Ilard'twat e, ftnettserare. lii S. Feud J AP. A. Otto. -• yodel, are open fur inspection, an e•ltich "he crihed It is womat.'s beet friend. N. V. Wfq,kiv News *low Fifth whore the purchaser . .%.r CITY 1h:ill,. ' attention ur the 'public. is direettteq. . 110 give..r preference to Grover A Baker's.. :! c h ne. (1 1 1 1.% " , 1 ,11 I , at the regular retail pried, will re- and Shoes, 'lets and Cups; u a:100y of Stone ItilAli ESTA'Ir I • Student. . eeive one or the, roiliiKtug giro., soloed a: front and Eat then were. Fish Salt, Ceder-wore and ; This :1111111',11. OF NEW (;r.' IDS Their stock eutbruesm,ery anftit that Cat, .. $100:- . in tact all articles kept in it tattottiy store. All oceci . ..ds till others i, inipurtiii,c, . t, , four, n wAll'atiste 1 I.pels• u WITTY (:add" late the poverty of 11-oultoul Loomie, tleebh, The matt blessed invention of modern times.- ; 25 cent' ''' situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon emu, i 310ther's lheersine. ~j , ' r ~ , , ll'erth. ot edel, will . be sold low for cash. ur t•otittlrY 1•t. lieemise it supplies THE Cl. ,, PLEisido.t o c is's 3 - ig ur I " l '' hk le r "t . 13! 81i"''''' (trench prod:tee. (Ave us ii call. ' intbse,l,Silth. altit•if, .141 inanA nsertil ilicen- :it'd 1 F . ,, .I . lls/tltOksl't..,.Su ',.,,and Farley ull'• ty, to Wit t II makes .',Unsure an toil.-N. Y. Ken, Pose 1 5'11 Pete " L "'"'`'' '' evcr.. "'" e ! Watches, s• 100 ,t 0 each.. SAMI: lel, rilall• I:. tion, which eon be liallid otr& in at //..1 /../., „,,,,i D:1.'1714 7 4' 7eTOIMr," Ain dototu, Dniflibi - All that certain traci awl parcel of The favorite fur f "'" ilY use, --lirc ' H s" ' lkir * 's , 'ef A.l 1• tr Cold Nov. :1, 1858. 11•.1/ . .1.: ../',,/../:. 1 M'e alight appreciate their value.-Anierierte I ''''). - .l e nt '" s " ''. ' •. '21..1. 'l'l, .: ,iil,seri b er purchus ing in litrg e ~; I: ', In 1 . 4 ,.: " e n t ; , ;: rfa t ett l."' sN i t li os ' i P it i v l' " P r! L i a i lliti l s ) s e t i li ffi ttf7 . , .. . land being the mansion farm, bounded be lands .1/i,......mtry. . ' Watches, I,VAIINIt'K, (•11ADTI•ltil Ai. 111141.. Too,tiii, ii-oio owoollietoror, i., , : oubjed to ' of Wiliir.in Murray, end others, , It; Brest merit is in its peculiar 3th...dr-Pm/. , duo l'aies' Gull Wntd ' ° "' " I '" :15 00 .. Ist l'i.V.S.us To St3IAN A wAltsto k., sell :la., good.. troill containing .Lout one hundred t ..-"1, it , rireh• ! cases, &c. . 4 ,,,i roil y ac ,,,, about i i x ly i A .4, , 11'e attest its simplicity and tiuntbility.--. 1.',i. j 60 " Sil v e r lifin ' ln g W'''''''' NGIIIII-E.IST ColiN Elt GI: SEC. /ND ,t, 20 to 100 per cent cheaper! , unmanted, IS 00 ~ • •• • i t .k c,, , s, ItErrs , Nil L A I 5t ,: 1 ,,,, i lA. thin, tl Q ore .1,1 by tuber merehantr. • she, 10`,'Ttril1et : Nachisii;Aseei l eol g '' •is acres detuesl, with a fi ne lime. '''' See''''see; , iosod Alopnlinalt. 10 00 " , , mra yob. .1m v, mires 1., ! II i, t.t ttek hled, ' , tat o,. , , , ~ ..,- „,,,,.„ i ~,i , , 1 .,.,,„,„ „ „. . , I ' 500 i.sirmy Timepiece, 1,.::,,"3..;,'5,e 1 ii . 'liatz , Dr i .illtsit , , Fame' Prime e s ,b ea sitioit a esoinnent •74 - • , f , "....1 , 1 , J . tt ,, l 1 . .i .. 1 , 1 , 1 . ., - stone quarry, three dwelling hinmes m i d other f.‘dmited t° " the hest ea". --rh.gba. .4r9. I , ,s ... r 1,,,.„ ~, a ,' Manufacturers a and Dealers IVholesale and It I' I 1.1.1 Ni ,-11 ARD W.11:1:, t.; 110 t liable TO get ant of repair.-reryaines 1 . 00 lMtro S ets . .nr 1 n sham le: ' • • .;', .e, ~.. ; . . improvements thereon; 1 l'in, .tooo " Retuil in CI "I'LEIFV, A 11,80-A rennin tenet IIEA'I'ERS, VENTII.ATOIES, RANGES ~il,:-., l'.l [NTS. Ilk :lie err mountain land , ' Is adapted to cii bon,. reettireineutek-heeee . boa La • ir,• Gold 14 ' welet '' 5 . '''''''' 12 "° '' ' , titling 1 1, hn! Antis fl eeeribed, hustle of : e,;,,,,,,i,•,, 1 Sou Gem,' Vest and Fob Chains, cu ou " I AND STOVES. \ AI:NISIII:S.GLA`‘.. A exatitr MeAtitneli sod others. containing 1 A very pretty piece a furnitere.-Jfachias Up. 1000 Gold Lockets Outgo ...., .• , A 1.80, sTEI.I. liti,N, Itnek Gloves .110 no,-' i 11.1,0 Pkts..e Pftlittoitt, tinge hundred acees of ibe"..sll, ti. I ion. .. . double case.) I 0 00 " mEi'II.NNIR"S'FiItiLS. • • t• • I:Jolts : l:attic , Collars. ' 'l , iinges, indtvic,. . ... ~ _ 2000 Ould i•Ackets, Ismail si/e.) 30 0 " ' 5 .1( 6 regor's f elebrated Ill'aler S. 111(1 -11 , 1.1.0 - \VANE, ' . . ii„,,,g,„,.„.ht„,.. It . , Ilittetins,s4les , A St, ( 1, ,,t : 5 t :h 1 5 T 1i r , 1 4c k i. :1i 4 i ,1::8, ' .. . e i, ' , , 1 11i ‘ .. 3! %. 111 h , • 4 0. a r :t i 1d ,. ;:i ' r er , ,::: , :) , ,v , ::" ..:-' , : f " ::: e. " , ' , • l e ALSO •-•%. err: am nines meee or parcel o f I se el will a torty•seamstress pover.- Rockland • ~,.. . I 1000 Gold Pencil Cases, with Stoics. 1 . , , \ I )1)I,Elt y. 'in, silk, .-: t . s ,:-.4,.•.; . 11,15e ee all timber laud, with R first rate Saw Mill thereon. ' ( taiotte• 5 00 .• . 1 _ 1',11:ItIAI,V. ' I . IMIIINGS 1, I. ~,. IttijoiliiP4 innas or John Atkins. end tubers, •I Nothing efti n he snore Perfect. - S"ethhrhtge 1 100 0 6 ;.•:„ Id tr i a 'e a ' n 'te pens, with CaSai i'l illi a great variety or ii,,, :,,i,4i 1.,,, ~ , cIIMN I'l \ll's. ~ I . s., . , i , , - • , ),.. berg', . lily , . hell and coittnittin,,, , I wentplwo acres, or thereabouts. Pri , o• 3 5,1 " I'IJOK AND PAIRIAIII STOVEs. 1.r.m0 PivEs, . and Itoldere, ni,ble, hm,l e . -,..• a, 1,1 , 11•11 'Col red and A Ni s A L 5 r ,__ . .,..,,,,,,,,,,„ ~,,,,r ~,,,,, , 4 ,,,, • The most ingeniotie and useful,--Nitnttielset el,oo Gold Fronds, (Llidie•l'.l 2 00 " .t LSO, ''' '!''', ) , • ( :I' l .I , S , White C.uuhr , r . 11,1•.• , utl.'swesi Alitslins,• pared of land hono,k,a by lands of lAllli i ien ; N tl r rer• 25e0 l;ol,l , l'ens, with Silver l'en- '''''Nl•s &e. \ 'J, •,..ii.: 1..::, . ,A,, , , , , s.. •.- avideftnittie other Miura.. nod others, elrititining twenty acres ter I I I . l ` l ,: er '' . ll ' llin '" etwr " relarlt Y' - ''''' lt ' ln ejb. rile. 2 51) )1 Queen's Patent Portable Forges, •rog,ii,,, witl,a full a•statte..t.t ~.,i' e , et a ,1,t,, ! . .., ~ .-; , ~... . ~,..• ~( . Irtift, and , , . .....: .. thereftionts. 25110 Ladies' Gold l'ens, with Ca- Noy. ;f,'2B,- pertui.lng le his line ~f 1,,,i,,, , , t , , P; It . . ~. ~ , I of the 1,,,,.0,4,e mon, he , best to liar, murket.-Chieupee Journal. . ses and Holders, .1- 50 " ' • - All voters rcecis e lemma itttelition. I',-,,,,,,1i Ci .e, . ~ te• ere.' s a,,ey l'essimers. IFR 1f S.--Gi . ti , • It hoes not et out or repair,-Cape Cod Ad• , 6500 Ohl lidngts, (I,u.fies,') • I 110 ..‘ 81, AsTlNu ro w D EI t AND s A Fi.:Ty .1.151 ES .A. 1110.111,'N. emi ar trs, .1.,,,,,, •• .et, peaks.. fee; Drills ey to be paid co menifirmatiou of the Sale, and 0.,,,,,,,, ' j tamo Gents' Gold Wag, . 250 " rlaaarls. 1...., ,-. • • tu1 , 11141-7 ,1 1 s S:. .. the rexisine in elpitil ~usual paymeets,'2 si, 0 yl 'SF., fur tulle low. et the Ilitrdware Stet • I In"tine'''''". , ° e t' ";;', it '''',... or !nary ,p00h,.-ifs' • • ••• . . ' with in.. 5„,,,,, ~.,,,,,,„.„(t,,,, front tl• 21111/ I attics' flold,Brestpins • ..'IS. A. BROW N . • DR. A. r. rizzins te•en from . .ire duv of eutifirmation--to he so. ‘,.,•bg I (" aeo n, , ..11:100 Mipses' Gold Ikeilattllng,. •A• 50 "'ef . • ~e , ;I) E . SPECTI. l'1.1.1" iblorill , the oitiztie. a • ' lll :: ' ''' A u' • g ' '' ' '''' 1 1 ! g ;: .„'" .:- • :. 4 ' .;.: : '. ' " ' " 1:: ; , 4 ;:" , % • ' I' - ' .'... ' '...t'll ' irdi. tured by the bonds and mortgage r r 11,,, pur• ! •11,,,, ; or e ~' d„ . ,, a w ill ~,,, r i g :LA i nem bur g All. ' ,l6o '' Neket .I ' . .!YeS , 11 " ) i; " 's . :, Li fili.' \_;' 'l . - ;_ii, j . \ Till • i _i - rA jj... • • cc-ph...n.1 ,iii.i.„iiiiding' ri,•kiii - ,. ii:. ii. • ci u . cc "'"'" re i "Y r.- .'';'' •"' '''• - l ' '"' caser. Attendance will be given by ' - I 2nott Sets (Maw Gold ]Susan t....t ~,,,,,,,, war ,„ „b i d, e ii, • e • • 1 Saver. le, ..e,... e•,I: ~ , ,,t1 the practice of Medi, 11l • Stlllill, .2 r.O )) his I 1 , ' Wc also deal in .P. la-ter. '•-.. : ,•,. Ain: all jA NES KEr.L Yiii A'im'r• I A're superi i ur to all Mhers. , -Ilinglumn do , urti e a r l : 20 , 0 5 ,,, . Gat ,. 0 ,.. 4 ,, 91 ,,,,,,, j 'll,is is a nee' end ~....i,,, • her: ~, meet. , 11,1 1.. 1.. . I ~ dcl•••11111; l‘ [HOC allelll.lll (.1 , . , ~. . , Burn Calkins. Nue. 21, "68.-15. A meet ad n'rable invention.-It"tatou C. uri Bum, ..,. . 250 1. l Alld i•.bett , •r. yheopei, • imill, ~ ; r eider. nee, . 1..- j., t - -jeo. ~, ~in ~ ~,,,,,I sh are o r, I ,„),14, ",,'”‘' u. i." 4 ,...,'" , .,"'"A' l'ir.' - .' ' 'knees i i:.!„.. ' il '„. , . ~ - . ~ . ~. .i,r.•„, ~, ~„ , ~-...• tweet++ erauts.un.r.s y stist y., .1 ..H , bi l . . - --. 1 . 111, net et "n i univereal Meer --N O. .. • '• - lll,l. re. uire, 11.-• ~,,,,, v.',!l ••1-I.l'' ,I.' .. • a1V.... Ni„l • .I.ln-es , 0 . a , . . . Fop s f. I.r. Oil RENT - - 9 ) "g • •• • 'l".l"".•l•alf,'"l•j'ad,''',',42:-';`,Dr^i',••• - .'” ,•'''i • ' • , I `,. --- I •-.,. .i " ' ` l '''." •eelv d II I t• Dinidmitv; on , fora; the Mimeses' liver all itevelageroty rarytes. t r i... ..rf , reluni , . • i lbcaynne. j , , .. reOutt,hautes' eel. Curd Cure, son ~'" J . gram ant, se., tmee• • , r r j,,,,,,, ~,,,,. ~ 0 „ ./.4, ,_ f,,t , ,i, ... ,,,, ,,„ .„, • ,,, irb ,, , , t , 1 ,, ,,.1,,, , it 0,11,,, a _ h.„ 0: ei,,,,,, at the , .glerl,j,„„,t, '-rolo. ':ol.. 1 qi , ile ,6 ' 4 ".. i i , 111 , . . 1 . , Y. ''' l " . l . ( l''''.' 1 , 11, ii. , j w ill: 1:rl•etioe , Ill;t11 Staler-1d ant i Vegetehje, ; --0 t ' 1 , 1 1 t . 11 4 . e , ,Te 1 f . iii. , ,..,,.....„:„. , e , „4,„.. ~.„,,,,,c , , I.llF—hsetiber. will eel. at privine sal°, ,a, Superb, to any. now 11111,11111110111 red•- N. 0. Del. i 15.0 Ladies' cameo, Jet, or 1110,11111. 11003•• • talk 1113,11 fort tavern stand se ' In, . . , 1. Mosaic Pins, •, 500- . i uee.. Sest4,lur a. s d..,.ripit,t. vidalog.... lo C , , ta. , ~ , , , , ~ , . ,t pertant ttestrnin.to •cts nty.Dildmnas, call . . ; ii , r i ore ,..• Th e ,b otiee s i a ,„l„ ~,, ' Will du InOre work than '3 dozen halide.-- r 2500 Ladies' Shawl nod' Ribbon • • I .1- , Boyer B ,, ltroe 4.t,'"eultarel fweleteert I.'ec• 'u• . ‘s• Ile• •1 • • Cult 'IIIf.I.‘IIIIPOLITA . N iS4iteßldrite to ,eettre. ~.. .•••,' 41 , 1 ,1,4 1 ,j ~,,,,,,,,,,,,yot hell, ~,, ' Wasliittglotri'llio . n. - ! Pins.. • I Cory, l'hihidelithiu. ,‘ . rte V ir ... ii• Melt tlu.ll -, i4 It lYtter*,•akat,l„.„,_ It sews everyth i ng.- k. , .„.„..,,,„ „..u.hin,. , R 101) Ar l icles ••C Gehl deieY!,,Gi. l , 8a5 ., ! , .. e!!:.1 • Soia. 10111, 1 ,• , . - ...,--,60,... , . . : , 1'' ,:,1 1 :;, 1 1, 1 ,. 1 . ' , ' . " ,:.7, : :,,, '" ,.7,,,,. ''" " e II.'" I''''' '''''''""thie '''''''''''''' ''' ''''''''''46"s" "ft" 4,. ,0,.,,..01 ~,,p pli ,, j, with, tva ~ , r . , 11,,,,.1,01 ,r 0, ~ ,,1.,..1 ,„..., ;„,,.„,,„I._ _N eg . I. ,&., not enume . retee . 1,,, nem, w e et ir t tit. 4 .. I'l,lll . •, I: , -.4•14if It :TIE. , ••' .I r ,„ 2:, rents to t.,.., 7 57c7.41.1V 1 31 11 30110 , !. . . • - . ' • . • T i,,,._ icboyo 1,..4.ert5. is in \1 t, . !lave. 11ee,,,,•.. :- Eva.' me ,ins,vgiie, v. hici , .• sem foe to „„ , , ~, ~., R- i , ~ ~.. . a ri, : .7. • s :s ~ . , I ftitaitfiden \Atm v. - it u ill !.,e ,e,1,1 at a great • ST6 ‘ ..l";• '" - * ' `.all parts or O. eutttr.,,. a n d , all the most '" '. i'it i .: •"•`,' ' • '•'llN ‘"tni"il 'it 'Li' , 1 0r! ' 1 ri '''. A"Fi Olt" ~, I ' ' Vi '' bargain. Filithrr particulati 'Will he tiveu I, i.pulm books uf the day. and, il:e newest pull. . I '.• 11 ,, . , ' , aria,' vill,r rail di- re ~,, ••r i,, ,, 11.