NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. __• ORPHANS' COURT SALE. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' C ourt will be exposed to public sale on the pre.. Jses, On Saturday ISth of December, MS. next, at 12 o'clock, A. hi., the following des cribed ICZAS, NOVAILEE, late the property of Rowland Loomis, dec'd., situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon cone. thtowit : All that certain tract and parcel of hied being the mansion farm, bounded by lands of William Murray, and others, containing about one hundred and fitfty acres, about sixty acres cleared, with n fine lime. "'— stone quarry, three dwelling houses and other improvements thereon; ALSO—A certain tract of monntnin land, adjoining the land above described, lands of Aleantider MeAn inch and °theca. containing illiee hundred acres or tlyrsalvrt... ALSO—A certain otoor piece or parcel of timber hol, with n first rate Saw Mill thereon, Adjoining lands of John Atltinnon and others, containing twelity•two acres, or thereabouts. AND ALSO--A certain other piece and parcel of land bounded by lambi of William Murray and others, containing twenty acres or thereabouts. T E M S :—One.third of the purchase loon ey to bo paid on confirmation of Ito sale, and the residue in equal onnual payments, with in- terest from tho Inn of confirmation—to be se cored by the boas and mortgve of the pur chaser. A tlendancewill be riven by ,I.IIES KELLY Built Cabbies, 41,'38.-t.;. Fop, S E LE OR THE subsctiber will sell at private ,ale, aa elegant.housc, calculated f'sr a tar,ra stand or IL atom. The house stands on .'," a lot of one acre and a half, . ~, A which there is a grmd stable.- - -- It is well supplied with water. The shove property is in MeConnellstw, Huntingdon county. It will be sold at a great bargain. Further particulars will be given. by Benj. Ir. !Segall., on the premises, or GEORGE !FAWN. lIAVIIt HAWN. Juniata tp. Nov. 21, '58.-3t.* PUBLIC SALE. PUBLIC SALE OF TOWN LOT: , IN CiiE town . ot PATTERSON, Jtid:ll, commence on Monday D.lcomber ti, These Lots lira ClegaHtly situated and worthy the attention of all who desire n cheap h•mte.•rt.trsos (oppo,ito MIVFMN) N one of the most thriving tortes in our State. and being the elte of one of the Logo Mnehine Shops of the Pennsylvania Railrotal, (unlit!. V. damned for leiter of all kitaL is the time for Animus of elf doseriptiuns to secure a home in this rapidly growing town. N. B.—Terms will he made known on day of oah•. Payments will he made easy. For further information apply t) J. MIIMAGIT, Patterson, Juninta co., Po. Nov. 17,'58.-3t. HALLEPS MAGICAL PAIN EX'rRC TOR. Ilidlanintitat mom or to, -- dotitinutes—nt.w to allay intlanuttiot; strikes •A , ,1 at the root of all tlheases—hence not honetli- 1 1, 3 ate cure. ID si ALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRG i TOR t. ri and nothing e!ae, will alluviatlatuntion at once, c . ." and make a certain our, 1 Palley's Magical Pain Extraetor will onto the flillowing among a gloat cittithiAlut or disesses Hunts, Cams, Chubs, sure Nipples, Curtis, Btoduos, Bruisos, Bites, Poison, Chikeys, Coat, Swelling, Illicit nititisai, Seal Ilco 1, Stilt Idithiness, Krysidelas, Ringworm. Earliors hell, Small 'Alessi.: 11.11, Sc., &c. To soma it may appear iurrr luluns that so many diseases should he readied by cute art'. de ; such an idea will timid' when relleeiiiin points to the Net, that the salon is a slot, of ingredients, earl, and every ono apply ing a perlbct tintitodu to its neitate disorder. GALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR in its effects is magical, because the time is short between diseases and a permanent cure; and it IA 111 extractor, its it Ira vs all diseases out of the affected part., itig nature es Perfect as before the injury. It is Iteltri.tily ne• pessary to say that. no house, work-shop, or tmundatitory should lit, owe itioniciit o. I, limit it. No Pahl Extractor is box bas hits upon it a skyl with the name of Henry Dafloy, Mai.lifactu rer. For sale by nil the 1/I . liggist, an i patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Cansdas. Principal Depot, 163 ChamberS St., Now York, C. E. CHASE. John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, '58.—1 y.. HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? Win. A. ilateltelors flair Dye! The Original and Beat in the World ! All others are mere imitation, nod should be avoided, if you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR Dyed in coldly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have boor a warded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and i,er 80,000 applications have been made to Hair of Isis patrons of Isis famous Dye. WM. A. BA . ' CHELOR'S HAIR DYE pro- Antes a color not to be distinguished from to, tore, and is warranted not to injure in the l,isst however long it may be continued, nod the ill effects of Bad Dyes remedied ; the lit it in vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye. Made, st Id or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Whig Factory, 2:13 Broadway, Now York. Sold in all cities and towns of the lint ,ted States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. War The Genuine hasthe name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, X 3 Broadway, New York. John Read, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, '6B-Iy. 71 [ 1 W — WEIM --- Mlaito DATCHELORS WIGS AND TOUPEES I) surpass all. They aro elegant. light. easy and durable. Fitting to a charm—no torn op behind—no Arinking off the head ; indeed, this is the only Establishment where these things aro proper. ly understood and made. Nov. 17, '58,1y. 233 Broadway, N. Y. DOUGLABB & SIIERWOODS' Patent Ex tension Skirts, for salt only by FISHER & hicaivierett. A ntlphlogistie Salt. This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal Office. For all inflammatory diseases it is a certain cure. Get a box and try is, ye who arc afflicted. Ayer's Sarsaparilla •tonttund remedy, in which we have ta t,. prodttee the most effectual alterative ~n be made. It is a concentrated extract l'aa Sam:pa:ilia, so combined with other soh:on:ices of still greater alterative power as a:foril an eXesttive antidote for the diseases SerAaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who Ru'rer from Strumons co i n pt. a nda, an d th a t one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immcns•• Nerviest to this largo class of our aftcted fellow-cit izeas. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints:— SCROFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS, Enamors AND Etturcivr, DISEASES, ULCERS, POULIN, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD lIVAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC Al , • rue rioNA, MERCURIAL DISEASE, llnersr, NEI/- HALM-1 OIL Tic DOELHIERUE, Dantxtre, Dlfs- P3[1,1.1. AND INDIOESTION, ERYSIPELAS, ROSE ox Se. -I-NV[O3VA Pica, and indeed the whole class :If complaints taking from IMPURITY or Tut II LOOM T 1,13 exop,und will 1,3 found a great pro when taken in the spring, to the foui humnm which fettCr hi — the bh dat ti:at ,!. , aron of the year. By the titho • them many rankling disorders :he bud. Multitudes can, by t,!• , •! • !.anedy, tom themselves from tl, .!. , • ~t foul eruptialu and ulcerous • 1 the system will strive to t, • • :., ' if not ;misted to do e:l chamois of the hotly •• • . Cle4use out the : • ' coo find its impurities ,t,la in pimples, eruptions, ,Olen you nisi it is ob in the veins ; cleanse it ,•,i, :m at jeer feeling;: will tell u,. p..rticult.r dimirder e,,j‘t • • !id!, aud Hire , • • ' lieep the ;di lmt with this sit ortl,rech there cant he no :met. or later something 111 e p,•cat machinery of _ t. ..; • • (h-Prvcs much, the rermtatim, those ends. But thy world cgregiomly deceived by Pei:anti - um of it, partly became tho drug not Hll the virtue that it claimed for it, hat 111,0 because many preparations, hy La:me:Armed extracts of it, "the virtue of Sarsaparilla, i.riten:::,. o: nay thing eLe late years the public here been mit , icd I;y!,rge bottles, pretending to given quart cf lixtraet ef fltmsnparilla for one duller. Most of these have boon frauds upon the rick, for they n..t ouly contain little, if Any, Sumnpa. rill!, tut uften no et:l.mi,, yroperticit whatev er. Ilettee, hittertend pniutnl dtsappointnitut f..n0n . c..1 the n,e r I the variouse!..trnelg rak:t.rnrilln which Ilerd the nnaket, until the name kali i,,histly c;Leph . :ll. end I.ns be: era, E,l.,,nymct, with 1..1,t sithat .!.(1 cheat. Nee call this cempon.d Parrepnrilla, r.nd inteml to swoly such a remedy es ,11.11 mew. the fr,,to the tend of ohleciny re,ta . . upon it. And NVU thia grog: ct li.r I.,!ii . .iitg it I.iis vii toes whitli ore irre,ittitle ty the orilitiary run of the cliscafceit iA it,towl ed to core. Jo c.rder to Kt, el e ihcir c 1,1 let° cr,tlirntita ficin the sybtilo, (IT ri•oti•dy A1%4.11 he jti(r.cictirly t; to ilirietioo.: en the liGttle. DR. .T. C. A. *'EE ez. CO LOWELL, :VT ASsz. Price, 62 per Bottle t'llts . Bottles for tttl. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Irnn for ir.nlf m+ n mown fnr the corn f Nil ft..", it bits I el II en. iI 11. , long Lion in noloit..t Übe 0.711n0t It i 4 1; : l . 11,4111 . 4. II tl.t• ! rople towlity ik kept up ID 010 lest et 1.. ott. 1111.1 that it mny he taut ou to• rr their rt HO' all it limn yvoz been Alumd to do. iyc.r's Cathartic Pills, Fen ^7,1 or join, !WY?, di., I 1 • • "so r, . I Is, Goa , Itreilf/1”, 118 a , for y the . I.Putttl. nnted, so flint the most renoi- • •!• 11, plermntly, roil they are the •1;; ; ; • ;he world fur ;11 the yurpesco of a Hi 2.5 cents per Bor . , 5 Tones for $l.OO. rnt loonl.;,rs of eleroyinvi, I hysielans, States -1.11 ; hove kot their •;; to CI i ;Lollop:m:10 '; ;1 use ofl, :ess a t h e " divs, 1 our tree here t ill cotvomit the tion of them. The Agc:, 1; low n,oti for ;;intis our As: cl; le % s J , 11. in t, hit h they "en; w th Hso full descriptions of the above Initr. x. mat the Mallow. 014 should Le fel -1 for n.t A I pm 01 by 111110.111Cipled rirniate N 1 ith .!... 1.0 LI . 4 .1, op) . ! r.:. ~ ' ir, nro kr ictle 1.. Jnit REA ii, AgTlit. Huntingdon, P.t. Nov. 10, 1838.--ly. STRAY STEER. na ... Came to the plantation (1 r the subscriber, living in West top., . ''',,,P , ,, about the first of August a brio. e r ,,, , ,, f , die Steer, with the left enrol!'.--n» - - 4 11 - 1 The poner will please to come rerward, prove priiperty, pay chnrifes, and take hint away, nth. neater he will be disposed of according to law. DAVID WEIGHT. West tp., Nov. 10, '58.4t,* MOVER a BAKER'S 101 46101. 41 ‘(Sifk k. =44411114 ' 4A, DAs. C3E31D731366. Price $5O. WM...BREWSTER Agent for Huntingdon county, Po. Call at the "Journal ' and son the Machine. These Machine. sew from two spools, and form a seam of unequaled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will NOT rip, even if eve• ry fourth stitch be cut. They are unquostion• ably the best in the market for family use. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Grover & Baker's is the best.—Amer. .Agrieul. To all el which the Tribune says amen.—N. Tribune. It is all that it claims to be.--N. Indepentl7. It finishes its own work; others do not.—Home Jame. We givo it the preferenee.—American Baptist. Adapted for woolens, linen or cotton.—Amer. Medical Monthly. We like Grover & Baker's hest.—ladies' Wreath. Which is the best?" Grover & Baker's.—N 3. Dispatch. SuperiOr to ell others.—N. Y. Mercury. We have no hesitation in recommending it.— N. E Express. It reydires no re•epoolipg.—N. Y. Evange For family use they are unrivaled.—N. r.Dcti• ly News. They sow a seam that will not rip.—N. Cow rier. It performs nobly sod expeditiously.—N. T Examiner. Remarkable for the elasticity of scam.—Pefice Gazette. Well adapted to all kinds of family sewing.— N. Y. Observer, limit adapted far family use.—Y. V, Day Book We do not hesitate to recommend it.—N. I Chronicle. It sews strongly and does not rip.—Life Must. The prince of Inventions.—Protestant Church. man. It is woman's best friend. N. Y. Weekly News. We give our preference to Grover & Baker's. Student. The most blessed invention of modern times.— Mother's Magazine. • • It make.; a pleasure of a toil.—N. E.a. Pod. The favorite for family use.—llroaNyn Wo might appreciate their valve.—American . . . . . Its grout merit is In its peculiar stitch.—Fami hi Circle. *e attest its simplicity and dumbility.—Na timmt :Magazine. Admitted to be the best extant.— 17rginfa Aug. Is ant liable to get oat of repair.—rergannes Citkrn. Is adapted to all home requirements.—Boner &quirt., A very pretty piece of furniture.—Mitairis Un- Sews with a tortp•scamstress power.—Rockland Gazette. ;Cothing emi be mr.tro perfeet.,---Southbridge Press. The most ingenious and usdul,—Nantueket Mirror. llu3 cMainol deserved retebrity.—Salem Üb. 80,13, The best in the marlmt.—Chicopee Journal. It does not got out of repair.—Cape Cod Ad. vorate. So,a sill: or cotton Gann ordinary spool:L-1ra. re' Lill Gazette. The •wort: it does will cot rip.—Amesburg lager. Are rmperiur to oil others.—liinAam Journal. A moot admirable invention.—Boston Courier. They arc enjoying universal favor.—N. 0. Picayune. . Snperi,r ro any now 111:11Illfactured.—N. 0. Dcl• to. Will do more work than a dozen Lamb.— Washington I:nion. ft sews Zverytiling.-13.t0n Watchman, Ti e best of the'kind ever invented.—New 11.'011 livgister. Nuv. I 0,758, Hammonton Lands, NEW ENGLAND SETTLEIVIENT. 1L ILE OPPORTUNITY. TO AL 'WANTING FARMS INN a healthy place, twenty-five miles from Phil. -1- tele Iphia, WI the Camden Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An 011 estate has recently been opened Mr sale, and tit e first division of 10,000 items divided up into farms of twenty acres op. wards. The soil is of the Lest quality for the , production of finite, grains, Sr. The price is ' Si 5e020 I or acre, payable in cosy quarter yearly instalments, within a tern, of four years, With interest. The terms aro made easy, to order to IiVAHNICIK, CIIADWICK & HBO., incurs the rapid improvement of the Mud, by on aiding every industrious men to buy a farm. It (SUCCE9aOIIB TO NEMAN d: WARNICK.) is now being extensively improved by good roads Nolan-EAST CORNER OF SECOND at and some of the host citizens front New England RACE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. and the Middle States are erecting Mtge tmprove. Manufacturers of and Dealers Wholesale and 1. wants. It is a scene of the greatest improve- Retail in went out of Philadelphia. Seventy-five houses have been built in four months. Practical far . HEATERS, VENTILATORS, RANGES ) , le ers and business men from the length and AND STOVES. Ent breadth the Union are settling thorn. It is On ALSO, , Holmium business place, on account of its being m0w:;..,,;, — A,6 ''"'" ",--"., V . ery nisieli; McGregor's Celebrated Healers and ...htearibt: ' ''' • -..... . r 8" ~, (.....,_......., ,--- -- - • - The water is excellent, atm nu sm.mfAlt„Pittr 1,- , a i a a p t, b4 r at ~ 2- , l* -4. 1 . , : iy ' r. h k" , att.. ., : ::::', . ., sse i tt...,k, ver is known. 1 The soil is u sandy or clay lotus, with a clay COOK. AND PARLOR STOVES, ''''' bottom and retentive of manures. It is Ire° o ALSO, - !Age stones end it cesily worked sistin .It nbounds largely Queen's Patent Portable Forges. .. 0, in the phosplmtes, and such is its fertility that from the crops produced upon this held and the Nov. 3,',38.. class I 'ergo area adjoining under cultivatio, it will be —- - - . - - -pondi Mend ti to be exc•dled anywhere in the ermine- 13 LASTING POWDER AND SAPETY Luml 'ion of crops most :Memo' to its market. FUSE, for sale low, at the Hardware Stor PrtY . The reader mt• be well aware that the earliest „e JAS 4. BROWN. of A 1 and the host fruifs and vegetables comp from Now owner Jersey, •wideh aro annually exported to the tingdi amount of millions of dollars. The land, be sides being in every way acconsilde for fortilizers has an abundant supply of the hest , Indlity of muck manure. Lumber end building materials can be had on the slot at a cheap price, from the mills. O:her mill are now bring opened, and brick-yards Laing started on the ground. A person can put op 0 frame tenement for present convenience Mt one hundred dollars. On account of the extensive emigration, this is the best course to pursue in O der to get a place to live in et first. Carpentraf and buialers aro Oh hand to put up houses on the best terms. In settling here the emigrant has rimy cdval t.igcs. 11a in within a few bourn' elle of the grpap Bic Middle States and Now EllgtOll , l ho id near his old friendsand association, ; Iw fs in settled country, where every itaprevemmt and comfort of civilization is at hand ; eisln a heal thy place, and is not stildeet,to the certainty of losing the greater part of his family and: his own health by those malignant fever which Who the graves of so many millions of the young and hardy in far off reigons away from 'home and friends. Besides, he has a mild climate and an open wintar. There are throe trains daily to.Philatlelphia, and to all those who inat•reve the railroad com pany gives a lice ticket. The render will at once he struck with the ad vantages here presented, and ask himself why the property has not been taken up before. The rea son is, it was never thrown in the market ; and unless these statements were correct no one would be invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do. They will see the lend under cultivation ; they will meet persons, no doubt, from their own neighborhood ; they will witness the improvements, mind can judge of the character of' the population. Persons should come prepared to purchase, as many arc locating and locations are not hold on refusal. The Hammonton Farmer, n monthly Literary and Agricultural paper, containing full informa tion or Hammonton, will be sent to each inqui rer, and can ho obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, clear of all incumbrance; when purchase money in paid. Bottle to the land :—Leave Vino street wharf, Philadelphia. for Hammonton by railroad at 7i, A. M., and 5i Y. M; when there inquire tor Mr. Byrnes, Boarding conveniences wi.l be found. Letters and applications con be addressed to S. 11. COUGHLIN, 202 South FIFTH Street below Walnut. Philada. Maps and information cheerfully furnished. Aug. 25, 1859,-3m. CLEIRLIA TAB. Thin in a new and valuable itnprovpment, and is better. cheaper, smaller, lighter, more simple, requires less power, will chaff and clear grate and seeds more rapidly, and with Jim grealer economy, than any other Grain Fan in uso. Send fur a descriptive catalogue to Wm. 1., Boyer & Bros, Agricultural implement Fac tory, Philadelphia. Sept. 29th, 1859.—Cm.. 1AT.4.1TT311130 WHEAT AND — CORN wanted at this office. Those having either can dispose of the same by calling noon. B UCKS IN OLOVES MITTS Chen D. P. GWIN'S T ADIES COLLARS & UNDERSo NEVI 44 in great variety at the ghee" etereLf IL P. (MIN. 1 rIT_4INT - VV - C3PC)IJI 15 MALE AND FEMALE INSTITUTE. V. 11, WOODS, A. M., Prpeciptd. Professor of Languages and Philosophy. Mrs. P. T. WOODS, ltev. N. S. BUCKINGHAM, Evidences of Christianity and general Literature. ALFRED SHADE, M. D., Professor of linatomy, Physioloyy and Hygien, ALBERT OWEN, L,clurer on the Art of Teaching and Prices; Geography. D,lll. BUTTS, nacher in the English Department. Teacher o/ Marie and Drawing, 111 Hs A. S. NOBLE,. Monitor; This Institution, formerly an Academy for young gentlamen alotle, has been carried on see• cessfully for the last year as a mute and amide lustitale. It will in future he carried on as'a school for both sexes. Those completing the regular course of study pursued in the Institution will he entitled to Diptonsue. 0011MERCIAL DEPARTMENT. The course of study in this Department is such no to give thorough instruction in Single nun Double Entry Bookkeeping, Mercantile Calculations, Penmanship, Ste. Students can take up this branch of study either in connection with other studies, or devote their whole time to it alone. Each student receirev separate instruction. Tire Principal can assure parents and guardians that they cannot send too school where their children will be less exposed to temptation. No one will be received whose moral char- acter is bail ; immorality will be a sure cause fur dismissal. For further perticulars address W. 11. WOODS, SHALE Gar, Huntingdon county, Pa. 0ct.1:;,'38, 4t, PIIILADEL PHI A MARICETS. I Thick Darkness rovers the Earth. And Gross Darkness the people. *011:1179117 17, ItA And all Others, will take Notice! THAT they can supply themselves, in any quantities with Jones' Far Famed Patent NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE or COAL OIL LAMPS, Nov.lo, 1058. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $3 00(1 , 5 12 " Extra " " 5 25(w5 75 " family " 6 00(!!X 50 Rye Flour and Corn Meal 4 37 Whent--red, per bushel, 1 MT!) 20 White " 4 . I :12(f.1 $5 8 (" ! . 31 pounds Clover3eed $2.00 to . 212 $1 70 Timothi seed, Flax, per bushel INFORMATION. MBE subscriber thankful for past favors ree 1, peetfully tuforms his friends and the pub lic generally that lie is receiving at his new Store in Portstown, opposite the old Toll Bridge a splendid stock of Now Goods, whaih has been selected wit h great care, to suit purchasers.— The stock of Hardware. Quingsware, Boots. and Shoes, pits rind Caps, a satiety of Hume and Earthen ware. Fish Salt, Ceder-ware and in fact all articles heist in a country store. All of which will be sold livw fur cash. or country predate. eke us a call. SAMUEL GROVE, Nov. 3, 1858. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! SPLENDID GIFTS ! At 439 Cheninut St. 17anlg Oriutawl (10 IkAtk G. G. Event would inform his friends and the piddle that his Star Gift Welt Stare and rub. lisliing house is permanently eStablishAti its Brown's splendid Iron Building, 139 Chestnut st. two doors below Fifth, where the purchaser of eac h book, et the regular retail price. will re ceive one of she following gifts, valued a: from 25 costa to $100: Iref•do. 550 Potent niglisl,Lover Gold . Watellov, . $lO6 00 0401/. 550 Pawn Anchor Lover Gold Watches, 400 Dulics' Goll IVatches, 18k. cases, 35 . 00 1 , GOO Silver Hunting Watches, _ _ _ warranted, l5 DO 500 Parlor Timepieces. 10 00 w 000 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and fins, 10 00 500 Latins' Gold Bracelets, 5 00 to 12 00 " 500 Gents' Vest and Fob Chains, 10 00 44 1000 Gold Lockets (large size double case,) lO 00 " 2000 Gold Lockets, (small size,) 1 00 " 1000 Gold ruacil Cuses, with Gold Pens, 5 00 " 1000 Extra Gold Pons with casts and holders, 3 50 " 2500 Gold Pencils, (Ladies') 2 00 " n2500 Golil Pons, with Silver. Pe- cils, - • 250 2500 Ladies' Gal Pens, with Ca- SOS and Holders, 150 5500 C5OO Gld Rings, (Ladies,') 1 00 2000 Gents' Gold Ring, 2 50 " 2500 Ladies' Gold Brestpins, 2 50 " :tsoo Misses' Gold Biens . tpin . s, I 50 " :3000 Pocket Knives, 100 " 2000 Sets Goats' Gold Bosom Studs, 2 50 ‘' 2000 Sets Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons, 2 50 " 0000 Pairs of Ladies Ear Drops, 2 50 " 2000 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases, 5 00 " 15000 Ladies' Cameo, jet, or Mosaie Pins, 5 00 a 2500 Ladies' Shawl and Gibbon Pins, 5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, Rt., St., not enumerated iu the nbooo, worth from 00 cents to $25. Evans' new Catalogue, which is sent rico to all parts of the country, contains all the most popular books of the day, and the newest pub lications, all of which will ha sold as low as can be obtained at other stares. Agents wanted in every town in the Union.— Those desiring so to act, can obtain full panic atm by addressing the above. N. B.—Being largely interested in publish ing beaks, and buying front other publishers in immense quantities. fur cash % I, ant enabled to make larger discounts to Country Agents and Book Dealers than can be hod sat any other house in thp country. Any book published in the Unled States, the retail price of which is one dotter and upwards will be promptly sent, Gift included, on receipt of publisher? price. An extnt St Book anti Gift given to nny per son ordering ten books to be sees to one ad dress. Saud for a Catalogue. Address, G. G. EVANS, Puhfither , Aug. Slat, '58.-3in. 439 Chuatuut St. Pluto. At the Wholesale and Retail; HEAD QUAR. TENS, South SECOND Strout ? NU LA The odyphice where exclusive Agencip caq be obtained for the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Dehovare. These Lamps give a light eq.:111 in intensity Of flame, and similar in appearance to Gal ; and are claimed to be superior to all other portable lights, now in use. No fear of Explosion—No offensive odor.—No smoke.—Verr easily trim. med.—An easily regulated as a "Gas Light.— Cun be adapted to all purposes.—And better than all for a poor man,-50 per cent. cheaper than any other portable light, now in common use. Sou: AOENcY A.lBO, role ilinoprs Patent Rosin and Coal Oil Lamp. riarLainps, Oils, Wicks, Shades, and c article in the line. S. E. SOUTHLAN No. 38 South Second Street, Phi Sept.B,'sB.- To Lumbermen and Stock-rat FOR RENT FOR A TERM OF YEAI A valuab. •;aw and Lathing Mill, si on Mill Creek, six miles from the Penns) , lt Railroad, and the same distance from theP ,iylvania Canal, in Huntingdon county, 1 pear SOQ acres of timber land thereto attar , a great part of which is well covered with I rate saw timber, on which a small farm been opened, to which pan be adda4 a I amount of meadow, suitable for stock rai The range for cattle is the best iu the coi Invitkit.tappertt can be made one of best • Wialleiqtt Pu t iTTlTulu l o 1841 togethe't. Tlie . improvements 9ro new, com lig of a double geared saw-mill, moved by ver shot water-wheel, a lathing mill, a first Amuse and barn, and out buildings corres ling. The attention of Stock raisers, and berinen in particularly invited to this prop- Possession can be given on the first day ,pril next, cOll ?pen the undersigned r, at Lis residence, n the borough of Hun lon, Huntingdon county. J. OEO. MILES. tingdon Oct. 21st 1858.—tf. SELLING CLOTHING PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. .._ eo 1800. FALL. AND N W E I7TER UOODB. 1868, NI. Gutman & Co., Inform the public generally, that they have just received a large stuck of Pali and Winter Goode, consisting of COA rs VESTS, ['ANTS, &c., &c. Also, BOOTS, SHOES,• HATS, CAPS. His sled( of Clothing is of the latest fash ions, and manufactured of the best materials; and as they are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, the public will do well to give them a call and examine their stock. fizr''lloti't forget the place—Long's brick building, on the corner, 'Market square, Hun. tingdon. 0ct.13,'58 Green Willow Foundry. I'WOULD respectfully inform the public that I have commenced business at the above place, and will be ready to accomodate all who may want anything in my line of.busincss. I will have on hand or make to order Threshing Machines, and nll o.ber machinery that may be called ter. Castings of every description, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Plows, Hollow-ware, 3a.— All kinds of Turning, either wood or iron. and Blacksmithing will be done in the best pounce and on the most reasonable terms. Farmers and others wishing to purchase now mach inos trill find it to their advantage to give me a call. 411 kinds of Countly produce taken in exchange at market prices. PETER TIPPERY. Watentrect, Oct. 13, 1858.-Iy. )); , „ , S. Dl. PETTirNaiLL & CO.'S Adver• tisiug Agency, 119 Nassau St., New York, & 10 State St., Poston. S. M. Pettengill & Co. are the A;:ents for the "Jootwar," and the most influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. 'I hey are authorized to contract for ue at our !owes rat.. LArra Fos. SALE. The aubacriber offers at private sale a tract of laud situated about limilcs North cast of Mill Creek, and a mile from Lanes Mill, in this county, containing about' 120 acres, 40 acres of which is cleared, and tto balance in timber. The buildings consist of a now dwel ling house, not quite finished, a log Barn, 2 apple orchards, with Pear and Cherry trees, a spring of good limestone water, a permanent Limekiln, and a good quarry of Limestone.— Price 800. ALSO, Seven houses and lots situate at the old Tannery seat in Hill Valley—they will be offered very low, say for ono•half the cost. Inquire at the Journal 01lice or to the subscriber in shirleysbur,,, Oct. 6; '58.-3au. JOHN BREWSTER. FOUND AT LAS TS 1 1 ___ ___ The 'Way to Save Money! ! AND CIIILE NASD TIP/Dia! IS [0 BUY ALI. Rixos OF HARDWARE BUY ALL KINDR OF HARDWARE puy Al.:. KIRIN OF HARDWARE Fuss TAR. A. Brtoww. FROM .Ins. A. BROWN. FROM JAS. A. BROWN. AT CITY PRICE& This ARRIVAL. OF NEW GOODS, exceeds all others is importance. Ist. Reennseit supplies VIE PEOPLEwith indenpensoble articles and many useful inven tions, which can be found only in a HA RD IVA RE STORE. 2nd. The subscriber purchasing in large quantities from mennfacturers, is enabled to sell these goods from 20 to 100 per cent cheaper! IL.u,thay are roll by other merchants. His stock ineltulesa complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, CUTLERY, • OILS, PAINTS. VARNISHES. GLASS, STEEL IRON, • MEChANIC'S TOOLS, LIOLLOW-WABE, SADDLERY, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, MOROCCOES, LININGS &c. Together with tt full assortment of everything pertaining to his line of business. All orders receive prompt attention. JAMES A. BROWN. Ilunttngtion, Oct. Bth, 1858. PR. A. P. FIELDS lIESI'ECTItUf.LY informs the citizens of Cassvillu and surrounding vicinity, that he has again commenced the practice of Medicine, nod hopes, by devoting his whole attention to hit profcssion, to gain a good share of public favor. My char„,s will he very low. I re ceived two Dimilnins,' ono from the Mineral College, and 'one from the Eclectic College.— I will practice both Mineral and Vegetable.— Any person desiring to see my Diplomas, can, by calling at my office, half a mile from Cass- October 13, 1858.-3 m. IDON'T HEAD THIS! New Drug and Grocery Store. SAMUEL S. Mini, UM St., 5 doors west of the horse, Huntingjaah Dealers In Drugs, Chemicals, Dye 2:5 6 . Paints Vertu., es, Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcono . i, and Brandy of the best article for medical pur poses, Concentrated Lye for making Soap, Glass Putty Patent Medicines also Coffee, Tea Cho colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fish Salt Flour, Crikers, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisies- Tobacco, Cigars, Syrups of all kinds for sum, mer drinks, is a word every thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery Store, those who desire pure end Genuine articles Willi do well by giving us a call. Sept. 29, 1856.—1 y. THE GREAT PURIFER TuF, WORLD CIIALLENGED gay - To PRODUCE ITS TNUAL I gay. THE BLOOD SEARCHER Leers RS. aunts vnhia Penn. Wilk Ise -GLORIOUSLY TRIUMPHANT I Sworn statement of David McCreary, of Na pier Township, Bedford county. In April, 1856, as near as I can rememember a small pimple made its appearance on my up• per lip, which soon became enlarged and I used poultices of sorrel, and a wash of • • :urtber —"tail] be my run edi 4! • {LIUU.4 ;L,l iu .... ' ,ouliccil it CA .NCER, Li niid prescribeill; wash agar of lend and bread poultices. Finding e remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr. . Ter, of Davidsville, Somerset county, who pronounced the disease Cancer and vet internal and external remedies—the latter fisting principally of caustic; but all to no ose, as the disease continued spreading to the nose. I next used a preparation of tir , in the form of salve. This for a time Led the disease, let the inflammation soon aired. I next called upon Dr. Seeder of St. Clairsville, Bedford county, who also pronoun ced the disease to be Cancer, and applied a Salve said to be a never-failing remedy, but it had no Abet whatever in checking the spread of the sore. In December, of the alma year, the dis ease had eaten away n greater part of my upper lip, and had attacked the nose, when I went to Cincinnati where I consulted air. R. S. Newton of the Electic Medical College. He pronoun ced the disease "a cutaneous Cancer, superin duced by an inordinate use of mercury." He applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me inter nal remedies. My face healed tip, but the in flammation wise not thoroughly removed, In February, 1857, ho.pronouneed ma cured, and I left for home. In April the disease again 're turned, and so violent was the pain that I could not rest at night. Late in May I returned to Cincinnati. and again placed myself under the charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I remained until September, during which time he used every known remedy, and partly succeeded in checking the disease, but when I rat urned home there wore still three discharging ulcers upon my face. I continued using ITo wton's preparations, and also medicine that 1 got front 1)r. Ely, but the Cancer continued growing un til it had eaten off the left side of my nose, the greater portion of ray left cheek, and hail attack ed ins left eye, I had given up all hope &ev er being cured, since Dr. Ely said he could only give relief; but that a cure was impossible. In !Hard], 1858. I bought a bottle of "Blood Sear cher," lint I must confess I had no faith in it. I was very weak when I commenced taking it ; but I found that I gained strength day by day, and also that the ulcers commenced drying up. I continued, and when the third bottle Wes ta ken my face was healed as if by a miracle. I used a fourth bottle and j have been healthier since than I have }men for the last seven years. Altheugh my faro is sadly disfigured, I am still grateful to a benign Providence who has spared my life, and which has been done through the instrumentality of Lions 'Y's 13IDEOVED 131.001, SEA RC DAVID McCREARY checks incren Sworn and subscribed. this 31st day of Au gust, A. U. 1838, before me, ono of the Justices of the Peace in and for tho'Borough of Iloltiduye- burg, Blair county Pa. Witness— U J Jones. JOHN GODLEY. NEW EVIDENCE. Being nfflieted with a grevious Totter on the arms and Mee—after trying many remedies which utterly failed to cure--I was pursuadod by W. 111. Barns & Co. to try Limisev's Impro ved Blood Searcher • and now, six-wheks after finishing the 8 ewe/ bottle, pronounce myself cured. The totter broke out, something over a year ago, on the inside of my aims, extending front the elbows down to the wrists; also on my face, immediately round the mouth and chin, and con tined to be a perjime Written! to me yr:dill cored by Me. Blood Searcher. My arms, at times, wore almost useless, owing to the cracks and sores on them, liable to bleed at any time on the least exertion to lift or work, end sometimes su itchy that I could scarcely prevent tearing oft my limb. 1 have now been cured six weeks and feel it due to Mr. Lindoey, and to the pub lic generally, to make this statement, in hope that others like myself may be benelltted by using his valuable medicine. JANE .41 , VILSON, mark Sworn and subscribed before me, one of the Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this 28th day of July A. 1). HISS. AND hIchIASTER Aldermci, Hollidaysburg, Sept. J 2,68 lm. NEW GOODS!!! GREAT BARGAINS! -AT FISHER & MeMITRTRIB'S. t • _ rp IlEy love itist received a large and beau. tiful assortment offal! and wager rook which are mien fur inspeetion;and to Which the atteitti?p ot'elie public is directed. Their stock embraces every article that can be found in a well selecte4 atock of Dry Goode consisting of Black and Fancy Silks. French and English merinoe'S, Solidi 40 4aney all woo l Der,iinc'e, Mohair, Madenniti, Dantibi, an, and 'remise Cloths Scotch haids DeDairO Coburgs, Alpaceag,Mainline DeXatnes, Ging. hams, krPilf4 P! , lilliriDrillTantS, Fancy Prints &e. A beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Shawls, 'Albin Shells, Dents Traveling Shawls also Plain Merino, extra wide, in squares for Shawls. 'A large stock of Hid Gloves, Beaver Gaunt lets, Silk and woolen Do. Morino, Silk and Cashmere Gloves &c., a superior lot of mens Back Gloves and mils ' also Dress Trimmins g Frines, antiques, Ribbons Ladies Collars, llandkerchiefs, Hosiery Buttons, Floss, Sew icg Silk, extension skirts, Hoops of all kinds &c. ALSO:—Ticking, Osnalturg, blot. ,hod and unbleached muslin all prices ; Col .red and White Cambric,, Barred and swell Mullins, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, and many other articles which comprise the line of White and Domestte Goode. French Cloths, Black and Fancy eassimers. Sutinetts, Jeans Tweeds, Denims Blue, Drills Flannels, Linseys, Comforts, Blankets &c. lints, Caps, Bonnets of every variety and style. A good Sleek of Groceries, Hardware Queenswaro, Boots and Shoes, Wood and Willow wore. which will be sold cheap. We also cleat in Plaster, Halt, Fish and all kinds of Grain, and posses facilities in this branch of trade, unequalled by any. We de liver all packages or parcels or merchandise free of charge at the Depots of the Broad Top nial 'Penna. Hail Caste ONE ! Caste ALL, and be convinced that METROPOLITAN is the place to secure fashionable and desirable goods disposed ofat the lowest rates. Oct. 6. FISHER & MoMURTRIE. ~o, Iron (lily Commercial College. "—Tsnt•poit t - • CIIAMTEMEL. 1855. 300 StlltiCilk M7Cllu ' :;:: January IMO. MOW the largest and most thorougn 9" 1 " mercial School of the United States.— Young mom prepared tar actual duties of the Counting Room. J. C. SMITII, A. M. Prof. of Book-keep ing and Science of Accounts. A. T. DOLITIILITT, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. .7. A. Havonteg and I'. C. JENKINS, Teach ers of Book-keeping. A. COWLEY and W. A. MILLER, Profs. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK. KEEPING, As used in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC--RAPID BUSINESS WRITING—DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY— MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE— COMM TtCIAL LAW- Ara taught, and all other subjects necessary fcr the success and thorough education of a practical business mutt. 12 PRIINCESTATB. te2 l . 2 ole r eni n ms Z rittsbur k l fa r . i . ,I .2...9Ernandy e . e of the nerve astoni4hog,Aells. there NOT ENGR VED WORK. Important Information. Students enter at any time—No vacation— Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Gmdu• ' ales assisted in obtaining situations—Tuition for Tull Commercial course $35,00--Average time Bto 12 week—Board, $2.00 per week— Stationery, $O.O0 -entire cost, $OO.OO to $70.- 00. ffir Ministers' Sons roceivod at half price. I. or Card — Circular—Specimens of ljpsiness and Ornamental WI iting—inolose Iwo stamps and niltiresi P. W. JENKINS, Sept. 29, 1858.—1 y. Pittsburgh, Pa ALTOONA, Blair co., July ;44. J. D., Lewistown, Pa• Dear Sir —llfr. Wm. TI:RAU011, who has been suffering several years front rheumatism, got so ill that his friends and relatives were summoned M his death. I induced his friends to try the Virtue of your prepgration—they did so, as the last roi sort agd, to their astonishment aid joy, b e bp gen t o improve, got better and better, and now. so far an I imfttv, hp is a hale and stout lean, This is not the only case where the CiaLys4llo Ott. .has surpassed human expectations; In every case where I have recommended the Mt., Mutt; done what it promises to do. Send tis another s2o's worth. Yours truly, 11. LEIIER, Aug. 18,'53-Iy. `0a112,5a/i1112" WC)33 CON I N I ICMIL Premiums awarded the “JOURNAL" Of flee at the late County FAIR, for the best c.A.O , BLANN LNU FRINTINgq. having recently received front the Eastern Cities, a MCI POWER rates, and a large variety of the most iheltionable Priritin;i Material, which wakes it one of the must complete Printing Establishments in this section, Persons in want of any kind of PLAM work, cannot do better than favor us with their patronage. We lave facilities for eked. ting in a superior manner nay kind of PRINTING IN COLORS on the most reasonable terms. Those who may wish to obtain any style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accommodated at this establishment at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, . BILL MEADS, ROW BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, CONCERT BILLS, PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS,. will be tuinished promptly, o;l:muted in ha best style and at reasonable rates. gar Orders by express, mail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. RREWSTER. (I HOT, LEAD, CA PS, POWDER AND Ciauno•bags for sale at the Hardware Store of JAS A. BROWE.. Sept. C. '59.-4t. ~•~a~.