Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 03, 1858, Image 1

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    liunt . ngtin 011:11ftL
MISCELLANEOUS ADVEItTISESIEIIII4 TERMS OF THE JOULINAL. Ihe second day was tenure trying than low any one to be unveil for your conveni- 1
THE LIVER TERMS the first; the wind blew keenly, stud pent,- ! ence ; but I have one chnother still at your
INVIGORMR I Thei.„,,,,,,,i„.„...,,,,,.. outdisheit at trat,l every crevice of the c onch; the par.! service , which, except in one respect. is
e the following rates : 1 tint thew had but slightly affected the wild ' comfortoble enough.'
PREPARED 13Y DR. SANFORD. 4 ,,ii paid in advance $1,50
t ,
if said within six months after the time of nim.and they hod to cross; thick hen vy I .11n tinted, of course?' said Miss Stirling
Compounded entirely of Gums. .uh.cribin g l, 7' clouds weregothering scooted the red ray- goll y.
1s one of the hest purgative and liver meal s
sf paid before the expiration a the year, 2,00
eines now helore the public, that acts as a Ca- , Anil two dollars and liftv cents if not paid less son ; ond when on frocking a little', , Oh, no, no, no, it is not that ! I hod it
thartie, easier, milder, and more effectual then
roadside in the snow begno to hill fast. both fitted up lor my brother W Munn when he
any tiler medicine known. It is not only a Ca- i ti ' o ll :',.' a e k r , t i l :l e , r xi l i ii ra i ,,l,„, P ( L f r i i , l :3 3 ,'T i a ii r t i N si ^ x a :='; .
Shortie, lint a Liver remedy, acting first on the 1. All subscriptions are continued until oth.. the woad and COlichmen urged their soli• used to be here more frilitently than of
Liver to eject its morbid, then on the stomach , 5 0 m a ,e ,.i iia; , , , ,, ,, i3: 1 0 , r , i , i ,_....,, a n d
r iolT i t a it:r ox a , l e l p l i t ie . di t s h e e ti o n i t , i;l i. ?; , try passenger to remain there .
And howela to carry Mr that matter. thaw acconi
plishinc two purposes effeetually. without an y . of oi . ay.
...,, t a , : 1 . ; e ."..`" "`, i night, instruct Of teillming the discomforts ni-u when the house is hill; 11111. 11S It is
the painful feelings experienced in the operation .2.-,r„„,.„,,, numbers are never recuiesr/ bv iii nod mid perhaps the perils of the next stage. detac hed from the house. I have, of course
of most Cathartics. It stregthens the system lit , „
1,,, monhers sent us in tit it wiy are lost, and ~, . , h es i tated , . , 1 lad y I L ..
i i lISS &lung f or a moment, out ne v er as k ed any to steep tnere ti ll
the same time that it purges it , and when taken
~, i near
'laity in " nvier "" °. '" , will "' ti g hten 4--j- 3. l'ermng wislling to Rfai• Mail. norlmeriviirms. the little het looked hy un ineans a plsnsant nil.'
minimal build it up with nimal rapidity.
I.. , inities met send a written or , ,
rte . ,
..I - I-- - 0 .h, ~,,i.t h. d • I
The Liver is one co.; the principal scan's- 1 ,','",:',: i 1 i ",7„ 1 , 1 , 1 ,',":„ th„, etre,. to th e e at„ o i i „,b. PI t • , 0 • 0 , I .upm• . • • • 0,! if thou be rill. lam quite willing
tors of the human ho-lele av ; and when it per-
I .1. 011 in Ilantim,ihm• their entreaties, tool. withering her furs to become its first lady tenant,' said Miss
forma its functions well e the powers of the syss
tam arm f . ,, ,,,,
uie‘iekiii.ii . rm. The surmise' , is
1 :4 , 1 , . , t o l i ii•it l ig .., n ) : e it . i . e . e ,o t i o c i: . postmaster is neither a
more Closely armor) her. she nestled he, Stirling, heartily. So the matter w. set
almost entirely depeo- 1 ,0 dent on the hastily -:, % I l e ,. „,,, or am , cum b ers of n ne w "at sot itro ii Corner 11 Ole conch . 1 . 110 ,, , for tied, tind orders were given to prepare the
action of the Liver fm ...--* the proper Inatom. ... ; . , ,
Bryn Illlwonir, a new ,e,ir has (mimeo, •
ee of its functions. i When the grinned' isa lino.. she lost all consciousness of out • Pavilion for the unexpi•cied guest.
I T ' I the ai ier will ear br . fligrosiliritorl mail
a a i t ' foult, the bowels me Z at fault and the whole i i . '2__ ..,..
~1.,,,,,,id. roe No.
ward things in slier The evening. passed pleassititly ; music
system sutlers in eon- 0 sequence of one orgi.n " r. ,."" v .
i I lie'Com Is iiii, ,Isei , le,l that refusing to rake
. A . sudden lurch nWOICe her; and she &mein g sod ghost .tones inade the hours
th i e lv il r is — eit i sT: ii i i , 0 ." e tl e n7oc t g " iitin i' e s of t h e : ant"vl."Per from tilt, °the°, or coons l l ".1. 10 : 1 !
it his stu d y, i i , „ pre ,. i loit!int.:
t it . Ze i lt i t!pri i" nu.' F A C IE evidence ' soon learned thnt, they h d stuck last in a fly fug It was long post ten—the usual
1 w drift, and dial no eir.rts of the tired hour of r,tiiiiig tit Belfield—telien Miss
proprietors has made e
tice of more than:Wen, ty yea, t o Hod , on , 1 r
C li I L N " I 'l; re livin g in distant counties or In snow
remedy wherewith toI counteract the utility '
other States , will b e required to pay inv ariably horses could extricate the coach from i's Stirling, under her to-less' guidance, trek
ditrengements to which id it is liable.
Tu prove that this ss relnmly is nt last die - 1i" n tir. !',.. e° ' mildew-tint predicament. The guard. possession iif her Out door chamber. It
„over., any
....." t . Willit !WI w i t h
t h Li Ver , ! ar Ihe above terms will he rigidly adhered .
MoiliOlog our of the lenders, set oil in real y was a pleasont. eheei fel little aria
cnlnplaint in any I/E ha 11. forms, bee hut to try . to in all eases.
a tousle and conviciion! . .„ is c e r t.'', se tech of a. ,, eitittice. while the Coachman mem. The crimson hanging of the bed
These gmhs remove ov all morbid or had A IiVEIIVISEIIIIENTS cutillorted Mis,, Stirling by tell,. • her that, and wie,daw looked warm nod comforts•
matter from the system z supplying in their Will be charged at the folluaing rates:
place it heal by flow ss of bile, invigorating i insertion. 2 do, 3dm a , .43 •rly as they could calculate, they were ble in the &siting fire-light ; it, when
the stomach, causing R food to digest well, Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37 i * 511 only a mile or two from the umpire's" • the candles an the motel. , piece were lights
purifying the blooil,ui- , 14 vin tone and health O H , square, 06 linesO 50 75 100
_. I . .
ariu that 11 the guard could hod his way to rd, and the two easy choir drawn ilo e to
so the whole machine• ea ry, ramming therm's° • Twu '. (sit •') 100 150 20U
of the disease, and et :, tfeetimi a relics' cure 3 mo. 6 um. 12 nio• the squire's, the squire woo certain to come the lit with the lend patted triends found
One dose after eat- ._,„ lug is suflliment to re- One sonare, 83 Od $5 00 $s 00
neva the stole..hand M tprevent the food from Two squares, 500 800 12 OU to the rescue with his sle I
Lne• It nu. mu •it impossible to tesist the temptation of
rising sod marine. lit. I column, sOO 12 00 18 us the first time thin the squire liml got the sitting down to have, what in ~Id days
Bilious attacks avelt eared, sof what is i do., 12 00 18 00 27 00
better, prevented, ti . the occasional use of $ d i , 18 00 27 00 40 110 in ail taiga out of a snow wreath by that „hey cull it •1 wo Minded chat t Torre
the Liver invigorstor.it_ I do., 28 00 40 110 511 MI „,„„,.
I Was mush to lull of what 11,1 bebilien
Only one dose ta.lii i n before tit Businese Cards of nix lines, or less, $4.00.
prevents Nightmare. I , - both. of cht.rpiered scenes ric joy nod mo
.llol, Only one dose taken at nix , our - ens t he ......................
row, deeply Interesting to these two whose
owels gently. and cures Costiveness. Advertising and Job Work.
One dune taken after each meal will c v Ilvs- youth had been passed together ; there
We would remind the Advertising con,
pepsin. were mutual recoil chinos of school dot s
Orme date of two teaspoonfuls will nlw ye triunity mid all others who wish to bring
remove Sick Headache. to he talked over; mutual ft tends and hr.
Ma bottle taken for female olisetructionres their business exteie-ively helme the pub
title pions to be discussed ; and Midnight
eenaum the cameo of the disease, and makes a tic, , ~
,r r rnit
tout tne OUi has the lut gest cir •
roe rot cure. rung out from the stable clock In fore Mrs,
Only one dose ilitlnediately relieves Cholie, culation of any paper en the county—that
Atherton said goal night. She had al.
while iis is instantly incrensing;—and duet is
One dose often repenti d is a sure cure for ready crossed the the shold to go. when
Cholera 3lorbus t end a preventive of Cholera. goes boodle hands of our wealthiest citi•
she to r..eil back iii soy, .l lorgot to tell you
Grimly one bottle is needed to throw out of
Ellen, that the key only 'Urns (onside.—
Oho system the effects of medicine:after a long Tens•
sickness. Ane you inclined to trust to the bar alone,
One bottle taken for Jaundice removes
all mellowness or tinnionral color trom the skin. or tell; you, as William aced to do. have
One dace taken FL short time before eat il.);
give: vi e or to the eppetite, and makes road digest the door locked outside, and let the sm..
vino bring the k in t,t l
,_ti _aye thi,roliig. Wll
lions used to pay dint lie found it rather on
ad voutoge to do so, as the Uribck Mg of the
door tens sure to wake hem'
3liss Stirling laughingly allowed, that
though, generally, she could not guile
think nun nil vantage to be locked into
her room, still site had no objection to n
on this particular occasion, as she wished
to rise to rensonable time,
'Very Well ; then you had better not
fasten the bar at all, and I will send
my in ,id with the key nt right precise
ly. Good night.
Good night.'
They parted ; the door was locked out
side ; the keys token out ; nod MUM Stir.
ling.standing by the window, watched her
friend cross the narrow block path. which
lied been swept clear of snow to make a
der passage from the 'loose to the posit
lion. A ruddy light streioned from the
hell door as it open.4l to admit its mistress.
and gave is chemful, friendly is.peor to the
scene ; hut when the door closed and shut
nit that worm coinfortathle light, the Our
kened porch, the pale moonlight shim
mering on the shrouded trees nod the star
twinkling in the frosty sky, lucid such on
aspect of solitude as to cast over her a
kind of chill that mode her hull repent
h.tviPg consented to quit the house at all
nod let herself be locked up in this lonely
One dose often repeated cures Chronic Dim
rlitun in its we. a! terms, while Summer snot
Rowel comp'aints yield almost to tie tit, dose.
One or two doses cures attaeks Cllll.l by
'Worms in Children; there is 1111 surer or aimed
.42 remedy in the world, na it never Ails.
&'Afew bottles mares drops, by ext iting
A. absorbents.
We take plaintive in rernmmendi ngthis med
icine as a preventive for Fever and A 4 uc. Chit,
and all Fever. of a Bilimis Type. It
operates with certainty, and thonsamls are wil.
ling to testify to its wornieritil virtues.
All who use it are giving their unanimous tes
timony in its favor.
ear Mix water in the month with the Invigo.
ator, and swallow both togethet.
The Liver Invigorator.
Is a acientifie medival discovery, and is tinily
working cores, aimst too great to believe. It
caret as if by magic, men the tract dose giving
Sencfit, and seldom inure than one bottle is rm
quirel to care am kind of Liver complaint,
from the ,irst jaundice or Dyspepsia to it rum
men Headache, all of which are the result of a
deemed Liver.
Da. tie roux, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, N.Y.
Sold by 11. SlcManigill, & J. ilnnti
Apr.7.' 58,1 v.
THE cmumi.i.c NENINAnT.
91. MeN. WA1. , 11,
Prot of Languages and Philosophy.
Chas. S. Josllu. A. 11,
Prof. of Latin, Greek, etc.
James W. Buggies,
Prof. cf Mathematics.
Ilea'again F. Houck.
linnet Prot. of Mathematics.
Geo. W. Linton.
P r of. of Vocal 51u40.
Mrs. M. ' , LOT. W 41.411 Preerptress.
Teacher of Bonne, Hist" , y, Reading; etc.
Miss E. NI Faulkner.
Teacher Of Penis Work. Painting, Drawing,
Miss D. L..lauley.
Teacher of Piano Music, Wux Fruit, Flo're,
Mrs. Dr. ..arsvin
Teacher of Enelash Branches.
Miss J. M. Walsh.
Tea.•ha.r of Primary English.
The tecent 'twees of this school is extraor.
dinar). Besides being the cheapest one of the
hind ever established, it is now the largest. in
this section of the State. All branches are
taught, and students of all ages, and of both
sexes, are received. The expenses for a year
need not be more than $9O. Students can en.
ter whenever they wish. Address.
JOHN D. WALLAH, Quinine,
liuntiutpluti Co., Pa.
Notice to Coal Purchasers.
HE subscriber it now prepared to furnish
A cost a. Coke at his bank at Lilly's Sta
tion, on the Note.a. Railroad, of an good quali
ty as can be had on the tnountain. I will run
coal to Hollidaysburg, or any other point on t .a
l'entest. Railroad, if application is made person
ally or by letter.
A LSO—I will agree to deliver COKE at any
bank. in cars, at Par and a quarter cents per hush
*: viz :—Thirty-five pounds to the bushel, or de
liver it in my awn cars, at any point desired. at
the lowest possible rates.
For either of the above artirl•s. address
J. Ist'GON It; I .E,
Hemlock, Cambria County,
where all orders will be propmply attended to.
An,. 25, MUM.
MACKEREL of rll Noe., Herring . &c., can
be had of the best quality, hy rolling on
Frauaa . & hroMutanta._
Il trairrrticClVEß 4
MITTS cheo
I). P. GWI4'S
VoNE CROCKS, JARS, ece.,—a large stock
foe mato ae aoaaaracxurers' pricca i r
• WIZ. A. ROM,.
We would slam state that our facilities
(or r to.cuting all kinds of 3013 PRINT
ING are equal to those of any other office
uothe county; and all Job Work entrus.
ed to our hands will be done uently,
I runiptly, and nt prices which will be
c[cct liscClhUln.
ft was one of those old-fashioned win
ters, in the days of the °, orges, when th
snow by no the ground for weeks, when
railways were unknown. and the electric
!eh-graph had not been dreamed of save
by ihe speculative Countess of London,
The mails had been irregular for a month
past, and the letter bags which did not
retch the post-office had been brought
thither with greet ditlicuhy. The sews
papers were devoid of all foreign intelli
gence, the metropolis knew trailing of the
flings of the provinces, end the provinces
knew li flu mere of the Ohba of the me•
tropilis ; bat the columns of both were
crowds d with accitkots from the incleinem
cy of the weather, with ie:art rending tic
counts of starvation and desti ution. with
wonderful ecapes of adventurous travei
let's, and of still mere adventurous mail
coachmen and guards. Business was al.
most at a standstill, nr was only civried on
by fiis and starts; families w, re made no
easy by the frequen , long silence of then
absent inemlo re, and the poor were suifrr
iog great misery from cold and Waite..
The smith mad had b blockud up far
nearly a month, when a partial thaw al
moat caused a public rejoicing; coaches
tegan to run, letters to be de.p,ttchud and
and delivered, and weatherbound travellers
to bare some hope of reaching their dusti
Among the first ladies whn undertook
the journey from the west of Scotland to
Lrndon at this time, was a crash' Miss
Stirling, who had, for weeks p.t t, debited
to reach the metropolis. Fier friends as.
awed her it was a foolhardy attempt, and
told her of travellers who had b. en twice,
nay three tinies.snowed upon their way to
town; but their advice and warnings were
of no avail, Miss Stirring's business was
urgent, it cnncr•rned others more than her
self, and she WIN not one to be deterred by
personal discomfort or by physical difficul
ties from doing what she thought was
ahe kept to her pnrpose.,and early
in February took her seat in the mail for
London, being the only passenger who'
was booked for the whole journey.
The thaw had continued for some days ;
the rands, though heavy. were open; and
wi.h the aid of extra horses here and there
the first half of the journey was performed
pxotty easily, though tediously.
The coachman's expretat:onv were ful
filled Within an hour. the distant tink
ling 01 the sledge belle was heard. and the
lights were seen gleaming afar; they rap
idly ad-anced newer and nearer ; and soon
a hearty voice wks heard hailing them. A
puny of men, with lanterns and slim-1,,
came to their as.istance ; a strong
aril lt(t
ted Mien Stirling from the co ten. and sup
ported her trembling steps to a sledge close
at h n 1; and almost before she__ knew
w true she wag. she found liertell in a large
hall, brilliantly lighted by a hltizMg wood
fire. NumLors of rosy, glowing, childish
faces were ga'hered i.round her, windiers
of bright, eager eyes were gazing curious
ly tiptoe her, kindly hand. were lucid in
rentovinT her wraps. and pleasant voices
welcomed her and congratulated her on
her escape.
'Ay. ay, Mary.' said her host, addressing
his nife •I told you that the sleigh would
have plenty of work thin winter, and you
see I was right.'
•As t•ou always are, uncle,' a merry
voice exclaimed. •hVe n'l any at [lllWlree
that Uirde Atherton never can be wrong.'
•Atherton ! flawtree !' repented Miss
Stirling, in some amaze•nent, and uttered
in Hurt (manlier voice, •Ellen, Eden Mid•
dleton is it possible that on ere here ?
A joyful exclamation and a rush ium
her arms were the young girl's really reply
to this question as she cried, "Uncle
Orton. Aunt friary, don'i you know your
old friend M is Stirling ? '
Mrs. Atherton fixed her soft blue oyes
on the stranger, in whom she could at first
scare• ly recognize the bright-haired girl
whom she hail not seen fur eighteen years;
hut be and by she satisfied herself that,
though changed, she was Ellen Stirling
still, with the slime sunny smile and the
eat,• laughing eyes that had made every
on , j uice her iii their sehoolileys. Heart
felt indeed were the greetings which fill
lowed, and cordial the welcome Mrs. Atli
erloll game her old friend, n. she cone Po ti•
lilted hers, li on having dear Ellen under
h r rad; more especially as she owed this
Bond fortune to Mr. Atherton's exertions in
rescuing her.
•Il in the merest chance, too, that he is
at home at prwient.' she sail ownl to
have been in Scotl.tiel, hot the suite rf the
rondo in this bleak country has tiro blot
pris:iner liem fir weeks.'
%Anil othi rs as wed,' Ell-iiMiddleto.i
add , d ; 'but both children nod growl t en
pl. are only tom thankful to have so good nn
excuse for staying longer at Etelfield.' And
then, laughing, she mitred Aunt Mary bow
she meant to dispose of Nltss Stirling for
the night, for the house was already ns full
as it could hold.'
said her aunt, 'we sh,ll manage
very will. Belli 1.1 is very etost c:
She e,nilyd us she spoke ; but it struck
Mine S.i ding that the question was, !lever
theless, n puzzling one, so she took tie first
opportunity of eutrearing her to take no
trouble on her accuunt ; a choir by the fire
was reall7 all the accommodatiott she
red fur, as she wished to be in reudutrua to
pursue her journey as team as the coach
could proceed.
.We shall be obit. to do better for you
than that, Ellen, Moe, Atherton answered
cheerfully. .1 cannot, it is true, promise
you a 'stateroom,' fur every bed in the
henna is full, and I know you will not al
Yet what hod she to fear 1 No harm
could 'oilmen to her from within the ch.tin•
her ; the door was safely locked outside
and strong iron statichei no gun rile f the
window there could tie no possible thin.
ger. t.o, throwing h. .r choir once more
to the fire. mid stirring it into n brighter
bi..xe. site took tip a little Bible which lily
on the tahle, and read some por
tions of the New Testottient.
\Viten she I.tid down the hook, she look
out the comb thou fastened op her I mg.
dark silken tres•es—in despinte
her five nod thirty year,; not a silver
threod as cisAlle--and, as she a/mord
I th •nt for the night, her thoughts tzt , nyrd
hock to the old .vortil memoriam. which
her turtling with glary Atherton hod re•
vied. The sound of the clock striking two
woe the first thing that rt ci.lled her to her
present life. !ty this tune tire candles
were hurn,d down alitin.t to the so. k. r
and the fire was dying foto. As she tur,.
ed;o fling n"fresh log into the pole. her
eyes fell Nor. the dressing glass and in
its rtifection she sow or at least she fun.
Died she sow, the bed.curtnins move.
She stood lor a mint.of wising at the
mirror, expecting n reretiti in of the mow
nwnt ; hut all was still. and she blunted
herself for allowing nervous feats to over
come her Still it was an exertion, even
of her brave spirit, to approach the bed
and withdraw the curtains. She WHO re
worded by • finding nothing save the bed
clothes folded neatly down; as if inviting
her to press the snow white sheets, and a
luxurious pile of pillows, that looked most
tempting. She could ant resist the mute
invitation to rest her wearied limbs. Al
lowing herself no time for further doubts
or furs, she placed her candle on the
mantle piece, and steppe(' into bed.
She was very 'trod, her eyes ached
with weariness, but sleep seemed to fly
from her. Old recollections thronged on
her memory; thoughts connected with the
business she had still to get through
haunted her; and difficulties that had
not occurred to her till now, arose up be•
fore her. She tons restless and feverish
and the vexation of feeling so, made her
more wakeful. Perhaps if she were to
close the curtains between her and the fire
she 'nigh. ho better able to sleep— the
flickering light disturbed her, and the
moonbeams stealing between the window
curtains cast ghostly shadows on the
So, she carefully shut out the light on
that side, and turned spun to sleep
wilier she had or had not quite lost
consciousness oh-. could not well remem
, her hut she soon thoroughly amiss•
ed by fee ing the b. d heave under her.—
She started op, nod awaited with a ben.
tag limirt a repetition of the movement
hut it did not come. It must hove been a
remit] of the nervous fancies which had
twice assailed her already that night.—
Laying he• hitl once more on the pillow
she ilm,ritiined to control her groundless
Again she started up ! This time
there could be no doubt; the bed had
had heaved more than once. accoinpnnied
ny n strange gurgling sound, as if of a
creature in pain. Leaning 00 her elbow
she fisierienett with that intensity of fear
which tiesires, slalom as much as it dreads
a recurrence of the snuad that caused it.
It came notin followed bye loud rustling
muse, as &some heavy body were drag
gt.d trout under the 'bed in the direction
of the fire. She longed to call out for
help, but her tongue chive to the roof of
her mouth, and the pulses in her templet
throbbed until she felt as if their painful
beating sounded in the silence of the night
like the loud tick of n clock.
The unseen thing dragged itself along
until it reached the hearth rug, where it
flung itself down with violence. As it did
so. she heard the clank, 01 n ch'n. Her
breath came less painfully as she heard it,
for it occurred to her that the creature
might be nothing worse than the house
dog, who, having broken his chnin, had
I sought shelter beneath the bed in the
warm rosin. Even tbis notice was
disagreeable enough but it, was as nothing
to the vague Irmor which km' hitherto up.
pressed her She persuaded herself that
if she lay quit • quiet 110 hurts would hap
pen to her. nod the night would $OOll pass
over. Thus reasoning, she laid herself
down again.
By and. 4 the creature began to snore,
and tt struck her feverish fancy that the
stoning was mot like that of a flog. After
little time, she raised herself gently. and
with trembling hands drew back tin inch
or two of the curtain, and peered out, think
ing that any certoin'y was better than
such terrible suspens ~ She looked to
wards the fire•place. and there, sure e
nough, the huge creature lay—a brown,
bury mass, but of what shape it wits in.
possible to devine, so fitful wits the light,
mid so strangely was it coiled up on the
hearth.rue By•ntid by it began to stretch
itself out, to open its e) es, which shone
in the flickering roy of the fire,and to raise
its paws above its hoary head.
Good God ! those are not intws ! They
are human hands.; and dangling from the
wrists hang tragments of broken ebony !
A chill of horror froze Ellen Stirling's
veins, as a flash of the expiring fire showed
her this clearly—far too clearly—and the
coitv!ction seized upon her mind that she
wits shut up woh as escapeil convict. An
inward invocat trot to Heaven for aid rose
lonia hi•r heart, as with whole force
of her intellect sne endeavored to survey
the danger of her position, and to thick of
the most persuasive words she could' use
to the 'shut into whose power Al had so
strangely fallen: For the present, howev. .
er. she must be still, very still; she mart
~,,,„, nn movement to betray herself; nod
perhaps he might overlook her presence
mitil daylight mime, and with it possible
help Tfie night must be far spent; she
must wait. end hope.
:Me had not to wait long. The creature
moved again—stood upright—stageree to
wards the bed. For one moment—one
dreadful moment—she saw his face, his
• pale pinched features, his easing eyes, his
i black biistling hair; but thank God ! he
did not zee her. She shrunk behind the
curtains; he advanced to the bed slowly.
hesitatingly, and ,he clanking sound of the
broken chains fell menncingly on her ear.
He laid his har.ds upon the curtains, and
for a few moments fumbled to find the open.
ing. These mowing were all to all to
Ellen Stir ling. hespair sharpened her
senses; she found that the other side of the
bed was not set so close against the wall
but that she could pass between. Into the
-narrow space between, she contrived to
slip noiselessly.
She had barely acconiplished the difit
cult font, and sheltered herself behind the
curtains. when the erratum flung itself on
the bed, and drawing the bed clothes arount
him, nitric! a sound more like the whin.
eying of a horse than the laugh of a human
Fur some little time Miss Stirling stood
in her narrow hiding place, trembling with
cold end terror. fearful lest some unguar
ded movement should betray her, and
bring down on hera fate she dared not
contemplate. She lifted up her heart in
prayer for courage; and when her com
posure liaj in same degree returned, it oc
curred to ber that if she could but: reach
the window, she might from that position,
possibly, attract the attention of some pass
ers-by", and be released frem het . terrible
Very cautiously she attempted the per
ilous experiment; her bare feet moved
noiselessly across the floor, and a friendly
riy of moonlight guided her safely towards
the window. As she put oat her hands
towards the curtains, her heart gave a fresh
hound of terror, for it came in contact with
something soft and warm. At length, how
ever, she remembered 'lint she had flung
down her fur cloak in that spot, and it was
mercy to come upon it now, when she
VMS chilled to the bone. She wrapped it
around her and reached the window with
out further adventure, or any alarm from
the occupant of the bed; whose heavy reg
ular breathing gave assurance that he was
now sound asleep. This was some. com
fort, and she greatly needed it. The look
nut from the window was anything but
inspiriting. The stars still shone peace
fully on the sleeping earth: the 'noon still
showed her pallid visage; not a sight or
pound presaged dawn, and after long listen
ing is vain for any sign of life in the outer
world, she heard the stable clock strike
Only four!
She felt as if it were impossible to sur.
rive another hour of terror such ns she had
just passed through. Wes there no hope?
Sho tried to support herself against the
window frame, but her lirst touch caused
it to shake and creak in n manner that
accused to her smilingly loud; she fancied
that the creature moved uneasily on its
bed at the sound. Drops of agony fell
from her brow as minute slier minute wore
heavily on; ever and anon a rustle of the
bed clothes, or a slight clank of the manac
led hands, sent a renewed chill to her
The clock struck five.
Still all without was silent. Suddenly a
man's whistle was heard in the court, and
the driver of the mail coach, lantern in
hand, crossed the yard toTards the pavil
lion. Would to God she could cull to him
or in any tvny attract his nitration; but
she dared not make the slightest sound.
He looked up at the window against which
he almost bru.hed in priming; and the
light he held flashed on Miss Stirling's
crouching figure. He paused, looked
again, and seemed about to speak, when
s h e ha s tily toad.' signs that he should be
silent, but seek assistance at the house.
Ile gave her a glance of intelligence and
hastened away.
How long his absence seemed! Could
he have undersood her? The occupant of
the bed was growing every instant more
and more restless; he was ruining from the
hed—he was groping round the room.
They would come too late, too late I
But no! steps in the coo ntydrd—the key
turning in the lock—the door npena—
then, with a yell that rang in Ellen Stir•
ling's ear until het dying day, the crea
, titre rushed to her, dashed the
Plight window frame to pieced, dnd finding
himself baulked of his purposed' escape by
the strength of the iron hors outside, turned
like u wild beast, on his pursuers. She
was the first on whom his glance fell. He
clasped her throat; his face was close to
hers; glittering eyes were glaring at
her in frenzy—when a Wow from behind
, felled him.
She awoke from a long swoon to find
herself safe in Nit's. Atherton's dressing
room; and to hear that no one was hurt
but the poor manioc, and that lie was again
in the charge of his keepers, from whom
he had el.-aped a few hour', lvfor..
..A few hours! A iffe.tlnia, Mary!
But, [-leaven thansked,ii 14 pasi like a
wild dieam."
It was cot nil past. One enduring et.
fict remained, ever after, to imprint on El•
len Stirling's memory, and on the mbntt
ries of all who knew her, the event oi that
long night. Such had been her suffering
arxiety and terror, that, in these few hour.
her hair had turned as white as stroW:-1
Household words.
But remember, though box
In the plural makes boxes/
The plural of ox
Should be OICEN, not oxes.
[Comic Grammar:
And remember, though fleece
In the plural is fleeces,
That the plural of goose
Aren't nooses nor OEMs.
[Exchange Paper.
And remember, though house
In the plural is houshs,
The plural of mouse
Should be nice, and not nooses.
LPhilad'a asetie.
All of which goes to prove
That Grammar a farce' is;
For where is the plural
Of rum and molasses?
[New Tork Gault&
The plural—Gazette—
Of rum don't us trouble ;
Take one glass too much
And you're sure to see D01:71314.
[Brooklyn Ads',
In your grammatical labors,
You pbtral fron singular keep
Then tell us, ye witty neignbors,
To which number goes the word Saw,
Handsome Nen.
One of our etchanges contains the fol
lowing curious remarks relating to hand-
'elf you are ever threatened with a hand
some man in the family, just take a clothes
ponndet white he is yet in bed, and batter
he head to a pumice. From some cause
or another, handsome men are invariably
asses; they cultivate their hair and com
plexion so much, that they never have
time to think about their brains. By the
time they reach thirty, their heads end
hands are equally soft. Again we say, if
you wish to find an intelligent man, just
look for one with reaturess so rough that
they might use his fate for a nutmeg gra
Printing Offices.
When Dr. Franitlin's mother•m•law
first discovered that the young man had a
h .nkering for her daughter, that good old
lady said she did not know so well ttbout
giving her daughter to a printer; there
were already two printing office in the
Unitt.d States, and she was not certain the
country would support them. It was
plain young Franklin would depend for
his sup' ort on the profits of a third. and
this was rat/ter a doubtlul (Annie. If such
an objections was urged to a would-be Bon
in law when there were but two printing
offices in the United States, how can a prin
ter hope w get a wife now, when the pre(-
eat consus shows the number tube 16067
CO PARTNERRIIIP.—A. colored firm in
Newark. N. J. having suffered some pectt
Diary embarassments recnetly closed busi.
neon, and the senior member gave the fol
losiing •"Notis" to the public :
-De dissoluston of co•parsnips hereto
fore resisting twixt me and Moses Jones.
in de barber puriession, am heretofore re
solved. Pussons who one must pay the
inscriber. Dem what the firm one must
call on Jones, as de firm is insolved.
Lious JoNam*,
Cheer Up.
What if you have (ailed in business—
you still have life and health. Do not all
down arid cry over your mishaps, for that
will never get you out of debt, nor buy
your childret frock. Go to work a. some-
thing, eat sparingly, dress moderately,
drink nothing exciting, and above all,
keep a merry heart, ar.d you will be up in
the world again.
Nur' A bright and beautiful bird is
Elope; it will come to us mid the dark
ness and singe the sweetest Boni whew
our spirits are saddest ; and when the lone
soul is weary, and longs to pass away,/ it
warbles its sunniest notes, and tightens
again the slender fibres of out hearts that
grief has been tearing away.
BCGOING....Au editor in lowa has been
fined $2OO for bugging a young lady in church.
—Daily Argus.
UrCheap enough! We once hugged a
girl in church some ten years ago, and the
sorapshaa eat us a thouettodl a year ever Since
—flkieve ...if*.