• ~ ti •ki :... .6„ , • • ...., • ,-/ :. .../ c. . , ~, i' ' t iA ~ , . 1:....,ij. L. Meg:than, on Ilia •pretnie,4. of - ' , ' • ! Iheniens. nil or which ',ill IN - 01 , 1:1.1 her /IS c a n ,Me IA vlLi:in, , COI.I. New Drug and Groe,ry Store. •L - r,. ~ ,•)/ ;',/ ./, .ittilh , •%.r • fili:Olitibi HAWN. Scrofula, or lung s hvil, . ~„„,„„,,, , e , ,„, ~„,„ „„ r „ .. : • ~ ________ , , ...1 ~s DAVI./ 11 \\l'\. ) • / is a constitutional disenee, n eetruptien of the Agent. "'anted in e \ Cry . tan in the Cilium- II CF. , ' t! , 'III.' YVES .e., .M 11:TS ‘..)...,, • '''''' 'AI I • EL ''• S) 111.11 , Ilcll St., 5 410.., wt,t .lim . a'n. ti. `;',,v, '21,'ii , ...:;,.. blood, by which this fl uid Lot...lnes vitiated, • 'lttme dexirilig 60 to lief, can. ~ , ,I Jill hill 11 , 11 , i , - 'I ) ' ' • 1. ,. , 5 , ‘ ,., N ., . r.l il,c 1 ' „o• 1i.,,,e, liiiiilintf,lon. T.)ealer , in ... _ _., .... - , - , weak, and poor. Being in the , iretilatium it I tilers bv addre,singehe above. , . , • ' I I! n '''' ''''''' ' l ' I; ''' ; • Stalk, Pnint;; V arn l .:};- 11011 (it?. 1141151111117:1'/Ci ' t'aifielpe. IIBLIC SALE. .. , , pervades the whole body, nen tufty burstuat 1 N. 1.i,-Betinr-largely interested ir, pubfieh. , 1) , i1',11..\ Ss ..V SIll•IliWt it)llS' Pat.,: 11, t-. ' nt, SI , Torperditt , i'll!It•I. , N l, ' ,, it"l• '‘ inn :ti-, ; tot!, nratoly el the he, :mole for medleal per- Per F• 111 11,11, l'a. • • 1'1111:1-H:11 15:,:,. in dict)ae on any part of it. No orgen is free 1 leg Looks, and busing Crum ether publisher,. In - 1, teeinei, skirt,. f e r ..Jah• ~,,I) 1, v t1 1 1.(c sAI • l'; ciF 'II.W N 1. 1 . FS 1 N 'tell l'; frail, its .;tacks ~,,, t h e c a faa. which i •,. ~,,,, I l o o t tenie quantitit;. !Or . rash. I ant malted to 1 . ..1 - n eIV ; , Mr I , silt- . 21111 im...Ws elleed el irtitio.iti 18513. ro• ,•:. ( hincentrated I.yi, ibr making Soap, Glass _ Pee, I . itent Stedieinee .1-,, Ceeee, Tee, (.1,... II'w" 01 I.' A 7, ; ;;,;^!!''''' 3 ""•' ! " '''.• i." l .t deetroy. The serofttlims taint is verionei: ; meie hire.' diseemus tv Country Agents mei , . %!','"!''"'`'. ' ' '''"''''" ""'''' i' ii• lifies•-: • caused by racreuri.a •di,,n,,, low living, ai•- j deok De,tlers that, Lan be !mil at Any ,I:er .144:: ialAtokistit• Salt. '..',"' ', t't 3 ,, t'1.,.. o, I! sOltat.' , l and wdtatv , ordered or • unhealthy foot!, inimue air, filth j !house in the country. , c ., ,, ,, f , , ,::: 1 5 ..,, ,, ,, ,, k ,.:. ,.8 : 1 ,1 1 ::: , , t.. i5 , 5e5 t .. ,4, :1 .1 i i e , ,y , n i. r , . ~.. .., -T h i ,, ,,,5 . : . .j . t • ~‘, „ 1 . 1: d 1.• , _ . • 14 . , 5 , 1 0 . 1 , ••• . 1 . ' , 11 , .•' I ~ • . , ,, ,, , .: 1! .. g! 1 i ra,,f , - !. .1 . _5 . . 1 k the ' ' rid ' "Ich"I'l medicine i ' r ‘ u. '.' . toe Tule er t.i.•ur• Ser'uus "I' ill Isiml • ibr sum Yon, nom erepnrel 1, r het.. dmies ef the •.l'•'''t l,l l:afe i•l'nfl , liti.leeireseeeheep home. , end fi lthy habit., the depreiping ,•,,,, ~ ni.,,t, , Ain Y bouk 1!i1b, ,, ! ,11 , ,, ,1 ill tile,l,l.'''' States, Journal 011iee . leer all int, 'taloa:ors. tliseaseS , • •I f .• ; • %, •• ' •, '' ",--."-- • I • ' i, t. • • • It I'., cl.fltSoN, ji , ,1,1. , ,..itr NI ',Li:, is one of the 111)0VC en, by the vcriereel inrCrt , ...c. lriolt.. . rC1 ., l Price 01 , rlllra .s One ...iv and upwards j, ~, ~ emi e, ear , G m a b, , „„d i,., ~ ~ 'ton , •I'.. -8, In a. , wor-• cv,erY Lint,' :1 , 7 y 1 .. 0 . 1 , , , "1...1n:4 ~ , l i il nr i i in : , .., I ~,,, ~., ~,, ~ eep_ '• ' , Drug er Grocer}' Store, tie,e y. ill , 0,1, • 1 • i• , •A• M. •_l M.. k • k mir ' shriving t, w.i. our Stale. awl being the ] ever be its origin, it le hertditery in the ten- witl he promptly sent, flirt included, on receipt ~,,,,,,,.n re . 0 ,,,,,,, pure awl lienunte firtlcll, WWI .io .. , ..,1( ,i,, ilig lai.l N, , ,..., or ACCorll .• .....! 1/'..11.1 . or, ;..1 lilt , litt`gl; - .M.aelAnr , Shops or the i etitution, deecending ft from mwents tt, child, ~ •er publhilicts Price. ' ' A. T. Dooms, u, i. - Te• ael,r . ol .1. it/meth, eiving it, a ...di. Ceivirvlf neia II nilreed. tarnish, a i t,,,,,,,, H r mite the third and feurth generation t" :IA rd, . .\ n extra $1 Book mid Gift given to any per. I .. Th i,, / ,. 1 ,,,,, k ,,,,„ : ~,,,.„„ ~,,,, ~,,.,,h . mei Coini, ere. celeideti em. • ...', see, 'I'J , 1,,, - .,..,-1. . ,Itt.l eiross Darkne., th, 1,...,,,i,. • , .1. .N. ilLytottes an , ll: • 1 . ...11Fi55, 'n , 01.- Tur labia . ai It k . , I Nllts• it th •ti tor' intOrtaitt Iv lit, the rod hf heal \sill, say, eI: , m ...aerie:: N.' I.ok , to bo 6 ettt to ono +Di , ; . .1 Arlirlits °tor t h.,,.,.;,di0„, ,„ „„-„„ . h„„,„ . , *di visit the iniquities rf the {eth e r. u p on ' dress, 1 a OttliTlir Ml;it t a A.BI T . NO ; . . '• ' their children." , • ' Send fur a Catalogue. Addrese k. cowri.s ..i.d \`,... -N. NI ti 1.14./1. I.• aft, of in thic.tiptillx grqr•iity„ town. 1 Its effects commence by depeeitien from the . li, C. I '.I•ANS', l'ublisher, i And nll Others, will thke Notice ! , I , . , , , .. . N? , 11. 2 -Tervieliellthemkaf known on der • blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in \NI) ImFIIT F Ii'TPI ]t r(/$ THE wows} Cll.ll.l.l:NteltD!-- , ;i i i!"!l ' l. ' '' '• • • • -; • ' of. onle,•••Paymenits will be ;made ease. For . 1h., . ; I I. and • • a . Aug. 31st, '5B•-am. .. •s, Chestnut St. Phila. I ; Til..k.T tboy can supply 11,!tite...1,.,.,, i„ i . , ! !y ! I 1-1 E ( T R hAT yi, R1F1 , :1, 1 ,_ 1.,,,,..,,,J,,„, .. I i. qui . iiiiiii.,, ~..iti, ..- ungs, tv.,-, intern a l ergana, is terme 'REIT" :t, , thrilice information apply t., . . Hammonton Lauds, .• , :..• • • • J. MIDDAGII, ' . tubercles; in the glands, 'swelling's; and . i d ones ' Fttr Famed Patent. . esey'• 'lli PIO/DUCE LI S EQI:•A I, !