itt -,,,,---- .--..... -....-_ stuttingVn ontiuil. (..,. "..,,,,..„.1•*, ...,,,,„,„ ...,„A., - -4,-,N_ , A ,.., .. , ..._ lk,(mc,., r long suflerine and slow to seek redress, . (1• I progressing, and he has not yet nhandoned l'here were less than 100 scattering votes , but when fully aroused to a sense of their lilyi ly il5( tilantOßS iaCtUS. i the hope of success. He refers to what nearly all for a colored man. , s_s) wrongs, they will seek redone with inflex. "--- _____s_ -_-s------- ! was stated et the last sessiou of Congress' —Saline county in Illinois, at the late" ible firmness. Our people, in the mass. GREAT CELEBRATION AT PITTSBURG.— ,in that convention, and that his views or, election, gave 1,095 Democratic votes, and honor labor by their lives of patient Indus- Pittsburg, Nov. 26—The most interest.; the subject of thelsthmus route accord , not one for the Opposition, try; they willmot knowingly disgrace it by ing celebration in the history of Pittsburg,: arith tile policy heretofote announced by . .11..... , From the South Pacific. voting for the party that seeks to dishonor took Once to day. On this day—the hen- Mr. Case. His only desire is to keep the We have dates from Valparaiso to the 'kr Congress ,net 011111,4 trot' s } . labor by spreading the system a thriftless dredth anniversary of thus Evacuation of routes open, and he desires no other privi- ' 150, and from Callao to the 26th M Octo segg There are forty Post Offices in flan degraded, negro, slave labor over the soil Duquesne—the whole city was I. 1110tiOn leges for the United States than Ave expect bee. tingdon county. of freedom. The people of this State are, to do honor to that event. The throng of other nations to enjoy, but will not consent • A revolution was talked of in Valparni• kar WhilkOT M 11 """g•I'm is aim"' "" WM. BRENtsirElt, too, a Protestant people. eminently Amer- strangers from the adjacent country was that they be closed by the imbecility of na. am and several arrests were made of see- !P lenty " °"`• it teas. plied, ~. Editor and proprietor. SOW at luny , two Prisoners who broke Man in their feelings ant instincts. They very great, and there was also a good ninny Lions which reside near there. He re . geants of aregiment, of the hoe, and oth- , ..,0 „,,,,i ; be ° , I„„, . . Wednesday Ittriting-, Dettembler 8,1858. ;will n o t cast their votes: fora party that now from a distance. The streets were hums grets that the Nicaragua route has bee n , ersl but nothing of int uortance had trans - ' i I - ------------- ` ------7- . 7 - - :" 7 - 7, ,- ,F , - ----- --- ' openly and unblushingly panders to the , with flags, and everything wore a holiday • closed. He speaks a the necessity o f en. TheCirctliation Or the null- juic i e s t. o f Papery, that prefers foreign. : aspect, business being almost wholly sus• forcing our claims against Costa Rica and • There was some trouble at Conception, • - • I ing .041. journal, I"; great- li.r, Papists to Protestant citizens; and : pended. ' Nicaragua. kW' We will give the Fresitlunt i M et•nt te er than the GIOIA! and Ana- ' arising out of abuses committed by the 10... . ' • l'' in full, in (m next weeks ISAIIe. t'lleourages foreign pauper labor and au. , An immense processicii forma, inclu• • Ilespeeks of Mexico a, in a condition : cal authorities. 'tricot* combined. tnestic slave labor to the great injuary end : ding the military, firemen. city authorities !of civil Wig with scarcely any hope of a . Wiles prominent feature, it all, of the l'he expectation A plentiful crops la be. cLumnsiii nrjr . rii ;!"„s,v,AziNp4• disgrace of the honest toil of Amu rican ,of Pittsburg, Allegheny, and the various; restoration 100 permanent g overnment ., Mg fully confirmed, and the reports lino'Atlantic ,: .'"))1" i ; i" nose-being "" "1 , 1"1.11". •.• 4 . tte fluatin - gdon Jnensgb,ter Mit , year , and freeinea: . The people of Pennsylvania ' adjacent boroughs, the musical, literary ' Ile refers to the cruises w hich led to . . . districts , . - woes usenventunt for .r (adults—We new •the mining of ('n tai and Cog arraugement in the running ut passenger , riobitAr !..h4: *Pg.4ine, f u r 0' dat° pe r iod • can not so stultify th emselves. They will and o th er societies, the various trades, char rupture in the Diplomatic relations there. . will be sent 'to the surliest u r toll . •itttseriber , • qugnbo continue highly favorable, panic. : , re ;„,. preserve the organization under which liable and benevolent associations. Ste. Ile speaks %veil of Mr. Forsyth's ef- Co he paid in advistmegictolloom .. - • , , ,• - ularly in the copper mums. The JournaVarici ,, Gotley's Lady's nook, !'or they se signally -triumphed last October, .After marching through a number of forts. If not for the hope of obtaining - gee- DeEei.. -hot lett•kwheat macs rool We have, reports of very ' id' - ' ' ,i, rich go- mints' hunev .a other fixing.; ' these cola mom s eems year, : , : , • ,S 3; ' 5O aria in 1860, roll up a still more imposing i streets, it came ton halt at Duquesne De • justice prom Ike Liberals, which now ap h J al k al and ciruhant s Magaztne, for being discovered in the Argentine Repub• . inga s mig4 T gig• •- .gs. .. . , -:• . 43 50 majority against Southern dictation and : put of the Pensyivania Railroad Company Peers aPPTenehiefl to Power, he would ' tic about 70 leagues from Mendoza, at n . • s t y- A ,„„„ in 1 i 161 , 0 , 410 , ; „ w ., ~,,,,,„H y •,Journal and Emerson's Magazitte and I Northern treachery. We Lave been led , erected on the site of Fort Duquesne„ recommend the taking posessMn of a per- , DI ce called Canada Honda, . lino' „i,,,,,, dollars for swearing and five for Paladin's dforttAfy.rone year, $° 50 inw this tram of remark ; at this time, by which was evacuated by the French on Hon of Mexico su ffi cient to iadetnnify us • 3 According to 111 C merchant marine of ffl°l•ing ' 1 1 ,0), . Vie *Journal an' Frank Leslie's Family . lot nll our alarms end grievances. in the jfv.i., mid o gzeth „, g • gh„gig„, fur eneyea , uorntstable evidence that the parchasablo I this day one hundred years ago. In this Chili amounted on the Ist of Septeinber, , SiersTwo flee louking fietrs ca.: down the North of Mexico, bordering our Territory, 1858, to 38 ships, 92 barques, 52 brigs Bread T"1 111 .; $3 50 politicians and presses of this State are al- large building, which was immensely The Journal arid Lady's /tome ..lftwasitte there are other considerations , which claim Iruati, one any last weeek en 58 brigantines and schooners, Ifi sloops "I"" Phil'ielPhi. ' , Am. tnieleit , -, • • • 1 ,. [ 62 7 g ready in the market, holding out false .crowded, the order of exercises consisted tt onien We a ' 'res d• i ss .. Thgsreissnat and Peteesmee s Magasies, f or lights to the friends of freedoin, and sack -, of prayer, the singing by the German so- u f (• • bur " •o that neigh tom =less Indians i ttt- L te It the pence and 7 steamers; in alt •4.10 vessels, ineas : aer The Gettpilnirg Railroad 13 at tioll e 010.• and uring 60,410 tuns, and carrvin '2 655 .legin,,,,,gg and geignig., Monthly, Ps3 ing a bed from the minions of Slavery. 1 citeies of tin ode written by F. 13. Pliny -plod!, and the cars are expected la tan rept. cutter our settlements in Arizona, - II I lass, - • , „ ~ i' $ 3 s c, e Giving these pirates quarter till -Inc last , tun, and set to music by H. Kleber, and an lady in it fitty any,. there seems no other way that this 'lift. ' nen ' and there is a trifle to get a wife but doesen't she sot.. ...1.77 - - -, • - '',-------,---- - hour of the contest of '56, was a fatal er- ; oration by Hors. Andrew W. Loomis. • THE PROSPECT'IN• 1860. cult can be removed, than in estnblishing Ecuador are still unsettled, Tho difficulties between Pore. and ' "- S P ealthl g (11. I ' llw `l' i Ili " 14 ' -41 ''''' bat . ror,•to be direfully avoided in the next con- I There were besides Pennsylvanians, every prospect of their leading to a war try the' complete Official returns of the : far military posts in Sonars tu n a Chuhuahait. - large delegations from Ohio. times prove "a little dear ?'' late election in lihnoie, we an that though " " Ile recommends that this be done regard' The procession was about three miles a small majority of Douglas moo were IlllrThe statement we made with re- . . . in , Mexico as in a state of imbecility and between the two countnes. The &untrue ',too The "I " I ' s P C " " gbuni ''''' " " 1"Ing inn 'Minister has determined his passport -. 'loog, and :t is estimated that, there tvere L th e 1 lenders t,i,ititi r i tr t e h ien2l:iti-n: of Thin o institutions of class meetings, mud their elected to the Legislature, the Republicans Bard to the leave of absence granted the fifteen thousand teraons in the line. All anarchy. As to Spain, he refers to the retired from Peru, and the latter Govern- !. • • hage a clear majority of thousands of the Rev. 0. 0. MYSlean, is incorrect, in one were represen• causes which delayed the appointment of i t t h . in month,unless the trades and p rofessions t inent has issued a decree, ordering Intik , rits water will not he let mit, of th e Fa• 'popular vote of the State over • the Douglas particular, The congret,nttion does not ted with - that and Pllthsuan ticket 4 corettned !By the , bear his expenses, nor has any one props . Vend] . loathers , Indian d • Mr. Preston will not go out with powers raising of an army of 15000 men, curdling vere COI' weather se's in encase. s an pioneer internees 'rascality Of :the Lueofocos,. the I sell such a thing. We will also state that ! 0 cl• ffi hies ' . ' entire military force into active service ' relics, were bor. in precession There to settle the 1 let with SPa lll , if Pos. t h e ser Altwalion :--The Peensyleneie Reit- Senatorial - fted•Representative District: are : leave of absence was not granted him to go I were large • ' Ail and otherwise preparing for. invasion of road hasselemeed their time nfrunning, in part , c large bodies of glass and iron tvorkers am e ' so arranged that it requiree Several hun• to Florida or .y place iu particular. The : Fifteen litemry societies appeared in the Ile says that Cuba ought to belong to us, Ecuador. It is reported that the Echeni- ! See the Time-table on first page. tired more votes to eleci it champion or . fact•siteply is—that - the pastor's health re-; ' d betaken f an recommends that steps or Sue party in Peru, are urging the Ecuato- , VW We are pleased to learn from tlii. line; also, about one tho. sand members of. 1101- freedom thiii; it servant of Slavery. I n the mirin g a cessation front labor, the congre- ' the American Protestant Associ tin a nd its purchaae. As we acauire new country rians to rt•sist to the utmost the claims of I lidayabrug papers •t hat Dom S. S. Blair has Southern part of the State, the Locofoco's gation agreed to release him for six months I about the same number a aI a bythe Peruvian Government, ns in the event entirely reeoVered • frOOI his late illness. of members of the honorable negotiation this should not etronghold--approprintely called Egypt— and continue Is salary to his family, of IVarthey intend currying out the con- I Roman " • Catholic Societies. be an exception. Ile re affirms his for a little over seven hundred ignorant a mt . ' Six hundred coal miners mounted on met opinions in favor of specific duties e 'l superstitious Irish and . equally illiterate ' 0 - ) 1 Government. lir li, 00it . c i lbi t , mules, and with wogons, were a novel and .11 certain articles, and submits the whole and degraded d escendants tit Southern em- : . • ! On the 12 Ott, Congress was installed . peculiar looking feature in the proces. tariff question to Congress-. He calls fawn • igranm, have a voice in the election of Le- ' - i i with the usual pomp; but with a Silence Th • td • ' ' km ' gislators equal to a thousand intelligent I .9n linpottant Feature. e glut a. . . tion to the Pacific Railroad, and refers to from the populace that promises a tempest I g li ne h The m ili t a ry i n t h e ne numbered a- the Overland Mails as showit and good men in the Northern districts, mind which exists for its graduates , and ' p the practi hemafter. bout five bandied. and made a fine appear ability of the route. Among other sub whe're tl • rightsand interests Of f taborthe high salar,es which they command are ' Itfree - • On the 23d, Castilla was pronounced are tinclerstood and ap'preciated- hi a pre • the best possible guarentees of the practi• : ante. - 1 jects' he reiterates the recommendation to l Pr es ident, and on the 2lth the Represen. Sidentinl eieCtion 'this :rat.] upon tutors ec- cat auti lessiness value of :those where the '. During the progress a the procession 'establish a 'Perritorial government for Ari- I tat .., , • ~ . , . , Ives Met ie full session to render horn. I iive franchise '‘,.. II) m t avail the au of Iron. City • recommends,—Hoofs Me, the bells were rung throughout •the city, 1 Outs - I . ' age to .01:113dots. l and much enthusiasm was displayer! every I it ; stud the State will cast her vote against , chasis' Maga= toe., POLIVICAE INTEI 4 . I4GENCE D u .the 2.lst the congress ',eased, law , . : whore, There varlet's presentations! Dnughiso'r any other Ise:0(os° that iney be ' ; . The School Visitor. ' of.wreaths•and flags:sr-different points author zing the Executive to raise an ar plaCed on ' the Cincinnati Platform and the ' F„„.„,-, e t ,,,„ : - . my' of 13;000: Men, to Supply fund,' for Dri'ia . s,....z. i ! ecwonil,.! ~,ie p.e.claiiiiiii, g ' • We. bare To Hai, e ~I :he eery ics, wit ich wee, to organize the National Guards - ' free tl'Ade trial' all nations 'the other de• ' should entitle us to receive the tl'isib-,-..15.4 throughout the county, and to declare war glaring thug...the COnstitutiim 'of: the Uni g ; ( A ga i n "The Student and Schoolniats," gainer Ecuador. ted Steles protects Slavery to the Perth°. ' "Li tt l e re gr ,,,,, ,, &c.. for just such good 0404, 4, 0 1 .'hd.aii 4.11.. 4 1410.iti...* the right offices es ,ii: he cc rt• 47 tt c red the ViNitor, i ''. "P.M e ti ° • -c-1101, ' d 'a o .' l ll o 'MU aPP I .I , far 1 and . ive thnil: it a E -,,,,,1 papa , dithlgey , •i4tdwisaio* 04 . . SLAW , ! . illin. , 4 , will never ` we mean to caeoutage it. Please solid ,it,a, ,„, sustain either: doctrins, of tree trnlie or sin- long. . . . . . orery,exe‘nsion. The Republican:column • ...- Review. -Kennedy's Review for De , 'game toots 'p .six Eastern States and New York 76 electoral votes, and Ohi.:, Iddia- ; cerobegisnow before us, This is one of ....-:, ne, s lllinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minns-! the hest and Most reliable Detectors now - seta. nod lowa 66 more, making an aggre. I, published. It can, bo Mut for $1 a year, ~. gate of 1425-only 9 less than a majority and everybody should have it now when of the electoral vote of the Union—all -so many. counterfeit and spurious noweare these absolutely certain to gc for the Re- , in circulation. . PubliCane its 1860.' Nothing can seriously . 9tnerican digrieuitariat.—This is the affect this vote except a departure from the last number of Vol. 17. The character of platfor:n of 1856, and that is a danger this publication has already gained the con• which need cause no apprehension to the :, fidence of the Agricultural public wharev : /viands of free' White labor ; - ncr hope to !er it has emulated, ar.d will soon be in the the base worshippers of owe, slave la- hands of every farmer. The first number bor. ' of Vol. 18:-will ccanrneuce in January, • • Every trueußepublican stands 'pledged to : 1859. Price .1 per SIICUILI. . . -do battle fbrthe honer and interest] of God's : .. ......---...,.......----, -.--- noblemea, the FREE LABORERS of the , Peterson's Magazine, The Tatitiary land, till victory - erciwns • hissefforts and ' number-of this sterling Megezine us again saves his race from the deg rading compe- , before us, greatly:unproved, and he autho. tition and coMpan.onship of slave labor. rises us to offer hie Magazine with our ' :Thb Standard of freedom cannot therefore, I Journal fot• $2,75 per annum. Now is . . 1 .. . be Irneeted irs , any of '' the • Republican !the time to subscribe, : : • : . [From the Associated Press. States. They are, • thank 'God, as firmly •! Abstracts); the Presidents Message. branded it the cause of liberty as the I LADY'S Boolt.—The January number . , South is to Slavery, And no surer will the lof this valuable Magazine is again in view. Washington 'Dee. 6—The President. in fifteen slave-breeding, woman-whipping, lltis a valuable- r.umber and we have no his annual Message opens ,by congrutula• babe-telling States support the LeeOlocos, i doutt but it will continue so through the ling the country on the 'contrast of the ag• •than -the-States we have named will up- I year. Three steel Engravings, one of itation which existed in Kansaa.a y.earstgo ' hold the hatilii and in - Wrests of the free i them gelored ; Sixty Engravings; Fifty- with the peace and quiet which now pee. State, which. understood. is the honor and I MIP" Article' ; ono hundred pages Read. veils. He refers to the,Lecornpson Con interests of the whole Union. The Loco- ' tag, and Eleven full length figures ofi stitution and re-affirms his position on that foes Slave States cast 170 votes in the fashion , __ _—^ ! ---- subject and thinks that if Kansas bad ....- Electoral College. They will, of course, lAttempt to Kill. I been admitted with that constitution the be unanimous for the party that fawns gtOn Wednesday night last, at ahem 8/ seine quiet would have keen secured at an their feet, and is ever ready to sacrifice t h e earlier day. !Being perfectly willing tie o'clock, at Gloucester City, N. 3. an at , North and West to please its Southern I acquiesce in any other constitutional mode tempt wits made upon the life of H. E. masters. California may be carried in the 1 West, :Esq., Superintendent of the Wash. - of settlement, he signed 31r. English's bill same direction by the influences that con . ,ington Company's cotton mill, Some cow- i and probably when Kansas again appears trolled its vote in '66. Allowing the ene- I aro, scoundrel had faatened a loaded pia - for admission she trill have the population my the four Yates of California. they must I •tol io a Iraine-work and hung it upon the I required by that bill. •He goes at length again deceive twice betrayed, thrice haul- 1 : gate-post in front of Mr. West's residence ; •no the subject and recommends the pas ted Pennsylvania, or suffer long merited . and so arranged it that the opening of the -sage of a general law, so that no new State defeat. Can the' growing intelligence of ' : gate would fire oft the pistol, with nit aim s hould be admitted unless she has a pope the old Keystone be again imposed on ? lation sufficeut to entitle Slim to one Rem 'at the heart of the person -who 'meta Are the shameless frauds of '44 and '5O ' spring the trap. It so ha ' seatatlae. happened that two lle congratulates Congress on the set forgotten? Does the Locofoco battle cry, i' ladies. mother and daughter, passed in in- I dement of' the Utah affairs without the of ", Polk, Dallas and the Tariff of '42 ;" or I I stead of Mr. West. The daughter stooped I fusion of blood. He compliments the offi that other more recentfaleehoed 'Buchanan and Free Kansas,. es l onger swell the Ito gush the gate open, and as it opened the i curs of the army there and expresses sat and of the honest betrayed voters of I pistol wont off, the ball passing just across i olfaction with the • couree of Gov. Cum this State ? And if Buchanan deceived the bock of her bead, and lodging in the ' ming and honorably mentions Col. Lane. them who, of his party, can be trusted ? ' opposite post. The ball also passed imme- H en furs to the importance of the trea- Will the people who uttered their indignant ' tliately in ,from of the mother, and the ties recently negotiated with China and rebuke of Locofoco treachery last October I powder fleshed - in her face and scorched a. Japan, and thinks the result in the former .be again either seduced or driven into the :'Phis is the fourth attempt of the kind and casejustified our neutral policy. He congratulates the country on the - embraces of the traitor 1 We think not. 'as yet there is 110 Clime is Use perpetrator. well.. faith in ,h. people of, thw State . mr, w eat is a most catu . nable gentleman i abandonment of the right of search by Great Britain, and in reference to - Central ,They are emPhaucantl- s steadfast Pearls r , mid is univeall ' i • ygespected. emend' nnys that negotiation, are still THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, • 'ftfrti.,' reading public will be g!ad to •learn , that the story. entitled ;.The Minister's Wooing etitunninceil in the Arlantic! Monthly for December. is the Imagining of a serial nov el,frouz,ilhopen. o kforriot il,ociwr Stowe: itod-tbst , perilous of it will appear.i. frOnt month to month until it is completed 'rim story is marked' y- all the ,character" • istics of !style ani.! spirit which have made tite authors farmer works so famous. The. scene is laid in New England iinrnediate. ly after the Revolution,—the period when all was most simple, quiet and peculiar in character and manner, was in full force. I ,It was the era before r-ilroads steamships, lightning presses, fashionable 'churches, and faShionable ciergyuien,—in short, the good old limes of which the present gen eration have so often heard. We look forward to see a masterly portrait of Pn win life sketched in this romance. How. ! ever, it is not necessary to do More than_ to announce Ike fact; an author whose name and works are known in more. than thirty languages, and whose two novels have reached a sale cif more than eight hundred thousand volumes in this country alone; will not surely want for readers. We shall look for the coining numbers of "The Min ister's Wooing" with great interest. The Legislature at Andiana .has decided by conclusive majorities in either House that the pretented election two years ago? Messrs. Bright and Fitch to the U. S. Sei t te, was a fraud and a nullity, and that those gentlemen are u- t Senators Irvin In. underhand that I the Hop. Henry S.,Lane (Republican) and the . Hon.. John G. Davis ,(Anti-Li,ecompion Deamcrat),will be chosen. Mr. Lane was in Congress (the House) several years ago cirri held 'O ) high rank there. Mr. Davis the present Member froin the 'firrd Haute District, reelected to the next House by a very large majority. We do not yet hear what Messrs. Bright and Fitch will do in the premises, but presume they will 'try to hold on. In that case, an exciting contest is inevitable: —We notice by our exchanges that President Buchanan has appointed the no talons "bruiser," William Eh Rankin, of Philadelphia, to the Register ship of the Land Office at Olimpia, Washington Ter iitory. He is. tbe ['resident of the Key stone Club—nu associatit u somewhat sun- . filar, to the Empire Club m,i t Qpt. Rynders 7 —made up of bruisers and strikera•amit li'h9yS, and besides being of donbtful char, Boer, imself,,he is entirely destitute of the qurtlificAtons retiaisite for tie faithful discharge of the official trust which has , been committed to his hands. Some of the Democratir,papers speck of the Beim tion as the most dtsgraceful•that could have been made. —lnformation has reached Washington in such a form as to place the fact bevan d question that a large number of Mexicans residing in Sonora' have entered into a league to rovolutionize the State with a view to its annexation to the United Sta. —Senator Sumner, who, has been an. I snouted, feels sufficiently restored to re- I some his Senatorial heat at the opening of the coming session, has• engaged rooms in • Washington, at the quarters occupied by him at the time of the Brook's assault. —Gen. Keim, the Tariff candida.e for Congress In Berko county, has been elec ted by at least four hundred majority over the Democratic nominee. Old Buck will have to find a place for another mart 3 r. is there no foreign mission vacant ? --The Chicago Times states that Mr. Douglas has left that city for New Orleans I ho will return again to Chicago before ge -1 to Washington, whore he will probably not arrive before the latter part of Decent her. —Gov, Banks, of Mass., in reported to have said that he is not a candidate for the Presidency in 1680, and that his pref. trenee is for the old ticket of Ereemont and Dayton. —Hon. Neal Dow bee been elected in k'ortlrtnil a repre,entatire to the leginlature The Vote of Illinois. and shows the following result. For Tree. surer, Miller, (Rep.) received 125,430; Ferley, (Doug, Dem.) 121,009; Dougher ty, (Adm. Dem.) 5.071; giving Miller a , , . majority over Fondey of 3,821. The ag. To the Stockholders of the Sherman's ffreatte vote of nine Congressionul districts I Valley and Broad Top Bail Road . is, Republiean 125,608 ; Douglas Dens. - Notice. is hereby given, that an Election will 122,179; Administration 3,109. making El ' kir' We admire the Inffiei beeitaise of their I be iiiiM at the bo ,of Mrs. Gray, in New Ger total of 251,956, and giving a Bepublican beauty, respect them because of their virtueS,•••tartiitown, Per4 " ZilUtY; 6n••• Ma - Nifty, the 10th lurality of 3 489. The total - vote of the . p . , .. adore them hevatiki lit' ilieir intelligence, and Any. of January, A. D. 180, between the hour. 1 Company. State . in .1550,, for President, compared i " c ' e • • bnel •twelve Directors, at uni.l Company, to ; .; . with that of 1858, for Treasurer, is as fol. o rer Good Advice i . - serve for one year from th4t ilmv. di.. been... we can't help O. _, of 10 A. M. and 6P. M., to (beet President Buts, when you court, yon almuld deport , By Older of th e Board. lows :• i•ourselves •vith circumspection; ' 0. W. (PEER, See'v'. - . 1856. 1858. 1 teis a sin to seek to win Office of S. V. •J& B. 'P. R. 11 1 . Fremont, 96,180 I Miller, 125,430 ; And trifle with affection. Warm Spring., Nov. 26. ; • .11,, Buchanan, 105,344 I Fondey, 121,609 1 _ , I ,' f P E S.—Collectors of Stock, Sy, 'tinier of the Fillmore, 37,451 Dougherty, S • Q" day night O r t;:s7W r e r eZ ' w t lficit h' d " :;. ' t ' r . o "' "" Mu" - Board, were instructed ici Vita, iii.the hands of -- 7 I 'Fowl, 238,915 i yed a large 254,110., house belonginga Justice a the Peace, fee Collection, alter the to the Cumbria Iron Cumi'. 17th of December, 1,858, all arrearages fur ;lu ny, and occupied by four families. It is art •0" ino l , l / . 11Ootoe"*.a1 A 1.. ' .. t:',:' Thh shows an increase: in the total vole known how the fire orriginated. Lott a lleuit ! 1) "' 8 ' 6 " - of- 13,145, and a Republican increase of $2,500. Mo i0.0.n000. 28,250. It appears from these figures - . ' ~9 . 1/IPII4II IT ` SALE. lltittlifiel devidiartffeilai eff eed vote of vial- We rather guess that but, few printers ,' .'..p , . •- I '...1 1 1 ‘''.. t or' . th a t • i• ER, deceased. .• a, r. I aviii„.• nothing on hand whe . reett to be thatik. , • ... ~.. By virtue.of an order ofthe Orphans' Court the State 'tiring tlie.,Rept4Mans and De. .: er n in a moo d t hi s Year t° "" 1 . rn 11 "" 1 " --, ••,.. ,- t 'de ' , --44.--a.....if „tit Itiocrats; allowing about Miff to each party, fail, Woes it ho a puchet-lull of—unpaid of Huntingdon cola - 14 , 440re. vrifilte exposed and uniting the Douglas and the Adminis• printing bills. . That's our case.. at Piablio Sale in Cassoillts 'on ,Saturday the iriiiiiiit''vete, - il FtilinoiteNtote of 1850 was I let day of. Jairitary,.lBsl, ..••••,,,,C kir The Johnstown Echo notices the a given in the proportion of about two•thirds I oar., of ,ox , oz , woooio i ~ . „P• AT WA e ol l ,!t i r• pp D to one-thild to the. Republicans and Demo- , P 9- ''' . ill tii. Pm., ." i eituataie Cam foWn Alp, a pinhtglarnie a Pe . Atop stime t whose actions denoted hair the same ter turfman, George ; W...Speer' and other.; crate respectively. 1n this- why the gain we :locked some time since. She bliottld be 1 containing about 202 acies ,atite allowance— f Ot c nenl , O. r th ere p tams to accounted for. ' looked alter by'her friiii;ilS, if she hits any. 1 (!art of which in cleared, and the balance well It is evident moreover, that the vote of the ~,,,„, 8 .,,,,,, ed ifee ,,. .. . , ~ ,,,V .44 4n APrV•I V' -" e.t ;C: ~ --,w , ,ty— 1 here has been a'; the. bilking Collelfit or. law, Stone Dweb Stets is very chne, as between the Repub. protracted meeting going on in the Methodist ling House, and ••... tt` ..:i . ..ce licans and Coiled DmecratiC party. , Episcopal Church of this ; place ; which coin. a t kv-Irsi P.)..* Gen. Willitrin — Ht Kelm, just elec- ! rnenced on last Saturday ' night, and is still in , TERMS O .s,:'l ti',-04:trurd of the par ted from Old Berko to lake the seat in the 1 succ es sful progress — nineti good boo been done chore nionnYtt9-10 Raid otmonfirwoution of sale I and we hope that trviell inure iney yet lie ne. at the January Court following and the reg. present Congress vacated by the resigns- due in two espin,l aanuitVpasioemit, with inter complished. ' lion of Hon. I. Glancy Jones, is a veter.. est, to be seoared by the ,Boor,le end Murtgitga en Whig, the head of the Whig family of Sea , The seut,ttf itife.--31. Brown Sequara, or I , he pargbaser..D. ; c 1.,..k It KSON trustee. in a recent lecture before the ROyal Culledge.of lussville, Dee. 8, 5i}..-at. Keims—the other being Democratic. He Physicians and Surgeons London stated that . rat i TCOrloICM was , a candidate against Jones in '54 and „' f . ooo , .. . ' . . ' . pot In the brain, nut larger than LT v ,, 1 I o v t hat Samuel ran him closer than men of his politics are the head of pin, which if inerely"totieltsd by a -171 " I,. i'' . Glasgo w l'el ittd ) : i o n i I , b r f7l l dfi tj . s t ipend .etas apt to run in that district: - Gen Kelm is foreign hotly, produCes death as instantane, of hard, purporting to be given '4l , :nie to him the first Member ever elected, we believe, sus as if the individual had bead Article by and l ' aviu gr n n yu r gren said Glasg ow a We ' • or Rotes of hand, or evidences o debt of any from Old Berke in Opposition to whatever lightning, kiml, or any amount, or received ialue or con• was for the time labelled "Democratic"!— stir A wide.a.wlthe lady—A lady was de- . sideration from ;din : I 'meaty forewarn all The Tariff question appears to have meted, akw says since, pocketing a package l i t i e o r t r s n o s r fr e oz e tv e i s ng o a t ni e tti t ng to d purporting i wi t h A r e revolutionized the Gibraltar of Sham De. of gloves in a store in Cincinnati. When given by me to said Glasgow, a s twill not mocracy. ' charged with the theft, she burst into tear s , pay them 11111688 compelled by law. Tun Buchanan' ri'cile — t iu . dhicago was and tendered a 520 "An i. payment. Th..3., 7 • , . JOAN BREWSTER. .....: 1 Shirleyaburg, Deo. 8, '58.--3t. chant took but five dollars std gave her Zip only voted by thirty voters beside the fed. - in change. On countii, the cash at night , siciploao T .... ., ~,mp. 4. akav, seal altpoiritees: and of these five were . $2O bill was found mi.:a noun ' " ' ' ——— - Unfelt. - Phan- ! In pursuance of an Onlinauce passed by themselves on the ticket. The Illinoislcy die phelinks" of that stofe•keeper. ! the Burgess and Towri Council of th e bor. Democrats have more patriotism and more , . ouh of Huntindon, the 3d day of Decent. I flee Well friend MoPike, probape the fi ery ! be e 1858 will b •ed b the iodependanca than limit. brethren here,l covering ' . . , i proposa l s . 1 o ram , ' Y of your cranium had something to do . undersigned up to 12 o'clock M. on Saturday most of whom will stand by Buchanan as wlth•thit illumination spoken of, nevertheless , ! the 25th day of December instant, to loan to long as an atom of pap remains in his the profile beneath it wore such an agreeable , said borough, th e sum of one thosand dollar.. hamls for distribution. expression that we m i s t oo k the cause. It will Re deemable on the first day of January, 1860 ' attd to hear interest ' •' not exceeding six pet RUPTURE IN THE CARINIM—There in a pool. .afford us pleasure to sample the "subetancials" ' cent per annum, payable serni.annually on live disagreement in the Cabinet, in conse. you Kom i., a t au. ear l y . da y. We are glad to the first days of January and July. To se quence of which Secretary Cobb will rersign. •• „ s „„ could ; cure which certificates will be hated for know that you don't "eat yourself,” The disagreement comes of difference of opin• amounts not exceeding_ one hundred dollars ion on the tariff. Cobb will go to England. not find in our heart to detract from your di' each. JOHN WITITTAICER, 1 have the highest authority for this. B. R. mensions, cannibalistically. Dee. 8, '58.-.3t Olitof Atrr,^r. Venrii ‘fetts. A ehile.samang ye takin notes And hith he'll Arent it. I{'e/—'the wenther. tie. Sin has a great ninny took lint a lie ie the handle which ins them all. • .1 A'ttiSaitee.-- -The gathering of some of our young gents at the church door after pr.• ching—there ought to be a stop put to it. Fancy—The buildings Of Messrs. T. 11. Crc• mer and R. Allison Miller. They greatly en hance the . appearance of the lower end or our borough Atir• Would be quite an improvement— a new pavement !rem the corner of Montgon, ery and Bath streeta, op to the Methodist church. ley' Crowded— l'he Metropolitan with buy, era last evening, and our dike with job work all the titne—People know •chore to get their money back. gisr' The Real Ebtate of Robert Speer, deed. will be exposed to public sale in Cass. villa on January lst, '59. Sae Advertisement in a n other column. I.,okilig girl fr.on the country actually *Ott into a cooper "hop in town recently, and innocently ask, d what rus charged ru, !w, pi frock* Lit Psi, with (taw—The. town Comma met on last Saturday night, and passed no ordi. dance to erect lampposts at the corners, t he purpose of lighting up our streets. . BerA lady friend of ours says the kg time she was kissed she felt like is big tub of roses swimming in honey cologne, nut megs and cranberries. She also felt as if something was running through her nerves on feet of dinmonds, escorted by angels, Ishaded by honeysuckles; and the whole spread with inched rainbows. Jerusalem ! what pourer there is in a full breasted kiss - A paper nut West hats for its mot to, "good will to nil who pay promptly. Devoted to no'. fun. and making money. n~~l:<<rt•i~c~. 1,11 Thursday, Nov. I I, by Rev. S. If. Mr.. 11, If N IV MIER. of Shippensht . trg, Pa 1,, 'Mks ANNIE RNYDEII, of this SPECIAL NOTICES. There is no medicine now oftered to the public that meets with so great success ite relieving pain and soreness, as DUVAL.6 GALVANIC OIL. IL relieves all pail' in from ten to thirty minutes. iIAIO licsToßsTm.-- We are pleased, to he able to record the satisfaction' of our patrons, after trial nt not article advecised in our columns. We hare the, sotisfacti.ti to know several nt our renders who hare tried Professor Woad's Hair Restorative, that were Gray, and now their hair is res tored to Its original color, and the w . n tingly add their testimony to its eflirni,y. This spanks well (or the nettle, and ne advise ell ahn do not swish to appeor gray headed to use Wno.Ps Restorative., OAITION - —l3 Avare sf worthless iutita• Lions, as several are already in the nutrket called by difler nt name tile none us, less the words (l'rolt•ssor IVbn d 's• Restorative, Depot St, Lottis..llo , and New York.) are blown in the bottle, Sold. by rill Druggists and patent Medicine Dealers. Also by. all Fancy anti Dille goods dealers in the United,. States ands Danadas. Positively the mass • u, nderlui thing discovered In the ninriee tali centu ry is Professor WOOD'S HAIR RES*I 0- liA*l I VE. It restores perfectly gray hair to its original color, mnkes it grow on tlio bald and will preserve ir perfectly. tm•ntiy, age, if only used by the . eomng twice a week Dandruff and disease cannot exist on the scalp Miele this is used.—..iee circuler and we defy doubt. AYEIt'S IMERIOAN Ar.NatrAc fm. 1858 is now ready for delivery gratis at John Reads, who is haypy to supply all that cal for.thetn. Every fondly should have and ' keep this book. wait, iifiviti q . Comprising much ge060 . 1 information of great value ; it gives the h'esvinstruction for the cure of prevalent„oomiituint,,, that we can get anywhere Its arre,tifi,tes alone a ie r a e l ' a v d o v n i l e l e a biasurshio'C'i of tVt;c it; iii d its t m sic n k d : 4,9l4a.Milaanxrnl. l a re r id mat,al. Elton ex. pre.,sly for this - latitude. and lire therefore correct. Cell and get Tan. Ayist's Almanac soil when gat keep it:. .0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers