Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 17, 1858, Image 1

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    ,:b100:4 futt to 'l
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Miscellaneous Advertisements.
INVIli. v l
- -
Compotinded entirely of Gums.
13 one of the best 'purgative and liver mai
vines now before the public, that acts as a Ca
thartic, easier, milder, end more- effectual than
any titer medicine known. It is not only a Ca
thartic, but ,a Liver remedy, acting first on the
Liver to eject lie morbid, then on dhe stomach
and bowels to carry oft' that matter. thus accom
plishing two effectually, without any of
the painful feelings experienced is t he operation
of most Cathartics. It strewlens the system et
the same time, that it pargeo,l4, and when taken
daily in Moderate does,',i9n strengliten and
build it up with unusual rapitlit2;
h e quip* a i t .. rid,a regula
tors of the lidiNaklicV . MI 1 4. H t 144 1. t ir t 4,._
kinns its functions won a the powers of the leo
tem ore folly develop- S ed. The stomach is
almost entirely deport- gi g dent on the healthy
action of the Liver for ,;','' the proper perform
duce of it, function, IR When the stomach is
et fault, the bowels are 0 tit fault and the whole
system suffers in con- Z sequence of one 0rg..11
—the Liver— [wino •t, ceased to do its duty.
For the diseases of 00 that orgun one of the
proprietors has made . it his study, in a prac
tice of more than men; ;74 Cr years, to find some
remedy wherewith tol counteract the many
deiangemcnt3 to whichig it is liable.
're prove that tlds r , remedy is at last di,
covered any person troubled with Liver
Complaint in any of its'l" forms, lms but to try
a bottle and convictionll l l is certain.
These gums remove "11 1 all morbid or bad
matter from the system t supplying in their
place a heal by flow r., of bile; invigorating
the stomach, , causin,qlß jhoft to digest well,
purifying the blbattrgrrg - totte Lin d with
to the whole machine- . y, removing [because
of the disease, and o f W .
&ding a radical cure
t)ne dose after ent-I,M tug is suftileient to eV.
here the stomach and !prevent th e food f ro i n
Eking and soaring. la!
' Bilious attacks ar c\',f
leaved, anJ what is
the occasional use of
better, prevented, t,..
the Liver Itivigurator.,
Only eta done till
prevents Nightinnre.
Only one dose taken at tog , to ens the
bowels gently, and cures Costiveness.
One dose taken after each meal will c e Dys
Ono dose of t(( 0 teaspoonfuls will alw vs
remove Sick Headache.
One bottle taken for female obsctrnt•tiaare
moves the ranee of the disease, and makes a
perfect cure.
Only one dose immediately relieves Chalk.,
One dose often repeat td is a sure cure for
Cholera Merlins, anti a preventive or moo.,
'Only one bottle is needed to throw out of
the system the effects of mcdicine:aftcr a long
ffe'One baffle taken -for Janndiee :removes
all sallowness or unnatural color Irons the skin.
One dose taken a short time before eating
gives rigor to the appetite, rind makes food digest
One done often repeated cores Chronic Ma
rione in its won't forms, while Summer and
Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose.
One or two doses 'cures attacks canard by
Worms in Children ; there is no sorer or speed
fez remedy in the world, on a never fails.
a- A few bottles cored druicts, by exciting
the ahmorbents. .
We take pleasure in reconunendi ugthis toed
-Seine as a preventive for Fever mid A hue, Chill,
Fever, mid all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It
operates with certainty, and thousands aro wit.
ling to testify to its wonderini virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimous tee.
timony in its favor. . . .
15e.btOt water in the mouth with the 'twig°,
ator, and swallow both togethot. . .
The Liver Invigorator.
Is a scientific medical - discovery, and is daily
working cures, almost too great to believe. it
cures as if by magic, even the finest dose giving
benefit, and seldom snore than one bottle is re
quired to cure any kind Of Liver complaint,
from the worst jaundice or Dyspepsia to a com
mon Headache, all of which are the result of
diseased liver.
....11161: ONE DOLLAR PER RoTTI.E.
Dn. SAN vo Vroprietor, 345 Dromk,y, N•Y,
Sold by IL 14011, J. Read Illintingd?n,
Apr. 7238.-1,
M. McN. WALSH, Principal,
Prot of Lang ranges and Philosophy.
Chas. 8. Joslin. A. M,
Prot: of Latin, Greek, etc.
James W. Hughes,
Prof. of Mathematics.
Benjamin F. Hunch,
Adjunct Prof. of Mathematics.
(4eo. W. Linton,
Prof. of Vocal Music. •
Mrs. M. MeN. WALSH Preceptress,
Tesellet of. Botsswijislory, Wading; etc.
Miss - E. M' Faulkner,
Teacher of Yellis . Work Paiotiog, Llrawing,
Miss D. L. lstauley,
Teacher of Piano Music, Woo Fruit,
Mrs. Irs.,
Teach, ,f English Branches.
Miss J. 111. Walsh,
Teacher of Primary English.
The 'emit success of this school is extra.dinary. Besides being the cheapest one of Om
kind ever established, it is - nosy the largest
this , seotiOP of the
.sl,tttee - All .branebes are
taught, and students of all ages, and of both
sexes, are received. The expenses for a year
need not be more than $9O. Students call en.
ter tykenever they wish. Address, •
JOHN D. WALSH, Cassville,
Huntingdon Co., Pa.
Notice to Coal Purchasers.
trim subscriber is now prepared to furnish
.L. Coal& Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta
tion, on the Penu'a, Railroad, of as good quali
ty as can be had on the mountain. I will run
coal to Hollidaysburg, or any other point on the
Ponn'a. Railroad, if application is made persott
ally or by later.
ALSO-1 will agree to deliver COKE nt any
bank, in cars, at /our and a quarter cents per bush
el viz t—Thirty-tive pounds to the bushel, or de
liver it in soy own cars, at any point desired, at
the lowest possible rates.
Vor either of the above articles, address
Hemlock, Cambria County, Vas
where all orders will be propmply attended to.
Aug. 25, 1858.131.
LII.DTSSI , DRESS GOODS, of rich e tclo
sad fer 7 chomp at D. I'. G W IN'S.
QPLENDID RARSARPRT ftr 371 cts. pci
tJ yard at the cheap 'tore of
Fssorm & MCMI,TUIL
The"HutrmonottJountrAC' is published at
the following rates :
If paid in advance $1,40
If paid within sixmontlis after the time'of
subscribing 1,75
If paid Deere the expiration of the year, 2,00
And two dollars and fifty cents it not paid
tillafter the expiration of tho year. No subscripl
tion taken for a less period thou six months.
I. All subscriptions are continued until oth
erwise ordered, and no paper will be discontinu
ed calif arrearages are paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
2. licturned numbers are never received by us.
All timbers sent us in that way are lost, • end
sumer accomplish the purpose of the sender.
3. Verso's. wishing to Stop ibeir subscriptions,
must Igo/ lip arrearages, and tend n written or
verbal order to Oust eilect,.to the office of pub
lication in Huntingdon. '
4. Giving notice to.o postmaster is neither it
logo or a proper notice.
5. After one or snore numbers of is new year
Move been forwarded, n new year has .commend.
ed, and the paper will net be discontinued until
or?•ffuget ore paid. S ec No.
The Courts S have decided that refusing to take
. a newspaper from the office, or removing and uncalled for, is PRIMA, FACIE eviclontio
ui intentional fraud.
Suhseribers living in distant enmities, or in
other Swett, will be required to pay inviolably
in tide:owe.
Ca'Tito above terms will be rigidly adhered
to in all vases.
‘‘'ill be charged at the followjag rates
I insertion. g do. 3 dv.
Six linos ur less, $ 25 $ 37} $ 50
One square, (16 lines,) 50 75 1 00
Two " (32 .4 )s1 00 150 200
3 Mc. 6 mo. 12 rrio.
Chic square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00
Two squares, 500 800 'l2 00
cultrintr, 800 12 00 18 0U
du., l2 00 12 00 27 00
q ii., 18 00 27 00 ' 40 00
I do.
. , 28 00 40 00 5U 00
110,iness Cords of six lines, or less, $4.00.
Advertising and Job Wor*.T. ''
We would remind the Advertising coin
mushy and all others who wish to bring
their business extensively before the pub
lie ; that the Journal has the largest cir
culation of any paper in the county—that
i it o instantly increasing;—and that is
goes into the hands of our wealthiest citi
We'would also state that our facilities
for executing all hinds of JOB PRINT
ING are equal to those of any other office
inthe county; and all Joh Mir
ed to our hawk will be done neatly,
romptly, and at prices which will be
Wax Fruit, 83,00 ,• Wax Flowers, $3OO ;
Grecian Painting, 83,00 ; Ornamental Pain ,
$3,041 Leather Work, 53,00 ; Chenille
Wodc, $:3,00; Oi;can Shells & Moms, 82,00;
Piano Musk, $5,00, •
Those wishing to learn the above from a
timeher'or expo. Otee, should do so immediate •
ly, ler Miss Stanley eau be rend ted at the
Setntnary only a few months longer—she re•
turns to New York iu the Spring,
We request those of our subscribers' who re•
eive their papers,to inform us of those in their
itumudiato ueighhorhuoJs who are subscribers
to the "Journal," Red, have failed to reeeieu
thu stone, since the stealing of our pack-hook,
1,3 ruffians on the 3 , 1 of February.
and starers, for sala Ly
- Oct. et,
Glass Preserving. Jars, diGrest sizes, fur
sale by FISHER Sl' NI" ICC It LE.
I 1 OAL BUCKETS & suovEr.s
For sale by tr. JAS. A. BROWN.
Grovrr and Baker's Sowing machine.
Samuel C coves store.
Cladwick and Bra,
Cook stove for sale.
Climax Grain Fan.
Lumbertn ell & Stockraisers.
Aammonton Lands.
Mountain Female ,Seminary.
Gifts! Gifts!! Gills!!!
Land for sale.
Dr. A. P. Fields. ,
Millwood Academy,
Green Willow Foundry.
S. M. Pillongill & Co.
Gutman's Clothing Store.
Brown's Hardware Store.
Fisher St Malutrie's Store.
Sand. S. Smith's Drug A Grocery Store,
Great Purifier.
Iron City Cniledge.
Saving Fund.
Literary Boras.
Galvanic oil.
Great BeautiGer.
Cassville Seminary.
Lung Inlirmery.
Tows vs Country.
Indian Root Pills.
Country Merchants.
Alexandria Foundry.
Huntingdon Warm Springs,
Consumption cared.
Bank Notice.
Autiplilogistic Salt.
littutingdon Hotel.
New Lard Press.'
David P. twin's Store.
H. Roman's Clothing Store.
Patent Portable Fence.
Premiums awarded.
Oho Journal Office.
COlon'a Book Store
Huntingdon Mill.
Letter Copier.
Railroad ',rime. •
H. K. Neff, M. D.
Huctingdon Foundry.
Dr. J. R. Huyett, Dentist.
Atorney's at Law.
Scott & Brown.
Wilson & Petrikin.
ILos P. Campbell.
(sttert Miscellany.
IittOMAIV3 13E31 nu lUD.
The Sewing Machine has proved itself
a most valuable aid to the wife and mother,
having the care and education of eons and
daughters, and is too important a subject
to be lightly dismissed, without its real ,a
loe to the sex being fully set forth. There
has heretofore been considerable said on
the subject in these pages, and it is quite
possible that we nii , zht have satisfied with
what boa teen said, had the GrtovEn &
PAKER Sewing Machine . Company been
content with their previous achievements,
in manufacturing a very excellent machine.
'flier have recently, however, introduced
n new machine for family setvintr,
by far excels anything previously brought
to public notice. Its merits are too great
to be slightly overlooked, and we think that
no lady will censure us for setting forth the
claims of the new (;rover & Baker Ina
chine to the favorable consideration of the
I' • The new Grover & BakeP Machine
makes a new and entirely distinct stitch
from any other made by machine—a pat•
voted stitch—much preferred for family
sewing, on account of its great beauty,
strength, and elasticity. It is without a ri
val in these particulars, because fabrics
that are sewed by it can be washed and
ironed without injury to the seam. If a
'thread should break from any cause, the
ls'ant cannot rip, for each stitch is so se
t cnrely !tidied e's to be independent of the
I , remaining stitches for strength. We here
f give dratVings, some with threads loose
(Figure 1), to enable the reader to form an
Figure. 1
idea of the merits or the stitch. It will
be seen that the upper thread is passed
through the fabric, and that the lower
thread is passed both thrnpr-1-1
mi. upper. !figure 2 exleuus.
the threads more lightly drawn, and will
enable the reabr to judge of the seam,
when told that each stitch IF twice tied.—
Figuru 3 shows a small winding thread,
Fijitie 3,
lying flat iind dote on the under surface
of the cloth. The whole duty of this un
der thread is to securely,
,fasten the upper
and give elasticity to the seam. In stretch
ing it the strum is divided between all the
stitches, and as each stitch gives or yields
to the strain, there can be little danger of
breaking the threads from washing or iron•
ing. Figure 4 shows the seam as it ap•
Fi41117 . 0
pears when drawn up and finished. The
machine itself finishes the seam, without
any recourse to the hand needle to fasten
the ends ; and if, as above represented,
there be an attempt to pull the two pieces
of fabric apart, it will be found impossible
t o do it, without breaking either the threads
or the fabric. Another great merit of this
machine is that it will sew either silk, tin•
en, or cation thread, direct from the spools,
as purchased` from the stores, without say
rewinding. In other words the two
spools-may be put upon the machine, and
sewed front them direct, and a lady mey
readily learn to make an entire pat mem.
without unthreading Anther needle. We
do not see why she might not exhaust the
threads from both spools without re•thread.
ing the needles.
We will attempt a short description of
the process of making this stitch, with a
mere mention of the mechanism employed
to do it. The upper thread; carried by a
reifiesl needle, is passed through the cloth •
where it throws out a loop, which is caught•
by a circular needle carrying a thread one
httll the size of the upper thread, which
is passed through it and held open until the
upper or vertical needle is again passed
down, through both the fabric and ilC . lOOp
of the under thread. This process is re
peated Mail the seam is linithed, the low
er thread passing through the upper, and
the upper thread passing through 016 low.
er. We marvel at the ingenuity end sim.
plicity of the mechanism. It is so stipple
that a child of tell years can understand
and manage it, while its durability will
bearnny teat, except intentional violence,
inspec.ion of the stitch can nut
to impress the examiner with its reser&
blance to the "back stitch," so popular
among ladies. Figure 5 shows that in the
here 5.
back stitch the thrsd is single on the up
er side ; while it double on the under.
There is no need fr describing this stitch
for it is too wel i / ,nown and appreciated.
Figure 6 exhibitsthe two threads as they
/no,: 6.
appear on the uder surface of the cloth
—showing that thy run parallel with each
other, and not anding,. a 9 to the Grover
& 1-.3alcer stitch. i'igure 7, shows the up-
Ffitre 7.
p6ftrdnee (a side!view) of the seam after it
is finished. Witle it is equally strong, it
oas neither the to ltuy nor the elasticity of
the Groirer &ker stitch.
For a better \ippreciation of the excel
lence of the Gluer and Baker machine,
we will show %Vita progress had been
made in Sewing Machines prior to their
invention. The 'rarest approach to ma
king a two thretad seam by machinery
was the crossing of two threads, one on
the upper surface of the cloth, and the
other on the under surface, Figure 8
will show the upper thread earned through
the fabric, as before described, while the
under thread is contained on a bobbin in
side of the shuttle, which passes through
the loop, and to complete the seem, is
drawn into the centre of the fabric, It
requires many conditions to enable an op
erator to do this is all cases, for the thread
on the under side of the seam will assume
the appearance of the ' , mail bag" stitch
(Eigurc 9) acid when this is the'case the
. ,
lower threads mny be pulled out without
trouble Even when the machine sews
perfectly the sewing will, trona many can.
sea, grow worse and worse, as represented
in Figure 10. On thick cloths there is
Figure 10.
less difficulty in making a perfect stitch,
with the appearance of the ,arn alike up
on both aides, as shown in Figure 11. On
Figure 11
such material, where the seam is not test
ed by washing and ironing, it may be du
rable enough for many purposes ; but if the
thresd breaks : and the cloth pulled as in
Figure 12, the loops must of necessity
Pigetre 12.
draw Out, as far as the ends of the thread
will allow them. On thin materials there
is not body enough to permit the crossi ng
point to be drawn Into the centre, and
there is no other way of tanking the seam,
than to permit the under thread to lie flat
on the surface of the, cloth, as shown in
Figure 9. The thread will shrink in
washing, and when the material is stretch
edlri ironing, this under thread must break
and when it breaks there is no security
.against ripping. The. utmost care is. re,
quired to be used in washing and ironing
garments made with the shuttle stitch
seam, and great care may make it quite
serviceable on thin.fabrtcs. Every shuttle
seam—whether upon thick or thin fabrics
—requires. to have the ends carefully fas
tened with u hand needle, that it may be
prevented from ripping.
There are various methods of making
this stitch, which is sometimes, for effect,
. i called the. “Lock Stitch," but it ms still a
shuttle seams, whether made by a recipro•
eating shuttle or a :bobbin and a rotating
hook; the thread in either case must be
careful:), taken from the original spools
and wound upon the bobbin. These hob,
bins contain very limited quantities of the
thread, and as the reader must readily per
ceive, the coarser the thread the fewer ,
number of yards the bobbin will contain.
This Shuttle stitch, which we have just
described and illustrated, was us great an
advance upon the Tambour stitch (which
preceded it), as the Grover & Baker stitch
was upon the shuttle stitch. The Tam
boo r : stitch(sbown in Figure 13) has beets
it;guiv t 3.
fief ) nadoui tnut
much used for ornamental sewing. It is
a mere series of ioopings oil the under sur
face of the cloth, after the manner of the
Icnating stitch, and net one particle more
secure, for if the thread breaks, and there
be any strain upon the two pieces of cloth
(as shown in Figure 14), the loops will ra-
Figure 14
vel or rip the entire length of the seam.—
We learn that most of the low priced ing
chines make this stitch, which we regard
~s almost .useless for family sewing, and
would hesitate long before reuommending
our renders to invest money in one of
We propose to suggesting an answer to
the above inquiry. As we look out upon
the face of nature, robed in the cerulean
vail that at present envelops the earth, and
the balmy air playing softly upon our
cheek, we can scarcely believe that it is
the latter ena of October, bordering close
ly on the chilly blasts and darkling clouds
of November. Yet it is so, Indian sum
mer is upon us, the last warm kiss of the
waning year.
But whence come these balmy days and
this smoky atmosphere ! Are the result
of our !quit brethren" in the west burning
their prairies ? l'co out boyish mind this
was a sufficient explanation. yet -we con
fess that u stray 'doubt would at times
cross our minds when we reflected on the
vast distance which the heat and smoke
had to travel, and the vast fires necessary
to product, such quantities of these mate
rials. And when wo grew to riper years
and learned !rem Purley—that wonderful
man—that the Indians burn the prairies in
the spring instead of the fall, We became
further dierLical on the subject, our fath
er's ipse dixil to the contrail not siithstan,
ding. Upon further investigaiin, wo I.
ion •
ker were rapidly disappearing, and the
prairies becoming cultivated grain ftelds,
which needed no burning; yet the Indian
summer decreased not with these changes
And now we Were fairly puzzled. What
caused Indian summer was set down atnon
the unsolved problems of our cranium, till
our college days (balmy and soft as the
present_life's real Indian surnnaer dawn
ed upon us, and then we asked the pro
lessor of Meteorology, who of course knew.
The result of our inquiry we will endeav
or to give so far as we remember it.
The name Indian summer no doubt was
given to this period from the fact that ii
afforded the Indians of our continent, from
time immetuorial, a favorable opportunity
for gathering the:r corn, which teas their
harvest. It was therefore their summer
to this peculiar sense, and hence the name .
And now lot the cause:
Two pherremena here meet us which
are to be accounted for; first, the mild tern
peralure so late in the season, and second
ly, the unusual amount of haze in the at
mosphere. They both depend upon the
the same cause, viz , the absence of aerial
currents or winds of any account, and the
consequent calmness of the atmosphere.
And this state of things rev/$y from the
gradual diminution of heat in the surfaee
of - the earth, which has been going on
since" the first of August. During the
spring and early summer months the earth
receives and absorbs more heat through
:the day than she radiates during the day
and night. The consequence is that the
surface acquires a high temperature. A
bout the last of July, by the shortning o(
'the days. the amount of heat received has
diminished so as to only equal that radio.
ted. Atter this period the radiation du
ring the lengthening nights exceeds the
abserbbion through .the day and reduces
the elevated temperature of its surface
down to its medium. This is reuched a
bout the last of October, or the first of No
vember. The earth has then became too
cool to give rise to ascensions: or local
tizontal currents, and as a consequence pp
cold air from higher latitudes roach us, in
the shape of chilling winds, nor are clouds
and showers formed in dm atmosphere, by
the admixture of cold and warm air,
Hence there results a period of mild days,
in which ibe sun pours down his sti 1 vig
erous rays with no cold wools to counter.
Act their effect, whila the mois ure which
exists constantly the form of invisible
vapor in the atmosphere, not being car
ried up by ascensional currents to form
showers, or swept away by horizontal gales
to be diffused elsewhere, becomes visible
'o the eye, in the form of a bluish gauze
like haze, such as we see at present, The
popular notion that this haze is smoke, is
of course errone' us: No confLigratiou
could produce such quantities, nor would
it, when produced, be carried to us front
: ,
in distance when there are no winds. But
while we assert that it is not smoke causos
by combustion, we admit that it pa ro- ,
of the general 'nature of smoke, which i
nOthind more than watery vapor arising
from burning wood and made visible by
passing into cool air. We also 'admit that
the smoke from chimneys, etc., intermtd
glee with the haze of this season, and be
leg of the same specific gravity, instead
of rising, comes to the earth, as in damp,
foggy weather, thus bridging to our sen
ses the odor of binning wood. It wilt be
perceived, therefore, that the smell of
smoke which confirms the unreflecting in
their opinion that the atmosphere is filled
with this substance, arising from some
burning material, admits of a ready ex
planation, without the untenable theory to
which they feel compelled to resort. Wa
tery vapor is fightWthan the air, at the
earth's surface. Hence when it become;
diffused or formed in tt, It dintiniThes the
specific gravity of the wkole simesphere
The smoke, therefore, from chimneys with
itasooty odrr, comes to ihe surface, not be
ing able to rise in an atmosphere of its
There are mane collateral points con.
netted with this subject; some of which
may be necessary to the proper understan•
ding of the above explanations. But. we
cannot discuss the whole related ground in
a newspaper article. Hoping that what
we nave said may thruw some light on
this hazy subject, we remain, Juntas.-:-=
9,rmaulown Telegraph.
Luis', TENDER —Some people are at
loss to know what is a legal tender of mon
ey. Most persons are greatly in error in
supposing that cents area .legal tender
for any amount, and sometimes captious
people snake large payments in copper
coin : which creditors suppose they are ob.
liged to receive—from the fact that it is
coineu at the mint sad bears the impress.
lof the United States upon it. From thtt
S‘lllll u yigips. tne act.
of Congress upon the subject, is will be
seen what is and what is not a legal ten.
der. Tho law regulating the payment of
I debts with coin provides that the following
coin be legal tender; •
1. All gold coin•at their respective val
ues for debts of any amount. •
2. The half dollar, quarter dothir,, half
dime, and quarter dime, at their respect
ive values for debts of any amount under
five dollars.
3. Three cent pieces for debts of any
amount under thirty cents; and
4. By the law passed at the last session
of Congress, we may add one cent peaces
for any amount tumor ten rents.
By the law of Congress, passed come
four 01 five years ego. gold was made the
legal tender for large antounts. Those
who to get rid of large .quantities of cents
and small coin, sometimes pay their bills
with it, to the annoyage of the creditor,
will percieve that there is a stoppage io
that antic by the law,
DIVORCE IN INDIANA. -Judge Tesi, of In
diana, in givirg opinion in a divorce
case recently before him. said that the ad
vocates of free love could not ask the en
actment of a statute more favorable to their
views than the present devorce laws.
Mormon polygamy is better, for that
at least compels the husbane to pro.
vide hr fine protect his numerous wives,"
Indiana appears to be the, great refuge
forall edly.matched parties, where they are
able to get unmat,d without any
Pacorricz, noticeing the exhibition, by
a horse trainer, of an anti-kicking
says, .'the inventor has sold out his patent
to the President, who intends w use it on
Douglas, Wise, Forney, and others, who
show a disposition to kick out of the party,
DIED ON HER KNEEB.—Mrs. Catherine
Tilden, wife of Mr. Daniel Jones, of Glen
more, Kent county. Md., died very sudden
ly, recently, aged 54. She arose in her
usual health and before; 'tasting for gab.
bath Scholl retired , to her private room fur
her morning devotions, singing—
Wesud, lover of my soul,
Let me to thy bocini Sy."
And there upon her banded knees shu
c.•used at once to pray and live,
6111rGone a ducking, is the term used
for a young fellow in Arkansas who goes
to set up with a young warner.
corn. slightest sorrow for sin is sitf_
ficient if it produces amendment, the great
est is insufficient if it does not.
Ba'Gold in no - idoT,woishipped in nil
climetni without a single temple, and by
n.I case without:a elnkleltypderite.
Time, Patience, and Industry, are the
three grand luabtore of the world
, .
leititttergiVaJ stir
;inn 94e11.0 'di nail vs
h. —A.Nksiishripinhasissisiwild
7 66a ecttiggli,
Atd hcnitvi vermillion
rd 7,4)
I,4et nu)?prn tresses goat op.o the vale,
And llowery garlauds all their %meets eadinte
if once the lips in patting shoold
Her teetbdiseolored or ju diyarrax„
The spell tlissolvee, aud
Beholds her fond pretensions inelkkintlrsi , : .,
.. And, like the rose beside= thectletetigittil
Be dooined to Hush o'er inan;•"it L , .,ip,cluksitofilog
riir A squill pattern , ol a artralte
solicited the band of a very lti e'bwm4
, loh no." Onic44he AsirAdy n ‘llAan't
think of it eni a inomentl !Phel jfati is,
'!bony; you are a little too big to put in
a cradle', and a livle too small 'tBPuf in it
. .
Pat's Description of a Fiddle —Pad•
dy's description of a fiddle Oatini v ,tbe beat:
"It . wasthe shape of a turkey, and the size.
of a goose ; he turned it over on its back
and rubbed its belly with a stick and och
St. Patrick ! bow it did squid !"
Ber A divine informed a sailor the
devil was chained up. -Ifow long is the
rope ?" Oh" was the dignified reply, "it
extends over the world." .'lloes it r: re
joined Jack ; "if so, the lubber might as
well be loose."
10.1 n the story of the, courtship: of a
loving couple, after MI had been arranged
and fixedup, the narrator pays : "Here
their lips came together, arid the report
which followed was tile pulling a home'.
hoof out of the num."
illar Sally Jones says that when she
was in love she felt as if she Was-in a tun.
nab. with a stream of molasses running in
Clear Case. —Cointng along the street
the other morning, we overheard the fol•
conversation, which ig clear
"Julius is you Letter din %nothing I"
Ne, I was better yesterday, but l'ae
gut ober dat."
"Am dere no hopes den, ob your dia.
covmy V "Yourdiscovery from de con;
valescence what tun fotching you on yet
back." .
"thtt depends nail. a Itogedder on the
prognostification, which azipliphy de dis- .
ease, Should dey continue. &wally, - de
doctor links Fee a goner; Should dey not
continue fatualiy, he hopes die culled in
•diridual won't die till next time, . Hut an
I said before, dat ell depends on de prog-
Austics, and till des come to a head, dere
'are no telling wedder din posson whammy
to a diteontinguation or otherwise.
find out whom• a child loves,
,make it a present, and notice to whom h is
most eager to show. that present exulting
ly. To find out whoa Woman hates do
exactly the sante thing.
c. 7. Same one says of a certain congre
gation, that they pray on their knees on
Sundays, and on their neighbors the rest
of the week,
ster A man has declined being a can.
didete for effice in one of the new States
because he is not a legal citizen; has nev
er paid a tax or any debt, owns no proper
ty, can't read nor write, is blind, has but
'one leg. has lost. four fingers from his left
hand, has ten children, and can't leave
home for fear they will abuse thpr 'moth
Clif A caebrated physician, boasting
et dinner that he cured his own hams, one
of guests observed '
•'lloctor, 1 would souner Le your limn ,
thou your patient.
ear Be sure to annex a woman' whir
will lift you up, instead
tvn—i erca a tt itikiste get bOlitti a
piece of calico that will wash.
ffir No horse wit, bound a mare's neta
That, di.tuvecy can only be made by Ad.
dony,ey. • .41!1
When'does a cow become real Ori-' '
tow 1 - .When turnaioto a field
Mir 'WM as happy es a calm at high'
water," said awacquaietance the other day'.
lie had just received a letter from Inc'"'
sweetheart. ,
Irkir - The fellow tvho ‘Verurring
Demeanor, thinks very seriously of break- ' N
off the vngogetnent.
' Car A writer gives - the followingllo
vice .0 wives t l'Should you find'lt Item- t 4 b
sary,satnany of - ,yau undoubtedly Wilt, to
chtitiso,your husbands, you will perform" ' l '
this afincttunate duty :with the soft end at
he broom„ nut with then handle.” • .)411,19
A floral aentimeut—lf you wish for
lit art's case,' never look to .mary gold.'