_. A, •,, , , , i in ,it ...,.. , - 1,1;.,, ti,„•,, ~i. L , 0 , :iu,,,,,,, the eurfece, eruptions or enres. This foul cor- • NEW ENLANI) SE'f'II,EMENT. i NON EXPLOSIVE K EIIoSEN E. er CO.ll. ' ,•....„--• .. ~..,,i.: BL,„,i, 5i....‘ Rill ER" '''C'CilMilel:Cll\l. .\I:ITIIMETIc---ItAPIL • . ''. •' Pullet., .luniAtu cO., re. ruption, which•gendere in the blued, deprewi IICSINEsS WRITIkif,-.I.Ie•PtcTING Nay. 171'38....1t. the energiee oflife : so dot ecrofelous constitu. , . !URI , . ,G.PPOIt'II'NFI'Y, 01L.1.A NIPS, ci rt . NTErtry Vl' 31(CSF,v -• • i At the IVholesale end hetaii,. It KA 1 . .. I: A 1:.• , 5..„-/..i; I.I4II,IOI'SLY I . IIICAII'II A '...1 r: 11:11.1 El MAGICAL PAIN ENTRC- lions nut nttl Y .ii r cr f r "in ~,r iififlinni coni - TO 4147, 1 1TANTING ritains i ,TEILS,. • 1 NlElli•AN'tii.E i illtiCE.SPeali InEN, , i; plaint'', but they have far lee" :sower to with- 5,, ,, ,, rbeeim•la of Devid Neere,, or No- , • CI ,51.5lEltl'I.A1A,A W.- 1 'fOlti i stand the attacks or other diecases: eense• IN it healthy pleee, twenty-five miles from rhil- I se. south SP.COND Street. 3 ' ' !her Towo-Lip. Belford county. j Are )11 , 1 Ott. lii 1111 0'.11., - ‘1,..1••t,... 1.,•r ~., , .• quently, :rut nurnbera perith by disorders • edelphin, on the Camden Atlantic railroad, ; I•II , I.ADELPUIA... • In April. 1 , 56, as near as Pedal. felllelllollll,, il, I', ,la cc, 111111 111 , •;r4,, , !, , .., .., ~ .. •, New Jereev. An old entate has recently Wen Ti i i ,,,,1 . 1 • • \, . ,•, ,• '. • , ' . . • I. y,„ ,„11 I; ..„.„,„„ h.(1,-,,„„,,,,„ „,,,, or l ao twa . i allsich, nlih w o-i-ill hut aroriiuu• it, their inmate, r ,coed for'eal • end th e first division e( I 0 000 e '" Ili lure ;"' I " "'" • '`'`"('`' 1 "" . " ' 1 "" d ' lll ''' . in " th. "" I "'"'" ! (In '''''' "I' ' " r "''''' '.' d I '"'"'"•'' "'''"' I ,1,,,,,i,,ni ee .. e t. e . to a lm e i n g ame tie s ; str ik e .: are Mill reAd,red futal by this taint in the f be obtained for, the Statee of PCllll,lcitnia, , I ,er lip, ' , hid, :Mon became.' enlarged , end sore. t• • . 12 rp., - -oaxtrivxt,. ft, the rr., of all dis, - ;,,,..",::-1,,,,,, , en i-ninedii"o/11tenusinierotoOtbeeenitseanktion which de- ~, ; :i s e r e , ! , ,,' . l ; ". :T i ld e ;. ' : ' ,. ;l" ,, t..fiir i t' , , , ':' l, 7 , t s ; i t t e f i e , i l ;?; , ;eres 11 8' , New Jersey and Delewure. I tt,tal poulti,cs or sorrel, and awash or hltie• , • ' stn.pur. . . , . . , cimatcs the human family Lae ita origin directly I s ur li t e , I Three Lamps give a light eerie) cc' ~,,,,,,,,,. ~. . iirel, withourefrect. Flittliug the sore I...xteod. .' 11;.x1 , , 11 , . , 1 0. , ..( , , , '"8 ,, • to. J.Sr..• , in this ecrofuloun cdntainkiti!oi •,.. and 'piny 1 hmatletici° tit bats, Ifsida!l fief, rile pees ." ! flame and eituilar it t , c anine, : I C i d pug I ral•h!.. l "n 1 1 r. 1,,, i ' , B, ll"li'lltit'i: wlso the '''''' t '''''-x""i .''''' In l'''''' 4. • '' . ' • DALLEY , S IVIAGaCi. , O„..PAIN BXTFIGTOR i destractiye digest.. of the liver, kihneyS, brain, I r n l :L l ' i. s ,,, 2 , ° : ,;; , r ,t7 n E i:,•l i n i r:.:,.?,: li o r f l i .'";., o ll :,,,,Y . V.l .l i i s t . i ore el is ; : i nedo b o 2u1 . 4, 1 0,, , I,' a . ,i.jj . , " , IT,:::, ; ‘ 1 1 . .1, : 1 ,„ 1 , ' . ) ;::: 1 7 , :''' ,.:. • d i • i i ) e 'lLA: , , ,i ', l) . -! ,.,, , ) : 1 , ;t 1 i 1 i ., : i 1 ) ..,,,, 11 :; : ' , ! , (1 ,. 1) . . 1 11 , t' '' ' "LI '''' 14 ' l ' 4 ii"- , . - Writnmr• , 1 aril nothine eine. will allay iollayies", ,:t ',nee, • mid, indeed, ~,11 all the organs, nr",te from or Nta :€4NAill::..Wkffil:. ' int erest. The team, iste'lthale Ala's-, in enter t, 1 ' l ''''''''• ''•,' •'• ',•• • • r••• eh. se I.:x ism" .k.r ,„, se, , i , ~ •,.7 .; ''W ile - . •,- ,, inP, ..,, ~....„.,,..„„..„......„. „, 1erifi14,,Ti11g0vAkig„ti,,,,,,,,,0i„,,,: , .. ,. ...t, - roitsoloynnitpapywolio,,,,....... • •..- ,i-55.,...5., ......r5.....i i2VlT,ays.l. o, ol Atte m is d, b e b „. ; 0 tr, 0 ,i,,, ,;:tor. -No sinolse.-V eve cavil} trio,. • h les ':. ; -In 'li 's ' c i t ' 1 ;1, ;" tZ,, ; . °P.,' re. , .1 slrses,T,wess, 'assserynelhtlille disc:CSC, I:rirn, Scalds. rete, Chufee, J ...., , , . ~ '" re nits, ni.l fie".i'KelltliY eieryllr l iS le ' h 't a t ''''" , ''''''T- 4, ~,,,,,,,,,, ...; ---..., ..,,,. 4 ~„ ...,„„,,.,.,....,-,,.. ~,„,,, ____.) emetier, ut aye et . s. sne7et cousity,•senee•..xo4,,,i, ~,,,,i iy ,. ,! A yti i, , ,.., , !, .7 , .. , A ' . .:, i t.,Ome - n the he'd el teen's Wont ew lenghom • I tniiiisi'd n'N'a"'"4""`'''''''"4"."":" , .-.•". 11 .". 3 ‘ , . Iffel - lreVe.'";"1";.1?e , '" ""'"" l ' n '" " 114 ' la" , •,i'fre ~, ' l''''''l.-.j2.., '• '''''''..- Nipples. Corns. Bunions, !trots., Strains,, To cleanse it irs.ni i1iu,y.4 , ./n we 11111 M teralvate , ilea the :diddle States.ete erectinglarge tmor v . . 1" im ""' • ''''" " - r - '....,..-- -.. ..;, - ,.,-;,,...17;.7•-;="7 -- "' ~:,-.,.,- / .....,... ,• 't i.{.Y.Trw i l,V .- '".'"' -, .'..., - ",,,' . linlpOSC, a• , . the dmease continued% "`,"" :::' .-,- - --. , ..... -... b - e„: re 4 ;?, ! !!!: ,!. It r !•oirmak.FlV.. " — ' - ..• . ..1".. " iliteit, l'ohnot, Cid],,,,. n on , sweiiiiix, Riietz .., 7.:, , , , ,.,,1 ,,..„14 ,,,, ,, 3 0 .,.. :,,5,e.:,,,,,r. ,;,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,5k.,,f,,,,,,5,.1i;;1ty,,,T,di.,,,,,n,.... moots. It is e seene of the ereatest inipr'oce.. t u l , uti, arc other portable light, now,:ni i•ononui, , ward the nose. 1 next used te prepit ' n r i c ti l o ' i l i l u ' r i er. ',.,""e ,' "' is " ., ' '''''v r,-'- tteeru.• 7 .. :(.er . .., " 1,..2 matism, Scald !lead, Salt Itlarturn, Baldness . meat out ur l'hilattelphia. Sevent,tive houses !';!.. aln 1.1.'., • ' • ... WI 11:t In 5,..,r AbF.scv 11,,,1....,, 1 sonic, in the form of •..b . o. ..rhi4 for u 011,e , - „,"'' " e " r :'• '''"•'".. e•catirese.et•.k.t4. llo us ,7 1 / 4 1.- , Rryeitiviae, Ftingicfani. Barbers lia, Smel l , ' - have been hunt in four mend's. i'metical fur- I . Knaprs Patent Rosin' and Coal 011 ' checked the disease, lut the inflammation soon ' ."'",...i.,' • ~ ,:n; ;' • ' !`" ''.....' ' ' Pox, Metteln Gash,. tte., tee. . ! A yr. , fri .. 4 mers end business men fir m the length and To motile it Inn}. appear ineredulone flat . . bread th of the Uuion are settling there. It is an I.aluip. . increased. I next called upon DreStutler 'of St: ••• '.. "i''''''" ..., . :, iii. 1 . 3.4,1 1, •• a utAutif eri•fces .1.0'.' Lamps, Oils , Wicks, Shades, and every 1 Clairsville. Bedford county, who also pronoun. 1• ur C..11 " 1-Ci tte" te e r ''' s fleei"wttm " f °li '"' * •"' inahy discases.i , diould he reached by one, air- Componoll Extract of Sarsaparilla ! , i i mportuut Lushness Place, on acentint . ot its being article i n the fine. t B b .4 e . ( i ri O d U s ' t l;!l e app a bah e t , , , ,•... : such an idea will tanieli when reflection , 1 midst of a great untrjset. ?Nem. article l l : A r N h p ii:th, :ea tit* disease to be C•ttic - er, and lead• . . 1,4 'h . . , ani , ntaf . Writing- -incl., two Alum, ._ ~,„, 0 ,, f ..,,,, , ~,,,.., ~, .... Lia m i n the thie. land Midi an item , ',rte . sale.- ~ .N,,,,,0• 38 Sou seid to be a never-failing remedy; but It had no ' I L! n "" . ' ''''‘ , • ...lI..W.,,,IVNIiILtri. • peuit ~,. . z, that...... , I ~., . i .in .. „in ~f on: taIICS Call tiers!. for this every I T he Water is excellent, a nd no 5U.:11 thin 116 re- , heldf B f JB.- ' eireet , stictover in .6,ckiitir the'spread of the j . L'O'i• 7.. ' • •- I'. li e n of il:ialio,,..,' 4l Pl,Ci'er.. ll " ' , in , 0 . ,,,, PP.:. ,- , where prevaili4 andlatal mnlady. It is cm- !, ver is known, I sere. to Deeemb.er, of the eutue.year, the dir • ..- '":" • • '. jug u 1 ,,,cc0 a nt.tt m ee ;:',l !St aroalnt.. disorder. • tined from the inml active reincdiaLs that have I Ti! t a ll I, a I 1 1 , ITo 1 ~,,, sTuauss - -. AI -.AI looN l. if i'.llC P 0 .1 .111 1 3. ''''''' -, - .--....614C111 and Stock-raisers I ease had eaten away it greeter part ol niv upper r , j „, GALLEYS IviAIttIOALPAINEKT3AGT°R been 111 . 1 ' 0 4 f"4 B ' tho civ,. - .1 - I.ttoil nroii , Mid ' b o uo. „,,,4 retentive of ;IT: i ft ra t' a "l.! ' ir.:C111,Li11,L11NT,..,1,,''',,,),1'i,;',', '1'1;1:\1 11. 1 '..,? ! . ,, F , ' ''‘ 8 , 1 , 5 in ' t, ,, . 11 . , 1 , ;. ,',,T,, 1 , d ,,, 1 ,',.r i 5 : 1 .,t, a r c , / ‘ . I'-`:',,,,bri:j,.!;,,1.5.:1,r;j5r',,17.i1!i..,!.;;:j.`;,5n5t,,',;', pears 1.,i . , : ri,,A0 - 1,,,, T h :: ,,,, . i 1 b " ., :::i . : ,7 :: 1 ; • ,,,, j;ydeefL , '" ::;; ; ;; ,11,1 1 , 1 1, ?::: 7; 13 ,i 1: ,.. . 1.eri, i , A 1 ' ,, , ,, , i , : . in its effects is magical, beetles° the dine !.', ,' 44.0Fder Nem the blond, antillie rescue of.tho atones and is easily worked. It 111111U11(16 largel° on Mill Creek, six miles from Ili,. Petinsylyithie lor c , .0 hectic ~1 , d i, ." ' , : s w , e6 On El,e 1 ,,,, i0 , , , 0• shoi ., 1,,,,„.cei, disease, and a p e r man e n t curt, ittetr:fir• finm iti destructive consequences. lin the phosphates, 1111.1 such is its fertility thit and it le on es:tractor, as it draw, all ,16,,,,,,,, i nandO it 'Aiuuld 1.,c employed A.,,. the cure of I from the crops produced upon this Inn,' and the Railroad, Lula the ;acne Jlietiinee from the Penn. ' i i e u d eL V ll i s t e ";‘;: r l,,,`:',',. ; ,",, l !., l ' e l o r.. in -. 1 ,.',`,; ! •'') !e 'r i i , , , , - mid relatives were lims' toned •to witness his out of the affected part j , leaving nature ap I oat . 10, rereHa. but ohm those other are°. , i„ rs e m.o. adjoinitig under cultivation, it will he 5 3 1 valli. C.nm, in lliiiningdmi ( .o iiiih'y Wiih I n . l ; • , S :‘, 1 ;‘ f - I e ''''. • deati.• 1 lediteed his frie Al h, to ti, Ike virtu, near 800 acres of timber land thereto a - Duetted : j r ,,,,,, ethethes, ~ my ,•,,, e ~,e 4, , up, b . h e ~, ot you' pleparatton-the4 - (tut so,ls the last re: Pp hell int i zinc oilititietit, MD gave Inc C inter- ' . . . . , . ,-, --- 1-.erteCt ad before the indury. It is scarcely tie- lions which nosefr.. it. such a . Ek1 ,,,, . ! found not to fie excelled anywhere in the erudite- I or I and SKIN I)IIILASEA, ST. ANTHONY'S Fine, , tier' of crops most adapted to its market. I a great part of which in well covered with first I im,m5,,,,,,,n. was n „, I t iorn „ol y _ re „,,,,,,, , ~, sort agd, to their 850,11131 uncut, usui io), he be cessary to se , d ent no house, workediop, manulactoryshoull.l be one moment without it. ; hose, er r'itteliitit , r , rtat'bee• l' , :iter•es , I The render O.OI Y be well aware that the earliest 1 rate enw timber, . which a small farm has, ' ISurrenee Ilitties and flou• Te one, cartes tro d lle hest rrei . e end vegetables come from New I been opened, to which c. ba settled a large .. but i pase i l lota tan eepectatiotiv. I, No Pain Extrae4,r is genuine unless the , and 5, L .,! ~,,,,.;.. Scat. iifyAn'ti,,,,,,,,,, an tie l b ea rni f t:; i , ho l , : e s . 7 he pronounced me cured and e . '" '(' hnle'eye , Cot belt ernmLleciter, end nos, 'ln April the diictisc a •' v o fur as 1 know, lc is a hule end stout man. y, which are annually exported to the amount of meadow, suitable fur stock raising. t u rned, end sO violent was the pain that I could ( -1 , 1 ,' .. s ,":,T)I.II.'e: ..,only'"" ' " h "e the h lAt ''''''' -; gain re hoa has has also n it a Meet Plate en g ravin g' I llnten tram, Sveittm - ricand Menctutzazir g : j t e n r o " unt r millions of dollars. l'ho land, be The range for cattle is the best in the county, I not reel at night. Late in klay 1 returned to with durname a Moir! Palley, NallUfaelu. l 1 nAnr,r, Dnoes ' r, DYNNZYSIA, DinILITY, and, :des being in overt way accessible for fertpieeri, and the property can be made one or best stock eincitinnti, end again placed myself under the '?,` r Y'" l ' -,...7-.. 1-1 ~ .--..-Q-1-1 the , .... ter. heir rile by all th.l.),rn,, ,, gisie• find r aniC.n. i .. ' i t u1v.,,,.. 1 ki.L r: ,, ......,..tnera aittatrtu tit ii Vim, ban nn abundant su‘soy a the l er ;amity or 1 inedieine dealers throughout the Irnited States I raising tarn. in the county. The Lumber and I.oltargo of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained '' has dune ._- - 1 ' 1 1, 4 l'" '''''' in '''. Send " TBD on THTTItE DM n• *. _t• r:i ..,...." I .'.: ' .:f i It;t1 d ; innatted , 1 Stock ruisirg can he minim] un to great adv. : until September, during which time he used aimmer ~ ..2.i'S to ' OE,. stid Canty:Ma.. Principal Depot, . lln "imperileof the blend" i 9 f ounde d truth ' r undler en . ri ;ialtler. Mater:An emi h e 111 ,‘" c ' n ,rage to °the, The improve:node e • h , eye'' , kaiitra reme , TY...ii'l P'" ,l ±''. l iceetslol • • n -,;_s , , .._, .s- ''''''''' ( " I 'S 1 4 1-141 -"' IQ; Chara h ,e r.. ,..,S r ce,..!'i s s 7 o l - t o Art s B., l ; •• 1 particular t r i t e •rt u ,.f . u T hi p, l , A a . .le , gettere .. tionof!heb . lomt_ . The', the stet at a e lTap .. pr'rei, from the mills. v, ''• l,, + _• , ...., 1 -e. 4 0 f a t1;111,, 1 e gfa . e . ed 5aw.mi11, 1 %,M % ,,,v• e 1, '1 ,. i !te___ ,1 _,1,,, ,, , ,,_"1 , 1 . te_ . 1_it , :• i n i : 1 1 , , , , , , , ,, n , , , ... i . i. 'hilc h , 1. r , at . I,i ispetf, ~., " !gr. , 7;,..,,, -- ''',l - I ` • . „. ''... '- '- 1 yo.. anti 1 :slue of this sarsapa. mill are now being opened, and brick-yards Laing ° I'' r., , „,.....,f er . w t l ; a lathing mill, t r tfirst i : 1 10 .. we rn t',.,7 i . ,,, , 5 , `" . re . , riu ,,,,,,,,,, ~,,••4 7 4 , 0 , 1 8' ,",i in ' 0 e . ,, , ,; , , , . ~ '7,... j to, bi. j . 4 :5 , t. i. 5t ., ,,x ,, , ~ .. Jelin Itend, Agent Huntingdon l'a. ' 1"rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, • started on th e ground. A person can put up aa. ."' S ''' '7,";_ "'"e Nov: 17' s 'at -iy. . . .. withciitmii..h.scnios .13,411 is impossible in 1 fem. tenement for present convenience lui one ohm house and oar^ , and oat lalilaill ti , r''' ereplitetesus, and :Ilse titedleitie that I gut froll: t I hundred dollars. On account of the extenxive 1 D The attention of Stock raisers, 1: IA ' b i . -t., , • i ,, •i • (•,,,,,,, ee e ti i iiieT vnowin.. 011- ar4;::11013 C)31,.. 3F - • • _ . -.. ...,.. , i - reiltelhiflailal' COliatitUtloo,•' mai.* i,,• I 23k,j12:iti 1 35(,, I lc CO to 'mute ' . ; .- ... ;. , ...r ....,.14114 US tlie o . 3!rte . r , . ' . . . . . , end 'ration tins is the best course toyttisue an o. lmmberieeit ie parl!calerly invited to thin prop- !tti "irgt'A cu t e ', off tVie left lid aAy noie, the ~ , ~ . ~ , ~ . to ' GROVER 4 BIIKER' B 1.. Ayers Cathartic Pills , der to get a place to live in at first. Carpentre 1 erty. Possession eon be given . the fi re! day ;greater no t t t ott of foy Teti i diaelconarliad a tc,, e k. Pr-Initials , , artle.l 11. ..Itirt N\ I • ....) I and builders are on baud to put up houses on the of April next. Call upon the undersigned , ea. my lea eye. r had glee. 4,0 Ito, a (trey-, :11, 'la llii. laic. (2 ,,, i:iy ; l'.yri t, l,i. ~ :., . . ~. beat terms. 1 owner, at his residence, an the I.woull of {fun . eT -tieing cKad t ,Ainee pr i ,filyi r luili,lt.e ctmld Only : ~, s: e .A ai„,.. 3 , i , ii A *total , , FOR ALL THE FURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, • lti eettliug here the emigrant has many atival a 1 tingdou, Huntingdon count • . , '„gtva,rt}lietilmit.titat u,ctiro " ,,, i 1 ....1... 1 /4. •I. •• -•• , \'',..) - " ' a, CO composed, that disease within the range of I tug... Ho is within at few hours' r'tle or the gruff 1 210 ''. fil l . I'hiiistl4hredi , l'ilad , lll , taltA in . .ii. , .. O '..A , ~,....'. ! 1 ,, :, ..•-R.T_5;1.,..., *(l4 1 ' .i..pE, - ). mit.Es. NI rcli 1 'l3 • l' teadlita• fuittle'ef. , lll4 tititu.:: :V! `lii- - 5.' 4 . , , ' * ' ^P ...., u.. - 4 1 r, 'lt ' C.' .\ 1 - theirection can rarely unilateral or evade tnem 1 cams In the Middle States and New littglatid, lie , u ., Their penetratitto properties seartii, and cleanse, iis near his old friendsand asiOCiationa I. he 13 iii tt v_ . _ •. Huntingdon Oct. 2lst 1858.—}f.. '.'‘l iitfiltiy weak sehanytcomutpnveti takiuk• it ; 'lnv; nI . r ,, , , iii y .34-....440-444,:i,. I..• 1. .. ii. , 4,......k...vi „ lit :, i , it t6 r i , ,, d ii i tz tt 1 Icz t a ,h ti r, c h i.ky o rit , i e ot i tifilie lanititcni settled country, where ever,. improvement and I Green Willow Foundry. • I Ilia ;ftwilk4thm., I gykkir 4 stirellgt),,..., 1,, d o ,. t .,,, 5. i .. tamtrttrneetl drying ill , . , i WOULD respectfully inform the public that IN , 0 •11 .1?,, t1 " 1 0 1 " L. l l!eir'S oche;;, contain or civil , is at hand ;Icis in a 1:cal- c ! i • • if • . ) 11 ', * - ,I 'l properties , ' tli:ini,% w s ite C ia how l eCl ic tleiortciiit ' l '3' Phte.. A,',!..ttk,!'i9C4Vlll.rict,'°!.he certainty '.-1 I have commenced 'business id the ithor l' ietaittattetli and w heti the•flithrbettle ,las ta- I• • . rEST::I'OWER PRESS 7 .4 014 ,,,,,.. 3_... , i ..,- , ~,,o r 1 ,4 3 .,„, d ,4,,,`, 1 „.,,, o „ o „ istird to fin d hit i losing the grettter part 01 his grin V ~ , ,e , en, w i ll b e ready in ner0n , ,,, ,,,, i , ~,i it , i tnaiekga i,,y lii,4ll,iolibedidd,..it N ~ 1 1,,ruele. . I ‘ . ' lid`'` • '‘.?,••. Z. health or .ence , v restercl 44 soak m once . I health by those malignant fever which make tho.l ' ni . want onyt hi n ,, ii; my lino o r . ,„,,i ne „ . 1 ~,,,, , , ca a i',..ru, buule alit . l I ha, leek healthier iit , t it . largejitrict4:, I,t flof 1110,: . / , , , bi , ~.e l ls k .iii , ..- • • • 3,•, .., • ~• et i. Ana t 4 e ti n ,. • , - ,sizp,,,,-wi.....5y- tmusanf the Young and . w ill tin .. e ot, bond 0",, m a k e to . T he ., 4l i,, SI., tha ii I 11111 t• I,,en 1 , ,i• the la , t se , el , , tit,. I ~, , , e ,,,, .14.,,d, rwhich mal,-. it ~,,. ~,' ti,. ''.l l P , .‘• ' f 10 , - ‘,,- - " :46'etaily d i tiiheirtmiths - 'every-day comklainfY . , IntiklrlfrictriaiMit i ' - . z 'hwaY from home nod I Md o irit ‘ o - t ,, - , - , - „,i, t i,jt r „.;,,,i47 1 ., ,1 t t,„j"i i „V -i f ' ,7. ' IthitMigli MY ra , k ...11. , di ,3 dg. , .... 1 I 0 ; 0 ,till Tvv,l erivoill,,: Vt . vit t :io, 1•44.1,,,',i5vi en . v, j„ t lii, ~...... '. -t' vili .. 4 , ' nr . l l fery ttolls , ,•'hut hIso• missy formidable tend (friends. ; lltaitlo, he, ay!, pild'elite'ite ai'd ml : - co tt o 4 t i, r ,,,c w i amt , o f e y e , d e ,,,: r i,,ti„,,, c oo t, . grateful to a benign Provideoeo w"'" h.. , l'ore , , c , .tion, ••I'ei,it •if want ~i tat , &h i d .1 . denirmeuvalessiott. , ..•The , ttgesa licloifillunediti . i'al oa i ‘tv i l itit t . • - .• •- • - - , nod I , ,iiiiir st , tres, ,, ,in ,, ,, i,,,,,,,..,,,,,,, , ~,.___ my life, and which Vivt, been done 01.401 thv ...„.„ , t , „„,....„ . ~,, ~...,,,,..... 111.... .' 1 4 .n ..!i1 . hArdi ,. .Y Ame'le9 Almanac, : TOVV arttill*th.. ' 6 4, , " P !',""' l ", l P l ''"' ' All kintis. or Turning cider nocd , li o n. and . instrtimentality of I.4,itscr's 1mi!0P , E..' 1, ...". 1A i rA-.• , •.11! Uri... -4. , siekNi% containing evulical eof their cures ann rections i s 0...., ~ i ~. - 11110 ta Ma I,OeW .0 .41,0, um titur....m cum. i w0nk5,,,i,,,,,,.,' w il l 1:,. ,1,,,,,, ~,, [lit 1„.., intotoo t , SLAI:C111.11. DAVII) NlCeitEMil. ~ ~.v, e n nui. , 0, It. tier 0 r - 4 , for. tbs.' otti,.TAlr k flo e ttipg complaintsl Cost aa e• , , ,d , panv gives Nee ticket. , i " ' I 1 -1` • S• • 101,1 1- • Thed • tili , ,flat day or Au- ~ ..... ~ . , , , ~ 'al' . il -',.. us will. v i ble 100 , 1 r,/1,11,1,1,1., ~,..,.., , Hr.ers . . 110111 , , v. vet I • • gra i chl r it' ' e u ng!'ir,indi c h s;l l l;77:gir i tTu D e s iiil.lr d o e rbirr,j The reeder.wil) nt mum Ife'stroY , , it , ti'c''' ,- ' : 1 , 1 , 1 ,1 " ( I ,tfis.,,, ‘ ,.,',1,i,,,..„ ~,,,,.1.,,,,,,,,,, mac h to,. gust, A. IL 1.8. W, before we, one al tlie Justices '''' ~ ' ''''',',l l, `, . '', '' "."'' 10Y.114 , ..f0r , xeen• liinatMa of i •Iftitt 'fa g , notiacif,y Loss of App . .. ` ~ taite, hc. - ptementod,aial ask himself , ity the, „ win iiiit gi to „,,, o „,,, :otogo to ~,a ,„, it ..p . uf th e Pence in and for the Borough of tiollidiii,- , l i p ',, ''' " ''' i'' '• '' "'" , i' , r atitY.;stAilit.,i , ! *tot- Jarradircit-tind other kindred coauplaints, i property has not Leon taken up.beibre. ' l 'lc rea ' 111 Mutts of C o u nty produce taken in exeliange burg, Blair county Pa. • misintrftom elarreeate.of the body or obstructioa I son is, it wile never:thrown itt Mu market ; and ' ' itt market RIM. ' PETER TIPPERY . i 11 ;loess- 1.1 .1 Jones : JOHN lit tli I. I: y . PRINTING IN COLORS ef its hairnet). •, s ! . unless these statements were correct no one would • .. „.. iieri, ,,,, ,i, ( - ti.i. i 3, i858.,iy. ti , , , i-. I ...intact, J01'11030.03 ' 4,,,..., Mi. ' '' ' • ' ''' ' •• • he Invited to examine the hind before purchasing.. "-• dyers Cherry Pectord . , 0 „ ii ...._ __ _._ _ . , , This all are expected to do. 'They will see dm 1 . . ~. , , , , . ..,...• ‘ ,.... , N ii, 1 , ..: 1 i V ,,, . i i .:" \ , :' , 1 , : e. 1 ., . ; • : ' , _ ( ,, ' , 1 :", i ~,,,,. ~,,',,'„ nthf ''''" I."-bit'liin'il*Y 1 ''Yle a " • land maim cultivation ; the; will meet persons. ~ 7 y ° ,l I , I Tf . 1,11.1. A: tO. s Adser" " , 4..3! 4 -, 4 I ,i I .4 , 4 , i i!on. Tnn, u.tr,tp ceike or , . •,... etv , .. , ,• . • • New y .I, .q ..: 01i0,1 ,11}0.11.01,41tir erSlho, mini, 1,0 edit, . oRNAmENTith .20smis Ino doubt, fr om their t. neiLfilltorliood; they wilt , 1.10114 .., cit y itl y.... i ItOStyll ~.. ot ~ , . Co .n•htelt taterlv failed to curt- '.. t - Coughs, Cold., Influen.c4, Unar.e.e." , WllllOll 1110 1111prOVelliellitv, anti Ctiltilltlge 01.111.0 . , la Stu* ~ stOp.l Imo) ). Pettentedi & ~1 , , Iv. ~ , , ~, ..[ewes par mt. led . ~. r ; . Les,Vll. tit fist - • , i , , , ,J - . Croup, lironchinet becielent Vonel...P. character 'of the 'population. N... 4 , 9 11 . 1,1 ak . ry the Ap.. sor du: ~ ft., it,,..'' anil•the moat , ) „, 1 I,,,,,',,:l7.nrZilsor';'l"Y. L ind-c up s. 44 t, lniP 4 r . " : T'', l t '' " t .T . .."'" - , 4 , '•.:. • •••, • . 1i0n,•..d. for the enlist Consumptive come prepared to parcliaseota ninny are lochting 1 J a i: What,' an largest circulating Newspapers ', „„isi,t,,,, the ;,. e • 1 l'" ,""'' . "'"`" e " . ''''''' .1 1 !;,, e ',V r .," -1 , : ,„• ~, ;„-.. .. . .. •••• Patients in , advanced singes of the'4iandslocaeinaiz , kftilPit,ltVW‘9o'ofomi. in 'ilto trake Btates aha the Cumulus, 'they ~„„d, " 1 tun , oft c, pionotawc itQ sel . AC( I m a 111141,:,,, .. . 4 . . discaSei, , . .. i ~.,•:., , . ~,.9rit a 140.,00.0.1 Ykkrilier, to 11 . 101111 . 41.i t erttr y,,mAntilort111.0,contract tar on at 00r lOW, Th e teiv er br o k e „,.,,, 'touted.:. 0 , cr ~ ~,„ - RILL , HERDS . „ ,. . • •. 8. ;A d , i, t h e /1 , 4; 4,4 ye ..d. h , e , 5n ,.. , 4 , 44 , 4 4 , antl',Ape , i r ettit twat pape s r t,i conta , ings full t;v . ..1.,,. t .i,,.„ , • ~:,..:; ... .. .• • , „ g .., ~„ the inside ~r my mss, extending rrt.Z '. ' Sifirit ' ')illanS, . ... Hint O. .itinianontoit, t a lie .. t, ta eac h tio ,„ ~ Price *.lO. WM. BREWSTER .1y,./a Huntingdon ,courfty..ra,.. Call h tliq y,(ovna/ ser.the 14acbi.00. I Thasa 'Mrtalriars Irw froirctro spools, and 'faun- sa".sraur .strefirth. - beatify, and el - atieity ' which wilEurrr.riNerett ry ton stitch be rift. Theyjfir unget,tion. 1610 a best in the market foi family usr. orvine.•.:l vo.: Pit Ess. „ 0 rov Bakerla is ibefhest.—Anier.Agriaul. Tq of,,Nhiahqr;?! Tribune suis T. l 7.fititir, , It that it Indqwsid't ~ Hni , wil l - - ,-.-- - - -.. . lite.;4.iirWW:iii.e..'of it. cum, that Itirapat ' '.4 ' ''. s'-'-`. ',lt2' • • t • p er to Uni • tl7e'elbowe down to the ' WriS w ris ts ; 111:U 1.11 llft . td cc, finishes its ow n . work; others do not.,- , ilotatt ../t r i,,rtt,,,, ,o• ro ,,,,,,,tkit m d s i„ p c ,„„ a , lit & rpr,and egn e ohtauni , i , i 0 ‘9,1 A P tt . l • : ,.LAND pox, SALE. c '' • ' initectliniely round the mouth and chin. zi;l,l cop tiltlij itt L Vi t'it 4.l%ii .:: S. Journal, licly known, who have been tester.] from shinning ' - P,il . e ,hlANPutabl , 11 er...tete° deed , ll.'eet : Triir, ,utrecriber offers tit privrae side a tract , fl oe t t , t o y • f l I . pul eel torment to we lila i , t•ol re'd b . ,, We give it'the prefereliee:=,.lnterieatt Baptist. and even desperate diseases of the lungs 'by it. •eleor' of allincilnath,4 , , , g‘.l r . , heu pdrcltme money <. •c•• gid , ttt -itotit t it North east of th e m oo d ~,, , „e , /,,,,.. . m y . f 1.,,,,,. ~ i i,,,, „.,,,. Ada ptad for wooliii*, iliihn 'pc cotton.—Amer. u",Fe V.,.,' 1 51.1.°.n. Plied , '''! all i leri 'thY " v " cT erf ..i ' , .,P ni, , ,. .„;!? 6 '!",",".' 11 '1; 1 * -14 q . lt§ ,‘ ' fi ..' 1 ,"'1 1 , Mill, 'di,,e , ,'',:;nd '; V iillle .(r t ,t SI idlUt , Miliat she oat see letwolivitssio , tba.. , e , reel, s toil ~,,,,, LI:GAL 81, 1) li 4, , other friVakelte, ira - km is too appart.nt to escape ' Wlllll . l,l,llll.Cipilld. tor riattrAngti t tirt uy TRIMM •.: i . ••r• -, ,••••• -... , t • ~,, 41, . ()Li t h em, H o m e to b r e , , hns ti ,.. ..,), , h, CoNlEfer 11111,j,5, Mcd cal Monthly. • .' ' ; ' • • , obeervation, rutil where its 'lithos are known, the 4 414 A. ,:ii , and 5i p. 114 when therlo likiakire.-, 1 . imo, !;;StuF,Vdilt,W. l .ll...Rdgt "" , ' les, . 1. . ~ i , I , 'We late, , Uittiilen 4•,lltsircees best.—Endies :PROGRA , MII ES, `llWaih. - B oar di ng omrra n t egee y wt o he ' items o f tv, okittelyaretiould'il.e balance Id ' HA!! C.(d'uott Id .:t! d wet.t • and ~,,,,c litee, that I could insreely prevent teutiug PAMPHLETS, ' • ' • •'. • . for the ai.treitst.9 and ddtqt , rmie . r , ffeetiene a the - r, - , - , ~,• - •, ,,z,- t - -, - : '„„a„„1...L...:,,,,,,,„„, be lblresset/ ! . t 1 41 1 191 , , ii; to buildings ountsisSeof a new dwel. , c` itch) whi c h i s the Leal ':". a r ,, e , A 8„C 0r .,...._,y; pulmonary organd flit { are incident to our climate. n . , t t.,... A . ..1 02 s u , FIF TH s tr Hu g h ou , e no t ,40, fi r A,,k u d ~,, lug it nth .2 ; ult tuy flesh. I hart now been cured teiX WcvLY • .., , ...,, •., ~ •• 4,1 che-rry frees , ! and feel it duo to Mr. , Lbtasur.....and ni the pub -I'. Dispatch, ' • While many inferior remedies thrust upon. the eoninumitv have, folled,encl.hccu discarded, this- i I° , .tob• B. t : I.). rigis. i 4 i , Fet , • , t - 1, ow w i dni,t, riiikii.. 34p. ....d tnformatton : app le otehardti, , *Rh Peat ii ,. } ,,,,, 4 , oi • go , s itim . o .i.,, o, a A laravo... tie Feltirlr liy, to poke this sie . tentent, lit IlOpy ; EA . RID I S t :. F . APC AL •I ° I : I I :.: S' .-.'..7.4. C C.': i: *l . l. Ivillillfric)n,yl4o.ll.l*pbel. be11...1111E41 by will 1,0 lot stished pco9lllv, exotittcii in h• SlAl m olo r t° °I °lber '''" --V • I.: 31ter. U . has tined friend* by every trial,eunferred benetiti.. ebeerlidly furnished. . , , ' !Amu kilts ittitievioutkpittety - of LinteetotiALL , Wo ha.) so hesitation in reconmending it.— on ihe afflicted they can never forget, and pro, l • Aug. 25 1258.--3 m. . . Xi r: Express. . doted cures too numerous and too remeqlc•ale la , Price ROO,' I'• •'-'• • t ''' '' ' '''': "' . ~ ~ , , t t.", y !l.. It, ya,malicinetbrine, .. • • by:4 :-Iyic anti tit renal:iambi; rtdmi. ....k NI, r - s lt 11,..;. , ..m ~.;6 l ir -, i ( !ir " il l, T 4 ,11:1 + ; 11 .'' 'it. . : N,,, - It requires no " 'Y' ain g* —N-1- ' E ' an g th4e * be ("8""e". MtkliftED AY ' .... I '.I . I:FLS' • DEE SS(i i y iiii.:. ~ f,kh,„ l e • '' "..• •'' ' AiAlit;"' ''' .• , 1 -i , • .•,- .'—,, - ' , t• •' 1 1V" •.. .. '., .. • • , Atlr cs .l i titil ~,, ( 41, .•.1.•• Fur family use they aro unrivuled. 7 v. T. Dui. • 4 410 7 ell e S,rip at ~,p. t i wj N• t ; • . ,vilt houses tifidlbt ' eitfiate at the olti- .• . ' • • ' ... .., ... , . -.-...., .-A, i n ' ' '''''' ly Xewe. ' DR. J. C. AVER & CO. Tatieit . seat iii r ifill taili;y—they will lie • r '. .. .. . , . , g liki ( • . ' ' ~i 11: • '. 4 A •,,Aat It li. STLit. Lit . , , They sew a seam that will not rlp.—N. 7 COM. • LOWELL, MASS. . A 1 F i .N .AT S: pi l; s N i i: l l , ' , ..ii i, s ,,, ri n i . i i i:i'S .,,,. . , l ,.. N l, l! ,,, l! a l d i c ill t y ;l l: i : t l i i , S , l o ,, V , , ,f fr i9;; Y rry :i atty r- -. 0,;: 5 .n" ) . ` 41 0 - 1 .. 0 u ' i r r.':V.. 1 0,1 1., i%h,e o c r .es t r th . 03, ~A 4 1 0 " ,::; ." ,,71 , , ,,, :i i' '‘ ‘., 1 1 1. : 1 1 i ... ', ' 1 1, ) ,' , ' '. . ~ .1,t,:e., ,,,d ri ..1 ,1 d r i ti5 ' h , , ,, , " . „' : l' i t i l: .. , .' 1 / 4: 7; i.:1 . ,,:j•:•'1 : r , i#9 . r :i 7 , , i 7 - 3.,,t,,,, t„,...,1 „ ),..r 11 , , , ixi.vi a. j kit: .. -- K L, Rise. . ,' . .:• • • ' : 11l 1 , ~,,,,, „Jr ...• ... , A ._,,,, 40, ~ttroWli. It performa nobly and ext,editinud -N. 7. , - •••gtinl: BEAD, Agetit ITunlittgdoil. re. ; Wiallo and rune . , 'l,l, ~,,,1 , • , •11., , ,v0rt. e ft ...:. ‘nd , cririer +i, ziorloynourg. .0,1 , .)le NIA Sliqi,t4/4,e,a,,,.. ' , ..i ' Examfner, • • '' '' ' 146i..'11%; 10513.-- , 1,'. ~ at . it. P.,GWIN'S. °Ct. 6: '5•7.. -3tn. .1 (.) 11 !.; BREWS', Int. , 1 ~ .s, -, 5.1.44 .‘. Itlit/W N. - - Subblisysburg, t1:ert,..r..,54 46. ' :~E.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers