Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 24, 1858, Image 1

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    11 t
• ,tititg
Aliseellaneons Advertisements.
INVIGORATOR . Igir7."orNJ".."-..Pamishodat
If paid in advance $1,50
PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD. . If Duid within six months after the time of
'Compounded entirely of Gums. subscribing 1,75
Is one of the best purgative and liver metli If paid before the expiration of the year, 2,00
vines now before the public, that acts as a Cs- , And two dollars and fifty cents if not paid
thartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than t Wafter the expiration of the year. No subscript
any titer medicine knowu. It is not only a Ca- lion taken for a less period than six months.
thartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on the 1. All subscriptions aro continued until oth-
Liver to eject its Arbid, then on the stomach erwise ordered, sad no paper will be discontinu.
and bowels to carry off that matter. thus accom- eft until nrrearages ore paid, except at the option
plishing two purposes effectually. without any of of the publisher.
the painful feelings experienced its the operation 2. Returned numbers are never received by us.
of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system at All mmthers sent us in that way are lost, and
the some limo that it purges it , and when taken never aecomplish the purpose of the sender.
daily in moderate doses, will strenghten and 3. Persons wishing to stop Their subscriptions,
build it up with unusual rapidity. must pay op arrearages, and send s written or
The Liver is one om
ho- l ~J the principal regale- verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub
torsl of the Imal H
dy t and when it per- , lication in untingdon.
forme its Functions well 6 the powers of the sys- it. Giving notice to a postmaster is neither a
tea are fully develop- pg ed. The stomach is legs or a proper notice.
almost entirely depots- e l dent on the healthy , 5. After ono or more numbers of a new year
iction of the Liver for pa the proper Perform- have been forwarded, a now year inns commonc
since of its tatiathets.._ When the stomach 18 01,11101 the paper will not be discontinued until
sot fault, tie bowels arc g nt limit and the whole ~,,,,,,,,yeg ore paid. Seo No. I.
system snffers in con- r,, sequence of one orglas Th e c o urts have decided that refusing to take
the Liver— having o u s ceased to do its duty. a n e w spaper 11.0111 the office, or rentovi ng and
For the disc.. of 01. t h at or1:1111 one of the raving it uncalled for, is PRIMA yam; evidence
proprietors has made as it Isis study, in uprise- of intentional fraud.'
!theca more thnn men- . 'W. ty yeurs, ti, find scene SubSelibel a living in distant counties, or in
remedy wherewith to t counteract the many other Stotts, will bo required to pay invariably
derangemenn to which 0 it is liable.
its Intranet,
To ;wove that this ~, remedy is at lasi liii- c,,,-The above lenee will be rigidly e,ther.,.,
covered any person 7
troubled with Liver , ~7,0 1 c „„,.
Complaint in : ny . of its r forms, lots but to try
a bottle and ei nv,tion l) ", is certain.
These gums remove 1. 1 all morbid of had II ill be A o l , : . v . ge l , : i i rl i s o r,..i!!E.NTs . .
IL t he 10110,1'13g lath,:
matter from Ste system r" supplying in their
piece n heal by flOwi, i nt' bile, Invigorating. 0 .,. •,,....,
~ ~,,,, 1 n'lllf "w.f., b 2
3 d . 0• . .1 0 .
the stomach , causing Q ' Moil to digest well, ".' '."'• f•• s, $ 2., , i $
50 75 1 00
purifying the blociii,gi- 0 wing tone and bsalth ( , ) ,lth squnres ( 16 Ithess)
(32 " ) 100 • 150 200
to the whole machine- a rx, retnoving . theestuse l " .
3 nio. 8 too. 12 am.
of the ili,ense. and of ,'. ir e e t i„,„,, radical core
;tee dose after ent-
...,... ing i, sulTlieient tut re- i
()°, I°ll,lll, $3 a; $5 uo $s on
Bev. the stomach and i.. - -. - ' p ie ,. 6
t h e , 0 ,111,, ~ Wil .1,,,:,j,, 500 000 12 00
littilig nil , ' SLIIII4OIJ4 . r : v.. 110011. 800 I 2 00 18 00
12 tsu 18 Oil 27 till
IS Mt 27 Oil .to it
2:3 00 .10 00 :ill 00
Bilious nslsielot In, b. eared, mid wont is 1 :: , ....
hotter, prevented, is . the oei•nsionnl use of .1 ,
the Liver
only 0 ,, e ~„0 ,3 , ,i before a , lis.itis:ss Carili of six line., or less, ~ ,t.OO.
prevents Nightmare. I 1 .
.--- - ----- ---,, - - - , ,
Only one dose taken at my t , lw • ens the
bowels gently. and cures Costiveness ! Advertising and Job Work.
One dose tdi'en rm., c"cli meal win c 'cl)Ys- wt, wDuki remind the Advertising, rout.
ttirOtic dose of two teaspoonfuls will alit gys moony nod all others toll° Wish to bring
remove Sick Headache.
One bottle taken fur female obsetractiam.e. 0. , h . bitSlliess exit ogively bui . oie the pub
moves the can. of the disease, and makes n he. !kat the ../otir.,at lion the largest cir
perfect cure. enliiiitai of soy paper In the county—that
Only one dose immediately relieves Cholie,
while I is e instantly iticreasing;—and that it
One dose ( - Wien repented is a sure cure fur •
Cholera 31„,.1,,,,. an d a in.ayeatina of m a l at . a. gnus into tee muds of our wealthiest citi•
0 - thily rue bottle is needed to throw out of zens.
the system the eflCets of metlicine:afier a long II - e would
sickness. I state that our facilities
eirOne bottle taken for Jaundice removes for ex -cu11... nil I . I
g ~ oni :s cif 3013 PRINT
aII sallowness or unnatural color from the skin.
One dose taken a short time before eating 1. \Cs are equal to these of nny other office
gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest lathe county; and nll Joh Work antra,-
well. ! ,
One dose otten repented mires Chronic. Dino- .
Pt. to our hand , will he cloov ”va , t,,
rlirea in its welt forms, while Simmer and I rata' fly, nod et prices which will be
Bowel coniplaints yield almost to the first doge.
One or two doses cures attacks caused by sails actory.
Worms in Children ; thorn is no surer or speed -_,, - _ - _ - ..,,r - ,7 --- •,,..- :, -- ..=. 7 . -- . -LT- .-- - -,
lea remedv in the world, .it never Mils. , INT'CO r ri Ms
litirA - few bottles cures dropsy, by earning
11 , ,
I,llleSt ibDse or Mir SIIIISC1 . 111( . 1, afro re•
the absorbents.
We take pleasure in remnioncticli tigthis teed- eve 'l , , ! -ii pap . inform tut ot those in their
lei. as n preventive for Fever and Anne, Chill, um...unite neighborhoods who are subscribers
Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It ... the -.lour:lel,' mid have failed to receive
operates with certainty, and thousands are ail- ihe some, sitter the steeling of our petek-boolt.
ling to testily to its wonderlnl virtues. 1,3 ruffians on the :Id of February.
All who use it are giving their unanhnouste ,
timony in its favor. IX 0.V.-; improved SA USAG E CUTTERS
Ilkirlllix water in the mouth frith the lion,.
I) and stutrers, for sale by
atm., and swallow both togethet.
Ocl. It '. - s,--;Is, .LIS. A. BROWN.
The Liver Invigorator. ,
Is . scientific medical discovery, awl is daily • (1i,,, ri.,,,,., , , 41 i 1 ,.1 .. .ii t .5 1t dift , reitt, ,:ize,,,,f(a
working cures, almost too great to believe. It sg.l- 1
sails I ' MeMUlt HUE.
cures as if by magic, even the Brest do, giving
benefit, .d seldom more than one Math: is re -(y. OAL Ill'CliETS & SHON'ELS!
quired to cure any kind of Liver complsint, i„,,,,
sere ir. JAS. A. BitowN.
from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia tun eon,-
mon Headache, all of which are the result ~i :, INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS.
diseased Liver. --_----,---
PRICE ONE DOLLAR PElt 1101"11.E. Crone and Baker's Sewing machine.
Ba. SAwronn, Proprietor, 3-15 Broadway, N•Y• • Samuel Groves store.
Sold by 11. MeNbinigill, &J. Rend Huntingdon. Wnonick, Cladwiek .d 800.
Apr.7.'58.-1 v. ! Cook stove for sale.
-- - -
THE CASSVILLE SEMINAItY. ! Climax (- 1 . 11 . , Fan.
____ Lumbermen & Stockraisers.
ONLY $22.50 PER QUARTER , ALimmout. Lands.
Mountain Female Seminary.
Land for sole
Dr. A. P. Fields.
Milnwood Academy
Green Willow Foundry
S. B. Pillengill & Co.
Guanati's Clothing Store
Brown's Hardware Store
Fisher & McMutrie's Store.
Sarni. S. Smith's Drug & Grocery Store
Great Purifier.
Iron City C,lledge.
—..-.......--....-- .--
Mrs. M. MeN. WALSH Precepiress, Savin g Fund '
Teacher of Botany, History, Reading; etc. Literary Bursas.
Miss E. Al. Faulkner, Galvanic oil.
Teacher of Pullis Work, Painting, Drawing, Great Beautifier.
Miss D. L. Stanley, i Invigorator.
'reacher of Piano Music, Wax Fruit, Flora, Cassyslle Seminary.
Mrs. Dr. Darwin. Long Infirmerv.
Tuneher of English Branches, 'roots vs Country.
Miss J. M. Walsh, Minn Root Pills.
Teacher of Primary English. Country Merehavat
---**-•..... Alexandria Foundry.
The tecent success of this school is exiraor. Huntingdon Warns Springs.
dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of the ',, t . ! l _ l l °ll ,, oi . mi cored.
kind ever established, it is now the largest in , ''"'.' ''' hee •
this section of the Stela. All branches are Antiphlogistie Salt.
taught, and students of all ages, and of both , ,I,ue,in.tii,tlpirietCl.
sexpE, are re CC!ytd. De exEetises for B year
1 David 1". Gwiu . s . A'im,
need not be more than $9O. Students can en- ~ ~•
;::: .1 chehil.'; Slon e.
ter . 5 .,...,,iever they wish; Address, . Patent Portable Fence.
`JOHN D. WALSH, Cassvillei ! Premiums awarded.
Huntingdon Co., a. Ohe Journal Offico.
. , Colon's Book Store .
- - .
' Lluntingdon Mill.
Notice to Coal Purchasers. I
. Letter Copier.
rrtiE subscriber is now prepared to f ur l "' i Railroad Time.
I- COO & Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta.
Sion, on the Plmn'a. ailroad, of as good quail- 1 Il • K• Set t
Huntingdonl? dr •
ty as can be had on the mountain. I will run ; • °tin )' ,
Bi. I).
coal to. tidlelaysburg, or any other point one'. Dr. J. IL Huyett, Dentist.
Penn's. Railroad, if application is made person- ' Atorney's at Law.
ally or by I,tter. I Scott & Brown.
ALSO—I will agree to deliver COKE at any I Wilson & Petrikin.
bank, in curs, at four and a quarter cents per bush- 1 Thou P. Campbell.
vt viz t—Thirty-five pounds LP Lea nt shel . or de- I _....
liver it in my own care , at any poi desired. at , TIIE CASSVILLE SEMINARY.
the lowest possible rat..
For either of the above articles, address i 333,7Cr1F1.11.10.
J. M'GONIGLE, i Wax Fruit, $5,00 ; Wax Flowers, $3,00;
Hemlock, Calabria County, in, Grecian Painting, $3,00 ,• Ornamental Pain
where all orders will be propmply wooded to.
i ling S:f,oo ; Leitther Work, $3,00 ; Chenille
Aug. 15, 1858.6 t. Work, $8,00 ; Ocean Shells & Mosses, $ 2,00;
• - -- - Piano Music, $5,00.
LkrnS' DRESS GOODS, of rich style 1 Those wishing to learn tho above from a
as , f 7tr7 o beep at 1). P. GWIN'S
-1 teacher of experitutee , should do so immediate-
C. _
PLENDID RAG CARPET for alb cis. Dr, , ly, for Mies Stanley can be retained at the
,-, I Scininary only a low months longer—she re•
yard at the cheap store of
- -- -- _ ........ ... N.',.. York in the Spring,
11. 111cN. WALSH, Principal,
Prot of Languages and Philosophy.
Chas. S. Joslin. A. Dl ,
Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc.
James W. Hughes,
Prof of Mathematics.
Benjamin F. Houck,
Adjunct Prof of Mathematics.
GeO. W. Linton.
Prof. of Vocal Music. .
JunoWsP ,
•'Gills! Gifts!! Gifts!!!
*elect nit is cella*
It is a humiliating fact that these are
the two leading questions with a vast ma
jority of thu ladies of the present day.—
It mutters not whether the adorable speci
men of nature's architecture have two
grains of common sense, ur five per.ny
weights of moral principle or not, all that
is required for him is to be beautiful ninny
or a millionaire fool. Now we have
no idea of fighting with a man because he
is fortunate enough to be good looking,
nor of quarrelling with him because for
tune has favored him with her blessings ;
but we do feel like pitying and ,condimn
eng these weak puerile ((quinines who
are ever asking— he rich." or ~I s he
handsome ?"
We firmly believe that there is nothing
which has done so much to undermine the
marriage relations, to spread gloom and
desolatiod over families, as a devotion to
the sentiment expressed in these two•ques
lions. Far too many ladies of the prey•
ant day form their notions of love and
marriage from sickly novels, from theat
rical performances and from'extereal ap•
pearance alone. To their misinformed
fancy of marriage is the seed of inefTabl
joy only, and the future spreads itself as
a bright May day, and golden years dance
in bridal hours. Such an idea of married
life must necessarily be changed into a
wilderness by experience, and chagrin and
unhappiness will, of course, folhw. The
two unmatched spirits are but held in hate
ful contiguity by a legal bond, while to
heart they are divided by a torrent of
very prssionate aversion. Let but these
two questions govern her in the selection
of a partner Ibr life, and it is a miracle if
she does not reach the acme of earthly
wretchedness—it's a miracle if every
hope of happiness be not buried deep in
the years of despair.
Instead of indulging in these nonsensi
col questions and notions concerninff ev
ery silly idler who wears a fashionable
coat and has a well devemped moustache
let her but ask. he worthy of my love?'
Let reason, judgement and deliberation
weigh the matter well, and let the para
mount question always be, what is his
' moral worth ? Hun he been a dutiful son
and an afleetionate brother? if so, she
may Le sure he is worth having. 'lbis
last is a vita/ test, fora young man devoid
of filial atintiod and fraternal love is
too selfish to make a good congenial com
panion. But most kdies new-a-days are
not of the same material of which our
grandmothers were made. Had we more
Mary's like Washington's mother we
would have more Washingtons. It was
her hands which moulded his character to
syinetary and moral beauty ; it was her
prayers, her influence and her instructions
which repressed and restrained the growth
of evil qualities, and cultivated that divine
life in his soul which led him to take coun
sel of the God of battles—the Governor
ot nations. Did she not truly help to a
chieve the Revolution as if she had led
the armies to battle ? 'Prue, she did it
through her heroic eon, but she did it
no less—and this is just as God would
have every woman win her honors and re
wards, through her brother, husband or
But think you il:at such a spirit as that
which Washington's mother possessed
would stoop to ask—"ls he rich—is he
handsome ?" Think you she would lama
sure his worth by the broadcloth which he
wore--sr the gold headed cane which he
supported? Think you such a woman
would marry a mart for his pretty faca or
profuse whiskers ? ' The beauty which
such a soul would crave, would be pure
mindedness, sincerity and spotless charac
ter. She would care very little for the
dandy apollos of the present age, with
their faultless forms in perfect coats, small
white hands in Paris gloves, and dimiuu
live feet in French boots. She would'
understani. that there was so much thud
expended in brushing up and beauti
fying the outworks, they must necessarily
have neglected to fbrsify the citadel with
ih. She would argue that as ass untrod
path may lead to a deserted house--so
smooth forehead may point to an . empty
Let us hear lees of thin foolish banter
ing about beauty and wealth ; this despi
cable quizzing—go he rich—is he hand
some 1" and let us lee more homage paid
to real merit. ‘Ve are always sure to
place that lady much below par, who is
constantly prattlng and gibbling about
handsome faces and well filled purses.—
She never expects to be a help-mate, but
rest assured she will be prodigious help
eat. She will no doubt be as helpless and
dependent as the most fastidious could de
sire. But we would not give five cents
for all the soltreliance she pessesses ; she
is in truth the tender ivy twining itself
about the oak, but let the lightning rend
that oak and the frail ivy is trailing in the
dust. It is the duty of every woman to
acquire an inward principle of self sup
port, Then, if the rock of their earthly
strength be smitten, or the proud oak on
which they lean, with the fondness of a
first affection be blasted, they may never•
theless, stand erect in the mournful tri
umphant superiority, amid the hapless
Some may, no doubt will, turn a very
derisive picture. They have friends and
circustances in their favor. But what if
lortune has a home in your lather's halls,
and the case and , elegance of fashionable
life at your command. Suppose, even
that you are already the bride of a schol
ar; a genius, a merchant, or a statesman.—
What if you are so surrounded by strong
bands, and loving hearts, that to human
eye it seems impossible you could ever
fail of either friends or external resour
ces %%That security have you for the
pertnanancy of those ? Inquire of ten
thousand living daughters of misfortune
and let them answer. Curl net that !Tau.
tiful lip - in proud contempt, though you
are clad in silks and lire in halls of wealth
faring sumptuously every day for in many
a dark cellar and comfortless garret, they
toil with weary fingers, the wrecks of
women, who, in their youth,.woroproud
and rich as you. The wheel of fortune
has revolved, and they barn exchanged
plenty and ease for poverty and pain—and
so it may be with you. A precious talis
man of safety then, in self chance.
But ngain, some of your fair hands and
Idly laces suggest---yes, but its so degra
ding to work ! Degrading indeed ! We
despise such illyistn foolery. flow do
you compare, would you dire speak such
foolish nonesense, with some of the choi
cest have over livrll How
) au compare in high intellectual cul
culture and usefulness with such a wo
man ns Madame Roland, who coil! pre.
prepare her husband's dinner in the dnY
time and in the evening attract the admi
ration of the greatest minds in France by
her learned and brilliant wit. Be proud
of such degredation an this, and blush
when you even dare to think such fooltsh.
wicked thoughts.
Show us the woman ..vho has properly
looked out upon 16—upon its ditties and
its trials.-and we will point you to one
whose lips never whiningly ask, "Is he
rich or is he handsome ?" It is enough
for her to know that he pmesses a 'nasty
heart full of noble qualities ; she is con-
tested to share her cot with such an one
and be sure she is appy, You will never
hear such a wife upbraid her husband in
misfortune or adversity; never see her
sink and drag him down in the hour of
trouble, you will never hear his difficulties
greeted with tears and lamentations nor
does she ever charge her conduct with
folly. She feels her duty to cheer, not io
depress ; to encourage, not to alarm ; to
inspire with fresh spirit for renewed strug
gles agaist misfortunes, not to plunge into
despair or inactivity by her reprovings,
Not so with those nag cr inquiries after
wealth and beauty ; let misfortunes step
into their homes and they pour the over
flowing drop into the cup already full, they
plunge the drowning victim beneath the
wave. Their spiritless, unwomanly oon•
duct plucks down ruin upon Lhemselras
and upon their husbands.
Young man ! are you on she lookout for
a life partner? Beware of those whose
lips are over . whispering, "Is he rich or is
he handsome?" Shun her as you would
the deadly upas, for they will blast all your : i on
life's happiness. Young lady woulsi you 10. Ho protests his opposition to Black
be an ornament to society, a blessing to the Republicanism at every point and upon ev
world? Cultivate n character which will
cry point and upon every principle.
ever seek tho good ant! great regardless of
11. He pledges himself , to fidelity to
all else—you may then mould the destiny
the organization, principles and nominees
of your husband, and treathe the air of Par
of the Democratic party,
adise around his tried spirit, until he shall
acdnowledge you to be the good genius of IlaVing thus, with at least semiofficial
his existonce. If fortunate an:', prosper. authority, stated "those essential principles
sue, your character will glow with reopen of political philosophy by which Judge
dent beauty in your happy home. If un Douglas proposes to determine his future
fortunate, and summoned to battle with conduct," the South pertinently says
adversity. From this summary of the principles
"Your spirit long inured to pain, j enounced in Douglas' exeosition of his
Bay laugh at fate in calm disdain i opinions it is obvious that, whatever his
Survive its darkest hour, and rise I aberration to past issues, he is sound on the
In more majestic energies." philosophy of negro slavery, and is correct
Choose your watch-word—"ls he rich in his view of the re:attons between States
is he handsome?" for "Has he genuine and the Federal Government. He may
moral worth?" This shall decide your safely defy his enemies to exhibit another
destiny.—Chattanooga (Tenn.) Stiverti- Northern man with is profession of faith
aer. more ucceptable to the South.
rfireourt is over•
Wm. Penn's Deed from the Indians in
This indenture witnesseth that we, Pack
nah, Jarcoam,• Sikals, Partquesow, Jevis,
Essepenouk, Felktroy, Heke II apan, Econ
as, Machlona, Mettheougha, Wissa Powey
'lndian Kings, Sechemakers right owners
of all lands frorr. Quing Quingas, called ,
Duck Creok, unto Upland called Chester
Creek, all along by the west of Delaware
river, and so between the said creek back
wards as far as a man can ride in two
days with a horse, for. and in considera
tion of these following goods, to us in hand
paid by William Penn, proprietary and
Governor of the province of Pennsylva
and Territories thereof, viz: 20 guns, 20
fathoms matelcoat, 20 fathoms strand Iva.'
ter, 20 blankets, 20 kettles, 20 pounds .
of powder, 100 bars of It;ad 40 tomahawks
100 knives, 40 pair of stockings. 1 barrel
of beer, 20 barrels of red lead. 100 fath
oms wampum, 30 glass bottles, 20 pewter
spoons, 100 awl blades, 300 tobacco pipes,
100 hanks tobacco, 20 tobbacco tongs, 20
steels, 200 flints, 30 pair of scissors 80
combs, 04 looking glasses, 200 needles,
skipple of salt 30 pounds of sugar, 0 i
gallons of molassei.„2o tobacco boxes, 100
Jewsharp's, 40 gimlets, 30 wooden screw
boxes, 100 strings of heeds. Do hereby
acknowledge, &c. Given under our hand-. ,
&c„ at Newcastle, 2d day of the eighth j
month, 1680.
The above 1911 true copy from a copy
taken from the original, by Ephraim Mar.
ton, now living in Waghington county,
Pennsylvania, formerly a cleurlc in the
land office, which copy he gave to Win,
Stratton, and from which the above was
taken in Little York this 7th day of De
cember, 1813.
The Douglas Platform
That the Southern leaders have deter
mined to abandon the Ad minstration to the
fate which its Kansas policy is surely
bringing upon it; and to fight the Presides.
tinl battle of IMO under the leadership of
every intelligent observer of political e
vents. Such being the fact, it will be well
to keep constantly in mind the platform
upon which Mr. Douglass, as the accepted
leader of the Slaveocracy, has placed him
self. The (Richmond) South, which is
about to bo removed to IV sshidgton and
united with the States—the admitted or
gan cl the little "giant"—lays down its
several planks as falloWs :
1. Judge Douglas affirms the original
and essential inferiority of the negro.
ti. He denies that the negro was intend
ed to be embraced within the abstractions
of the Declaration of Independence, and
asserts that the right of freedom and qua
lity was predicated only of the dominant
race ot white men.
3. Ho denies the pvivileges of citizen•
ship to tho negro.
4, He affirms the compatability of it
confederacy of free and slave States, and
the possibility of their harmonious coexis
tence under a common Constitution.
5. He affirms the absolute sovereignty
of the States in respect to their domestic
institutions, and denies the authority of the
Federal G'overninent to discriminate againt
the interest of Slavery.
6 He inculcates a policy of non•intor•
vention, as between the free and slave
States, as well as between the latter mid
the Federal Government.
7. He supports the decision of the Su.
preme Court, and asserts for slavery the
right of colonization in the Territories.
.8. He upholds all the guarantees of the
Federal Constitution in •capect to the rights
of the South.
9. He maintains the dignity and inde
pendence of the Senatorial fuuction against
the encroachments of Executive usurps•
Wir Winter has come.
A little nonsenite now and then,
i.e relished by the wisest men."
Sleeping with the Landlord's Wife.
A friend in Stockbridge, Mass., sends from the product of wool and mutton, but
the folio:Ong anecdote of Rev. Zeb lrem the tendency which their keeping
hell, a M e thodist clergyman, in full and has to improve and enrich bis lands for all
regular standing, and a member of the agricultural purposes. They do this.
Vermont Conference. Ist. By the consumption of food re;
At one time he represented Stockbridge !fused by other animals. In summer, turn.
in the State Legislature. Zcb, rays Our ;hag waste vegitation into use, and giving
informant, is a man of fair talents, both as rough and bushy pastures a smoother ap.
a preacher acd a musician. In the pillpit pearauce, and in time eradicating wild
he is grave, solemn, dignified, a thorough !plants. so flat good grasses and white clo
systematic sermonizer, but out of it, there ve t . may take their place. In this respect
is no man living who is more full of fun ! sheep are invaluable to pastures on soils
end drollery. On ono occasion ha was too steep or too stony for the plow. In
wending his way towards the seat of the I whiter, the coarser part of the hay refused
Annual Conference of ministers, in com- I by horses and cows, are readily eaten by
pany with another clergyman, Passing a sheep, while other stock will generally eat
country inn, he remarked to his compa- I most of that left by these animals.
mon : Far these reasons, among others, no
"rho lest time I stopped at that tavern,
i l grazing farm should be without a flock of
I slept with the landlord's wife.' sheep, for it has been found that as man
In utter amazement, his clerical friend.
wanted to know what he meant. cattle and horsey can be kept as without
hem, and without injury to the farm for
'I meant just what I say,' replied Zeb, other purposes. A small flock, we said
and on went the two travellers in unbro. perhaps half a dozen to each horse or cow
ken silenet until they reached the confer- ;.would be a proper proportion. A variety
once. In the early part of the session,
of circumstanced would influence this
the Conference sat with closed doors for
point, such us the character of the pastur
the purpose of transacting some private 1 ego, and proportion of the same fitted and
business, and especially to attend to the
1 desirable for tillage.
annual examination of each member's pri- ,
2d. Sneep enrich land by the produc
vote character, or rather conduct, during ton of large quantities of excellent manure
the past year. For this purpose the clerk ‘ farmer of large experience in sheep Mis
called Zeb's name. bandry thcmght there was no manure so
'Does any one know aught against tho f e rtilizing as that of sheep, and—of which
conduct of brother Twichell for the past there is no doubt—that none dropped by
the animal upon the land suffered so little
year?' asked the Bishop, who was the
presiding officer. by waste from exposure. A German ag
After a moment's silence, Zeb's travel- riculturat writer hay calculated that the
ling companion arose and wtth a heavy , droppings ftom one thousand sheep during
heart and grave countenance, said he felt a single night, will manure as acre suffi
ciently for any crop.
he had at duty to perform, one that he ow.;
ed to God, and the church, an& to himself, i By using a portable fence, and moving
lie must therefore discharge it fearlessly, i the same from time to , ime, it farmer might
orn, how ho slept with the landlord's wife, ; ?pure.—Country Gent.
1 expense of carting and spreading barn ma
iartiarrOtdliiin while passing the tav-
The gravy body of ministers were
struck as with a thunderbolt, although a -
few smiled and looked first at Zeb, then In making pies it is absolutely neces
sary[ to have good , flour, and use either
upon the Bishop, knowingly, for they
sweet lard or butter. as no pie can be good
knew better than the others the character
with n sole leather crust.]
of the accused.
. Puff Paste for ties or
Tarts.To one
The Bishop called upon brother T. nod
1 1) ::) ) 1.1 u e n d d of of butter fiour a ' n ' d ke t h ell:he! - , f e o u o r f t h a s .
e o g f g a
asked him what he had to say in relation
uer frothed, i
n,o t i h n e to flo t the
to so serious a charge. Zeb arose and
said. 'ln flour;rub the
r u h e r' half a o r rt r h the it
.1 did the deed ! 1 never lie'.'
Then pausing, with atm awful serious- ' line; mix it up to a light paste; do not
work it much; then roll it out several times.
ness, he proceeded with slow and solemn
' spread spread it with butter and flour it.
deliberation, -
, There was one little circumstance, how- I
Paste for Pies —To one half pound of
ever, connected with the afla I did not
sifted flour, take three-quarters of a pound
Warne to ch 4 brother. It may not have
of butter, washed; this will make two small.
much weight with the Conference, but al
though it may be deemed of trifling impor- P ies
tance, I will state it. When 1 slept watt
Lemon Pies. —Quarter of a pound of
the landlord's wife, as I told the brother,.l
; ‘..utter melted, one lb. white sugar, beat
Ikept the tavern myself l' '
four eggs, two grated lemons, and Iwo gm
The long and troubled countenances re-
led crackers.
laxed; a titter followed, and the next name
on the roll was called,
Cabbage and Ditto. Chicken Pie.—Parboil and cut up two
young chickens; take the water in which
We have just now heard a cabbage story I they have been boiled to make a gravy;
which we will cook up for our laughter-lo• I put into it pepper and salt, a thickness of
vino readers. 'Oh ! I loves you like every- dour, and butter. Make a rich pie cruet
thing,' said a young man to his sweetheart and pus it into a dish; boil six eggs hard
warmly pressing her hand.. and cut them into the chicken; fill the dish.
'Ditto,' said she, gently returning the and cover with a crust
The ardent 'lover' not happening to Lemon Pie.—'Three lemon._ ,p.
over learned, was sorely puzzled to under. I of water, one teacup of sugar, two table
stand the meaning of ditto, but was auburn- spoonsful of flour; grate the outside of the
ed to expose his ignorance by asking the lemon carefully, and squeeze the juice out
girl. He went home ; and the next day of the rest, mix all together.
being at work in the cabbage-yard with his •
father, ho spoke out: A Cheap and Good Pie.—Prese the
'Daddy, what is the meaning of ditto ?'
juice of a lemon into two caps of molasses.
.Why,' ,said the old man, 'this here is
grate in the dry peel of another, cover
one cabbage head, ain't it!' plate with a layer of crust, spread oven
'Yes, daddy.' i some of the mixture, lay on a thin crust,
'Well, that are's ditto. spread another layer of the mixture, and
'Rot tbat are good.lor.nothing gal r e• I 090 r that lay q top crust; bake thoroughly
jaculated the indignant eon, , she called me land you will have an excellent pie.—One
a cabbage head, and Ill .. never go to see leinvu will make two pies.
her again.'
ElomEnaeo— , Who was my father? MY 13 t
whopil three
coldp o c u h n o d p s
i o , f
fine. lean
father was the inventor of threshing ma
' Chop three pounds of clear beef suet, and
bee Ni f i t n il C l C te P o i d e e7;
chines. 1 ant the first of his make, and 1
mi . the mea t , sprinkling in a tablespoon
can be set in operation at a very little ex• 1 ful of salt. Pare, core, and chop fine six
pense and at the shortest notice. So look
I pounds or good apples; atone four pounds
out. of raisins and chop them; wash and dry
AN IMPOBBIBILITY A debating society two pounds of currants, and mix them
have under consideration the question—qs well with the meat Seitson with a spoon
it wrong to cheat a lawyer I"fhe result ful of powdered cinnamon, a powdered
is expected to be—'No ! but impossible.' nutmeg, a little mace, a few cloves
and a quart of white sugar add on.
Dar A waggish candidate, coming in
quart or Madeira wine and I pound ofclt
the course of the canvass, to a tailor shop,
'What we look (or here,' said he. are mea- roe. cut into sine httal:' If lint I ft; a 'jar
sures, not men.' closely covered, it will keep several weeks
larmers' (Column.
Be Mat by the plough would thrive,
Himself, must either hold or drive."
Arcane - of -Sheep-to7n
Sheep are valuable to farmers, not only
one teacu,