• 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHANS' C O OIIRT SALE. D ) Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court .1 will be exposed to public sale on the prem. On Saturday ISth of December, MS. next, at 12.o'cloek, A. M., the following de. cribed ItrAL ZOT E g lute the property of Rowland Loomis, dee'd., situate in Dublin township, Huntingdon coun• ty, to wit: All that certain tract and parcel of land being the 111.81011 farm, bounded by lands of William Murray, and others, containing about one hundred AA:. . and tufty acres, about sixty ich' acres cleared, with a tine lime stone quarry, three dwelling houses and other improvements thereon; ALSO—A certain tract of mountain laud, adjoining the laud above described, lands of Alexander McAninch and ahem containing three hundred acres or th.r.sVreth ALSO—A cart tin other pieca er parcel of ;timber land, with a fiat rate Saw Jliil thereon, adjoining lauds of John Atkinson nod others, containing tmenty.two acres, or thereabouts. AND ALSO—A certain other piece and parcel of land bounded by lands of ii illiam Murray and others, containing twenty acres or thereabouts. T E It M S t—Ono third of the purchase mon ey to ho paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in tiqual :.nnual payments, with in terest from the day of confirmation—to be se cured by the bonds and mortgage of the pur chaser. Attendance will be civen by JAMES KELLY, Atiner. Burnt Cabbies, Nov. 2-I, . EOP S , ; LE 011 RENT. TnE sub.. iber will sell at private sale, nn elegant lmuso, calculated for a tavern stand or a store. The house stands no kvaof one acre and a half, on ,c • which there is n good stable.-- - ' It is well supplied with water. The above, property is. in McConnellstwon,' Huntingdon county. It will be sold at n groat bargain. Further particulars will be given by llenj. L. Megahnn, on' the premises, nr 1 1 .',ORG AWN. DAVID HAWN. Juniata fp. Nov. 24, '58.-3t..* PUBLIC SALE. OF TOWN LOTS IN "11l r. 1 town ei P.VIITEItSIiN, Juniata 1 . 01111114,1,0 on I)''creber • 6. I 'l'h.•.:e 1.,18 eliigitntly situated awl the ititeetion of ail who ilenire a cheep lime. PATTENsen (opposite NI iiii•LlN) in one of t 1.,• men! thriving towns in our State, me! living Om site of mei of the litrge Machine Shops of the l'emiFylvailia Itnihunrl, furnithen a ilmonnil for lalitir of all kiwi.; .---\oNV in the time for Artizann of all iliiiieriptiens to Rect, a hi mi. , in this iiiipiilly growing boys. N. 3.—Terms will be made known on flay of sale. Payments will he made eusy. Fur further informative apply to J. :%1II)11.l(j11. 1 3 citterion, Junint4 ., 1 3 IL, Nov. 17, 'JB.-31. I}ALLEI'S 1111GICAL PAIN TOR. In nll iliionses it:lll.l4ll4in mow or Imnt lout dominions—now to ahoy inhumation strikes nt the root of all aiimme3--honeo no 1.111Iletli• No mire. DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTR.GTOFI and uutliing will allay itillannitiou al ithco, rind make a ci.rtaia curt•. Mn,:ietd Pain Extrnet, will cur,• the, following nuiong n gloat catal,.gue of diuenses num., tienl.l3, Cuts, Cliatios, more Nipples, Corns, Bunions, Bruises, Strithl, Bites, l'oisottkeys, Bout, Swelling, SoulA lieed , Snit Men, Buldne , s, lrysitielas, Ringworm, Barbel, Itch, tittle!! Pox, Aleasht hitch, &cf., &c. To some it may apimar incredulous that so tansy discs. en hhoold reached by 01:0 arti cle ; such an idea will tanish when reflection points to the fact, that the salve is it combina tion of ingredients, each and every our apply ing n perfect amitotic to its apostate diimrtltr. DALLEYS MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR in its effects is nincimil, licimmo the time is short. between itiscases and it permanent mire; and it is nit extractor, as it draws all diseases out of the affected pert., leaving nature as perfect as triton the injury. It is scarcely no. comity to sav that no house, work•ehop, or manufactory should Leone moment without it. No Pain Extractor in genuine unless the box has has upon it n steel pinto engraving, whh the name of Henry Dailey, Manufactu rer. toe sale by nil the Pruggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canada, Principal Depot, 155 Chambera St., Now•Yurlt. C. F. CHASE. John Rena, Agent Huntingdon Pa. Nov. 17, '58.—1 y, HAIR DYE? HAIR DYE?? Wen. A. Hate!whirs Hair Dye ! The Original and Beat in the World ! All others are mere imi tat ion, and should be avoided, if yott wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, 11.10, Oa RUSTY HAIR Dyed in. stantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown or Black, without the least. injury to Hair or Skin. Fifteen Medals and Diplomas have been ta• worded to Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and ever 80,000 applications •have been muds to the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye. WM. A. BA'l C UDR'S HAM DYE pro.l daces n color not to he distinguished from na• ture, and is warranted not to injure in the least however long it may be continued, and the ill effects of Bud Dyes remedied ; the Hi it vigoratedfor life by this splendid Dye. Mode, sold or applied (in 0 private rooms) at the Whig Factory, 233 Broadway, Now York. Sold in all cities and towns of the Uni• Led States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. ler T he Genuine bas the name and address upon a steel plate engraving on four sides of each box, of WM. A. BATCHELOR, 233 Broadway, Now York. :Nov.ohn Rend, Agent Huntingdon Pa. N 17,'38-Iy. DATCUELORS WIGS AND TOUPEES surpass all. They aro elegant. light, easy and durable. Fitting to a charm—no turn up behind—no shrinking off the head; indeed, this is tho only Establishment where these things are proper ly understood and made. Nov. 17, 'sB,—ly. 233 Broadway, N. Y. DOUGLASS & SIIERWOODS' Patent Ex tension Skirts, for sale only by Fauna & MMus's". Aat iphlogistie Salt This celebrated medicine is for sale at the Journal °nice . For all inflammatory diseases it is a certain cure. Got a hex and try it, To Zvi o ore afflicted. Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out In disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there cue which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease., low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the deprekcing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending .. from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Ilini v.ho I•oya, „1 will visit the iniquities *of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commerce by deposition frrm the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depress(' the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; mum queenly, vest numbers perish by disorders :thick, although rid( scrofulous in their nature, are still rendore.l fatal by this taint in the system. Meet of the consumption which de cimate,: the human family hi, it, origin dirootly in this scrofulous eoutinsinsti, ; and many deatructive disemes of tin: live; kidneys, brain, anti, indeed, of all the organe, trios from or are aggravated by the same cause. Ono quarter of all user people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in f.dtion, and their health is undermined by it. To dense it front thosy,tem wo ;meg renovate the blood by nu alterative medicine, and in vixv,rife it hv lss:lthy food asset e x erc i se . flitch u 1111.11:elni• \ V-2 supply In AVER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the must ell'oetual remndv which the medical skill of our times elm devise fur this every where prevailing and fatal molests. It is com bined front the meet active remedial:: that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from else blood, and the rescue of the Wat t l e :e l „ fre should its d e e m a p r i l o c y t e i Y fo c rT s e ci c a u e r n e " o s i not only sereftda, but also those other affec tions which arise front it, cowls as Envvvivi: and theta Disnssr.s, Sr. ANTI/ONT'S FIRE, HOSE, or lilo.ll`Er... PIMPT.Ed, Pt !MULES, &wren., Bialys and 8011,1, TVStURA, TETTER and 8.11, HIE 1••-se, li:Nowonor, IlitnvstAr.: , •:, Ls:mond Mintetatur. Deo. rs ..c . orsts, Dintthivv, and; i.: I . suismi THOM . ,11). The popular belief • , '.• • is founded in truth, theblond. The , •, ! thie , : • . ~ I.,ec this vital fluid, • . • . it is impossible in . •• conslttotisne. Ccallatic Pills, FOR ALL THE FIMFUSES OF A FMMLY PHYBIO, ere en composed that disease within the range of their action can rattly withstord or evade them Their peoetratio!: nropertits rearch, and cleance, and inn:tonne tnory motion of the human organ im, cerneting its diseased fiction, and restoring healthy sit:.bitiea. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain er physical Wilily I'3 astonished to find his health or energy I colored by u remedy at once no simple end inviting. Not only do tin.y cure the every-clay comploints of every trudy, hot also many formidable and dangerous diseases. l'ho rgent below named in pleased to runtish grant my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their nee in the following complaints: ensiire., Uporiburn, Matlache otising/i.om disordtred Oonforh, Nous( huilyvstion, Pam in and Morbid loo•tiov of the Dowels, flatulency, Loss of App.. tile, Ja aide . .., and other kindred I.rtipinints , eri,ing from a low state of the body or obstruction of its function, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, von Tl , ll 10.1.1 D corn or Courtin, I , lfluenna, Hoarseness, Croup, Droucleitis, I,,ctitient tint), tind fur the ruitel of Consumptive Patients in Iteivuuccd Magee of the disease. Sow ide it the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the ea, es of its cures, that almost mere section of elllllitry abounds in permno pub licly v.ho have been restored from alainting end even d”cperate diseases of the lungs by its When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, end where its vittues arc known, the piddle no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the ulnion ,, ry organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the CitTlllllllllile hove failed and la di,earced, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits On the addicted they nut 110(Vr forgit, and pro.. dewed cures too numerous to d too remarkable to be fm,.mit co. PREPARED DY F 3 4. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. • JOHN Bean, Agmit ITuatingdon, Pa. Nov. 10, 1534.--Iy. S'o Eit V 8 I' Elt Came to the plantation of the subscribm. living in West twp., about tin Mori of August a brim a iml:t die. Steer, with the left earoff.— The owner will please to come ibriyard, prove property, pay charges, and tithe him away, oft. crwise ho Will he disposed of according to law. DAVID WEIGHT. Went tp., Nov. 10, '58:31,. GROVER & E AKER'S CELE - BRATED 1' FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, A New Style• Price $5O. WM. BREWSTEII A,eut for Huntingdon county, Pa. Call at the "Journal Qgice" and see the Machine. These Machines sew from two spools, and form it seam of unequaled strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will NOT rip, oven if eve ry fourth stitch be cut. They are unquestion ably the best in the market for Amity use. ' OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Grover & Baker's is the best.—Anus. Agrieul. To all of which the Tribune says amen.—N. I'. Tribune. _ _ It is all that it claims to be.-11: blopentrt. It finishes its own work; others do not.—Hum Journal. We give it the preference.—American Baptist. Adapted for woolens, linen or cotton.—Anur. Medical Monthly. We like Grover S., Balcer's best.—Ladies' Wreath. Which is the beet? Grover k Bekar's.—N. F. Dispatch. Superior to all oihers.—.Y. lereurY• We have no hesitation in recommending it.-- N. 1: Express. It requires no re.spooling.—N. Erangeliel. THE HUNTINGDON .JOURNAL, For family use they are unrivaled.—N. Dai. lit News. They sew n seam that will not rip. —N. E COW tier. It performs nobly and expeditiously.—.M P. Examiner. Remarkable for the elasticity of seam.—Police Gazelle. Well adapted to all kinds of family sewing.— N. 1: Observer, Beet adapted fir family use.—K 1, Day Book We do not Imitate to recommend Y Citron/de. It sews strongly and does not rip.—Life Must The prince of inventions.—Protestant Church man. It is woman's best friend. N. Y. Weehly News. We give our preference to Grover Baker's. Student. The most blessed invention of modern tittles.— Mother's Magazine. It makes a pleasure of a toil.—N. Y. .Ern, Post. The favorite for ilimily mos.—Brook/ye .Star. We might appreciate their value.-21inericaa yissionary, Its greet morit is in its peculiar stitch.—Fami lq iVo attest its simplicity and ditrability.—Na tional Magazin.. Admitted to be the best cittant.--nryinfa Ary. Is nOt liable to got out of repair.— Veryennes Citizen. Is adapted to nil home requirements.—Darer Enquircr. A very pretty piece of furrilture.—Machias Un- Sews with a lortpseatastress power.—Rockland Gazette. Nothing can he more perfects—Southbridge Press. The most ingenious and useful,—Nantucket Mirror.. Ilan c•btniued deserved celebrity.—Salem Ob• server. The best in the innrket.—Chieopce Journal. It does sot get out of repair.—Cope Cod Act vocnto. Sews silk or cotton from ordinary %TAW Gazette. The work it does will not rip.—Ame9burg Vii ittger. Are superior to all others.—llingliam Journal. A most admirable invention.-13oston Courier, They are enjoying universal favor.—N. 0. Picayune. _ _ _ npi r rior to any now to an u filet nred.—N. 0. Dot Rill do more work than a dozen hands.— Wazhingt a Union. Ic ,W 3 .—Boston Wttlehm.. Th. a the' kind ever invented.—Now Haven Register. N0v.10,7,8, Hammonton Lands, NEW ENGLAND SETTLEMENT. RARE ,11,poirruNrry. TO AL !, WANTING FARMS IN a licuithy place, twenty-five stiles from adelphia, en the Camden Atlantic railroad, New Jersey. An old estate has recently born opened Mr sale, and the first division of 10,000 acres divided up hits farms of twenty acres up wards. The soil is of the hest ithality for the production of ti nits, grains, &e. The price is Stsss2ol cr sere, payable in easy quarter yearly isstalinents, oitliii l / 4 n term of fee, years, with interest. The terms arc made easy, in order to Moore the rapid improvement of the land, by en abling every industrious nom to lays farm. It is tie's being nXinnSirnlY iettfroveil by good reads and some of the best citizens from New England and the Middle States are erecting huge tinprove mems. It is a scene of the greatest improve ment out of Philadelphia. Seventy-live houses I have been built in four months. Practical far mers and business men from the length and breadth of the Won urn settling there. It is an important business place, on account of its bring in the midst of a great market. Every article raised upon this had finds an immediate sale.— The water is excellent, and no such thing as fe ver is known. The soil is a smuly or clay lento, with n elsy bottom and retemive of manures. It is free o SWIMS and is easily worked. It abounds largely in the phosphnte . s, and such is its fertility that from the crops produced upon this land Lind the large ores. ndjuining under cultivation, it will be found not to be excelled anywhere in the produc tion of crops most adapted to its market. 'the reader may be well aware tint the earliest and the best cod's and vegetables come from New Jer,cy, which are annually exported to the amount or millions of doibirs. The land, be sides bring in every way nceessible for fertilizers has nn abundant simply of the low guslity of muck manure. Lumber and building materials can be had on the sot at a cheap price, from the mills. 0 her mill an now being opened, and brick-yards Leing started on the ground. A person can put tip a frame tenement for present convenience fat one hundred dollars. On account or the extensive emigration, this is the best course to potion in o der to get a place to live In at first. Carpentrst and builders are on hand to put up houses on the best terms. In settling here the emigrant has many advt.- togas. Ile is within a few Issues' rile of the urea cities in the Middle States and New England, ho is near his old friandsand associations; he is in settled country, where eve, improvement e.vot comfort of civilization is at ha u l; I , e is in. a heal thy place, and is not subject to the certainty of the greater part of his family anal his own health by those malignant fever which make the graves of so many millions of the young and hardy in hr off reigons away from home and friends. Besides, he has a mild climate sad an open winter. There ore throe trains daily to Philadelphia, and to all those who hit: rove the railroad cum- Pine gives a free ticket. The reader will at once he struck wills the ad vantnos here presented, and ask himself why the property hes not been taken up before. The rea son is, it was never thrown in the market; and unless these statements were correct no one would he invited to examine the land before purchasing. This all air expected to do. They will see the land under cultivation ; they will meet persons, no doubt, from their own neighborhood ; they will witness the improvements, and can judge of the character of the population. Persons should come prepared to purchase, as many are locating and locations are not beet ion refusal, _ The Hammonton limner, a monthly Literary end Agricultural paper, containing full informa tion of Ilummouton, will be sent to each inqui rer, and can be obtained at 25 cents per annum. Title indisputable. Warrantee deeds given, clear of all ineumbrunce; when putt:Mho money is paid. Route to the land :—Leave Vino street wharf, Philadelphia, for Hammonton by railroad at 7:4, A. M., and 5f P. 51; whoa there inquire tar liar. Byrnes, Boarding conveniences will be I•ound. Letters and applications can be addressed to S. B. COUGHLIN, 202 South FIFTH Street below Walnut. Philada. Maps and Information cheerfully furnished. Aug. 25, 1858.-Bm. aiILIE2A CbhALIRI TAD. This is a new and valuable improvement, and is better. cheaper, smaller, lighter, more simple, requires less power, will chaff and clear grain and seeds more rapidly, and with fits water economy, than any . other Graiu Fan in use. Send for n descriptive catalogue to Wm. L Boyer & Bro., Agricultural implement Foe. tory, Philadelphia. Supt. 29th, 1868.—Gm.. 7h7V.A.liTT3Eart! WHEAT AND CORN wanted nt this &lice. Moan having either can dispose of the same by calling soon. B UCKS IN GLOVES 4) MITTS then G. P. GWIN'S ;VON E CROCKS, JARS, &c.,—at largo stock L. , for bole at tnanuliteturcrs' pricos by JAMES A. BROWN. 3hEIT_./NTNATC:3OCOI:, .A.(O.III.I>MIVEY. MALE AND FEMALE INSTITUTE, W. H. WOODS, A. N., Principal. Professor of Languages and Philosophy. Mrs. F. T. WOODS, ReV. N. S. BUCKINGHAM, Evidences of Christianity and General Literature, J. ALFRED SHADE, lil. D 4 Professqr of .Inalomy, Physiology and Hygien, ALBERT OWEN, .I,,cturer on the .drt of Teaching and Physical Geography. D. M. BUTTS, Teacher ip the English Department. Teacher of Maxie and Drawing, Miss A. S. NOBLE, Monitor, This Institution, formerly as Academy for young gentlemen alone, has been carried on suc cessfully for the last year as a mode mid ieniale Institute. It will in future be carried on us a school for both sexes. Those completing the regular course of study pursued in the Institution will be entitled to Diplomas. COMMERCIAL The 'course of study in this Department is and Double Entry Booldceeping, Mercantile Ca Students can take up this branch of study e their whole time to it alone. Each student veer The Principal can assure parents and gm their children will be less exposed to temptatio actor is bad ; immorality will be a sure cause W. H. WC 0ct.13,'58, 7 4t. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS PHILADELPHIA, No;. 10, 1858. FLOUR—Superfine. per barrel, $5 006:45 . 12 Extra 5 25 u,5 75 family " 6:00@li 50 Ryo Flour and Corn Meal 4 5 Wheat—red, per bushel, ~ White 1 18e 20 1 32 a/I 3. Rye It 75 Corn • 11 80 Outs a 43 CI ovesseed $5 ET ® per 04 pounds Timothy seed, $2,00 to 212 Flax, per bushel $1 70 INFORMATION. MBE sub.:alba thankful Ibr past favors res pectfully Worms his fllends and the pub lic generally,tltt he if: receiving et his new Store in Portstown, opposite the ord Toll Bridge a splendid stock of New Goods, which has been selected with great care, to s:iit purchasers.— The clock or Ilardwate, Quensware, Boots. and Sl.oes, Ilan and Caps, a satiety of Stono mat Earthen ware. Fish Salt, Ceder-ware and in tact all articles kept in a country store. All of whirl, will he :cdd low for cash. or country produce. Cive us a call: SAMUEL GROVE Nov. 3, 1858. WA lINICK CH A !MICK & IMO" (SI..eIT.SSOI. TO NMI!, WARNICK.) NORT lI—EAST CORNER OF SECOND A RACE STREETS, pnii.ADELPHIA. Manufacturers of and Dealers Wholesale and Retail in HEATERS, VENTiLITORS, 'RANGES AM) STOVES. ALSO, MeGregor's Celebrated Heaters and Stoves. Willi a great variety of the Incest patterns of COOK AND PAIII.OH STOVES, A I .SO, Queen's Patent rortable Forges. Nov. LASTING POWDER AND SAFETY FUSE, for sale luyr, nt the Hardware Stor of J'AS. A. BROWN. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS GIFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!!! SPLENDID GIPTS ! 41 43 Citeltnict St. The only Oriyonal GUI Bock G. G. Evans wool,' inform his friends and the public that his Star Gill Book Store and Pub lishing house is permaently established in Brown's splendid Iron Buileing, 439 Chestnut st. two doors below Fifth, where the purchaser of each book, at the regular retail price, will re• noire one or tho following g ins, Valued at from 13 2011 t% to *WO:— IT'orth, 050 Patent English Lovcr Gold Watches, $lOO 00 each, 550 Patent Anchor Lever Gold - Watches, 4 400 Ladies' Got I Watches, 181:. cases, 35 00 GOO Silver Hunting Watches, . „„ ....... ..,..._. _.. ....... ~, warranted, - 15 00 " 500 Parlor Timepieces. . 1U 00 " 500 Cameo Suts. Ear Drops and Pins, 10 00 " 500 Ler ies' Gold Bracelets, 5 00 to 12 00 " 500 Gents' Vest nod Fob Chains, 10 00 " 1000 Gold Lockets (large size double case.) 10 00 " 2000 Gobl :.rackets, (small size,) 3 09 " 1000 Gold Pencil Eases, with Gold Pens, 5 00 " 1000 Extra Gold Pens with cmos nod holders, 3 50 " 2500 Gold Pencils, (Ladies'.) 2 00 " 2300 Gold Pens, with Silver Pen- cils, 2 50 " 2500 Ladies' Gold Pens, with Ca ses and Holders, 1 50 " 0500 Old Rings, (Ladies,') 1 00 .` 2000 Gents' Gold Ring, 2 50 " 2500 Ladies' Gold llrestphis, 2 50 4, 3500 Misses' Gold BLeastpins, 1 50 " 3000 Pocket Knie vs, 100 " .16 . 66 Sots Gents' Bosom Studs, 2 50 " 2000 Seta Gents Gold Sleeve Buttons, 2 50 " 8000 Pairs of Ladies Ear Drops, 2 50 " 2000 Ladies' Nati Card Cases, 5 00 " 15000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet, or Mosaic Pins, 5 00 " 2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Bins, 5000 Articles of Gold Jewelry, Gift Books, &., Oz., not enumerated in the abovo, worth from 25 cents to $25. Evans' now CatAlogno, which is sent lice to all parts of the country, contains all the most popular books of the day . , and the newest pub lications, all of which w ill im sold as low as can bo obtained at other stores. Agents wanted in every tows in the Union,— Those desiring so to act, can obtain full partic ulars by addressing the abovo. N. 11.—Being largely interested in publish ing books, and buying front other publishers in immense quantities. for cash, I am enabled to Make larger discounts to . Country Agents and Book Dealers than can be had at any other house in the country. Any book published in the United States, the retail price of which is ono dollar and upwards will be promptly sent, Gift included, on receipt of publishers price. An extra $1 Book and Gift given to any per m ordering ten books to bp scut to ono ad dress. Scud for a Catalogue. Address. G. G. EVANS, Publisher, Aug. atst,'ss.•3,e. 439 Chestnut St. Phila. DEPARTMENT. (such as to give thorough instruction in Singlo ticulations, Penmanship, &c. either in connection with other studies, or devote tiers separate instruction. ardians that they cannot Rend to a school whore nt• No one will be received whose moral char the dismissal. For further particulars address )01)S, Some GAP, Huntingdon county, Pa. 'Thick Darkness covers Ike Earth. And Crass Darkness the people. R •1 1 And all Others, will take Notice! TirAT they can supply themselves, in any quantities with Jones' Far Famed Patent NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE or COAL OIL LAMPS, At the Wholesale :eatCZ: HEAD QUAR. TEES, South SECOND Street, The onlyplace where exclusive Ageneies can he obtuined (or the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. These 'maps gidb a light equal in intensity of flame, and similar in appearance to Gas, and are claimed to be superior to all other portable lights, uow in use. No fear of Explosion—No offensive odor.—No smoke.—Vera easily trim , med,—A s eajilv regulated as a Gas Light.— Can be adapted to a!! purposes.—And better than all for a poor man,—;v per cent. cheaper than any other portable light, nom in common use. Sore MO, FOR Knopf% Patent Rosin and Coal Oil Catnip. s riirL:imps, Oils, Wie!is, Shades, and every article in the lino. S. N. SOUTHLAND, No. 38 South Second Street, Philada Sept./VAS.- To Lumbermen and Stock-raisers FOR RENT FOR A TERM OF YEARS. A valunL. Saw and Lathing itllll , situate on Mill Creek, six miles front the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the same distance fromthe Penn , view.), Canal, in Huntingdon county, With near 800 acres of timber land thereto attached, a great part of which is well covered with first rate saw timber, on which a small farm has. been opened, to which em be added a large amount of meadow, suitable for stock raising. The range for cattle is the host in the county, and thel)roperty can be made one of best stock raising farms in the county. The Lumber and Stock raisirg can he carried on to great advtn tope togethet, The insp..), melds Ire new, con sisting etadouble geared saw-mill, mom' by an over shot water-wheel, a lathing mill, a first elms house and barn, and out buildings tortes. pending. The attention of Stock rattlers, and Lutnbermen is particularly invited to this prop erty. I - ossession can be given on the first day of April next. Call 'upon the undutsigngd owner, nt his residence, in the borough of Hun tingdon, Huntingdon county. J. GEO. MILES. Huntingdon Oct. 21st 1858.—tf. SELLING CLOTHING} AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. FALL. AND NEW WINTEIt GOODS. 1858 1858 i!J. Gutman & Co., Inform thu public generally, that they kayo just received a large stock of Fall and Winter Goods, eunsiating of coa US, VESTS, PANTS, &0., A Iso, BOOTS, SHOES, H ATS, • CA L'S. Fits stock of Clothing is of the latest fash ions, and manufactured of the best materials; nod as they are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest, the public will do well to give them a call and examine their stock. ess' Don't forget the place—Long's brick building, nu the corner, Market square, Hun. tingdon. 0ct.13,158 Green Willow Fou n dry. y WOULD respectfully infortn'the AIM that I I have commenced business at the above place, and will be ready to accomodate all who may want anything in my lino of.business. I will have on hand or make to order Threshing Machines, and all o.h to machinery that may be called for. Castings of every description, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Plows,llow-ware, All kinds•of Turning, either wood or iron, and Blacksmithing will be done in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Farmers and other. wishing to purchase new machine. will find it to their advantage to give me a call. All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange at market prices. YETEIt TOPERY. • Waterstrect, Oct. 13, 1858,1 y. 40.5. M. PETTENO & CO.'S Adver tisiug Agency, 119 Nassau St., New York, & 10 State St., Boston. S. B. Pettengill Is Co. are the Agents for the "Jouattai." and the most influential and largest circulating Newspapers is the United States and the Canute. 1 hey arc authorized to contract for us at our lowee rates. LA Boa saner The sugWil7rolf:rsat private sale a tract of land situated about limited North east of Mill Creek, and 4. a mile tram Lanes Mill, in this comity, containing about 120 acres, 40 acres of which is cleared, and the balance in timber. 'floe buildings consist of a new dwel- ling houue, not quite finished, a log Barn, 2 apple orchards, with Pear and Cherry trees, a spring of good limestone water, a permanent Limekiln, and a good quarry of Limestone.— Price 800 ALSO, Seven houses and lots situate at tho old Tannery seat in Hill Valley—they will ho offered very Joy, sny for one-half the cost. Inquire at the dourdal Mee or to the subscriber in shirleysburg. Oct. 6. 'sB.—:hu. JOUN BREWSTER. FOUND AT LAST !I ! I The Way to Save Moon': ! AND CURE ILIAD TIMES ! is to Buy ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE BUY ALI. KINDS OF 'EARMARK BUY AL!.. KINDS OF HARDWARE FROM JAS. A. BROWN. FROM JAS. A. BROWN. FROM JAS. A. BROWN. AT CITY PRICES. 1 This ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS I exceeds all others in importance. Int. Because it suppling TIM PEOPLE with indespenxable articles and many useful inven tions, which can be found only in a HARD IRE STORE. End. The subscriber purchasing in large quantities from manufacturore, is enabled to sell these Fools from 20 to 100 per cent cheaper! than they are sold by other merchants. His stock includes a complete variety of BUILDING-HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OILS, PAINTS. VARNISHES, GLASS, STEEL, IRON, MECANIC'S TOOLS, HOLLOW-WARE, SADDLERY, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, CHAIN PUMPS, LEAD PIPES, MOROCCOES, LININGS &c. Together with a full assortment of everything pertaining to his line of business. All orders receive prompt attention. JAMES A. BROWN. Huntingdon, Oct. Gth, 1858. DR. A.. P. FIELDS R ACPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Cassville and surrounding vicinity, that ho has again commenced the practice of Medicine, and hopes, by devoting his whole attention to his profession, to gain a good share of public favor. My charges will be very len'. I re co ivyd too Dipolmas, ono from the Mineral Colle t ,c, and one from the Eclectic College.— I will prtletice both M,neral and Vegetable.— Any person desiring to see my Diplomas ' can, by calling at my o ffi ce, halt' a mile from Cass. ville. 38, October 11, 1858.-elm. (DON'T READ THIS; New Drug and Grocery Store. SAMUEL S. SMITH, Hill St., 5 doors west of the Court House, Huntingdon. Dealers in Drugs, Chemical, Dye Stuffs, Paints Varnish es, Oils, Spt. Turpentine, Fluid, Alcohol, Wine and Brandy of the hest article for medical pur poses, Concentrated Lye for making Soap, Glass Putty Patent Medicines also Cohen, Tea ' Cho colate, Sugar, Molasses, Vinegar, Fist, Salt Flour, Cratten7, Nuts, Candies, Figs, Raisins- Tobacco, Cigar., tjy;ups of all kinds for sum, mer drinks, in a gad evay thing usually kept in a Drug or Grocery Store, thege who desire pure and Genuine articles will) do Well by giving us a call. • Sept. 29, 1858.-Iy. THE GREAT PURIFER 1- THE WORLD CHALLENGED INTO PRODUCE ITS EQUAL! THE BLOOD SEARCHER WirGLORIOUSLY TRIUMPHANT I Sworn statement of David McCreary, of Na pier Township, Bedford county, In April, 1856, as near as I can rememember n small pimple made its appearance on my up per lip, which soon became enlarged and sore. I used poultices of sorrel, and a wash of blue vitro], without woad. Fistdiuget.e sere ontcml. ing I called on Dr. Ely, of Schellsburg, who pronounced it CANCER, and prescribed n wash of sugar of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies of no avail, I called upon Dr. Shaffer, of Davidsville, Somerset county, who , also pronounced the disease Cancer and gavr me internal and external remedies—the loiter consisting principally of caustic; but all to no I purpose, as the disease continued spreading to ward the nose. I next need u preparation of ar senic, in the form of salvo. This far a time checked the disease, I ut the inflammation soon I increased. I next called upon Dr. Staler of St. Clairsville, Bedford county, who also pronoun. seal the disease to be Coiner, and applied it Salve said to ho a never-failing remedy, but it lend no effect whatever in checking the spread of the I sore. In Deceanber, of the same year, the dis ease had oaten away a greater part of my upper and had attacked the nose, when I went to Cincinnati. where I consulted I/r. le. S. Newton of tho Electic Medical College. He pronoun- cod the disease "a cutaneous Clamor, superin duced by an inordinate 1130 of mercury." Ile applied mild zinc ointment, and gave me inter- nal remedies. My face healed up, but the in I flammatiou was not thoroughly removed, In I February, 1057, he pronounced MO cured, and I I left for home. In April the disease 'min Co. babied, and so violent teas the pain that could not rest at night. Leto in May I returned to Cincinnati. anal again placed myself under the charge of Dr. Newt., with whotuf remained until September, during which time he used every k nown remedy, awl partly succeeded in checking the disease, but when I rot urned lame there were still three discharging ulcers upon my face. I continued using Ne wton's preparations,and also medicine that I got front r.Ely Ely, but Cancer continued growingun til it lead eaten off the left side of my nose, the greater portion of nay left cheek, anal had attack ed my left eye, I had given up all hol.o of ev , er being cured, since Dr. Ely said he could only give relief; but that a cure was impossible. In ' March, 1658,1 bought a bottle of "Blood Sear cher," but I must confess I had no faith in it. I was very weak when I commenced taking it ; but I found that I gained strength day by day. and also that the ulcers commenced drying up. I continued. anal when the third bottle was ta , kon my face was healed as if by a miracle. I used a fourth bottle and I have been healtpier since than I have been for the last seven year, Although my (lace is sadly disfigured. 1 am still grateful to a heni "n „ Providence who has spaild my life, and which has been done through the instrumentality of LINDSEYM.3II . Ii3OVED BLOW.) SEARCHEIt. DAVID McCREARY. Sworn and subscribed. this 31st day of Au gust, A. 1). 1838, before me, one of the Jnstices Mille Peace in and for the Borough of Hollidays burg, Blair county Pm Witness— U J Jones. JOHN GOBLET. NEW EVIDENCE, Being afflicted with a grovious 'fetter on the arms find face—after trying many remedies which utterly tidiest to cnre-1 woo pursuaded by W. M. Barris & Co. to try Lindser's Impro ved Blood Searcher ; nod now, six-wheks alter finishing the s cond bottle, pronounce myself cured. The tester broke out, something over a year ago, on the inside of my nuns, extending tram the elbows down to the wrists; also on my face, immediately round the mouth and ehirt, and con tined to bee petteet torment to me will cored by the Blood Seareher. My arms, at times, were almost useless, owing to the cracks and sores on them, liable to bleed at any time on the least exertion to hits or work, and sometimes so itchy that I could s.mreely prevent tearing oft my flesh. I have now been cured six wools and feel it due to Mr. Lindsey, and to the pub lic generally, to make this statement, in hope that others like myself may be beneMted by using his valuable medicine. JANE i.:4WILSON. mark Sworn and subscribed before me, ono of the Aldermen in and for the City of Pittsburg, this 28th day of July, A. 1). 1853. AND McMASTER Aldermen. llolliday.burg, Sept. 22.58. 'lna. NEW GOODS!!! GREAT BARGAINS! -AT FISHER & McMITRTRIE'S. qi BEY have just received a large and bean tiful assortment of fall and winter goods, which are open for inspection, and to which the attention of the public is directed. Their stock embraces every article that call be found in a well selected stock of Dry Goode consisting of Black and Fancy Silks. French and English morinoe's, Solid, and Fancy all wool DeLaines, Mohair, Madonna, Danubi an, and 'rumise Cloths Scotch Plaids. Deßaire Coburgs, Alpatecas, Mousline DeLa inos., Ging horns, French Chime, Brilliants, Fancy Prints &c. A beautiful assortment of Fall and Winter Shawls, Thibet Malls, Gents Traveling Shawls also Plain Morino, extra wide, in squares Sr Shawls. A large stock of Kid Gloves, Beaver Gaunt lets, Silk and woolen Do. Merino, Silk and Cashmere Gloves &c., a superior lot of mons Buck Gloves and mite, also Dress Trinunins Fringes, antiques, Ribbons Ladies Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery Buttons, Floss, Sew ing Silk, extension skirts, Hoops of all kinds &c. ALSO :—Ticking, Osnaburg, Me , and and unbleached muslin all prices; Col .red and White Camblics, Barred and mess Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, and many other articles which comprise the line of White and Donlestte Good. French Clutha, Black and Fancy Cassimem. Satinetts, Jeans Tweeds, Denims, Blue, Drills Flannels, Dinseys, Comforts, Blankets doe. Hats, Caps, Bonnets of every variety and style. A good Sloek of Groceries, Hardware Queensware, Hoots and Shoes, Wood and Willow ware. which will be sold cheap. We also deal in Plaster, Salt, Fish and all kinds of Grain, and pcsses facilities in tuia branch of trade, unequalled by any. We de liver all packages or parcels of merchandise free of charge at the Depots of the Broad Top and Perim. Rail Roads. COME ONE COME ALL, and be convinced Clint METROPOLITAN ill the place to secure fashionable and desirable goods disposed of at the lowest rates. Oct. ft. FISHER & MoMURTRIE. Imp City Commercial College. Yirrsnenoir, Y.A. - • CHARTERED 1855. 300 Students attending January 1858. NOW the largest and most thorough Com qiercial School of the United States.— Young men prepared fur actual duties of the Counting Room. _ _ J. C 7831111., A. M. Prof. of Book-keep ing and Science of Accounts. A. T. Dowrnarr, Teacher of Arithmetic ~,p1 Commercial Calculation. J, A. Hun - mum and T. C. Jaannts, Teach ers of Book-keeping. A. COWLEY and W. A. MILLER, Profs. of Penmanship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK KEEPING, • As used in every department of business. COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC--RAPID BUSINESS WRITING—DETECTING COUNTERFEIT MONEY— MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE COMMERCIAL LAW- Are taught, and all other subjects necessary fcr the success and thorough education of a practical husiness man. 12 PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh for the past tnree years, stns W... tern Cites, for the best Writing, NOT lINGRVRD WORK. Important Information. Students enter at any time—No vacation— Time unlimited—Review nt pleasure--Omdu ates assisted in obtaining situations—Tuition for Full Commercial course s3s,oo—Avcrage time 8 to 12 week—Board, $2.50 per week— S t ati.narYi so.oo—entire cost, $60.00 to $70.- 00. Ministers' Sons reeeived at half price. 1• or Card—Circular—Specimens of Business and Ornamental Writing-.—inclose two stamps and address F. W. JENKINS, See. 49, 1898.—1 y. Pittsburgh, Pa ALTOONA, Blair co., July 3,'53. J. D Srotinnu.ku, Lewistown, Pa', Dear Sir—Mr. Win. TURNOACGII, who has been suffering several years from rheumatism, got so ill that his friends and relatives wore summoned to witness: his death. I induced his friends to try the virtue. o r yo u r preparagun—they did no, as the last re; sort ogd, to their astonishment and joy, he be gan t c improve, got better and better, and now, so tar as I know, he is n into and stout man. This is oat the only case where the GALvaNIC On,, has surpassed human expectations. In every case where I have recommended the Our, it has done what it promises to do. Send us another 520's worth. Yours truly, U. LEITER, Aug. 18, .58-Iy. " j@i-V.V.021 " erC:b3E3 Premiums awarded the "JOURNAL" Of flee at the late County PAIR, for the beet • CARL, ANIS 1120;1 CY :eRI.I-ITIN , Ilaving recently received from the Eastern Cities, a neT rowta most and a bu•ge variety of the most fashionable l'•inting Material, which makes it one of the most complete Printing Establishments in this section. Persons in want of any kind of RLAIN FANBY work, cannot do better than favor us with their patronage. We have facilities for execu. ting in a superior manner any kind of PRINTING IN COLORS on the most reasonable terms. Those who may wish to obtain soy style of ORNAMENTAL POSTERS can be accommodated at this establishtnent at short notice. AUCTION BILLS, BILL HEADS, SHOW BILLS, CIRCULARS, WAY BILLS, LEGAL BLANKS, • CONCERT BILLS, • PROGRAMMES, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, CARDS, &c., &c., be futuied promptly, executed in he best style and at reasonable rates. air Orders by express, snail or otherwise, will receive immediate attention. WM, lIREWST&R. CI 110 T, LEAD, CAPS, POWDER. AND Gawe•bage for osio at the Hardware Store of JAB A. BROWN. Befit i, '119.-4t.